HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-12, Page 2x
' .
- - - . 11.1 -
-._�ITY--—�.MMACY— Std the i 1 ' _
Pains Hwa 'V h*hl4 '
.,......+ .�, Yar A No's �, , �.CountyN�� � � " �r BA ,
fl�tbrir,•arira o4 '3iC R
rs. R. 7f,. ar3sxrcrtt<
Queb�p Farmer Tells What Dodo's >P, 4, l aixatir+or or
t = 1+y
•..••".,, idaod'a f�arsspaxiW- '�iibti gars4t rriadi-
I€itltic Pella Dict Far Ilitn. ein�r >� sucasadacl la Xainy a
,,....,., V�rr tt � V"t Nutri' lr°
Tbrsy fitted up his kidneys, made histro euralri>r
NewsonRecord Rea r rn n #n th• hdi fear Awad+ "
Blood pure, and iiisdo blast feel young clues without r t, I heard ot Soo**
We have a Com— all over. I blexx tboa and 414L ai to try it. ,,sacks
:: A, Fraakldrt Centre, Que., Jan, 9th.. _ m ntb t Sind snow f 1 WOO. A41 VAT
plete stock of UP" ' (Specitil)--The only way to start the Wialba n O rty Town p t "�` $T4# or'll ,V et h ve vanishes
toW 0914%
I •,
Q Q 8. New Year right, is to get the health w O 4 1 RELIGION by a21ikurt�r av 7eprayriwib
to -date 0 right, and Mr. William Gamble, a well Mrs. L. C. Young and son, Jobb, of miss Clara Denner of Hamilton as
r Fire was d�iticovered an Saturdayver '
known farmer living near here is %11-: W�inaripeg are visiting with her part home' .o'n a short visit. TbR blood C1eaAse�t .livery moment. morning a few minutes after seven o'»
from which A linty his neighbors haw he' got his ante, , Mr. and. Mrs. P. S. ,Linkle0r. Fred. and Mrs. Bagg and three chil* -
. , c, holy Peoplelive iiu the' fouxitafn of clack in a stable owned b Geos
health right. ,..IlnGe coming +hom'e the little son bas dren of Downsview, ,Out., were
here cleansing. Y George T II I aN I1. A I R
i Q S. 1 Stlltall►le ,.I aria a fattier y p. y g'g'
i 1, but we are leased . itis a holida visit at Mrs, Ba 'a LOU. The firemen turn'od out
} sj xt74seven years of been seriously it The command of God to. be holy, is
", Now Year's (lift . age," Mr. Gamble says, "And Z' suf- to learn that he is ,now recovering, parental home,. She is a daughter of .. promptly, and. extinguished the fire,: A � i b e r a 1 U i 1 a r
M� I fered wit4, a weak back and. sto Mr. Jas, J. Musgrove of Baissevarn, John Bi4.iop, 5tb.'line.
PPaffe R ,, • 'God requires holiness of heart and ,after destruction of the, upper part, When the hair thins out on, rite top=
>iMle 3O14Gt of water off and on for ten years. Man., was visiting far a few days with lits: and Mrs. '1 erman from Van-' life, find. Ho requires. it no+w, containing a quantity of bay. The of the head and the bald spot is get
I used several' boxes' of Dodd's Xid:. his cousin,. A. H, Musgrove, M. P. P. a Y
cpuvgr, and Pere erman of Oran A1L thfe prornises of God are in the d'aanage is about $300. There is, no, ting ready to appear in public,. 4oi►"
ed. 0. ney Pills, and they laude �a new mea ' lIR was a miembex of the delegation of Y � re insurance•
farmers that rccentl . warted on. the brook, B.C., were visitors -at W.. H. presence tense', all salvation is to be pt, discouraged or irritable. .lust go,
of me. Dodd's Kidney fills are tho. Y Cola's Iast week Mrs. 'T erman aiid received'now. to your.Druggist .and ask for Paiisiao
++ Dominion. Government est, Ottawa, p Sago Hair Tonic. He will charger
r hest medipine I have liver taken. h Mrs. Crile are cousins. .. He has not promised to entirely
you 50c. for a large bottle,but if it
does not cause hair to. ;gro i where the•
.hair is thinning out nothing psi, t#ii%
earth .will.
