HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-30, Page 6c�
lin 4
.1 I i- � I I I—— I...."; � 1. . I .. 1
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I I .
, 1
It, 1�
Coticrdte walks are sightly, everlasting
.and safe. They cost less to, build and need
. .
Wood X- Fourth Quarter, For
Concrete, oft the other limid, improves
with Age, and the vtq dampness vMch de,, -
It tells I'll plain, sits ie language, 'how
stroyt lumber cags out the best qualities of
the by making harder harder
Dec. 3v 191 1.
I "I'll
L' I ....
I ,
. . . . . . .
I iillustrated
ftoc Mad Yctt I:hve41r, says noughts and which 'has been
Text of the lesson.Neh.. iv, a -I&
irsp. I ,- ,
in Use, for over CQ Tc4 as borne the siptitturo 0 I
Memory Verses, 16, '17 -.-Beldon' Text,
--- �
� I -,.,,o and b-v�i been 2=4exinder his per.
I Cor. Xyl, 10 --Commentary Prepared
I . Me and limb. They
" �/ � -
$11nal s",porylslon since Its Infancy.. I
I - - r
al.��,,,,-,'�4/,.-,�,�, ��51 1
. by - Rev. Pi. M,'$tearns.
. .
, - "what the Pat*#,
CalMda CeMent Co..
. . ., . �� wY O'. .1�4'ow,.10 Cato to deeelye yoxtiu t1tis. , 1,
I .
All Counterfei't& linitatlons on.Cl 00 "ast-as,r,004.41 are but, .
our lesson topic today is the build.
!Kxperinxcuts i'llat trUle witlit a,.,,d eudauL,or the Itealth of
. 149 Of 4 great wall by much unlikely
IInf4413, A114 alaSt )1�"1Xpbr11ne4t.'r
Instruments that their enemies had Jo,
confess that the work was Wrought
ZA. ,as eN m gwm�v
, W
Wn 1 (;,. I %..-M;ZT0R`1A
of God (vi, 16). 'L'bey bad ar mind to
work, they Watched and prayed while
,_ .�
. I
they Wrought, 4114 they did the work
1. I
Oastoria 4s a harinless r,libstitute for Castor 01.1, Pare..nearest
nearest to them, AS to their having.
I;orlc,, Drops and rood hhi,-, S7rnps. It :is Ple-asant; It -
OL Mind to 'Work (verse 6), We cannot
r .
contalus neither 0p:ruzzi, 3-Vorliblite nor otlier Narcotic :
but think Of the Willing. Men and we.
substafice. Its .-Ig " -.-. 'Iestroys Wor u I
ge is j";j, - arautee. It ( I 4
WoU and the- willing offerings of lax.
and allhays Fcvcri.;Iiiiiv��.s. It cures 131,,�trrhcu,m an I winit .11
xxxv. 21-29, and of David's preparing
". .
,Colic. It.relleves, TeethinT, Troulblesp cures Constipation
With All his might for the house of
bla God because be had set his affec,
,00d, regulates the
and Flatulency. It asslnillatc3 the r 0 .
tIOU upon It (I Ctrron. XXIN. 2. 8); of
. I
.r, .
Stomach and 11,owels, r1'r_'= healtby and ,11.1tural sleep,
., . I
HOzeklah also,, who wrought that
. . , I The ObIldron's Panacea -The Zlotherlis FxIend. .
. r I
Which was good and .right and truth
. I .
before the Lord Ills. God and did It
I with all his heart *and prospered (II
. I .
01117011- XXXI, 20, 21). We cannot all
I., Bears th -- .. .
. 1, I e Signataro of
do, as we would like to nor as. some
I .
Others do, but "if there be first a will.
Ing mind It Is accepted accordin to'
� �
that'a man bath and not according to
I .. I
1. I
.1 ,
that he hath not." And w o are only
. . !
. .
. . .
expected to minister fis of the ability
10 . ..;p
o 14,
which God givetb (11 Cor., vial, n; i
The Kind You'ave'Always
Pet Ii,11). The time will come ,when.
in an unprecedented way His people
shall be willing in the day of His
power (Pa. ex, 3).� As to watching
tllil , I I '
.. In Use rFor Over 30 Years.
and praying see' Alark mill, 33-37; x1r,
11 . .
I . . .
. ..
$8. Observe In chapter III, 5, 8_12, IT,
22, the kind of people who builded-
goldsmiths, apothecaries,
aries, merchants,
Levites, rulers' daughterg and
,., I .
rulers"but note, that certain nobles
I � r - - I
put no, their necks to Ijie work of the
- . .
Mr. N. W. Rowell's proigriaira will I
_-, ,�,
and pareful
Lord. In verses 23. M 29,• we read
that some repal red "over against his
,I' stand close scrutiny . , -
12, , Perusal, It. breathes out a spirit of
, �� Cffm
(Sh joh
house" or ,,by 111g,hoas'eill suggesting
. �
I that we should be •�ready to do the
y, enlargement, progressiom $.and
" I cluickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals
' thing that is at hand to be done,
optimism for Ontario. . I the twoatand 1vu,=-. - A. - 25 cents.
