HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-21, Page 2_. _
�'t't!'II' lam" SMA.- -
. I ,......,,....;;;7 •,.,,., :,�
llt'"1'IHDSXS, .
'I"�DAYt Doox"g r 1,A, 111:. 4e
�nj QQ . .. _
Phaeltoms Thitt Are $aid Still to ` MU it s TROMA WATTS [IVENUL
'A M
"'aunt Country lr•laustts. O _ �'� EIH,�':i� �N'1N%a
Shoe Repairer, • UARRia� 001 iJOITOIL11 XOT
L� with I>� ghosts, stilll haunts tl�- � • . ,
�liinds of :nary practical Scotsmen, . F13E1?. lBOAFII�M.�N 18i AN EXPERT «,,,.p-„.,-�„'.111111114101 z#rrpFIT% r
aid the :tustauces of the live sulperw '� . IN ,COST #Y#T)i M0. '
!natural upon which it is fed are iaa• . +�► ! �p Q belo11o1vz�7 y�uantityofltv.aPatxt•
- piaW� ■ Q4 i1w sic. try is tvant�d' at }Raw Hollatevllletlltlitely preiernble La the irrational:RL. NB
f'oultryStatio7a oasis weeRz-- 0011nvo uce, Notary Public,
credulitiea of our crystal gazers Land Successor to Wlttiam McMahon as
Attlxer romancers of the world of Su ,, ; ; W11 It 01 wall. ra0o CIuiClteng "-
„ �( aatnisaiouer, etc:
is>pp,aotts, �1t the seat of the girlies ' .. •-_. � ._ .. •.- perfnterrdent, of the Government �F R1�A�r EST.t�kTEaAIVi,i IhTS'C3RANGl�
iSOU li[elts
there is the ghostly druinniex, whose uu RR Printing Bureau Is an ..Owen' Sound I Issuer of X,%rxii;goLjee>u .
x�b•a-club is the invariable presage ,af ,' lt�������� ���Att����� ����+�'! ����•. ��' Xlitctft3 '
death in the family, At Newton cas. ,Roy and Has Had important Posts ,. A B120A lUox+ New �al�l Eggs I3uxox48t,+ Clinton.
tle ,$till wall:$ of a night the , Green t.ADY DOROTHY Irt Sig Establishments• --Is rorty: ORDER .
Lady,” so called from her green silts HYY NEVILL HAS HAD Eight Years of Age. t"'
,�pi►fa�'t aeu>�tKSXt 1#NA �$rATI:B� % "ti
dress, and in Bexwic is h4ire the gess- A WoNpERiFuI. CAREER. fid ^,�-.�.•^^st•�-�. _
}).Bence of A1lanbaztk is haunted by Prcd. Boardman,. the .new su erin• Notaryll ubliet Conveyancer,
the troubled spirit of "Pearlin �eafi." . teudent of the Government Printing Poultry taken the , first three days Financial apd .Real Estate,
g of each week.
She is so called fxo>r�r her fondness, for _ Bureau, was, bora about 46 years t)ga c7 Q itJi3ti8AN4E ,tr,g� TF, eyreaeug,ig Illy rerte
a particular kind of lace and rustles Ili Her New Saotc English Nobia- in Owen Sound, where he learned hie ! i f Highest 1}�'Id'C8 i dauraiice potnpanies.
l p and down stairs in hex silks. woman Gives the Fruits of Sixty trade. I'`rom there he intoned to. To- • d : VIVUion Court. ,O
In the well known cIo4utry house of ronto, where he worked for several , ' !d',68.1U' �Ue �pel1 L�er�r �Y�211�1{i "O t'ittR; or Phone Before u $
.rueshirer which has been for very Years or More of Contact With years in large printing establishments,
7'' 0.9 alt/l1' Phone 4 on, I4 : y4 eft L
Ty generations in the ],ands of the Alt the Social and ltt#eRRectuLtR QP'OSITE POST [�
'' .
e:uene family an unhappy leman by
Bey cud night haunts the' great stairs,
I .
Celebrities of Great Britain -4s a
N, W. T FWAt " 1
blotto time ago a member of the.....
Daughter of Third Earl of. Oxford.
:.}novae party, while going down to
lunch, steeped to pick up her hand-
Lady Dorothy Nevill is the author
/ + Q +t R �.r ram%
lctie#. As she recovered her
she saw a lady, riobly dressed knd
of a new volume of reminiscences en-
titled :`Under Tuve Reigns." Lady
sfei aa. aarLie4a, FIiA ,
yDeQi" atte"I 6 f��Ivan to'ide$eetl9t.tha
IDye, lass: Throai* tend Nc:ae.
)exceed ugly handsome, corn- #rein a
Y is no of the most interest=
door 'opening on ilio landing and
i hurry down stairs. As neither at
in g personalities living. The Baugh-
ter of the third Earl of (ixford, Lady
Two .teachers wanted for S.S, No.
8, Hullett, principal and alssiBtunt3,
table nor is the drawing room. did she.
