HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-28, Page 5'THURSDAY, BWEMBER 33, 1511.
_. Ulrtlis, Marriages & Deaths
! MEDD—In Hullett, on December
16tb, to Me. and. Mise. Jae, Medd, a
Millyard—In 'Cliat.o.p Hospital 'to
Rev, and Mrs. Millyard„ of 'Hen-
iwall, a daughter.
A Huron Bay AbroOd
,,A,, HappY ariaThe following letter was written .
by Mr. H.F. Johnston,; son of Mr.
Win. 'H. Jdhnston, the ?yell known
Prospe teacher of Stanley. Mr: Johnston
p is a,graduate of the Seaforth 'Co'l-
" tr
er , a;
. f•
For the position of .
legiate Inatitute,; who ,greatly die-
New Year to all
tingui4hed himself at ,the Univer-
sits, and is, evidently, making
`To the Electors of the Town
good'. .The letter was written to d.
iSthe wish of
Mr. 'R•a&ars, principal oi<r:the ICol-
legiate In�athute, Mr. Johnston be-
,also for one year as Reeve, and for 1
ing a former pupil of his. Th? let-
our council board. I have always
ter is dated "On Board the Cali-
At the request of a number of my
ne,gle' of tithe Carnegie Institution I
' ,a•
�• ������
of Washinggtouu, Java,
October 25hh, 1911;' and is as fol-
if you will ,give uric your generous
- ol
'supper and mark your ba.lio,f fo
ttwo of them as Reeve. During
ttliat itkme I have endeavored to
to was ;
Was pleasgd .to eget your letter h
advance she interesits of the bo,wtn,
which reached mein Colombo just n
ratepayers. it is impossible for
me .to preraonally call on all. My
'before leaving for Batavia. I re- t
seven years of servlce is befoaie -.
one of these Bolls.
eeived my appo'lntment in the De- .t,
.ask for youm support and influetnice.
pmrtment of M6rrestri,al Magnet- v
If elected I shall endeavor to ad-
highest prices. Also FOR SALE—
usm last fall. Had spent the sufn- t:
A few good Barred hoick .cockere.'s - ,
of the citizens and serve tiv� pe't'=
mer fire-rprnging in the Nipigon %i
,pie witihou-t favor to.any; Blass. to
in. Canada, also a dozein BlackLeg-
Forest Reserve, and 'had comeback 14
thorn cockerels, bred from a good'
Your obedient servant,
:to :Toronto ito •take up. M.A. work t
ashen I was. offered this-posiltion.. o
Assistant Matron Wanted
To the Lectors of the Town
Carnegie gave &ome twenty inillion u
dollars foo scientific research; 'and c
Application can be made. at once,
either personally or by letiter, to
Having been solicited by a large
number of the electors to iagain
in•aceordance With its provisioms t:
,stand for • Reeve foS 1912. I have
,decided to dio so, and respectfully
The appointment .will be.pei•ma-
neat, and •go,o.d salary. will be paid,
Dr. Baum, our director, establish- Lt,
experience and I tihilrrdi I can serge
ed this depai!tment. Its aim' is td C
the town in. your best. ;r terests.
Wishing all A Merry Christmas and
�n��( ���TTrnCZS
A y A
find out something about it -he %&
Yours sincerely,
magnetism. Such quer- to
,tions as; Wlhat lathe ,causet of it? ii
and A Happy
The reason ,for itsl.,constamt mai., .c.
NeW Year t0 all.
or Clinton
neitic storms .which aro occuring? a
This necessitated st . better linea- e
y it
a vo, ur Vote.to
ttion of citizens I have edn�sented to
and Influence. T
r Respectfully solicited by
" tr
er , a;
. f•
For the position of .
