HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-05, Page 79
5ths 19 I I cjIst" ps _- I �
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.� 1. ,-W "OK lNltll 1R.T.'UNCS. � - 'll"
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: �
I . I
__ .. Lmim IN lu�d All;lil" I -_ I I � I
I- I � lallift"Poom . ...�"" ..; #Vt.. vill.,li,tp *--.& , - I
40ndy "" 00 roultift ta mls"I* ot
TNE 0"' the Qr4on of the shot and the cm
After at once caiW the pWk*, told
I "W" tnew, that he had. heard 4 shot In No.
. becret 1 7, Olroyd'Oquaro . , And beggolit them to
L .. I enter. They ald so witig Aboor, who
- OF THE 1. "', , ' , ", hOP4 to catch 'Joe Deaw Actually in
I �l`,IM 0''., i -1 1. . - 1 � Ili* murdarod vianlo room.
Delta, va)34 with I tallsm, ,watched
" A!
you. escape, and saw 3 on hide In the
SS gar4eu, Just below bvr window. Bhe
Ci6unte tell& late that am WAN Almost moved
. to call to you, to asoure you that it,
. yon were caq;ht the would cont",s
aii4 so save you. And so she woU14
L_ . By WARD MUIR I have done terrified though she was
. ' .
of Abner. But, am It turned out, there
ana Quo ot'lits ecoe�trjcjtjoo was that was aa need torher to opes.Lk.
lip alwsLys dannpA Ayanlnv A im hf" 41NQ_ you hay- tbo Whole story
rut MY rrl#ua N041. Will tax* 0* to
to IWX14 the for , L - on ilorlwba�k? Awl ;
Allearb" you moo he is An Arab *f
'Why not have Chosen A spot wilarw
mettie. It'l *in "too, rough with him,
the water was cleaner?"
It will br(,Alr bin spirit,*, It too gentle,
Before be could mom the spook4w, so
fie will br�,ak ray vack, lie needs the
smothered wvA be In dripping mom
malu 4a ter motia le gant do velour*.
Naive forgive mo! I really didn't
Rud weeds, Usloolm know tbat #ow* .
Intend to inention gloves again.""' -
IAdy.Qt rank bad watched him n4yga-
turo. $be used the . pure Porrolau oC
"011, 90 AWAY, YOU aud-your Arab.
the court, and her diction was, reffil
YOU aro bothborrld. You dine here
Luckily, he bid studied Feralsa a& I
to,morrow ill,ght, my uncle said?"
well an Its Indian Qff-shoot, Hinda-
"Yea, If I don't send you g telo-
stani, And Ito. understood the words..
orain from Aligarh. I May be, brought
. .
So preoxed back his dank It r,
, NJ
there, YOU know, Against MY will."
squeezed tbe water and silme, off bt*
Lifting him hat, he walked towards
; face, And, looked Up.
a p1pal tree In the compound,
To lit#, exceeding wonder, his eyes .
Renefteh Its far-flung br4welles ,.% syce
'L L ,
met those of 4 young X9jignimedgmt
wag sitting in front of a finely-proll
l,+I- A
woman, richly garbed, an.4 of
f0re taking Itis ,wife's p0trait from
Delia's wag, you men, An unforeseen iW*
Capyriabt by lleLeaO J* �,kllex
A— lle Bull U&&UXURA#y DIX Arau
borne. Both animal end man seemed
remarkable appearance. She was Un-
veiled, an amazi g fact in An
11 itself, 4
the safe lu'which,ho kept IV,
"He was in ovenfug-drems, wlaipa. A
trusiou. It mystified Abner as Much
as It mystified Scotland Yard. But--�
to be dozing b
,ut they woke into so. .
, . , ,, .
bar creamy skin, arched eyebrows,.
found latm," nodded Derrick. '
� It saved you, Derrick."
The Moshe* of thO Not
when the oahlb approached.
The Arab pricked bin earie, swished
regular features, and rRven-bluck hair .
proclaimed her Arlstocratio liaW,o.
bated, to ase,hitu looking at
that portrait," the Countess want o
.. . a.
Countess ceased her recital,
On a dar In January, 1857, a sepoy
4114, long 4134 Arched ta 0 viciously,,
and showed the whites of his A
She was leaning forward In An em- 1.
"She hated Sir Felix himself, with a,
W44 4101ug by�, A well in the canton- I
13adoulit Of the desert, a true, scion of
of the battlemented wall.
Behind )ter, two attend% uto, oval -
child's undying hatred, because he
had taken her mother from her."
. Abner's Fit*
went of Dum-Dum, near Calcutta.
the incomparable breed of Nejd, he
. ,
faced. brown-auinned. women of L the
"Didn't J)elWm b�otfidir *aut to mar,
Though he wore the uniform of John
was suspicious of civilization, And his
people, peered shyly at the English.- I .
ry-Bir Fell, V1 queried Derrick.
Derrick sit silent for a space.
. �
CO link was the lowest
mp,any. and him i
now owner was a stranger as yet.
MR -
U. When he glanced their way,
, ,x
"Holt she carqd nothing for bim,
how about Abner?" lie F; to
at ,J�h,lo 11 3
last. "How can I Text. 0 is
In t e iiative, arrujv, lie carried. on his.
forehead the � caste -marks of the Brab-
for the fray. I'see," mur-
mured Malcolm with a smile. He
they hurriedly adjusted their milk
sario, 'or shawls, so to bide their .
But he bid proraise;l to leave all him
money to� Doll&t the daughter--&, pro.-
L still at lArge?"
"His doom follows him." Countess
min. In a word, he was'm6re than
wasted no time over preliminaries
'Bidding the oyce place his thumbs: In
.as. ,
faces. Their mistress used no sucli
bashful subterfuge. Sh leane,d -
raise w1mich, as we now see he kept-
the Mother consented. The Frank-
Klein ipoko joily. "By rights he
noble, being of oacred birth, And tile
fl; f they
_gidu ohicers of his regiment, I
the steel rings of the bridle, the youn$ _;
. e some
, 0 .
)0at farther through the narr w em -
Korts were poor , , and Rachel w4ut9d to
should be hanged for the murders he
fins committed.. I have. made certain
were not . h(aven-born Brahralus,
EuglIBIlman gathered the reins And a
wisp of gray mane in his left hand.
brasure, revealing by the Action bar
bejewelled and exquisitely molded .
! know that her little daughter ' W86 Pro'
vidod for." �
: that he Will 41e, Although he eocopen
L . .
would grovel, before him - in secret,
though he must obey their slightest
Seizing a favorable, moment, when the
L arms. .
s ed her hand
the law .
IIT4111,�' vAll %a A4.911
urder on parade or In the field.
struggling animal flinched from the
touch of a in-.' I- 1- ,- 6.0
"Perhaps, You 40 not speak my la.11-
It I$ .1, 4A I .
� . I . I , ratlter Wearily acrosp, bar eyes; then . The Countess TO him axnroa( Aied a Lascar 1 4� ft - A.�, .44 u OXX , ei "Ift", ill .. in Ur"11 LUe nguo. . .
