HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-14, Page 37- I.I.P.-YzIlITIT-1011l -,'--Wwffipr,lr -- --;,. . �V­T' 'I" -11CIP141111101111p- ,��,iZ!"",.,",.,":Il,IT-"P ­­�--V,W­7r��- , -`l . I 1* ­­ `-77F"`-:- ' 7-`7WPr"""i1F -- -- - ­-wrVil-7A .7 , , rll� I ?"M-7milfrM. I '"�� ---;7'WrF-qr1 , P . , . � .r'W'n-�'r.-- , I I . � . � 11 I I I . � -.? J , . I .,,�l " � I . �. 1. . . I I ,. - I I ,,,�, . I �(, . n I , , k-, , . 11 i " . . I - - . 91 r. 181 I ... - .... I . . . o . I -n . ::: . ..I . I � .1. . I � . I The� , . . %`- 11 ­ ­ . . ------,,. .i ­ -1­­;xi-"­­w-"-"-" I ­­ . - 16-1 - � I F.R."W­-­ ­­... - -- , -,:-11, . �,% - ­. 6 .0,,�­"#%6 . , 9,�, -,:I . I I ,.F§Yl� . 6 IF I t?,�011. i,�!W. H. Kerr & Son, .Editors allid ?0112ba$� M. f,VdL 44. Ira. PA I . ,,��t�'�'; . A - I ... �".", N;iW" . I "MI X49 M , DKOEMBER 4,-,,�,"., ,NWI I I . . 11 OLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY , 6 �,, '4,4�-.',,,;-,'-,`,- . . � , 16- I I 11 11V, 11 . ­ . - . 1 �,�'­.- - --- -- - ­-, ----.- ! I - . " i - , . I 4. � 1� -• 11 � , .1 ., I, - - =\ n V i V1 J A � 41 . - - � .11 . Ttig, - 4 I - I I I 00; R 1 , - . ,, . . I � � . . . I �,.­%", 7. I . . , �� 11,pp, .....;1i.. I ., . �., , , I � el . ":q � :Orders, Is I - . IR- -oat R. . . - I '.. - � . .1 ,., V ' . - I #, - . -�"'.r � . issued bye 1.04 . I �9*04;�, - ., . � 1, 16 , � ­ '.. I . %0 . I A . � . . q. . . . I *I 0 ..� ' loo, - . I , ! I MORO . .lt' , . . $6,20009 . . 1 - " .1 I ''. � .40 . . .; AA 04 It" beatt to 1.0 I V ; I .0 1.� , io� 00'. :I. giiiqov A W "d a � . 4hri I d 10 I .04.1 . I '- -' ' ' I - , " 1 2 a 0 tip, UVA,Wl - 11 , 'zod,'k ' ' I 10 " -4 * "a _'gi th , � . ? t , .4 , * 40 , - - I . op* . I I . , . , , t . � Aoi -1. I .. Q..", "I iilthtl * . 'LA 3�" l, .. - 4 I I ai*�O, I � " 7 � ,-$o I I ­7� q, 1,W tw ' _ . - !v mwb 'r 4 _ 3 %.4 Q ,- �� . , , , OU'R VIdt wbIC4 f' t& 0 , 11 I I . i !to t town�070`1?0i­ 410 . , . . :dam -9 34 4 , ot . I � I .1 I . 1,WA _ . � ., Wh0h, tiltoyi�*. sooft of d , tore .1 . . I 1111 I ­ I• ]he � n Ilied,. Mace that tizfio�, � . , b*6 , . it I k dogs have Illed, More Will . - to,b =$Olrloy� I I . 190, BRANCHES � andow am . 4Correepondonts througbOut the world I on t lutereqallowed Deposits. . . . . . . I - 1- . ------ . --6 R- E. MANNINOP Mgr- lllrzxzx=� 6if0W4if4W1 I I ­ . . I - . . ,T. H11 U .. - . 11 0. 0I In , . .1 i .R1 1. I;I - - OMM-6- I I I I- x IR. . wF.O�­ rR, o.T,' I H. . E 79REE ,. : 0' � . � � The Election,$eS­V r", fo rthe 01taAmwo"i ."iI* . read on ra*6.4 Or, $* , , . I . Is I 1 . - * . I I I I . CENTREBORON .'. 1 I Elliott .11 A -U . Pronafoof., -, MIN ur J.4 * IN b0flown 1, . .i I qW00-k-0 v I I I A - ­ ,,VIS CETORIPF PVE I I 7NARE.,WPIONK . I , 9R.ING ! . � I � . --- . -.a- , , i V�rowi 06 Waltlq;d ReilAkId of, .1 �Tueo4l& we itake the �0116lving . ,y ., , 'ih*h� jeja�rs to the deg0*00,1040- ' , a-4)f,-M.AtoU,.* .., .p eV- . , . ,4,T , , .,* , _ . zin-XV! I ' i4d, 0 acne/Jas. Macidov . . i . . . One plithe"P'n9ist ;qr.**,*Ddirev- spa ­ q%od- of ow icitizovs,, .Who baa been linger ly ill for oxer a year. � .. � P. olit, died alrodfa two o'Siock da afternoom gem- oomel t==, M y . aledion , � ,been minable ,to help and' oul his filnie LeQnstittv- himself, tion, unapoilled, . ythe leastn1cor- rectness of life, enabled• him ,to pro- _ 'the pred - � 30119 the and, for ,past , it tions of physicians d' tend- . . I I i I I . I ants He died -a r -f! eighty II it is fo , r "or" . ... - You can find' alitiperoUs Pretty and walul articles at our storia, - lihat WQ1 AppPoil to = so J1* tribe th! . welpt ert0have. I ;Protty%rOy ParriameTy. BWDY 014,* "stporsAA P#M .2 ;,9 orX - Ba I � .Now aaad . ,wea, I 47'sep Carling Suver TA.R1-- 4 Aura and VTA F "Z - Will not .1 � V1.0,%r.Vr,Jr,, I !) I . . 