HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-14, Page 7r•
AtIttle opt(
s i
to XEQas,
Who Would l
Have you counted how'-
owhappy at Xmas?
We have something for F
Brother and even for li
Clocks, Watches. Gold filled
berellas, Rings of all si
Pins, Fancy China (n
Cut Glass, Jewel boxe
and etc.
' Come in and see our sto
you make your purchas
salt _
Teacher Waated. I MARRIED IN` ,01,INTOx.
'^ ito r. sqole'[ all if theelBag' wGddiand
ON ;w'"Nsim A pa'ofe>seionai Ite aat:her for S. S« Mr. h7lias Fall oiY t!he Baae'Line, and..
No,9, Astkiwid: DR4tes to copy- Miss Edith .Sampson Londeaboio,
tnteace A,nJalu% 3r'd,1912, Apply were united In the bopds o,1mahri-F
aatating salary and, qunlificsiti. n,q moray on 1 Wedinesday afternoon.
T e coral . drove the
to R. Jo+h s sa
e o tothe _ home of
au 'Go .
` 1T S
two weeks cess, eke
Y'aslGolfiee,' Rev, W. W. WyGie .Baptist Pastor
where the ceremony was Fceriforlin-
ed, The bride was prettily drtess-
4 , g ed in cream calored iser ge. Attie
Saysi lirtll. . iarri l ,es; & Deat4s the marriage the happy couple
drove :to Londeaboro, Where sup-
"'- per wras provided at the hcane o,f
MARRIAGIES Mr. and Mrs, . Brunsdotna _fWlo,wi4g
--e thou• n wr
by Ile v'
nommesieaa on the [Ease Line,•
All ' friends .Wish jos and happi-
-on to
the premises of the under -
d t
1 ' IIu11et shoo
Lot 19 -.-Con. 3 t
i ne L t
s ,
the first of'August a, red yearling
heifer. Owner can have same by
proveing property and paying
Thomas Pate.
➢iris anal _.Dray
Myy'bus and dray business isnow'
iocatted at my house on Ontario St.
two doors from Rattenbury` Hotel
'bairn. Call or 'phone No. 42. All
' orders promptly attended' to.
AnleiiOn Salt'
On Thursday, Dec. 21st, at Holm-
esville-Cows, Young (Cattle and
"Sheeep-4 grade Aymshires, 2 grade
THolstiens, 15 grade Durhams, 1 4 -yr,
•odd farrow -a good milker, 6 -steers
arising 2 years. 3,heifers ris:r(g 2 yie
r 1 fait heifer. 8 sheep ; 1 cow duos in
January; 2 due in F`ebru'ary ; 18 due
in March or Apralil. Guam Titee -
Any cow p•roxin; inot to be lin calf
Feb. bs+t. 1912, co.w be returned and
;caislh or notes wf:l be refunded.
',Toinmy Gundry tris be found,
To pass the caws around,
1f you want' big cheques next ,year
Buy the good+ stuff n hile- it's here.
'Teirrns-8 months credit will The
given by giving approved joinit'
motes, os a discount of r5 per cetnit,
;per annum off for car+h. Geo. Hol-
land, .Proprietor+, Thos. Gundry,,
Teadver Wantc-d
Two teachers wanted for S.S. No,
'Hrullett, principal and assistaivtl,
Alp:y stating qualifications and
ra ^r,y tvanto 1. Assistant to re-•
ce've $325.00. Duties to commence
.Jan. 2nd,.1'912. Ap y to
Box 16, Loridesboro, .One:,
rearcy, isaac Snell, of East Wawa.-
ress .to Mr, and'. Mrs; TBall.
nosh to bliss V=io Cock, f3mierly of
and evening.
Rev Uosena
r. .will . preach Educa-
It is easy for ns to sell watches es- tional sea mons in Seaforth.
V. you would like to make
••* • • • l O + •
• •
Cosens ; Ddei-bliss Barbarn McIver
anMr Albert- Mitchell;, Reading=
McC:eMhe.rty-In Clinttiii, on
Mrs. C ns ; Instrumental.solo-(VA ass '
Lavis; Recitiitiou"ivii6s Carrie .chip=
Tuc(a'da Dec. 12, Annie Jaeksol-i
be.oved wife of John. McClacherty,
• •
• • • ! • • O .l
at r,, Mother, Sweetheart or
aged 70 years 4t [months and 12,
til Folks.Next
large stock of Winter goods o you can be supplied
Sub'dlay, [Rev. Dr; Kedd qt
was held at' the Paesonage, at which
;several suitable and: useful Christmas
when the cold weather com. Butter,.. Eggs, Dried
agdelrich, *W, preach edmeziti onai
d Sterling,Mounted Um-
waeRlmnno, at ,b4h mornfOr and
evenizig at ov$ms, i
ooches, Bracelets, Hat
Local NCWS
.dhnumh .
;wlag crowded Sun-
diay eyening p.+o ihear the Jubileb(
Iatterns in Limogues)
set Sets, Ebon Goods
singers asol4bd in the eveipr-
ing• iseirvices. Mhey wren It'hi5ee
eacellenitalt;Ploatad !indeed
e fims!t class ' National Cream
Sd ratorj W'ill. be isold ;cheap. as
I e g 'ven f' in'
g 'ap g
eulftMe JQ ioios'W.
C. Ta !U,
pre*khed ,b .. Me pae(6olr, itev,IFolyd. An iut1ep
our rices before
re u7ar aneeYtn'g of the W.C.
