HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-21, Page 12;r. s,r,4,.. -•tie. -x'+.• rA XPF 7+1�- ra „"e 4w" !C$^4 'r;: ^r;.r; t +r • . V °Ali'
r f
BOND$ w" jg="ult
rorkth tlaeV406mv 00
of Healing
al to
charter V" afto"
amw b toot
Uhl'Rim of To Y"lrie:Stt;<luid-
a f' it by m"U,
rrs. tl ROY
a l�Tstr'�
It doom vot* .tsire lent for Dr.
. arefl; obwGimt to prove 14 Mfagio
A staple night. i+!
to prad%o . the" most
- .ltntemo #ret Ment for skin duessoo
.tare. irro iCttmrB Wua
Mrs, Chas, Gilbert
rtentia� Bay,. Nod,. �+
iiou4iieFer 'from Sa3t
years And had A.b
er nIm lured, so
•+ , • •
j i MAN'S i
Some Gifts� CHRISTMAS,
For Him '%.gRttl(mve� c,g. r.mw I.
I* ft lawyer', a *Wow
ow ft mtodot► It [icsnsltcaosr
Volt, the "an lo t>larw, .a tmcket pf"A'
For the "114ka 00110 a• i+rottoof
Flt sm 0=004 ,0 volt a hu fa"**
Vae 0l>7oom the riWsaaa
it 41 *NO 401041, issueda t
Vd* la "2110011. aboaii faro, 6010
MOV1411 tom% It bsi
11111 a featislltar.
Tf 0 tray4dfathu, a Tootdow it istlr.
it'elt xoaat 'AW"% a wtare of you"Ou 1
gar At his Vift o► aawu, or si 01; aRalt
For WMIM en 0&
Thlor tu#an who 04yel l With it low
woe b envoys on tiler lookout fotrcaax.
OW "not articles thin pack OWW
w d taks ftp Uttlo space; cenoedagletotiy
thess same couvaQisrptcear never 114 to
am tke a frit as Chrlotmas xWo: The
sn"tratios shows. the -reel► latent OIUW
,ltIrs' acoawritro elenigpa4, especially
alo7C the retial M89ntlt of the must c"00-
ash.In both justauces the culla ore made
of plpklo, 1tua the eM'relope-like look
US 49W. which fastens mecurelyr with
s 41mapper" holds a very slat hair•
brash Wo"ted neatly Ia eboayr TION
borllrtleo 9; this brush ars boll the beet
duality arta, quite 'unmerouo enough to
smoothly out into place the• himte
ail ,. ,heading ox we wonder,
lw :cures etteoted byy Z?r• flitase`d OiMir
went, I cAmmendecl using It, and was .
entirely^ euro& by eight bcaKeq, Y want,
ta, express MY, gratitude , for, Dr.. :
tea ^ tti
�Chase'o Ointment, and to r�colrtrrtelld
3t: tw all auif'eresg:,. }:.
Mr. Stanley Merrill, Delawaro; QAL,
writes; -'••For years: I was troubled: 1 • .e* ..
with my " hands cracking, often be, ;
soomiMg, sq sore tha4 I dpuld hardly da.
•any' worts, r Bat some of.Dr. Chews , at
Ointment,, and happily find -that one - a ooar
-or two, applications ,oi came to the ib' :Four "cab
;� at�x Por x'oatssltir /l1rA so
lea er photo frame for a i
s !affected parts mate the well. Y
{have bad'no trouble since using the For the bookkeeper, Uri bavelope $94
ointment for sore hands," OUR HEALTH stamp moistener.
Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60c a box, at
gall dealers, or dmanson,.Bates & ll'ox:the lltera *orker, a desk set
d 'Clo.. Limitod, Toronto•. like the One illustrated, which Is Made
•, Could your health stand linprovevient ? There are moony causes of rough And polished coal. The treat -
_7_74 S O. �.
FARMS FOR SAI.£: - - for ill. health but.most can ba traced tea'n .titin' -dawn s stein.. Kee . nMeat,o r due or ornamental
� .... � y P F of iP o t -f
your strength, keep your blood pure and nature will do the rest. purposes to unique and very success-
ful. The stunning.
SK DA KN 9s z r: , <• .`
A �F¢SON,^ set is
,.,:sem.. : • .. • r � -
• - laitt7: •..
•�t`I x B R1 C K'$ TASTELESS �,A,- -.. oe.
