HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-19, Page 7- �rrsnwrm . � .. , I . V11 � .:1. .%-�, ­ I ;-T-44 ,P , "F5 -T— -�� - t � . - W f,V ,, �, ­ -.��,,-­W.,, ." 4f- - , I , , I I , I . I � ". - , 0 ,, , I , I It - I. 1% 11 . - 4 WOLAft, I I, I . 0 1 8, -­ � W 14" %61-%,4%0L' "R 9-61­W',*A­'V *W -A. ,,, .- � 'W� ,): 1 X",;*,�k%% ,,t� ,&�,��,'V� ,,.�, .. .� 0 1 17-ww I, a . I � . t "', . -�,. I I - .1 1)1� 7F I � � , � 0 .. I " ­I,JFV �7' . ,prr �" .1 T V- . ­ . �, I . �1* *4: � . �ol , � , , � 1�� I � , ,I ­ "At- , . i . � 119, I A I I � ". . , , , . I . I 11� t L,�"-, ,L� , , # �, I lr� !� .1, I t� � � ;, I . I � ­I-IMEW . - &N, - - .,.A;-, I- ;, -11'.. 7xi- -,, I 1,11- 't -W : , ­ q­­,.!q�, "' '�, I 4,�,, , .* 1, "I . . . . , 7� � ffl ' : . ., C.,�.7 �,J* .1 � ?­ 7, ..� �, ­ , , I - . , . r, � � ,��� ... ­ . �, � ­t,� '' ., �, '� . I � � . . , 1, , * ,11? -, 0,11! ,11`",-­� 7 , R �, -P-11' -7 ; , I . " % "". I., ^' I ."1111", , 11'., I . ", " , .�­ . �� , , ,,, � , , .6: I , f, .. " , , . ,�� , 11 . � I � ,­ . 6. I I . I Ig I I �,O. ,- " � ;A . .. I -W, �. �� I , . . . . I .1*� . - --*A­.f4V#W"ftj� � "I � � -1 , -*-,17 wt�� ,,VWvf�.u4*A*, top& --V. I. 11 *� 4-., . 1, - 'r ! I --- 1. .... 1. I I . -­ -.--. . -- I -­ -- -- 11 I W= ---- 0 . -- 1--- � 11 'Iil',� . , � --1---- ---- '. � 11 I . - 1 J �". ", A- r"J!J�f,Jj0,P@,,#,&",. -, 4 I,ft W'J!#1"1vp&VAV,-- - I 11 � . 11 -- - - -- - - I -- 1 4 - 4* *. XW*wW -0-1b ­�-- .4 - A . . -- ­­­ K . ­--, I I . , I ------- --- ; 1 . , "00" � no no" woo Is "". go 111104,3`604 'W ""ft. "Illow, tMA U . .. , -.6 I N%RFMW 1, . - I , ! , ,i*LW . bills Vk9q be V 111 lawww'.11MIRMW . ,vt W X XGTAA^&ft I I , ft t" aosthVest a& at Dow, X" !0!1- 1". "is � 11.4- - .. - *Y a *lwaawmawy &44 smaii. * - f!A I kokwo Min aillfitamets over LAWIA, . I .. I 11 = IlF . .1 i. 41 1 1 1 11L . !WE - � "" ba *0 Itumo ShOUt 1% MAW 4*t#At IrM the rtvtr. a jowel#r frown tim bmw *Q*bed 6* M ­ - -aftftsid 11 I , � 4 i , Ing W" CA tko 06MAIM ft kis dwit- U bftrtlar rock-strwwa x2luo Ot lat d. � Conaluka*r and he was k1l. .1, ,,m , I "', "S44 tk* 14fte, rose Itboye tho, V a- At tk4 01s~ To" ,. I` 40609 tsm,"WO thW WXk kVx,A%d Suar4s. Tk*n the =0 rw*ed tp. ,t4 re r ao fm 1 . .. i;10 , P�fttr id %he glith - -I*- , :L, OWN 604 MAsoxerod tbo WA*eW, tks , 'n, . *10400eartaA by k* Ant"I Her ** ItY and emplala. the O�XPWKI# "Uptor, a a . .&W WL&=tbA;t I . ". The rising graund began it Dal'. - oboy tUni a . wk*& ,�, I 1 AM) oftood'" fW botrvod 11w. sumen bout lady who Was their guest a" tka In. *b�ftd a, k" VAX VMS, tb* , . a a,ffff.4# Ekv& K 7 ' "s r'so "an" to 1* r4mmak vuw,)t the c . . "ED AAR w " W,4 lovol of tho pinin. U4 gmrw a " % I W unmixed vitb foar, rob,W b0f a milt from th* Mori Gat# --which, *rod Dawles. I ,� Iow :r0i her good loaks. Her whole sa. WAX *ItT3Attd Oft what way be termed Another droadful xeerls was 1,16luctantly gay* tit* order ft L , the I&A4ward side of tb* Kuhrair In tha Delhi Bank. T Manager and W#jf* : 4.-X-ANX85t&-%** I A SWY 0 "at ch*Aw- Rho W ft co;;;d ap. Iloo onacted The, womax and ebilAr" - - po&ru<w of 004 at hw own seryt Gate. It followed a gourse parallel In Otrrlagos and a DaoKrnt4 1000,0111111 i I Mg. Us brave wife, assisted by a low gion. boan to straggle thror I . —Br— I I woften. with this river for two miles, and at friends whO happened to be in the , - sertod rAntontuxt along an 11W I 191 ris . - "lUnitrabor!" she mumurod. -YOU It# northerly extremity Were situated building at the =Mont, ms4e a stub- 40 42% A14PKr � LOVIS TRACT . WAist abor me, none *Ise. Corte when the principal Suropogn bungalows torn rosixuUmo, but tbor ww* oil out- 4044. � � ' . -W - 1 wm4 for you!" mad Me military cautonment. 46WA. The ln"tars in the Govern. Soon. the fusitlyss saw tbo!r btmW I ,* qr,XIMAL JB,&NX1M auqp6 Shoula learn those sub*ts br i I The man, Who now carried on his 1. Delhi woo the Centre of Mobartme. M*Ut 001109*4 were, surprIW and 10*1! on fire. ,"Mea.", says thitt stesm- i - � which they can earn a living. I forehead the insignia of X BrobinIn, I aac ld the lineal murilereti In their 4DIRWrOQMX. The Me` and Impartial histor.4a of t1ko I I axe voorftu TbT X41-604 4 Anoft IM4 no sooner rwW tUo #MCI- Xp" descendant Of AUM49s0be, with his 41*10AAtles. wbothor European or Mutiny-, Mr. I`. R. X. Holmes, "boom . 1111110M TV,AMACT.F.D, VOTM SPOt"A 84slu"O C0011 = botwoon the car , children And griLudchIldron; It was I that pitoorna flight, the first at M�wy , the 14xSest U*aIrlers in crawa or: zwvft -bo great W" vu." -)IWO ftA Mr. XV00 I and our graduates vocura'tbe hubbub that he was, ndt noticed until *tied "Igbtodly to Malcollu. stored to repletion with munItiono at native, were mlauglxtera4 In tbW such Incidents which hardvae4 tbfa' ED. IMOPTS ISSUAID, � war; Yet, allch was the inconceivable houses and -schools. Ths. editorini heorts, of the Brithh, to Inflict 0. t%r- � can study" he pulled up. "W" It this JX not Nara, Sahib$ , home "a -1 have lbome; to bring you back -to note ,0714 folly of the rulers of Inft At that staff and,compositore of the Delhi r1ble revenge . . . . Driven to bWew I ruo IPOCK,tsolb-rol:llt,a,Ltla0yyztI bim, Wall. piece Of good luctl 1 k*Qw' t1mo, the nearest British rogi � Monte oszotte having just produced a special In jungles or morasses from 4explcnWa *"MMOT ALWW80 ON Del- lege. I Meerut, Mr. Mayne," be crU4. OTher It 110, half *47, control over were stAtioned IA Meerut, while the adItIOU of the Paper announcing the vaorAnto-robbed, and scourged, jwX . � I . mutloy Una boolt qualledi Our troops this mok we arc perfectly safew.l, place swarmed With anti . ve , trooyx, � oriole, were all stabbed or 'bludgeoned M.OoXed by, villagers who bAL4 entrav� "arli. . SALE NOTS0 PUUQIK- INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTIQN ire Ili command of the station o - � 1. arld of NaA4 Sahib Acknowledged the Oorn. horge, foot And artillery' tq-death, lit the telegm& affloo a . I . I . - I � 1, ,all the main ro#As, You can ratorn cissioner'o greetlu.19 'With smiling Vo. Ped them with promises of belp-�- . l I . without the Ifteness. Ian ab A X4y morplug IA the Punjab must young OdguAlor wai sending a thrIIII scorched by file blazing surl, blister 80sure t $Jrpt'b � , *4� - I- .r. "Of 0IIw ." IIW "WII,.O. .." *I" Enter Any Day. slightest risk, I . aid a whispered us , *0W. . ,You'll I with the Princess, whom not be con pe in message to Vmllalla, Laborernu4, the by burning winds, balf-drowned Are . . . . . Collollu . bre Britain. Utuaii1wraed It,* prototy aorth.. � . He spoke clearly and slowly, well, 410r=14, or Persuaded, to re.enter be , y cloud� Un. I rivers WhIch they lied to ford or owf= 0, , ,, 00, I h I- gm. , , I P-7.1-0 7.9 ............ Op. . . , . W checked by coolixig brooxe, Uo. sun , - , 0 ­ " . gorgeous vehicle, She "The sepoya have,come in from Mae- Across, a0kowil, WCArY and xttkrvJ*&. I . � . I � I . knowlaxtbat some among the natives drove away ,.scorches, tile earth trorn, the. Moment rut," he announced � . , I . . *111111�111111 His, appear- .wititout another $14npe at Malcolm. ,� witil, the slow ticit they Wondered on; while sO I Irl HANIM - -'-..A , - Perhaps she did not daft to, . p ovp , ft,-�- it. I . , world Understand him. hia- glowing role. tlrot,pee . me ton , I , CLINTON I show her , r the of the earliest form of apps,rat, M. , dead by the wayside, and others, un - I . I AeMei4arino' less' than Ilifs Words, created favor In the newca 11orizon. Thus Men who 'value their "Th y are burning 6verything. Mr. 44ble to mova� farther, wem abandoA", atIr. The claxaor at tongues Mor'a presence. - - I I vduay PUBLIC, .CoNvist, � , 1* , was stilled, Men looked 4t -4 . aealth nAd have work to'be done riser TOdd to dead, And, we hear; oeveral . by tbeir,.0orrowing friends. lar die. a* , . � . W no tum.od to the Bura- - I I ANOKA, VINAXCIAL, 14SAL Business Colloge , .1 , It an early hour when London's streets Europeans. We, must shut Up." the raid. I . . . It . . though he had fallen from the syXy. 04,48. tAest. Nerohanto, were bus , - . . pJA4INSUR" t -GEO. SpoTT01% PRIX. He could not be, certain, but begueon- "Let the miso-Oahlb ba. placed in her Are amp r � That wallrbis requiem. T)i 14 such wNe did the UrItIsh IeAya� . I XOTOX AND, � . 04rr , 141$0,," be said � punvoly. -,;ghe will � 1. . � I I a startled -Imperial DOW. They came bacllc�, A -------- I ad, Mathew kind, arrived At a critical . operators at Vmballa could obtain no I NOV A01N.T. AIWIMM- , seso,oso #*"" I ­W"WWV11W1r"W Moment, - Indeeld, the lives of big Boort revive In the Air, aid we ms,rch ,n. the bazaar, soldiers wore on par- further Intelligence, ,and the boy was, later, but many thlags bad to b4VV9,L . - I I � � � %M ' IRANC14 I . . '. friends were Actually in, doWIlask jeo- I at once for Aligarh. . � Will, you Accept %do judges We ' . - . -at his post, . . meanwhile. - . �. . , , G I,$ FIRE INSU I I - . , � , . v law sitting, In the Courts slain . ..... 0.4 ...... ...... � � L I "1XPA$M. , . . I. . . ­ � . .- I I . pArdy,, and there *asto knawlag what my escort thus far, Mayne-oghlb, qr A the cut,clierryi arid the E uropean Tim magistrate who galloped to the The 'volcanic outburst In tho, Delbt . i I �4 1 � tulru'tUe events of the next Minn farther south, it jag wish it? I think *10uselwIveo of the station Vero. Mak. cantonment found uQ laggards theraw. 0115trict might � bave been �.Arallelea I * . . te . I I . I I 0, X. WAT001f . you wIll be safir with m . a1volo's 001MV OFFICID, might UaVa taken. But a glance At. � a than in -ing tbclr Morning purchase&, of,food, Brigadier Graves sent Colonel Ripley lartbpr north wt.-I,e not-thor Panjnb, f04-- . � , I 1. . . 11 . 014INTON, - - ONTI., Winifre.4's. distraught face told him taking the Meerut road to-aight."'. ,),r breakfast And dinner, when some with part of the 64th Native Infantry unate tn ItO ,rilers. Sir Job_ LAW- . � . 2-11 CLINTON. I � I I , t . a I . . . I LIORIVISF10 AVOTIONMR 4 good degl, He Must be bold, with Mayne 4graed gladly. The earn. 1 the Jouagers oil the ri'Mr-0146 wall to, occupy the KashmAr Gate, T .rence was Chief Cdminiggibner at Lx-- ' . 1, I . I I I . . he r#,- �, I . I , 06 . !m %,p -� I ­., I , w I the careless boldness of the rain who manillng Influence at this Ulghly. .aw groups. of,'liorsemea raising the m4irider of the 54th escorted., two.gun , rAm', : . ," for the County of Huron. Corres- , - � . .o hore, When that, fareful .. teleg . I 1. L . , � h s tbq means Of Making his will to. placed nobleman, who,, despite an ad. **iist on the lKeeiut.roa ad 4 from Delhi was recelvEd in the capital I a . .4 beyo. t 0 under Captain (Ia Tessier, . � " I � pondonce promptly a4swered;� Charip- 0-pect,od. . � . verge, -)rldp -of bon? U n 'way w - 11 . decislot of .the Government, . 1, .1 I � I . . � whio , spat Pd the ,Ripley reached the main guard, just of the Punjab he. was,on UW I � �: %,­ anyim=" as moderate And 00'$fAPtiOR guarau- - 'Stand aside, there!" w a r ar . d by a aa Tura � I . . Murree I T� . I . I., . I be sAld in A 4% de very Mabratta, . . An, Within the gate,,wbeg some troopers A qbaxming and secluded'hill . ,. I I 11- 11 1� . teed. iminediato arr serneatq: toic Ater e , Isar Polshwa, the ruler The word :went round that some- Of the 3rd, rode up. The Col . for the ben,orit tf his health, I " . I I az L Hindustani. "And You had'N . I of the yast terri! onel or- Station, . . 1�1 'RA]RA1$TEV9 SOTAJOITOR' , sale Woo -WAY be made by int - b1tg urimial haO happened. Al- e 0 a m U I f3ut, like most great men, LawrepCee ' . I � I call the roadway. A troop -of Cavalry is tory In Western Trift, seemed to offer d r d lit e, to ft 2, the n The , . , . , re t % 1. . : , I . I I I I . I . I . . at The News-Recard Office . or on riding fast behind-" ' - . . .. more stol)lo Ruppqrt lbat night then -cady the 141ors U44 Uoted the arrival sepoys refused, to ob had the faciilty of slAiv,rpunding himself, ­ � . I , � , - ey, And the Saw- � . � � I XOTAAY1 PUBLIC. Wro. lFrapir Watson at McEwan?s Ile dismounted' Mobroken. ri�rd of British authority in wt a.,dust-laden. royal carriage, which ars, drawing their pistols, shot dead wlth Able lleutvr,ai�ts. � � . KrQ6- I. drew NeJdlIs bridle . . . I .11 ! . I xosoed, . I . , . , . . � . I d went toward Meerut. Moreover, the Commlssl6vfr . the pontoons at brealoWck I I ery., � 1 17 over his left arm, an a . . . a 4y P ) . gom 7 , I . . I . or severely wouridtil, six British offl� Ills el? t , .ol ert Mont at ,_ : I , k . . 