T'.;U, ,will beheld' at home
tae lgoQi g onllb oQ t the eiecearn
. 'The citizens are asked to vote .on.
oP Mise 'Washington ofnPriday after-
lust be{ Qe service
stbartted.Wt they twere ocgon [going
Ford & 'McLeoid are buoy press-
i,ng hay in tithe 'toiwlnsihip and are
. Services on,Sunda were as usuail.
the pastor ;ev W W Wylie
y ie o:c-
fillipg orders as fast as possible.
cupyinlg' his awn pulpit, both'inos{nr-
ing and evelnin,g.
You can rely on a Counter watch.
B. Y.'P. met oxi Mopday . evprv-
nd tthat had given !CUdton•
' No matter how necessary it is for you
ing -master 'Willie Blacker 'led' ;the
to know the precise exact time to a
se o You will
second.' $n
o d, .,ill d the Counter
n t rater
watch. on the job anytime, day
devotional part,, and Mrs. H,-Pen-
H, Pent-
ab ave •
n a v r 'nits s•
e a t
( y reel , ildg,
v aper oa Source at a WorkeLite'
...,•.r FH.+Xr,
a r'
Tthe .
StItpigth: The young people are
cordially invited ,to these meetings,
Prayer meeting tonight at 8 p.m..
spent . will be used! on Q nita:ri o stTeetf`
and ttlae l'es't of (the.front• sltif'eet.
The members of the Women's Just!.
tute purpose holding a saleof .home-
It is the intentiolq of ithe Council .to
made cooking in the vacant store next ,
.. Educational Anniversary services
-on to
the premises of the under -
d t
1 ' IIu11et shoo
Lot 19 -.-Con. 3 t
i ne L t
s ,
the first of'August a, red yearling
heifer. Owner can have same by
proveing property and paying
Thomas Pate.
➢iris anal _.Dray
Myy'bus and dray business isnow'
iocatted at my house on Ontario St.
two doors from Rattenbury` Hotel
'bairn. Call or 'phone No. 42. All
' orders promptly attended' to.
AnleiiOn Salt'
On Thursday, Dec. 21st, at Holm-
esville-Cows, Young (Cattle and
"Sheeep-4 grade Aymshires, 2 grade
THolstiens, 15 grade Durhams, 1 4 -yr,
•odd farrow -a good milker, 6 -steers
arising 2 years. 3,heifers ris:r(g 2 yie
r 1 fait heifer. 8 sheep ; 1 cow duos in
January; 2 due in F`ebru'ary ; 18 due
in March or Apralil. Guam Titee -
Any cow p•roxin; inot to be lin calf
Feb. bs+t. 1912, co.w be returned and
;caislh or notes wf:l be refunded.
',Toinmy Gundry tris be found,
To pass the caws around,
1f you want' big cheques next ,year
Buy the good+ stuff n hile- it's here.
'Teirrns-8 months credit will The
given by giving approved joinit'
motes, os a discount of r5 per cetnit,
;per annum off for car+h. Geo. Hol-
land, .Proprietor+, Thos. Gundry,,
Teadver Wantc-d
Two teachers wanted for S.S. No,
'Hrullett, principal and assistaivtl,
Alp:y stating qualifications and
ra ^r,y tvanto 1. Assistant to re-•
ce've $325.00. Duties to commence
.Jan. 2nd,.1'912. Ap y to
Box 16, Loridesboro, .One:,
M te, r We extend to a])..
j v
W. R. Counter's jewelry store on the will be held next Sunday. Rev.
afternoon of Saturday, -Dec. pith, be. Arthur Barker'ns 7'. L„ of Seafortb,
ginning at 2. o'clock• will preach morning
our customers a
and evening.
Rev Uosena
most hearty Merry Xmas as a have done for many
r. .will . preach Educa-
It is easy for ns to sell watches es- tional sea mons in Seaforth.
---- -
years, As in other years 'you 11 find we have a great
pecially the Counter watch because 'The Pastor preached' at both services
waerare able to talk in definite terms to' last Sunday, • The morning tlihjegt.
Cosens ; Ddei-bliss Barbarn McIver
anMr Albert- Mitchell;, Reading=
vaiiety of useful, handsome an cheap articles suitable'
tch customers Burden Bearing". The thenar
Mrs. C ns ; Instrumental.solo-(VA ass '
Lavis; Recitiitiou"ivii6s Carrie .chip=
for Xmas Gilts, 1Tde have iso: a good supply Of
YOUR LAST CHANCE, f the evening discourse was, the
I-1,and of God ii the History of Met.ho-
ley ; .Solo -bliss Tillie Akain ; Reading
-Miss Hattie Oourtfce At -the close
Christmas Fruits, Candies, Nu etc., etc.—We have a:
Thursday of rthis week to pay dism."
sf the ;refreshments were
served.' 'During the evening, a F3azaar
large stock of Winter goods o you can be supplied
your taxes or the 5 per -cent will be Instead of the regular meetingof
adde(ef, So far lihiis year the 'taxes the 1loworth League next Monday
was held at' the Paesonage, at which
;several suitable and: useful Christmas
when the cold weather com. Butter,.. Eggs, Dried
have been :60ming yn and not much eveningti
obje;etion as theitem has been ' ' n entertainment will be
gifts'made by, the,young ladies aces
Apples, Lard and fallow want
,big Given under the auspices of the Junior
the good Toaads. and .everyone has League. An excellent program will
sold. The. proceeds :amounted • to
about $25, '
Fm rium Landesbora
seen ;tlhe .advantarge of hav;Ing made. be given by the boys and girls. A cor-
this good investment, dial invitation is extended. to all.
If a 0o t t h Th'e Mission Circle tandLea ue held
-on to
the premises of the under -
d t
1 ' IIu11et shoo
Lot 19 -.-Con. 3 t
i ne L t
s ,
the first of'August a, red yearling
heifer. Owner can have same by
proveing property and paying
Thomas Pate.
