HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-19, Page 3I
� JAOU*ry 11"k, M I
C1110104 Nolift-Roloord
a .
� I -.,--... _.,_.,___.__ _____
'. . I . - _ - ..- - - - , , - - ;;L;;; ;;; � , � r M � , , P . , f ; � A; � . __ -0000 - - -
� 0 P n " ;�Wz;;��_ I . . . � .. I -1. . . . . 1- I- .....; ...... ;,;,�__ -0000
1. i .1 �
I . I � # , _," P _N*- IT *ROWS RAIX
.1 ISSION. OPENS ' . Im" "I" MUCH PROGRBS . Hem Are Pact# Wo W"t '0* %*
I sixty-Fivs 11.10sn"s Will bo''Cut off In I Prove at- Our HiNk.
, Twon*-Fivo MunicipA!hl" ImPrtskit Reform Undertakeo 11� tho
I .1 I I IN GOOD ROADS Ontario Q,overnment inCon X*rvelous as it way wom R4XW
k JANUARY 24TO on may lot .. - I
1. i . I . trAl Prison Affairs 43" H-4irTonia has grow -it bair eg
- !� . hexitil that were ooce bald. OR
� 1. I
. I . 11 -in-1 . . courw, In nou
, . The Ontario Branch of the Douthim ria no* at What Has 06on Aoeoris- One Ot the most Import% .e ofth%e� e4am w ;
"- ^rt of tlio Roulit w4stArn Wing 4,111anot re0orta that as a result of t3ge PliShed In J?r.proving ths, ; . .nt reforms. the %hair r*QU dead, nor had the Pon*
I . Wilt be R600y for ocoqpooh recent local option contesft sigtr4lyo � undertaken by � the Ontario Govern, taken 04 a glued, shiny appearsaft.
�1 Public HIghwo,tys . . I -
- -0
I �' I 1,
I , � 44f9re, that riste , Jeenses will be out off 04 may lot , . I 10out since the 0424104 of 1910 wait the Rm,,Xall 4,03'? Hair Touic acts sclm�-
. .
� �
$ . . . . ' . � .1. � - ,appointment In November of the Con. tifically, deStroying. Ue germs whi*
I I 1, 'a the twouty-five munle'Valltles'Where At the coming of the Leals. .,;� �_, .".. . I tral Prison, Parole Board, consisting of gre
I I , usually moponsible for mm"
A A -Sufficient majority was obtained. Xx , " , _.ba .
. ' 1U Annual revival of Interest in thirty municipalities, lu� which there lature, the annual report at the � I ,�� .. I � , i , . .Ju4g* ,Teetzel, Toropto; Mr. T. 11. It penetrativs, to the roo,tv. of, thg t,wr,
.1 �
. 1�1.: 1 � dePuty-miulzter of public works on � I � _ I Preiston, Ilmntford; Hamilton Ca,_9ele stimulatiag and nourishi them. It ,
! 1130L Public affairs of Owtarlo has fol- "... Are Quo hundred licenses, by-)&ws 09
. highw Improvement, Will dgubtless ,,� , ,�- - . X.O., Toronto; - Colonel woodonald. I.% a most pleasant toilet ueoopsity, i .
� loVed the Announcement that t m were carried, but not by sufficient ,
I � be. mem- AT � � a
. 'be" or' -the Legislature will meet In I Prove of considerable interest, show- . I I Guelph; Daniel Millor, Toronto; Dzu. � delicately perfumed, and will ncit-gw*.
I majorities to bring th' law into force. I I .
: e I
1: . Ing, as It will, that much progress has I I xld-ldclutyro, X.C., Kingston, And. Noei or permanently Stain the bAir,
40XIAI $990104 oiA Tuesday" ,TauuAry There was a majority against local 11,� .1 I I ,
. �. 24th. Some weeks 4ge there, were . . option lit twenty-five muziolpalItW. , , Won madeduring the past Year. The I . . Marshall, Toronto. These Rica mcc We want you to get a battle of Ro-v-
,� "1111org tt%t delay lit the, completion . ha*lng 116 Iloonees, session of 1910 WAS the last In which . At the prison farm once- a month, OT all 1193" Hair Tonic and use itas dw-
�4t the wqrk. ot reb,ullong the Wes ' of 'the tweaty` -Mr. A. W. Campb2ll, for many, years oftener If need be, and bear the appli ecteil. If it does not relieve scalp *_
torn six Places carrying local option three
W ' I delnuty-minister and 4 recognized I cations ot the men for an earlicr rf- ritation, removo dandruft, prevent 16*
0 IiAg 'would b�i an effective Wrier to . . . . . . . . . . �� are Incorporated towns, eight incor, I v in 44 ' I - their sr.n hair from, falp,ug out and pTomate ,,Am
�!' . � a R i , porAted villagio, and tI '14der in VIO 9OOd`yQAdX IRO a e .. lease than to called for by ,
� 4 lanuarr session. The middle POr .. HITNEY ifteen, are town,
rremler and President of the Council. ships. I . made late report, Lapt year the HON. A. 0, MACK" tencea. According to former methodz increased growth a hair, and In every
tf#* of tho rque,wed oection will be . I A feature of the cumpnign. the, re, vJ pro* Lea4er of the Opposition. All applications ,0oro sent to Ottawa, Way give onfire Satisfaction, aiv*ly
T940. however, for occupation this . — I - . nee lost his. Oerviegs, Mr. -Campbell and the- magistrate or judge was cou. Com 'tho
' port states. was the failure. of the being oecur I ad by the Dominion Gov- I -1 1z -1 Ited, and van% . _ e back and tell us, and wJ aip,
Month. Thin. consists of about forty nor Interests tAD make any gain, IR, . � on .Ily a. long. .delay en, question orformality wo will bAsilt
WOMAWS SWRA6 .Meat. sued, so that often the azutence bad
'I _ ( 11q 0 era AWSSMENT ACT .
