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The Clinton New Era, 1911-12-14, Page 8
Ter... 1 4 ,tax Cuw'pow NlilW A, Mg In _ _ . . 1101 I .. �• • a and Gel ' k , �Tr ttlutAltsp ,. . otaYted, . I I . I . 'b' avaAab pen in . ,r 1 tx Y all the ,,. .1 . I vaARLY `a" that w 11 �i` Pone t Q. Zp . leas so ready_-. spring. . - - The .. .. . .� .....,......•.•-•••-•-� f . . ,,,,...,,..,. tilizer, • � .. _. _. _ _ ELEVATORS BURNED N00THERLININ Two ,the Council Chamber in .the 'Towln the of WELL KNOWN MINISTER fall ori the ase ,taws to appofn8 , will w i persona t�aattend' at Itfie variaua ' . — 's. Did ity an olling placer} 'hereinafter I nelntioin- Could Do Whitt MOTrISCy + ed and att+he final �nmlldg up of Owen Sound Is Soene of Dlsas- Hays Btscksmitb, PI Restored to Health by Vinol the voites by'the,elerk re"etively� trous Conflagration, on behall;i of lbhe. Persons iiniterest18d1 BELL» COTP3, C. 8., Aec. 10., 1910, import Rev. D. Schneider, who is a well in iand' PTO*Ot,49 "opp'oBtvg'1 a I byF'iiiBtlVP. "I was laid up for several days with known minister in Rice Lake, `Vis., 6 -The Cpexk of i he (said' Tolwn LION DOi,LA►R$,. } severe pain in the bone of my right Iiee writes: shall aditeood n'd art has .office in the f :OSS I MILLION . arm, and was unable to perform my after work. I 'procured a bottle of Father "`I had a very severe stomach trou- Town HaR at Ole honer of - eleven MorrlscYs Claimant and aster 6 aDPli. f ble last year from which I was kept 0,�k in (I fie f cenoopt, on.. 2 Cigarette Dropped on: Docks Is Said to cations was able to return to work and Die to bed three months, I had engaged day, iNhe 2nd •da of Jarntlwy, has helped countless Be the Cause of the DeatruCtian of shoe 12 horses in one day, • I cheerfully tion. ilto services of a doctor, but to no to svlm up the number dbo' div racouRmend it to all WhO suflgr from Seep avail. I then read of Yinci and deter, en for and a$ thousands of thin, weak, the Two Canadian pacific Rail• sore muscles, stiff joints, backache, mined to try a bottle. Before it was 7 -And' illi is f'us•,tlher enacted by . way Elevators Stored With muscular rheumatism, etc.. etc., because hairy used up I was out of bed, and tour th'e said .Oouncil of the Town ,Of � delicate childrel>< trade 11�naYr You will set relief and am sure him Clinton tltiat the vdtas "vf the alae- 887,000 Bushels of Grain -Har- • you can find no other Liniment .as rood 4 . Mottles made me a well map. Yinol is toTB entitled to,volte, lof the said IUM bormaster Turned In Alarm. as Father MorriKenn" • splendid medicine, and I can gladly �eha11 betaken pw them strong, p P Kenneth T. Phillips. Tgwn od estop, The above prescription Is not a "cure - recommend it" thils ;by-law atthe sane hour, on and robust. Owen Sound, Dec, 12,, -One of the p most devastating Heed that has ever A1P or so-called Patent. medicine, Dr. Beep :prominent men from all Over the „the isralme day, at i the same' places, � Morriscy prescribed it for 44 Years, and Wa eotmtry,do not hesitate to endgme and bytthe nine deputy-•s'cturfmfipig visited the port of Owen Sound, took dry t officers sled, poll irlerka as for the It cltealEes an appetite, it cured thousands, suer other doctorp this wondetul tonic. place last evening, resulting in the failed 4" 1. iror twelve years Yinoi has .been annuall eleetWA ,for the XuPicipal Midst digestion, fills the total destruction of the two big C.P.R. price, 20o. per bottle at your, dealers. i.Council for the year 1912. elevators with their contents, consist. or Fattier Morriscy Medicine Co.. sold on the' "money back" pian, and Dated at the ;Council Chtakmber, in veins with rich red ing of 887,000 bushels of grain, of Limited, MontreaL coo every year strengthens its popularity the said, To,wn of Clintohl, 'this which,129,000 bushels was' wheat, the and proves by continued teats that it • fo.urltth qday of December, 1911. blood. 1 balance being principally oats and. R • 9. R. Holmaes, Druggys;t, Clirnitou, will do what we claim for it. barley. The loss will run over one U;itacia Canada. ' million dollars. ---- After illness or loss Sold and guaranteed in Clinton by „-,,, ...... •-••• - • •- •• The fire, which broke out at 8.40 1. W. S. R. Holmes. Mayor. o'clock, is believed to have been caus- _ = Clerk. of weight from. Ribbon Corset Jago. ------ ed by the dropping of a ci,;ar or The new ribbon corset bags make cause, brings strength cigarette button the dock close to the most acceptable presents for the wo- . . • elevating leg of. No. 1, the southern man who is fond of the dainty little �-i and flesh quicker than of the two elevators. The capacity y1 (�� i h.I of this elevator is 250,000 bushels, 'conveniences of this sort They are `-191 `,- NOTICE E anything else. and that of No. 2, the northern eleva- easily made 'and more cheaply than for, BOtl,000 bushels. It was discover- when purchased at the stores. The tri.V-;- a true ' oRuoGrsro, ed 'shortly after by Harbormaster flowered ribbons with the, solid satin X ow t!F!".m In the 04 t 11 Mtlfel .lis the wisher, htt>txlrw" `f when the ground is dry in the /111 The plat where late cabltals IT cry are to bo grown should be, . red heavily and replowed late • In ring after the weeds have Every one should compost' Query le bit of manure. Build a rail the garden, and Into, this, throw ashes and trash about the place III rot and become fertilizer. Ile wash water into it, for 'it me value. The dile will be to scatter over the garden In the Then is a place for commercial fer- too, though 1 use it sparingly. hundred pounds to the acre on rawberry bed At blooming time ork wonders In both yield, .qual. d color, " FEEDING METHODS- ance of Water and Exeroiso In Getting Resolts. Keel ` .4 - ,'. X6.'1°il UM[T711 , ��� 14, 1111. +r' your pig on his feet sufficiently a meal -till he has digested Ilia in his stomacb, says rrefessor Crich of the Illinois•experi went sta- That means to life him exercise,. your pig running around in the and picking over manure. Make inn to the back end of the farm ging for more food. It Is not good practice to feed him all he will eat anyway. Keep him hungry so he will awake. ter is of greater importance than eed--corn, for instance. It costs Photo by United States department 01 agriculture. panty of the Own O infixed. t is hung. They o w P Town•Cleik'sOtiice, Clinton, sets and keep them free from dusk ton tothe.amount of4000.00 . December, 4th1A11, It, L. LViacphersan How.true it is in many differontwalk5 of PUBLICITY THE' CURE, 5 Of laying town