HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-12, Page 4I
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00derfeb Towaship ' UWW"_ 0- *'vulw asuffeld i: 1400doo Ro" I I f nru IRON . �, -
� .
00 07, 10A "* Mr. Mel wus. VhS., IlullwT#�F re DOC. A %wob4r #0 tU'youxg Wim of tbo 1. Mr. Robwt Hunt LWK MArriod In Borlin '
a or heft laid � . A GOLUM of .&-U A �
40cv* toa I U44 0AWW4 imAt to Uth, Poe qf *asaut .,rilko, imft ovs,m1w a Snow Sh" � up *04 $4 attack ot OWUX , grip, . � I
0v"&", ztlac"fitt friosm by- the event# toa , . " . Our r"d4rs will $ettw wity pitam. I
, . (Intowed for laitt W#4.�
. ot tbe� Club w4am o"lor oxet0w every :wA Mo. Harvey JOWK h#A been vjgl�
WAY. 14 turning OUt at a S*t-.WAY *0 br*'f f*tW. '*'*. Sidward LaviR, 9yeWS4, _ � I I t" 104,0briskma* Day Xr. And- Mro, u;b 00 f0IWWi09 from the Berlin �
OAughtor, Mr. 44d Mrs. Eddie W '49 'no"U a"" Oguft�- 7 400rd the beU4 . .
-n his eldeat � , lamas Xi*bltt had a v"y,bap - NOWO F . brldp " - a,jo,rm.. I . .1
Caxtneybas taken, 'a ilygatbarin,E,vttheircotatorto-blebo 'lent I
MAWM turned too ,quickly iu the deep HolMeffille, Wh, , astou have Niva Tillie Me .py f&M er toax Of Q � ..
so* 444 the cutte� was ulset dump- Myrtle, was unit � c Cue ilau&ter of linton, j grand- I I I
US the oocupantg out. 'rho horse, im- of matrimony ed 1"* 11917' bmds taken upbouse ktepia& and have e4- povition w#4 tAe jac1c$04 XtS. ,qQm. In, town. A a ort Owe 4go, Mr. an4 Mrs. J. Layton - � I
to Mr.., Jolip'lluller, i a gagod Un. no":, Cott"o 64 Main, pany ,Lt Clinton, _ Mrs. Nesbitt celebrated tba fiftleth . "'A petty Woft4S Wag MAemnize# . � � . . IN
$044104Y took to big heels and, before proWrous, farmer. ,,,,, ., anniversary of their. 90, $It, -oil WedAtoduy Attctnoon .,%t a o'clock I
street. mks Minale McCAMAPY baR returned Which time It was Impoos or some I i
W. jwvisrould scramble to his toot , =11164
Fnefaely at six Q'Clo& ,the bri* to . at thQ hOAe of Mr. and X.M. Oeqrp � I
,al Xrs, Calderwo,W. of Winnipeg to Detroit. . ruembersof the family to Wpment, I 11
be hao gotten away to a sood. start party entered the parlor, which w" Visiting birbrotUrs, Mmara. ThowAs The Epworth 1.,eaguo -e present WiakhQrn, go Queen gi ' ' I
I . . . Soutb'wbeu I 11,
-down the tastefully d000rat a 10,r the Ion. . with the exception, of 4 qQ#.j4.l&w and their 4suotter, F,,Wel Jean, wasX"r- .....
;4*4 vas�goiag 4,240 clip e , occas, � meet$ WXt But outhis occasion there wax I
T Mr. %grandson, all the, ineMb6rs Qftibq ried to, Mr. J. C.'Hellich, of "I . . � . )
- The bride lookod �64rmiug � in 4 pro.tty Mr., James Stuxpon was in St. 4ad Mrs. Layton. It w , Son
lroa� Mr. Jervis then bot4ouot him and George King. Tuerda evering at the home of I
*elf , of that ,taost uoeful 61 modern, cream cosinme. I . , . ,.ill be a Liter- immediate f4mlIX, � I , - . .
. I
oftvenicacv6� the telephone, and golas The ceremeny w4s p I Thomas ,u few days the past wook -ary (or wilich a good Program is be� � Mr. and MM, G. Hotlicil, 115 Victor_ , , Q I
. edorowdby Rmv. Therewere two sono; Itobert, wife ia St- �Rm- J. W. J� 'An4rew pei- I C E the days
144 to Mr. A. BilloWs to tolophon- making arrangements for the purobkuw Inro prepared. and family, Morris waship, and fonned -thi ceremon
Mr. Snowden. 'After the con-gratolar Ye his r , 7, which Was witL o- FaTrag
icA, down the � of a bumness and will likely Mo 5
� line and the horse . I . Maurice Oua wife of DeIrrolt. %Uo two AM -164 bV only the , linow.diate rela- _ut the .
lit a was tions tbegucsts repaired to the din- family to tbat:placv., daughters, Mrs. ., � h2DWAP'm W,atch 4" been- 04 chomix
:si# ed utter a = of aboi mile. .' John Wilford .
_ pp , . . and tiveo. of the Dentra .
We damage w4e done to. horse, cutter lug room where they did full justice aliss Charlotte Sterling left' last ;' I Mr. Wilford and son, Blyth, � -and - ctlug parties. The t4impiectrwith America!s men of wtiom
. . f' bride wore a, brown suit with - bat _,:I
or ,,�WcnpsiIts- :, " . ti) the duinty Wedding least - , - -. week for Fort Elgin wbero she has Qo4orjoh . Mrs. T, X 4exenziet And two I � a both War aind peace. '
The- hildren of olintan Mr,L Mo a . ,
- . presents were botb. UUMIr"S socured, a position on the Ngh school . St. George's church Chris as , V. C kenzie 10, mat* 444 was attended by, her The HOWARD AAW service in the
Mr. Lewls,mosel'y of Queffith. cot- , ostly, showing the high esteem staff, I , , - tm Tree 0 he is in the west andDr. I . Wilford rvidtr, Miss Mabo(. Mr. Geizald Hol-
Uje' has,b�en . the guest of Mr. and and, � 0 I entertwinnient was had On the night wof West China, being the 6ulyabseat Itch, the groom's brother, was bvA� Civil War and the. Spanish-Amak-An
' in which the young couple are held by Miss VOPhanY, Jan Oth. The pro- members of the family circle. The, m War. , It went round the world widt .