'Winifred. 'The girl looked At ilint with I � I . *�,peed and.. erlterO, by the'Caloutta , I . � OFFICV-SIOAne: 1AP44-01 .TNTON.f . -car$, That the 04th bayoneted their whose singularly tw,,Ti . :� - I . I . I 4, wistfulness that *as pitiful evolent, 021poot :. I .. I - 11 " � : ,. , . � 0 1. � - . I .. I ,. Ho.pa wtahad to roadIf Luoknow without de- -7mte. That Incident,. triVial In itself, Colonel, but, hearing the rumble of conepalcil ar Iron will,-. S4W at 6DOB-, . I 1.1 , 11 ,,, , '. - , " � i" ., , I � . . . . I : was struggling inher soul against the lay. At the country were in, for a per- �ecame important .when those hard. De, Tpsisler's guns, Led Into the city. that If the Punjab followed the lead I .11 . � . A I r'ding horsemen came In eight. . I : I., ,, . I .1 , I I I � � 1HPMAS BROWN, LICEN.$El) AUO- fear of grim deat;h� . . i6dof distur6ance, big -duty lay there, ., The The guard -of the rate, Compared of of -Wf, India would b,w., � . , I ­ , , M4 - ` . 6 1 " � ,fob, .Frankr aiid he was'planning"already to send political air was charged with.olec, Meerut and Do . . RL* 0..HAL191 �. tioneer for the eountiag (it 14ur,on , Men, of the 38tU, went with them, but lost. taboro had a: inixed popul4ttga ., she sighed, holding , . I ' I I . . I . , ,:.� AAR, ,I am - . I 1*11 I , � "au4 Ptrth. Correspondence prompt- out both her hands, 'IOU, Ft � - Winifred to. Calcutta! from Cawnp*re, tricity, 1.1one knew whether it Would their officer, Captain - Wallace, had, Of a hundred thousand Slkbs and ]Mo I I'll . REATI. ESTATD ­ � so frightened, . We had a aund thence to England until the time and Ia Summer lightning.or In a tor- ridden, tottunately' for 'himself, to hammedanS b3ni. soldiers, every ma � I .. I I " .� . I ly. answeVed, Immediate . dreadful audo, go there was much running to , , u, �� " -,�L arralaw tlma� at the bungalow, and these .of political , . . . burry the guns. , , OR to and, ready to take any s'de 04 Pro , , , ` an . trouble had Passed, He Was Sent4 I % �� and ments caA 'be* ro-a de for sale dates at look S �. la "I am sure 1 vim doing right," 'he ,hoe a - , 1. . : . ,, 0 fierce and cruell Have and 'fro, and gesticulatIons.0 arid x the cnutozlm�ent t " thised to s ttle dt$p4tis b . .. � . � � 1. . . L I . Tim News -R, � . YOU elt�d wWsperlagg, among a wa o ask for re-eriforce- el , y. cold swof.- , � :,. � , � ­ .anord, bllutou,.. bi by , said In answer to FraD tell' ments, Not a man of .the 38th,wovItl rather Vann .legal codes, . If these hot I really brought help,?" . I ,We relaorl, . . . I INSURAWO'E' - calling pbone 011t, wcoafortb., ObArges I.Yeg,00 h ' era on the walls, 11 ; . . . ­., . �, I , . I *, �. - I I *, said cotfidentI.T. - - "You. strances, "Don't, you understand, a Vague Murmurs .of ItIoubt and' -Sur- follow him, but the 14tIx, commanded headO, 'with 'their inillions of co-rell- I I I I %]irF1O­V,; L-w�- - - HURON ST., - moderate and - seatisfaction guarii- ,need have no further anx � Please native In Nana- ftlitUs, position must by. Xoj9r 'Abbott, prodjkllmcd their gionists Ili the janit of­1he Five wok, ' . � . � I " .:, .1 I .. 1, I . 'toed" " I � . . : get Into Y6ur carriageill � Iety be well iuform,�d as to the exact Post- prise reached the,eArs'of two of. the I yalty and askoa to ba led: against vote, wore alloWz4 to gilr t a V or 9 . - I 0 1 . . - I ''. I � I � I . ., , � - . . British raiAgietmtes., They hurrlb( � i ik u D I �­ , , , * r' , , ''' . .. 1 ­ " ---" .- I . � . r . .. mr, Mayne said somethill , tion. of affairs .. By helping nle � ht� hs , .Ily We mutineers., . � � I ,bond, the be 11 I r� � .. � r . . I . . , r - 9,, but Mal., . . y w6u!d swedV, through t : . . . .1 1, � . � . I I � 1, � . .. .. . I.., � I I ­­ t I Safeguarding himself. I am Cal too adjourned the cases they were, tryIng Perforce-` their Commander trusted Country frola the mountains �� � r. : OR. W '" * . 1": , , I r 1. ,�. colm never ,knew what It Was, for r Y . r one . . . , to tha � r , " ,6U . I t � . ­ I . Winifred faiiited, and. would have fail. thankful hl� Was able to - subdue - that and sent:fQr theIr horses vo`de them. 'Hobrouglit. them to the Xash- 40a. I � - '. . . I �� . 1. , . I o, , I 1, , . . r fie hard -to. the cant6nment and tot Brig- - " I I ­ , . r - . � 1),ii'. -ovg*,;,, wmi I. A.- 0I.P. ry. harpy, the Bisgum. She tlirea� 4 � - 1.� - ' I I . � , . ., on had he tot caught -her. . Mir, Gate WitU two more guns, ��"rhije T;ia troops Dr!"Ish aud-AatIVAI Wore ,v I I � -� " "PA jP.i.,7:L.J , . � - . � I L'.0 i � (% S .'--, . Adler Graveo what he had seen and � . lr"�, ,.� . .. , ztci�,, Specialist ,in �Dls6asas of , the , - "'Thi$' , land iolce,,It a toned Me In the most outrageous man- the Brigadier and Ills stwf, wondering Otationed A *. . r ' I 1, I I., " , ' ' � '. Peringht lias a � .. heard*, ,the other, knowing the Ila- - I I . ,. 1. .,�..'' . , ­� ­ , . .. r . . I -it tho. cantonment of Mial . � . � . ; 11 b r . M . .1� I , I z­..�: ...� ".*: %­ ­ 'Bye, ­ Vgi��,. r Rose . -and Throas, M "UeA It ner before' you I Came. Of course, rtance of the chief in wby� they heard'n6th,ng cf'tbe pursu- , mIr,, some f Ive - miles from . L4b6re_ r . . I . I �, I ; , � � . - .�,, � , . r an. near him growled. -alks a r manse fulpor , I �'. ' _ I . r, r r ; , , , ubU r_ ,,,,.,r I �" :.L.'will. be�' At HOImQZ' ))rUk a." , I Winifred ,and I WJII be a . . age" Ing )Brltish from Meerut,, thought It 6d- There were one hativer . cavalry regl6-, , , 1. I I � r . I . rr, B, ��, ..: ... " I I r tore, Cavalry. Where are they?" * ��r . r, everl stiggly r , , , . I � � Clinton, on'. Tuesday'— bijr011 Ist, grateful to you. for ComIng'to oi�t as-- zine,'went there to warn Lieutenaut visable to gather the. women alad chil- ment ,and threQ uative infaxitry_r t - I " I . I r ,� I "The' Meerut road Is emptyi'l coin. alstance. You are Alone, 1 suppose?" ,hb A. charge. *t , , , Willoug Y, the officer I rMight he " . . . . omcwe,­�Qntario S�tact- 0000ik- XV4 29fth,, April 211th'.Xgy 24th, June men . . . n and other helpless perSOUS, boih tallonSL . .. r , . . L dro Whose. loyalty L raas�- ,� I . �.. L . I . . . L . . St 9 I led another. I I "Tea, though 00me of- our troqper;9 Here, then, in L Delhi ,..Were men Of 14urepean and 'native, In Che Flagstaff sured by Minutpo as soon as. tb6F r, ' . . ,� _21, , Ifr I We, L , , I L . . -1 'Rap y g I ' . I . May 6�tUat. lenrlit th, * . � ;!, - front 4�qr pf office Or . 