The Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-26, Page 11 6 4V 4*4 COMING.- Tar.PAPER. mmanuelO�Lp BAPTISTCHURCH. G. 1L MEETING. X7.1 LITTLE LOCALS. Madam 11119 )es-•Cbomas and the > Royal Welsh Lader; Choir are to be Mr f Lyon Chatham. „ writes ; I take much pleasure in re- W who so ably be- y cupled the elan noel liiet ting of rite ;rIome • . The The regular annual nicctaog of congratulated on having upheld the newing my sunscription to The News- pulpit again on .Sunday last, will preach both morrdzlg and Circle* will be held on Friday evening in the council chamber for the : the 33rd Rt-giment is being held at reputation of Wales as the home of Record, the Newsy home Paper." evenlikg next •Sundae. election Uf gi£icers for the ensuin g the Rat;tenbury house this aft 00 Mr. the finest choral singing in the world. year. v W Vason o_ the knitting • mill --Toronto World. This choir will V_N-GA•GBM.ENT ANNOUNCED. GOOD MORNING I A COSY I,I'l TLI: Sl'PT ER. staff had one of bis lingeps "punctured. sing in Clinton on Feb. 8th. flan opens at Fairs next` Monday, MD. and Mrs. Jos•. Copp announce Good :Horning ! dear reader. A Chairman Frank Tull entertained by a needle the other day and hair �•' since been oft' duty. ' the engagement Of their daughter, dumber of our subscribers have, looked the menlbms of the Public School r LITERARY MEETING, Mary Edna, to James I•), Doherty, the at their label since last issue and have L Board to oysters at McLennans ' res- .. CHOSEN 1+'IIII,NI)S ()FF IC`I:RS. , The second meeting of the Literary marriage to bake place on Feb. 11th in C�hriet'Church, London, by Rev. C. acted accordingly. Aut there are still sone hundreds taurant on Monday evening. It was 'not ('limn Council No. 1.15, C.O,C'.ia„ C. Club was held in the hall +rf Crnt.*t R. Gunne. for wliont the a spcciab nttieting .of the board for installed the gllacils the wear a Maple Leaf Tuesday evening. Dr. Shaw would like to repeat': The label tells the tale, buslncss at all, but pitrr:y a social .for meetitig held last ni ght. Followinggathering, gave a very interesting and instruct III+,A Y .LASS ,1T BRU'CT 1+'I'r',I,l). free ffrom corroding care, is tla{! list ive address .on "Advances in Medical The district f which I3rucct}«l,l is -1 'R% .INSTITUTION, . and and was,thoroughly enjoyi•d bt: those large -hearted, kern -witted Chief Councillor, Gra, Is. Ilantey. Vice, St•fence," and. Mr. D. A. Forrster gave a 'talk on the British Elections. There the centre has been hard hit by the On page five we publish the; for•t'y-look men who after the welfare 0t the rising W. J, 5 iPler. Prelate, J. T, McKnight. was a good turn -out of citizens.etoand failure of the Farmers' Bank, l'lr-rr first+ annual statement of the Royal generation of this progressive town. Recorder, D. S. ('aok, were both addresses were listonc+dto with interest. are many depositors, the largest hYn- gle amount being $11,500 to tht: ,;red- Bank of Canada. . This strong fman, cial institution fias made markedpro- :1I.I, R1C,tiP' , Treasurer, ,.., IIili. Marshall, J. Irwin, Fortnightly meetings have been arranged, the next to be held an it of the Swan family• Of this erne' grecs during the. past year. The Cap- We understand that Mr. R. I7. Man- I Warden, D. McDoua},d, 1110 ninth of F'bbruary• thousand was banked b Mr, byMr, ital .rias incpeased fioni $.1,000,000 to Ding, local manager of ill(- Royal Bank, Guard, D. Barr, Swan with - which to ctniiplete his $6,00,000, and the reserve from $5,- and Mr. 