HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-21, Page 5*
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MI ,
Taft Do"'Not Pm t9 QuIleftl
. With Russlo.
.- I
opirooldont'Has sent * 01014MMIC Mos.
11 sesio 40, czar's Minister#, Giving
Notice of the Proposal: of the U., 8.
I to Abrogate Treaty on Accoi4nt of -
46wo-w-will Veto GuIxor'* Firs -mot.
I In$ Res,olution If It Plooes.
, Woollington, Doe. IS.-TUe Russian
*007 Situation cleared materially
:Yeaterday, And the Administration
jllaria for the abrogation oUthe ISM
vact with the St. Petersburg Govern-
meot becwme� more ,definitely known.
vreoideat Tafs,, it, is said. - as, In&
i4cated emphatically thatbe w9uldvet-or
;,Ilia Einlzix- resolution -inatarttil.r It it
- -"n ' r , J' � � _' ." - 4% ' . ' ' - �,
. .
1. � I 731�" V "I 14,11 .1 �, - i, '�'�-01W* LIV4!"'�? ' i7l, i'*-- �?',
11 I . .. . .:; - � i � , , 'W
11 I . , ,
'. � . ,
. I . .
ltiio s Who
Irnportant F.yents Which Hovs I
, �,K. .-, I -, �., , ,- . ,
I A � -01
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FA W.4 =_ I t
,� "--, - 4-�_ - ,r,7m 17�-� ,�,-f,1W-::,FT;-. " � - t't '- V� , I
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VW0110-mai, rear practisoct = . Wo,
. I IT!ftot-
ism, M I
this 6ZA4, *A Y0706W
4 - "Al
"''r C.P.R. "D .r" .1 :
"I I
, �
X It== MAX& ON=% "'; 9
I Alk%x IN C%nMO.V# 11
Wcourrow vurino.X140. IFIV 'I,.
WhM Sir George ,QXr;io%u was
wwTo Halifax Nom �
Olt's 14,01=0
Who Vat oonvkAsd by of bay.
the federal
" � . � :
- - =, __ , ".,
u1siltod, In lW&. at the time the
. Wag
whiah 44 tor boaxwe Pz
UW to u, d1opw
------------------.0000~ '!
. I .
wa* In Quebec attend the Top;. .
oxii was A Xmabolt at 0* boar* of
of *�Wr dice, markeol cards and
Pt9t.,AIex. McPhail. Queen% Unl'
-coxItsuary It was R double honour.- , �
to the city and literature -for whilet
Soliool Commissioners for thirtm
;. Yo&M He was also a, nuMbqr of the
or6oW g%mbling devices which hoo
MoAuffAurod. .
.� ___ _ - - - � SNOW I I
versitt. lisa'been votifled he will not
, ,
have, a contest tile ridill I
Sir George was Mayor at that time,
Uo represented a famlly� the membem .
.... .
. - 04000 of Holita UnIverolty 44A in
: * 1$77 was p9poluted to the Souaw In
I � SoiZ;r Ellis, slid 'The St. lobnn
�. , L
weactio Ir Wanted, . . ,,e
P.S.T." in the general o ectioni Jall. I
3. Re. will be returned by acclawn-
of which for many goneratious, ht,ve
. .:. loot U b444me speaker, xud four,
. I
Globe o0obmtod their AM
, r ath arlid.
I I ,
tion. ..
I � . .
years lotor wa* sworu of the Pr IVY
I" 004401L I 1.
Torsal: 1
7 ."Other.
Roswc4ono *a the production and
A, PT014sional teacher for 0. & 4,
There is rejoicing among the Con.,
ne to th author of xoverA
distributio4 of oplum, lnor bia, iud,
. I ,
No. 0) A'ahtleld, �
Duties to ooft- -
1. 4
revised figures. which show that on.
J, eaume Ia. elected by a majority
. � ".
: .; . pamphlots Including one on the Mani-
. ,
. tab4 rstion. from Via
sobool quo
cocaine were agreed to 0 Rape
oonferenco yestords .
r Iv
we=$ ,031 J�Mii, Sr;4,1012. Appljk I
t* 'qualiftOW040 L .
keta in
, I axUry and,
�c ,
tOR. b4lldtlon,
- -
of over Ducharmi, his .Liberal op- 'I,
,. ..�::;%:�i'!.�!.
... .. -
;;: __
catholio point of view PA4 an In-
0 r ,
t resti"'N "etch 04104 "The. Irish
The, Allen linor u r. Lu, H%vre,
for Ist. J014n, N.J$-, put In at lit,
;800%, ,�WlekWW
. I
rostoff!". .
porielat. .
The. Dominion Millers" Association.
;,::�,.,:�:�i:::: �.i��.�� .
:. :
- ..r. ,!-i...
:.�:: � - I
..:r;':: L,:.,.
L. .'
Discovery ,
:.. �:. of Am
X! , ericsVI In w4looll, hot
: ..
... .,,�' clatmis -for late, ancestral country- the
lolia'a, Wild., last night. with ---
,her main oteampipes broken.
� .. I ... ,� I 1. . . � .
meeting at Guelph, passed a resolu-
_ .
tion, the Government to take
::--`..%,j: , location 'of the
'i��9��i�� honor of the original .
fl� 1-:-X
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy Was exaux,
IL Wanted ,�
over thgo terminal elevators at, Port
AAhmr ainA Port William as soon as
.. .
._._.:: ... I
. ._.,_
,':i,�;�:�:�� . Airierloga coutjuerlt�
,:...�':.'L , .
...... L
.. . L � - L.
. ed- from a. TorontocourtL fo be, present
9 �
tt a reception in Mo)2tretil, 'to, the
' 11
� I ...
I L -I .
'D A w.
I . I ipaouia pe zorpect taro 4 me. panato . .-.. I ,04r.ti xad,wuohosig olk orrnata4hy, Qy's an WAUS, ell, Ztr pael,&a
I i I possible, , i . . , Is, ea
o Notlun I . , eal alderman woo were �
Q-48� without 't Mon., ig " Some Montr OhrIstmiis Cards bii pack -age, xvpm�
" I I
Mat ean be, congtruod One hundred men. artisans in the ., . I . not �he Duke of Con -
I It, . . as an offence Dominion Publiq Works Department. ... I introduced to ,t. I ceive premium, �mket,-rjxrg, brace- - �
rto Russia will be permitted if the .. . naught at the civio. reception, are 4), let, skates,, fountain pela, swe,%tpr
. ,
. . were discharged by the Government RON. QKQ, ,ftRIHAX, I
� I'Trosident can help it. . . t _ tug to bring the matter ul?,iu the Cifty ,coat loxi
'. - . "nA fl as L yeateTday, being laborers temporarily ..... let. -- - _ , 14010V Up
- According to plans announced -, -, � Council.
i .... .. ",
t A, - employed since September. Partizan- :...: I
. tight, Mr, Taft to-dakv will ,send :.:�:jj�:. I - � I The American schooner Uooween, 16 H-utford Ave.,_Toronta ...
I . � 1 4 wo, ship is alleged. .::::j::!::;, L I Geo. Graham as Is welt known Is. a , from Ban I for, I truck
, I � X. .:::::::%;: _k Qlierc
I L �Q.Qnm1Uni'0tt'0nS to the Capitol'L .Que . .. . �os0a, s IL . I . . 1. . ... . - ,
� , K:. "'
. ::.: . . . . . . t;��::::
. SATURDAY. ,��:;::`.Kj iili.K;
.1 : 114 m - same to , .O..Z.. ..�.!...". �$i- L I acic rman but,it Is not on Pollbok point, atL the western and
I . essage addressed to the
I_ ,-, �bo considered Ila executive session. The e House of I ,be 'na ... For Sale ,
,4ords passed t - :�i�if�iiiil�,,�Iil�i��:;. so well known. that he started as * of the Lnuonburg -coast, Tuesday
" . : . `i�: . I ,
.. 11 .. 11, tional insurance bill. -�.`;::�i�i:�*:%'i full blowu . proprietor and so at the ,night. Tho,orew were saved. -
-And the other a letter directed.. to !,-:-:-..%-:::::�::;:;,., . I
, 11 1. ;.......ili�i�� -1: . I
I I The most successful Winter Fail, -iii:i�,.�i:�*` - I I
"Chairman Cullom of tho Senate com, .1'..,.�.P.�:....:iiii�i�:�.ii:i�iii�:.: I � outset of ]its 6weer, George had some,. Mr, John Bright, -president of the
. . . . i L everliol,I at Guelph closed yesterday. �elliiiiil%*il`..I�i; I I � . . 1. hard battles to fight, for running 'Winter Fair, speaking it Guelph, said. I One tiMgt XAaSS Natiomat erea�*
I I L I wiliitteo on foreign relations. In these The penitentiary statistics Show a '.11�ii�i�`�i�i��'�` 110N. L. V, BRODUU& . b
"I 1 �.00mmunicattons, Mr, Taft, it, is sat . I papers Ili Canada 19 no fun. the G .t must Increase its en. $Ojieralto4 Will e isold aheap as . - ,
- , I .� 'u . overnmen , , 1�
I ,d. i�i�ili�l!�i�*..'� Justice of the Supreirro 0. ort Ib4ve g -p
� � 'WillL outline hid al -A - : .'L�;�i�� '4, D. Wat0e. CliUtIDO
. . large number of convicts under twenty : ; His, first experience was In the gouragement of agriculture or the L iven u taming.
* .
I .. . - Aitude plain. Y, and Years of age. : of Ch"114a. . Jittle t9wri of Morrisburg where bid farmers would got behind Mr. Rowell.' '
.will .call P A ,�"'.'. , . .
. ,ointed attention to the fa f the (Ionoe, . -
-th The Berlin'Board ofTrade is. agitat- 1900 he became .9punkoir o , father bought out the local paper, The grand jury at Goderio4 found , I
� hat international relations are not. ing the question of the development I uria iL L L . I'll
I � o; ivvi outvre(A rav U41)iiiet with Ills father had made only a small no bill against T. Q. Armstrong, the 1 . � I I 11 ..
. 'I dealt.' wltb. . I . .
� ,lightly to be I I
, of Now Ontario. � the Portfolio of Minister of Inland Vaymen .. I
.i Despite the advice of certain of t1le , .t on the plant, but imd6r -the, Lucknow, druggist,, olkArged -with orim- � . .
, .
I . I I , 14
; epublican leaders of the'House that Thd 1�ing and Queen laid at Delhi ,Revenue, Two years later be became energetic guidance 'of the Young pro-, Inal negligence. in. giv Miss Murray Strayed .
� 1. . . I And . .. i
' � .A the foundati ew 0 !% causing her -_ .
. I on Stolle 91 th& n L QV. 11 . .. I I I , Minister of Marine and Fisheries prietor, things began to move and tiv the wrong medicine - I
I ' � I P lower branch of Congress should . ... I I 1 11414 that office tile Angust"1911, wheri . . I I . I
� , . L � a co KfAare . n +.hA matter President erriment buildings. I . I I I I death, . _ I . . . I
. I .
. . � . . F . he resigned to become a 'Supreme
I . . be -w4s determin, The Labor par in New Zealand , SIR GEOR019 "ANNE.&U,
, ,
� . aft "I , las, 1 night., , I
, , ... . I �. I to, ignore &e 1 , balanceL of power at the, Quebec. . .,Court Judge, Ron, Mr. .)Brvdeur Ael-
.. 11 I , .. . t . u � rth r louse antirelin his has gain the, follow, I I anloa Sir Wilfrid Laurier toL'En-
. a deilng with the uggian, poll$ and a dissolution may 4 to=,r,
I I minent parts In. the public gland as. a delegate to the Imperial
I I . I oituatim Senate leaders expect to . A - true bill. has been , ,
, returned taken pro . I
I . � . i1rie on life of the Province,, A V'"
I . bear to,oldy that the Pxesidout. against Frank Flood of Fort I .nd atleast one Co.nferen,oe oX1907 and ), a delegate ,
I I . - g in- i member is recognized .as one,.o . . enee f
.. .. I r9ugh American Ambassador Guild the charge of sending out ractn I . if the , � to the Imperlal Dialenve Center , 0
-, �, . � t. Petersburg, already has wtolified formation. , . I . great, historians of French Xanada. 1909
. .. , . 'gr'd Sir George himself - who. '3 no hav,;, BY profession he Is a lawyer,
� I . di ' brogatiop The British Government has inti- An g been called to the Bar in, 1884
I I .Russia of the impen Ang a , .
This notice, IS believed mated its determination not. to issue meah literatear, � in conJurietkon. after graduatIng from Laval Unhrer,,
!11�_. . . . . . �
�- -to have been couched Ila the politest tenders for army and navy contracts with Col. Wood, In, bringing, about the sity Belbeil., P.Q,,'Is his birth �14ce
I I . : ' I
. .1, �� to the indicted U, S. meat packers. pageant which for a time focussed and hi's early, education was received,
��, .. ,. ,
I , ,. arms' of diplomatic language, and to. The Government has decided upon a the -eyes of the. world on Canada did at St. Hyacinthe Colle,qe. � 1 .
,. - . 1
, , .have stated that the American poo ' .
�,� 1% il -ple had come to regard the trogty Christmas innovation in regard to the more, than anything else to convince I .
,. , I as olisolete in on , any of its provisions, outside civil service, and temporary BrItIshers -and everi foreigners Lhat RON. FRANK OilVER I.-
.. -1 -is fixed employes, at Ottawa. This year they Canada had a' past of which It was. . . � I �
.i, . . ,The expiration of ihe treaty _ -the. inter- proud.' What.tlxe tercentenary meant ' Hon. Frank Oliver Is another of the
�11 ., 'for Jan. 1, 1913. I . I are to be paid on Dec. 22 in oessary in work probably o4ty Sir George Plucky, Ontario men who turned. tjx , eir
". , . . 6sts of Santa Claus, The'ne ,
I I . .
I . Prole ''in council has been passed, ..Garueau knows, but he must ha-vro. faces westward to'the great priifrles-
I . r .
, L . i Returned To -Her Babo. .. . ' been a ,proud man, to see the con Of the Northwest when still boks,
I . *1 . $ -Tr-Ro I I MONDAY. , I ul Born In Peel county
.11 Niagara 'Falls, Ont., Dec. 19; Daniel. Murphy, -for fifteen years sumatlbn of his months of successf ., Ontario, In 1853
:11 ..., I 'united after a long deparplion, Mrs. mayor ef Carillon, Quo., died yester- thought and planning. . . . w6 find him thirty years later when I
, . .-O. H_Sang, wife of wealth Japanese, , I . - . � aged the
, : .. 'her little day of a cold contracted in driving I I . . the big boom which has oha
:,., 9 a,, Val -kilowii , , C01j. .F, 9, 11EIGREN West from a lonely wilderness to. a
- , - importer of New Yo: to Lachute., He Was ,, I . I .
.� I 1:1 five-year-old son, are iogether to -day,! Conservative. in Argenteuil. .. The electibri of Col. F, S. Melghen prosperous and rapidly filling farm-
, 1. I ."Behind the reunion here is an inter- A settlement has 'been effected be. to the Presidency of the Lake of the . I . rig country dotted withrisIng. towns
. I I �
.�: -esting story. " . I .. tween,Nat Goodwin arid Earia Good. Woods Milling Co. - thq position so and eltlea, was beginning, k member
. :.,.. Five years ago "Yankee Go n9ul!' rich, his ex-wife, .by which. the actress long held by .his ,late father, Robt. of the Northwest Council. � In 1888
:, , %tl . . company played a ou6�liight engage �. .k�celves $115,000 in 'aash and real Meigherr - brings out'.coraparlson w1hen, flin Council'was dissolved .hp
- , " .
,��, � . Ment at the Interbational1heatte over estate to the value of $500,000. and queries. The father whose name was elected to the Legislative ARsem-
( -the river. Olgo Sinclair, who�.wa# a Nathaniel Towles, a. negro, alleged - was known from coast to coa; . st was' - , . . I . . I
. I I
:,; . . Russain dancer with Ahe company, to have Slashed the throat of Miss a mastepkul man, with .g_4 reputation
��! , . -was the mother of 8, .tw&weeks�bld* Iva O'Connell, .,a telephone operator, that would overshadow a son even 6f
1-11 'baby boy welghirig sodreely. three ' I ,.
� wag trailed and caught by' the - aid Col, IvIelghen's qbility. . Blit the, father '
� I . - pounds. The manager refused, to keep of bloodhounds at Lafayette, Ind.,, last knew his son and knew his worth. -
-the young mother in the com�pahy ull-, �night, I so much so -.* that he. -was 41ready
. less she gave up the child. To leave - Announcement7,was made yesterday opnternplating'resignIng In favotir of
': I the ,%how meant starvation' for, both* of the igsioin of the Union NCastle., him whexi death ovett-ook,111m. "
.. I - .
1� 11.10ther and child ' I I I I Line,, the Royal Mail *Stearn Packet For ]its, present Position. Col.
.;: Harris Lumberg, whoi was.at I .that. Go., and the � Elder-DempsteT T,jhe, - Melgheft, hhs served a long arid
:., . . -time manager of the -International, making'a 6ombined total'6f 181, yes.. , voluous. a , pprentjceshlV�. When young
. .
.1, � I was appealed to by the. almost dis- sets, of 138,000 lonnagre. . � . fellows of Meigben position . were
.1 , tracted mother, and Mi. aia&,Mrs. - Hon..,Rpololpbe 'Lemieux Was the . taking life easy, he kept his �xose
,�. � ,George Land, Chippawa, .wore indue. .guest of honor Saturday;evening at to the.grind stone - -��orldng and,
�. I I . ed to take the baby boy., the'mother, t
1.1�1 � ihe Moritreal Refdrm Club, ar4 rues , acquiring - and probably enjoying
. I agreeing to pay $1 ar day� for his koeg, of the stal*Sli
: �� I . of the party were it ail,,. ,Be that, as it may*, it will be*
:1. For a few months the money came re. -present. to' meet`the fed6ral�party hard� to say who worked the hardest,
. .. . �gularly, then all trace -t of the. mother- .leader'in the Dis,t�ict Of Montreal. � . Molihen father, or'Meighen, I son, and
� .
0.1_ was lost and the Lands came to.look 'The Persian . Mirilster.-at Paris has the same reputation for into � grity_and.
� .
��,:.! �. �l, � upon the dancing girFS child, as th ! air iriformedAhe Foreign Office &t,Tehbt- � honour applied to the father applies
. I .
� �. owr� . I � an that the aWtuide of the Russian � equally so to the son, I I 1.
� .
".� , I A: week ago Land received 6 letter Fore%n 'Minis* tvaols.'to the belief - it! .- Militia 'took
I : . tror many years
� I from a firm of New York lawyers. Beek- that a conciliatory solution of ,the . - od deal of hid timer; -he going
,�.� i . ngy information concerning the Rus- Riisiso�Perslaii ues�ioii. is highly prob. UP. 11
.,. I � I q, I I M througglot all 'the grades, to the com-.
�siari dancer's child. . The motlierariiv- able. . I .. . .
� � . . a � . .. - mp,-ad: of his _ regimeriL. ____1
-ed Saturday afterrion and saw her. B.. 13. Clark, former 'manager of.a ., I I I . I I
, . .
. boy for the first time in five -years. branch of the Bank of New Brunswick . . . - � � I I
� -
I . .1 Mrs, Sang, who will take the,boy it'SL John who was arrested,in 'New I -low strange it I.i that life inual to
.... �.. , .
. ,
'back to New York with het, refus�d York* in :connection with certain- bank , 0.11% ` 11 - , - . . . _��
.. - talk of her fortunes during . the . I � V.
. -to I I I tr6n,actions. was� yesterday cominit- �. . . � 11 11 � '. �. , . w._� ..,
. �
I -past flvg years- . 1. I . � ; . . .. e& f . . .. . 11 I ..
I . or trial'at tlie County Court next . I , [ARJ --
. I . . I . tnonth. .' I . ,. I . I . 11 : � . . I 11 t . I . : "
I � I .1 Toron o. . .
. ; . . � . . % . . � . . I
� � I.,
I I . I -the
. . I t * the preralaes ol" , under- �
� �: . . I . 1. . . . Soing;rl�fti Lot 19,'Con. 13,0ullettabout. 11.1
I . I.. . . the first ol'August, at red �earllpg 11 �� I
. I I � . , heifer'. Owner can have isome by I..,
, . ,r,,elng property arid payinIg , 1 - � I .
ha , Costs. . I . 1.
. , Thomas.-Pixte. . . � I
Early-Sho'pplurs.. .. . .� 1. 1. .. . I..
� I I I '"'I .1. -''r
I I . ... .."
I , Bus and Dray - ... �
a . ::
I . . I . ,. . I- �.
I I - .
r d I I . ..."
I . ;.
. . �r
. . . M: 'bus Mid dray business ii-VLOW1. . I I 1.
. � . I . 1. . . I locaed at,myhoustionontarlo St. - ".
two. dooTS front Rattenbury' Hotiet ' .- I"
: . I � I barn, Call lox' "plione No. 42, Alt I �.
I ordexa: promytly attiended to. � . .1 I
� , - .
. . . .
. .... : .. I R :,
. . -70S .'COOK..
. ,
I .
. I I . - -1.
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was cleared off � � - 110,-.1. . . . 1�
k�? I
.; �;! .. I .
'.. I �1,1.:N.14. . � "
and-rthe property. greatly improved. " ' .�r'. ehristmas . I � . ,i:,
He, was Reeve of Morrisburg for some, i � . Mm I . P
a � � ,� I I _. .� . I .. I .; . . �:,
.11, I ..
. �11'1. 4 - *1, 6:,:� I,-?, I , ..
�. .ttrore arid a member of the County 1. V-01 � 1, * "' "", , : . �
�� I's 11 Wt X Wvear� .., �
Council. of Diandaii: So e o, ely, did lie . .. ,�., 1%, . E , ��
, ..4
. ...... ".., r �1 . % andNe I , I 11,�
: 'applyi- himself to the duties of private I P111 I . , , 11 I . .1 ."
. �� .. N ,`11, , , ,Z , 0 .... ��
.. my" .r .
.. and public business that his health' ' I � I i. lk,- .1 ,.;'A;" , .
, 1.16,� ." I
V., ��.. ii,�.;_ ,� "..
A 't � ��-", I ".
'. ",
- t�;;�, , , , � .j.."1W, ..�'.. 11
which has*never bedn too robust, *t - .
. ' I _ ; �
. 'Was . -: !�;P..'�_ _ V's". I .�,
tv . --.J. Excursions
. .
!',',;!�.i � 40, ".", .3
� undermined and he was fdreed to give X11, �, .� I � � .
. I goll, V �L? .
.VCM�,:,' <'�,�,`\.'�i`?;, . � I .. I � .�,
. : ,01�, . �
,,,..,-, .1".. � 11 �
� :..; ..
UP -newspaper work..for some ,time. " �1101 " X'.;;; � 1. �!, � . J Bet�wei .i.:
� 1 :..��I,. . �n all . atations in .danada, , _''.i.:
'i. - ;, -�. � . ..
, ' , � . KIS Z ?I I -1 I
. I %iie�i.�0�1,1' NA�" �
. He sold the Hqrald and in 1.1 �� , , ,:V. ,� '.';L,.,,,.%�,� qiairka Falls and'. suf- � .,�.
_ W. . . � .,-,
. , touded, .after ',.� �', - - ... , '-.V-..`, VV ..
aix�,, ,�,� . I Also to I I
�!i;V% "I .-,,.;!,'.',1!%� L A
.�,,.,. .',�..� .".,_ . ,yr,, .Deitrbit arid I .
