HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-12, Page 8A . E takd f3tock on the first dal+ of Vebraary' Aad are ceirttpleting arrangemetttQ for a big sale of, 'fi'irst Ciaesi Footwear At prices tb*t will, be decidedly Itt- tereatfng, Odds .and ends of Stock will accutdulatp and thisis the. puna •of the year, we clean therm out, So* for the bsil_ 'ante of the month ypp way expect eotnd genuine bv- gains., We find impossible to tabulate a list of prices this week, but come along and you will not be disappointed. We are out for business and the lailucements we offer are a caving on every pair of boots: you buy, Repairs While Yau Wait. 1' h REDO JACKSON ALMANAC 5;00 leges of gondensed and rode ad information , in its 04th year of publication. A Poicket or 00ce ' Diary Faithfully, kept gives you systematic record of your .doings„ and other t1unp to which. -in the ,future you Can refer with aatistactlon and pleas- ure. The (list Of the Sung► daD Sehoal ilesSon Compact in size, is invaluable to the scholar, full of iuformation and sug- gestlon. Sit'FAIR 000 Often Cheapest - Always.W Best f y January ISW tom. vvexe,-Simply'Cutfin Every Vestage of Winter Goods or a great * JQile+anUP- And remember, this is not a cleanlip of undesirables—every garment and every article mentioned in the fol- lowing, list is the very best value obtainable at regular prices, !Every article must go—.yours the profit. This will be #ha.greatest t;pportunity fiver e ffered men, women and chlldrea o1: Clinton and vicinity to get acglialnt d . g y driving the 1 x1i in deep and. prices will be topped .with rile 111 it class of merchandise which we carr.. ''Pile are off in bin chunks. The reason for this great slaughter sale 1s the fact that we male each season cleanup its oven stoclh. PURCHASE AT OUR STORES DURING JANUARY AND SAVE MONEY. i 25 Ladies' WAterproof 35 Ladies' Astrachan r'ur k Uoats o vipecial. o .. Z1 S 29 Ladies' Black Astrachan lour Coate, silk quilt- ` 25 Ladies' Waterproof Coats of oravenette and ed lining.with Timber Sable collars atid self collars, .rlength,g y ,al g g y e t • tweeds, full oad style, 1 sizes. Re 7,50 to three• good styles to choose from sizes 34 to 40, Reg _ _ $12, bale price - $ $4fi, 54;and $60, sale price ,. $35 : J ANUARY SALE 10 Mens Waterproof Coats Special $5 , . 3 .only Bocharan Fur Coats, Alaska Sable collars: Mr, Percy Copeland of Sb, Mary's , Rog. ' .sale price In order that the second week of Our Big January, Sale may out do , XO' 0171y iPiela s Waterproof Coate, dark grey,. all - $5S rt g and slice was ae visitor at Mr. W, H. Agnew's sizes. Re $10, sale rice . $5 3-onl Astrachan Coats. Re 25 8 all revious efforts, no mercy, is beim shown "Regular Prices' a Tu sday. %' P y. g $ , _ale .price. - $15 after slice is hem carved off regardless of cost or profit, p r g The few Item below will give you some idea of what to expect. dur- Miss Bazel O'ATefl returned to TOM— ing the balauce of this sale ; to oil, Monday to resumes her studies ti at the Conservatory: r About 25ixien's7,60, 9.00 and 8,50'suits toeiEar $11,95 Miss Carmicha'eI of Staff a was t,lie 50G and, , b0C Dress 25c Ladies. Belts :190 :L,,adies Coats f$c Wrapperrett TOr,. guestof her aunt; Mrs. Jas: Mah affy, C CleatIn out the balance of, .half '•Price Ladies' rafttles up•tog.iJ0 r clear 4. a day or two this week. Goods 39C. Four Cbristmas Betts, leather, 10 Pieces P'unc y Wrapper „. rete, ood• deaf ns, sod color. Miss Annie Cook of Toronto is spend- elastic and silk in black brown, 25 Ladies' Winter Coats g. R g Girls' mantles up to 4.00 to clear • 1:95 = p nd- ' m€dde of beaver and rou b . ings, suitable for house gowns, i7igt.'a few holidays at her hauls in 500 yds all pure wool Dress ed,. grey, glue, etc. Reg 250 g dressing. sarques,,etc•, 27 inches Men's'1,00 svJeatet coats " . •69 Goods in lain colors, str) es and d 360, sale price - 1 tweeds, colors