HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-07, Page 14,-**
U65. Vol, 46. NO. 24
Royal Bak
Vapito . s1,20e,000
Reserve and undivided
profits A $7,200,000
Total Assets - Ste o,000,000
m on
W. H. Kerr & Son, Bditors and Publishers
GRAND .MEETING BY MINISTER of LABOR Premier Roblin. Securieru'il.'eg
Evenitag flielegraxg. NOY ost, i9111
NOW Reatig
—CANDIDATE PROUDFOOT MADE AN EXCELLENt SPEiCH n•—••••••*•••••••••.. Our Xanaa display a gut
,goode are opened out and
Two Ports on Hudson Bay Included in New Territory -1
The Hon William Lyon Macken-, eat public," said Mr. Thercuut mc- Governtnent Announces Steps Will at Once be Taken
here last Friday evening and Ants- hear that this government is now,
ed alarge audience present ix'orti a on the eve of election, making ftey and Other Inducements to Settlers—Staternent of the
state ot mild interest to, one of ' erish efforts to extend Hydro paw- Premier on the Splendid Achievement.
zie King made a ringing speech 'Milian the' next ,speaker. "We to Develop the Country by Railway Transportation •. WILL BE WOUND UP
enthusiasm Te131illiacent Of the late I er up through the counties of ur-
190 BRANCHES and Dominion campaign. on. Bruce and Grey in order to
Clinton's spacious toWn hall was*
Correspondents throughout the world filled t thedwhen.
, e, oars Kingsave those ridings. And eimilarly
Interest allowed on Deposits. arose to speak. There • ,w,e*re, aim_ 1 in the east of the province, while
I in the north the prospect of being
eral aggressive speakers on ;the the new county town is being held
an was Mx. Fred Jackson pnesi- , before Cobalt, HaileYburn 'Engle -
program first, however, The chair 1
Mgr. dent of the Clinton Liberal Asso- ' heart andNewLislreard. "Vote for
• ....-••••••••••-..-,...
Our Big November
Fruit Sale
Is now on and for two weeks we
will sell
15 lbs. Redpath's extra Granul•
ated sugar $1.00
100 lbs. Rednath's extra Granul-
ated sugar 36.00
3 lbs. Best Cleaned Currants 25c
3 lbs. Finest selected new Reis'
ins 25c
• a
4 lbs finest selected old raisins 25
New imported Candied Peel's •
Lemon, Orange and Citron per
lb 15c • •
New shelled walnuts per lb 40e•
Almonds ‘ "40e
Phone 48
Winter Term from Jan. 2nd
ciation. our candidates and your town will
am one of those who firmly be the one chosen," ,Was the prom-
1:elieve the Whitne .Goviernment lee dangled ont to all four.
should be.supplanted by a new
government under the leadeatship
of MT. Rowell," said the chairMAn,
Without further preliminai(ies he
called upon Mr, D.A. ForesterA.a
well-known, gentleman of Clinton
who among other hits, .completely
won over the large number of la-
dies present to the Liberal side of
the house.
"Phe Liberal party are in favor
of votes for women? he declared,
and the applause showed that the
suffragette movement has already
gained a foothold in Clinton.
Stands in a class by itself
when strictly first-c/a.ss work
is considered. Write for cat-
Yonge and Alexander Streets,.
1191111=31:1311130144:150,1""IM"1.411:=Man 1333305:12•11=107
Everything in
Ebony Brushes of all kinds
Ebony Mimi,*
Ebony Manicure articles.
Ebony Manicure sets.
Ebony Brush and Cob sets
Better selection than ever
We are pleased to
show them
j. 1E.. 1E1C1047-1L7
Mr, XelVfilla,n criticize .
dro-Electric policy of the C4overn-
went, allowing that the original
project did not belong to the Gov-
ernment but to the Board of Trade
Toronto, and to tihe municipalities.
He ,criticized also the proposal to
place Hydro -Electric under direct
control of the Government instead
of leaving it under an independent
commission, Mr. McMillan evoked
much applause in terming the
epeaker (tithe evening, "The King
of the Mackenzies."
