The Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-12, Page 710. 10. XMA"A*V
I No 1), XOTA04mm . I
- 0 0 0 4 40h 0i 110 00 I - - - - - - - - - - I
, "I
IN I 'I I .. - � . - - __ . _. ..
lot -1 - " ,
. -*Md to*y *'r'4't tog" '"Ok
M *' C'V4 4`* 1 I
Instead of biting tilem. Hy owd 00
00 furtbor-1 wonder be, met their
-_ 11 I . - ---
' A'% 0"6' tw# =WM0 '"Ol"U$0,
"IX04 their muskets, And procured
Ammunition. The 11th w*ver@d,. and
trudging or riding tbo forty miles of
road between. Meorut ,and the Mogul,
capital. All night long they
oomo aisissit ye;0sug*cAu"d The X"
to flog his horse Into a fast trot ogisft;
be bts
� I
stupid wbims *yen thus 14r.t#
wore listolling to tbo.gpPes'a of. their
And And weeping empeaseow
. I#' 01, �
0 , I
Well, POrbMw you Aft right. Como,
for a lulauts or. two. My
beloved commanding Officer, Colonel
.to hear the rear of the pur nX guns,
to find the s4berg of the rarAo , 4
youlshed into the gloom.
Maya* Could not choose but belkrv,
.. .
uncle is,
Innaj$,. when some of the 20th Como
. '.
11'�' I
d1V r%
rare torapor. You must help to
talklillu. out Of It- BY the War, wb"
b%* And fired At him. a,s fol
pierced with lasay bullets 11
, the first
Over their heads. ut they
were quite "to, Archdale W voll, had
11 .
deed, Many, days elapsed before a
large part of Judia, would groitilt tbw
NoT, aggart
Are all the servants? Tb* doopew
ought to be Ugro. Rat hall"
victim Of judiwo, ROO year, His won
Qr40r0d his won to bivouac, sud they
� Obeyed, though It to within the bQun do
fact Mitt the British roximato Isr
Meerut bad not b?eu awswP4. A�-
Ot I
hesitated no longer. Afire with roll.
Is a link i7a Caua,44* greatest
chain of High-Gra,do Vollogeo I
A SW V 0 tk WIN MU#Oy
NO Oil* Came In r0sponso to be
, 1, Call.
Thinking that a oyce or choprasst
91OUS fanaticism, theYs top., armed
tbamselvesi and dispersed lit search
of probability that bad the rank And
tile known what the m9rrowls, sun
carriage And pxfr wero b*
0everAl s,erva , ruowd.-
utit were, mounted on AM
I founded- during �he r9t twenty-
. ,
� ,
WOU14 appe4r in a w0ment, Frank,
bunt NaJdl'o
of. loot *ad human Prey. Irbey -acted
wou,4 reveal, there might )love be
, en
another Mutlar in Meerut
thiR Available horses and Poulos, &A*
Mayne Winifred
. �
. a
Fix yea". 7:412 0, Ain is the
largest trainers of young people
- � I
-Ay- �
bridle ousk lamp -book jA
the porch, And entered the bu
HO 9004 discovered
oil no preconcerted Plan. The trained
troops simply formed the nuclelik of
.that night,
a Mutiny of Revs
, age and Reprisal.
It 'WAN that w1ge sud courageous
,Mr. and bad
down the Grand Trunk Read towards:
, Bulau4mbahr Alla4ril.
.. .
In CAna4a, And it is freely admit.
ted that its graduates'get the
0 TR
140,Ux ACT
1P I I
that Mr. Mayne's
wroth was due to 4, statement in 4,
� An Rrmed mob, Its. numbers ever swell.
Ing as the Convict$ I rom the gaol" tile
, 4 Roll.
counsel wag lacking. C, PtAtil
"Going half An. hour," said Sye4 Mir
� !& (kE;$MAL L03ANItUM' .VTjSt.
be" positions. There is are"ou;
write for it. A dr fro-
Calcutta. newspaper that a certain
Colonel' Wheler bud been preaching
bad characters from the city, and even
the native Police, jalm,4, In the wor, o f
Per offered to Cut .off the flight of the
rebels to De �
]lit It one fiquadron of his
Khan, volubly. "I stand fsAt, vlayt.vX
budmashes, They mike. - rush 11L
I - _-1,
I VotOrriggat *y XqLeo4 4 Allots
the. 0oinuiercial W44vatore AS-
oociatiou of Canada is a passport #
to, his sepoyo,
'What betwoell, A Poalm-singlas
murder'aniti destruction. They had no
dragoons and A few guns were givau,
Whim Lieutenant Mailer of tho 11
I th,
Qftousando, ana I retreat with t
glory. . Then they put blazes In XM -
to Success. I -
44Ualtloor w , � .
, OM z#VA,Uw.v .",�_,�
Viceroy And commanding officers jvb5
ieader. R4ch man emulaled his neigh
Nstive' Infantry, appeAje� 4 to General
galow .
. .
'Yon may stud artly at holue
while the hallgeTO-011, at the Court
mixed freely 'With the Ruropeaus. Hill
bold 4couveatIcleo, we A* lit for a nico,
hot Weather," growled tile CQMMjX_L
bQr In ferocity 'Like pack of wolve;
Dn the trail they followed the scent of
Vowitt for peraija
. ,lo,
I Wou to ride * us
to Delhi, and warn the Authorities
Now. Malcolm also Might have *C-
ceDte(I the, Sensational story of the,
L ,
OTaTim P.LLOWSP ox W;-
1104 flWShAAtthQU0llCgV- -
Quick Caught, at the belief
that these men reaeuted. his presence
stoner, ,
to 91, hovIng ,a box of clieroots to.
word alcolm whelf the latter found
olood. .
The r4pldspreAd of the revolt was.
there of tile outbreak. Sanction was
.ed In both cases. The bivouac
$sit Department in
. ,, opector, if, At that
Inst4lit, the boom of a, heavy gun Its
, I
I *
i Enter Any Day,
because he was brought, among them
by the command of the lady. He know
him .
otretched In a long c.alis chair oil
Me back veranda.. "Here
not A whit less marvelous than Its
, I
lack of method or colies ion. many
Wag evidently, detimed a masterpiece
0 f Strategy.
, not come from the direction a tho
OePoy, Another lot-
, I .