black, blue, grey, town, that of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur d brown, etc.. very newest style, wide. Reg.15c, sale price Cook._: ^. checks, black, blue..red, brown. f Reg $10 lZ Mens I'Oo and 00c leather mitts .; : .39 rase, wince, green, greys, etc., QC , des BE Its 39C > . ", 416, and 18, sale, i Mr. McWilPiams returned, to. 2`oronbo 5 price tlnlf Price Rel2lllanx8 O „ ,69 serge, fancv worsteds, weaves, Seo 1•W an Monday after a fortnight's visit "eenet)aae. bas clothe, etc.. Lid Fancy Belts in leath, Plalnnelette + r .OD in town the guest of Mr., and Mrs, splendid wearing qualities, suit. y 5U percent off` Caine 200 black wool mitts able for. all. classes of: wear ev- . in all, elastic and silk, fancy rs-tbe , , ` ,.;Arthur Cantelan, in all, the papular colors—the Children's Coats Manufacturer s remnants of A Man's 25c heavy grey•wool Box ;18 Mr. Percy Walton, Miss !Walton and ening..street or school, Rep.a-0c ; balance of our Rosas buyinir. White and pints Flannelette. , and. 61k, sale price 39 _ .Abort 25 Children s Winter Lynda.run from 2 to 10 yde, worth Reg 600, sale price .. 39 Caste mostly fancy tweedB, About 10011 yds good harivy paint, good patterns Miss Vida Brown, Gloderich, were regularly 10c.. and 12je. , clearing and a big snap at' .06 guests of Mr, .and Mrs. J. C. Arm- 3i5C Children'$ Uuder• blanket cloth and beavers, . all them up at. - 7 3 . Alsoabout2000 yds, 'regular 1'd 1-2c tints, very our the past few.days, Special Dress Goods new styles. Sale price. - 13+0 P Mx. E. J. Archibald rt percentt off Remnants Of Cotton special for Jan. sale Of) , 0hew of Mrs. wear 250 Farran, Is representtug the Toronto 25C 5 doz Children's. Wool Ung + Men's and women's tindera•eAc; boots and shoes, dress• , Star at Washington,, D.C. , Burin dexwear vests and drawers, well Millinery'r percent Manufacturer's remnants oc goods. etc, all prices for quick sale.:during January; s_ g 10.pieces Drees Goods. Just white Cotton, good width,.splen. the 'trade negotiatfo.u% a clean up lot from the .dept: made and trimmed with loser•. 0 did value. Ends run from 2 to a It is but a little courtesy to' your Good colors and strong wearing tion and ribbon. Splendid value 10 yds, worth 12i 0,150 and 18e, t , noir, i SSc, sale price sty ring of balance of friends whenthey visit you to have qualities. Reg .8.50 and at reg price our Millinery at half price. . otne clearing them at one price 8 their mantes retardM STEELed .ui The News, R w>sile they last you choice Zd $1.50 good'styles left. :.. AprO Black Sateen. Remnants ofr n. ecoixi ,s Personal columns: SMALL : MORE Rev, w. T. and Mre. Pearcy of Load $1.50 Corsets - $1 Wai11ts , $1 Im 50c Toques 2ge Ginghaitns , osboro .were in town bra Friday: Mrs, DdcA Corset special for Satm Ladies' Black Sateen waist. . About 2 dozen Clifldren's Manufae urs'' OS,rB'R1?earcy wase returnipg home. after a urday only. White 13atfete, vii good qualftp, fast black latest Toques+ assorted colors. honey.- Apron Gln hath remnants d PROFITS • s BV iN S$ holiday spent at Ilex home in 'Port sizes, very daintly tripnmpd:: style, all sizes. Reg $1.60, .bale com.be weeps, doubled. Reg 500, . width and uglit worth 13 Colborne: „y. Reg $1.60, special i' 1 price - *t ealeprfced 1150 and 18c, Clearing theta aL s. ti t oso ' Mr. J. V. Henry has gone to Tara i.. where he has . , accepted the. piincipal- ^-._, a• '" "` sh* o school. '.He -is -..an oble and successful , teachdr amid Fara . was. *' lucky, indeed, in 'scouring his ser- / (0). vines.W l owl Mrs. Forbes Crain has• returned to `A1ST Flint Mich,, after. a visit with Olin ` ton relatides. Mis. Cram is a sis- As we are removing from our pies• ten of Mesdames W. Steep; R. Cree, • sot premises We must reduce our stOCk J. J• Macdonald and Messrs. J. and M. Finch.dw AV as an d to, do so We have: cut the rices. . • . .. ,p Mr; and. Mrs. Douglas AN -heeler have ,roved . to tows fzom, the London Here are a few of the bargains :for ,our C. INT.t31V Road and are occupying 'Mrs. J, ,A. customers: Barge's cottage on:Fulbon stseiet, Ladies' Kid .Blucher, regular $3. Mr, Wheeler will. engage It the bak Saetrace.,:....:....................,..2.5.. ng business. 