HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-05, Page 8•
Januar, Stialt1P1e
Happy and Prosperous
WM:Cordially Thank our custom-
ers for their patronage during
the. year that is. drawing to a close
and respectfully request its coattail
. Alice during the ,coming year. To all
we extend . our best wishes for a
-Happy and Prosperous1911,
Our Store •is open every evening
Repairs While You Walt.
44•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. -
Big January
Wonderful Price reductions in all Departments.
Dry Goods, Clothing,`:Bobt .4c, Shoes prices al,
most cut in half.
D et tail to tee next Week's priceliSt.
500 pages of coodeuaed and
indexed information in its
64th year of publication.
A Pocket or Office
Faithfully kept gives you systematic
record of your doing% and other
things to whist in the !Satire you
can refer WI* Efatlefaotien• and pleas.
As we are removing from our pres-
ent premises we must reduce our stock
and to do so we have cut the prices.
Here are a few of the bargains for our
customers :
• 25Ladies' Kid Blucher, regular $8.
Sale price... .. . . ........ . ...... 2 .
Ladies' Kid Blueness, regular $1.75 I 49
and $2.. Sale price
Misses Kid Bluchers, regular $2.00 en
• Sale,price . • 1 •
Misses Chocolate Bluchers, regular I
1.75. Sale 'price . . ... • . . • . 1.
Childs' Box Call and Kid Bluchers, 1n
regular $1.3,5 and $1.60. Sale price.. ..; 1. I 0
Childs' Kid Bluchers, regular $1 On
and $1.10. Sale price. . and ' u
Men's Rubbers • .8 5
Ladies' Rubbers • ••.50 •
Misses Storm Rubbere., .45
MEN'S •_
Men's Patent Blucher, regular $4 0.
and $4.50. Sale price. . ...... U‘U
Men'e heavy winter calf, tan and 4 25
black, regular $5. Sale price
Men's Velour calf, regular $3•60 and Q flil
$4, Sale price
Men's Box Calf, regularS2.50. Sale 1.18.8
price •
The Gist of the Sun -
dap School Lesson
Compact in size, is invaluable to the
scholar, full of information and sug-
Often Cb;.;pest.- Alwin the Best
Mr. John Moore, Hensel!, was in
town Suaday.
Miss Clare Walker bag been visiting
ber aunt, Mrs, Thos. Rumball, El-
Mrs. 0. H. Pueli and family returned
• from Landau yesterday after a • ten
days ViSit
Miss Violet 'Carson, Torcarto'
spending, her holidays with friends
in town and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon and
son, Hen•sall, were guests of Mr,
•and Mrs, Wm. Canaelon on Monday.
Mrs. Alfred Hayward is in Detroit
where She will remain the winter
with her only daughter, Mrs. Ed.
Rev, J. • Green will conduct W.M.S.
(Inver anniversary services - fie 90E-
• rie, on6 1414 Nan% PirellitSr oix
Miss A. Leitch of Chigelhurst, a stud-,
. ent t the. C.C.I., isstaying with
her aunt, Mrs. Tho. Lawson, dur-
Mg Mrs. Petrie's absence from tows.
Mr, and Mrs. Master George, Bayfield,
• were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Peter
Cal:Atkin oil New Years Day. They
also viaited other Clinton friends.
Mr. W. D. Stevenson.' was the guest
Saturday to Monday evening a his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Steven..
son. 1e is bead book-keeper with
•Sherlock & MannIng and is One of
the many Clinton boys who are mak-
ing good. ' •
Mn. and Mre. Ed. Carter, hues wed-
ding took place in Gnderich on • the
morning after phriitmas Day, ' re-
turned to Goderich Monday evening
to take up ' housekeeping after a
week's visit with theformer's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Carter,
, 'Victoria Street,
Mr. R. A. Bell was, in Goderich on
'Saturday and was accompanied by
his neice„ little Miss Margaret, Who,
after having 'made her home with
her uncle and ain't for montha; will
• ie future live with her parents in
• Goderieh. The little lady was sorry
to leave Clinton and her mlanY play-
• mates here.
•Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Huston 'of the
•Sauble Line were in town, Tuesday
•on their way home from Listkywel•
where they attended the funeral of
an old friend. Their previous visit
to that town two years. ago was as
guests at the wedding of the daugh-
ter of .the man at whose funeral
• they were mourners; ••
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes of Tor-
onto have been spending a few days
• in town, the guests of Mx. and Mrs.
H. B. Chast. It seems like old
time to 'have this estiniabie couple
• amongst tte again and if they are
not already convinced, The Neva -
'Record takes much pleasure in
siding these' that the old home
town's latch string to them will
• always bang out. 'The time -tried
friendships they made here will al-
• Ways abide. .
4•••••••••••• ••••••••••••114010•41441011•••• NINO*** 40,11110•041
J. Hoover
Nelson Bali
• 3.4.0
.:1,----.--..........- --
_-..._,--- Sale
-- -_-_-_....---_—
I Alter...-. .--...... --....12e.--...
IAgora an opportunity for the thrifty to refurnish the whole or any
Peat ef the house at a splendid saving, not made at, the expense of
quality. ,
For Parlort, Dining, Bed Room or Kitchen.
IThere are complete outfits Ana sleglts pieces that hr.) marvele of furnI.
tore excellence aud OC011Oiriy. Better see them.
1 The cheapest spot In Huron 00unty to buy all kinds Of turnItnee.
Hoover Sc Ball
PaPacw AS? ,s4a7/
We're Simply Cutting Loose
Every Ventage of Winter Goods for a Great January Clean UP
And remember, this is not a clean up of undesirables—every garment and every article mentioned in the fol-
lowing list is the vkry best value obtainable at regular prices. Every article must go—yours the prefit. This
• will be the greatest opportunity ever offered men, women and children of Clinton and vicinity to get acquainted
with the high clasa of merchandise which we carry. We are driving the knife in deep and'prlces will be topped
off in big chunks. The reason for this great slaughter sale is the fact that we make each season clean up its own
• 25 Ladies' Waterproof
Coats - Special $5
25 Ladies', Waterproof Coats ot • cravenette and
tweeds, full length, good style, all sizes. Reg $7.50 to
$1.2, bale price • - • - - $5
• 10 Men's Waterproof Coats Special $5
• 10 only Men's.. Waterproof C6ats, dark grey, all
sizes, Reg $10, sale price •, - • $5
35 Ladies' Astrachan Fur
. • 29 Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur Coate, silk quilt.
ed lining with Timber Sable collars and self collars,. •
three good styles to choose from, .sizes 34 to 40, Reg
• $45, $50 and $60, sale price - $35
3 only Bocharan Fur Coate, Alaska Sable collars:
- - - $55
• 3 only Astrachan Coats. Reg $25, sale price - $15
Reg $75, sale price
' . •
50c and 60c • .DresS
• Goods 39c • •
• 500 yds all pure wool Dress
Goods in plain colors, stripes and
cheeky', black, blue. red, brown,
. rose, wines, green, greys, etc.,
serge, fancy worsteds, weaves.
Venetians, box clothe, eta,
splendid wearing qualities. suit.
• .able for all classes of wear ev-
ening. street or scbool. 'Rep 50e
and 60c, sale price • - 39
Special Dress Goods
25c •
10 pieces Dress Goods. Just
a clean up lot from the dept.
Good colors and strong wearing
• qualities. Reg 85c and 50c,
while they last you choice 25
$1.50 Corsets • - • $1
• D&A 'Corset special for Sat-
urday only. White Batiste, all
sizes, very daintly trimmed.
