HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-05, Page 1PEYT The Clinton News -Record. N©. 16431 -31st NI C•IU' CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1911 THE HOME PAP/PZ Suggested as aNew Years Resolution : I will recommend The News -Record to my friends at every opportunity. SERVANTS' NH About People You Know. 'it' It i Watch the 49angel . 44 ••• 5,144. 41414 P.," .1., Attl, 4)! 1..4 1,4 5(,S.1 ",. !ht. 4'.,.. •-o. 1 flu .1 .„'. . .; '4 •• • . ' . f . r . I . '1$1• IW 10.- ! 111111 .1A $•. ,l31 ,..• k . • 44 y e - . j . ,AI 41 t ”. •,4 ",. i ' ' M-,1,,• '' •r• •N1:• -,•,,t,,g %,, a! 4_. N1 1 , N\ :Ira -.LI 1U1111 .a., q... . •1 1 ,•;• 1." , •• -. ' .4 f : ..1 II.. ..-5.4,4 4 • • :Atti .11 '411, H.,' 0:, 10::.... • :', 1 11: eee • 14,1 hInen, 4', ...1 1. - 1 0. lt 0.tjct-. 1 I. . ,., t 4 I 4. 3 I ' %41 I• -,trad NI 4,.. ..I A: •. '..-,.. '‘I11: 11,-:, 11,0,,; 1.14!Ci '4,. 4.46, , .\I1 V,„l,")V41,.I11.111 1uc‘1114 • , I .1 " p4.• ..it 441.1 !! 44 . V. • ( 1/04k, Mt. ..• .. 1,441.10 ,(44 a.. NA 1.• !..0,4•4t lot . 1 4 NI ()tar Jewelery 1)isplay of . s••1 rapt :, 1;1101. 0,10 hut., 1 ! WO. 1 1.4.4/4,040111; 1,1 111.0(n, g 140.4,41 .01,1 1.11..10 11 IA Lt k.t..1 J• I,.., t.. • 11.,- ‘, 1 I, .11 t 1. ' ••• .4 W. A. Xelltiar t • 44 4. , 1 • .4.4 Is•• !•'4 Ln14I' 40 11,141, 111,li0.4,/ 41'*1 11I f 1 . .11 . e _" ! • 1 I.t. '• • a .I. Ns -• 1 ; Li . . • t t `ILO ile•,, ,,•• 1..11 .. ,•'.,. .. ()tater ' tear - KumLi, Ali..iMrs t aTOTMU* ;;• • e ; 8 1 1 I \ (.a e41Sht4411, • '. Kt.teesilm ttaUgilt,C12 ' In , , , - ! : 1 '1 • •, • . z , • • ! 1 1., • tt e. at, . J'term . f. u s t (. 14 . 21 . .Migmatite, 41 NI. • f 4 1hIH64( Ill NI.• ' 1. ‘, .• 10, 111,4. 41 • cst.yle trrAt .* • 4 . • .,N, 11111141h.Aldal ;,,4, . 1.. . t 111 NI nutn..tt, igaLba. C. 1;3 t,.wl1U 1Z 1 '1., 4 1 .4"41.4•• ,v •• , 44 \ lir. ,14 1.4)4414440 was tn 4 11 lin)0 04511 '41:n 11, • •. . •.. , 41, ••01 •41- 'A., VI.. \LAU, 1 11 1:1.1 1 •--teitIerrdb3e0. Isom . :4 . 1, 1', ,o 41:41' 4 , 0 ' .J(11 .11 11.14d 411 . 1,11 . " 1.1.41(Light Xl. ,,1 11,, th 11 ram tutrind tr,,,n, • I .:. \l' • ' `••..; t that rya. :s 'At to i. N 4 NI: .1:4,1 , Siwixbed .