HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-28, Page 4.rage 4 SOU@Fi & e�. pecials for Saturday Mantels at 7.50 M�1 We put on Sale Saturday, 15 adies Coats all. new styles in "1.1acks, . Tweed effects and Blues. sizes 3.5 to 40 regular ' 12.50 and 14.0o, Saturday • only . 7'50 Mantles at 11.50 1 2 Ladies Coats all new this season in Greys and Blacks regular 10.o0, Saturday only 4.50 Millinery 1.9 Just 15 Ladies trimmed hats all new styles regular 5,00 and 6.00" Saturday 1.98 Children's Wool Toques 19c 2 dozen Children's Toques in all , colors regular 25 and ''35c Saturday !9e • Children's Coats . 1=2 Price child's coat in store ---4 Your choice of any ch '�' Price i s Net Waists 2. Load. e99 .2 dozen cniy Cream Net Waists, ,silk lined, short, and long sleeves very special • tl.99 25 . c■ Off All Furs; Your *choke ` of any fur .or fur -lined coat in store.. 25• per:A,e.nt. le§s. than regular . price, Now is the time to buy furs at, a big saving. TI(Stor�Quality of •, res rawitsimaiwwwwwwwwh Terms Cash. One Price • Only HAN We take the first opportunity to .thank the.people • of Clinton, and surrounding country for the splendid Christmas trade which they havegiven us. We Extend To one and all our. best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year and would suggest that it will help you,. to attain to both these desirable objects by trading at the People's Store. We Won't Lose Any+"time in getting rid of : odd lines of Fall and Winters goods, i, We need the room. % Will Continue To ' give coupons and 'premiums during the Winter and Spring months. MEET ME - AT Rh1iIN' The People's store i TSB CLINTON NEW RICA. district News f1ryyIPIITry. Tn/}wlnr. y,,,,VY1W rVYYr•,mVYTY ,YY rYV e. Goderieh Township On Friday evening last the mem- bers of Mr. ;hereon Yeo's Sunday school class. at Cole'schurch gather - ed at his home on tqe Bayfield Line and gave him a little surprise. At. ter greetings had been exchanged and 'the young people had been made to feel at home, order was called and Mr. Norman Miller, �n behalf of the class,read an address expressing the high appreciation on the part of the class of Mr. Yeo's services as tea- cher and asking him to accept as a tangible token of their esteem and regard a handsomely bound Teacher's Bible. Mr. Bert Cooper made the presentation. Sr. Yoe wastaken completely by surprise but he re- plied to the kind sentiments express• ed in the address in a few well- chosen wordsand thanked his pupils heartily not only for the gift. but for the kind thoughts which had sug- gested it, The remainder of the even- ing was given up to enjoyment and was ha pily spent in music, games and social chat.p A dainty lunch was also served, the ladies taking care that plenty of good things were pro- vided. Altogether ,the affair was one. of unalloyed pleasure to all. Follow- ing is the address :. tending her fora few weeks. Mr, and Mrs, Robert; Gibbings left Tuesday morning for Uouingwood, where they will attend the marriage. oftheir son topopulara young lady d y of hat vicinity. School Report ---The following is the report of le S. No. 4 Hallett for the Cliristmas Examinations.. Those marked x were not present for all the Examinations IV Class -Warren Rog. erson 72% aaxleton Rogerson 65, Lillie Adams63. Charlie Sundercock 54,John. Adams 51. Class III Sr. -Florence Oartvi right 64. Class IH Jr -Lillie Connell 56, x Ruby "McVittie 48 II Class, Sr -May Hamilton 78, John Leiper 77, Keith Hamilton 77.. II Class Jr. -Tom Appleby 86, Arthur Og- bourne 67, Kathleen 'Allen 60, Willie Briggs 56, Willie MONall' 49. Part II Class -Agnes Leiper g5, x Ralph Jos- celyn 66, Willie ,Hamilton 65, Mary Cartwright 81, Cecil Cartwright 59, George Addison 54, Robert McNal1 49. Sr. I Claes-Garman