Afre. C, Coo� of the Lake Shore Read , Grace Cameron of Chicago and Of the F
tliei� many friends. The groom's to Misses Ellen and_ Millie os�,=On Of gram was not too long and was very O(Vasion was a very plea�ant one and aft. The groomlo ,gift tar the bride the American battipship Rot,
the pan two weeks, the bolide was a handsome breach. pa ., it were * eve the gathering . .010geaL 4A addresfj "_$ a- beautiful set of Persian Lamb
0c.derich. Towft�sbip District L.O.L. ., Detrolt,left lvt week for 'their bomes 90'.1d- 7"a taking rt in I Mrs, to, the bridesmaid a pearl sun.; In big industrial phuts_.�,qp, th
I was read by Rev. J, L. Small, astor I ic
. *telo their.annu e The bride's going Away gown was 4 after spending the holi4a Miss Sturdy,,MW3 Ti6hborne, Master . P
,at meeting ii; Oe 164p, _ys under tha of the Presbyterian churoh, and a, burr American railroad*--whorovor accuroc
rocft of No. $06, Ba.f on pretty .c.stume .of blue with a velvet ' I Ernest Lee, Harold Blackstoao, Miss vi:e of to ' ,t and to the bot Inaft an ameth. tinie is a factor, -you wil
. I
*MO. .1 I , y lold Line, �) L. parental roof, � I r . ,ld was presented to Mr. and y9t tie pin� After the ceremony and L I find the How,Axv .
- 'District" Master, bat to m4ch. - I DOTIS Hayes. Little Miss Gertrude, Nes itt by their family, Follow. Watch the court of final mort,
, ay 'evenhig, . , a Mr. James Donaldson of tile SOO UcLeau, Missmabei Dpolittle, Master lug is the address. . 0009ratul4tIOUS a Wedding dejeuna, HQwA*i) watcbmaken make aa4 Adjud every
. entS, L .
Oeqtgo* Yanderbitog, was the presiding Th happy couple have taken UP , is. the guest of hi� par Dlr� and Willi Stur 7. i I � was partaken of. An array'ot lovely 140WA*D 44 A,fi" watch. caw
I � 0
. � k . ,e , 0 rs. On Of the year tb*.t is so gifts testified to the high , egrte,eTA. In and t4nod, In its own cue, ' I
, James Donaldson., The rect*r, Rev. Mark Turnball, oc-
Amoer, Deputy ,Xa�ter, R. Y. Cox, boruse keeping on the groonVs iarrA on ) d X Ss 0 birs, and tile Dear Parents; -As we have arrived , at theActprr
gssi.0ting. �Tjio meeting was well at- Mrs. at that seas - the young couple are held, The
, � . the Huron V,Q Xr.� Will. Cameron, who spent- the cupled t1le bbalr. ' 'unto memorablethoughoub which .
. 4d,� e4st of the village, . all Christiandom . Printed ticket jLm, the prk-00 to $t $*.
teWed by representatives from the where they will be at, bottie to their , S OlaU6 wa% 04 and kept as the day on which God.'the Bell 'Telephone stafr, of which the Lot us show you " distinctive, waich. .
114. eat lodges !$I the District and A friends, . L J, - past six months ,at his hoMe in the hand with gifts for 40; tile, scribe o4l FAtAler manifested tits love in 'L tile groom 10�4 membor, presented him I � I . . .. ��
' village, -left for Mtroft on Saturday these of these C,olumna not being by gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, to us iLud With a clor
. . . '
*M,t' deal Of buOlnots Of iTVQrt0Ac0 All egteud congratulations and, good last, . . . I I 'k 4%4 tbo bride, who was
v.0 transaoitedL District 'Master',. Goo. wislies; I I � _. . . 447- mOans fbtfRtten. Prizes were 110t, Only to us, but to 60 Whole world. previously emoloyed there, receive4a As- J. GRIGG .
' ga , At of his . . I . , Miss ' Robeng'Harkison of GQ4erich -given for atiVii,datce at,S,uAd&V school And, as we, as a family., are perwifted I I
, ,
Vanderburg, .ve an accou . Mr., unOpMrs, Jas. .Sn91 Iftliett Was' ViSith* With friendain the - vil" durio In the order of his providence to Meet,, 01100014to �et Mr. Ad Mrs, Heffieb . �
otewa ' 01 . - . I g the year, Miss Hartwell re- " .4
rdslhiP, WWO11 WAF, veq $Xtisfa!0�, visited the latteWs sister, Mrs. Stan- . , notarroundthe old fireside on the havo.takeft up their'resif �
r, I" .f bu*- , . lage the past week. Otnng Arat. When, prizes And gif , "'I'll A' 96 Jeweler and Optici*an' . I . !
to Y, Aftgr tbo ,usual roui�iao o ley, .on Nund .., I distributed. the singing t's f411m, but In Your new home for which Queeft, South. Their many friends ex- . - .
, . !