ILSIP, ",'*" - .�w �"; "oL .." - .-W OW, .."
� I roll' Term 004ad August 00
I . I
now that be mus t havo seen and
spoken to Ono of the royal prince0000,
is Lady
, C
L suning trying to convert native w.�-
I �
. Men, and A number 'of L Missionarlew
writer# have ,
put forward the tile Ory
that. by accident, the 'mutiny broke
, That Moller would have saved Delhi
cannot be doubted. - Next day, hilding.
lowed and another, in the ste,sity W
. .
quence of A, trained battery. As. ha
. .
I .
. .
None, would dare: to show her.
self unveiled to
publIshing Manifestoes ab
ptit the in.
Ekut halt an. hour too soon, and that
that the Wife of a brother officer had
had last ridd.9n from that very spot,
9-M 10-A-11.11--.1 ... .11.1-1-111w- - . 1.
. .
� . I
A stranger and a
white man at that, The manifest an-
fluence of railways and Steamships, in
b �
. ringIng about the spiritual union of
the rebels meant to surpritte the un.
hrmed white garrlo
. . on while in church.
been e
kllledp he sought And Obtain a
evldenc4 of the Identity of the, poor
Willett was then almost deserted, be
was sure that the. British troops had
- - - H, �T, RANCID, - _1W I -W
noyauce ,of ber.)IouoebQld W40 thus
the world.' I tell you, Malcolm, . In'.
In realityj nothing was further from
. .
lady's murderer, traced the Mail, fol-
come from their cantoliment.
I . .
easily accounte4l'for, but he
. L . Marveled
414 Won't Stand It, We Can 4Q, as We
thetr thoughts. It, �ii a nebulous way,
lowed him, arrested uir of -handed,
. a. ngle
discovery. that Winifred was yet lIv-
. t$ College ,
I Rt the strength of her body -guard,
like with kiladu stud Mililsalma L
11 00
a date was fixed for a combined ris,
and brought him before a drumhead
109, 4114 1!1 comparative safety,, cleared
. . �
.usluess � , I
He Was given little time for- obser.
vation. A diotinguished-looklug Man,
___.... ... .: I . I
.1 ..;a,_ .. I ...
4ug of the native army, It Was Sunday,
"Jay 31, three weeUo liktor than, the
court�martl4tj , by whose orders he was.
hanged forthwith. . I
lit$ brain as though he had part OLeu
of some mall
c elixir. He know that
; i, L
evidently vested with a
, uthority, bus.
104 we leave their respe ,Ve reo.
. . . ctl
day of. the outbreak. The soldiers,
Cralgle; Rosser, Moller, and a few
Meerut itself was now the safest re -
##"###"4##"" &"* I 0 0 0 . .1
tied forward and addreosed him,
I giQ no untouchipd. The moment tliooe,
I . .
helped by the 8 CUM Of the bazaar, 4
L fter
other brave spirits showed what Could
fuge within a 1undred miles. Proba-
. , I
lt%G� 14, FIRE, jN$U`RANCK
. , .. .
I �
eivilly*enough. Servants Caine with
. I
water and towelp't and cleaned his
%re threatened we enter the danger
zone, Confound It, why can't we let
Indulging In an orgy'of bloo4olled and
plunder, dispersed and ran for their
!love been done. But negligence and
apathy Were stronger that night than
tj IdL
Oly the bulk of the mu neers wou
strive to reach Del 1, ji d, t u e,
h n 0 co ro
. I. W11 .
- .
O�OXPAXIRIS.; - .! .
garments sufficiently to . Wake him
the people worship God In, their ow, a
I �
lives, fearing that the avenging Brj-
courage or self-reliance, For good or
the dragoofis and artillery would out
. .
presentable, while other men groomed
to 4 ,
h , oroe. He W40 wet through, of
way? It anything, they, are far more
religiously Inclined than we ourselves.
' ,
tish wer hot, On their heels. And that
jvas all. There was no no
ill, the torrent of rebellion was suffer.
ed to br�ak loose, slid It soon engulfed
� them off during the night, But ben.
had seen many squads of rebelp.0
I I X.
course, but that was not a serious
matter with the thermom oter at
Where is the Englishman who will 11 op
lown, in the middle of -the road to say
plan, set.
Ned purpose. 4 4 e
-'en H te a d gr ed nerved
-11. hands, but head
. � ,
a continent. .
Malcolm falle4 to find Cralgie,
mounted and on foot, hastenin 4
9 . Lloug:
the Grand Trunk
0),W4,11, � , ,,, p., - a, �", � -w.--w-"-_
for the County of Huron. Correk-.
seventy degrees, In the shad '
. 0, and, de-
his prayers fit sunset, or measure his.
.�,t there was
none, . . �
, who,
had taken his troop An the'direction
. Road, and It, was to,
secret that detaebments ot the 9th.
; 11. .
polideoca promptly answeriii. c1barX7
spite the ordinance Of the Prophet, a
length Along two. thousand miles, of
Malcolm's ride towards. the Centre
Of some heavy firing. Passing a bun.
Native Infantry at , 4nd,
es moderate and satir,faction, guarAik-
glass of excellent red wine was
a river bank merely as A Penance?
of the station gave proof in plenty
galow that was blazing furiously, lie
Aligarh were seething with BrAftmilit-
. .
. . . .
. I
teed; .Immediate. arrangeme4ts jo,V
sale dates may be made by calling
handed to him. .
But he saw no more � of the'PrIn.
Give me auv,;orlty to pack a shIPIORd
of busy -bodies home to Rnglarid,, and
that the mutineers were. a .disorganized
��abble, Inspired only by unreasoning
the corpses of
two women. A little farther on, he
cal hatred of the abhorred cartrxdges-
Eadli,second he becarne more LOU-
; .
at Tbo Nows-Record Office' or on.
.,ess. . He thought She would hardly
I'll soon have the. Country quiet
� It
raucor against all Europeans, and,
discovered the bodies of a man and
vluce4 that Winifred and her uncia
. .
1 9 I .
Frank Watson At' McEwau's ' groo.
ery. ' . I
- dare to receive him openly, and her
lisPuty gave no. sign of admitting bim,
8noug, Ill
'. An ominous, sound Interrupted the
like every mob, eager for pillage. At
first, he met -but few native soldiers.
four children In the. Centre of the road,
and he recognized, in the man, a well-
were being carried Into Wperfl far
greater than that Which they. bad ea-
. .