_ ' I
.. � I .� ��,' .. . I 11 �
. . . ��_l . ' .,
being hi the publishing : businds I ": ', , "'i - . falo, _ .. I
eleven � � Mi h ��
yearsi taking. a trij� to .the . . . �?ort-,Tliilran, , i.e. -,
. . I 1 � 11, .. .,� - . 11:'-.::, I � . �
1 44...�1,1 .
West with, the object of locating there. f ,�,!`,� 1,';�,�' �, . . . . I . . . . . .��
�,,...�,��M, . .
.,,;; . __ ..
, "
. �... ;_._ ' . r I . "
I � *�, ... . . �
I The late Mr. oloirma�n was then at the , "" ,,-, --'.,,--, I . . `.
� . I .. -
. helm in -the. Ottawa Free Pros . . I ��... . I :- - , -�,': '. 1.11 . 1. . � 0 11 �..�..�
' s, but . . . .... �:,_ - !�, ,-. � , I n g - . 11
owing to illness -had to give .up his, I 1. � `:*,�,' '" �'i . Si * le ..are . -. 11
I ...�.. ;:.. ... I . � .
.::: . I L .
duties for some months-. -Mr. Graham, .'.1, I .. , I I � . . I
� i 4 ) . . I . .�
I - - .- . :,-, , 3110111111111 charg� , 260 * ::�
I was asked to take a. position on� the I , .- je,vs .
. , ( .
I I . , _�� .. I I . I - I . � !1�
editorial ,staff of that -paper, and was . . . I . I . . . I � . � . I . 1 �
. leader writer for some months. Mr. I . � ,� �
.. s
I I I . This doll , ,is waiting .for - -sorne , le,c. 23,24,25. . Ratuxn . I - .. "
�Thoma ' a Southworth, now Coloni4ation '. . . . I Good going 30 1. ....
. 'Agent for the Provin:c.s of -Ontarl6, 'one to buy her, but she - mri:] not. - � fLiffilt Dec. 26,1911 . ' . . � �, ", r.. --
"was, the, proprietor of the Brockville. - 1. . 4 . . . . , .&IS(i - ,gorod ,going Dec. 30,31, i911 . .. . I
C� I .. 1.
Wai 50rvl e � - ear,y -I L
Recorder and his editori Mr. Joli A. t - lot, I . .sl 1, 1912 RatVA14 irnit .. v:11
& . I OPPel . and Jan. r.-
'Mack6azie; hgvlrig..left� to enter 7the . r. . . . .
, I � .1.1in.2".1912.- : ., I .�
: .
: .
, �
Service of the Dr.. Williaink Medicine !Vill vet her, a n d the kit 7� ores VAI - .. 1. . . ... , , � �
I . . ; .
. . I , ".. - � ... I,
Co_ny Mr. bou worth had tb look - ':' � ,, I
1. . New Election Demanded, I � : . , - . . I . I ,. . . � . . I P . ' � . -.. . I I 1 ., . I I .. 11
' I . . .
1. I I . . I .. I . .�, . I I . after both the business, kind editorial � get left. - I . . I 11 . , I
. . . . born, or - I . " A - I z .. '1.1�
. I
, . Oshawa, Dec. 18.-TAere is .i'move- � Pinchot Warns Rapublic'ans. - Th0e. way be 'much discussion "', : . EON, FRANN OLITFIA . .. . 1. . I . .
- . to whether journalists are . . I �.. . endsi-He found these duties too exact- Fort glad one IN
. . . .
..A ment on foot to demand.aflother pro- Bbqt6n, Dec. 18.�Tliat the olcvolop . . . I .� I .1 , . . . .. - hoi 1'v, * 1 1-7 1 7J C:i V'T � , . . � . ,
. I .1 )01.r .0 f,"�T.'� 1 *_ jk, , I .
... I ment I I. . ing and offered Mr. Graham a position 13�'-_ I . . . . .
, vincial election in South.Ontario; be-" .9f reeent inopdhs�'have made niade-in t.hose.days of.medhaitical pron' * * . . . . � . : � . . .� I .. 1. . . . . . . �,
... . . . Which U6 accepted. This was .in 1893. ,,t� � I I . . .. ' I , �
!!' I use of alleged mistalcos'6n the part impossible thw reiionlination of ��Tr. ductions -. editortall3i mechanical �. allied, At the beginning of' the following A OUR P ,I f. . , � . 1. � 01 111.
'. ". -ca ' I MY wlitich gucceeded It `4., i,� Col O'.. V , �,Q,1,31. (Mininillin. cliarge,. 95'e) 1 �,�"
. .
. . I 'and that the couritiv is turniipg but there can only be one. opinion of ., )�em or , -ne'rem, . .1 I I . ,
_1 � ,of Crown Attorney Farewell in isou. Taft . . - of the Assembly during- the 11 I �* � . . . . � I . . I. I , .
.1. . kstrue. vapidly t6 LaVolletta as ilia next Re- Marjory, MacMurchy - for she Is next eight Years till 'I - 896. when lie- Year* the.. business, was oigallized into i-, I' .1 �. I � 11 I
� , . 4 4ng the voters' lists and giving ir. . . dividuallty In joint stock' company, -with George yut.ol ail othil�:Y'C�il�ntm�n, V,r.aas. - . 1
- � . .. . - � . 11
-rig officirs, � publican Presidential ilonlinee, were born arid made. '"rith, in In � . . . -
. . !% . I . tions to deputy returni among the declarations made by Gifr , all'fier own She infuses inio her work entorcd the arena of Federal politics V. Graliam as managing director. 1� .. . . . . Good- � igioing Deg. -2i, 1911 ,to Jan. 1,
I It is stated that Col. Farewell did � � � JIL and was teturned .to- the House of Mr. Southworth retired In 1895 to take � � - � .. i .." , - � I . ., 1912 inclusive. � Return Limit 1�
. - richot,'former-chief of the U. S. that irideflneability. ca ad life and Common .S,an -Independpiat Liberal. * . . I -�.� ... . I .
. �i - not act under th . . the.'post w w a . I � 1. , -
� f , . e - Later gSba olned tile officia)' Liberal . Ci t to . . . . I I I Jam; 311,9121. 1 1 "I ��
- bandling the lists, but und i, the, old Forest Service, hofore a gathering of her experlonce� � has, given her an in 0 * holds Nflith th,
a revised statutes in. ford Pi , hichhe no
' I . .. w . ,. I ..
I �. provisions of the law', that there were pr9irressive . Republicans in Tremont Fight hi'44 humanity that has already Party and in 1005 became Mini' n ar Government. Mr. Graliam . � -1 . . F ull, pmrticulAra from 11 I I
. .
_ was given entire charge of the Re- M111dren - ' .
some errors in the Polling books arid Temple Saturday -night. - , : .' -made Aer a power In the Press. � A the Interior ln.'the. Laurier cabinet . I . %W& - 'y - RAWS,kORD &SON, A,gollUk , � L '��
. � cord6r an , ��
I . .instructions given D. R. ().% were --��J-'Unless 4the Republican party Shall series -of articles from her pen' on and - 4 Privy Councillor, . I � . d was both, its business FOR. FLETCHER'S � - .- POHN� depot agiknt, .1 .
� rn the. ,.meet the ,demand, of the Aimes by the Coronation, wheri'she repreBen � manager aud-.-oditor up.to, the time I . A. O..`PATTLS.ON-1 � - . I .1 �
. .
vague, and that the returns fro ,. tod ;Az Minister of the *Interior- he hits that he',.Was created Minister of Rall- . . I 1. . . . I
. olling books were not a steinatically-. throwing it8elf',squarely into'the pro- ,the'. Publishers Press, brought out r 0 A S'7r 0 R I A I - - I I ,�
;- . _., . � - . had much to 'do. with shiping the 'wave and Canals On the platform, . , - . .. I
� 'Y ai. A.1 . I. . I . I . . I . �_ . I . . _.
. � handled. . I ' . . I � gres�give movemenw, .Lu me o use,
11 W, . . . The -recent election ' resulted in a fulness is past," Said the speaker. -
"I Liberal gain, Major Sinclaii defeating "Modern conditions demand, modern
. �
� Charles Calder. � . treatment. The Republican party
! . I I . . I needs ,to be. cleansed. cf .its open
I .
. .
� - .11, . Two Nearly Suffooted. , � . . .sores." - -large that an
. . The gathering was so
"IV -Fire was dis. a - was necessary.
�'. .". , Port Hopp, Dee. 18.* ov rflow meeting, � - I , �
. I : .covered at about I o'tlock Yesterday � ' I I . - .
.1 ''. I rhorning in the lockup of the Town I . Girl .Babies Tatter. I .1
i�`__.' Hall, where a commercial traveler,, for .' Boston, Dec. . IS. -Girl babies dre
. . � . b�ing #unk and disorderly,, and Also b, n orn taller and -kth mucli more
� . ;6alirig, _V, 'I " acr
.s young mail, ,charged with at ta than used to be the case,
c fity 'V
- 1. . a -horse, were confialled. Constable ordilag to an authorityll"this city;
. . Chester and family, who live, in the Miss Charlot M", . I
, . .te W.' Dunn i aiiistant .�.
. I I
. � . . building, were aroused by the shouts superintendent of a. hospital here pat-
� , . - .lot prisoners and liberated them Just roniied. by,the st.ork to the extent of
.. role, as they wer' al' 3,OM babies a -year, Says. I
! X1 in !he nick of ti . e '
" le�ost overcome bi the.omoke. The "We have noticed that girl babies
I . -1 . fire was extinguished after 3 had are getting taller arid that they are ,
- , .done a few hundred dollars' we . rth of - I aring in this world lately with
4amage, and thus the town, hall ,was Slip, ,
� more vitality thaulbruierly, The boy
.. saved. The origin of thefire.ts a babies, continuia on the average in
� . I I . ) I
� � .. .mystery. . weidht and height." .
.., I. � . 1. �. - .
,::. � . I . - . .
I � . � .
I . I To Stop TOp6IINVai Film#4 Alfred'Vanderbilt W6ds,
I I . . LoM I -Alfred Gwynne.
. � *Washington, Dec. 18�Italy, thrbugh . [on, Dec. 18. ,
. . 41 -A --kilt ana rs Smith Hollins
. . . - - .
immigration policy - pursued by the while not -eloquent, Mr. Graham la a - I � . . 1. r . . I . 11 . I . . I 1,
bominion Government in recent years. clear ancl .r��,%dy speaker and 'is re- 030%liffamiam- - , � I : � ��. - , � _ . 11 11 I.:.. -
In fact his adinlrers-claim ..that the garded as one of the best I'sturapers" . . I . 1.
r . ,
: big colonization wafe which. has been in his party. HIS grasp of detail IS I . . ... . , "
berta and has transformed Revina, present the most abstruse problem . I . I
. -Moose Javv_ Edmonton and Calgary. In a businesslike and clearcut manner . I I
I , , Trom small to 6 to flourishing cities and- IS always listened to. attentivelY. . : . E . , I . "
, sweepifig .Into Saskatchewan alid. Al- one of his strongest points. He can , �
.w1a ' . . B.,U T T R
. .
is in large, measure . due to Mr. Olive?9 His arguments are ',concise.. He doeg. I. 1. ,. -.,. � - .; ... . . �. I I � . I .
dnergyand Initiative: At any rate it not travel -all' over the' map to reach . . I . ..� I - . I � . ,
I .
cannot be d6nied t from. the start a'clImax,.,na1l awargurrient, or drive � .
, I . * 41 fro . � . '
It Is not � . ... I .1 . I I �
world whatit was going to be. .!� to put in sixteen'hotirs day in his . . .
. I he was I end. of - I mmn�who pinned home a ttutli. . He Is -a In.defagdgi I Lb I le �.''.. .'P.., ,� E-- - -, '1,R:- , -. - "
I their fattli'� In the West and told the worker and. unusual for bilh � I - .
Hon.: Mr. Oliver Is a journalist by i department . . . . . I � P . A . . .. � . . I . �
. profesgibn and is owner of tile 'Ed-, . . . I , . � . . . . . . � . . . I . . � . . "I
moliton, Bulletin' which he established . ' � I _ I 1111111111111�__. - - - I I - *i
. in the early eightles ,and v�hlcb.As- . SIN RUOH GRAHAM, L1.1). 7r. j -1 . . . . . �
� r I I . I I . .
now one of essful ..-, Canada is ,credited with production , . I �
. the Most 'suce ' ient�, for Wrapping , . ':
dailies in Western Canada, , . 1. .1 . of about' two hu�ndred� daily news- . Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchm I , : I
. . . I . . papers end fully a thousand weekliello butter�the best .sheet on the market,- in *packages, '. .. I , �
I and Sir Hugh. Graham ranks amimgSt : � . . I . . . I . . . �. . �. � . % . �.
V�A SCOTIA 'very .few Who havo, made adi inted-.: � I . � . . . � I I I
. .. . . the' . . not. pr 1. . I . .
. . . . I
� .% , her ambassador here, Samrd" ' . I I
.;,;* ,, -pealed to the State Dopartln6iit' �,. MclQm, formerly Miss Marg4Tet*-t1m X188 111AUJOR1 - RACMURCIUIS .
� , �i�' )rson of Baltimore, were married at - . . .
; , stop the exhibition in the Unite I . I
. ;States of motion pictures alleging to .Reigate at one o'clock yesterday af, .these qualities, well, particularly her
I I I Portray the massacre of Arabs and ternoon,,the banns having been an- descriptive work. .
� , . . . Turks in Tripoli by Italian soldiers. non . need in the customary niannor.. Marjory MacMurctry is' tortunate 'in
., , Thoi couple have gone on a motor
I The States Department informed the having a clever father and a clever,
I . ,Ambassador that it would do what It Wedding trip. It is Said at the Van. elder sister and there IS no doubt her
, �could towards Stopping th4 exIiibtion derbilt apsttInnets in London to -day early training, artistlo and sebblarly
,of the objectiolial pictures. I I that their destination was not,known. , environments, h&d Lool
I .Ach In the
., . AsTrusty" Maktit Escape. I . making of the writer we know. Burn.
i,,x - . Pioneer stool main Dead, . Ottawa, -Dec. 1S. -Felix Gagne of In Toronto, XIss M"Murthy was
, I I Pittsburg, Doe. IS.-Thbrilas X6b)o Montreal, a prisoner .serving a SonA educuted at Jarvis St. College and
1� . MfIlor, aged 70, motehatit, mailufactur. tonde of two rnonths in Ifull JA . " Toronto Vriveratty. tntered journal-,
� ,,or, railroad operator, inventor and Pie- eacaped from that institution on Sa Ism early In life. Now literary editor
. . I � . noet steel man, died here Saturday, urday evening, and, dqgpito rigorou of a Toronto daily, and contribut6s
. after a two -day's illness, from pneu- soateh, has not -yet been recaptured. to many of tile Magatlaos.
. � I . nio-nia. Mr. Miller in his youth was Ito was a "trusty" and working in the Mr. JUSTICE BRODEUR
.,engaged with Andrew Carii�;Ie and collar at the furnace. There was a.
I I 11 Henry Phipps in Vie steel industry, loose bar to the 19 -itch window and 'The Ron. Louis Allippe Brodeur, ,
I . s h family. I while the Jailei went upmtairs ho.jot X.C., LLM., late Minister of Marino
-N , . . � through and escaped. and Plaheries, comes bf one of the'
I I I 11 best known French-Canadian fauillle&
. emormous fortune out The busuleog,. . . . . . . .. , 1. ., � .
. I
* 400 She(AS fOr 59C- * .. �toq Slf�ets tor 21-c. . I .11
Today he 1?3 busy building'hils pil'b $till . I - I
.higher, or cutting down Some df� Ito I I .� . I . ., I . .11 I , I '' I � !, ,
towers, In an effort .to convince hU I 11 I . . . . . . .
: ymen that In seeking B tte _ . I I 11 .
lan- � . - I
closer trade relationship with 6 . e r *� Still I
folldw eountr .
I I � . I
ada, the *United States Is.merely � Seek- . . . I I . . I . . . I
lug to provide ,trade for its many . - neatly printed , I . I . �
. Have yodr name, farm, and post�office � I ,
thousands cof tille-vivloyod'mon to the .. : .. .
. .:
detrimenit of those ou' thtg side the and make a reputation for your product, We use I �
. I
. �
. I
line. Sir Hugh, wh6. Is an LZA). 01. � butter . paper ' teed not to run � . � I ,
Glaagilw,, Seotltkaid,'�md also it Knight only sp��ial ink, guaran . . I
-Bachalor of the Vnited Kingdom, Is 4 . or to injure the butter. . � .
native ot Atholuton, Quo., Where he . � I
was barn In 184.8, arid took on board .� 1001) lor, t.75 - 2000 for $g,00 5600 -for $7 00 . .
a load of ,education at Huntingdon � I I I . 1, .. `
. . . I .
. ' I �
a remo6rkable achievoltelit when one . ' ' i I .1
t6noidora ,that there to no other man Wrap your''butter, and get two cents, per pound . . . . I I
known who . matrioulnted from that � I . � I
gest- of learning. 140 IS founder And I . I more, than if unwrapped6 .
propketor of the DallY atid Weekly I . . � . I I . . -111,11'... ,-.. A . .
. Star ,of Montreal, arid has ' besides ' L L ! L &d i W4 q �� I .0 , . . , d i 0 EL i 0 . I -- . I - L - � I I
found time to devote In many direc- ' .
. tions, personal, DolitI&I and &031011" . to Supply you with printed .
ally philanthropic, 'In this lattericon. We also would be oleased 1.
neLtIon lie initiated A.Preshair Fund. Letter Reads, ,Note Heads, 13ill.Heads, Statements, . I
it, Moritxoal,.aJng16 barided suppressed - L 11 I
. I I- -lobe I . A tnvelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements �
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
. - .
-.04"W" .1 *1 I - .' 'A'- I I � I I I , 66.... �_11, . ... , 0 . . I I . �: , ,m,�T ,.. ! I "
* � AL!- , �- - - W10 , _ ___ - - L ., _ WM..:d"dh_ - _ - - -11 du - � ,,�,r_ :�A.&�.� . ��+�A,.;e_i&_,.&& _,�_ LLL -.)!-A- ��.KLIAL.1�1 JI...& -!A- % - , -,,,, - -, L __ I
. I .
. . � . . F . he resigned to become a 'Supreme
I . . be -w4s determin, The Labor par in New Zealand , SIR GEOR019 "ANNE.&U,
, ,
� . aft "I , las, 1 night., , I
, , ... . I �. I to, ignore &e 1 , balanceL of power at the, Quebec. . .,Court Judge, Ron, Mr. .)Brvdeur Ael-
.. 11 I , .. . t . u � rth r louse antirelin his has gain the, follow, I I anloa Sir Wilfrid Laurier toL'En-
. a deilng with the uggian, poll$ and a dissolution may 4 to=,r,
I I minent parts In. the public gland as. a delegate to the Imperial
I I . I oituatim Senate leaders expect to . A - true bill. has been , ,
, returned taken pro . I
I . � . i1rie on life of the Province,, A V'"
I . bear to,oldy that the Pxesidout. against Frank Flood of Fort I .nd atleast one Co.nferen,oe oX1907 and ), a delegate ,
I I . - g in- i member is recognized .as one,.o . . enee f
.. .. I r9ugh American Ambassador Guild the charge of sending out ractn I . if the , � to the Imperlal Dialenve Center , 0
-, �, . � t. Petersburg, already has wtolified formation. , . I . great, historians of French Xanada. 1909
. .. , . 'gr'd Sir George himself - who. '3 no hav,;, BY profession he Is a lawyer,
� I . di ' brogatiop The British Government has inti- An g been called to the Bar in, 1884
I I .Russia of the impen Ang a , .
This notice, IS believed mated its determination not. to issue meah literatear, � in conJurietkon. after graduatIng from Laval Unhrer,,
!11�_. . . . . . �
�- -to have been couched Ila the politest tenders for army and navy contracts with Col. Wood, In, bringing, about the sity Belbeil., P.Q,,'Is his birth �14ce
I I . : ' I
. .1, �� to the indicted U, S. meat packers. pageant which for a time focussed and hi's early, education was received,
��, .. ,. ,
I , ,. arms' of diplomatic language, and to. The Government has decided upon a the -eyes of the. world on Canada did at St. Hyacinthe Colle,qe. � 1 .
,. - . 1
, , .have stated that the American poo ' .
�,� 1% il -ple had come to regard the trogty Christmas innovation in regard to the more, than anything else to convince I .
,. , I as olisolete in on , any of its provisions, outside civil service, and temporary BrItIshers -and everi foreigners Lhat RON. FRANK OilVER I.-
.. -1 -is fixed employes, at Ottawa. This year they Canada had a' past of which It was. . . � I �
.i, . . ,The expiration of ihe treaty _ -the. inter- proud.' What.tlxe tercentenary meant ' Hon. Frank Oliver Is another of the
�11 ., 'for Jan. 1, 1913. I . I are to be paid on Dec. 22 in oessary in work probably o4ty Sir George Plucky, Ontario men who turned. tjx , eir
". , . . 6sts of Santa Claus, The'ne ,
I I . .
I . Prole ''in council has been passed, ..Garueau knows, but he must ha-vro. faces westward to'the great priifrles-
I . r .
, L . i Returned To -Her Babo. .. . ' been a ,proud man, to see the con Of the Northwest when still boks,
I . *1 . $ -Tr-Ro I I MONDAY. , I ul Born In Peel county
.11 Niagara 'Falls, Ont., Dec. 19; Daniel. Murphy, -for fifteen years sumatlbn of his months of successf ., Ontario, In 1853
:11 ..., I 'united after a long deparplion, Mrs. mayor ef Carillon, Quo., died yester- thought and planning. . . . w6 find him thirty years later when I
, . .-O. H_Sang, wife of wealth Japanese, , I . - . � aged the
, : .. 'her little day of a cold contracted in driving I I . . the big boom which has oha
:,., 9 a,, Val -kilowii , , C01j. .F, 9, 11EIGREN West from a lonely wilderness to. a
- , - importer of New Yo: to Lachute., He Was ,, I . I .
.� I 1:1 five-year-old son, are iogether to -day,! Conservative. in Argenteuil. .. The electibri of Col. F, S. Melghen prosperous and rapidly filling farm-
, 1. I ."Behind the reunion here is an inter- A settlement has 'been effected be. to the Presidency of the Lake of the . I . rig country dotted withrisIng. towns
. I I �
.�: -esting story. " . I .. tween,Nat Goodwin arid Earia Good. Woods Milling Co. - thq position so and eltlea, was beginning, k member
. :.,.. Five years ago "Yankee Go n9ul!' rich, his ex-wife, .by which. the actress long held by .his ,late father, Robt. of the Northwest Council. � In 1888
:, , %tl . . company played a ou6�liight engage �. .k�celves $115,000 in 'aash and real Meigherr - brings out'.coraparlson w1hen, flin Council'was dissolved .hp
- , " .
,��, � . Ment at the Interbational1heatte over estate to the value of $500,000. and queries. The father whose name was elected to the Legislative ARsem-
( -the river. Olgo Sinclair, who�.wa# a Nathaniel Towles, a. negro, alleged - was known from coast to coa; . st was' - , . . I . . I
. I I
:,; . . Russain dancer with Ahe company, to have Slashed the throat of Miss a mastepkul man, with .g_4 reputation
��! , . -was the mother of 8, .tw&weeks�bld* Iva O'Connell, .,a telephone operator, that would overshadow a son even 6f
1-11 'baby boy welghirig sodreely. three ' I ,.
