HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-30, Page 4District st.
14 .
1(���'•tfll llllr I# !!# 7ll �a!`lrlMpv'",r ,v"vv,v,*vvv j
• Porters H111 to theamount of S484.`85 werA passed,
We are pleased to n'Dtiee th4t Mr. A' complaint wag laid Wfore ttre coup-
R.R. Moan o,f 'Forter's HillLues I cel that ttre weigh scales- at Brurefield
CilO,sen On'1 he Bard of pirecFere a nuisance to the public highway,
P 't'h andtheirremov i
and M
- TiBI-41Q1w Ht'lUI Q,,.ttiiiLYVA.
taking the Xiorrder!. __
ye was takenvfolont•
of all that the at. Only 10 8461ness Unys ]fil
I ��+�11�
could do 4it0 flied in
3 appearad .
r �*
.tion with FOAl" n ,1,S ,. °d an beau ,�� plc-scn is
crown at- ,
hand, and.-,...,-. .-
er lxeorge -
Uake all In -
his inquiry 0 qffcp /�" %���`
hearing. 0 to 4� 0 � / L„ri•
days lube
e • , a requested. ?.he town unloaded at the GgderichI" �t r for
V uteric, Fruit Crawez~s As-• of Seafortlt want right of sva
saci'atlop at,Tga(on(tpL 'Fie ifi a nuc- tr y- to winter storage. Seven boats are dile . We have provided for all requirements
. ' distribute Hydro.eltaotrmc- power and to arrive within the neXt few daY>i,
cesaful end en:Nltusiastic orchadiek, lifxht in Ghe village of Egniandville, This establishment and t -variety w.
and the
. and has hada practical training so. Thos,G.Shillin rawwasa he w,a--Y4 e 5IlOVtw in iI]nlitXiecgble
shoWd be able Ito. infuse a Ian e g pPointeddel- (),].each Flour are ex" egate to attend the t.anvention of the articles O varying
measure of; increased xaterost, into
Io Tonto or TelephoneA ssoclatlon, in and from nlov vessels til the with wheat, pride makes the SeIectigri O .
the peapTe of 'Hux•cin County ,om the .+, nil the closeofnevi-11,Sale_ of Co S, very lam orient
Toronto Tele hone Syst.uckerainith&iup- gation Glodericb harbor will be h busy an .appropriate efts easy
1' question of apple ,
Ip iequestelephone System ?be council spot, Especially at this time of the d you can count o11 +rttlra exact, .
W a t has been
incareful perusal l dl ]requests that. all persons. having ac • year tho'bec'essitp of having the Com- g $e y the right
What has been dans in Noxi odk alad' counts A91110st the. Township hiCl •
" " Lambton 00'antfes an abject :lesson the same on or before the next rme t erci lra q straightened no that
their g�
has been Belt ,to $tl1!oA 'that ,could 'Ing and that alt pathmaster lists be carg . at this port is most keenly +
To -day we anroutl. a our an, be easily equalledt if ty.not excelled returned so that the gravel ac felt. The Board of Trade have taken
by ithe fruit gro.wez~s of this conn- .counts may be settled at the nest the matter up, and a deputation has l ar �T
1 diS NOw` ni6j be a t;oo,d time,to meet on Saturday, December dad been a oirltecl to oto Ottawa to. in- +' Display
di cutis the sub' . 1 g -- .. .
. } � R k texvewphe Government and: urge the .
nual ]'December :-Laic of Ladies. and � at l,o a aleck, D. I'. McGregor, tJlei
mluister of public works to proceed as . _ .
children's coats Wommencing Sat- F,ateter ' Dan anuon sou as possible with Provided
improve- n ae i
g went which is alread rovidedpfor in ,,., e
Ex,+ter will nota on January 1 on a Thairsday evening AIV, and : Mrs. the estimates. 'rh
bylaw providing for the introduction Louis Taylor, of Nile, celebrated their o
urday morning, December 2nd. of hydro -electric power eilversvedding,which was very success= ;
• On Wednesday Mr. Matthew Sweit- fill socially and otherwise... Games Itililctx � ,E
zer, sou of the late Samuel Sweitzer, , and. dancing were thoroughly enjoyed a n
.�eeattl�e,� loads :
I tl wai married iii, Crediton by the 1-tev, (by at,,,, ,is was also the sum tuous re. Mrs. Wni,
� p Hesk is under the. doc-
They are north the attentlort of I' nit. Burn ra Alias. Laiven Ratz, dough- past, the genial host and hostess re- tors Care.