Moms, Some of which will be, available their efforts fo repeal local PtION.
'for 4committe a . of There were 134 municipalities, wharq Mr. W. ,& McLea � terminated before the case was do-
, . . , n, C.M., �40rmerlr
. 0 the Legiolaturo. . I � cided. Moreover there, would Ratural- for it. Tw;o sizes, 50c. and $1.0t.
. k!mo, 14W 0,10k of �he House, and- his, A Petermined Effort . local option by-laws had been In force Provincial engineer at highways, *no!. SoveralMorchantoWanta aworRa . t ly be on the P'4rt of the- man a ten- Sold only at our storo--TJ�e Roxalit
.. I . In the Interests for three Years or more, and where ceeded Mr. Camrbell, and his first re. I , L -14 douOY to blame the Officials of the Store. W. S, R. flabues. '
.. � I
� I otaff,, who have been occupying the of 'the Cause. to be Made Dur- the people- had an opportunity to re- port will no doubt Indicate fhat the r -on EvarythInji E ' prison for thip; and �
. . Oavern=60 lobby And a Portion. of the Ing the Comino $eision 'I peal It, lit 131 Place$ the mat Vs. . Xcopting � , a feeling of In- .
- , .
. I pot brought to a 'Vote. In threonpl=- Year 1910 sawconolderiable advaAcs, Irk L#nd Value$ . Justice ofto4 lurked In the Inews I I
. *W 9t the Citaxaber, will be IPL their ------ . minds that was Iturtful to the other- '
� I appeal by-laws were Submitted and the building of botter,roado. The ex- .
;, 1, in I - . visa healthy influerice of the new It Is estimated that 300,OQO im"A_
-3tew, all II& con 'local op
I ; . quarters by the th'ae the IAgtsl%- The Ontario Legfililature at Its Ap- throe PIA UOR wa4 act f1guits are.uot Available, but the The Assessment A grants. arrived In Canado, last , r..
I t4ro convenes, The Clark Assistant lustained tv,Y a decisive maj , , ot usually re- system Of r0airmation. Thin system, It yea
I . preaching oession.le thre;%tene4l, witIL � arity. - iotAl 004t, Of the county s"t0la" UP ceives not a. little AtteutAou during the is hoped, will fit In, well with the new The Presby,*4ios of Xontreal, Qt-
-Ot the Souse, who has desk room In . the The aggregate veto in all thq 1)4Ce$. L policy
, advest of A determined m6yomient vetbig this Year was. , inatitut6d by Mr. Hann*, WhemT tAWg and OMagoville voted in favo;X
Abe Chamber, the Clerk of the , For lQc*l op. to the end Of 1900, Of 42,128,000, was Session, various Interests bodies, in' L J.)v SU)IS" Calls, armed giiards and done
M*ooe, .qua House, towards women's sullrage. At yrom-! tioit. 25,766; ggainst'local . option, goe subotahtlally Increased. In e4 . . , - , . , of Church union. -
. rwt since., the fire have L ch at thv eluding municipalities. - havill; discOv, -quarters have been 'abandoned lot
I 1. U& In tli'a'rcora set apart for the 0tiou last year the Legislative A"gem. 49A; majority for, 5,274. seventeen oduatles, that h4y4 under, ered al%%ed weaknesses since the last nearly 200 mail, and In their place is The Kaise
- ,r's speech, at the opcnbW,
744dor, of the Oppost, tion, and the 114. bly was Startled for the first t t a a t taken the designation of malix roads . healthy farm work, with little re- of the Diet attended the Domoc=W
I . Mae lia OR 11 I a three elections the local � Amendments were Made
100rance, Registrar and his staff, . opttlon�questlon ban, In one form or _ the, Assess, ,
f w i its history bT A woman's, voice. and the construction of _ _, stratnt, Inconspicuous. clotbing do Id and Liberals,'
, auothet,. been before the electors in ;11'ghways, Plent 4ct Is tkerel:ore, practically Of all otri vo
I loemor . 0. Opposition lobby at the According to th statemozkt� of some SIlS in I clal contribition L at, . _ PO � y ha * '
'I I th .0 L L UnIcipalit meriting a proylit st and on ever nd an Mr. Clark and W6, daug-tter, Urs
11 A ... mo,"Will also his away to Mom com- les, and the aggregate I always a target of attack. One of the Weentive . Provide# for the men on , .