And we want to say to, everybody„
mare, woman and child, that you cart
have ' your ,money back if Par3,sh' n
Sage isn't. the best hair grower,, hair .
saver, hair beautifier and dandruff cure
on the market to -day.
It stops Robing, scalp'and falling;.
hair and makes. hair grow thick and
abundantly, All druggists every- ,
where sell Parisian Sage or posfpaid
from The Giroux Mfg, Co„ Fort Erin,,
Ont. See that the girl with the Aub,-
urn hair is ou every bo'ttle'. Sold and
guaranteed by W. S. R, Holmes .
.. Blljth
. Mr. Miller and daughters of Milver-
ton vktited last week with his daugh-
ter, ' Mrs. A. 1-I Beese,
Air. W. J. F le left on Tuesda week
on a busine0a trip to the coast. .
Mr, R. W. Jones of Regina has been.
a visitor in 'Blyth,
X. r. • Arthur&,, who bas .been in the .
west for sorge Vine, is at presents the. •
guest. of his .daughter., Mrs. A.' Sirns.-
MT. BaxterAlcArt�er has purchased ,
• Dodd's Kidney Pills will ma -IM a stew'
M'ro. 4'4 < - Phillips' of Flinn, MiC .,
visited v,'ith bar sisters, Mrs. J. D.
sanctify tomorroV, this is the day of,
man of you because they gn'ak$ the
Kidnaps healthy
, d
McEwen and Miss I,. A�tri .lie•
d o from
Wrti. R'eil'.y an famdlq, ,m. +ved m
ChQ Eli Smith, fiarm to the house on
sa:+i'ation, now is . God's Citrin. ,
strong, and and a410
gr. and Mrs, John T, Young of al-
0 0 of the, present conference year. Dur-
The • an; who does not obey, God ;
m Y,
to do. their work of 'strainin , all - the
Amada, Sask., were the guests of Mrs,
the Kerne 50 acres on the sideroad
be holy now, is rebellious .in his heart. .
impuritiIes out the blood. Pure
blood means new life. It means cod
M. Huffman, .Leopold Street. '
to make room for W. Grimmer and
bride. The° latter was a Miss Wallace
It; is. present obedience that retains
the favor of Gad..
. • • . --.- circulatrou and.. renewed strength and
I I .1
Mr• Balfour of Saskatchewan^ was
visiting for a few' days with. friends in
of Jantesltown,
God has a right to 'give the comms
ener all, over the body,
Dodd's •Yfdu$ Pills cure 411 forms
Wo S N nS Y
Mr". A. Ii•, Musgrove, M,'P., deliver-
Andrew M. Breckenbxfto hook a
flying; trip to. Ethel to attend the;
manrd� to be holy, and all His children
have a perfect right to obeys Hien, It
o . s of Ridne . Disease from Backache to.
- awa, Man., have been .guests+. o'f Miss
sonic rinse.' °Miss Atkinson' a4lrm :
0 D. IVIeLACHLAN, Principah O gregation, who will regret his removal
' O from ion-, U o
is the obedient' that eat'the good of
Manf'g Cllemist.,. eight's Disease, and they are also,
ed an ad the Parish.ClubBible
wedding his elee,A• issGrace
t �_
the land. .
100"O#"##" . r. ° doing a great wort, by giving renewed
Study M g last Thur. Y g
chin n to Laman.