, 'ready to do whatever our Lord the.
. . .
.. . .
, ______.____.._..__. .---
King shall appoint" (11 Sam. xv, -15).
1. - _.... .__.___._.__._9_._..__..--
1� __=.r. . . . . __
Even though some may refuse, the
Work shall be finished, for 16114 shall
. not fail nor be dlscourag6d?I_ (Isa. - x1il,
4). * It Is worthy of note that the worlt_
began and ended at the sheep 'gdto.
(111.1, 32), which suggests to fuel that
I ttrere can be no work for God until .re
deemed by the Of the Lamb, and
completed the I . .
ll: sing, "Thou
Ihftst,.redeemed . us . to' God by .thy
. 'I blood." Nehemiah.. found many enew,
11 biles who not only ridiculed. the work
and the workers, brit ,- conspired
I against them to hindei It Qv, 1-3. 7
S. 11), So It has been slueb &in iill:- 'I
ed Abel and will be until the great
Mat gathering .of .the enemy and. his I
boats against the LAmb and Ella. re-
deemed .ones just before the.mfllen'
. nium and a very last and final con-
. . .
, flict at the. end Of the thousand years '
(Rev. xvlli 14; xlx. 19,
0. 20; xx. 7-10). Ev-
. .
I ery day, the conflict is on, but we may
' be overcomer's and quench all the fiery
1. darts, for. the armor and the weapon
are all sufficient (I Pet v. S. 9; Ep.h.
. vi. 10-18; . Rev. xis. , 11). It Is bad
. enough to 'have 'enemies ' without,' but
. when Ahere are complainers - and dis-
couraged people within ,'the - camp it
q I ' . I
. i seems 6 bit worse. When those who.
. . � worse,
. Iought to be of one accord o . a - . the.
I Lord's; side and of good courage ,are
heard saying. "The strength
b . of ,the
. ,burden bearers is decayed, there is
much rubbish, so that Ive are not able
to. build"' (verse jO), then much grace
,is required to sustain those .who are ,
- I ,pressing on in the conflict, but Clod Is,
able to mak.e I all grace abound (11 06r.,
. . 1xi 8).-, and we . must learn to see no'
I'man any lore save.Jesus only. with
. ourselves (Markjx, 8). It is 'only as
Ithe are of good courage and strong in.
11the Lord that e can encourage oth-,
. w.
I ers and,say,, !as Nehemiah said: "Be,
. not afraid of them,
. I
. .
. Remember
mem.ber .
I Lord, great and terrible" (verse 14).*
.. tusim,
6 1: .: I
I -
'ot 4..1,1, . * 1� V I *V,OA
I . 1-1., A V,
'7. �
. V^ , , �A*,
, " V
.A T 2, A
. 111.1 -1"
j ,/ I " A4
Concrete Sidewalks
are Safe, SilAntly and
I �
. . ,. ,Everlasting ' . I
I .
UMBER used[ In damp places and an
in repairs before .they are replaced.
wet ground -as, for instance, in walks
Coticrdte walks are sightly, everlasting
'-Lu a ,very short life. it requires
.and safe. They cost less to, build and need
almost oonstat repairing, and, in A
no repair!" nor painting.
Yew years, needs replacing.
Write for out, free b"'What What the
Former Can Do Wath Concrete."
Concrete, oft the other limid, improves
with Age, and the vtq dampness vMch de,, -
It tells I'll plain, sits ie language, 'how
stroyt lumber cags out the best qualities of
the by making harder harder
.You save money on arm construction
b using cement .for Barns Dairies,
Roundations, Vence Posts, Troughs,
cement it . and
--until neither time nor
reeding Flools, Hitching Posts, '
Stalls, Silos, Stairs, and so forth.
11 I , trAffic can affect It
I iillustrated
I a The best of wooden
t photographs, plans and I You
es . Walks s j.,*jM getting -
Walks keer getting
rams, ill out 'the j 11 I
I .
4 out of repair, and are
tou on or send apastal .
may send
a continual menace t6
to- Ity, I
I . Me and limb. They
Simply address It to me it copy of
are also A frequent
. I
.• source of expensive
. .
, - "what the Pat*#,
CalMda CeMent Co..
doctor tillt and lost
timilea I cda Po ws'th coh&ele. 11
time. Then again;
. I ,they -Are, likely to eat
St." N.flftfil Zkok . . I
Buildihs I . ,N4*0.................... .
