HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-30, Page 5VO C=TON MW 10A, #ert la http <ng that the xe ianettf Morrison, called ou urs, hamu'el Dick- 'Tba police hove wes filled to tb coammitteb will. have nd , difficulty Brockville, itt the easel, Setuwfer.lday afternoon when J. llt in igettitrg a owd' totes to hake ] @ d iC1}ftE'S school uet►r ht. vitn In the public apapeafor,of the Hing Edward Hotel g --. tv answer to a charge laic OUR STORE eluarge of the battiallon. (,rand Trunk BrAkMan Louie against him by Provincial Conetablr 'Witt met with:, very serious acui• George Phippen in counectiou with at rr Theta ggh ,earns o.# the aldermen Nkn.tx. p.,. rRnt. or y i evidently da nra5t care it x ,the oug- h»edgci►es e sensed dent here while coupling cars, The alleged sale of liquor to ' Andrea ges!tioa and help o1 the Daughter* br AldnPe rr"I eyes. caro came together with such force Cruicksha.nke, who was recently. sent WILL SOLv W" can sa►n rrmsneaus that the brake bar broke and a piece enced to seven years in Kingston Pen of ;tAte F rnpire, !still 'the people,want sure vs + 1„r.dache4 ithem ;and .will begrateful. 1. for the wici, si..■. struck Mr. Witty on the Ride of the ltentlary for an assault. Wben Con, same, a ... fait •we Wits ee, head, tearing one of his ears off and stable Phippen was inGloderich recent. AJA Y , funs -Your >rooney in#listing terrible cute. #e yvae et unn- ly be interviewed .Qruickehanko, and _ ed .by the blow lie was taken home as a result of what the prisoner told ' ApCtiou date and W restingquietly. him the charge was laid against Mr, XMIA ,, GIs" ' 9cbaefer. When the case as called, —*-- however, it was found impossible to w {sham go on owing to the absence of .one of PERPLEXITY. T of farm is -tack and implements, theMr. , the most important witnesses who, it Chas, Baker hast instructed the `' Mrs. Jefferson, vita resides with her R I.Fs undersigned {to sell by public nuc- 1 daughter. Mrs. S. Bennett. on Frout ;s alleged, has left fawn. Asa result } y p g + M of what he had been told Constable . yr tion at Lot 2k Con. 15, Goderich 1 I street, is in a very serious Condition at I phippen had subpoenaed both Dennis Tp. at 1 o'clock sharp Gn Wednea- ". ` herhome as a result of talling and r (Canary and James. Lewis. The case day, Dec. 13t'h tmare b yna, suppos t, ., f' ^, dislocating her hip. AS she is in her baa been ad,loutned until Nov. 29. • ed to be: in foal to Bar I V. ; horse 6 $ ; H$th year, it is not yet known, how the ! ' + y Mr. DudleyHolmes is acting for the years old; filly rising- 2 yearA injury will terminate, crown j , and R. Vanstone for the de. Call and make . your gelding rising 2 years by. ,Bar 1 V- I } Georgy Fortune, one of the oldest ,fence. borne time ago Mr, SchaKer y u- spring filly by Bar 1 V.; 2'convs due v' and best-known residents of Turnbury g r \ was fined $50 and costs for selling selections earl and {lye to calve in November; 1 cow due in Township, died at his home last Thurs- after hours, Police Officer Cameron y, February; 1:eo;w due in March,; 2 j 1 _ of Lucknow, was in Wingliam today cows due in Ma ; 1 dxy cow; heifer two as ago, when he fel and -sustained in,consultation with olis Constable q n Police _ 1e will hold the goods for rryin!g 3. years; heifer rising 2 years ; e eGrigg located hie hip, Ma' Fortune was Phippen., 4 isteers rising 2... years bora: in licotland in 1827, and caYne to you, until yom want them 2 heifers,rising 2 years; sow' due,to Canada 00 years ago. For a short Jeweler said Optieistn time he lived. in Bright ano Dundas • ' Aaxxaw middle sof Feb; 4 ,calves,• g e m n 7(Mhens; Massey binder; Mower; ISbll(',P (Il IdCl1'iaeie Li.Cellses ea on the f lent where be d eda r Mr. n O'lsagreelileot Seed drill,• ,Cultivator; Walking sr. Our stock