� + . '
turning Chicago two days laver,
Christian people who obey God:,
N - health and ener to thousands of
. energy
MELTABILITY ,—�$�i'PEI;rIENCE_ Canadians who are run-down, tired
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cray and
tour children of Calgary, Alta., aro
accompanied by his. mother, Mrs. Jas.
wftfiout a king aityr questions always
know wh He wants them to do, and
' �� and gone lectin no cod. for, an -
y g g Y
spending a low weeks with relatives
Breekenbrid'gel of Gaderioh.
they know ]tow to do it. Thep readily,
*4. i thing, Start the new year by toning
rd ,
and old friends in • Wingham and d$st�
The 100 arra farm, 1pt 31, coni. 3,
know how to. give holiness and t+heq
,-v'K3 Q O'O;0'tO;O;Q:O agKa;�O O up th$Kidneys with Dodds . Kidney
Mr, James Pugh left on Tuesday
known as -the Miller'farm,. has been.
. Christian people who obey .every
., 0 0 Fills. It will pay. you.
week for Saskatoon, Sask., where be
purchased by John A. BryanS, who
command can easily believe every. pro-
By, 'tfie
purposes remaining for the next few
has, been tenant for several years•,
mise. obedience children of
3rd.. O
months and if he finds what•suits him
Price is said to be 44.,000. Mrs. Bry-
God retain contrition of • heart,. and
CENTRAL •. SQ»f0$tl1
may move his familyto tbe)vest!
Mrs, S,
ans is a. daughter of the late owner,
their confidence in the. proaxuses o1
God remain. unshaken, They have
�/�/�j. . In the municipal eleathon, last week
'Mr. and S. Hart left last
week for their home in Winnipeg, aftcrr
Olipb'aut, Smith, Mise Marion and
Willie were visiting at the home of
Power to go on.
A in .Landon, Mr. F. G. Mitchell, sat
"^^ t "t~�aA., OtvT. ive o•1 weaforth and nephew at Capt.
visiting • Mr, and Mrs.' Alex. VanAls-
Cyrus Scott, bast Wawanosh•
When disobedience is .manifested in
Ilio ehild.of God the Spirit is sieved'
p g ,
SO The great practical training. 0 Dawson, wail elected, as alderman.
tine, ,Scott St, Miss Nettie ViinAls-'
ting accompanied lrc�r..uncle and aunt.
-Will• Evans, 14th con•, has been laid
and He docs not in ripe living faith '
'T g
b school..of Western Ontario, 0 . 'Miss Hamilton of Keri tville has re-
to: their western home.'
up with bleed poisoning but is ,getting
for full salvation 'The children of
t3 Our courses' are . practical, our 0 turned, home where she will spend u
Mr. Alexander Aril, a 'highly estcem-
better, we are pleased to : state. -
God can do nothing without the Spir-
O teachers are experienced, in- 0 few weeks with hex parents.
0 structors, the demand upon us 0 • Mr. Joseph.M'cMillan, non of Mr..
ed young lien of town passed away
I'• Miss Eva Smith of Canniii'g, Ont.,
it. The Spirit guides,luto all the
truth that the Children of God eaten
0 for help during the Falf. term O Duncan 'McMillan, who wati ors the
a Week ago Saturday affier.a ten day.i
land Miss,. Jennie Bell of Morris - have
0 was . seven times "the supply. O staff of the Bank of . Commnerco here,
illness from pneumonia, He was an
employee of the Western sundry. He
I been visitors with Mrs. V�'osicy Steplt-
There axe only a few' Christian pec -
0 Our graduates -are in demand as 0 has b&n transfered to --the Head of.
is survived h#. widow and two
ensom 5th can.
pie who have learned to obey God..