'EL AT, McLean, secretary -of . Sentry, W, Mason. A QTIIET R'1:DDING, education, 700,000 to $7;000,000, while till+ tot -the Clinton Knitting Company, have Repri sentative to Grand C'ouncii, Oa A quiet wedding look elect at Wes- RE -ORGANIZED. al assets havi, grown from $67,06l,- 102,62 to $02,510,3.10.05, by the county council been appointed Johnson, ley parsonage yesterday ait'ernogn • 'Phe Public School Board rt- This large increase is due in part to the absorp-' nemhcis of the Collegiate Board, sue ceeding Rev. C. R. qunne PfIRI:I.-I,INTi .OI+T4IC'F,pS. when Mrs. A. J. Rarge of town be. came the wife of Nlr ILoderiei,- 1Tac- ed last week and Mr. Frank hall was t t tion, by the Royal Bank, of the .t'n- and Mr. John . Ransford. :YIi:Ssrs. 'Manning q'he new otiicc rs, of tilt 1 c c u otos. . � a •I , . auk of Ilultfax. The Royal and 1Tol.ean are not only two of our Lodge were insta!leit an 'Puesda r r - gain exec cc c laitirian. This will be ion I3• y t;c kenzie of Ashfield township. Rev. J. his fourth term, so it is needltss to occupies a foremost place among the most. progressive business nen but ening b • the Grand I r; y Dcl)t.ty Drsttict • certmony. "vIr, say he presides whit tact and that lie great monetary' institutions of Caua- c hate taken much intt•pcst to educa- Master, Jahtt Sietv•u , S • I•'; Ford performed the t, eafati.4t. :Tf- "'�'�' and Mrs, 'Mackenzie, left .on the after- never, o1� sea.rcn.y ever, misses a da• tfgnat, matters, ('brit appointment to the husinrss hadbeen clisp.ose<t oI noon train for London, where they nyeeting; 1Ii. Cottle is again head of will be recc.ited with satisfaction, refreshtnents ,were served and the vis - Te ROYAL BANK of CANADA will spend a brief honeymoon and th(t busiest committee, that is; the pro- St iNTI;I) I� �I.E'I.1t:11, PT,:1('1 5. icing bret}trtn and e fe d of the local afterwards take up housekeeping on perty committee, for no mortiber of the Rcv. «, tl. norther; incumbent of ST' .1'AI'T.'S CTT[ T.('lI, uembrrs who are known of h els INCORPORATED 1869. the groom's farm near Lucktiow. The Board takes greater pleasure In. keep- the IIolutc svillt�tliddlcton ,Sutntucrhil] On Monday evening the Yours - quem of to delivered themselves 1 Flaws -Record joins in good wishes for ing-the property of the school in lest- g g Lad- en so res Capital Paid U patislt, has tlu5 week receivi•d t�vn it,;, Guild euic rtaincd the'. nienibers of Of specs}acts unci a very pleasant sociail P $b,2oo,000. the kenzi'e happiness of ;121. and Mrs. class shape. Dr, Thompson was ap- calls, enc to Bervie in I3ru4e county, the You 1Ia 's 'f + , hour was spent: Reserve and UndividedProfits4 $6,voo,000. Mackenzie. Jointed to the C.I, Board, g ii I ,bl( Class s to pit lite following , aro Total Assets d - $9x,000,000 1 a fine pallidi of one-hundmd and fifty :toclal in the Sunday _;,cilool room. the. a(Iicers for the current year ONTARIO ST. CIII:RCII, WILLIS('III`RCIT. faiitili(s, and thi• other to Dutinvilli•, a The, first feature, 0f a pleasant pxq- I.Y,(;,, .las. Tucker. BEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. titw'n of three iliousatid inhabitants. 91:•1;111 of pastimes -was a cosiest, part- Noble Grand, Thos.. Hawkins, 175 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. The Junior Lcaguc had their annual The Guild held, a very s6uecessfu:t and In the latter glace there is art- ex- nears, hF fng < hnsen and 1111. s ve 1 �'iee J I e . gt r.. , 11 Johnson, sloighr de on Friday, afternoon when pleasant social on :Holiday' evening, A c•elfe.nt church and reetory, a vestt°d The prizes evert: won by Miss. Dais Cor.