`To the Electors of the Town
;the en!siuin�g year.; I have bad sev-
e�,al year,, experiencie as • County
councillor under dine old Act, wid
of Clinton
,also for one year as Reeve, and for 1
the past year have fulled a seat at •;
our council board. I have always
fait!hfualy served, the best, inter -:
At the request of a number of my
ests of oiur toiwn,' and will continue .,
to doif you elect 'me as your ,
friends I have consodted to stand
for the position of Mayor. You
Reeve. As I ,cannot call upgm yoni 1
all personally, I „will appreciate it
have elected me to your council,
board for -seven consecutive years,
if you will ,give uric your generous
- ol
'supper and mark your ba.lio,f fo
ttwo of them as Reeve. During
ttliat itkme I have endeavored to
me on Jan. 1sit, •1912.
advance she interesits of the bo,wtn,
Yours ;truly,
.and also protect your interests as
ratepayers. it is impossible for
me .to preraonally call on all. My
Raw Furs Wanted
seven years of servlce is befoaie -.
one of these Bolls.
you, If it is worcthy. I respeetfu'.ly
.ask for youm support and influetnice.
All kinds of Raw Furs wanted at
If elected I shall endeavor to ad-
highest prices. Also FOR SALE—
vance the interest a(yd �prOsp:•1•:.ty.
A few good Barred hoick .cockere.'s - ,
of the citizens and serve tiv� pe't'=
bred froom one of the best sitilains'
,pie witihou-t favor to.any; Blass. to
in. Canada, also a dozein BlackLeg-
the best of my abKity,
thorn cockerels, bred from a good'
Your obedient servant,
laying strain.B, BERT. HOVEY..
Assistant Matron Wanted
To the Lectors of the Town
At the House of Refuge in the
Of Clinton
County of Huron.
Application can be made. at once,
either personally or by letiter, to
Having been solicited by a large
number of the electors to iagain
John Toftence, Inspector, Clinton,
iP.,O. or Keeper. Muteli _ai( lHouse.
,stand for • Reeve foS 1912. I have
,decided to dio so, and respectfully
The appointment .will be.pei•ma-
neat, and •go,o.d salary. will be paid,
iso:licit your vote anti .infiuti^,ce.' I
Have had considerable municipal
110 a capable woun,an.
A Dated 'December 18th, 1'911.
experience and I tihilrrdi I can serge
Mr. LANE, Clerk.
the town in. your best. ;r terests.
Wishing all A Merry Christmas and
�n��( ���TTrnCZS
A y A
A Happy New Year, I aur,
Yours sincerely,
and A Happy
To the Electors of the flown
NeW Year t0 all.
or Clinton
—0 . Mn,,
At the request of a large d,el,ega-
ttion of citizens I have edn�sented to
.ra:llo,w my name :tOL appearbefore Boot Maker and Repairer
.you fir the position .of Reeve for • p
6111 Goo dtoS it on"
and so is every chairlwe show.
You select one and` have wife
select other: It will be a "toss
up" which ib best. You can't go
amiss on
in our stock. They're all good.
Just so with entire 'stock we
counsellor. To your interest,persever• proved' n,wiiae investment to the,
auce, energy, and trust in Jehovah has ' town.
�a�' -r -- > beau due a great measure of the one.
,. ��" ( ceLi9 of the Boole Gy- We believe that
He'ac lite� �." because- of your Uh-ristian life we Have
Cured. teen able to live better, lives and seew^, w� �.4�
i ' " "'+++
Nl„oly par ceant, qt more clearly the Christ Ilse, Hour , ��• w
headaches are ceased genuine plety, courteous manner, and T
W, hnperi'ast oyes, !] . deep solicitude for the welfare of all tr L f
We can permnnentty with whom you come in contact have t:
sura such, hea.lachas Y 7i''0,,, COLUMN.
with glosses, wan you our lasting gratitude. The �1 tJ j,+
it we fan we will re. heathen in his ignorance •and the 4T
fund your mpc;ey,stranger within, our gates have had a
place very near tQyour heart„ ,Many "++++++++++.*of your self-denying acts are known to
us, but we are satisfied that very
many are known only to yourself and DAXP(il+y MOMS-M'ADE SASHES
to Him who seeth all things. WeSaab* D elmh important part
would thank also your ch ndten, who in " -summer's fashions that every
have with such kindness and sacrifice
woadsii who hits leisure should n,eke
.r � supported and encouraged you in
your life of Christian service. We a SUp?l Of them. They give a grace- .