• ' :. t., 1 :.'11; 11 . .iiht ;A/id ay( 11 , i&10: 4111 01t• .1 h . th' 41 11111! V.! / I ..:Al )11 4/41, / 11' w, ,.111,• trims. I 4, , ,141, II1`../010t1 alai 1 eular- 4,4: 1.• : .1 ••.• •.• .t• •'1.4 '44,14.1 - d..1 •,• 1.1 044.4, NiRt.: •I \ lh the ** 4 01,,• 0,0,,01 111 It•r tinstage .001 \l' . .. ; 1,4!a.1 1.• ,,11,1 peritin. •,4,4 •;, ,11 1;4. 110, Li.;411114 \I;•., Ina and b• r, ur0l to 111;0 1,, (('‚404(('‚404144' theft ut. th1 nivt•rsity . 4.110.s ,lerrys, -ttra, and 10,0 11chb, Seatorth, weft ,,t Mrs 1 .1 Grigg'tor a "• 1 •1 " ' 1.0 . 4 0 pee Is „nt e ; 1. . . t 11: 11 ' to ' .1 ei 1 P” 11: 1 1' 1.01 ! t.' •••'; 44, 4, 11.4 1;0 1' 11 .11; 111 .1 e, ., ' I • 11; ,, I, .4 11. • .• •,•••:11•1 A .1 • ' lifs• 1 t: La, , • •••., 4•: t. . . • .• •• .,1.41 : •• .010, t:01 .1..14• ' 1 -1 . • • ,1 , N1• • ,- tt. 4.. „ ;,\4, NI" 4 ; . 1 "ge ROYAL ilANK of CANADA 1 1 1NCORPOR A 111) i. t,: -.gr tonal Paid Up Reserve and Undivided Profits I otal Asaets $95 , 000 , two HEAD 014:14.:1•1, MON I RI t A L. 175 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. I .• . 011; • • '• • ,11 : 4' $6,200,000. $ 0 , v0,0 , 000. 1 tir,r,•,,-41. ‘.111110. 1 '.1111 ..10. 44.•,t1 111,114. ;14, 1.,1110.1 4., .411 ..1011;,11101 R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. The MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1856. Capital Pak! up - $4,000,000 Rout Fund - $4,400.000 Has 78 Branches In Canada and Agrnte and Correspondents in all the principal cities in the world. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCDES. Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager I, '11',144 : 11 I 1 I. ' • N. f.. . .41 44, 1, la' 1.4 11 '1, 1..11? ..14, • •-• : • ••••• , k • t, • • 1 14 . '• ' •4 ! 41 1 ,T4. 11: a '44 1,.. 1 10 ....te, • ! .411., 1,, .1. f. 1.1 ft. a I. 41 1!..1 1 11,44 fa 11,• ' NI: 44": 44.1V; 1.• C.; • • ,4.441 1, !. ;., 1t•,,, , .4', t;, , 1.• .11111 .1!..4 It , ..1 pu. ..t thy,: 1.4...,(a; pat.a...,. Mt L, „it!, t.. l.,,, 1 atot 11,1p tut I, .14.,11101 ;11.,1 Mrs 1114 Cann ', io 414 b„ t11,1 11.,{ t1.....1 • III 1.'04..1, 111•11 ; • ;;1.1 1.11 • 1•1; 1 1S,',1,• 011 1 .11111.111! 410 01,•1', M;.••••1 II, ',I, 4, n • 4,.' 4.: .1 "I•AI '4 14- 11(IN 1.11\ MI \ \ a r t. 1,1 , 1.„,„11,11 1,,„1,,k1,11rt 1,n (Ha) 1.4 .111 III .