-5ecretar B. ;I three loads of merry Y ), Gibbings. y young people guessing Boniest was #lie t]z.st f(�ature choir end a flourishing. congregation. Copp and Mr. E. hall. Other games Fin. -Secretary, J. l;iseman• " were treated'to a smart ride about of the. program and served tmingle Mr. Dunbar is now•' considering th(%v wero indulghcl in and there was i Treasu . , ail ab- r.i, lI. B. Chant, • Interest allowed on Saving accounts. Courteous trent- town.and far short distances into the tho people -and dispel any 'stiffness. calls, with the probability that: lie+ undanei, of music. Pie and candy Warden J. country. At six o'clock the . art ;Hiss Carrie Shipley � � n ly TI, Kerr. nient accorded to all customers, party p • y gave a rtad4nt, in will eO to Dunnville, in ttllicli even# teas sciwed tinct °ihi' singing .of the Conductor, if. A�axander. Was delivered at trhe church•, where her usual pleasiag style and lir, J. L. •his'resignatton . of his presv.lzt charge National Anth(ni brought.a ver en- Cita lain S. Ra'hwell the superintendent, Mrs. Cosens, and Kerr rendered .a solo. The winners 'will take effect about the first of jo}'ablc evening io a close. Y R.S.N.(t� W: t R, E. MANNING, Manager Cornton Branch. severa:'- willing helpers had a nice in the gitBssitigg contest wert� then ap- :iTarclt, if. Jlellyar: supper ready. .It is needless to say pointed captains and sides were rhos- The congregation of St Paul's I�•4 N G•, • W..Moore. 48 BP:I,OTC I;l'T NOT COLD, church regret that Rev; (!. Johnsen of RST':G•, A. 41telieil. that this was 'a popular part of•. 1110 en for an old-fashioned spelliiig,matclt I'drans Parish,, Man., ivho has been L �S•�'•G.; J..E, Murch: entertainment and was _niuch enjoyed, which proved interesting and anwsing• �q1•, ,Ionics lIcClay, .Fathiterly of 'filling the vacancy s'rucc •Rev. AIr: R•5•S•, ,, Castle. appetites Having been duly tvltetted by A goodly number were• present and all town but more recent)y or BvIniont, Gunnes rc�iguafton; will preach his L.S,S.,.F, Watson. the. drive ve expressed themselves as well pleased lfan:, has located, at- Alameda Sitsk, farewell sention ort Sunday I.C;, N. 1;enned The' MOLSONS DANK Rev. hi. it: Horne pf Toronto Sec• with the evenings' entertainment. Y evening � y retar of the L a prairie town of .five hundred. souls next. ,lir, :Johnson is one of the 0 G., W. XcEwan. y, peer Canaria Trach The neet�ing next' week will lie a where he will cart}, on a. grocer con- --"lost promising-kudcnts in .the Ellis- - INOOILPORATED 1555. Society, wili•accupy the pulpit of missionary one. f0etionc*ry and bakery, b.usi i s. co a3 illinistr al id Paid up $4,000,000 Rest Fund' $49 400 0o0 the church next Sunday evening.. Y y{ res with p y . a d has a host of Rev: M7n. Horne' Of the Upper Cana the telephone Central. in .connection. , friends -in and about Clinton. The League, which is composed of a da Tract Socicty will occupy the put- Ili writing to have hisi.address chang- Has 78 Branches • in Canada very ofvginal and progressive oom- pit on Sunday morning, cd XIr; McCIa = says that i1, A DO.1'BLI? WEDDING. , N�Pi GS- IN SOCIETY, and Agents and Oorrespondents in all the principal cities •.panyrof young people who aro always 3 y t t weclil. visits