Clerk. life that"alittleehildshallleadthem." We The sunflower rosettes are the 'sa- pea for the purpose y g U. S. Commission Reports' Against chats. Garter bags to match are,alao a have been shown a copy o£ a letter written Control of Railway Stock. dOWn 11'laCadairi reads. by it lad of Sb. John, N.B., who only a• Y . among tris new fads and are made we Y Washington, D.C.; Dec. 12. -The like a large envelope, with a wide flap ag. WHEREAS in the opiniolri o.ftliis month'agolostherlittlechild,agirlofnine. railroad securities ,commission, head- ; 'that fastens with a button and loop. du 1 year;;, of tubercular trouble. The mothers ed by President A. T. Hadley of Yale, • r Council it is desirable to raise by' � �� � � � Ir They are bung with ribbon, finished p way of Lash the sums of, xour thou- C H RR I S own words tell trio story better than it can _has reported that it would be practi- with the rosettes, as the bags are. be told in auyothor way,, .She writes to call impossible at this time to place __ ,we sand dollars to be expended in FOR . the Secretary of the illuslroka Free Iiospita l y p do building macadam raad,s within the issues of railroad securities under o ,said Corporation; I ��� Children forConsumptfves at in those • federal control. The commission. re- i ._ ` MANURING THE GARDEN `v The Hospital for S words.: "'Whilemylovedonewasill,Ione commends that enforced publicity for all AND WHEREAS the amount of uidht opened,some literature from you at all railroad financing is the most ef- gf the �rhb:e rateable property in the her bedside. She asked. me what it was. b at said Town of Clintoln, according Dear 3Ir, Editor,- allowing I told her it was a paper asking for sub- fective weapon against stock watering' Work That Can Be Done in Winter to s' revised assessment roll, Thar:ks for your kindness in g ser; tions to the• Muskoka Free Hospital which the Government has ,at its com- Make.'It Productive. Ito .the la t scrip tions that p.tepared in the yearn me ttre privilege of, appealing at this, and Cabbage, onions and other gross to ants Christmas time on behalf of the € .for ures imtheesh�She ,asked, f mTh a commission was created in 1910, feeders require more manure than such m 1911, exclusive of the assessor it Coni Pamphlet. liable for school ,taxation only, and Hospital for Sick Children Toronto. - P m taxa 'on I make tfili direct appeal to the' she could not give what she had in her when the Senate refused to accept a of property exempt fro ti 0 ec the fathers and little savings bank. I told her ' Yes' -to House amendment to the pending vegetables as peas or. beans. Senhopae h is $752,111.00. people of Ontario, f Cit o five it to the doctor and. he would send it. railroad bill, providing that ail fu- droppings and hen manure are cold,. tit N WHEREAS the amount of mothers of Ontario, outside the Y f tura issue of stocks of railroad safari A D Toronto, have precisely the same claim But she was too sick when he came again, but very rich, and should be put in a debt of the said mu- the. ` so I am enclosing an express order for the ties be- placed under the control of large. quantities . on the plat where in the existing heir nick children as regards . 1 d to the bank,, viz.; $1.79, then Interstate Commerce Commission. nicip'ality is the suM of .,$132,374,22, tort amount Y four ou, expect to plant onions, cabbage or and of .tthe said debt whether of privileges of the hospital, as .parents a atnali subscription, but trust you will The commission's. report is -distinct- y 1.nci ,al or of interest, (nothing is who res4de in this city. reoeiv© it in the spirit in which ib wad ly adverse to the 'legislation proposed celery..' Db not manure the potato. : a Pei p In brief the sick children froth any in the railroad bill and President Taft, patch with 'hen manure. o in arrear ; place in Ontario whore parents cannot given. AND WHEREAS .the sttan o•f four The letter.js typical of many that are in transmitting the report to Congress Ashes are good for the onion bed, as a 41 afford to pay,. is, on certificate from a b©ing constantly received. at the head office yesterday, declared that he heartily they are for most vegetables, if prop- tiho,usand dollars is the debt in municipal officer of any city, town, of the Muskoka Hospital; 347 King St, W„ 'concurred" in the recommendations. (tended to be created by this by- village or, township; treated free• pa The commission's principal conclu. erlyn�+ possibly being ,better for the c �H'% This is a privilege not granted by any Toronto. These. come from all rt!t of Canada, for patients are received from any- cions are : grape eines and strawberries. as these t AND WHEREAS the total am.o,unt Sospital . the. Dominion, or on this., where in the Dominion.. That any attempt by Congress to plants require large amounts of pot- a required bythe Municipal Act 't0 Continent. At the present time there aro 166' adopt the, policy of `aria federal raga• ash, says a. writer in Farm Progress. I : be raised annually for ItweOty Let Die, in a few words, state that in p 'tients.in residence in the Muskoka Free lotion to the "exclusion of state regu- have heard it said thattomatoes do not yeazts by special rate for paying the the last 00 years, since 1891, there. have HoRpital, 128 of whom are unable to pay a .dation would. be premature.' need fertilizer, but I have not found p said debt and interest is ,the door been 4,781 patients from 460 places Fuigle cent; and.the.other28 only nominal . That for the present, state authori- :tiffs fere. Well rotted cow manure' I of $338.86 whereof $190.00 i io be so outside 'of this City tr4ated T'ee, anins_much less than actual cosh of ties . 