� .... .. in
. 'UP the original tost
Montreal .1. .1
. %
,QUICB14c) P4 -
"I received the sample. of Cin Pills
and hove taken them. They have done
i ane so much good. They do just what
you say in your circular that they will
do. I can but congratulate myself that,
I sent for the sample, and I bought a
large box At my druggist's.' I have
I any
made tap my =Ind that 1 shall never be
without them until I am cured, I thank
you many times, for I had never found
a remedy to do me any good
. , until 1
tried Gin Pills". .
IUDAMIC MAing Xxvii:xn Ducn=M
Do u * st As Madame Duch6ne did -
wrlte I �6r a free sample of Gin Pills, and
try them for Kidney Trouble, Irritated
, adqer, Painful or suppressed Urine,
Pain in the Back, Rheumatism,� Sciatica,
I or I(timbago, If they benefit you, get
the regular size boxes at your druggist's
-soc. or 6. for $2.5o. But -write right
now for the free sample., National
Dniq and Chemical Co. of Canada,
_1(in�ited, Dept. A Toronto. 95
; .
1ua4& from Otto of 140* 41nd milk o"
has *boot the bouso4 Tlis erowo is
of Drosdan Oft over a Wire f9aufttloo.
About thtsl crown 10 a bud of pick
chiffon held With a buckle of Palo bias
ctiWou too& A 411 of lace tramw
00 fat m
. To Vollpht fho Osby.
A girl Is making as a clarlstin
eat for the child of one of her=
a blanket rug that may prove a oV
gestion to young mothers. -
The thought Came to the girl When
she board her JrIou4- complain that she
must not, keep her baby In a chair o;carrIage, so much, but must .
. , let It roll
On, _t4o floor. As that floor In drafty
the mother foresaw bad colds,
She bought the big r
test and thickest
gray blanket site coul4i-flud. One that
to -part cotton washes better. The
edges she has bound with 4 four Inch.
strip of turkey, red Which Mrst had,
the color Pet In At with sugar of lea&
Glazed chintz such as Is used for
nursery furnishing was bought An rem.
nautE6 This meant a varied assortment
of Mother Goose, Greenaway and
Dutch figures, which were cut out
carefully. basted to the, blanket In,
scattered Intervals. then appliqued. by
buttonholing the edges, In heavy red
MU ta
"DOVATt MOV. W* um I t i"
: I
Wi omx--A�s Ar � 1
womeit 610or 40041"airfrom : I
M,Ole �, . girlhood to *ouiao,
404 04d from josotberhow to old %ge-with twoksoba, � 4 i
di%zimas or headache, $be becomes broko."-down, sleep" . I
loss, aoryon&, irritable Iwo feel* *red from Morning tg ",
. . ,
I 4 .
night. When punsd1r1j:V1s
Dmsnly system ,at
Z0:�:0,g I
pro Pierce's Fivorite, Prescri
pt on I 46,
This prescription ham, for over 40 years, •
� &0fiv I 1,
ouring deligate. weAk, pala.wPPeked Waiven, ,-
by the buPd-recrIP Of thOUXOMIX And thlo too in � I
- R I r
the 49PIVOPY 01 their homes without their Astir-
JATA 00 000MIt 4rQ i9frelicate queattoolailm Bad . r,
00rensively repugnant examinations,
� 11 !
Sick women am invited to consult in, confidence by letter frev-' Address
World's Dispensary Medical Ass'% RX, Pierce, M. D., Pre#0t, Buffalo, N. Y.
Da. PIRItce's GREAT FAMMY I)OCTOR Boot, The, People'@ j;on1mon Sons(s .
Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition -100 pages, � I answers in
Plata 4#91fsh hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or marri9d,
ought to knoW about. 'Sent free to any address. on woman,
of 50 ono -sept
. .
- stamps to . , I cover cost Of Wrapping_ and mailing ox&o in French cloth binding,
. .
,.& VXeW xUl Tj . 1" tKUL MUP LLWLL- in 140 ."""110 11111111; &,C1;,%tAaV OLX,u WOO 44A%e4
direct steamship line. 'Xbe7 also ried by a 'Pi otnstnat' minister, dUlyj r
complain that Hindus are not -.being authorized by the state to perform,
given the treatment that should be marriages, ,is much worse than din .
accorded them as British citizens, vorce, which can in Canada only be,
-1 granted for the cause of adultery. .It,
Rooseve�t. Says No. this woman sinned against her churclij .
New 'York, Nov, 27., -According to a by her act, one would have thoughts -
special from Oyster Bay, Theodore that the fatherly'heart of the arch-,
xne worus or ina, it, iz, .ta,.ure 13Lrqng 40 aucetwill protect baby from: Roosevelt, When asI ;,A' regarding the bishop would have persuaded her tck
and helpful. 111, even 1, am He that the cold Boors and at the same time report that he may again be a caudi. permit him. to validate the marriage-
comforteth you. Who art thou that thou amuse him for hours to creep after the , date for President; told a corre,.:pon• according to the laws of Ills "church . ; i
dent that statQruent, might be made and not to cast her away as a. "vile
ohouldest be afraid of it man * 0 IP pretty Pictures- � I C, , one neither questions
� a.4 olow5: woman," No .
andt1orgettest the Lord thy Kaker?'� I . "Coflow''
,, Tloosevelt finds it difficult to -the right of any, church ' to, make laws
To which we ought to reply: •"Behold, . I . � I -_ . I understand the comment that has to govern Its memberg_•nor its 'right ' . .