of 7'he News -Record are great : i4Tisa Aril Howson entertained Ilio in the world. i,hinking. out something inf•.cresltng A 5l GGL'STION, '1n inter*•s•ting event, or more prep - An . Y A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. and instructive for their weekly pro- ly enjoyed as they keep them. in' close 'erly speaking two of them; took place. Setting Club on Monday evening.' For sonic days- during ilii- latter tOuc'h with the happenings of the old Iu1*Utalions are out for. a diutrer grasps, 'on Monday evening had. what' at the i'csidence oP Mrs. ii'liii'elread at „ part of fast, w6ek and rite beginning of home tatvn. :#s fol the weather about, part g y they, cailed.an illustrated story, Tlic six o clack last evening wirers �T.iss Y to bo' ryes h Mr. and iVlrs.:T; SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT iliis Ule stivets have been ver .11 t•• Alameda, Mr. MoClay says"t:he W. Stevenson .oft Friday Man with the White .ITat.'' • It ryas Y ] y 11-e Louisa Little • w•as united. in marriage y evening a fnissionar stor a Sara :owing to their icy condition. 50 having lots of .snow and that the tl,eth Tittle Miss Lois Holmes entertained. AT ALL BRANOHES.. y y, lid tt�its read by with Mr_ M. Cluff azul Misy Amealia fat' as heard from no one Ilan •rcccivcd ' Monactei•' registers .4$. degries htdcty a number of hen little friends Mr, C.I. Hawkeand at fritervais` .was Little becatue the: bride of .lir, Chas. oil. Fr! Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. serious injury but there has been which is -nothing unusual, ilipstraictl by music'anel sang.- Those - <ttcty, day evening. taking part besides the ri, r&r ' Av(,,re: litany.- . a tumble, whereby tlie. dignity :1 T.I.EA1' '. The Mr. and Mrs. W, Jr.heli ar• ' ntrrw . I\ h1;ORI., i hridi&, tvh0 are sisters of.Mlis, S e Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager Miss Nettle :S'tetens, who rendered a o'f• ttortlty oitizetis has been much 1T'hitehvad,. werc (1,res::cd alk • � tained., a fete friends to tea on Wed - solo ; Mrs, TT'alter Downs, who also shaken. Salt has.been used to dis- . The :N&ws-Record .has two:lreats to (blue silk with r e in nesday evening, > otve the ice 'in the horst i ot5, bice store for itti rcade"s It tit lioinh d espiaic trim - an : :baisses ?)fines UT'alker. and Eva P t t ext week, ling: '1 nat'ten - the objection: is made that Ott 'limy tt-Bre-tc: dcti. + .The :l2issrs ITitre entertained a ntirtl- -�- -- -- -'-- ---- - - -- Carter, who gate a duel in a pleas .. at stilt is Urle is a kt.tcr ream Dr, Gi"ilCclid, Tile< eercanorty vas` pirftarmeci t,y ber. of their lady. friends too afternoon in manner' and Ain injtttious to the pawnwitt. Ashes medical m'isSiOnar in C'bin:i. T1u= 1)r. g and Mrs.' tL'lieeler ., y" ihi, R tend was Vit -,.tea on Thursday. who contributed a: duet•. A double is all right. only that it is. so . dirty, is. a Som of 11x. and lb,s. Jaht1 \i'il- Rev. I)r. Ste ova: t t r Ont" cibzzcai' su gcsts that a few l tt- ford of 1 messed by oni"v ilie'itninvdiate relati- ± ler•. and llrs.::Jobn Gibbings will pn REMEMBERREMEMIBER qts tette• rendered: a couple Of' ninitb i 31yth t'hieh giti.es, his contri- .ions. f rt ,, lels". of sand.. mright be stored awe butions a'local savor. lie�will drat o tit cnntrartint, parties, tt airs tile choir, of Ontario, strc+dt - era a_so; Altogether the. meeting )res Y "Sam church -it Qzeir holile on Fridayt v<i- most+ interesting and leasin each autumn, say, every bu5iners>tnan tet:tli SOinr' of. tIu+ corruptness .at the tftct;wartis a dainty Iiuichcon eves t . . OUR SALEYour'OUR -SALE 1; p g' have.