HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-07, Page 8tex ,err maw UtA�
� ' •t•A�•W��•�'�t D'..i'�El►�E8 �t 3.�Q�.
� - 1M �M-.Mw•h 1.�V�MwMw,�eki.Maw.we"�.w.y�kfy.y.,_�,.� ��
N 4I, ea ....... BMJ R� S N f
�. er • to
.. ,. p
Wh�e�at . 90
LT OatJ# ...... .401 to
., Pt*as� �E2
..« .....x` to 85
Belts, Collars, Jacots, Scarfs � *14
Barry .,., ..,...�� �0 90 �C� 4 04 ago
! . � 'Shorts .............$28.Oa
Bran ....1..........., �r21;00 ,
Fancy Line l, Table �,.inen, araools, toy �•�•zr�•s+�••i•a�•>E••x••���•�•�••�....•��••�... _
CHOIR CONCERT TO- RIGHT. You Sao doubt have in mind some friend wham
Sateen, Regal Taffeta, Moreeni and Fur •uffs 7.75 25c .A:rt SateenS T5c A large attendance is already aa-, y
out have desire t.o honor at this the t' f 11
Heatherbloam Petticoats
10only, Furituif3, lUmmot, Timber Sable,
fisaheira 9con«• furreu both sides, long length,
100 yards Art Sateen, eight • good patterns
Ladles Black Sateen, spler id glossy cloth,
leg lU.UO and 11.V0, Saturday, , . , . , . , ., , ...707i5
highly liniehed cloth, wide width, reg 25e, tilt
good wearing quality, two tend three flounces,
for 69c 1.,00 for 79a
Knit 'T'op Petticoats
at) sizes, reg 7&c reg reg
1.25 for 98c reg 1.75 for 1.20 reg 2 W for 1:. 9
Ladles Knittop Petticoats, black only. These
Toweling at Cost
Regal Tnffeta Pettiaaats veg 2 25 for 1,75
are made with a knitted top, with two and
reg 2.50 for 2.00 reg 300 for 2,25
three flounces tet bcittam, with deet frill, and
Pare linen piece Toweling at the following
n r
Heatherbloom Petticoats W for 200
Make a very warm uuderskirt priced at the
price reg 150 for 1210 reg 140 for.......... So
rrg 3.00 for 2.23 reg 4,00 for 3,25
following wing during this sale reg 1.7p for 1.25, reg
$5 and $6 Parasols for $3.-
1.50 for 1..10, reg 2 50 fur 2.00, rdg 3:50 for 2.98
reg 5.00 for 8198
Blue check Shirting 8c
la g
,12 only Ladles Parasols,. antique handles
heavy gold plated, tops silk and wool, cased
$z,00 Table Linen 75c
Three pieces blueand white Cotton. Shirting
with silk, regular 5.00 and 0.00, sale price 9WO
good patterns, wide width, reg Joe for
One niece pure Linen Tabling, wide width
Golf Coats 1.85
heavy weight, Fiuer•de+lis design, reg 1,00 75c Standard Shirtings 12c
Ladies and Misses Golf Coats in all the
$i., 2'5 Table Linen g$c
' Two pieces Standard 'Shirting, blue and
popular Combination colo -s, high tinct low ant.
tars, reg 2..,5 and 250, during sale at,.. ,,.1,88
One niece pure .Linen Tabling. splendid white cheek, splendid wearing duality, re iBe
cloth; wide width, good pattern, req 725, $130 for.. B
...., . ....................:,..,.,,.,, 12,0
Men's Fur Coats at Cast
Linen Collars $'c
Mens Stiff Front Shirts 79C
Weare clearing out our Mens Fiat Oasts is sing' e sand doable bonds a Collars,
cost and less. do not intend keeping up this
Men's Stiff l(ronted Shirts, in light and dark,
,sizes and height, regular 20c each
hence the following deep cuts g '
Department, Co Coats, OQ for.... Saturday be acii or 50c dozen,
Coon Coats,
colors, some open at front others at back, all sizes
regular 1.25 and 1,50 Saturday..... J:........ ,
g , 70G
regular $S5 , , 09,00 . sir
Coon Coats, •, $0.00 for 37x10 Ties
Brown Calf Coats, ,� 25 00 for .15.00 1'2SC
Galloway Coats $5,00 for ..,.. ..,.29.00 Men's Fancy Ties in all -the new .