.�,F i('Ofii' WANT TQ S>a1;L d irAR� , • • Artlstio • i,eather Gifts,,.
consult me. -
i _ some charming ,Christmas gifts can
• . F YOU , WANT• TO BUX A FARM � W h ¢: t t tWill Do be made from colored. soft leather
consult mf.... .t r ,:
�� fix—.+ewcnsirN,wJt k �'° j i , ''•�.,:w O,a., ... .. -.. •.nw.a.n.....v..•... y•qv.44•+u,�,..ynw..,,.l.um..�ir4 .:.. �Z- Akin{9, which are.: sold now in almost
�HAVE SOME OF T lis BE$,Tlpn IT, nil shops. ' For au example of such
• .took ainamd; dnir farms to On- Xri cases. of .Ckronic Bronchitis, Group or Hoarseness, it will homemade pt:eseu£v lofts magazine
torte on mr list at riglals. tribes• promptly relieve and with continued. use .will .pertuangntly cure. For covers. They can be Inexpensively.
r: —� nemus disorders, duc' to :an exhausted state of one's system, such as i6batructed 'sad are eaitable, as inr
W. D kww4, N%�T'ET7Z ' CQL.
'e �• BORNE tstxaot. Toronto. Hysteria;. Nervous 'Dyspepsia, Flatulent Dyspepsia, Anemia, Night as good form .goes, to give to men
°"'-- Sweats, Prostration following fever, Di htheria or Tonsilitis, . and any friends,: Incidentally nettling could be
MISCELLANEOUS. � debility whatever caused by ori lin overfished condition of the blood, it simpler thaw the manufacture of these .
VETERAN IiRAVTd G�A�TTI+;D- ON- wifl positively: cure when faithfully treated eovera, for a woman has only to take
TAEtIO unlooated or looat6d:"In an the measurements . of some book'. and "
y _ In .affections or• wealteain of the lungs Dr. , Wm. osier, Fra
township or district,. Xorthora. 4ziherio. „ g „ • . ' thea make the, leather . slip large
Mghest ous!i prloa Axid. - hiulhollan>1•Bz .feasor of. Medicine, says in Practice of Medicine, page 33_, that the enough to be ]I ed "on easily. .
Co., Toronto, cure .is a question of nuttition '; digestion and assimilation esntrol the : g a tap a er is cut accord
rM i a ion . a d th h a iso a •A $at piece of leather th
MALE HELP WANTED. .,� S � t n at. t ese local diseases must d ppe r. Ing to dimensions, there being a cox-
iesponding piece of silk, preferably tile
C" same color. There must, be a, piece oti
telegraphers -and station agents" We
Pleasant �� �r in about half. an
qualify you quickly. , Day •;iLnd ' ]nail thin canoaa` stiffening, bo t
courses. Free' Book 15••: explains. Write tnAih wid !n .a str1 long 'enough 'to
I. e, p
Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto;
The curative merits of BRICK. S TASTI.LSS . are not .the go around the outer edge of the
FOR SALE. !Only commendable features we set forth, but Its most agreeable odor leather.
.,and taste, Many pre arations,hame been found to be very disa ere, able This strip must be basted: down care•.
FIFTY ACRES IN GOOD CULTIVA-, p , jt , S full to keep' the leather on a_ flat sur-
e i TION - Niagara district, Lincoln to takand also disagreeing with ones stomach, but: in EI2ICI S y
county; four )miles south of r'mithville; TASTBLFSS has been.. fainnd one ghat is .call leasant to file taste face and thus avoid o' pucker.- The.
which is on the T. H. 8c B. railway; con- y canvas must- then be placed about half
venient to school, church and est ofElce and .can. be frilly taken .and 'retained, the inost delicate sto ach..with
p � an inch `Prom . •the edge. In this way
-, two and a hale miles from cheese and positively no injurious. results whatever •following,
an even, stiff, line is made. and. over it
!butter factory; where trolley road is be- is a. mast palatable preiparation"r containing all, the health file soft - leather must be turned.' The
In built; good 7 -roomed • house, well .
Ilished, collar, fancy porch, wood shad, gng prop ,'ies of the finest'Cod .Diger Oil., combined with the coni silk is basted.. down. putting the raw
summer kitchen 1 n t ,
, , p e tv water, primp •iii- pound S u ;' o£ H " a -hos h'ites atld the :nutritious Liquid xtract oc edge in and the cabers carefully sewed:
Cside; telephone; small. young .orehard p '' p p B '
aring; evergreen hedge; first-class barn -Malt mud' also that •soothing bronchial tonic 'Fluid Extract of Wild on the machine.
