HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-19, Page 4R 4 A � 1 00411% - ---X_0- �1,4 ^'t J"f"ry Poo 1"1 l fan Bold 01mesiville Holmesvine,Summerbill Varna *41st on Mr. Iftrilon Tuesday and Tela oC.O.'ai C.O.C.F. Ii tooeinr h e Correll Mr, tsaon, burWad'tr atiGtfan sale Mr. dud Mrs. Chas, llfiiligsquo, Tr.. T1W annual ting Of bate Rcr7a1 Oct a6vianti art tate xAld weather the Mr. Thoatas Bekt alt itc zAphanrc t stns ni, y y No. C.(?.C,p'. tat' rile ensuing at oawtt on, Thuivrdtby tarts pawed 0 skis of rlat Chapter of St�1g k7 watt held l� m;ktch whtcft rvaw to have Tye vi gM with him, lie ovas on year are as followo : sumew toll . Twenty-two were dis- little soaoa. wbo first saw herlJ of a Or4oge, hall to Y�xA+� oa Sat- r 144 way to visit Mr. M, Whittaore et I'aox G'auacilbr !�. Js�istolte, 7 ylr posed of 0 an average of 451.50. Tike day on l+ ou4 . S. day ova o postpotpudd. , "e Mill hood, Chief councillor, G. Ilttf4aaxd. highest price paid Wag $65 far .a wade y uzday tact whet# the following ofhssjrs �t?u Wein �wdsuy :evening of Joust, W"k . ,,, The I'ostolii Depa►xtatiettt at i?tta» w'� elected for the currents year: 14 grrlppe is prstvlilont, In ,.,is i - cal- Viae, D. Kreuger. - Durham bou�hte by I)urcr & Son of p Y held at lbe hosnu..of Mr. wa has next yet signified its inten» ' W. C. ahs C. Robt. McMurray. JUWM McDonald, when ftty. Mr. and Urs. Wits• +;front;, Mr, Recorder and Treasurer., O. U. For- Beraniil,ler.. Mx. �Tu,taxics II'asmilton of youth and tiotia one way or t�>te uthor iu -regard E*• c„ in C. Louis Clark. V". Watts, Mrs. McKnight and M,+, stet. Olintm 'bought a grade Jersey for ' beauty Irani tar and near gathexad tw + to the petition of the people of their gibe, George heat end 12Ir&. Carter of sire 2n4 t'On. are, Prefabs, W. Sinclair. �;$2.50. The cows+ were a superior fat t7' getriter and spout a t enjoyable section for a daily snail soxvice. We Treasurer, Writ, Rathwell. time, During #mar.- the rips. who are s+ilf;vive . Marshall. J. Tippet. and the pktrebaser's Are well pleased. ng the early hours of the ' � all PYpetsb that, as td 'matter of course, Herald at Axons, Thoei. Stiuso+t. following 'trg Mr, and 1Whe h ecWi nava ,mxfil'in I. �xu Guard, J. Jervis. Mr. I1'o�,and s recent sales have deple» ng morn all returned tsi x , to Clinton where he will x n„at;e to , Gkuaxd, li. Sweet, ted hfss.own stork and to replenish it the ayar of ssua: petitson will be :; rid st Leetuzex, Rbbt: Bayley. their several homes Peeling fully sato . Sx Le turev, D. C. Galbraitk. jolted that, We Asda night was most' rile :baking business, The annual supper was held an. he will shortly make another trip to 1st Gone., C. Faster. y The literary and social .evi to in day evening at the home of Mr: G. the cow country. Dave Wrigkt« Albert ''widen., Char certainly a night+ well rWut... INCE the days + . L. at the holland when 4pwards of fort of lie Lovett and Walter Waix all have 2nd Coin., Wm. Elliott. C)tt Friday :evening last a number � of F�:rl'��t1t '��'#�, conste of With the,- v Mr. Jahn I. Brown, poultry Special, 9My teams and good ones they are Inside I1'erald, 'Thos. Parl ner, from the village and vicinity name ai Mr. and Afxa- . W. i.ayton the Friends sat down to a feast of g pp K x y gathered I3awAsn Watch has beerx the. oboes 1st of tate -aid a Lan loris Com sxy, too. indeed it would a Outside Herald, A. Johnson. at the home of Mr. John Swan and , . on. Tuesday eveaxing was a decided the good