Mud entert4i en Of you both toiled and struggled during tend to them their beat, �W!Ohev for �a . I .1
'I Miss Luln Mulhollit , . I
ifteis, wa, i c I UY.- I A Ain' t; lin4er" khe , had been
, 1: despeo -ed ; Biro. Vauftrburg ,
t,heu asWJj - � Ad Is home for ' us unday 'the National Anthelr� brought the your earlier years and in which we Ion & and happy wailtli�d life." t i Liceoseo I I
jga*a� a sbort addres duld her vueatim, I L . . 4 L pices ,:of the.. Methodist S A I i meeting. to a close, I are all so welfpleaLed to see, so I . , Issuer of Marriage I
Erti%. Jas. 061well, Senior. D.M., . to . . School, will be given !a the tow ha � I comfortably placed in our decollnl . _ - -_ . .
on Sunday -b is spending . Ing L 11
. Rev. Mr. Taylor of Van- on Thursday evening nent6r-whic.. , Mrs'. Jas. Ur", kenbrid-go . . , I I - . �
itejo- the chair for the elect4on an years, and as it is so. seldom We tneet, I 11 . I �
., ,4 in" . . ,� -
I I . � . I I M-1 1 In" -- . -
stallation . of bfters,, AR followa Ion 'Oaebe two excellent sermons on an -excellent. proRram is being 'prepar- the 'Winter ift* 041ahoma.. Mrs. Breck- As & f4atilY. we tool titat we lesonot al- � , MW 0 11 .1. - NERENNINOW
a t
L - I I �� ..
, �. . . I I # p on� s I - -ad -c a traveller And, � Usu- low this onnortualty to pass without .-�- � , !N - , - � . �. I . . . . . "I I 1
1911 : ... ed cons.isting of solos, duets, v - enbridge is quit
." .1 I . ' , . 1. .1 I � .
Master, Oto, Vanderburg, No. 1991. :te�ip.tut!t "ttes of Wingharo .visitod_ his ings, recitations and vocal and , ins, WIT prefers -toL winter in a weataer in A. smalt'degree expressing oUr grat� ,� I 11. . . � I 1. .. . .1 -0 . . 11 I
I . ,
- Master, The%. Bell, COUS . Ing, L , MISS 'Ruinball -and- Mrs. ' W. truniental - music by local' ,it;O outside clime tham 1�hiq , beautigul lakeside itude to you I as p4t-ents in a wjik be� ONE L- '
:Deputy -145, . 1, . .. I L , . I I � C010.3ing to that event in your own ' .
Aq.ha,plaJn,',John Wood, 189. . . Pickard. . 11 I I � talent. , Admission 15c and 2ft, - town. - L ' .. � history, nam6ly, . fifty years of married 11 . I
� I
llec,-Sooretary, Adaiii Cantelon, 189 Capt. Johnson of tho st" er S, N - The village.c6upoil met 4, . PRIC
I eAm .1 thf, -,,,Wn Mrs, T. Fargubar was a peo 01 life by- presentin 119
j.A. _ , . . - ' , : yet% � with these I C"`� - "- IRWI . I
J� _Secretary, Arthur Cooper, 906, VareAt and Mrs. Johnson have tiakQlu hall on Monday at 11 a.m. hcnordl- Goderich . . us;andwolo hope thob Toll ASH .N. " S 0" .
C, . Own* ds durlug the bolIday golh coi -
" *
Vveasuray. G��, 06oper, 306. 1 � I the cottagq on, the Proctor farm and to statute and after. taking tho(l?.Ibs time, . . I . .Will �take the.-counseL .11 Buy of 106 1 . __ass`7!!`7" . . L I ONLY . �
.- I 0 . I
. "! L .
. � L
. I .
. p� Mr, Goo. en, Cld tried fix the fire that thou mayeat , I . 0 1 .
-0� of O., John McClure, 145. . will occupy it f&,tfie witii4 months. at office'the fqllowing officers. weeeir L X�lack, bailiff, is not ' . . . . .1
I . , L I �
, I The anuua,lmeoting of the Butter pointed for the ensuingi year -. ' - - joying� vqry good health at proamt, rich." . I . � . . . . . . I I . . � .
zf�,ccturer, Joba, E mmerson, 189, - L . . . I . . . . � . .
. -, _ ' I . . . I . . . . � I . I I I .
Lee . .. .In Ponel Sion w I .
Itid rer' Wesley Vauderbdrg, and Cheese Compaay:*Lill be hold on Clerk, Ii. -win . Xr. Ja(ikSiiarey hasbeeA engaged I _ u e would all join, in L . . . I . . 11 I . � I *. - I I . . I
ta I , , . ,, � W, Er - � . I ihingyournan returnso . . . . . . . .
189.' L . Me 21st. inst. I I . . . by Mr. Tas. Ttovxsog, m.0 i . Wis Y f the pleas. I I . I . I I I I . . � . .. ..
. � . I - I Treasurer, John Whfddon.� . ., . . .. sic dea-ler, � . ure of -this season, and if we should . . . . . . . . - . L'. .. ... .. I I
. , ' L
. 'Lodgo' closed with the singing of 1. The, , Woman's Institqte will meet . I I \ L. I . . . . . . 1. 9 1 . � ,� I ,
.,constable, WrA. J. )F,. Elliott, I I . Devei be �ormittod to meet again at - . . s I I I.., ... � . . . .14
� . I . 11
itbo, National,Anthwu after - which -re- at -the home of, Mrs. Mulholland on Assmso .. I I . a family r . Linen Sale . L - 11 , .
. , r, Charles Tippett. .4. 1 P, 0-uniou or! earth may we all - �.. . . � . I . . . . - ,.
- n !(I the f&mily,-.re-ueion "'Where , . I .