Reg $1.50, special
° 25c Ladies' Belts 19c
• Cleating out the balance of
our Christmas Bette. leather,
elaetie and silk in black, brown,
• red, grey. blue. etc. Reg 25c
and.35c, sale price .• 19
•50c'Ladies' Belts 39C
Ladies' Fancy Belts in leath-
er. elastic and silk, fancy buckles
in all the popular colors -the
balance of our Xmas buying.
Reg 50c. sale price • - 39
35c Children's Under-
• wear. 25c
5 doz pbildren's Wool 'Me
der wear vests and.drawers, well
Made and trimmed with inser•
tion and ribbon. Splendid value
'at, reg price 85c, sale price 25
$1.50 Black Sateen
• Waists $1
Ladies' 'Black Sateen waist,
good quality, fast black. latest
style, all sizes. Reg $1.50, bale
price' r•1111
Ladies' Coats.
Half Price
25 Ladies' Winter Coats
made of beaver and reugb
tweeds, colors black, blue,
brown, etc,. very neweststyle,
• Reg $10, $12, $15. and $18, .sale
• price Half Prlde
50 percent off
• • Children's Coats
• About 25. Children's Winter
. Coats mostly fancy tweeds,
blanket•cloth and 'beavers, all.
• new styles. Sale price - 50
percent. off
Millinery 50 •percent
Clearing out the balance of
our Millinery at half price. Some
good styles left. '
50c Toques 25c •
About .2 dozen Children's '
Toques, assorted colors. honey.
combe weave, doubled. Reg 50e.
sale price -• - . an
• • •
15c Wrapperrett 10c
40 pieces Fancy Wrapper-
rett, good designs, good color.
iege, suitable for house gowns,
dressing sarques, etc., 27 inches
wide. Reg 15c, sale price - 10
RCM dants of
Manufacturer's remnants of
••white • and pie K Flannelette.
• Ende•run from 2 to 10 yds. worth
regularly 10c and 12i.e, clew ing
them up at • - • - • 7
Remnants of Cotton
' Manufacturer's remnants of
white Cotton, good widthasplen.
• did value, Ends run from 2 to .
10 yds, worth 12,}c; 15c and '18e,
clearing them at one price - 8
Remnants of Apron
• Manufacturer's remnants of
Apron • •Ginghams, splendid .
width and quality, worth 12ic,
15e -and 180, clearing them at 8
• •
Hullett Happenings.. The News From Londesboro
Election ResultsMr. and Mrs. Mem Longman, are Mrs. J. 0. Lounsbery returned Wed--
visiting with Mr. Geo. Longman tbis neaday after spending New Year's
There was no beating of drums in weekwi4A herparents at Delhi.
the contest for municipal honors Mrs. M. Mains spent New Year's Miss Lizzie Mains is visiting friends.
which closed on Monday evening, but with relatives at Parkhill. near Blyth..
there was any amount of quiet per- Misses F. Mason and McKay of Mrs. Hamm and Miss Pearl visited •
eistent work and, notwithstandieg the Blythvisited the former' s grand- friends at Sebriegville Tue.aday of
rather unfavorable state of the ;roads parents; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mann- this week.
EL large vote was cast.
wears well. •
• Mr. John. Fingland heeded the poll
in• divisions ' S and 7. He lives in
that part or the township and thua
where best known is most respected.
The result in those divisions and the
township as a whole should be grat-
ifyieg ta Mr. Fingland. ••
Mr. James Watt polled an even
The •following is from the Observer of
Ronk°, Mich : • "Mr. and Mrs, Jas.
• Haber entertained on •ChriStmas
Day. Those present were Mr, and
1V1rs. J. Maher Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J.
• Barton and children, the lVfissas
• Haber, E. Mason of Detroit, Thom-
as Mason and wife of Clinton, Ont,
C. E, Smith, wife and son and Miss
Etta Smith of Seaforth, Ont. Mr.
Mason, a bass singer entertained
those present, • assisted by Mr.