tlxin s provided. Afterwards Montreal, paid a visit to the Holmes- appear, hereat time race wall Americas men of acts m vaccess. The vocal and instrrtineutals with carpet ball$ and music the ev- . bouts at all events, that the horse- The annual meeting of Stanley pis- spent a roost .pleasant and profitable • i' Ville Fattening. Statsion last week. He trict L. 0. L. was held, In Varna on, eveaniu Soofal ames attd a ""tax both war and ca. by the Misses Wise were much r.p, ie- ening was very pleasantly spent. man who has not a span of that color g• g pastimes was very much pleased with what he Jan, 10th with .a o ThoowAxl� saw aarvice in the elated.. Messsm. Findlayand Tippett assisted ie scot in it. Its passing we might re- god attendance. were indulged in, and all resent en - elated., pp crest and says demand xs a continually chick in- Ever 1 - p Civil War and the $ ish-Amarlcm in the musical part and it was a - mark that,vt^here horses aro concerneJ<i, Y lodge in the Iisstrat was rnpre- laycd tfxemselves to the fullest extent. .. t went round � t wort wi p creasing demand fax milk -fed chickens . to say nothing of other respeots Susn- seated. The reports from the Mastery After thanking: Air. and Mrs. Swan 1rVar. I th d klit seeing tbat they heartily enjoyed from. our Poultry Station. <lood for snerhill Is not to be beat b n , other of the Primary Lodges. were ve . sat d xn f the American battleship #leets 'Trade Negotiations, between Canada ee ng others having a good time, flolmesville and for the proprietor Of Y a Y e sq and family or the hospitality shown Far, news of H-oltnes^ville The N ws- dfsf�rict, . s isfactoxy, all reporting their leatlges ' all departed at an early hour for their In big industrial plants-pu 3be send the 'United States;r are progress- tate Station. to be in good coudit£on, with fine several homes. Am,;ricanrailroads—wharoveraccurato log sat�sfactat�ily; according to Sac- Record easily leads. iliev, W. II, Dunbar has received a The annual meeting of the Goderich .prospects for an increase in member- time u a factor, you Witt find the Howwsra . 'retary of State Knox, _._. call to a parish in the Niagara dig- Watch the court of fugal teta•t. 1 ownship Purai Telephone System ship during 191] . After routine nus- �triet where he conducted services on y FlowsRrswatel;maken►>sYpicsandadjust e�r was held In Holmes hall on Friday ince had been trausaoted the follow- HowAaa as a fine watch. Cased at kha factory „ ,�....... _ GoderI ch TQvy�nshl Sunday last. It is a two -church par- Stanle '"j'dv� Township la.�ab and wary fairly well attended, The p Ing orifi exs 'were elected for the year : and timed in; its awa case: 'JANUARY SALE OF President Mr. Geo. Holland, Ish and the stipend ;��arger than he c .. Mr. Harry Hutchings bought a a ,presided, r ceives here Should he accept, and. Master, Wm. Ratlxwell Na. 1035. Printed ticket) f the.price- 0t PSo. horse the other da from Mr. George A change was made in the Board of •e �p ' Deputy, .<leorge Beatty No. 1036, We are sorry to hear of the acp1- Lei us show you this diadnctwi watch„ Y $ it is understood that Ib is quite lik-el dent .. which Mr, F. Brownette met A- Co er. ComrnissionersI Mr. Edward Wisertak-, y Chaplain, Rev, Wm, dude No: 24. op he may, it will be cause far regret by with last week. Mise Wiedo of Zurich was visitist Ing the place of Aar. Wdlliama J`enkius, Ii. S., D. C. Galbraith Na: 24. 