- ane in his bas'onlent, and'I t •• it Chinese meths dS in law" front ii h' h s(5rvetl aziit later itt the rveitizz the ing. ..r. 11 On account' of unforeseen • difficulties ie. g be fk0cly ' used in time of need. The it will be znftxrrd. thafi..laiv ^i s: `OF a happy: cutis' Mrs.. J. W. Kilbride, Ontario Street the Vocal : Newspaper to have •been y p s drone t.o-.their 'r, prat- ccive •oft Thitide, , Feb. .lid; . . it e .hdrnrs.. 11'111 r: kiven,a,t the League next Monday. suggestion. seems sensible and might' colt.aiii class are pretty much the and afterwards ur the 1st anti ud; �"'� (� T night has been postponed indefinitely: be worth trying. Of course t&w:nce sanie. the world over,. The Misses • f.ittic have far scDiir) Thursdays. V s" P ®� TUN N I T .Y cssit would be much fes.5ened if the Rev Ilfslon Dickson for sonic :f;iiYic ( h ,ays. of..each month. • Fly special ' retfuest the I?pworth Y ' snow was kept cleared off the walks paetor in clean a .of'tT'illii cluuclY, .but years. been tvvil-i sown and eery. poli- On Tuesday evening Mrs.. JohdWise- League will repeat the, interesting ac- p + ular citizens ;of (Tinton. I niers gave a "White I,itphant" bridgt3 „ ,, but e�eti in that.case 'the crossin s who has, for so mocitlrs been eon.- You prow our policy. You know hit when Jana count oe The lien with the K`hitc _ g far a number [ her ++ Would become icy. after a thaw and ti;iuitlg -his -heolo ical `studies . ill lir. Glow is 'a resident of tae IJuron • q t lady friends.o It. ary courses we always let go, Right away we start flat" in. story'. and song at the mid- �'' - there are clew unoeupie'4 'part Scotland crantribute.s the ser nci of Road, Hullrtt, where,. and' in town' . was an exceedingly jolly. affair, diel in cutting prices on all Our lines of Clotbin Men's week service on Wednesday evening? in {'he business ant. f '.h, o stlso whet ht fun reaching a climax when fire BO •9' and ' g• next, p o the #Own where his serles of letters. This-stibject.is. r... ons nianv frirntls ht y C.hlldr�n a �Ult9, Overcoat's a:n(i Trousers �;% tire. snow is left to rhe care .Of the ;`Ft'onlen Suffrage" -of Cvlaich hta writes; is highly respected: , 11r. C'lutF is a "White. Elephants tterc•oliosen bw .. must go. :W, ATOTAGGAR.T'S WILL, silow-platy men.. Tire-attcrit•ion of very tmt;rtaciningly. Inthr. course .of prosperous` Tuckbrsniith Jarnmxw•ho" tite guests according' Ao the s -curd. the chairman 'of the street committee it he compares the Toronto with the • homestead is about snentcen miles .made: MEN'S OVERCOATS Hospital. fol' .Sick Children...,...$1,000 t is respectfully called to the ntattctr.. Glasgow girl not altogether, it may from Clinton. Free Hospital for Consutttptives Men's $310 Overcoats Salr, Price 6,410 , 'be said ill favor of the .foruter. Ocie. The Ne s- fakes pleasure, in .. 12 .. ,, „ at Crilavonhunst ..............,....$1,000 TIII•. W. C. T. U. + 4.?.4]0 of hfS pd:nfs caF .�ompari on is "The extending its bBSt• w hes to ur,, d Mare Local 'NE.Ws 18 13.00' Ilorne Mission Fund T'tesbyter an . 18 �° Muto '� +� 12;4tH las chuz+eh $1,000 Thera teas a good. a#tendance at the TorOrito girl giu�ws ent'liuMaMic in .1 r' Crlevi •isnot to \1r. and 1Trs: C'liiff. Pa g@ 5 - 22 "" neet+ing of -the W. C�. T.