1 p i b — ---- Ladies` Kid Bluchers, regular $1.754.miss I,fla Noover .and Misa Jean Mc - and $2, Sale price , .........::...::... ! .9 MissEs Taggart -'retnrried b 'Toronto . bra About people 'You ooav The. News llFrnlll Londeaboro Misses Kid Bluchers, regular $200. Monday. The former to resume leer Sale rtes ,....:.., -.69 teaching duties at Hayergal Col _pp• """""""" Mrs. C, E. Dowding.. is* visiting the. Mr. lDwmerson,-Mitchell. returned :last' Air: and Mrs, Stone (nee Miss Jes- %rxs. Ben..Mason of • Bl th visits 1liisses Chocolate Bluchers, regular nn lege: The rather is a student at the M J 1.75.. Saleprice :....:. . ..:.. , ! aa7. sdnW institution. t: parentral . home in Owen Sound. ;geekfrom the west, . Webber) visited at r.. as. I her. parents. Mr. abd •Mrs. E. Manning. Childs' Bon 1palf and Sid Bluchers; Miss . J. Spark left' this week for 31r, D, `K: Prior attended the wedding $ ( sic . p g Mr. J, E. Match of Medd & Mutrh has Woodman's last week, I of the village, an. Tiiesda' of iihia; Z egitiar 9iL35 and 81.50. Sale, price.:. , l 7 p of a relative fn Exeter one day ]list been laid up this week, with an at- 1 week. . Childs' Kid. Bluchers, regular. . $1 her home in Tavistock.' Her matey i Miss J. Holmes of Clinton was a ' friends: in town will be P week. tack' o(uin . and .$1.10. • Sale prico........... .775c and . p eased , to q caller in. ',b s ' ' es 'Sessadsy of Ownig to the blockaded roads two, S`Y RUBifBRS learn . -t+hati she innards return Miss )NF the Torranoe returned to TO; Mr,, Clarence •.Co?e,.who, has"_been vis- + & ronto last week after a visit• at the. 'iting• friends in town and God 'ch : 'fertile ;resit. lumbers of the township council. of Mens Elubbers .. .Q1i . next season and will again have 101.1 were unable to put, in an a ears Ladies' Rubbers..... .: , .. , , ...... .L`+o chaiy;e of Couch & Co's. millinery Parental home• fi township, has. retuirned, to his home Mr., Hanna Sr. and •Miss Luella p pp ears Storm Rubbers.. , .... ...... .rs e5 Mn. and Mrs... Thos: Anderson moved Monday so the meetin waa: department. once on l4l0 ab 1vlarie tte, -Mich. spent. a few days week with g• Ai13i i'S postponed for one week, Men's Patent BIucher, regular $4 Mr. Fenwick Stewart was in town on this .week to tioderich where .Mr. It4rs. 5fiannon, who lids been for many Blake friends. .., i • 1; Saturday, first time since be-' Anderson has a situation. years a resident of Clinton, Move$ "Rev. J, H. Osterhout occupied the. and $4.50.' Sale price, ..:,.........: 3.50 y Miss Sadie Cribbs. celebrated ' bee Men's hea winter ."If, tan and fore Christmas he having been ia4d, Mr. 0, J. Wallis has been up in Grey _ this week to Toronto' where her pulpit in the Methodist church bone vy 4 25. g. birthday by entertaining a few, of her black, iegular >$5. gale price , .. , ...... . up with a severe attract of grippe, county the past, few days buying daughter, Miss J: M. •Shannon, re- txiehds morning and evening Sundae last,; Mena Velour calf, regular $5.60 and LI&O for the western market. sides. .. • = LI 0 31:r, - Stewart is seldom ill and it r preaohing , two very appealing : ser - $4. Sale, price. , : •.... • Mrs. S. L. Scott, accompanied by par Hr. and Mrs. Anzris of Dunbarbon are 11hrold Johnston also entertained a mons. .In the evenfn Men's Box Calf, regular $2;50. Sale p goal hard with him, 'but he has fu1-g service Misses: • l .recovered and is'again 'n ab tout daughter, Mrs, Erne Davis, Toron- visithng ,in, Clinton and vitnnity the 'few of has friends at a birtl day. party. -Atkinson and.Reid of Sealorth .' .ve