Mens Flannel Shirts 5,Qc
G lloway Coats '� 25.00 for . .... .. 19.0(► ,shapes, regular 25c,. 35c'und 50c,
Black Dog Coats 25 00 for .............. , 10,0(1 Some slightly. soiled from window
Men's Dark Stripe Flannel Shirts, with collar
Black Curly Costa '° 35,00 for ... ........ ..9.U0` din xa Saturd
• 1? y, ay ................... 121-2c
attached. A good warm garment for winter wear,.
all sizes, regular 75c, Saturday... ..... , .. ..5OC
11Ie•n's Ordered Clothing' 92a for Ser
i%4a_1._ Q-4 .,.,a
c..:rc ty-.- 1
neert, Dec.
nourse of P
In I
origan numoers, .ur. iXanaxer vz ane
choir will also sing, and altogether
the prograxaa will more than jus'ti.--
fy the small admission 'fee.
It on tite Huron County war-
deasltip for 1912 is largely a m atter•
of clonjectuxe, the consensus of pop-
inion is tihat Co.ThStoltbers,. ,the
popular reeve o£ Ashfield, will be
en Politics figure largely in
tilos P d s u ax
the matter, and aet•a Liberal held
the place this year, it is the turn of
.the Conlservativea, Mr. Stolthers is
an olid member of the ,council, an:d
is likely to preside over ,that body
next year, itis believed, Mr.
Glenn, of Stanley, is a,n�ather reevte
ha,s been in t'he Co, Caimcil a miume„
her ofyears and should, he decide
to take a try atU t'he Wardership
might be lucky to be Warden for
We have ](lid our ten Scotch Tweed and English Worsted Suits We areclearingupthe balance of the Hat Department at cost The regular meeting of the Council
all new colorings and designs, for this Bale, at a selling of .$4 a suit. and. ]ese:duri:ng this ten na3>• We at fire following rices � was bald on Monday evening; anEl' all
Made to your measure, best trimmings, well tailored, #ft guaran• Mens Black Stiff Hato 2.50 for 198 Mena Black oft .Hats 2.50 for 1.98
,eed. Don't miss this opportunity, regular $25 for..............21*00 " •• • ,. were present except Councillor Ford,
2 QO far 1.50 •,,;�_ `� 2,00 for 1.50 • who was out of town. Minutes of last
were correct; Men's UrJered quits 20 and $2240r.$17 _,1,.. g; t and the cow -
1. 50 for meeting,
Odd, Lot of Soft Shirts 25C Association were from ;'.Late Poultry
Ten good patterns of Scotch and English Tweed and Worsted 5 Asaociaation asking for tFtA free use of
Suitinge to be cleared out during sale, see them -in winnow, regular = the ball for Janua,�y 16, 17, 18 for their
$20 and $22 for , , , , d , ....... g • Broken lines of Mens and Boys Soft .Shorts, odd sizes and pat- annual Show. Their request 'was;
• �••• +• •••* .• 17.00 terve in hght'and dark pants to be cleared out during sale at ;.,,SSG granted. W. Brydone, re Thresher
Co., and also Motor Co,' The Solicitor,
..._.. matterand Dr.Clerk weregave hislook
plnto the
report from the Health Department
and he asked fora systematic removal
1m� o a
times for making life brighter for tethers, 'There
is much Pleasure in giving, there is less sometirties
in deciding what to give, We may be able Ito help
you some, • Perhaps we can't W. all your wants.
not many stores can at Christmas time but we feel.
' reasonably sure that you will find no dif -,ult in
choosing sompth;ing from our stock that will suit
some of your friends. Incidently we believe we
can aave you money in the goods: Came and see
the advantage may be a mutual one.
The *Do
Often the eheepast.,
_RIWAYS the Seel
tetia train fihe orders of'the` pntsrt=,.
io Railway and'MuniciPal BoArd of
March 10, 1911, and Igay b, 1911, in
relation to Brussels, and an appeal•
by same defendants'
from :the or,
der of 20th dune, 1.911, in rel,atjoA to
•BIntih', �,he tiano appeals were ar-
igued ttogetther ;for egnvenientye�
;Zlli,e ,Chow Offt.- 'F,atvlis iehurch•, g
are expected to .be rsurplicAd on !