• y married on Dec. 2; 1847, Mr.
a i a Factoiries
ags?in meet this stranger, she man-
R caro,$ at,
1 tinned the fact to bier host, who (in -
,I' advertently) turned the topic of con-
i. f� f'i O t� C�
in Canada
Jan. 2nd, 1912. Ap-�rI to
.creation. T'he next day, while going
, M +dr+•
1€Vnvugh the ancient mansion with her
Dtr.J a A. i�,�,
office -Ontario street,ounton, .
hWt acid hostess, among other rooms
it ls-y looked into that out of which
i�:n'itlti CO i�tutltpd
extant Wanted.
(i h lady had emerged. The wails
I were lined with family portraits, but
Price Ppai.d;
93RP &L W, SHAW.
ione place was unfilled. Its picture
.DoRlexty Plano 4ad '074M Co.
l Ivy face against the floor. Said the
Wanted- a good generail lsorvarit•
to. Whom the highest
I .
• boot : "Oh, Miss So-and-so, you have
Westerns Branch,
'heard of my great -grand -cousin, who
_ ,
1 wars rather a disgrace to the family
�G j�'
�--,.• I
1 early last century. This is her room."
S this he b t d d t d
:4 V'r
.._. .. . U1�h1(d7E
N, W. T FWAt " 1
1t,,8t�+ cs
-. W, Irl�oArse;x;
/ + Q +t R �.r ram%
r� i. ��r
#leacher >f[ riled
sfei aa. aarLie4a, FIiA ,
yDeQi" atte"I 6 f��Ivan to'ide$eetl9t.tha
IDye, lass: Throai* tend Nc:ae.
-- , -"
}o douses t4 Lex
1080 carefully :ernminsd end ,`suitable tYlaeae
• prascriiied,
. p P . V
Two .teachers wanted for S.S, No.
8, Hullett, principal and alssiBtunt3,
^�- -
The undersigned has; two ligases tg.
Qmoe sad'. Deddenee.
Two 40•e4 "rest, •f Me cownae jwe"#
a i a Factoiries
Apply atati.n qualifications
sa:axy want- 5r, stirs'
let, apply t 0
pp p
R caro,$ at,
Assistant to ne-
. ceive $325.40. Duties to commence.
i. f� f'i O t� C�
in Canada
Jan. 2nd, 1912. Ap-�rI to
�����.$ r..R)c.11e.4.e,. Ddtra
13ax 16, I.ondesboro, Ont,
LO�s Wattled
Dtr.J a A. i�,�,
office -Ontario street,ounton, .
IV pollens Piano arid!
Nialitoaflrtat residence, R6#4itrbaia St.
i�:n'itlti CO i�tutltpd
extant Wanted.
All kinds of laws. Maple, Sott Rboj
and H'ailetwaad prefer. d,
;ge lig eeit
.- .�,. or at hospital
Price Ppai.d;
93RP &L W, SHAW.
Eactorie,S and llead Office .
..-• -
.DoRlexty Plano 4ad '074M Co.
Wanted- a good generail lsorvarit•
to. Whom the highest
Boarders Wanted!
eco Our, oto., Office and readence e0 Rat, '
f+enbaryst,, ovvodta W. Farmign's reaideace,
Westerns Branch,
wages will be
paid. Apply ;to Xrzs. Geo, Mc-
�--,.• I
DR.. p'. it,1;X!!l{l t
Flaying returned to town I am now
repared to tape board-
:4 V'r
I ayirtg fie, either awn earl Is>rlllge Wank a Bpcclalt ,-
, en own an urn -
allies or R3-ntiennen. AAply at house _ C}rarivate o! O,C,r),i3., Chicasa, ane H2OY.1
the picture round. "i)Pbiat do you , FRED 13oeRDnrex; Mrs, hlogrldge, Qntarfo. stfie u u
i think of Iter beauty?" There were Ho was with the Milt-l3inghatn Uo, . . , ays.. t[av >tst to lFccember
BayRctd on'Messd
the very facer and figure his est,dldt t(11' Service
as foreman when he secured the obi;r �illo
;had seen upon the stairs !-Cease lI'a _ tion of superintendent of The Mont. - Fo
i Journal. real Herald,. where he has been ern•--._.�. DR. JR. vowtEB,,•
$a's'sn 'X
I '- Obeyed for the last eight ears an, l;. Purchased a thorough-,
r g Y i bred Tamworth Hag will keep him One ,set of slogle harness; 1 pair DENTIST.