" I ,AWz AR4 , comfortable habitation In of the. Agitators this was only a our- voting In all these places has be,pn: one-third, further work has been ac-, . or amendments this year coming' I Robert Youni, 'were robbed by
I I I . tain-ratoor to the campaign which to For local option, 85,874; against local complished, many, uMen of first-class'. requests t . , out to spend the rest of their , Wgk-
L . I
. Alto reb#llt wing , ra will . . lives as useful citize p of the com-
_� I . - , .1 , - The membe to bi brought on this session, As' option, 66,78$; majority, 29,091. road being added. comes. from several buBluess firms and' inualt . 4 � . . ,waymen -near Ifamilton. I
: , I , , tbor9tore find that much, of the incon- liqual,the ladies pin their faith to Mr. In 107 of the Ab dve, places gI ng The Wentworth county system,, es. -proposes. to allow Municipalities to I T. I I .
ventence, their Sustained � throughout . The Legislature of Quebec waafor7
. .
I .�_ I I - .'-t*'e session of 1010, h;_w been removed, Alan Studholme, the East Hamiltoit majorities, however,. the three -ft t tablished in 19.02, the first In the Pro, tax buildings, improvements, person. . . . . I The speech from *4
5 �
I .. .
. . I . .. Labor inan, and It is proposed to ask requirement ba.4 operated to, 14 der v4n,ce, was - completed during 1910, so, AltY,L and Incomes, At a lower rate that ' mally opened.
I - . L t 3,1. Throne q1t.tlined advanced legislatiow
� 11 USA* hem more, room In which to him to introduce a woman's suffrage, the measure from coming into fo far as macadamizing was concerned, . land, values. It I ,
I'. I 64 business of public Moment. L I . . Henc�forth expen'dltum will only - be. to urged that as the for education and. good roads.
I �. .' ' `11"'1*11-i" bill at the beginning jot the session. . - busidess tar, to based on the value of
'It 110 expected. that the debate on the . . . L . I
L ; ''. , L .1 L. . � . .
' The.cause of this measure is to be ` I necessary On the county'roads, for the promises occupied, it seriously dia- ..:,:.'�!!�'Z:.�:�::�'L�;,�'i:L;.;:�;: � � .
, , l . . I 11 . . _. `L-� . " . .
:1:1�: " fte"It from the Throne will begin on Aided and abetted, according to pro . maintenance, The roads, hOwev . er, courages the erection of good buildings ... `..: ..�,.::�.�,:_�'e':jL;;
- 1W,edziesday,, January'26th, And. that it I I " I ,N-".,.'.� �,-;; �
,� , *M'be coacluded by the end of the sent plans, by an active distributloa: of are of.such A character that they will and enables -them to hold idle valuable :�.:,, ._�� �.!:`. . I
. �:,;Nn"im:5 ��",;,�:::. I .
�', i . object lessons for the townships , I,
� . . literature and a vigorous be .N.." z -;g M";- . . .
I week. ,; , .. personal sites In* which good buildings would -1 I ,
- 1 I ' I lobby. . ..... I In Improving the highways not in- 'otherwise be erected. . They contend ' ... : i,::: . TRIED REMEDY
L." "�'
.1 Alread allood of applications 'for . . . . �Ox,
� . y ... jj:" eluded In The therefore that the present busines's .
I ' '�� �,!�...............'.'.'.'.,.,., . . . . . . . ., I . the county system. FOR THE GRIP.
' N -F, M, — L .
- ipriVato- leolsl4tion - upon ��'.��L�]��5S.-��;�,:�r�.��."":�.�,�."'!- county owns two steam rollers, I a I
, -is pouring in -�."� .. ....
I t , ;1.1 - assessment should be reduced and im . . .
lhe'.Ulerb; of the House. Xlarge ma- ."', - - . ,
.. :.. , ; horse roller; five stone crushers, A
� � I . AL60NO IN: P I ;e,�i ::. :..""..; moderate Increase made ia the x: OR* :
��',f�,!, . . . . . . . . L . .
.1 .
Awriv of these �prospectxyu measures
-are of routine character and have to
. �
.. .. ..
'U", I
rs, and other Imple-
the value of all land, whether used oi
11 I
I., �
-09. JYRA local and municipal problems
. � .
- L .
A Large, of -Money Will be
. ::;::::."0::1
� ""
, ! ,
ments; and with these, they will be
able to keep the roads in first-class
unuo6d. . 1.
I .
11 ..:
L �. I
X4% muotbiDalittes Are asking legis-
� , . .
r." .� �-
r".. .
L .
I .
,� , , .
11� I
let approval of exemption by-laws.
, Necessary to Pay the Licensees .
. L .
",-, -:i �
The inotalling of Lanarlz county
- '
- .
A few Individuals are seeking to be
, lexislated Into Professions. TheLSoo-
. .
for Their Pr V.
1 keges
� . . ..�
_ -
.... .. -:0 ..
. I - .1:
roads has also,been completed, W ile
. .
. . . I
I L' . . .
I ,�,
I , , I , " - -
I �, I .
-p#tal for Sick Children, Toronto, and
,tbe Church. of the Disciples of St.
I .. L .
. -_ -1 . ..
� The , financial statement of the
I .. .