10nJan: 10th to Mr. and Mrs. John Visiting TJAs .does not by any means imply dia- his Paxishcners here amacmg. whom he F, S., L. Beatty No. 143$. ` at Air. Jam'es Moss's. is vera hfighly esteemed. His fatlher, Dawson, a can. A* Jo GRIG satisfaction what Mr. Jenicitss' course Treasurer, J. W. itgid No. 1035. Mr. Nelson Reid took a number of 'Mrs. James Switzer 'has been visit- Mr. Wsn, Dunbar of Clinton, preach- S allwares Ing fricinds u at.Bl til. as Commissioner, butt •Itis thought D. of C., Louis Clark No, 735. tom, g P y ed here Sunday and at Haltnesviile young people from this vicinity to Mr. Wm: Rathwell an old-time re that as he is to be lineman and to , Lecturer, R. McMurray No. 14. , Jeweler; and t141a11 ' R and Middltiston s as well. It is al_ Mr, ClearS;e Coleman,q on Monday.: p have. charge est' all repairs he should The Officers were instalfed by the ui Stationery client of the Hayfield Lfne, who had ways a pleasure to hear hien. ght wbere a most enjoyable evening ,not be on th& Board. as well. His# in-, Past District Mastefb, Charles Fosrter, was spent. �BBtlelx of 11L$rrlt�t LTcena� relatives an friends, left'" on. Wedne, creasing experience together with his. Charles Tyrtaer, Lou Johnstone and $$been visitin his brothers. and other_ _ `obliging disposition willenable hirci .Albert 1►%Laughlin attended the an- slay for his home at Ethel' where, he ` _ to make the Poderich Township. S s nuaI meeting of fire District Oraivge a :has been Farming for the past seven- y Lodge at Winthrop Y �#a�,nleg "j'4Wt1$111ja teen years.He was acepmjpanied back tern one of; the most efficient of rural p ast w�• Thelines, say therewas agoodly number pre- Mr, and Mrs, James Webster of.Choizlawa�e by Mrs. John Ra�thwelI who will visit - A dele ' tion from -the lstt and 4th sent and most . encouraging reports, Lucknow TBrIZiS � 0 ., -there fora tame:. d� - Paid a flying visfb to friends cons, asked for the extension crf the adding that they were most hosvitab- In this township last week. Good Mqrning I Are you: a News, ly entertained b the Winthroproth- Record subscriber ? lines into that part of the township. Y p Mr. • .and Mrs. W. J. Elliott enter- H Wil T�x�e .. The Hodrd is agrecablo and Wilk ,take ' � Oa. Tuesday evening about a, score ' ' .ern. The next meets tivlil be held rained a number of ftriends on Friday ONLY IN Is being continued at Sixmmerhill. stops. to go on "itis the work with .evening. B field i of the congregation of fine Air, and Mrs. Wellington Elliott of ,Bayfield Line•ehumli drove to Bayfield the opening of spring. Mr, Charlie Tyner on -Manday receiv- g . - . and presented their pastor, Rev, Mx, During the initiatory . campaign ed froth,Mr. Frank -Scott of London thb Goshen Lime entertained quite a s Laws, with a big load ofoat's. The and -since the Commissioners gave township three turkeys wXdh cost number of their friends ori Friday ev» ladies of the party had provided lunch Much of°their time to. the work with.- him an average of Jour dollars apiece,. ening of last. week, ' out, any expectation of recomptence; Th. are what .nil Xrs. Cha v;lxich .wase -partaken of by the otmi- They might be called thorn= Aman and dawghter of Lit�►en �� 8 pany after which a couple of hours but tare annual :meeting voted. thein :breds, land are said to lair. often, Carnduff, Sask,,• have been viWtfng l were very pleasantly spent it, games, fifteen dolilars'each; as r46g-nition of to reach maturity without so friends in the township, .Ask your neighbor about