'should. make `a co}Fcerted ' effort consider the best for planta requiring s raised annually for payment of in- parents were unable W pay fdr treat- maintenance. During the _nine"yepre that to harmonize .existing requirements.. .eggplant, serest dosing 't+he ,currency of said meat. Last year 884 patients from 284 the Muskoka Free Hospital for Von- That Congress should prepare for warm soil, as the tomato, debentures and ,$148.86 is to be rail- places outride Toronto were 80 treated. sumptives has been opened, not a single the future by giving consideration to okra and pepper... Peas and. beans will 1 ed annually for the Purpose of pro- The Hospital is not a city but a patient. has ever been refused admission a federal incorporation act which require some., manure, but less than tiding a sinking fund for the provincial •lnstitation. - The Corporation ' because,unable.to. pay. would permit the interstate railroads any other vegetables. Lima beans Rill epayment of the said debt at Ma of Toronto Grants $11},000, not only for . -to. exchange their state- charters for I stand considerab� fertilizing. rtturitI. l city children, but towards the mainten-• ._ . THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL anoe. of every 'patient in the H06pital,. national ones.. Stable and farm manure is better and the ,citizens. of Toronto donate an The commission taken the ground . for 'the garden than commercial fer COJUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- average of x14,0. o to the maintenance. that constitutional •questions fnvoiv> tfiizer, because it brings out a better TION OF THE TOWN OF OLIN- ing the scope and extent of, federal mechanfeal condition of ;the soil, en - TON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS - fund of the Hospital, ) authority are unsettled and will re It would take more space than youTelltale a sM abling it to stand both drought and 1 -It ,shall be lawful for the pur- can spare to tell of the good work done jb main so for • some time; and that excessive wet, much better when It while such a condition exists to su - pose of raising the said sum to for the sick and deformed children of p debentures of the said Town this Province. � erimpose federal regulation upon. state contains leaved vegetation.. In case of issue -4 ' iegulatIon would add to the conflicts beans or. sweet potatoes, for instance, of Clinton in -sums of not less than Why, in •the Orthopedic department p Trotted straw, which contains.bht little $250,00 each, amounting fan F he whole in 20 years, nearly 704 Childtit h, slab lie complexities, est,hshotild lrathernbe diniin- elements of fertility, is ample because to ,$4000,00; each of w ', deben- and gWo, have beeA treated forit is more .essential to keep the soil. tures shall be dated ne first feet, ono abdut 600 Wire 00frected. ' fished than increased. loose and moist than to manure exces- rLay of Judy, 1912, a shall be.pay- Two- -Toronto; of these came from places Indictment and prosecution of rail - able on the first nay o,f July, 1932, outride of 'Toronto; from parents who. t roads which fail to refund promptly sively. could not afford to pap. ' manifest overcharges on the -trans.- at the .Office off lffie Treasurer in ei ' e�� • ortation of freight, hereafter will be 'Clinton aforesaid, atad the saidde- Surely We have a fair claim for .h p �� � =v p • tbentvres shall bear interest at four troth tris people of this Province, __ r .:^ " requested by the Interstate Commerce and three-quarters per .centwm pieX Lvery day is Christmas to the child Commission. hose liitae life is rained, or whose tized. �a ��� annum, payable a1>Unwally at thea w teal htened with the Lynchers Were Myp r Cri led• limb is s g Ftnger, prints are convincing evidence, g no place stated in rile debentu es Dina pP., o but they .oras be; evidence of go the first day of July in each and might of money -your lmoney-and the a as bad. For example. the finger London, Dee. 12 -Auto-suggestion et every year dosing hdle currrnncy of mercy of the Hospital. as we was the ` defence accepted by the . • t Of this letter, prints on a Christmas present are pr' Nit; judged at .Agram, in Hungary, yester DEVELOPED UNTO the debentures, except that the last W K You, the reader . a went of interest sdi'all fall due think of what your dollar will do? It eeeathem S deed. nobodyeeise does They wilt day when d t ken part iris ax brutal onytihe date of mat+uxit'y of,the de- 'helps to -restore health' and strength, thus be ncceptied in the htghGst court. ants who tta P bentures; and the debeUturos shall and gives hound limbs and straight Yeet gave you rut these telltale marks on case of lynching. I PNEUMONIA have attached to them coupon's for. to crippled boys and girls. d Christmas presents tilts year? can be it Is I used The. - inhabitants of the Village ly You give wealth to the Hospital, an high time to begin. Fingers' Bibnik, in Croatia; had been greatly the Payment of the said interest, health to the few hi her purposes„than in ptclttng I . It shall belawful for the Mayor the Hospital gives for g l excited by a number of eases of arson o tile said children, a Christmas efts for our 4rfe,nds. t.ut bei in the neighbortaood, and as the au- ULD and the Treasurerf h can ut golden sure to get your finger prints on the DOCTOR SAID ISE WO N Town of Chntdn and they are here- Yes, your money P . he lies ital's things Tit.:roR1 T1TL1 tlA�T ET,,r1V t police force.1 orgaufted by ,autiliorized and instruleted tis hinges on the door of t p PA`VT,4D"i VEM Til' r`criiZ 13QTtY r1,5E. apo and issue the said deb tures mercy. p ou wall, there will bo so many llnt;er Armed with scythes and obush- NOT LIVE. sign a they finally seized an itinerant hereby authorized to be issued, and Will you, kind reader, help us and It on trio roods that it will be hard. the Clerk of the said MuniCipalfty send a spare dollar to Douglas David- to distinguiwh yours frau; trio rest, tnalcer. He was dragged before the is hereby authorized to attach the son,"', the secretary treasurer of th,o �, 4, assembled villagers and tortured un- seal of ,the municipality to the said Hospital, or ..- I TI�ERFJVGRI�• :SHOP to he made confession. Then more Next to consutnptioii there are more debentures. J ROSS ROB SRTSON, than a hundred men and women beat 2 -During the currency of the de- Chairman of the Trustees, Toronto. . E.�.IILY. him to death with flails, chopped up deaths from pneumonia than from any 2 D t g bentures to be issued under thG au.- i the body with_ scythes, and burned the other lung trouble. ,thority of thus by-law the sum of - `�--'�-' ` -"-��-�----, I fragments m a heap of straw, 1M •"Mom I �I n public prosecutor asked annually by 7 hough tato p P There is only one way to prevent a spec shall be raised a ,special rate in the dollar upon all for death sentences, defending collie pneumonia, and that is to cure the cold the assessed value of all the rata- e ; sea succeeded in persuading able property in the Tawn of C1ilnr judges that the peasants in the earn, just as soon as it appears. Dr. Wood's .ton over and above all other rates.' 'Good Health is the Target mon excitement had, so d speak, Hies- Norway Pine Syrup will do this quickly and ,taxes, ' " merized one another, and were �tliere. 