When Whistler Fixed It, has been very successful, Mr. $card. for service at 'lot 23 on the 3rd. of 'sleighs• J. Booker, Of$gas over O'NEIL'S store,
Lord Northcliffe, the English jour- Mau is very highly esteemed by the Con. Hullet, terms 1,00 at time of
-� --wood . - — 13 ental ogre taken to make dental treat.
tablet, raised at a dinner the Union- printers of ?4lontreal. and liar many ----*-----•--.•-;.-,:.--�,; p
Praised personal friends in that cit He vias service with the priviledge' of ro,- ,:sent as painless as gosati;as.
ist party, to which lie belongs. t 1" p y turning if necessary. Pasture Land
"I like tNv Unionist,,," l;e one of the delegates of The ,Montreal L, Tyndall
,aid Printers Board of Trade whoaatteaid -----. +f-uO A
"becau,o tb^.y work on clean cut, -LADY DOROTHY NEviLL, ed the Second International Cost <;an --- Some first class pasture 'land to be. 1 �1 /`1 UNDRY
scientific lines. 1 ht? Liberals aro mud- Rlegrand p Nevill, a cousin of that gress of .Employing Printers held at sold in lots to. suit parch sere. Live stork and enerttl u '
Blois. The mu belle along. They grand sportstitan, shit ,ZVIarL7uis of .ib- St.. Louis last innnth. I%ax titan Teacher e tractive prise , A I to a At g A ellen �s
make me think.of an anecdote .about ergavenny, I{..C. HerfAMil consists print- � t`''�` ch r ��' anted O,emen,
Tohn Ransfnrd, ppp y GODERICHy t years'he has been interested in print - (1. T, R. Cit A ent UNT .
the farnoua painttsr, Whist]er• of three sons and one daughter:, the CityAgent
8asmatoba eases a epecnrts� t)sdeea ri atr
Whi-Wer visited his school one ing costs systems and has mode a - _ ;� 1Vtew h`tta. omale, aspen pl•(.mrs a agtenQ,d,
latter, Miss MeresSa Nevill; 'being a• rareiul study of the subject. Hr�'sun-. Assistant" female teacher, wanted tci. Terms reaebntahle. �'arnners.
morning in the Latin quarter and most active• member of the Primrose reeds �4illiarri McMahon; �vho :scent disoonated' sal.- not-.
found fault with .the model was . for S. S. No: 8, Mckzllop. Apply Boar, lot' ;ervICe
League. Her ,$harming . !tome iu' by was superannuated. stating salary expected etc, Dut" Var ds Opp1.osite G. T. H+ Rt:ttlotT
ground aLalttst which the mod I was Charles street, Berkeley Square; Lon- . , les ,to commence 3rd, Jan,'1g12, This �� ,-�
posing, kte had the background dori, is full of beautiful objects of art +. ,, eehOO1 is cony enienit . to For service on lot `Z0, con. 3 R. R. S G. D. McTaggart M. D. Mo'1'a�ar
changed to grown. Then, sitting be- The Broken Malady. post of- 'I'uckeramitb; a pure'bred Hampshire ` 3t3
g g and interesting relics. Her circ]- of five and churches. All Finds Of VOal On hand— .Boar, rami ha -n U ee'b A �
fore a pupil's canvas, he proceeded friends, is a large one, and for the A •curious story is told -by Mr. Au- W: G, Siemon Sec.--T,rea I Boar, g :No. 4421.tPrme ��� ff�� � '®�
to cover the pupil's on background of greater part of her long life' she has 9115M Cyan Biene; the famous actor- • Manley $ with privilege of returning if neces o
yF•:tow with n brown one, known everyone of social: and intel- rrrud, chin, whose comedy -drama, "The y I Chestnut • Soft' Coal nary, Jobn A Murraynd Geo Hen BAHRBRS
"But the ,ugly 9ntaxio, y '
yellow tones kept lectual importance in the country'. Broken Aidody," has been played derson. Seaforth P. U. Phone ,rs•.on 136- . +'R� S� (�j�jNTQY�
showing though the rich brown. ovt3r 5,001) 'times. The title of "ThetUl4'l' Kennel Coal Clinton central '
wftistler sariped out bile work and Australian. Pearl , fisheries, Broken ltlelody" is derived £rain silo
y_�� GenerAt Re�nk11QA Dnaiue rt,
painted it over with brown ,$east. The treasure seeker in. Australian ' bettuii.ful rs£zaln. which �Mr. Auuste
Still the yellow showed. He scraped ,. Sllortltpeus '.tud 1il"ll't',qter Furnace oke f . t,^^•[uepacted
viciously, then daubed on bt'owri, but V.�ri' $bene plays oil the cello. That F�R�i[ :FUR BENT NOTES 1)1
tropic waters need not confine • his particular melody," • he . says, „woe �ItE !' I Q+i1• • ��.E t + __ E3i3QIINTED
the result was still bad, and he s rap- operations to..pearling, for beche-de* w7itteit ex gess! for. the i Dratte !TES Interest Allowed op `
ed off the paint once more. nwr gathering and, shark and turtle � u Y piece in 7'he South 70 acres of lot u deposits. "His puipila, grouped behind him, fishing; are also lucrative occupations, ra,lter peculiar circumstances. Two and e S Sou n tuber Sri I.