Moon, Guy Lei- ner, Lillian Cartwright. Violet Addi-, non, Milton Brown, Russell McNeil. Int I -Hazel Rogerson Anna Hamil- ton, Jr. I A -Olive Joecelyn. Jr. I B -Matilda McNeil. No, on Roll -34. Average attendance -30. Rhoda Mac- Kenzie. Teacher To Mr. Nelson Yeo: - "Dear Teacher: -It is with great pleasure,, that your scholars are gath- ered here tonight to offer you a slight token of • our . appreciation and regard and we know you will receive it kindly, and whenever our memory recalls the hours spent under your teaching in the Sunday school our - hearts will warm toward you. We now ask yonto accept this Bible as a slight token of our esteem and also our best wish8s for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Signed on behalf of the class," Mr. Andrew MGGregor ison the sick list but we hope to hear of his recov- eryy. Mr. John Cooper lost a valuable' horse last week. It is reported that Mr. Penhale, of Bayfield, who recently .went to the Old Countryto purchase a horse, lost the animal on board the boat en route for Canada. Master Bert Peck and Clifford Keyes, of the Babaylon Line, Stanley, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Co'e.. The McEwan • Bros, of Bayfield,. moved their saw mill to Robert Trick's and are busy Butting up the logs into lumber. As Robert has pulled down his sawmill and intends to build in the future. Mr Walter Rathwell has returned from the West where he has taken up a section of land. Council in by Acclamation -This township will have no 'election this year as the old, Council goes in by ac- clamation with the exception of John Yeo Who has retired and Mr. Bert Lindsay takes bre place. Mx. Yeo was. nominated far the,leeveship but de- clined to tun, Suite tt MM is s earid Jennie e Go ,er, of Pared e a en' teh5ir holidays parental roof. y under the Misses Evelyn Hill and Ethel Lovett spent a few days with relatives in Brantford. and Toronto. Mr. 'and Mrs.W. Cumings, of Al- berta, are spending the Winter with the latter's father, Thos; Fairservice and other relatives in this vicinity. • Mr. ; Rohert Ferris and daughter Miss Lrdna, who have been residing in Provost; Alberta, are spending the winter under the ' parental roof near Harlock. • Mrs. Falcate of near Crystal Oity. Manitoba, is visiting her parents' Mr. and Mrs. James Shobroek, • Miss Lou ,Cartright is visiting ' her sister at. Costright, Ontario, Shehas not seen her sister for eighteen years. Mrs. Amos Cartright spent Wednes- day of last week with Mrs. "Henry Livermore, of. the London Road. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knox and little son Gordon, of 'Hayter, Alberta, are^spending a.eew months with her mother Mrs." Wm. Brumly .and' his father Mr. Wm. Knox and other rela tives. • Mr. anal Mrs. Thomas Cole and fam. ily, of Waterloo, are spending a week with, relatives on the llth Concession. Miss Martha Crawford and Mr. Bon - cow and Miss Bertha Shepherd, of Nia. gara spent their holidays with the for- mer's father, Mr. Edward Crawford.. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Carteespent a few days with the latter's sister, Mrs. Beatson, of London. Mrs. Argent, of Clinton and family spent Monday with her brother James (Jartright. John' Moon, :of Toronto, spent his holidays with friends on the. 10th Con- cession,. Misses Sadie' and Margaret . McCool spent their vacation under the parent- al roof. Mr. and Mrs.' John Philips and fam- ily spent Christmas with the latter's sister, Mrs;•Raithby, of Auburn. Mrs, Wm. Hesk is still under the. doctor's care but is slowly recovering. Miss Bunter, nurse of Clinton is at. i8hxng our many :Arlen. d8 and Satron8 the compliments of the $ea8on Beam &Suter zvi l have to•sway at home. J..t3ut'ton got a car of bran mai •sharts this