HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-07, Page 7Lf'� N ec graW ulore unlincFIDle ditty Vy tn+a7. '",W gOo,af dpstkw waif on apfto, anti hs0h on bathe" 4p-% 0 and he railed at himself bittsrty and Thoy will If you take St+wsrs+►>es WAN satirically. Ile lfighed and teetered pis Ierl.. Carmichael slglaW for the Princess U_ il+ P i']PE�j Hildegarde, understanding. It was #' ' ty aE P 5111 T51 RE��� sigh or curse, and the latter mode of_rA aL E expression wastes more vitality. _. . Arthur Carmichael wao Irish. He They correct stomach disorders, assist digestion, and make life worth COCOAwas born in America, educated there living again for the victim of dyspepsia. We. a box.. if your druggist has _ and, elsewhere -a little mobile in ]'ails, not stocked them yet, send us 60c. and we will mail them. J. Cowan's seems to hit tale a little while at Bonn—apd, like all National pros a■d Chemifal Compasy of Canada. 14nited. Moatraal. Irishmen, .lie was baned with the wan - right spot, It is a great dering foot, for the man who is home- food omesfood for husky young ath- _ ° letes: satisfies thea appetite; coo." rvALtl no ereuil.4a. pp less by choice has a subtle poison in "1loethe used it "' As Wane of I�ehoe's relatives could easy to digest: and delicious his blood. He was at Sonu when the be located, the remains were' interred civil war came. Ile went back to "So be did." Carmichael abs con- at. Cornwall, lfq IAmerica and threw himself into the cealed his surprise, flgbt with all the ardor that had made He was willing to swear that she Badly Burned by Electricity.. his forbears .famous in the service i a' was making fun of him. Was she a Toronto, Dec, 4. -While experiment. uo You USE try i the worthless Stuarts, It wasn't a simple goose girl? Was she not some- in; with the main electrical switch question with him of the mere leve of tiling more, something deeper? War board 'at the car barns, corner of 4 , CQW S flghtiag, of tossing the penny. He; clouds were forming in the skies. i Frederick and Front streets, Tato last COCOA? knew with which side he wished to 'Chey might gather and strike at any i evening, William Lyons was badly fight, He joined the cavalry of the time. And who but the Ere>icli could i =about the hands and face. He north and hammered and fought his produce such, rt woman spy? Ehren- pulled a switch believing it to way to a captaincy. He,was wounded stein was not Prussia, it was true, dead, but through which much power imprisoned " At but the duchy, with its 20,000 troops, was running.He was taken to the flue times and im p twice. +General Hospital. He is considered to the end of the conflict he returned to was one of the many pulses that beat be in acritical condition. No one saw -/ Washington, in unison .with this man Bismarck's the accident. Without any influence whatever save plans. He was certainly puzzled, but Montreal, Dee. 4.—With the sailing his pleasing address and his wide edu- a 'glance at her hands dissolved his of the Brayhead for Irish ports short- `�lu• cation he blarneyed the state depart- doubts. These hands were used to ly after noon Saturday the season of ment out of a consulate. They sent toil. They were in noway disguised. i navigation to this port finally closed. him to Ehrenstein at salary not "You have been to school?" Dec, 3 is unusually late for the last y e p {til$ worth mentioning, with the diplomatic "After n manner, Sly teacher was a sailing, it being some ten years since i� halo of dignity as a tail to the kite, kind priest, But he never knew tbat, a boat left on so late a date, while as Two years is any one place was. not with know,"dge, he Wvas to open the a rule the port is closed before end .of in reckoning as regarded Carmichael, gates of digLonteut." November. _ I yet here he was, caring neither for "'Then you are not Happy with your Children y t; i y r e n Cry i promotion nor exchange. So, then, all lot?' Vit 1 1 to ical deductions simmered down to "Is any one, herr?" quietly. "And FOR FLETCHER'S 