4 i, you require G:axobs d0awt' , - have, the, ,Begum's otders,l 'turn UP, any ralauto." , : - pt"deosion.. but the -troops 'On Tower' 4. small building d on --:4,L. .:Cs at P . 11 . Prorl _ � ,Dn R said the.first speaker, mbre. lioudl-v, q. tear. .not,,, . Abut - I . t the standard of- Bahadur L ­. , 4jjet.. - tat to see Dr. Ovens. . . I .: I- I den" . I I I I I I . " * said 'ther older. matt Who*m they could have d4peaded wera the no;thern extremity of the Ridge, $ball was fleat'trigbver the palace at- . L ,.� r "L' L . . -4, .. . . . "Let us obey, ,or It may be, ark evil gravely. "Thials ar'ba.4 bosinesop Mal. forty miles awayr.in U ' Th , I � p', r' - r. . L - I .1 " I . . I .*� - thing for -usi!l : I . I . r 6efut� In that era for some hours a 1�reat edin, Delhi. To que-Il'tIlem. the, authorities . , � , I � I * I r . L , -' . � )4.��: I .11 . , , L r _L . I . '. r. .. I . . colm. The Begum. Said too mucb, never-to-be-foriotton. bivouac. 'Mean., pally, of frightened pe had the 81St F oat r. fid t a batterien L�t I . . I L . . I . � I I .,ople orlAurad all 4 a W " ­ � . . . . �L . ,� I . r ,"Oriew, of the d4u ters of Babadur Thorewarewors� times in siory f .while, the vanguard of the Meerut -to- ,the discomforts 6i terdfl,.- beat, hun-� horSe a ' oitlon4tiol. L W I . I .91i . r . . : L **-D]Rl J. W� W— p 1 a� , I . rtilleiT.,or, prop Y. ­ � �,'- r', : � 4 '� 311A . r - Shall Is here," murmured Do you really believe you,ean roaoh bole bad ar d. Mostly trckOP6179; Of ger,L and thirst, wh,le WIN es . �, 1, I I I . . I Tne, MCK11110D M41681 Fire. 1 US. L r rive . and, moth. less, a Kerve tbaa� tha',t at 'Meerqt tbee ,, - . � . � " r r . . L , r ., � . I - 1. r pidly. I'Sh# says. We are to.. ell to Keerut safely�" . L . . . ' . I . I . .. I r Malcolm's regiment, with some few at$, Str'Ving rt6. soothe th6ir vailhig Britons being dutnumbeved eight times, I L r . I I . I . r . I -OFFICIIIIIII .� L , I L Delhi, wad slafir It we res 1.� Where III rode here' without UlXidraAct.", '' ,"pq.yo who- bad stolen 'Ponies on the irittle Oacs.#' , I - . . I ': - . . .. � , I Insulabee 0016vanu � '.m'0li?,- my poor, niece! to. I r goT . were thew,slelves donsialueO by'the natives. r 1, . . . I I r, . .1 . . . IL %are your L r r "Lot mer advise, You, .Ahen wa3� they'crossed the Inman, some., . with anxietv as to the fate of, hLa- . I L I . . ' I I , U � � . I to �sllp the r " L, ., . " � �ST. EIA I and ,think, that I should have brought er aVaY WeL start, That r .c.a. 'Ins straight' to as _ � . 1. �. . I VontgomerY co4lly drove to'Mian-'. -, . .L I r r r - I I � ST, r -]F&rq' ..ZSOIaW T6Wn 'Propat*- O.Wr, f,L ' . , befora, ' . .paiaoe by Vay of 'bands and, 8.0, . . � . . . . ; � . . . I from England for � .r I . , . . I I . rair oil the 'morning. of the 12th,'Adok. . I L. 1. �,- . I r of L. �. ant mischief or she .*' - 0 r L I I - --01ily ; ' Melealla. L ding Me . oWd utTi6r, the bridge pf boats'. wblle others ford 'OUn L' .� . . r, , . r L" , - Aj"rod- ' ,* I 0 Win ed the river to the 'South and Made r At the main. guard th<rer was a, d i.r. d- Sol with the Brigadier. Setuart � '7�� ;'* , jfrodlt have 'dired, to suggest that -a 134t.16h. . Afa�or Abbott and We Orothipi, Corbett, apd made his iflans' r A b,olf � . . , . . L-CLUMN.- I � ­OFFJj'ER.-r.­ I . - . ... . - r . form , clasped to . h wlioisw, as usuab they, iea 8 �� . �, r, I - . L I ' "foAh'r,. uocausticw%is � 'r tq Omaer should throw 'in his lot ,with. for the 19ROI, io�fllcc6r I try g Lto "I�Qep'tUstr . 1� I J. B. Mcl,�Ain, President, ­ . Wen IOY- Wad fl, J xed for that night. All society r . , 'r 6 ......".1- '. , r,, ' breast, laughed I - ''- hers, Waste no time,, arid don't ppgr,e� 'lea rjoQnorwo, This ,trick of 41, Stood fast arid listened to theAls- kA thal; r I � I ,r I L. I .,�,., ,, . . - � .. . 0.7; � V.- SCF* ; � !­ Vlco-Pte�vldeut .W Mayao-sahlb . Loed the,p attended It, Land men who ew - . , L L' . . - � � I on t='L. ,that YOU have that spod'horse of yours.. )30 srure-1',,eMPtY-h19'tha psilitentlarles was more L I I . 1, - L . A. C. W'. -g 4' ' ­� .'' �. -� BrUccoeld P r *.(). ' � that turmoil In tbo c1ty.-. Like. the i5A- the morrow's sun might get: Olt w sceneT. MO '1%or L ''!� , , _ � �; T. E, Hit.VS, Sec.-— I gone mad," bo.shoUted in the ver- ' you bnve'� a i . I L " ," . I 'a . , .�'. _ . r .1 . al shall .tell .,Winifred 0 Jon,a I adroit. than It Seems at' Hitt.' sight. ' diets in Mecrut, they ,never guessed - fi4 L desolation danced L , L � ,. 1, r � I nactdAl� , "Hava,�. -you rib ears? Did jor.us.- She . gaily With the Indi, L I ­. I . . . D .bloodshed a . ­�­'� . I '­ 41, * Tr , , IS pulling Li'� nd;� I thli2X N � �, r I ea,surer, $eatorth P. 0 ot onlk -were the - mutineeis sure of, tithe of the horrors enadt,;d there. ,,, , -r I - - . ;, . PHYSICIAL, 1� , GEON1. ETC. -Dlrectprs�- � . you not 'hear the British artillery fir- *and It -will n their r ' I .,, r, L I Obtaining hearw assistance I I a of Lahore� SUrely ' .. . WR I be better U r : �-,, -�,;, . �;111 � . nat'she should They were, sure ihat the White troops tboie tew Who were in the sec - . I . . Ing on im reb k N a�# of Tobber* d ran . � I 1. , tat Of � L I :,,1", , Iheoney, Seaforth ; John ki tUL 91M . L* an . rder, but. In, Meerut would soon. artive and put the 646beme arranged b I .. William - C ! L iels'a little time' sluee? not see you agg In, I Bosidi#, tho r �3arapaigt' L L - L r I i dis- E a . . .. y.Montgamelry' .;, ..al atteof,ton ;g'ven. to ,,,to ei - road 6'Delhl Will ,,paring� to March." all end to th , � I " Sped . Grieve Winthrop; George.Date, 'Se�%- , �dl br escort are pri . every gao)-bird, beisded direct for his a prevalent. Rtarchy. . Yet And Corbett Must have thought '0f`i� ;,- "' , . ,, I *Eye Ear. Nbso and fotth 'john W I a 'Y wU native town as Soon as be was- garged 411 , I . � r' Uses of the ". I . ; r . Id by -the ,ite troops. What Prankes -latest.mernory-of the girl he the day sped " d ,help caTue Aot. - : -more famous ball at Bi'�IaSejd on L & - , , . ., att, Harlock John r .r. r , On '. . IV .. r . OC � - 'L Is - 61 'taking MaYne� loved Was a 1. L , ; � "'.,.". Thr t, I . )Benuewfes, Br6dbagan ; James Evans Pilsh talk, Is th � I ,sad one'L Her WhIterf$C$ .With VlUndorr.