OFFIM-Sl6ane-,. IRI ock.-Cl WMNq
' ; .
to the, interior. the v4IAQQ, �Whlch
I I coined around the square of the court,
Commissloner's outburst. Both men
heard the crael,16 .Of distant mvsket�
The Mote . rs were budmashos, thd pre.
datory class which ally City In the
. known Scotch -trader whose shop was
the largest and best in ivicerlit. , "
cillied, Decision and acticu:.Were the
Same things where he was concerned..
I . -1 . 11 .
. I � I
� . . . I .
yard� like Some great prison. . .
I A 6haprassi recovered his hat, which
ry. At first, nelther Was willing to,
admit its signifle4tice, "'
"Where is Winifred?" deman ded
world can produce"in the twinkling of
an eye when the Strong arm of the
',a%v 'Armed
Then, for the first time, he under�
stood what this appalling thing, meant,
He 'Winifred,
Bidding the Afghan endeavor to fiact
Captain Cralgle, -who might be trusted'
I I .- - _�_�
. . : .
. _
tiolicer, for tbe counties. Of Huron
�.Aad Perth. Correspondence promptr
-he b ad left floating In the. moat;
NeJdl.allowed him to mount quietly;
Mr. Mayn . e, suddenly. I , I
. ,, .
Is .�Aralyzed. with swords
. �
and clubs,, gangs of men rushed from
,thought of . and .his
blood went cold, She and her uncle
to send a portion of his .troop to., scour
the road for some miles, and assurin&
.1 . .
. ,
.. ly awwered. Immediate arrange,"
the stout door had closed on him, and
he was picking his w I ay across -the
SheAs looking for servant, I
rancy. There, wai*none'lu the front
house to house, murdering the helpless
Inmates, mostly w omen and children,
were ajone in that remote house, far
away On, .
the Allgarli'Road and COW,
the man, of a big rewarafor his ser�
vices, Frank mounted, and gallopect
. -
1. , _ - 4014
I Meats Call he inade for sale at
. L'
fiolds towards the Meerut roat, be,
of the house, and I Wanted a. roan to
. I.
I .9,'Buch valuable$ as they could
pletely' cuf off from the comparative
South, He counted.o.11 overtaking thw
The 'News -Record, Clinton, or by
. ,
fore he quite realized how. curious
hold my horse." " I . .
ffird. and setting the buildings on flie.
Safe northerly side of thq Station.
fugitives In an hour � , and persuadia&_
calling phou6,97, Seifortb, Charges
Were the circumstances which ha - be,
- far-off volley rumbled ov'er the
ghouls practised the Most un -
Giving heed to. nought save this
the in to return -witlh him. He rode-
- . . . . .
. nioderate and- sal4slaction.guarail-
* I
, I, - .
falen him since. he patted from
plaln,, and a few birds stIrred uu-
easily among the trees.
heard -of atrocities. They opared no
one. Findlug
new horror of his immagination, he
wheeled Nejdt and rodb top
with drawn sword, lest he might bw
. . .
. teed.. . I . .
, I . - . .
frod Mayne in the porch of her une Ile's,
bangialow, � . .'.
, ,, 0 .
No servant to. be seen -at this
A . Ill In
woman lying .. he'd,
they. poured oil over, the bed clothes
at speed
towards Mr. Mayne's bungalow. As
attacked on the way, ,but it was. a re-
markable, tribute to Moller's wisdonr.
. .
.1 . I .. 11
� Then be bent fbrward in the Saddle
to stroke Nejdlls curved ileek, and
. _
hour! " I � . .
� They looked at -.each other in sil-
and thus Started, wItJj a human liolo: -
caust, the fire that destroyed,thebtia-
he. neared It his worst fears�were con-
firmed, One wing was.on fire, 'but
In offering to ride to Delhi that no maix
molested him, and such he-,
. , - . .
I . I . I .
I � I --"I - , I i -
I . . . I .%. .
DR. W. ov". I 1 I- . I
I D�, 1. R. C. P.,,
, .
I . '.
. laughed cheerfully. � - . .
encel. - - .. .
galo , I I . .
, . W. -
the flames h
I ad. almost burnt them-
passed skulked off Into the field%
L. R. 'O. P�, 1. R. C.- S. .
I Jiltc,, Specialist In Diseases ot the
"You are wiser than 1, good horse,"-
"We must find Winifred," Said tile
They wore 'rank co -wards, too. An-
selves -out. Charred beams and black-
where they saw the glint of his sabre.
. .
I . I
. Eye , Haro ,Nose and Throat,
said be. "When the game Is up, you
older man, rising lits chair,' .
other Engli$hwomd , also an.inv4lid,
oiled walla'showed Stark and gaunt
aund -e
recognized him as a British offt
. .
. - .
I will be at Holmes' Drug Store,
. I
lake thing's placidly_ Here am 1, your
I - -
I inuat.hurry bac.k to my regj-.
went," said.Frank, I
,was fortunate in possessing a devoted
In the 'glow �Of .a. smouldering mass
of wreckage. Twice
ceri They had no difficulty J�L that:
1. .
' .
-plinton, on Tuesaiy, March Ist,
29th, Apr!) 26th, May. 20h, Junej
supposed superior In Intellect, In don-
ger of being bewitched by a woman's
. .
"You thirk, then, that there Is trou.
ayah.. . Thid faithful creature saved
tier ' mistress by her quick-witted
he rode round
the ruirie4 house calling he knew not
respect, A glorious full moon .wag.
flooding the p6aceful plain with light-
office--oAtaito street, Clintoli. Niva
. , .
.. I
21st If you r6quire G:asses don't
eyes. Whether brown.or black, they
, -
ble with the native troops?" .� i
"With have been.
shriek that the menl-sabib.must be-
what In.lits agony, and looking with
The trunks of the tall trees lining tbw,
calls at trout ddor of office or at
play -the deuce With a man if they
the sepoys ypg. j
avoided at all. costs, as she-was-suifer.
. L
eyes of one on the yerge. of lun-
.barred Its. White ribaud It -
road w U.
on Rattvabury w4eet.
fail to see Dr.. Ovens. . ..