days before the•: first product:on, The uxideiszgned •has for 'sale' 1 South Fast part of , t no, 36 _
watched these proceedings reverently. th<rr:„rh as yet, owing t4 the greater eighteen years ago, T was still with Lot; 35 Con, 3 Tuck -:smith L. R. S. 2 . 4 acres beth in the Int connesst
attractiveness of on of The . , IVICI�lIlO
�iltistler took un another brushful of pearling : stilI in Ovd this most important item .in the Choice young bulls aged .12 and 13 Sraniey tOwnshi is Torrent fora term 1% 1VYtlt4al
i'ic�wn and said: th='ir infancy. mon#hs olid colon dark red also., a .•' of years. This Property is elUse to the F`l
1 supp9ic you all know what I'm While the price; of pearlshell kee s now work. T .had vPzitten dozens of ,re Insllirance
p -rwslodiei, tried them, and torn. them :few 'tele -star eeva lamb$• Prices town of Clinton and possesssion can C' Ue
trying to dx) here?' over $750 the pearler's income is as• right."A. EIcaat, Brucefield, Ont. Phone, 52. be gi%,en at once.. 'For further arts- Perm and Isolated 1"Ot4tf
• til+; and I was beginning to despair culars apply to Henry. PTumsteel Cifn arty. Only iniac own
Prove .
r Gh, yes, sir; yes, sir,' the pupils sured. Ile can regard his enterprise of getting. f ust what T wanted. ;�
answered. qt, an investment on the shell basis; ''Tx7cveling from Brighton in a Pull- / =` ton, Ont„ or McCarthy, Boys & Mqr; .1
and the chance of ^i chison, Barristers, Barrie, Gnt, OFFICERS, -
Wtdl,' said VVtastler, with ,$ sour pearls adds the. nrtsn uar, I was having'a game of S�LYLAl111luVhA�1iWAAA� J, $, Mc�.ean 1'
laugh, you know more than I do, gaining element sq dear to the aver. Jas, Co , . xe�zdent,. Seaforth.
then, and, seizing his flat -ribbed hat, age Australian. The .nor' -west shell cards with Mr. George Edwardes and.. �Yadlted .4 gnolly, Vi .e Pres,,. code"glebe '
oRg p g p other friends, and doing My best to r Thos. E. Bays,. Sec.-Treas., ESeaforth
1 wand and sulphur colored ]oven, has the best lace on the -world's, forget all about `The $roken•Melst y plaftoS Farm FOr Saye.he'made a dash for the boulevards." market; the northern. shell, though 1{,;gRit al the middle of the game an Rel>resenfiative wanted at oncler DIRECTORS. -perhaps more abutdant, is pf an in- far work in/your localLt �Ti1i Jas, Connell Holmes 'A Dramatic Situation. ferior _ quality, and "stories" are not idea occurred to me. Getting a: piece y. The undersigned offers for sale, ,Last y' vzibe; Jobeof paper:I drew Imes to represent a guarantee. X2,00 to $5.00 per da Watt Harlock G. DaIso often met'. with: d Y• i Half, Lot 12, on 3rd ` i ' e e Beau Sanmmel was once sitting at + musical stave;' and on this .ran li Qppar;tunity to advance. rapidly.Gancession; of Cheyne ! Clinton, M.
Thursday Island with' its . alms g WiII a Hallett his .choiae farm of 8o acres, all yj Seafot.th- L Evans; Beech.•
a table with one Bligh, who was A f home -trade MS.. paper T lotted down P .y liberally,. for spare" time. clear.,$rill in rasa woon, J, G. Grieve,
%cactus and rich .and varied vegeta- Wo1rk rat diffic>v1t; Experience s g 2' never failing e, Winthrop, J. Ben-
known to lie insane. The Beau, hav- tb4- itaelody that has done so much to p pangs, good well lit house r' newels, Brodh e
i trot, its )ong. ,I>nes of beautiful rat: ere' u' j ! a iverat ag n, M. MORWan
ng lost's considerable stake, atf+eet- make the success of the piece, and q ud i ZN.'TrERNA'1IONgT, dee ,$rill here Qtlr finest : hack, a choice ravel t Clinton
od, in, his;f-ardeal way, a very tragic beaches; is becomtug yvell-known to al -so to ensure my.own success, I am BIBLE PRESS, MIONTO: � ,... road' ra g pt + Gement or
agar and cXted,,piii, "Waiter, br;ng me the winter togrist,. who, however, inclined think." +n NCW St. lis ► vel. A good franne house, Each Dirt clog is in actor o
11 to k By the way, on 44 y h dC51gn$ of '.0 new frame kitchen with wood shed, 1: his own locality, p flosses tta'
a slat candieati k and a finds little .to admire; in the primitive acre good bearin orch y'
!: pistol," upon lEtt f rt 18th every year for the Dohert ; Piano g ard'r ' Tteaaans '
wlisoli B�gh, who was sitting o galvanized iron buildings of she town y years Mr. -Au ACENTsf.