- There,was 'no better Suddenly the sound of a tr6mvndous 'TUnQw.alght Lin 18154 ' �� Sahib thither.on a pritionerl't .L' loo r L r t, 140, I ., I . . . . . .. , �.�, � , �. ZyeA caretully examined and'Suitable Ja'L , S .Co I � ked'Lethereal IU, the Moonlight, and mitats of.disteralriAtIng the bell6t ths;t explosion - relit the& air and . a L dense. L $a* rnlOg the garrison ten fn rpr� .1 -, , � L Beechwood ; Me r r , 'Power* hid crumbled to 4, of white sifiloke, succeeded b . '.... . . .1 � unolly", The door of thebedizenod trat,eling- her bloodless lips were qutvoring.with � the BrIt;lsh . . .1 . . glasses ptescribed. 1� .­ .-. L - % r 0 Rob Was ,,,,,. r r , . L I . clou -general parade, of All arms. . . ', 1'r I.. ': *.. ... - � � ­ . ­ I L GoderiCh. L . 0 open, And .the M ­ feturning life. eave y a Y. L .� I '. - ". _ ,r 'L: . . I I Oham It was hard to I atoms. The -Convicts boasted that tbeiY A� . The r 1 2 ,d6c r, pall ot.dust; rose betwom t1ho'gate �artlllewr and 81Str,Arere on the rigght I . "'T 40-Mce and residence': 13,4est -at I L � .. . -�-AQENtS-.: ' ' . - I 'Medan -lady who hid,he'triefide4 Frank her In au,6h a. phgUt, but it would only bad'been set free by the rebels; they and the palace. 'Willoughby had blown . . " Robert Sinith,. -H4rWok ; 'the most appeared. L Again . I 7 - I .1� '. : tjw 4he Clornmercial Hotel. lrluroa� St.! I - - E. � Hill, whein he fell Into I . I unnerve her if .he' waited until 1 -saraded iU�lr ill-gotten gairis and'in- up the inagazine! Wby? Two Artil'r of the jine, the, native Infantry in Allow. . , . . . I . �, �, _ 4 ' L. �, 1. . chley; Soaforth - - James ()UMMID . She wag, conscious to bid her farewell. cittd, Ignorant vf�.ageps to emulate the I subalterns who had-fouglit'thelr matt Ann r r I . ., 1. I . �: ,. , I I She alighted, and her aggressiVe got- contra, and ,the'sowarg on the left.' A L "L L , . r . � I ps I . OVM#,- .r : ' . ­ .1 . . .. 1". . r 10 , " "�'L L $'a be rode' bjej to Moerut� L , tO.tVaS.r'Th,us a dkilful ev ,by Govern, , , .. r -�. I r ­;_ &I� . L L I .1 . I . I R'0011- wmmreo of thij . wai through i moli itrickeri wit"I .r . . I . 4 graced Ile; r � . L I olme- . .,It Is my order," s ' . and dairiging blow Was struck at 86 Ia , , . . ' I , . n I - I, W. Xian. 11 vauts drew'a,�i�y. somewhat. ' . 17oclamatloii .��, , . . L L . rhe said. imperiqua, Ing the disbandiabnt of r th6 84th, at' . I _L . I:, k- r . . . I . LVIlle, � ' .. . I I 'L I . . -taty EuroPeAu on, the eight Mi]CSL6f Pante r the m(?rneut, soon arrived - Barraokpore, was, read, and . �, - . . "r ., ­ . . ly. !�VyThb ard you' that; You should. road, And no r - tish preitigg., Neither Mohammedan I th L . . way bave . .L I ­ i � I 1. , Any monpy* to be Paid' in may W, i I . .. r � mat challenged himi till . . Their story fills one of e great pagcg L I I %..,;, , DR. F. �'.k., A XQN.. , � ' dispute it?" L . I I he reached the famous. b!7ougo:of the a,.oullah nor'llindii-Mir'eakfied Ouch Of history. , L 11 .. I 1 given some Inkling of coming eyentS;�, . . 11 1. .. �,i -.�. I 4'r . paid JO TfjZer� & r. 13rowit, Clintex, . or . L � .1 . 'L' r th .- . ' "" 111 regret the beat 'of My w.drde - ' rida 49 the , WilloUgll r to,the more'thoubtful Am - . I I L I . , White garrison, the bivouac.that m e , to All -informed rut . Ong 6 Seri � 1. r r . - entenaut by, P. b�!Ylsh- POYS. But they bad !me, for se- L � ., � .� � . I g; rt'lao � -Li . : . ' q- . , . _ - tot looking Subaltern Of artillery vifio§s ' . . I � 'ess," he replied, . gra0p,14 tI* Mutiny an accooiplishpil fact.- . appcaranoew of gorne known malefac � 116 t r DF,ih11f8T:. , ,at Cutt*g. grocery, Gdderich. .. . PrIfto ad c6riviction r I I . �11; - L L ,. r, , r'... . ' � . r PaIrtles desirou.q to effktIlrusuranee trall. chance that presented" its.elf ato .IN . , - . dedked-oult In the jewels arid trinkets . . aret murmurings.; .Manoeuvers bogna . . r - . : I , !, -%� � . I I ­busibbss "'L Will be ,wriggling',out ,of 'a desperate situa. ; ­ � .. v, - . , . shy,. refln�d manners bid a', heroio Y - a LfeW minutellr'tba �nn-. - , ..1. Specialist 'In' �P,i#wn a;td Bridge ' or. tr�augaet,' other . . L tion. . , � L . Driglishwomen. .r -lost no time in mal-zing`h.16 dis- 'Instant] " In, OlVe . . . I I - I ", L . I of imirdered 3, I . L, r, . . 11 -1 r6rhiltlY Atten W. app, . . NoVerthelesa, it 1.4 true that the an I soul,. . I I tiver. troops ,:-found..Ahems ' a ,Cou_ .L ' 11. , i Work. dradu P � acation . - - L r CHAPTER III. . � - The �foremost of' the mfitineers positiorts tor.the defiBlice at r. .1, � � ate of - C.C.P.S., tive Tegiraduts at Me�$rut have been rH r . � I.. . . . rola'ed 1 . Of the magR- fronted by the- kst and the two b _ _ _ . ,.. . I ., r t. , to,,any of the above offleeksr addressed - I OW r Bahaaur Shah Pro � a their weiri,horseis beneath I ­ . , I , 1. I , Olkicago, and A,0.I).S.,- T oiltoffices. Losses dispersed, arid you'yoursolf may have r , claim d His zinc, ,When to know. that a mutiny was . . .1 I I . . . .. - I., r OrOh . - . to..th6ir jaSVL.CtiV­- , a I terles of artillery. . . I ­ . - I . I . . a P I . , '. . Em6lr� L _ � - it balcony"On *VhIch Bahadur Shah,, a Im*ii6nt-. He lied witli him eight. . I I . . . L . �' . . -need . , 'decre�lt Old inag r bf' eighty, dwal ad .n- � Lg lineg, ' - . r, h 11 heard theL guris as they adva , . r i Riding between Ahe qpposir I.. � .1 - . ,��L . ., .1, -. I L Inspected by the , dirKtor w a - Jvns the Delhi road, *Why should I . . . r .1 . .. .t nglishmen, Lieutenants F orrest. and � the BrIghdior told W6 would-be mqti-� I .. .1, I . Dayfield on Mondays from Afi�y jo n-eatest the scen L . I . . .. r. ­ . along � On- the morning of the, llth,'tha� sun tllcf"- ... . � r - Coaductors Buckley,. Shaw 'tieers tbat'lle me ' . . r . L'�. . . L . e.