their 'services rather ishan -as pay much trouble' as has very Mrs. J, Metcalfe of I,artdon visited singing, . insytrrutneittal music and anent. Fancy linens, slightly mussed throe ht con- noted 'The Laws family atvj often . to be . exercised and, at, her uncle's, Ur, John. Reld's and g Belt last noted as entertainers and b tomer The System now has 106 satisfied when fit for the market to! tip the other places, this:•,week. ' Stain showing during the . C hriatr,1'}as trade and the bargains or con y spent a though o ' g subscribers, . the .entire number they, scales ata figure that an old --time Mrs. John Ratbwell who. weeks issue of this paper. contributions assistd'd in' making ._the my slightly. mussed we prefer. to clean p •p evening a memorable one for all "pre- have on their list so far, but . it is turkey raiser xvould hardly bolieve few weeks at: Ilensall with her daugh- them *out at once at , t moms than probable that by 'nelct fall .possible, It might be added tilos the ter, Mrs. Jammes Johnson, returned a greatly reduced. price sent. If we Were to add that Alex, there will be twice as :,many, gobbler of the Ari o . Mr. Tyner has home last week, than taste them into stock at Our inventor .1st Welsh and Noa Yeo were 'largely dn- The System will do its business' bought is only a youngster but weighs lti%isg .Fannie 14Toi� en2ie fs en tertadm+. Feb. See the in Our north window on �Fri� strumen:tal in getting up this presenta- throe is the Royal Bank, shirt tion it would not be far astray. g y . y pounds. If the progeny. come tug some of her iriends on Friday•ev- day and Come at gi1C8 " if yOs�' Wyant bargains. Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner; who The. Board now •consists of �: George al'o'ng as well, and why shouldn't they, ening. " � g Mr.. Tyner •ought to , net handsomcl Aliso Violet Stevens;' daughter' of With the Embroidered Linens we Will . Clear Holland " . Prey dent ; o.. yv: Potter, . out the balance of . last season's embro sties have lived on the Cut: Line ,ion a great Y . Secretary ; Edward Wise, from hiss poultry next fall: MT. Walter Stevens of Blake, was the d many yewh .are this` week er', -Mrg to The officers. of Court ,Selwood C:O. Miss .Ethel Govier has ,returned successful smtudent of the Seaforth Col. just one drawer full of odds and en . Clinton where. their daughter, Mrs: T. dB including T. ' Murphy, resides. The old neigh P. are as follows ; home -after a . 'plmsanli visit with legiate. Institute in winning the prize many very usefuiY lon�th� in. frontin sAlo Past C,hiet t1,. Vanderburg. friends on the 13th con, offered by Dr.'. W. H. Robertson. 00: S hors, wbo hold thein: In high.. regard,. corse! covers and trimming embroider Chief Aang_er, N. 'W. •Trewarthn- The man of Walton: The g ver Variety are sorry to see them ,go. Their Farm y friends of,Mn. Orville RSP- Praire, a . >i!va dollar • y Vice, W. Jenkins. Son are 1 gold coin, , was given .far the best esu y. will in future .. be: in charge of their p eased to Bear that to is on "Dal" Fi%.-SecrotAry, S, T: Walter, the road to recovery. says :of "The County of Huron" and .Stoats son, '111x. AaI Gardiner: •. ' Rec:-Secretary, Peter Macdougall. ° "The Township 'in Which. I Live." Mr. Jahn Alexander recently had an Ayr. Walter Mair' has purchased. the 23 �Paers 3ti1i left attack of grippe which kgpt into" in- Treasurer, G..W.