� . I . L 11
WhLe In A wbman's head. So ho, then,
told Lthat.tbe 11th- and 20th are not
Wholly to be trusted. And those vol-
I ug from smal)PDXI The destroyers
fled in
acy, fo,
r some dr'�ead token of the fate
that had the '
black. shadows, but NeJOI, good. horse-
,,,yeeidence .
. I . L
I . L . .. .
boY jet us liquie and eat, and forget
terror, ndt waiting even to fire
overtaken Inmates, . :
that he was, felt thatLthiS Watt.= tim.w.
3 1 .
- I
these fairies In muslin and clinging
silk." . . I . ..
toys are fired by infantry.". . .
A rapid step and the rustle of w a.
th .
It was not until days later thatLMal-
He Caine .across several bodies.
They were all natives. . One of two
. I
for skittishness, and repressed the In-
clination'-to -
jumO these impalpable
,� I
� . .
. . I . ,
. .
eviv-DR, J. W. SHAW— . .
The IRK11IOD Mutual FITO
-Yet a month passed, arid Frank Mal.
dress Warned them that,the gt'rl, was
boltil ,knew the real nature of the
were sdrvants, he fancied, but the rest
obatheles. I L �
. . . . I
. l . ..
If I I . I . .
Insufalace - -Palau .
Colin did not succeed,Llil forgetting,
I . . L
Like any , moth hovQring round a
approaching, She came, like a star-
. .
tied fawn. . I
scene - through, Which he rode. .He.,
saw the flamesbe heard the'Moliam.
were marauders fro the oi. CA -
I In, . ty. Im
Ing himself, with the coolness of utter
And: he'made excellent progreog,.
Eight miles from Meerut, in a tiny vW.
-OPIPICrow . .
� . , .
4. . I I
: - .00M .
. .
, , ged the
lamp the more he was Sin,
"The servants' quarters. are desert -
m dan �ell of 14AII! A11111� and the Hin.
despair, he s ,:examin
mounted, and, ed
logo, of mud hovplo which horse ancY.
L . . . . .
I �Fartq and Isolated Town Piopiert*T_
, L
� I I 0nly, Insured-
closer lie fifittend, though the Mem-
ory of the Indian Princess's. brilliant,
kedoll she cried. "Great columns of
-rig, -
mok6 are Ing over the trees, and.
0 �
du shriek of "Iall Jai!" but the quick
fall -of night, Ito growing dusk ddep.
L the slain. `1 heir injuries had been 'In-
flicted with some sharp,'biav I y inotrur
rider had every resson to, remember;.
ill suddenly dashed li�to a large Com-
, ey
. . I I
. I I . I -
. . .
. ,
black eyes wits soon loot in the sparkle
bear the Shooting' . Oh, what
yOu . . . .
e04 bY the spreading clouds of smoke,
L ment. None -of them. bore gunshot
pony of. mounted 'men and A -Moupr
I L1NT0.$,-.
J. 8, McLean, President, $eafortbP.
. c?f Winifred's brown ones.
. I
.dqes. it mean?" I .
aund.his own desperate haste to reach
'Wounds. That was. qtrange If there
colle�iion of vehicles.' There were,
. . . I �
- " ,
* . I .
0. ; X Hcj*en, *. , , lev-P.resident
.13ifi-cefield. P, 0. ;' T. E. Hays, See..
. .
As it happened- the ,young soldier
WAS. a prime favorite wifh'the Com.
kulosignef, andjt to poslilble that the
. me'ans, my dear, that INN Dm-
goons and the, 60th will hate to teach.
thesq impudent rebels, a Much-ileeded
the cavdIrY lines, pieveilted-11m. f
I � ro
appreciating -the full extent of .the.
horrors. surroundl g his. path,
. n
was a fight, and Mayne, perhaps even,
Winifred, had taken pa -t In. t e de.
' i it
tense, 'they' must have us6d the Sport.
voici�s. raised, too, J-6 . beated .dispute,
And a sm'all'crowd was gathlered n6ar
a lumbering carriage, whote tawdry,
. . . __
. ..
.. ... . . _ 1 7
DR. ,,-W. .iTeMli 014 - ,
-P S . . .
� .1 I I - 4A .
, -1!1. .1 Tream �
. .w Seaforth'P., 0. .
.course of true love'inight havb"rfin
lesson," safd'
. I he.r uncle. '7116re to no
. . � h ,
Arrived at the parade ground, e
rig. rifles In the house, And that sug-.
Arapphags and' display of $bid wqrlc
. I , �, . I
. . , . , . �-Dii6ctors
most �
smoothly Wthe red torch of Var
cause for alarm. Mu st,you redll'� gQ, I
. .. I � , . L I . 7, -
Malcolm?" 1.
met Cralgke and Melville Clarke, wIt4
gooted on ekabiltiation of th'
o, dark in-
betokened tlie state e4ulpato of sme
. .
Willi ' am .0 f
hesn6y, .Seafo1rth'-JObIjL
hadluot-flasli6d over t1ibland kki the,
. . .� . �
Ono troop that remained, of the
. - He dr4aded the:? task, but it
nAtKedignitary. -- L
I. I
Special attenthin. g!ven to dis-
Grievtk. Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea-
glare of Some mighty: --volcajio4 i . �
"Got" broke In. Winifred with the
regimept of Which he, was so proud. .
. . �
Must not be shirked. . ' L Q
, . .
.,Drawn its side wa$ a..Eu o
. rap. -
eases of tbd.]@�% Ear, Nose and
forth, 'ohn Harlock; , John
0 ' Watt,
On Sunday evening, May *h, Mal-
shrill' accents of terrqr. "Where Are
.1 � . ..
There - were no L Other officers
I to be
, The p6rch was Inta,
I Ct, and be hung
pean .traveling bafouche, *pty, bolt
Throat, -
l3enue-wies, Brodbigan ;: James Evahs �
. Colm L rode Away from his, own small
you going?" . 1 .
' "To
.Been,, so these -6ree. held a consulta.
Neidi's bridle on the book
Malcolm's keen eyes soon %
IeW out
Eyes carefully examined.and Suitable
. .
Beechwood , 'JaMeS Connolly, '
. I .
bullgalowi' and. took the Aligarh: road.