.in Simcoe, Osford, Halton, Wellington,
Hao, tings, - L`,icoln, Prince Edward,
. ack Frost in
A Hard 'Struggle With L J
� i. . L '
I -
Tkomas have applie I ,
d for legislation
' '
Treasurer, Hon. A, J. Matheson, will
.Middlesex, Prontenac, Peel Len-
nox and Addlrigton,, well sustained
Building a.T. & N. 0. S'pur . Line I ,
. ,
. L
,.; I
*. I.
- -
I � , - L
to araend their acts. ot'lacorporation to
have to provide, among other things,
. .
�fforts approaching completion have
. I � . — - . w I
.-::::::i. I ,...
; :�
.1 I.eAable them to hold lands bequeathed
to them hVunlimited form. A relic of
for the payment of timbered lands
" I .:,::
been made. - . . .
. .
� * Acting upon -authority given by the.
I:: �,
1. , ,
:, .L.
popsible deb,stet will, be found In the
held by licen .
. Sees in Algonquin Park.
. .
:�:L:�$., .. I .,. .I...
; .1
' ��; . ,t. .�
In those counties that have more
recently ,adopted a 6ounty -roads aye-
Legislature In lgiO, the Government in
I I I . . I
. It
I '
-Application of the-trusteeg'af the pub.-
So rapIdly was this great national for�
� I . I
. . � —
I ,M�
, �
tem, special ' atttention. has - been
�November decided to oduqtfuct a spur
., L 1.
. separate Schools and the town
, ,at Sturgeon Falln for legislation coin�_L
est Wing depleted that the Govern-
, ......
, �-,""� I
, ; :::!�.�.� �
. -bridges
directed to.the construction of
of the Temlocaming &, Northern On-
. .
I -
11 .
firming anL agreement At' length arrived
Went yielded to the publicclamor that-
�,�:. ,L:
and culverts, all of . which are of - a
tarlo- Railway from Kelsd to Porcu -
. I I
� 1: : �
� -at for the financial conduct of their
great area be rescue,d from the
spoliation of the 'Woodman's axe.
_. L
"I . L
more modern type than were built a
few years ago, I I .
plue, a'dIstance Of 32 miles, the total
. L
- . . .
. . I �
, .
, �
feducational institutions. . I
.11 . I � , , I I I .
"Spare that tree" Was the slogan
, ;;;;;;;;;;;,- � I
, . . I
Much - of this -kind of work, -too, ban
cost being . y $450,000.
approXiMatel I
� .
I _ .
, .
. . � - - .
. .
. .
which passed fiom mouth to mouth,
� .
. I . . . I
, I
been done by counties whi ch : have
I Work was commenced immediately,
. ,4ast W
r . ellin.gton
. . . I
;, .
1, ,
, �
...... .
. til
-and .1rom housetop to. housetop, un
L . L .
, . .
hesitated so far to take advantage of.
L I the
though the rigorolps .winter 31
L.. � . . I
, L,
, ,
;X .
I L"
the cry was' heeded'. and the trees
. L �W. 10. M I M.P.P.-
I �
the Government's btfer.- It Is hoped
north delays progress. - - .
' -
. .
Spared, . The. upcessaiY money milk
. '"rest Toronto, ..
, .
that when more of this has been com-
'At Present there Are i
.1 . .. . L'
11 � :L
probably ba, a. portlow of. ahotliar losia.
. .
. ..
I . . . � . .
- , i , . .
. .
plOted these counties will.'fall into
line the
men working on the line running. from
Kelso Into the Porcupine district, And
. I . ,
. L .. I I _. .. L .
��, .
11 ...
1. " .
'�,,,, .,
L I .1 . "
. . I.- I .
I I �
for -building of roads proper.
I Perhaps the most Important advance
this number 'will be: Increased to due
� I
� -
Something About the .institutes. That
- . I'll, 11
. .
. , -NIA6 R '
� L I . .
L .
mikd6 by the, - good roada�. mo*oment
thousand ,during the -,course .of the
are Conducted for'Als Benefit '
; ..
t .ARA.
. . 1.
during the
I past year was Toronto's
next V�O; ith, Just to Taske Sure that
. .
. .
, �
1. I
� "
. � . V b h 9
I . .0 a
I � I
Talk of Legislation Looking to
I ..
.Oting Of *10000 toward the Improve
the line will be finished it the stipu-
. —
. L
. . . . . I
1-1 ,
'. I
1. ,:.
. I
i I
. .
I .
. I .. .; � I .
'the Hydro-Efeetric System has Made
'Some . I
the *Grading of,Llcenies ,In "
. . 1. , � .
ment, of York couutv.T9 , The
. . ,, , ads.
county has a reed to spend a similar'
.9 I
. .
Isted time, July l.. 1011.. � . . .. I
So Unmanageable has become the
. The attendance at Farmers'- Institute
meetings during the year end
In * Junge
i �L "� ,
; ---- I --- _____
f . .
- . � .
, , Substantial Progress During '
IL "
Towns and Cities - -
� . . , . .
surn. a third.;100,000 to be con ributed
downpour Of 011OW tbRt S216W PI Own
I * . .