*NG -14 101100 INSMANCS , , I.— .1 ,� Fc4tluiedv . . . rose and stared at "Brothsvr," ga:d the-,liewcome� ,,lend side, he vaulted Into the aaddle, Most frequently heard In 11pper lu�
. . I Derrick steadily.' Her eyes were steel ' Chunga the sYce, Iteld on until his dia. "it you will go round to tha-
. . . "Aliner, Meanwhile, had erallezzled me your brasg pot, so that I may ,
.. 00APANIPS. r � - D. N, WATSON bright. "He will use the ManasseK In the master's feet bad found the stirrups. gate -that way-,, and she waved ;L�
I . ftolc for I lia-ve wallied far ill I
. much of the Dalraven fortune, And Signet, Alt, the very tint opportunity. W Then he was told to let go, and Miss 1 fu .
I PIM101% 0OVRT, ' OVFWA - OX&V . 811*11 grace I hand to the left -"my set-
. . . ,, , , TON, - - ONT. dreaded that Rachel Frankfort, as he, will use it. It way De that he ,will , ilbe scpoy started 4% though a snake . Winnifred Mayne, niece of a Commis-- vAuts Will reiider You some assis- I
. # . . ,CLINTON, I I IjCEN,SED AUCTIONEER Lady Dglmveu, would discover this use It on a demand for )AQu.ey, to be had stung him. Lascars, the sailor. to er of Oudb, quite the -mos tanee." ", .
1. . I � fact, to which Sir Felix was oblivious. I a 11 . it,, eligi. . I I
. for tbi County of Huron. Corres- up0led by some member of the- Be, ble Young lady the Meerut district Bylhat time, Malcolm had regained .
-umllllollltll,l,� I . . S men of India, were notoriously free. I
: klm.ow. , , . ,ttllq. � ." 7 1 1 fte would Jae especially likely to dili- oret society to whic).1 49. belq� could produce that year, witnessed 0. his wit% A vers' .
. - I . - . . pouderico promptly Answered. Char&- cov tj go -the &nd-easy Ili their. Manners, Yet bow o Of A poera by Hafla .
� . . 0 er It, he thought, it Sir Felix were! society which I have called to Black C am Etat .even a low -caste Mon. display of cool, resburceful horseman- occurred to him.
� : 1R. SUTPONK., . " es Moderate and satidaction guAran- to die and to lekvo all his moncy- to, Jey�s as distinguishing tbdm frpm ours, ' , e It ship as the euragod Arab plunged and 'Irrincess," lie said, f1the radiance of,
I , '
I I I �Minediato arrangements I" , m -el. of it Lascar 4 1
. -4. his widow. In view of thin I am cer, the N hould offer such an' I
I ..,: I or . whito, lip
. , will 04do I
I . . I " , . ,avop to prove a Brahmirtf curvetted through Pe main gate' your Presence Is as the full MOOLk'
I . sale dates may be made by calling tain that Abner cauoed,. Lady I overt hwu% to .
. ; ' RATtItISTER, SQLjC1TQ.a Dal- als right to be oupplied with funds by " o you know, swine-begotte'u, that It left her rather flushed and brWath. suddenly illumining the path of �% �
I . I .. D . 7 .
. at The News -Record Office or OIL raven!o death-probWy by' Poison- - scaling the. re UQ61 with the Signet. I leis. . . �
I � . . It oacUrre . d only halt an hour after she AljCL *P. _q "') 11-"'s 11,11s. would contaminate my "I like BIr, Malcolm, . " . she confided weary traveler, who finda himself oix I .
oul I .Fraulr Watso.0 .a$ XCEwitals groo, � I P, Cu. h.!, gutt'n
,;ajitlylie V11 b3 Xjllp.d by his 11 lil',.,'-�, " , I the edge of a morass."
It ., - NOTARY, PTJBT,10, ETO. ary" i7 4ad martl6a Bir Vilix; And th latter, oniq , , . of C.C-Ut,rf,:s in .5, the scorn -to herself with a little )h ,,but A flash of surprise aud pleasure lit 4 '
. 45 N " to t id Wdrds � Ugh,
I . . e know, never i7ZZMAM3. The 4! - - u; - . - - his manner with women Is. distinctly p
f C*-31QAuQ .1noolt-elf M''Ond , I . . I - � I ailTul'ev,Vitt lifi'llinged his, brain. "W � BUD a thl�y lull. him? "Contnm:P,r.tc-.V' grinned th; Lasear, - . I u the fille ey'os or the haughty I
. I . . -4 . � � "Alinei, a . .11136dause the' Signet will seal with "By bruoque.1 ,T wonder why!" beauty, peivhcd lip there oil tile pal�
I , "I . ! � . - . . s the yewo spIds-bpearpQ neither frightianed nor angered, -and .
�, a ..._.".,o,,iol_0 I . . h wrong sign. Dviore taking it to him holy (3anLys, it , The Qi Trunk Road ran t9 let t ace wall,
� , IHOMAS BItOWN. LICENSEW awn � i elixlo fortune
, , . � - AUC- re not only that APO I I In Gresham Stmet I ga�e tne t:�igrnet is your lips that are and right, To the left It led to 'the "'T)a well sr,ld," she vom.led, stall. I
" .. . I -�--tbts he alre4dy knew-bult, contarllr.at(.�d, not mine. Are not.the . � .
i , RLES B, tioneer for the counties tif Auren was -vast to a gem -cutter whom 1. can trust, and bazaar, the cantonment, and ill Ing with all the rare effect of full reil .
.11 I � HALN . - *.t � whAt %As ii%or6 .j6aportaut, that Sir bade him make some tiny alterations Goverawcut gr� ai.,Ing your cartridges e civil . � . I .
, . and Perth. . Correspolidene I es; to the right, after passing a few lips,and white even teelb. "Reverthe- -
+ . . , ,a p;omVt- Pelix had become poss with ,cowls tat? And can you load lit' . �
�"� - � REAL. EST&TE . , eased of thef Big- in, the hieroglyphs. Th"e ww ue de- rb'd6n houses tenanted - by Europeans, it on. less, this I$ in .
. l . ly Answered.' Immed . I your rifle without biting the fa � � no time for coilipli. orits,
, il� . . asseh. Henco.the plot to, tected when Abner uses the seal." I � tered" the open country on a long You need our helpl and it shall be, I . .
, mento palL be Made for sale 'dates at murder. Str.Felix was to be murder -
k,.; lk and , - .. Derrick loolwd'at.her.' kad she thing? Lee,ru more ab:)ut your own stretch of over a t1fousand miles to given willingly. Make for the gate. I I
.11'f .. . . The News-Reeo�4, Clintort, or by - ed the Signet otolea, and the blame Of done right'., , I-je could not j,,,`lb.,. . Aw caste, brothrr, 1jetore you tal%_ so - - . . I
" , . I . . � I I
I .�. . rill" 11v to ctl-r-,11 . . � lzalcutt% I pr4y you." �
r . 6" Seatorth. Charges the crime thrown on some poor easta- _ � tud 1he south, In 1857 no I
: � '� UR � - the 4a- I .t , rid .e. - -
, - . calling phone 97, sl;� I . � a �
�,., .. INS ALIfCE I present tribunal could judge ? 16 , '" t11016U4 ar6 lit tU WO qualled She turned, and gavo ail order to . � �
,:. , .. . Mo4orfk.0. And B&'1jS.j%0tjOA gUaran.* way plelted off- thg.gLrVpts who might �Wps of tbq Qq-gntom Kjpin, . LNUL 441'61' "'? iter, this squabble Be,ginnia- at oud of t4 . I �
� HURON - be Accused of- theft.oi 1bul-glark te . . , - . between a sepoy and a. Lazzar, yet It tile Grand Trunk Road. . .e attendants. With another . .
