HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-05, Page 5. I
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JMW07 SO* 19 I I 0, a � - I—- I cost" NOWS-0~4 . . . - - __ - � - __ I — 0 - -1 - 5 , - . 0
. - -.1
� -__-._._1-_. ._____ _WA . I I . - I __ —"-"-- - _________ I ... . . 111-11.4. ___ I _---1 �. I I - - . .
NW;�_ , A. -I-04 P I-— I - __ __ . __1 i � � ii The Pe"W's Thattre WA the Pub- TO RZNT-SMXW X009M WT- . .
016004,64 4 $440"10044400",$64 00 I 4s**to**"*$ Goldon, Woddinj AunIVOMM of vloom """t" " ww'" 11 IW Ljbrary� at 111ombroke, were 134�- *90 e*FUk4* AMC HANd 04
"I I tbe" earlier days wero. I&rgsly put : I
of nub *1 the rural commmity. U,04 of the booka were loot. vott wator, 'good Pekin, fnit--40-
�ply to fiirs� J. A. Dorse. 414 . I
� Mr. and Mr& JOMOS Wallise Poretltv left they wuld Aot $11ord to . 0 ,
I . 4
"I TW N"n From, 0 I W 11 ld . �
. on Mondays, very ple4oni WA in- bOva" WhWIth th9bope, that Mr. Mr. Baird appreciating thIS fact 4t ANY ONS, WANTINO A MARRIED �
; 9LOSIa A. AWRIMS C"T"PONdOM . � terming faintly gathering WAN ,held W Mrs. Wallis Mitht be OP4tOd - to once. undertook the POW labor' 01 Of" man to ,work oxi form by the yosr �FOR SALF,-A THOROORED JZR-
A44, �
, at Clifton Cotte6e, %y4old,, the� boup celebrate their diamond 'WeddIng t,en feting full Hi9b School Work Ila the apply to Herby W. S>MMy box 377, Ney, pow, due to calve,alk"t Jan IA.
_####"$$,09$9*04* 94"$$0$##"#*#4o##"4o0"6#"1 Of Mr. aud Mrs. Jgmerp Wallis, whou ytars. henoo. - public school. It waii 3wt being -dow Zurich. .01--2� -Alox. Foo , ter, YAM V-0. , _0$ ,
11 '' ## . 4" 1 1 tl*t worthy couple CVL,br*tcd the Mr. sn4 Mrs. Wallis have, evelt Place: In any other soctioo of the pmVince. I �L I I
�� , r%oam orbam ol Auswklia sA4 The MisSea GibsOU'Of Auotralioovay fiftieth anuiveroary of their marriage. their ma.xri iNge, been members of and . It was an advanced movwient to �
� *,1WW.,Harry. B4,er of Niaga,ra F%1IN they have visitoil 0,oderich in � right , � of Goderich Workers in the Methodist Church, the meet a real need, and school sootion TITE ANNUAL MEB,TING OF THE HUNT1.140 AND
� vm the guests of MKS. J , - S - How- ti Mr. Wallbi. Is a native for many years been NO. 1. Stanley,. bad the honor of of. $1100TING ON .
, me for They never saw Such, dft,p tewnship, kaving been born there - on, foraer having. foring full High School work b subscribers (R'tho Go4crich Town," lot4s 12 and 13, con. 9,, M:Iett, gm
vie. during 'tl* W .1 ,9 leader ship Rural T01cPhQue ISYstem will jorbid4en. Parties found trespsiwula&
_ tidays. Tho Misses snow Wore- Atlau. . a loea preachers cl , efors
. . as and
on Dec. 27th a ver7 pretty,. but April, 26th, 1836, andlived co, . Sunday sch , to was a high. school in either be held in HOIMM' Hall, 1101
4Mum ,arc coupins, 00 Mts. Howrie. . ously on the old bomva�ad until . ool superintendent, the the ,me&. I wilt- be Prosecuted accordlu%' - *0 ,
"They �Arc( t9urIAK Canada. W4 Will ,quiet wedding wa& Solemnized. at St. about two years ago when be retired former two Offims he 1M11 holds. Clinton. or, Croderich. He w4" not ville, at 2 o'clock V. iR, on Friday, I loth." -51
1 Mr. Wallis has also repreomted. the Satisfied with, offering the. opportuilltv Jan. 13th. -George Hellaud, Frerd- kw. -The Owners. - Oct.
.go i,".%r asp Winnipeg !More long, George1w, church, Rev. Mark Turn- to Bayfield. At ' the age of twen , I I
, *
. -,reA Ill all. 'roqxiu-�et the bull cofficiotln$ at 6 a.m., the C011- four he was happily wedded W Was circuit at confereAce On Malay cocas-. of the community and inspired them I dent $ W. Jenkins, Secretary. 02r-2 I
on), ,ders wa ,. _ In ouch a way that. they eagerlyl
� , '�Seaw, Norah Willi-aw, of, trac, parties being I of Mr,' $tons- , ,
13.0'e, 4 , ting Misw, Mabel Epizabeth Baliting, opportunity. Higher ed- ' i - , "HOUSE TO RENT ON MAPLFA -
. ,,
V,gimy Beach, davKhter Of Mr, John JanWs, Ban , 0 dauilitez, 6�uuty. - The Wallis bome Was the home of , sought the :
� who danced so fairy Newcombe, Ong of Simpoe . rider" Ju. . rly days, ucatioa wa, 11
I . , became popular. Almost street. 5 rooms,, hard and 00t, '
- Nowoomt�e, Huron Road, and Mr. Tho, young coupto settl�4 upon th , . the ea I . FOR SAUD-T. W. XCCOLI:tuoy, 16th ,
-like f*r her covela, Mr. Jord4nsv eu , _o Old the "circuit family contributed sons or ater, good jg,irdeis, . wo9debeit,
. . at tDwa., The Wide bomcotead where tlxey together fought and todaytheir nine 014fiften are every Con., Gode h f
70ert;iiumot here. She bao kindly sent Robert Turner tbodist church. .daughters 41,11 youbs people came in- sale some good c6llic pups. -62 Possession can be given at oaco.--- 0
ue'two, Portraits of herself, ,Quo seat- looked lovely in 0, tailor madei Suit tjh� hattleof li;e for well nig t ea ,
, . h X y Ch tambers of the Me
I , �zd 4 ra 1i M el b We pres6xit about fifty. to the f4ection from distance',% Swell- � Mrs. 'G. Stanbury, London 'Read,
� oU, so stono Parapet. of navy' blue, With hat Ot Iftlue' panne years. T4ere were bo to t e - T ere re ing the higher classes to large Pro- � . � .. Clinton P. 0. . . -55, .