1, It ; 91, It le Or "Im . I , ill I I We,..,woold, MWI est Military , I I , -ushes, Safety � Bi Cor, S-bomitig Set, SmokinS Set-, C*w Case, 1 Pipe, Bill 1.� ,",4, or a Box of I C P*Vup. Pe . 10J*U14WVtMa1S1pVVA11n1y9$ I , I I .. ( , f . LET US HELP YOU SOLVE 5 I THE PROBLEX, ­. - i ) � � . � .... .. . i 0 ;,O�, !­- OLINTON 13RANUH - I .50 SIR JABS WHITN -P�ior Yaws. � It ".. . � MR, Wba� PROVDFOOT, X.,C.,- 1.XO,U1`77-.-* 84, I � . , �'Vj I . lateMr. James Macdonald ' ."A $I -­------­- ...::,.­ of Ontario for anotherterIML . � . vhp was rel -elected by a large No. 2., . I :­ 74 67 .� .The V A..MC, Connell ` . I majority, . No. 3.:: , 5130 73 . came of the beat stock of the Scot- I NOMMUNOWAM. . No. 4 .......... . W 66 1 tish Highlands. He was born $u ( � * . I . % . � . '. ,*. , i � . . � e emer I -. 9 1 . No. 5..........:. 48 42 ­ Strath Nairti, Invegnevshiie, S.c I,, b'' . ' ; . q- M, -- - 0 64:'*.###++++ land inthe year 1831,0iva locality * 4. l0il,`. . - I I . . - - No, 6 ....... 1 .... 80 � . Z ,w,hich gathered romailtic and Pat- . llilll-11041-4.lillftliftil Our Big December So. 7 .............. ' 44 '45' . + riotic interest Irowf the near pitox- i . . . . . I I . NEW LEG - - PERSONALS, . . . 9 1 1 ' ofthe battlefield olCulloden, . .. I I .. or- ; . . I . 447 110 1. - 1. . I . I '5 I Fruit Sale * -.­%WKMWA- * qw"itch was only four miles distant I . � I � - But.Mr. Mac- � I I . I '. � I - 15 1. 1 .7-1 1 " 1 It Is the desire of the is birthplace I T e T'Ired . I majority....... - 37. ­ I I b, .. Is now on and for two weeks we .. 0"If SIONS Clinton I. = Presents . .0thi .�r. � -, � publishers that sill should . I . � 066 � *�... Il". ,. . . . I will sell . I I ­, gz .t• . 9 I himself of �that !alterestiag qelgh- I .. , ., ).O."11. I -A *or- No. I ............. 62 1 eo take an interest In tbIA' boxhood for ithe-zall to Canada . a No. 2.. � ......... so k that. . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11 . .. column of THE Slow � . dpe.th,s extra Granul; �1 -­ . Lawyers in the Lead With 29. No, 8 ............ 71 48 which was soAloud,­,bothousands of . 15 lbs. Re, . Merchants and Farm . ers,� N7, !t ............ 60 - 47 1 ERA. If . Scottiskipeople, drew his parents � Please aced sugar 51.00 . � - . 9 10 , Irl - .. � . . -- -�.� visiduaL,you, or are 0-, to ,this .country in -the Yeaor.Qf his, I -www 14 - Each. . . . . 273 217 . ing la,iivi36for a tri . birth, 1831. His father, who was of Our atock is now - . 100 lbs. Redpath's extra GrAnul- - - "li,-%liv*-,,w.- AMK2, . il 1. . . P, leave I . I I .. Mac id, ' . �� .. I . .­.. ­., . . the same name, James �19in � �. - M. " . ...........A.- . Mijorit ........ 55 gn y 'Or yo n, 'aa ' 'Or yo ­ e me . 'packages,ly -wwo, 'aa ' 'Or yo wwo, . -V -ro .� . . . ...., --­�-< ---.,., ,-- .... By p lessions th - + card county .dJfPictou, where heengag- y - it 'ly 'aa ' 'Or yo ,ww a . y - it 'ly 'aa ' 'Or yo ,ww a . y - it 'ly 'aa ' 'Or yo ,ww a . y - it 'ly 'aa ' ,ww a . V� .--- y - it a 1- - ated sugar $6.00 - , ­­. . I Y 9. . . z word or send It on a post Celtled, first In Nova Scotia, Th a '1. .I01.11"A" � 1% '. I . - ' ' - 3 lbs. Best Cleaned Currants 25C ".., 1. . . , members of Sedorth . ,, 08 it p rl eys N1 -;.1W-, , u P No. I ......... , - 62 - . ed in farming, but �ul8fl the at- i . 9 i i i i I . W.- ,� the new Legislature ,will line � . Z .1 - 6 .. . 9 � Jc i I J.0vlce�. � J.0vlce�. � J.0vlce�. � J.0vlce�. � J.0vlce�. � 3 lbs. Finest selected new Rai; I .0 I .. .- as follotwo: I . No 2.. .......... ­ 35 1. � 53 I . -o .Onven lce�. . A. Lawyers ...... .'.1-1 -9 •... ...... ..... �,­Azy7 44++++ ++*++++4+4t+++"++++ tractions ofthe West draw him it DID YPIET"GET YOURS? ins 25c . , : 'I., 1-1- - . ,... I No. 3� .......... ;. 37 � I., 'Onto ns the fittle family. rem*ov- 0 pick it ,out . . . . ­­ ---- ... : .1N Doctors ...... ...... .. I ... ...... �. - . - -1 No. 4..