As in g1l u - . r t , stations, .. the
my -regiment, of bourse," said
Frank, Smiling at her fears. "Proba-
tion. They'were sure that the white
troops'wouldt 800nL Put &A end to .the
had placed. It Jittle more than . hour,
%go. The spacious drawing -room had
the fikures of Wintfre � er uiiae..
at rlding in -the n#c -
a ftst of � An* excite.v
. glasses prescribed,
. I .
. O(Weripli., '. L .
. ean L p ,oun
residduces In Meerut were
bly we shAlLbe --able to put di)WaL this
prevalent, disord&r, and Lthey decided
been gutted. The doors (Indian. bun
' ' I . .
I . � . . L . .
. I
, .
. . , I . .
* L .
-Surop I
scattered dver an . Immense Area, The
Outbr6ak...befdre the white Aroopi *
to do *what they could, Within 4.limi-
. I
galows have haTdly any windows, each
. m .1 ..
, .
. I . . 1% . " .
Office and residence : 2 door's west of
Robert Smith, Harlock.; E- - Rill
cantonment 'was - split Into . two see- I
arrive. Good,by. I shall either re-
led . area, t6 save lifea nd . property.
. .
loor beink half glass) were -open front
.- �, . (TO.8E CONTINUED,)
_,t�e Commercial Hotel. .Huroa St.,
chley,, Scaforth,:. J11wes C'UMMIngi,
tion's by - an, Irregular ravine, or, nul,
,turn, orsend a trustworthi messe�,
Riding towards his own bungalow to
and back.'. The rooln empty,
- . I .*� - . -, � . .
I . . . . .
I . .
Egmondvllle,- � *. ,W. Yoo,, Holmeq-
ville. , ' � � . - .. .- . , .
... . .,
, I
lah,'running east and west. 'North of
this dItCL h- Wei . .
e= officers'
ger, within On hour." , - 1.
.And so, coiiff4 L t arid eager.,he was
L I . en '
l couple of.revol.
vers , Maldolm cam upon a, howling
P I I L e
tha,ak Heaven' Ile was about to en�
ter and'sdarch tile rem' .
d1nifig apart-
� . . . L I .
. I L I � . . . . . I
. : ... I . . . I .." , .
. ,-..-;,-- I
. . . . . I
ity money to be paid in' way
.IoWiI, arid. the .ka Of th6 Huro-
gone, and Ahe first moments of the.
� the
mob in the act of -swarming into
ments which .L had escaped .the fire;
I . . � . . .
. . . - . . . . ..
I PR. F. A..
, .be
paid to Tozer &',Brow1l, Clinton ot
-Oean troops,, tenanted by a regiment
hour sp6d when,' perhaps, a Strong
41.0nipound: of Cralgle's house. Some
when a cUriously'cracked. 'ioice'hatled
. . .. . I .. I .. 1. ...., � ..
I I . . .
. I �
11 I , .
DgNT IST, - - . . .
. . ,
at, Cuttlz gro,6ery, Gf6derich. . .
L of dragoblis,'the 60th Rlfl6s,: and'a
,n In,control at. Meerut Might have
, . . . . .
saved India. .. .. a.
cor f t oo
S e 0 r er� heard his fierce cry
' '
for T fell upon the -would-be
ftlift from th6. foot.of
"'Hallt! Who go dar " it cried, in
L .
I .
'_ I Coniti * .
pation is thO..
. .. . .. .
I L 1. I . .
Parties' desirous, to efleot'Insurance
strong forte oi artillery, bothi borse
and foot.. Between the Infantry and
. L ,
.. � � . .L . . . . I z. . .
I _ _, �
taur"derers, 1 - or Mi's. . OraigiO and bOr
'iVe're In L
�be,q�jeer jkrgon of.fhO native regj�
. .. .
. :
root of. many forms,of '�.
Specialist in Crown aad� Bvidge
. .
or transact other. business will be
I . .
pr'-OMDtly attended to,'qn 11
cavalry barracks stood the soldiers'
Church. .411y,iWo Miles on the
CHAPTZ R 11. ' I
I ..
. . L. . . I I .
. children U1,5116 the bungalow.
The riff-rt0f were soon driven off,
. .
M011ts. . . . 1� . I .. .
Malcolm saw a- man
. . .
. . . I .
sickness . of' = - -.
Work. Gradua0e of 0XI A.S., .
Chicago, and RX.D.S.,' Toroutoo. �
to . an . y' of th e aboVe 'officer=d-
to their respectiv 'postairices. Losses
e -
South side of
. , the ravine, were, the sd-
PDX linedi and arlotherL group of ISO-
. A Night In May - -
. . I I I I .
Winifred, quite uhcon8efously, *
. . - bad
,and Malcol not y6t
I . ,, ral rehlizing: the
. I
gravity .of � the emoute told the meh
wards. him. He fecognized. blin � as ai,
pensioner named SYed Mir'Khan .
*' � . .
L . I
. . endless amoUnt of , , .
I I � .. I.
inspected, by the - director ,who livos
lated' bungulows, The native. town
stated the actual IhOldelit that led to L
to safeguard ulem-sahlb until they
received further orders, while he went
Adghan. The old man a born
Bater, insisted on speaking En 'to �
* . . I . . . .w.
human .inisery.- � I
I . .
lBayfield on Mondays fr0ift May to
nearest the sdcn6. " I I .1. - . I
. I . .
I .,; .1
was in this qlaarterg whae the space
Intel"Vening between the British and
the outbreak ot the Mutiny. The. hot
L to j6in b i; ' . L
I senior officer .
. ' glisill.
the Sahib -log, unless, by rare chance, I
. L . . - . I I .
" , L' '' ' . . . .
. - - I .
� . .. '
I .
7 � I — '. .
. .
Indian troops was partly covered with
weather was so trying for the white
. lit, many of,whom, un,
in Meer
. .
, . Incro-diblo 'tie: it may . seem, the ,
. � tiny
he encountered some person acquaint-.
d with Pushtu,
. " - 11 .
Dr. Morse.4,
. I I
1. . 1.
I � I I . . I . . . .:
. .1
Ofinton News-14cord
rambling -bazaars. '' . .. .
I .
Malcolm had been detained 'nearly
.troops I
der,ordinari. conditions, would then
have been In the hills that the Gen-
detachment obeyed him to the letter.
They ,held the' compound against re-
his native lang
B . uage� ,.
"I come quick, Sahib," he -shouted'
., . . ,
I I. .. . .