1".t.r. rim. Proudfoot, the member
for the. riding in the last Legisla-
ture, said there was Very evidently
still life and vigor in the .Liberal
party, and the crowd taarnd
assentl .
"We would like to give'the ladies
a vote," said Mr. Prou,dfoot, " but
Sir James said, P o,' ithe aadies are,
not intelligent ant :ugh yet. :They
must Wait." And Sir James is boss.
We must all obey, though .we clon't
always do it *with good grace,"
But Mr, Proudfoot prophesied
' that *the end of one-man rule was
at hand.
Rev. Joseph Elliott of Goderich
is Mr. Proudloot's opponent in*the
present campaign inCentre Huron,
"He asks you to elect him in
preference tome becau.Se he has
nothing :to do, Be has retired from
the ministry and doesn't lanow how
to put inhis 'title. Se he wants
you to send him to the Legislature.
I ani a lawyer but Vara ready to
sacrifice my own business if neces-
sary, in your interests, writhe rev-
erend gentleman's fears that 1 am
too busy need not worry the elec-,
tors of :Centre Huron," 'declared
Mr. Proudfoot.
The candidate ispolre at some
Bank of Montreal Claims $96063. -
(Telegram Staff Correspondence.)
Ottawa, Nov. 20 -"Manitoba comes into 1ter own after forty 63 Against Coderich Co. and
years of strugole and effort to secure equality In the Cohfederation Town's Claim Secured.
of Canada. Der claims are recognized and she steps forward in line
with the other sisters in the Dominion. The boundaries remain an
fixed by Sir Wilfred and accepted by Manitoba. but the subsidy in
demnity for public domain and other financial matters are all to be
re -adjusted on a basis to give us equality with Saskatchewan and
.Alberta."- (Arthur R Ford )
Note -Sir James Whitney has stated that the matter is not closed yet,
but we talo from the great Conservative paper in Manitoba the above item
sent them by their Ottawa Correspondent. Arthur R. Ford, son of Rev. J. E.
Ford, of Clinton. -Editor,
len.gth on his three -fifth's hill,
which he inbred:heed at the' last
Hon. lVIcKenzie King. I threeI isessions and was ready to to. stand. by it' again, •and which
as one of 'the features oit(
vince and inspires them .with eo-
and ent•huisiartan was one of the bestJ
He ha -introduced a well -con -
that Mr. King has encountered lin e e only'13 opposition members from
ergY.inatend of apathy -mind yen
'd r d bill deal'ng with workmen's
com • back in 1910,
The meeting in points outnumbers 1 Liberal Vatforin in this election.
penaa t'
that the Liberals did notintend to
contest anyway. . it Sir James ANNUAL CONVENTION
said these be -elections would cost
315,000 and he might as well go on
with the general election. It Was,
a 'mere pretext The tatection was
Mr. Prondloot :said' Omit Dr.
Pynes educational system was a
system of chaos.
King was received with a
spontaneous and sustained out-
burst of hand-elapping, :The
.crowd was by now overflowing in-
to the corridor!
Mr. King was in excellent form
despite the fact that hehad:.tray-
elled since Jive o'clock in themonn-t.
living to fill the engagement.
With a couple of happy references
to the ladies and agood story,he
had the audience with him in short
order, and very much alive:
"It does not look as if there was
any lack of, dothuelatam in this
election," remarked the young
speaker, surveying the hall frown
the edge of the platform. He pro-,
needed Ito discuss the • various
,points at issue.