�. , ,rho, At 11'e,me at Mrs,., U�cwrie,s velvet, with 09 c and even children, two of them: died in in- guesib, the on1v one who was not in I * . .
I , I , . prey to mat. h, way connected with the family portions. The back seats of the old I . . . I
,Xosiocate. from ; 0OW &to a fancy. Nine ,are *111 Ifying and all any Over- FQFQSALE-A set of single harnes;
4 to 6,tp.m,. on'!Fr$day. wore theL F r $ . handsome -_
ia, miss Mr. Tbos. , Pillotts, a We4opg school -room were crowded with
� . 'iasrt war. a delightful event. The tea, pearl sunburot. The bridesklia were present on the happy ocea4oU 01 being . boys and girls thirsting for which. has never been
: ry pretty suit the G-oldo Wedding -day. There were friend and for rmay years a neighbor. grown uso'-APPly .GIRL WANTED
, I to The, News -Record. . __61
.tuble In .tbp tea woom, With its im- Sadie Bates, wore a Ve
� . . � , . I Elliott is in his eighty-saxth knowledge, We had asked of Mr I house work. Duties to commeam
. . . d'clqtb in the contre of which � of navy blue with black picture.halt. present the following -sons and dough, MV, . . * Baird a mile and he wont witU Ua -
I I I %raidere of pitak rose* stw,it. A silvl�r trimmed with Silver aa& blue and ters with their wiveso. husbands and Year. I I . .. 1. I . .. . I .1.1 8th Dec,, 19,10. -Apply to Mrs. Iff. .
�� - - ,a VA'Se owing Is the address 7sta- twain. It meant bard a4d uncom- 0. XcTaggart. -46
�, `-, .soa_ ftrvim itarluding 4- bea, utifully do- wore the grooms gift, a neckI400 Of ,phildren .- Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. Wallis, The fell P .
- . . , gold with pearl settinp. TO, the ; Mr. ansi ted bythefamily I Dear Father *jud petsated service for him. - It was a AUCTION SALE OF COWS -AND . . . I . I . . .
. . �sdgnod,� f0 , which )cut - 4 Clinton, with their faintly .r children, feel that labor of love, and .he has his, ro. young Cattle. -Mr. George Holland -
� . �
. lver t*apot
) I -",t charm to the guests. - The groOmman, Mr. Harold Newcombe, Mrs. Sidnov Welsh and son a Dal- Mothor;Wo, yoti ted be Undersigned
, . , Clituar V60 - brother Of the bride, the ,gYOQM's gift I ter, 141oh.. I Mr, and Mrs. John Oar- WO calinotullow this fetteth anniver- w-ird in the scores of successful liv-I has imstruo t t* FARIA FOTt SALE. -LOTS 24 AND ,
., also of it beautiful 44- without es -that he hae help6d to make and sell by Public Auction at, his .farm 25, con. 5, Godorich township,
.! .1 was 'a lovely pair, of gold cult links. �rett of Londesboro; Messrs. John and Nary *1 your marriage to P250 the coqamunity� which be has W ' I ,res.
. . o ,
� � .4ign. Xi,%'.QIbs60 r I Australia, who7 . . up it Holmesville, at 1 o'clock sharp consisting, - of 1,20 ac Wen
. I Tbq wedding Party drove to the, G. Fred..- Wallis, ItUdy%ld, -Wlich. ; lqv. offering you our sincere congratula- .
�, �pouresd out ttffl t0a, "L;e a pretty . . - , y. January 13th, the
"vith, T.R. station and will wilt tb4ir hOU- and Mrs. W. j, p,ock of Eckman, tIoDs upon the folicitcous occasion. To to the highest lutellec*al , and lits on Thur�da watered and - all freshly seed�
1, _,costuMe * � . � y achievements. We could easily following: 27 0*1larn Grade Cows, ed down except 10 acres
. f wine colored ve0e, � kall CrAr I - , .
� I . ej-m�oon visiting the Niagam Falls .North Dakota; Mr. -Herbert Wallis of : low pco I I
� ' -wAi%;t front - elaborately covered with - , ple, Is. it given to pass the r. Baird through,hig pupils 8 young heifers and AA'eers. I of . I
. , L 2 Will ,nqw being vlowed, and 5 acres, bush.
� $-I'M, r Mrs. century to tho Intimate companioushij follow M 0 _ *k
I I ...garniture of. rich white ,uipute, and auftaIQ7 On their return Mr. and Yellow Gram, Sask., Mr.sud , Mr. L of holy Wedlock. _ We fed that our to the ends -of the earth. More than 'the oows is newly calved and concrete house, barn 55X80 with .�
� fit-tT young men and wom calve in. about 2
" w2nd di,arn�a ,brooch , With diamond, Mrs. Turner will take up their Test-' Walter Wallis, Bayfold, and I aderfully � en rcloeived . weeks. Guarantee ston * .
� . I . deuce in "erich. and Mrs. Aftbur flshi�r of Besimiller. Hi�aveuly Father has been wc.) . � that any COW L e foundation. Opod stabling,-
1. I 7pbpdant, and diamond ear-xings. *IRS I Dale, is spend- I in Warihg you to each ,other and teacher's diplomas and- With this ?o-1 .hereby agree re- - Morebauts; ,
, *1 . 0 . . be served the tea, Miss Vanotone of BU Among nearrelatives who at*adeil, kiU4 , I ca James 14amilton, 4 Coal
. bristiva Gibson, W were M -. t1D us and wb unite in the prayer that start succeeded in entering prof4siou" presented by -me to, he. in It Prov- Clinton. I __" . .
� I '. tty electric green ing her holidays withher mother and on the happy occasion, also r , in attaining to other post- ing not to be within 30 days of � . .. .
" I ... wore a very Pro siAer bore I . . Chas. BantIa and Mr., aild Mrs. p. I A .
I .Obt. many years of health and happiness At life, Or ' �
I I � V*ile costume" with satin stripes, a 1. 9 thera L May look tions of honor. Four of the number date of safe may be returned and - � .L I " I
.shade darker. The front of her COT- Mr. W, Thompson, champion horse Banting - of Slincoe county, bro still be. yours. When you ' � L, .