are ,glad to have you with us, - It is tul finish to a plain bodice, and are
1 ' our prayer that with long life you In+dispensede for outlining the high
way satisfy Him and show Him your ws#Hllne Of the Empire robe, and
I !' Salvation and that those dear ones 34413,e6h11y add pretty and coquettish
who have grown up under you my datasis to the toilette.
lou be are to add you o and
- d to joy on a soRt lingerie goals,, pamticular•
comfort. spared
pleased to accept this ly if store. by a young girl, they
chair in memory of est associations bestows g ggo tQps a
J.Griggp d sad beaing t ��and. kindly 1'egard it as a token of our P'or afiertioon and avenin desire that we may long be closely each eW wf>rhh deep fringe g1v*l ax
joined toggether in tha work of the excellent appearance, and soAtaehe
Jeweler and OpticianSociety, in the work 6f Christ Land braid can be used with great succf',stl
that you and ours may be hound up in helping to make these dainty
isuer of Marriage Licegsoo with us in the same bundle of life and sashes and girdles.
may reach the same Heavenly home, For dressy occasions, for inatmnce,
Signed in behalf of Officers of4Society.. a girdle and 011921 ends of
:c1ge of ,the distribution of mag- Mrs. Pearcy, President, Mrs. herring- satin lilbbon is a pale blue
ton, lot Vice Pre3:dent, . rs. Johnston. requisition,
etism of the earth's suuface, First The OMW of the sash, for which two
len, men .were and are being sent 2nd Vice President, Mrs Allan, 3c3?ATd0 Of wide ribbon are necessary
-those pants o,f.tha land surface Vice President. - Miss Belle Scott, See• should b8 elaborately embroidered
bleb Have not already head o'ta y, bell. Treat-
y either with gold embroidery silk, quits
ons establiathed', and besides, it urea Mrs: James Qalpi as easy matter when a transfer pat.
as necessary to get dome know tern is used, and finished with pale,
Age of magnetic conditions over blue d#1< knotted triage.
is sea. Previously data had been Londeallior4 The latter is, out in seven places,
btained Iiii,ships from ;whicht the,twelve laiaehes long, Each piece must
on had, net been' eliminated 'and Mre. (Rev.) Oaterhout sod children be RAded sad ga,th'ered in the t
`Page 5
Last Minute
Those who have put off doing^ their Xmas shopping for the
last few days, will, find this store well supplied with a large and well
aesorted stock of Xmas notione. We have made special preparations
for these last few days and many new, useful and attractive lines
have been added this week.
Look over this list, it may help you to decide. Or better still,
come in and let us show you the goods,
Men's Ties in fancy boxes -25c and 50c.
Men's Braces in Xmas boxes --,50c, 60c and. 75c.
Ladies Fancy Collars''—�25c and 50c
Ladies Belts --25C, 35c and 50c
Valley Linene, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mitts, Slip era, Mufflers,
Silk and Wool Scarfs, Sweaters and Sweater Coats and. Bonnets and
many other useful and acceptable gifts.
Dome early for best. eboice—.
We Wish You All a Vero Merry Imes.
Plumsteel Bros.
rnsequently 'there :arras aro; uncex- are visiting in Chatham. oen � i
lin correction for deviaitiony • due Rev. J. H. Osterlibut returned . on °n to a 11"vy pipiulg cord; the cord
the ship, ,coming's in. •Soithe 1'uesdayni'ghtfrom Chatham, whet3 it then puZ'd tightly through the
arnegie, a nom -ma netic sth; he spent, Christmas. He will occupy gamered ribbon, and thus forms one
K p. ♦�N�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦t1♦♦♦N♦•♦♦N♦♦♦♦N♦ANN♦N♦NN��
,as built and 'the values we ob.-hfa own pulpit next Sunday, loop c1 the rosette, one inch wide,
Lin ,are absolute, likewise iflle .she annual Christmas tree in the wh1dh, when finished, makes a double �
struments formerly used werF Methodist Church on Christmas night frill of the ribbon. ♦ ,e
rude, and no.w our instrulnenas was a great success, A very unique . 'PUFFS, SOFT
entertainment was givenand a genera#
•e so perfected, that :where e o - good time. The proceeds were over ' IRREGULAR
ly declination coned not►�.b-
.fined closer than whole degrees, $50,00.