First, the assessnient act which
the Government had refused to
"We are accustomed in thin
county to regard the •Government
as the servant of the people, not
the people as servants of the Gov-
ernment," declared Mr. King, nnd
the audience heartily agreed with
ihian. •
Second -The need of an opposi-
"If the opposition were to dwin-
dle to one or to nothing. at all -7-,
would that be a good thing for
this Province? Unless a sense of
the seriousness of the situation ap-
peals to the Liberals of this Pror
away -
.Ontario in the House at Ottawa---
band played earlier =the eyenintg 1 and Sir •aanes had shelved it y
the present campat.,gn. A brass
in the •street; in front of the Nor-, I Prc4m1s174 a zommiSsion to con-
mandie hotel, and later. in frolint of.. )sider thena
whole atter, 'The' re-
the'town hall;• I port as not in yet, though two
t whole •sessions had since passed by,
"The more the record of Sir I Sir James' excuse for bringing
James Whitney is brought to. the • on the elections now was that 4:en
light the less it is shown to de-- 1 bye -elections were necessary, nine
•servd the approval of an intellig- ; 0.1 them being Conservative seats '
The Moiso s
Incorporated 1355
eapital; PAID yr $41000.000
Rest Fund, a $4,60Z,noo ••
Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all
. •• the Principal (ties in the World. • .
at all Branches,. Interest allowed at highest current rate
Dispensing Chemist.
Clinton. Branch - - C P DOW DI N G. Manager
• • • • •••• •• ••• ••• •• • • ••..... •••••••••••••. •••••• •• .• A* *****************44..•••••
When Puzzled A out
I What to. G t for Him
Remember that of all thinzs men like best Somethjog to Wear
heads the list. Something he can wear will be doubly. appreciated
if you get something he would buy for himself.
Everything that is newest and best for men or boys to wear is now
here in elegem assortment for the holiday trade.
mmumemosbm •
soc to $5
2.5c to St
$1.56 to $25
unless Liberals awake to this situ-
ation, itis going to work the prip-
vitace a•great deal ott. harm," de-
clared Mr. King. •
Third -Bi -lingual schbols-"IS it
tAir. tki may child in this province
that 'he should be launched out
London Conference Delegates to
. Meet in Askin Street Church
London on Thursday and
rhe ninth biennial convention of the
London conference °of the Epworth
League will be hill in the Askin
Street Methodist Church London
Thursday and Friday of this
week and it is expected that
it will be .orte of . the best. Ep-
worth League conventions ever betd
in the city. It is expected that 200
people will ba present, ••
Every society is entitled to send
.0.1.10MIC11. •
$4 so tolto
• ' $l to $5
25C to St.so
•$3.50 to $2;5
. - i
The Morrish elothing Co, I
. 4421 Square Deal for Every Man." •
. i
ready for You,r insPection,
't• Ebony goods, Manicure sets
A large assortment of
isets, •etc.
Our perfume department
is larger ithan every;pretty
dainty packages. of the very
best makers at any price'
you wish.
Dont fail to see calr
paay We can interest youl
igifts for either ladies or
• entlemen,
e have the last 'Word in
• Ladies hand bags. Styles
direct frora NeW York. •
The Doty Engine Works, Limited,
Goderich, were ordered to be wound :
up Friday by Mr. Justice Sutherland. ;
The Bank of Montreal was the pets
tioner, claiming to he creditor to the
extent of $96,163 63.
Several monied parties are creditors
to the extent of 4335,000-
• The town of Goderich claims 333,000,
secured by a mortgage, which is in
arrears on payment.
John Inglish Company claims A debt
of 36,000, making. a total liability of
Mayor McCallum Touches a But-
ton andAll Works
Friday night last Seaforth was most
beautifully lighted by _Niagara power
At about 4.30 o'clock, Mayor McCallum
touched the button initiating the sue-
cessful transmission of Niagara ener-
gy to the Town of Seaforth for all pur-
one delegate for every twenty mem While the power users are not yet
hers or fraction thereof, and they may permanently. connected. yet the do -
also send as many visitors as may wish rnestic and commercial and street
to attend, lighting service is quite complete. Elie
The visitors will be billeted by the citizens are more than delighted for
niembers of the Askin Street Metho• many rdasons, most particularly the
diet . Chdrch and special rates 'have fact that from now on Seaforth sub -
been secured on all railroads for any- scribers for light, etc., shall enjoy for
one wishing to attend. Miss H. M. the first time a 24 hour service for
Westman, of 58 Craig street, will have I three hundred and sixty-five days of
charge of the billeting. • • the year,
Tlaursday afternoon at three 'lcIt •
a demonstration of a local leag .e bus- 0." 00."