1. one--cherchez In, femme. who. might you, be and what might you O A S T O R. I A The dreamer Is invariably tripping j be doing here In Dretberg, riding with circle, "How the 'deuce Will It ehd?" mus- over his illusions, and Carmichael was '? the grand duke' at his He hada glimpse of the clock mender himself, however, boyish in his dreams., What "I am the American consul" WpS.TROUBEED WITH HEART absurd romances he was always weav- Gretchen tool; a step back. Continued next week • ing round herl What exploits on her ay "What aid Colonel Wallenstekn sai- DISEdSE ��D NERVOUSNESS 1behalf I But never anything happened; to Sou?" he asked. mountaineer started to cross the street . and never was the grand duke called ".Nothing of importance. I am used to it. I am perfectly able to take care SEVERAL DOCTORS DO HER upon to offer his benediction. It was all very foolisb•and romantic of myself,,, silo answered. NO GOOD. THREE E BO VOXES OF L HEART AND NERVE and impossible, and. no one recognized e policeman say?" I " What did tile PILLS COMPLETELY CURED HER. PI S COM this more readily than he. No Amerl- t "What would lie say )o a goose Miss Mary I;ebeau, Edison, Sask., can ever married a princess of a reign- I girl?" - writes: -"I was troubled with heart Ing house, and no. American ever will, ! "Shall I speak to bite?" disease and nervousness for over two This law is as immovable as the law 1 '.Would It really do any good?" i years, and was so bad .at times I had to breathe, of gravitation.' Still, man is. master of skeptically. sit up at night being'unable to his dreams, and he may do as he .I -it might. The duke is friendly to- and every little noise would make me in sight to give bin wiirniug of pleases in the confines of this small..! ward ine, and 1 am certain he would in his shake and shiver: I tried 'several doc- tors, but they were unable to do me any clock the time, and he dared not now loop e, an. circle, "How the 'deuce Will It ehd?" mus- not 1�erate such conduct police. My 'name, Is Carmichael. Now, lis. good. A neighl)or then advised me to try. at his He hada glimpse of the clock mender himself, however, ing lalf �aioud. "I'll forget. myself ten- Grrtebon-if :it :Inv time x0l, oro. a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. As soon as I began to take them ancient huddled over a table upon which sput. someday and trip so hard that they'll be asking Washington' for ha recall Continued next week • I began to feel much better, and by the time I had used the third box I was.com- tered a candle. The eyes. of the two men met, but only for a motnent. The I'll go ^over to the gardens and listen pletely' cured. I would advise anybody mountaineer started to cross the street to the band," He was standing in front of the be- omior's vnam twc.munta-, suffering from heart disease and nervous - ness to try these pills. They will save to the tavern tel when be noticed a closed carriage Cornwall, D,�e . 4.:---'ih-, i.iq. u� st in to quite a bill in doctor's fees."m "Good night, Gretchen. Good'luclt to hard by fountain In the Platz. the cause of tits. (Loath of Robert 1%e- IYIilburn's Heart .and Nerve, Pills cure you and your geese tomorrow."' _the, ".Iia, a fare!" hoe of Cleveltuid, Uldo a ailor oil all heart and nerve troubles by their "Thanks, Herr Ludwig. And will aching back, which caused me- misery, for I could not work:, and bad no the steamer Sonator Derbyshire, tvho restorative influence on every organ and you be long in the city.?" A. woman in black, thoroughly. veiled was killed. at Lock 'I7 of the Cornwall t tissue of the body. "That depends; perhaps," adding a andcloaked, came round from the op- Canal on Nov, 25; resulted in a vo.r- Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for' smile in 'answer to a grim posite side of the fountain. She spoke, diet of accidental death. .It was RP- 1$1.25 at -all dealers or mailed direct on grim to the driver. The lady stepped into parent that Kehoe had his clibice of i receipt of price by'The T. Milburn Co., Beethoven, Bach or nieyerbeer-�aCh, I Bao seem to live in another country, I hear Do not forget about your rho thought He offered his hand, which she ac- the carriage, - the driver woke up his a rope ladder. or a 1,01)e to. climb thv aft,'? releaalii;;•ltr'r ` Limited, Toronto, Out.. were. front them, for 'low I am never troubled canted trustfaI]y. IIs was a strung e ancient Bucephalus and went clickety- clack down the Ii.onigstrasse toward side of the steamer from the snubbing 1i .4ts and sailor• Chicago, Dec: 4.. 