. ii i . . . . . .
tfreshments were. served, everyone,en- Thursday.afternoon next, . Subjects Truant -Officer-Thos. Cameron. I . Kippen, . . L 4 . . . �.. ,� I I .1 I L
joi,iUS tio the full the eXCOIIMJ' r'L�_ for discussion will, k, '�Vappine,% In Auditors -John Pollock avad * Geol. & . . I . ends in Christ shall palrb no more. 11 , i I I - . I . . L ... ..
11 . d "Everydav Helps for . I I The olm Signed in behalf of L the family, Robert I I Faincylineas, slightly musseol Ahrought con- .
, � L . 1. I
. . -
PWA. A hearty Vote of thanks was the Home," an Greenslade, , 11 I I . h e of Mr. John Stcw.artl Nesbitt, Ma - si'D L
. . urice A. I
iontlered the. brethren. of $06 by the, the lIOusQWif0-" These xij�4ings -are Doaid of Health -Thos. Cameron, J. T�ckersmjth, was the s�ene qt a :bap- I . I . i6sbi-tt. I . a. tshowing during the Christmas trade And . . I .
I . . L I
. L . � I , . :
mMbers o(the Distxdct lodge L for becoming inore and more Intorestl py oveat on Saturday last when his / . though. only slightly inui
_ , Ing rippet . and 1-1. Drelimann With _ . I . ssed we pref6i to clean . �
, , I
, the' ' L . cOme. . , :,Reeve and Clerk. . . .sister, Miss Nellie ,Stewart, was Unit- � I � them out at once I . � I
Y generous and courteous. treat-. and Mi will )ie made. Wel . ... .
. " � I I . . . I . . , . . at A grea ly reduced price I
. . . I
Ineut. .Next place of ..meoti�ng will ,be ,, . I . � Medical Hoalth'Officer-DrL od in marriage 'to Mr, Walter McCully L �. Bluth'' �, " I 1.11 . . . . t . - ... ... 111.
� I . 1. .L . I . . . . I . Woods. of the 4th oo Rev. J. Ricbardso ,� I . . . than take them. into 13,toCkL. ' " ' ..
L.Q.L. No. 145. .. .. . . . Mr, Wfti.-G� Johostoul who spout A. . . A Following are 'the councillors. for I I at.our in Ventor,y Ist . . 11
L eg Townshl performed the ceremony. Mr, and Yeb, . See.. them in our north window on Tri, ' - - �
bur town&hip has 'had a good set, of Stanl P the -past inoa-th with hisparents, Mr, the year 1911, elected on Monday; Ree. � . I . i
on Monday _the . I . Mrs', L McCully' have commenced house- ve,,I,. Hill, by acclamation. Coun librs; . L day and come at once if yo,.1 want. bargains., I
. . .
. L
municipal officers.and , , I and Mrs. James Johnston, left for his I ci Wit '
con.cii re-eugaged them, as follows : -Mr. W,psley 'Peck'left this week r keeping on their. farm owthe Ath of Jas. Cutt, Jos. Carter,.W. U."McEiroy . . h the Embroidered' Linens . L W . , , I . ;
Clerk, N. W. Trowartha. . - - a -ands'In London. to. � home at Mil�stone, Sask., on Monday. Tudiersn-dtk and their tnatty -frien* . . 0ee. w .. I
visit with fri . � (is and Albert, Bainton. . The school trus� ' ill clear I
JOS.L ftitely . � ]Rev. Mr. Watt of Toronto occupied join in wisib*ng them bon vOyage'over I nation. I al ` .1 I
?rreasurer, .. . Mr.�L Thomas Sanderson (rem the I . I tees were returned by arecl4n I , out the, balanee of last season's - embroidiarie', 1 .14 - I
� . . ., � . Mr. Elain Livingsttin and Mr*. . John .. . just ' e d *er ful,l of -odds I
. t)ie pulpit.Qf St, Andrew's church on thd - many -happy Ross have been attending . . ,and eadeLincluding, . .
John Tfibmpg_0n.L west is spending a tow days witih Mr� . . ' ' matrim0iiial sea , on ra
toil - V . � Wit, T016r and other triends. in the Sunday last. .,, - ' .- * and prosperous years together. . . I .1 the ide - rac. . man , - . .
�.0 tor, ,. W. - Andrews, . I . . ing in Toronto and other. points - cast . � * in frontings,, allo�ii
L . .. .,. : ., , ,� . I .1 . � . , ." . y very Useful lerikth' . � . T
Judeite Amongst the' arrivals from the wrst with the vace Red Dart. . - I I
On, GeOL.- Holland and Goo. neighbWhood.' . L �,, .. . I I,$ I . I corset co,vers and .
-Gould. - I . . . . I .. . . I - � . � � . .. L . . last week were' Air, and Mrs,, ,82. (let- 'Mr.:Jas. Coombs, now of Toronto . . . triMmilag embroidery, .� , . I I . . �
_'� . � Mr. Johnson, of near Kippen pfeaqh . - . .
0 cast ` . ' . ` . I I . . . . .. . I
ilic' Clerk is paid the hin4h6me sum' ed missionary -sermons. on the. VArna, -, Goderich T VmShlp - .ty and fatally ,Add Mr, and Alrs� Gem. camehome to his vote on Mon L . - I I I � . - T
, L
I I ' ' . . . .1 . . . . b* L . . . . I � I . I I L . .
.oj'� $1015 for -his y�earls work.; I the As- .circuit On Sunday. � . � . L Mr. I . ... � me) fkom'TuxfoM, and Jose'pn Pay-* da_v2 . . . . ''. . I ., . . . 11 I 1. ... . . . . L - -4. . -_ .-I , . � . . ." . 7 . , .. . I L .1
and.%m. C. Cook of , the . -�ake, m" ofGald - Mr. Jag. Dodds. avialls himself ,of 'all . . . . � . ' . . � � �.. .