� wag trailed and caught by' the - aid Col, IvIelghen's qbility. . Blit the, father '
� I . - pounds. The manager refused, to keep of bloodhounds at Lafayette, Ind.,, last knew his son and knew his worth. -
-the young mother in the com�pahy ull-, �night, I so much so -.* that he. -was 41ready
. less she gave up the child. To leave - Announcement7,was made yesterday opnternplating'resignIng In favotir of
': I the ,%how meant starvation' for, both* of the igsioin of the Union NCastle., him whexi death ovett-ook,111m. "
.. I - .
1� 11.10ther and child ' I I I I Line,, the Royal Mail *Stearn Packet For ]its, present Position. Col.
.;: Harris Lumberg, whoi was.at I .that. Go., and the � Elder-DempsteT T,jhe, - Melgheft, hhs served a long arid
:., . . -time manager of the -International, making'a 6ombined total'6f 181, yes.. , voluous. a , pprentjceshlV�. When young
. .
.1, � I was appealed to by the. almost dis- sets, of 138,000 lonnagre. . � . fellows of Meigben position . were
.1 , tracted mother, and Mi. aia&,Mrs. - Hon..,Rpololpbe 'Lemieux Was the . taking life easy, he kept his �xose
,�. � ,George Land, Chippawa, .wore indue. .guest of honor Saturday;evening at to the.grind stone - -��orldng and,
�. I I . ed to take the baby boy., the'mother, t
1.1�1 � ihe Moritreal Refdrm Club, ar4 rues , acquiring - and probably enjoying
. I agreeing to pay $1 ar day� for his koeg, of the stal*Sli
: �� I . of the party were it ail,,. ,Be that, as it may*, it will be*
:1. For a few months the money came re. -present. to' meet`the fed6ral�party hard� to say who worked the hardest,
. .. . �gularly, then all trace -t of the. mother- .leader'in the Dis,t�ict Of Montreal. � . Molihen father, or'Meighen, I son, and
� .
0.1_ was lost and the Lands came to.look 'The Persian . Mirilster.-at Paris has the same reputation for into � grity_and.
� .
��,:.! �. �l, � upon the dancing girFS child, as th ! air iriformedAhe Foreign Office &t,Tehbt- � honour applied to the father applies
. I .
� �. owr� . I � an that the aWtuide of the Russian � equally so to the son, I I 1.
� .
".� , I A: week ago Land received 6 letter Fore%n 'Minis* tvaols.'to the belief - it! .- Militia 'took
I : . tror many years
� I from a firm of New York lawyers. Beek- that a conciliatory solution of ,the . - od deal of hid timer; -he going
,�.� i . ngy information concerning the Rus- Riisiso�Perslaii ues�ioii. is highly prob. UP. 11
.,. I � I q, I I M througglot all 'the grades, to the com-.
�siari dancer's child. . The motlierariiv- able. . I .. . .
� � . . a � . .. - mp,-ad: of his _ regimeriL. ____1
-ed Saturday afterrion and saw her. B.. 13. Clark, former 'manager of.a ., I I I . I I
, . .
. boy for the first time in five -years. branch of the Bank of New Brunswick . . . - � � I I
� -
I . .1 Mrs, Sang, who will take the,boy it'SL John who was arrested,in 'New I -low strange it I.i that life inual to
.... �.. , .
. ,
'back to New York with het, refus�d York* in :connection with certain- bank , 0.11% ` 11 - , - . . . _��
.. - talk of her fortunes during . the . I � V.
. -to I I I tr6n,actions. was� yesterday cominit- �. . . � 11 11 � '. �. , . w._� ..,
. �
I -past flvg years- . 1. I . � ; . . .. e& f . . .. . 11 I ..
I . or trial'at tlie County Court next . I , [ARJ --
. I . . I . tnonth. .' I . ,. I . I . 11 : � . . I 11 t . I . : "
I � I .1 Toron o. . .
. ; . . � . . % . . � . . I
� � I.,
I I . I -the
. . I t * the preralaes ol" , under- �
� �: . . I . 1. . . . Soing;rl�fti Lot 19,'Con. 13,0ullettabout. 11.1
I . I.. . . the first ol'August, at red �earllpg 11 �� I
. I I � . , heifer'. Owner can have isome by I..,
, . ,r,,elng property arid payinIg , 1 - � I .
ha , Costs. . I . 1.
. , Thomas.-Pixte. . . � I
Early-Sho'pplurs.. .. . .� 1. 1. .. . I..
� I I I '"'I .1. -''r
I I . ... .."
I , Bus and Dray - ... �
a . ::
I . . I . ,. . I- �.
I I - .
r d I I . ..."
I . ;.
. . �r
. . . M: 'bus Mid dray business ii-VLOW1. . I I 1.
. � . I . 1. . . I locaed at,myhoustionontarlo St. - ".
two. dooTS front Rattenbury' Hotiet ' .- I"
: . I � I barn, Call lox' "plione No. 42, Alt I �.
I ordexa: promytly attiended to. � . .1 I
� , - .
. . . .
. .... : .. I R :,
. . -70S .'COOK..
. ,
I .
. I I . - -1.
. -
I . . I .
I � I � . . I
. . � I . 1. � 1. I �
. . . I I .. 1. I .,.:,�
. . I I
..... I ...
. .111'. . . . I ....
. "' I
,� _�V, '�'- I � .
. . I .? . .
, -1 ... I. . 1-1*11. �, I
-I,- ����-`�� � :,'i ..��:i
I ,::: i;.* : .... `%K."'i, � � . ''
_�;11--.?1�'1'--.1-_1' - - . . - . I ��41
, .. ....... .
. 'IT .,.".0 .. li;
- - I -
5 1�.
�1� ....q.gg .., .
�.-?��,�i ,:. " _..e. -f...., . I
,,, �
.!%,�`,`K. : . I
1, m ,_ . .
, - 1% ,�"�,�**0 I 11
,�,,...",�,"'N't 1.
� I ,-.,--.g-p�.-.,g, � .
. .
� e,w-;.:?.;,--,-4 - � . . op �� .. 11
, *;';`.' �.. ��",.*����'�'.-'*��.:,,;,�.,���.,'.*..�','.'�""�; I . .
!:::",*�. ,*i-.:, " - - -*-," . I .
V�A� I
. J,613�'�`11 . . . . . .. �,.......-',�..,.*'�,',..',".,....."�.�-�,- � . I . ..",
...... I, `$ ... � � I . . . . I
. , �' ?�N-..1-.N'r.: !�
.... -n*.'**.:..""i . I .
I I& �.`0--'Z,'..-`�, -.1""'i . ..
im�?�,_-,i- 1'r,.,-..,� .
`;�`��.' `�,` - � .. � .
� .: .1 I -.-N I
1-:�t."�:, 'It ., �-:,,�
� .. ` , ,
. -A,*., -`.�'.A I
4". �:�` - i � ,�� , � ...
. .1 .", , I ��
. . =�-..�i��--".`,`.�X I I � �
� . . , . . . f. , . . I .
. I ... .. . 1. I I '. I I
� .� �,'."%ii",%! . I :,::
I ,_ I 11 I . . , .
. I I . ..
. � I . i�� 1:!X_. .1 .. I I . . I..' _
. r .*%,x,';. I
. � . ., , . . . I
I '. ,,'� ,. ' ' . I .
was cleared off � � - 110,-.1. . . . 1�
k�? I
.; �;! .. I .
'.. I �1,1.:N.14. . � "
and-rthe property. greatly improved. " ' .�r'. ehristmas . I � . ,i:,
He, was Reeve of Morrisburg for some, i � . Mm I . P
a � � ,� I I _. .� . I .. I .; . . �:,
.11, I ..
. �11'1. 4 - *1, 6:,:� I,-?, I , ..
�. .ttrore arid a member of the County 1. V-01 � 1, * "' "", , : . �
�� I's 11 Wt X Wvear� .., �
Council. of Diandaii: So e o, ely, did lie . .. ,�., 1%, . E , ��
, ..4
. ...... ".., r �1 . % andNe I , I 11,�
: 'applyi- himself to the duties of private I P111 I . , , 11 I . .1 ."
. �� .. N ,`11, , , ,Z , 0 .... ��
.. my" .r .
.. and public business that his health' ' I � I i. lk,- .1 ,.;'A;" , .
, 1.16,� ." I
V., ��.. ii,�.;_ ,� "..
A 't � ��-", I ".
'. ",
- t�;;�, , , , � .j.."1W, ..�'.. 11
which has*never bedn too robust, *t - .
. ' I _ ; �
. 'Was . -: !�;P..'�_ _ V's". I .�,
tv . --.J. Excursions
. .
!',',;!�.i � 40, ".", .3
� undermined and he was fdreed to give X11, �, .� I � � .
. I goll, V �L? .
.VCM�,:,' <'�,�,`\.'�i`?;, . � I .. I � .�,
. : ,01�, . �
,,,..,-, .1".. � 11 �
� :..; ..
UP -newspaper work..for some ,time. " �1101 " X'.;;; � 1. �!, � . J Bet�wei .i.:
� 1 :..��I,. . �n all . atations in .danada, , _''.i.:
'i. - ;, -�. � . ..
, ' , � . KIS Z ?I I -1 I
. I %iie�i.�0�1,1' NA�" �
. He sold the Hqrald and in 1.1 �� , , ,:V. ,� '.';L,.,,,.%�,� qiairka Falls and'. suf- � .,�.
_ W. . . � .,-,
. , touded, .after ',.� �', - - ... , '-.V-..`, VV ..
aix�,, ,�,� . I Also to I I
�!i;V% "I .-,,.;!,'.',1!%� L A
.�,,.,. .',�..� .".,_ . ,yr,, .Deitrbit arid I .
_ ' I
.. � I .� ��,' .. . I 11 �
. . . ��_l . ' .,
being hi the publishing : businds I ": ', , "'i - . falo, _ .. I
eleven � � Mi h ��
yearsi taking. a trij� to .the . . . �?ort-,Tliilran, , i.e. -,
. . I 1 � 11, .. .,� - . 11:'-.::, I � . �
1 44...�1,1 .
West with, the object of locating there. f ,�,!`,� 1,';�,�' �, . . . . I . . . . . .��
�,,...�,��M, . .
.,,;; . __ ..
, "
. �... ;_._ ' . r I . "
I � *�, ... . . �
I The late Mr. oloirma�n was then at the , "" ,,-, --'.,,--, I . . `.
� . I .. -
. helm in -the. Ottawa Free Pros . . I ��... . I :- - , -�,': '. 1.11 . 1. . � 0 11 �..�..�
' s, but . . . .... �:,_ - !�, ,-. � , I n g - . 11
owing to illness -had to give .up his, I 1. � `:*,�,' '" �'i . Si * le ..are . -. 11
I ...�.. ;:.. ... I . � .
.::: . I L .
duties for some months-. -Mr. Graham, .'.1, I .. , I I � . . I
� i 4 ) . . I . .�
I - - .- . :,-, , 3110111111111 charg� , 260 * ::�
I was asked to take a. position on� the I , .- je,vs .
. , ( .
I I . , _�� .. I I . I - I . � !1�
editorial ,staff of that -paper, and was . . . I . I . . . I � . � . I . 1 �
. leader writer for some months. Mr. I . � ,� �
.. s
I I I . This doll , ,is waiting .for - -sorne , le,c. 23,24,25. . Ratuxn . I - .. "
�Thoma ' a Southworth, now Coloni4ation '. . . . I Good going 30 1. ....
. 'Agent for the Provin:c.s of -Ontarl6, 'one to buy her, but she - mri:] not. - � fLiffilt Dec. 26,1911 . ' . . � �, ", r.. --
"was, the, proprietor of the Brockville. - 1. . 4 . . . . , .&IS(i - ,gorod ,going Dec. 30,31, i911 . .. . I
C� I .. 1.
Wai 50rvl e � - ear,y -I L
Recorder and his editori Mr. Joli A. t - lot, I . .sl 1, 1912 RatVA14 irnit .. v:11
& . I OPPel . and Jan. r.-
'Mack6azie; hgvlrig..left� to enter 7the . r. . . . .
, I � .1.1in.2".1912.- : ., I .�
: .
: .
, �
Service of the Dr.. Williaink Medicine !Vill vet her, a n d the kit 7� ores VAI - .. 1. . . ... , , � �
I . . ; .
. . I , ".. - � ... I,
Co_ny Mr. bou worth had tb look - ':' � ,, I
1. . New Election Demanded, I � : . , - . . I . I ,. . . � . . I P . ' � . -.. . I I 1 ., . I I .. 11
' I . . .
1. I I . . I .. I . .�, . I I . after both the business, kind editorial � get left. - I . . I 11 . , I
. . . . born, or - I . " A - I z .. '1.1�
. I
, . Oshawa, Dec. 18.-TAere is .i'move- � Pinchot Warns Rapublic'ans. - Th0e. way be 'much discussion "', : . EON, FRANN OLITFIA . .. . 1. . I . .
- . to whether journalists are . . I �.. . endsi-He found these duties too exact- Fort glad one IN
. . . .
..A ment on foot to demand.aflother pro- Bbqt6n, Dec. 18.�Tliat the olcvolop . . . I .� I .1 , . . . .. - hoi 1'v, * 1 1-7 1 7J C:i V'T � , . . � . ,
. I .1 )01.r .0 f,"�T.'� 1 *_ jk, , I .
... I ment I I. . ing and offered Mr. Graham a position 13�'-_ I . . . . .
, vincial election in South.Ontario; be-" .9f reeent inopdhs�'have made niade-in t.hose.days of.medhaitical pron' * * . . . . � . : � . . .� I .. 1. . . . . . . �,
... . . . Which U6 accepted. This was .in 1893. ,,t� � I I . . .. ' I , �
!!' I use of alleged mistalcos'6n the part impossible thw reiionlination of ��Tr. ductions -. editortall3i mechanical �. allied, At the beginning of' the following A OUR P ,I f. . , � . 1. � 01 111.
'. ". -ca ' I MY wlitich gucceeded It `4., i,� Col O'.. V , �,Q,1,31. (Mininillin. cliarge,. 95'e) 1 �,�"
. .
. . I 'and that the couritiv is turniipg but there can only be one. opinion of ., )�em or , -ne'rem, . .1 I I . ,
_1 � ,of Crown Attorney Farewell in isou. Taft . . - of the Assembly during- the 11 I �* � . . . . � I . . I. I , .
.1. . kstrue. vapidly t6 LaVolletta as ilia next Re- Marjory, MacMurchy - for she Is next eight Years till 'I - 896. when lie- Year* the.. business, was oigallized into i-, I' .1 �. I � 11 I
� , . 4 4ng the voters' lists and giving ir. . . dividuallty In joint stock' company, -with George yut.ol ail othil�:Y'C�il�ntm�n, V,r.aas. - . 1
- � . .. . - � . 11
-rig officirs, � publican Presidential ilonlinee, were born arid made. '"rith, in In � . . . -
. . !% . I . tions to deputy returni among the declarations made by Gifr , all'fier own She infuses inio her work entorcd the arena of Federal politics V. Graliam as managing director. 1� .. . . . . Good- � igioing Deg. -2i, 1911 ,to Jan. 1,
I It is stated that Col. Farewell did � � � JIL and was teturned .to- the House of Mr. Southworth retired In 1895 to take � � - � .. i .." , - � I . ., 1912 inclusive. � Return Limit 1�
. - richot,'former-chief of the U. S. that irideflneability. ca ad life and Common .S,an -Independpiat Liberal. * . . I -�.� ... . I .
. �i - not act under th . . the.'post w w a . I � 1. , -
� f , . e - Later gSba olned tile officia)' Liberal . Ci t to . . . . I I I Jam; 311,9121. 1 1 "I ��
- bandling the lists, but und i, the, old Forest Service, hofore a gathering of her experlonce� � has, given her an in 0 * holds Nflith th,
a revised statutes in. ford Pi , hichhe no
' I . .. w . ,. I ..
I �. provisions of the law', that there were pr9irressive . Republicans in Tremont Fight hi'44 humanity that has already Party and in 1005 became Mini' n ar Government. Mr. Graliam . � -1 . . F ull, pmrticulAra from 11 I I
. .
_ was given entire charge of the Re- M111dren - ' .
some errors in the Polling books arid Temple Saturday -night. - , : .' -made Aer a power In the Press. � A the Interior ln.'the. Laurier cabinet . I . %W& - 'y - RAWS,kORD &SON, A,gollUk , � L '��
. � cord6r an , ��
I . .instructions given D. R. ().% were --��J-'Unless 4the Republican party Shall series -of articles from her pen' on and - 4 Privy Councillor, . I � . d was both, its business FOR. FLETCHER'S � - .- POHN� depot agiknt, .1 .
� rn the. ,.meet the ,demand, of the Aimes by the Coronation, wheri'she repreBen � manager aud-.-oditor up.to, the time I . A. O..`PATTLS.ON-1 � - . I .1 �
. .
vague, and that the returns fro ,. tod ;Az Minister of the *Interior- he hits that he',.Was created Minister of Rall- . . I 1. . . . I
. olling books were not a steinatically-. throwing it8elf',squarely into'the pro- ,the'. Publishers Press, brought out r 0 A S'7r 0 R I A I - - I I ,�
;- . _., . � - . had much to 'do. with shiping the 'wave and Canals On the platform, . , - . .. I
� 'Y ai. A.1 . I. . I . I . . I . �_ . I . . _.
. � handled. . I ' . . I � gres�give movemenw, .Lu me o use,
11 W, . . . The -recent election ' resulted in a fulness is past," Said the speaker. -
"I Liberal gain, Major Sinclaii defeating "Modern conditions demand, modern
. �
� Charles Calder. � . treatment. The Republican party
! . I I . . I needs ,to be. cleansed. cf .its open
I .
. .
� - .11, . Two Nearly Suffooted. , � . . .sores." - -large that an
. . The gathering was so
"IV -Fire was dis. a - was necessary.
�'. .". , Port Hopp, Dee. 18.* ov rflow meeting, � - I , �
. I : .covered at about I o'tlock Yesterday � ' I I . - .
.1 ''. I rhorning in the lockup of the Town I . Girl .Babies Tatter. I .1
i�`__.' Hall, where a commercial traveler,, for .' Boston, Dec. . IS. -Girl babies dre
. . � . b�ing #unk and disorderly,, and Also b, n orn taller and -kth mucli more
� . ;6alirig, _V, 'I " acr
.s young mail, ,charged with at ta than used to be the case,
c fity 'V
- 1. . a -horse, were confialled. Constable ordilag to an authorityll"this city;
. . Chester and family, who live, in the Miss Charlot M", . I
, . .te W.' Dunn i aiiistant .�.
. I I
. � . . building, were aroused by the shouts superintendent of a. hospital here pat-
� , . - .lot prisoners and liberated them Just roniied. by,the st.ork to the extent of
.. role, as they wer' al' 3,OM babies a -year, Says. I
! X1 in !he nick of ti . e '
" le�ost overcome bi the.omoke. The "We have noticed that girl babies
I . -1 . fire was extinguished after 3 had are getting taller arid that they are ,
- , .done a few hundred dollars' we . rth of - I aring in this world lately with
4amage, and thus the town, hall ,was Slip, ,
� more vitality thaulbruierly, The boy
.. saved. The origin of thefire.ts a babies, continuia on the average in
� . I I . ) I
� � .. .mystery. . weidht and height." .
.., I. � . 1. �. - .
,::. � . I . - . .
I � . � .
I . I To Stop TOp6IINVai Film#4 Alfred'Vanderbilt W6ds,
I I . . LoM I -Alfred Gwynne.
. � *Washington, Dec. 18�Italy, thrbugh . [on, Dec. 18. ,
. . 41 -A --kilt ana rs Smith Hollins
. . . - - .
immigration policy - pursued by the while not -eloquent, Mr. Graham la a - I � . . 1. r . . I . 11 . I . . I 1,
bominion Government in recent years. clear ancl .r��,%dy speaker and 'is re- 030%liffamiam- - , � I : � ��. - , � _ . 11 11 I.:.. -
In fact his adinlrers-claim ..that the garded as one of the best I'sturapers" . . I . 1.
r . ,
: big colonization wafe which. has been in his party. HIS grasp of detail IS I . . ... . , "
berta and has transformed Revina, present the most abstruse problem . I . I
. -Moose Javv_ Edmonton and Calgary. In a businesslike and clearcut manner . I I
I , , Trom small to 6 to flourishing cities and- IS always listened to. attentivelY. . : . E . , I . "
, sweepifig .Into Saskatchewan alid. Al- one of his strongest points. He can , �
.w1a ' . . B.,U T T R
. .
is in large, measure . due to Mr. Olive?9 His arguments are ',concise.. He doeg. I. 1. ,. -.,. � - .; ... . . �. I I � . I .
dnergyand Initiative: At any rate it not travel -all' over the' map to reach . . I . ..� I - . I � . ,
I .
cannot be d6nied t from. the start a'clImax,.,na1l awargurrient, or drive � .
, I . * 41 fro . � . '
It Is not � . ... I .1 . I I �
world whatit was going to be. .!� to put in sixteen'hotirs day in his . . .
. I he was I end. of - I mmn�who pinned home a ttutli. . He Is -a In.defagdgi I Lb I le �.''.. .'P.., ,� E-- - -, '1,R:- , -. - "
I their fattli'� In the West and told the worker and. unusual for bilh � I - .
Hon.: Mr. Oliver Is a journalist by i department . . . . . I � P . A . . .. � . . I . �
. profesgibn and is owner of tile 'Ed-, . . . I , . � . . . . . . � . . . I . . � . . "I
moliton, Bulletin' which he established . ' � I _ I 1111111111111�__. - - - I I - *i
. in the early eightles ,and v�hlcb.As- . SIN RUOH GRAHAM, L1.1). 7r. j -1 . . . . . �
� r I I . I I . .
now one of essful ..-, Canada is ,credited with production , . I �
. the Most 'suce ' ient�, for Wrapping , . ':
dailies in Western Canada, , . 1. .1 . of about' two hu�ndred� daily news- . Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchm I , : I
. . . I . . papers end fully a thousand weekliello butter�the best .sheet on the market,- in *packages, '. .. I , �
I and Sir Hugh. Graham ranks amimgSt : � . . I . . . I . . . �. . �. � . % . �.
V�A SCOTIA 'very .few Who havo, made adi inted-.: � I . � . . . � I I I
. .. . . the' . . not. pr 1. . I . .
. . . . I
� .% , her ambassador here, Samrd" ' . I I
.;,;* ,, -pealed to the State Dopartln6iit' �,. MclQm, formerly Miss Marg4Tet*-t1m X188 111AUJOR1 - RACMURCIUIS .
� , �i�' )rson of Baltimore, were married at - . . .
; , stop the exhibition in the Unite I . I
. ;States of motion pictures alleging to .Reigate at one o'clock yesterday af, .these qualities, well, particularly her
I I I Portray the massacre of Arabs and ternoon,,the banns having been an- descriptive work. .