iness meeting will be given by the As- I
kin Street League. Friday morning
at 9.15 a debate on'"Ittsolved, that the{
Epworth Leal. ue is essential to the I.
fullest life of et lodisni," will be held
the affirmative bicle being taken by
1tev. 3, 0. .Reid, B. A., EL D., of At-
wood, and Mr •E\\'' White, of St.
Mary's, Ras. J. E. Knight, M.A., am
of Charing Cross, and.Mr. Tayloi, of
Dawn Mills, will take' the negative
During the evening session of Friday
Rev. J.V. Aitkens, of Toronto, will
deliver an address to the men at 8.15.
The men will ail sit in the centre seats
t,o listen to the reverend gentleman's
addressthe subject of which will be
"Christian gitiZenship.".
kr. 'WM'. Proactfeot
°Candidate for re-election in Ceinitriel
Huron -Vote for: hilt, Dec; 11,
missucym, rhiiiips Aged
61, Ended Iler Lit
At London
Had Been a Patient in the Hospital
for the Insane for
Five Years.
W. Al McConnell
Pim. B.
Q.P.R. Telegraph Agency
Our • stock is now
ready for your inspection.
Daily we are putting arway
packages, to suit people's
If not pick it 'oak early, we
have the largest assortment,
of Ebony Goods and cases
that ever game to town -ail
new goods,,„
assortment of hand bags -
• travellers samples - good
st&iles and shapes.
Make your boy or igirl
happy•with •a Kodak $2.00
and 'up..•
W.S.R. Holmes
• Phm 33,
• Miss Lucy Marr Phillips, aged 67
vears, an Inmate of the. Lotiglait.
Hospital for the insane; committed •
.suicide in that institution -shortly
after breakfast -Wednesday Morn-
ing by hanging herself with the
sash cord off a,wiiidnw"." •
When iountrishe was breathim,
bat :death followed a few :seconds
later. -
About 9 o,eioeig, Mrs, Brock,, one •
• of the nurses, •had ciecasion to etne.
ter the roorn, and she was, honk**.
fied to find the woman partly ly-
ing: on the floor With her head sus-
pended by the isashoard af the
win doW,
The suicide had 'broken the cord
and, using the free elnIcl, had tied it
around: her peek. • •
She then jumped off the bed to
the floor, and slowly choked to
•• The knot With which she tied
the rope Was so insecure the t When
she was lifted from the floor it
came .undone.
Dr, Maclaren, coroner, was sum-
moned, but ,.after viewing the re-.
mains, and hearing the ;eircum-•
stances, decided that an inquest
was unnecessary, •
Miss Phillips. was committed to
the institution froin Clinton about
five years ago, She hail been itna-
ployed in the • kitchen and had
never given airy previous trouble.
from an Ontario school *unable to
read and write English?".
Fourth-7•The administration 01
the D en pitmen t Of Agriculture.
"According to the last Doartinibn
census, there were. 50,000 fewer
people orithe farnis of Ontario to-
day than ten years ago. I 'don't
care what the reasons are -I say it
was the business of the Agricol-
Departinent to remedy this condi-
tion. The marked'increase in the
cost of living is largely duet° this
rnornentou,s fact. I don't carehow
they do it, repeated Mr. King, "hut
the Agricultural. Department
should ,get to work •with coloniza-
tion schemes or attractions of Bathe
kind to get people back on the
forms. A .department with a rec-
ord like that shown by the Census,
Lamy, has not been a success, and
the Government responsible call:mot
come before the country as a sue -
cess." -Applause.
Elf th-The financial administra-
tion. "Business is so rushed thro-
ugh by the Government, owing to
the lack of opposition members to
question public accounts, that ex -
aro increasing, and will
irfcrease 'unless the overbalanced
A pretty and interesting event
took place on Wednesday at high
noon atthe hoarse of Mr. avid Mrs.
