HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-30, Page 8r
IWO DON-$ SoButter
la -1 Ten
Greetinq Jr to
c, p W2�nIa .,,,......, o
to 42
Huge Bar ;air & Every Bay Tilt That Date. t CMO Vver Days'- Vou WoWt be Disappointed ` 1 w .,, ....... ss it0 90
a ••
Tau. a ,.,,«....... , ..«9(2$90.
_ ... ,.,..•. ,,..,M .,.«,. X2190 ror the
.Extra Speela_ for. Saturday, Fur Ruffs 7.75 Extra.Speriat for Saturday
Another 100 yards of Dreas Oooda on sale T�a 101 only,
a (Rafts, Mlirmde ala ber S%be, White and Grey Flannelette Blankets pink ._^^---
Saturday, all ahades slid ri'eaves, requ+ it sides, ng length,
and blue border, medium gaze, whipped .ends,
Iar50o saturda ..............« ...,,.21re reg14.00and11,40, Eaiur�3ay,.,. ...:....•'%7ti I?P7EL DiREOTp1tY ISSUED Yuletide.of �' apecialforSaturday only..................98e
•„ The Bell Telephone CO., recently
Sateen, Regal Taffeta, Knit Ta Petticoats d
Mc�reen aril P issued anew "rectory( and the
l�atll P.i 1D101Di7tl Pf~tticoara Ladies Knittop Petticoats, black only. These subscribers of Clinton +get their a ,
are made with a knitted top, with tivo and last ,week,, We. have for your inspection two Sample
2'5G rt ateens 150
k .,adie's Black Sateeu, splerdid glossy cloth, three.dounces at bottom, with dust frill, abd
good wearing quality, two and three flounces, ,rake a very warm uuderskirt. priced, at tlxe 100 yards Art lateen, eight good Patterns MOKENZIE KING COMING Books cot l
r Wvizes, reg 75c for $0c • reg 1.00 for 790 reg following during this sale reg 1.75 fnr 1 2a", . rare bislily finished cloth, wide Waith, reg tae, tele nolle � . tl sitting a Wide selection of artful de -
A P meet* jin .the ante#L
` 1.25 f0 r08o reg 1.75 for 1,2 . reg.' W for •1,5(1 `� 1, 0 far 1,10, reg; 2, 0 foie 2,00, reg 3 :�q for 2 98 es'ts of. Mx. W, Pro',udfo;ot, the Dib- signs in which 'o
it'egal Taffeta l?etticoats reg S `".for 1.7a reg 5:00 for 8:9$ . , Toweling at Gast � you may have your name printed s
reg 2.50 for 2.04 reg 3.00 for 2.25 t grail - Vandidate in Ceatre RuroA
�, • 13esythertiloon" Petticoats. i elf 2 aro for 2,00 ,Pure linen ecce Toweling at the following will be held, iaikaie Town Mall, Cl n+ ; ans3 s rester 4f our O{iV choice, <,5a White uilts $.c. P g �' n hoice, Tile are
3; 'for2.'la re 4.W for 3,20 9 'ton, On.Ir4t1day,. even' , Dec'. tat y
s, g ,One dozen only, large siz�•'L' hiteQuilts or
price regl5cfor121�c regX2�afor.,.,.,,,,.�� commencing at $ o'c�'locir, tie
t Bed Spreads, very pretty designs, Size 66x8 aneeting will be addressed byittlilet much more personal and intimate in their char-
$5 and $6 Parasols for 3 rets 1,5P0 sale price ...... . ...... . . . . Blue Check Shirtin Sc
w 980 Hon.. McKenzie Kina' and others
i2 only Ladies Parasols, antigsfe handles. Threepiecesblueand white Cotton Shirting "Mr, King 20 a.dmi,t.tR to,be one of acter than the ordinary card. Su lied its uaut-
heavy gold plated, tops silk and wool, cased $ixo Table Linen 75C `"" good patterns, wide widtb, re 106 for ., ... •. c t'se ablest and most convincing pp.