is larger and plow; Riding plow; Set harrows; Fortune was a lifelong .Liberal and a , one ;two furrow, plough , - _ . member of the Presbyterian Church, u better than ever before, Wagon; Hay •rack; Fannin gg mill Besides his wife he is survived by two There cannot lawfully berang bi- Btuggy; Sets bob-s!leiglts; G`tttter; sone and two daughters. lingual schools in the province -of ( Cutting box; Biaotpulper; SGuffler: Blrthl ,, Police Constable George Phippen. is Ontario," -Hon. J. J. Foy at Torton~ f a digger; Extension ladder • ! nlarrlc! e$ Ilea IS collecting evidence against a number to, Nov, 2.0, r Potato, di + We will be leased to Ray Sling, car 'and 155feet of rope : of poultry buyers and shippers with a p view to bringing them before Ma is- c, Gravel box; W:heelbarrorw; Grind >; a; g• ,There are no bilingual schoolsin show you our lines. stone; 2swgar Kettles; Set double FIRTHS. trate Morton on charves of cruelty.. this province. People are going y LONGM!111T -On November It is alleged that a number of dealers Harness; Set single harness; Milk ;'7th -to about spreading abominable false Mr; and Mrs. Wil iam Lon have been fillip the crates so full of ^ Fan; Horse blanitets;Robes; Mell- Longman, g hoods ablaut this questiont"-Sir birds as to create conditiona that en- Gtte,• Separator ; Batter worker; No. •James Whitney, at Fe,>igus, Nov. 21. w 4 Daisy churn; Butter box • Icebox:. DEATHS. tail fearful suffering on the: birds, par• ticulitrly after they are in the cars String imneseof bilk' Grairi bags; ;Coal BURTON -In Gudarich Townshi with other big crates p A PRINCIPAL -MALE g p, >; piled on to of Weigh scale; A quan- on Tuesday, November 28th, Mary them. It is stated that. the birds are OR FEMALE fi [[1VA City ofis hingles; Aquantity ofhtan- Sterling, relict of the late Jonathan often found dead in npmbers when We s N. kolds; Forks, ,chains, shovels and Barton, aged 51 years, they reach the fAetories to which they -For R,, C, bilingual -separate school other articlea too) nunneriou's • are consigned. It is also alleged - that Chapleau; one qualified to .teach mention. There :will ben', rers!erv., ALDXANDhR-In Godecioh Town• as proprietor has sold his fax n ' ship, on November 27th,' Annetta great cruelty is the chickens c the manner continuation classes; duties to cam- .. F p (w of squeezing the obickebs into the ,thence January 1, 1912. Applystat- JEWELER LER and OPTICIAN There will be lent af+stablin for Phipps,beloved wife.of Mr. Alexander, plenty g already crowded crates. If any of the .ing qu'ali£ieation, etc,,. to D. Q, I houses either on the promises or on aged 05.years and a months r p parties are convicted they are lkabie,to Payette, Chapleau, Ont. -Ads ertisel s .. .... the ad jecent farms of R. Thompson a heiivy fine• anent in Toronto' papers, Q ox T.'C'hurcbill. Terms -all sums of $10 and under, cash, onovert'hat Every rnan'ha& aytheory abaut.............N... ., ,,.,,.,..,......,..,.•,,,, ..,.,,.,,,..,,,,,..,,..,..,.,.. . :a moaunt Ten months' .credit .will be marriage, but', after facing the p!ar- ' joint on furnishingper c a proved ELOPING GODERICH COUPLE joint notes, ore b per cent discount son with his ideal women kis finds joint notes; or '5 per .cent it is a condition} and not a•theoriy per- annum discount for cash that confronts hien, Chas. Baker, proprietor, a T. Gundry, auctioneer.. HSOE EO ON. LONOON STREETS l]1P.r . Wanted nt lnUliSc D' Istrict : 1't€ ,WJ o -. ' THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE AND PULLMAN SLEEPERS - MRS: ADA COLLINS LEFT HAPPY HOME, HUSBAND AND TWO I wnsb; to purchase an-up-to-da'tG Goderich Townslilp I3etivicet>< ' Qlaflit/N'lc4i► and hawse A c am ajCall rl move to Send in,tJhe news to the'.NewEra. CHILDREN AND 'HIED HERSELF WITH HER AFFINITY, U I N