� , . . . Turks in Tripoli by Italian soldiers. non . need in the customary niannor.. Marjory MacMurctry is' tortunate 'in
., , Thoi couple have gone on a motor
I The States Department informed the having a clever father and a clever,
I . ,Ambassador that it would do what It Wedding trip. It is Said at the Van. elder sister and there IS no doubt her
, �could towards Stopping th4 exIiibtion derbilt apsttInnets in London to -day early training, artistlo and sebblarly
,of the objectiolial pictures. I I that their destination was not,known. , environments, h&d Lool
I .Ach In the
., . AsTrusty" Maktit Escape. I . making of the writer we know. Burn.
i,,x - . Pioneer stool main Dead, . Ottawa, -Dec. 1S. -Felix Gagne of In Toronto, XIss M"Murthy was
, I I Pittsburg, Doe. IS.-Thbrilas X6b)o Montreal, a prisoner .serving a SonA educuted at Jarvis St. College and
1� . MfIlor, aged 70, motehatit, mailufactur. tonde of two rnonths in Ifull JA . " Toronto Vriveratty. tntered journal-,
� ,,or, railroad operator, inventor and Pie- eacaped from that institution on Sa Ism early In life. Now literary editor
. . I � . noet steel man, died here Saturday, urday evening, and, dqgpito rigorou of a Toronto daily, and contribut6s
. after a two -day's illness, from pneu- soateh, has not -yet been recaptured. to many of tile Magatlaos.
. � I . nio-nia. Mr. Miller in his youth was Ito was a "trusty" and working in the Mr. JUSTICE BRODEUR
.,engaged with Andrew Carii�;Ie and collar at the furnace. There was a.
I I 11 Henry Phipps in Vie steel industry, loose bar to the 19 -itch window and 'The Ron. Louis Allippe Brodeur, ,
I . s h family. I while the Jailei went upmtairs ho.jot X.C., LLM., late Minister of Marino
-N , . . � through and escaped. and Plaheries, comes bf one of the'
I I I 11 best known French-Canadian fauillle&
. emormous fortune out The busuleog,. . . . . . . .. , 1. ., � .
. I
* 400 She(AS fOr 59C- * .. �toq Slf�ets tor 21-c. . I .11
Today he 1?3 busy building'hils pil'b $till . I - I
.higher, or cutting down Some df� Ito I I .� . I . ., I . .11 I , I '' I � !, ,
towers, In an effort .to convince hU I 11 I . . . . . . .
: ymen that In seeking B tte _ . I I 11 .
lan- � . - I
closer trade relationship with 6 . e r *� Still I
folldw eountr .
I I � . I
ada, the *United States Is.merely � Seek- . . . I I . . I . . . I
lug to provide ,trade for its many . - neatly printed , I . I . �
. Have yodr name, farm, and post�office � I ,
thousands cof tille-vivloyod'mon to the .. : .. .
. .:
detrimenit of those ou' thtg side the and make a reputation for your product, We use I �
. I
. �
. I
line. Sir Hugh, wh6. Is an LZA). 01. � butter . paper ' teed not to run � . � I ,
Glaagilw,, Seotltkaid,'�md also it Knight only sp��ial ink, guaran . . I
-Bachalor of the Vnited Kingdom, Is 4 . or to injure the butter. . � .
native ot Atholuton, Quo., Where he . � I
was barn In 184.8, arid took on board .� 1001) lor, t.75 - 2000 for $g,00 5600 -for $7 00 . .
a load of ,education at Huntingdon � I I I . 1, .. `
. . . I .
. ' I �
a remo6rkable achievoltelit when one . ' ' i I .1
t6noidora ,that there to no other man Wrap your''butter, and get two cents, per pound . . . . I I
known who . matrioulnted from that � I . � I
gest- of learning. 140 IS founder And I . I more, than if unwrapped6 .
propketor of the DallY atid Weekly I . . � . I I . . -111,11'... ,-.. A . .
. Star ,of Montreal, arid has ' besides ' L L ! L &d i W4 q �� I .0 , . . , d i 0 EL i 0 . I -- . I - L - � I I
found time to devote In many direc- ' .
. tions, personal, DolitI&I and &031011" . to Supply you with printed .
ally philanthropic, 'In this lattericon. We also would be oleased 1.
neLtIon lie initiated A.Preshair Fund. Letter Reads, ,Note Heads, 13ill.Heads, Statements, . I
it, Moritxoal,.aJng16 barided suppressed - L 11 I
. I I- -lobe I . A tnvelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements �
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
. - .
-.04"W" .1 *1 I - .' 'A'- I I � I I I , 66.... �_11, . ... , 0 . . I I . �: , ,m,�T ,.. ! I "
* � AL!- , �- - - W10 , _ ___ - - L ., _ WM..:d"dh_ - _ - - -11 du - � ,,�,r_ :�A.&�.� . ��+�A,.;e_i&_,.&& _,�_ LLL -.)!-A- ��.KLIAL.1�1 JI...& -!A- % - , -,,,, - -, L __ I
:,; . . Russain dancer with Ahe company, to have Slashed the throat of Miss a mastepkul man, with .g_4 reputation
��! , . -was the mother of 8, .tw&weeks�bld* Iva O'Connell, .,a telephone operator, that would overshadow a son even 6f
1-11 'baby boy welghirig sodreely. three ' I ,.
� wag trailed and caught by' the - aid Col, IvIelghen's qbility. . Blit the, father '
� I . - pounds. The manager refused, to keep of bloodhounds at Lafayette, Ind.,, last knew his son and knew his worth. -
-the young mother in the com�pahy ull-, �night, I so much so -.* that he. -was 41ready
. less she gave up the child. To leave - Announcement7,was made yesterday opnternplating'resignIng In favotir of
': I the ,%how meant starvation' for, both* of the igsioin of the Union NCastle., him whexi death ovett-ook,111m. "
.. I - .
1� 11.10ther and child ' I I I I Line,, the Royal Mail *Stearn Packet For ]its, present Position. Col.
.;: Harris Lumberg, whoi was.at I .that. Go., and the � Elder-DempsteT T,jhe, - Melgheft, hhs served a long arid
:., . . -time manager of the -International, making'a 6ombined total'6f 181, yes.. , voluous. a , pprentjceshlV�. When young
. .
.1, � I was appealed to by the. almost dis- sets, of 138,000 lonnagre. . � . fellows of Meigben position . were
.1 , tracted mother, and Mi. aia&,Mrs. - Hon..,Rpololpbe 'Lemieux Was the . taking life easy, he kept his �xose
,�. � ,George Land, Chippawa, .wore indue. .guest of honor Saturday;evening at to the.grind stone - -��orldng and,
�. I I . ed to take the baby boy., the'mother, t
1.1�1 � ihe Moritreal Refdrm Club, ar4 rues , acquiring - and probably enjoying
. I agreeing to pay $1 ar day� for his koeg, of the stal*Sli
: �� I . of the party were it ail,,. ,Be that, as it may*, it will be*
:1. For a few months the money came re. -present. to' meet`the fed6ral�party hard� to say who worked the hardest,
. .. . �gularly, then all trace -t of the. mother- .leader'in the Dis,t�ict Of Montreal. � . Molihen father, or'Meighen, I son, and
� .
0.1_ was lost and the Lands came to.look 'The Persian . Mirilster.-at Paris has the same reputation for into � grity_and.
� .
��,:.! �. �l, � upon the dancing girFS child, as th ! air iriformedAhe Foreign Office &t,Tehbt- � honour applied to the father applies
. I .
� �. owr� . I � an that the aWtuide of the Russian � equally so to the son, I I 1.
� .
".� , I A: week ago Land received 6 letter Fore%n 'Minis* tvaols.'to the belief - it! .- Militia 'took
I : . tror many years
� I from a firm of New York lawyers. Beek- that a conciliatory solution of ,the . - od deal of hid timer; -he going
,�.� i . ngy information concerning the Rus- Riisiso�Perslaii ues�ioii. is highly prob. UP. 11
.,. I � I q, I I M througglot all 'the grades, to the com-.
�siari dancer's child. . The motlierariiv- able. . I .. . .
� � . . a � . .. - mp,-ad: of his _ regimeriL. ____1
-ed Saturday afterrion and saw her. B.. 13. Clark, former 'manager of.a ., I I I . I I
, . .
. boy for the first time in five -years. branch of the Bank of New Brunswick . . . - � � I I
� -
I . .1 Mrs, Sang, who will take the,boy it'SL John who was arrested,in 'New I -low strange it I.i that life inual to
.... �.. , .
. ,
'back to New York with het, refus�d York* in :connection with certain- bank , 0.11% ` 11 - , - . . . _��
.. - talk of her fortunes during . the . I � V.
. -to I I I tr6n,actions. was� yesterday cominit- �. . . � 11 11 � '. �. , . w._� ..,
. �
I -past flvg years- . 1. I . � ; . . .. e& f . . .. . 11 I ..
I . or trial'at tlie County Court next . I , [ARJ --
. I . . I . tnonth. .' I . ,. I . I . 11 : � . . I 11 t . I . : "
I � I .1 Toron o. . .
. ; . . � . . % . . � . . I
� � I.,
I I . I -the
. . I t * the preralaes ol" , under- �
� �: . . I . 1. . . . Soing;rl�fti Lot 19,'Con. 13,0ullettabout. 11.1
I . I.. . . the first ol'August, at red �earllpg 11 �� I
. I I � . , heifer'. Owner can have isome by I..,
, . ,r,,elng property arid payinIg , 1 - � I .
ha , Costs. . I . 1.
. , Thomas.-Pixte. . . � I
Early-Sho'pplurs.. .. . .� 1. 1. .. . I..
� I I I '"'I .1. -''r
I I . ... .."
I , Bus and Dray - ... �
a . ::
I . . I . ,. . I- �.
I I - .
r d I I . ..."
I . ;.
. . �r
. . . M: 'bus Mid dray business ii-VLOW1. . I I 1.
. � . I . 1. . . I locaed at,myhoustionontarlo St. - ".
two. dooTS front Rattenbury' Hotiet ' .- I"
: . I � I barn, Call lox' "plione No. 42, Alt I �.
I ordexa: promytly attiended to. � . .1 I
� , - .
. . . .
. .... : .. I R :,
. . -70S .'COOK..
. ,
I .
. I I . - -1.
. -
I . . I .
I � I � . . I
. . � I . 1. � 1. I �
. . . I I .. 1. I .,.:,�
. . I I
..... I ...
. .111'. . . . I ....
. "' I
,� _�V, '�'- I � .
. . I .? . .
, -1 ... I. . 1-1*11. �, I
-I,- ����-`�� � :,'i ..��:i
I ,::: i;.* : .... `%K."'i, � � . ''
_�;11--.?1�'1'--.1-_1' - - . . - . I ��41
, .. ....... .
. 'IT .,.".0 .. li;
- - I -
5 1�.
�1� ....q.gg .., .
�.-?��,�i ,:. " _..e. -f...., . I
,,, �
.!%,�`,`K. : . I
1, m ,_ . .
, - 1% ,�"�,�**0 I 11
,�,,...",�,"'N't 1.
� I ,-.,--.g-p�.-.,g, � .
. .
� e,w-;.:?.;,--,-4 - � . . op �� .. 11
, *;';`.' �.. ��",.*����'�'.-'*��.:,,;,�.,���.,'.*..�','.'�""�; I . .
!:::",*�. ,*i-.:, " - - -*-," . I .
V�A� I
. J,613�'�`11 . . . . . .. �,.......-',�..,.*'�,',..',".,....."�.�-�,- � . I . ..",
...... I, `$ ... � � I . . . . I
. , �' ?�N-..1-.N'r.: !�
.... -n*.'**.:..""i . I .
I I& �.`0--'Z,'..-`�, -.1""'i . ..
im�?�,_-,i- 1'r,.,-..,� .
`;�`��.' `�,` - � .. � .
� .: .1 I -.-N I
1-:�t."�:, 'It ., �-:,,�
� .. ` , ,
. -A,*., -`.�'.A I
4". �:�` - i � ,�� , � ...
. .1 .", , I ��
. . =�-..�i��--".`,`.�X I I � �
� . . , . . . f. , . . I .
. I ... .. . 1. I I '. I I
� .� �,'."%ii",%! . I :,::
I ,_ I 11 I . . , .
. I I . ..
. � I . i�� 1:!X_. .1 .. I I . . I..' _
. r .*%,x,';. I
. � . ., , . . . I
I '. ,,'� ,. ' ' . I .
was cleared off � � - 110,-.1. . . . 1�
k�? I
.; �;! .. I .
'.. I �1,1.:N.14. . � "
and-rthe property. greatly improved. " ' .�r'. ehristmas . I � . ,i:,
He, was Reeve of Morrisburg for some, i � . Mm I . P
a � � ,� I I _. .� . I .. I .; . . �:,
.11, I ..
. �11'1. 4 - *1, 6:,:� I,-?, I , ..
�. .ttrore arid a member of the County 1. V-01 � 1, * "' "", , : . �
�� I's 11 Wt X Wvear� .., �
Council. of Diandaii: So e o, ely, did lie . .. ,�., 1%, . E , ��
, ..4
. ...... ".., r �1 . % andNe I , I 11,�
: 'applyi- himself to the duties of private I P111 I . , , 11 I . .1 ."
. �� .. N ,`11, , , ,Z , 0 .... ��
.. my" .r .
.. and public business that his health' ' I � I i. lk,- .1 ,.;'A;" , .
, 1.16,� ." I
V., ��.. ii,�.;_ ,� "..
A 't � ��-", I ".
'. ",
- t�;;�, , , , � .j.."1W, ..�'.. 11
which has*never bedn too robust, *t - .
. ' I _ ; �
. 'Was . -: !�;P..'�_ _ V's". I .�,
tv . --.J. Excursions
. .
!',',;!�.i � 40, ".", .3
� undermined and he was fdreed to give X11, �, .� I � � .
. I goll, V �L? .
.VCM�,:,' <'�,�,`\.'�i`?;, . � I .. I � .�,
. : ,01�, . �
,,,..,-, .1".. � 11 �
� :..; ..
UP -newspaper work..for some ,time. " �1101 " X'.;;; � 1. �!, � . J Bet�wei .i.:
� 1 :..��I,. . �n all . atations in .danada, , _''.i.:
'i. - ;, -�. � . ..
, ' , � . KIS Z ?I I -1 I
. I %iie�i.�0�1,1' NA�" �
. He sold the Hqrald and in 1.1 �� , , ,:V. ,� '.';L,.,,,.%�,� qiairka Falls and'. suf- � .,�.
_ W. . . � .,-,
. , touded, .after ',.� �', - - ... , '-.V-..`, VV ..
aix�,, ,�,� . I Also to I I
�!i;V% "I .-,,.;!,'.',1!%� L A
.�,,.,. .',�..� .".,_ . ,yr,, .Deitrbit arid I .
_ ' I
.. � I .� ��,' .. . I 11 �
. . . ��_l . ' .,
being hi the publishing : businds I ": ', , "'i - . falo, _ .. I
eleven � � Mi h ��
yearsi taking. a trij� to .the . . . �?ort-,Tliilran, , i.e. -,
. . I 1 � 11, .. .,� - . 11:'-.::, I � . �
1 44...�1,1 .
West with, the object of locating there. f ,�,!`,� 1,';�,�' �, . . . . I . . . . . .��
�,,...�,��M, . .
.,,;; . __ ..
, "
. �... ;_._ ' . r I . "
I � *�, ... . . �
I The late Mr. oloirma�n was then at the , "" ,,-, --'.,,--, I . . `.
� . I .. -
. helm in -the. Ottawa Free Pros . . I ��... . I :- - , -�,': '. 1.11 . 1. . � 0 11 �..�..�
' s, but . . . .... �:,_ - !�, ,-. � , I n g - . 11
owing to illness -had to give .up his, I 1. � `:*,�,' '" �'i . Si * le ..are . -. 11
I ...�.. ;:.. ... I . � .
.::: . I L .
duties for some months-. -Mr. Graham, .'.1, I .. , I I � . . I
� i 4 ) . . I . .�
I - - .- . :,-, , 3110111111111 charg� , 260 * ::�
I was asked to take a. position on� the I , .- je,vs .
. , ( .
I I . , _�� .. I I . I - I . � !1�
editorial ,staff of that -paper, and was . . . I . I . . . I � . � . I . 1 �
. leader writer for some months. Mr. I . � ,� �
.. s
I I I . This doll , ,is waiting .for - -sorne , le,c. 23,24,25. . Ratuxn . I - .. "
�Thoma ' a Southworth, now Coloni4ation '. . . . I Good going 30 1. ....
. 'Agent for the Provin:c.s of -Ontarl6, 'one to buy her, but she - mri:] not. - � fLiffilt Dec. 26,1911 . ' . . � �, ", r.. --
"was, the, proprietor of the Brockville. - 1. . 4 . . . . , .&IS(i - ,gorod ,going Dec. 30,31, i911 . .. . I
C� I .. 1.
Wai 50rvl e � - ear,y -I L
Recorder and his editori Mr. Joli A. t - lot, I . .sl 1, 1912 RatVA14 irnit .. v:11
& . I OPPel . and Jan. r.-
'Mack6azie; hgvlrig..left� to enter 7the . r. . . . .
, I � .1.1in.2".1912.- : ., I .�
: .
: .
, �
Service of the Dr.. Williaink Medicine !Vill vet her, a n d the kit 7� ores VAI - .. 1. . . ... , , � �
I . . ; .
. . I , ".. - � ... I,
Co_ny Mr. bou worth had tb look - ':' � ,, I
1. . New Election Demanded, I � : . , - . . I . I ,. . . � . . I P . ' � . -.. . I I 1 ., . I I .. 11
' I . . .
1. I I . . I .. I . .�, . I I . after both the business, kind editorial � get left. - I . . I 11 . , I
. . . . born, or - I . " A - I z .. '1.1�
. I
, . Oshawa, Dec. 18.-TAere is .i'move- � Pinchot Warns Rapublic'ans. - Th0e. way be 'much discussion "', : . EON, FRANN OLITFIA . .. . 1. . I . .
- . to whether journalists are . . I �.. . endsi-He found these duties too exact- Fort glad one IN
. . . .
..A ment on foot to demand.aflother pro- Bbqt6n, Dec. 18.�Tliat the olcvolop . . . I .� I .1 , . . . .. - hoi 1'v, * 1 1-7 1 7J C:i V'T � , . . � . ,
. I .1 )01.r .0 f,"�T.'� 1 *_ jk, , I .
... I ment I I. . ing and offered Mr. Graham a position 13�'-_ I . . . . .
, vincial election in South.Ontario; be-" .9f reeent inopdhs�'have made niade-in t.hose.days of.medhaitical pron' * * . . . . � . : � . . .� I .. 1. . . . . . . �,
... . . . Which U6 accepted. This was .in 1893. ,,t� � I I . . .. ' I , �
!!' I use of alleged mistalcos'6n the part impossible thw reiionlination of ��Tr. ductions -. editortall3i mechanical �. allied, At the beginning of' the following A OUR P ,I f. . , � . 1. � 01 111.
'. ". -ca ' I MY wlitich gucceeded It `4., i,� Col O'.. V , �,Q,1,31. (Mininillin. cliarge,. 95'e) 1 �,�"
. .
. . I 'and that the couritiv is turniipg but there can only be one. opinion of ., )�em or , -ne'rem, . .1 I I . ,
_1 � ,of Crown Attorney Farewell in isou. Taft . . - of the Assembly during- the 11 I �* � . . . . � I . . I. I , .
.1. . kstrue. vapidly t6 LaVolletta as ilia next Re- Marjory, MacMurchy - for she Is next eight Years till 'I - 896. when lie- Year* the.. business, was oigallized into i-, I' .1 �. I � 11 I
� , . 4 4ng the voters' lists and giving ir. . . dividuallty In joint stock' company, -with George yut.ol ail othil�:Y'C�il�ntm�n, V,r.aas. - . 1
- � . .. . - � . 11
-rig officirs, � publican Presidential ilonlinee, were born arid made. '"rith, in In � . . . -
. . !% . I . tions to deputy returni among the declarations made by Gifr , all'fier own She infuses inio her work entorcd the arena of Federal politics V. Graliam as managing director. 1� .. . . . . Good- � igioing Deg. -2i, 1911 ,to Jan. 1,
I It is stated that Col. Farewell did � � � JIL and was teturned .to- the House of Mr. Southworth retired In 1895 to take � � - � .. i .." , - � I . ., 1912 inclusive. � Return Limit 1�
. - richot,'former-chief of the U. S. that irideflneability. ca ad life and Common .S,an -Independpiat Liberal. * . . I -�.� ... . I .
. �i - not act under th . . the.'post w w a . I � 1. , -
� f , . e - Later gSba olned tile officia)' Liberal . Ci t to . . . . I I I Jam; 311,9121. 1 1 "I ��
- bandling the lists, but und i, the, old Forest Service, hofore a gathering of her experlonce� � has, given her an in 0 * holds Nflith th,
a revised statutes in. ford Pi , hichhe no
' I . .. w . ,. I ..
I �. provisions of the law', that there were pr9irressive . Republicans in Tremont Fight hi'44 humanity that has already Party and in 1005 became Mini' n ar Government. Mr. Graliam . � -1 . . F ull, pmrticulAra from 11 I I
. .
_ was given entire charge of the Re- M111dren - ' .
some errors in the Polling books arid Temple Saturday -night. - , : .' -made Aer a power In the Press. � A the Interior ln.'the. Laurier cabinet . I . %W& - 'y - RAWS,kORD &SON, A,gollUk , � L '��
. � cord6r an , ��
I . .instructions given D. R. ().% were --��J-'Unless 4the Republican party Shall series -of articles from her pen' on and - 4 Privy Councillor, . I � . d was both, its business FOR. FLETCHER'S � - .- POHN� depot agiknt, .1 .
� rn the. ,.meet the ,demand, of the Aimes by the Coronation, wheri'she repreBen � manager aud-.-oditor up.to, the time I . A. O..`PATTLS.ON-1 � - . I .1 �
. .
vague, and that the returns fro ,. tod ;Az Minister of the *Interior- he hits that he',.Was created Minister of Rall- . . I 1. . . . I
. olling books were not a steinatically-. throwing it8elf',squarely into'the pro- ,the'. Publishers Press, brought out r 0 A S'7r 0 R I A I - - I I ,�
;- . _., . � - . had much to 'do. with shiping the 'wave and Canals On the platform, . , - . .. I
� 'Y ai. A.1 . I. . I . I . . I . �_ . I . . _.
. � handled. . I ' . . I � gres�give movemenw, .Lu me o use,
11 W, . . . The -recent election ' resulted in a fulness is past," Said the speaker. -
"I Liberal gain, Major Sinclaii defeating "Modern conditions demand, modern
. �
� Charles Calder. � . treatment. The Republican party
! . I I . . I needs ,to be. cleansed. cf .its open
I .
. .
� - .11, . Two Nearly Suffooted. , � . . .sores." - -large that an
. . The gathering was so
"IV -Fire was dis. a - was necessary.
�'. .". , Port Hopp, Dee. 18.* ov rflow meeting, � - I , �
. I : .covered at about I o'tlock Yesterday � ' I I . - .
.1 ''. I rhorning in the lockup of the Town I . Girl .Babies Tatter. I .1
i�`__.' Hall, where a commercial traveler,, for .' Boston, Dec. . IS. -Girl babies dre
. . � . b�ing #unk and disorderly,, and Also b, n orn taller and -kth mucli more
� . ;6alirig, _V, 'I " acr
.s young mail, ,charged with at ta than used to be the case,
c fity 'V
- 1. . a -horse, were confialled. Constable ordilag to an authorityll"this city;
. . Chester and family, who live, in the Miss Charlot M", . I
, . .te W.' Dunn i aiiistant .�.