- I I . be here ' r . the L '.By -his' side stood Uls , yo Raynor, allt to save them frorre �1 . r ,�,� I . I .1 . , . � L, . . . . . � . I .. r . . ,�� 'Otherwise! I came to escort that laldLbare hOriLgrO. of Meerut uage6t and-ScUlly, Sub -Conductor Crow, andL r I r.. . I 'L ­ . .1 . .. mi frIont I daughter, 'the Roshlriara Begum. Her r temptotion by disarming tfiaib. r I ,r _7 . ,!3��— 'r � , -� 'L L ' ' . 0 0 , . . � . r elt er. ' I � - I . .Is back to Meerut " L the sh no brightly H' the. Placid splendor Sergeants Ed*ards and Stewart. � The r L . r I . . � L. ­ _ �, ' r In 6r. Path!. -his 9110at city, , . the Rome I r . 6 . Dee b � , "PI)e armr,'" -came. the r soluter . I L I � I . . r . .. . . I 11 The Princess came tearer. T eyes Viere' blazing with triumph, Yet nine ba;rricaded- the outer gates and ! . . . . . , ; , L . . � "' r . I . I I I 1. I I , . brilliant moonlijbi : she - had all Un- Lof Asia, was .also the Metz of TJp . her lips curved With Contempt . at the r � .copifiiand. . . I . . I . ' ��­ . . .. , - = , .p6r I .1 PlaOad in the best Position guns loa&d They hesitated. .The Intervening , . ...". I I 0— "t� � . . .011torl ews Redord , -t attIttvde of her trembling fatlier.. *a Jralilr r I I I , � . Pai bly b6au'ty�.­atr o=A weird arid T,Udla, its. old-fashioned though strong r 1, � .. � ! I I ., . 1. . � 1 . .with grape, They laid from space was s 'BY shoat welght.or, . ' ' . ­.tl L I . . � . �:r 1. I L, I ; .. �N . . I . I ,SybfIllae--w-bu,t .her, animated features defences. havlhg bee "You see!" sheialled-. "Have. I not L r I . Mall'L , I I � MINTO'*4 ' L _;.� L ()XT -abilled with disdaln,. and she the genius of a .Na a modernized -by the Powder stori6 toa tree in. the yard. numbers the . y coul ' - *. I *L "", . I , I .1 . . � I . were r :d have borne. d6wiv- , I I w , , . . I . . .. I .1 . L . whoad pallid - facd- the ,Sun� plet. , Resting on spolton truly? These are the'men Who SoUllY Stood there. .11e:proal-iscd, to: the British. . r - .. I .. . .r ' - W ' ' '' -4 'L� ; , ­�. ' ' ' pointed to the -girl . -described Sacked Meierut.- 'Seamci h Peringhi L jfftht� " -r, I - 11 . , -. . 'gutgelriot -$I , I a, it might best be With .tU6, II,.... r th L fire tho, Powder when.his young COW_ V.firSt_10adl,�, jang' out a* . I , ton Per yam lay agaliYst Frang"S shoulder. , . as of lialf-moon shape, om, I hate I � . ,:�.'L . � ,"YOU L ere 'save. tho'm`wh ' manderr I . . 6 � . .. . I . r �6 . ave, the Signal. . I I.. . � �11 -TIME-,TA131,.,Fr--�� � L advance $1.5or MAY bor charged if are lying,", she said, . "You straiglit. ad. ,r runw,rige north an oa*ed to': good Purpose. Admit- Your r 9 . ominous ordCr. - . ' L L . L . . . . 1, I . . I . . � not 66 paid, NO papq discontinue � are not the. first man who has lied d tropps! Pioclaim -yourself their ruler. Then they ,%,valto:d , A storriiy epl-', AS the ears of tUe Startled Mery I r L 8. r Traint . SOUt14 along the ,right bank of .the thee r ., I , I Will arALY6 - at.and Aepars ire Pao � L * . . sode was taking place Insid caught the ring of tho,-ramrwfir In r . Sta%i , � Ae _ rL' . until, all arilears Unlesm .%t forA wopian"s sralke. 'That is-ivhy you .-rivar. I . � I 1. L 1. A moment's firmness 'Will Win back , r a tho fort. I I r . &am Clinton. on _jctI,0w% �. ', � , r' . . . . . ... . .. . ealiddur Shah held out against the Enfield rifles tileir.eyes saw,the light- - ,. I ,, . 'L L . the oplaton , of the publishe� . . .are, here.". L . I lit the centre.of the river it Isinpire." � . . . I . Ivehement.Urging of big daughter aid- ad port fires'of the guhnera. Tha3r'. '. I . - r. . I . DI.V, r SU�WtiptiQlk is I have spokeri,.� nothing the I imposing red zai*toue palace 'of YoTrIter aged, -monarch now that the' ad L - ' n , o . w by the counsel of, her. brothers. were trapped, arid they knew it, Therr r D_ L,4e)),F If ne stood , ,at(, I BUFFALO AN . j.H date tQ..whIch, evety L � -Princess. I I I 1. -1, . 7,145 . LA, I . but ' "It you L _ hour was at hand that astiologers had Ever and allon he Went r to the )rival' dapon'S r �. ..� Gelpi; EaRt � 101' pald'is donated on. -the label. I the truth,", he a'naworea. Bahadur. Shah, last of the Moguls.' threw, down. thelt L We with S�Jii;� , 4�. r. : 'it 4 A ;�- s.o7' p,m. ldvertist rates -Trans still doubt. my, word, let tome of your Worth of this citadel - Ware'the maga- .Predicted and his courtiers had pro' balcony. which afforded a View of the obedience and U�e first grant $tat, toi-- . . Ir 1. . r L '19 . tent' 'Adlel:- Men. ride back' With us, They will zlno,�Jhar. Church, 'rgoMe .mispit'for maily'a'year faRered."'s gt : L. - W 4m , �. 1. 5.15 ,P4 ib.' tWements, 10 oints per nonpari,el , Soot CorlVinee YoUi L PereVa - hou I Buropean dread test' thsy,$;Qn Lnot rall c,mmit,, Meerut road. At In 'he sent mounted wards the ye-couquest �.of I J Ia. Wgg�, . I I . r 1�1.07� a. M. . tea, the, Ili, ses, Mid the cutehorry, or group of I .. I . mon across the -river. .When. these taken. � L . . Lno L . . acing ,West . _ Llbe for first insertion and 8 - cop . r .fing -a great. mistake, , .. . : .. U,tLe 0 r L . . . . .. .1 .. 1. . � f6rainoon May not be without Its Value MIA , . r . r 64 As . , to you 4, . , ' , ' .1 or law' courts ,While the - ms,jn� .. Otoilts. ratumbd and he was q . ar- -ed.by Mcintgo ' I . 1. . , , 1.26 P..m� * line for each, subsequefit lrwe6, .So", L . . . I -"This lapo woman's work" he pN- I . � lhoph mel,yr r . � . . L thoroughfare leading in that direction - Vote Mooltan': Phillailt"r I I . . I wVI . .the 01sU$tt- - I as #a- . . _ L��40 � P,ro, ion." 'S. adVoTtiSeMenta Act ­tO Ia . tested. "Whetei are MjSOU I r tath that none but )rebel sepOY8, L officers 8�t Tjiurligar' . r . k rA&I1 ­ I I . I "' r i . I thrugt was.daring'but she par­.,,Pas9ed through .the kashmir-Gato,. a Where streaming towards Delhi f6in Meerut, and many another Varo#69,11. cautre�,J*, . . L . t 144 L49 . .. . �: ' Ili Wood', One !rich, tuch as ' 4%ast.,l ried it adrottly, 11 Southward -from the fort stratobed IS the Sh1l,hzada)L Mirza Mogul?" * . I � �r, ,', . .' � . ­ I N- . . r r .1 .28 P. W. I e] . . ,, Matt, L . European residential - g,bUr6 , She knew.' Tho, heir. app ' he yielded. I the'Midet of warlike Arid Impetu*UEr, .. I L � I i LO DQN, )RUR(.0i'' &.r BRUCE I)IV. 1(ftayed/l 6r "Stolen 11 etb in- - "No er What -bits- happened Ill, the . areut And The,gurrcnder Of the inagazIne was . . I . fai 85 CW races, folloTed his, example anil' -, I . . VZ L " Meerut, the (leathied'ond Is the Sallie "' kn6VA-as'Durya Quill (or, as It woom his brothers were coWering in. fear, � I r . . I and �,.. r be ­ demanded' in his name. 