�L'. in Wesley. describing. her :Yew- II•at, while the and :U.00 Ovc+rcoats SYtle Price 1ii.0n Willis F'resbpteriaA Churoh Clin- Glas s toil .........:::....:........ .....:.:..$.1 000 parsonage on F`rlday afternoon last: gots girl ma.nifeAs as great -ori - --. •• • •'• • :•• Boys Overcoats '. These: meetings seem: 'to be shadily ( thusias�ni in 4 scussing.Tarilf Iteform," • These are bequests" in the will of i t HOM, a rade rI'Y ei a R� Qr grotvfng 1 .attendance and int'emst.. T, , , I the T r in d� Boys' $6.50 Overcoats Sale T'50 11 11 44 * $1.90 the late Wm, McTaggart, filed. ill the The usual devetional exercisys we re 14 ,�I,I�1' CIII I CTI. Youths' B OU and i].0(! C3ve o 1 0 Surrogate Court, Torontoi last Thum re, ats . ale Price 6.JO d conducted and routine basin(ss dispos- The t7trre-Sunda Missionary coni- , Boys' 7.50 Overcoats, Scotch Tweods (•1 ONLY) day 1121. McTaggart was secretary of; ec] of after which the rlc i y Y It is fortunate.for -Clinton that the honey to the city. At'o the to be• so t , th0 Gordon, Macke ' 110 1niong the paign, was continued on Sunday when majority of its .citizens are level -head- short-sighted that we will help their Sale Price 3.410 y Camlian Iris j y' Y•. Lumbermen" was taken tip, lett by the pastor preached .two stirring and ed and riot easily carried' away by a to do it at our expense ? Boys' n.00 and 6,ti() Overcoats, broken lines, Vitale estate amounted to 108 000. In . 'iris the su evintendent, The matter was Price 2.4)0 will, dated March 8., 1906, 110 ap, ohits p will -thought -O sermons on the. sub- passing fad ; but let us suppose that + If you realize what , would happen it Boys' 2.50 Overcoats, Blue Xap, Sale Pricer 1.60 John U, Douglas p thoroughly discussed anti was genet- Ject, Next Sunday the campaign will stu'h was not• the rash and try tO im- all our trade went awe front• our atvri Children's 6.0U Blanket (:oats, Sale Price 3.00 g Of Toronto solo ex- . ally conceded to be ,pne of the most be concluded, Rev. Mr, ilrown of St. a 'in0 ilio easel}#.ions if all .vitt rest-'' town it can readily be seen that OVOI ecutor, 1Ie provides in his Mull that g , , y C his executors importanti.ph+ases of the work of the 'Phomas will preach morning and* eve- dcmts began buying their eatables and a little Of it being seat away works a I`[EN'S READ Y� ADE SUYTS, pay over to the firm of society, The W., C•. T, 1', are now ening. tvearables Pram' the mail order houses, proportionate amountsen of ay w s 4 rMeTaggart Brothers, pnivate arokers sitpporfang trvo nYtissiionarirS in the , Men's 10.00 Suits, Sale .Price '7.00 in C'lint0n, a coni $ufficient to pay to 1. Thi evening a missionary banquet In rile f;rSt place, the local 'stores believe we aro within -tile stark whets 1`2.00 and 13.50 Snits; Sale Price 8.00 each of his brothers, Cleor 0 ,tn, 3 µ lumber camps of Northern Ontario, „ p p Y 111.00 Snits, Sale Prieo 10.00 g (,Tat t is being served in the school room to would be no itYore. !heir rO rietors we ra that if all the money. that Hort o0m s children, $500 each ; .Mrs. ,ic;ir- I The 1v.C,.1.1.. parlor meeting held t1�e men of lira ,congregatioti, when would have sought green fields and' goes to mlail order houses from thisi 18.00 • �• 13.90 e. at .the home of the president, Mrs, W. Ret-. I). Rogers of,Seaforth and Mr. pastures' now. You would. be obliged, vicinity were spent right here In C1ftt• . 