g posit- sites. The . Government buildings labs fort guste Van .0 S and: C for selling.not able to work, For,par-
tq,.lr ytn, calmly produced two ]oaded •Biene has la ed in the streets, in ► oculars .apply on premises or address Robt, Smith,' Harlock• Ed,
have some pretensions to architectur- A Y li+�iLi'Iae)k' -Wanted. , . Hinchie! `'
t,'• . R t6h from his coat pocket, which' fulfilment of avow made tivhen he .. �l' a.11S, . RICHARD. TA.SKER, 'Hallett, Seaforth; James Cumming, Ei;mond.
he placed oat the table, and said, '"Mr. al style, but the business blouses, v�gs rescued from -the utter b Sir. •--- g . Ulrnton,. P. p i'ille''J, . stela, HCmesvine
mostly in the hands, .of Chinese . or . g y
Bxtn�ial, if you nre really desirous Diichaei. Costa.. The money he. thus For S; S, 1V o; 5, Goderieli Township I'ayxrieao;tst may to Jap, are squalid=a blot on the'natur- y, 7aa„mad- at Th -
put a period to your existence I earns goes to charity, (Psorters !sill.) Duties to comm n � or '
,A am eatwtf"y happy to offer you the a1 beauty of their ' surroundings. ace: .4 special values iiia Art M rieh(.Cloithinlg Co. Cliutoln, ; or
Away from his native bamboo' build on .fihe ist of -January 1912. State Engine FOr SaIC �• 'C"utt't,.. Gaderic'h,' .
utearfs witliacat troubling the waiter.” ing material; both races seem to_ lase The Kaiser`s tielr.' and qualifications, 1'rofes
"testi E I;.
The eff�ecttnlaon those present may be sa _
lard* a
any artistic instinet in. the -wa of sic: 1 teacher prefered. !"aSes. The undersigned'+ /�
i -d at Balding themselves y The Crown ' Prince of Germany, Address John Torrance See, offers for sale J A V 0 "'
> in oodnpanly of a known madman architecture, and are satisfied with :who has started. for a tour round thei 1,r} upright ght, cleans' err B T A Y L O -R
who had beetled the shelters.. Some of these. mean• world has been brow ht up'on Spar- Porters AiIL P.O.' ► horse o gine; abouts 7 .Ly1tIIO
weapons abort him, looking buildings, however, are'. maga- tan lines, As is well known, the �,. _._--.,11nOS ,$rill Organs• rent , pwere •ia ;good running �sfi- __
„ - „ rites for goods vWarLh many thous• Kaiser is a strict disci linarian an • .• . - ed, ChO1Ce ASW ' f ea`i'ainly ,$snap fax
Iia by Thirty Eight Overcoats. ands, for both races .are keen. and till his fourteenth disciplinarian, d EdiSQn y armor tvant7�g pow�r.ifor gen Fire+ .1{e and, ACCldent IL
, Wpditatrian, Indian judge, enterprising traders, and have ousted Year the crown noeuvres,, his !reser-cox ;t lty smart; hQrio Cam use on.farm, Engirt- Can lie :
g , prince rose at 4 a.m..winter and sum= confronted b three p g Ph5, oSiC seeit1 a°tlup blackstaith shop. Insurance L. an t, Six Douglas Straight, the European shopkeepers almost en- mer,' and was in bed at 8 p.m. lie claimed ri charas "Vt uths, olio L:�• • t, Jabez Randa C '
wbP meen�tiy celebrated his sixty- tirely from these latitudes. - , t-ake.5i).0 psis. I varlet OOds. . , limon. - .
r. Y was kept hard at . work by private oner, Lord Charles !" •, "~,fell,' tvlt:,t ar, Y �'
sixA biobday, has had a most inter- - tutors,. and after leaving home, went you going to d.a with rte, i.oty that ,ni .
Real !state bottgltit sell spld ,
,..• e01W career. One of the best stoz, Patting on :Gloves, through; a course at a inilft y Farm for Sale.
ies he tells relates to the time whop To tixy col- have gat me?" inquired the d:,tin-
�' to
lege; afterwards matriculating at the �ltsle Em orium . •-••-.,
Mone load
he Stood far election. "In 1870," h@ Put on 'a pair of rubber gloves b guished' captive. 7 here wits > •'brief Office Iltsae'Str
of. the kind offer] used in hospitals University ,of Bonn: Even .when, a pause, after which one' of tli� lacla. r-�- `I`h0 executor of 'the i5outhcolnbe + 8et, nogt, door'to New
said, "when I was doing well at the by surgeons during , operations is' a few years ago; he served a sort 'o# -plied, in s 'grave sane, "I3'rti ± �L ell, F,etatel off4ra for Sale 50 acre* „- Bra, `
Sox, a deputation carne from Shrews- _
difficult. and tedious task; even with diplomatic apprenticeship at the Min- when the ' Rast half of lot 28, ,icon: 0 Bulla t,
a bury and said, `We will have you.' guv'nor rom,'S back, i . :. tt.