e' can get values. correct to'haiif ♦ • i p Goods, t
tenth, w+tli probable( erroris of Bay * of S11 fitly' Damaged <1ooi,1�3 •
as or minus ,02 degrees. ♦ :
I assist in'the ,wor of determin-'
Our Council again went in by acrla,-
g Declination, Horizontal Insten- 'illation with some qlight changes. The ♦ SATURDAY, DEGEM'BER. 30th 2
tY, and Inelin,atian, Also, I spend present Councilors `are as follows. ♦ •
uree hours each morning on At •
tilos. Cameron, "James Thomson, ♦ Many. lines as good as new but tilts price. is cut
ospheric 'Elleetricily. Tuve been Chas. Parker and Robert Blair. Toe
;tting it+he .conductivity daily -and Reeve is now George "Lindsay who ♦ Just the same. Nothing Reserved. •
ins to• emfect amet!hrod of ob- ♦ •
y b p also takes the place by acclamation. • . "�%:• ♦ ,
fining fibs potential gradient. The very pretty wedding of Mise s� :rF ,♦ Everythinggoes as -follows.
his is -rather difficult as the ves- Lulu Weston was duly celebrated by >, , <. '° � �t ` � •
;1 disturber the . planes of equipo a rand ball in the Town Hall on Tue3- ' `^`�' tx fir; ♦ '
R �> x ..,.;, .;
mtial and also ,the' sera air is nhost day night. The affair was a ver :ti; # k? t�,t e: �' CEREALS—Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat Shreaded Wheat, Grape i
�structive itoinsulatin ma'te'rial. S y :,a '' p
g brilliant one and -the many who en- �`'`< �`�Nuts ♦
ave also been making', expert joyed it wished the happy couple E �? 2 ,Dorn Flakes, Etc., $c per package. :
amW- Currants, Etc. albs for 25c
ent,s on the wadio-activity con-. many fond farewells and good wishes, c, i ? , Tapioca,
a, Raisin.,
7 lbs le,or Ec
ants of the .air and dol, not final ,_ .... , , Figs,
We regret to hear of the loss of the Y ;�:: t + n ` : ; ♦ Teas, regular 40c for 2Sc.. Regular 30c,for 20c
uch.�after Iam three or four bun-, ` ^;•• .�e� ♦ ♦ ..
valuable horse belonging to Robert twc `, ♦ Scapa—All brands,, 6 bare for 25c ♦.. *.
ed miles from land. This agrees " y Uanned Goods -10 per cent cif
fell with theor g Penhal ,while on his way home from ?>,
y, Lthe water actin °•3>.{:a?: s•
i a biaiiket• Lame the only radio- England. The animal. took sick and ' a .;�., ��;:• . ♦ Polishes, Bottled Goods, Etc. -10 per cent off �
y died on board shin and. was given a f. ;. Crockery China. Etc.—one-third off
,airYf being tt broalight by current's watery grave. Although the loss was Z Sodas, Cakes, Etc., half price
air from d:he land'. :'
heavy. and s. insurance, Bob fn cheer. a All Candies half price and leas
Have touched at'Liverpaol, Sier- f '�"�°� � >; •+ .•. ♦ � `
L, 'Leone, Madeira, Canaries,- Care fur and talks: lightly of .valuable �. ��;�.
horse that was sent to navy Jones,,,. ♦' In facteverything is' cut—No . profits for us we
own, Colombo sand 1Viauritiws, Locker," . � � ,' ♦ - •
lir: future is across 'the 'Pacific ito
exico !then around' the 'Horn .to n >• k. ,. are sure to lose --but 'sou gain. _
a,pe Town and back to -New York. - g
Brneelielfl DON'T FORGET --Everything isgoing 2
'itch all -good w'iahes, for your fu- ♦ -
ore success, Mrs. George Simpson and two- chil• When the hair is elaba'rately. dress- ♦ to go regardless of the cost. Saturday
Sincerely,, drer, of Rothsay, are visiting relatives ed it may be puffed. These however Z >'
pIiNSTON. here. , are no longer stiff and set in 'regular ♦ Dec. 34th. at; 8 o'clock.