➢iris anal _.Dray
Myy'bus and dray business isnow'
iocatted at my house on Ontario St.
two doors from Rattenbury` Hotel
'bairn. Call or 'phone No. 42. All
' orders promptly attended' to.
AnleiiOn Salt'
On Thursday, Dec. 21st, at Holm-
esville-Cows, Young (Cattle and
"Sheeep-4 grade Aymshires, 2 grade
THolstiens, 15 grade Durhams, 1 4 -yr,
•odd farrow -a good milker, 6 -steers
arising 2 years. 3,heifers ris:r(g 2 yie
r 1 fait heifer. 8 sheep ; 1 cow duos in
January; 2 due in F`ebru'ary ; 18 due
in March or Apralil. Guam Titee -
Any cow p•roxin; inot to be lin calf
Feb. bs+t. 1912, co.w be returned and
;caislh or notes wf:l be refunded.
',Toinmy Gundry tris be found,
To pass the caws around,
1f you want' big cheques next ,year
Buy the good+ stuff n hile- it's here.
'Teirrns-8 months credit will The
given by giving approved joinit'
motes, os a discount of r5 per cetnit,
;per annum off for car+h. Geo. Hol-
land, .Proprietor+, Thos. Gundry,,
Teadver Wantc-d
Two teachers wanted for S.S. No,
'Hrullett, principal and assistaivtl,
Alp:y stating qualifications and
ra ^r,y tvanto 1. Assistant to re-•
ce've $325.00. Duties to commence
.Jan. 2nd,.1'912. Ap y to
Box 16, Loridesboro, .One:,
and J, l3. Iloove'r'.
Haut stock. They've all After a short illness extends
i .M tld
ust sa with e
nttrc AI;ac1C we over ar vaalt ,Annie Jacktac{a, br lvv-•
''a Q► how. It's best in town. and e l wife of Jrnh
, n McClacherty, passe -
ha' ,
e why the
ge r
y k
no erI at1 a an" T • , . :
w y l uesda >ilro111,1nt at
u a1. a' t
h .
y .,
I .• , i rx it tie at
' OI
)i r place. ..lie ag''ca of r0 years, 411to1itlas And 2 '
ay1 Deceased bus lived in elin-
on0 ,son JAS. XeClaeherty, year::,
;can ,and Mullett for m.
t of God—
o I a1 zn l IaTlsbaftd.;r.pe left to Tnotarni
tl1'1 D tt CXtiY21 1,t flN 1JRN11 'lCTxiL ,r hind and lovirty ; I&tlleAr and irelll- F
vv ttY. The .funeral :was hold cera
aiNtit t Thurald y rend Intern oat V. rf]8de , W60k "Will, st" 09 p
o tYtetery . ---
the delegateat. ,lite
It in the Gilden ti
oo p
iawaa, mare
slilylt.0111lity today is m<
• 4 ani a man, . ••i Mrv'e ' ",KaePaatlnil-
inti," "`DoYour Share,' ' Worlt ► ins,+,
"Be Saintly Patriotio:' He +spoke ,of
the increased tendancy .on the part of
young people today to read and think.,
He .expressed pleasure at the present
day movement towards church unity.
The ,Officere.
Icon. president --Bev, R.I. Warn-
er, M,A., D.D., St. Thomas-
Prelsident•-Mr. J.'F, Maine, Lmv-
don. '
Ex -president -,Rev. W. E. 'Mill -
,son, Stratrord.
First vice -president -Rev. A. E.
Janes, Belmont.
Seeand vice -president -Miss N,
Forman, Stratforfil.
Third vice -president -Miss A.
Ste(%dman, Wyoming,.
Fourth vice -president -Rev, J.'H,
Qaterthout, Loudesbotro.
Fifth vice-pr6sident-Mors, - R.
Noxell, Chatham.
Secretary -Rev. T.E. • Sawyer,
Tri psuTerF- 'Mrs, Maynavd, $34
Queen's avenue, Lolndon. • ,
Representatives to tergoral board.
Mr. Holtily. St, %%odnas.
District News.
Lucknow had a midnight burg-
lary Sunday night. Button Bros'
butcher shop and W. J. Taylor's
grocery shore ;were .found, in the
morning ;to'have bee'n,broken into,
rhe -cash 'drawers had been 'gone
through and some of the stock had -
been andlesited', bud ao far as can be
learned noNhitr4g -of value was 'tak-:
en from either place. About one
D'clack in t1he morniinlg 4 09tranger
welaring along overcout, was ob-
seirved making •his :w'ay fromthat
vicinity, but when. followed he dis- •
appelared in the darkness ralad no
further trace of hini.has been found.
I"he pol!iee have no further clue on
trhicb to work.
101ne ca`r loads of fat cattle was
;hipped to Toronto .on Saturday last.
Charles Reid shipped one car. Messrs.
Wm. Taylor, 2 cars, Stinson and Mr.
Armstrong; of Stanley, one car each.
11laey were fine cattle for the • Christ -
bas trade.
Messrs. D; Swan and James Boyce•
are visiting friends in Toronto.
Walter,.McBeath has returned' from
gonitoba, where he has Leen for some:
months. .
The election passed over very quiet-
y without Much, excitement.
Alex. Ross of our village 1s' at pres.
mteall of pneumonia, A speedy re.
;every is' hoped. for by, his many
Neil Ross of British Columbia is `
visiting his father Alex. Ross.
D: Ross Drayton paid a short visit
some this week. He gave.his vote to
'he -Liberals.
The Christmas tree entertainment .
of the Presbyterian .church.will be
ield on.the 21st inst, A good time is
The people of Brucefield and'vicinity
enjoyed a rare treat on Monday night
vhen the Jubilee Singers gave their
:oncert.' "Alf present pronounced it
;ood, owing to the bad night :ind the
dudience was not As Marge as it should
lave been: If .the weather bad been
o d the church cold have been fill -
jd.. ,The seliectiqns were, all goad.