You can eget) a choice Suede
L. every lady with coat buyin to da, -Ai y ter of Jahn Kltz, or Shipker, and niece ceived nfatiy beautikni presents and Airs. David lFMountain spent Teat -� .
g r11���flti of Senator Valentine i.rtz best wishes for continued happiness, week with her daughter, ..Mrs. James. Lea'thgr ;sag fob $I,QQ 'With Cord "-' : ' The coats we have for this special Rev. H. A. Rel;ertttan, son of Mr. Pipe, of Goderich.
December sale are all new gar- '� bee. transferred a of D•r:shwood, has
r' handles, or almost any. design Yoni�
Geo. f aii fere nn, Mrs, A. Taylor raid lilies Elsie Lear,
a pastor of theEvan- ErUcefiteid of Blyth, spent Tuesday of last week
,, .,' ; - � Wish air any price up to ,$6.00
lents. No left overs to greet you t r _ alical ()Lurch`rat Walkerton, to , the with her cousin, Miss Evelyn Hill, •y •
erlijn charge, Mr. Keile:rnann is sL .`Mrs• Roseburg has returned from. Than, Manning agent a few days of
here. The qu tltty c f material in young .elan, havin been -visiting her sister at Listowel.
Ir" g preaching last week at the home of his father, l'oGket' Boo11Js, Brush Sets, Music
� each is good. The jig'ces are frQIII lays than a pear, And it is a niatter of ,17(isses 1VL:tigg'te and Katie MoDermit Jno,.Manning, of Auburn. .
gratification to bis friends that the entertained a number of theiv friends Miss Minnie Snell, of IYestfield is
i RoSls, W;alletts. and tither leather ii
$5.00 to $6.co less than regular 1 bishop of thin chuu�ch, recognizing Iiia on Thursday last, -- - visiting her cousin Alias Mar Snell . ood�s u''
price. VOW is your Chance to get �f ability, bag given hlnr this promotion. M;•s. Thomas Boyce, of. Godericb, this week, y $ suitable far presents.11
accou, anied b Mrs,
•' Samuel Cridinura lust with,a serious i •. p Y Cornell also of M. Braithwaite has. purchased a fine
a good Winter Coat at a IoW price J accident oil Tuesdwy ,.Bile operatinga ' G''oderich, is visiting 'it the home of driver from Mr. LrA ton Sea.forth.
- . )1 I" p Mrs. Jawes Boyce. ' �'
�j ills machine about thx'ee tnites east f � Fowl iti lar a Miss ii3artha 111vnrA, of Bluth, spent
�""��� �� �^ C4 a tin ,.and tiai'ore the machfner could quantities have been Siin3ay with Miss Minnie -Gray, ��
this lace. Hr wire caught a the belt sold it, our neighborhood. Good prices
. OND 0
be y were •►ND on Lp.
' =-` Aped his collarbone rigid one IA � '
price.' at half � — . were fractured H t Mis'attencled by An auction sale of 25 coved took place 11 l;l ltnln a
Dr. J. L', 14IcGi cu,9dy. in our village on 1`uesday; iYtessrs. . (�IIIICe siQ(!� --- l�lent: Uj° lrjr•
. The uery (r '11. R , ciel�ot, which will Hailand and Uant)el weie ills proprje; Mrs. Tamblpn. wife of Dr. Tamlyn, '
repitice th.- One pocentf '(leetrnved by � tors. They were a fine lot• autl were died at the family residence, Cedar .