town, At once, Call early. Final ,council e ,. Wrn. Grant . eating.. at1 Dec. ° London Road, 15th. TO LONDON AND WERE ARRESTED. NORTHBOUND -First train leaves T _ - No;t:enueh stir,: yet in Municipal Taranw 8.:10 p.m. Dec. 2nd, arriv-. - { inattens. ing South Porcupine 4.20 pm. _ • IV nn@,li-Y _ We regret ,to repar t the d1emise -r t bethought , ti as his ids e,ati an whom v Fr th ;t ' n L coda,( + . res i y fa.1•owing -afternoon. of n i teemed irsaaent l this The arrest t gy tag ether. in .the persati of.Alnjnet't;ai evening o,Y;Mzs. Ada Collins and t friend. had one arva 'to ether. .SOUITHBOIND-First train' leaves Phipps, beloved wit • of Mr, Alex Harry Lowe, ,the eloping :couple, 'He notified .the .chief. cif police in South P omcupine 12,30 p.m, Dec. Representative Wanted at ons ander, of ,the. 7th .con.. Deceased' ' holo Goderich, reveals •a pathetic ! Goderich, :and' .word was sent to the 3rd. arriving Toilumto, 7.30 am. : for 'work in ! your, loicahty. Will was born in Canaid+al olnt'May . 271h, .story •of a happy .home. broken up neaziby :towns , and cities, . to sowing morning. guarantee .,$2,00 to $5:00 per. day: 1848. being a daughter of Mr. 'Fred- A, sorrawing; .husband and ..two Mrs. Collins -is:a little wo¢nan, and Opportunity to , ,advance . rapidly. Brick -Phipps, Her age was 65 years ,small children await the 'wayward wallc+s ciuite lame( as a result of a Will. pay liberall.yl, for spare. tiRne.. and 6.months , Deceased has been wifels return in the dSuron County defoilmity, ..('The London police lVilnui c , :ills( Weisorn Work not- difficult, Experience arlin;g for ;the past lomiclnths wi.h were notified that. it was thought p ti ,to(wn.. • . not (requiifpdrrt. INT'E'RNATIONAL partial paralysis. The ,funeral n;g they would comae ,to the city, and Q alld(liL BIBLE PRESS, TOR ONTO.' Catlins and his wife are an'E tool, .-plface'on, `Wednesday •after- the detective..:departmlin!t k;ept.•• a Holli couple and have only been over, The Attractive Route to • noon af;Hhi!s_ week. .. •. lookout for them. . IS VIA GRAND TRUNK AND For Sale On Tuesday Mrs. Jonat&a'n Bur- here ashor:b time. Shortly after 6 o'clock, 'Friday ton,, arespected resident cd this- Loewe, w!ho is,al more boy; and a evening, Detective Egel'ton noticed CHICAGO - toWilship. passed the boundary of -great dead, younger than the wowarn, them.. on the istreet, and took +them « •One'set of single harness 1. pair' tions:' Mos. Burton's maiden name also came from the same section of into 'ewstody, 'They 'admitted their Steamship tickets on t sale via all of isleig•'hs. J. Becker. Was :Mary. Sterling. Her, husband London, England. They ,becaane identity; but would! not make any lines,'' Make your reservat7ons pre deceasedr.hera sopne years ago, acquainted in. Gdderich, -and it: is: ,statements, Horwever, . from tivhat early. --- She was born some 51 years a1 oG . alleged ;that the{ '.wife.. fell in IaVO; vas learned . by,their conversation, FulI particulars from i r r Mr;s. Bairton ttnas„ of a kin.cily dgs with the young fe'llowatfirst 'aight.' it :would seem that the, woman L'ea slier lV anted► tsittion and was liked by all .who. .Her husband, : ,was an excellent, I planned the elopement, • Sh e+seems JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Agents po. A. 0. PATTISON. depot agent '-"- new .her The funeral took place woi lklman, and their; home- life in to be deeply infatwated. With her Fox. S. S. No, b. Goderich Township f.•roan the residence of her breithkri, Goderich .was aa ' lit pY •ane•. until young . con1paniion, although he p Mr James+ terlin!g, on Tdirur•;sd!ayl; 'Lowe: appeared, (7ollin.s was to. to. be::.rat!her indiffer!ept (Porters H 1T,) .Duties: to ,commence. -interment beimrg made. at (Bayfield, known in Goderich as a !good :hus- abau+t it. on. the Is+t of January '1912. State Cemetery. band and akind father. salary. and qu•alifica zoos. Prates r News af;tffieir arrest .was sent .to sion,al teacher prefered. Lowe was weleoane at the home Goderich and an officer f.