3 -The i3aid Mayor and 'Treasurer of our aim -or should be•-�-and first in importance. Get and keep fore not responsible for their actions. and. effectively. • ,a may cause ,the said debentures, or y thereof its be good health and you canworkwthho e--findlifewortllliving-rise United Shoe Machinery, Mr, Hugh McLeod,V,sterhazy, $ask., a sufficient amount t after nights of restful sleep—have' energy and ambition -know Boston, said omit otlteeated, or May stir i g what lloston, Dec. 12. The criminal ryrites:--"Mylittle boytook avery sevcrc yp sLhoa•ize the ,said debentures or any. t content, Tf you are out of health, or in poor condition, see pleadings in rife (3overnmeiit s suit cold, and it developed into pneum 0nia. portion thereof, to be purchased',or against trio directors and ofhcials re The doctor said he would not live. 4r got taken a,s and idea temporary .or ' the f7nited Shoe Maehinorqq Co„ were ermanent itnvestment of the, sinit•- completed yesterday wi{�ir tile arrange• some of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine n fund of, h TOW of ''liOton moist of George W. Brown of Boston, Syrup and he began to improve right i g t t e s it -hereof of �r rib- S PILLS who was in South America when he away. He is now a strong, healthy Child, and the proceedie p vidirn for ,the discount (if amyl and • and leis follow directors were indicted and shows no signs of it'coming back:' the expenses of the negotiatio�Land can do for you, Your food will taste right and nourish you better for violation of the Sherman anti-trust sale thereof, shall be a lied for b will be regular and our nervous system corrected. law. Mr, wown, who is a venerable- I3o not be talked into buying any 0th Pp your Bowes 19 y ;the purposes above specified and will be purer and you will feel more cheerful. Your IookinV business man, leadeartnot Norway pine Syrup. but insist oft getting Your blood p for no atiher puspo,se, a benefited atiid ou will know 'tvhyr so many :guilty iri the lliiited States co wholes stem will b y two indictments, and furnished the original "br. Wood's. ' Tt fs put up 4 --Tiring by-law shall halts effect l' d that 13eechatn's Pills hit the target and trio t on, fi~ot<n. and after the paasixilb t thousands have foun . 4 $10,000 bail for his appearance at the it, a yellow wrapper; three pine trete the thereod. s e .. 'trial, the date of whie i has not been trade mark; price, 25 cents, On Friday, the 2ilth catty of De- I lit sight , Tune 0 i, fixed. bxariufactured only by The T. Milburn (,ember, 1911, ,at the hour of ©1•evon , o'clock in iilte . toren olp, the Mayor I prepared enb br Thomas 13asc1tast, st. l4alens, l nncsahlra 1lrntiand. i Co,, Limited, Toronto, Out. . .. , ..., o C tike said o.w n tlltall attend talc U • ,fold rverirwhwe In Ganda sad U. s. Awnrla. in bakid bit arta.. ctically nothing where corn ' costs �� titc from a hose on it for half , great deal of money. That means hour:;vice a day, If_.tbis treatment should feed the pig water. Here, is nc Successful in two weei:s apply tin, is one of ..the answers. to the a bluer of Gombault's caustic hal- estion why the 'fall pig does not sant. . ova so profitable, simply because the ather is -cold. The cold weatber es riot allow the. pig to drink enough LIF7huinab iter. IIs loses his appetite for water =hen ail is done. ifs d won't• drink enough 'when you is,xt the greatestest,ve him dry feed and turn him loose bu dike a fro%vathatthe water trough. mit be 'played' with anhu- • If the pigs. won't drink enough wa- lutea a little to keep it quiet r make the reed int -9 a slop and tlltt falls asleep, and tbeft the • ake them drink it. • In summer' we • era is over. -Sir William Tem - ave the other phase of the trouble-- pi - . ey drink too much. The fact . wey — . drink too much in the summer is not ; matters not how a man dies, . s bad as the fact they drink too little . bu how ne fives. -Samuel .101111 - the winter. so. . Nine -tenths of all the scrubby pigs — - nd rants. are so because they are, Isst thou love life? Then do verfed and not. fed. properly. They notsqutander tune, for that is re often overfed on protein. There th,.Ftuff life is made oT.-Ben . is From as IGH, Iff, WASCAMErt liras" completew WNW $e Minns, N.S., Jan. 2504. 19zo. (any years, I suffered tOr't'"I's gestion and D sppeepsia. Two I was so bad that I vomited ;onstzntly. I also sufferI wads ion, I consulted Physicians, mme the disease was _ ega eonlytemporaT11011eS 11 I r4 in the'Maritime Baptist' about 4 Frii*.Lives' and the cures this mediate. was making and I decided to tr t, After taking three bones, I foun� great change for the better and now , can say '17ruit-a-tives' has t entirJ cured me when every other treatent failed, and I reverently"347 ,bTyq% God for'8ruit-a-tivea'," EDWIN ORAM, Sr. • "Tait-a-tives" sweetens the stomach, , lucre es the actual quantity of gastric juied'ia the stomach and ensures com- 5* , ptilete fligestion of all sensible food. .� Frdi,a-tives" is the only medicine in . ',r 1 the •gild made of fruit. Juices. So, a box, 6 for $z -So, or trial size, 25c. ,t all dealers, or from Fruit -p -titles Limes, Ottawa.. . Ouilding Up a Beef .Herd. Wit a good pure bred beef sire, a herd t native Cows and plenty of s- ' ture find a farmer may thrWears' time develop a good grade beef'erd, which will largely increase . his iQfits and maintain the fertility . of tri soft Treatment For Bog Spavin. 73olspavin .of horse should be re- lieve by complete rest and running 0 growing are how culars quantities for live Q ��( �O� �� V y py o notice that e of a proposed bylaw which has apt li-ie Maclean and Wm. Hartford, who borders are the most popular for the Tyro large Yorkshire breed of hogs stombch alono-use a remedy that air arry into the minutest air Cells, motto for evet•y farmer- cozia been taken into considertt_ion and will When one takes. into. Consider- � promptly turned in an alarm. bags. It takes four strips of the rib- is noted for extreme length and from which can be i 9a1 be finally considered and passed by the Ioluniciptil Council of the Town of question Conditions it pays to raise well Like a lightning flash the flames sprang up the main elevating leg,. bon, featherstitched together or put together witb the crocheted rings; ^top, depth of body, taken largo pieces re meat suitable for bacon. They are not as broad InAintenance and improvement + or Clinton (in event. of the assent of the GIFT G A ��I� G TOT which furnished a great draft for their, leaving a turnover at the where as the lard type of bog across the ozoneno 2 -to electors being obtained thereto), after •y,ti