with basement; cistern, tap inslde,,plenty Cberry. Bark. This done,_two ends must be folded'
water; cement stables, fitted; drive house sox they will Form pockets to hold the
nd i on- will take $2,800 if sold soon' ■
!& gp magazine. '1'lleso rpocketRSaps, as`one
PP y D• I .Shrum, Winslow; Out, 51-1 � '� ( Bpi'
s Tast � l yens
,ww...,�....,.�,�,.s..o., ... might call them, need not be' more
:• Mean Thing.' than four inches deep, for this Width'
"Jack 'sent me a handsome mirrorThe value of Hypophosphites is universally recognized and in: will hold the, book. securely' and yet
o my birthday. all wasting diseases the tnerlical profession has obtained better atesults, admit or its being removed --Without a
'Oh, that accounts for it." front its ttShan
e tfrom any Other preparation. Of the like known; The. struggle. The : flaps most be stitched
"Accounts for what?" '' p together on the machine.. This,som-
great healing , qualities of the Fluid Extract of Wild Cherry Bark with '
yesterday of asked me if. s woman .that nourishing• paid stimulating Li uid Extract of Malt, constitute plates the case,
aver sof too old to be pleased with A: girl who has any .knack at palet=
a looking glass." with Hypopphosphfites and .Pure Cod lyives :Oil this noted preparation
•BRICK'S TASTELESS. Wg: or poker work man make "most
;Sectly'a � rqurid or square: covers of
And Resembles. Her Mother Some.. 'Don't be persuaded to. take something just as good. Insist onloath- 'hoosih h r o designs'
The loveliest . gill at a arty belongs -havin BRICX'S TASTI�;LF,SS. • There are .man substitutes but er by c g e , own gne'
ff � 8. g -- , Y, i � �r by having them outlined.
Ito the mothdr of each girl 'there. ball Olio BRICK S: Atrial .will convince : 'you. a e. kin' `also ma be
g Y 'y B . of endles ds_ ill
nnnu acture&;. The leather hot illus-
OW-13Y. AY,L DRUdGISTS. x'ated,. designed or collars and cuffs,
las a drawer for holding studs and ..
BRICK'S TASTELESS CO., Sole Proprietors, Tomato, Can.
t"M �. 'WARREN. & CON r
(successor$. to Warrea,"llfowild 8Y Co.)
DWers Ili! high . PASS Investment Securities
floDimi.ENM V033 TBI& SUIT CASA .
possessions of the average man. This
brush is fitted into a little pocket, to
gether.wi,;Lh- a Small comb. _
The other c4n"tAv`ifi e, which to-
oembles in shape a bill, •book, contains
two brushes, one with gray - bristles
Intended for brushing clotbes and the
other with white ones for removing
dust from the hat. One 'or `moth of .
these cases would make an ideal gift.
Giese Him a String Bag.
This case for'the useful bail of twine
may • be woven of . rata in' the open,'
work.. pattern 'shown here', . the ends
of the strands being secured, by rib-
bons, tied in pretty, bows. Red .rlb-
bon. on natural colored ra>ba,was :used
In this case. and made a pleasing cone
binatfon.. Thi: balm Is tied inside the
hanger. Black headed ,matches aro
fitted into the corrrugated hoies•top auq
bottom of the scirawher.
r. Grape Table Covers.
A chocolate brown in Japanese crape
from .the upholsterer's is used for
hemmed table covers, stenciled in most
effective colors.; These covers make
storming gifts..
On this soft bro-Tn a light putty,
color is used with a brick red, and
the pattern lo,one of --the simplest of
the running stencil design.
These table covers`are made of s
square measured by tbq width of the
crape, thirty inches, or else :they. rel)
resent, two widths or -even three, over-
cast together.' by nand . with silk to
match the. crape and with stitches so
sne'as to be onnotieec'L -The hems
also are not conspicbons, an eighth of
an inch being one of the favorite
Ideas in hem measurement.
Blue crave has been most eff'ectivety'
used, gray blue with a decoration of
dull purple- and, sage. green suggesting;
the color$ of the iris.
White of a creamy tone is stenciled
with ..pale, yellow and brilliant orange
Inconventional design.
$'our; squares of yellow crape are
Joined with. narrow gold lace insertion
to -form a large table cover,_eacb..0or-
oar, of the finished: piece•being decorat-
ed in. long Japanese stitches with gold
thread .in a wandering lea -f design.
The soft shades and. the Crape quality
suggest almost endless possibilities for
Gifts For Houselteopers,
The woman who keeps house. is not.
hard to give to. Something for the.
house always appeals to herr. The em
broidered pillowcase pietureit will add
handsomely, to her linen closet.. It is of
fine linen. Above the deep hemstitched
hem .!8 an `etiibroidered pattern done, In
satin stitch withmercerized white cot'
ton. In the circle Is worked the Initial
Then there are many novelties for. they
'kitchen, too, which she Is sure to, likes,
An, alarm clock is rarely given, and
' if A, handsome v4dety1s. given It make*
A nice gift Choose a face with largo
DOM Ku".
and these'may* be made of,elderdownr•\.
flannel .with dashes •of ink to Imsltatiow,
of ermine.
liemember above all things that no-
body sews the -clothes on, to stay now-
adays. If you do not make the. dolly's•
outfit so that it, will "button and on -
'button" alas for the gratitude that you ,
will receive. Then.: too, up dresser of
dolls in hersenses would brave the-,
scorn of the present day Maud or SIR-
dred'by presenting bar with.a doll,tliat.
lacked "`really truly" '•shoes and stock -
Ings of good style•
The little tot' herself will. be -per-
"Crazy" about ona of the new.
doll .muffs. This affair is to be hact;.