•rolm;there; Address. John Torrance Sec: and was a frequent :visitor. Non i came to London Saturday-inorning. por!ters Hill,. F. O, , •Londesboro w•ar(nin+g o,f, ' . tihe- bloat that was to and took, them, back. in the , afters G. Kane and son of°Corrie, fall on Ube ha 'loess of the house- noon. • 15 vis feel this week at the parsonage. hold catme ;bo•,tbe father until•he re- , Tk6 husband' is nvillin•g. to'forgive A Liberal meetin in the interests of '.tu#ned .fromi Wort (Frid:ay. at, his .wife if she will go back ,and t eee ee eeeoe e o •s® oeso g • Mr, Proudfopt will beheld on Satur- .noon and found( that his wife ,attLd 1Goh'.affer the children.. pifflo e e dap night of this week. _ • TRY C. P. R. AND PEACE- e1 Rev. Mr: Osterhout was in Clinton • on Monday night addresbing the 'Wes- ti erasers _ MAKER CIGARS. FOR e• 'ley Church Epworth League. e Council met here last' Saturday and dl orle' SALE IN CLINTON, e 6 i tra,nsaoted routine business. hvl0fl /10%It'ld'Qlll e a The climax of a three week's Miss- •eeUeeeeee6eee0ee00ee0eeee Char R. A Miller, of Auburn, alsaign in the o dist' a,S jl JPIi/}C'fBCf .,._. • ' . Church was reached teat Sunday when the Pastor, Rev. J, H. Osterb, a; B,Da A -fixed assessimenl{ is ori the I Fallon if -he would enter politica." Look Mere'.. and .preached very interesting and princi le of the policy advocated T bilingual school question is The b w liaol que n MER} helpful sermons, The subscribers to by Mr. Rorwell relative to exempt- I holt the Only one the Whitney t"xov- TY the Missionary Fund were generous, ing improvements ,where theriiunl- I eilnirient is at( sea on by any mealns,. A pasrEive ,cure for _tahick neck and, will go Beyond the high -water cipaRty co decides by vote. ,,Sat--•_ ,__ and: goitre, cancens,tumars, di+opay, mark of• last ear. A f400a deal' of uilday. Night editor - remarks that JSIleSJ l d Ula gravel and rabies I will be±, a(b Missionary information was given to Hon, 1: P. Wihitney's designation bf . In response to an. appeal o:f a + h at Rat- u „ C,..inton December 11he i4t the people Burin the campaign n and checker>tto ard le illation ie,inapt ; • r OAl;9!il! tenbux, House snake appointment p p g p g g lailge delegation to then Dominion Vmuch interest created,• and awkw•ardl in arfgumen t when he l Government a.commission may. be to avoid delay,. Mrs. S.'F, Gibson Otic fine sleighing soon disappeared. .`allo;ws and, advacates a similar says- i a,ppo'inted to.' -take up the .collapse r & Son, 71 King. street, Berlin,. Ont, Mr.: Elliott held -a meeting here last ;tem- in Local .,Option conites,t4Guess of ,tbd +Pax(mers' Bank.with a pass!- ' . - Saturday night and he and, Thomas 'he for{gloit about the similarity. bility of something being dome. for. McMillan gave addresses on the poll= _ depo siboatE(. In the . ,courts, trdy d tics of Ontario. -'- o`- 1 the +h been done. Seven p-er1,, Mr Proudfbot will hold a meeting McGill University) Montreal, has !saris dealt with have been frfge>rd';, Equipped here next Saturday night and a rous- met with ;great success in a whirl- one (T*vers) was sent 1o, peniten•- on b the premises of ---the under- ing meeting is expected. Everybody wind effort to raise a million -dot 'tiayyy for 6 yeaijs , rand D,r.' ;Beaftie signed Loit.19. Con. 13; Hullett about come and hear the questions disco sed. lar fund( !to.put the instittwtion on a_ _Nesbitt and •Geo. Wishart are still e G' 0 e s • 'stheig first of August a, red yearling There are now weddings to •the right foundation beyott>d any peitadve ii- holidaying, itis