Mr. -Robert Mc0(►r0107�r ,,o# Calgary, nottaidom. .,Xt&t &ru am!!b sots, ir- •
is visiting relatives and. l6eds in this TERMS—Cash .or, Produce, .only
neighborhood after -an' absence of six � r as t° ' cgpi] affil here and Z
Seed Barley for Sale' years. the an fiLd esc>aiping a9 a ringlet:,
Mr. and Mts. John-U"key and favi-: ♦ ♦ o
A quantity
of NLandsCheurii Bar- fly, of.the West, are visiting relatives Sweetmeat Pudding.
in thin neighborhood. Line your pie -dish with puff paste, ♦ j ,
y for sale, yielded 50 bun. per Mre. Smith of Ohicago, ie wieitinJz
ire ; free' from. noxioiwst ;weeds-. and screen it with' minced orange,
:f;d's, must be soRdl by 'Jan. l th. her sisters, Miss Ellen McDonald and ♦ � -Beat
O n
Mrs. Andrew Scott, here, lemon, and citron peel (one ounce of
rice 85 cents per bus. Also a Mi, Hobert Baird, Pascoe. N. W. T•, each). Now beat well four yolks.
Liantity of IGoilden Draf,1 tseed'-ieviaiti° friends anter an, absence of♦��♦♦♦o��♦N♦♦♦♦N♦♦��.�♦a�4s♦♦♦♦♦♦♦��N�♦��N♦♦♦�♦�♦fir
Its. Win. A. Gr�ant,Do,t 45 London g and two whites of eggs, with air
sad', 'Tueke,nsmit4i Towns six years. ounces of sugar, and a quarter .of a 1
Mr. and Mrs. John Grainger, of Sea-
p ativee pound of butter. Mix,, beat well
forth spent Christmas with rel •
• °r here. all .together, then lightly sift in two
Annaul Meeting,r. rid Mss: C leers ilderton are table -s le -spoonfuls of dry flour. Set the - „ novel treatment of white lawn
holidaying with. the latter's parents, dish into a hot oven until the paste Schoolboy "Hovtllers. morning frocks is to trim them With
The annual meeting oft Ynember�a Mr. And Mrs. Peter Bowey.. is just set, then pour into it the mix- Seirie amusing schoolboy '`howlers" checked ginghams the pretty blue
T The Christmas tree, held in the . ture..r If the'eggs are beaten properly •were recounted by Mr. W. ✓Iwyr
E �tilie McIKillop . 14lwtwal 'Fi;re in- and white, lavender and white and''
E t rice Co . oP*.bll be held a i;re In-
- Presbyterian Church, was in every .!t will resemble a thick cream. The Fiske, :headmaster of the El,m House pink and whit that everybody knows
an,l9tlh, 1912, in the Taaw�nl Iia",1, w'ao a.complete success The children. pudding must be watched while cook- :school; Surbiton, : at the, Christin'n rand likes. .
eafortlh, .19 eros o'clock p, m, The too>d their parts splendidly, , and re- frig, eo that it will"not burn. prize.. distribution In the gerieral , The Napoleonic tendency is very
wsineas of;t!lie meeting it�f re(�e'i P 'fleeted much. credit on those who papers worked by the students. ona strong in Paris fashions. A chic turn
trained them The various drills were t r are boY described "coup d'etat" as a of the hat brim; a military dash ate
he..anntual report atnd ',awditora rt In the heart of a woman there e
especially well given, she proceeds, French dish played In musichaila as the collar lapel, cuffs or reps
ort. :The election of ltihree( dir- �+ will be.devoted to .carrying on the few chambers and still fewer doors. r bag are the. little things that suggest
eters and ether businesst which a vonin.a y•
d rid w Sabbath school for the coming year. Credit said another boy, 'signifies the conqueror..