the aid of an assistant; but a Loxtdon istry of }lie Interior, he lied to work '•spects .we shall shoot yer,'Or!` ' --. A fti'.st-ciass'f1;,rni,. well wataked _
Igor, six weeks I worked like a galley as a anter clerk a>xd wn gables 'JCrttnk Raitwal
sa ve, and ilten beat m opponent, g Y s>lrgeon has just- invented an in. 7 , and kept fro the proved and'.. . Y Systen,
Y btiildin G
Alit, Coates, by thirty-eight votes. I geziious' contrivance .that accom� usual hours every. day for a *hole How Cloves t^ ��''++ gs, A1so!'the vadersfggnd Riitl
plishes the task by ,machinery in a. year. Even after these Hours he was � 'row. J.. H F. of00 for S way Pune Table
tii2egraphed to my if'I am in Cloves are the urtex iarided flower Ofl" te`• eft alb, Idt 281 con. 0, Bull-
thirty-eight votes over Coat few seconds, not free, for ho'.had to take !tome a I e,. Ott,"100 These fans way, be London Aur
es,' case of documents to stud .'ever buds of ' a beautiful evorgt'eon tree .,e ► bought togethar orsepaxatel + . on and Bruce.
The, apparatus consists of two Y y . to. J : Nbrth. Pasaen PaI.ssenger I.the message went through as cylinders from which the air can be evening, and was kept at work late which grows ,only 'in txopieal ,$clan- tl�r�nrtir - AMES SOU'!'$COMBE, g .
y -eight overcoats'." One of the into the nightW.. tries. The bud's are rtt first a nate ���� D��r r
Asst of sportsmen, Sir Douglas Plays partially drawn by a piston worked g enlor and gradually 'beearne rPnn;
s London, d -part 8.30 a iii ".40 5.43 .P%
" lentis and golf. by a pedal. At the top of each cylin� -' "'- •••• .
after which they develop into a bright g
n psi.
der is a flanged rim, over which t1iF Sultr , ee�raha
A , Lottae'oi+ dale Hens 11„.... ...,::10,os g:o +.
the opening of the glove is stretched. y Ina when they, are ready for collect`
The L re Bird. "`fJt!', exclaimed Pte. Atkins who' int ,�
Lyre and fined with the fingers hanging' ,r �,S •.
.�tppen ,
.. 10.16 6.1
g g' g had lust returned from Indra. Sure- I)ttring the cr,rs�int T)rEsness they, , - Dlrs. Ross offers h BrueeBeid . , .. , .. , . , 10.30 .
a:; The fully developed male lyro bird vertically into the cylinders.. Thr; , piCt�i her Cottage .on Olfnton,..,;,.,, 6'19
1TTILE x1.00 6.35 11.
` Iy you son's 'call this of i Wiry, you am exlwsnd to the sntalre . of a wood al at><~eet for tesla, It •is ala
is one of ttno most handsome and torr glove when in this position. cam.plein on liter hev bin with us In
1Tindia, firs) and. then to 6 .% ttettnn �tf thF • M�r excellent ra 11,18
alte of the forma of bird life ad ly cIoses the cylinder, When tlta ,g 1 Loiadesboro . . „ 652
Yes, i vo heard tell as its ti bit shit, which iicrouth for to < dahe E R L etre,$.: attEi in ood 3 �napaiP good l0• Blyth . .. . . . . ........ 11,27 7.00
Q�ueensiand. The contour of the bird, ,$Aerator treads on the pedal the pi»- �+, g $elgrave,,,,,,,.,,,, 11
with its long neck and stout gallinae, ton is pulled downward,. producinc it warmish out there,” said the country. hi1mil .color whoa ,ready. .for the pM'�, • ._: �_.. W..BrydaAe. ' ?,13 -
man, rl)i)rknt, �Vei Yinghaatt. arrive... I1;5U
oozes •feet, is by no means unlike that partial vacuum, in the cylinders. file ," • „ 7,35
o>€ a peacock, and the wonderful tail, difference in atmospheric You bet it Is," went on Atkins. '"I The clove tier•, which litt;�ins a; South
p pressure nieniber once..when we was pliiying hritrht of 3Q"#.,rt, ia. a native E)f a Passenger
essed, only by the male birds, ful• thus Aroduend stretches the nIc)ves to /h� �j,
pis y � M V L ' od • Wingham, depart.. 6,43 a Mj3,33 p tR
'• fills a corresponding t socker wiv the buffs it was so 'ot that ental: grc)ur, of ;ltttlLis in slice stellar B -!grave,.,.,,,,
iso ng role of vain. Bis• a size that will allow the hands to be the 'ea,t hex anded .the wind ihsitle 1 nl,1gt( c lillr'rl tlir Spice I lands t re B . ••. 6'G4 3.44;
y pushccl nta them. Air is then !:esti) . , are, now selling Trtnothy s -ed :tt lyth........ , 0-54 .9.44
patsy. Trite bird executes antics for Pasfl of the ball to that extent that it lase . , ..