with silk, regular 5.00 and 6,00, sale price 3,04 One piece pure Linen Tabling, wide width $ $� ,Speakers in the publici life of Can- ities of twelve and u wards at a modern e
Golf Coats 1.$�r heavy weight, F,uer•de-,is design, reg LOQ 75c Standard Shirtlfl s . i 2e ada �toduy, and( n'o one who it in- p t price.
la terpsted in the beat idtrereats Of Ladies and blesses Golf Coats in -all the $z.25 Table Lineit 9$ir. Two pfieces t3tatidard Shirtjng, blue and the pp'ravince of ,Ontario ,shauad wMaw
popular combination colors,. bigb and.low col. One piece pure n,ineu 'i?ablin ; splendid white check, s tended wearla miss lieaxing(h"m A ;cordial invit-E f
la e, reg 2.25 and 250, Burin sale at... , , ,1 $g cloth vide width, good pattern, req 1, a, 9$e for..., . , .. quality, y' reg 16c afro everybody,
g ` • g n P . n 1't x2o n us extended to ever. hod
" • . • ... , ; . . • . Scabs ,Will be ileservedl for i+h
The wo.(lades, '• ' f
r: Men's Fur Coats at Cost Linen Colla'rS 5C , THE BEST OF THl3 SEASON
Men's Stiff Front Shirts 79c Often the eheapest-Always the Best.
' 'LVe are clearing out our :►Zeb's Fur Coats at Men's io.ur-pIyy' Linen CoIlaxa, The young ladies of the Epw�odth
g'. ole bands, assoilted Men's Stiff Fronted Shirts, in light and.dark X.eaugue of Wesley Church are luaid _.
@,G and less» We do not intend kee an u this sin a and dao
p g P. sites and hes ht re alar 20e h colors, some open at front others at back all n L h d '
epartm nt, hence the following deep cuts g ' f� sae , regular 1.2a and 1,50, Saturday si P
Coon Coasts, regular $85 00 for..., ... 69.00 Saturday 5c each or 50c dozen. g y• . • . • • •........., 799,
" g a u u ab I in, Ithe
Sunday. School ro,atns( ton Tuesday,
Cooircoats, " u0»00 fir.... , , .... , , . 37,40
13xown Calf Coats, '� 25.40 for... ...,., 15,00 Tics 12 JC
Coats '° Men's Flannel Shirts 50'c
Dec, 5,1911. This •twill ,afford an.
oppolttunity for the ladies of Clip -
Galloway 35,00 for ............... 29,00 Mena. Fancy Ties in all the izew
Griloway Coats ,� 25.40 for,. ... hapea, regular 25c, 35,c 50c.
iter colme and, secure some use-
ful Chris(ftuas gifts. Dressed dolls
; ifl,00 ,and Me"s Dark Stripe Flannel ShVts, with collar
Black Dog Coats. 25.00 for.. 9.00 ,, ore slightly soiled from Window
will .also be on, sale all read for_
attached. A good warm garment for w2nter yvN,ax
Black Curly Coats '� 35,00 for .............. 29,40 display, Saturday .................. 121-20 all sizes,regular75c, Sata.rday..; yp�
Santa Claus. (The 'dolls are now
on exhibiltian: in the ,window o3Mrp.
• .,...,.,...,
Men's 'Ordered Clothing $25 for 2i l�eti'S ,.roil 211d $tiff Hats
J, A. Irwin'.s store.) 'Home-made
candy and at!her articles. Lunch
We have laid our ten Scotch Tweed and English Worsted Suits :tVe are clearing. tip the balance of the Hat Department at cost
.all mew colorings and designs, for this sale, at a saving of $4 P'
will be served, by,trheJunior Leags(e
from 3 .to, 8 o'clock, Everybody
invited to attend.