.... I I � - _. - . �. toed. ,. � .. . . 'a, serbor lie r Rill dq� ' * . I . .* .. *1 .1 �,F -1 .. , * 4 a ilume in India tbat� rivers Peshawur, In the extreme north of encouraging smile to 'Mak.olm, She, , , . . ,_� . . .
... 11 . . . I
.... � . . . I -6 .11 I . . T'he following evening, when Der- 0 . . � I . . � .
. .1 . ,);,.,�p _ Dq), ,j g t . 01 I "led must be India, It traversed the Punjab for six disappeared. . I
� ..p
. ) . *
�1 ... .__..'_... I.. . . I tho 1) ot,' dea ed t5 ii4rfi gir ) , '
. . . - at X 6 , - uo � shed ere it was . . . .
. �, - .1 I I '. . . - ______ . - . .. I . . Welty. I . . , rick went to.dine with the Countess quenched, The Brahmin's mind, reeled hund,rcd milcs. as far as AIJ.-arh. . Leading the Arah, 'who, with the
. . I .
"'. � I I . . ". - .. and Delig,.'the street, newsboys w,are qerq It 91rPl into the -Ca!gutta ptud fAtiAllsm"of his race, Was quiet, as, a . .
. . � " - - n tbe F,Llpek of the relOrt. Lt was. . , ,
, W. OUNN I ' DR. OVENS, M. D., VR. C, P., . . She stole 611t,,Ghf�red No. 716 gar crying *a late extra wb -bill , undo 1. .50� t sheep now that he had found a mas� . I I
pse contents rw�,Im, caeli ac,arly a 1hou.. .
., - - the , ek,.crept In at'the back of tb,e house, ' irild, th-.n, w6f. Q rib'dh(s of t1le - . v .
I - - I . .
.: 11 , � . Etc., Specialist In Diseases of 11 anig9unced -."Death of a Fa 5traight, well made and tree -lined ter, the young.officer took the diree .
L, R. 0. P., L. R. C. S, � .(� the servArtts' airC. I InOus LaWl dethroned lKing of Oudh w6re saying ' � I . I .
IS . Eye, Ear, � Nose ,and . Throat, k _ � ,, ppe tv qu . . throughout. It supplied ,he two great tion pointed out by .
- I I '01 'a 'As s I ...... in the ba2aar. The Governme . . the lady. Round- .'. .
' .
�, I - . . wi . 11 be at , seidk, Te eixt�red, he YL The famous lawyer was Adolf Ab- nt were arteries of lndls . Ln life. an angle of the Wall, lie came to a , ,_ . .
-,�-4" 4Anburg . .'Holmes' Drug Store, looked' up from studying 1he photo- bent oil the destruction of Br0iminl- . Afaldolm had 1119 . . . .
�.., �, Clinton,,, on Tuesday, March Ist, jlqr. I -Its body had been found. ridd ed cal supreulacy. He And his caste-f�l- selected it, -as a tralnliig-gropnd that sewn spanned by -a' small bridge. � I .
graph of big bride,and when Delia'met . , cau 0 J� Y � .
Li il,l , . � ",-'th Irnife wounds, in a back etrect. ju evening because be nlicant to w will h ,as guarded by the machico- I I I
� 10966�4)fttlatlo street, Clinton. Nl#t 29th, April 26th, ,May 34th, June his eyes she know that she was In thq 11�." - . � . '. 19,Wg would lose all. that 'made -life eary fated towers of a sOoDg gate. A pon- . . .
I - � Parts. - - . . .. I hey would exhct anil' subdue his
1, . 21st, If you. require 4'assea .dojilt presence f 46 luilatt0l', - � . . . wortli l4vin-g. But t . .toombIghly spirited . .
,:, , a alts�front iloor of office or. at . 4.4na !r' � iad tried to use v, bitter price fo,r their fall, froill high eli�rfqjrt N�`hethcr the pace -was fast dorous door, studded.with.great,bosses; .. . � . �
"�'),. . fail to see Dr. Ovens, , . I . .511A . hi gl6ped, leaDing to his . ta, . , - ,( of 4roif fash ele- I . . .
. . 11; . I ' the . I . toned, I .
;,AeAA1lenc4 On Rattrabary sliceet. I . feet. ' .Signet, and had paid tile penalty' tj,61 Fn - s ow Neidl would be - compelled. to , to represent
�.,:.' . . . I . .
�� , . -1�q of tt-affic, from .. It ts' leads, swung open -7 -half, re. �
. At, the dinner-Aable Derrick *zaid - Ic Ll'lur A " F1 jkn .
, - 0 Del ' .- . - ed Ili his 'frenzy, meet many varl t .
��4*qft_. 1 .1 .. . . . . .. " in salk ihat his poor tortured elia. was, Ill I kl.j8 iiiu . 'ail InL Uctantly It seemed -and he was ad -
f � �,jj . . . � brafnL had mistaken, her for "her ind, n6mng' about the news. D 94 lie riishtd away to tell his com. . - I S (T ,Snill�l - 6am- * , ,
.l, , 11 . then' He thought his'bride had ri. plainly Ignorant of It. Tho Count4jis) rhd,s the 1!2 that made the Indian els down to the hurnble ,bulloQl�-.cart' 'mltt�d to a spacious inner court- i . . .
., I I � . tard. , - . . . -d . . I
i � T1 1h u * al Ffte , . � equally, L plainly'. I
�. I I . J. W. SHAW........ -i- � 0 CK lop. PH lu turned to li��. - - . - boo, heard It, but she Mutiny possible. �"Slay and -spate of the ryot. 1108BIbly. be Nvould.n6t . 1 4 . . . .
. � - I .
. .
. ., I . . � . . . . L &'ShOA'tft .not realke t4e seriousn�ss Was, quite unmoved, . not! . Let. us averige our wrongs so shy.at such 111011SErOBItles after twenty The :.nMacr of armed retainers . I . I .
: . ' . Afterwards,, In the Or-6,winprnnm, f . . TP.11C13 Of lathering r.1do. � .. . . c1litTed there wa , unexpectedlY . � . �
I . . she ex. i I ully that it ,tmrsed F6ring,hi- shall I I
. � � � e'll her.," sh tft'Sisla;rU0d'9et_by the Arab 4 I
"OFFICE- I I i ma ce t0mlpanu. ' 'bf Ef, delusion. 'Take this! I . ,o Re . well a I
� I I . .. the- Countess spoko. "T k w1len arge. He was equainted vitk ..
I . I claimedi and handed him 4.revol.yer, ,a date aE4iu to. come hither across the . �
'. � .-Fum "d Toulated Town Propqrty- :19aded, which she had bought that 1,0 -id, _L'o ijerrif.-�'. inu___,, Black WatQrt" . I . . . he 4leard the clattor of his teet oil the 'the Meerut district, yet he had no .. . . I
.".. .1 , �
-;�___ j'&%teEs Sind . jise- M�.Sgaive flew, bard:rowl t1lirlied In with the turbl,, Inotion. that such A fortress existed. .. I
: .. I HATTENBURY ST. SAST, . ; -Orly Insured- .drt-ll her ihat-;�ie ig. free�.11 (jou rr4, . Ito � U I . I
� I .. . . . . � r , morning.., .She ,was going to. explain 914111 quietly slipped awn . - . within an hour's fast ride. of. th' Eta- . � , . .