Indian -
I I . I
. - 0.
V6 - -
. . . . . I
.. . CLINTON �' .
� half an hour by some difficulty Which
a subadar had experienced In airang-
- . .
' .
eral had ordered, a Church -.,Parade In.,
th u
e evening, and at an unusual ho r.
posted aisaitits; and lost several then
in hand-to-hand fighting, . .
I I � .
Unow a
. � Ilthings.' I save sabib an�
miss-sallib. Yes, by dam, 1 slewed the
out-heads.�' . . . I '.
.. � - . . .1 . .
I .. - I .
I Root, ilisr I
P ,
lb— . . I ,
, - I
I S11
- I � I .. .
I � �
. 1.
Ing. the details of ihe:nIghVs guard,
. ... .
.. .
A 11 da -y long I the troopers of
. The history of tha:t terrible hour is
.. I . 1.
As he
m .
k I . .
. .
. -p .
erms of sUbVetiption-$1 er V tar.
'Several. won Nvere absent without
I leaye,.and lie attribi
uted this. u usual
3rd Cavalry nursed their.wrath at the I
brlght�Bned by m any such
. , tive fealty. The -Treasury Guard
,. a
came nearer;.he
. brandished
it huge tulwar, and,the -split skulls and
- , . . . a . . � .
. . . I . I
. . I ..
1. . I .
. . -TIME ,TABIX-!-- �
.: advanC6 $1.50 may be dhUged if
.not. go POLK No pa�er discoRtilift
. .
occurrence to the severe, measures
fate .of their comrades Who had. re-
I .
fused, to' handI6 the suspected .Odr-...
cm e Sib, Irregular'
severed, vertebrae of cer gentry
lying'M the -garden becAme.,explica'ble.
. - , thoioiighly. tested br �
. . �
�raiuis will ia'rnve at and dtpart
- untit All arilears are paid, unless, at,
the colonel talten when certain
troopers refused to use the7cartridges
tridges.' They had seen. mon� whom
they regarded as' martyrs stripped. of.
Cavalry, not onlyrefused to.join the
rebels but defended , their charge
'Delighted in having aSahib to listen,
* . . .
over fifty years'of useo �
. I *
otom. CU0611 Stailon as folla, vit":
. , . I
the o . i..
I Pluion -of the publisher
supplied � for the new Enfield rifle,
their -uniforms and rivets d In *chains
boldly. A *eek.lateri of'their ,own
h 0. went. on, .
' "Tile I .. I I
mob appearing, I attacked.
I 1kave een .
� bi proved W
., I
' . .. . .
date to which.,every subacription,ts
. _
. paid is -denoted oil the label. I
But, like- every. other officer ln.Mep-
-rut, he was Confident that the'. nearm
in front of the garrison on . the
mornink'df the 'Otb. Though fear of
. free, will, they escorted the'treasure
and records -from Meerut to. Agrao the.
them with. great fercelty-yes, like.
. .
sAfe.and certain cure!
0eing East -.7.45 : a6 m:
It � . 8.07 , .
Wdvortising rat., I
�s-Translcnt . '
n . 4d 7er-
'less of the'strongest 3D,uropean force
in the..North-West Provinces Would
th� British. forbe In the 'cantonment
trails � fer.being made for greater gaftey,
. I
and beat off-seireftl attacks by.inpur-
. terrible lion, by George. My -fighting
- -
was Immense,. 1 had my
for , ation and,': I
I $I . I I.. I . ''
.49 . 5*15' '#- %,
tisements, 10 -cents per nouparld
line for first .iustrt�cu and . 3 ceri
certalulym keep .this Vailtontents quiet.
kept theni quiet Hindu vied"with Mus-
zalinan. in muttered execrations of the
Lts on the way. I ,11 te.
gel' They were we. ,
'for :their
.actions ,With
the- plgs�ll . . 1. I . � ... .
. . .
At last lie quieted down sufficiently.
. '
�. I - all kindred troubleso. . ,
going ,West 11-07 . A, in.
94 44 1
- Per line for, each subsequent Insert
Above all else,. he. was f�ady�*to a
his life 6 take
n'the'loyalty of 'the
dominant race. The'fact thA:t the' -day
warded fidelity, yet, sudh
wa the:power. of fanaticism, within
to tell Malcolm Wliat had .happened,
. . . I . . I
. -
Try tliem. - -
. ,
. di is 1"A5� 0 m'
fjAb ;.Pdta-
tOn, Small advertisements ubt to
exceed one inch, such as I'Lost.11
majority, of'the men of, his own regi.
. I ,
Ment, the.ard Native Cavalry ..
following the punis4ment parade was,
a'Sunday brought.about.a. 'Certain 're-
less tUn two months they deserte d
e with others, thinking- the miss-
Wlb. had gone to church-, was smok-
I . .
. . .
I 1. 4 250.. a b=.
. 44 is I 11,18 P- in,
"Strayed," ,or "Stolen," jtod.,' iw-
, In pushh* Nejdi Mong s'
t a fast
laxtition from discipline. The men
loafed In the bazaars, were taunted by
a Mant .
The acting Commissioner of M*
. Ing the hookah Of gossip' in' a neigh-
boring compound. It Instance
I I .
. I I.. .. I I I
. : .
-setted ;once for 85 cents and each
sublqe4ue'ut 'insertion 10 cents.�
Canter, therefoj�e, .be bad. no weightier
matter.on his mind than the fear that
bburtesans with. lack of courage, and
rut, 'Mr. Greathed, whose reside
. ned
was !a the Centre of the sacked area,
, was an
>f th- amating,rapiditywith which t4e
\ . . I .
r � . �. . . . .
aoing South 7..rvil a.
I( to I . 4.93' p. in,
.0111MUMMU3118 intended - for 'Public&-
'tie might have kept Winifred waiting.
When he dashed the 'compoulid,
either drOwned their troubles' In
Strong. drink or drew together in
took his wife to the flat. roof of his
house lie found that
rioters spread.oVer the station oat a
aurnber of them .reached the Maynes.,
I �
. � . . . � . ..
400ing North I . 11.00 a. th..
tiolk mimt, - as a guarantee .01. 909d
and st,w that -there was no, dog -cart'
. 'knots to talk treason. .. . .
when escape'was
Impossible. A gang of ruffians ran-
bungalow five rninutes after the first
ght 61'
As a result of a railway ri I .