a suit. And lefie dur)n : thew t(A) n+i satle sot )lie follotsin
Made to your measure, best trii ty, re , well hailored,. ffc gu "ran•. Men's. Black Stiff Hats 2.50 Fur 1.08 Men's black prices
,sed. Don't miss this opportunity, regular $2ii for..,,, 21,00 +� teHats 2,54 for 1,05
+ :OU fc.r 1.50 " '" '3.40 for •l,si4
Men's Ordered Suits$2o and 22 for al " " 100for1.10
Backer, of
salts, has
Teti good pattens of Odd Lot of Soft Shirts 25c
and English Tweed and tiVorsted
,pur(chased the Ranaford( salt blo�ek
also the 11 or more acres adjoining
cleared out during sale, see them in winnow,.:regular Broken lines of (('ten's a•nd. Boys •S.•ift; Shsr .s odd sizes ��
$120 tees to for
3;20and$o..v for .......:...........:....
and t+o•',the works, The
purchaser is aq present making in-
"' • • •••• .17,00 teras in light and dark printsto�leclearedoutcturingsaleoGL,ZC
sluxives as to getting the well clear
of t'hel o.bstrueftionsandmay ,arralp;ge,
,to get the ind"istrly gang. There
was.many a lrliauss �{'bara'ei and
,sack of prime salt shipped from
Keep ,Saturday, Dec.. 9,t+h, oppen;•.
for aomusicai ,treat, The Can�acii'ai",
Jubilee Singers will appear in Clin-•
ton onNiat -date„ under `the au's-
tires of the Wesley Church Eptvortlr
With the mild -,weather that came
an Monday andi ;@he ,seri ofa Tues-
day, the aleighing has gone inthis..
section. W e will have to wait fore
anatber anonv storm; to maketbin:gs
lively again, and let it be us'oon. '
THE C, .O. F. WON.
Last Thursdayy bight the C.•O,F.»
.defeated the Wo,o.dmen of thae
'World 2n carpet baths by.the small
score o,f 15 s'ho,ta. B'ollo.�ving were
the players ;tvho: took part . rt,
s-- score,—
t'his block since its apenitug by the •CAVE $130,b0. W.O W.
late" P,C. R'ogexie.,and ave dare say C.O:1':
E as good a•pttoduct�'.as ever. may be From. tare sixth annual report of • D. Tasker. J. Finch
isecThe diistancefor mfront the G. T. Rears to, enee• the rdePaezto ent of Temp.eranceaud G. 'C o A. Turner
s a� Mo a1 R f rm of the Methodist• M. McEwen
r�v e,ssitrates along haaul of .both salt CWi't'ts-9,+and .coal but th is b iay beObvialt`ed church of Canadra; .we glean that E. Mtinxoe� -24 bY. gutting up si Hely block aloai ,, .the two: ,e'hurches of Clinton gave T. Cottle 'W, 'Harland
,side .the railway( and ppfi�ping ,the $80.50 to that cause - 'this year. There . O. Crich •J•. Sheppard
b#ine to i We :wislx Mr. d Shaer s Also full xe or:t n # ren l na, hen
c s h" en a 'rise an c pal .Problems in Aral and social J-13. $cover—l3 W.S.R. Nolmcs.--13
success s in is t * pe ,
` Z I? r. the for(thoopming revenue may be "
t i lai[ger .than ever from, the ."saline HAD TO, MOVE.
_000/ substance found in alit its. purjty� , t11
BKAlssels Post.: wing ;tobhe. bus.amen. not being , he citizessrs are invited to at« .