1� I , ng Anxious to'answer the back uppoyOur long afideventlul life entered the medical profession,. sev- money or note will be refunded,.- TO SELL OR isuy, OR TO RF,-
, same stioer, bet I of Mrs. Wallis,;, Mr. John Wallis Rod 0 go Holland.- Terms: Eight .
.. -oaga was trim -mod With the 1 . � I . _
� ..i , . cakl of one of his children, Slipped you wiii be rerniAded of many changes eral dentistry. some into law, some Geor I or I .t. articles- is made edsiir L ,
and she wore. I , .Mrs. McKenzie, sister and brother - ' i c*v os L � . I
.. ghx4ituze as her Sig*'s . - I which have t aken place in your sur- are follbwing literary pursuits, e%vilt months credit on approved joint . by a Small advt. I The
I upon the stairs and broke some Of of Mr. Wallis, and a boa of gm.nd- ,n . ,. News- . I
t ..,a,butterfly brooch `wWL"a ruby body, I , . I. . ings, You began life together on have entered ministerial or mission- ,notes at .5 percent. per annum in- Record. . I .
�mL'L Bak- : his ribs in the .fall.' . ch r6n,. neices and nephews, and round . � �ico, ad ma are successful terest.�Qoo. Holland-, proprietor ;L L I I ....
, �, � - , . .. al)d" Aianiolid wings. Mrs. Harry I Mr. rd, - Mrs., Jomoh 116ale of Tor- . U , I � -L this farm, in the virgin forest,,. where ary. ser a My . I . . .
4i er WO], , I It is a record of which T,.Gundry, auctioneer. I
�L .a a pretty costume of 'Wine - S t the holidays with their friends. L "hewedout abome- andwrested teaChOtO. � .. . . I . '. .
' ' .-.colored Rili with , . At five O'Clock'tIle guests- sat down YOU . . L . .
�P, over skirt of black Onto � Pen . . soil the community is justly proud, . and . . I I .
,f L parents here. . . .not sex ved in. Lthe fi.6ta Ahe previously,, uncultivated L —, , 'L FOR SALE -GENERAL. PURPOSP. - - I
, .
,a . 'lace, and very deep collar -of spanh3h on Now yearla Dal Mr. B.. to &.sumptuous din a meagre living, Now all is ebanged. we cannot estimate thereat value of ' . . . . _ . I
i� -lace. Mrs. Baker received the guests _ handsomely decorated ditling-r6om. c that unselfish. Service' of Mr. Baird, COWS. FOR SALE. -24 chlqolee dairy . COW, six months old,--m-Apply to F.
land Mrs. What wasunbrokell forest fittly years L I � .
10 o - vqth - Mrs. �Ho* 11 At the close of the meal, an interest- a -go is now this, beautiful . far;�a wi I th which brought higher education Cows, grade Holsteins and Durhams, Watts, Raglan. street. . . . --fit �
� L vie and passed the H, Clemefit - and MT - � free . .
' I I . I . I � L I .
I[ L .cW-B and other. confections. The Are . � an le buipi_ to every home. We who have gone of su rior quality.' 6 Holoteins and , . , : . .
I � R piece and LMrS, F. R. Clement of' North ing t,QaStLliSt waigone through, it its substantial and pomfortub . . . Pe . 1� . ... . �
L . I . . , � I . I
,' in the grate with the mantle par- many Wise and. witty Speeches . were Ill be out, from the community, are glad- to 18 Durhama will be Oisposed of, by L'. I . . . I
� . , L r is-" Ings, Many tender memories wi . .1 . I 1. . 1. . .
, .
J, I covered, with artistic Pryrogra0Y 1124 pay were the guestis of thoi. t made - and,many words of approc say that which we beIIevv,'.,%4',th a?l Vrivat,e 6le on and after Jan. 5th - . . . . I. I
� . entS,L. Rev. and Mrs. Cleruen - - . I recalled to vour minds of times of rc- ,;I� . 1. . . . , I
't - a bea,titiful effect that freezing after� Mr. . I Of Sorrows all . Of our hearts that so far as e achieve_ . at, what Vas formerly, known as, the . , , ,.
�k` I - .ftoQn Mr. 'and Mrs. Hairy Finu.0f. Owen tion were spoken. I . joicing and times L . . . I L . . .
. . ,
. L .. Quite, -0 number of gpest.s, Were ad . Dgring theevening the family - whtqh were- faithfully borne.together aleut Of Success in -life 'is concerned ',Nesbitt farm on the'l6th con. God- . . .. . .� I . . I
! . . .
A.i 1. . . wrie, Sound. spent the. week , with Mr- a L Pro I . I . . . I
I . I . . . . I .� . - A
. . ,
� . . .
'' pre4ent, all friends of Mrs. Ho with an addr 9 owe more -to Mr. Baird than to erich t0wRSbipL,_W, H.:'Lobb. a-61 . W1 .
, '' Mrs. 'Thomas Walters, Mr,.Flun, bo- Seated their Parents coo and which but served to 'Aia,w yquinto we ' ,
I I i -Wlaose home is a hoLe of art . I and a purse of gold:' The address a closer and ,note Intimate xelAtion- any Other man. Scho�l. SmMqu 'No. . .. .. 'L � .. . . L 'WE R . I
.., . I ing a trot4er of the lattor� I — I
I . I 0hronicle two. aP_ Mr and Mrs. Donald Martin and ivas read bv Mr. C. J. Wallis and the ship. On the co.casion of your C491den. 1,,. Stanley, has for fifty yearS Lbeen. . -1 . . . .. I .0., ' L . L ,. L.
Wo are pleased to . . . I . I . al . iu� : ' . . . . ... . . . I
i�'-' � - , -preciatqd 'gifts from the 4mPeTial entation. was -made by Mrs.-. S, -Wedding we Wish, you to accept' this. one- of the greatest educdtion FOR'SALE,-A go o . . � .
, ", - family of Ripley Epent the holidays L Pfes I w . as now. L . . . . I . I . .
"Daughters of -tho Empire and from .. . Lted by. purse of gold .froxd us, , your affection- Si4tutiong of the country, We kno ' ter, very cheap, as good � . - I . .
,; - . rossidthee of Mrs, Martiu?st Welsh. Other gifts 'wore prose. in ' I . . .. �
. .
1. , . tbe Woman's institute ; gifts we apaw at tbe . I .. I many f6ends, I . � cc of of other,place whi�re like results .. .