-t&ov gets $60 for bis.big t ' Sorry to bear of the serious 'illness L e4 Plains, south Uf Nvblter� holiday -rates to visit his mother, Mrs.. I 1.
. I ramp I Sh6re, Road pave � sboiitl hop to a 'Wood. L . . . I . 1 23 Pair,s still left I I a
1� I 'I *1 I'
� 11 I
4'ut the tcy*nA � the-Tremurer re I . I a L' . I . I Ja,s. Dodds, and sp�nt the hold 'with . I . : I ,. . L L I . . . 4
4 , hip., - .01 MT. Joseph �Yqster of London. . . .ay . �, . I .
. k4 ,a io,vi few of their 'inany frien"d on' Thurida� � Mr. Alden, Jo ' * is week.* * - I . . . . . . I
11 , L rs. W.M. � DoWson is. r�pendir . . ties and family of Lon- L her th I . I at 59C, L . I . . . 1
,14 ' �ving - had .. a. I M�. Frank Ca � . . ... Of'o.. I kld Gloves the .Size L S . . I
661!Ves -$8&,. the Colle6t(w g�trs 480,; 1 � evening and,all TOpoit b i . ur specia
T�b�lle. the-Auditarg Are tadh -paid ftVe. A' owin 7 to . tb� Illness of don spent, the New Years L h6lidays in rr has somuch recover. I aie 6, ,, ... . 1, .
I .
' L
_ . & I . . . .most." enidyAbIO time. . . - �, . I .. ed from his I!ec6nt severe illness that.. IL , - L .
. . . -1 . I I . the old bobi d here. , On "Subd ,161i 6ij 61 ah Cojo'rdd , While th
. .1 . . 11. . d 7,,, black
I lars..--tive not tem . ... . .]day . q, in Lppdo .. I I . 1. . , . sy he expects togo on - . eya -
4T ,. .1. . .her father. � . 11 . I ! � � .
�. . I . . ".. �, ' .t upon.the road,
_!. 1_1� . ., � I * � -,. . . . I I I , , � I " I . . i � , Frid . . - L .
� . I , L . . . . . I I _�. - 4 , - . I � . : �- Mr- 406*19'96nk! tWb"splOndid 8DIOSIn i ' immedl9tely; . I - e , � list AY and �Saturday 39c, , : " . � . I..
- : .,, � .. . � I . L again I . i ! . I . .. - L. . - L ... � , .
L . . I � , , h. � - i . .
. _____ L � �.. . " the MetJh64fkt1-churq ' I � I . - . . .
. I . I . . . M�� . L I . , . .� ..: - I L I . I . � ,.:. I . ; _ s
'� .. . . . I � ' L � � . I I . "
& , . . I I I L I . . I . . ., . .
.. . . I - . I . L ; . ' . . . . � L . .
.1 � :0�', L 0 , . . _.. I I ! . . . I . I .. . . � . . . .
�� . I 11 � .,Mrs. � 'H . -IL; L L, . I . I I � �
� MUNINOMMONNIN I I . oliftda 4 of I L L . - I I
.�;,.�. " , ', . .. 1. �L I . d rter s Kin. . Tillbory and her . . I .. I .. .1. , , . I L
, _ . . I I .� � . I � I., � � , - . . I -1 I . . 'Z , .. . � . I . . � . __.T�.
I .. � . . . . . . , , , . I I " � I . I I . . - .
. :: , .
I .�
.... .
. I .
: ."
. .
�.. . . * . . � . 0 IM a DUVIL Visilsing pheir many .1 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 I O. I W. Votterls -oft-the sickL f riends, here. ' ' . . An upqa�Letter. . - .. I ...� . � . I.. L . I *5 Pairs only . � .. I .
' I . . ..
L liftrtis' week. Uer'many Iriendsarle, Mr.- McQUedn ofTueyer0mith a . Ad FROM - A B APTIST - CLERGY . b I fAX I ' . I : . I I . . . � I . ' I . . . 11. . I . . . . . I �. . . I .
)i6ping for a, sp,eedy "and L domplete. re-. Miss � Graa�, , secoind dauowi .L . Kid'Gloves, heavy for' streetL
covery, L . L' .. . I L RObdrt McArthur . 'Of Mr-' ThLLING ,OF CURES W-ROUGHT "I . - . .. w.Par, , the best � -. .... . ' I �.
.1 � . . � , of Ha'y','.were qui tL . I I L wearinggfov6 madeatreg�tic - it th,e . I
I . . .1 . ' ie YL ' . .By DR. WrLLIAX'S PINK , I o 4. .
. � -Mr. Roy Schrenk. .of, seworth spent ly- married .in the. manse, . Honsall,'. b I I . . . : ... . . I P . .. ., leai -.at , .
. . ' . . . 1, . � PILL§ . . L once &r 69c. '. . ... . I � . . . .
Sunday a guest at Mr_ Ed. Jord ' ` Vic, Rev. McL4', Sm! 1. . . . 11, � I . . I � . � I
. auLls. . th on Thursday., the . . . . . . . I . . . . .
L . I . I I I . . I I � I I.. . 1. . L �.
� . I . . . .
I . r. and Mrs. Fred Mortran n�el 26th ult. . .1 . i I. : The Dr. Williairs' bled'-- dIt" I . I , . .L I . .. . 1. I �_ .1
I . s .. . I . . . . .1
. . .
, ... .. . . .. 1. . � ' ' I I ' � .. I . , a I - I ; , � . ! . . I I .
, � . I . � � .. : : *�.:, �-. ` . ;.. I faabilY returned to , their home in' -� An interesting feature of the'elosing Brockiille, Ont.: :* ; ' � ... � � . - . � . - . . ;" '", , :�': I __ ..� .