1 our men 4 int sentenced Saturday to be hand cl't�n. old man, but she liked him. 'When she the town.' To Carmichael it was less like chose the rop". Hither his iuitt, Doc: 22; Their crime was the murder Hanoverian purity of her tspeech diad her hand something cold withdrew b , and hard remained in her palm. Won- than an incident. Ele twirled.his cane or the rope or, both were let anti therefore it Was easy for him to shit on Oct, 20 of Fred. W. Guezloty, jr., The four men arts Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for Z'1. a.5, at all dealers or mailed direct on ders of all the world, it was a piece of and walked toward the public gardens: down between the bout and the look a truck farmer. Pliilil� Somerling, lnvalcl and frank 1 but gold Her eyes event up quickly,', The band struck up again, and he ` •wall, as the boat swung in. No .b;.iiii Shiblawski and Thorn is Schultz. the giver smiled reassuringly and put drifted with the crowd toward the was attriliut; d to anyone serine ett d a. -finger against his lips. "Bu herr she remonstrated. pavilion. him Within a dozen feet of , her w , �. --. -.._- ._. —._-w____--._._-______..___�_._...._... ___. ,„ "Keep it. I give it to you. Do not arms. folded across her breast, her ee��e•ree0•eeeeeee�eQeO••OSOeeO•e��e�ee��ee�ee�eeee• • gpestion Providence. and I am her f the eyes half shut in the luxury of ' „ handmaiden just now. Go along with you,” senses, stood. the goose girl. He smiled as be recalled the encounter of that afternoon., It was his habit to ride to • M W • �• So Gretchen in a mild state of stupe-. the every day, diad several �y faction turned away. Clat-clatl sang maneuvers times he noticed her and her o Q i the little wooden shoes. A plaintive' .had = • gonk rose as she prodded a laggard beauty. � • = Most � • Tt1C Cii00l�S .; Suitable for t'resei+lts• from the dank gutter. A piece of gold! "Why couldn't I -have fallen in love • ,.+ • Clat-clatl Clat-clatl Surely this had with some one-Iike this?" he cogitated o been a day of marvels. Colonel von Walienstekn of the gen- : • She was regarded with kindly eyes eral staff approached' her from the side. wallensteln was a capital i Beautify .your1ome-Contentment and )i sappiness Jaws of the l�ramerweg till the dark j .geese: other : soldier and a joily fellow round a . will be the Result. swallowed up both her and her "Poor little goose girl:" he thought. board, . but beyond • that Carmichael . >�:Y^ W^%!v i1f G:FP= "If she but knew she could make a had no real liking for him. 'There • COECHES--Covered in leather, verono suet carpet.;;t" z_-,,;; bonfire of a thousand hearts.. A fine were too many scented notes stuck in his .x„- 11IORRIS CHAIRS -Made for men,. S8,5Q7tti S12,OU. dayl".' He eyed again the battered sign. It was then that he discerned . pockets. The colonel dropped his cigarette, • • (�{- • ROLL SEAT ROCIiERS-Polisbed Oakit,`,,Rattan and Mahogany-' another leaning from the ledge of the leased over Gretchen's shoulder and • made for ladies $2,50 tom Sbb,3, : . w first story of the thouse adjoining the It the tarnished shield of spoke a few words, At'first she gave no heed. The colonel persisted. With. : • 3 -PIECE PARLOR SUITES -Covered in silk. 5 -Piece Suites in tavern. was the United States. out • a word in reply she resolutely Milton- Rugs, . "Two weeks tramping about the sought the nearest policeman. Wallen - } • PARLOR TABLES --Oak and Mahogany. country in this unholy garb, following stein, remaining where he was, laugh- ed- Meantime the policeman frowned. • CHINA CABINETS -Useful and Ornamental. false trails half the time, living on His excellency could not possibly have- • crusts and cold meats! Aliyou have ' led me a merry dance, nephew, but I intended any wrong. ; The law of re- I • L: Wonderful Bargains in. Desks, Hall Treep, Pictures; • ;a,,., Wall Pockets, Easels, Jardinier Stands, Music CahinetF, shall not forget!" dress. in Ehrenstein had no niche for .' •' , • Mirrors, Etc. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines; . He entered the tavern and applied the goose girl. "Good evening, colonel,” said Car- • SWMM 1� Beautiful Patterns in Oriental Rug-.• Smyra, Matts, and for a room, haggling over the price. The nights were chilly. Carmichael In pleasantly. "'Why can't your : Axminster Rugs. In order to finish his cigar on the tittle bandmaster gine us light opera once .in • / •' 1 balcony fronting his window tonnd it awhile?" The colonel pulled his mustache in • 1 necessary to put on his light overcoat; that he Chagrin. : ; • 10 n. C. Discount toy Cash Sales During December 1 though he perfectly knew was In no manner forced to smoke on • the ",Light operas are rare at present, " •;;;;�,,,,� ,x, , 1 balcony, But the troth was.pe wanted 'he, replied, accepting his defeat amia- i Glib i0 SCC Y011 any Times• i a clear vision of the palace•• -and the bly enough, - . - And then a pretty woman rose from • ( 4 lighted windows thereof and of.one,in a chair near by. She nodded brightly particular. He had no more sense than Tom Fcol, the abetter of follies. at the colonel, who bowed, excused made off • Je H, CHELLEW She was as far removed from him as himself to Carmichael and : the most alien of the planets, but the magnet shall ever draw the needle; after her. Carmichael looked round for .. i - : �j T Y TI and a woman shall ever draw a man. of th en. She was still at the side of the • ,J� _l..`l .i. ..1� He knew that It was impossible, that policeman. She came back. "Did you get your geese together • t �ee���e��weeeei��er��er�eee�eeee��ee�ee�eeee�**goose , without mishap?" he asked of her. IF l 0�quad, A Lumlhagro Suffered for Twenty-five Years and Could Get No Relief. Now Tells of the Wonderful Re, sults Obtained by the Use of Dp. Chase's NeMve Food Sciatica, neuralgia 'and sciatic rheumatism are the result of a run- down nervous system, For this res son all treatments must necessarily fall which do not build= up the nerv- ous system, Mr. Collins suffered°for twenty-five years and never was able to obtain aatisf-:'.'ory treatment until he began the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and Kidney -Liver Pills. While the Nerve rood forms new blood and restores the exhausted nervous sys- tem, the Kidney -Liver • Pills invigor- ate the action of kidneys, liver and • bctivel-. Mr. W. T. Collins, Morpeth, Ont., writes: "It affords me pleasure to be able to speak favorably cf two of Dr. Chase's medicines -the Nerve Food and Kidney -Liver Pills. I had been a sufferer for twenty-five years from sciatica, lumbago and neuralgia and tried almost all the medicines I could hear of, without one particle of bene- fit, i.ntil I commenced to use Dr. Chase's. •I noticed an improvement before I had used two boxes, and the benefits obtained by continued use have been wonderftil. I have so much ccnfidence in these two medicines that I ' ..ve recommended thein to do -.ens of mJ friends, and I have yet to hear o: a single case in which they ft,::ud to give satisfaction." Dr. Chase's medicines are for sale l,y all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., L::nited, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. ASK DAWSON-HE KNOWS. IF YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM consult me. IF YOU WAITT TO 'BUY A 'FARM consult me. NILHAVE SUNIM OF TFIEBESTFRUIT, stoolt, ViOn acid d tiry farms in On1 tarlo on my list at right prices. W. DAWSON, NINETY COL - BORNE Streat. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. VETERAN GRANTS W kNTED—ON• TA RIO, unlocatedor located—in any township or alitrieb, Northern Qutario. nighust c tis!i linea paid. )1ulho11and -`lc' Co., Toronto. _ 'AGENTS WANTEM ELIABBLTI - AGENTS .WANTED ON straight oonunlssion basis. only; no fake salary offered. Apply Alfred C, Tyler, ` -ea Importer and Spice Grinder, London, Canada. MALE HELP WANTED. ��ELEGRAPTIF.RS AND STATION agents to real demand. We trair. C'�an adian {�Ttt n Trunk, �you t nicl.l`„. Cru d \ u Morn wfros and station boks insurei you 1 tnctic•tl work and a position whet: qualified. free Book 15 explains worn and wii,aes. Dap and• inail courses; Do minion 'Ichool' Tele raphy, Toronto. His. Number. The teacher asked, "When did - live?” Moses i After the silence had become pain fill she ordered; "Open your Old Testameuts�. What does it say there?' A -]Noy answered, " Mases, 4,000. "Now," said the teacher, "why did • n't you know when Moses lived?" e. "Well," replied the boy, `t.I though - it was his. telephone number." OLearning by..Exodrience. •. • Salesman (showing umbrellas)-� • Here's one with an exceptionally at tractive' handle. • . Customer -Not for me. All my um brellas have been entirely too attrac tive.-London Telegraph. • Old Sores. Lump • ® is Breast. -Growth • ` removed and hes •• ', ed by a simple • l Home Trreatmet • No pain. Describe the trouble, we will sea 0 boob and testimonials free. THE CANADA CANCER INSMUTE, Limits • 10 Churchill Ave., Toronto. 16 1� w ff Best 'Washing Machine Made Three Great Features. ty,. 1. Easy to operate. M Not hard on the clothes 3. Washes the. clothes ciean Sold all oyer Canada, write to "ONE. MINUTE" WASHER CO., 129 Logan Ave... Toronto, Oanada. wo SAW 014 ""0004 PRICE BIDN"10S. &COMANY . OF QUZAKC, CANADA Malaufacturers cE Papa', Pulp and Timbat First Mortgage Five Per Cent. ' Sinking Fund Gold Bondy Die 1'io emal1w 1114 I'M fat~Payove HaV rearly PRICE TO YIELD 6% ON THE INVESTMENT We consider that these a Bonds present n exceptional opportunity for absolutely safe and most remunerative investment on ac- count of the strong features following: First-- The convertible nature of the Company's t aeaets, consist of 0,000 square Hailes of Pulpd timber lands 4is Ibuted ftoughout the Pro- vina 'anof Quebec. The 'properties could to -day be subdivided and sold in the open market for, almost tariee the amount of the First Mortgage Bonds. i The timber limits are fully, inq¢cared with Lloyds of 'London, England, against loss through forest fires. Second—The net earnings' from the Company's present �" business are equal to approximately twice' the amount required for payment of Interest on the First Mortgage Bonds. the new paper and pulp mills now in course of construction will double this earning power. Th„ i d— The First Mortgage Bonds can to -day be purchased at a Substantial discount price and they are retired by a Sinking Fund capable of redeem- ing practically the entire issue at 1004 and interest by yearly drawings. Fourth- Price Bros, & Company is thv largest in- dustry in the Province of Quebec, where they have been in business for over one hundred years. Their First Mortgage Bonds have been pur- chased by the most conservative investors in England and Canada., among whom are many of our, strongest N Banks and Insurance• Companies. Complete particulars will be forwarded on request. ROYAL LISE CUI 1 J +L J �,..• LIMITE � .D rr�.®-1 Bank of Montreal 51d6. cor, Qtteert c Yon6E Sra Toror\l`o is - M'•Wt I -M yM'ANY+ozL % Moswi"r'atal, Quebec . H&llf&x !Lonaorw CNOLA.ND, H. H. Nightingale STOCK{ BROKER Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. LISTED STOCKS CARRIED 011,l,ARIGlPl Correspondence invited. 33' MUINDA ST., TORONTO.. Have You a ­Silmmy" in Your. Clothes, Preis` f6�;:;� ,. comm 9f a F0IdeF Folds and Presses the pants so they retain the crease and protects them from duet. Holds nine pairs of pints and is 'so attached to the ln81de of closet door that It requires only fqur Inches of space when folded. Opens np to take out or put ack pants without disturbing others in. racm. 