. parents. - ' I intB children, asa slight eviden . � no Apply to The News -Record. �61 �
- oth * f of his Wife n. Every %rmt , . . . Everybody . L
I -�-, preciate very highly and wish te a L Afts'. Alex. - Mitchell 'spent New Mr. Wallis. in liehal and ,,the �Iove and esteem, in'Which you. are. . I .instffiitlon, depends for its . I . - . � I � . . . . . . Jor ,
, .
4 � -most prosperow New Year. We have -,If, in a few well-chosen wordsl0x- 1 held b * that the same educational I . . .
. . .
:L, 1L. . . ds, . Year's ,Day with Chutim'friends. . � hims, y us. We' pray . greatness upon,the . power and genius I . . . .11.1. .1 I . I � . . 11 I � .
., -also received gifts and can from Miss Eva Walkel: visited last week prossed . thanlas for the kindness of blessings - which have been yours' in . . . . . I .
I . . . I
�1� ,Egypt, Saskatoon, Buffalo, England I . pas�may -be continued.towaid Of some oneL personality. We do hom- ANNUALL kEETING.-THE AN- I . I . I . L.,
- .
- I ,I ,with her grandmother, Mrs., .Layton, their familyand friends, . . nual meeting of the'llayfield Agri- A HAPPY . . . .
;1 Scotland, Vancouver, Ottawa, Torph- . - . D Opinion I t,Aoeu in the future until the all-wige or to that one, touighi.' It would �o . cultural Society will - be held In . ... . ,., I.. I �
. �Cfiutolil Those present e�pressed tho ity just ;. . . I I I 1.
. to, Hamilton, Detgolt, Saul� Ste. -Mrs. (C -apt,) T. N. Danecy is. tba that this was one of the happiest gatb-. Father sball grant you the great bles�' a great edugational opportun the town lialli Bayfiol(IL On Wednos_ I . I . .. . �
� Dancoy . ' to sit on tho., end' of a log it Mr. . . P . .. . . .. " . . . I � I.
1. � Mario, Cleveland and Goderich. guest of her son, Barrister erings ever attended 'and when t*o,eV- sing Of an.abundaut entrance into hi.s. 'Jai_18th 1!D11, 0,t'oaec�e].Ok .. I
I I - �
L .. . I L. . ". . .1 . - to sit on the other, His day, .) . .. and . .. . .� I .
.� . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sdith, and and will s*vd t4e. winter atl their etitng closed they departed to their presence. -. I . ftird 'were , I p-.Tn,., for the '-purpose ot recmving .* . . .11 . . � .. 11
, . � . . L . L I . . L .- I . . character is contagious. In big 'Con-. . I I ., I.. . .
. 1. are th4guests; residence. - - I I I . I I . I I �. . .." . I I — , . . -he 1. h ..financial gtatep*ut, the election L � . I . . I . - . I I I
. -.oi the latter's parent-4,Mr. and Mr*. -Mrs, .Milton 'Van Camp 'of ,. Crrw- � . ____ .. . . . .. . I . tackWith the pupil L ad the lchamil ' the - , �
: .1 . . . , , I . � .. . . . . . , . . "I * . . � of'offi6ers and toetransaotion of PROSPEROU5 NEW. . '
. I of.;the er, a most supre ' m, ' . I I I . I ,�
I � .. I rd Worthij. . Of 19 iaeal. teacti Of tfic esq. , A fi�ll ,itteadance of . I YEAR, . , : -
I . Dan. McLeod. ,�rell, Mich. and Mrs., Steve,: Straffan .. �'L
ved and daughter, Miss Myrtle 0,1 Melvin, George Bat It Al -P�ee - tot the individuality , othert busin . . . . . I .
:1 Miss Tena Wolw of Detroit art! " . .L 1. . . I I . . . i I 1. res t He saw -in . 'each. one the , the members is'reiqii�ted,�-Geo. I,. ' I I . .1 . I I.,.. I I I I. � I . I . :, .
i �, ir -4 of ItWr rel;i- _ ' i I I. . . I I .( . - . - I . . individual. . I . . . . I
oin that city to, spend the,holidays Mich., 'were the guest . , . ,. . . 'Grecinslade,� Secretary,. Baytleld� 6142 '
. . . '
I . mitAi her parents Mr. and )drs. tives Mr.. an' Mi ., V41fat�Or of town . a I y eve L ning . last I the residents I Z641OUS L he?p 0 �ad given in carty- future man, and' be. soug,h�..tii .bring . . I L I . L . I . . .— . . . . . . :,
d S . . L L . . �
0 1 . � . . , on prid . ' � . . L . . .,�
I .. "�Weiss. . I . . . :. .Iu�i4 the holidayp. . . . . . -,, . and 'others . ,tbat man forth." . . I .1 . . — . 1. I I I . . -1 I . L .
. I I of S. S., No. I i Stanley Ing on,the Sabbath school i1ftring the I L 11 . .1 I I � . �
, The Piedrich family also held z to,- . AmW.ng -our" Christalai gifts we- re- conivened at the borne of 'Oeorge, Balrd� forty. years of its existence, - end The . conclugioli 6f ,this ' 'report . hag . . I - Jo Gi RIGG - � .�
� � . f, , flowets from � . . . . V,_
union of their &one' and dauglioters, c,dvqd abox o p�bssed - neWer. bad.to be hold over for �aap L of TO TmLkAe" MIPWTOAS Or HVL- A .
( , . . tookposses,sipti from-collur . to closed by stating that he could . I. 01 - -1 beg � 0 . I . L � . I L . . ..
. .
1, I . - save and except, hit. Hiivey Died' the wilds of Manitoba Pressed. with and I ceasion- of, the. ga%ering forget the 4 1 him" dur- ro6m. . . ... I .. lett: Ladies aAd -Geirltftmen, I I I I � . . .
. garret. 'The 9 . . . indness shown L. I .. -to thank you for -the liberal ' .SUP_, L . . . . I L. 11 , I �,
.. nch, Niw York.; Miss Frances, Win- exiliii4teLptricislon'by Miss Frances -wa's Vheretilreinicut df,Mr. Baird frotr� Ing his Service among. them, I � . . . L . . . I I .. I
I . . — - . . . I
I g. a teacher at, snowflake,. , . .. . I .. I . . . . I - port you gave me. on Jan. 2nd and Jeweler' and Optician * . I
,nipe& and Mrs. Dore and child, in � ArnWtron .. ,� . . siou , i . . ' thereby eltetiog me as ope -of . your . I � ' � I .