f%re, iy prU,zt2ayirtg' rnpi4ly, i`he rant' (�tl sold, Place, last Thursday, after sit illness
The Canadian JtibiEee' Simi axCendin over aorr,P times. She w s
%�f� .„ a e i,nd c>ntaide. ttiirk i, done. a„rt now gars will R a 'r
1 11 i, 1� e}�w,, ' s�•�• that r•.intiv • wearhar has set'' in the gine •ii- coucaI't iu . the P eruyreriau '_ years old, and esidesliar husband, � ,c.,
db.11. it. men can _wor•k ir)siAl Tile ChuretA d,u the 11th.tq. Deceml)ev, • , to survived by ones+),), at hams, She Q ^� y
Public John Reid. has aeturned iron) Color- wa.s a vary active worker in the Angle- � �' � : of h ' . Ch risf ew l�00 8
greatly ApPrrCiite tile' prompt action: can church.. • -
n of the colnp;rny n the matter, its there adv, where he teas been for,•itnue tithe. . .
is nu prop(•r l)I;i,ce.providedas s, sv;ire He will gpt nd•the tyiater in C;li+ttu,i Another big industry will locate in . .
r g• g • Ani,ivetsary Servicab. �1'[ie Anuiv- ingh'trn i"yor S T'he. Fourth •Watch .
e f.,' room dei. the bird sveat.lier; potters has been (CroadY),.._:.$1.25 • Tlie 'Singer ol,.the Kootenay
r emsaly nersices in• er�tinectiun svitn Lila is touch with An itnplement manufact. M ey's "C
2 .. . ^-- l3iucefield 1-',esbyt-rian Chtu•ch, will urin fire, forervetal days, and as a .ens (Wig-
other •Car hick • (Kno:'axles) ..
k _ be held, on Sunday. December 3rd,
result.the leu who control it are here gins) ...:,, 1,25 [:T'
%uelrnoov now in connecti�n. with choosing a
he New 'lYIachiavelli. (Wells) . 1,2b
and will lie condaeted f y 1iev. Air. site ftm. the plant. The g Barbara WWorth (Wriightl Kennedy ,Square (Smit'h) .......,, 1.2.5
W.11ileeeitedatthoor an, layin Wishart,' of Btussels 1.25 `i 4
g p Band , at the usual y will select are pal Fire (1'raedl __-,.:... ,-,___ 1.25
,/ The finish of the Mil- aiii rinf,• t ) hPr children, Nips. ZVilbttr houi•a, rtfternoou and evening, Spsc_ very shortly and work on a new. lac• Life E� erlasti (Core1.
ll!) `I ! liaery season is drawincr Webster suddenly.feil backward with !a'' music by the choir Tina special ° y will be rushed as• they sunt to • ng (Cot lli) 1:25�� Carpet. From Bagdadi (Ma,c-
L.a a cryof pain Within e, few hours she, colleetwil will be takeu at eavli st•m,vice Put their .product on the market in The .`Jesuit (Hockinig) -,. ., 1.25 • rath
.. near which makes us wits dead. Death. was cine to acate lhe'auniversary tea, meeting wf.l be tune for the spring t ,tde A number
{' of men will be broil ht in
g 1 1.25 i
o . aAXiQu - kidney disease, the presence of whii;h held an Monday evening, December. Go mann Give us a few days time and Wer Will secure
+ , . S to C"le�ir :.Out she h)id never scspeeted. Sha leave$a. '4th•when ,addresses ivill tie' delivered facture the goods.
the balance ef'our hats grief-stricken family At bar sudden by Rey, "Jr. Wishart;kev; Mi, Grant, 'any lJo k you may want, if not in stocl��r
o you
be fore taking off, a hilab,a6d aitid two bxight Clinton and the •neigntiorin>r clergy . .. .p .
" p'llr IillinerS little I girls. men. headings ana recitations „y Hensalit -
r We put oil sa'e 'twenty-four 'years. ago two young Misses stance and Giant. of Clinton Rev. •Mr:_Hicks, of Grediton - an
men of this ,place; brothers Y the, and musical aelectione by Mrs. Gepced the. invitation .cif the' I3e act.Qa� d,' lag 0111' 4;Ctl:�l' ' 1br �al.' a
I di)ze11•trim McGuire.. of baaforth ;Mia, nsal y 1'L't1111 : rar(il"s hEit11 to ..
same house, wrote a :letter to their (Rev.) Methodist Church to become the pas Ci�1Cl'S111�iS ixlQiDt",
. I
i. 11 . ►Tats all new styles uncle, their father's brother, who was 'Shaw, of Egxnondvilie, Mr, john tot, for the ensuing conference tern,;. .