- ........ . 30 17 Mr. A. D. Beaton was in Torion, ,,�g to what was then , known as the . if nc early, iwe. I � . 4 lbs jine off stock raisins ..::254 V� ,cq, Veterinary $u3qgeons ...,,... ...... I ... 2 No. 5....,. .. - .. - q - 51.- .421 " this *ask,, - Hixon Tract, in year last iniam­ have the langeat assortWent, I I . . ( I t - - I . . 9 - Ebony oods,ind. ,cases .. � ' Melrdhants - ....:1 ...... 111 . . � -- I ad, settling on lot 37, coliv. 2, of the : -of ` ­ . that ever 0am. . %N-,,. � . . New Imported Candied Feels- . ��.P@, .: . Manufacturers 4-!.'.- .'Z ..... . I ­ 7 . � . 215 . 227 Mr. James Fair took in the Winter township of Tackeiromith-. , P to,toilffn . -011 Lemon, Orange and Citron per.: . . . Farmers ..... , - � .... ...... .. � ... * ... 14 I . Fair at Guelph on Thursday. On prdaching ma(nholod Mr, Mae- . ne ,,,n . :!.%.- 12 SPECIAL . gLoods. I I .....-- ­­ . . .. ..... .. I— ....... ilsitiOg donald followed the vocation Ofa. ,I . lb ;,.1.-;1;:d.%�:;. ... - 5 . AL PRICES on An - I -,i: .-t MaJority...'. I " - .�� ... �1� � . i .......'.. li.--R "...'. .. :..::.. ::::::;;;, . � Lumbqrmen ...... ... I .. ...... .... �. ... . . Mrs. H. Fitzsimons - was assootment of hand balffs - , . .......... I-... ..., N c -antis ...... carpenter in the to%mn, ol'Clinton, , , a .... N A count .,­ . ­ ­­ ..., - . . --3 . Colborne - friends at Seaforth this Week. - - ` .. bilge . I New shells Ng-'7-....'� 111M . I I . '.1. Undartia%ers....... .­... .....� � ..... ­ I No. 1....... - . . years with Mr. travellers samples , � . . 2 I . . . . istyles and shapes. 9 Editors ...... ...... ..... w ­ ... ... I., ­ ... 1 43 fQT mazy years * . . I -I � " No. 2 ...... .. 9 . I ..---`.. ..'.�"���,-,�,--..-.�..-,:.:-...,.;,.,.�",,'..� 24 - - Mrs. Lorne- Marta at. Stratford. ohnsokii, . . ... - 4 . I ----- L� """ .%'.'- , Insurance MOD ...... ..... I ...... ...... 81) .5$ area1* I - Make rogr boy or igirl � �..V..�P.,-------.-;,-...... 1�� I I . 7 8 � Miss Marion Aurland is the gu -.1.1 .......... ? ­ , ;1�i7:%. `­'­­­` led walnuts per lb 40c , ... I .... ... 9 . . :.:;:1-k-.,...5. "..g. : : 69 6 .r ,�. , 44 workin� for Several y ars . Almonds " "40c - . . : , :­ , _ezit or Angus .%,�-XJ��: -..`.:��,. I No. 3 ... ;, -, - .. - . Ti i dent. olk.this city, and � 3 .., " .. - �J� '. ,.,..,.*,..*,.....��i�;�i���'.- �: . Misis Myrtle lAdy has taken a �s nee , I �,.",".,,....,�-i'�.-"..,'!...".",.�,.",�!,9,....,.,:,.�'.',., ..,....,.,..:���:,ii��,.::,..Q - ' , � . , .ha py ,with OL Xcxdak,$2.Qo'. - . ., �-',�i- ."... lontTaCtOr-S.'­...' -:­., ...... ...... ... 3 No 4....,o-- - . 4.q 47 � Position in Cooper s Book Store. atill residing on Dora-ro-et. Iu 1854 , . I i;tili . C . � I . '' .. . �.:.:.....;�, ii�i T '� 999; :..­� .. . . , .. .. , W. T. O'NEIL � I I � ;iil�:i�;:-;Pl��-:-��:- �..,.. ,. -..'.,...:"', I I - - onaid- married Miss Isa- � . ' -.9. ,�!%� :-;:.:�'.,..'..�, . Melchanics ...... ...... ...... I � I - . . . . . an , up. 1� ..­�,� , ::: , .�, �"..:�� ; , .,�!!:'� .", .:.. - - ­ �ii ' I . . . - MiZ,. a Mr, Mated I .:�i9 ­� 9k... . - -207 . arry H ' U . . . - -....,d,.::;;, ­: 'ers ...... ..... 2 . I � .193 1 olden, of Medic is Hat, er . -­.;::;,.:". ;::.X . I .., ... ...... ...... . . ' 'I I . I . :::i::i;I�:i....::,::i�.:,.� ­�!`,,-..--`..,�;.1 . , 111 renewing frieii . ',:l .."�', '.�, >pted daughter ---:i..:,:i�::*!, �!�!�,�i,,-.-,.:'�, .,�. .-�','..'�'.V:�:� 'L. Finand, . ,.,.."�,-.,;I:,:..',:i'.'.�,�.,,..I �. . . a 48111PB in .beila. Rodier, an adi . :.:... �i.,�?,:��i`.iii. ,.!1.1'�,.*$1i'.-.1�.... i- TeAcherls ............. � ..... ... *­ .-­ 11 - !�,'­:.i��!::��:'.� ,I ::,--.1...;, ;!� .:, .... - I � in �.-..".,".*'.��',*.'�..',i::,., , ,9,�.,-` i.. 14 ..,, s � 4 �, � I ' - - ... " � ., Majority ..... � o ........... e t . . I of Mr. Ma;ttiheNvRodger,ofRodger,, , ' � , ;,.