Smith, tenor. John Haber Sr., al-
• thieigh 71 veers of age, was award-
ed the palm foe fancy dancing,
• which was indulged in during the
Mr. Jahn Shaw, after a sit Weeks
Visit with brother, Dr. William
Shaw 04 Morrie, Mich.., returned en
Friday last and then went en to
Goderieh where be was the genet
hig daughter over New Year'e,
Mit got back in time to mark hie
• ballot for ria progressive candidat-
es. Mr. Shaw likens Morris to an
Ontario tOWIt of the wee size, but
didn't say, even if fie might have
thought so, that while this Province
stays tenaciously with its old Pur-
• itan conscienee in the neighboring
State• there is a drifting away. In
IVfotris now, merely ter instance,
• had Mr. Shaw done a little enum-
• erating, just to get itt his band for
nevt June. 0,S it were, he might
,• • . affr. •and Miss Stackhouse Blyth,
Mr, James Leiper carried off the hundrierl in his own, ward. The name is Miss Bess • ie Porter of Clinton. • is spent Ne* Year's at the home. of Mr.
reeveship, a result that was general- one to coaMre with up there and had visiting at the home of Mr. John Win. Brigham.
ly expected. There is no fol-de-rol he been as well known ' elsewhere the Tamblyn. Mr. Ferguson of Orangehill .visiteti.
about the reeve -elect ; he couldn't be result Might have been different Mr. John Lear of London spent friends M the village ever Sunday.
persuaded to make a twenty -minute However Mr. Watt will no doubt ap- NeSie Year's with his mother here. Mies L. Young returned to Brant-.
address if a three-minute talk will predate the compliment his own div- Miss 13. Manning entertained a few ford after a week's visit with. her
answer the purpose equally well, but ision paid him and The News-Reeord friends on • Monday evening of this mother here.
expected to make good as bead el hes no doubt but that he doea. week wm. Grandkum 15 giving '1„/*„s ei, Lybe - of Londoti spent.
he hat .resuch. busines.s abitity and is
an Sunday at home here,
will assist in making everything raeve Names 1 2 R8ee4vesS 6 7 Total !deride on Friday night. do leif as early as possible. • •
.oyster supper to a number of his
the m,unicipality where his genialityThe January thaw came to our m.•
smoothly. Barr ' 4.3 64 22 64 23 40 26 272 Mr. and Mrs. R. Watters of Lon a
Mr. John Barr has few superiors as Leiper 48 63 38 61. 83 66 3-211 spent New Yeats with the latter's Mr. and 1Virs. J. °intuit:tie of Cass
M M W Riley.edonia, and Mr. and Matt Jas. Dodd&
Rev. Ms. Pearcy returned Friday a of Chicago are visiting at the home
373 last week after a ten days' visit of Wm. Brutribley. •
347 •
32A with his parents. , We are pleased to Mr. E. Lyon left Monday for Chalk
2,56• learn his father is improving after a ham to resnute bis studies in, the
college there. On hi way, he will via -
nil severe attack of pleurisy.
days with his uncle, R. Adams re- Mrs. Pearcy, who has been spend
turned to Seaforth Monday of this Ing the holiday at her home in Port
week, Colborne, will return. in a few days.
a canvasser and put up a big fight,
but of coarse it was against heavy
odds and that he did not Win was no
discredit to him. Me will be missed
in the council for he had an energetic
way of doing things and in his ward
itt partictiMr acooMplished much. Me
wilrbe heard from again th•ough for
jolly "Jack" Barr can, coine back,,if
he cares to do so, no matter • how
many, others may fall by the wO.V.
Mr. Hebert Clarke • of Constance
beaded the poll, a tribute to _hie
sterling worth. Mt. Clarke stands
• by his colors every time. With ex-
pediency he Will not flirt. Right's
right and •that's all there is to it
and his fetid* 'electors recognizing
the manner of man he is show it by
preeing !lira at the top of the list.