!. I . -OppitlEiRs- . I I , to him that be - was in, ,great- dan&er, AV q , p.: throkirl ltdia with the IneGeittable lent M504 of his rider. .. Fralik,blal. i � �
I . � . I .
I ,1� . . . dth't, ,%Worth P. and that he must use theWC-4011 -to do,- ; . , 'as to Zelta, rid 'in flon. The* King,of Delhi Wid a large I
. �. *;4UMN.- J... ij. me,Leaj, .presi And Derrick ivtat uor, I %�'cod"wIth which'guch ill t1ditt"s At- tolm wap A soldier -b�r chol-te a -, '
k I I � ,.=__ . cl, . . � 0, ; . rjf, , EIcj;,tW* : 'Viee-preotdont - f6nd himself from Barn3r ,And AD126r. .and very gently broke to, her the news, ways travels In: that couittry;l lolver. stiuct# VhM! be joilittl the Indfan L bunting -lodge somewhere in the.lo...... . I .
I . . .
.1, ... , .. I 4, . A. 'never seen the . . . I
�, I . I l9rucelield P, 0. ;'T. E. Hays, - S�c.- . lRachel!l he repeated, 144.1iold out though 'no tthe means, of her.strange north ivalut the nows.that the British Artliy,-and- becamo..ft:dubaltern In cality, but lie 'had
' � . . . i . .
v c,, W. momrsoiq.; � I I. 'his beinds. 'go e bak, widowhood. I L Ral, was : doowed.' - H1110* fakt;a, nativo caVhIrY regiment, ne &ter- place. It this were'tt, *by should,It � . . .
. . I Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0. I . And Whon he left her that evening '. vive�A1111all. mined t6 devoti hImselt to. Ills - prof eq- be. cramined with soldiers? Aboye all, , . . I
. . , .
;��. . . I. to�me at lostla- . I '11gial's z2w. . , ,
-Directorp- ' � .. 'lTAk4'fi41RR(.-hel,l-j3h6 said quiet] �- they kissed-Ahe tirot kis's of. Erne ' ll, . - . I . I
��,IPAYSICIAL, SURGEON. STC. . ly. . . 0"" """ %ion, fie gaVe his why- should they eye him wilitl sucit '' I �
. ag� - e -age; Toll, dominance In - � . I
� I .. whole thought to .
. .. I .
I:, . . William Cheaney, SeafQr.th ;, - 'John . " 'Theo You - a - her spirlt come to . lovers betrothed. . .. 1. . .2 Ill, for R hourl.te�anted .. It hild to iloth-Ing else. His In eres s III-coneeale& displeasure?' Duty had . I .
reI . . . . . ' � .
- Winthrop. ;'Georgr e I � 110 I . . I. rough ' I
. j Dal .. Sia- . to alit me - � W t him once to Delhi- .
:. special attout4oa g.'ves to Ji,s-' Grievb rm . shouted. -.'I will.prove . . 'ME M\'D ��6r a d I s ,. M1 the next, carried the fiery, 1141Y Ilk big work. lie regarded ever - It was , , . I .
.;.. . 'Zolm Watt, k I . ii ate not Posh Wid- blbodl' Hq . . . .. . I torch (if rebellion', far and * - wido., thift. from tho 'DoInt, of viony .of Its barely forty miles from Meerut -and, . . .. I I
11 eases of the Eye, Bar. Nose and .forth Harloc ;.. .John . 1. I . . .. . .
I I . �, . Throat. . . .1 lleaueW ;. James Evds r, and. w .. . � . I . P, . - nd. so tile flame spread, Rik I * - I . . . -
. ies,'BioAhagan . % fir ,W sd the relations Letween the feeble old' �
1i snamho& The revolve I vra a influencia all his military cducation,
. . I � .. . -Kinc. Babnaur Shah and the British
,. I
. as carefully examined and suitable Beechwood ; - James botmollij * levelled It at her , TEACHINS HOUSEWOR K !anued to red - fury, though'. the "eyes' it may De conceded instahtly thiLt, Jils I - .. - 0 - .
. . . . ... ...... - - - .1- 11 . .
, . : " ' 11 - . . . I -a arrt�laj in .Meerut of ail Oudh Coininis- . . . . . . . . .
.1 glasses prwribed, ,; * . . � Gotierich. -- -� - - . , Unquestionably I)bliik W45uld have. ,., - .: . �. I -if to w Englishmen. could see It, wbil , . .. ..
. * . ' . - . � I . . . I
. . I. .. -AGUNTS--li . een. killed it %Tii bed h6t thrown her . Travelling Instructorajor the Peasant native Intelligence, was aghast at .the F'sober's .,pretty niece sbould not have. . . . . ..
iI I . I . . I .
. . self upon, 'Alm,-, Tbiatle.was a morrien- 4 � I , . 1. Supluen4es of their over-loros. Ittfected the p-qce of rabid of this 1)ud,, - . (TO BE, C01"ITINUED.) '. . . . .
I . � . . . .
f)J11,M and residence I I "Idra Vi2t Of ltbbiirt Smi% HAtIblet'j, 'E; I""- tary StrIagglq and the revolver went L% Population of Germany . . 4. lk . , 1* *. - , * dlilk Napch,eofi. , I . I. . . � I.. . � L i
. . . '.
' � ahtfiv. ourn , .. I � I L L . I .. I . � .. I I I I . . . -1 I � . . . . . .
- U . . � - --- — .
. t Comme ial 11bilel. 'Hurea St, chley, Scafdtth � . M1499, bff. It sh(A 11m."in the.bileast. Delia . *0- I But A nice YWIITg wokYran cAn rluk� . . . I
- I
:,L .- . . . L . . . . . Olie el, �uizg f�l oks m6fith, of April, � . I L �
. � 11W Eginondville ` �3. W. YeO, H611111"' 'Was tetfitheU, almost. sW6671bg. :,Sir AA wt �)'nce a. u2W be"Capat'011. .a,011111, A-blaight--bUke'4 gArl stood in
. t r.....,.,*.d_ I .- I . �. . . . Wha . In. the 'knuor 'of the ,sternest- . .
I . � Ville. Felix 6rew her from him. sta�gr.ered . =-YOu,at mail. Her attaolt is ull' CUREDIF CONSTIRT-0
I , . L .
. . I t6r 'Women hbd a njaW feature of C -Or- the ,Xfa,u0,a ot a -bun.gWOW at Meerut..
I . .
�; . . . . . miy.-Mrjbw� % -be paid in, r4ay. b'e tqWiUV6 the said, and'took soniatli,big � . I . - 14--,r slunded. fi�,&ure�, garbed lit whits t1le irioi'14 deadly It it bp 1111PIVOW4l- I. , . . — . 1. 1 . . . L , , , ., . . . . .
4 . Ph. F. A. -AXON. vaid to, TdV& & Brown, 01intert, or ;Oult.. Ais he -turned again, liog frighton- mah sooftl policy Is being establ'.Bhcd Mjlsj.4j$. taied, and.P ranklifalcolm had ttlrt-sady I . .. � . . .. I a - . I I
. . , . .. . . . . I ��,hs NAnitd in a.creepet- ,.f4lids or., . . I .