-M:-,.:-'- ­......,�...".:'-� 'I.A., . . .. - I . . . . own. .. I . .. `,i:5��" . �`�I:i��Ii:-.'-�!;:!:!, � -� '. - 1. ,�:��'�'.:�,L�!�."".*'�.-L.:.':�.-':,..:'' . I THE RU B, GROCFAX - - ",.,.",,��,�,��'.i...�i��i�.�.:�,��i�.�.."L.-.L.........'�::�;�.�. . - . Real Bsits,te ...... ­­ .... .. ...... ... I ..�.�;11'�`,-`--,­., . idg,vil- . ,. �.', i:�---,,. 9 .­'.. .,. .: .. .. .. . I Brussels • 9 vt1le,-near.1the present W.&R. Holm Phone 48 ' . �..-....::��: . Civil Engineers ...... ­!�.. -1 .. ...... I Xr Harry Fudmotis was at, Guelph t thad , es , I .. 9. .. .99... - , .. .-9 . . .28 ' .lags ofHensall, ,who was a �. . . . � ,� . I ­ ,.pple Buyers -� ..... ....... ......... .1 St . on'Thursday. takin � *,. . ". 1. ]'�O' ,2-'.: j. in the Toy Stock . . .0 .9. . .time and for many years after- - � - I - I. I - � .,* . . . � Phm, B.. , Cattle Dealers . , in, . 3X - 37 Show. . . I ...... � !X .. ' . . ..:L:.::.. N...'.I.... . ..... ...... ....... ...... I ..* Q, words until the time of deatly,,- . I . . i 9 1 � . � . . . No... 3 ............. .- 20 ,Mrs.. Buchanon. of Goderieb, is visit= .a well�known mad highly respected . REXALL 8TOR + . . � . . . . 9 . �. ink'her aunt, Mrs: J. Cook. Ontario . . . I - I . � . I . . � . � . �. 88 � 103, . � 1. . . citizen of 11ur6n:CoiXrxty.,. . I . . Winter Term fro fii Jau. gad - . I GDISCNARGS, I . - .... 15 , Stizeet, , 11. . I . ! . . ' ' . 9 la0moving from Clinton" Mx. - . . . .1 . I I . . . I . � . , .. , ".. Thoughtfulness of others is the key. 1JUO [ ' I . . . . ...... %­ , Mr. and Mrs. ' 'Ues . - . . . . . . . , I . . . �.. � . .. . 1. � 1d. Vow and child Macdonald took. up one hilrAdred � .I Grey � ..­ .. � 9 IMac! ona; , . Y.,; John R,,, presidentofthe Strat". ' ELLIOTT I vote of Christmas. ,,As ye db it ante 1, - , . - - . , � . ... . . : � returned to (46dirfch­fit6� Satiarday', acres of bus, 'farm onthe 4th; con.. a; Nellie, . 9 1 � Christmas. � � ' . * , 1 7 42 - , eveniiig. �' ". , . . . 1. Rh, ,where for 'eleven ford CBojard, 'of ]T�Iad I . . , . .. . the least'Of tbe.q'e.." said the 106undet I. . I . No. I ........,. . . '4 . . .% . . of - Tucketris Stratford; Lflyr' for is . o0e 8 a ` , , . . . . 07 . 04 1 . . . 1. � ­ ... � IUCKNOW DRUGG . ML No 2 .......... :,,.'.,. . . - . ' Miss Agnes GP��filockb.A� returned wears heresided, cle6ding and cul- :'t .1'. ,ty. ... .1 � . .. 55 . . l - teadier .at ' 'Southampton? noit %i * I � 0 1. ­ ' . . - . � . N� 3 ....... . � I ell o town after ,90eilding A; few da . ys tivating bhis property. and making . ; -1.0e Hare YOU thour - tris TIRE D I I I I . .t.....::..:...I I . -�' a, esira Was and anon Roibert,R. died eleven � . . f*the d, . � . . . .1 - - . .. . 9 - .. . ­"" . 21 - t- , . . ' lion tee Two childreid4iedinin,fancy -' t ---� ,lit of , b 1 NO. . 1 .-32 . I . *'th relatives �4,Loo-q -i; I - -11. I of it d ' ' ble faxm. - It ,� I V . I � . . I - I 60 9 . . , I., . . ' . 9 . . � . . No. 5 ........ :, 1% 0. . while living.onthis plate that.his. -ar,s ago, and . TORONTO, ONT. , . . SV0PG9lzLS? As you treat . ­ - � - - i t 0 derich Findsl"Noll. . a, daughter 'JeauDie . . , 1by itself . . . .. - � ,.Grand Jury A o I -No. fl,.....,-...... . . 33. ,9 * 40 . Rev. and Mrs. Diehl and Master 'Oldest -son,. James Alexander Mac, V . . . Stands in. a class I 9--j. -:41. Louis, of Paisley, spent a few days at -died sixteen years* past. I art- �reatliig Mrs. Lot that sink,bome. 11 Bill' in -Charge Against No. 1 ... I ........ . I a, . .� donaldi maw Clhibf. Justice of .the abdon- . 9 9 I . . 1 9 0 . . -- 1. Two brothers, Dr. Peter M ... 9 �9 when strictly first-class work The gre-aiest Undne-*,'you can'co these .