God Is ray salvation. 'I will trust and . �
' : followed upon his article in The Out. �o discipline them when. they Vio.
not be. afraid", (Isa. x1l, 2). "The Lord look, regarding national laws and ate these laws, but the extreme pen-_ .. I .
19 the strength of my life, of whom . k-D.-CAUSIES. alty which any church can exercise
. BAD BLOAYI business interests. He said ex. I
shall I be afraid?" (Pg. xxvil, 1). God. I �ctly the same thin.-, many times be. Is church
the offender. No. .,;
brought the counsel of the enemy to. . BOILS and PIMPLES@ fore. He cannot see wljy it should church or society can be. permitted, .
be assumed that this article indi- to annul warges.
naught (verse 15). as He always will.. Get pore blood and keep it pure by ' ca
that he is ready to take any The Roman Catholic has not, special.
"The Lord bringeth the counsel of the removing every trace of impure morbid personal part in the coming cam. privilege by our constitution In Can- I
heathen to nought, He maketh, the matter from the system. paign.#4 adw. Provincial legislation may have.
* . -1
devices of the people of none effect.. Burdock Blood Bitters has been on'the . . . . granted such, but not the constitu..
Who counsel of the Lord -standeth for market about thirty-five years, and is one I . tion. Most earnestly would, I appeal .
ever, the though�s of His, heart. I to all . of the very best medicines procurable for . to his grace, and to . all citizens whoa`
-the cure of boils and pimples, '- REPLIES TO PASTORAL believe in the sacredness Of marriage, - *
generations" (Ps. xxxiii. 10, 11). See. � . PIMPJ,,ES CURED. . . I I I not to force upon us .in Canada,* pure. .1 . I
also Isa.:vfli', 9,:10. so they returned 1,TfsswY., M. Wallace, Black's Harbor, . . . . I A civil marriages, as in the case in,
" B.
every one unto His work. reminding , r tes,� --- :,'About five years, .ago . Italy. We, want equal rights for all, I
Us that the Lord has given 11to.every my face was entirely covered with . Anglican Bishop . Contradicts In this Dominion; and it. is the right. . I
one Ella work" (Bark fill, 2 34). It has pimples. I tried everything people told I Roman Prelata?s Statements. . nts. . of any citizen to" say ,what office shall,
. long beea.a comfort to me tont all our me about, but found no relief. At last I I � . officiate at his wedding, and, when
. .
good works are prepared beforehand -thought of B.B.Bi and decided to try It � I ;, one who is authorized by the state' . I
for us to walk in* 4F,ph. fl. 10). and we bottle.' After Ainisiiing two bottles I H13 Orgies Of Montreal Is' does it, then the state must -uphold I ti
. I
have a right to vmy coneerning all that
was entirely cured, :.and would advise sues a6Am-. the act of the offiber who acted under .
. . any lady Who wants a beautiful complex, portant Manifesto on the "No Tem. its license. No one can be permitted
. comes "prepared f'or ru,." All that ion tor'use B.B,I3.11 I . beautiful .1 ore" I Question, In Which He Urges to touch the civil status of such'per, 1.
comas or does not N. the best . . BOILS CU=D-. .. . . .R , t sons, or- their offspring. . r . . rr.
. I I the • .ornao 'Ca Catholic Authorities "The church may refuse them.com- ., .
that .Ills Infinite, lova and. Wisdom can Mts, r,-Ilsworth Mayne, *Springfield, . Not,to For ' I
.:plan for u%. We icarn . froin r"r".e 16 P.U.I., 'writes: - ".,4dy face and neck . .. Force Purely Civil Marriages'� munion, that is her Tight, but she . 11 11
that they also serve who .only st,ind . on Canada by Maintaining De' must not say that the marriage, for .1
. were covered with boils, and I tried all . cree.. . i_aVr I�
and wnIt, which. Is not a *(juotatlon .kinds of remedies, but they did' me no . I Montreal, Nov, 27..-A . ecclesiastic offences, 19 a l(L Nor ,I
. -
from SertiApre, but It 114 it very Serip, .good. -1 wen,t to many doctors, but they , r must anyone impugn 'such marriages
I ,
. r ey recent pronouncement of the Roman - legally contracted, The state dare - not
tural qnotpllon. .n.4 we jr-arn itho Froin cGuldnotcur'eme. I then tried Burdock Catholic Archbiallop of.Alontreal, on, permit any church to do So, r ir it
t . Blood Bitters, and I must say boil'. won,. the question of miked .