0 Business Colle`e teachers, our 0 free in Toronto.
small .children,
. Owing too blood oisanim
� P g in.:. ,his
The cause of God fs ruined. b y the dis-
10..graduates succeed., .Three. de-. 0 . R6v. • Dr. Rogers, pastor, of the.XcI
left 'hand Robert Houston had to.cat.'
obedtcncle of His children. , If all )His
iO artments • 0 thodist church lta r : d 11 t
th D 1 t k
c'hildre'n would perfectl •obe Him IIb
. p . , s acetic a ca. o '
O COMMERCIAL O become pastor of the Central Method-
Morris Township
an _e r. ae wee ,
Mrs. Jas. Brcckcnbridge of Goderieh
y , OF
would reach the masses t+hrough them.
the • photograph business from Mr-
Walter, Jacobs is now in,
0 SHORTIIAND . O ist church, St. Thomas, at, the close
attended the,wedding of htr eldest
It iso disobedience awong� the children
and . posses-
0 0 of the, present conference year. Dur-
W.. Mooney, was home from Toronto
grandchild, Miss Grace J', Hutchinson,
of God that blights the cause of •God,
. - •cion.
0 TELEGRAPHY 0 ing his residence in Seaforth Mr, Rog-
attend the funeral of rho tato Mrs-.
to.. war,. A. I,amiq'nt, both of Grey
and,'prevents the work from, spreading, �.
Miss .Chowen, Mitchell, Miss+ Clio-
Miss Atkinson, left on Wednes•lay for
0 Get our. free catalogue at, once. O, ers has gained .many friends, nota few
P. Barr'
township, •
and the masses from being reached. -It
f wen, Clinton, and Miss Taylor, .'I�ieep=
O'ttawa. where she Will remain or
0 O of whom are outside of h'is own con-
Last week ex�Oouncrllor M. M. O'ak-
A pretty home wedding was solemao
is obedient faith that operates and
- awa, Man., have been .guests+. o'f Miss
sonic rinse.' °Miss Atkinson' a4lrm :
0 D. IVIeLACHLAN, Principah O gregation, who will regret his removal
' O from ion-, U o
die arrived here from,. Hanley, Sask.,
ized by Rev; D: B. MORae.of.Cran=
brook, Dec. 28th, when Mrs's Grace J.
bringe the blessing of God.
The children of God can Hat enter
Metcalf,,. .
panted h'er sister, Mrs', `Drgsdale, from
I 14Irs,` H. Kelly received word recent --
O O _ At the re ular meetiin of Fidelit
. g g Y
whem he'arid Mrs. Cardiff s
i pent , the
past sex mo albs, He is rea'tl tak-
Iiutchinspn was united in m'arria ga to
into the Canaan of Perfectn- .
andon • In and wants to Sao as
, ' Eng., 1 that her • store in Eouisiana had .11
&Ueh' of . C'anada'.as+ possible before• Y
. , I:O.O,F., on Wednesda even-
.. y•
en with the west where he has nurner-
Win,. A; Latinont, .4t.the home ; of the
less Spirit deeds them -intro it~: He
` burned.
returnin to England. ' i
g g b
. : , ', ing the following .officers. wero instal
ousi relatives and retuxiiiiing
bride's rants G: and Mzs Hutohrn--
leads, oirly'those who perfeCily Alli
, . . Miss Fanny Mason, formerly . post-.
. I
led by District Deputy J:.A. Stowart:
H, Wats'c'nn.. N. A.
ilY the course of,a few months..' rs.
son, "Fairview Farm-," 6th .line. The
Him. "Obedience is better than' sac-
r. r.
: The fire alarm bell- ran cub' on mistress hoe, and daughter of MVI
o .. H. R. Scott:
Cardiff •remained in the west:
bride who was loan awe b her
$ y Y
rific�:" is nothing that wilt
Tuesday evening advising us of a' fire and Mrs: Benj. Muson; was hoxriie from
V G A. E. McLean.
OPPOSITE POSTOiFFICE ..' P. G„ A. Archibald. ' ..
Wednesda of last eek t the h
y w a home
father, was dressed in creme silk mer-
take tbe•piace of obedience, When a.
command God is Broken, the avid
in same part . of rite town, and soon Paris sapendirig the holidays with
Rea. -Secretary, F.. Harburn.