can send the soothing vapor of . pine woods, the riclicst balsams progress, and quickly spread over the the ribbons are cut in points and shoulders, backs and hams. while TO for the issue of one month fruin the first publication will take Mace on the 7 h. day of Dec- ----"- Savings of a Little Cliild Dying of entire building. Then Uy means of the grain -convey- finished with sunflower bows. The not early maturing hogs, they are rapid growers and thrive well on breeders, provide p Debentures b the Munici- ember 1011 and that the votes of the lectors will be taken thereon on the Tubercular Trouble Goes to Help 100 feet to the north, which wassoonwith asbig sunflower inrthe center to pastures. They are good • good mothers and produce large illustration j f Cliri- da°v and at the hours and places titers- the Consumptive Poor enveloped in flames.. I conceal the nail upon which the bag ' h ld t o airs of cor- litters regularly. -The shown a good two-year-old sow. panty of the Own O infixed. t is hung. They o w P Town•Cleik'sOtiice, Clinton, sets and keep them free from dusk ton tothe.amount of4000.00 . December, 4th1A11, It, L. LViacphersan How.true it is in many differontwalk5 of PUBLICITY THE' CURE, 5 Of laying town Clerk. life that"alittleehildshallleadthem." We The sunflower rosettes are the 'sa- pea for the purpose y g U. S. Commission Reports' Against chats. Garter bags to match are,alao a have been shown a copy o£ a letter written Control of Railway Stock. dOWn 11'laCadairi reads. by it lad of Sb. John, N.B., who only a• Y . among tris new fads and are made we Y Washington, D.C.; Dec. 12. -The like a large envelope, with a wide flap ag. WHEREAS in the opiniolri o.ftliis month'agolostherlittlechild,agirlofnine. railroad securities ,commission, head- ; 'that fastens with a button and loop. du 1 year;;, of tubercular trouble. The mothers ed by President A. T. Hadley of Yale, • r Council it is desirable to raise by' � �� � � � Ir They are bung with ribbon, finished p way of Lash the sums of, xour thou- C H RR I S own words tell trio story better than it can _has reported that it would be practi- with the rosettes, as the bags are. be told in auyothor way,, .She writes to call impossible at this time to place __ ,we sand dollars to be expended in FOR . the Secretary of the illuslroka Free Iiospita l y p do building macadam raad,s within the issues of railroad securities under o ,said Corporation; I ��� Children forConsumptfves at in those • federal control. The commission. re- i ._ ` MANURING THE GARDEN `v The Hospital for S words.: "'Whilemylovedonewasill,Ione commends that enforced publicity for all AND WHEREAS the amount of uidht opened,some literature from you at all railroad financing is the most ef- gf the �rhb:e rateable property in the her bedside. She asked. me what it was. b at said Town of Clintoln, according Dear 3Ir, Editor,- allowing I told her it was a paper asking for sub- fective weapon against stock watering' Work That Can Be Done in Winter to s' revised assessment roll, Thar:ks for your kindness in g ser; tions to the• Muskoka Free Hospital which the Government has ,at its com- Make.'It Productive. Ito .the la t scrip tions that p.tepared in the yearn me ttre privilege of, appealing at this, and Cabbage, onions and other gross to ants Christmas time on behalf of the € .for ures imtheesh�She ,asked, f mTh a commission was created in 1910, feeders require more manure than such m 1911, exclusive of the assessor it Coni Pamphlet. liable for school ,taxation only, and Hospital for Sick Children Toronto. - P m taxa 'on I make tfili direct appeal to the' she could not give what she had in her when the Senate refused to accept a of property exempt fro ti 0 ec the fathers and little savings bank. I told her ' Yes' -to House amendment to the pending vegetables as peas or. beans. Senhopae h is $752,111.00. people of Ontario, f Cit o five it to the doctor and. he would send it. railroad bill, providing that ail fu- droppings and hen manure are cold,. tit N WHEREAS the amount of mothers of Ontario, outside the Y f tura issue of stocks of railroad safari A D Toronto, have precisely the same claim But she was too sick when he came again, but very rich, and should be put in a debt of the said mu- the. ` so I am enclosing an express order for the ties be- placed under the control of large. quantities . on the plat where in the existing heir nick children as regards . 1 d to the bank,, viz.; $1.79, then Interstate Commerce Commission. nicip'ality is the suM of .,$132,374,22, tort amount Y four ou, expect to plant onions, cabbage or and of .tthe said debt whether of privileges of the hospital, as .parents a atnali subscription, but trust you will The commission's. report is -distinct- y 1.nci ,al or of interest, (nothing is who res4de in this city. reoeiv© it in the spirit in which ib wad ly adverse to the 'legislation proposed celery..' Db not manure the potato. : a Pei p In brief the sick children froth any in the railroad bill and President Taft, patch with 'hen manure. o in arrear ; place in Ontario whore parents cannot given. AND WHEREAS .the sttan o•f four The letter.js typical of many that are in transmitting the report to Congress Ashes are good for the onion bed, as a 41 afford to pay,. is, on certificate from a b©ing constantly received. at the head office yesterday, declared that he heartily they are for most vegetables, if prop- tiho,usand dollars is the debt in municipal officer of any city, town, of the Muskoka Hospital; 347 King St, W„ 'concurred" in the recommendations. (tended to be created by this by- village or, township; treated free• pa The commission's principal conclu. erlyn�+ possibly being ,better for the c �H'% This is a privilege not granted by any Toronto. These. come from all rt!t of Canada, for patients are received from any- cions are : grape eines and strawberries. as these t AND WHEREAS the total am.o,unt Sospital . the. Dominion, or on this., where in the Dominion.. That any attempt by Congress to plants require large amounts of pot- a required bythe Municipal Act 't0 Continent. At the present time there aro 166' adopt the, policy of `aria federal raga• ash, says a. writer in Farm Progress. I : be raised annually for ItweOty Let Die, in a few words, state that in p 'tients.in residence in the Muskoka Free lotion to the "exclusion of state regu- have heard it said thattomatoes do not yeazts by special rate for paying the the last 00 years, since 1891, there. have HoRpital, 128 of whom are unable to pay a .dation would. be premature.' need fertilizer, but I have not found p said debt and interest is ,the door been 4,781 patients from 460 places Fuigle cent; and.the.other28 only nominal . That for the present, state authori- :tiffs fere. Well rotted cow manure' I of $338.86 whereof $190.00 i io be so outside 'of this City tr4ated T'ee, anins_much less than actual cosh of ties . 