Week. The Xmas .trees at the two churches were quite successful and. iso all 'were well pleased. Christmas day was :a very% tail:e;: • one in the village -.as it ought to be every place, There Were as uswa'1 a *'root nano/ came l;onie .for Christmas; and others eame ,to ti ielt friends/ a- mong them was Fora Riley, after an absence of over six years ::i the United Staters. Thos. SCol e and Mrs. Cole came from Waterloo for talfere days. Mrs. T. W.'Roberton ,has. moved ';toClinton as her daughter is . at- tending the Collegiate there. • James Woodroan Woodmanhas mQve into o Mrs. Robertson's house. Wm. Armstrong spent Christmas. in Ho,Wch with his mother' and brothers. We ,r say adieu •to the Readers o.f the New Era for 1911 and Wish. you all a' Happy Ne,w Yeatr, and hope it may be a prosperous one for us all. That you .will eontinuet to read the Era and get othersto do likewise - Support youtr, own homsi paper, Diamond Wedding. -A very enjoy- able time was spentat the home of Mr. Andrew Tyerman on December lath, when Mr. and Mrs. A. Tyerman cele- brated the sixtieth annis ersary of their wedding day, along with their family and other relatives. Mr. Tyerman was born in Yorkshire, England and when a young man of about 25 years of age sailed for Canada, along with his parents and other members of the family. settling on a farm near the village of Leskard, in Durham county. Mrs. Tyerman was born in Belleville, HastingCoun ty. Her maiden naive was Mary A. Hutchison, and when quite a young girl moved with her parents to near Leskard, where in the year 1851, she was married to Mr. Tyerman at the Methodist par- sonage, after which they drove to Mr. Foster Hutchison's, father of the bride, where a.weddint dinner was prepared for them. For number of years they lived inDurham county and later on in life moved to Hallett town- ship, Huron county, and now for a- bout 25 years have been retired re- sidents of Seaforth. Mr. Tyerman is I,I now in his 90th year, and his good wife in her 82nd year, and although both are very feeble yet there are few who enjoy life any better. Dur- ing the evening of their sixtieth wed- ding day the aged couple were pre- sented with :a well . filled purse, and Mrs. Tyerman a diamond bpooch, the gift of Mies Jessie Thompson, of Ron •olulu, formerly of Sieaforth. Congrat- ulations were received frcim frienns in 'Toronto, Bowmanville, Listowel, Hon- olulu, •Victoria and Vancouver. A very dear friend ;writes' as follow* "Dear Mr. and Mrs, Tyerman:--I thought it too bad tto let this unusual occasion pass withitpt congratulating you both most heartilyon this your diamond wedd'n d andalthough g you are both o d a feeble and feel the "sands of life" re runein low, , g yetI am sureboth can look t �. back to a well spelt life. You have. lived •;honorable, 'useful lives . and brought up a family that is a com- fort . to you in your old age and willcarry the memory of parents who lived in the fear of the Lord, and . t am sure you now feiel that His 'word is "a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path, end that at even - time it shall be light." I trust you. may have a good measure of health and strength today and be - able to recount some of the thrilling ,exper- iences you have passed through since you stood at the altar and promised.. to be true to each. other till : death do us part. Your companions' of those days are nearly all .gone,' waiting : on the other side to welcome you, besides fathers, mothers, 'brother's,. sisters. What rejoicing when we all get home.. I must close now by again offering my heartiest congratulations and trust 'that both you and all you love may have the very best this life .has to offer and a home in Heaven at lade." This is one of the many letters . of