Chey.gave both quality. and quantity.
9dr aost every selection: was encored,
Rev. Osterhout was at. Auburn on
Sunday and Messrs. W. Lyon and' G. -
Jenkins suppliod for him .here.
The election passed oif'very quietly
hereon Monday- A good' vote •was
D, Oahtelon shipped a'car of pota-
toes from here on Tuesday.
The Sunday Schoorecholars are busy
preparing for their Christmas trees.
Misses R ss and Cowan bf S. S.No.
3 are leaving at . 0hristmas for other
fields of labor.
Wednesday the wedding bells rang
for Miss'E. Sampson and, Mr. E. Ball,'
Mr. Joseph Lyon is `very poorly,
whicii Ills many friends are sorry
to hear,
Mr, and Mrs. John Spiandler ' of
Lucknoly are visiting her father6:
Mr. Josepli 'Lyon.
Mr1S.. W m. Riles is ;.visiting her
daughter, -.-Mrs. Noitnan Carter of
SeafarNhi• "
'Che '.. . Omen's 'lns.titute met at
the hoime of 1his,. Osterhout on
Thursday afternoon last. . Theme
Was a goadnumber in Altonda'nce, a
number of visitiors being presetn(h,.
The, usual business was .;transacted
lac;:uding. a dheque- for five dollars'
asa Christmas gift tothe sanitsa
iam for 'Consumptives at Graven-
hurst. It is tahe ,aim of. ;this insti-
tute to remember asom'e .ch:ariltab,A
institution at this time of the year
with food'.cheer. :Miss Bell then
,gave a fine piano solo, and Mrs. J.
Manniijg gave an excellent report
of: the Co nventioin, held in Wevon,t'o,
A pleaasant feature of 'the m`tles-
r,00'n was the pfIeset(tatt oin ,o? a
bentatiful hand bag tq t'Mrs, B. J,
Young; as an appreciatioin other
services as *dretary~ttroasurlaf of
the ,societyy. The hostess fh n se -
ved refreshments that .Were very
Tnuah enjoyed, The meeting clas
od wi•lh 'thesinging of the ,national
autlieni, Miss Allie hell presiding
',at the piano.
vuying Seats In Parliament.
Less than a eenturv,.,,ago seats in
Parliament were renin rrly Naught and
scald. L`lood, the Irish Nllticia n, pur-
1 ,
,u h , Hou, e
t 'n tht. 1 S
ea i .h
ilased a s b
Of Commons for 4'(a t',)t). The notor-
lously corrupt borou,,,a of Gatton was
publicly advertised for :sale in 1702,
with the power of mildnatillg• two ti re
l,resentailves. forever,„' described by
the auctioneer os "rill elc,iant consti-
tuoncy.” This sante :svat (Mr. harry
Graham reeallg in "The Mother of
Parliaments") wao "old 1,1 1431 Ity. Sir
ltl'ark 'Wood for thii hu::o suan of $W0,-
(100, and the pureha5er's fcelins may
well be imagincd when,
under the
reform act of the. following year, the
borough was disfranchised.
His serious Condition.
East Indian t(+,ipraphrirs h*"
mmotimes to deal with an1u hl'" inets-
sages. An intelligent sr!poy Ohm went
into sh offCee and hatnt (_4 in a mos•
aca "e ter be stmt to ra staff ion in Contraal
.Seasonable Goods
oder rtely Te -r sed
................ .
Our stock of Overcaats never was more complete
than it is at the present time, Many new lines were
added last week and early sold sizes replaced and it is .
.na one of the largest. and best assorted stocks ever,,
offer d for your inspection,.
Seve al new nobby lines to Choose from
Boy's Overcoats in all the latest styles at $.3.50 to $10.00
ve also just edded to our stock another lame
shipment of Men's and Boy's Suits, Don't fail to see.
•these before buying your new Fall Suit,
Mubbers—Are you going to buy any getters
this .Fall ? If you are, Save money on there by buying
them here. We have the cheapest and we have the best
Men's, Womens and Childrens bine Rubbers.
Men's and Boys Heavy Lace sr+.d Buckle Rubbers=
Neu's Long Rubber Boots.
Special Prices 04 Boots, Blankets, Underwear,, Etc
T umsteel Bros,,'
Buy Your Christmas Gifts From
il* .-.G,RIGGn
-We Carry one of the Laftest and Best assorted
Stocks of Matches, Clocks'& Jewelery . in the Couuty
maket a ver
• , •. A Ring, y ac-
ce table ift .for either lad
or gentl"nan. -Set with..
Diamond, . Pearls, Rubiyes,
Emerald's; Opals; and .Sap-
`tliA TLOH ES Si net Ri s i; to lkoe
t, g ng • 1.7.
.Ladies' and Gent's Gold- TA special line of single pearl
Filled. Cases, stem wind,4k. rings at: -,.$3 and $5'
"with a good, reliable mo ve
me'nt full uaranted.... $10 Wedding Rings'
, y a
others from .............. $N4 $40
Boys' ?Patches. .1.00 BR®Ia H[ES
Brooches' of all descrip•
BLOCKS; tions and prices, We carry
' tions a beautiful line of Pearl i4k
Clocks of_all descriptions
Gold: Brooches at $1 to $z0
from.... ,......,..$1 0 $2b
Special ecial Values -
P .
for :Christmas. Bracelets
Umbrellas, with gold, silver Necklets
and gun. metal handles -7' Chains
EBONY GOODS scarf Pias
Is always. Popular for Presents
R. is, Artistic and .Useful
We put all articles of:,jewelery in Nice Boxes
and. engrave. initials free of charge.'