Mr, W. J. Miller of the third con,
surprised' even the knowing ones by
going under the wire second. Though
untrained in munitipal racing •he
• showed * great burst of speed and
wont down the thren-quartet stretch
like an old ringer. Me, Miller is a
long 'distance racer or, be, drop tee-
ing •phta,sing, he wears Well. That
ie be is the same today as he was
yesterday and an he will be tomor-
row, In, No. 3 division he polled 69
Ont of •the GO votes cast. .
NO one doubted the election of 10.
John Temblyn to nobody was die-
aPpointed. in No. 4 divigitin he
ton found thirty women widowed headed the het handsomely and
1,1•1). 20.0.1,4,ERAtix)Ixtzmortis he the "visitation of Oed" and two- No. he was right 00 Mr, g
I nil' leeslrt A setteible allaround
thirds as many by virtue 01 the a
Clarke 82 85 23 74 32 46 31
InBer 68 83 59 61 38 35 8
Tamblyn 27 68 20 99 31 5 74
Watt 39100 9 36 19 19 34
Fingland 24 58 10 63 30 57 81
parents, r, and rs. W.
• Mr. R. Dorrance, who spent a•few It SY est= friends.
Mrs. John Breen of Colborne,
were Now Year's guests of Mr. and
tows and the news ot the whole dis-
ermicies.n Edith Stewart • The News-Reeord leads for Hallett
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Rath and family
returned to
BlythMonday f d'
the holidays at home. •
'The many friende Of Mise •Bella
Sundereock wilt,. be pleased to hear
she is improving nicely.
Miss Oertie Sturdy resulted her
duties at S. S. No, 4 after spending
a week's holidays at her home in
Goderleb township.
Misses Annie and Bettie Woon vis-
ited the home of their sister, Mrs.
WM% Stevens. last Suhday.
tietS. JAMOS Pairserviee bas return-
ed •horn Seaforth atter spending the
holidays with hen parents.
A number of young people spent a
very enjoyable time at Mr. Henry
Taylor's lase Priday evening.
Mr. James Hart gave the young
People a dance lant week. All report
a mod tittle.
Mr. John Seedertoele Vas elected
trastee at the school meeting held in
• 1144. 611441.41111.414411114•1104111.11•4611.41144. 0464 divorce ibOtirt. Man is Mr. Tamblett and he. 400. S•. •
Hullett Happenings
It is claimed that no lite • bit the 1 More Iiullett news page 4. •Ar0
townsbip it kept in better shape Allan CLsley of
during the winter months than the 1 ington have been visiting the form-
, .Leant.,
Mrand Mre
l3Uisec°:1; Airmtsturnevb theter(lb! vlsitiltloter's brothers, Jamesi of this 'towns
ship and Jacob in Colborne.
notieeabit to all who dtivo along that a week with ille ''')110G1/41°11ex• ichW' sMealkt!
coneesSiota And it is said the guts.
stretch in front of the Shobbrook is Misd /VC:trete Jane Crawford who
especially well kept. • I was home for the Christmas bolls
Mo. Carl Engler, Ottawa, and Mrs, ' days, returned to her position in Ma. .
Clark of El' ma spent a feve days of Ora 00 Wedneeday.
the past week weth their sister, Mrs. ! Mr. William Vodden Jr., who has
W. Marquis. Mr. Engler is a Domin- spent the past summer in Alberta, is
mniontLinandit Sarugre7enyiornavnadrtwym last sten- home for the purpose of taking back
which was with hint a carload of settlers st.
• ealgeetd in defining the northern fecis.
•plowA and the &Rood result is at once o a
boundary of the Proviuce of Alberta.
Mt, oglee has been engaged PrOtet"
SiOnnity itt the Parthest West for sev-
eral seasons and abounds in informa-
tion regarding it.
Miss Botta Woon of Clinton is V'1,5 -
'King lief atiter, Wee. Wm. Stephens,
Misses Lily and Jennie Govier of
Perin are spending the holidays un.
der the parental roof.
Mr. Thos. Nott paid a Visit to.
Guelph on Saturday-- and returned es
. • ;