ableOagree to, live d ;tend the
MR,S. SARAN RICE, coni me lives station �eefnyt Pat- his ' . k,, in �T. OW ,
� skx 59001 Z+: g night of bads ;week, in the Tow"z,
DUT"T'ER AND ]MGC- -r AS CASH BOWMANVILLE: tison had to move 'thein ttb' IGhe Hall ,wlhen Hon: MacKenzie . $ rg�
• wins • nth en f .the) 't m, and'.. if -will a o behalf of'Mx. Proud=
The following taken from ,the � .anything else o;ccuurrs. ;there. 'Will :be. ffoot+ Liberal Candidate., fioa� Centre
Statesman.' refers' to on']y one morre move and that ;will axon. Be3sidea Mr: King;rtihe �
—""� ---- -- t}ie mother of Mr. •John Rice of be off the iatation ,"grounds: didate, Thols. bremi]lanl.-)and . A
�ur"1 O� t�l� E ST. ANDREW'S'DAY Clinton:—A Tong and highly. re- Forrester, will alga bna1
specied member' of .this to.Wn, and D.OUtBLE WEDDING, ar rasa, Seats )nett(' be r�sOry d for
TIi s'day, Nov. 30, is at. The 'Pa'stime Club are holdibg one worthy member of ;the M-ethodfiast. Talisa and their escorts
DR. O Andmev�F's day, idhe asnniversariy of rNtieix dances on'Frid'a evenirug 25 days'more and' CDiriatmas ;will Chnirch, pp'a:ssed -frown+ aur midst in :A happy event occurred in,Weat-
y be hems ,aril our react s. + the death of Mrs, Sarah. Rice, re- minsiter Presb ,terian ,church fFo^ A VA'LUABLD
VENS, London, Surgeon, flea. most dear .to all . Scotchmen. of week in their C[lnxb roouna: est n►uat 8- Y r. ASSZS'TANT i
list, Specialist, will be at Vlt. tl,. I;,: member ;there . are( on4Y 20 list of the" late. Mr. John P, $ice; on �un�to; an • Th,=dayy iof('il-act ,wee)): '
Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, Dec GOOD SPORT' RENEW IN. TIME business days. Shop tray is .N v. Rai.. Deceased's maiden nams, .ThIS ,Was' the doublle wed i At the'Wrote Fi'
6th a'}lassesproperly fitted, deafness. TiIIS WINTER Wither ,t'he:.nex' moZlth ns (the good advice Rn%o�llo,w� was Harris and:•she was .born im Mvss Christina Rosa olfC o� i'given infoiyna,iaon -alon, Gu his
]sista , ,to. Lopig, all liuzes-
catarrh and failing eyesight treated. The yo;un ` beset ftiUne io renew ,fog The. N(erw County of Berkshire, Enggland In Mr,' Fxed Stoneman( •oT • MorQrl'aah of dove etoek� prodnfctyoxl .and' cro
All day. g neo�_ p1, 9 up High street MINOR fGOCALB: the course .of Years'she' left hoes na- Sask.) sk„ anti that of Miss Mar y Cu]>uivatioa . $hmtt its valwable p
will have a ut tthis winter as:a toy Do and( YoNa` citjr 'weekly or daily, five: count t'o reside in the Isle of E farm y
,�..�. --- boggom dide is being Wit. Da 'roll( ;leave it - . orff u:n�t�il tIlie lasft Christmas is comitpg. Wv Y R: Mac wan, younugest.datughFerl�o4 ar desires iso keep up -to_
week, . Renewaills y ght. It May ,be ,safely inferred Mr. and( Mrs. Malcolm 1VIac,Ewaii of .date. :T+ti�eekily Sun, of D.ec.:19:
PDaIlQ' into Ahocity Hand in the News to us. from her awn testimon that dor- Stanley, Co Mi, :WaSpearr •of r •will CoVbdn a careful!
of by r't(6ie thousand;, at-. -the Y:'
ROWIBLL ATSTR.A,TFORD ne'w. Year an s New ator commences this )week, in tNhis period she c0vamenced• her g , Ont. ;Tte ,ce t . y+ understoaid
di gmetsmes two emd Y arts. g and ea -_ carefully,
y Ott.
re igious life, and slab she beca'm eaise::�was, e o e b the ,+rhos( i rY af..
A pain of fwr 'gaunVtleta were Iefq Mr,. N. W. Roswell; K.C., Provincial t`htiee ;roveekrs ,ga' ,byt.:hefoa(r Concerts are cer e p rl4 dl y Rev. D im' nil brig. hit
in rhhhe New Fra, lase week. ,Owner 'Leader 'twill address the loci rs of lmalliAg list is ,corpoecte I and fainly camfing thick ' united in marriage 'with Mr. 1V'taI, ar6ltar orf, ea xt' Fair: If
�� �pp ri 3ahe ne vg out alt .