. I I
. � . . building, were aroused by the shouts superintendent of a. hospital here pat-
� , . - .lot prisoners and liberated them Just roniied. by,the st.ork to the extent of
.. role, as they wer' al' 3,OM babies a -year, Says. I
! X1 in !he nick of ti . e '
" le�ost overcome bi the.omoke. The "We have noticed that girl babies
I . -1 . fire was extinguished after 3 had are getting taller arid that they are ,
- , .done a few hundred dollars' we . rth of - I aring in this world lately with
4amage, and thus the town, hall ,was Slip, ,
� more vitality thaulbruierly, The boy
.. saved. The origin of thefire.ts a babies, continuia on the average in
� . I I . ) I
� � .. .mystery. . weidht and height." .
.., I. � . 1. �. - .
,::. � . I . - . .
I � . � .
I . I To Stop TOp6IINVai Film#4 Alfred'Vanderbilt W6ds,
I I . . LoM I -Alfred Gwynne.
. � *Washington, Dec. 18�Italy, thrbugh . [on, Dec. 18. ,
. . 41 -A --kilt ana rs Smith Hollins
. . . - - .
immigration policy - pursued by the while not -eloquent, Mr. Graham la a - I � . . 1. r . . I . 11 . I . . I 1,
bominion Government in recent years. clear ancl .r��,%dy speaker and 'is re- 030%liffamiam- - , � I : � ��. - , � _ . 11 11 I.:.. -
In fact his adinlrers-claim ..that the garded as one of the best I'sturapers" . . I . 1.
r . ,
: big colonization wafe which. has been in his party. HIS grasp of detail IS I . . ... . , "
berta and has transformed Revina, present the most abstruse problem . I . I
. -Moose Javv_ Edmonton and Calgary. In a businesslike and clearcut manner . I I
I , , Trom small to 6 to flourishing cities and- IS always listened to. attentivelY. . : . E . , I . "
, sweepifig .Into Saskatchewan alid. Al- one of his strongest points. He can , �
.w1a ' . . B.,U T T R
. .
is in large, measure . due to Mr. Olive?9 His arguments are ',concise.. He doeg. I. 1. ,. -.,. � - .; ... . . �. I I � . I .
dnergyand Initiative: At any rate it not travel -all' over the' map to reach . . I . ..� I - . I � . ,
I .
cannot be d6nied t from. the start a'clImax,.,na1l awargurrient, or drive � .
, I . * 41 fro . � . '
It Is not � . ... I .1 . I I �
world whatit was going to be. .!� to put in sixteen'hotirs day in his . . .
. I he was I end. of - I mmn�who pinned home a ttutli. . He Is -a In.defagdgi I Lb I le �.''.. .'P.., ,� E-- - -, '1,R:- , -. - "
I their fattli'� In the West and told the worker and. unusual for bilh � I - .
Hon.: Mr. Oliver Is a journalist by i department . . . . . I � P . A . . .. � . . I . �
. profesgibn and is owner of tile 'Ed-, . . . I , . � . . . . . . � . . . I . . � . . "I
moliton, Bulletin' which he established . ' � I _ I 1111111111111�__. - - - I I - *i
. in the early eightles ,and v�hlcb.As- . SIN RUOH GRAHAM, L1.1). 7r. j -1 . . . . . �
� r I I . I I . .
now one of essful ..-, Canada is ,credited with production , . I �
. the Most 'suce ' ient�, for Wrapping , . ':
dailies in Western Canada, , . 1. .1 . of about' two hu�ndred� daily news- . Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchm I , : I
. . . I . . papers end fully a thousand weekliello butter�the best .sheet on the market,- in *packages, '. .. I , �
I and Sir Hugh. Graham ranks amimgSt : � . . I . . . I . . . �. . �. � . % . �.
V�A SCOTIA 'very .few Who havo, made adi inted-.: � I . � . . . � I I I
. .. . . the' . . not. pr 1. . I . .
. . . . I
� .% , her ambassador here, Samrd" ' . I I
.;,;* ,, -pealed to the State Dopartln6iit' �,. MclQm, formerly Miss Marg4Tet*-t1m X188 111AUJOR1 - RACMURCIUIS .
� , �i�' )rson of Baltimore, were married at - . . .
; , stop the exhibition in the Unite I . I
. ;States of motion pictures alleging to .Reigate at one o'clock yesterday af, .these qualities, well, particularly her
I I I Portray the massacre of Arabs and ternoon,,the banns having been an- descriptive work. .
� , . . . Turks in Tripoli by Italian soldiers. non . need in the customary niannor.. Marjory MacMurctry is' tortunate 'in
., , Thoi couple have gone on a motor
I The States Department informed the having a clever father and a clever,
I . ,Ambassador that it would do what It Wedding trip. It is Said at the Van. elder sister and there IS no doubt her
, �could towards Stopping th4 exIiibtion derbilt apsttInnets in London to -day early training, artistlo and sebblarly
,of the objectiolial pictures. I I that their destination was not,known. , environments, h&d Lool
I .Ach In the
., . AsTrusty" Maktit Escape. I . making of the writer we know. Burn.
i,,x - . Pioneer stool main Dead, . Ottawa, -Dec. 1S. -Felix Gagne of In Toronto, XIss M"Murthy was
, I I Pittsburg, Doe. IS.-Thbrilas X6b)o Montreal, a prisoner .serving a SonA educuted at Jarvis St. College and
1� . MfIlor, aged 70, motehatit, mailufactur. tonde of two rnonths in Ifull JA . " Toronto Vriveratty. tntered journal-,
� ,,or, railroad operator, inventor and Pie- eacaped from that institution on Sa Ism early In life. Now literary editor
. . I � . noet steel man, died here Saturday, urday evening, and, dqgpito rigorou of a Toronto daily, and contribut6s
. after a two -day's illness, from pneu- soateh, has not -yet been recaptured. to many of tile Magatlaos.
. � I . nio-nia. Mr. Miller in his youth was Ito was a "trusty" and working in the Mr. JUSTICE BRODEUR
.,engaged with Andrew Carii�;Ie and collar at the furnace. There was a.
I I 11 Henry Phipps in Vie steel industry, loose bar to the 19 -itch window and 'The Ron. Louis Allippe Brodeur, ,
I . s h family. I while the Jailei went upmtairs ho.jot X.C., LLM., late Minister of Marino
-N , . . � through and escaped. and Plaheries, comes bf one of the'
I I I 11 best known French-Canadian fauillle&
. emormous fortune out The busuleog,. . . . . . . .. , 1. ., � .
. I
* 400 She(AS fOr 59C- * .. �toq Slf�ets tor 21-c. . I .11
Today he 1?3 busy building'hils pil'b $till . I - I
.higher, or cutting down Some df� Ito I I .� . I . ., I . .11 I , I '' I � !, ,
towers, In an effort .to convince hU I 11 I . . . . . . .
: ymen that In seeking B tte _ . I I 11 .
lan- � . - I
closer trade relationship with 6 . e r *� Still I
folldw eountr .
I I � . I
ada, the *United States Is.merely � Seek- . . . I I . . I . . . I
lug to provide ,trade for its many . - neatly printed , I . I . �
. Have yodr name, farm, and post�office � I ,
thousands cof tille-vivloyod'mon to the .. : .. .
. .:
detrimenit of those ou' thtg side the and make a reputation for your product, We use I �
. I
. �
. I
line. Sir Hugh, wh6. Is an LZA). 01. � butter . paper ' teed not to run � . � I ,
Glaagilw,, Seotltkaid,'�md also it Knight only sp��ial ink, guaran . . I
-Bachalor of the Vnited Kingdom, Is 4 . or to injure the butter. . � .
native ot Atholuton, Quo., Where he . � I
was barn In 184.8, arid took on board .� 1001) lor, t.75 - 2000 for $g,00 5600 -for $7 00 . .
a load of ,education at Huntingdon � I I I . 1, .. `
. . . I .
. ' I �
a remo6rkable achievoltelit when one . ' ' i I .1
t6noidora ,that there to no other man Wrap your''butter, and get two cents, per pound . . . . I I
known who . matrioulnted from that � I . � I
gest- of learning. 140 IS founder And I . I more, than if unwrapped6 .
propketor of the DallY atid Weekly I . . � . I I . . -111,11'... ,-.. A . .
. Star ,of Montreal, arid has ' besides ' L L ! L &d i W4 q �� I .0 , . . , d i 0 EL i 0 . I -- . I - L - � I I
found time to devote In many direc- ' .
. tions, personal, DolitI&I and &031011" . to Supply you with printed .
ally philanthropic, 'In this lattericon. We also would be oleased 1.
neLtIon lie initiated A.Preshair Fund. Letter Reads, ,Note Heads, 13ill.Heads, Statements, . I
it, Moritxoal,.aJng16 barided suppressed - L 11 I
. I I- -lobe I . A tnvelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements �
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
. - .
-.04"W" .1 *1 I - .' 'A'- I I � I I I , 66.... �_11, . ... , 0 . . I I . �: , ,m,�T ,.. ! I "
* � AL!- , �- - - W10 , _ ___ - - L ., _ WM..:d"dh_ - _ - - -11 du - � ,,�,r_ :�A.&�.� . ��+�A,.;e_i&_,.&& _,�_ LLL -.)!-A- ��.KLIAL.1�1 JI...& -!A- % - , -,,,, - -, L __ I
I I . I -the
. . I t * the preralaes ol" , under- �
� �: . . I . 1. . . . Soing;rl�fti Lot 19,'Con. 13,0ullettabout. 11.1
I . I.. . . the first ol'August, at red �earllpg 11 �� I
. I I � . , heifer'. Owner can have isome by I..,
, . ,r,,elng property arid payinIg , 1 - � I .
ha , Costs. . I . 1.
. , Thomas.-Pixte. . . � I
Early-Sho'pplurs.. .. . .� 1. 1. .. . I..
� I I I '"'I .1. -''r
I I . ... .."
I , Bus and Dray - ... �
a . ::
I . . I . ,. . I- �.
I I - .
r d I I . ..."
I . ;.
. . �r
. . . M: 'bus Mid dray business ii-VLOW1. . I I 1.
. � . I . 1. . . I locaed at,myhoustionontarlo St. - ".
two. dooTS front Rattenbury' Hotiet ' .- I"
: . I � I barn, Call lox' "plione No. 42, Alt I �.
I ordexa: promytly attiended to. � . .1 I
� , - .
. . . .
. .... : .. I R :,
. . -70S .'COOK..
. ,
I .
. I I . - -1.
. -
I . . I .
I � I � . . I
. . � I . 1. � 1. I �
. . . I I .. 1. I .,.:,�
. . I I
..... I ...
. .111'. . . . I ....
. "' I
,� _�V, '�'- I � .
. . I .? . .
, -1 ... I. . 1-1*11. �, I
-I,- ����-`�� � :,'i ..��:i
I ,::: i;.* : .... `%K."'i, � � . ''
_�;11--.?1�'1'--.1-_1' - - . . - . I ��41
, .. ....... .
. 'IT .,.".0 .. li;
- - I -
5 1�.
�1� ....q.gg .., .
�.-?��,�i ,:. " _..e. -f...., . I
,,, �
.!%,�`,`K. : . I
1, m ,_ . .
, - 1% ,�"�,�**0 I 11
,�,,...",�,"'N't 1.
� I ,-.,--.g-p�.-.,g, � .
. .
� e,w-;.:?.;,--,-4 - � . . op �� .. 11
, *;';`.' �.. ��",.*����'�'.-'*��.:,,;,�.,���.,'.*..�','.'�""�; I . .
!:::",*�. ,*i-.:, " - - -*-," . I .
V�A� I
. J,613�'�`11 . . . . . .. �,.......-',�..,.*'�,',..',".,....."�.�-�,- � . I . ..",
...... I, `$ ... � � I . . . . I
. , �' ?�N-..1-.N'r.: !�
.... -n*.'**.:..""i . I .
I I& �.`0--'Z,'..-`�, -.1""'i . ..
im�?�,_-,i- 1'r,.,-..,� .
`;�`��.' `�,` - � .. � .
� .: .1 I -.-N I
1-:�t."�:, 'It ., �-:,,�
� .. ` , ,
. -A,*., -`.�'.A I
4". �:�` - i � ,�� , � ...
. .1 .", , I ��
. . =�-..�i��--".`,`.�X I I � �
� . . , . . . f. , . . I .
. I ... .. . 1. I I '. I I
� .� �,'."%ii",%! . I :,::
I ,_ I 11 I . . , .
. I I . ..
. � I . i�� 1:!X_. .1 .. I I . . I..' _
. r .*%,x,';. I
. � . ., , . . . I
I '. ,,'� ,. ' ' . I .
was cleared off � � - 110,-.1. . . . 1�
k�? I
.; �;! .. I .
'.. I �1,1.:N.14. . � "
and-rthe property. greatly improved. " ' .�r'. ehristmas . I � . ,i:,
He, was Reeve of Morrisburg for some, i � . Mm I . P
a � � ,� I I _. .� . I .. I .; . . �:,
.11, I ..
. �11'1. 4 - *1, 6:,:� I,-?, I , ..
�. .ttrore arid a member of the County 1. V-01 � 1, * "' "", , : . �
�� I's 11 Wt X Wvear� .., �
Council. of Diandaii: So e o, ely, did lie . .. ,�., 1%, . E , ��
, ..4
. ...... ".., r �1 . % andNe I , I 11,�
: 'applyi- himself to the duties of private I P111 I . , , 11 I . .1 ."
. �� .. N ,`11, , , ,Z , 0 .... ��
.. my" .r .
.. and public business that his health' ' I � I i. lk,- .1 ,.;'A;" , .
, 1.16,� ." I
V., ��.. ii,�.;_ ,� "..
A 't � ��-", I ".
'. ",
- t�;;�, , , , � .j.."1W, ..�'.. 11
which has*never bedn too robust, *t - .
. ' I _ ; �
. 'Was . -: !�;P..'�_ _ V's". I .�,
tv . --.J. Excursions
. .
!',',;!�.i � 40, ".", .3
� undermined and he was fdreed to give X11, �, .� I � � .
. I goll, V �L? .
.VCM�,:,' <'�,�,`\.'�i`?;, . � I .. I � .�,
. : ,01�, . �
,,,..,-, .1".. � 11 �
� :..; ..
UP -newspaper work..for some ,time. " �1101 " X'.;;; � 1. �!, � . J Bet�wei .i.:
� 1 :..��I,. . �n all . atations in .danada, , _''.i.:
'i. - ;, -�. � . ..
, ' , � . KIS Z ?I I -1 I
. I %iie�i.�0�1,1' NA�" �
. He sold the Hqrald and in 1.1 �� , , ,:V. ,� '.';L,.,,,.%�,� qiairka Falls and'. suf- � .,�.
_ W. . . � .,-,
. , touded, .after ',.� �', - - ... , '-.V-..`, VV ..
aix�,, ,�,� . I Also to I I
�!i;V% "I .-,,.;!,'.',1!%� L A
.�,,.,. .',�..� .".,_ . ,yr,, .Deitrbit arid I .
_ ' I
.. � I .� ��,' .. . I 11 �
. . . ��_l . ' .,
being hi the publishing : businds I ": ', , "'i - . falo, _ .. I
eleven � � Mi h ��
yearsi taking. a trij� to .the . . . �?ort-,Tliilran, , i.e. -,
. . I 1 � 11, .. .,� - . 11:'-.::, I � . �
1 44...�1,1 .
West with, the object of locating there. f ,�,!`,� 1,';�,�' �, . . . . I . . . . . .��
�,,...�,��M, . .
.,,;; . __ ..
, "
. �... ;_._ ' . r I . "
I � *�, ... . . �
I The late Mr. oloirma�n was then at the , "" ,,-, --'.,,--, I . . `.
� . I .. -
. helm in -the. Ottawa Free Pros . . I ��... . I :- - , -�,': '. 1.11 . 1. . � 0 11 �..�..�
' s, but . . . .... �:,_ - !�, ,-. � , I n g - . 11
owing to illness -had to give .up his, I 1. � `:*,�,' '" �'i . Si * le ..are . -. 11
I ...�.. ;:.. ... I . � .
.::: . I L .
duties for some months-. -Mr. Graham, .'.1, I .. , I I � . . I
� i 4 ) . . I . .�
I - - .- . :,-, , 3110111111111 charg� , 260 * ::�
I was asked to take a. position on� the I , .- je,vs .
. , ( .
I I . , _�� .. I I . I - I . � !1�
editorial ,staff of that -paper, and was . . . I . I . . . I � . � . I . 1 �
. leader writer for some months. Mr. I . � ,� �
.. s
I I I . This doll , ,is waiting .for - -sorne , le,c. 23,24,25. . Ratuxn . I - .. "
�Thoma ' a Southworth, now Coloni4ation '. . . . I Good going 30 1. ....
. 'Agent for the Provin:c.s of -Ontarl6, 'one to buy her, but she - mri:] not. - � fLiffilt Dec. 26,1911 . ' . . � �, ", r.. --
"was, the, proprietor of the Brockville. - 1. . 4 . . . . , .&IS(i - ,gorod ,going Dec. 30,31, i911 . .. . I
C� I .. 1.
Wai 50rvl e � - ear,y -I L
Recorder and his editori Mr. Joli A. t - lot, I . .sl 1, 1912 RatVA14 irnit .. v:11
& . I OPPel . and Jan. r.-
'Mack6azie; hgvlrig..left� to enter 7the . r. . . . .
, I � .1.1in.2".1912.- : ., I .�
: .
: .
, �
Service of the Dr.. Williaink Medicine !Vill vet her, a n d the kit 7� ores VAI - .. 1. . . ... , , � �
I . . ; .
. . I , ".. - � ... I,
Co_ny Mr. bou worth had tb look - ':' � ,, I
1. . New Election Demanded, I � : . , - . . I . I ,. . . � . . I P . ' � . -.. . I I 1 ., . I I .. 11
' I . . .
1. I I . . I .. I . .�, . I I . after both the business, kind editorial � get left. - I . . I 11 . , I
. . . . born, or - I . " A - I z .. '1.1�
. I
, . Oshawa, Dec. 18.-TAere is .i'move- � Pinchot Warns Rapublic'ans. - Th0e. way be 'much discussion "', : . EON, FRANN OLITFIA . .. . 1. . I . .
- . to whether journalists are . . I �.. . endsi-He found these duties too exact- Fort glad one IN
. . . .
..A ment on foot to demand.aflother pro- Bbqt6n, Dec. 18.�Tliat the olcvolop . . . I .� I .1 , . . . .. - hoi 1'v, * 1 1-7 1 7J C:i V'T � , . . � . ,
. I .1 )01.r .0 f,"�T.'� 1 *_ jk, , I .
... I ment I I. . ing and offered Mr. Graham a position 13�'-_ I . . . . .
, vincial election in South.Ontario; be-" .9f reeent inopdhs�'have made niade-in t.hose.days of.medhaitical pron' * * . . . . � . : � . . .� I .. 1. . . . . . . �,
... . . . Which U6 accepted. This was .in 1893. ,,t� � I I . . .. ' I , �
!!' I use of alleged mistalcos'6n the part impossible thw reiionlination of ��Tr. ductions -. editortall3i mechanical �. allied, At the beginning of' the following A OUR P ,I f. . , � . 1. � 01 111.
'. ". -ca ' I MY wlitich gucceeded It `4., i,� Col O'.. V , �,Q,1,31. (Mininillin. cliarge,. 95'e) 1 �,�"
. .
. . I 'and that the couritiv is turniipg but there can only be one. opinion of ., )�em or , -ne'rem, . .1 I I . ,
_1 � ,of Crown Attorney Farewell in isou. Taft . . - of the Assembly during- the 11 I �* � . . . . � I . . I. I , .
.1. . kstrue. vapidly t6 LaVolletta as ilia next Re- Marjory, MacMurchy - for she Is next eight Years till 'I - 896. when lie- Year* the.. business, was oigallized into i-, I' .1 �. I � 11 I
� , . 4 4ng the voters' lists and giving ir. . . dividuallty In joint stock' company, -with George yut.ol ail othil�:Y'C�il�ntm�n, V,r.aas. - . 1
- � . .. . - � . 11
-rig officirs, � publican Presidential ilonlinee, were born arid made. '"rith, in In � . . . -
. . !% . I . tions to deputy returni among the declarations made by Gifr , all'fier own She infuses inio her work entorcd the arena of Federal politics V. Graliam as managing director. 1� .. . . . . Good- � igioing Deg. -2i, 1911 ,to Jan. 1,
I It is stated that Col. Farewell did � � � JIL and was teturned .to- the House of Mr. Southworth retired In 1895 to take � � - � .. i .." , - � I . ., 1912 inclusive. � Return Limit 1�
. - richot,'former-chief of the U. S. that irideflneability. ca ad life and Common .S,an -Independpiat Liberal. * . . I -�.� ... . I .
. �i - not act under th . . the.'post w w a . I � 1. , -
� f , . e - Later gSba olned tile officia)' Liberal . Ci t to . . . . I I I Jam; 311,9121. 1 1 "I ��
- bandling the lists, but und i, the, old Forest Service, hofore a gathering of her experlonce� � has, given her an in 0 * holds Nflith th,
a revised statutes in. ford Pi , hichhe no
' I . .. w . ,. I ..
I �. provisions of the law', that there were pr9irressive . Republicans in Tremont Fight hi'44 humanity that has already Party and in 1005 became Mini' n ar Government. Mr. Graliam . � -1 . . F ull, pmrticulAra from 11 I I
. .
_ was given entire charge of the Re- M111dren - ' .
some errors in the Polling books arid Temple Saturday -night. - , : .' -made Aer a power In the Press. � A the Interior ln.'the. Laurier cabinet . I . %W& - 'y - RAWS,kORD &SON, A,gollUk , � L '��
. � cord6r an , ��
I . .instructions given D. R. ().% were --��J-'Unless 4the Republican party Shall series -of articles from her pen' on and - 4 Privy Councillor, . I � . d was both, its business FOR. FLETCHER'S � - .- POHN� depot agiknt, .1 .
� rn the. ,.meet the ,demand, of the Aimes by the Coronation, wheri'she repreBen � manager aud-.-oditor up.to, the time I . A. O..`PATTLS.ON-1 � - . I .1 �
. .
vague, and that the returns fro ,. tod ;Az Minister of the *Interior- he hits that he',.Was created Minister of Rall- . . I 1. . . . I
. olling books were not a steinatically-. throwing it8elf',squarely into'the pro- ,the'. Publishers Press, brought out r 0 A S'7r 0 R I A I - - I I ,�
;- . _., . � - . had much to 'do. with shiping the 'wave and Canals On the platform, . , - . .. I
� 'Y ai. A.1 . I. . I . I . . I . �_ . I . . _.
. � handled. . I ' . . I � gres�give movemenw, .Lu me o use,
11 W, . . . The -recent election ' resulted in a fulness is past," Said the speaker. -
"I Liberal gain, Major Sinclaii defeating "Modern conditions demand, modern
. �
� Charles Calder. � . treatment. The Republican party
! . I I . . I needs ,to be. cleansed. cf .its open
I .
. .
� - .11, . Two Nearly Suffooted. , � . . .sores." - -large that an
. . The gathering was so
"IV -Fire was dis. a - was necessary.
�'. .". , Port Hopp, Dee. 18.* ov rflow meeting, � - I , �
. I : .covered at about I o'tlock Yesterday � ' I I . - .