. 1�11am xx,�'24. w*lierk-,,t4oqe who tarry derful remedy for the cure of boils." . marriage , and does, then it undermines the stabil- I
by the sluff were to sh,��e oqually�,�;rlth 35urdoi;k Blood Bitters is manufactured -the. "no temere" decree has- been ity of the state and the church," :
.those who went t6 the btiftI.P. Work- otily.by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, mode by the"Anglican Anglican Lord. 'Bishop . . I . . ;
. . - . . . .
Ing with one Iiiint' itud no-lding -n Toronto, Ont. . . I . � of Montreal. . � � .... I I . NANKING BEIIEGED.
weapon'.with the:' (verso 17) re- - . . . . . . . A 1, . .- . The manifesto' says in part-. . .. .
. . .. - . ..0 I � . . .. .1 I � . "His'Grate, the Roman Archbishop. ' - *
minds us somewirnt',of Wdeou*,; 3 O' . __.-._.__1_1- I - ".. . I-.. .. I Rebels Gaih Advintage 1"n Sunday's .
I .
hjr on(. . , I of Montieal, has 'made some-reibark- 1. .. Fighting.
with a trumpet � hand and - a able- statements. concerning the Ne .
or , L11- BOARD APPOINTED . . Nanking, Nov. 27. -After more than .' '
pitcher'contiiiniffig a lamp .t6i'vil. In Nr --w Tem'ere:degree, and the marriage ques.' .
the other (Judg. vii. 10). 'The victory . r . ... .. . . I . 1. tion:. It is nota matter of wonder goes=
half - a. century - of sil6nee, the hills. .
' did . . ., - , ' overlooking the walled city of Nah- .
that day was grand. andtfie, Lord .. . that* we, -non-Romans, should m1suu- . , rr ..
. r
. .
. it r .. � . � , , . der9tand him -as he eoraplains.-weA6 king; the, ancient capital. of China.
. �. I i. . �. ...� . .. ,.-. .. r. ...... Canadian Section of Internation- -whe we such conflicting state: swarm with rebellious 'forces, eager
- . . . n, we .
. . I . . � . I I al Waterways Commission; I ,'meats put."forth. - . . . . . . for its occupation and determined to . - I
. �
... . . �.. � . . . . . "Let- us examine some 461, his, state-'. take the strongh6ld where the .Man- . .
MIM . His grace says: 'It (the: 40hus are making stand south ...
, " ; , ' marts. . � . .
,Z= 0, A. Magrath, Late Member of Com. Temere) hg's been I'll force since Bag,, . of the Yangtse. ! .1 � . . I I 11
. .. C/ . 7P ' . F rom the Tiger ...
' ,
. . __. mons for Medicine -Hat, Is Chair. d that, in every country . r Hill fort*for several ..
, I . . . . . . . in the. world.' � . . -hours Sunday morning.big guns spoke. I
-Got Rid of, Iii a Few Hours.' man and His Colleagues Are T.. "May I draw his attention to the, rej?catedly, while further up, along the
There is nothing made( that ,will Chase Casgrain and H. A. Powell fact that it is not now and never has. n"t'theastetfx -isnge: from. the top, of .
so quickly rid the scalp of distress of St. John, N.B.---Magrath been. in force in Germany. The "Pro- Purle Mountain, ove'rlooking the Afing ..
� '
ing itchiness as PARISIAN SAGB I Path :1 a an vida' decree.* prevails in •-the German t6rubs, for a fifteen mile, semi -circle . .
the hair dresser and beautifier.. Engineer and E;�pert on Subject. Empire and it says: , . . . westward -to the Yingtse, smaller . .
I I I . .
I W.S.RiHolin,69` guarantees' � . . S6 forts scattered shells, into every sec- .
Wan Sage to4cure dandruff., stoj�jt-! Ottawa, 27.-Special:announce- 'We will, nevertheless, and ex,
I pressly. d6clare, define, and decree as tion of the city. So far as is known, � -
chin g scalp and. failing hair or , ment is. made, of the appointment. of already - con- the 'casualty list is:nbt,large. Gen.
�none� back, and .Wla fat only. a new 0a'tadiad section, of the Inter- valld mixed marriages alre Wong 'second in. command 6f the
I national Wateriva traoted without. the..'Tridentine -. :
Waterways Commission. As - . tine .form I .
- 50,, eqnts'a Large .bottle. It puts vit- I foreshadowed recently in, any provinc� dr plaee *hatso,ever defenders, is. among' killed... I .
allty► into -the hair and gives it 1. - the new chin- � . . . I I
. . . missioners are Messrs.' . .of the- German Empire,' So that Ger- During the earlier.'paTt 'of the day,
radiant luster. . C. A. Magrath, , rialists*- . attempted a �sortie : . . . .