- � : I . . �- . . the h6me of Mrs. J. M.CG4ry Coi.irt of Appeal of British Colum- � , it . Mr.. Armstrong, � . .. . ' ' . . aid, ext -W- P., I iady referred - 0 girls is to. S.40P CAItLY .. 9 . . . . � 242 ' ' ' W8 Ali. "ClItinP Shepherd. of tile Royal bia, ,74s born. - - . and Mr. Alexa rer Macdopald alib'.'. . � is considered. Write for cat- . , , - , . , I : 9 1 .. . , -­ . . .� . ­....,- 140 � Bank at Calgary, is Bpeiading his holt- . . of this firmo Mr.. Mac- Mi . London; a sir- LEGE is I I I . . . . . .. . ,� . . Majority,.:....:.... ­ I . . . . . 9 Disposing � c- survive, resi in in - . . . . .ogue. . � would d Dec,e I the � . . I. 9.. , -days at the parental. home.in town. - this ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE, I If the, Majority' of lwo.ple W I I a. I Gbcldrich, D �c. * 13. -When e McKillop . , .. . tonild - removed to Xlhe original I ter,Mrs. Ro.bt.* Elgie, resides in t . L ' . - Yonge and Alexander Streets, that. 6(-:g1rls could eu)oy their L Christ- • court resumed its sitting Wednes- No. 1.,'.'....:-...." ,' 27 , . 85 : .. Elie many. tTlends of Miss Helen homestead lot 17,con. 2, of Tuck- .,'city ,with her daughter, Mrs. John �� .... . . - . ... .. . . . � . .ifternoon the graInd4urYi6ame . ... , 47 . .85 - Fair are glad to see her la their midst - .where he resi4d. until 'his reet. I. I . I . . ma, ruo. for they w(knid not be TM,j.;f) day afternoon cane .. - .. .� * ersmit1h � Chesney, Dufferin .sit, . .. � . . . inta court with' '!no bill!' -as'it I 'No: ,L: w:::.... I . I . once more after a'yearis teathirg In. re�joval twSttatford, in 1876,.Wliere I . . � � . - I To DCATIt by 'workiL4,, at H HILL. finding �kybhe charge laid 6painst- No. 4 ............. : 50 58 . the West. . . . � I � .. .i his brother the. nate John -13. . -- I I . . � . . . . I , I ING PACE till midnighL on Christmas J. Garnet.Armstrong,'the Lucl�rwow . . . ..� . ...,. I Mr. Murray McEw.an.. attended the .'blacdonald and',the late Alex'. Mae- ..". .1 ­ ­. . .. � -... I—. . " ... I ... . . . . . . . ..was then , . .1'03 funeral of his. brother in L don., 14B� ph6r,son,- N established a factory 1?..4"o.*-o o".6.4." � � � ii. &.ewwo.w.%--4-*� lr-g i , PrOCRIS 'Thai ple-41st Z, eve.- .. . . druggist.' Ar.in'strong Majority ......... ... 1. I ... i..... •. on . . I .. � . I .1 - . . . . . � I I . har .. .� . . . . .. I - I - -.. . Virld6y'.... - . � ' . 11 � . . e.manufacture of thrashing. I , 7. 1 . . . . I I called. Into-'co,urt and : disc ged : . u e t . . - � I .. - .. for. th . �� . I . . . I 1. I .: . lonor Judge Holt. .11 . I. .. , , � .. 51 . achines, with which, he *as , atbon- I . . I 1.5 . .. . .� . , 51 Mr. Frank .O'Neil returned from m� . ,f .1 : . .. . .1 ­ . .No. I... - . i ........ - . , - � , -the tlim. Brusfies, 60c .to $3.00 •� . . . . I I I . I .. � ­ I .. Moose Jaw. -on Sa'urday, and will pro.. Lively identified .1 , . . . I J by His. .1 ' 1 52 •. I 63 . � thtil 0 0 - . � .. .1 No. .2 ........ I.. 4. - . I-sil Ebony loth Brushes $1.00,-2,00 �- I - � . ------! I . I � . . . . -1 . . 2S bably spa the Winter herd 1164. , . his 'retirement in 1.903. This - bi, . - H e,116 , (.1. :Ebony Manicure . . . . .. - . . . I No. 4..'...-'..-.-.:' � . 40. ' 68 *. , ss I . .. . . . . . . � . . . . . .•IN 0, . 3... �. i " ­ 29 . .- p der the name ' . � � 9 .. . Mr. D. A. Forrester was in Godel- .ne I . Ebony B sh. and, OoMb No. �5 ... � . . 28 � ' ,. 2S , . , rich last Fridayeve ning attending " of - lb;.-edonald Manufacturing I -.. Ebony Manicure Sao. . . . � No. 6 ... �::'. *:':: 21 - . 45. rich.last meeting and also g Mt .00 and af&.:ned large di'mansiono . FER. . .. ... . . . d -which it was , I . . : . � S -many new aWl . o sons, BA .; .. No. T... .,­li- ... .. .31 : 1. 43 . a speech. '-. .,.' I making . un"er the skill with, sallta. C1aUS . 