congratulation . Mr. and Mrs: Tyer- man received and we are sure their many friends will join us in wishing them every happiness and finally when their work on earth is done "a home in,Heaven," Porter's Bill Mr. George" Smith who had charge of the school here for the last term re- turned to his .home near Woodstock on Saturday. ... Mise Ruby Potter, is visiting . at Curries. Mr. Lorne Taber spent . the Christ- mas holidays at his home, near Swea- burg Mrs, Sterling and son and Mr. Betties and son spent Christmas.at Port Stan- ley.' Miss Emily Rutledge is visiting in Toronto. Mi. and Mrs. Frank Picot and son spent. Christmas at. Mr. George. Van- derburghs, Mr.' Utah Newton, of Detroit, Mr. George Cox, of Stratford, and Mrs. Smith and ehildren of Tavistock are Visiting at Clem Newtons. ' Mrs. Love and family are visiting at her sisters, Mrs. John Blair. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Weston and daughter Annie .spent Christmas et Centralia. • Mr. Peter McDougall and Mrs. James McDonald returned home, last week after spending a month with friends en in Detroit. Cox attended the wed- ding of her friend, Miss Minnie Lobb on Wednesday last. The trustees have secured the ser- vices of Mies Jenkins, of Blyth, for the next year. 0. Londesboro Miss 0. Brighatn, 'of :Highgate, is spending the holidays under the par- ectal roof, Mr. and Mrs. T. Brogden and family spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs, D. Bloody,, of Blyth. Mr. Clark, of Constance, had charge of the service in the Methodist bhureh on Sunday morning. and Rev. Mr. Pearcy in the evening.. The choir rendered excellent Christmas music at both services. The Nomination ..n.f Township Councniloiee :took place here last Fri day, Ate there are two too many' fertile seats a eieetio•n takes priece Monday .when retro 'will' be disap- pointed. There is much 'said that there teas no need for ani e,'tetetion tie likely tie ,pato' cause it Benmiller The following is the reportof the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 7, Colborne Township for the term end- ing December 22nd, 1911. 'Names occur in order of merit, Jr. IV --Mabel Griggs Della Grigg, Marian. Scbwanz. Sr. III -Verna Uhler, Harvey Snyder. Jr. III-Gertie Uhler and Bennie Arlin equal. Jr. I1 -Stanley Snyder, Fanny Mew. Willie .Mew. Sr. Part II -Norman AUin, Earl Blake, Estella Ohler. Jr. Part II -Charlie Breekn ow. Wellington Mew, Part 1 -Harold Brecknow.-E. Clark, Teacher. ' ...--.w .-..,n THURSDAY, DlOCEbIAER• 29, 1011, TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH HURON Gentlemen:-- Intake this opportun ity of extending sincere thank* to my many friends in both parties, for the splendid support given me in the re cent election. Though not elected as your representative, yet the large vote polled in my favor, shows that I have received the united support of the Lib. oral*, and a good support from the Conservatives. I entered the contest onveryabort notice Lice wasstranger to a grat reany of the ls torsad had to .combat a strongly. entrenched parte,. It is very gratifying to have been able to make at least some im- preasion on the large adverse majority' in the Riding of South Huron as at bresent constituted. Should I again e called upon to be a candidate in this splendid Riding, I will enterthe nest contest with a feeling of,conlid- once that I know was lacking in the hearts of my friends, during the re- cent short and untimely campaign. I made rpany warm friends during the campaign, who. I feel certain will again, (should the occasion arise) ex- tend, their hearty support. I tried to be fair to my opponents, and fair to my friends, and, with very few ex- ceptions, I have been treated fairly and honorably. Under the new leader of the Liberal