44 46 , IS.35 p, In.
, , laith, 6*tbe name
In the' porch, he Imagined
raced up to the
sacked every room, and, piling the
alarm wao'given. It.'should be bx-
Way dispute Boothtg bpig lumber busi-
I � ...... I .
At thb writer. . I �
I W. J. M:i�CHZj,j,,
Editot Suit T-toprietor
=11h,leggirl had gone '
'Without him, or,
horrible Suspicion, With. some other
tavaller. - �. .. I ."
Cavalry- lines with thrilling news.
"The Rifles and Artillery are com-
Ing to -'disatm 'all the. native regi-,
furniture, set it slight, but a trust-
Worthy Servant, named. Golab , 1(hant
told them that he Would,reveal the
PIRill -d here that Mr, Mayne, being a
Commissioner of Oudh, . .Was only
visiting Meerut in order to learn 'the
neigs, at Ottawa was tied ug f;Dr two�
I .
. I
days.., . . .
. . I . .
1. . I . .
. . -
. I ofttt as YZAR6
. I . -
I tv . . . ".
.. I .11 �
.. .
It was not so. -Wirilfred'heiself ap-
peared on the.ver.anda as he dismount..
Inents I" he, Shouted. . . . .
Ito had Watched the 60th falling in
hiding -place of the .Sahib and mem-
sallib it' they followed. quickly. He
details of a system of revoult collee-
tion which it was prop6sed to adopt,
A guni� cov*�
Paily, vf,th hoad office in Toronto-, b&*
. . _�
I . .
_. . , ,
., , ,
'I 11, , ,
, 1.
.. 4 � �.
. . , � .
ed., .. I .
."YOU are a laggard," shc said,.'se
for Church Parade,,andi In view of the
action taken at Barrackpore and Luck-
Ehus decoyed them away, and the tot,
tunato couple wore enabled io reach
)a the sequestekled estates Ot the Oudh
taluqdarg. He bad rented one Of, the
.. I
been, inearporated, . � .
Capt. Wastio, tbe first thick'
� �. I
. A ,
! I . ;. - Akkrl
oil 11 * $4.1
IN1,11AL-1 [ I AXOML-11191
verely, . I I
"I could act .
holpit. - 1 was busy In
.now sepoy battalions having been.
disbanded In -both stations for. mutt-
the British Mies under cover of the
darkness. ' �
best hauses In the place, tile owner
being In Simla, and Syed Mir Xhai
the Londov paid fire brigadep dic(C
Of .
. .
- , . 1�111
* * 0, * * * * � � .1 * � * It 4 0 * *
the orderly -room. But Why lose wore
nous conduct -he Instantly ,Jumped to
the conclusion thalt the Military au*
And, while the sky flamed red over
hold a position, skin; to that of care-
take n a '13
I ritigh household. The',
at San Jose, Califbtllia. .
� .
. . ThA09 MARKS;
. CKAW40
I . .
If that tat pony of yours is
rattled along we sball not be very
Keerut'Mcant to, steal a
thoritles at I
a thousand fires, aiid the blood of un,
happy 1,0uropeani, either civilian
looters knew h '
ow valuable Were the'
A young Wannamed LAVAssCT1T'WW
drowned Bathurst X.n., while try-
c6pvklQi4T$ &a.
Aqj�anese a etch "d deemidlon ,us$,'
* - TO , * # * * * * *
much. behindbind." N .
"YQU Must not 0dik disrespectfully
March outhe disaffected troops. His
Warning crS, was as A torch laid to A.
. I .
families or the Wives and children of
military offigers, Was being spilt like
^�Ojitenta of such an important resi-
dence, and the earliest contingent-
at ,
ifig, to, recover his b&tt , which ba&
. ICUT, 8$002`14111 OUr ovinion fteo w eth
r.'ren on isprobAbIr tabI1% Cow knenrlo&-
Mexico, - Colorado, Califortlia and -
Of my Pony- It he is fat, It is due to
gun oW r
p de traill, . .
The 3r4 Cavalry, Malcolm's
water, where were the two i regiments
thought they Would have matters enn
tirely their own Way. .
blown into the xiver�- .
. .
Uongdtfid 6Dn4d8nt&1Lt%n'NUB on pauluts
, ey %or Geou ag
isant froo."Most Agn P.,
ip�. pAt4antd tAktil t 0 Nunn C V142*6
I .
Pacific Coast Points.
The Grah,d Trunk ftilway Syp-
I content, not .laziness. And you' are
: evidently not aware that F,volls Ong Is
Corps, swarmed out of bazaar and
. of *hito troops who, by pro Itipt ae.
tion, could ho6re saved Meerut and. pre-
As. soon as Malcolm left, however,
I I 1.
� I .
. I
I O -W i , I
111. I �- . .1
I *ata,Iwt"wjtb6Q1;*0 Argo,fat a
%to tific .11therka"s
. tem is the P6pwllar ,Uottt.6 frain,
all, east tiltough, Canada
half an hour later to-deLy, 6w"
ourse, 1, oxPectgodtoy!)'u"
heat, -of C '
quarters like angry wasps. Nearly
halt the regimeacran to secum their
Oicketed horses, armed theinselvos In
vented 1he slego of Delhi? -
That obvious question must receive
Mr. Mayne load
, ed all his guts, while
Winifred made more -successful search
. .1 0
. �
Whooping C O*U
eirlier, andk if necessary" I Would have
a Strange answer. They were
for the servants. The Agg-litin was
I A I y 111ushwWd Vld*� frod,t
, ...
ilia ufiBil.
� -a Chicago.
vi .
gone Alone, but -11 .
hot haste, and galloped to the 91101..
acked on their parade-grbund, doing
true to 'his Salt, and their own retain.
�m Sri A""' W*d. IFOU by
11, I " 6611"04"glefltrk
. t .
She hesitated, And looged over her
shoulder Into the IMMOAso . drawing.
room that occupied the
Smashing open the doors, they -freed
the Imprioored troopers, struck Off
their fetters, and took no measures to
nothing. The General in command of
tile station wits a feeble old man, suf-
Is rl -
- 9 13 go
fering from Senile decay.
ors, who had.coMe With them from
Ludkno% remained 8teadfaa til
crisis. t "'
Hence the
. .