. the bride, and in•the pi a hence of
about ' 70 xelativt�s of the �:ontractiag
i�n'o, trimmed with satin and and
wore a goid locket with sunburst,. of
is guilty and eandemned before God..
we learned thalt the skating' rink was • parents... . ,
on fire, The'xua'nager; Mr. John Chis- i . �. "
Fin. -Secretary, C. A.berhart.
opeins cltoes Treasurer, J. C�; Thompson.
parties, Rev, Mr. 'Farr tied the matri-
Pearls, the gift of the ,groom, and car-
There. is nothing more unreasonable
holm, . was pitching the 'floor . tri . order
6ftve at. •7.30 a. m. and . . , .
R. S. N. G., Ohas: Layton.,
monial knot between J. D. • Gallagher
tied a boquet oto. carnations iii y
'than the Children of God` should
be nnhol ': are ectad to.
to fiood`it for the season's skatin on Chamberlain's Cou h. Remedy is not,'
• . !r g
at 8 m.
of. Moose Jaw, Belgrave
of the valla ,
y• . Miss Eva Cook neice
.Children ex
p P
the icer ','Not dreaming of any cause; a camrnon, every -dap sough mixture.• i
L. S. N. G 7 s
erne Reid:
and Miss Eva', +1$ughter.oft Jofin. Neth-
of the room, was rine bearer dressed
g g
be 1llce their parents. • It is never fsx•
for alarm he put the vessel in which It is a meritorious remedy for all the•
R. S. V;'%. :ii. Reid..
We are practical Boot and Shoe L.. S. V, G., II: Kelly,
cry, 3rd, line. The principals, were un-
in pale blue silk, Wedding, march was,
McLauchllu of
ectad thaf clean health saran ar-
p y, g p
ents,. would ha,ve�unclean, sickly, weUk
to melt the tar .on .the', stove, and . the troublesome and dangtio4s coniplrca.
+ ' the
Makers and r afters. Hoots made to
eP ,'Warden, J. B. Thompson,.
attended.. After. congratulations a
fine luncheon was. ry Mr,
n sae. "and
la d .li Miss. Jessie
-pla Ye y
Brussels. They left that, night' for
children: This would be a •great dis�ap-
itch boiling over took fire, $500 result in • £rom`oold in head,
p g , tionsg
worth : of 'roller slates wemo destroy- 'throat, chest or Iungs,, Sold by all
older in ,from l .to 3 daps notice' and Conductor' B. K dd.
atria done while you wait. ` y
ieP g Chap;4ai'n, W. Goulding:.
ed. .
Mrs+. Gallagher. left Wingham pia . the
their future home,•Bth line.
point+mcl� t, The neigkt'bors and all who. 'ed.
the house, be dis-
3 O'clock for a wedding; tour
29th, at• the:home of John and
would enter would
R: S. S. Wm. Sproat. .. ;
eastward. They
Mrs. Jackson, was celebrated the fit-
appointed. We ook to fined children
espeet-•td. leave for1.1.
k t iq ., t•
1, - . • , ., proa .
tieth ; annrversary of their marrrage,
1r a the paren s. When .lists tan
We keep on hand Boots . and O. G,,'R'::Crown. .'
Mrs. .Peter Barr away
far and7near thered .to vier: fibs pc-
Yom. p
-rain can not understand it, an they,
Shoes of our own .make .. which After the work in the lodg'c. room an
,passed _
Y week ' leaving to t4ie. care of
castes and to Convey filets best.:wish-
become skeptical.
are just the thing for farm, adjournment .was • made to Crich's :res-
her husband, tiwo sons', the eldest of
'es to .the brude and groom upoK. whore
Jesus fs Almighty God from, ever-
work. fantail where lunch served and
whom iS' 7. years old:, .had
the weight of. yirs seems . to rest
lasting, to overlasting. pie lies all .