party, I will expect the strong and. progressive policy of the people to be developed for the good of the people of the Province, and in four years from now, when the next appeal is made to the electors, I believe that this policy will be overwhelmingly en- dorsed at the polls.. Wishing all a happy New Year and abundant prosperity, I remain. Yours sincerely E. ZELLER Stanley • Mr. Wm, Baird and wife and daugh- ter Thelma are spending their holidays at the home of Gen, Baird, Mr. Robert Baird, of Pasqua, Sask. chewan, arrived at his old home on Friday of last. He will spend part of the .Winter here Mrs. Helen McDougall and her daughter Mary left on Monday for Komoka. Mrs. McDougall was to be married on Tuesday last to Mr. Alex.. McDougal of Caradoc. Mr. William Spear and wife are visiting at the home of Mrs. Spear's father, Mr. Mal. ,!SUE wen. Miss Nettie Fraser has gone to the home of her aunt, Mr;. R. Young near Sarnia, Mr. Depose McCowan and son. of McKillopent Christmas at the home of his mother, Mrs. John. McCowan. Mr.'EarIKaiser, of Fergus paid a short visit to the home of Mr. Geo. Baird on Monday. ' lir: An us Gordon, of Ashfield visit ed at the home of Mr. Thos. Baird last week Mr. John Laskey and wife and three children are visiting at Mrs. Caskey'a old home, Aikenhead Bros. ' Dr. P. McEwen, of• Detroit, spent Christmas at the home of hie mother, Mrs. A. •McEwen Bayfield Road. Exeter Mrs. James Tom, mother of Mr. John E. Tom, public school inspector, soul riding of Huron, diedTuesday. morning . after a prolonged illness. Mrs. TOM was one of theof this neighborhood Exeter will vote on two by-laws:• on January 2, one for raising of $5;000 to extend the waterworks system, .the other for the hydro -electric ;no money involved. London •%toad The League Oyster Supper at Mrs. Layton's last week wasagreat success. Albert, Rosie and Mabel Livermore spent Christmas at their home here. Lawrence Stephenson: spent Christ- mas with his sister Mrs. Wheeler, at London: ' Mrs, Robert King. of Morris, spent Christmas with her daughter, Mrs: Fred Nott. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Livermore visit- ed friends in the Maitland Block' this week. Mr. and Mrs. John .Hunter, of Olin - ton spent Christmas with Mrs. Hun- ter's mother at the old homestead. Leeburn -. Mr. -John Linklater is visiting his daughter,' Mrs, Wm. Ruston, near' Sebringville. • • Miss Annie McGraw, from Cromer- ty, Ilibbert Township is visiting her mother here. Mr. Henry Horton and : his sister, Edith spent Christmas with their sis- ter near Stratford. Mr. Horton re- turned home on Christmas night but Mies Edith remained there: for .a few days: Among the Christmas visitors are Miss B. Willis. of Batiover, visiting at. Mr. E. Sliaws,Mr. and Mrs. M. McKay, of Goderieh and Mrs, Wm. Fothering- ham, of Tuckersmith spending Christ.- mas at Mr. A. Cluttons, Mies Winnie Shaw, from Toronto and Miss Ruth Shaw, of Stratford Normal both visit- ing at their home and Miss Jean Olutton, who teaches school at Cart- hage is also home for Christmas holi- days. .Blyth. Out of Blyth for Christmas: -L. U. Charlesworth and wife to Seaforth, Mr, :1.11. Beese and wife to Milverton, Mr. Glenney and wife to Listowel. The Methodist Sunday School Christmas. Tree concert on the . 