-Williams­ Y The Canbe�rt. was open tb all students faxen that Air. Dann has had rented Chaplain; W. Stanley. ; of the Collegiate but Mies. Stevens bf our special kld OloVAB at trig ' doors fon a couple of • days., the long- and adll move to the same in the nerar % the sites are s est, confinatnent he has exp6> ienced in Sx, Woodward, H. Buller. future: was the . succesmful .Ono and til her we z , CLINTON Jr.. Woodward, G. Acheson. extend congratulations., 7, black "colored. 'Wf�hile. the a...twettty years..ot. more., . Mr. aha 14Iis. Fisher of Chatham _ d r :. Sr, Beadle; H: Trewarbha. was asI M The latter part of last week word iday and Saturday 39C, s�, y re gdeas x: C. Beacom last w last. Fr tr. Dead&-, G;:S•turdy, week. as received here of alae: death of Auditors, o. W. Potter, W. Vander -Mrs. (Dr.) McxLean, which sxsowrred in burg, - Mr. R, Cox* -'spent Sunday. at Mr: R:. Denver, Col. Deceased .was a daughter Govier's: • � : Mr', N. W. Trcwartlia .has .resigned , , of ,the late Donald Fraser roil a ssrter: 1$ Pales '0171 " All Ladies All Furs and tilts position of Secretary of •elle The Ladies Guild will meet at the of 1lrir. ' Thos. Fraser 'of this townshi Y home of Mrs. C. aeacom, on 'Friday The remains were .brow ht P Kid Gloves, heavy for street and, Children $ Fur -lined. Cheese and Butter Company owing to y g to Barris- Y Weare the best COATS pressure of other duties. The annual afternoon. ton and hurried beside ),host of wearinggl©Ve mad at r8 ri COATS Aar. D. Wright has purchased a hand- her husband who. . died sive ears 011ce f g p Cd $' QleaZ at 1 PRICE meeting of -'the Company .will ice held y r s9e, Z5 percent: of on Saturday when his successor will same team _of gray her fes as has also ago,. Mr. 14IcT.ean; brother -in be appoimn�tedf Bir. Treviartha has fill- ;Mr. W. Nair. .. law of deceased • of Grand Ra They k'ave-a. new I gfit at -the est- idsMich., • ed the posi�tioti: to the'satisfaction of p. , and Air, Colin -,Fr ser' P- fe all concerned: Office. I'f one of those big. I -a ps Reglna, Sask:, accomn cf panieJd the ..�- 3 dor j u' Alin and Net,JabO l'' The first meeting of rho township which . gilves the place as light -as -day mains: The brothers+ and sisters' of couna.l of 1911, Qpe ante and makes it still more deceased all attended t?he luncaral which From :1� was hear on Mt+nday of a ar a to $5c each, clearing at I2lc eaeti. last • week when the following ;persons Popular resort for its customers. occurred. on Tuemday atternoon at Har - met and ode- the necessaryDeclare-. too. They were 'Colin, Fraser,,Re- gi tion aF Office and property qualifier» i gine, Sask,, John Fraser, Petrolia, . tions .. fftl3 eh►. Thomas Fraser, .Stanley, .Mrs: Chap= .Received .. improving. Nuc We Havre. Samuel SUrdy, reeve. man, Caruduff; Sask., and Mrs: Young An AClVa11C@:Cleliver•' W. H. Lobb, Jtshn Rat�hwedl, George of Sarnia.. Bars. IvI&Uan leaves two ins, . tlbZlttt ,, of Laee Curta' Our Mido-Winter. Saxe a 13'19 John Yeo, councillors. •sons aged about 'nine and eleven 7,5 pairs. They 'should. not have': come for tyVO• The minutes of last ttieetin were years. months yet. We offer+ them at between' season's g Success read and approved and stile tollowIng ices. Here is an opportunity to get. bright, pr. township officers were apperfmted h Y X DOW goods .