011w1altmas . Sundlay, and o£ ,course,
from that Sunday on. The Qiatar-•
io Street Choir ,also expect .to ba
gowned' on,Chrlsttmas Sttlnlday. The
o&er ,choirs will Have to get busy
to keep up,to these two .choirs,
10. Q. T. !WON -AGAIN
tTlhxase interested -inC?arpet Balls"
and (were at Abe ch4lienge tAtalOCir••
bf garbage and cleaning the back yards, on Thbmsdiay even lust;certain,-
MA.RK IT'D.O'WN scores•.
He reported 46 births to -town and 34 ly Isiafw a zoxt't% gash .. 'Ttwo
deaths. A. Gudmore objected to the I& 3e not .very of ten that ,citizens were ,ppl�iayed • and a itlhe tWaodmen'' ;
Charges of installin>, the waterworks in tta"will be able toisee aultoes. won Ire ira,'t aumt 18---1b; ;but fad -
into his house. Matter was referred come into.,town 1oueNov. 30th. Gew.�j ed(away intthe second, one
to tbp Wsitercvorks Committee. By erally a sno,w�plow or cwtter cam be .were 'beart:en' .by a us,core
e, �' ► law No. 12 for. the holding -of. elec- aeeb.on ttthat date:
w,.a. w.. o.,
tions for Mayor, nersReeve, Council. and ANOTHER INMATE i T. Cattle Jas. Fin'dh
Water comnpissionars, were read and F Yolung A. Turner
-passed. By -Law .Nn 13 for . the purr. Miss 'Rains of Hensel], . ':who has . O. oxidh M. McElwmit
pose of raising $4,nOb for the. finishing. been ttakinig treatment aitGoclerich it. Bell E. ]1Zunroe
t of the good roads on Ontario street Maxine !Hospital for nearly ;two
y M and the franc street was 'read'twice veaxs is naW in tbe..tloaemty House LOCAL POST OFFICE. RETURNS"
and the+ by-law. be r?ad in -the of Ref qge. -. Her health its not very
t - New Era this week::. The Finance• . , WERE $5;923.
SHF. ]i,Y Cj , Z�� .j .Committee had their report -adopted. mush unproved.
J--, -,.- Tue.A.nniiai returns of the Post. �'�E -E3- 9 �'C-�'-G�+ A.� CA,�� a�ndthe rep ortofthe Waterwa�kan+asHALL ENGAGED. -
Ort ,tilxster General' Show that Ulinton
also adopted and eve give it below, as . Post Offied had a fair vea.r's busiueso,
read The Town, `Hall is engaged fox The returns for the Post Offices ill this.•"
the following nights this mouth so, County were
To The ilTavor ,sod Cotiticil:- far:-8t+h-Model Sehogl; 14Th -Bee
G'14JhLA.RS FLQODED• . .. .. ,
CLINTON ITE acquitted, fibs charge. YourtiVaterworl�s C7ciminitteecviQh keepers; 21st-Christtnaa rice ten Ulintoa..., $ Fi923',.
ERA a. h t^ge iva,s' pre- evening, but this year it waii:postl to present a corn IAte re ort,' for 1 tertain�ment of St. Paul's S.S.;'27th Uoder:eh ........ .. .., .. . 10,7.40 .
y ears in town have . be+an, erred by the defendant's . forinlea« .poned a,s Miss --Ranee is,givvtil � oats and flint p p 10 1 :Dance, Seatarth ........ g
Man reel] d 63
DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Ocu- reported to .be "floioded during. -the .partner, :Beni. • Seale of St Mamys. on New Year?s- night pstead. ' . n efore submit the follncving.in. Brussels
list, Specialist, will be at W. S. R. g to the drains be- ,Titre. evidence showed" that formation,; 2,SU3:
posit week, owing INVITED TO `WE -LAND - 1Vingliam.
Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, Dec. tug cl?peked nip: money Of;t'he firm lidd been depots- The system has been extended der Bl :tli 6'.4&
5th � lasses properly fitted,.denfoess. HAS MANY ENC3AGE1VlENTS. ` iced in ',the :bank ini: the interne of ?
ins fire yPar.on the fallowin>~ stxQets. Rev, W,E: T�err . of Tillsonbhrg y 1,515
catarrh and fairing eyesight treated, fames Street %P2 feet 4 inch pipe forineily Pastor f f at On'taitio B:ty.field .. = 72D..