.. . . I .
. . . I � 4
HE Leo 66 jr ot-WAAsaktom
Double Track, � Fa4t S
cefitr e of tile
bungalow from front
the of tile general
Wilson, Issued
mob ret
I � � .1
I . . �
I . I
L-st Roadbed, Vod6m ri,quipinciit,
to rear.
"I don't mind AdMittIrlig," she Went
Prevent escape
horde of convicts. Yet, even Ili that
dier, Ardhd4lo Order$
that were foolish. Ile sent the Dra-
Warta reception. but the fighting
. ' bad
I . I � I 'i
- I I..". I I., .. - __-_�_ I � . .
' .- __ ___ .
Unekeelled Dining Car Service.
oil, laughing nervously, ,,that I am a
Moment oi frenzy, some of the men
gootis to guard the empty gaoll Af-
taken place outside the bungalowt the
defenders Iffilng a wall *it the edge
. �
, -
*T I
All eloxneatq ot safety'and co,fti-
fort. I. .
Wee bit afraid these days -'them is so
Mukh MIA of a native rising. Unole
remained true to theft colors. Cap,
tAln Cralglo and Lieutenant Melville
ter a long delay in issuing ammunition
to -the Itifles lie Marched them and
of the compound. Indood, - a georo
itSTAWASH6 16 4
iLiNdplo mteali(1460tedttmttmmwi.cf6r&tft.-
.4 T
0 S
' 5
gets so cross With Me When I say any.
thing of tha t kind that I keep -my
Clarke, hearing tli6 uproar, mounted
their chargers, rode to t1w, lines, and
the g 1111110irs o the deserted par4de.
ground of the native infantry, They
of bodies lying there had not been seen
by Malcolm -during his first frenzied
eQ&itwtQe*.&voidiftdr%1&, VotowludcV0601 I
IM6 sw* tha baftxyms ot Ibiwnsr I=
'm t i
ftdreIIeVft&6UP&t4dt8. It Abb6n,tU8U-
' L
. . I
No moro desirable routo than vl:t.
Opinions to myself.,'
"The 611ntrY Is unsettled,"
uttukfly brought tileir troops top tile
arade ground in perfect discipline.
round 9, low belated sowars of the 3rd
(!av4IrY,, Who took refuge -111 A wood,
examinatlon of tho house. .
Then an. official of the SiLlt Depart.
Tho nit ren&irid *Ott Ir
feerk , gtL I
oAtiMpfteloe�4*itk"ItDhki*4da'*Ith *V&Y btftth, tAn
breatKin xboAt*tidstqM I
,f et0-.Ii60thtAthh sore tf
I .1
'Grand Trunlicand et)tiliteting lines,
Prank, "and It would be tolly to deuy
� 0 ahwhile, the alarm bad Spread to
tile ktxcw
and the artfilery opened fire at the
ment, drAv 11 past with his wife and
I r
child, shoutpd to Mr. Mayno tbAt Tie
9,Itsoarleig"tfululkhts. njdiaviltt�
211.31611 th
ImotherAWK ydftjt0hfl&0n.
F"d ils PaW tor dea&Ipthro, bwktet., so.
.; 16 CUW LIterga
jhj' mi., ,�
**0****# ,�. ..
the fact. But, at any ratti, you are
6 "
'alo Ig I In Meerut. �
SODOYS. 90 Ouc *XvLctlY
What caused all the eommotl0n. Wild
trees! News came.that tho rebels
were, Plundering tho BrItlob � quartorg,
! Instant it ho would
must ilot lbs 0 fill
I 1hy etaiml#A6 �
, 19 06MOLIft NOVIU6 V*A1000
Seettro U66% and full pi%rtlenlarg
"'Are you cure? only yesterdliy
ruMOrS sDrOdd, but no Mail COUld SPeAk
'definitely. Tito 11ritiall offlecro of the
� and the infantry went there In licit
And then thoy balted, though
save Ilia niece and liblisolf.
"The isepwo bave 118cli," WU 06
me bL.
Wick FWAX106tw^ �
A# It for 06 ftltsw . �
. ONONT 61,69kr% AINZI
trom .-
Mortaing nj.Cqj of yol
., irown
V911110tit woro sent to, prison, Wcro
,�Jjt$ W4Dre V,t6
11th _tfjj)g
and .,�Otjj rogim"
L the MUtincer$t Wer4e (%ying, - �
" Quick
horrifying mespage lie brought. "They
. tbroat, TI* Aracrklo)#,
6116divaVAS *hVIT101 I
0, )16160
't?" '
hey 'UL
their wo,, into solliethIng like order
brother, quickl TIW� Whito Mon ar�
have Surprised and killed all the Wbit0
troops. They sacklug thif� whole
10 S our ,7*4E ot %,
R11. I", 11 is n%% � I I . I I
I ,
1,6 '61"
*9.80 oto ytail .. 98,0ft. A to"
. A. 0. PATTI-SON, Depot Apn*.
"Yes, but tl!oy ajoro were dislifro(-.
When a sowar elattered up, find yelled
coming! I and the aear,�d suggesition
you tho fires there?
VAP4 gresoling I .
. '10 4 *'a
"ANO 101ONTINUIta 4toftl .
or addras J. D. Mel)annld,�: Disdilet
Gd. .N.Vory F -0110v lino%a lie j�lust
to the infautry that the European
wout round: "To Dollill That Is our
Iststion. see
That la tbolr work, Tilts rogd Is Clear,
t-t*vAfN*M1l#6 Bid*-.1 0 1 1
1 , �jc rr*SL�
� avaty numistrit6mowrit'lis rto
. � L11 I . _ _
9",,;6 -
PaRSCMgtr Xgmt, 'Vhlon Statloft, Tb-
I ^ L
,b(DY, Arid C', 3�� follows 1% -f,., Sud pajilt
, I .
. ,�Ank tt� 1!��v 1.trAv � . -'rl - b,
ttopps Wei mo,re"11,11ig to 41UR1,1111 tjt,l�.o
, Only ellance t -
I The Moon rose on 4 torrj&a mitu
t the ,J11014 PoWd Is blo� #� - .
b!i� 11ked ", -
-1 I
"4'O"t"A" 11
.I. �. I I �
�, - I �. - - � .-
I I — ---1 —.... � . . % I 1*
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