$11.10.11; da4 ...., of rhr• pip.„ ‘viej•k 11; li,•.,• ts 111,14. 11.1,•••;$. ,,1 • Mall ..$ 1,*,11"•.• (Iract. Sheplund returne<1 to!AUL ! ,t,, 1,4,1 11,1.,r, t2.• an.i N1111,4;1:1 „411,' 1111(0111.4:11.,!, n !‘tilt114t1111,1,:...,1 Y.1 14fOr tsip•sonurrtilieng therlarm. r••., ( .01 4.1 1 11 41 1. I 1.. V t)4 l'1 44 1,414144 4444 ,1 4.tu • .110 111\ 41 1111111.4 11 i , t,on• season at her horrnre in t 111ows, 1•11,. „111,,.„ „f :1`41111;!, 11 ,t; v.. loll 141 14. 1 1 1 r11 t dm' ! 41;r:114 ; • ; N111 $1$11.10 111•1,• 11,..111,y1r1 1•.,"1.1.- N1111 110.•••• 1104)41 Stu t ter returned to -t Mt I • 1 ,..t. Ono, place on 1 11‘, 14 1•1/ te .'PtCh.4.'114.111 1 1', 1,4•1•I It"."11'4'41)4 4111P ""rk st 1', ri• 1111 ..1101)&ay' 4-1) resturne bog 4:11-•-;, kn0v.1,114:,.. of 1,r, 1/1•I laa aunt ., , 4(1.1 wilily-ft:0.s,, to try tor ‚.4444 .14 • MI v,as oicst teachIng dutt,..; alter a furt-nighet& r111-101411:nryrr,i, 110141, 41111.okalfut,141,41..‘.., ;014;4 t:101., itoolt(0.1aN- at tht' parental home is. Mt.. S kernp !nit tor her home, t.ikt• 5411,itc‘rt In r,. hint , his hon.t. at II. (-Hord, tut.land NI!N!IT .M1 tva',n (a .•411 3, )I,II,I1I gre,r ry s b '4C1 1,• ars ‘Islotrs at 1Ay !rvinetoeR parnts, Mr and Nna 4' ward 1Z.t410,.1•11, PrItee:s street Ni;••-- Briny. .1,/n,tone, tfaurhtea4' )11 Ind MrNV l' .1oluistofte1l 104 ft.r 4'.'> VI lit witch M .111 t.5 -(''41, t 11 rned on NI.,101;,•npanted n •41, 01, 11. V.11.) 111 1C 1404' rt (L • NN N 411,4401, 404 „ '.Ii'' r.turnr.1r,...entlo 1,,,, •,,, •1,‘ .1:d 1.11. 1 'Ia. 44,4 at., .! .• . 4 ; t • , 1 44 . „,A; ,, .4; - 4:4 ! . .1.• 1 ".. ' .4 • I . .. • ' .1 4!;,...;• :454' ; 1!' ''' l''"•4 I'II-4 •,, v00 • , p.(lat• stot. .11 .1`5 , '1, ,„. o4I") ). .' i.1 11. '' !,,V1. to 1' 1..!.. 11 NI. ,,!,, ' . 4,4 e ; .11„.,1 111-.4 .h and • ( NW. la 11 I, t 1 ear READYMADE ORDERED CLOTHING The Morrish Clothing Co CLOTHINC •-111,(.o..,1:;1•,...•1,.,,,.•,1,r4;-o.111,•n '0''•t..t eNt.. it 'ino it ' I I'-4•aan d ‘k aNrd." 444 jI • ."1 4,' '.4 r1 1ig11t-td ltaw1a 00 Frirly after spenbdlii Mr .1 Iatsle, 1 111111 a t1.satthe parental that to Nir and 1Irs JaSap- , , ! i, , • ,",' ,. 47,4 •• ,, , •. 1 , .,, ! , , a,,, -,. :• , ' . :1 ,1,'' ., , • , : , „ • !, , .. ,ti.. , - ,.! 