1n.00 " " 1110(] sic Brown of Toronto receives ,•,,Ori. S. Harland, on Tuesday. "evening was Dingman of Stratford will address to send away for evcirything. '1 store ton it would increase, the value of Walter Windeyer• of Toronto rect4ves a, particularly pleasant, ocie,, Tlie pros- those. present oil the working of the cannot be kept. up on the ;mail ur- SOYS' •SUITts. 1111. 11TeTaggart's yatichfrt outfit. Dr; g p property in the town and the vafac, off g idcnl occupied th0 chair aitd.after the I.ayrnan s ,1TfsSionary 11ToVelnent. cbasc•s entirely, and it nvc sent' away faints fn•t}le surrounding country very Boys' 2.50 Suits, Sale Price 1.00 Charles J. Currie of Toronto a,.�eive� o enin exercises ,a ver Interesting , • , 3.75 " •• ., :3,4)0 his' photographic apparatus. 1T tIcalnt p , ., g Y g On Monday c t (sing the progralln at for rite large things; the would soon materially. 6.75 •' ,{ „ 111',:.,5 D. McTaggart; 'a broth'er, 'receives alt ]trograin was given. These taking t.he, regular monthly missionary meet- have to send for the small things also. We do not; ask people to be .philan- 7.Fi0 i1°6U his books and bookcases, and ttenr e part w'err : Mrs, Il. J. Gibbings, who Trig in colinw-tion with the Teague The 1lotue, trade would then be ruin- thropists. All we ask is that they e%- lo.UU " " ,i g sang a s010 ; Miss Cuninglname gave a took tfii •forret of a debate... ",.`l:e sub- ed, and the money have gone to build ercise an enlightened selfishness. Re - 7.00 D. :U!'c'l'aggart, another brother, re - i . D. 'M all his personal belongings,,re` reading ; Little Miss Rva Carter sang jest was, ''ReS,olve8 that Canada is up solm�e enormous corporation in Tow member that it is nOt ortly the small MENS ODD TROUSERSn very, sweetly, as did also her mother; justifi(ti irl admitting the yr.uaty roc- r0nto or Montreal. We wooed help profit on the goads you purchase that, eluding jewelry and ornaments,. iitiY 11Trs. Ca rt�cr • Miss Washington '" , lton'» 1.60 Trousers t0 clear at 1,lrJ amounts owing to the testator b ' t gave a es. The leaders were Miss Ruby Tr- those cities 'to have finely paved you'are sending away w114MI you dead Y very full and very interesting report win, the Missionary Vice, who took streets, but our own mads. would be. whit mail order houses. Your dot - 1.75, 1, " „ i,Lt) Augustus G. Malcolm he is released Of the Convention recently held in the affirmative, and Miss Florence .axlO deep in mild. There would be lar • spent in Clinton would go tha 1. 2.00 " It " " 11.11) from paying, John C, rpouglas, the Owen ,Sound; The president spoke on Vuningbame, who lead the neigat.ive. vacant ]rouses to rent,, but no one. to rounds. Send .Valu dollar away atiA i, 0 ;; ,1 6. ? } executor, is to receive $.a00 for his 2.90 serviees. the social side of the C:on;vention, and The sides were well taker by tht. res- occupy them, There would be .no you get nothing but the goods. ;4peud 1i.b0 to clear al 3.f)0 Miss Maud Wlltse , rendered a solo, pect•ive.leadens who each The residue of tile. estate passes ill � gave a we>1 h0ine msirket for produce, and the ft here and it comes back to peel in equal Rev. Mr, Greene, in moving a vote of prepared address in support of their value of farms would decrease. 