tr$in of sem admirers an a :,$legs admitted into the cylirtders and the u :n the as 1'T lint in slit !list fr,rir eentitric,c it has 1$7.00 a bushel, 0overnmept Standar Londesboro=.,..,.....1
ala p x ice a hairyplane and bion carric d to till the wartr)er parts Siok11eactnrhoanclrellevaalltli0 troriblep. snot• We have also oil h• d' Ulinton.,..... 'IB d'�
earthen mound. For a short period of gloves contract upon the hands witft dent to a bittans state of the a stern nucli art and Alfalfa at • _ • • • . 7"(' t,
the year, about January, the 1 r<a bird a sudden sna sailed away, Lost tltreo balls like r,f th : v. arltl. y Brucefield .. , , .. , , .. $,12
y rY, Y p. Dizziness Nausea broweinem •Distress artcr $8.50 t AIsike $I(), IZed CIover frost 4,
loses its characteristic plumes and leas thea, we did; then we chucked the t"lour, cv're+ cart of tlit� l)xinCiptil. eating, l'tilnin the S1,10 &c. hila Choir most X8 5() to $0. Kippen ..... ... " "
! r wwakabioenocesshasbcotiehownlacuring We lra,pe mRvVa s on y Heitnxll'..>.... •, 8,28 4,47
to bo content with the sober plumag, England's Youngest Archbisho gain.. And course rno only . oriviltal spin's which c'a•4'- excited y hand Cxoose , 7f • • •• $,3L 4,52
p• iaotball in the winter season, �-Lol1- Ill •' cltptdtry of tvcstexii cr,ninieree tVheat, Peas Berle Lxete, .,,..,...,.,
of its urate. The youngest Archbishop England don Ideas. eotlrnaillities, having, born tht' bili -is X21 a ton. y and feed horn at Gentralnt ,.•..,.,.,. 8.48 5.06
has ever seers, Dr. 00smo Cordon •��- . 000 5.15
-r of a :tell and aucrative tr:rcl,� titres• Highest Market prices paid for all �ondbn,.arriva..,., 10 U0 6Y0
Queer Names. l;ang, has fust entered upon his 47th the earl VdAdaebe, yet Carter's r,lttta );Iver P1ris �tirii grain. yB tw
Liverpool lady named Mrs. 13osb y His has been , a wonderfully t na Fate of Charlie 13erastorct.•• y part of sho CItr'stian era. uffalo and'(lode.,,
�" egvallyvahrabI Int7anstipauon,ouringnndpro. }'Vest r
A Live tax: .. — . ventingthisannoyin con ialnt Whilotheyalrto pnaaet) br` '
hada retty daughter, to whom she atrenubus.life, and as a worTcer aittonn blr, George Leyton, the popular r gong Uti.r, a s corr�etaildleorderrso�tilesi'oularlr t111WI //�� � , --
p the p A Y and t uEi li„ fi + ateths V McLeodalt a m .p m p m p m, 11
g>wn the nnane BILI" —the txlrrle ander lie has had few ecRua1K. 7'112 arta:-vaaaliat, who recently jyetitioneci l,n:f t 1)verandre wgwthabowers, ICvc tttheyotu tltiraCfESrd.>,,,. ,
"tv Kim': 1Itl, ntirerwi.;o 'Henry �° 1 Mitchell •,IU,00 12.20 52;, 10,211}
thl IZosci" vwas so sweetly Tr. t.y. Muscular -lacking, with black hair the Bing to grant the Gtinttazi and t.ti1. L,f i.cfti;tlt,i, w;ra rvE,t,,,, ......... 10-22 12,45 SG,,
The young lady thought so, inn, until carefully brushed•, and strongly marls- Indian Mutiny veterans a special view Fc, t , 1, llnaly '" "`" " �---• Seafoetli.,,.,, , 10.47
in the course of :time slte married lr, ed features, the Arahbish at i'L)rk ti 1 (if pnr.uz) ,. ,It t)nc• time ho � � � i(1.41`i 1.10 f),18 11.12
tit slit coronation processioii, has been (7lintan,,....,.,11.07 1,25 6,40 it
Bull, and then her signature--'°'tt`Od has a vola big and resonaut, though instrumental in cousin R grIM, a er•r•altt ;tall, c()1'llwallis a Achothoywouldbonlmostptit'.CIeftto h Iiolr ,29
g .onietlriiig housf. in Al hr -1,11 'Bus%rfrotntIlia(11stressbigeoraplatnt btlotofo ic. e"illir,,,,,11,,1ti 1.'.&3 640 11.38 .
!gill! --was neither sweet tar p otEy . tt is not loud, :alis! there is no sf ttt like 825,000 to be distributed ainon st f„r lr, r.•:r•If anti bier aaECly01 oodnessc r'i. "`�'� _ Goderielx..... .