&t ver special Treasurer, J:. E. Whitely; salary $86 "�� y p prices, So we have decided •to continue it the rest of . the Clerk, N. W: Trew�artha, �' $105 The Average Wamall : month for the benefit of those who have not taken ad- Collector; G. W. Andrews, $80 Needs' More Blood. vantage of the good bargains we afire"offerin A -few A§ter, .Jahn Thompson " iso g Auditors, 'Geo. Holland. and Geo: prices following will give you an idea of - What to ex- Gould, $6 each, i+ : " Nerves Easily Irritated, She Wor peer when you COIIdG to this store. Our loris is .your Jas. Johnston was xe-appointed to ries Over Little ,Things, � '� r' � - � '" 'AT, ' gain, Board of.Hsalbh Land Dr; Whitely Med• To tite woman is the home—the cal Health Uffieer. K .. . woman :closely confined•: -to the house 75C. press 1�Peg$ hence-Viewer";� Isaac Salkeld, :John either through housohald duties or Gln h lt>l , Sowerb . Goads 39c a $ 9C y, . deo• . Laibb�waite Joht► .. � � the caro of bhfltlren or boifls.- -- Dr. $ , IRWI Sturdy, -W; P. Hick, Jas.. I uill, IlalP Williams' Pink ill ta00 yards of all wool l9et erai pieces of P s are .a positive dress goods in a)1 best Gingha,ms in Rutledge, Alfred Naftel, Alex, Welslx" ; blessing. Tho average woman Iias shales, sale price .89 checks and stripes "Edward Wisc, John iVloon, Geks, Rohe l��ii too little blood. rok 121.2 and 15c, son, . Chas. Lovottl C W, Williams Y Her nervus are 12e Flannels sale rice OS , sashay irritated ;'she worries over. lit;- p Thos. Chuzchfl'l. toe filings ; has severe headaches aad T �% ' STORE este 9C Pouts -Keepers. -Isaae Salkeld, W. baokaehes and is sick most of the Flannelette time. With the woman who %mg Dr 10 pieces of .best .• ' 'F. Hick, Andrew McGuire, G. J. ' CanadianFlannelet• Gowns $go COOP+r, George Holier, .john Conmeii, 11Lr. John l�pxa Williams' Pink Palls the condition te, 30 ib, wide to 2 dozen ladies' Flan- Patlhmavters-� Michael McA,voy, Tho- different. Size is always wall and �• clear at .09 rmelette . gowns in alas, Amy, Herbert Burk, Walmer Wal- The nubs erous. "friends of Air. J the caro of her chiidrem pink and white good oho or her house- Creksh Towel quality Flannelette lis,. Thos, J, Johnston,. Thos. Sower- Cox, who recently ,met with a sev hold duties, is a real pleasure. This lin ,8C reg 1,25, sale price. .80 by, John Woods, Geo, 1•Iastings, Hen- - ere is because Dr. Willi armlg' Pink Pills on. �r 1tlOb ,yards . of best 1'•,, � ry • Montgomery, 'William Johnston, accident, will be pleased to 'hear .that rich the blood, supply and bring bount- V i annelette Gee, Vandorbur h John Burton G. he is now isnprovin nicel • English Crush, all. ... g , t; Y� sous health aril strength. Here is linen, reg 121W2 safe GawnS 49C W. Sturdy, NIs31vi11e'•Sturdy, John Al proof. Mrs, Fanny S.hephord, G•irvin, w° price pg 1 dozen ladies Flan- exander, Robert Nelson, Herbert Tre- Sask., says "i am the mother of. a nelette gowns its wartha, Hanley . Cantelon, John - G. �l t Targe taenia and was warn out, weak — 131eaehet! ti h �, pink and white, was Steep, Htart hicks Jas, Graham, and irritable:. 1 kept • Cotton, sic Rood value at BOc, p going to saleprice; 40. Philip Rundle, John McGibbon, Thos, Miss -Hunter and her sister of Oil doctor, about every six weeks, aad he 8 pieces extra fine Johnston, H. Osbaldeston, David Stone, With., were visitors its Blyth would give me something "ta ka p me bleached dottbn twee , Best ]On lash r Lindsay,. Oowald GFina, Lewis Ginn, C. recently. froth dressing, was going n little ]cheer," But if was We thank our customers good value at 121.21: Print Williams,, Jr,, Jos. Colalougli; . Oliver Mr. R. R•, Sloan was• in '1'oibntb g up a clods;, l: soozz dot rue . sale price �iy8 