... . . met'his. and h Saw that Coo by tht,� lnt�o:dUctio ' - - i'Oz.hed , tho. self -depreciatory stag,` . Mr. Andrews r . � . I . -
- at-CidVo ,grocery, Goderich-., ,:. -,,-',a 1-1),es s e a of , travelling, aoveri�.d Aereh� 'Title fl6rce ardor of an , . " I . I . .
I . I . . I � L .. . I � * 1. L. . . .
.4 DENTIST -1 Aiock seemed to have reinstated. hie. Y 'for -4;q� �Vlierbin a comparatively irftj)%�.cunlaus ,.Morsel* 1nc1F.,ij..R66+, 111bullml
I . . .
I I . � . Aftles desirous to .effect. Insurance I tdieb�rs -of household isconom Indi6il, �tpi � Mid already kissed tutg . . . � � . .
. . 1-t . P . noxice L I ,. I - . � . � . .
� 1. .- I—- s6nity. . But. he tooKto lurther i . I .. ; , �, . I life' s. 'j�l,otv,Moll or red flowera Build gubaltern'askv himsill t1ho sad ques- �. I __ i . .. I I . I. . .
. L - ' L � . . . .
. �
. . . Ithp. pea ant population% - hP'L fjMt .1" for uh.. - Ilit ' . �Oeor4e.&r 1111� I . . . .. � I !
d, .or transact other. business :'will be , f b . .
11 I o, cr I 11. � L . I .q . . 1. thr. Vi4gt ,of greenery, and, it Win -1- tion. whether it be po sisib 1� s 0 t ,,drA*J; of jj�jlfa:K, N., '. . L .
1, 14WIMIst in. �'dro*n and Bf1496- �romDtly. attended. to'on . application .. " -r kin dyingil. 1§hia IjeaFil VJA A-Aut- tellool for the trainbA . *hers. Ired ,'.Mtyre - had sought ail effective Z)n6 to woo and wed - ia' inald L Of. high � writes'� - I . � . I . I , ..
I- I L . . . of W6 tz,4m . . . . .
I- - . Wowk Graduate of 0.0.1)-S,�' Jo any of the,-ab6ve oftfcer� addresOed . 'They .mutft't find, It '111116t has been founded; at Mitsbach In Ba, set'UP8 for,hr,r Own fair picture, she aegree, orL tier Ah,916-Indian equlvw I 'rft MV,Y-*�nrs thil- . - - . ., . . I �
, - . I 16r L it! . ye beed ti6liblet . .
,with Mel I will take It to the 'h fli -prospe,itjj- W I I I . -
� to their MSpX:rtiVe Post'affiefels. . LoSst% die' r tit. lent,. ail heiress of muc t, it This ail
V (49cago, and A.C.D.S., Utfttl6l. : varia'. T a gaMele of stno occuptes a .11e ith ,11r, - - V . .
qovnlld liot have found ou6 bette )tile .,COA,�tl a 10. - . I
'. I . . inspected by the ' dlr&.tfDr who. 11vos gra've'Ll .IUAA, 'he �placed. his baAd to I yeat: sud a half, .and lAtludes -instruc-' ted w Its purpose , ' . L I . . wealth and present soc!ai Jmaja.;tance. ment laevej Inglo-handed', agd. 1 . . .
A, I .. . . 1. . . .. I * * - -tificial, h - .1
)'4 L ; I&Y to nearest.the icenol . I I his IiDS� UAILI-17 reeled, . etiqla In fill-departmetitis of urban and . `Ly . Edhe u2is young enoiigh and I But money and *rank arp, al We beon -.0 .Victitd fd tilt InglTY41newsm - . . I I
L . - .
�, fiefd on Mandayli ftold � . I.. . . . I . 11A� th', '�amt 'instant D9k heard 1,ural housekeepIng . Tilruit 'culture, LbMtty e,nough to. pay little heed to the mere varnish Of,*Iif6,jtndLthe bOt � Chat cofti,tiptition hAAgs in its train. . . . . �
" - , .
— � . .
I . , __ I . I.q.., 04* . � . I —. �uib �OQ ot�la k�-ylat-th,e 14tk of thq veSetable';grow-hig and -kitchen garden- po,6e, or background. . lit- fact, po wtuch breath of reality can - soon q.do�clj Medicine" -after ni,dicine I. have taken in .. . ..�
. L
I � ,. , . becomber, . . 1. . . L . 11 . . � . but�Al qaoor,--doubtless.11-6414y, Attract- Ing in .geixerial, poultry raising ;knd Of her.smooth brow as Could be seen them 'out. of.existe.nee, Events ,were order tr .4 Vita relief, but one'and all left . . . . I .. 1,
.. . . *_ . -A ed)Arom the kite I hen, t, 'was bee -keeping, sewing and fancy needle-, -brim d straw list was e L jj9ptie6s condition. I
I . . by the sho . then shaping thelliselves1n India that me in iffic v,am . It .. . - . . .
clinton .News-R.Word. I 4*11bbut f,b enter. Del-YA was panic- *(),rl r -taug . , Under. a broad Me . at n6tilidg.-t7ould .expel from - - � . .. . . .
I ;��-_rW.*lllllllll,lll .. . - .. . . . r, 4 e lit, and'tbe studeat'inust wrinkled in,a decided.frown. Happil�, wer destined 'to sw.46ep aside conven- seer ,�j ,ill, � .
V=-7- - - . for many 'a da:,v. Had t - muct, . . �
� otoc i �13t'rlel,*n. Sbe fled thl,ough the. back, -become -an export in pl,ysical exer, b4t�r bright bro"Vil eyes had a glint of tIOn ,he young me ,h, one ailineiit, that caused so . L I .
. . CLINTON - i . , . . . � I I . t. I �. .
. . . i Vai;� and.five' bilnuka later with her-, Prath [Lmglishilian known it,.five miles f . abOut those L . .
.. I , L afh 'he (Ases, -singing ,And first-aid to the In- numar Ili them, for WInifred'B v% . . . Vom tr t l d 1. . I �
. . ! - Ll' bi . e ..L .
. I - . I I . krAes almost 'givIAg way beile W lj4.66% Theoretical InE,truction ' oea.s ' w.ka ail evnac,scent. tbIngj a pillid . Meerut his Arab's hoofs. threw peb I bles .. .. .., n ootL - 11 . ' .. . f * . . I L . .. . .
erms of' BVI'satpUtir-si pet 'y ear -, Q111L Chem, over A * swarthy moullah, lank 'd . I .i lucky (lay or WN IL �
, l6he rp-entore4 -her own room. �tly jilth the an - -aq a
.11 . ". ��Wlh- � is ,1Y seen, And ever .ready to , to- at w . . lndc�d L �d.-Nvlth the ststto� . . I
1hay be charg "'Samy bad- VC courie, come In, travel -stained, who was ,hastening r�ss .
advance ;1.5o '& . it try Of food, , sprlt�, rarC ,
I _TIM8 *,1rX19LE_ not :90 paidil No paper disdii-AU6 - fluditig *Sir -EV,lix dead, bad. -wil.1,zed hygiene, book-keeping, and* tile Intel- be banlsl�ed by a smile. . ' . wards the Punjab ,on R.dreadful er. I' I was I I determined tlR - �
I . . . I 2petual. food proper for the class '!There.!" she said, tugging at' a re- r, i�ja(lt-, that � � . ,-I .