I. the - teiching prolesks He had I , . f Ma L .
L . the North West. Thom who- were who left Goderieh with her parent§. taught in'th6 sedtion for �fjy ,consecu_. The Chairman then gave'a %hort '.to-. I . . MarkiageS., ,, L .' . . I . ,er. O 'a e Licenses .'L L
I . Count of theL teachers in. the section . . . ' . Isiqui. rri g . � .
I Present were Mrs. Ruggles - witit her some �.cais ago. H tivei,yearsand the people wished to, ' . � �. . councilloW. I -can ,assure you tAlat . .. � I . I I
L . ' e - , during t4e.flities, and called vn 1dr. IROBERTSON 'WISE elin� your intereRs Aall be mlae - *d - - - ... . . I .1
t as -.agent - at, Snowflakes -for him! JMAN_In 0offi L ill be at' . . . . 11
. ____�,_.. � . , _
. husband and two children, and bliss inion E,tpr ' - show their respect atl,d-esteem William Glen. - reeve.'Of'L_Stantey,'.-.ho the duties of the ce w _ .. . . _ . 1. .
. .
. . . . I I
, . Ruggles, teacher, all at Flaridale; Man. The anemone.of apurplish col. by meeting, and ith toott at the residence.of :the b4der's . L . . � . . 11 I . .
I piesealf.ug him W -i congratulated himself . on being . a tended to to the � bost 'of my ab�il- . I . . � . IjL�
� �1!0* Mr. Albert Died -rich, wife and daugh- ' ter. has been- chosen as the flower cm,- � - addrem and an elegaut i . . . . . parents on Jan. 30, : by;, * . . .. . . � I L I . 9.
tier; Florence, of Hespoeler, and Mr. biom of Manitoba. There ar'6 33 an cogrossed . . resident � of - No. I.., Mr. Thos.. Yraser P illough - ity.-I am. Your.ob�dlent, Servant, ' * I I I I . . .,
. , . I - ' '
, L � � '
I L - I .1 ' 9 . I . . - , WL 1� . . L
, cS. ... ' L' .. L ' ' . 62 - - I . �.,
I . .
- . .. � . L : I roll top deskand' bbair. They ,. alSOL ave a1ew woTds, . of ecingratulatio . n. Rev. Dr. Stewart, Clara K Robert Clarke. .�.- ,. � L
'. .-and Mrs. Will. Diedrich ot town. -,.The varieti ' presented M a rocking- ejdest.�-daugbt�er of Mrl, d. Mrs I . . .. ; I I L. . . _q .
I , g . - d6derich has lost .. rs�'Baird with 'Mr. W411igm.McQueen, a former resilr , I � . I... I I . . I ..., L I . L ed . . .-
I , athering was a happy one. I 1. And so . Mr chair�' WheaL the' people bad gathered I L * John,Wisemau', to John G. Rob- L I . . .. . � � I . . L .. .1 I . I .
� Brophey, photographer. He.waS L . dm.t, of 'the, second but who. is now a' . L I . .. I I L .. 1i . . "' . .. � . . 1.
Received 6 letter from Miss Fannie Fred. 1 1. L I Mr.. 'Malcolm MeEwen'Senior, truste'e',' .. . . ' ' . .L. � . Ce L., . . .
I . . ertson of -Let'libridge, Alta. . - . .. L Hlg4e�t Pri .. � � .
- I � . . I . an, U.S., �, gave , . . L I . . � '. I THE 'D . % . L
.Somera of Vancouver, who mentions married at Seaforth on 28th Dec. to, resident of Micbig L L. I . CARD OF - THANKS TO . I'L I . .. � . . . . .. I
I . - took�the.chaik, andcalled. on Rev. E. some pleasing reminiscences ' of the CARTER"NIVINS"-At the 1" me'USQ, L �C,ors rn . I I . , .. .
t -bat the Messrs. McBrien who visited Mis! Sool� of - *hat town. : ThL04 bride Arucefield .t,o;* open L I . oflqullett.-I wish to retu PAID - FOR LOGS.`BASSWO011i.a . - . :
. 5 L . I I
I . � � eateemod in.Godericb. 'we H. Saweiris of , days whenL the'SC11001Wst on' the' . Geoerich, on December 26th.,. .by, I ": re thanks for tAhQ Very-gen7 SOFT ELMo ROCK ELM A,ND , - . . I
A3oderich a few weeks ago and whose is much . * Mr. L Neil McGregor, , F. L D. ' . � b � L my since L . . .
Artb L I - . . London Road, Rer. Rev, (�ea. E. Ross,. Edmund - Jo n. HARD *:MAPLE - ESPECIALLY � . I . .1
I u .h�ve lea that iw&'�RP6 by will,settle in. with prayer. . . . . � I I . . . . .. Oil MOA_ . I . .. I .
. r M. P , � . . .
'-,honie has been. Port . , . L A the address and, erous ,'.-upport. you, .gave,mp - . .
. * I I trustee, then tea . . , Butcharf � of Cleveland,. Ohio, ,.. a - Carter to Gertrude Levina -Nivifis, . day afid, wlii6h, elected me Reeve .of . WANTED, -BUT. ALL ,KINDS � - . ..
been on a visit to Vancouver. Their Winnipeg. L 4,'dward GI , trustee, presented . ; � . , . WILL 13B PURCHASED. ., . .
following officers iol the 0 .m , former pupil then spoke in . . L.
, fat ' . , &. Mr. I . . behalf of AX of -Goderich. . - , � � ; .. our townAi for. 1.0.11. �. I Appreol- I I . . I . .
. )her was one of the pioneers. of - The ' ... the gims. � -gon ' . . I I L .. . P , L . ... I . I . .. .
. .
I . . . . .
-th6 town-* . . . H. C. elected in December . were a..4 . ille:Ntudents who have ek* . out' WCOM-RE-In. Sf, G '. ath - .. L .. _.
. I . * . � 'NR eo; - this mark � I .. I .
I I . . . . . . . . : To Xr: -George Bair4d::L . from the conirbunity into. the -larger' TURNE -NE . of your confidence - . � . L' I
. rat of Ottawa, * a follows: : . . . . � . . - Goderich, .On. Decem- 'and during the year will 401 L ,�very� .1 . . . . I *
MT. Thomas Mor I ' I Dear Sir,--41le residents of ,.1 this World. ' 'We are. especially glad- of the- rge's church, . . ' I . PIANO & OIR"N . I . . . .