In regulation 'size for a' child from,
three to eight years old -and is made • -
of white fur. It differs freim the .usual
muff :because of the doll attachment:
Dolly's arms and hands show at the
tope of the hand warmer., And her legs..
.and Peet,, clothed In fur, dangle down
at the :bottom.. Very, cute 1s the tab -
bit pocketbook for. the. smaif girl's usv •
when' she goes shopping.
An Easily Made Bag of Dainty. Cres
• tonne: ;
Nothing could be easier to make_ .
than. the bag illustrated; and for this -
reason it to a splendid last minute gift..
All .you have to. do is .to double to bait'
about a. yard of figured cretonne •an&,!
Where the turn is trade in ,:the lots-
}A, I
""'`•". Porcu ine stocks' bon ht and sold. Our Weekl ::.$�
• �'r p . g. • y n. :3€n:A.'�:x10 .�. •,: .1•. s�
Hews .better sent -to any address on request.
25 BROAD 8T=E'x's, TW DERS BANK BII kMD(G, .�" raffia cover, one end of the twine be• «r � � •.; <; `•:.•� •.�5,�•'`
NE°W YOSR.' k Colborne St,, Toronto. a
hang out of. the gess , ` k
f. ust a len to hang,
string •ma be ull-
• eV that g g y p
ed or without tangling the ball, The
s a t
twine bail case make for
C.p.A..�-•61 'lsll l: good 8'� :• � � >;S :�:::�,�;`' l` ...
r. w .. ..
' f; •man, .Who can hang it beside his ,�,. •,�' � }� �� �>.4
Happy Dia .ositto _ or
R E E STAT desk or on the wall of his room k>•'s :. '
• • . {�, �` [ 'srn, ��h.n Aly iAAAILY iarA»n SAGE.
A happy dispositson is largely .a dis, .. : office•: 2 ;:}• }.. . � 4: ��,), y�
sition to. make others happy'. Osie < Prese !s For Venn Men: ntiry' .
I N n 9 ; ,[:c> k .�n i terlal gvercast the edges together ares
CD d N's`l'A
e permeates all things, and •there
HO Lis no corner. of the cosmos- remote
Is one o#• the SA,FEBT Investments you can
r Dlitde to feel its heart throb. --Mrs. Henry
13601360'Witshin 1!t aohlins. VlToad. We Nava numerous large and small invest,
i. "threi Crltwt FeaigreM inemts,yteldtag from 810 x Pat cent. net.
How exaspevatingly •Clever she ist WIte, vin ud is idea how much you
owl o th Yes but how consolingly homel I giving
Na't hRre! on the olitlae. ,^. � y want to ittvest; or, better still, esti on us
,' Ybtashes;I,a elaht s bl.ae, when you are 1n. Toronto and tat us show you
b i4 oil 6*irboii:a ft Wilt*tA w>}atrweiw►'t'O.q
� �4
w�s"VI IVEWASHER�R �a�. S, D i� .CANO
' 1?9.Lo1rL1n 1ve: Toronto, Oshsda: De:l. lta'tate ;'nvestmeats i
$. D. Brans; Discoverer of the laatott8$rapsr 01,MNADER IlUILDIX0, TOWNT4
` Cancer Cure, desires An who suffer v►ltis Cancel
`f QApER , rentor or tuterntl cancer. write to x,15. watts
• ��or d . 11f
• � i3ran as eitfto danada+°
Thl bean � . ��. RY OUNI E REED
sir tit N •
aE •sad;
C�bin Brooch or Ph,: ICEI�'t"! �1G $-�—G�.EA�V, u � � :
,last in tett caulk rsi A�•�ir 1lCtlrine "'t thllaL $Pah!