Xig the favorite hair, dressing* of ex-M.P; for Xediolne,Hat; T.' Chase many is certainly -exempt from, its the Imperialists'. *
refined .women laecauie it so c ain, K.C., - of . Montreal, and operatibils. - . . I . against the attgoldng forces, with. a 11
' . .
I . _juick 0"gr� John; I . . ,view to recapturing ng their -position and
A refresh -H. A. Powell, -ex-M.P. of St. ."His grace further: s'ay§: 'This is
y ea the alp andmot being Sir . no new thing in the world, *orld, since it guns, but were, driven back inside she * , .
ac .
sticky or greasy is delightful to X,B.' 'These. gi�ntlemerx - replace was dealt with at the Council of Trent �-walls.,W'Ith� considerable losses.' The ' � . .
usei . I . . . .. Geoige Gibbons of London, Aime Geil. . , g 1 , , I I I . Tiger 'Hill .batteries, meanwhile, were I . I
. . frioni' X.O,, of Montreal, and A. .P in .1563*' 1 1 . �
- . "It was a new enactment then and pounding shells into Lyou Hill. They . . . .
: . I Burnkillof St. John, N.B. , its enforcement is a new thing in succeeded in silencing the batteries .
. The positions' are filled by.. the Im- Canada now. We did not object to it - there,, whichAt. is suspected were of. , .,
_ . I . perial Government' on the're4conimen- as long as it was lying dormant- in little vah-te. . I .
I EVENING CA T . dation of ,the Canadian Government the pages of histo nor did we . The obj6et of the seizure of.,Tiger
. I . . and approval.-oLAheL-removal of the . history.; . irou. Hill was shown by the early- appear- I .
. . . . I . former members. along with the 00M.- ble ourselves when the.decree was
Matt Girls Would Like This Dainty promulgated in Canada, so long as it anoeoffour cruisers, and laiter in the * ...
I . , , He I adoears, , . . . . I missioners for the new ones was re' did not come into active bperat' day of other warshipg. In the evening . . . . . I
. . ' celved on .Saturday. " - I I operation.
For the girl• wb gods but much In 'Great,Britain and thb United States a dozen torpedo boat d6stroycirs and - - .'.
9 Mr. Magrath's appointment is 're- trouble themselves about the cruisers were laying menacingly near
the evening "a pretty cab to wear to garded as a fitting one, as there is do not
' . I
' decree, because 'they know that the , These are all. well. armed '
0 man in Ca"Usda, who has w amply protects them. When, supplied with ammunition.-
ro ) " '!i"'i
v I � the
. ;:,V,;-•" . � d 6 -close study of •-the in. however, � atd. i,.l - I .
,.'101'., , , - . er, the ecclesiastic court an. Doubtless they will quickly reduce the . 1.
.--�:�� ��. ,
a at, _E
7C.C�_ h . tern ion 1. waterways question. His .nuls, a marriage and our civil - court garrisons and (Irive the defenders to. .
.", - .
I , 1115-.-" , " ." �.--g , . speeches oil the subject in the last .1 . .
- .`-!-,,:�.` 1. ,.-�
.. I. �'
, - 11 I sustains its decision, and when its the'south.
....,.,�'.1ii""��;.�',f.-.�,.'.4'��.,�,>�,,,- - House were always followed with the . . -
., -
...".I.....,...� �
., '. _�N*.
,1111�', - other, features are being. rigorously The Viceroy of Nanking Gild Tarti%L I I
.. _.�4.;n 1�:, " . ..... .. -M.; ,.', . ke6nest attention. He'is. an -engineer -
.Z-I;l , IN .*;
,�19M -:-,� WWMV, $�i�Z.A:21.%'�' --I -ar 6t- Gen, Chang the I
.,01,�,, m .in fe a
. enforced' it the pecome-a general;
,.;;� . ,. , ,;.� .3? - I of .repute, .'and brings. many years of matter. 'which . deeply concerns every etialist, commander, have Chance,
. -..0,- ... I 1� , practical
M. . - ... �X, ;�,:.-F jf"s-"..-.---B -.�,;,i.�
. .
. ". --1__. _;;;?;."1... practical experience. to the position. in t Japanese cousulaW_ in I
................ ,
. 'If Imperialist
. N , age
. � .,
.0-�t,t-,, -citizen of the Dominion. . .
.. , ,1' re he
. 1-1:�..W.;.;42
��::: , I .. -",-V?.�..'-j Mr. Casgrain. is one of the mostI .
. . ..�'N'.N.?""N" 1. . "Again,, his, giace says 'Particularly.whichfu , I
.. .�..�il, � I r,
M•.% ..--� ...... ..... . , I :1`1W;71%.*1"..f I . brilliant lawyers at the Quebec Bar, I ' ,I, only the consul remains. He . ..
,...Y.: �-,;�s.;,�gg N it the
-new thing . 9t0- of
2N. .