( BuApoaed to be in Austro Cilia, but frot,i ie, of Seaforth, the .13ensail Quartette sut•Ject to the approval of. the station -
f jar.. price *6,OQ ariCl -whom they lead. not heard -for many anis the church chair Te will iia eary-' lag commitrao. .
c years. No ra Ip came hack ed from 4 to S a'c►ock.. .
11 -- � C c1l01Ce........$.$• p , ?wenty
years alto one of the brothers died, Th . - 0 0 V.E -
other is no'w a prosperous business � n. StanleyI. .
I. - 1111111111111111111111111i %VIZOaAII man in Luoknow; Ut)ly a few days • Centralia _ . Miss,Lizzie McGregor whe vieltin . . .. . eLINTON*
ago the latter received among his mail Magdalena friends in Seaforth at the end of last .
a letter postmarked from Australia. The death of Mrs, Ma week, .
He Pound it tp be from a nephew of London�Mandanteveini.n took piece in Alp H �rnung, of Sarnia w
his, of whom he had never 'heard the y g ter. an ill- visit, , Lhe line ret` who _was - . - - -
�'e�ms �'i�S)Pq. son of , the uncle, to pees extending over a lengthy period. returned home at ,
one Price Only, whom he had the. en of last week. She was ae;
,,, I
written so tonglaefore. Cowin as it qhs is survived by her.husband, G. R. cont -ponied >,y iter sister Marjory
Coming Klenz e; four daughters and one• soli..
11 9s .. . L
tinder rather rewarkable circum They, are Mrs, H. Kuhn, of Crediton} Fraser. DO THE EL
�CTD� Rstances, it revealed'an equally remark- hire. John Biitchax'twha s ant ao MITE AT THIS DAiTand the Misses Ulara.- Reta and Elsie able story. Its writer is now a :.voun weeks with her driu liter ' M s. Lama
' man, some $0 Pars of a re.
g at houae..lFxr. Bruce Kienzie of Uen. g
y • +'xcept trrilia, i .Gl,ii onty son, 'Phe rein. * . °f Z'yans returned'hoWe last weekgg'
. - - N bis sisir, he his no living relatides will'be #orwamde Dlr, Adam StAr a
. in Aiistiatia. .When .the letter . d fro cin London !'uAs• v rt, Airs. Jno Mo. The Conservative •papers have at for ' the ro
of zn dr y afternoon on the : 40 train %� Fatlane, Mr 1FTwl. WeEwen. M last announced an(Im oa"t t item a p duction, iransmiss;.�ai
query wzis serit'from .flanada dearly A funeral will he held from tie the John Pearson, ]Fir. John A. 141c +' n, in the p nd distribution of electric energy;
.quarter .of a century ago, .his • lather fau,ily Lwen, power policy no sv operated plan , of Big Work1.
residence in Centralia, Mrs., D. Mcl;rven, :DSiss . Maggief R; by ';the Whitney,; Government, .and
11 EL . . . had tlieii been dead several years, and Aikenhead, ,Fir. 1)uncau • Aikenhead'at .is; that ,Sir 'James' Whiltne The Maitland aiYd Sato een'rive
be himself was g outOrph.. • He .re . — Mr. Hugh A.i,kenhead aiid . hit; John and Cabinet are. rovidint 5 000,-. .Lusa s'ti'pp1Y 'four' points of : ei
members nothing about rile receiving ; . ' McH wan Bayfield Road, went to development. Th f1�ow�ei
of the letter. But recent, U111111,01 ., 000 :to fini�s�h hydlo`�-powergplan in : , , p' e' maximum der
y,. when hisTurnberry on l geaday, to attend the •prtovInee, enetlgy fr am. ,triieego .