'should. make `a co}Fcerted ' effort consider the best for planta requiring s raised annually for payment of in- parents were unable W pay fdr treat- maintenance. During the _nine"yepre that to harmonize .existing requirements.. .eggplant, serest dosing 't+he ,currency of said meat. Last year 884 patients from 284 the Muskoka Free Hospital for Von- That Congress should prepare for warm soil, as the tomato, debentures and ,$148.86 is to be rail- places outride Toronto were 80 treated. sumptives has been opened, not a single the future by giving consideration to okra and pepper... Peas and. beans will 1 ed annually for the Purpose of pro- The Hospital is not a city but a patient. has ever been refused admission a federal incorporation act which require some., manure, but less than tiding a sinking fund for the provincial •lnstitation. - The Corporation ' because,unable.to. pay. would permit the interstate railroads any other vegetables. Lima beans Rill epayment of the said debt at Ma of Toronto Grants $11},000, not only for . -to. exchange their state- charters for I stand considerab� fertilizing. rtturitI. l city children, but towards the mainten-• ._ . THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL anoe. of every 'patient in the H06pital,. national ones.. Stable and farm manure is better and the ,citizens. of Toronto donate an The commission taken the ground . for 'the garden than commercial fer COJUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- average of x14,0. o to the maintenance. that constitutional •questions fnvoiv> tfiizer, because it brings out a better TION OF THE TOWN OF OLIN- ing the scope and extent of, federal mechanfeal condition of ;the soil, en - TON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS - fund of the Hospital, ) authority are unsettled and will re It would take more space than youTelltale a sM abling it to stand both drought and 1 -It ,shall be lawful for the pur- can spare to tell of the good work done jb main so for • some time; and that excessive wet, much better when It while such a condition exists to su - pose of raising the said sum to for the sick and deformed children of p debentures of the said Town this Province. � erimpose federal regulation upon. state contains leaved vegetation.. In case of issue -4 ' iegulatIon would add to the conflicts beans or. sweet potatoes, for instance, of Clinton in -sums of not less than Why, in •the Orthopedic department p Trotted straw, which contains.bht little $250,00 each, amounting fan F he whole in 20 years, nearly 704 Childtit h, slab lie complexities, est,hshotild lrathernbe diniin- elements of fertility, is ample because to ,$4000,00; each of w ', deben- and gWo, have beeA treated forit is more .essential to keep the soil. tures shall be dated ne first feet, ono abdut 600 Wire 00frected. ' fished than increased. loose and moist than to manure exces- rLay of Judy, 1912, a shall be.pay- Two- -Toronto; of these came from places Indictment and prosecution of rail - able on the first nay o,f July, 1932, outride of 'Toronto; from parents who. t roads which fail to refund promptly sively. could not afford to pap. ' manifest overcharges on the -trans.- at the .Office off lffie Treasurer in ei ' e�� • ortation of freight, hereafter will be 'Clinton aforesaid, atad the saidde- Surely We have a fair claim for .h p �� � =v p • tbentvres shall bear interest at four troth tris people of this Province, __ r .:^ " requested by the Interstate Commerce and three-quarters per .centwm pieX Lvery day is Christmas to the child Commission. hose liitae life is rained, or whose tized. �a ��� annum, payable a1>Unwally at thea w teal htened with the Lynchers Were Myp r Cri led• limb is s g Ftnger, prints are convincing evidence, g no place stated in rile debentu es Dina pP., o but they .oras be; evidence of go the first day of July in each and might of money -your lmoney-and the a as bad. For example. the finger London, Dee. 12 -Auto-suggestion et every year dosing hdle currrnncy of mercy of the Hospital. as we was the ` defence accepted by the . • t Of this letter, prints on a Christmas present are pr' Nit; judged at .Agram, in Hungary, yester DEVELOPED UNTO the debentures, except that the last W K You, the reader . a went of interest sdi'all fall due think of what your dollar will do? It eeeathem S deed. nobodyeeise does They wilt day when d t ken part iris ax brutal onytihe date of mat+uxit'y of,the de- 'helps to -restore health' and strength, thus be ncceptied in the htghGst court. ants who tta P bentures; and the debeUturos shall and gives hound limbs and straight Yeet gave you rut these telltale marks on case of lynching. I PNEUMONIA have attached to them coupon's for. to crippled boys and girls. d Christmas presents tilts year? can be it Is I used The. - inhabitants of the Village ly You give wealth to the Hospital, an high time to begin. Fingers' Bibnik, in Croatia; had been greatly the Payment of the said interest, health to the few hi her purposes„than in ptclttng I . It shall belawful for the Mayor the Hospital gives for g l excited by a number of eases of arson o tile said children, a Christmas efts for our 4rfe,nds. t.ut bei in the neighbortaood, and as the au- ULD and the Treasurerf h can ut golden sure to get your finger prints on the DOCTOR SAID ISE WO N Town of Chntdn and they are here- Yes, your money P . he lies ital's things Tit.:roR1 T1TL1 tlA�T ET,,r1V t police force.1 orgaufted by ,autiliorized and instruleted tis hinges on the door of t p PA`VT,4D"i VEM Til' r`criiZ 13QTtY r1,5E. apo and issue the said deb tures mercy. p ou wall, there will bo so many llnt;er Armed with scythes and obush- NOT LIVE. sign a they finally seized an itinerant hereby authorized to be issued, and Will you, kind reader, help us and It on trio roods that it will be hard. the Clerk of the said MuniCipalfty send a spare dollar to Douglas David- to distinguiwh yours frau; trio rest, tnalcer. He was dragged before the is hereby authorized to attach the son,"', the secretary treasurer of th,o �, 4, assembled villagers and tortured un- seal of ,the municipality to the said Hospital, or ..