� � Cousin of Mrs. J. W., Smith -A us the .P.L., J. R.,'Worsell. -. * .. . . Ight an ber, . 2 7 th, by. Rev. .M. Turnbull, . thing -�iat lies in, my power to. We. Doherty -,o. - , I I . .
.. L . .. L. scbool section and yo%r f6riaer pupiI9 fact thAt toni . - oPportunity ds L . ' - -our - I I . . - ..
0, vilest of Mr. and- Mrs. Smith reaent- L, J. E. Tom. .1. . I . I 'her L I L 1. .Mab�l G�, eldeut' daughter ot Mr. . Serve 'the interests of L . . tb,wn I . � . . . . I . � .
, . � , . * . e .and elsewhere, ha,Xing been In- to say to 'Mi. Baird, I .. Lohnit.d. . . . . . 11
, . I . Mine$ . . I .. . . .
#.;, , ly. V.L., Mrs. Naegel. ' - - � ' . . for I med'of your intention..to resign at 1 being giv'en ' . and Mrs.:John N6wcombe,- to ship,�Your* Truly, i Leip- .. � .
3,dt Socretlary, Mrs.. Lance,.IV. Pent"aSt' L ' L without reserve some of the Lthings; - . . I . 1, :' L, �62. .- L � . e. a, L . .1 I I
We had, as we prophesied, the L I .. . . . 'the Close— Ahe that have solong'been'Ini -;our hearts Robeft. E. Turner, ail of Goderith. � er: ., '.. � . . .. . . .,. I . 1. ... .. I . . . � . I . ",
. . . . -
. . . . . L .. ,
. . .
January thaw on New Year's Day itm. . . . . . � - oa. long, - ' POLLARO44AWKINS-lu Exeter on - I . . , . . . . . - � .. . I
. a - .1 I ..
_and some sidewalks were like Creeks .Treasurer. 9, E. Ilick. positi,&n You have occupied * .1.4d that avrely ought to� be said. A. - , I � L 1. . . . . . L . I . .
I . .1 . 'desire to place 'on record the!': all� I moi -t -unusual modesty on his part ac- Deoember.27th,:by Rev. D. W, Cot-, I . . I,' .. . L * L I I . .. . .. � I I . . I . I .
,on Monday a.m. on account- of the " F.S ' ' Airs 'Warnock. L I on., ut I personal - I worth , companidd: by t�pical � I - . � to ' of Mr, CARD OF T14ANKS. TO TEM RATE� . . .. $4o"#*"##" #*"#*" I . .
. I -
. I preciati .. of yp .. lins,'Isabella 0:, ddtigli. r I
. - deep Snowbanks on either side. I Chaplain, (Mrs. � Stoddart. * ,� , 1. . , . I . Scotch reserve . . .1,j wkl' - � Vers ' of Hu'llett.-I desim . I % . I I I I I L .
. L � . .of L in'. out and Mrs.. Thos . . I . .
, . and tile aithl . I ns.to; Per. Pal . . . � . .
.1 . . Mr: A, J. Kidd of -Sudbury spent Star., Mrg. .Bogle,. .. � I ., . Uln6';g 'has again .and again forbidd.p *. hedrtily tbamk the - ritepayers, . of A. Mims , C Ae t
. with which you -have disollargo'your intended tribute" which we had so - of- civsl Pollard of. Win, i dsor. the 't . . . I I . . ... . . . .. :
the. holidays at t; , Mrs. Curryt . tl�o,lgbt t L .
I -he parental home. Wars �. 'O _ ence ownship of Hullett.for theft . . --A
. .. duties, during -the entire period * of tea ffer. We have. to -t 6TO, Of , . . suit L .
. I 0 _. ,,., XE,S-LANE-Ab the re.sid
Mra. W. D. Shannon 'had it re.rnibn S. P,, W. Curry. , .. Your Service, They also. ask you to night broken through alP barr�ers and . the- Vyide'4 parents, Belmore,, Dec- lib0al support Jn electing me � as Made baked, or 'Ce'd to � I .. .
. ,
,of her family at her resideneo. Wal- - G., Alex. Clark; , . . I L . ' , . -one 'I.- Wishing youall the - mo,!# faStidious. We � . . - ��
. ,v ary as are taking'to ourselvesr the. desired m1beL, 21., by_Rev.'J-,S- MCIVil". of. the counci are # I
. --ter had arrived from 1.1to Klondike be-' Mr. a.nil Mrs. JAMOS Mclutbsill lia C, aCcept.the accompanying secret - Prospermis Now Year, , also ahead in high elassXMAS � .1 , I
� -is left Calga � ry to spend.thd winter in a 'souvenir and slight -token of iiielr privtl,ege of* -mying the. things -%-e - Ian, Xity.y, � daugbter of Mt. and a Happy and . : . _ . I I,,
tore Christma:S; Charles and .I . . . . . . Yours. Trujy, W. J, Miller. -'�.62 BOXEG and CANDIES as ,well .
" , . . �
I -..Wi awn, I 'and Los Atgelev, California regard, ,it'is not often that a teach� have been thinking .through these. fif- IsIrs, John Lanc, to Lsaac.stokes . I . I . I * ..
fe, and Fred. !roin, Ott - : - i- * . I . . . t � � . . 1. . � � . 11 . . as the leadfhg� chcapc�r -kinds. 1. . � ..�
Miss 6WO., � tc,' t1le, pull- et 'succeedg- In. filling the same poi ty yeairs'of bis s*vicL It. is; a spec- Turnberry. - . I . .. . � � . . �
� 'Frank from up north.' I .1 (sie vn� The duty.of the -h , . I I of . . I . . � . 1. . . I . I I .
� I sub.jwt of- A set- .tion for", fift� consecutive, yearg" and jal ptivilt-ge to Speak in behalf of . ; " - I .1 I . . ... .. I . . . . I .� -111 '' . I � .. . . . 11,
, . . . . . . . . . . . .
�Iortained her bKathers wUli bervi4- L -h- tic schools was the � . -ill ' 11 . ... . I � I A U�. . I . .