30th last. was about 300,000,"Incluoin
". ,
I ,
,:l 1�
.�� I
I .
. ( .
L. .. I .
. .: the I Recess .
... .
. . -
. . . . I
I L I .
by the Provincial Governmeft.. .
. This means that'during the coming
have become next to useless. It has
been found that the plows keap� the
, .
the Special Institutes for discussing
-, �'
�, I
. I
f ... I . . . . . . . .
. I I
. I .
. . . . L . . I
. In view of tb a repeatedly unsuccezo�
I ful efforts of the temperance forces co
Summer Work will be started- on theo
tracks clear, throwing'the a of
now * f
fralt,' poultr . y, seed, livestock,. cheese
. .
. r .
" ,
'I, L
The Hydro-Blectric Covi��sslon v4
secureLthe abolition of the three .hs
-fltr .
improvement, among others, of the
Ars gighway of Im
t portance In Ontaflo.
to � the sides, but. the strong winds
almost flumediately blow It back Ou�
and crtam. That few phases at farm
to theL
be able to report Leglslatup,&
clause it Is unlikely that there, will be
gL to
.1t to Iriterestin recall that Youge
'again. '- ' I . . L
life are left untouched at, these"annual
. .. .
,� L
I �
I ,,` .
distinct pro -eas AurIng'the #%it Year.
m any petitions to that eftect presentod.
Steeet woo opened for thirty, miles
To get over .
thinjifficUlty,L a machine,
JCL by � the folm
pub! ,meetings in shown
;� � 11 . ",
; .--- �
W, Us
Nlagar* power In no ad . lit Betilit,
at the approachlag session. Though
- -
�be ' battle'rages,
northerly. from Lake Ontario, 'about
.known as the 'bpreader,' .Is. to be
lowinIg wide range,,-wm- 'Seed Selection,".
,, .
The Poswih Industry,',' -"The Heavy
't 'L L
L ,
11 I .....
I �
...... .. 11
'.. �� ol_
. . . . . � � .
.00, . And other P
' laces, ibin tiaos.
-watier, . I
ger ,al tion
the lo' op
Oil d ti to keep up .the -
� ore ifficul t is I
1796; Lieut.-Goveruor Slincoo. building
afford'a Sh it
it go a' military �o&tq
Pressed Into ,service. It. Its attached
to a low oar, and does not look
Horse," tatlou� of Crops,"
"Ro "Beef
� I
m1soiOn' I Ine' being also. practically
- 0 e 0 :because
per entag f victories,
for . I
. L ,
And safe route to . Huron And the
geth r unlike Ali aeroplane, --with:
'Cattle," L "136st'uctlon. of Weeds 'I# �
. r
completed to Taro nto. the Govern.
of the easiest ground having .. been
north. .' . I . . . . L
flange -shaped wings stretching .down
, linter Egg.Production,", "Stable Ven
; ;L , "
; ,
. . .If
-ment'decides to.'6xtoad the southern
in a L
Ithe 'fro St. Thomas to Wind or, -it.
'weedeld OUt, Lit looks an -if tem-
Terance people have settled dovin to. .
, .
I General Slincoe's reglment, the-
Quesn's Rangers, chopp6d. out Youge
on both sides. , This'bird-like reaChIne'L
f011Owai Along After. thil SRO* PIOW`,_ and
tilation," ` "Cora and tLbe Silo," "The
Staliway-to Success," "Building Good
, ,
, I
I . -
loan -of- atout A, iniiilon� dollars I
be � - Will �
arrAng6d. The b6nds
- the. effort to sweep the .Province dry,
even with the three-fiftho handf CAP,,
-'Street, through the bush, bRf. It.was
when.the snow Is.thrown Off it .lifts
sind thrown It still farther, it
" I
Roads," Cereal Orains,P "Spraying;
" I
L Alcohol," ,.Small ,Fruits,"
� �Iv-
",� .
HENRYMOk Ef,�, M, p.p. �
.�, I I L . I . . .
Probably. of i
'this Issue, will be 9diranteed by the
It Is not unlikely that ther a will be a.
-1kot until twenty-one years' later, in
1917, that wagons eviiud Use it L Then
,up In banks . , - I I
.Cement for Building," "Our.0anadint
I I �
. 14101satuff. -'� .,
V . . � I
;:1.1 . .
municipalities. , The Hydro-Eloctric I
Commission is the. I
revision'of the -license law
this session. ..
*It will be remembered
It had not as'straight -a course as it
I . I I
. .
� � . I
. .
Herftag�o," "Getting Pleasure Out of
Farm Life," "The Bacon. Tradp..,'
11 ,
I .
. � � . , I
I 61.UNG SCMWS L� . L-
studying sit nation
. In the eastern part of the 'province, -1
that last nession there was some dis-.
has now, but gradually the.route was
shortened and tht hills kraded. The
� . . . . .
. L L I � I .
'Wits ay.d Misses-;" "Growing Lambs
.1 L . .