- I TI�ERFJVGRI�• :SHOP to he made confession. Then more Next to consutnptioii there are more debentures. J ROSS ROB SRTSON, than a hundred men and women beat 2 -During the currency of the de- Chairman of the Trustees, Toronto. . E.�.IILY. him to death with flails, chopped up deaths from pneumonia than from any 2 D t g bentures to be issued under thG au.- i the body with_ scythes, and burned the other lung trouble. ,thority of thus by-law the sum of - `�--'�-' ` -"-��-�----, I fragments m a heap of straw, 1M •"Mom I �I n public prosecutor asked annually by 7 hough tato p P There is only one way to prevent a spec shall be raised a ,special rate in the dollar upon all for death sentences, defending collie pneumonia, and that is to cure the cold the assessed value of all the rata- e ; sea succeeded in persuading able property in the Tawn of C1ilnr judges that the peasants in the earn, just as soon as it appears. Dr. Wood's .ton over and above all other rates.' 'Good Health is the Target mon excitement had, so d speak, Hies- Norway Pine Syrup will do this quickly and ,taxes, ' " merized one another, and were �tliere. 3 -The i3aid Mayor and 'Treasurer of our aim -or should be•-�-and first in importance. Get and keep fore not responsible for their actions. and. effectively. • ,a may cause ,the said debentures, or y thereof its be good health and you canworkwthho e--findlifewortllliving-rise United Shoe Machinery, Mr, Hugh McLeod,V,sterhazy, $ask., a sufficient amount t after nights of restful sleep—have' energy and ambition -know Boston, said omit otlteeated, or May stir i g what lloston, Dec. 12. The criminal ryrites:--"Mylittle boytook avery sevcrc yp sLhoa•ize the ,said debentures or any. t content, Tf you are out of health, or in poor condition, see pleadings in rife (3overnmeiit s suit cold, and it developed into pneum 0nia. portion thereof, to be purchased',or against trio directors and ofhcials re The doctor said he would not live. 4r got taken a,s and idea temporary .or ' the f7nited Shoe Maehinorqq Co„ were ermanent itnvestment of the, sinit•- completed yesterday wi{�ir tile arrange• some of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine n fund of, h TOW of ''liOton moist of George W. Brown of Boston, Syrup and he began to improve right i g t t e s it -hereof of �r rib- S PILLS who was in South America when he away. He is now a strong, healthy Child, and the proceedie p vidirn for ,the discount (if amyl and • and leis follow directors were indicted and shows no signs of it'coming back:' the expenses of the negotiatio�Land can do for you, Your food will taste right and nourish you better for violation of the Sherman anti-trust sale thereof, shall be a lied for b will be regular and our nervous system corrected. law. Mr, wown, who is a venerable- I3o not be talked into buying any 0th Pp your Bowes 19 y ;the purposes above specified and will be purer and you will feel more cheerful. Your IookinV business man, leadeartnot Norway pine Syrup. but insist oft getting Your blood p for no atiher puspo,se, a benefited atiid ou will know 'tvhyr so many :guilty iri the lliiited States co wholes stem will b y two indictments, and furnished the original "br. Wood's. ' Tt fs put up 4 --Tiring by-law shall halts effect l' d that 13eechatn's Pills hit the target and trio t on, fi~ot<n. and after the paasixilb t thousands have foun . 4 $10,000 bail for his appearance at the it, a yellow wrapper; three pine trete the thereod. s e .. 'trial, the date of whie i has not been trade mark; price, 25 cents, On Friday, the 2ilth catty of De- I lit sight , Tune 0 i, fixed. bxariufactured only by The T. Milburn (,ember, 1911, ,at the hour of ©1•evon , o'clock in iilte . toren olp, the Mayor I prepared enb br Thomas 13asc1tast, st. l4alens, l nncsahlra 1lrntiand. i Co,, Limited, Toronto, Out. . .. , ..., o C tike said o.w n tlltall attend talc U • ,fold rverirwhwe In Ganda sad U. s. Awnrla. in bakid bit arta.. ctically nothing where corn ' costs �� titc from a hose on it for half , great deal of money. That means hour:;vice a day, If_.tbis treatment should feed the pig water. Here, is nc Successful in two weei:s apply tin, is one of ..the answers. to the a bluer of Gombault's caustic hal- estion why the 'fall pig does not sant. . ova so profitable, simply because the ather is -cold. The cold weatber es riot allow the. pig to drink enough LIF7huinab iter. IIs loses his appetite for water =hen ail is done. ifs d won't• drink enough 'when you is,xt the greatestest,ve him dry feed and turn him loose bu dike a fro%vathatthe water trough. mit be 'played' with anhu- • If the pigs. won't drink enough wa- lutea a little to keep it quiet r make the reed int -9 a slop and tlltt falls asleep, and tbeft the • ake them drink it. • In summer' we • era is over. -Sir William Tem - ave the other phase of the trouble-- pi - . ey drink too much. The fact . wey — . drink too much in the summer is not ; matters not how a man dies, . s bad as the fact they drink too little . bu how ne fives. -Samuel .101111 - the winter. so. . Nine -tenths of all the scrubby pigs — - nd rants. are so because they are, Isst thou love life? Then do verfed and not. fed. properly. They notsqutander tune, for that is re often overfed on protein. There th,.Ftuff life is made oT.-Ben . is From as IGH, Iff, WASCAMErt liras" completew WNW $e Minns, N.S., Jan. 2504. 19zo. (any years, I suffered tOr't'"I's gestion and D sppeepsia. Two I was so bad that I vomited ;onstzntly. I also sufferI wads ion, I consulted Physicians, mme the disease was _ ega eonlytemporaT11011eS 11 I r4 in the'Maritime Baptist' about 4 Frii*.Lives' and the cures this mediate. was making and I decided to tr t, After taking three bones, I foun� great change for the better and now , can say '17ruit-a-tives' has t entirJ cured me when every other treatent failed, and I reverently"347 ,bTyq% God for'8ruit-a-tivea'," EDWIN ORAM, Sr. • "Tait-a-tives" sweetens the stomach, , lucre es the actual quantity of gastric juied'ia the stomach and ensures com- 5* , ptilete fligestion of all sensible food. .� Frdi,a-tives" is the only medicine in . ',r 1 the •gild made of fruit. Juices. So, a box, 6 for $z -So, or trial size, 25c. ,t all dealers, or from Fruit -p -titles Limes, Ottawa.. . Ouilding Up a Beef .Herd. Wit a good pure bred beef sire, a herd t native Cows and plenty of s- ' ture find a farmer may thrWears' time develop a good grade beef'erd, which will largely increase . his iQfits and maintain the fertility . of tri soft Treatment For Bog Spavin. 