like wftndin ]Tour Geoids of all Jervis, C, Clifton, Jas. Rapson, Thos, down again, g fOlr their generous patrons- last week atttead3n9 a meeting, of tilt gmain acid although life gem. age Burin >t�lo and solicit prints in the store .10 Mair, Ezra Pickard, Alex, rex, berg. Ontario Pi reit Growers'` Ass iciat'ion, :ed' hardly worth living, I dio. not g $ 1 White Sateen Lindy, Chas, Lindsay, Wilbert he being one of the Directorate. wish to die btscause of leaving my -a continuance of the same 'Qtdlttf Aec UnderakirtS Truek, Jas, Switzer, John Lindsay, Mr. D. Walper, who has beefs in little children. i c0ntin1xed like this r , dii><rin 191 t• OUt• neatest tladozen ladies' lined John aeacOlft, Jas, Steep, W. H. El- Piucheit Cx�k, Alberta, for the PAA for some years, but at last gornolohed g g 2 dozen honeyy doral aver ttndbrskirta, Iott, Admam Scott,, David Churchill, few Anonthis, has returtsed to spend ug enough energy to strike cult a endeavor is to give them trips, good size ee ' e good' value at David Deaver Arthur Currie W. good pods at a treasonable. • quilts, safe price gia�► l!,ti0, sale ristb l.i>cir ' , the balance o£ the winter note. hew departure and. qct a supply, of $ P Mutinings, Daoltl ,gueger. Mr. Jas, -CU' min �+Williams'oiltlwin1g ' accdunt� rabra ordered g �ItPes1 a ear of Dr Willtatzts l'init Pills, It tiasxsety price. paF l low W. AszdreM1vs cattle from LondeAoro to Toronto hoped they would help xtm,'� but postage and y y ifi had boons taking market oat Saturday week, it1 su rise before r t s statirrnery 52,00 ; A. J. Courtiee, tic- MT. Peter Jackson and Mrs. Jade- . thein, len 1 be n to feel like a diff- :�►d,,h, LADIES' AND C�ILI�I2�1V S tihfi'iJE[�. . � gn press, 3Gc ; Municipal World, supplies, soli of Tisdale, ' Sask. a>to t*stts of areut wormij, I still 'dontisUed• t'.ak !F. 1 �C' Oa S$.g2 ; ir4lt, Miller, Posting state- r , g}! y ► p $ lair, in Blyth, and other ttela- Ing the Pills tor! wrad time, and' they Mebs , $1.30 r J. Newcomimbe, gravel, ties sn the vicinity. shade me as well ., said attain as an • Mr, 400, o C'onncr, Wlio has spent watwn need wish td axe. endo moy Thb Sick Children's-,HpWitatl, Tot- some tiiimb dna the west, returtioa home i wofXld •eamjoy lite thoroughly,, a A H4PPT'k1W,Y98 TO'LL' Now is eh4 tlir>riie �!� .Buyyour '►� 3' .. _ ,...- . ' onio, WOW donated G. lash week acid will spend sottxm weeps havoc done, bo ever „tinge, I never neod Winter Supply of Dry t aods� $40 *as voted tot usn Of 11all for Wtileri the parental roof, i; dootor.n", atA ,evorything st;eim� I�p • . towashlp pust;►adaer,. There, Bled iti 1•iixilett tin Jativaryf itic*lt't and oheer!"ul, l: shall. al^tvags wallef T% CoUneil adjourned to Mtot omn 7'th, Eitzabotb A. Volls, wife of Tfd % recorny"rd Dr. Williams, 1'lok Pill$ 1*6 Stotn tfttostda III FChruar at 1.30 J&ft Wells, aged 40 years 9 y , d bfttr to 16 of us Any, its riry apityibn needo a ot tltt Ity. ftem ��lal��C . CO'�RT�S�,. AhJI� �T���'T1gN p,ra, olid 2g davgs. The dt�asdcl had he�ent `tottiet of any klritl." W10, ry N. W. Troftrft, C lark. III ably A week, �rlyd strata at 5 l dtildd c box to rrsi by Phodo 2 �taitafn r►slaflec and Ukdrrtas'ker 140 A`'�'AITS YOU HPM The of � #-R surd andlst for ode the she d 't a vboys, 66 ehildsrft, three ttgharaat it •f, illi nieididfne tkeaicrss'obo%eo y W. .... _ - y , to nitlilrri the loss of a .fart $2.50,. from The Dr: 'Williamrtsy township. loviog m6thol. ldedielne Co., Broeltville, Mitt, i t,