price.:...,......., ..:.............. . -l.98 tend to his business, y y gal le to, was:the guest• last: week Of her guedtsr•.of• the letter's sisters, _ Miss Tuesday of this week,: ably tecidered ttivo :duets wlrirjh . were father. Mr: S. Gl. Plummer: wasbi and.Mrs. Jas. South- favorably received,' / T t % j The followling are an ong the members rd p oom Rev. J. M. Osbanhout received his y . • • of , Court Maple Leaf who attended Mr. J. P. Sheena Has ent'erod Upon fano from Toronto Saturda `'of last the funeral of the late Frank Plewes has nineteenth.' year as rec,-secre- Mr: Murdock Ross, Bayfield, was in P y Mr: '1'amblyn's Yote:fm. wards was of Tuckersin3th on Tuesda after-. tary of•Court Maple Leaf and so town Tuesday. ; He does much trade week where ft has been undt rgoing..re- as follows : 27 68 20 99 31 57, y R. ge satisfaetori'iy does he perform • the .,with our local business men who all pairs afters an accident to it while 42, a total of 344 or 96, more than hg • noon t :J. P, Sheppnxd, Ci:.R Y, moving here. es, Albert Turner, Tbos. Cottle, J: duties thereof than it looks like a state that their relations with him eek give t for. NiaN+►►NN N♦♦NiM1i ♦N1♦ie► iNi♦M Niw - lues last w a credit Dodd W. J. Harland 41. 7rt. and Jas; life job for him if lie caries to retain. have always. been pleasant.. ,---------•. .. —.... J. 8 Hoover Nelson Sall l db, i Kyle of Kipper, who Taylor Nelson (,ole S. (llfddon Master. Millie K lc Geo. Jackson W. S, R. 'Holmes W: Rev, .. T. Greene preaches in L01(now u iet . a en n 14 Follmnd, I. Crich, W. on Sunday next in the interests Mrs. J Mitchell, his grandmother, re, • Fi, Webb, , , Albert street, re ­ Townsend, Temperance and Moral Refoi ,n. Townsend, w. Stov-ens E, R oda- turned to tis home •thi's wcelc his . OQ , "Mins• ileatxide will aocorhpany. Him ' Miss Mary Snell has been visiting Mr, W, J. Mlllc+rP obtained 23 . vats ' ♦ wa E, pYoltzhauer,, maths; aiid brother coming up foe + i, and while in Lucknow . the Will be untie, Mn, A. Elcoat of Tucker- in No, 7 'division at the recent election: -...• <, Mr. G. 1'luunmer was, another fahri y . 'itn smith, ilius giving Hien a total of 367 instr A. iliar figure Been on the strerets Tues- the guests of Rov, W, J, and Mrs. M , . A. Alexander of Montreal, in Mx, Writ. Vodden. Jr, has `purchasM of 347•. day, afternoon, for the firat time in JollffiFe, writriug to resew, his subscription to r • a fortnight. Such Linen as Mf. Mr. John O• Elliott was in town a team to bake to Alberta, f The News -Record, expressos+ i+eg>l+et We are sorry, to hear that Nle. Orval , [.` urnlflXr40. _ Plunmer have the right of waq,uor Tuesday moving abQut•aifd transact that♦ he was unable to visit ' his Colds and:sore tbroats ane the most Rapson, who had the misfortune to i in other words, out oltizena take ing tiusinew with an energy that ,is many Clinton frdends during the fashionable things on the 7th and 8th cut his foot badly, some time ago, is: ` phusure.fn thpaying due respect to unusual for a an in his 81st year. holiday season, Things seem, to be at present. slowly .i nprovfbg. We hope be will mien vv*ho, . after having fought the The . kindly interest this veteran prospering with this genial former Mr, John Southsombe who bas soon be • around- again. - good t, are now wgrendi the eve hakes in his fellow titan aimay not . ,it8 fn the easttrn cit and leis ' g figh ng >* been visiting his brothers and sisters Mr. Albert weym+Duth sold. a fine, fila euingiof life in peaceful enjoyment. perhaps •have added to his years but friends in town will be flad to knew' and other friends, left for his hoarse in three -yea -old draught to Mr". Chas. f' Mr. W. 0. .lohndtrrn of Milestone, it bas at all events arra •him the rte- that he does not forget thea,. • At Southern Saskatchewan last week.