.1 ''. I rhorning in the lockup of the Town I . Girl .Babies Tatter. I .1
i�`__.' Hall, where a commercial traveler,, for .' Boston, Dec. . IS. -Girl babies dre
. . � . b�ing #unk and disorderly,, and Also b, n orn taller and -kth mucli more
� . ;6alirig, _V, 'I " acr
.s young mail, ,charged with at ta than used to be the case,
c fity 'V
- 1. . a -horse, were confialled. Constable ordilag to an authorityll"this city;
. . Chester and family, who live, in the Miss Charlot M", . I
, . .te W.' Dunn i aiiistant .�.
. I I
. � . . building, were aroused by the shouts superintendent of a. hospital here pat-
� , . - .lot prisoners and liberated them Just roniied. by,the st.ork to the extent of
.. role, as they wer' al' 3,OM babies a -year, Says. I
! X1 in !he nick of ti . e '
" le�ost overcome bi the.omoke. The "We have noticed that girl babies
I . -1 . fire was extinguished after 3 had are getting taller arid that they are ,
- , .done a few hundred dollars' we . rth of - I aring in this world lately with
4amage, and thus the town, hall ,was Slip, ,
� more vitality thaulbruierly, The boy
.. saved. The origin of thefire.ts a babies, continuia on the average in
� . I I . ) I
� � .. .mystery. . weidht and height." .
.., I. � . 1. �. - .
,::. � . I . - . .
I � . � .
I . I To Stop TOp6IINVai Film#4 Alfred'Vanderbilt W6ds,
I I . . LoM I -Alfred Gwynne.
. � *Washington, Dec. 18�Italy, thrbugh . [on, Dec. 18. ,
. . 41 -A --kilt ana rs Smith Hollins
. . . - - .
immigration policy - pursued by the while not -eloquent, Mr. Graham la a - I � . . 1. r . . I . 11 . I . . I 1,
bominion Government in recent years. clear ancl .r��,%dy speaker and 'is re- 030%liffamiam- - , � I : � ��. - , � _ . 11 11 I.:.. -
In fact his adinlrers-claim ..that the garded as one of the best I'sturapers" . . I . 1.
r . ,
: big colonization wafe which. has been in his party. HIS grasp of detail IS I . . ... . , "
berta and has transformed Revina, present the most abstruse problem . I . I
. -Moose Javv_ Edmonton and Calgary. In a businesslike and clearcut manner . I I
I , , Trom small to 6 to flourishing cities and- IS always listened to. attentivelY. . : . E . , I . "
, sweepifig .Into Saskatchewan alid. Al- one of his strongest points. He can , �
.w1a ' . . B.,U T T R
. .
is in large, measure . due to Mr. Olive?9 His arguments are ',concise.. He doeg. I. 1. ,. -.,. � - .; ... . . �. I I � . I .
dnergyand Initiative: At any rate it not travel -all' over the' map to reach . . I . ..� I - . I � . ,
I .
cannot be d6nied t from. the start a'clImax,.,na1l awargurrient, or drive � .
, I . * 41 fro . � . '
It Is not � . ... I .1 . I I �
world whatit was going to be. .!� to put in sixteen'hotirs day in his . . .
. I he was I end. of - I mmn�who pinned home a ttutli. . He Is -a In.defagdgi I Lb I le �.''.. .'P.., ,� E-- - -, '1,R:- , -. - "
I their fattli'� In the West and told the worker and. unusual for bilh � I - .
Hon.: Mr. Oliver Is a journalist by i department . . . . . I � P . A . . .. � . . I . �
. profesgibn and is owner of tile 'Ed-, . . . I , . � . . . . . . � . . . I . . � . . "I
moliton, Bulletin' which he established . ' � I _ I 1111111111111�__. - - - I I - *i
. in the early eightles ,and v�hlcb.As- . SIN RUOH GRAHAM, L1.1). 7r. j -1 . . . . . �
� r I I . I I . .
now one of essful ..-, Canada is ,credited with production , . I �
. the Most 'suce ' ient�, for Wrapping , . ':
dailies in Western Canada, , . 1. .1 . of about' two hu�ndred� daily news- . Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchm I , : I
. . . I . . papers end fully a thousand weekliello butter�the best .sheet on the market,- in *packages, '. .. I , �
I and Sir Hugh. Graham ranks amimgSt : � . . I . . . I . . . �. . �. � . % . �.
V�A SCOTIA 'very .few Who havo, made adi inted-.: � I . � . . . � I I I
. .. . . the' . . not. pr 1. . I . .
. . . . I
� .% , her ambassador here, Samrd" ' . I I
.;,;* ,, -pealed to the State Dopartln6iit' �,. MclQm, formerly Miss Marg4Tet*-t1m X188 111AUJOR1 - RACMURCIUIS .
� , �i�' )rson of Baltimore, were married at - . . .
; , stop the exhibition in the Unite I . I
. ;States of motion pictures alleging to .Reigate at one o'clock yesterday af, .these qualities, well, particularly her
I I I Portray the massacre of Arabs and ternoon,,the banns having been an- descriptive work. .
� , . . . Turks in Tripoli by Italian soldiers. non . need in the customary niannor.. Marjory MacMurctry is' tortunate 'in
., , Thoi couple have gone on a motor
I The States Department informed the having a clever father and a clever,
I . ,Ambassador that it would do what It Wedding trip. It is Said at the Van. elder sister and there IS no doubt her
, �could towards Stopping th4 exIiibtion derbilt apsttInnets in London to -day early training, artistlo and sebblarly
,of the objectiolial pictures. I I that their destination was not,known. , environments, h&d Lool
I .Ach In the
., . AsTrusty" Maktit Escape. I . making of the writer we know. Burn.
i,,x - . Pioneer stool main Dead, . Ottawa, -Dec. 1S. -Felix Gagne of In Toronto, XIss M"Murthy was
, I I Pittsburg, Doe. IS.-Thbrilas X6b)o Montreal, a prisoner .serving a SonA educuted at Jarvis St. College and
1� . MfIlor, aged 70, motehatit, mailufactur. tonde of two rnonths in Ifull JA . " Toronto Vriveratty. tntered journal-,
� ,,or, railroad operator, inventor and Pie- eacaped from that institution on Sa Ism early In life. Now literary editor
. . I � . noet steel man, died here Saturday, urday evening, and, dqgpito rigorou of a Toronto daily, and contribut6s
. after a two -day's illness, from pneu- soateh, has not -yet been recaptured. to many of tile Magatlaos.
. � I . nio-nia. Mr. Miller in his youth was Ito was a "trusty" and working in the Mr. JUSTICE BRODEUR
.,engaged with Andrew Carii�;Ie and collar at the furnace. There was a.
I I 11 Henry Phipps in Vie steel industry, loose bar to the 19 -itch window and 'The Ron. Louis Allippe Brodeur, ,
I . s h family. I while the Jailei went upmtairs ho.jot X.C., LLM., late Minister of Marino
-N , . . � through and escaped. and Plaheries, comes bf one of the'
I I I 11 best known French-Canadian fauillle&
. emormous fortune out The busuleog,. . . . . . . .. , 1. ., � .
. I
* 400 She(AS fOr 59C- * .. �toq Slf�ets tor 21-c. . I .11
Today he 1?3 busy building'hils pil'b $till . I - I
.higher, or cutting down Some df� Ito I I .� . I . ., I . .11 I , I '' I � !, ,
towers, In an effort .to convince hU I 11 I . . . . . . .
: ymen that In seeking B tte _ . I I 11 .
lan- � . - I
closer trade relationship with 6 . e r *� Still I
folldw eountr .
I I � . I
ada, the *United States Is.merely � Seek- . . . I I . . I . . . I
lug to provide ,trade for its many . - neatly printed , I . I . �
. Have yodr name, farm, and post�office � I ,
thousands cof tille-vivloyod'mon to the .. : .. .
. .:
detrimenit of those ou' thtg side the and make a reputation for your product, We use I �
. I
. �
. I
line. Sir Hugh, wh6. Is an LZA). 01. � butter . paper ' teed not to run � . � I ,
Glaagilw,, Seotltkaid,'�md also it Knight only sp��ial ink, guaran . . I
-Bachalor of the Vnited Kingdom, Is 4 . or to injure the butter. . � .
native ot Atholuton, Quo., Where he . � I
was barn In 184.8, arid took on board .� 1001) lor, t.75 - 2000 for $g,00 5600 -for $7 00 . .
a load of ,education at Huntingdon � I I I . 1, .. `
. . . I .
. ' I �
a remo6rkable achievoltelit when one . ' ' i I .1
t6noidora ,that there to no other man Wrap your''butter, and get two cents, per pound . . . . I I
known who . matrioulnted from that � I . � I
gest- of learning. 140 IS founder And I . I more, than if unwrapped6 .
propketor of the DallY atid Weekly I . . � . I I . . -111,11'... ,-.. A . .
. Star ,of Montreal, arid has ' besides ' L L ! L &d i W4 q �� I .0 , . . , d i 0 EL i 0 . I -- . I - L - � I I
found time to devote In many direc- ' .
. tions, personal, DolitI&I and &031011" . to Supply you with printed .
ally philanthropic, 'In this lattericon. We also would be oleased 1.
neLtIon lie initiated A.Preshair Fund. Letter Reads, ,Note Heads, 13ill.Heads, Statements, . I
it, Moritxoal,.aJng16 barided suppressed - L 11 I
. I I- -lobe I . A tnvelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements �
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
. - .
-.04"W" .1 *1 I - .' 'A'- I I � I I I , 66.... �_11, . ... , 0 . . I I . �: , ,m,�T ,.. ! I "
* � AL!- , �- - - W10 , _ ___ - - L ., _ WM..:d"dh_ - _ - - -11 du - � ,,�,r_ :�A.&�.� . ��+�A,.;e_i&_,.&& _,�_ LLL -.)!-A- ��.KLIAL.1�1 JI...& -!A- % - , -,,,, - -, L __ I
. .1 .", , I ��
. . =�-..�i��--".`,`.�X I I � �
� . . , . . . f. , . . I .
. I ... .. . 1. I I '. I I
� .� �,'."%ii",%! . I :,::
I ,_ I 11 I . . , .
. I I . ..
. � I . i�� 1:!X_. .1 .. I I . . I..' _
. r .*%,x,';. I
. � . ., , . . . I
I '. ,,'� ,. ' ' . I .
was cleared off � � - 110,-.1. . . . 1�
k�? I
.; �;! .. I .
'.. I �1,1.:N.14. . � "
and-rthe property. greatly improved. " ' .�r'. ehristmas . I � . ,i:,
He, was Reeve of Morrisburg for some, i � . Mm I . P
a � � ,� I I _. .� . I .. I .; . . �:,
.11, I ..
. �11'1. 4 - *1, 6:,:� I,-?, I , ..
�. .ttrore arid a member of the County 1. V-01 � 1, * "' "", , : . �
�� I's 11 Wt X Wvear� .., �
Council. of Diandaii: So e o, ely, did lie . .. ,�., 1%, . E , ��
, ..4
. ...... ".., r �1 . % andNe I , I 11,�
: 'applyi- himself to the duties of private I P111 I . , , 11 I . .1 ."
. �� .. N ,`11, , , ,Z , 0 .... ��
.. my" .r .
.. and public business that his health' ' I � I i. lk,- .1 ,.;'A;" , .
, 1.16,� ." I
V., ��.. ii,�.;_ ,� "..
A 't � ��-", I ".
'. ",
- t�;;�, , , , � .j.."1W, ..�'.. 11
which has*never bedn too robust, *t - .
. ' I _ ; �
. 'Was . -: !�;P..'�_ _ V's". I .�,
tv . --.J. Excursions
. .
!',',;!�.i � 40, ".", .3
� undermined and he was fdreed to give X11, �, .� I � � .
. I goll, V �L? .
.VCM�,:,' <'�,�,`\.'�i`?;, . � I .. I � .�,
. : ,01�, . �
,,,..,-, .1".. � 11 �
� :..; ..
UP -newspaper work..for some ,time. " �1101 " X'.;;; � 1. �!, � . J Bet�wei .i.:
� 1 :..��I,. . �n all . atations in .danada, , _''.i.:
'i. - ;, -�. � . ..
, ' , � . KIS Z ?I I -1 I
. I %iie�i.�0�1,1' NA�" �
. He sold the Hqrald and in 1.1 �� , , ,:V. ,� '.';L,.,,,.%�,� qiairka Falls and'. suf- � .,�.
_ W. . . � .,-,
. , touded, .after ',.� �', - - ... , '-.V-..`, VV ..
aix�,, ,�,� . I Also to I I
�!i;V% "I .-,,.;!,'.',1!%� L A
.�,,.,. .',�..� .".,_ . ,yr,, .Deitrbit arid I .
_ ' I
.. � I .� ��,' .. . I 11 �
. . . ��_l . ' .,
being hi the publishing : businds I ": ', , "'i - . falo, _ .. I
eleven � � Mi h ��
yearsi taking. a trij� to .the . . . �?ort-,Tliilran, , i.e. -,
. . I 1 � 11, .. .,� - . 11:'-.::, I � . �
1 44...�1,1 .
West with, the object of locating there. f ,�,!`,� 1,';�,�' �, . . . . I . . . . . .��
�,,...�,��M, . .
.,,;; . __ ..
, "
. �... ;_._ ' . r I . "
I � *�, ... . . �
I The late Mr. oloirma�n was then at the , "" ,,-, --'.,,--, I . . `.
� . I .. -
. helm in -the. Ottawa Free Pros . . I ��... . I :- - , -�,': '. 1.11 . 1. . � 0 11 �..�..�
' s, but . . . .... �:,_ - !�, ,-. � , I n g - . 11
owing to illness -had to give .up his, I 1. � `:*,�,' '" �'i . Si * le ..are . -. 11
I ...�.. ;:.. ... I . � .
.::: . I L .
duties for some months-. -Mr. Graham, .'.1, I .. , I I � . . I
� i 4 ) . . I . .�
I - - .- . :,-, , 3110111111111 charg� , 260 * ::�
I was asked to take a. position on� the I , .- je,vs .
. , ( .
I I . , _�� .. I I . I - I . � !1�
editorial ,staff of that -paper, and was . . . I . I . . . I � . � . I . 1 �
. leader writer for some months. Mr. I . � ,� �
.. s
I I I . This doll , ,is waiting .for - -sorne , le,c. 23,24,25. . Ratuxn . I - .. "
�Thoma ' a Southworth, now Coloni4ation '. . . . I Good going 30 1. ....
. 'Agent for the Provin:c.s of -Ontarl6, 'one to buy her, but she - mri:] not. - � fLiffilt Dec. 26,1911 . ' . . � �, ", r.. --
"was, the, proprietor of the Brockville. - 1. . 4 . . . . , .&IS(i - ,gorod ,going Dec. 30,31, i911 . .. . I
C� I .. 1.
Wai 50rvl e � - ear,y -I L
Recorder and his editori Mr. Joli A. t - lot, I . .sl 1, 1912 RatVA14 irnit .. v:11
& . I OPPel . and Jan. r.-
'Mack6azie; hgvlrig..left� to enter 7the . r. . . . .
, I � .1.1in.2".1912.- : ., I .�
: .
: .
, �
Service of the Dr.. Williaink Medicine !Vill vet her, a n d the kit 7� ores VAI - .. 1. . . ... , , � �
I . . ; .
. . I , ".. - � ... I,
Co_ny Mr. bou worth had tb look - ':' � ,, I
1. . New Election Demanded, I � : . , - . . I . I ,. . . � . . I P . ' � . -.. . I I 1 ., . I I .. 11
' I . . .
1. I I . . I .. I . .�, . I I . after both the business, kind editorial � get left. - I . . I 11 . , I
. . . . born, or - I . " A - I z .. '1.1�
. I
, . Oshawa, Dec. 18.-TAere is .i'move- � Pinchot Warns Rapublic'ans. - Th0e. way be 'much discussion "', : . EON, FRANN OLITFIA . .. . 1. . I . .
- . to whether journalists are . . I �.. . endsi-He found these duties too exact- Fort glad one IN
. . . .
..A ment on foot to demand.aflother pro- Bbqt6n, Dec. 18.�Tliat the olcvolop . . . I .� I .1 , . . . .. - hoi 1'v, * 1 1-7 1 7J C:i V'T � , . . � . ,
. I .1 )01.r .0 f,"�T.'� 1 *_ jk, , I .
... I ment I I. . ing and offered Mr. Graham a position 13�'-_ I . . . . .
, vincial election in South.Ontario; be-" .9f reeent inopdhs�'have made niade-in t.hose.days of.medhaitical pron' * * . . . . � . : � . . .� I .. 1. . . . . . . �,
... . . . Which U6 accepted. This was .in 1893. ,,t� � I I . . .. ' I , �
!!' I use of alleged mistalcos'6n the part impossible thw reiionlination of ��Tr. ductions -. editortall3i mechanical �. allied, At the beginning of' the following A OUR P ,I f. . , � . 1. � 01 111.
'. ". -ca ' I MY wlitich gucceeded It `4., i,� Col O'.. V , �,Q,1,31. (Mininillin. cliarge,. 95'e) 1 �,�"
. .
. . I 'and that the couritiv is turniipg but there can only be one. opinion of ., )�em or , -ne'rem, . .1 I I . ,
_1 � ,of Crown Attorney Farewell in isou. Taft . . - of the Assembly during- the 11 I �* � . . . . � I . . I. I , .
.1. . kstrue. vapidly t6 LaVolletta as ilia next Re- Marjory, MacMurchy - for she Is next eight Years till 'I - 896. when lie- Year* the.. business, was oigallized into i-, I' .1 �. I � 11 I
� , . 4 4ng the voters' lists and giving ir. . . dividuallty In joint stock' company, -with George yut.ol ail othil�:Y'C�il�ntm�n, V,r.aas. - . 1
- � . .. . - � . 11
-rig officirs, � publican Presidential ilonlinee, were born arid made. '"rith, in In � . . . -
. . !% . I . tions to deputy returni among the declarations made by Gifr , all'fier own She infuses inio her work entorcd the arena of Federal politics V. Graliam as managing director. 1� .. . . . . Good- � igioing Deg. -2i, 1911 ,to Jan. 1,
I It is stated that Col. Farewell did � � � JIL and was teturned .to- the House of Mr. Southworth retired In 1895 to take � � - � .. i .." , - � I . ., 1912 inclusive. � Return Limit 1�
. - richot,'former-chief of the U. S. that irideflneability. ca ad life and Common .S,an -Independpiat Liberal. * . . I -�.� ... . I .
. �i - not act under th . . the.'post w w a . I � 1. , -
� f , . e - Later gSba olned tile officia)' Liberal . Ci t to . . . . I I I Jam; 311,9121. 1 1 "I ��
- bandling the lists, but und i, the, old Forest Service, hofore a gathering of her experlonce� � has, given her an in 0 * holds Nflith th,
a revised statutes in. ford Pi , hichhe no
' I . .. w . ,. I ..
I �. provisions of the law', that there were pr9irressive . Republicans in Tremont Fight hi'44 humanity that has already Party and in 1005 became Mini' n ar Government. Mr. Graliam . � -1 . . F ull, pmrticulAra from 11 I I
. .
_ was given entire charge of the Re- M111dren - ' .
some errors in the Polling books arid Temple Saturday -night. - , : .' -made Aer a power In the Press. � A the Interior ln.'the. Laurier cabinet . I . %W& - 'y - RAWS,kORD &SON, A,gollUk , � L '��
. � cord6r an , ��
I . .instructions given D. R. ().% were --��J-'Unless 4the Republican party Shall series -of articles from her pen' on and - 4 Privy Councillor, . I � . d was both, its business FOR. FLETCHER'S � - .- POHN� depot agiknt, .1 .
� rn the. ,.meet the ,demand, of the Aimes by the Coronation, wheri'she repreBen � manager aud-.-oditor up.to, the time I . A. O..`PATTLS.ON-1 � - . I .1 �
. .
vague, and that the returns fro ,. tod ;Az Minister of the *Interior- he hits that he',.Was created Minister of Rall- . . I 1. . . . I
. olling books were not a steinatically-. throwing it8elf',squarely into'the pro- ,the'. Publishers Press, brought out r 0 A S'7r 0 R I A I - - I I ,�
;- . _., . � - . had much to 'do. with shiping the 'wave and Canals On the platform, . , - . .. I
� 'Y ai. A.1 . I. . I . I . . I . �_ . I . . _.
. � handled. . I ' . . I � gres�give movemenw, .Lu me o use,
11 W, . . . The -recent election ' resulted in a fulness is past," Said the speaker. -
"I Liberal gain, Major Sinclaii defeating "Modern conditions demand, modern
. �
� Charles Calder. � . treatment. The Republican party
! . I I . . I needs ,to be. cleansed. cf .its open
I .
. .
� - .11, . Two Nearly Suffooted. , � . . .sores." - -large that an
. . The gathering was so
"IV -Fire was dis. a - was necessary.
�'. .". , Port Hopp, Dee. 18.* ov rflow meeting, � - I , �
. I : .covered at about I o'tlock Yesterday � ' I I . - .
.1 ''. I rhorning in the lockup of the Town I . Girl .Babies Tatter. I .1
i�`__.' Hall, where a commercial traveler,, for .' Boston, Dec. . IS. -Girl babies dre
. . � . b�ing #unk and disorderly,, and Also b, n orn taller and -kth mucli more
� . ;6alirig, _V, 'I " acr
.s young mail, ,charged with at ta than used to be the case,
c fity 'V
- 1. . a -horse, were confialled. Constable ordilag to an authorityll"this city;
. . Chester and family, who live, in the Miss Charlot M", . I
, . .te W.' Dunn i aiiistant .�.
. I I
. � . . building, were aroused by the shouts superintendent of a. hospital here pat-
� , . - .lot prisoners and liberated them Just roniied. by,the st.ork to the extent of
.. role, as they wer' al' 3,OM babies a -year, Says. I
! X1 in !he nick of ti . e '
" le�ost overcome bi the.omoke. The "We have noticed that girl babies
I . -1 . fire was extinguished after 3 had are getting taller arid that they are ,
- , .done a few hundred dollars' we . rth of - I aring in this world lately with
4amage, and thus the town, hall ,was Slip, ,
� more vitality thaulbruierly, The boy
.. saved. The origin of thefire.ts a babies, continuia on the average in
� . I I . ) I
� � .. .mystery. . weidht and height." .
.., I. � . 1. �. - .
,::. � . I . - . .
I � . � .
I . I To Stop TOp6IINVai Film#4 Alfred'Vanderbilt W6ds,
I I . . LoM I -Alfred Gwynne.
. � *Washington, Dec. 18�Italy, thrbugh . [on, Dec. 18. ,
. . 41 -A --kilt ana rs Smith Hollins
. . . - - .
immigration policy - pursued by the while not -eloquent, Mr. Graham la a - I � . . 1. r . . I . 11 . I . . I 1,
bominion Government in recent years. clear ancl .r��,%dy speaker and 'is re- 030%liffamiam- - , � I : � ��. - , � _ . 11 11 I.:.. -
In fact his adinlrers-claim ..that the garded as one of the best I'sturapers" . . I . 1.
r . ,
: big colonization wafe which. has been in his party. HIS grasp of detail IS I . . ... . , "
berta and has transformed Revina, present the most abstruse problem . I . I
. -Moose Javv_ Edmonton and Calgary. In a businesslike and clearcut manner . I I
I , , Trom small to 6 to flourishing cities and- IS always listened to. attentivelY. . : . E . , I . "
, sweepifig .Into Saskatchewan alid. Al- one of his strongest points. He can , �
.w1a ' . . B.,U T T R
. .
is in large, measure . due to Mr. Olive?9 His arguments are ',concise.. He doeg. I. 1. ,. -.,. � - .; ... . . �. I I � . I .
dnergyand Initiative: At any rate it not travel -all' over the' map to reach . . I . ..� I - . I � . ,
I .
cannot be d6nied t from. the start a'clImax,.,na1l awargurrient, or drive � .