A nd4vVabenix in stamps toil W4 Sok FE, E F EcT• IVE ► t ►.pgt cr l! r
ebb ettPe>ises• _ Bfi iteltr�it. !#e. Sfp. tt.tlio
The lean . b
'I -h o ea
t :sof t
e for cit eronttr es
>sx n t. fo b T
t7 .1o't Y' ,.
rgetting1BbG C bX tuCAIY,
- . tau .est way of, +
rid of ackro c
' c s bels and -6 0 119fc�Co
other house buss old tlores. Lrim li is to
.. -r....
inpremie,0rawt�i0 use Keating"s insect
reo m"ed Afid riatd. Powder. it is aKworider- R
Anticipation. ~`
Vat* '+impra fully potent ext6rntln ' 111'abel Yes, dear; I will be a hel
d Heat* rre taa.rt .atop of insect l,fe yet it larotioNtessAnd me®t to you ADA try to lighten
6. almo wa 1fr rt.►,uta" w+ �" l'eiRm ettiiniess and not poisonous exca t to daily' troubles of your life' as
tastiYnasiAli tier,
+tnuR lCAttKibA' iCAllCZ* Marto=, ZlstiiNy' bug,t raid inaectro Sold by all, t rug- can. Arthur ---But I Dave noseAN ore �ttitrtilll Ave., Rre;•.ittar d ta• ►4+ ing. Uabe1-"-Oh, you gtsose 1 Iwhe we axe married of ,
Irl ttrlll 1►ttly. i t1C.• t 6c oOr dSr n ,
X12 ,
s,�mAxs�i_da>;rsns exn avva sus.. ._ >2T:,.:rf}x .��. . ,...,,;:.. , <a
An . acre table present is a year's 24 :�:::ts• �q;•;, 3. halt the length of tiro cretpnue. In
1#oiks and is, an ideal gift. for a lean. -eubs�ptibtl for a magazine, but of �:::... t�_,:}..:�*• „s�:. � ... :. tate' center of the two. ,&Ides bf fire
e r ea a �'.. ..g� x; ;'ka�� „ i
The expert ivorlce to leather can turn course this can be offered molly when �?�'~ ,� ,. �,� , «. } y cretonne gather the materlal.ta. a pisco•
t such a ao but the average donor :' < >. , ..�: �.4.} ....., , M
an h >~ g m .the man ]s a relative or intimate ,;,.;;,;� ,:.., ;>:.,.yy , , : , .4.:.. ;> .i>. � , of tape four inches deep attach bbii►e•
.,:,:1•Uu n:rin.:\.:.C. 102. .x`•• .. 0.4 ,. r '
/, - ). ``ii. >
a Chrl ten resen will - b ..
! _ is thisliterature-ie
s p uy, friend whose testa in :.a� of some.. prettily colored ribbon and .
receptacla, familiar to the livor.°' 4814- .when. the hangers are sewed on thi,-
Boland 'books, foo, are usually AD- 1 !. gift It completed.;,•
butks boosueh as $ rs. 'Cooks find these clocks coffi, :
-cravat H,t�ldars.. predated, bitSmall,, figures. ,
'These area-fashioned.so the ,craFats notebooks, -diaries, Verse books, etc., venient to met at the: hour *110, a'catx# '
will lie flat, being folded only once !n are seldom used., SometIK4. the nate or least must betaken, from t o Oren. j 4
the center, and there can be no danger
book is a misfit for the: pb4et, and, j Rave you seen..the n6'av spice casleit .
of crumpled' ties: agaln,' not every" man steeps A. diary of nickel And glass? They are. made oft
Two little packets are stitched on " ` . - �*"� "•
. all reasons why thin kind, ,is a risk to ;nickel rods tine above the Other, forlil• � •�''°" . ` 2 �'� �," ..
tho Insido of the holder, 'which have presont, � iitg frames to hold :glade bottles Nitt> Pretty Workbag.,
di, s het to 'face l glove fasts t
p d p With gl v n a- feather framed calendar will a , Nickel serety toes. The mine of tlild A pretty workbag is made lnsfi like -
•era. These tire to hold the studs.'coi- gays find a place on a man's desk, spice is blown in the glass of eachboar'• a :pocketbook and is of. denim or
laic buttons; `seartpins and curt links. A fottttain pen should only be given tle. These. conte In Various sixes.. but: lined, silk. Within are compartments .
The ties are simplk laded in th8 when the donor knows exactly the A convenleiot one holds six bottled . to which are the usual things found, .
holder smoothlyy. tits then folded overjr1od the recipient liked. The same three in a, row, and gives, xoom Pollto such a bag. The ends arogusdeted
and laid taithe suit cave, trunk or. bat,. I buoy W said of a camera, as the ma- nutmeg, ginger, auspice, ctllnandorl,., do that the articles are easy, to get at,
It takes uo. little room and Ix very j :lority of man prefer to sole# rho cloves, mustard. The frrames octavo, tdr and, moreover, the capacity of t o bag
eattventent: t
the and make they,like beat. the gall or insido it e0t3b6sra,40oi: is thus iuoroased.