.� ... . . . . . I . � . .. ..., 1.., � . . I I . I . Gentleinen,-It has been va 3. � .. 1. I . . I I .
� . -Port. Stanley on. Monday. after a cou� exercise in SJ3. No, 14, �taftlei,'was
, � I . . . .. I.." I - ; . . . I i . I I .1. .. .. . 9 tion to,write to � yap for ,SO y inten� � . Q do - I . I �
I . I I � I ! I , :;. , 1, . I . p1c *of weeks In this vicinity, renewing the presentaiioji of three'eOpies 0 me time, - .. : . . '. . Z llus,lin'..and Nit Jabots � I
I I . I o I I I . . . . I I I but being busy- I have neglected to �do : . . .� . 4 .
� - - :.. . . �. I - , . , , , , ' ' . . .
. .
. . . I I . . . - . .. . that' inidresting Annual, 1�hafterb . From. 15c to 256 each, clehz'ing at '12ie.; each,..
: .. � . . .. I I .. . I .� . old acquaintenceo. , - . . . Oxt so until now. , .11 I � , .
. I . . � � . � : . , - I . . . I Mr. John Cox m6t ,with a serious by 'the .imeber io three pupils who I -Bra A, Baptist rhiaistei.Wasordiia- - . . . . - . . . . .. � I , ..
I . � I . I ,:. ' I . . I .. I .... . I . . I � - .
1. . - I . � I I , .1 I I attended., school 'eachof the'211 .days, 6d June 14th, 1897, in Cramahe Baptist '.. , ,. , . . : . �. . . . .
� I . I I . % I . _ I I � acc,dezit oft -Tuesday at Mr. Hollands, , , . . I . _1 . . . .1 . .. I...
. .1 . I .. � A that 's-ohool *as kept ,open during the Church, Northumb6rland Co Ont. I . . 1. . I . I . . . .- 1. . . I - ____ ...
.. .
. ' . .. HOltneWille, He .Wai looki g over, Year. The fortunate P01>118 . : want. to tdll you in as few ;�ords hd '.I .... .1 . . We' Ravt� Rooelved ' � ' ' . - �
I . I . some cattle when one of thi aalwals, were . Her- � . . I I . I I I
� I . .. � . . possible what I knbw aboutDr.- Will- . .. . � . 1. . � .. �. �
"I .. I . . I kicked. ,him, breaking. the sanall' - bone .bert Kohl, Anna, M. Hood .and Lold iams' Pink Pills. I was 13�ptor of the . An advance deliver- of ia�e' Ourtain ' ' ' ' .1 .
. JANUAR- - � . in Ws, leg bel&W tfie knee and dfsloca't� Rathwell.. the Orst.mentioued has Dalesvillo, Que., Baptist Churchin 1891 1 � I I C ly �, about .. . .
. . I . . . . .... .. . . . � ' I
I . . I � . , . I � . ,. � . . in five different years I in .! . �6 -pairs. The I .
. . .. . . . ,.. '... m -g the knee. 14c -Will be lald up for. work this prize and again in 1894-4 W'hile pastor � . y should. not -,have come- for two .
. ; . . . .1 . I . . I . . . , . I , � . . � . . ,sq�pe time.* . I . I . and � in that -,time was latt. only three, 1891, the Rev. John King, a former -. ..
. . . I I �. I . I . .. . , titam' Tht skond,'Aana Hood has pastor, %ed 74; was stricken with.13ar- .. I months yet. We offer theni. tit between season's , ' ...
I . .. I P .
I .
. . . . I - I . alysis so t at.he could'not help himself. I , j#ices. ' Here is an 4 opport�iity to get , br . ,
I .... . . . - , - won,it ImW times.. . . .. . . . .1 . " . I i" t,, � . : .
I. AW . . . . . . � gh
.� . . . ... .1 . .. . I . � . . . He had- 0, or did, take a tAblespoon- ''I * I "I .. 11 I
,, I ' *nter I . 1, � . . . I I . I . I . ,dO at very 8pecial pripes. - 1. .
. , - M--. Is d' * - W-1 . .1 - . I . . � . � ful of rhubard every day to, ee , hi In 0 w gob . I
I ... . . 1. .... . . 11 1. . . . � . Prank PleWeS PeAd '. 7- .�. , I . � I . . . Is . . . I I I I I 1 . . . . . . .. I ..
I . . . . I .11 . I I I I . �.. I . . . .. . � . � I I . bowels regular'. I thought of r. illa . � . I . '. . 11 I . .1 .. I .
_ .
.11 . � . .. .. . .1 � ,� . . . I I . . I . .0, . . . - . . Wms, Pink Pills'. He began tA I k ng them .� . . � I . . . i ... w U I �,., I I.. .. . . . .
. . . _� - � . 1:
. " . . It was with, great regret and . - ' DreLeacock I& et, - d it was not lotnig before e could , I .. .
I I .
. . I . . � , . . S*Use of I shock. bhat,t4o word wag re- . I ,� . an . � . . . . .1 I .. I . I
. , . . . . . I .. � .
� . � ..S e -1 I . . . . I . . Humorist walk again and hisbowels were regular. . . I . �, I
. . . . ..
. . . . . - . beived on Friday tb�t Mr. - Frank � I I. � . . . . I � . . � � 11 �� � �
. , . . .1 . .1 I . .. - 1. The pai,Qysis never returned atid his' . � . 01"MAM Mg: , � . . . I I �
. I al , . . ., I . 'Plewes, a ptosperous 'young . farmer .It Is a farc;ry fr6M lecturing on ec-, bo*els'remaine&active, He'died'a few - '. , ". , I . . . I .
. , - I I I � . I
I I . I I . . . .