, I . * 41 fro . � . '
It Is not � . ... I .1 . I I �
world whatit was going to be. .!� to put in sixteen'hotirs day in his . . .
. I he was I end. of - I mmn�who pinned home a ttutli. . He Is -a In.defagdgi I Lb I le �.''.. .'P.., ,� E-- - -, '1,R:- , -. - "
I their fattli'� In the West and told the worker and. unusual for bilh � I - .
Hon.: Mr. Oliver Is a journalist by i department . . . . . I � P . A . . .. � . . I . �
. profesgibn and is owner of tile 'Ed-, . . . I , . � . . . . . . � . . . I . . � . . "I
moliton, Bulletin' which he established . ' � I _ I 1111111111111�__. - - - I I - *i
. in the early eightles ,and v�hlcb.As- . SIN RUOH GRAHAM, L1.1). 7r. j -1 . . . . . �
� r I I . I I . .
now one of essful ..-, Canada is ,credited with production , . I �
. the Most 'suce ' ient�, for Wrapping , . ':
dailies in Western Canada, , . 1. .1 . of about' two hu�ndred� daily news- . Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchm I , : I
. . . I . . papers end fully a thousand weekliello butter�the best .sheet on the market,- in *packages, '. .. I , �
I and Sir Hugh. Graham ranks amimgSt : � . . I . . . I . . . �. . �. � . % . �.
V�A SCOTIA 'very .few Who havo, made adi inted-.: � I . � . . . � I I I
. .. . . the' . . not. pr 1. . I . .
. . . . I
� .% , her ambassador here, Samrd" ' . I I
.;,;* ,, -pealed to the State Dopartln6iit' �,. MclQm, formerly Miss Marg4Tet*-t1m X188 111AUJOR1 - RACMURCIUIS .
� , �i�' )rson of Baltimore, were married at - . . .
; , stop the exhibition in the Unite I . I
. ;States of motion pictures alleging to .Reigate at one o'clock yesterday af, .these qualities, well, particularly her
I I I Portray the massacre of Arabs and ternoon,,the banns having been an- descriptive work. .
� , . . . Turks in Tripoli by Italian soldiers. non . need in the customary niannor.. Marjory MacMurctry is' tortunate 'in
., , Thoi couple have gone on a motor
I The States Department informed the having a clever father and a clever,
I . ,Ambassador that it would do what It Wedding trip. It is Said at the Van. elder sister and there IS no doubt her
, �could towards Stopping th4 exIiibtion derbilt apsttInnets in London to -day early training, artistlo and sebblarly
,of the objectiolial pictures. I I that their destination was not,known. , environments, h&d Lool
I .Ach In the
., . AsTrusty" Maktit Escape. I . making of the writer we know. Burn.
i,,x - . Pioneer stool main Dead, . Ottawa, -Dec. 1S. -Felix Gagne of In Toronto, XIss M"Murthy was
, I I Pittsburg, Doe. IS.-Thbrilas X6b)o Montreal, a prisoner .serving a SonA educuted at Jarvis St. College and
1� . MfIlor, aged 70, motehatit, mailufactur. tonde of two rnonths in Ifull JA . " Toronto Vriveratty. tntered journal-,
� ,,or, railroad operator, inventor and Pie- eacaped from that institution on Sa Ism early In life. Now literary editor
. . I � . noet steel man, died here Saturday, urday evening, and, dqgpito rigorou of a Toronto daily, and contribut6s
. after a two -day's illness, from pneu- soateh, has not -yet been recaptured. to many of tile Magatlaos.
. � I . nio-nia. Mr. Miller in his youth was Ito was a "trusty" and working in the Mr. JUSTICE BRODEUR
.,engaged with Andrew Carii�;Ie and collar at the furnace. There was a.
I I 11 Henry Phipps in Vie steel industry, loose bar to the 19 -itch window and 'The Ron. Louis Allippe Brodeur, ,
I . s h family. I while the Jailei went upmtairs ho.jot X.C., LLM., late Minister of Marino
-N , . . � through and escaped. and Plaheries, comes bf one of the'
I I I 11 best known French-Canadian fauillle&
. emormous fortune out The busuleog,. . . . . . . .. , 1. ., � .
. I
* 400 She(AS fOr 59C- * .. �toq Slf�ets tor 21-c. . I .11
Today he 1?3 busy building'hils pil'b $till . I - I
.higher, or cutting down Some df� Ito I I .� . I . ., I . .11 I , I '' I � !, ,
towers, In an effort .to convince hU I 11 I . . . . . . .
: ymen that In seeking B tte _ . I I 11 .
lan- � . - I
closer trade relationship with 6 . e r *� Still I
folldw eountr .
I I � . I
ada, the *United States Is.merely � Seek- . . . I I . . I . . . I
lug to provide ,trade for its many . - neatly printed , I . I . �
. Have yodr name, farm, and post�office � I ,
thousands cof tille-vivloyod'mon to the .. : .. .
. .:
detrimenit of those ou' thtg side the and make a reputation for your product, We use I �
. I
. �
. I
line. Sir Hugh, wh6. Is an LZA). 01. � butter . paper ' teed not to run � . � I ,
Glaagilw,, Seotltkaid,'�md also it Knight only sp��ial ink, guaran . . I
-Bachalor of the Vnited Kingdom, Is 4 . or to injure the butter. . � .
native ot Atholuton, Quo., Where he . � I
was barn In 184.8, arid took on board .� 1001) lor, t.75 - 2000 for $g,00 5600 -for $7 00 . .
a load of ,education at Huntingdon � I I I . 1, .. `
. . . I .
. ' I �
a remo6rkable achievoltelit when one . ' ' i I .1
t6noidora ,that there to no other man Wrap your''butter, and get two cents, per pound . . . . I I
known who . matrioulnted from that � I . � I
gest- of learning. 140 IS founder And I . I more, than if unwrapped6 .
propketor of the DallY atid Weekly I . . � . I I . . -111,11'... ,-.. A . .
. Star ,of Montreal, arid has ' besides ' L L ! L &d i W4 q �� I .0 , . . , d i 0 EL i 0 . I -- . I - L - � I I
found time to devote In many direc- ' .
. tions, personal, DolitI&I and &031011" . to Supply you with printed .
ally philanthropic, 'In this lattericon. We also would be oleased 1.
neLtIon lie initiated A.Preshair Fund. Letter Reads, ,Note Heads, 13ill.Heads, Statements, . I
it, Moritxoal,.aJng16 barided suppressed - L 11 I
. I I- -lobe I . A tnvelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements �
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
. - .
-.04"W" .1 *1 I - .' 'A'- I I � I I I , 66.... �_11, . ... , 0 . . I I . �: , ,m,�T ,.. ! I "
* � AL!- , �- - - W10 , _ ___ - - L ., _ WM..:d"dh_ - _ - - -11 du - � ,,�,r_ :�A.&�.� . ��+�A,.;e_i&_,.&& _,�_ LLL -.)!-A- ��.KLIAL.1�1 JI...& -!A- % - , -,,,, - -, L __ I
1. . New Election Demanded, I � : . , - . . I . I ,. . . � . . I P . ' � . -.. . I I 1 ., . I I .. 11
' I . . .
1. I I . . I .. I . .�, . I I . after both the business, kind editorial � get left. - I . . I 11 . , I
. . . . born, or - I . " A - I z .. '1.1�
. I
, . Oshawa, Dec. 18.-TAere is .i'move- � Pinchot Warns Rapublic'ans. - Th0e. way be 'much discussion "', : . EON, FRANN OLITFIA . .. . 1. . I . .
- . to whether journalists are . . I �.. . endsi-He found these duties too exact- Fort glad one IN
. . . .
..A ment on foot to demand.aflother pro- Bbqt6n, Dec. 18.�Tliat the olcvolop . . . I .� I .1 , . . . .. - hoi 1'v, * 1 1-7 1 7J C:i V'T � , . . � . ,
. I .1 )01.r .0 f,"�T.'� 1 *_ jk, , I .
... I ment I I. . ing and offered Mr. Graham a position 13�'-_ I . . . . .
, vincial election in South.Ontario; be-" .9f reeent inopdhs�'have made niade-in t.hose.days of.medhaitical pron' * * . . . . � . : � . . .� I .. 1. . . . . . . �,
... . . . Which U6 accepted. This was .in 1893. ,,t� � I I . . .. ' I , �
!!' I use of alleged mistalcos'6n the part impossible thw reiionlination of ��Tr. ductions -. editortall3i mechanical �. allied, At the beginning of' the following A OUR P ,I f. . , � . 1. � 01 111.
'. ". -ca ' I MY wlitich gucceeded It `4., i,� Col O'.. V , �,Q,1,31. (Mininillin. cliarge,. 95'e) 1 �,�"
. .
. . I 'and that the couritiv is turniipg but there can only be one. opinion of ., )�em or , -ne'rem, . .1 I I . ,
_1 � ,of Crown Attorney Farewell in isou. Taft . . - of the Assembly during- the 11 I �* � . . . . � I . . I. I , .
.1. . kstrue. vapidly t6 LaVolletta as ilia next Re- Marjory, MacMurchy - for she Is next eight Years till 'I - 896. when lie- Year* the.. business, was oigallized into i-, I' .1 �. I � 11 I
� , . 4 4ng the voters' lists and giving ir. . . dividuallty In joint stock' company, -with George yut.ol ail othil�:Y'C�il�ntm�n, V,r.aas. - . 1
- � . .. . - � . 11
-rig officirs, � publican Presidential ilonlinee, were born arid made. '"rith, in In � . . . -
. . !% . I . tions to deputy returni among the declarations made by Gifr , all'fier own She infuses inio her work entorcd the arena of Federal politics V. Graliam as managing director. 1� .. . . . . Good- � igioing Deg. -2i, 1911 ,to Jan. 1,
I It is stated that Col. Farewell did � � � JIL and was teturned .to- the House of Mr. Southworth retired In 1895 to take � � - � .. i .." , - � I . ., 1912 inclusive. � Return Limit 1�
. - richot,'former-chief of the U. S. that irideflneability. ca ad life and Common .S,an -Independpiat Liberal. * . . I -�.� ... . I .
. �i - not act under th . . the.'post w w a . I � 1. , -
� f , . e - Later gSba olned tile officia)' Liberal . Ci t to . . . . I I I Jam; 311,9121. 1 1 "I ��
- bandling the lists, but und i, the, old Forest Service, hofore a gathering of her experlonce� � has, given her an in 0 * holds Nflith th,
a revised statutes in. ford Pi , hichhe no
' I . .. w . ,. I ..
I �. provisions of the law', that there were pr9irressive . Republicans in Tremont Fight hi'44 humanity that has already Party and in 1005 became Mini' n ar Government. Mr. Graliam . � -1 . . F ull, pmrticulAra from 11 I I
. .
_ was given entire charge of the Re- M111dren - ' .
some errors in the Polling books arid Temple Saturday -night. - , : .' -made Aer a power In the Press. � A the Interior ln.'the. Laurier cabinet . I . %W& - 'y - RAWS,kORD &SON, A,gollUk , � L '��
. � cord6r an , ��
I . .instructions given D. R. ().% were --��J-'Unless 4the Republican party Shall series -of articles from her pen' on and - 4 Privy Councillor, . I � . d was both, its business FOR. FLETCHER'S � - .- POHN� depot agiknt, .1 .
� rn the. ,.meet the ,demand, of the Aimes by the Coronation, wheri'she repreBen � manager aud-.-oditor up.to, the time I . A. O..`PATTLS.ON-1 � - . I .1 �
. .
vague, and that the returns fro ,. tod ;Az Minister of the *Interior- he hits that he',.Was created Minister of Rall- . . I 1. . . . I
. olling books were not a steinatically-. throwing it8elf',squarely into'the pro- ,the'. Publishers Press, brought out r 0 A S'7r 0 R I A I - - I I ,�
;- . _., . � - . had much to 'do. with shiping the 'wave and Canals On the platform, . , - . .. I
� 'Y ai. A.1 . I. . I . I . . I . �_ . I . . _.
. � handled. . I ' . . I � gres�give movemenw, .Lu me o use,
11 W, . . . The -recent election ' resulted in a fulness is past," Said the speaker. -
"I Liberal gain, Major Sinclaii defeating "Modern conditions demand, modern
. �
� Charles Calder. � . treatment. The Republican party
! . I I . . I needs ,to be. cleansed. cf .its open
I .
. .
� - .11, . Two Nearly Suffooted. , � . . .sores." - -large that an
. . The gathering was so
"IV -Fire was dis. a - was necessary.
�'. .". , Port Hopp, Dee. 18.* ov rflow meeting, � - I , �
. I : .covered at about I o'tlock Yesterday � ' I I . - .
.1 ''. I rhorning in the lockup of the Town I . Girl .Babies Tatter. I .1
i�`__.' Hall, where a commercial traveler,, for .' Boston, Dec. . IS. -Girl babies dre
. . � . b�ing #unk and disorderly,, and Also b, n orn taller and -kth mucli more
� . ;6alirig, _V, 'I " acr
.s young mail, ,charged with at ta than used to be the case,
c fity 'V
- 1. . a -horse, were confialled. Constable ordilag to an authorityll"this city;
. . Chester and family, who live, in the Miss Charlot M", . I
, . .te W.' Dunn i aiiistant .�.
. I I
. � . . building, were aroused by the shouts superintendent of a. hospital here pat-
� , . - .lot prisoners and liberated them Just roniied. by,the st.ork to the extent of
.. role, as they wer' al' 3,OM babies a -year, Says. I
! X1 in !he nick of ti . e '
" le�ost overcome bi the.omoke. The "We have noticed that girl babies
I . -1 . fire was extinguished after 3 had are getting taller arid that they are ,
- , .done a few hundred dollars' we . rth of - I aring in this world lately with
4amage, and thus the town, hall ,was Slip, ,
� more vitality thaulbruierly, The boy
.. saved. The origin of thefire.ts a babies, continuia on the average in
� . I I . ) I
� � .. .mystery. . weidht and height." .
.., I. � . 1. �. - .
,::. � . I . - . .
I � . � .
I . I To Stop TOp6IINVai Film#4 Alfred'Vanderbilt W6ds,
I I . . LoM I -Alfred Gwynne.
. � *Washington, Dec. 18�Italy, thrbugh . [on, Dec. 18. ,
. . 41 -A --kilt ana rs Smith Hollins
. . . - - .
immigration policy - pursued by the while not -eloquent, Mr. Graham la a - I � . . 1. r . . I . 11 . I . . I 1,
bominion Government in recent years. clear ancl .r��,%dy speaker and 'is re- 030%liffamiam- - , � I : � ��. - , � _ . 11 11 I.:.. -
In fact his adinlrers-claim ..that the garded as one of the best I'sturapers" . . I . 1.
r . ,
: big colonization wafe which. has been in his party. HIS grasp of detail IS I . . ... . , "
berta and has transformed Revina, present the most abstruse problem . I . I
. -Moose Javv_ Edmonton and Calgary. In a businesslike and clearcut manner . I I
I , , Trom small to 6 to flourishing cities and- IS always listened to. attentivelY. . : . E . , I . "
, sweepifig .Into Saskatchewan alid. Al- one of his strongest points. He can , �
.w1a ' . . B.,U T T R
. .
is in large, measure . due to Mr. Olive?9 His arguments are ',concise.. He doeg. I. 1. ,. -.,. � - .; ... . . �. I I � . I .
dnergyand Initiative: At any rate it not travel -all' over the' map to reach . . I . ..� I - . I � . ,
I .
cannot be d6nied t from. the start a'clImax,.,na1l awargurrient, or drive � .
, I . * 41 fro . � . '
It Is not � . ... I .1 . I I �
world whatit was going to be. .!� to put in sixteen'hotirs day in his . . .
. I he was I end. of - I mmn�who pinned home a ttutli. . He Is -a In.defagdgi I Lb I le �.''.. .'P.., ,� E-- - -, '1,R:- , -. - "
I their fattli'� In the West and told the worker and. unusual for bilh � I - .
Hon.: Mr. Oliver Is a journalist by i department . . . . . I � P . A . . .. � . . I . �
. profesgibn and is owner of tile 'Ed-, . . . I , . � . . . . . . � . . . I . . � . . "I
moliton, Bulletin' which he established . ' � I _ I 1111111111111�__. - - - I I - *i
. in the early eightles ,and v�hlcb.As- . SIN RUOH GRAHAM, L1.1). 7r. j -1 . . . . . �
� r I I . I I . .
now one of essful ..-, Canada is ,credited with production , . I �
. the Most 'suce ' ient�, for Wrapping , . ':
dailies in Western Canada, , . 1. .1 . of about' two hu�ndred� daily news- . Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchm I , : I
. . . I . . papers end fully a thousand weekliello butter�the best .sheet on the market,- in *packages, '. .. I , �
I and Sir Hugh. Graham ranks amimgSt : � . . I . . . I . . . �. . �. � . % . �.
V�A SCOTIA 'very .few Who havo, made adi inted-.: � I . � . . . � I I I
. .. . . the' . . not. pr 1. . I . .
. . . . I
� .% , her ambassador here, Samrd" ' . I I
.;,;* ,, -pealed to the State Dopartln6iit' �,. MclQm, formerly Miss Marg4Tet*-t1m X188 111AUJOR1 - RACMURCIUIS .
� , �i�' )rson of Baltimore, were married at - . . .
; , stop the exhibition in the Unite I . I
. ;States of motion pictures alleging to .Reigate at one o'clock yesterday af, .these qualities, well, particularly her
I I I Portray the massacre of Arabs and ternoon,,the banns having been an- descriptive work. .
� , . . . Turks in Tripoli by Italian soldiers. non . need in the customary niannor.. Marjory MacMurctry is' tortunate 'in
., , Thoi couple have gone on a motor
I The States Department informed the having a clever father and a clever,
I . ,Ambassador that it would do what It Wedding trip. It is Said at the Van. elder sister and there IS no doubt her
, �could towards Stopping th4 exIiibtion derbilt apsttInnets in London to -day early training, artistlo and sebblarly
,of the objectiolial pictures. I I that their destination was not,known. , environments, h&d Lool
I .Ach In the
., . AsTrusty" Maktit Escape. I . making of the writer we know. Burn.
i,,x - . Pioneer stool main Dead, . Ottawa, -Dec. 1S. -Felix Gagne of In Toronto, XIss M"Murthy was
, I I Pittsburg, Doe. IS.-Thbrilas X6b)o Montreal, a prisoner .serving a SonA educuted at Jarvis St. College and
1� . MfIlor, aged 70, motehatit, mailufactur. tonde of two rnonths in Ifull JA . " Toronto Vriveratty. tntered journal-,
� ,,or, railroad operator, inventor and Pie- eacaped from that institution on Sa Ism early In life. Now literary editor
. . I � . noet steel man, died here Saturday, urday evening, and, dqgpito rigorou of a Toronto daily, and contribut6s
. after a two -day's illness, from pneu- soateh, has not -yet been recaptured. to many of tile Magatlaos.
. � I . nio-nia. Mr. Miller in his youth was Ito was a "trusty" and working in the Mr. JUSTICE BRODEUR
.,engaged with Andrew Carii�;Ie and collar at the furnace. There was a.
I I 11 Henry Phipps in Vie steel industry, loose bar to the 19 -itch window and 'The Ron. Louis Allippe Brodeur, ,
I . s h family. I while the Jailei went upmtairs ho.jot X.C., LLM., late Minister of Marino
-N , . . � through and escaped. and Plaheries, comes bf one of the'
I I I 11 best known French-Canadian fauillle&
. emormous fortune out The busuleog,. . . . . . . .. , 1. ., � .
. I
* 400 She(AS fOr 59C- * .. �toq Slf�ets tor 21-c. . I .11
Today he 1?3 busy building'hils pil'b $till . I - I
.higher, or cutting down Some df� Ito I I .� . I . ., I . .11 I , I '' I � !, ,
towers, In an effort .to convince hU I 11 I . . . . . . .
: ymen that In seeking B tte _ . I I 11 .
lan- � . - I
closer trade relationship with 6 . e r *� Still I
folldw eountr .
I I � . I
ada, the *United States Is.merely � Seek- . . . I I . . I . . . I
lug to provide ,trade for its many . - neatly printed , I . I . �
. Have yodr name, farm, and post�office � I ,
thousands cof tille-vivloyod'mon to the .. : .. .
. .:
detrimenit of those ou' thtg side the and make a reputation for your product, We use I �
. I
. �
. I
line. Sir Hugh, wh6. Is an LZA). 01. � butter . paper ' teed not to run � . � I ,
Glaagilw,, Seotltkaid,'�md also it Knight only sp��ial ink, guaran . . I
-Bachalor of the Vnited Kingdom, Is 4 . or to injure the butter. . � .
native ot Atholuton, Quo., Where he . � I
was barn In 184.8, arid took on board .� 1001) lor, t.75 - 2000 for $g,00 5600 -for $7 00 . .
a load of ,education at Huntingdon � I I I . 1, .. `
. . . I .
. ' I �
a remo6rkable achievoltelit when one . ' ' i I .1
t6noidora ,that there to no other man Wrap your''butter, and get two cents, per pound . . . . I I
known who . matrioulnted from that � I . � I
gest- of learning. 140 IS founder And I . I more, than if unwrapped6 .
propketor of the DallY atid Weekly I . . � . I I . . -111,11'... ,-.. A . .
. Star ,of Montreal, arid has ' besides ' L L ! L &d i W4 q �� I .0 , . . , d i 0 EL i 0 . I -- . I - L - � I I
found time to devote In many direc- ' .
. tions, personal, DolitI&I and &031011" . to Supply you with printed .
ally philanthropic, 'In this lattericon. We also would be oleased 1.
neLtIon lie initiated A.Preshair Fund. Letter Reads, ,Note Heads, 13ill.Heads, Statements, . I
it, Moritxoal,.aJng16 barided suppressed - L 11 I
. I I- -lobe I . A tnvelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements �
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
. - .
-.04"W" .1 *1 I - .' 'A'- I I � I I I , 66.... �_11, . ... , 0 . . I I . �: , ,m,�T ,.. ! I "
* � AL!- , �- - - W10 , _ ___ - - L ., _ WM..:d"dh_ - _ - - -11 du - � ,,�,r_ :�A.&�.� . ��+�A,.;e_i&_,.&& _,�_ LLL -.)!-A- ��.KLIAL.1�1 JI...& -!A- % - , -,,,, - -, L __ I
. � handled. . I ' . . I � gres�give movemenw, .Lu me o use,
11 W, . . . The -recent election ' resulted in a fulness is past," Said the speaker. -
"I Liberal gain, Major Sinclaii defeating "Modern conditions demand, modern
. �
� Charles Calder. � . treatment. The Republican party
! . I I . . I needs ,to be. cleansed. cf .its open
I .
. .
� - .11, . Two Nearly Suffooted. , � . . .sores." - -large that an
. . The gathering was so
"IV -Fire was dis. a - was necessary.
�'. .". , Port Hopp, Dee. 18.* ov rflow meeting, � - I , �
. I : .covered at about I o'tlock Yesterday � ' I I . - .