��'.�...- v„ __ � .�..�..,, ,.�.;, J' _,moi, �- •
Make 00 Cloth*# to 1� +
off-•-rke New 04
It'o 0011 dre"ins tuns t1 PA
,retia wliOWA
a o "damk0"
WOWbt *00411111k toi U*
attar of thosot in otlaalr ;a1?
la Oro"" *r doas It is ow
r►llu► xro>1>�a1•wbo too" that filo osltawrir f'I_ .
Or of Chet dtnotes V WOO 1'
,tali idroQai oat Mato o "Wbslas ii11t"
be reran" mA thee[ ft 09 Ips
boo tbade by the [shoe. In =dot%
Chu tblr Medi shot" il"l"s or on .
"loriaaso and matat*)N bat nom* of
*boo ft the lua oft Ciel wadi
too o ws to all •tt* plum •t qM
ahiid fire *a* my be at poistV ow
hoa*noolilr +'heti fly fes'"•
l a•�lN, W 4vttod otwi� i
%U s Mftbw 111104*tod, M ib a
wail nl4rzew veltvet cxbWa.
!from an oblonp of "Mi;atost goose;
a loo a Wk ft" M fto t wt—
et�b,Wout t�lv�t�oy and t hltpt>C�luallso l� wO
01�oPartit� TO BIW
tUM OW a halt desp.
it 30 the 00116 "bis "4 the � •r
tormM `ths t "o oat tits nmefoi clm
' e�4lenese
of aft vceewoo =
•446 00 baek As of
With the roains 1111, Fd.
fte Jo XP
Ths e6 sok rboabed to
Wallepd VU fo
Id 00
a "WOW Ibbft WOW
btber, en ria
;ouch 6+ktltoa16�ou
` «.. •.+.,•-
tS►oDo and lix#s bows oft the
mM6 oo %0 Bala ellallt ft
n:ouc4 in aezw sral 4��►A�r +t1Mtr
y ' !
doll hate on" bo bousht at aaW,
"ON it ons has Moak the itr;fieru%k- to•
maake one of a bit of brold ou&
Velvet, wbldh I$ eadly 499e. '
A elti 's delitrlat U to lom ; lima
and boll vesembIllor tui' for the 601110
floDimi.ENM V033 TBI& SUIT CASA .
possessions of the average man. This
brush is fitted into a little pocket, to
gether.wi,;Lh- a Small comb. _
The other c4n"tAv`ifi e, which to-
oembles in shape a bill, •book, contains
two brushes, one with gray - bristles
Intended for brushing clotbes and the
other with white ones for removing
dust from the hat. One 'or `moth of .
these cases would make an ideal gift.
Giese Him a String Bag.
This case for'the useful bail of twine
may • be woven of . rata in' the open,'
work.. pattern 'shown here', . the ends
of the strands being secured, by rib-
bons, tied in pretty, bows. Red .rlb-
bon. on natural colored ra>ba,was :used
In this case. and made a pleasing cone
binatfon.. Thi: balm Is tied inside the
hanger. Black headed ,matches aro
fitted into the corrrugated hoies•top auq
bottom of the scirawher.
r. Grape Table Covers.
A chocolate brown in Japanese crape
from .the upholsterer's is used for
hemmed table covers, stenciled in most
effective colors.; These covers make
storming gifts..
On this soft bro-Tn a light putty,
color is used with a brick red, and
the pattern lo,one of --the simplest of
the running stencil design.
These table covers`are made of s
square measured by tbq width of the
crape, thirty inches, or else :they. rel)
resent, two widths or -even three, over-
cast together.' by nand . with silk to
match the. crape and with stitches so
sne'as to be onnotieec'L -The hems
also are not conspicbons, an eighth of
an inch being one of the favorite
Ideas in hem measurement.
Blue crave has been most eff'ectivety'
used, gray blue with a decoration of
dull purple- and, sage. green suggesting;
the color$ of the iris.
White of a creamy tone is stenciled
with ..pale, yellow and brilliant orange
Inconventional design.
$'our; squares of yellow crape are
Joined with. narrow gold lace insertion
to -form a large table cover,_eacb..0or-
oar, of the finished: piece•being decorat-
ed in. long Japanese stitches with gold
thread .in a wandering lea -f design.
The soft shades and. the Crape quality
suggest almost endless possibilities for
Gifts For Houselteopers,
The woman who keeps house. is not.
hard to give to. Something for the.
house always appeals to herr. The em
broidered pillowcase pietureit will add
handsomely, to her linen closet.. It is of
fine linen. Above the deep hemstitched
hem .!8 an `etiibroidered pattern done, In
satin stitch withmercerized white cot'
ton. In the circle Is worked the Initial
Then there are many novelties for. they
'kitchen, too, which she Is sure to, likes,
An, alarm clock is rarely given, and
' if A, handsome v4dety1s. given It make*
A nice gift Choose a face with largo
DOM Ku".
and these'may* be made of,elderdownr•\.
flannel .with dashes •of ink to Imsltatiow,
of ermine.
liemember above all things that no-
body sews the -clothes on, to stay now-
adays. If you do not make the. dolly's•
outfit so that it, will "button and on -
'button" alas for the gratitude that you ,
will receive. Then.: too, up dresser of
dolls in hersenses would brave the-,
scorn of the present day Maud or SIR-
dred'by presenting bar with.a doll,tliat.
lacked "`really truly" '•shoes and stock -
Ings of good style•
The little tot' herself will. be -per-
"Crazy" about ona of the new.
doll .muffs. This affair is to be hact;.