Our Prices sreRi ht tina•
Goods are
Just as we Represent Them,
)Plead t Th ' e o see Yo and willIfeat You Well.
(No Witnesses ,required)
void"him there Was Something •• TNG FAST
' No, sahib -no. sahib; me know XMAS STAMPS SELL
English,' replied the native saldiieY
haughtily. d returns-Viab are coming
TTat letters an F,
The. operator forwarded the res- ,
liieh read: into the office of the National Sanitarium
slags, w
"Come quick. Y `ather dangerotusly Association, 347liiiagStreetWest,Toronto,
ele,ad „ tell of an active Christmas Stamp Campaign
in all parts c the
country. People of
06N51113VAT1bN. r _a gr, every class and creed
appear rear to be interest-
The conservation of our nat- in themselves in d'o-
ural resources is clearly neces- 3 Mt ¢stir XMAS • • ingthoir arttosecuro
t t b p
19 11.
- Five
o ar: t Twen
eta a
nate n t LO V
airy for our welfare
hereafter. Cous6fva- t ' . Thousand M-15,0001.
now incl hetes •
Nl. r
i that s ra,
" r t a
tion implies both the develop- ,.,,,p . .BAR• Dollars
menti and tlae protection of re. , ' objective of the
Christmas 's tris Stamp
C l f+
, tl
soarers, the one as nub! a i;ommittee. The first
other. The idea whieh' iindetlies issue of stamps was three millions. Tlae
it is in harrilotly with the true distribution lies become so 'wide that an
spirit of tlals, nation. It r•s prt ,,,• additionaltwo millions have been printed.
es a deep sew a wa uationni von- Orders aro coming from the far west to the
vection, Intent until it c•alnw, that extreme east. A manufacturer•. in Sb.
we haire inherit -d. feviii mat tare- I3yacinthe, Guobee, ooutributes leis quota,
lathers bosh acnoi,,,<r.•tun., ft t and another manufacturer in Mont -051
ourselve:a and ' la sluts to th-t, sends his order.
who carne aftry itis C`ouut ev,a• `The ofl'ort has teen to place the stamps
tion detuatnd3 4 tlae u:;e of rran- in different hands in practically every com-
n Y
d the
Lixnit , If
our tea ors da nob find
loon taaudt tic c scud c•oustT.r n t ., stances for axle in their Drug. Strata, f 3ook
sl^ht In dealllon
with [batt taf ,•ta Store, or through some individual vrbrker,
which our lee r;uv stud falcon[' weitb tlae SeoretaLr of ties National lSAM.
welfare depexidn. - The vs, evuee tarium Oiliee, 04'1 Bing SIA*bt 'W09N
'of ennserratinn is the all!allt-a- Toronto, for a supply rand all particultft
tion of conimen ija'n" to thtw
Voininon probit liv for the t•OCit. r Cry' moll goW. Glfiord Vinchot, Ohil ix'h eC
tpn ,ry
un er wa c goes wrong we
make it right for. you .or we makeit
ea social in the Lecture coon; of the
right with you.
Church;on Tuesday.
y. evening, at whicb
the fo llOwing• program ' was rendered
-.-"Chairman's Address', Rea! T. W. '
---- -
As Vile mrlinery season. is about
over :kilts. Percy (,'•crick entertained
Cosens ; Ddei-bliss Barbarn McIver
anMr Albert- Mitchell;, Reading=
the two. mi.liners from Couch &,
'Co',s shore last 'Thuasda evenizia
Mrs. C ns ; Instrumental.solo-(VA ass '
Lavis; Recitiitiou"ivii6s Carrie .chip=
Ys and Gir.s sell 24 packages
Ch stmas Cards 10c gaeka•ge, re=
y b
and later, in the evoding the clwrk's'
ley ; .Solo -bliss Tillie Akain ; Reading
-Miss Hattie Oourtfce At -the close
cel _ premium, loekec, ring, brise-
et sltatea fountain p'etn5 sweater
arrived, dressed in "the. latest .Par-
.is fashion,"'; The New Era is.sorrly
sf the ;refreshments were
served.' 'During the evening, a F3azaar
ca , 90c commissioai, • ' •
that the societ repotter .was bus
that - evening fol, the ,costtumes
was held at' the Paesonage, at which
;several suitable and: useful Christmas
16 Hartford Ave., 'iio.•ronto
worn bv,some afl ithe ladies were
beatutiful in •the extreme. During
gifts'made by, the,young ladies aces
she evening. Miss. Campbell, was the
sold. The. proceeds :amounted • to
about $25, '
For Sale, -.recipient
ofa, cuie 1glass berry bowl
as, coining events cast 'their shad -
OW before. .
e fims!t class ' National Cream
Sd ratorj W'ill. be isold ;cheap. as
I e g 'ven f' in'
g 'ap g
• A. D. Wiiltse, Clinton
. 'The citizens are asked to vote .on.
a ,by-ll'aw on 'N. W' Yeai•'a day for.
$4,600.00 fie finish the , goo. roads
schegnp: that was stashed last year
nd tthat had given !CUdton•
...,•.r FH.+Xr,
a r'
;teir name on ace4uln,t of[( -our good' .
etseets maw. •,'Phe ')honey to be
spent . will be used! on Q nita:ri o stTeetf`
and ttlae l'es't of (the.front• sltif'eet.