Q dt, 33 youa- fast. , MSttc2hellF ,soon after theirma ri and Mrla, Sbonedm'an teate"t, ll2r. in may. ,biranaha,f Mata ase enrgag ed+
may have same by t Frovfn'g .pro-. Norrytth Perth in the City Hall, sprat eubscri'ptian exppires in Januar, r age , r p . eohrtE ad 5ari�ng' wnrtls a,
pew' i ford, on'Fridey ,co&ning, Dec. Lst; and. Holt reneWed ii Don t forget the Bazaar to iia d they. emigrated' to Canada and lose nugb;t'e visite with the iso > view fto.dnakxn : o
bet'ouelhand yre also this evening in the Town Hall,' $'feel at Cornwall where her Fucose "rives in London, : Will g cid,star find ;The 'Weekly, S ney Sou w'aI
WHY NOT ORGANIZE. are .liable to., Itnuss: one or more d pp� a to . y' Son a Gnash 'vat- .
issues« -We club .wdih all ,the'ead- The Adv in ; the in Connection with his occupatignt ,their holme .in;M z lash» Mx, and. �$bae'assieltiant. Do 'no!*
C:O: F. WON AGAIN g clans met, with an accident' b Whsch he Mris. spear will take w telae' sresue•'otf Mceimber. z>} Sx"sa 'the,
No,w that the Woodsmen of foie ins papexd, Get( otur ciwbbfng irate: conn) now. Read all the advertise . (exert 'his life.' This auddY _ at li' p' xr abode
,World and' C.D.F. have had. •a, The Wo,odlmen , lost on. XbnAay. CONCERT menta in the New Era, expected be' en and un -
co, a of carpet, .ball.• gameij, ;Wh
night to the C. D.P.)calm in carpet bereavement, caused her,
can'tY 1 oth`rubbers .and skates have their unti old grief. Being xvow .left e C DVANCE .IN APRIL'
loge eolme of the (ossa( Ibd es balks by 19 shots. T'ie. teams ,avers The citizens .,wfill do well ,to bear . advocates as resents sad .h COAL A
g.. get P , both are, widow, ache with her infant dawght- S
Itergetlsefi and re-or(gaaize for the the saaite with the exception of'W, in anind ttlse Concert 'that mill be used on sli er.,eame fart'ier ,we(s)t. to Bowman �Q iniiornilat'ttioa.{Com;ioni(itr>
coming wixiter mbnh a, , rZ<add,. of the Wwodmen, and R, 'sgeven in ''Wfillia Clwrrcli, . on;;Thurs- PPerl! Places. vette to.the kindred( other 'd. athm lyras -6o ho,uselw;lders. )(lost . �[ TO
Sweet took his place and iVI, Gxaelis clay next, Dec. 7th at e�'ght o'clo:ek Have qou a house to relit or to Bell, ed hwsband', After e�4AMs in 'April nexlt..there May be an; ad -
'TAXES ARE MKING IN took E.;Munroe',s place. at ,which the choir wSII .be heard in: or do yon want to buy: or rent. ifs encs h r s e Short ,said- Vance Of the ;price a3 - coal n.
a proJgram, of,ehoroses, qua eftea P d advertise in o e e he baeca=6 united in near-. && drate•.rthe reeintienit 0 In the Central Busiuess Co ,
'Tax collector Wheatley is. 'al- .ASSISTING AT BAYFIELII' duettS etc, assisted b Mie look u an The -New Brag neige ..with Mr: John P. Rice who the Unfitted 1VI' botlw,eern I �
xead taking, ( i'Vant columns. beim we Wo(ikers' Assocua- lege ofTouoiito begins'Jau..