I : .. I � . � . I
. . . .. I
I I . . ..
particularly. along' the Trent'Va 11 L
-view ' 70 y,
0 usslon 1w caucus and In corridor
looking to the abolition Of local
roadway..was .maoadavilzed as far as
. . I
lqr�-Prbflt," of Farmers'
Sons," "lWordraining," "Our Bird
-.1, I L
. I
�. I ., I
I . � . . .L
. . , . I L ' I ' ��
to hydro-elec
with a trio dev p,.
Meat for the. benefit of towns and
lie .
ense boards and 'establishing a
central board of commissioners - for
Landing by the Year i860.
By this -time the traffle.had grown to
. .
- R ._-�",�,.,.`:�"
; �.g. ,1� .
Friends,", ."Cara Of the Apiary," "Ap-
Ole Orowlig,." "Our Insect Pests.11.
lNuch Interlst Will ba.Associated4lth
. . .
cities In that district, - -
. .
. . '.
. . I
the province. The subJee�-may be re,-
� L: . . .
be Immense. .
. I .
. - ,,-1 .
'.`. - ",
. ;; .
-. -";"�".,!�.",:,.'.'.'LX""".""�""""
� . . .. L
. . . .
I . . .
r .
, I I
. .
Legial a the Subject
I ation o, . .
L I .
. . L
. � . I L of.. I .
- vlved at the coming se sslom, There is
talk legislation -the
'In other parts of the province roads
: had been opened, And It wag estimated
...-%,-`.`�;.�, .
1, ;;
'. -,,",�S'�q.,:.L-,.�;:.,,�:.:.;.:
.. ,1-11 ..
... . ....141.-1.-;1;1;1`:_. _ .
. 1: ..... . """i'..." 1, 1�
�.. .111.R'11`M.1..,M:+:-.:
. .. .
. . ,
I .
� , ,�
, . I
11 � . .
. . .
, .
. :
I .
. I I .
I - I I .
. . . —
some of looking to
,rading of license fees -for hotels in
that by' 1850 the province of Upper
Canada had expended $2,500,000. M st
. I .. - _,,. .
X.11- -X.. ,,,,v�;, ,"; .
1�1.'... . ._.::__.., .: ., I
. �.: :;:*ZX1'i
,. J�-:
IN ..
:�..',.`, -,i!,-*i1`
, *` �&*,
While Ahe ieconstruction of the
ent L
burned wing of th5 Parliam build-.
, :� -
. "
Whild. several. subjectA pt.Importance
. .
1. . .
I ! I �
. �
. .
. . L . I
I � I I
cities and towns. . I
of these early roads were covered with
L ;..:.,'
IX.... I.: I
...... .. . ,,-.:
::�` .':
M......- t�x�:,
Ings - has proceeded far .enough to as.
L � L
-will keep public Attention directed to
to be Introduced in the Legig. .
. L.
I L . 1. .
planksj only a few being purfaced with
:, , .... I
.. _: -.i 1.1; I.,. ",
sure accommodation for thb virioua
t,l .
-7ERe A.,oglolative buildings during the
- � . . I .
laturc AV*ln � I
. I
macadam. L They were sold to private
.. .
. .: .�
committees, of the Leg;slature when
-session, legislation 6A the bl-lingual
.1 I —1 L ' .
I .. .1
com, Ries by. the Goverrimexit. whe '
Pa re
.'.III .
the House settles down -to business.
'L questla . a will Probably be 1611o*ed
� .
. . it ii, not unlikely . that I
the question -
. . . — I I
' ..
'the counties took no action to assume
control. - I
" .-
the members will be obliged to secure
their weals outside the buildings.
with more tha.ya ordinary Inter,es5,
. .
of the cost'of living will be Introanced-
I n the Recess J.,P. Downey was,Apw
lu the Intervening years * great
I ,
The. dining -room and kitchen are In
though it may not be In - the lime,-
, .
-Ilgkt for some weeks after the -open-
In the Legislature in some form or
'3ther fluring .the coming session. it
.. poi I . .
. nted to 001111a Asylum .
. . . L
I .
clkanges have taken place. The pre-
sent outlook Is'that -in Addition to the
1 ;, .
. . . . . . . . ." f ... I �
. :.:..,;:;-:
I �:,;i:: -`� �
that portion of the:-billlding bointr op.-
Paired and would take'up to .
0 much
L . . .
will be remembered that this subject
. I . . I I . I 1. . .
.. . I . . � I .
I .
county of York otfi '
er counties wili
. :::
A I . � ., :wl
Space if placed, e.�sewnei*
. .. .a -at prc-,suut.
,I L
� . ! , -
�1' 1,�
. I
Following w keen coatrdverRy Ott the .
Was referred to, In theSpeoch from -the
Throne In 39L nuary, 1910, but subse.-
. When. the Legislative Assembly re-
assembles on January 94th It will be
shortly undertake thigood roads pro,
jects that 'have � prove4'oo �succssfuL
,"... ....
� �
1, r L
, 1.
. I
I � I
.. - . . - . I . �
I I . . . .
Subject, Lparticularly as it related to
- . .
quently .1t *a held that the question
noticed that only one change, has
r connty, ebunel
-1gin. 1 last Year- de.
.-*. I
L.". .
I .
I .
I . � ..
I � .
the schools In theL F reach section of
was wholly ,Within the Jurisdiction of
the Domin ton. authorities. -
Place In the membership Since. -clined
to assume control of the main
"; I .