In regulation 'size for a' child from,
three to eight years old -and is made • -
of white fur. It differs freim the .usual
muff :because of the doll attachment:
Dolly's arms and hands show at the
tope of the hand warmer., And her legs..
.and Peet,, clothed In fur, dangle down
at the :bottom.. Very, cute 1s the tab -
bit pocketbook for. the. smaif girl's usv •
when' she goes shopping.
An Easily Made Bag of Dainty. Cres
• tonne: ;
Nothing could be easier to make_ .
than. the bag illustrated; and for this -
reason it to a splendid last minute gift..
All .you have to. do is .to double to bait'
about a. yard of figured cretonne •an&,!
Where the turn is trade in ,:the lots-
}A, I
""'`•". Porcu ine stocks' bon ht and sold. Our Weekl ::.$�
• �'r p . g. • y n. :3€n:A.'�:x10 .�. •,: .1•. s�
Hews .better sent -to any address on request.
25 BROAD 8T=E'x's, TW DERS BANK BII kMD(G, .�" raffia cover, one end of the twine be• «r � � •.; <; `•:.•� •.�5,�•'`
NE°W YOSR.' k Colborne St,, Toronto. a
hang out of. the gess , ` k
f. ust a len to hang,
string •ma be ull-
• eV that g g y p
ed or without tangling the ball, The
s a t
twine bail case make for
C.p.A..�-•61 'lsll l: good 8'� :• � � >;S :�:::�,�;`' l` ...
r. w .. ..
' f; •man, .Who can hang it beside his ,�,. •,�' � }� �� �>.4
Happy Dia .ositto _ or
R E E STAT desk or on the wall of his room k>•'s :. '
• • . {�, �` [ 'srn, ��h.n Aly iAAAILY iarA»n SAGE.
A happy dispositson is largely .a dis, .. : office•: 2 ;:}• }.. . � 4: ��,), y�
sition to. make others happy'. Osie < Prese !s For Venn Men: ntiry' .
I N n 9 ; ,[:c> k .�n i terlal gvercast the edges together ares
CD d N's`l'A
e permeates all things, and •there
HO Lis no corner. of the cosmos- remote
Is one o#• the SA,FEBT Investments you can
r Dlitde to feel its heart throb. --Mrs. Henry
13601360'Witshin 1!t aohlins. VlToad. We Nava numerous large and small invest,
i. "threi Crltwt FeaigreM inemts,yteldtag from 810 x Pat cent. net.
How exaspevatingly •Clever she ist WIte, vin ud is idea how much you
owl o th Yes but how consolingly homel I giving
Na't hRre! on the olitlae. ,^. � y want to ittvest; or, better still, esti on us
,' Ybtashes;I,a elaht s bl.ae, when you are 1n. Toronto and tat us show you
b i4 oil 6*irboii:a ft Wilt*tA w>}atrweiw►'t'O.q
� �4
w�s"VI IVEWASHER�R �a�. S, D i� .CANO
' 1?9.Lo1rL1n 1ve: Toronto, Oshsda: De:l. lta'tate ;'nvestmeats i
$. D. Brans; Discoverer of the laatott8$rapsr 01,MNADER IlUILDIX0, TOWNT4
` Cancer Cure, desires An who suffer v►ltis Cancel
`f QApER , rentor or tuterntl cancer. write to x,15. watts
• ��or d . 11f
• � i3ran as eitfto danada+°
Thl bean � . ��. RY OUNI E REED
sir tit N •
aE •sad;
C�bin Brooch or Ph,: ICEI�'t"! �1G $-�—G�.EA�V, u � � :
,last in tett caulk rsi A�•�ir 1lCtlrine "'t thllaL $Pah!