are come up fou fibs goo a el Among the many holiday visitors est Workers Need. Whole embroidered hats .and hats
are of the coanpany. The re- Amount .of ii "a parson who gets nice things said
were Mr. Ernie Mustard, of Toronto be unwilling. to behind his back." A third boy . illus- with embroidery -covered crowns are
irinig dfrecfons are J.B.-McLean. Collegiate; Mr. W. D. Swan, of Toron Persons who may almwn in the. millinery shops and.
'm,:ChieaneY'andiM,alcolinMeEwan ecce t the Sabbath as a day of- rest truted the meaning of gender by ex -
to University ; Mr: �Vil1 Baird, teacher A xn•'
��ho .are e'Iiglble IoA re-,ellection. !n Toronto orf and daughter Mr. prescribed by, the Infinite may heed, plaining that a camel is. masculine will, no doubt, be seen- later on with
B, McLean, T, E. Hays, Will Smillie, teabher at Cathcart ; Mr. the observations recently inade !n be- and a dromedary feminine. many .embroidered costumes on the
President, Secretary Len Smillie, of the: Stratford Normal ,half .of -the German Army. ,Germans Asked, to quote. some exceptions to streets or at summer resorts.
School; William Aikenhead; of, the as a people, long have 'been regarded the . rule "Ladies first/ 'a boy wrote, Ribbons and piece velvet are both
London Medical College; Earl gainer, as a people open to convincing, "When You are going to be hung." most generously used on hats of all
1 of the Traders' Bankat Fergun ; Mr, acientifio observations and deductions. "Ladies first' except for :vote' and kinds, and it is' thought by exports
R R Duncan McDonald,, London, and Mr. In drilling, marching and man- "Ladies always first except when the that velvet especially. will be strong
aODERICN` PBISON�6 John Rattenbury, of the Bank of Ham- oeuvring its troops' the German Gov- door is too small" were other replies. continuously for the next 12 months
Ilton, Burlington, ernment has discovered• that in long The boys were also askad, what they in the millinery field.
G'n,FFTT I'R M T marches especially, .no commissary would wish for !f. they were grantee] neSpeccing Her tees. .
L"1� fDUfl MON OATHS will supply to troops the waste of five wishes. Among the replies were A healthy looking woman dressed :
Goderich wi AA y .
` carbohydrates without rest intervals. "To be able to ebaecauae I could pried in deep' mourning stepped on t the
The, death within a few days of. each. In this connection army experts mare be a porcupine, platform scales and requestd weight.the
lames R. Sne11 Did Wild West other of Norman.Mci,eob and Daniel than double the period in the Script people. grocers clerk to ascertain her
McIvor removes two former, mariners ural injunctions and.have decided that ! He looked, and said, 'One' hundred
Act as He Was Being 'vee 's marching the
of the great lakes. Both were nate after three day ^yea • we've been and forty pounds. °
Hashleigh twelve
Arrested, of Scotland, and members of the sailor marchers should have a full days teat Mrs .. -
community of this port in its early for recuperation, To keep an army. having considerable trouble with our You made a mistake of
—O`-- days, Mr. McLeod, who was 83 years
y column ,longer in heavy marching. milk lately. Do you take your.cottee• anotheiounds iman atwho had also t woman's gnw�atched
Goderich,-Dec. 27,—James R. Snell, of age, died in Detroit, and his funeral order is to weaken the physical forces with or with ut
who put up such a spectacular' wild- took place on Saturday to Maitland New Boarder --'I take it within.' the scales, "She wefgned 152 pounds
of the soldier. � �•� � iontaad of 7.40."
west resistance recently,. when the cemetery from the residence of his �^.
aherift's officers attempted to place daughter, Mrs. W. H. Babb,` St. Pat -
him under arrest on a farm in Me- rick street. His widow also survives.