Y gin .the ,cash Torr 1911 Y s Minnie g at.tlsat time associaated ,with )fon and knisxe .atwneiha ,e es 2n Coimmerciai, Shorthand
tax es. The .citizens must rem,em- SYmes Fos, $op2ano soaaiat at't•St There is comfort' in 't a .Bible Chrietzan! .cliureh a ° to all .anc� T ,
Thus Thursday Mr.
evening Miss stay James, Crhurrch, London aa,d Nlr.. lie fact. that ember s a end and u tanoirg ; are alr d oMmeP!b•Y• or ort Ser.
leer that Dec. 14th is the last, day Rance ands Mm, Ike. Ratltenbury are A. althougll'Pfige, butter and near( al and offiieiiu]ly in several red an T1 ' � y ter- Telegraphy.
6 ,
before 5 per cent is added. assistingg at a ,concert at Bayyfield F' w'll'gQQ9Qr, mus. B., A;R.C.O,, ox• the attic, sorts of provisions y � d�p� )mentos of the .church's •i td°un ��+� itb� e 2 tea'thers. 151
under t+he_;Lusrpices of St. Andre'w's, ganiet of ! St: Jaihn's •Charch,• Lon,. in is rices P are soar- tat, she. beeaun rater- ;the pme>� intend x'Zesstalirla3' oln as as typewriting machines, multi -
Church, They )veli no daubx ,give .don. fiiekets are the (rands of .a g Prices', stamps. still sell member ea idesitifired as . 'a Vance ib vaiges: 1f aughk• is d 'graphs,' roller copiers, and
the Tickets
of the ,choir :or at W. coons f�gtsres, for. cash without iia- Of ,t'se ,$are ,eomznun%on, the consumer w� have to pa �e filing ,cabinets: Evers ttlzhing
a ,geed account of themselves. 'her name sitaiid$ in bhe. list of viddnr )Ase kinsne y pro`
C.'Hoare oSthe Clinton Mfusie D Pair's boo,kethre» nsembership as early n the m` g Owners 'grab* the to thorn hly equip Our
Emporium has reeent�ly+ had sales IS STOCK-HEEPER.AT r increase in,twa es,'ud ikh seems pro;- riteo-diay for
for two trhousand dollars worth,of f DID YOU KNOW ITR EARLY. GHRISTMAS.SH,OPPINfa tury and $oremafd,'a� babes inif4tat t11e tmineT3s or
Die AN FACTORY . sn thea
pianos 3nosNiy . tlhe, new designs of _.. _ . rFiah
ed � ,t �cen _� 'ee'
united) ,church until the.
Dohea't A � .well knowxn Cortes at ` year: abo�iirr this t2pne 'an a : ' Utile of her death. Her ,tion . is -ane of, the strol4estzin W. H.' S
Y piano's *hich are beauties ltfr, Frank Williams,o.#,, $olmea- paper had an�interesting'*V ive P- home lift the ,world, A etri,ite ,ie /miso s` HAw. j'rincipai. `
indeed, blieal.isknade, orra;ther 'a,, reminder Wa's bolt u4th,ouit neat res p0s Yonge & )terra'
odlx 2n (3ines Axid artistic ville is no:w at1ock-kee er at i,the "#ecenti . iteroa Sa given, to slhb, era to, so ility an'd� ,care. , g Iio.1nsib- ible. �4ie payee ;thea year r sena rd Stregts,
of ssse: They are .giving .Dohert PkLlim &Otg'an Factor Y metier a mai co,wld nlo+tl pp lme 8't She av,as ,the moth- atiiti.e ,same £' wren that Factory. in cote for ':hila broacher who rotas $ learnt of tt4"eir•hriagmas shop ins ex of eleven Children, four of :w gig', prevailed
Doherty p Toronto,
,the vera .beat' of satisfactyott �tti 'rtawn. He, •,showed fill .the bill all Conservative Candidate cis �}ie early, in order ,that: tougreat a bu¢-. are deceased, •unh•;ae ve hOm a year, alp. �N
the (most .critical musicians, r was d sie . n •are still
riglsft., a Police M'algit&t7tate ,and nwen't oma; eeryy not be placed w liven to ,cherish r
ngaged in re;tailr;tzade in las ary,.�;the eldest (Jnsoather s .mean-
rto say that nearly ahttautlred would
y ;wauodYt, Mra. E:
• rat be abl to eo imxanedirautel r d' BtUttt
e , vdtd at Mae .coiini Yp ece ing,thel grpat , MAY be mentioned( ass: 'her, ,�Irfi••t•�•�••�•l•�•......4.+•b3+e�3�•�•l•�•��••I••F��•�'�'�•>t••yt•3.3.3�����•�,j,�.