Seale, 'and tthe defend'aiit, ;by •umt. G �NTDN . CiU.� 5 Belgrave ... 02(1:
All day, Miss 1VIay(rRance was At ,Brucefield: derstand' , issued a cheque, Which I�Iery Street 830 feet 4 .inch pipe . .Street church has`. been un- Berinti!!er
on-Momda ni, t' tak -Mill Street 7., Afpet 4 inch. pipe ,anrmously invited to be 183.
...�;.— y gh ting :part ta't Was ,cache •Hence ,the action. Mr, Itilaple Street 7i0 feet 4 inch i e collie Auburn'
.: 651
the Pxesbyterian Tea Meleting: and 'L'.11 shone of -St. Warys and R. Rj r�R V pip pactK)r of the Wellan3• Brucefield. 651
WAS FINED AT HENSALL L1I� T�U!!��) WhiteheadSt. 306 feet 4 inch.ptae• Methodist church at• filse close, o£ Detneflel n
at Seafasth on ;Tuesday taking part Robertison, Stratford, .appeared' for : e Albert Street 528 feet 1 inch. pipe this conference ear: • The salary
° 893 .
A loran named Fry representinjg in a poneett ini ,the hall:. Miss the defendant,: K.C.i pro,secu•ted.
Albert Street 72 feet ''J' inch y 3 ..Londesbpro 41.1
a Stratford tea concern, iwnts up Bance h'ais' .had_ good success where-, : �--+-- �„ . pipe «iii be $1400. Holmesvalle. ......:. . ... •
OntarloStreet ro0 feet 1.inch. rine
before Squire n Tuesda `iwer ishe has'appeared. ..... l73
q Pettyy yr; ppeared: JUBILEE SINGERS DEC.,DEG9t'h: "Bob" Elnslie, of .Sty Thomas a Hydrant was set on Maple •I O.N. ADAM BECK.' AS -The Canadian..Postoff'
s On p ice, Depart.
twith selling .tea .'without a.pedlaxs Street which makes 56 note in rise. went; did a irafitabte b
Qicexrse. He pleaded guilty on three HURONOLD BOYS'
The Jubilee Singers . ,werte last ' IN TOWN. 1 usiness last
charges and was fined 50 on each night given an immense ovaUoan -in Was the Winner• of •the -'A coal shed hitiit of temente net cap• year. Its net redenue wag .$0,146 952 .
Charge, a - the Methodist .chutr h t b •1d' orbic :of holding a sari's su pl . of ,•Cal On. Tuesda mo and the. expe ca
g , mountm�g >n foal to .$100. �flie Hua on Old Boys held ,their chit a ui tog lit h Avera e, lies bee y }?• .Y y ening. alo,cai p . $7,Oc4,222. There
Hi Cornahable Whiteside prose annual bama)uat 'n, i,�`oroatto: hist being packed to the d00%s. -Every g .. g n erected at the. rear of the tautation Waited on HOM. Adam were o�iened; during the year; 437 new '
heart onthe pump house and. has proved to be a Beck at the. station here at, ,11 postoffices.
cu>�d, The ilea �ed9�at+s "should be . 7+'riday 'Might; anti- oiiying to• their pxop;ram was First class , �• ,.
made top y a! license of ,$500 per . tixetigth in numbers 3laiT, era o d - e� eryone. was - perfectly delzgh.ted, The 21st aunuai .toiirpaim'ent o file sotisfactory addition. .o.•eloek and .had him remain over,
and in �somie iustaln,ces r A Downey single .acting pump has. hill the 1.25 train for (ederich: He
paa p ro t e egret setann� Qlinton Gun Glub was held ThursBa
anauom,-Hensall Observer. tided to organize a club he Thev y been plaLeed or, the .Eastwell; also a addressed many o£ • .the expect•to erect a e1ub'honise and the . ed to be experienged innot .gettimg and Friday under' its: usual unfavor= yobs Y Board . of 6666664600 rii0i•
tantial Derrick and Iroo covered Trade, Council. and Citizents ,in the •
CONSEFIVA'TTVE8 HOLD membership twiII likely. total- 1,.000. soave of tittle . artists to' give more. able weather conditions, a strong gale :pump baitse, �'.