'write for further particulars. Price $2.00. Agents wanted. SIUMY SUPPLY CO., . Box 95, Ottawa. C"ANCE P R. D. Evans, Discoverer of the famous Evsos! Cancer Cure, destres all who suffer with Cancel to write to him. Two days' treatment cures ea• ternal orinternsi cancer. Write to S.D. EVA N& Brandon, Manitoba, Causda..: _ Enduring Celebrity. "Doyou: expect 'to' leave footprints in the sands of timeP" "No," replied the flippant -person, "but my dog. has left footprints in some fresh paving cement that. I ,bet will puzzle the geologists a few cen• turies hence." i Two Requisites. "I . suppose that in order to keep the chauffeur from taking out your t automobile, without permission it is i necessary to keep it locked. up?" "Yes, and even that -isn't enough. I I have to keep him locked up^too." if ILVLO E1fE R��ftaD MAKE YOUR OWI °TILE COST $4.00 TO b.600 PER 1,000 HAND OR POWER SEND FOR CATALOG'A' .Nil p CEMEMT TILE WiCH'tefi CO., elan used N, 46d these DIM204T Kit WS_ I(Z:3 -of floods with the 6AM,E Dyo. U d a; 'EVEFO ALL KlNosp l ms CLEAN. and SIMPLE to. Ilse. NO chance of nein the VVRONG nve for the Good In Doubt. "We have both proposed to her." "Which is the lucky man? "Don't know, yet. She just married the other. fellow last, week,", Switzerland's Glaciers. There are 20 great` 'glaciers. in Switzerland. Turkey's -Army. Turkey's army, placed on a war footing, totals' one million men.. hating's Their -Great Enerfly Keating's. Powder is the universal enemy. of every form of insect life. It may be freely' " sprinkled into crevices in wood and upholstery and although it is odor- :' lees acid staipless-anct harmless eztcept. to inaeot life . i nu N n Is a most :.Pott .g . ,$XtImIne6tor. For Red, Weak, WevyMatery Eyes and Made in Londop M& Md, by GRANULATED EYELIDS Thomas Seating•: tit the original, MurineDoesn'tSmart-SootheeEYePain sold by all druggists. - . .44 Drucists Sell Mariae lira Rnueir, I igVia. ase, 50¢. $1.00 ° ; Murine Ere Salve. in Assptic �T'ubes,?, e._$ 0 rn tins only : IOC , Jac. :c�BCy 2b0. EYE•$ooXS AND ADVICli FREI$ 'B, MAIL _ rdurtne.EyoRemedyCo.,Chic"o C.P.A.-49. loll.' - - •-.:�tLJO .. .. .. •CaW E. D,r WARREN CON (Successors to Warren, azowski A Co.), MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCE[ANIGIE Dealers in High Class Investment Securities Porcupine stocks bought and - sold. Our weekly ;News Tetter sent to any address on request. 25 BROAD STREET, TRADERS BANK BUILDING, NEW YORK. 4 Colborne St., Toronto. a ; .BO �S PAY BETTER INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY ij In point of security and interestreturn, the small investorinbonds isonthesame footing as the institution or individual with thousands or tens of thousands to invest. 21 Until Bonds In their present form were devised, it was not an easy thing to nd art investment, safe, easily convertable into cash, and simple in form, and . yielding as high as 6 per cent. interest. Q It is a matter of importance to you to know that we generally have on hand bonds in denominations of $Too and Upwards, paying interest of from 4X "to 6 per cent. q These are seasoned securities, bonds that have demonstrated their ability to pay interest and principal. Q If you have any money, no matter what the amount, earning less than this, you should ask us how to re -invest it in away to afford better interest with as good, or better security. SECURITIES ROA A7& � CORPORI ATIO4tl LM BANK OF MONTRP-A L.1 UILDWG • YONGE AND QUEEN R. M. WHITE TORONTO Maness!tlWMAL-QU E 1594-H AL I # M _.. t t=iboN taN, The instinct of the child always re- �t WEAK Ii., BACK mains with the woman. GpetchenA smiled. 