911111100M .a loesnotendhoroaudthose C �"'"� A� ,ti •1135 1.50 7.05 11,55.
of harshness, His lant;itage rt, arniple site old soldiers. Iiia philantliro9s heir+ for, ., r ..rt r,,%,,,j.l of filly! pad- whoanaotrythe,uw111flildthrsoliitlo' ills t 4 Last
1 dings.” In Kin:? rlor.ry VITT.'s pri. ablafa oo mpny lrtlsg tlrpttheq infill rzpot bow i• I assenger
and direct, hitt utteranC- nit�asttrecl efforts art warnxly supported, amongst vat.- :aeee,iuet i E,crii , ••• ' , ;,. tl seer, ttrthc7attl)cir1. liutaftcr it Before placing your ordE*rs for tL to m xti
�`)OOk'S !�A1tn5� �;paiQB and skew. ilio late l�ttLen Victoria otliexs, by Lard Charles Beresford, r. t,,, , i E alit uncl l .izn a aickf)crd , (ibderfnit.,.,.,.. "j,1U li p
Your seasons supply, of coal, bet Hi,l 2.4U 4,fi0
7tti1 , if 'tris r,•iirrds to ciifferont x"`
was n great admirer of lire preaeliir.•r, who also falces tt great,interest ill boy h•,usei • • •-, our trTcea. The ver hes < intoHville,., ...,..,. 7.?tl' 2.5
Tho gte•lt U Atte Tomo, and vise . Fal i)),a..inr; ]rini Otte!• i t go ills „ 7 5,06
_,on�y cc)teo er.atttal MarttiQy Arid Tint; 1'.Llward also !tall a lti,,h : snouts. lie tc)ld Mr. Leytotl the +,thea cl,it,P,, 1 caarried instocic arldaolLi tttt 4lttttnii..............'f„k, 3.07 5.15
o xnibn of ltirtt,
: typiettl in,crtiuec, rtur s tiruN lowest possible price, he . w • • , , • • • • •.. 7,112: 3m 5,82
d0po l(L job whiehwonioaean dray of sit amusing exper]ertoo wtticli 1e thio hantl also WAY lives that hero 1s wbers ” i41atCTte11., , ,
''40 ,. dopausl Snidin ad de•rE1es - befell hint recently at the hands oftc,rll. 'Clle a.tr rtay Iasis! to sho wc+moiioonr reatbo •,•+• •++ f3:16 r �.
1Q de tet�rs ti`tltit`�or'" t IVo 9rr A Pleasant Attrrtisp 6rd, same' 9m3i1 wife. that made t1a, ldng-• j,r)rlin•.:; at a,,,.,"a itotg a9t, Uitrpi119Curoitwltlle Orders May StlCalforlt.... 41r r•
patrols. 'rhe Pprtsmoutli „ �: Cart do 11 tLla Liver 1'Itfb R v n y be at ttiavis •, •• •... R,4U ¢.1., 6,ya
for spacfLit CLtEafi, 6$1)03` lte ' Every yaax a Million toles of oil of norps seas founded b lard Cltarl . Hatrtl:,ton caste. Orli , vii�il flus ve cis am very anlall $n(1 O 10 d s 1lardware, store o
rY ytotake, c/naortwo iiiery lcoadoeo. w�itl# ' r
sold by till drtirt>sts, or sErib vitriol Ore tlrerl Srito tlae rtttnta tlt: r.t !vita late! tlecftled to segs ivaiilLi bt* al>t)ut il.Ltr I)tlt its vitluet xhoyatontrlotlYnr. etrihltl arid' ""
qrol)tald ori recuftr t of stiryco. 1 Y y was Murli greater tvlirn tlitw entr l,nr o, bat bytitolrgerztio do tlntgrl ar
Tlraopaiu liras. Ar[dra n: TNts a# London, Llliefiy frOlu chutney 411:1 their ideas regarding scoutln , Driv. ", y iwe�tiem. s aottnapla$oe$l�wlso , iii, ll@.�at�"iI j�o
l;% 11101sINVOai,.TtlA0113'ev. cfow,-r1vTVf,ul + gas iytlrzwes. ing aver the Po tannauth hills, where was made. 'Chir+ levo for sirs:: pled. W4 elY• �R�t$tlliroNf Arell$be1�r a r tuato' pills
the ttiurfgtextt axe, dings rniplain s lriurli in t1tt7 fliiniliur IrAt 3:1124M 00, Sgfq i { a gatner�ti e1ton tacnglyognwa rfulin rtsta atirt the
, .. . _O?_Aaged axil I-oA- ratund filrure Af Rin!, Ileal. �"{ Xt, alotttrio :.,1 ;Its liMl+lAgttt,, p
` k e1MA.li6 0 1111 Chep rinit$ loritf 1 6fibd('00 8 start, Refum
" `' '"` 6 a slot, er thred for 110 $Iled to nkky�dr
ad at
�.a.wrsrvw"�, tw. wrw mrw.,..1 ew lllr 4"Vou Diu tl•.rrAt, 0e)ttgkrier
:t Y
N ,
.. .-.. .:,Y:• ....