MEETING 1V1r, W, W. Sloan oecu,pied trhe chair than .three . or four eneorest, :The blowing from . the south-west, .and The folio i Cle k s office an the hydro,elec-. • j� e
at the ,banquets. ,Other anembers entertainment throughout ...ryas many birds that ordinary cop- u u ng is a description of file 1,46 �scshe4ne and •also. the :working ; INTER TERM
The Conservatives o£, i Centrra. such atreat that Amherst' ;would ditiona would be scored dead .were p mp• ' of tt✓he Maitland`, power: He went •. •
Huron held.-aimeeting in the to:wini pxes'ent everiBRessra.U. Holmms, ex -I Pomp head-DoEvney Na. _42 an to .GoderiCh t o I 'tit C
hall, on Monday evenipi(g when'Mr. M:P•; 1vLa3ox Beck, E. J. B. Duncar, ti'elI welcome return perfoijmancfel carried over, the.. boundary, . R...D. Size of I3Pad-: to s P o Ispeak at titre • n e Central Business Col- !"
-Amherst News, N. S. -Hear them Emslie; St.. Thomas, even _iii h .aver- nd Sf.at high: C top Council ali also to address 1e e' • of Toronto begins Jou,
W. Mills, K. C. assisted the Connex . W F• QXOves, principal of Ryerson g sight- 86?0 lbs, . a olitical meet , • g g '•
t•ative ,candidate, Rev, Jos. Elliott . School; X. Buchanan, W. Stanbury, in.,ttlte Town 'Hall', Saturday* even age .; F. Kerr, Ceediton ;1y, Philips, 'i•tibin =32c) fee p ins an the e� etidng, � .2nd. Commercial, .Shorthand; �
Major ing,.Dec, 9th: Toronto and J, ]J. Cantelon, Ulintan >; t, .5•inch anti Telegraphy oxC'vil'•Ser, W.
The hall was noir filled t•o i over i x Currpy,, W . E. Owens Geo, tied for second, The scares, Were .tie 'Working Barret -4l• Inside Diam. JUDGMENT RESERVED • .vice 'Courses. 26 teachers. 1
Gooderham,' ..X, McXaught.p.w, Power -Electric Motor:
flowing as wasie.Liberal meeting Hod SERVICES APPRECIt1TED, follows:- typewrifiin wan b1
last Priday evening. Mr. Mills tgs!an, and• `E. Floody, secretary IvTaker-- 'airhanita 3tior P In C!ai>rt of Appeal, ,Osgoode Hallg' achinos, multi-- a
Virst .egeut, fifteen live. birds, 8U I() li, P 770.R,.I'.M, on Nov, 22 -Village of.BruasselsV.'s 'graphs, taller ,copiers, and •
gave a fine address,thiatanight have of it{he .associations An archeatra The employees of the Ser,ety ander
been prepared for any church �gath- froSn Huron County ,supplied mus:• lout department of the Canada yards :- Pump 0apacity-60 gallons per 'McKillop Municipal Telephone Sys- • filing cabinets. Everything.
Name mi_nntp: . tem 9 Villa y • to thoxou, hly equip our �`•
sting on patrio,tie meeting atntd was ic, and . Masder. Douglas Stanbuxy. Foubdmy: Lo., of;{Toronto' made a Score -Municipal ge of .Blythf v, 'McKillop • gxadua.tes, rite to -da a •
riven ingood hearing. The. calm ,san;g. t}resentatlon to.Mr. Cleghoxna ,who F. Kerr,. ;,...;., .,;. ;..,, 12 Lostof Outflt-$700. .Telephone . SYstem�M, • . y for •
-dedate dealt with the questions o.f,.left their services to loin the Mart- Gr.141ebali.,, 1.41 Services have been ut in during X. - Cgtc�an, X. Cir and R. S. Iiays • •catalogue..
1(3 the veer makiu a total of 307 instiail- (Seaforthl for defendants. H, •Principal. -
the day and stated than he favorµ. AONORARLY ACQMTED • or CO.•o�f CIinton, of %Which he i�s oaie : G.: Dunk...........:.:.. , .:-..,,..:. 0 .. g D. • W. Jill. SHAW
ations to date. All the a, lications Gamble, XC., for Valla • et •
the retaining of the 3-b clause. -' At ribs .coutrt house , StT(atfoarci of ribs firm, Follotving is the ad- li}_ ,Emslie,..... ,,,.. ..- 10 pp ge ofB1ytli, e.