. I . . �. I I . . . � -�, years ago.pra6tically from oldage�. � . ME= I I -AT . I. �
I . . � I I . of Tucketj�j.lt - had passed' away. 10nomics aad,00lltical science. in Me- . . I . . . � .. . 11 i . . I
. . - .1 went fiorn Dalesville, Que."to, Gro-, � � - - I � . ! .1. . . .1
. . .
I . . _111 . . � � I . � . .1 . 1 . . , I . . I � . . Yery . fewi people' WA. heard (it his itir Gill University, Montreal, 'to writing ton, Vermont, aspastor, -of theBlaptist . . I . .Rw. I'— . . . . . ... I �*.,..: I
I I I nfts whith, was of only. fortyreight humorous - sket - Toronto Sat, Churob in that place. Thorelived a man , , . ' . I
p . A%W1411k.,_ . . ' ' 01168 for . . 1p . Mr .
. . . . . . . I . . . . I . m . .. . �s . I . I I . I I I . � �
. - . . . � . . I �. . . J � . young? � man in the., prime otlifo,_being %fi,tat occupation�of Stephen Leicock ,ton by the riaroe of Neil Mocreq� a * . I . I .; .
4 . . . .. . . : .-.1 ... N . I., ..q
.. I . ". hours duration. --bicead&d' * was - "a urday'Xight�. ,However this is the' .h' -ro' Oro, I. :
. bout two and one alf miles f
I 6, . ,., - - In .his forty-first year.. Ito had, al- 'at the moment. . . Canaidia;n. I libard he was ill, and be- . . I I � �
. . . I . . . . . . I .
� I . . . . Ing a Canadian, I went to see him. ,I . -
� . I . . Ways enjoyed the best at health and EducaVed at Upper Canada College, . I I . .
. � � 'looked the . picture of it. �The primal, Dr. Leatock was On the .5taff of found him lying in bed. lle said he had . . . . . . . I .
2 0 . I . . I . . . . 1� . . . .
5 .to 50 pgrcent � , I t14 no pain, but was too weak,to sit up. . I \ .
.. . I . . , I cause oldeath was p4neunioda, I ftopI educational institution from 1891 to His lips Were bloddless, In fact h ' ' " . ' �
. 1, . . I . I e Was
. . . I - . which..brain fever, developed, and the 1899, and is consequently well known as white as chalk'. I recommended Dr. * '
, I disease worked wiW' aich tapiditi in Ontario. Itl the years 1907 and 'Willianial Pink * Pills and gave hilmn THE PEOPLE'$ -STORE . ''
. 4 1 .. � I
I . that nothitig'could bc1one to obeek, 109 he tou,ted the British Rnipire, soine. He began taking them and in . . . � � � I
. . I I
. . , ' . a short - � I � . �
� - ____ -_ .
. It and the . end -came. In a few' I outs, lee'turifig on Imperial problem under' Vine could 66e blood in -the . - I I . I . 7 - -_ ... ... . . . � ;
Thig is your golden opportunity, , I veins, of his hands and: in the course of - - . . I � . . .. 11 � I . . . - I 11 .
. I . . . . Mr. ' Plowes was a native -of, Tucker. the auspices al the Rhodes' Twst. It a few weeks, he was �out watching met, . . . .
� .. I . . Smith. 'and lived upon the old home-. was affer)dg.'ieturn from this milssibn. building anew barri for him, Shortly - , _ , _. - - . __ I .. I - I � .. I . �
. I -
I . , .. I
. I . stead, his death taking place in the that'Leacock began to 'be known as a after that he came to Groton tooliurch. . I , � - . --I I �
- __ __ I .- room in which he was born forty writ -or of humorous sketches, some Of Now -1 ought to tell youthat the dot- I , I
. . � � I Yettr�l . ago. ' Mr. Plowes Waves to which appeared in Canadian journals for of Groton had. given him up. The . U R X I T:q R ]& . I I
' I I i I Uyegate doctor(a doctor in an adjoin- . .
1; . . - . . . . mourn. his sudden deaVi, his wife , and including Toronto Saturday Night, a; itif villaWe) ,could not help him and . � F. 4 I 11,11 - .. I
. I � , .
-SALn STARTS . . one little'.4aughter, �14-e isalso sur- far back as �898- - . sa d so. e best doe6r in the h6spIt- . I - . .
. I . .1 . . . 1. � . . . I . � . . . I . . �
. i . Vived by,bis mother, who made her ' Torobto Saturday Night has begun alofBurlington. Vt..'.came saw Mt. _� 11 I i . . .1 . V. . : , , .
, - - . . 1 99 i
I I � I � i home with him, three pisters and a 110W bletiles -by Dr. T,kiaeoek. ,,No'vels McCrea, but said he could not help � . � . � I - . I I
I .
. JANVARY 7 - . 'him. 116 did not ot any help till Dr. � . . . .
TH three ' brothers, The sisrbLts are in Nutshello." he calls theim, They Wj1lj&ms,.pink . .
. .. I . Alls put him on his. . � I __ � � . I
. . . Mrs, l3en.Crossan, Moosmin, Sask., are tonin number, undone is being feet again. � � . �__ _ I � I .
I . ENDS .1 I I . Mrs. Levi 8tong and Mrs. J. K. Wi86 published each week Evetybody Later I returned to Dalesville, Quo., . �. . ! I . . !
I I . of Tu&ergmith. The brothers are I loves good, Olean humor. Evefftody as pastor. A young lady who lived a- - �� .. .� We thank our cittatot'sers . . .
I I Joseph grid Edward bf Moosmin, i.,� attracted by it, for the real hum. befit six miles west of. Dalesville at a I .