'this young man would be dif.'1'1U) fe'"The she knew. Special r.l "They were only frlghtened." Caused Her.Mach misery. We dont have goose girls in Amer- IdodD lea" he said. , The magic word America, where the Oner gold came from, flamed her curiosity. Mrs. W. ' R. Hodge, Vielding, Sask., "You are from America?" she asked. writes: -"A few lines highly recommend- ..yes,n + ing Doan's Kidney, Pills. Por this last year I have been troubled very much ' / "Axe you rich?" Grand values in ,overalls, Smocks "In fancy, kn dreams," humoronSly. I with nasty sick headaches, and a weak much •`Oh I thought they were all rich. and Pants of the famous -Pea - g aching back, which caused me- misery, for I could not work:, and bad no Did you fight In the war?" body's make - ambition for anything. My kidneys were "Yes. Do you like music?" . +. '•. Also Robes, .UOrse ,Blaiilcets, Ilalters very badly out of order, and kept me "were you ever wounded?" etc., etc. from sleeping at nights. I tried many "A scratch or two. ,But do you like kinds of pills and medieknest'but it seemed musieT' Lange assortment of Men's, almost in vain. I began - to give up in ever being well and strong „Omy� very much. When .they play Ladies and Children's Underwe2tb :espair of again, when a kind neighbor ;advised me to try. Doan's Kidney Pills, which I did, Beethoven, Bach or nieyerbeer-�aCh, I Bao seem to live in another country, I hear Do not forget about your rho and am thankful for the relief I obtained music in everything -in the leaves, thin Shoes and Rubbers. front them, for 'low I am never troubled rain, the wind, the stream:' with a sore back or sick headaches. It seemed strange to) hint that he I tgheat Prices for produce at the "I will always say Doan's Kidney Pills had not noticed it at first, the almost Emporlum. for mine and can highly recommend them Hanoverian purity of her tspeech diad to any sufferer." the freedom with which she Spoke. .... Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for Z'1. a.5, at all dealers or mailed direct on The average peasant is ignorant, d f l - dent, with a vocabulary of few wards. ` receipt of pride by. The T.,Milburia'Co-, -what is your name?" ( :Limited, Toronto, Out. When ordering direct specify "Doan's." , 110retcheo." i• ► I LONDESBORO "It is a 90,6d name, tt in famous 16 1� w ff Best 'Washing Machine Made Three Great Features. ty,. 1. Easy to operate. M Not hard on the clothes 3. Washes the. clothes ciean Sold all oyer Canada, write to "ONE. MINUTE" WASHER CO., 129 Logan Ave... Toronto, Oanada. wo SAW 014 ""0004 PRICE BIDN"10S. &COMANY . OF QUZAKC, CANADA Malaufacturers cE Papa', Pulp and Timbat First Mortgage Five Per Cent. ' Sinking Fund Gold Bondy Die 1'io emal1w 1114 I'M fat~Payove HaV rearly PRICE TO YIELD 6% ON THE INVESTMENT We consider that these a Bonds present n exceptional opportunity for absolutely safe and most remunerative investment on ac- count of the strong features following: First-- The convertible nature of the Company's t aeaets, consist of 0,000 square Hailes of Pulpd timber lands 4is Ibuted ftoughout the Pro- vina 'anof Quebec. The 'properties could to -day be subdivided and sold in the open market for, almost tariee the amount of the First Mortgage Bonds. i The timber limits are fully, inq¢cared with Lloyds of 'London, England, against loss through forest fires. Second—The net earnings' from the Company's present �" business are equal to approximately twice' the amount required for payment of Interest on the First Mortgage Bonds. the new paper and pulp mills now in course of construction will double this earning power. Th„ i d— The First Mortgage Bonds can to -day be purchased at a Substantial discount price and they are retired by a Sinking Fund capable of redeem- ing practically the entire issue at 1004 and interest by yearly drawings. Fourth- Price Bros, & Company is thv largest in- dustry in the Province of Quebec, where they have been in business for over one hundred years. Their First Mortgage Bonds have been pur- chased by the most conservative investors in England and Canada., among whom are many of our, strongest N Banks and Insurance• Companies. Complete particulars will be forwarded on request. ROYAL LISE CUI 1 J +L J �,..• LIMITE � .D rr�.®-1 Bank of Montreal 51d6. cor, Qtteert c Yon6E Sra Toror\l`o is - M'•Wt I -M yM'ANY+ozL % Moswi"r'atal, Quebec . H&llf&x !Lonaorw CNOLA.ND, H. H. Nightingale STOCK{ BROKER Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. LISTED STOCKS CARRIED 011,l,ARIGlPl Correspondence invited. 