` . '_. a lcasa'n. s' tial h u s
{�% P t..o o, r pent•,
We H• a �.01
.'Deceased .
beeli -in failing health for 'somer thnc
lightly and who are still youthful in
and, enjoyed
power in heaven and in. earth. Itis
expected that He will *save
,w . ■� ."SO
trot Sunday alio was able to eat her•
spirit greatly the occas=
'' •
dinner with, the family anti , appeared
ion. ;Their' 8 children were present• at
all who will come unto 'H lni. ' He has
right, 'Heart ass 'castled an
e d
the • anniversary'and.21 of their 26,
undertaken .to take away' al - in from-
-', .. •. .'.
An Awful' To11.Colieeted .b Consmm -'
I titan, Unnecesrsarq Deaths.
Sha answered the g ,roll "call of the
g cat
sides. Iter .maiden name was 1Vlargar-
grandchildren. Of the cbi dren Win,
g' �
t hanles the oldest sori lives- on the
those Who will come tato Him,: and
restore them to the linage of.�God., in
at Atelia Isabella ChanYbeis, her
old homestead #n Brant, Bruce . Co. i;
t u true 1' When
sigh eo mess and t e ho mess. W C
If Pc+aple could. only understand that
bfrtiiplace . '. being McKillop township,.
Jennie, .(Mrs. Iiev. A. Warren,)"' at
itis not done rea:!onable Trion b,comne
sysfemic . catarrh fs an internal. des=
She had been adopted rote'° rho family
Verona., N,Y. , Martha, (Mrs.• R' °N,
disgusted with those who profess t'
,.�.`'' case that extarinal applxeation's cannoir
' 'sure,.
.of' Jno. and Mrs. Mooney; 5th line,
B�rrtns,) nea> Paisley ;. Jahn R.; in
have religion, and turn away with th
thaugljt and conclusion, that there is
- they would not'need to. be wash-
long years ago • ' bX _whom. •sae was
Toro, ;. Dn. Jame .'II:,, a. practicing
�!y. ed so -often about this malady, which,.
Our of lours
greatly, belo`ged. Mors: Barr, was in.
Physician ,in,Xorth Battleford, Sask.;,nothing
in religion. Professats of re -
..sale .L' when neglected,
g , paves,the •way often-
her ' 41st year and had been married
Lottie, at home ; l enjamin M. • - and
legion who do . not go on unto.. perfec-
Feeds, Seed Grain, times for: - consumption, at the cost o£
ten yeansi,. She was of a jolly, fim
Lucy, (Mrs 'Tona's Flood;) reside near
tion greatly injure the cause of 'God. -
nilliiens o'f'lves ever,. year. Yet cater
Etc., has -doubled
hearted turn and made memo friends
Ethel.. The �4 - sons and. 4'daughtens
Men who nava no salvation, expect
'who to have' to live
arch m,ay' ba cured ff the right tract-
this season oy'er'last" ment is employed- . ' • •
greatly re let her decease and
who y g
I I . i'hizo with the bereaved.
were carefully reared in. their • home
.. Y
which .pais •always stood for the high-
those profess it, .
;like angels. If they see anything in
. -The only way to successfully . treat
0. ; 1.
est . -and.best• in the •rnoxal and relig-
them that does not look like, Jesus,
what betterevidence catarrh •.is by eniployin a .medicine , `.. `. • - .... io'us life'of, the community, .After, .they discount them at once.. They .
the weddin dinner Thursday, . their seem, to know howmen aliould live,
Which is absorbed and rra,rried .by the • Brei rave. y' This is a. photo of the two year-old Steer the roperty of
can there. be that our blood to all parts, of the s stern •. so P
Y + son John R. became Master of Cera wlao: have religion.. They believe that Mr, ohn Barr Bl Blyth P. which Won . thia Sbo.rthorni
moiiiies.. Toasts folEowed .and man Jesus is Almighty, and as .mighty to s y Q., l
Stock and prices are that the mucous membrane or, internal Mr. laddie McLean spent-tho holiday Y .