police not being P oa>1 U heifer'. Owner can have same by •of us, weddings to the left of us and tore. The su n was more than at- possessed of :their post ,office ads pi oveing property and paving weddings in our midst. Wa wish s h' a of • .I re e ..tyit i caused to tat so ;many g stained, Some of Ulie be assts ,w'teei a dresses. It is .tool bad that them all success and joy and happt- suffer loss o B : Canada costs. a ash a $30, Thomas Pate. • Hess' y title rtascality of the few. There Johnston and Taylor, of Slyth,shtpp•. ,ci %pas .ass ew loose iti allowin the IV, Doherty hand and. ed three cars of potatoes from here ,last der JusticenwhWs ,to lag; in the a prbr• week. The price paid was 906 a .bag. Dr. Clark, M.P. of Red Deer,pp This and Dray but, now some are to. be loaded in a elares the defeat of Reciprocity aof the chief conapii(aator6, lgitli Co , llllii.ell I' few da; s at 61.1% a bag:. and a buyer with: UpitedC States was a ser4dusr =-o - , Factories and Head Office , from Kincardine was here offering blow rt!o the Nor%hwest.. next Monday ,the . Provincial Myy bus and dray, business is n,ow $1,15 a ba be nllone for Centre Hurou,,will CLINTON, ONT. ;.1ocalted atnly house onOirtarloi St. Mrs. T.. W. ; Roberton: had' some ---o > atorth, Iwo doors from: Rattenbury, Hotel small cancers removed on Tuesday aud Mire don't like the r+ow theis:uffr-ar-' ! held,nig, b idno's Hall Se 'i'tresteru Branch, barn, Call lox ?$hone rfio, 42. All ig doing as well as could be expected. a This ending, by the .grace o.£ Fton, 280 'HARGRAVE STREET, rdor.s pro attended to: Albert.Brunsden who, has been a :genes kicked up in the Old Coun-• J. P. Whitney, is what is commonly o p ctrl as it does 'their cause roars designated a "Grit Hive;' carved k,• WINNIPEG. MAN, 70'55$. COOK. student.et the station for some time hari ;than good. When ,the dear ( out ;this Way with the expectation has taken a position at Clinton station ,sisters go orut on ,a; rampage There ' 2 !secuifiinig safe -seats fpr +C onser- as assistant, "' like a Illi what "ma hiinen and i of candidates in the Norith o rich y f and Satfdh' constituencies. T1ier{eie milk, tspoils the oma png by a danger sometimes ot-over-•:confi- Senforth kicking ;the ail over, deuce in •a so-called hive, eloetror Mr. Isaac McKay has returned from 'tiivating to+historical reeards rnth- 991 i;ucknor,, where he was laid no with, ""o er than a 0trenuous .election. Cam 4 110511-411 a badly injured leg for some. weeks: There shouldr be a fol ward;(move- paign. i This point sho,a, d be Xr. Mackay visited in Toronto re• ment in .t4he Good, Roads ,cr(usade guarded in Centre. Huron and ov- eently :with his brother, W. O. fol' 0111AAO) applicable ;to( all see- t city effort made ,to pOat the 'posal ••- - -- Mackeyy, barrister. tions ofthe PAci vinee. The old ble vote ori Dee•, lith, and tha( r' Mr. James Y,,. Broadfoot, of Baden, StatuteLabor system has long ! early in t)he day. Weather con- Ana so is every chair"we show, Pa,„ is visiting his mother, Mrs. John .aiijee ublived its usefulness and , ditions eavoot be depended upolt •, f You select one and have wife. g, Iiroadfoot, Market Street. fibers is ,scan-for,ti, big atop in ad- (hence the advente ga of an :ear(1y • '>' select other. It will be a "toss st+arft, T1ie Lilrer a have 'a can - up" which is best. You ca °t o Air. John G. Orieh, of Toronto, has vancet. he r xoudfo ot t' rr"stet P g nrcliased the Crich homestead I farm dilate in Ba u . ... , o old no, d there ahbt for h n n hear fo a mise o , ca e . t .... he eat anti of Tuekersmitii and . tot w r is ANY KIND OP A CHAIR intends refxioving therb shortly. Toronto World (C.onservative) be any danger of his defeat if the r. Thomas McMillan left Monday says "The bilingual school conte'- t o:te is