'Pre I . : , ;:­ ' - GOIAS South :" " '' ,7.60 Ai, M. . setted Once I (%OLh 'she ietorted. Then she fired iut6 sti I . called fil Englind, the "Riverside afrald to Strike, Yet.hoping that otherO Hier Adi'Or-- cept, *, Brigadier Innows nti Fir"poftt, ., . �, ". 1 , r r . . r I ,� ". , guba"ilMt ineartan, I 10 cents. I L "The Britifili ' . is . 'D L' L ' Would auto tried to rush the gateLftlid wallS, hesitated. Tie. tried. , mcwagufts.� . 40 94 r I , � . dued - Passion. R Istrict") but of which the D61bi, strike for them, She 41most I half I . L . 4XI p. in. . r aj I. . . . Gate I and were Shot down In Scores. The He separated his two native. J*glM,bAt8*,r I . . r , - , -, , otalAunfeations Intelided for publi0ai- doomed � she Muttered, lowering her L - open couLltry and drAgged berifathor to the front of the attack OeVv more and more ftirlo'-P And thought to disarm them an the� .� , f gave. access to, the . I '�' ' going L North ! � , ,. - ii.60, A. in. 'tion must, an A gUaX&nt�*- of goad m9gnifloett, the road to HUM&Yun's T balcony. . The'troopers recor L r , ­ : . I r. #,k._ ,4* � , ,L Voice, and bringing her � . , 11 I � . -d.95 I ray, .1 offib, An- gnized him and sustained. The white men berved morrow. �Thnj night one L I � .'� - , I . I 1 UAM6 'S elobe't , Is goiYe, like an OrookiriL . of them en-, r . I I . r � . I 0, 03, "Aith. N accompanied by. tb$ L 0 his. "'It . other gate, the Raj GbatI Oper" to- With a fierce about, A hundred Sabors r ,tbv r can a With a wild en, ,deaVored, to storm the 1na&Vftew . � . r r ­ . L . . , war( r . .Ir 9 no . I . I � 9#L . , -earn. Maloof Sahib. Is the riveii between t1w palgide If I - . , _,­ _'I.�- I 11 I . evil d.k Liefent . were waveo frantically. . I . 6— I -1 I 61, .1 q( the Writer., L . I elp US orgy that, for A time,made the gallanti, burnt and 'Plundered the station, and� . ,L �, r . 1�1- - . . . t, 'Thus, the walls of 'L 0 X ' , - . r .. � ''I . .1. .. I I .. L , r wt J. MITCHELL'. � You are a young man, and am tious. arid. Darya Gunj. " H I . lugrp, they, cried. nine equal to a thousan#1. Of Course marcbe4 -towards Dre)h � 1. . . 11 ", . till V""I � They say you I are a good soldier. Come city and palace ran AlMoot straight for We. prA� your -help In our fight for _ . off �L But In- . . - . R . -;rQW16tor ., 'gas then made'd' I � r . LrAftot "d 'r - such a struggle could h3ve,only and I I , � L ' E ItNapt ; , . . rr r I .1 I . with Me. I want some one I cat trust. two Mika from the X101imir.Gote on the fAithl" ' � i . I .end. Willoughby In his turni ran to monits. He puraltew r. I r . r ­ - � the north toLthf. C ptaln Dougl�s, Command " - them. . Onil% jl6attemd I . , . I . ,UK. . ; . . . . . ­... Though I am a king's daughter, there . Delhi Cate 'On the ,a I ant Of the We river bastion, lalke the king, he , And dispersed . I I V '�r - . . k, � . I I . palace guards hiarft the uproar,van I reMnArKIS of . the � 0 Ache - r � . I r . . . I . -are difficulties in My patU that call sotithi .-While the Main, road connecting . .arps rt d, �ftor I . � . . L IL .. . ­ I � . I r �Zked Wwards Meerut. Lik,l the kin McsUlL Capital " ' ' ' � " 1. .. I I I - .11 - r, . r .1.1 . -the, two PhOsed.th He did. not notice the - g; -1 . I L I I L I 'r. L. .1 . L r r . MR] I . , for.a sword in the hands of 0, Man not a tort on the ).and- to the , Xing. he saw none but mutineers. Then, L IL I ., I . A 1. . L11 afraid to - use it. Come! Let that v4rd side. I I , girl Rom.hitara, who Stood thore, Ilke 4 . Titus Robert MoutgornerY the ovell- I L I - I ,, � , &,M LEML7-A a 0 11M ii When th6 enemy were clambering oVar . . I L L . ; ; * * * *L* '* * I weakiltig,girl go -where she, lists -I tithe Lahore onto of* th,� pa�,aae.,, a Caged t1geogs. I . I , � t . he walls And rushing into ihe littie tampered, Suave, omboth-Spoken Do- � . "llow-date yold fatftdo on the PUtY Commissioner of Laborel ft' I � I L 6 6 * It * III 0 care )act.. I offer you life, and w�&Ith, - 111floolit iEtl'103 fort from all directions, he raised big the far nart I . . ­ t0tAbjL &JA;l1te . . . I Mag .structure, commanded the priVapy?" he Cried, Sitiving tOL Over- h. at Ptsh4W,ur, four other I . and a carepr. She will load you to basaar and Its, ohlo .et, tho,svpenb I * 'WINTER I� . f stro sword and looked tit Conductor Back- . . . . . . � 090wid"o I . I . awe the rebels. by his coal demeanov. Men of action gathered In Conolkvio. . . & IT09's 10. ddath. What say You?* Choose quIeIr. Chat1dril Chowk, WhIah extelld-M due I, I r . I r"WVW 'Clarymoma &a., . I �_L 0 *, 0 r nearly two miles to th� I.a- You Must lay down your arras it you lay. Buckley lifttd'hi the agkeed Thegay, Imaglantivef earnest-miri,100A , ,U A "k9ah kvw�4* * ***,**'*' , , IY. I AM hOW going to Delhi, and td- WObt, to , Her , �6"Nmdln g Ok 24" . I I hat� the train, � Ally ; ,kr* TO , f 4 *'* signal, and Scully tim - I , doll %LP � r,00JnJotL, r * ,wtkQJ,&n morrow's -sun shall see my father a bore Gate of the city Itself. XeAr the Pligh his Majesty's clemency. Ile Is Hundroda of rebels were bk;�kt " rt '0dWur418;6 thot bXtd­he4d4A ,oge I MAb * MATAnloh. 964to, 0610tado, ollitor4A awnd king In reality as wall us in nama." Pala&, In ft 'Very large 'CA to b r 'Ila person Q.14 thAt,ld his ooM-. Places. fid they were ,already inelde ' I 111xvont1T--= I I r %V, _ - I � "Aitwho 19AM, 061AAld"t 911111210"W40 Pdtfttd 11 I - . : � Mon, a od e 0 't "I * ,� (" Ito CwTiNlyalm . L. L "Migiftea 14&* arwarlt )Nonft, : L ' c )e niand . I o ,� . .. r ORA& _ ­ Pacific, conit roihtg�. �. MAlCOIWS fIrfJt IrapreaSion Van that the APA014ous promise$ of th T Ild I the magazine. Scully -*ad killed V.bera ­," -----,j, 1- I 11 11 . . I I UtI110tst = M"W Owto - The GraAd Irturik 11411W,gy I I - I 4*e=4"4WJtbo04* ft"o,11A - . �� - � Syg- tbo Princlees had lost horteugoa. lie Bank. A little farther on, buf oil the ' A Y411 Of defiance gveOtO$11113 Words. be atood, Willoughby leaped Irom . - .1 - I . 