1 •'!"'''l4.e1\a4,n.i•,d.n11i1 T. , .1'„‘1, ,"V1 ... 1.,:*.111. 1,ig',,'.,a,1,"'.4 ' 1.1i'' ..4 . ' ;. , , . I,\. .1.4.. . 4 1- 1 :t., . ., 110 .„,. dt.1s1•4.:10•1. "-.0. % 1.,I 1 '..', .. ,T1 1 '1•aP4N1 ..• a\V 'l;,f\ . 1/.• .•1 ••a, •; : i -.\ •. 1I '• I.-.'. .,'.1 0. , . .1' ,. ,' 1:.,.‘l.4.,1'.,1,..",,.11....•1.,'„1,I, .I•. ...'I ,•.• 1 .., i, NI•nst41t-ttt1..sto.•.I.1.nt.r4t., .,t•,i. tl ,•;., .11, ,4 111 1.1r1.t..• •.*.I II tI t• oof /seN, t.o od4t, 1 rrr ain7nairslDit! pnnt II, t'hrist rnaA holidays s61t. ottn the ust oier 010140 -rt N)r, and Ms* Moot, NIand 111. Murray' NeEwen aste so;1', fr,,m London w they s ovyr New Mrs VIank .1rsrott N10 11a rt Iseman la vel 101 ()ttOKA, $1•1 ..ngaged in Urett11 time. after gpending ople ..4 :non! hs at her 11004, ga. . 1#11 111:.:(.\'1•I1{111‘PLT)rtnt13541 11t44r. 1-',,1;rI;ttlo4.1a0g- ; .•.a \41 1 ...11,, ..411....:.4'.. ,: , i. .•.. .. . .. 44 a.d•..d'I•.J..1..`•4•, '4. 0 ;:. 4 • • . . ,. . ,2-. - 1 i4•T• ,' ....,,;,..,\"•' 1 I Chur14avr•vrffaIt 54.i11 the fi ilaII 11.44 (4414., r(,rnent.10 lowing asttlt , .t 41 • %at re-nt v l...t.rur,t1,11 l'It. l'hutf tar.ger, Ik .4 11..1..0•••an .0p.,11.tr,t slthicct .4.4411 0. re,tt- 414t Chief. IIttr, 1 1: .4 05',,' 04141 idt,'t;.,t vInn t N't.t• Chit!, ',elg. 141• ... p1„1.1;.440,4,4t stod, ,nnt e41 y rot Seery..it% 4- t' 14:L4111111 • 11:1' •,101},$ Int$104 1' S1,111-4` :414 11(104,1 11,10b41' (11 1h' N.1111411 N1101t 11104 1 4 54 14 1.' Ilir‘ , .4 1' 11p,.t41 •I !1 1 50 14a%.;4.r hi\ I•oiayp0111, and 1,1s•,10,.y,1 trtto. 1•t4.11 t'Ittitoll :Hat 1011- ('414 '41! 1s..I.1 ,. 1,,,. .1' ;tea. ,41''15"..44;44‘ti,,,,„ : ,0• ''1;45"1 151.0' 141"1".'5,IIIIIIt.14' 4 ' 1'O) 141414,1 111' 441ij. 4'' p,, '1 1kh 1N‘ard 1ro'44 141 1Vor thtI h 101111411 1 14441 ‘t,tid ) s1 1,1111 11.4 1• h Ir \\.;\•,tII1.11 F,I,,4a,p,1311\,414,11 4.41,1h,,k Head:. , 1,I1.:' N,or, ,1,, ,:t, ,r,,;/, , 1.141•/,4;.4,4L441„sprvs,i“"1:\4:.4‘\.i1k:'i.'\1;.. 1114t4,t;: 1.? . • '1N1r1:.1';..'";,N`. '`f ;'1;h'iff.1‘\•411• :"°1 4 1, 1114 41 4. ( 1 \ 4 , 441,\.4‘i,‘at7,;14 s4,44141411.4:44414,1,o4 ,4151 ;,41\\:,11,a,,,, 1, 44 ,4„, 1 ,1 h0,1ll 4114 !or 1 1 I 0 "I 1 ,11,44 .1„,,,,,.;.,,0„,.1,,cat11,.,,, , 4 ‘..,,,, , 1, 11, I. .1,44- .11,11 144. 