Of the d is •. n g p Y pP ' P P >
lining boy toned up .and season.. with his ,parents hare. reminiscences, ' were given ex session save: The are `dfsa ointed -and be- �hatn lOn9hl at the �'�t �"tOe1k SNOW in GuLI h In Dec , .
Tights made' capable of rest ti'n the infection. to by a.large number of the guests, come skeptical ;when the children of . 1908. -Mr., Barr now has for sale four bulls 1O to 14,
P g i Messrs., Sprb'at: & Whaley' have dis- ►
of Consumption, and other diseases. After the 'toast to, the bridd and groom, God are not, holy. They do not .read Tn(ITiths old Of the same bP�ed sad t o end from 11T1•�
posed Of ifierr store beta to Mr. gnu > Y p
FOR� We .have a 'remedy prepared from the the -Master of Ceremonies sang In a their Bibles, they read -men who. pro- . . •
OD drew Tayliirpf, Morris. Mr. Sproat .ported sites. . ,
e religion to find out the .P .
�� � p p • _ g ,
rescri Pion ,o•f a physician who for very "pleasing "I've, sown so fess to have. talks of ino+ving to".Seaforth and' i't is. „ „ .- •
• 'thirty years studied and made catarrh used to you, The parents were the ros"ults of the salvation' of Jesus, We
rumored that' Mr:' Whaley intends tttk- .
I 16 ai specialty, add whose record was, a. in' u -commercial travelling. Mr. recipients of a,purse :o# gold from. are living epistles known and read of w�V . -
patient restored to health in every g P g their children„ alt man. �!Ww .. .
Taylor hs ,rented his farm to Mr.
. case, where his tneatlni *nt was follows ` . ' .. an people who hear of their
Bart. VG.atso i. privileges in tho atonctment of Jesus OUr �lOttl) 'Ch1 . Year IS _ The Best Yet
• ed as prescribed: That remedy , is .1.
'r+ Rexali Mucu-Tone, We are :1c Rosi-• A pretty weddipg was; solemnized on ZV��b must' -of neecsslty embrace: thchi. It •
ti've thatit. will eomipletely, overcome Jana" 4th at the home of Mr. icYhm Ne- is not possible for a person to retain
p catarrh in all its varfaus forms, whew t'hiey, when his daughter, Eva Isabel, Mr. J. Steaey. . of Hensali Is - busy rllgene1ration, who will not t o 'into the •
• • OST *as married to, Nis. D'Arcy Galla her fountain of cleansing,. to be made en-
then acute or chronic, that we proem- g painting and decorating; t+he flew
• "' Ise to return ever. penri y, tirefy holy, It is now, as it alwn,ys
y paid ua for of Ii~nidersle Sask. The b> ides who Molsons Bank premises.
the tnedfcfho i'n every case wherb it was oneof natu're's [avorutes�, was . Mr. H'erbext Haivald returned on , was, and ever will he, holiness- or hell. Waflt .. 0�for , et,Q' �i�i p0.
beautiful) owned in white silk, with Saturdayweek from . Crystal Cit Thera is no sin in. heaven, and none can_ �.,%
fails or for. any reason does not saris Y g
' fy the user. � ' a . headdress of orange blossoms, and . Mari: y y' enter, it. The man who fails to gut .
���I' . ' We want you to fry rtexall Mucu- was unattended. Miss Stella Nethrey Mr. FordSchnell of Chi ago visited. all aiin out ,of him, will fail to enter � •
`• Tone - 'on our recommendation and played Lohengrin"s'waddin'g, march as his father' Mr. John H. Schnell and heaven. If he rotains the s'in, he
,. -
guarantee, We are right hexa where the brida?' party' entered the room. The other.relatives last week. moist go where sial belongs, as he can `
JAS, ' 01' TON , note take it into- heaven. Sin can not to
YOU livle, and you do not catitract, any Rev.. Mr. Farr bf Blyth perlornred the Mrs. McWatters, who was the. gu�act °
obligation or risk when you try Rex•• ceremony and the • bride was given of her pacent's, Mr. and Mrs,. H. Well, go into the presence of God to r+emAln • ' .