The int •N f
Th 1V h Biennial ,Mee In girl
It is the intentiolq of ithe Council .to
Opened in the.Askin Street
nave the by-law pa(seed' now,so•as
'Methodist Church
xhey can tget''the (stone brought'
1, t
to lawn. wlhgh the farriers have
hristt 'a s
lots of bane on t1eir. hands. Chin.•
ton 'will ,be able tq boia-st of good' .
streets when these. two , roads are
The ninth biennial convention of the
Kew Year
-finished. Let every ratepayisr• cast
his vote. in favocr of the by-law,
London. Conference Epworth League
o seed in AsKin Street Methodist
Church last Thursday morning.
The time from 9 -to 11 o'clock was
devoted to reception, registration and.
Christmas comes on apace.
billeting of .delegates. • At 11 o,clook
B. ween istatioAis in, Canada,
Election day -Monday, Ilth Deceit.
Mr,' E. R' Nilson. Secretary of the Y.
M. C. A., conducted devotional exer-
o .tio Niag'arra Falls and Buf-
winter Fair 'o ens 12thDec-
else% giving aver* helpful Bible.read•GueTph
J,alo; N. Y., Deroit and
' oatt [Huron Mich.
& address of welcome was :then.
Sow. for a month .ctowded with
given by Rev. Wr H. 'Harvey, B. A,,
Christmas business .activities•
paster of the Askin Street Methodist
1ii '
X111 ate
Only 8 . more. business• days till
church. His welcome was eittended .
behalf the
(MiEdnium charge 25c)
AFF L you' thinking of running,for
on o° ohureb, the conference
execittice.and the city,, especially that
portion kn6von as South London, rep -
The boys end girls have been nkat.
resenting 10,000 of a population, with -
nut an hotel. expressed pleasure at
G' d ghuig Dec. 23,.24, 954. Return
on the pond near W. Doherty's
purpose that has brought
the unity u
tLiillnit Dec. 26,1911
the representatives together, to catch
of a larger service, and lay
AL goad' going DE c.. 30, 31, 1911
and, Jan. 1, 1912, ReturinlLini t
The New Era fora ear to a friend
makes a desirable Christmas token of
las lar 't a further race of world..
p , n £ h a
I Jan. 2,1912,
rememberance, and- by beginning now
nide evangetizwtioo.
The response was viveh by Rev. Dr.
you get the balance of this year free.
Some have already, started the wel-
Warnes, of St. 1'hamas; resident of
fare and on -
come weekly, visitor.
the London Conference at the Metho-
distd)hurch, and principal ot.Alma
The L+ ra address labels are cOr-
Ladies' College.
rested the first week in every month,
so that should you renew just after
Success of Convention.
(11iitiuuun charge. 25c)
such is done no correction will appear
The speiiker acknowledge that much'
until the month is out,
of the success of the convention coils
G d gaing Dec. 21i 1911 to Jan. 1,
No Ctaristmne present will be more
depend upon the, hospitality thus est -
912 incluisive. Return Limit
Jan. 3,1912..
suitable or more highly apprecuL„ ed
than a years subscription to the Olin.
Full particulArs from
ton New L"ra, ' Why not send this pa-
per to your friends mud keep them in
touch with the oldhome and Huron
A. O, PATTISON. depot agent
The little Christmaa's Stamp, issued on
1 Muskoka red Hospital, for
beha f of IVIuali a F
The Al:unicipal Pot is beginin.ing
Consumptives, to help care for needy
to get wiz axe and many [names are
patients, serves, of course, a very practical
mentioned. For Mayor the tivames
purpose in providing
of 13. J% ibbin 's, A. T. Cooper :and
the pi .sent tAa yor J. Taybi,, the
Reeveship, W. G. Smyth,the
a moans of securing
; fundsfor this institu-
tion, Bub the edu•
ent Reeve; D.Cantelotn, anis W.
` Wienal value of
Pa y and ,the Councillors,
MttTRY As millions of these
Beacom,. )Ford, Jackson, I)r, 0.lioinlaM
c stare b put in
stamps • sing
nd so is every chair ,we allow.
son, G- McLonnan, besides sn'
ciroulati6n muab nob
on select once and have wife
o!,hens who have no;t yet deeirlecl
MRpp NGV. be overlooked. For
Y t., q .
el eat other. It will be a *ytoss
if they .will take the ; lldnge. Icor
this reason we urge
p which is best. You cant go
' miss or►
water commissioners, W. D. 'Chant
our .readers to pub a
..w,. .. ^,. .4-m.. A"
and J, l3. Iloove'r'.
Haut stock. They've all After a short illness extends
i .M tld
ust sa with e
nttrc AI;ac1C we over ar vaalt ,Annie Jacktac{a, br lvv-•
''a Q► how. It's best in town. and e l wife of Jrnh
, n McClacherty, passe -
ha' ,
e why the
ge r
y k
no erI at1 a an" T • , . :
w y l uesda >ilro111,1nt at
u a1. a' t
h .
y .,
I .• , i rx it tie at
' OI
)i r place. ..lie ag''ca of r0 years, 411to1itlas And 2 '
ay1 Deceased bus lived in elin-
on0 ,son JAS. XeClaeherty, year::,
;can ,and Mullett for m.
t of God—
o I a1 zn l IaTlsbaftd.;r.pe left to Tnotarni
tl1'1 D tt CXtiY21 1,t flN 1JRN11 'lCTxiL ,r hind and lovirty ; I&tlleAr and irelll- F
vv ttY. The .funeral :was hold cera
aiNtit t Thurald y rend Intern oat V. rf]8de , W60k "Will, st" 09 p
o tYtetery . ---
the delegateat. ,lite
It in the Gilden ti
oo p
iawaa, mare
slilylt.0111lity today is m<
• 4 ani a man, . ••i Mrv'e ' ",KaePaatlnil-
inti," "`DoYour Share,' ' Worlt ► ins,+,
"Be Saintly Patriotio:' He +spoke ,of
the increased tendancy .on the part of
young people today to read and think.,
He .expressed pleasure at the present
day movement towards church unity.