4,. .,.,,.,., ,, ,,,,t. 1 .1” :. ..1,1 11 • It 10o14 • '11) -1 11 \ 1' k\ -,, • ,,h,4. ,, I ,,14.\ ., 111:14 11 1 1,1 ,• 41il1., .,11.0' .. in . 11-\ (' .1 (4 \\1 .I\It” 4"! i)\ .Inr.0,t, 11.1.-1 4' 1;1 711-4.4 ti.':: NI/ I41,!, 1, 0,1' 144).,(1 TP •1 1 44,\ • 4 4 i N1I n,11t1 1'411,11 411-1.11 l 1)1,i1„1.0,p.,p,\ta1 ,ow;\11, I,al.414.i .11!41t..1k1, 1111 1:* day .t1 tIa1,41..,,a4 , 14'';','' ' 44 1'.4 P1"11::,,.1111 ,41;; 44.:111 ' lir A 1.1"11relt1t...1 .. -147,*1'.i1.01oH,' P • .,...,•,4;1,,4,,,,,,,11::;,11c,1.:.,:t1.111; lN11 f14 N.11 .11 1 , 414.,.1 \11.1, N$(5,I \$,11,k4111TO4,1, 4I. 1' -.4'sI 1.41 1,.1 of CI!:,‘ \1-_11, .411 1 ,;1., ,n, 1, , 1,,,, .1,,i4(111„,,,, """;1. 1".!"r” l''"'"1"111'''' '1'15 ''''"'s:11"t14 '"." 1loI111 1444(,,,ht ).„1[wbut 441 11 ,iet111, lI41.4. , 311,1 11114 1,t 141 r (.10144, ,,,, ,,0•, •.1141 •N1)1, ( 1,.;,,,•..;;;11„ t,„ },,,,,ll 44,114I t ',1 1011 .L111411' ;; ,,4 111101 . 11;11 11,1 1,..1,1 1141141'1:,'4' Nk10.4,-A 1 'V 11 1,,4,11 ,'l 1115 \,,,114 f!hp 11.1.1s ' . .1' 1,' lel1 110'414tIf) 'CT 4, 141 til, .1(41 .11 141 \h ;ly;., 45' ,..1$:1 ' 4•,2" 1I1,' '111, ,,r,.1.,•;::1,,:1ns 1151tt....1'.efl ,i 11'1 IIIah i1y5••.4II, i1'1;41. ..1 41.•,. 4I4. .44..I I 11r,.,V...‘..ri‘,,,:,..11,I,,,1.,s1,,,,41,i:r.1444) 1 0: ,41 4,1,4u,, .: 4454 ..I . ,!Ali 11.1;414!.1114 444%,1 1 1 ;.111 . 044ttt1 .1 \11 0111.041 110 . o ..5-414 $, t 1.1$I1' ''' .";14411\' '''"\,‘1'4•= '' MrI 4 1;1.;:.1111•,. ot;hetIv ,.,/le:1.44.411,5, 41414,: -.1:45 ',,11'4( 1), Vk1•'•$•.; ;. 1.1 P..,..• V 1•$.",.$ ‘4 1. 4,,, ‘.v,, 4 1 . .11/oil,* 1,e,11i1• 11 iIn 14, .....•, 14 ••• . 1., .1. 1 p.14 ' . • , ..0 ' • ;4,0 .. 41171 1,,, ,54 1\kohl.1•14 'A 44: I 114'`'1T11141V hl• 4,f• 010'1 1,' ,i! .‘..! :41",1114 ITI,•1„44 NI7 l',.4111 1,,40.1,h'•t4 ...4..1•".4111 1.10 •1:1," , ' 1 n '41,10.'' 1\1.1-41! '\ •*11-.. 1.11100 .., 1 .•0, ,'..1 ..1,11. ' ;5.0,15 1 I .1 t ,, 1 .-„, ,..1.1 ,,,d • ,1.4 . 4!4,!144c,t.441% \Ii44,14h51111', .111.1I1!it' i:1.01) Jo,'1 .1.14..- ..• .4, 4,111)11• I:. 41.. .,,,k14• 1411,?,110; . 1,, 44)4.10'' ,`• 4 ,,4 144.11.44,,1,, ,.2,1 :\; i:4,. 114 :C 4., ..CCI ,••. 141.1 'I I. 41:14111 t.1•11 . 14.\T. 1' '0.110:I,t10 ••, , 1..,.•: 4' 1 ..I Ili' .0 ncr'. 1 ..t.o, -4 to: , • 1 ..: ' 4' I 41). h,\. r,,, , ,1 •,. ...