holidla of rEhc Chrds,tian. year. A ."noither'e rigrht hand -helper in `the
eSectaon int>l)ra!t seetiomt-They acre visit..•
p#olhibnted..frOW vortini b ,art +twte rough . ain't -on sliaps a'0,t.;liq Care .ot Hh household, slid minis-
Cwt wporx ,the books dtu{inrg 'those re- ptle+Sent ohne, al>gws that in almoeat ten"xg t<rther in cases of feeb;�,n,ess
,gime otfltlh'e Mowat :Government in, every case ,the Crhriatb as goaoois and affliction. ,The athera' etre;
Dnt!a.*d. At •tlhaW time the Federal. Are alreadyfisat out r6adfy fou• stale, Mrs. J -1L ,Xyddi Ceballos Cuba; laoause itwas''Conselivative! and .;the Withatunlnes�s of,ehoiceandsfiteah- George. ba Torlonto, Joh 1 fan
Bess .,
Pxoyinc„ Liberal Governhneuit )Fait these gaols vvadl cei°tain�- and Chap F. Natha'n.HiorueoHar(ry ,,
vinefanchised: Federal! and Pro- the bea'tt has on December
cted faf '. hone 1Kn ice 'of this ,torvn.. Iv,
;ton, anti( Mi+s,
winces( ludrgeis, pioliee pUa iatr ates her s. Rice fulfilled )tore
alerkas of,tlse peace,. custogriis of a►- thein and after, they and bepn "njtinetiom ')Given to hoe itadit ''
handled over .by: the and otft'•,wast� ,
oluals•and retlurnimtg olfficers. "Most pwrehaeang there a denla(nd apt
�n Rub Wcaf
of )hears posy vote in all othe,11than Poputatiob of a ,towi�( of. twenty,• times of ,annus it ,gathering , and ,p,,.
Pi(avfincial eleGtiaias. those humdaed peq,ple. it; isr gree tv'hei�her gg,eat Or Snaal, on behalf
table that ;CihTvatmnus Eve, which to of "use ,cham^eh's; interest
ALMA,LADIES COLLEGE. fig. , .whether ..
alLsho.uld be the poa•tal to the lad- public or triociai, abs al w,aye accord -
Tine -Annual Mpetinrg of. the Alma find hnan so ut,
y s'inoruld ed ;a hearrty ,welcome h( flue paet'ors
the Calle . festival Utterly ly ewhtausted ,b who might, be a
• Collerge >3a,ard on Nov. 21•st found their efforitss y ppointed' <there,r
'o serve and to eft� •.
t pl She owes one oft hose who valued * Whether•you wanta,palr of Boots, Arctics, (,
College ee teac g wnwoutrued that ' kia'akerg 446 igifrt buyers tihe .Chea !meeting ,meana, and eons
Crus g stiff 'Meteaching and goy- that 'obey -acre int#apable of ),heeler t'inn'ed .to 'attend' as o,�ipar►tulnity Socks and Rubbers" Leather Topped
erninrg staff is doingg, Most •aads- se'lvea ernioyingg ;foie day.' Xhis is -to , Offered until prevented( •trhroa0h � �Zlibb�rs,a AlaSkas, Felts and. Rabbet's �
Zaetoory marl)• and, ,tine dassea are be d�ep4roa•ed' ;tlhe y Was al-.