- ' Wallis for a handsome' pgure. "' "r. r• Sask,, was In town on Friday last, gard of the whole cormnunity, any time in future when Mr. Alexan- _ Mr. Johnstone is an old resident of Mr, John Peckitt leaves toinorrow for der cart uftke .it convenient to tide Affords an opportunity far the thrifty to hefuru, ,sh the whole or any the Sauble Lime, a couple of tulles iiontreal Ogre he will visit with Clinton he will find his weld tete Part of the house at 91 splendid savilug, not malle'at the expense of south of Bay+fieald, but went west his tap Sisters and other fitehds for wart, rind ready for him, pla8tat o@ quality, 11"1111cs i1 SOCIETY several fears ago. Ve. got in just the next three months, The Peokftt Mr. S, C. Andrews left on Saturday / Mr, D.avfd . 'Tudor of Oakville an* a short time before, the upritirug in family all resided it Quebec•. Prov- morrwing. last tb return to Wetaslti- The A. and C. Club met at t•he Mr. Henry- fitdor of Eugenia visited.. the price of land began and, as the ince oinoo upon a time, but aur war- win, Alberta, after n two -months' home of Miss Margaltet Davis bn their brother:, Mr, Dunoan Tudor, oar For -Parlor, Dining, Bed Room or Kitchen,natural conMuenoe, 'has, profited thy citizen has been hese so long as "visit at the parental home His Thursday evening last, Tuesday. thereby, to what mtetit is not nee- to be thoroughly irftbuod with the write and their baby boy ren%Ain for Mit, and Mrs, Aaron TyetVm4n of'' - . owar to here exactly state, suffice Ontario First idea not that be was Tl9 t thO Club met on Monday ev- Theitr ar +catriptete bntilts and single pieces that`ares ttaarvels o _ + sortie time longer. Mr. Andrews Vancouver, D.C., visited her brathMr,. f furb) y y g McE at the home of Mfrs Margaret taro excellence aiid ononiy...i3etter them.. to say here is no present fear of ` ever, for a m ament, a Quebrnkeii in expected bo .have; trade a iongen visit ` Mr. (lea. Stephenson, last ZNeek. A[r laohe rn. the wtrlf appearing at his ijc„or. I -ie the tturdrrn acceptation tri that 1►u tr pressing busimcss demiiayded ilfrs..t¢)ut Britt,oti intends leaving 1001(ed well, said ht felt $hit better term• :lir. I'rekitt tits as good as . .. Fo iris presietice at Wetasltiw%n much to Diss Irene Jaeksoih is entr'+rtaindnft a shortly to visit Het daughter at l r,r Tisa tlfea 6t s, itt a Ahd &" us to understand that PV- . gold aiid if hp thorrnfghly enjoys his the mgrelt of his numerous Clintoo number of her girj friends at bre home, atobe, Sawn„ 'and other friends. t1e pat K toll County to buy sit klmils of furniture. er olio thrives in and about Mile.•• ' visit it's. what We expeet, and no H'00, y frlcttds with whotit it is always hap- t liis evening. Mr, .Tosepli Cooperof Cledetanil„sitone eaeept the dootors and under-• mora 'than•iscafning bb bim HI's . Chid, is visiting his' mot he r, Mrs.. py to tneet and sorry torr part, 14tr, Mrs. James Walkinsbow entertaintxltakers. However, ho that as it son, Mt:. 1'.bu Peckftt, will acoom. Amdrews informed The News-RecorGbcper, elf the village.+ r . ttiny, ' 'dr. Johastoft's numtrous parry bxtn bot the. latter will any bra the evo of his departure that be a feu` of her lardy friends to tea on ,. .. .. . 4, filiends' are ploo*4 ter meet. with clitaott anms bth(ir visit.bHOM pro0*ppcted to retire from the 11^19- Nfanday evening, it is reoort'ad that mberdl woti _ 111M agoin •aud to W for thrtt»s c vin. Ing to his b4lf section to ;3it9k6 +o 61 paper business for a year er ser, He Rev. J. p:, l+ o td is Mterttfuing the will visit Canada, '7 y'L"t1r A L'G7 «L 1R .,LBICL YS thst a big lank a&4unt bas . not I wan, or rather It ie t 6n4doreA al- bas bine bests wishes for lila suoct," Wb1bers of his Sund school elven An official stat treat regarding tht: ww♦+t♦w a+itlro r+►a`sa.rem► ►s +o No♦ +w,wa+w+► +►1►1NN►1►Nii+ir spoiled .him. not In the legit,, tosethtr likely be will- in 1<+batover litre bra tray erAbark, at the we aley parsona" this ovefiing. trade aiegotiatibna eras Wugd. 1