0D Artieldis - was carriedon ixnSO. ' ..!.fik ' Proud,E .he�'M I '.deU ul odorg, both in bulk.. .. � I .. ., . . . I % .. ., . . --' coilducted and the merits of the and fancy XmAs packages: . . - Incorporated 1855 . . . .• . 1 326 I . Rev.. T. W. Cos,ens; attended. the irm. I 0 .i . * I . , . . a . . 260 Conference Epworth League, Conven- machines turned out .by the f I .� .. . .. � 0 .. � . . . . . %i continued under a . 11 � I . h ..: e!,., I . . . . � I . : .Capital P 9 I .. �. 60 tion- in Atikin Street 0 arch, in Lon- . ..."f I Gillett's Safety Razors. $5, 7.50 1 , , 9 AID UP $4,000000, � . . . This business �wi, -pipes, ........ '...-.. ...... 25c ioj5.00 . . . . . . I 1. the same name Until lately, the .. ,.-A . . Tobacco. Tobacco Poueheo, I I . � . . 'Rest Fund, ...$4;600 ­ . . . . . . � � . : don last week•. . r6prip'tors being Mr. Macdonald's .�., ...."l; . . . '000 � . * V � ,i,�".K.-��.-.."e%�i!i�..�",�. . . . 1 , f � all - : - SU.M MARY . . . ­ 1. . '� I Cigars, Cigar. Cases and all Mi. Geo..Hinchly a former Roand Petei-A.; bat 1',.'..'.',*.-..k�".�, , - I HAS 861ranches in Canada. and Agents and Correspondents In 1-i6izell two sons John . I. .,- � . . . � - T10tirW . . . I � `',-':��*M,�� �',�'i'-'7 SmokWs Sup -plies. � � .. �. . Elliott .Proudfoot of this pla�ae- was calling on old friend;: jecisubly jh6 latter has � I I ,le-N.a....... X"., I I - . � th * pklncipal-#�4tles in the World. .' I . . .. '. .. . I . . . ,.:.:.:. . e I . . , . I . 4..;:.:; �1 . - . I � ESS TED., - . . : boderich. � ...... - 37 . I . i it town on. Monday. .Ke, 190its .as if � hn R. has . I IN, :"t..." . A present I . . . ., . . . 0: �q.;< I . . Hot Water Bottles . .1 - from iffie firm .and M - r. ilo . . . . ...'..'­ � that many would appre,cidte� . I I I A GENERALARAN . . � . Clinton ...... k - - ' - 56 . the world was agreeing with him. the principal interest, the cdonpounly ­ . , il�,��*i'..'..'..":,..�."�I I Kodaks ...... ...... $2.00 to 20,00. . I . . . . � I . . I . -- -acdonald - . . . . ' Seaforth,... ... . . 12 W. H. Tlerman;i formerly of the being knd,05� as the, M . , . � 1. -... . � . .. 11 I . . . I . I i I . - B'A . Colborne : ...... I Seaiorth Expositor, but nowconnect! Threoher .Co. 11,,,td. , . . ,-�.-..: .. . I , , ;: -, . S,.�k V F:NGS N K DEPARTMEN". � it . . * �'***.. --7- . . '' . � 15" 11. - 1: .::::: ::. . . . Brussels ...... ... .. . I ad with Comet Oil Co; Toronto.. The Macdonald family were men I . : . ,V . - . at Branches. * Interest allowed at highest current.iate. . . 146 Co;. . . - � .J. 18; X�L`40-vlpl . . . � . . . . Grov .............. . . . was here n, Wednesday. looking up. 61 s1twoug. fibre, men buAt.foi. lead- . . .. . . . . 0 � . .1 , . i . 103. . old. friends. � � I I t. * . , I " t - � . " . \ . L70 J MeRillo . , and adhievibg, and ithis applied 0" Dispensing Che . . . P ... �-- . . I . mist. . . . ..� - . C F DOWDING. Mana . Mullet 66 I ,up :: :10. t , . . I . . .. ;::: I Clinton Branch. ' I � . . � - t ....... � Miss� Nettio.Brown, who has bef�n. do. -Mr. Macdonald'a, .. .. I 11111111111111111111111111111111111ill" I I .. I . � . I . . . . .. � . . - � . 10 ,all of. theW I ' / , - - . I . . . I I �. . . I . the sister,.Mrs. J. I.,eque do aid ,was .1 � . � I . . r gues ' bro-ther Dr. Peter- Mac n, - - I -IN, . ,�,,. W',' � . . I 93. 356 Of 'I three weeks. left for -Member�lbf,Parftiamentl foil �11.- I •mmmmaiiiiiiiiimi - . -- , I t ho . - . . . . � _err � . . or I !!!2!T!!! . . , . , � ... : . 1. . . M � � I home the alt on Thursday. . � for ye"s - his shill- � � : � � . I � *** 0 . ##*"** ~-**# 1 0,44 ####"##~# *****q4***#**"4*00 Majority for Mr. Proudkoot .... 1 2 . Brussels . East ,Huxon, and :: I I . . . . . I I . 0 1 1 I . �. . I � I . . .. # . 1. . . � - * Mrs.' S. T. Murch, Queen Street tiois in Daxliament wco for thim . � I . I . I .•� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . � . .. # - . . . . , . an afternoon' toa ThursdayW the POA of Deputy ­813'eaker. L He . I �1 ..,.., I I .1 . . 1. . I . . " . .. I I � I .. , ,. . .: , - 0 her friends. the -mity-0 , - . I . fla8vtoweekt" -a few -of h -Postknisister of - J k? ,., . � I . I . . 1. . 11 . I . --A�1. � . A, . I . . . . ­ is now. - \�J ­ . . .. 'k1w *# :, , I NORTH - RURONN , - , ­­ I. The roams ttily�. decorated Londlon. Mr- James Macdoinioda I I . 1. . . . w Ins waenrdelzreu'ms�[�tra ra -tro'ng 16- . .. . : w . T 0 . .. . . I . . . with palm I . th6mg1h.lAWAY18 am cils � . .11 . . 0 - . . . I. I I . . . . : Hearld]. . , ' . '- . . I . vhoffie. 01�1n!Oa* was valued, .11 I I I . �• , ' f1mencel.1 . ".41M.4g . . � . -- . d and the - ,1�ublji& . I . . . . . , Mr.'and Mrs. Arthur It. For and, deferred itb by th � . ing are the municipal' .� . family left on Tuesday for I their new could- never be prevailed upon to, I `it- I - 'Flpllciw home in Ottawa. In speaking to - - t office ci� any kind, at least- I *;*; s'4 itie6 in North Huron ror the the ,g� I . . said -14 , . % ' - -- . . I . . . I # 'last Monday's election: . I the had a, '=--1jh.1s- -city. I :M44.1.' �' 1. . . itfow� # candidates -in I New Ford said, th n - Nekeismith. he 0 11 E.li 1�,1­.1 41 i .. . . ' 1+"o ' -1]Pub-. . . . � " " !on down at. otta years., as' , . - . Kerr Musgrove ,,Vol Rra' N P Ottawa and had served aevera... .. Something ear . . : .. - , 1. I . . I I . j y opposit Graham got back lie School TrUslteO and Ws. i attlie ;:;�;,.' ';. � I - 3 ; � 11 to W 16 on (lei, �:.�!,. I , .. . . Ashfield. ........... ' I . "to th4 abu at i U - val to. Strat-f6rd a r, g i, lit / \ ­ .., . � West Wawanosh I DgS Wo Id. be gett Alme of "temo 1'. I . �. I . I . . I ., ,4�, . .. For ell . . . . . . I . . 1, ing pretty hot. I . . tneonber of the TOWn'shilp Councill. .. .• , � . .. . I . . . . :::, - .. 4-1 1* I East Wswanosh .154 . . . 1, 1'!�S,�.• I I � I 1 12- . . � . . It is possible ,that his experiencle ... ,­ . . I #. Blyth .. ..... ... . I ..... . ,., �! ­ �� i ix , . I.. I I . I . � � � . . , . Bis "..." I . It ` �' �' . 1� . # I . I � I . I Morris ........... 27 . �.. . � I .. ,gave shim isomewhat of a ,d . . . . . . : � X. .1 . . � .. , I - ..... •23 , ' for public life, for hemould' •-never - , ,;: 1. � . ... -".,.� .. , . . , ... . , �...:..:� , . -, . -M ..:.:: �, I, .1 .­ ..:1 ...: . . � . ; 11 .1 , I.; I � I , - , " , � , i I ! I I ++ * I I ; � 11 I I " I I I I , " 'i i I 11.1 I I. i " t I - . 11 I I I . � . � I .. 1. . ....... ... ......... ..... .... ..... . ., . 0 .-I ., -11 [�: %.'.. , :, .. .."..''; I . , , , " L 1. .1 I 11 � 2 , I , i1I •Yes; By. all Means. Wroxeter . . .:.. '... I . L . . . I , accept nominatiefty in Strat1brid', , . . I . . � I am .. -I... , I ue.. 80N, GAO, Pi .-GRINAM 15 -:1 -,. ". � � -� . . . . . WinVer Y ...... . I I � . student ; .. . ; : � Turn . 47 - I though he )was a keen . # , Nothing is so well appreciated - . . . .195 , . � lonal 'a'nd . . . . . -- I . . . : 11owick F .... I ...... •. I I public affairs, both'nati . � . . . of ionally . # - . ­ . . I Nothing recalls the giver to mifd so often I . I . I . lGiCal, 'He .weilded in except beeln, "Hollol Eiellot Is this Santa CIL , - 0 and : � �. . . t,what I needed.' . 133 . 378 ... To 01 OPPOSE01 . abl pen, a The Heraiahas Well, -this. Is Marjorie Brown. On, J - . : - Nothing so sure to be "ins . . .0 Ma4ority for Musgrove -245 ., I I . . .. liroud ,to admit many,letteis from, just knew yould 'member me, - Awfly . - L. - # . . . ' into umins, . ... I . . �L I �- .