• s e�opment o,f
sister was turning some old be . El on. Adam Beck, of London; who funeral oY the lata Janes TVylfe, ''four point's is 15,OQ0 horse- 'o We
longings, she came across the cid Uan- recently pakehased the timber on the Biot one iTnpostant item the Gov- Trhe mirtimtim"is 3,000` lions A r
. RY . .adian er)isuP, and forwith the brother 40 -acre lot of the late 'Paul Doig, ,has a , ernment ,has ,Ov.erlooked and that ;.er. T ,e anaximuix> develo: a-poty-
eat down to reply to it, not knowing small army of men employed on the is, .who is oinrg(, to take . power av it fable in t'he hi r ms ent n,
whether, any children of hie father a farm cutting the tiiiXber to beship�1 �,�lYlC.lClt when s , goo service is now used high water .season,
li either were: still alive; in Canada to yin London. The timber • A very. pretty wed x which coincides tvth the ,i eek load
t1�®{ n��� M to 'his factor ' ding'was solemn- and all factories . havo .. their otvn.• Months,)' that ms (too) say, the sea-
1 • ` 11 receive t,is message, is first-class, ani, for. years, many ized at, the home of Mr. and Mrs, �; plant!s, as is the :case oLthe Town son of short ,cba s and Toil
_ companies .have tried: to •purchase-• H. Maize, of Ashfield; when. their of Clinton. Everyone, we admit, The Maitland andl'Sau g nights`
quantities of it from Mr. Doigi but he only daughter, Miss Irene was t is onthe lookout., for cheappower, opments are to, geen Bevel
Do tt'e announce .,lig price feduction� because Tatekersutftll would Heyer sella _tee, but eines his but tlhe:hydro-electric commission lilt have the great ,ut- '
r, led to Mr. William Hasty.' son.of. Mr, y . in valrie, i>:vt.conlunetioq,j lvibh
there is no necessity for doing so as our rices are Miss.L+'dna.Eicoathas'ret. death the estate must be wound up; yrs. Robert Hasty, of Crewe. -M ors cannot yet 'give exact figures the .Nra era
e g Fall. section o.� the.
always low. p e . rued home and of course the timber must go:. It ceremony was performed b'y Rev. •t,,. a,s to cost. Seaforth iwamazedf to- hydro electric ,s stem
1. after spending a pleasant' . summer in was while loading these 'logs on the Bartlett, of Dungannon, in the' tea= . day at tfhe coist itt• ms p•dtiting the •syste-m is to b y T`he new -
. AMr,J, Kansas, cwrs at !' a station that Bruce Berry, of entre of about 100 guests. Th p .tOwl to in inisballinig► the ,power h dro-e a joined to the preso"t
Mr. John T: Elgie sold his fine team Brucefield, had a. narrow escape.. e,. ,A couple will'res'd a +happy Stratford refuses, to a th y lectrI c system . at Seafortht . •
,,, We Have, iS'peltt'ia1 reasons for Clearin Out of heavy horses, to Mr. Woa: Harvey hie log rolled froth the train a p at Crewe. .e i e on the groom s Tamm e n y e Gov- for ';tlhe purpose of service for --- --. • . -
nd Mr. w . �xument lbs newer bill .asitia. away Pillion :Courfty zone, and atGuelph g eyery- fm a big figure. Mr. Eff;te always Berry, in trying to gat out of the wit abope the estimate ,• St, Mary s hats for ribs p elp'h
` thing in our Millinery. Department ;this' season; 50 It keeps the beat in horse flash 'and as a had the sole of his boottaken off, ' q' h'
f . Hie the same ,trouble; the cast being, Grey and $puce Cf s
Blyth. mntuch h
IS not a question of price, but stock clearance. ' 'That result'gets the highest price oing. Assistant, whet, he saw the log com• higher 'the -
civics es. the ,
gg ounty, ich a .