• !I, .4..,,.1"'':T'''M:'1I''''. 1''"I'.11:""L • 4 1 I'T,.417, 44:1' ,4 ''. 4a54 , .r tart,. '„, ,i,, : 72 u4 r.I 1.1•1 11 1e1.1.1, ,4-1101 1.1 III It11 L) /141 217 14 ,.1 ,t, NI: 1„.. ,.; •,..,1 I'.. MA* ,,111 $7 $..:4 f,11 :1i 1=4,.i441,;, .1.0k -'ti 71 ,12:s 14”. 11 \ Last week .w+. wl-hoil you a " Happel New Year. Thi, week we wi,11 those in- dented to ti would make "US HAPPY - },v v settlement of accounts. 'J. -11 ('j4'1 .11 '1,, I %IT •-•,1 0 f 14/4\ '14. • `.. .• f 4..1 t .0,11 ' ,.; ; 1 1 1 1 '4'''- .,; e 1111 cr Lotto:. • 471 .,!, • ' , • . ,.141,1144 14, '1(4 \\ I' I \ ••• • , 1., Id 111 f '... 1. 11 .".4, •', )'14144, 5 W:414 .4144 1'11'11 111 d 11.0;"01., 4 0:,1r,•,1 X11 ,t•Id Mr 14 t 1.0 a., (Il 414 1, ortl ..• , a Lapps, tvertnif Ix fa "1 ihrir ' i414 ; ,,,•r•,•;„ fr 1 1 04,1f,f1"11, T t•,:• • ,4.1,1t11 T v.,I•• NI.; 1. t: 110 I ; 111\ 4,11 4,1,1•0-ei 11, 1,1o, \II •1. (4 Fog ,.• al .1 4.00 I,' • '•1 I el Id.' 4410 ..‘ 1 410 1:4,144. .0 11. !, 1111% .4. 4. V.1111 414."k 411.1 4! .1' ;4!' 1... 11.1,' 11.! 1. 1... n 1,1 14. ' II! 4,t, • , 14,, 1. a 0 ' • , 1 , I '1 ,l'• •4•44 .1 • .11..1 '4.4 •• 11 !.''' ••••' t 4. .1; ' 4..4 I' 'I 1 I') • , ;•4 . . , • • „ 1.1:. , .4 ,! It, \N't, appreciate a settle - 1,11 t on nr Lim A 44'414” t)I '414,I 10' •••• ', • ta, • ,• • • , .4. 0 41 • 44,4• 4, 41 1 et ,1 ..ta, 4. 1 • , '• . • • 41-4 •• 1, 4k.. • ,, , ,•4,4 ,• I,f .1" 1 ',4 15th Inst. • •....,1, \I• II. I, •, I 4. 1. • • , „ 1 I .1•••• . • * ft.,* f. 1 ''‘• • ,:e • L. ! • 1 *1 ,•• ,4' . • " 1 • • •: ,4 .44. 1 1,, ; 4)41 • , V • . I 11 t• t • I. '. ;‚4 414, 1 • * I • , • . ' !it .• 4 1 .• Is • , 'r! •, 1 . • • ,4• •• • el 4: l :14,4 1,1 , 1,. 1.,1 /14 4*i T11,-410,1 1.•,.! •,•44' ta '444140 ,'.4'41 4,1 141,. .44 195 ,01.,.11,•••• 41...i 41, 4. h1111 ,1 hitt .1.44 ,. pay I't 415 44 IT.' '41 1.1 44.1..111. 1111 ,-.1\\ 111 It.% 1 fit. ‘!..„ • p. 11,1 ¶ls 14 t ;the . .44111)1 I", , Mr 11111 I , It, 14, .41111 .1 1" "1 " (4140'?; "I I 11;;''"' " w11;10 1 h. t• 14.0'. 41 •••)ek, tA1(1. 11111.- 11",. ' id 1.111.I'41. 541"1.41.1‘ . and 1,, .10 1.1,•111 tin.1141,. Y, 1 I 1 ,,1 1 41 11,.111 14,4,14„ 1 4, , (.4;.,44‘ „„ 144 1,44 11 1'•14. 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