got Out, Rev. Joaeptit 11 n our stock. They're all good. for 'Woodstock to commence a series verisy has assumed( h new phase„ iatt, the Conse4vative standard i entire t, of meetings in the interests of Nett ton Hon, J.1. Va vouches the infortr bearer, Ian ,great ,ean'vasser and i h eu i c t g , Just so with t r sock we , eti Cam ai J g enei` show, It's beat in town, tinct $ocvell. ndation that they are illegal. , We ,patting up an ,g p g y , taken c ntf ail Ito be 8t de. Tana that Must a g „ o installation o Minister's c t lis ilii , Work n the inata t o f the a rime Mini Vo have the P f h t p ••s z, s why those alio lch r ■' . • _ ' buy furniture at, our place, ow pait•atus in the new hydro- potrer sta. tion :that bilingual schools do n,ot , nizance 61, Mr. Pxoudfoat s, ma tion is being rushed, and if nothing un- exist inOntario andl +there 3s the' jortt:y of 166 in 11908, rsho,nld b forseen happens the Niagara current asserjtion of Bicho, Fallon that our largely increased if .the Liberals o ! j D A . , . 'bl , d the isituatio q g A ,t" bee, Z, 1'OV a jive lgoinig Ho (have a ri eNrt by the Riding st MOP i w Y rroi11 be turned ori on I ridgy, Ilsca'zn t Mr. Frank Morrison, of iltorkv,lle, t(aPerly and( respond to (itis ca. TNONUTAKING} ,&ND flynNITrals who has been visiting his cousins, Dr. )lls wliant on lots bilingual to record( their ballot fGr a Ontarir r wilieh are ills aif. 'W'hat h;spletttlid ryt bony betwoon n nGo inf.0 n pe a Fl $clio,ctla ,tvlii.Cli deo unit artist and alley ,for ties •(aroyl d _00, " 0101111101, . oho and William Mnrrigon here, re- now an D turned Monday, While have fir, _ ._ pipbinp her l.rfi'br. t . y 1 ,I. ►easonab e Goods, Moderately Priced MEMS OVERCOAT$ Our stock of Overcaats never was more complete than it is at the present time. Many new lines were added last week and early sold sizes replaced and it is now one of the largest -4nd .best assorted stocks ever offered for your inspection, Several new dobby lines to: choose from at ............ $t0,00 Bo 's Qv rcoats in all the latest sr les at $3.50' to $10.00 y y We have also just vdded to our stock another large shipment of Men's and Boy's Suits. Don't fail to see. these before buying your new Fall Suit. Rubbers ---Are you going to buy any Rubbers this. Fall ? • If you are, Save money on them by buying• them here, We have the- cheapest and we have the best Men's, Womens and Childrens Fine Rubbers. Men's and Boys Heavy Lace sod Buckle Rubbers. Nen's Long Rubber Boots. Special Prices on Boots, Blankets, Underwear, Ete IT WILL PAY YOU Tn TRADE WITH U5 Plumsteel Bros.. SMALL PROFI'T'S MORIF, BUSINESS tltl tll ■tl tle etll eetltleee etiitll H e tlA tleetletletle eetlee■e -clearing-clearting Sale of FALL, HATS iLast week's special bargain being so successful we offer another special bargain for Friday and Saturday _ • aud following. days,. - Ladles Hats......................$ 2,50 .... ..... . Misses Hats.................... ..........,,.. .....,,.. 1.25 eAll untrimmed shapes,. .....:•..........._ ................ At Cost • r Me E• eA` NTEL.C N & e0e " ese eee eeeeeeoelrev ee • eeess e eee eeeeeeeeei,e .oosomes••oseoeseoesessssae sesseesmesesessees eeeeeee • • L.oQ, • S . te%d AT AM staple -tun,., saw'. M• • e ALL ISINIOS ' OTS. LOGS VIL:L GET HIGHEST PR,I eE ' No. i Basswood `Pleading $3.75 per cord Deliwerod YOUR CUSTOM WO, TZK g)at i WELL. YM 1B..L G L.Ol l eese : • • • Special ones Grand'values in .Ov exalle, Smocks and Pantos of. the famous--Pea- body's piake- Also Robes; llor-se Blankets, Halters etc.; etc_.. Large assortment •of Men's, Ladies and C'hildren's Underwear. . Do nat forget about your B0!o11tp ` Shoes and Rubbers. I3i;ghest prices : for produce at :the v Empori!umn: . i Re. L7MI.1.,S LONDESBORO THE CfliEf WNIPS AT.OTTAWA 3, + '1