.1 ''. I rhorning in the lockup of the Town I . Girl .Babies Tatter. I .1
i�`__.' Hall, where a commercial traveler,, for .' Boston, Dec. . IS. -Girl babies dre
. . � . b�ing #unk and disorderly,, and Also b, n orn taller and -kth mucli more
� . ;6alirig, _V, 'I " acr
.s young mail, ,charged with at ta than used to be the case,
c fity 'V
- 1. . a -horse, were confialled. Constable ordilag to an authorityll"this city;
. . Chester and family, who live, in the Miss Charlot M", . I
, . .te W.' Dunn i aiiistant .�.
. I I
. � . . building, were aroused by the shouts superintendent of a. hospital here pat-
� , . - .lot prisoners and liberated them Just roniied. by,the st.ork to the extent of
.. role, as they wer' al' 3,OM babies a -year, Says. I
! X1 in !he nick of ti . e '
" le�ost overcome bi the.omoke. The "We have noticed that girl babies
I . -1 . fire was extinguished after 3 had are getting taller arid that they are ,
- , .done a few hundred dollars' we . rth of - I aring in this world lately with
4amage, and thus the town, hall ,was Slip, ,
� more vitality thaulbruierly, The boy
.. saved. The origin of thefire.ts a babies, continuia on the average in
� . I I . ) I
� � .. .mystery. . weidht and height." .
.., I. � . 1. �. - .
,::. � . I . - . .
I � . � .
I . I To Stop TOp6IINVai Film#4 Alfred'Vanderbilt W6ds,
I I . . LoM I -Alfred Gwynne.
. � *Washington, Dec. 18�Italy, thrbugh . [on, Dec. 18. ,
. . 41 -A --kilt ana rs Smith Hollins
. . . - - .
immigration policy - pursued by the while not -eloquent, Mr. Graham la a - I � . . 1. r . . I . 11 . I . . I 1,
bominion Government in recent years. clear ancl .r��,%dy speaker and 'is re- 030%liffamiam- - , � I : � ��. - , � _ . 11 11 I.:.. -
In fact his adinlrers-claim ..that the garded as one of the best I'sturapers" . . I . 1.
r . ,
: big colonization wafe which. has been in his party. HIS grasp of detail IS I . . ... . , "
berta and has transformed Revina, present the most abstruse problem . I . I
. -Moose Javv_ Edmonton and Calgary. In a businesslike and clearcut manner . I I
I , , Trom small to 6 to flourishing cities and- IS always listened to. attentivelY. . : . E . , I . "
, sweepifig .Into Saskatchewan alid. Al- one of his strongest points. He can , �
.w1a ' . . B.,U T T R
. .
is in large, measure . due to Mr. Olive?9 His arguments are ',concise.. He doeg. I. 1. ,. -.,. � - .; ... . . �. I I � . I .
dnergyand Initiative: At any rate it not travel -all' over the' map to reach . . I . ..� I - . I � . ,
I .
cannot be d6nied t from. the start a'clImax,.,na1l awargurrient, or drive � .
, I . * 41 fro . � . '
It Is not � . ... I .1 . I I �
world whatit was going to be. .!� to put in sixteen'hotirs day in his . . .
. I he was I end. of - I mmn�who pinned home a ttutli. . He Is -a In.defagdgi I Lb I le �.''.. .'P.., ,� E-- - -, '1,R:- , -. - "
I their fattli'� In the West and told the worker and. unusual for bilh � I - .
Hon.: Mr. Oliver Is a journalist by i department . . . . . I � P . A . . .. � . . I . �
. profesgibn and is owner of tile 'Ed-, . . . I , . � . . . . . . � . . . I . . � . . "I
moliton, Bulletin' which he established . ' � I _ I 1111111111111�__. - - - I I - *i
. in the early eightles ,and v�hlcb.As- . SIN RUOH GRAHAM, L1.1). 7r. j -1 . . . . . �
� r I I . I I . .
now one of essful ..-, Canada is ,credited with production , . I �
. the Most 'suce ' ient�, for Wrapping , . ':
dailies in Western Canada, , . 1. .1 . of about' two hu�ndred� daily news- . Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchm I , : I
. . . I . . papers end fully a thousand weekliello butter�the best .sheet on the market,- in *packages, '. .. I , �
I and Sir Hugh. Graham ranks amimgSt : � . . I . . . I . . . �. . �. � . % . �.
V�A SCOTIA 'very .few Who havo, made adi inted-.: � I . � . . . � I I I
. .. . . the' . . not. pr 1. . I . .
. . . . I
� .% , her ambassador here, Samrd" ' . I I
.;,;* ,, -pealed to the State Dopartln6iit' �,. MclQm, formerly Miss Marg4Tet*-t1m X188 111AUJOR1 - RACMURCIUIS .
� , �i�' )rson of Baltimore, were married at - . . .
; , stop the exhibition in the Unite I . I
. ;States of motion pictures alleging to .Reigate at one o'clock yesterday af, .these qualities, well, particularly her
I I I Portray the massacre of Arabs and ternoon,,the banns having been an- descriptive work. .
� , . . . Turks in Tripoli by Italian soldiers. non . need in the customary niannor.. Marjory MacMurctry is' tortunate 'in
., , Thoi couple have gone on a motor
I The States Department informed the having a clever father and a clever,
I . ,Ambassador that it would do what It Wedding trip. It is Said at the Van. elder sister and there IS no doubt her
, �could towards Stopping th4 exIiibtion derbilt apsttInnets in London to -day early training, artistlo and sebblarly
,of the objectiolial pictures. I I that their destination was not,known. , environments, h&d Lool
I .Ach In the
., . AsTrusty" Maktit Escape. I . making of the writer we know. Burn.
i,,x - . Pioneer stool main Dead, . Ottawa, -Dec. 1S. -Felix Gagne of In Toronto, XIss M"Murthy was
, I I Pittsburg, Doe. IS.-Thbrilas X6b)o Montreal, a prisoner .serving a SonA educuted at Jarvis St. College and
1� . MfIlor, aged 70, motehatit, mailufactur. tonde of two rnonths in Ifull JA . " Toronto Vriveratty. tntered journal-,
� ,,or, railroad operator, inventor and Pie- eacaped from that institution on Sa Ism early In life. Now literary editor
. . I � . noet steel man, died here Saturday, urday evening, and, dqgpito rigorou of a Toronto daily, and contribut6s
. after a two -day's illness, from pneu- soateh, has not -yet been recaptured. to many of tile Magatlaos.
. � I . nio-nia. Mr. Miller in his youth was Ito was a "trusty" and working in the Mr. JUSTICE BRODEUR
.,engaged with Andrew Carii�;Ie and collar at the furnace. There was a.
I I 11 Henry Phipps in Vie steel industry, loose bar to the 19 -itch window and 'The Ron. Louis Allippe Brodeur, ,
I . s h family. I while the Jailei went upmtairs ho.jot X.C., LLM., late Minister of Marino
-N , . . � through and escaped. and Plaheries, comes bf one of the'
I I I 11 best known French-Canadian fauillle&
. emormous fortune out The busuleog,. . . . . . . .. , 1. ., � .
. I
* 400 She(AS fOr 59C- * .. �toq Slf�ets tor 21-c. . I .11
Today he 1?3 busy building'hils pil'b $till . I - I
.higher, or cutting down Some df� Ito I I .� . I . ., I . .11 I , I '' I � !, ,
towers, In an effort .to convince hU I 11 I . . . . . . .
: ymen that In seeking B tte _ . I I 11 .
lan- � . - I
closer trade relationship with 6 . e r *� Still I
folldw eountr .
I I � . I
ada, the *United States Is.merely � Seek- . . . I I . . I . . . I
lug to provide ,trade for its many . - neatly printed , I . I . �
. Have yodr name, farm, and post�office � I ,
thousands cof tille-vivloyod'mon to the .. : .. .
. .:
detrimenit of those ou' thtg side the and make a reputation for your product, We use I �
. I
. �
. I
line. Sir Hugh, wh6. Is an LZA). 01. � butter . paper ' teed not to run � . � I ,
Glaagilw,, Seotltkaid,'�md also it Knight only sp��ial ink, guaran . . I
-Bachalor of the Vnited Kingdom, Is 4 . or to injure the butter. . � .
native ot Atholuton, Quo., Where he . � I
was barn In 184.8, arid took on board .� 1001) lor, t.75 - 2000 for $g,00 5600 -for $7 00 . .
a load of ,education at Huntingdon � I I I . 1, .. `
. . . I .
. ' I �
a remo6rkable achievoltelit when one . ' ' i I .1
t6noidora ,that there to no other man Wrap your''butter, and get two cents, per pound . . . . I I
known who . matrioulnted from that � I . � I
gest- of learning. 140 IS founder And I . I more, than if unwrapped6 .
propketor of the DallY atid Weekly I . . � . I I . . -111,11'... ,-.. A . .
. Star ,of Montreal, arid has ' besides ' L L ! L &d i W4 q �� I .0 , . . , d i 0 EL i 0 . I -- . I - L - � I I
found time to devote In many direc- ' .
. tions, personal, DolitI&I and &031011" . to Supply you with printed .
ally philanthropic, 'In this lattericon. We also would be oleased 1.
neLtIon lie initiated A.Preshair Fund. Letter Reads, ,Note Heads, 13ill.Heads, Statements, . I
it, Moritxoal,.aJng16 barided suppressed - L 11 I
. I I- -lobe I . A tnvelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements �
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
. - .
-.04"W" .1 *1 I - .' 'A'- I I � I I I , 66.... �_11, . ... , 0 . . I I . �: , ,m,�T ,.. ! I "
* � AL!- , �- - - W10 , _ ___ - - L ., _ WM..:d"dh_ - _ - - -11 du - � ,,�,r_ :�A.&�.� . ��+�A,.;e_i&_,.&& _,�_ LLL -.)!-A- ��.KLIAL.1�1 JI...& -!A- % - , -,,,, - -, L __ I
. . . - - .
immigration policy - pursued by the while not -eloquent, Mr. Graham la a - I � . . 1. r . . I . 11 . I . . I 1,
bominion Government in recent years. clear ancl .r��,%dy speaker and 'is re- 030%liffamiam- - , � I : � ��. - , � _ . 11 11 I.:.. -
In fact his adinlrers-claim ..that the garded as one of the best I'sturapers" . . I . 1.
r . ,
: big colonization wafe which. has been in his party. HIS grasp of detail IS I . . ... . , "
berta and has transformed Revina, present the most abstruse problem . I . I
. -Moose Javv_ Edmonton and Calgary. In a businesslike and clearcut manner . I I
I , , Trom small to 6 to flourishing cities and- IS always listened to. attentivelY. . : . E . , I . "
, sweepifig .Into Saskatchewan alid. Al- one of his strongest points. He can , �
.w1a ' . . B.,U T T R
. .
is in large, measure . due to Mr. Olive?9 His arguments are ',concise.. He doeg. I. 1. ,. -.,. � - .; ... . . �. I I � . I .
dnergyand Initiative: At any rate it not travel -all' over the' map to reach . . I . ..� I - . I � . ,
I .
cannot be d6nied t from. the start a'clImax,.,na1l awargurrient, or drive � .
, I . * 41 fro . � . '
It Is not � . ... I .1 . I I �
world whatit was going to be. .!� to put in sixteen'hotirs day in his . . .
. I he was I end. of - I mmn�who pinned home a ttutli. . He Is -a In.defagdgi I Lb I le �.''.. .'P.., ,� E-- - -, '1,R:- , -. - "
I their fattli'� In the West and told the worker and. unusual for bilh � I - .
Hon.: Mr. Oliver Is a journalist by i department . . . . . I � P . A . . .. � . . I . �
. profesgibn and is owner of tile 'Ed-, . . . I , . � . . . . . . � . . . I . . � . . "I
moliton, Bulletin' which he established . ' � I _ I 1111111111111�__. - - - I I - *i
. in the early eightles ,and v�hlcb.As- . SIN RUOH GRAHAM, L1.1). 7r. j -1 . . . . . �
� r I I . I I . .
now one of essful ..-, Canada is ,credited with production , . I �
. the Most 'suce ' ient�, for Wrapping , . ':
dailies in Western Canada, , . 1. .1 . of about' two hu�ndred� daily news- . Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchm I , : I
. . . I . . papers end fully a thousand weekliello butter�the best .sheet on the market,- in *packages, '. .. I , �
I and Sir Hugh. Graham ranks amimgSt : � . . I . . . I . . . �. . �. � . % . �.
V�A SCOTIA 'very .few Who havo, made adi inted-.: � I . � . . . � I I I
. .. . . the' . . not. pr 1. . I . .
. . . . I
� .% , her ambassador here, Samrd" ' . I I
.;,;* ,, -pealed to the State Dopartln6iit' �,. MclQm, formerly Miss Marg4Tet*-t1m X188 111AUJOR1 - RACMURCIUIS .
� , �i�' )rson of Baltimore, were married at - . . .
; , stop the exhibition in the Unite I . I
. ;States of motion pictures alleging to .Reigate at one o'clock yesterday af, .these qualities, well, particularly her
I I I Portray the massacre of Arabs and ternoon,,the banns having been an- descriptive work. .
� , . . . Turks in Tripoli by Italian soldiers. non . need in the customary niannor.. Marjory MacMurctry is' tortunate 'in
., , Thoi couple have gone on a motor
I The States Department informed the having a clever father and a clever,
I . ,Ambassador that it would do what It Wedding trip. It is Said at the Van. elder sister and there IS no doubt her
, �could towards Stopping th4 exIiibtion derbilt apsttInnets in London to -day early training, artistlo and sebblarly
,of the objectiolial pictures. I I that their destination was not,known. , environments, h&d Lool
I .Ach In the
., . AsTrusty" Maktit Escape. I . making of the writer we know. Burn.
i,,x - . Pioneer stool main Dead, . Ottawa, -Dec. 1S. -Felix Gagne of In Toronto, XIss M"Murthy was
, I I Pittsburg, Doe. IS.-Thbrilas X6b)o Montreal, a prisoner .serving a SonA educuted at Jarvis St. College and
1� . MfIlor, aged 70, motehatit, mailufactur. tonde of two rnonths in Ifull JA . " Toronto Vriveratty. tntered journal-,
� ,,or, railroad operator, inventor and Pie- eacaped from that institution on Sa Ism early In life. Now literary editor
. . I � . noet steel man, died here Saturday, urday evening, and, dqgpito rigorou of a Toronto daily, and contribut6s
. after a two -day's illness, from pneu- soateh, has not -yet been recaptured. to many of tile Magatlaos.
. � I . nio-nia. Mr. Miller in his youth was Ito was a "trusty" and working in the Mr. JUSTICE BRODEUR
.,engaged with Andrew Carii�;Ie and collar at the furnace. There was a.
I I 11 Henry Phipps in Vie steel industry, loose bar to the 19 -itch window and 'The Ron. Louis Allippe Brodeur, ,
I . s h family. I while the Jailei went upmtairs ho.jot X.C., LLM., late Minister of Marino
-N , . . � through and escaped. and Plaheries, comes bf one of the'
I I I 11 best known French-Canadian fauillle&
. emormous fortune out The busuleog,. . . . . . . .. , 1. ., � .
. I
* 400 She(AS fOr 59C- * .. �toq Slf�ets tor 21-c. . I .11
Today he 1?3 busy building'hils pil'b $till . I - I
.higher, or cutting down Some df� Ito I I .� . I . ., I . .11 I , I '' I � !, ,
towers, In an effort .to convince hU I 11 I . . . . . . .
: ymen that In seeking B tte _ . I I 11 .
lan- � . - I
closer trade relationship with 6 . e r *� Still I
folldw eountr .
I I � . I
ada, the *United States Is.merely � Seek- . . . I I . . I . . . I
lug to provide ,trade for its many . - neatly printed , I . I . �
. Have yodr name, farm, and post�office � I ,
thousands cof tille-vivloyod'mon to the .. : .. .
. .:
detrimenit of those ou' thtg side the and make a reputation for your product, We use I �
. I
. �
. I
line. Sir Hugh, wh6. Is an LZA). 01. � butter . paper ' teed not to run � . � I ,
Glaagilw,, Seotltkaid,'�md also it Knight only sp��ial ink, guaran . . I
-Bachalor of the Vnited Kingdom, Is 4 . or to injure the butter. . � .
native ot Atholuton, Quo., Where he . � I
was barn In 184.8, arid took on board .� 1001) lor, t.75 - 2000 for $g,00 5600 -for $7 00 . .
a load of ,education at Huntingdon � I I I . 1, .. `
. . . I .
. ' I �
a remo6rkable achievoltelit when one . ' ' i I .1
t6noidora ,that there to no other man Wrap your''butter, and get two cents, per pound . . . . I I
known who . matrioulnted from that � I . � I
gest- of learning. 140 IS founder And I . I more, than if unwrapped6 .
propketor of the DallY atid Weekly I . . � . I I . . -111,11'... ,-.. A . .
. Star ,of Montreal, arid has ' besides ' L L ! L &d i W4 q �� I .0 , . . , d i 0 EL i 0 . I -- . I - L - � I I
found time to devote In many direc- ' .
. tions, personal, DolitI&I and &031011" . to Supply you with printed .
ally philanthropic, 'In this lattericon. We also would be oleased 1.
neLtIon lie initiated A.Preshair Fund. Letter Reads, ,Note Heads, 13ill.Heads, Statements, . I
it, Moritxoal,.aJng16 barided suppressed - L 11 I
. I I- -lobe I . A tnvelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements �
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
. - .
-.04"W" .1 *1 I - .' 'A'- I I � I I I , 66.... �_11, . ... , 0 . . I I . �: , ,m,�T ,.. ! I "
* � AL!- , �- - - W10 , _ ___ - - L ., _ WM..:d"dh_ - _ - - -11 du - � ,,�,r_ :�A.&�.� . ��+�A,.;e_i&_,.&& _,�_ LLL -.)!-A- ��.KLIAL.1�1 JI...& -!A- % - , -,,,, - -, L __ I
. emormous fortune out The busuleog,. . . . . . . .. , 1. ., � .
. I
* 400 She(AS fOr 59C- * .. �toq Slf�ets tor 21-c. . I .11
Today he 1?3 busy building'hils pil'b $till . I - I
.higher, or cutting down Some df� Ito I I .� . I . ., I . .11 I , I '' I � !, ,
towers, In an effort .to convince hU I 11 I . . . . . . .
: ymen that In seeking B tte _ . I I 11 .
lan- � . - I
closer trade relationship with 6 . e r *� Still I
folldw eountr .
I I � . I
ada, the *United States Is.merely � Seek- . . . I I . . I . . . I
lug to provide ,trade for its many . - neatly printed , I . I . �
. Have yodr name, farm, and post�office � I ,
thousands cof tille-vivloyod'mon to the .. : .. .
. .:
detrimenit of those ou' thtg side the and make a reputation for your product, We use I �
. I
. �
. I
line. Sir Hugh, wh6. Is an LZA). 01. � butter . paper ' teed not to run � . � I ,
Glaagilw,, Seotltkaid,'�md also it Knight only sp��ial ink, guaran . . I
-Bachalor of the Vnited Kingdom, Is 4 . or to injure the butter. . � .
native ot Atholuton, Quo., Where he . � I
was barn In 184.8, arid took on board .� 1001) lor, t.75 - 2000 for $g,00 5600 -for $7 00 . .
a load of ,education at Huntingdon � I I I . 1, .. `
. . . I .
. ' I �
a remo6rkable achievoltelit when one . ' ' i I .1
t6noidora ,that there to no other man Wrap your''butter, and get two cents, per pound . . . . I I
known who . matrioulnted from that � I . � I
gest- of learning. 140 IS founder And I . I more, than if unwrapped6 .
propketor of the DallY atid Weekly I . . � . I I . . -111,11'... ,-.. A . .
. Star ,of Montreal, arid has ' besides ' L L ! L &d i W4 q �� I .0 , . . , d i 0 EL i 0 . I -- . I - L - � I I
found time to devote In many direc- ' .
. tions, personal, DolitI&I and &031011" . to Supply you with printed .
ally philanthropic, 'In this lattericon. We also would be oleased 1.
neLtIon lie initiated A.Preshair Fund. Letter Reads, ,Note Heads, 13ill.Heads, Statements, . I
it, Moritxoal,.aJng16 barided suppressed - L 11 I
. I I- -lobe I . A tnvelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements �
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
. - .
-.04"W" .1 *1 I - .' 'A'- I I � I I I , 66.... �_11, . ... , 0 . . I I . �: , ,m,�T ,.. ! I "
* � AL!- , �- - - W10 , _ ___ - - L ., _ WM..:d"dh_ - _ - - -11 du - � ,,�,r_ :�A.&�.� . ��+�A,.;e_i&_,.&& _,�_ LLL -.)!-A- ��.KLIAL.1�1 JI...& -!A- % - , -,,,, - -, L __ I
11 I �. I Building Permits In Galt, - A comparatively Young Man as Po- � I . ul arnfailpox eplufull %; 4 A... � - I g', Calling Cards,, 1 .
I I I . If* Galt, Dee, 18. -This year wag the SH.&ITOR.L, G. POWER f 010 11"t Ctma Posters-, Circular$, CAWOgue .
I I �� irxp , I I ., IrAt thaf a building permit bylaw has liticlans go - hN nativity'only date$ I Man contingent that WOUt -to South fatt anything in the , printing line YOU may require. . I
'. 1A been in force in this town,, and it from 1862 - he hits made rapid sitoldes 'Senator Lawrence Geoffrey Power, Africa, ,and orgtinised a ChIldreMl I L .
I to A,Vr __ I has vorked out very satisfaetori . In , offices Of ,Stttte 0111430 1118 first P.C.j LL,.D., who recently celebrated PoutrWit ,Fund for familift a Pritioll � . I.. i . 1. I .. 1, . .. - 1. � WO.PAWWO 11 -- �L I
Vat In"% ud Chilmm \, T ot a election to Parliament In 1801, When his a(wentioth birthday has been Ila Soldierg. it was not however, ag - . . L I
I , .Aft ,L owli engineer's report 8 ows thor Laurier Government went into publio life for over foirty years. 'Rik r600gnItt,oft of the" that ho wo .1 . .
. ,q III - flava'Always goo t7pt W ere granted, re r0geriting Power five Years lb,tor, Mr. Br,.,deur 01 11111361 W . I
, , 0114 you . I , su of . 2,8 spent in `1 . 'ngt was mado Deputy, 1�peakev of tho had 'the 400int&96 Of 0A education *knighted by Xing 10dwstd in 1808, bui ,
� , , , , tor some polit"I deal In whi6h Sh I A W'%o N.V. - -_ ;
. . I th , ear. . I . 1,160go of Cornmons "d Chairman of I hDriAd over three ciountr1ea, Canada, The el nton -Bra I
te&8 tho .0 , - op_&&.,� 4 1 . Wilfrid IALurle;r, X*,utte&1 rA, Pr : . I
� ....-
� . A� . 00mmittoes. After the eleotion at Ireland And the Vulted State$, And Uvid, RUIM014 *$A Mft4 Qthon =1 L I .. ,_�1111111111111111111111 1. ... " ' � ""', � "I -_-,_J- . ,, .11 -1. - - I L
vgiihwo of 4QW14WdW - . � . havins boon call*d..to- the,.bar. Inim his . L - _. -I ��� . I
. I 11 b I- , 11 . 1. I. 1-1 .1 L I -1 .. . , . F i% g Am N 4 t4*. , . L . "*0.04_10, -_ - - I I . I �
I . � ,
. I - � � � ' L I I I . I I ., ,�
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