11 I I , L, ,, -,I . L . I lem 19the P"01MIAr.Route � from had yet to learn how CoMpletely the opposite sld� of the -ChoWk, wat the The 130gom made A' g1kria"'th "or the Wall#, crossed the river, IL I . I I . , wrtave 411 poin On SUP�Ofterg of the ltljogol dynasty Wore ICOI;Walleo, ,or pollee station, and still hand which Wag PrOmPtlY undbt# d- nd Met- I - 1. fk W ts tAgt through Aid& .. too big death whilo striving to reach Meep Asthma Ca 11 . 1. . .. . . . *"Y. I ' ; CoAVIhood at the approd'ehijig down- PtactitkllY In the Centre of the AwsLY el4ttored the troopers, towards tarrh � . V1 _= %rtL .. - ; 'Via(' ,hicago, , tot. Lioutepauto porrost. and 'gaynor, WWW"No I V . I I=32690 $614 tv . I fall ,of British supremacy In Indic =%044r, tWO 9tOne elOPhalit'! tha Ral' Gh4t onto' Thor6 they wore Conductors Duckley an 8 4 -and - = � , . . . .1 PEATURP-9. I Marked the' entrance, to the W tutiful 44MItb-d withoiit parley, The 6ity hell d 11 W, � ago C.0 . 1, But big active brain fastened on to two Sergeant Stewart 00sped, and were ., �, , � � . I � I -L I I . .. % 40111"N", I � * I L . odrioldoratfewnO of exceeding impor. ,eark now known as the Queet's Gsir� hounds sprAng to Meet them and the giv,611 the -Victoria Cross, . . � I . . 11 *V L � '. It It" DoubU Truck, F4�st Servicto Vin� ta!10, 'PY temporizing, by misleading (Lots SIAU9bt#r of Inoffensive Europeans . I . . I I L . I . L .11 . 11 . . L .1 I ww"M cat Roadbed, Modem 1%ilipMehto this, arrogant WOMAri, it Xlecesmary, he Thb ram ' aluder of the space within began in Darya Gaul. - ­ yet, :60 curiously constituted Ia, the I 11 L . � .. I . I 1, . 11 4-1 �4�� .— Usimolled Dining Car soic TAIght not only secure freedom for th the-houset It WAS soon In full OW109. - The Vile uAtive" Mind, thO bI0WIUgiUP of the � . L ­ .­ . L . LL I .. ­­-­ �­­ lie . . Vice. I a Walls Was Wk0d With Magazine WAS the ,final tiwealik -of re. " I --- waviamp" - I ,:1 . V , =0 All elfterti of 'Aafety and oo#t�. *1111fred and Mayne, tut gather mot and oh6ps of well.to.0 trnclero, 6fid deeds of the night at U66rut Vora r4. "It. it seemed toLplaee beYond doubt .. . .1 . 11 I . ' fort, , V4101616 information as to the fralue. ther lofty timoments or mud ho -fele in' enactod in tho Vivid bUnlight At Delhi, that wfifek all rdeAL were baying. Tha I 490Ab0swilto, %fro L� I . diAtO PlOnisof the,rebelA. which dwelt apopulation of artisans UA'ving their Villing -allies to entry A& t,o1,.f..deff6tu*.ftqwh,,,fWT TO I'm., stwNy SOUTH, king wag fighting the ftgliall. Islam 0 bw, *ithut 406MIC tkA mob"h,onn . , � "Your Vordg are toraptiag to a adl- noted !lot 6nly for, their artistic skill NwOrd and tOt011 tbrOU4h 'the unall Wag In'tiho field against th,b N .111 . , h 00 � .1, U% !1� � . � T 61 kk� bi* ; . U P P I , " ' 0 4Z06ae. oa %; � .... , Mot of fortune, PrIncess,ty Ito Said but for -a spirit of lawleosness, a tur. VOMMUllitYIn that 001114' the 06 , " k thinfol"Y'Scrtmil �, . MONTHLY. MA41AZIMIL No 'Moto dftirable. rotito Ulan ,vi* -. 1, *,at$ The goo) Hmpt I I � ; M010611111-" .broke Ia Mayne, 'who, , bulent fanaticism, that hid led to rode to the Lallore, Qator of the palace, M wag borA ngtin t 'a I Aho , "tened �, I df and the Iron grip, of, 3WItish rule was tfw h tv. � so ii - IMM I "A. PAM I W W*I%AAV Grand Trunk and, emectitig lir;os, e0wUrso. ull6orstoo(I Ali that to at violonee Ili the city's It Woo throwrl open by the Xingos I 0 (I ': 1% 41= Vo =, .. I. . I h8medo "'Any 80"A'so 1 1 rela:kod. At I "b -.1%. . .1 I � VERY LOW RATV8. , "06t IteUven'6 -Aake do not Intof. earifir history. , Vards and depmIdPnts. Captain Doug. Kashmir Gat onft Ot "POYS At the forr - ilfticbt� CA, . The ow b crat L"010 - fore," -Irank'in r ,,, The whole .16 tb6 Ise, and the Commi6simier, Mr. Prater, a -fired a valloy at the ALL N ­-.-­­...­ ­ I . . I' I Said; I ,agoligh, guffolf Of Delhi, as Well, ne$rest Officers, of whom t1jr,to toll � IXIWOWSTS - -I ­­-. MY ftittidt to depkrt, ,PrIne�s8,,,' he 0414ce-Which had Its own separate Made Valln ,:I%= men whose knees � , Cmso%* Attu, i, * to7fb:.tT,tTJ1*W .. 12 00opwit Novr,o* Vusivv Seture tiokots­ oad loll p9tticulars av,� dead. Jr.= � % I WOM On Ir 11crtisin, 'Olt is bettcLr so. fortififtti6tls-WA& surroUbded, by a I WOUld arthatr940011V . - MANV 9NOWr MAW$ AND trom .- 14 4 at their froWn TWO sUrVIVOM rushed UP the b0s- " see tiffiHM4,2- � I , I Ia wou I 111#f1*tQ um ft via, - foo2s"WARZIST 60 i I.A. 09W anjilAssilike - � iha�-U-V-2L i-�Iftwli;-]= - 1 6w�- .:-----Ix- I � = I .1 I 16 I I , - M I 'be is I - , I , - I I - PAPit"s aN Irl M it Ly, Topic* Th,ml I S!wl fLWAR-Your btfitructloiko." wall s6ven miles long, twonty-four X few Allnut's varlier, TidnkinK to 1110A and jurAped Into thb ditch. i Ao,.Q614od erlwepc.. . i well suppliod With, b&s. tome. -and summon astbtanee f4n f f'a-�411!Nltki�g OV� JOHN RANSFORD. VPt6WhAAt, IIA'h, yO11 tgret, th(n? That Is good from � Others; hearing, the �GIIU".,.I. . - A S I I %Ight' ho, , 0. *kid* Or* V*AVI-. 28 &N. A,ft A, 0. PATTISON, Do"t Agent. h(riving, 110t, Vour *bite 41011 Can go, tflfonsj�'Ahc[ containing tot hug# gatoo, the chutonnicylt"Dousl4a mounted t women In the guard TOOMI poor tre* , V3 11 Cf I . . I I . ch a tmall fort In Itself. , Tho *041 Wall 410 leaptd, Into tho mostt. no 40 .010h.l tit ,, .� I I 14clo 04NTINUICO altoltilro or addr-c8a J. D. Xenopt,ld, iNgti(et Rrd the t.�,,rav 11), ata, 1j.)0. 111re raimy " tares, who had i6emped from tbt city, ZZ I .1. I ; . 1tV9*y*UM***1&0&0L9,r9 lot rract pAsseog6r Agm,% Union StAU012, To. "Lrt" bato I�pg!` it thorp. will be . go *101, ,h - � broke one, It not both. of his l6g�. � : -!' !: ,,,, 11 ,� , - ", lwi.,�f fur,Q � t;; ft? i . s protected by it dry tosso, or dik Ifted him sad, ran through it hall of bulMts and got "*";J*-. ,--"- '* I . I --­.. I... ­­ --.-L. 11 � I ­­ I � ­­­ I . . (*..I 11 .4,, pty4jye feet V!14� and Awat twett� $01ht sehrcd coolloo I ., I ii �"J- , . 11 ) I - - i *,*to, Oht, . . �. . _XIC!, tivq .. . ftrrk-4,,bIM back to the Ilkw1or ot t10610 010- .]V40JW4IU, Wtil And 1100t- ,:,. , _� -- v#6w,w,_,%),,�., ,�, : ,�­ % .. I -- I .. � ­ I .. I ., .. .. I I I I . I . . I . . I . : I � . . .. . . , . . I � . . . I I . 440 t-' ­.,0"--�,.:­­ . � . �­ ­&161L�­ i � , . I I il . . , "'I - �� . " " � I "& W" � t "" - � I'- -----.A...... . - . � A- � - t;&Iii— Alk