.I. -I..1.1'.11 .. . Ne Te is no h sole ojEcial representative
. .....," -1....."'g , "."......, j,-;..�.'.-'.s�-,.--,�;,g and Mr. Powell is a prominent law- for us in the Province .of. Quebec, doreig,d interest now in. Nanking. The
A . .
_ ,
!.:�'�`,;�-11 ,�'i%.ZI�-,��,�i�, - "!3.?_R1", yet and Publisher:of New Brunswick. "tametsi" of the .
., .
-11.-�-.i.krlll ".�, where the decree iconsulate. is well guarded by marines4
�, .... .. ... .1 - I I I
%9. "C", . W. .
illlli.11� �,,Kr$.,�P, . . He was a; -member one session for
, ,
..-�;5,'W?'-�,�,x,;:�t",, 11�'.
. , .... I," Council of Trent,has been in' force , Sunday's attack can only -,be con- .
_ 1....j�:, I......". �
I.... . '.. WeAmount, and this year . was de. I
. . . . . �t... 'AX.�"O.W " . since t& first days of the eol6n�.,' sidered a slight. foretaste of -bigger�
. . '
1. .� *�'.:W;/'/�, I , 1-..
�," :-; "', fasted by'only 68 votes by Ron, Wil' And according to this latter decree, ..
,."...�.".�",::i-'�vr���,�,ff; I- �.!%! . things to .0low, because the main 11 i
lx�.. .
�*�.�11�*`. , . liam Pugsley, in St. John- City.. The � ..
. H,,,,.e,,,�,,v-,,.,,,,-,�-,-, 1, 11111..*.. �, ,,,% �
��.,*. _.,., as according to the Ne.Temere, any bony of the revolutionaries is steadily _
, 11 :�:;:�.... .,. ,.,,,;.I wall likely be called to. marriage to be valid must be 4aele- JuvdMing every side and bringing the .
IK:iiZ, . ..;. .
... 1:11'.....1.1.'. 1.-$.!.��.g,;, , " -11.
N I., .,��:;:�
. I.. ,�, ., commission
u;MQ6" A
,_ ..�. " ��T, ,,%t`.�`..�,�.%� ,
. . ..,"effl,'- W
,0 :1.111 ...-,f,� -?�4' gether very; s6on to meet with - the � brated before . ' big guns into position On r
., . "
I . " �.. - *1.0.-.*J�% .',.
I I— ,
I ME, , .4 .
Z..:111�,,,� , . -Rr%�.'. �.,'�!",
I .... ,,, 11 .the cure'." •:
. I �;,-;%-:i::1;;.� v.';1-.:... , ... ;.; Vilfted States 'section, as there. are This', says the manifesto, is 'extra. arae: The plans of the attacking -
� X-.",.;- all.-;? ,-1-,.,- ,,,,. �: .
. . . . . :;;:;:.-.11.4.,.. ,-,�.,-,�.--. . a number of big questions waiting ordinary in view of his grace's pas. force are .not revealed. The revolu. .
I ::::,;�'.�-it;.:�,:.,��l:,:..,:..,.�,�I."... . . I
. , ... . ... �� : : . . . ��
%.,v�,�,.::,,kjl:!,�:;�.A I
. I ���,:;;��'�i:,."�.'�.���:�:�'�:���'.,�;ij�:i%'; solution. . .
. , .�`AU�,;"�* I 0 . -v .
I , , - ,� ....... ;11 . toral letter' of 1901, in bich he saga tionaries may not Attempt to tushAhe ..
I .�,-.�:.%-�,,;��:.;,�,:i,'.�;.i;,,.. .1. I . I . M?
. � ._., "'.. I I I .
� .
"�Xk,;:,;. , :,;:.;:;:.:i. that in spite of � the decree of the city, but may prefer to bombard
if.�� , - . . .
,,.,��ifl.:��:�.'!,,',.���',:�.,'��,,��.""..",�i, ". -',
I ,'! -i4� .`.'�? --s ":'- , . Water Commission Reports.
. I . t� �� " - �`,,.` -,`f.'��';:.', %.�?�. .,.. . Council of Trent all marriages irt' steadily and await its surrender.. But I
. . I I .,. Ottawa* Nov, 27. --The Ottawa Rivet Quebec are binding. - it breaches are made in the "Walls of
. . *." 0; � .,. I � . -will, i� is understood continue to be "When. the archbishop says that the ' the -eity and the rebels enter, it Is ,
, .. 1. 4
_ I . er
, .
. . . . I .. . the-dity,8 source of water supply for Tridentine TUI' eet pro- believed. that Gen, Chang- w�: the
I d .
CAP S LAM all time, to corne, if the recommenda. te,.9t,nts he differ,','!?fr nh'*'�P'o"pe .Bene loyal troops will make a desperate
. .