Sask, uttl W. ,G. at Steelton, this orist isa rare bird, And It is raret place called Edina, sent for me to came for their generous patron- . I I
�. JANUARY t4TH to see her, as she had been a membor age durl 9 1.910 and AdliCit I
( . . Province, I sti?l bbat one in captured ork, the nest of iny congregation in my former pas- I I n . 441. I
I , 'dece . a i�6ntlnuauce of the sAtne
. i . I Thei 'aged was a m&nber of Tur- right here in -Canada. torate. 1 went to see her and found, a .
. ! � . -_ . . Ir I . . . 1-1 � � nerls church and the ghterniont took Dr. Leatockla series on PracUftl similldr case to that of Mr. McCrea - , during 10 I 1. Our greatp;t . . .. . . . ,�
I I . . . . place in the family plot in the come. P611tical Eton" art also publiated Of Grotou, Vt, This girt Ivas so woAR I 11
. . . tery aurrouftdiftg that church on Tues- . weekly ,,, Toronto r Saturday NIght. , she could not sit u1no She appeared to ,endeavor is to give th'op .
. ,Aft larg'e bills for 6articulars � I I d -ay afternoon, the services Wng coh- EeonoirAes atio things that make - the be bloodless. &to her%. 1113t wilt coot good goods at a Ireasona . e I I 1. e
. � . 4 you $8,00 to geb A, doctor to c.omo out . . I
I . .. I . � . doeted, by the I pastor, Rev. T. W. Cos- civill-zed world vi,ove on.. In the ,days, from lAehylte to 806 yon, whereas you � . I price. . . I .
, . -0 .. . 0119. When the sobenoo was not understood cart tot 'six boxes of Dr. Williams, I I I
11,01 I 4 � I . - -1. r � I --.--� I— ; * I �
. . . . , . Mr. PlOWes Was alto a m0ftber of and apprepiated by at least a fair pro- Pink Ills for $2.50,1_1 She followed ffiv � . . I I
. L, . ,,, . . � Court Maple Leal C.O.P., Clint", and pontieh of the world's inhabit -ants, we advice, took Dr, Wllli&ms� Pink Pills ' - .
. 1. � I I sL "mridt of the brethoth Veto present wore tkins; carried clubs and traded and when some time 14tek I saw her - '_ ' ' '
� I PUT US T0,THR TEST, I at fli6 686ttuift to pay. the henors of patis. No'wlvo do bettor than that. in Uehut,6, she was as well as ever, , I . .
. 1. . . . � . I I � I mid Dr. William a Pink Pilloi did it all. � I
. . . .1 11 I I I the Order to, Ae doparted. This part L-'"ty sh4n, alid every VOMAU for that I have given you the'fatta of those
. . I
� I . .
. ,' ".
11 I � I . I � I I Of "00tvift #Vhous�o and gravesidd MwWb, should undot*and something threec"es which came to my I . .A; Hlpff-N[�W' T�iW. I ALL� �', .
I . I I � I WAA in Obartt ot Mr. 0. R. K6"Sj bf the Adonoo otpraetdeat political oc. amut notice and I think it only JUXIM110 � - . I
;e , . . .� . I I thei orga*M, atttl,Mr. J. Dodd, chipo- oubmy **A4,tbia knowledge can be Other suffolVI-8 that these purea ihould .. I.. I., . . I I I
.. .1 . I ..
... I . . I . I , ., I . � . . Uln ot Court'Usple Leal, 900ted 0 ift . -he foblx�t Wxy than by rtad*� be %Ivon the w1destpublieft If yolt I . I I , . . I t. � .
� I , 1 4 � . . . ,; � -1 11.11 I . . � - . .. .
. � wetq'gobofor�am , tarht* and � . I I . ,!! . , ,
I � .
I 1".... .... � -1 - I 10 -1. - I ''.. 11.1.- --.-1.-1.__._.__ __ The pallbfarers wem. Fr(Ad., Albert Ing Dr. "beck's serIM trot4 week t,o - the truthfu iftom 6f th(i I I I I
1 1 1 . . � I " tAke oath *0 of,
I and J. V. Popper, Woo. Not , Ffink wftk. An &'ill��t Of Neff, Q16Y are things mentioned abovt*j I wn p , � lusoro 0 1 pldowtwo
. I , t "par- �
I .
I '.I. ,'I I I '.I S
I) I
h I
" J,A.L1
I . VVERY COURMSY AND ATIrANTION Layton atid Chal. 11oftitr1h. not halt as dry as thoy sound ; aA as ed Wdo no. I 4m at preftnt, 6UP 11
I . I "'a J .
. ged - 6#4�yv 16 ,
All the, rAftibero of the farmly vere ,,890tiq gtyJ6 is always, 01"r � in iov&ngelistle work, twil h&v#. me". � Ph6tis �
the PrOIL W161 wallet
. � pl*amt except Mr. pliwes. Of SteeftotL ;ktkd oft6lio, thd 49 sptighttv ro the toto tot at the nr&*nt time -A Pot. pho" 26 140 I
I �
AWAITS YOU MO* . I manent Addre"."T 04n, htwevft tefat 11 . I r I
\_ Who Valt unstbN to pt aw4y. A91twt, will pbr-mit, they are well . you to the &Utor of this CanAdjgn , .
... � oir 2!::t:::: �
. I ;, � - -___..__-1._____1
I. .. I .1 -1 '. , � � . . -..-_-11-- -1 .1 - ".. I.. . I I 'I The *ttOftd4fte6 At thO funeral WAS I WOrtli tile PetOUT, oveft It you don't JU06 Itist. . "_ I
_ , , ;,
I , i , I - ___ - vo,ty Utse. . elPtcb t0hoome abauk president. , $ffnckj), TV C. SAVM _ __ I I L 111.11 11.1-11-11 ---.111. 1-1___ -1 . . . . . . I 1,1-11 I 11 .. I
I--- -_ I
I . � -
I . I I