� . - ' Mr. Macdonald i its C01 nice L . z 1. :� . . I - . . -----� � . a! subjects. ,He of you to bring all those, things . '. I � I ­ I . it chiefly ,upon local I � 1.1 :1 - - . I . I look over the list presented by I L . D Ideal Christmas Shop_ and you will im- I I . � . . . mediately decide that we are . . I . . . . I - I. � DIRT AID TO TH I B PUZZLED] e3HRISTMRS SHOPPERS Neelctles-25c to 1150 Caps --i. 0etol.75 . , metes Fur Collar overcoats .. � -112.'00 teats 1111iffiers-25c to 1450 Toques -250 to 500 - . Hosiery - 15c to 7550, I pyjautas-1-60 to 8.50 ' I . Boys, suits -x.00 to:10.00 I , Suspenders -250 to 1.00 . metes snits -7.150 to 20.00 Boys' overcoats- 1.90 to MOO 111enio, Cdat Sweaters -1-00 to 5-00' ,; ovoteogtA �-8.00 to24.00" House Coats -4.50 to 10-00 I � - I .. .11 - ... --- � '.., ..i ....... i ........ ,-. I 11 is something to vvear. and the best PlUce, The best presefil .YO111 Can 91V0 U Ift t15 to buy It is at The .9orrish (.1 lothis 9 00, jvhic,re assortments are, ]La.rwe, Styles njght� qualittes, Good, . . M. . 1- �.. I I .1 . - 11 . I I I I � .. 116 . , reaeral Conservatives Deuld" Vuu was a strong debater, at his way marshalling ftitts and, a,rgU' last Christmas. whar. do I want this year? Ever and ever so many things. This Callse --- Dr. Mallory Who I of mentis made hint formidable to - , rour (foils with real wake' up eyes, . . . Was Mr.' Low's Opponent . . those ,Whom lie O-PPOsedo though form of I an, a set ol dishes,. an . a glad, an! qua- - , I , . . . . . Is Their Candidate, . I I I he never descondiedtanny personalities, T,he Herald aba8e or -r. Maedon- Is ,g1giltbi say this of M no, Vwant two, three story books, an' . 1 games, oo, ever so Much candy, an? �� . I . 11 . . . . I . ald, ithough his politics differed ab"- I . . . from ;The Herald's,.he ng a Ir There you - old eavitsdro�p6rt lieen, I f 1�, . Ottawa, Dec. 11. -On orders from: ,staunch supporter, of thX1LibePW listening. have you? Well, perhaps . ).the Conservative Federal ]leaders I been dolinitlely decided party. His high sense bf, honox i h9m amari to be ,and duty made you have a right to, tot, it just hap- . � Pons that in this case You are Santa here, it has to oppose the election oaf Hon. X admired tt1wa respected and �! With whet agreeing or differing I Claus. Get all the order? This little � trusts you to bring these t*ks- I I Igen- r George P,Grahiam in South, . be- him. ,He ,i�ias a man oil lofty type :)f principle, leaving a iniame ,and of girl Then there are the boys and the lolkl# . . frew, ;The ,clear understan0iig ; for his f Aknilv to cherish and your friends. Better go right out twelati the parties in the rid1nig as t­wlth pride and ,gratitude. He Was now and stock up while It Is fresh on - I I to the election of both Messrs. Me- J.'a, member o f Xnox church, your mind and while the goodg In 'the Garry and Graham by acclamation ; Mr. Macdonald is SUVViVO(i by his stores are fresh. Reniembot little I . I is to be set aside, and W. Maloney, , I widow, and afamily includlyg'nmim, � of prominenee AS f6lilOWS. Martha Mal Q;4o or Vather or Mary or Holm,, ri I tr5 case may be. the 'unsuccessful Conservative I against Mr. L,&,w, ,at 'iiljp (XTS. S.Camexop), ol SyI11cuse, X. ., Y.; James A.,V ormer M. P. P. - and ' " Also ietnember to shop . candidate It t. 41, .t,%A 1% Llb&al leader in ,t 1 • T n01I"I* ! 10'at OAOCLI033Y W1 P JAV" " J umbia. Legislature, now Chief 4ust- earlyt r0lie,Ve the Urep 940p,lb: ` c(In"Wilt 0 J � tbt looll 0-r9Ani%11t10T1tO ipp ,.. I. ()t t1lo *Pi,.C, urtof Aproal ".V,1..... 0.� - t�o b cat. '- -0 t lI'# .. I k.0I cad 9s,he M rrish L 7 # i � '1-1 $" '110'1- I . '', - � . At A S4ttares Deal tor Every Man." I I Itr,v, JOSEPH ELL10TT,-The liar, 'Xr, LOW hAd a niiaJority of I icwd; *IPA(Ler A., Stzi*101!`d; •Mary ....­- . . � . COnsiorviative Candidate .Wh10VR0 (Xvis. W. J. Hamilton), set X. . , delleated, on Monday. I 610. � . � I -X � . *-#*"4,04440**#~#****"*,****00*"#*"**#****"*,4*44*466$00*0**#+"**$*Oisoi, I �. . � .. . I . � * . . 0 . X . . . . 4 I