The ,Officere.
Icon. president --Bev, R.I. Warn-
er, M,A., D.D., St. Thomas-
Prelsident•-Mr. J.'F, Maine, Lmv-
don. '
Ex -president -,Rev. W. E. 'Mill -
,son, Stratrord.
First vice -president -Rev. A. E.
Janes, Belmont.
Seeand vice -president -Miss N,
Forman, Stratforfil.
Third vice -president -Miss A.
Ste(%dman, Wyoming,.
Fourth vice -president -Rev, J.'H,
Qaterthout, Loudesbotro.
Fifth vice-pr6sident-Mors, - R.
Noxell, Chatham.
Secretary -Rev. T.E. • Sawyer,
Tri psuTerF- 'Mrs, Maynavd, $34
Queen's avenue, Lolndon. • ,
Representatives to tergoral board.
Mr. Holtily. St, %%odnas.
District News.
Lucknow had a midnight burg-
lary Sunday night. Buttela Bros'
butcher [whop and W,l J. Taylor',a
grocery shore ;were .found, in the
morning ;to'have bee'n,broken into,
rhe -cash 'drawers had been 'gone
through and some of the stock had -
been andlesited', bud ao far as can be
learned noNhitr4g -of value was 'tak-:
en from either place. About one
D'clack in t1he morniinlg 4 09tranger
welaring along overcout, was ob-
seirved making •his :w'ay fromthat
vicinity, but when. followed he dis- •
appelared in the darkness ralad no
further trace of hini.has been found.
I"he pol!iee have no further clue on
trhicb to work.
101ne ca`r loads of fat cattle was
;hipped to Toronto .on Saturday last.
Jharles Reid shipped one car. Messrs.
W', m. Taylor, 2 cars, Stinson and Mr.
Armstrong; of Stanley, one car each.
11laey were fine cattle for the • Christ -
bas trade.
Messrs. D; Swan and James Boyce•
are visiting friends in Toronto.
Walter,.McBeath has returned' from
gonitoba, where he has Leen for some:
months. .
The election passed over very quiet-
y without Much, excitement.
Alex. Ross of our village 1s' at pres.
mteall of pneumonia, A speedy re.
;every is' hoped. for by, his many
Neil Ross of British Columbia is `
visiting his father Alex. Ross.
D: Ross Drayton paid a short visit
some this week. He gave.his vote to
'he -Liberals.
The Christmas tree entertainment .
of the Presbyterian .church.will be
ield on.the 21st inst, A good time is
The people of Brucefield and'vicinity
enjoyed a rare treat on Monday night
vhen the Jubilee Singers gave their
:oncert.' "Alf present pronounced it
;ood, owing to the bad night :ind the
dudience was not As Marge as it should
lave been: If .the weather bad been
o d the church cold have been fill -
jd.. ,The seliectiqns were, all goad.
Chey.gave both quality. and quantity.
9dr aost every selection: was encored,
Rev. Osterhout was at. Auburn on
Sunday and Messrs. W. Lyon and' G. -
Jenkins suppliod for him .here.
The election passed oif'very quietly
hereon Monday- A good' vote •was
D, Oahtelon shipped a'car of pota-
toes from here on Tuesday.
The Sunday Schoorecholars are busy
preparing for their Christmas trees.
Misses R ss and Cowan bf S. S.No.
3 are leaving at . 0hristmas for other
fields of labor.
Wednesday the wedding bells rang
for Miss'E. Sampson and, Mr. E. Ball,'
Mr. Joseph Lyon is `very poorly,
whicii Ills many friends are sorry
to hear,
Mr, and Mrs. John Spiandler ' of
Lucknoly are visiting her father6:
Mr. Josepli 'Lyon.
Mr1S.. W m. Riles is ;.visiting her
daughter, -.-Mrs. Noitnan Carter of
SeafarNhi• "
'Che '.. . Omen's 'lns.titute met at
the hoime of 1his,. Osterhout on
Thursday afternoon last. . Theme
Was a goadnumber in Altonda'nce, a
number of visitiors being presetn(h,.
The, usual business was .;transacted
lac;:uding. a dheque- for five dollars'
asa Christmas gift tothe sanitsa
iam for 'Consumptives at Graven-
hurst. It is tahe ,aim of. ;this insti-
tute to remember asom'e .ch:ariltab,A
institution at this time of the year
with food'.cheer. :Miss Bell then
,gave a fine piano solo, and Mrs. J.
Manniijg gave an excellent report
of: the Co nventioin, held in Wevon,t'o,
A pleaasant feature of 'the m`tles-
r,00'n was the pfIeset(tatt oin ,o? a
bentatiful hand bag tq t'Mrs, B. J,
Young; as an appreciatioin other
services as *dretary~ttroasurlaf of
the ,societyy. The hostess fh n se -
ved refreshments that .Were very
Tnuah enjoyed, The meeting clas
od wi•lh 'thesinging of the ,national
autlieni, Miss Allie hell presiding
',at the piano.
vuying Seats In Parliament.
Less than a eenturv,.,,ago seats in
Parliament were renin rrly Naught and
scald. L`lood, the Irish Nllticia n, pur-
1 ,
,u h , Hou, e
t 'n tht. 1 S
ea i .h
ilased a s b
Of Commons for 4'(a t',)t). The notor-
lously corrupt borou,,,a of Gatton was
publicly advertised for :sale in 1702,
with the power of mildnatillg• two ti re
l,resentailves. forever,„' described by
the auctioneer os "rill elc,iant consti-
tuoncy.” This sante :svat (Mr. harry
Graham reeallg in "The Mother of
Parliaments") wao "old 1,1 1431 Ity. Sir
ltl'ark 'Wood for thii hu::o suan of $W0,-
(100, and the pureha5er's fcelins may
well be imagincd when,
under the
reform act of the. following year, the
borough was disfranchised.