2ist was good and the sum raised lar $40,0Mr0 ' . Albert •Sellers, who has been home for some time leaves the last of this week for Calgary. • Mr. N Morgan is in Brussels this week. Christmas business was good with the merchants- in Blyth, There will he a run for the Muni- cipal Council. -Dr. Milne and James Outt, for Reeve, and the old Coun- cillors running are Carter, Carr, Mc* Elroy and some new blood. The eehnel trustees, J. H. Ohellew,John McMillan, Geo. White were elected by acclama. tion. Visitors at Blyth for Christmas: - Mr. and Mrs, H. Morris and family from Toronto, Russel Denholm, from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Combs and A. Combs, from Toronto, Mr. 11. Purl- ing and wife, from Toronto, Geo. and Wm. Burling, from Toronto, Miss L. Livingston, from Toronto, Miss' L. Brown from Hamilton, Miss E. Moser, from Waterloo, Mr, and M.O. Wm. Leith and family front Stratford. Mr, S. McGill from Motint Forest, Mr. I3. McElroy, from Milverton, 'Moody, from Milverton, Mr. and Mrs. AN. 'Walker and family from Clinton. Mr. and Mrs.. S. Jackson and family, front Ponoka, Alberti: Mr, and Mrs, W. Curring from Calgary. Alberta, Mise C. Owning. Winnipeg, Mr. Wm. King from Chicago, Mr. M. Bigley and N. Bigley„from Ohatham, Zurich, Dec. 26th. 1911, Uther Nominations Tamblyn, W. Miller. Zurich -The police trustees for Zurich for 1912 will be A. Heideman, E. Zeller and Ferd. Hess, •elected by acclamation. Hay -The nominations held here on 'Friday drew a lenge croevd, Peter Lamont, who has been reeve of Hay Township . f ori nearly 15 years, resigned, . so it -wilt be nec- ossary to elect a new reeve. The nominations resulted as follows : For reeve, H•. Neeb, W. Consitt, 'L. Kalbfleisch, J. Geiger ; . four coun- eilloai+s, W. Consitt, L; Kalbfleisch, F. Willert, W. B. Battler, E. Deters, B.,,Northcobt, C. Schilbe. • Gorrherich,-Mayor-Chas. A. Reid. Reeve,Robert Elliott,. B. ',C4^Mun- ningts • councillors, Laithwaite; Humber, Vannatter, Kelly, Pello,w. Graham. • . Ste omen.* -Reeve -William Sanders, Henry Willert; Deputy- reeve, John Love, William Year- ley; councillors, John Brown, 'Wil- liam R. Elliott, Michael Finkbeiner, George Kellermann, Frederick. W'u tlh. • stn o i r Mars- i Reeve ohn J F Mc- Cracken, Cr �ck a en, Joihn Sheitweed; co,uic>,1- lots, William Elatoh, W. Fraser, M. C. Laidlaw, Geo. Praetor, W. C. Thuell. • Greys-=-Reeve-J. Livingston; De- pu,fy-reeve, J. Brown; councillors, S. S. Cole, McArthur Pease* All by acclamation. ;BrunseisJ. Leckie by acclama- tion ; coruncilloi s, Dames, Muldoon, Anent, Carter', Hewitt. ' • McKillop, -Reeve -James Cowan, John M.. Govenlock, Alexander Ross.; co=uncillors, John Balfour, Charles Case; Conrod, Echaa+.t; John Goveniock,: Wm. Knechtit, John -McDowell, Thos.. Purrcell. Tuaniberrv-Reeve-T. K. Powell Jahn Mulvey; : councilloss, McGill, John Moffatt,: John . Mc-- Burney, e-Burney, Arthur Wheeler, ' John. Riittherford, James McTavish. ' Exeter -Those who are out for 'civic honors are ; J. W.'T•ayylor and W, J. Heiman, for Reeve; W.II. Lev ett, W. Rue, L. Day, John? Scoitt 3. Hind and Albert Ford;• jr., for councillors.. 1The school trustees, Messrs. F. W. Gladm,an,:Sam Markin R. U. Creech, E. A. Puke, : F. Wood and Irving Armstrong, all in by acclamation. • Bayfieldt -Reeve, -Georgie Lind say; Councillo.rs-Charles Parker, Thomas Cameron, Samuel Blsir'and. James Thomson; Trustees-Ueo. E., Greenslade, George •King, andp F. Geminhardt. allby acclamation. Tuckersniit'h-The old council is re-elected by acclamation. -Reeve Robert McKay; councillors- .W Berry Herbert Crich._ Robert Bell and 1VMr..MeKay.- Stanley -Will have an election for both reeve• ands eouneillote, For reeve, W. Glenn andi ,Alex In .nes, For councillors -James Keyes Mr. McKinley, Mr. Dawes, Joseph Hood, William .Hart and Alex Mus- tard. Setafarth-The town council for 1912 will be eomposedt Of Dr.. Her - burn, aJames Gillespie, Harrhy Ste- wart, Dr, Grieve, Samuel Holmes and Harry Speare-other men. nom inated ,,having withdrawn. :Mes- srs. -Daly and 'Greig,evill contest the mayoralty and Mrserst tClnff and Ament the reeveship. Report of Clinton Model School The highest standing :was taken by Mr. Cyril'Acheson who made 84, per cent. Honour Standing Mr. Cyril Acheson, St. Paul's Miss -Edna Bi011, Stratford. Miss Helen Blair, Lurgan Miss Jessie 3. Buchanan. Hensel' Muss H.