TT&L, *tar4 sire. poll a at that 'he mtitt conceal this � L . I thelli ,afair triaL . . I
1119 WAq *Wye 4'and Aepart until all AVi � d, ,1141bs . prom:ature- rand. The mail. turne(t and cursed ' � L I
. I .among whom the t--achers will have, to fractory. glove. "Did you- hear it? It . I , . . . .
from Clintoik �§tklion vA folLaws *. . , .- the.0mon of the publifttr ..; tragedy f-tora Abner, and.pretond.'to work. The latter are to , visit all' aquallk--shrieked as it s t. And tbig lifin as he passed,.and bowed with 'bi- - 11 L 11 e re ated my stolm& IM4 . L -
I . 440 to which every subacliption, is commit. the crim6 that: night As had small towns and villages, and the .Is the second pair. - I shal ever again ter venom that when the timeof -to- bowtit.- .1 am d of congtipilfionj'and . .
. . P
UFFALO kND GODERICH J)IV . . bec-n 4tTraliked. . . . Dnin,-. came theta would not bt a , L . A- e i & i"- . L . .
� . ,. Paid JS - denoted 'on the tl!ibel. . system Is expected to do Much , to bell6v*e a wo.r'd � 13'eharl ,al BftY5. - I rAulm they b , no equal, 4 . .. I L .. .
O&ug VAM 7.3& . � ,',' ' I'll g him .. . Mal. -"Wt' L. . L . . .. .
I A* in 'Adsertising ' rates-Tvlaftient - ' ad let.- . So the grisly farcerwas carried out raise tb:e ,standard of comfort, health, �Nrajt ti�tj I sc6 li1m. . such Inghl lbit In all the land. '111 -ft, L . dhe.)X. . 'L century . Dr. morses
ds 11c . 1,67 1 wfi.11e, unknoWnto Abner the body of and -education- of the Geilmau.country. a talking:to.". - I , . fiowev'er, *culd have laughed b . 'For. . over half ,. - . I . .
, '00. . tisem.ents , 10 oetu per.. 11011PRAel ,qkr Felix was already . Jy4 lifeless in ' , ..:. . heard: Affairsi, of state did n ' A'�". . ind Pill-, liave beett, curing COS- � . .
. . .. . I -
d� , 44 � . 0. side, , , . vd it in my heart to J� .. A,%:on- . &n. Root ' . L
"S 0 - I line - lot first ingiftiork and L a Cop 11,at. upper chamber� We, know what oil I ha. 6 ed. inacttve kidneM
It 'm . . . art L�I," said ber,00mpaillpil , ,ern illm. . His only trouble , . stipation. and clogg, .
98 . � or r from the ,carriage- I me�lsll Which, 1!�Zsult . . I
. I . lar removed from th . . ie " - 01 . e I Whore M�tew . . L �
64 . ' A' Vlu- Ion. Small .00itisemehtS L not to - L� I . C.. �jnlnurlo _'__� t' i 01 I . .
.. - ,
11 I -j oiit, merely to 'Brixton,"' made an lit � , h of tile few 1 e bea . . ey c , : . � I . . . . I
I., " 4! . 0 tindlij, le&-ffig' The table on which, Rln� ri.dward way that 'ran by A e, side 9, -ty I c heft . - 1. . I . I . . .
1k.44 ; j. -m. - exceed, OM jjV6b, guch as '(Lost " stant bolt for the oil V . . � . Veranda. cavalry subaltern. So � A 114tth T g bi . Sold everyw L .
r �
West t�-.Vj, - It. M Lper'line I*L oh,dh 'subsequent inserii. followed. Barny, so far frorn �-'goiug GIFT 0F.KiNG.Gr-oRGe en "'-V4�' 0 Winifred Mayne, stood on 11 - Aw lelvat 'it" a fronx
. ,I " .
Anelrk:bp at he �
f , ; t thtm�
.1 . -
L . 4, Stol M� , t - - A the ,00mm!"j., "Indeed! May I isk 10 I � ", xilug. in -a I . . . . . . L I . � I . .
. V� Qsr ) etc." I, -e. the affair as best lie signt. i I At 10in . Why" . e, he I ..
, . down from the a
4� . I _ 0a gljjiig-,�': tho Bteiys Ivadill" A and turn . I'l I 7 "L
of . . 114.28 ', *P- At ttgtr4a j� Abn6r io inau4 . . ilio de- - 'are fro at, 25c. a b . I d . .
:: .. - t4� jauft , might, Abner took jjaruy's placo,'en- 4010 ussaht 6 t"11: iriOl tl r manded. 1. . . &kab gallop him,self will' - 4P, t.iile VaLy , - '. . . . . 11 . . .
k Ilk %RIJOE' DIV. gerted d0b fdr,'L 35. cents and 10ch tortained you, to supper, gave you a Vulen Act, to,�66er i�*Mh the glen aud Lh6 high-mettled. Nejdi i A�Ivdlval Vbell �, . . . I .
$6.ih.* south , I 'j.50 �m. subsbaodht insertion 10 6ents. ' - I -is. Maje fy on -the .41Mtrt'"� -:oil yield him a privilege. . . % - la �Ofeas- - . - . . . - . � .
. a. I . five -pound note to lead color to your Ink.0 ' and, used by h 9 I y . Ing tile pace Bomewhal jrortu . . .. , � . I i . .
.. 4*4 xg . . I . . . p .
:)n%v , , � \ .
, 4.28 p. in. . ,lull � Z -.;,* - .0 - '" Isvitre you Ifthlit to . The p - .
omratWIeat1:)ns intended for'"'blivam guilt when 3rou should be arrested, v".44 1 plro� ov 1he'r to South you deny to me." ard with the slig1j.. , 11-,��-, vkmvs urged,
.1 , I L A then Wit y9p. I-Ae lurked.outside Africa. - ThG*y 9�1 tl:, �,,,., %)j ea'l , Tj f ,ONt:-utterly un. roposed creation Of an. Interim .
- 11.06 , a. tn,, VACPA mustr As a guarantee. a ,good an � " . " I On 1 19 i . la:�lng A Drecedent6d prick 0 1 . . tion I L joi,fttoomjmI&Aon to . . I I � I � I
6" Wdrib. . . I boot Georg gflr� 111 oil W,OAT. 8 It In,' I -am 0 - tv'ititir., a I copfrop . ..
- . 14 'Ja as vxftft"b�'iccompaniodl by- the I name' the IlOuft, ik'alttng to hear th� s. ,��_ tb the Vition Qoy. - I -- 1 . , t I wis That Was a degt 1 AtktifilM -not I to be I . �
.. 11 I G. I I P. 0. i 41 .the writer. . I wfiblu, whiall, Wouid apprwe blin.fhat tw.�'be6n 40s�,.r��T. -A f * 'It ��;,. j,�fj-jca. latVWTy ceremonial visi - h I . n,. The Calculf -11;nza I milroads op0rating Ili Canada, UUd t;hO .
I # ,,.. - �:,bl I ., mija -did -not .
. � .. 1. NI 1-.� �-, 11ndustant. 1,qo�w, what bOr . A4� .
'.... ..... ..... 1� O shot ordot Itlat, tlk� --- s�." . , W i , , 4 lape such regent the Lasear -linit,64 States . is 94. Pte-Sel"ll ' .
i . I . . Barny h4d* done his . task. . . _t� r tou ak I I
". I I j . At 0i. wftb . b .Ohmift more keenly. .. I .