Coal rierc6sLnt. there. .
all Nfacu-TonEr on flus' guarantee. We away a;y her fattier, After the cexe- for the part two weeks, has returned
have Rexall Muau-Tomo in two size:;•' mony the guests, of whom there were ,to her home in Detroit. Editorial Extracts fronn Tha Rolf•• A&
Hass I�.ra, Ottawa, Leif.' '
50 cents and $1.00, Very often the about sixty, sat* down to. a wedding Miss M, Jaeksgn, a fotrn>cr teacher when need watch, I.. you . a wa c
HCENE �Z taking of ono 50 -cent ba�ttie is sufl'i- dinner gotten up inMrs. N•e.�threy's usW in the school hare, was the New
of ' __ � �
chant to make a marked �improosion ual good profusion and [Mrs. Ferdinand liens Over New Years. -niece style. 'Tina CXf�ci a place 'Of siIVer-
.- :; ; upon the, cast, Of oourvo in chronie Beauty of the gifts showed the esteem Mrs. Bernhardt of Preston was the Guderith I
Cates A. longer trcA mY1nF in, ,inn ncenr,rr i„ whicR tE,r hrial rose ha7ri bar all. -sinal: nf'.hnr inarnti,tc. f2: v. east. IVIrt. . 4...*_.,._ kr . tiy.TrV#.. _• 'I% +e%
T g, B.� 1,C il
ERY SECURE youn'S1tp-
....T"h.1JEl EV TO.
V �W IiID$venson
1.00 � "b'ottles. 'Remember you can
btain nexall Uenedics in alinton on•
q at. our store. --The Rox4h Store.
V. :S. R, Holmes. .
-Sir JohnAfrd,• the famous contrae-
or• and wgincer, is .dead in England.
Paper hanger. All wort: done guard
anirrd satisfactory and . prices,
moderate. Itewidenec nearly opposite
Collegiate InMitute, V1111tort. 83
r1, '
broad'clo'th with hat to hatch.
Y s. a Falls were
s Laura Ilendc•r of town and Mis- ther•gucst�s afrMra. J.S llowrio dur-''
scs Rose and Lovina I{aercher of the { Ing tlne holidays. The Misses Gibson
V1.0 P I'L ][, S
14th con. left last week for Detroit. lure cousins of Mrs, llowrio. They
Aft. and Mrs, Philip Koehler of are, touring Canada and will gra as far
Cure 'Backache, Bladder rind I'`idney
North Dakota are visiting in town. It as 'Winnipeg before long,
Trouble •
Is twenty years since Air. X0011ler vis- �_. -.. W. .. -1-1,
A new doses of FIG w`ll
f4 I' GL. i
ileo tiara and he notes many changers
abm vines .you that a lbw .more will
and irriprovame> ts. 'Mrs. Koehler iia A eneral treaty of arbitration be-
cora you. �`verp'ba9t oto%°IG 1'Ti,�S
a t'ister of Mi°.:1 . A. ;Axt. I •, torn the Vnited .States and Great
its guaranteed, If they. ,ao not Curo
' The clection of police ttlisttc+a paw'- Dritmn is prop ,ped by Pre aldent Taft.
all Bladder, Kidney, Rheuni4t,ism and ,
ed off very quietly, and tete tote poll-! llritfsh opinion is deeply stirrod by
Liver Trouble, your+ nnoney will beed
waa haitlly up to tho awragce, The the fight witif the Auarehi'sts, and
refunded, EE
total number of balloter east was 100, the llotile Svvrf 4tAry hits• pi,tvinisrd, to
and the trrr:jlrc�t el(vigA warp l+'. .Al. inc ulre into tile, world A ions,
! ng c the salons,
25cs a box at McCoAtOl's drug ,Aorc,
Ileo, A. ll'eidcnlaii and t<<. lellt•r.. act, '