` Stella Copp, Clinton Miss E. Winnie Cunningham, Pcs't Albert Mr. Roy .Denholm, Blyth. Miss C. Irene Douglas. Hensall Miss Rhoda C. Edmestron, Blyth Miss Alice J. Forrest, 'Cranbilook Miss Leila. V. re:tt;an. Carlow Mr. Roy Geiger, Zurieh Miss Jean I. Gilbert. Parkhill Miss Florence A, Harrison. Bay- • fi cL Miss 14iayrne A. Lamont, flhlls- green. Mies Anna L. Martin, Exeter. Mr. Norman Malffy, Malxaffy. 1141' PY NEW YEAR TO ALL S. S, lle:pis for 1912, Diaries for 1912. atationar4 and Bilamk Books for the New Year. COOPER az co_ Miss. Rebecca M. Matheson,; Tiv- erton. Miss Annie M, Nichol, 1lubrey. Mr. William R. Robinson, Varna. Mr. 'Russel Reid,Lan_�ggside. Miss Mary Sheriff,' W Ingham. Miss Cora Sipes, .Platteville. Miss Eva M. Stinson, Rayfie:d. Miss Ethel P. Stevens, Blake. Miss Ida H. A. Taylor, Clinton. Miss Mary A. Taylor, Clinton. Mr. Frank H. Terry, Monktan. Mr. James H. Watt, Ilarlock. . Pass. Standing. Mr, Bwart A -'Blatchford, . Cen- • trmlia, Miss Mildred I. Braun, Crediton. :Miss Mabel E. Brown, 'Clinton; .Me. Frank Bryans, Brussels: Miss May Cameron, St. Helens. Miss Clana . Copp, ,Blyth. Miss Mane Bhiott,: Wilton Grove. 1Vliss Addie, Grant, :Brussels. Miss Lily R. Goetz, Platteville. MissLillian onM. Hodgert , E=*ter. Mr. John .0 Johnstotn, Chester- field. h - • let ester ild� • • 3lise Frances A. Jackson,. Tees - water. , • Alms Gladys .Kestle, Exeter. Miss Grace Kennedy, Stratford. Miss Beta Kienzle,' Crediton: Mls Mildred G. Long, Lochalsh. Miss 1tiIanguerite McB,ane, Glen- wortth. : ro Miss Ebhel Mackinnon, Tiverton. Miss Jean McIntosh, Hth•or,d. Mise• Isabelle A. Macartih•ur, Tiv- .erton. Mr. John . 11 McLaughlin, Palm- erston. •. Mr, Harry .Triebner, Exeter: Mra Edward 'L: Willis, Exeter. Miss Lily' M. Wanles, Blythe Miss Eva G. Wilkinson, Ripley. Miss Cola E.! Forbes of Walton, passed on Parts 1, 3 and . 4,bil%lfai:- - ed on Part'2. $'he.Win •have to wvrite• on the final examination again. • auburrs. (Intended for last week.) Mr. Thomas Clark of P cl.er r , :.. is visiting friends here. • A quiet Wedding took peace at the home of Mr, Charles Beadla o,n: Wednesday When his libelee, Miss Stona(iam was united ilmmarriaVe Ito ;Mr. Wm. Strangrhan. of Ea•stt't' a, wanosth; The ceremony :was .per- formed by Rev. J. R. Mann. After -vhich•the young coutple took the • train tovisit friends '!•a i, :dei'�:h. They. both are well 'kn.,wn ,rid highly respected in the community and the best wishes of all are ex - 'tended tofthO .On Tuesday ev- ening the maltygirl frientirs qf the bride honored her by .assembling at her home bringing many beauti- ful presents. Seven S to Medical officer • Conserve Public. Health PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT WiLL DIVIDE ONTARIO INTO DISTRICTS WITH HIGH•SALARiED EXPERTS In order to take steps to provide better sanitary t conditions throughout the province, as .Well as to prevent the pollution of era -- hens and streams, the Provincial Government, it to ',Understood, Will so amend the public :Health Aet at the'next session. of .the Legireatutte as to provide for the eppoiatment of 'seven Medical Health ofuice,i's for the province, •w'ho will be as- signed to different territory and put in eamplete charge of all ,rani-' tation and public health matters in their respective districts. Thede men will be paid ,good salaries, and the municipalities will be Galled on to eontribute. They all will bo un- der the chief health ,oftELicer • for the province, Dr, J, W. S. McCull- ough, it is understood. The hearth Aet is under revision, and several tither important •ehanges mtty be made when .the b is , eonsideivd by the Legislature ;w,