1 he many waysrbettter roads, better n MEN S OVERAILLS, i 1 portion's to his brother (}cerg0, thanks to Miss Washington for. her, ex- side of the nu. soon, Afterwards the value of all real (0tine would decrease schools, better churches and botter- his brother Malcolm., and his rlistata ,Vfe�n's 755 Overalls, with 0r without Biba, to elear at to Catherine Niri'aggart• (xAlent report, and to all who contri- meeting was•thro+wn open by the Pre- enormously, and' last, btit not least, social advantages. The building; up, I. 1JX) " " " " " " " ;• "JSI bu ed to the program, spoke a few sident and mari t „ „ „ 4)t] lTr. 13c"paggart Batt a deposal with , p r p y gave rile-ri opinion,; this journal would cease publication. Of our own town ought to be more to the Gordon Mackay Comp an r wordy of Bt.couragemeitt t0 rile >'n- fel' and against. bVllen tl)O debate You know it is the Inhabitants of a us than the building up of Toronto me .` Odd Tweed Vests, regular 1.00 a1zc11•'3;i t0 clear at 711 It y Of $2,r, tont as also .did Rev. Mr. Cosens, Mr. was closed the judges decided that town that create the value of lat,el 1 Montreal. The, re rf :tl abte to 263. ;•,tuck heldby thn testator in j g ! y a pe tic y 2this63. corneas Irwin was culled "upon for an ad- tfie. negative had won by one. point. both in the town and in the surround- look after themselves, Wee da not ask y wrbunted to $40,000, dress, and responded briefly,r thtaitr tri bel Y Stock held by Mr. NTeTaggarti in the al • , Mr Doig Thi mi'r t)ttg was interesting and rite, itYg Bauntry. p pay our faxeks so wll Lainbton (Gall Club is worth $20o so gave expression to a few thought.4 # talent displayer} for the public Btpres- If Nitre were no inhabitants Itt To- i should we help to pay theirs•. • 1 y , suggested by the gathering, When 1.sion 0f oPild do was matter for some ronto, real estate would be worth , True cit,17ons7tfp does not consist et�W circ in . Royal C•anac lvd YaTHI MORRISH CLOTHING tth the program was concluded daint re.- surprise to those not aceustotnecl to, nothing because it has been spcliled tirel C011 Club $70. ITt� htitl a one-thirel interest p g Y , p 1 yin sinking the riI<�ple Leaf aatcl fret hmouts were served by the. I3. s attending the young pcople's sleet- for farming. The lam+ otliev build-! waving the 'Union Jack, It is sh()wu in tree c:<of Clinton,he late anti olrn Me- ' anld V's, that is, the members+ whose+ ings., fu•(pg won 1 tttntbie to ruins. Do you " better b the man who is truo to bis Huron's Lir (U�'t Clothiers Taggart of E'which amOtrnts to names begin witlr these letters and a Next wc•(Jc t.he. soeiet intend hotne interests ; first, last and g k not, rt•;tlin` ill,+ � Y :,, n i alit g $2,1,000. 17ite value OF Mr. IlrtcTa ' �� T giving think the rfiies eiet, . "A �t +x ar g- very plc,Zsant social hour was spezit. an Tif:sth" social. The progiwam' is in facts y Thcy- riot(* t oirtani4sit11u'ra of 'tile thele- the man who N roalC in - Square l b 'Every Man' t'S antutrlrobile is $2,000, and book i The lnteting was well attended and f the hands of the soeial and literary Induxtty in induce faeturie;l and in- t0,II19Putl Selfish. T:et us li s ttcoutrt+li owing todeceascd amounted. y be ltortt+.fs try $3 000 Tltu 1)al the ladies, are t0 lac et)lYgrttt'ttlatetl On Committee attar tli0 affair prOtllis0v to rlust'riesi to lOeatr) in ilut town ticey with Ourselves and tYlalr(i is i Cash angio the esfatO Bile result Of their efforts to provide I be iuttresting. '1111. proeeeds go• to- have znuvt nt.i( and Ptibibitolls, any- homes ioro valuable, out, off" n a h aaid chattels. n ab q, Buy al Ttoftio. art enjoyable and instructive cvCtiittp:. wards too T+'ogrwarc% ilTovt�nlent, thing said evel ything that will brim: t-COityri hti. 1