I tions of the oure-water .eommission, dic.XIV. Thelwe-@ctine rule is stand. . . .
the datice or the theater Will be an eonsisting of Allan Hazen (New the on ich his gra,ce's pas., I
appreciated gift The dainty little 110 aDr. Rodgetts (Ottawa), Dr. toral ,of 1901 was based. . . � Sailor Crushed to Death,
,plee4 nt hendr6nr I . linstrated mAv box m&lough (Toronto) and 0. . . "Then his grace said that mixed - Cornwall, NOV. 27.' -'Robert Rehoe of . .
Xeefer, .C.E, (Ottawa),, are carried marriages before a 'Protestant minis. Cleveland, Ohio, a sailor on the steam
- , TOET�"! into effect. the tommisioner% have ter' were even in the eyes of the barge Senator Derbyshire, was killed .
,--.---- -
. Yi'. completed their report. . church, valid; now he the,
they are here Saturday -night. The . V11
. lock
A was %11
WON$ IT'S "ONLY A'G . OLD. It is understood that in effect their Invalid. Surely when a decree do. I
. .. . . reoOmmen arting west out of k 7 and,
River, with t I he addition of a filt , or releasing the hawser from .. I.
STOP ,IT BEFORE IT STOPS YOU "' " oat, attr.-Ipte& to
Ldations Were for the Ottawa. elates -a 'Protestant's' marriage null'. "'ebo aft
X O'
ra' and void ad iritic and disturbs the a snubbing
board -
. tion Plant and an extension of the ,de and happiness of his. -home it, the, fell between the boat . I
intake boat, 9HPO . .
Have you ever heard of a case of thenes. pipe .possible to Lake Des- leoles interfere with him. This W;, and the atone coping and Was tolled
catarrh, bronchitis, inflammation of the ' •, Ne TeraerO certainly accomplishes. and crushed to death,
lungs, or pleurisy that did not start The estimated cost Of the -Whole This is all the more glearly erapha- The body was recovered and an in -
with a common cold? work is said to be in the neighborhood sized by his 'grace's circular No. 65; quest will be opened by Coroner Ham.
livery cold you catch has in it the ,of $2,000,000, and It council approves , November, 1907. Mon. . .
tuakings. of one or other of these dis. it is proposed to submit the whole "!he archbishop says that no out. The Derbyshire was tied up till the ')I
eases, if it cab break down yourdefences. question to the'Tatepayers in laA114'ry. cry Is made .4 Inst divoree. Ue, dA11- captain gave assurance to the cora- I
And even it it does not develop into next, I . I riot have -read press Of Our day; vier that all the witnesses required .
something more dangerous, it will keel) I . it he did, he would know that our would be on hand for the inquest.
you thoroughly miserable for a 'week or . b6putati6n atOttawa. clergy and bur, synods have condemn. Kehoe, was a flne-looking fellow,
two at least. - � . . Ottawa, 'Nov. 27.7A deputation re• ed divorea over and over again. He , about six feet in height and weigh -
The wise course, as Mott as yolt feet presenting Hindu Itizons of British does not know that no Anglican Ing about 200 pounds. Re was 6iiw
the cold coming on is to start taking Columbia, arrived from Vancouver on clergyman is allowed to officiate at gently between 35 and 40 Yeats of aae.
'O Syrup -61 Litt
xa-Dru-C - seed, Licorice Saturday vu&ulng to ask the GoVorn- .any marriago of a divorced person
and Chlorodyne, and keep it up till the ment fot some relaxation of -`,present during the lifetime of the former
. told Is knocked out completely. This immigration restrictions again A gift, parInet. His statement Is. hardly
splendid cough syrup Will do the trick dus. The dertation consisted Of Dr. borne out by his acts.. .... I . I ___6 - A It
... . j I "
tlifickly and thoroughl Butdar Sing . Vrof. Tegiii Singh and "The present agitation has miaen .
voit eft: ty. Ute in tAldnI!, Rajah Singh, These gentlomen were chiefly througl-i t1lo action of tab arch. � . � 1. .ir`11 I
Na-Drit-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice' acoompsmiod by L W. Hall Of Vitt' bishop In annulling the Habert, mar. I .1 11 I .
and Chlotodyne, or in giving it to your : eouvor, They will interview Proml�r � riage, which out courts have now, I
ch -1 ;rtu. W�111 gladly Borden f4 -day, and ask that Hindus Happily, now sustained. To permit 06 .1 I
L' . give your I
rihysicau a listof its higredlellis it you . bo. sillowM to bring out their f4inio woman, wIlfseriI
either _) 11as bfaithful to )ter. I .
, I
ke. Vour Druggist call 6qpp V tit Ice lies, that the law eompelliug til lior
asc.or soe. bottlefi. The Nationa Hindus I marriage vow tar be cast off wi i
I Drug & to eome dtfot froul 111,jig be o-lian AA .. . .. . . L I I
. 95- 'L . I
CUtmical Co. of Cauada, Limited. x%7 - I A_UNft"** .
. � . .
, . i . I . . I .. ..,y