� .1 . . W. j. MTTC14tLL, c4mej f6l, Barny by thla time,was half'. flalilent House at C'W� �, ri Vil 'i Wlt.h a - swerve the subject of a 4,01ifenouce at Wasli-
�, . 't I . : I Vie I.vidhld ybu Bay to 13ths . ,% dvii'-Almost unseated I � I � . .
. .� 6VIER 66 VL'AIW 1; - . � VAIltOt 'alld t' Or, etOr way to Harwicb. - Duke, of ConuaP;�Iat ,OWK1 the first h ZaSP"'- ,Njarc6lm, the .
� . ' I
. I .
IF . I I . . . . I ,q*a'Aly know. W -Mn I buy 910ir&16, % 1,t3 '� front of ington. .. . � .
!�� , 1. I XPER11cutt . . � .Umer. hl; mst �itf[*Olf 0110j)k into Uhibn Parllfti�nt nb;vt �ft�n-,jj, ft - . bullock-egrt, 1, eft* dil 3n . .
I "
i , - I . .. 1. .7 �.., r, , . I .,., . � � j ld �,i,llf 1,0 . =1:"'Wr�_ , I . buy of suffieWrit size�.� Ot . Aw,1Atb8,tNVeen the trees I I �
,� , �w � I I , ,.14 k, I to Sir 1"lelix's thellf :)n the ,wests''
. I . . V6
1 I At Ul'd bo kft -O\Dla- SUFLEIRSTI'TW"�A4 ABOUT j hdve� smial liands�" . . 4b,jcdf,Whi� iraaA. Icaped a An eXprcss trala Was, Wrecked at . .
';;� . I . .. I . -11, - study to See 'WhI O'AWES C0111196 yot lttroulbm to . . .. . . . I
- I �. ,don I . Kirby Stephen., 8ngland, many being,
1 I .A . ill in- I I I 11 , Is L .1 �Ll(�' Ullay. He Must have In IteMA ', 'It lnadv,�! -a w ' "Thank YOU, PleuBe i 'have lbeeti broad dIV" V I . . � . I
# I IN esul M0310A been astowde,d tt)'-find $1rFelix lytUg ' � . now, as yot .
� , �. ,% h oman's ekplain.. And � Will A,,'#.tjd ciushed into a field killed and injured. - .
" . I . I aead - i%ady, P63sibly 161. -hafil lo `0&66 about .,Og t,qijid to keep, * I not taho vovt to of . A .'' inot1wr ditch, ,Another I . I . . 1� . . .
I . iude -, I 'Ahal I .
I It * * * *,,* -*. i . il, � * * * i * "Jere ig har4a iavl4y. , Garlic, f -all b, ead and , , to ML � I field `1 t - - I . . . � I
. , . � I Oro I % - ..L I
. . I I - thought -tl4t ,14ii;rny haa lt&ually coln" -0e-, Air ,�',T- d"t'h " - ; I p � ,,it; 4rv,a%j,.'3jgh vltli tall castor-oil (14 1 I
. . k �hl`0 put il"A t'h. '(.-ils"Al. 'of %. .. . hilt 1B A It , f1i'duess" A, a ftP4.,1ft.i=-e -through 0, Volvo . No* Brunswick 'Public wilifftis .
TMOCMAIWG� "* WINTE R * witted th6 irMrder h few mint,tea be- *�W ' bOra baby Ill Hollnn " b 1, me,i�IA'1)161 miser- Rf rr,ang-�qi�. -when Malcolm had to Co,mmjssj�n ar I'livostigat-Ing rates �
11) alreld"s . � . * . . 1. I fore, And ',&ht h;,,, Abner, lirid tall", 'fle�*§. a. " #�!Z,h -";j�(,J) ,von slfa)l Co 1: � c . .
. , i . TOURS * 't ull,evelita lih-61bers put '41pnir of tot) . ,0 11.,,t otv t4t i)tjL1s,2jeck,to avoid being .charged by local tetopitone company,
I 1. Cokfinuos 46. hear liho detodatiou, A . ga C r a Imile ? . I
An"ne Sanding itikoteb =d 1i th Mayne, I t4Njept O,ft 1�j%t tlxc, low �b.t.auches-and
ning TO � * " 1w *� * * * to ,a .e cr&(14;to inpurc. the, ettllctv ot ;alio ' ,,ak,, 'M% I .
1plickly woort"Iti d__ %her Am ' ' 'he ItneW that the * trawl), 'Joe -Doatt,l ;?,t,�j your which are hold to be too, high..
Invention 18 rrobably 0-monles. r . was still sitting -placidly -in the 3k[t- th V � \vbjj!A�j Moe -1 . 0 the 07 ", ,� itan, Aved headlong into . . 1.
? *12t 00inift free .= Mexteo, Colorado, Califo ala And oil, chil.dren I d6in, lot *aon
I I tlo*,oft , 49I.Tamee. -,�,5.- -, ?a I �'�M�; ,W""kX'f'(d(1!r:, --- I
, , ,011fldel Paeffic, Coast Points. - I of oUr. (16Wilmissary-G, .. --I*-- . 1.
N. e chell�,Alib -it was Vital to the -sueeess A fto,�ut 0110 � A. . _____4
0ent; i 66. ldblt A , I
trOY for "Mnn t& I I
0 ,. 0 TIm Grand Trunk -Railway Sys- FTF_R A FAI,,�,.% SET I of an ' .
taktn t OUNKWUnk U064ye . a�flio labape .1 .
6 of tho tplot that the said JdQ Doan 4,1111- The sj�lao'j. �for �Dnpre.than the duck- I . I
.. IVAwltliftt, AnMldthe: . . � +48L wt fate' . .
;V I -t,�',ft Ara
40 6din is the )Popular Route iroln I shouXl t9omehow be tempted to come A dentist named 1(.rette'l,,*4vv); vhs ,�Or:,Oonly lie b, to' &ds. Ing, frl�jlatijhell 1he hOrAe_ WA1001m,
.1 I 011fic lime , 11* . . all points east through Canada upstairs And there b6 I foun,4 by the 3ontencod to six 1�6011tlxr* 4,411,16t4, 1 -huve lust 8�*A,Ifed a now (',"A-gor in that 1,, isi$mtof -prior warning which Asthma Catarrh .
') Rit. - I � .1 '1M3.Ve to' deP',,0, ThI4 the pesll�eolor -of oteady n*en�og learns WHOOPINO COUGH dRO
.! . A Mul tilt flinsWAM ve<. ek6 via Chicago. polica. I . melit In GormanW. foit ,q ,,vV%,;?, , *Ob ,,�nd be anO I I
-A 4M MNL 109=4 "Delia still fascinatealY watching Much Onterpriv- - So �h ' tod n -A ,A(*: well. disengaged. his feet . BRONCM.TO COUGHS COL f . . . .
. I
! P8,ATVRP%. through tier field -glasses -she was teett teeth by - % ftm -t4� --stirrupA. He waa thrown . . � I
a I A.'i" �,Obm the IAMAII Of ""An'�'_ . "
4 � � . I .
. � numb now, with a sart of fatalistic IV patient W A mL " '" ere * In 101esz.aad. when he ounle to the our- 11 I I . . I � I . .