73olspavin .of horse should be re- lieve by complete rest and running 0 growing are how culars quantities for live STp- -1 AIEDTCVVU CAN'T CM11 DAIRY WISDOM. Atbest it is a roundabout way of . to the disease which is `Wore dairy cows, better feed trytn; reach in ty„ air Passages of the throat, nose. bronhial tubes and lungs, 1,(1%V(','the and more butter fat" Is a good stombch alono-use a remedy that air arry into the minutest air Cells, motto for evet•y farmer- will into he. tiniest Cft it,es of th,� arffected When one takes. into. Consider- � of ation the difficulty in buying sat little „alp- Li(ZiTI> TiT\IrT)ITS ]1=,1vGT 1I0CS. isfactory cows there is that under nearly all , Do:tors say only '•c'atarrhozone” -you inhatb, it aloe with the question Conditions it pays to raise well can 'are air Stu breath --it goes where the I bred hCifers as a basis for ins 1st ase germs are gnawhlg into kills germs -it InAintenance and improvement + your ri soothes It tee heal: of the dairy herd. +i, today and she . CAI]Alu Mono. -M G1U.I11.INTEE'D. The cow eats pays for her feed at tonight's += W ntldn't it be wise to use Catarrh - -day- and be cured per - milking. No other farm animal • ozoneno 2 -to gives such prutuilt return for feed and labor. That, Is one red -the •y,ti can send the soothing vapor of . pine woods, the riclicst balsams sots why li herd of dairy cows +e and healing essences, right n trio trouble by Inhaling should be on every farm. +s' +• Your winter cow is always the � cau:i of your Catrhozonr, T.i:tle drops of wonderful curative most protltaUle, and it moat be ,s pews are distributed through the breathing apparatus in two scc- remembered that She needs the +� s; wltoe ands q ield hest of Car( in Order toy J. Lite a, miracle, that's how Catarrlt- bronchitis, catarrh, most llberally, ;t; rite the best, ozort• works in roily, nt anoi lmand 1ilfalfa and clover Vis+ tli•y feeds there are for the Cow• no quicker way to make a runt or JULIO Franklin. . rippled pig or to kill him in fact than -_ overfeed :him on protein. Yet it is lie winds . and waves are al- bsolutely necessary to. feed your wtis on the side of the ablest { pigs on .protein. _When they immature.=EO ward- Gibbon. fall grown they do not need much ` - , rotein.' I have spent a good share of the past , . . IX year's at the station working out . to. feed properly. We have. pub- - . S� lar fo rm--cir- In circular f i i fished part o t �� 1W and 133. They give the:' according to. miialmtim gain • ' � A ��n e -that fs, wh+en. pigs, are being fattened . . market. One should never feed1. . more than seven -tenths of a pound of Res nsibie for Much. Deaf• . IO digestible crude protein per 100 pounds weight between slz and seven- nos, Hoarseness, .Bron - pounds for pigs going .to. mar- .. __ _.` 14 efitis and S t e M a' C h ket to bave them Antshed .at eight months old. In the case of pigs for TDuble. ' . breeding purposes I think they should . . be fed one-tenth less,. never. getting . above six -tenths of a pound, Meiicated 'Air Will Cure. The amount - Of . water necessarypIs - 0 also given in these circalars. Thse are common diseases, but not that is started at two months of age less angerous and difficult to cure on . at weaning time '8hoald have twelve that ,ecount. -In our climate the Wea. poundsof water for every 100 Pounds ther changes quickly. We are care- less, Disease attacks us before we of pig. . know; it. A large majority of oar peeps have nose, lung, or throat I trouiles, and 'find it hard to get cured. AN Dull. Wife -Here's another invitation to It' remarkable with what tenacity i,oth, the medical profession and the. . dine at the 'Flatleys, What. a bore laity adhere to the old theory that 1 be reached and those occasions are! Hub -Yes; even these diseases can comllted by dosing.. And this de- their dinner knives ere .dn1L--HOston spite'the fact that failure .to cure in Transcript _. -,--. • ninev-ntne eases out of a hundred atteris this mode of treatment, . d•+1+ + +2�+I"IH1eA3"i'!b'1«T'3"`"F"1' . STp- -1 AIEDTCVVU CAN'T CM11 DAIRY WISDOM. Atbest it is a roundabout way of . to the disease which is `Wore dairy cows, better feed trytn; reach in ty„ air Passages of the throat, nose. bronhial tubes and lungs, 1,(1%V(','the and more butter fat" Is a good stombch alono-use a remedy that air arry into the minutest air Cells, motto for evet•y farmer- will into he. tiniest Cft it,es of th,� arffected When one takes. into. Consider- � of ation the difficulty in buying sat little „alp- Li(ZiTI> TiT\IrT)ITS ]1=,1vGT 1I0CS. isfactory cows there is that under nearly all , Do:tors say only '•c'atarrhozone” -you inhatb, it aloe with the question Conditions it pays to raise well can 'are air Stu breath --it goes where the I bred hCifers as a basis for ins 1st ase germs are gnawhlg into kills germs -it InAintenance and improvement + your ri soothes It tee heal: of the dairy herd. +i, today and she . CAI]Alu Mono. -M G1U.I11.INTEE'D. The cow eats pays for her feed at tonight's += W ntldn't it be wise to use Catarrh - -day- and be cured per - milking. No other farm animal • ozoneno 2 -to gives such prutuilt return for feed and labor. That, Is one red -the •y,ti can send the soothing vapor of . pine woods, the riclicst balsams sots why li herd of dairy cows +e and healing essences, right n trio trouble by Inhaling should be on every farm. +s' +• Your winter cow is always the � cau:i of your Catrhozonr, T.i:tle drops of wonderful curative most protltaUle, and it moat be ,s pews are distributed through the breathing apparatus in two scc- remembered that She needs the +� s; wltoe ands q ield hest of Car( in Order toy J. Lite a, miracle, that's how Catarrlt- bronchitis, catarrh, most llberally, ;t; rite the best, ozort• works in roily, nt anoi lmand 1ilfalfa and clover Vis+ tli•y feeds there are for the Cow• bre�th iti fragraritablo eveV trace of eongestioll and disease ThYtothy hay is splendid to sell, 1. The dairy cow is the, founds• ,s+ f1Ee< as befom fico. an rise it; so euro safe, tprescribe it, so bene - tion of all soil improvemeut and other line 't, to (ursef Scid in preventing winter ills, no per- 'afford to do without Catarrh- farm property, and no ' fttrinina la so well adapted to sort an ezot(, Used in thousands of casae of the developmentizenghi highest '� 50c tYt00 sizes. efold bit y allydealers, or manhood and ct l) m- by hall from the catarrhozono COW- .44 +kd 4'd~++++1,+++t"b4.+1,.I.4+ Ts , Kingston. 'Ont. .44++++44+++++++++ -47