A nd4vVabenix in stamps toil W4 Sok FE, E F EcT• IVE ► t ►.pgt cr l! r
ebb ettPe>ises• _ Bfi iteltr�it. !#e. Sfp. tt.tlio
The lean . b
'I -h o ea
t :sof t
e for cit eronttr es
>sx n t. fo b T
t7 .1o't Y' ,.
rgetting1BbG C bX tuCAIY,
- . tau .est way of, +
rid of ackro c
' c s bels and -6 0 119fc�Co
other house buss old tlores. Lrim li is to
.. -r....
inpremie,0rawt�i0 use Keating"s insect
reo m"ed Afid riatd. Powder. it is aKworider- R
Anticipation. ~`
Vat* '+impra fully potent ext6rntln ' 111'abel Yes, dear; I will be a hel
d Heat* rre taa.rt .atop of insect l,fe yet it larotioNtessAnd me®t to you ADA try to lighten
6. almo wa 1fr rt.►,uta" w+ �" l'eiRm ettiiniess and not poisonous exca t to daily' troubles of your life' as
tastiYnasiAli tier,
+tnuR lCAttKibA' iCAllCZ* Marto=, ZlstiiNy' bug,t raid inaectro Sold by all, t rug- can. Arthur ---But I Dave noseAN ore �ttitrtilll Ave., Rre;•.ittar d ta• ►4+ ing. Uabe1-"-Oh, you gtsose 1 Iwhe we axe married of ,
Irl ttrlll 1►ttly. i t1C.• t 6c oOr dSr n ,
X12 ,
s,�mAxs�i_da>;rsns exn avva sus.. ._ >2T:,.:rf}x .��. . ,...,,;:.. , <a
An . acre table present is a year's 24 :�:::ts• �q;•;, 3. halt the length of tiro cretpnue. In
1#oiks and is, an ideal gift. for a lean. -eubs�ptibtl for a magazine, but of �:::... t�_,:}..:�*• „s�:. � ... :. tate' center of the two. ,&Ides bf fire
e r ea a �'.. ..g� x; ;'ka�� „ i
The expert ivorlce to leather can turn course this can be offered molly when �?�'~ ,� ,. �,� , «. } y cretonne gather the materlal.ta. a pisco•
t such a ao but the average donor :' < >. , ..�: �.4.} ....., , M
an h >~ g m .the man ]s a relative or intimate ,;,.;;,;� ,:.., ;>:.,.yy , , : , .4.:.. ;> .i>. � , of tape four inches deep attach bbii►e•
.,:,:1•Uu n:rin.:\.:.C. 102. .x`•• .. 0.4 ,. r '
/, - ). ``ii. >
a Chrl ten resen will - b ..
! _ is thisliterature-ie
s p uy, friend whose testa in :.a� of some.. prettily colored ribbon and .
receptacla, familiar to the livor.°' 4814- .when. the hangers are sewed on thi,-
Boland 'books, foo, are usually AD- 1 !. gift It completed.;,•
butks boosueh as $ rs. 'Cooks find these clocks coffi, :
-cravat H,t�ldars.. predated, bitSmall,, figures. ,
'These area-fashioned.so the ,craFats notebooks, -diaries, Verse books, etc., venient to met at the: hour *110, a'catx# '
will lie flat, being folded only once !n are seldom used., SometIK4. the nate or least must betaken, from t o Oren. j 4
the center, and there can be no danger
book is a misfit for the: pb4et, and, j Rave you seen..the n6'av spice casleit .
of crumpled' ties: agaln,' not every" man steeps A. diary of nickel And glass? They are. made oft
Two little packets are stitched on " ` . - �*"� "•
. all reasons why thin kind, ,is a risk to ;nickel rods tine above the Other, forlil• � •�''°" . ` 2 �'� �," ..
tho Insido of the holder, 'which have presont, � iitg frames to hold :glade bottles Nitt> Pretty Workbag.,
di, s het to 'face l glove fasts t
p d p With gl v n a- feather framed calendar will a , Nickel serety toes. The mine of tlild A pretty workbag is made lnsfi like -
•era. These tire to hold the studs.'coi- gays find a place on a man's desk, spice is blown in the glass of eachboar'• a :pocketbook and is of. denim or
laic buttons; `seartpins and curt links. A fottttain pen should only be given tle. These. conte In Various sixes.. but: lined, silk. Within are compartments .
The ties are simplk laded in th8 when the donor knows exactly the A convenleiot one holds six bottled . to which are the usual things found, .
holder smoothlyy. tits then folded overjr1od the recipient liked. The same three in a, row, and gives, xoom Pollto such a bag. The ends arogusdeted
and laid taithe suit cave, trunk or. bat,. I buoy W said of a camera, as the ma- nutmeg, ginger, auspice, ctllnandorl,., do that the articles are easy, to get at,
It takes uo. little room and Ix very j :lority of man prefer to sole# rho cloves, mustard. The frrames octavo, tdr and, moreover, the capacity of t o bag
eattventent: t
the and make they,like beat. the gall or insido it e0t3b6sra,40oi: is thus iuoroased.
��'.�...- v„ __ � .�..�..,, ,.�.;, J' _,moi, �- •