K- .
. 1.
I ,
Essex and Rent, the'Governmeni aP_
. � .
. I .
the prorogation in 1910,.. Mr. 1. P.
roads, but It Is likely. that In a few 1
1 L., ,� . .
I , .
pointed F. W. Mer4hant,1A.A., to'visit
. . —
. I .
Downey, Who. Was the member for
years at Moot thin county �rlll fall in
. .
e�' L
'the English -French schools, public and
. . L' I L I
.South Wellington, appointed-
line- Among the chief prospects for
, I I
... ..
�'; .
-separate, in 'those counties, and find-
Superintendent Of the Orillia, Asylum,'
1910 is the county of Norfolk, which
*ut It fhere was any depa'Aure from
and was succeeded by Mr J. RanSo*
Is seriously considering the matter.
. . .
;11.-X..,::, I
!�, - ,
the* Public and Soparate Schools Act, .
Howitt, a young lawyer of Guelph, *he
It may be that a further announce-
. .
.or from any of the departmental regn. ,
was elected by acclamation,, .
ine4t will be made by the Government
lations And circulard, and It so, to
I I . . � - I . .
this session In regard to a*provlaclal
South Oxford. 1. .. . I ��
. I
:- .. '��; I
1,.� I
what extent. Part of his instfud ,
,_ L
system of highways. In* this 1connee
. L - I — '
, ?.,,:f;iii��! ;. .
� ,
read as follows; "A the so
s hool law is;
.. �
. � I I
In Ontario
tion It has been pointed out that the
-:�:*�:��]���'�'.',�N i.`,�V L
:;:�,.' ,��,:��... ,
Intended to Provide all PUDM With IL
there are three hundred
Av a v
could Soon h e re enue
I .
" ,.. .., . .; .
thorough training In English, it -Is
and fifty-nine agricultural societies,
from R'OtOIL v6hlclei3 Of $100,000 a Year,
. .
. X.; , I
desirab ottalT whether,
. : ��
distributed among the various counties
whkoh . would pity the interest, on
. .
. I
and if so to what e1tent� the means to
. .
as follows: G lengarry, 3- Prescott, 2; .
$2,500,000, Those who, favor such a
In N ine Months Many Canines We ht ,
: 1.
, .
attain. thin end are AdeqUate or defec.
. 11
- ,�.
I ��
Russel, 5; Stormont, 5;' Dubdasj I.
provincial systiam' have Ih mind the
.. I
to a Premature'Grave
L : I
;; "I.
; 1,m I
n -
Carlato , 4; Grenville, 4;_ Lee ds 7
creation of an Ontario -highway cam.
I . I .
'. X::�
It to thought tbtt Mr. Merchant's
�i ,
Lanark,.8; Renfrew, 4; 13*rontena;' d'
* -
mission, formed On the line Of the T,
. . w . ':
. �
. .
I ..:. .
. I I
report will not be ready before Pebru,
Lennox, .0; Addington, 2; Prince )iW.
& X. 0. Railway e0L MiAlssloh. and the
. .
The canines, fancy and common, in,
:;L. L I
Ary to Well advanced. In the mean.
ward, 3; Hastings, 10, North'umber.
ellcoUrAgementaf. the scientific. study
western Ontario will'bark their great-
time, however� reports have been made
".. I '1'
',� "
land, ; oto Oro
8 P rb ugh, 8, Durham, 5; J
Victoria, 8; Ontario, 7; Hull, 9,
of highway, construction. . .
Though Intimation -has
ings in honor of the opening of the
for oinco
to the sh6wiag that some
no official
Legislature, the session
I ,
-of the -Prench-English. gehools In the
tne, 11; Peel, 6; Dufforla, 3,1, Halton
been given, It Is not Unlikely L that
cloned have they not obtained their
eastern Part of the ProviRde have not
); Wellington, 2,, Wentworth, 7, Lin.p'
son�e legislation Will be GnAeted it
freedom? It may be, however, that the
�, I
been complying to the letter with the
.1 .
con,' 6-, Welland, 6, Haldimand, 6;
the coming -session of the Legislature
period Of mourning is not -yet over,
..., I
,School Act. . , L'
Brant, 3; Norfolk, 4; Waterloo, 6;
toward the Ultimitte estAblish.
for In the nine months when MUZZ108L
L -
Oxford, 0; 9; Middlesex, g;
mout of a provincial system, and in
held the dogs captive, I 0 104 dogs Were
. .
� .
, ,� ,� -
6; Xont, 9; Essex, 9; Lambtorl,
the meantime, of further encouraging
killed In the varlausL Police death,
J. R. HOWITT, M.P.P, . .
. .
It to ,reported. that ORO of the chief
7,. �, ,'�..-, ,
�L � '. .::: 1: i
10,, Aiiron, 12; B ruce, 16; Gray, 10;
Haliburton, 8; Muskoka, 8 ' 'L Parry
the remaining counties
. to Assume the
rooponolbIlity of tb6 main roads and
ohAmbOrO, In Toronto 41666 the Rum- Satith Wellington, who wait elqNcted to
bor of �Deo-ole summoned to -court for JheL J,,6gIslatUr6 $11100 the )ftot �
0AU906 of Toronto University's pro.