Mr, John Rarisf-ord ,was chairman S•atutda •- 0 were filled' With the exception of a tete W.. W. Sinclair (Brussels) for Vil- • Cogs & {Ierr.ard S#xeetfs,
y, pnarnn,g, title' ;case. •o£ the . dress. as lead to'him . E. Kyles .: • Toran.to,
..... ,: " 10 on streets where mains are - not vet lage of .Brussels. An appeal b, MC- • d •
and found fault with everything Kin> vs, Willi n. rLovedsy of S:t. Mr. CIeghorn-7.he Employees of , R, 'Day• • • • ... lard a
ulider the sun except thel Whin the Sciew & Nut De iartxieent with T: D. Oanteicsn:.,. 11 nd one.wt�i„h. ryas received too Dillon Municlpal ,Telephone YS
p k lct3' .
Marys; with forgery', cam 1 late: ® 0�•i*1ti000r�
y stoa�ooso•es����•
government -and they could do tn'a ''up ,before Hia. Manor :Judge. � 11ar.- r` tvhiclt ;yotY. Have been- asaaeiateci• 'i'hiilips .. .. , , . . 13
wrong. , ant :lyes for !the art fifteen mon is Stuart 13 While it is im ossible to giye a term - -_
ton it'he defend holwoxably p tl have, • ieto 1• mate at ,Statem6t f6r the year
learned with deelr re,grtet of your .(7, L hoznpson..;. . . . ........ . . • . 13
at the present Limo, we h, ecvith'siih.
resignation from the service of the
.. _ .. ..... _ _ _ Second q'vent, ten blyds,- mit what has been already accobttted. " ,;•4•,. -II-4 �,, s.: , � ,• .�. • .. %:o.,.a..•
Canada Foundry Cbmpwav Limited y . F i . F ... r , .. r•3• II•�•l•.................... •Sr•1.1• 1^•;;
0 IT WIN anowsw and feel fliat .they .could no:;4 let : Nance . Yards Score. for and includes an estimate of the. re-
(*,.'rife(Jall:,, - 27 10 ceiptsand eependituresforthe balance •- ' ..
yo:u Ieave .without 'expressing ipg in of the year. ' BEAR,.Ii�l l�yIl'�iD THAT WE SELL ONLY
• some tangible mazxn�er their appre- G. bunk .. ... -27 J.() � Revenue for 1911 •moi+ .l.
ciation of your, kibOness to them. R. Emslie ,. 80 $ "
Yatit genial manner and unfailing .71. Kglei .: 27 1. From tlonsuxners. ..„ 125000 ,
courtesy, to those employed under •Day 29>7 p' Cram. atrek Watering.. , ... 150,00 •tF
Von Iris been greatly' appreciated, E, Uantelan 28 6 Froin Macadam pontis...... 5000 'e �..
tinct tvo feel that we will lose not I'h ilipg .... , .. 30 7 .From Hydrant Trental, . , , , : y240.00 'l'-
• only a superintatuclent, but a frietld Stuart .......
20 ' 9
44 when you depart. We I k ,your Thompson 30 ^, Total , :• .. ,.....,, $ 86bn.00
actsptante of this Dressing Bag as Third event, ten litre birds .Expenditure for 1011
a to the of otic regard. We also V4 ngineers Salary., , .. , $
T�Tttme'arcls Score, (.tial (20 ton on hand) 3,i�0r
ask filet you accept this Uutbrella F. ierr. , , :. , , 2() S ` ?WIN
fo,r, Mrs. Clegharu, anti the hope Punt re 'arra, ,err , .:.. , . , . , .. 867.33 •;<• .1,'
—For All X Week— blcoall
that you will be as successful in Dunk , , , . .. �0 '8. Gross profit on Operation for '1'
VOW new sphere, and will tn,ot for- .
R. Lixtaile... 28 fi 1011 ...............•,. :310 .
a get the Employees of the Canada , , ,� 1
Q 4Big 1?<yler .., 2i+ . 06. want .� air of Boots Arctic
0 UO
Da > 1 t1 " $ 36 00 Vtlhetller ypu
oee our
y ys ,, j ow a Iiouadry Coanpanq Limited, total ,,,..,..
c7n,ntelan :., 2i. 0 Interest and 'Debentures 4.