Moore bocawsie. a affliction, Her ,tes�timon
exceptionally largo. The grotWin Little coiysiclerati�on and,foxet]iougm �Wya humble, pb ",tent, meek and � i, ght .Rubbers for Over your Shoes, or
patronage snakes necebsaaq ,early on )the Coast odthe public,would re" get not rovit+ho
wgthe ateaurance at �, anything else' in heavy or light Rubber, .�
enlaT'gement. It Was de,cfded to Neve blanch orfitthe undue pressure. (9hrxelot t Mope, For several years �,
proceed at earliest 'datrt prractka- It iw jiust els easy',,'to, dhop early ae 'prior illo'her deaths rehe had, an:'a'tA F'ootWcar, t3 have them ill the
able ;the election W put Tse haute, ,off u'pltil ,the inw tack of parmlysis froloai rwtiuCh she
of it hely gymnasium And evitable last day. •Rverq consider- ouffered snore orleas ,'bhe rdumsind- �1 __
'h'a11 Oi clas'Ol To,okns C'alad ation ofiregard' for „the ,colmUrktiot er W her Fife this iniirtaity ,Con. �" SES, QUALITIES' IES {�N�,�Y +
studios, meetrie lighting installs» ,the rWroknen anrlt igfiTlts, fox ,the 'de- fined her chi6fi r lo,the hortuae,;hor ,l, .
tion of Present buildinugs is under livery keen ,and ;their horses, ,tvho Met affliction ,beisag( tt itegep�al oil
Vat Manual ;training' In: Wood have to bear the brunt oo.procrlrs4 the attack ,and o;ttuer comsjylicak
and e& as ,crafts fox ,gsrla has been .titration kn hoiliday. '4hoppfin191 seems .ti:on�s tint"' POOr 'tired nntun a ]rad' '. v x
started'tts auxiliaryyr to de artnaenats to ag ue against tih% aelis0eae idea spent its last effort ;when she nese- Cheap t'tubbelir� �11~e IlQ>rr �Qrth >�Vh81 ihe� �0st
of line sett ,and IM
science, that . 'hmis'txnaa shappin xnuet be, a peacetWly too her ,stomal reot
The Veelft holiday hiss been done doTiog- ChrlkMas )week, rage .85 yearn. AV rhhe )'orcins( leer-' Buy the 8018L it l'$y .
chair>sged faroiuh' Satordayt to a Xon•� Thousanda oaf ,clerks no longer kook vic9 Rev. '11. B. Kenny, ,her pastor
day ,with mueh advantage. 'Pain -r �foarWard to the hoaida ,gesson With an ,tii3Nee fottmer pagtora,
capes Warner, .tt*aa' appoibled dele- joyful a anticipations, .To 'them;. itis 'Wren'. and T. W. Jailiffe and d', E. '
{tate to the blit erial Co ferebeb of a season 01AoTment,'of p'hysica]ex- '
I'eatrhers' Aseb iation6 to Mott In hatirsitinn and in notal distmeas, A aadddregss,on+borep tEataairtri b ista �
London, Rag, its 191 9. A bausquet.to. little (Dore*lio,wglvt ;w2I1 avoid anxteh iChrvsrthm }hope ;evith the assuitilee `p JACK ,
the Board's MAR, and students; ti Of tthlrs,•,and' at'the mme tisine ppru•ow '�$leissed' are tihe dread mvhiCh dire in � •>4
vtnxclentd recital a>adi informal 1,e- fit )(horse ;anha'#h s endeavor to lselg tiher Lora(." Point eons, t1Vlae621 ,,
:eption, and an \a'dd'ress by the olthex+a by rgiving t'hft ggreater ,legs, ' Geo, John, Barr and Charliewere � EVERYTHING YTH I NG IN MOOT WE;E O �:
�reraidefnt Olt ,)lib 1Toeurdi IDx, 's;Rrl- are for a�happi"xgi .and a' laauch pall bearers and Mho tota'aita ;u+" �... . ,
ban, wiere pleasis;o iad,ciden>ts of garea,'ter ahcdrae Woe depoei'ted' by.md side oflitor h;ait- 1..1.x. 4 �,►,�;�F,�,�e,�„.�.,�,t�,�„.+1�+t•b�F•��������+4�,.
lab Aeation, red band.