' ' Posed bill 'Would enable the University
CILL � 1.
. E, M.P.P.
Sound, 12; Nipisfaing, 9; Sudbury 2 -
Algoma, 7', Manitoulin, 5; Thu�de;
to bring them up to the Standard net
the tountieg Already Sharing In the
not having the noe6sssty hear gear
for their.dogs was 1.663, The fine In
tion, L as tuedessok to 'T. p. ])Owntyr,
'to license doctors, a power tbftt is now
North Perth
18ay, 2;, HAIRVI River 'L 1; And Xerkor&,.S.
provincial grants.
most cagelk Wag $9 without costs. I .
Who has been appointed -
dent of OrlIllb, Asyluni. Superimen
-IJI"Ited to the Medical
4 . I
. . � I '' I .
. � I . . . . - . I 1) . . I . I �
I .
1. . 1� - I . I � . . . .
I - ___A-� I . I I' i J Ill I — � — . ., _ , _ - 11 . ill I . I I
. I i I I 11'1 I I � - - Wi -_ - - _0 . lim, ! I "Noli , . : I I
11' . t < . I .A — b r I
I Z . . I . I .
a. I I r I -
. ,
. I I
forl. , I � �
. DUG"S -
. ,
. . .
- .1 I
I I ... I/
. I
. I I . I
. . � 1 . : . . . .
. . . .
. . .
I . . . I . - .
. .
, . � �
4 . . � . .
. .
� .
. .
� .
. . 0 G, S 1. Wh I I . � .
. � .
� .
. I . I � . .
. .
. . . . I
. —AT— - ". . I I �
� .
STAPLETON SALT - - ' ., .. - '
. I I .
. . ... . �
, . I I
I .
. I . .
. ..
. ..'. WORKS .'. I .. L . I I I 11
� . . I .
� . . .. . ... . � . . . . I ..
I . L I .
. I
. . highest pr"s paid. - � .. I . I .
4 I . . I
� . 11
. I 11 . . . �
I Custom work Solicited'. I . I �. L . � r
I . . � 1� I . I
. I . . . � . I . I
. . . I
. I . . �
I . .. - . I . 4 J . . .
. . . . - , _ - _�. . . . ,- ..
. . . . . . . . . . .
I � .
, . I . . . . .
. . . � �v . . I .
� . . — YOUR .— . . , . �
. I . .
I . . . . .
�.. . . . . ;. .. 1. . I . .
' I
. . . � I
I .Aflowance for Clothe& 11. . . ..
. . .
. I . . I .1.
I , Su posethab you allow yotlr� , : .1 . - . . I
.self $900 a yeat fol� clothes -40w I . - .
do you-'thihk you, could. got the . I �
. �
most worth for your woney ? . . . . .
... . Undoubtedly by, buying two . I I � I . I
Suits here—by spencting the whole . . .
.fifty on Just. two. Suits. . . .
. You would get far more service - . . . . .
f&01n . these two suits -than you . . , I . .
would from four 'at half the cost I . . I
each.. . . I . I . I
I I . .
I This ian'ti just talk, mind you its So'. . . �
Many men. -have proven It . . So may - I . . .. . : . I
you. :, . . . .. .
. . . . � .
I .
. ..
Lob us talk-�. ib over, wi�h you some , � . . . . .
day- �' I � . � . I . .
. . ..
. . . . .
. .
� �. . . 1. — . , . . - I,- . .. . �:..,
. I . . . .
I . .
. I
. . . . . .
: � .
Go W.. URGE -IND.. COO' . ..
1. I
. . I
. .
. � I . I XHfiCHAIST TmLOUS, � I . . . I . . 1. .
. .
— � . I . . �
. �
. I
I .1
. . .
Your ., - . .
. .
, . � .
Patronage. �
. .
I .
," ollivtted - .
" .1&%.J �
� ft-,*-� .
We .1 make a speCiafty of
5hoeing Lowe and Inter-
�edftg fforsesand par-
1"teO satistaotion in that
"AmiWifim - ) � . . . . . . . . . . ....... , � , - I , 11, . 1. 1. I.. I . 1, . .. ... - . . I . . � 1-1 I I . . I . I . . I . �
� ; � ... � . . . . . .,.,., I � - I ,A , " � . .
� � I I I . I . . I .. . . 0,WW . . . I .. CAMIA0Z IWAXINO AND
I 11 ., . 11
� ; . I I'll . I , 0 - ... �.� . ItZPAIP-ING OF ALI, XIM)9
. I.. � 8. a, - - ieic.or P ease$ - , U - I PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.
. � I I 11 GIVE
. .
* .
. . I . . . a. . . a, I '
I I w0*0"i"
L 0. I I
. . 1000MM022 . I 0 . - . 'i ,a it ISAV,M,04rols
� t , our 11 lei d I 8
� . . . I
. .
V I . .
I . .
� . .
I .
_�� _, . I �11 11
- A& A...k_�___ - — � __ . — — i �
____ A- __ ,'I Z_ how* .�_i____.J@ll1W0ft" I— .1, —