B. gill, When his daughter, Miss
Nellie, was united in inarraige to
Mr. Prances W. kthdrews, soon Of
Police Magistrate Andrews, of
Rev. J. %, Ford, pastor of
'Wesley Methodist !Church, nerform-
ed the eeremony. The yoUng
proportion of .Government *rap- 1 couple were unattended. Phe
porters be reduced.' ., ! bride was dressed in White satin,
Sixth -The Farmers' Bank. 4gAtt. Only the immediate relatives wore
1VIathespn put $25,000 Moloney of
.....present, among them Were frit:Inds
the people of Ontario into a Bank from London and ' Woodstock„
Beatty Nesbitt, the friend of the ,
They left on the 4.21 train for a
short wedding tour to Woodstpck
which wan said to be unsound. Mr.
administration, paid the firstnd LonclOn.
ct*thrient on the Keeley Mine with a
Mine which ruined the nook. Nr Alt) 1..4 C....4.,..,,: ‘,....,... ,,..,.., v,i(41-: v e
is to blame in the Farmers' Bank make it right °for you or we make it,
continued on page 4 right with you.
To the Electors of Small,
Gentiellie37/1 •
As the Liberal Candidate of this all connecting lines should be
I appeal: owned and controlled by the Pro -
Appeal to Now Riding)
to you, •irrespect- 'inc.
Irrespentive ive of party, for *
of your support. It
Party 4 The abolition of the Three -
Fifths clause in the Local Option
will be in the best interest of the
Province to elect. t numericAlly Mijoriry Rule Act. Marrity
stronger opposition than the Whit- .
is Rule is British
ney Government has had in the British Justice /ustice ana
• .Pla,y. The pres-
past. • 1 will briefly set before you•
administrating thei
• some.ot the measures of Progressive 0111 .8378toM of
License Law' is out-of-dete, sig.
tegislatien, . which the Liberal
steps should be taken to place the
• Patty will bring forward at the
first session of the new Legislaturesame under the controlof an Inde-
• .
. pendent Commission. . .
llodel. Schools. • Through the alto. "'
1. Restoration of the • County
:rs Is 0. a‘lyIntehae bpyrintchieps,21 \rioT lit Province,
lition. of tlan8e schools,
Hydro flat rateshould apply
..,..116+r, 6 the IlTliitnry GoVerh-
Model Elect to all power' users,
ment has .not only de- .'
Schools morlilized din . public • Electric tnaer present condit-
//OWN* ion8, -'all the large
- School System, but has also worked :
manufaturing concerns .will eve/1-
'71111;0M injnry to the poor seliolar
Wally have .to locate close to the
who miller present conditions i; ,
often.unable, for financial .reasons
.phere tire tit' themselves on an equal footing
source of power in order to place
to take up teaching. with those more favorably located.
• present over a thousand Fichools in
the Province; that arepectric power will cost Close to
\being taught
by teachers without certificates. . 1'00..00 per h. p. in Huron, while
. nearthe Falls the cost is less than
• 2. The Fripp Bill, allowing Mun-
icipalities to adopt, on a majority
Tax vote, the system of tax.-
• ing lands at a higher
Reform• rate than • buildings
should have been allowed to become
Over 800 municipalities and
about 200 newspapers have petition-
ed. the Whitney gcivernment in pass
this reform measure, but Premier
• Whitney steadfastly refuses to pass
this legislation.
8. Vrovisional OOwned by irrak Lnna
eTi etle. o
t irtg to the. ?lurid
eipally owned Telephone Systems,
Space will not permit me to placo.
other progressive measures outlined
in the Liberal
YOlift VOTt • piatfcirm, before
and you, hat if '
INFLUENCE •foregoing appeals
to you as being in the best interests
of the Province as a whole and
South Huron in particular, I ask
for your vote and influence on
Decorator iith.
Yours respectfully,
• E. ZrLLER.