� ,*r. . - . . I mon Sunday .�mornflug by Rev. Dr, In retaining to the end i -e ,confidence, that * largb and splendid group of men Births.. . I - CARD OF THANKS To THE R. T e I ;
� � .1 ..
. - str Ex� and the, estecin.ofthose among whom .1. and w6men who, have graduated im- - - . . . . I payers, of, . Clititon.-I 'Wish to thank � . . .. . . . .
I We called on Air. anrl %rs. vjr,rren Modd of Victoria cot Church. S . - DUCHARME-At the S�uble Line,. �fi I I . .
,l of he has lkvod an4 Tabored,. but * thi from S. S No. 1, Stan . you for. your. genex0iiS support 11 . ,
-4)n Tuesday week Lad fouud 1hat pressing:aftiration of the work der Mr, Baird, . . . MINCEMEAT -4s the BEST ,, , ,, ��
. . ve achleved,*� Your the Had Doe., to -Mr. sad * Mrs. 0 1 . �_
-recovered%ft( in the teachers in the Collegiate In- distinction you ha . ley, and. have gorI6 out- to practically, I � . . Monday which placed. me at the in town. I .
. . . . . . . �
Mr. Warren hag never Sell I 0 former Pupilv feel--decillY indebted -to i I places . 'Oscar DUcharme, a. sou.. I I Ilia - poll.: I will end Mvorl . �
. � oolv, and of th ' I . all. parts -of ,the world to fit a e d of the . I I , Order your , CAKE 9 and I .., . . * I .
� .a paralytic� stroke j7hat lie. iretuved stitute and p6lio' a skill and the care with -by Be LLSi-Iii Exeter, on Doc. 26th, . . to merit your 6onfideoice by doing PLUM'PUDDING eirlk.-VoutIl .. . � I
Some time ago. He I.,; able to be Up, public school inspector, -he emphati- you* for. th ave Superintended their of honor, and to tender wort rw- -MI Mr. and Airs. Fred. , Vlillg, '. . a . . . � . ,
I but; is very frail. He is an n!ld vet- cally.1gtated that students should *be which You h vice, ' As- we'look back from,'these, . . everything that I can. to advance be pleased. . 11 . I �
1� I . . at studlea, ,' for' Your interest in their various fields., to which duf has daughter., .1 . the pro�perity bf . out town. wish- I .11, I
eran of the Federal Army of -the prohlbit;ed from walking the streets , I . . .y . I . . YOU the comp, . the' *,* Oranges, Grapes, 'Coconuts. d - ., I . I ill,
t I it is to expres," to our everything for .Xmas -in
I U.S had a rc� t -it night,, ivom, Useless asoo6fations, at- moral velfate, and for the silent in- called us I Deioths . 'Ne ,. Ing, limonts; of YOU ,
-union. 4 tbf. . " I
- They . WN and many things fluence of you" character �and exam- toacher our'. deepest gTatl0ade for - . . . . I sdason, I am� Yours Truly, David I . .
. Irs. tonding' d . I , .
family on Christmas 1):Iy. A. true sho I . � . . 'Will. flud here. . . [ .
I . � the rnind,. I 'No Child," P10- Your lelilow,Nwiens; generally, that t�aining which he has given '.'to, R,A�NSFORD-4n London on Ja-qary Canitelon. 1 1-42 I . . -_ i. * ..
,Charles Cbisbolm and ber Ili �;)and that dissipate , , 11 I I - J
-and two children and Mrs. Di(&jch bd mid - "cam go the round of the acknowl-00, a sinlilar debt'of grati- , us which has, made possible whatever ist, 19�11, Richard Rausforld, fdrm 1. 1� � .1 i I I .. I I � .* . I
I * I I . ' - . - I * .
.and her husband ' and Mi" I'lorOrteO street and- tile Shows in the evening tude, not only for the manner.. in degree of success we have. been able erly of Clinton, in his 73rd 1pay. I � . . . .
. I . I ,
-Wites-and and. be ready for efficient work in which you have -discharged your', Pro- to achieve, Mr. Baltla's life in the .�_R. I . . I . � . I .1 Wo- H. AGNE. W I . .
I . of Hespeler. and, Mrs. Tom I of the morning, Often the.failure 61 tAic fessional duties,, but also tot' your community has had many Sides and EA I lival. meeting of the MoKillop mlftt- . I
'her husband and little daughter, IT, tile school is not, a . failure of O"Peration and leadonihip in, till he has served tin many ways. We CRETT-In ExotQr on Dee, 26th, PHONE 42, - - -1
qown. .. Child . Ann Willis, reliot of the late ual Fire Insurance will be: held iti --- I
�( school, bout of lhat has' tended to the t e ourselves -by gpeaking of I � ---
Mr. Willie Cantolon arrived liere for the teaeber nor of ,the George Eacrott, agod-73 years,, I I the town, hall, SeAfofth, onFrildayj ##"4s4444s#"**"
. .
He the bome." "'The home isa. sac -Ted c0alm,unitv. They rejoice that your but one, 'Mr. Baird as an e4ubation- . month and- 23 daya. , t - Jan. 20th, 1911, at I o.,Clopk P. MI , MM 1. . i . -4 L
-the holiday week from, Toronto, ent will not lhv*?vo your re- alist.1 Ile, has -been fo fifty years . . �
,has grown very tall since leq.ving justitut,ion," he contitued,,11ordained retitem Stephen on Dee. Uth The business of the meetiog is to -
) I . oil I among them, ,,ad they an ad,va ctd edufttioniillpt in this WEZS11--In " 've the financial statoment and A
life takes, its trend moval from . . I � n o recol
�Goderibh azid lokka as If he were go- 6f 0 I 11M I True, the school Pray that.you may be long, .,,pared community. H% poliCy of education Chestlotto Welsh, reliot of the lat auditors reports the electing of three I I .
�, ,,40 ing to jival in heiglit, the trees of Here, It is fashioned . I I I wall -earned relaxation ULU% for the rural school was y64ra ahead Wflitain WeNh, aged 80 years, 6 directors and other busineev. WWOh I �
? is, a tithig, of the State,. but, the state to enjoy . ftyeew�.
.Vancouver, his now'hoV0. , I . . to your more arduous laboilt,4, Atill. to of his time, He was one -of th6 very, months and 2 days. , wal be considered for the' good of . �,
. Captain Fowliels spending the sta- is a thing of God. It belongs Wingham, December 28rd. �. 1-1
.-Xm with his wif6land clever young flim, Therefore evil hA,q no right and do good as you may have opp6 . rtuts- ffrst t -O, see the oducati6tial. problem HILL -Th the company, The retiting ditte- -
I '��ral, community'aind to qr '14.