33' MUINDA ST., TORONTO.. Have You a ­Silmmy" in Your. Clothes, Preis` f6�;:;� ,. comm 9f a F0IdeF Folds and Presses the pants so they retain the crease and protects them from duet. Holds nine pairs of pints and is 'so attached to the ln81de of closet door that It requires only fqur Inches of space when folded. Opens np to take out or put ack pants without disturbing others in. racm. 'write for further particulars. Price $2.00. Agents wanted. SIUMY SUPPLY CO., . Box 95, Ottawa. C"ANCE P R. D. Evans, Discoverer of the famous Evsos! Cancer Cure, destres all who suffer with Cancel to write to him. Two days' treatment cures ea• ternal orinternsi cancer. Write to S.D. EVA N& Brandon, Manitoba, Causda..: _ Enduring Celebrity. "Doyou: expect 'to' leave footprints in the sands of timeP" "No," replied the flippant -person, "but my dog. has left footprints in some fresh paving cement that. I ,bet will puzzle the geologists a few cen• turies hence." i Two Requisites. "I . suppose that in order to keep the chauffeur from taking out your t automobile, without permission it is i necessary to keep it locked. up?" "Yes, and even that -isn't enough. I I have to keep him locked up^too." if ILVLO E1fE R��ftaD MAKE YOUR OWI °TILE COST $4.00 TO b.600 PER 1,000 HAND OR POWER SEND FOR CATALOG'A' .Nil p CEMEMT TILE WiCH'tefi CO., elan used N, 46d these DIM204T Kit WS_ I(Z:3 -of floods with the 6AM,E Dyo. U d a; 'EVEFO ALL KlNosp l ms CLEAN. and SIMPLE to. Ilse. NO chance of nein the VVRONG nve for the Good In Doubt. "We have both proposed to her." "Which is the lucky man? "Don't know, yet. She just married the other. fellow last, week,", Switzerland's Glaciers. There are 20 great` 'glaciers. in Switzerland. Turkey's -Army. Turkey's army, placed on a war footing, totals' one million men.. hating's Their -Great Enerfly Keating's. Powder is the universal enemy. of every form of insect life. It may be freely' " sprinkled into crevices in wood and upholstery and although it is odor- :' lees acid staipless-anct harmless eztcept. to inaeot life . i nu N n Is a most :.Pott .g . ,$XtImIne6tor. For Red, Weak, WevyMatery Eyes and Made in Londop M& Md, by GRANULATED EYELIDS Thomas Seating•: tit the original, MurineDoesn'tSmart-SootheeEYePain sold by all druggists. - . .44 Drucists Sell Mariae lira Rnueir, I igVia. ase, 50¢. $1.00 ° ; Murine Ere Salve. in Assptic �T'ubes,?, e._$ 0 rn tins only : IOC , Jac. :c�BCy 2b0. EYE•$ooXS AND ADVICli FREI$ 'B, MAIL _ rdurtne.EyoRemedyCo.,Chic"o C.P.A.-49. loll.' - - •-.:�tLJO .. .. .. •CaW E. D,r WARREN CON (Successors to Warren, azowski A Co.), MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCE[ANIGIE Dealers in High Class Investment Securities Porcupine stocks bought and - sold. Our weekly ;News Tetter sent to any address on request. 25 BROAD STREET, TRADERS BANK BUILDING, NEW YORK. 4 Colborne St., Toronto. a ; .BO �S PAY BETTER INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY ij In point of security and interestreturn, the small investorinbonds isonthesame footing as the institution or individual with thousands or tens of thousands to invest. 21 Until Bonds In their present form were devised, it was not an easy thing to nd art investment, safe, easily convertable into cash, and simple in form, and . yielding as high as 6 per cent. interest. Q It is a matter of importance to you to know that we generally have on hand bonds in denominations of $Too and Upwards, paying interest of from 4X "to 6 per cent. q These are seasoned securities, bonds that have demonstrated their ability to pay interest and principal. Q If you have any money, no matter what the amount, earning less than this, you should ask us how to re -invest it in away to afford better interest with as good, or better security. SECURITIES ROA A7& � CORPORI ATIO4tl LM BANK OF MONTRP-A L.1 UILDWG • YONGE AND QUEEN R. M. WHITE TORONTO Maness!tlWMAL-QU E 1594-H AL I # M _.. t t=iboN taN,