His serious Condition.
East Indian t(+,ipraphrirs h*"
mmotimes to deal with an1u hl'" inets-
sages. An intelligent sr!poy Ohm went
into sh offCee and hatnt (_4 in a mos•
aca "e ter be stmt to ra staff ion in Contraal
.Seasonable Goods
oder rtely Te -r sed
................ .
Our stock of Overcaats never was more complete
than it is at the present time, Many new lines were
added last week and early sold sizes replaced and it is .
.na one of the largest. and best assorted stocks ever,,
offer d for your inspection,.
Seve al new nobby lines to Choose from
Boy's Overcoats in all the latest styles at $.3.50 to $10.00
ve also just edded to our stock another lame
shipment of Men's and Boy's Suits, Don't fail to see.
•these before buying your new Fall Suit,
Mubbers—Are you going to buy any getters
this .Fall ? If you are, Save money on there by buying
them here. We have the cheapest and we have the best
Men's, Womens and Childrens bine Rubbers.
Men's and Boys Heavy Lace sr+.d Buckle Rubbers=
Neu's Long Rubber Boots.
Special Prices 04 Boots, Blankets, Underwear,, Etc
T umsteel Bros,,'
Buy Your Christmas Gifts From
il* .-.G,RIGGn
-We Carry one of the Laftest and Best assorted
Stocks of Matches, Clocks'& Jewelery . in the Couuty
maket a ver
• , •. A Ring, y ac-
ce table ift .for either lad
or gentl"nan. -Set with..
Diamond, . Pearls, Rubiyes,
Emerald's; Opals; and .Sap-
`tliA TLOH ES Si net Ri s i; to lkoe
t, g ng • 1.7.
.Ladies' and Gent's Gold- TA special line of single pearl
Filled. Cases, stem wind,4k. rings at: -,.$3 and $5'
"with a good, reliable mo ve
me'nt full uaranted.... $10 Wedding Rings'
, y a
others from .............. $N4 $40
Boys' ?Patches. .1.00 BR®Ia H[ES
Brooches' of all descrip•
BLOCKS; tions and prices, We carry
' tions a beautiful line of Pearl i4k
Clocks of_all descriptions
Gold: Brooches at $1 to $z0
from.... ,......,..$1 0 $2b
Special ecial Values -
P .
for :Christmas. Bracelets
Umbrellas, with gold, silver Necklets
and gun. metal handles -7' Chains
EBONY GOODS scarf Pias
Is always. Popular for Presents
R. is, Artistic and .Useful
We put all articles of:,jewelery in Nice Boxes
and. engrave. initials free of charge.'
Our Prices sreRi ht tina•
Goods are
Just as we Represent Them,
)Plead t Th ' e o see Yo and willIfeat You Well.
(No Witnesses ,required)
void"him there Was Something •• TNG FAST
' No, sahib -no. sahib; me know XMAS STAMPS SELL
English,' replied the native saldiieY
haughtily. d returns-Viab are coming
TTat letters an F,
The. operator forwarded the res- ,
liieh read: into the office of the National Sanitarium
slags, w
"Come quick. Y `ather dangerotusly Association, 347liiiagStreetWest,Toronto,
ele,ad „ tell of an active Christmas Stamp Campaign
in all parts c the
country. People of
06N51113VAT1bN. r _a gr, every class and creed
appear rear to be interest-
The conservation of our nat- in themselves in d'o-
ural resources is clearly neces- 3 Mt ¢stir XMAS • • ingthoir arttosecuro
t t b p
19 11.
- Five
o ar: t Twen
eta a
nate n t LO V
airy for our welfare
hereafter. Cous6fva- t ' . Thousand M-15,0001.
now incl hetes •
Nl. r
i that s ra,
" r t a
tion implies both the develop- ,.,,,p . .BAR• Dollars
menti and tlae protection of re. , ' objective of the
Christmas 's tris Stamp
C l f+
, tl
soarers, the one as nub! a i;ommittee. The first
other. The idea whieh' iindetlies issue of stamps was three millions. Tlae
it is in harrilotly with the true distribution lies become so 'wide that an
spirit of tlals, nation. It r•s prt ,,,• additionaltwo millions have been printed.
es a deep sew a wa uationni von- Orders aro coming from the far west to the
vection, Intent until it c•alnw, that extreme east. A manufacturer•. in Sb.
we haire inherit -d. feviii mat tare- I3yacinthe, Guobee, ooutributes leis quota,
lathers bosh acnoi,,,<r.•tun., ft t and another manufacturer in Mont -051
ourselve:a and ' la sluts to th-t, sends his order.
who carne aftry itis C`ouut ev,a• `The ofl'ort has teen to place the stamps
tion detuatnd3 4 tlae u:;e of rran- in different hands in practically every com-
n Y
d the
Lixnit , If
our tea ors da nob find
loon taaudt tic c scud c•oustT.r n t ., stances for axle in their Drug. Strata, f 3ook
sl^ht In dealllon
with [batt taf ,•ta Store, or through some individual vrbrker,
which our lee r;uv stud falcon[' weitb tlae SeoretaLr of ties National lSAM.
welfare depexidn. - The vs, evuee tarium Oiliee, 04'1 Bing SIA*bt 'W09N
'of ennserratinn is the all!allt-a- Toronto, for a supply rand all particultft
tion of conimen ija'n" to thtw
Voininon probit liv for the t•OCit. r Cry' moll goW. Glfiord Vinchot, Ohil ix'h eC
tpn ,ry