1 son at 'the residence, of Mrs. Alex, can h -ave, none, The ehiI6 ig sacred. ItY. ". of the per, Thos. Hill, aged 10th, tors ate Jartfes Connolly, George �y - . ,
tCrafgie mother Of MIMI POWN6, - y t(ho attitude of Christ to On behalf of louts friends and toell- a solution. In less than two years BOWLER -In A-shfield, conDee. Dale and Jobn Watt, who are elig- Noise ".- -� , ,
� I Stud I alcolin McEiwen, Neil MC- ai tcacheo he had sliOtWed ' in ) Margaret, widow of 016 lAte! J,Ohft� ' for r I — - _
the Superin- childhood a,Ad see that tho *Id, with wishtrs-M � ible eA.1jectiou.-Jr. 13. McLean, I .
� Mr. Drysdale one of egot, Vward Glen,. trustew and bringing the regular public school Bowler, aged 80 years. President; Thos. El. Hays, Secro- Oil buying the BorlitiYuct Sat� " _,$M.
0.p.R. a-$ .qudburv. J all thAt belcongo to Ko is saercd. Or I .
I . ,bendents 4 ih�" . to, V,vory parent is Obligated by thOlVerY pxpupils -, Eliza A. Macfarlane, Tena work up, to the highest standard Of CVTT�-Iri Gode6eh on D000t&r 25th tary. ' - . I . . or for which I atd'ageat. , .
I rame through 9 few we6ko ago give -Rosro, E. A. Me0wen, Wpupiis. offioiency. Though tbio was ail the, Ub�istitia Muir, teltOt Of thO late '- 11 . - 1_ , '' I .
. rV16ti1*hJ$ wife tile nature of things to - 1. .1 . I . �
� _qlfd .6hiwram. law (A
-Mr. J", Busfinuan, for 76A" Idea- I hit child a Christian homes and to Stanley, December 30th, ,*410. section asked of. him, lie WAS , not , Ja�. Cutts Aged So years and 9 — , FURNACE IN'STALLINk I
I -tifidd with Igubb&nauts plikhing 1hill,, keep it in. the midst, lot Wistiau in- Mr. paird made a [CeUng and satisfiod himself. Ile saw new Condf-' I mouthA, . 1, . I
sed, Suitable reply to tile address. 114e tions arising wbich he t�ought do- 'FOR SALE -AN . IRON PUMP, 0 is our spetialty. Mr. Tfugh I
� Ug,bcm, We arc sorry to say, III for' .dititutiong, No PAr0b tali bO eXcU .d the s6Mql, ttEL'A�In Wftio=4 December 22nd, foot, saituble tot lorladmill.-APP10' Rorke Ili very Well ploas(A
I 'Zome weeks. . To d6prive, a, child of thes Indutuce t4lauked the people of tile seetioa tot mandc 10got seryloo from Sar -ah Atii, Gibson, wife 61 -John to T, Cottle, Chairman of Prd*ty with. our work WA orioe. I .
. ,orbig ig the W6ek of'p ' At of a Christian bonie and 0*41Y ex- the elegant and Useful gifts they -had Ile saw a gonerAlon .Of - YOUU9 Helms aged 44. � 06failittee Public "Ool Board.
rayer j and wife. He thank. people'Igrowihg up in th6 community . . -0 ..
-che morning . vice in Knox thureh Maple is "ime-191iii-St childhood. given to birnsel V, low , of Oodorleh on Deeetft- . PLUNMING, TINSMITIt.1140 Aft
! sor to be retonstriseted. ed them,' for their uniform kindness. and he 16regaw that only ROBI$SON-In .
I -Rev, 0wrge Z, Ro$s :took, tkt�g 00% Many howe4 need , 1. I .. f
alm�g jiM from tile New No toeachbr, tali teach the maximum lotbcarao0o Atid'utianhAltYs duri'ag these could find their life work on bei 90th, Henty Robinson, 0,96d. � I, , - I RVIPAInING. I �
I "Wth, tbo PS the home, Not the fifty years he bad labor0d 4MMIX the hoino farms. The Others must ISO �,pearo. . I � Promptly. tttmded to..
*T104albilt. A lovely q`d%Vtctt0, t.006" UnIftsaidod by to tile world to find 01406% FINN -411 00d6tich On bet"er 25th, VARM pOp. SALE OR To, RENT — . -
i .44 1 My uttidt, was ftoly that tho h6mea dO the work of the 'them. To the-sedtift he 900 the 90 Out In f,or a number of ytars tioat thovil- I 4 � ,
I 4 14 .
. I �
F 1�
, I
- I
I - .
14old 11lou Care credit, foij the long period ho hAd for themselves. 9t Wtdergtood life mitha(4 Plans aged so years, O" I
s, Hunta and Miss t,eacher, but lot the b0dic SO � t WaWlin&A, Deo. lage of Day4eld, * 00od buildings Leavc 6tdcrs at "b'doncol 'a' Viet
I . ,toiidetod by Mt .to and its problems, and he ftid theso WATSON-It WtS Strtet. 11how No. igo.
I tho child that on W.morttow Served them. because they Were All- I . r(I 6a the Plaft-Vft fut-, , I I
ktinlgeour, and Messrs. 'Thomson for Id Will take to,the task a' wi%ys aftoeable among %6m,01vm, young pouple must u0i 90 Out i'00 ember l0th, AtAto MbPhOtPon aind or0110, " .
gtg Wilkift. Me. Wilkiii .Aloo btlort that ehi I -argot World IMOOP*ted, they I widow ot the lal* Votor Wataft: I Apply t6 urg. ' Wo R, W , CBS . I
I end 1, healthy b6dY 611d a, elear brMil-a aft(t pleased With the, teacber. Ile the I oftrAt WOods P.O. -4$
ihe -Wrmoh. tend Act" I nittid that grW and 91iPS." also thanked the- Section for tte taust Ara bavt oppottualty , fty"d I I
Toe 6. it I tot , nd- ' to 67 Itais and 4 mbaUw- * �
ifa sAm"bk We, __ I
- � . �
. - 11
. 1. . . I
I I.. I I
.. I
. I
� 1.
, ,
ts_ ____0AWhW.M"__ -aw- i. - - —.,- I-