Sinop, was sentenced to four daonths The Lane IYIr. McIvor.sometimes known
at hard labor when he appeared be- as "Big Dan," was 66 years of age, and
fore Judge Holt in the local court to- of splendid physique. He was at one , j
day, Judge Holt. criticised Snell's time on the noon police force. Mr.AnbW OF PL�♦
conduct very strongly: elle urged him McIver was unmarried. Cancer was 1't. i LliLr
in future not to attempt to resist any the immediate cause of his death. HAS ` ENV
officers when they were arresting him,-
A Bad Christmas Present To
[district News..
- SP�C'IA�L FOR January
Hullett Clinton Visited by Fire Tuesday ham„^ ^ �^ WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A Shit OF
Morning. ,.0 ^,^ ^'.
F., • i ODYN S
A very happy event took place on ^ '^A ^
Friday .Deoeinbex Stb; when a large ° �^,„�
man's Forel n Missionar Societ a • aplfiase a C' en dtnas the ^'},nt,t�n GUARANTEED OVERALLS
gathering representative of the . o-' Aftei
g y y the..eftizens were awakened by ,the ^ �'^�� �`�^
aembled at the home of Mrs. Agnes fire bell on Tuesday morning when WILL G/VE ORArIS AS ABOV.: Oft' OF THESE'
Hamilton and at the close a the meet. it ,was discovered than the harness � �� � �ANDSOMG D�LLS
fn presented her with an address p�� A:� FOR 7HE L/1'TLlr ONES
Et siho�p wif E. Joflinson', ,was,oui fire and ,� �,� ..
accompanied with a beautiful Morris Ws;o !the Pastime Club xaoma,. The Fi, '` t t
ebair in recognition of her aervices as . l'�
The address was read b firemen were on filo ogen�q in fibers �`r�* ` �' RV � These dorsa era of cloth, indeatiuotibte, and will Inst for ycara'with th
President. y order and after .aah+ortr quick hardest sort of Play. They will stand alone if the feet aro properly mad,
Mrs. B. Herrington and Mrs. Jamesj� No child can possibly breAk one or hurt itseif in handling it The finest kin
figiht' had the firf,'unde.r control, Cr �. ofatoy. rin
Bg. your children upright and teach them to'playwith Peabody'
Campbell made the presentation. The -bot the stocks of E. Johngon and' i > X dolls when kids and wear Peahody'a overallawhen as men they undertm
following is the address,
'1.'o Mrs. Agues Hamilton..-- Mr, ,Beaton were ruined bv,Pfra�a't1d their word aerloueduties .trtthe world.
water, while J. Scruton h,ad a smake
out inihis butcher shop and pant �1
We the members of the }hares and, of the stock of the'MOrrish 'Clo:th-
Londesboro W, F, hI, �1„ have long
felt a debt of gratitude to you and now ing Co., was also •dam,aged, by water
Xf R 'i► 0 show. It's beat fn town, and
that's Why "those who know'
as a Society desire to express to you
heartfelt appreciation of the de-
The Pastime Club bad their :tables
and piano pot onr� oa commission
It war
- _ k ..
buy furniture at our lace,
y p
voted services which you have render•
ed us during the past numb@r of years.
b y d!he fire ,and$ lwlater. i7
narrow escape a l3erfe>tia fire,
B 'A L L
We thank on for our bel in ail
branchesofythe Society's work. In
that have m� hit have ruined the
a lfrouai
whole ofith ock. .All the (lit-
feifsnt axe covered! by i� -
t?N1C►EnmAI I11t(#
1t21iIA 11?'iiRNY UIEE
the devotional exercises have felt
Grid brought I1earer and un the busi.
insurance,bu.t of cc,urse that will
DuringJanuar we will give wi+h each
Purchase of a Peabody Smock or Overalls,
M&A....... .....
ness work we have found you a wise
116t ,cover the loins and, kiconvieneo
Once mora ithe Wgter"Irks has
one of these Bolls.
IN (111 1' 11'1 11 tot "If w.
O r
i .
Rill piD' MS rnpurlut t �,Orkd08bulre