, ne'd a tooth Ottippe14 ' I 11 I I �
I I Inaifference-saw ,3 'iid ore u _' ' "c' jilete I *V 1 'face, Ito saw t -
J)h O,Xtratteil 1rr,5Vr I , eolUg ��,� �t
%; '0 I
'y E, 0 ` �
Uner enter Sir his obJect _0. 0 � uto Y I a IOU
Double Track, Fast Servlop Pill I o Vilee r I I lcm I T 'a � � IMI a .
- ev -
,, ,t3 Dr, O obtain, ler. y sht�k � . .4� r..a ly d hat the Arab and him . . , I
Walix's room, start back In. astonish All 1) � rickery _ . I
.1 s ipment, . - !!I" Ly. A g -golf %V' -A moat. Not . . �
. .!t wing In
) . � jt, - .� . , we flounde � . . � L'
: .,�_ . ., . _. Iftent'ji and then, Dluinly, ponder what I . �nr-. �,.,�--. - .- �bl*,.i, will W OVAIdd fortliwith. on -,the f$<tasantot of b&thInp,,-pIacos any- .. ow"k � , -
I . I � - � . - - I � .
to do. At last Abner picked up thd .. I !Where ,
Unew,elled Dining Car Service. , Ito i- W .
- ,
. , � _ pWat% 'At A V I .4 .j.
� 13" ' tlh?f( `(Ai,'� Trunk T)tMA." to India such A sheet of at kliTAIKIstical Sit"
. . All elements of safety a revolver, which was still lying on the , At, , -, - , b N . I I most stagnant "Water has excessive A ohnvU, nfe And effectivat"itmoitto Wrtffi-
it At hoth nin, I teo . yoll not running any 10'a- thidl troubMe, wititbat doanx the stainach wktl&
� . fort. flodr, and dollborately'fired _ % , , . *tgAcl as a Vl,�,, �poculiarl ties.' Among other Items, It druC. Used with tudedm for tbirtypomp. .
, I . V. a moftite*, eyo , he Was ftb;'risl�.,l $;0j,tjjo girl, vith a sudd. a
; !vftvala. oi�iL , , " , * '1��jj )I e
. TO THS SiYNNY SOUTIL Ing. Then lie uttered A ghrlekl�._& do fk* _mh I , . , A vamail. Wn ,!breoAds tevel- 'and harbors snakts,.�o T Air "nd0red mitrongianti".ptic, wrke
, I ' , B615 DrOtbell 0A , at was r
uppikeo-Trs 1 ;� of ^1"& in her voice th thb every bftath. bakes reekthing"Cylocott(.3 !
, � . lfbtrate and blood -curdling Imitation * U& Malcolin , floutideted rather than he tiors tWoato and storls tile Cowl. 6phtrizo :
Aft � 6 x1tizin; t � �
11 t1v 0 , reatfol nisilits. Ciriolono is invalub c to ft0botm
of a denth,cry, and Justa'atly .quitied . 5" rest beau. I 'dSVO,-Q-t(�t 11'10je to Prank Malcolft's
t'f�a L
I Mok,rHLY MAGAML No more dwidtable route Vian %ri-i L"W" a; d "' UIL 0ttl* �swam to th6ljrank, where he had the with 6ufig children and h boon to suflt,ketl
Yin has boon 111% � V , t�V,1'0. 6'1,t,t� '111 instant 110 frotn loth
.1 �
'Grand Trunk and connecting lines, 1� ,ordinary StOrY 4 rwk it site cared, but lie I
. �, A PAMMY LIONARV tile room, ' V. a d ears 4 . legative saflafatioll , of catching Send us =W f6r dft&lvt1#4s booUbt. $14'
I . . . VVIRY LOW RATRNS, "Purposely he, made an much nr. ,Is�, 1W duel ,Oas,f " , i; imv.,fp Ito thloSaly'L itud, bis banter. Nojdi'o bridle when that disconcerted AM =1001STS I I I
� .. as paselble, running ddwn the r , , � 11 a her lov,or,, cm 1k, A 'it rV te$
Tho -lost in Gurrot Literato I ift fatdIlY tot - stood scrambled out after hint. , Trr Vrmoleno Anti-
. ing *,ply VIVO t%1,0 hint Of the tuMult MPT a .,knw
He was dc-terinined that 'Joe AL01'. . .And Illor, hug go � ngelisno c . ec
! ' 4�.�jl. the" lattero-7 - -11 , I The two were coated, with gr4ben -1.rtb.1Mt,'%'t'o,A .6
Q8 n
t ti
I I I , I
I n
6 ,
r, �M,4613%�
/V," �f -
e "
� 11, C6MOLITt NOWLS VtA,KLV ,450C,Ure tickets and full partloillats should hEnr and b�) led by ' a Inlis �r(�ast. Yet he feared to meet Tb,s kiw Aimolo. of.
J.' "*;y lid fadtfo m2d antiwptle,
-i i.fr — re 0 1
1 Iltel thO U)) .er Pitt 6 ttho h., Ai7V UtItICIM 0016 I . I !
MANY tHOAT ZT014119a- A140 front .- %.:Tot )d to 4 =Onas-toilv-, Vh Wag g'ad Of it sainting ,,Mlimo, Being obviously unhurt, they
� L lo Uar t16 �41R, 1161' ey'", 4
I PAPIZAS ON TIMELY TOPICS � jOIIN RAN�v ipt tier ran out Into " F. A. he, (-founteft's. gn(I ,.to be, sol_xiv WhO sW49,Vrcd Jauntily 1)A$t probably had n forlornl)* OOMIC ad-� .. I 91.111! 11ft"id-9.11MIU! 0.1 I
,von% T own Agt, th, /&� -'Ab� I I d h 60*y I peot. At any rate, a woman's Musical & _ I
.1-,AjvM,v dropVc.4. to a e ,4&!e, t"bQ1, ation, dIsKu me 0, I .
I *9.l56PtltVtAft'�96Cft.Ad60V I A. 0. VATTISON, klear'berjover gn,tuod uWCOM t1b thOl 010',k 61`�11 9�!t<" t1jo laugh eame from the lofty wall which NO etesdiall go, : I
,,I e . I
I 1)ePot Agent. par e, wads., tho toand A39 'Ni'lidneg � *%O.op�#,�nt wb6M she 11*04 #"Us* . �c%jjlt expect to be doposited lit od the moat on the,futther side. um!aj- I .. � %
#110 dONTINUZO STOAM30 or addwms J, D. Md)onald, District ,,r)11110 t%Vj:l(, n10 AZ �46� oluaro li � .1 0 . . (Il,'St, it that is N,vllat ytiu inchn," h bound I Zftuco Situ 11� - 0., . �
� " .+;
� XVX0V NUM169h 66MftkT1t 4N PtMELP t, Union Station, To- libilt of ,jos. yj uallu, I ota 4 wornatt'lit clear volw salM MONT"MkIL,
- - - __ . _ .. � " - - � , I I
I Paawnget Ag(t " AY -4- wll(� ,thc' wa to, eighteo-'s; 10AM." caid. *113ut tbore is A, fair ChAnee thalt I llow. �Ksdj.Vht ula Vou X00A .
- I J, ', "' , " I , " ___.. .1 I '�:h�i(ti�, t � . - -ap't. to Ltee,, � ffx h6jil .
. # . 1. Will. r .
� ____..
__ ____.. 0OUtdo Ont. *.� 1--.'a .jb ._...,:_,W .4,tj I I
= . � 0 �4111;;;=313111RP11111! I . � I
.1 � _*_..L_ , , —