Socks and Rubbers, Leather Topped ;
. HAD A GOOD BAZAAR, Phillipa «,.. ..... �7 t) Interest on .Debedtures...... 2.48(700 'l` 1"Obbers Alaiskas 'Felts and Rubbers,
cc�� .{. r, ,Stuart .... . . ... . . . . . .. 2S 7 Debentures due 1311..... , , ... 119;3 UU �t.
clua it o gr ^�meqq qq� W 'are
The Ladies of St, Paul's church Thompson. c r +�' t t1�3beYs', � ;
. Gi.14d,L f„J 'VY GJ��.✓ 11 ,•.,,•.,,• ,.B 8. --........,...» ti T..Ynllt �T�L1T14eYs ft)Y over QLCC shoes,' .bx
had a very ,successful bazaar last . The second pragraname. was target 3(tr',,(t0
} Less Clras9Prafit on O anything else in beav or li hi: Rubber
aT'hursday� afternoon atu,d eveting! shoo(ilig, The principal event cvrt the Operation 2140.00 •s r y T; 41, .
iJ in .tke T'owki-. Hall Whein the pro- club'.s fourth annual long dist nee Footwear, �S e have them in the 4
i amounted to over ,$204, A ehampianship,whieb was won by H. I,, Net Deficit for 1911..........$-1183,09 .:�:
dainty lunch Was served iin the af- Taylor Morpetb, lliFgh average was Capital Account .t
ter t SeST r .'
ternoon altitd at 0 o elock a.ltob sup- Ivan by TI, Day, I.anclonand Wake investment includin , `
g er• •i•r� y � �' t was a big item on, their. pia- field, Hovey and Stuart tied for second vices ..... .... 34i. � ..
aram. Those in ,charge of the hieh:tvera4,,, Metro investment ....,.,.,.,,
boo;th,s aero: w Fancy 'Werk • Misses The scores were as follows;•-. 100000 4 'v t"f
Doan Hine timid Arrs, 'VO -Vey; Rventa•-• 1 '2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 To . P,pee,Tooia and Stock on hand'-3;iU;UO � y. t t �
�hftP Jt>i bbcrs tire not I'Vo rti wilat they nst
slightly chipped but bit, value• -4-' � Tianci�cerchiefs • Misa 111, Tline, Miss Targets- 2t) 20 2e) 20 2;s 15 25 tri 20 W Total i:spended ,........ 4 r.
z� r M,Combes, anti MV s. II. T, Ranee, Donk ...... _1116110182t $21111'6 x0 $582%.01 •
boort-made co king, lblrs. 1Vtaxsliatl Phillips ,...161.7 15 17 15 10 10 10 17 15 liabilities '� hl1y tike Ilse&t. It Pays, q,
,and Mr's. Murphey. T+ ish pond, I(err . . , , ..171,)11)1" 18 Nl 1i1111Ci 14 Dehentitros Iaeited, . , , , .. iih000 t)0 •r .t,
! Mrs.. Pugh anti Mrs. Bartley. Can- Taylor . , , ,, , 17 i6 I014 2Z $1715,17 I4 Le Principal paid...... 4700.00 ,
• ,dy, Misses May ,Benfley,'Evtt and Day ,.,.,,.,11)10 111 173710241,321) 17 -�•- . �
q a 1Vlabol Cluff, The little g,jrls' booth Stuart ......1715 IS 16 IS 1316 it I($ IS Total Liabilities $54800.0; .t« ,
� !D � j}ZSO
Was in eharge of Alaida. Armour, L'. Hovey .. . .171-11718181110 315 l3 liietres xri t7�e ,'" �� }�
-� 11 ,,J t� Holmes, Dorothy k.13ram t,ury. Clrta G(raharri ..,,i 4 I7101S 17 511�i 121 IG $(1-five•eight'h Metre, 5 -three. guar. �a 4ra�
Dunforcl, and F; •33rantfield, Tlts (7atitelotx.,,.lsi Zri'I,7I 7 151141E
12 i(, 1;3 ter Metre ;2-I loch Metre. 1:4+ .•
Stoveg and Ha><'Clware •lac'lies are always rioted for lXavftxg Thompson ..17141;.31418101$1117 18 a• ,-,
.an exeellent T3azaar 'amid .this ane whit$ ...,, ..., ,. lA 1(7 x8,w >� l(x 1S Jfi•aspectfully Submitted '� EVERYTHING IN FOOTWEAR
did not fall from grace. YJsually ` 101111% .;.... ...... 15 le12., 1014 16 A. T, Cooper. +
An entertailnimeru is � 1l , . 10 .: 13� 1510
given lit the assaa(o .. «. ,... C 3. 4• • !•• i34• �• �i> •t 'k #• �Y • ' 13•ti'.y,1•.#••! .'4•':....3r h.•h...3•...