1. The West End beef x•in�► held their ing, threw himself under the $ Rev, +` n 'the. figures, But . If :t)he municipalities :Which ad
is why Everything is marked half rice :and :un tz on Monde even' 'oat ' trucks A. Emir will preach in Ohes• bhe WhiGoverumien,ti :at Ith'.e file co,uitaes that adorn
annual meeting ley next,Suniiay, His Pulpit her last thin Whitneyt e expecte the,ekhrotors of tea hat now Occup�y ;the
P der',. y evening 1 in time. be filled P e will i great trach known ,as. .
that's also the reason that we are sending and there was i full attendance of — _ , lled by Rev; W. H. MeK Huron Crounty t bite at a• bote,6h ue 'i thn old
a ,and
sti' man members. 'l a rip elvie, of . R at Q ens Bueih votte yea o the
hats at this lane, date. Y supplied h gain thirty weeksJ' Laeknow. has it(b�g hook behind it.' =What hydxtii-electric z
I 1.pp 'ed to the.rs,embers 13,475 pounds OodericL : by-law, ,the 1Dlait-
of.beef, or (3 Eons 737 pounds, The rhe neW.C, 1P R,, station 'Agent is c any pUthese t6swns to land -Sail esti h
hence has ydiMo-electric �yys_
Twenty dogs, which it .fs believed expected here iu a few day:;. His p , gg
averse weight •per ,Beast wa6 44g were bitten by a email collie' ar land fac.kories :twhen tile: ower will tEm .will 'be built in two,great rti
comes from A' r. •cost 41 to 5 : l nk
nounss.:Soms few changes were made Closet watched a being A train consiy'atin o 2 Welland a $ 0 a. horse Power, i tv the lines. 'The first :trunk line, fro
in the officers and a ell ht Chan a in frofn Toronto 0o the f theico Ort p t; . f cars of flax and other tgwns in the . Seafoiith, tvidl Capt m
Piave You Seen g g The. passed through here. on Wednesday electric zone,- using the saamepowv GODERICH • ' .
the membership, This ring is becam- The dog was shot at once, and the evening the way to Lha Seaboard qt ter, can 'sell it out at,:t4 to X18 rl i
. log more popular every year and the boaird of health met to consider the Montreal, The value of the train was , horse power. Clinton rate a e s ' CLINTOR .
members u:re looking forward with situation, The Promptly decided to. placed.at $75000: have enough ;too think. about � v � BAYFII LD.
,' Our special value in Ladies' Coats at $6, $6, $to a ana
Pleasure to the time when the ring re• ,have all doge b They
C edyup, and to Reader -I3. P, --The Farman Suti, is tax rate of 28 mills •' wi4hout bean
and $I 2 up to $20. Have you lioticedrheiw faultless pOoiinc 1 t Minut�mg' . ' send the dead dogs head to Toronto it weekly paper published in '.Por- burdened tri g � EXETER. .
Council met oil for examination. onto tfh a.scheme khat you
is reliable for market reports and can'.t ,see fibs bead or dant od the i D SH H:
they are In fit and finish because they Were modelled Saturday November Ilth. Accounts Harry Lowe, who was arrested in 'also has a good editorial `1. I. WOOD'.
by experts. r London recently in bompaiiy with Mrs. ether pages of gond readable al tiles monster. CRRDITbN.•
__ .<._ _._.:. John Collins, who had . eloped with Is supposed to be Independent; but bas Everyone can Tor:m; 'are opiniotntof` i LEITH.
hint, was sant Up for trial when he ap- siwaYs leaned to wards the Cimserva,- •the otvn but the. town's .svel).fare BRUSSELS.
l��iisses and Children's Casts, every one special � ^AA
geared in court Mouday:before Magis• tive tilde, thnugh the laditor and paper is. rn•ueb. ballet.; looked after gahon I GRAY.
at I, 75, $2.50, $3,,50, $4,50, .$5.0o and $6.0o. , trate Butler. In the charge . against F;ippnrted Laurier on RaciprueitY. ' .
we know ':t!he exact, cost of things, , BEr GrzAgE,
NLown 'the -prosecution aimed'to show The r iibaorlption price is t11,O0 hilt by than being burdened with some-
- t that the clothing; taken away was par. climt)hing with other papers the price thing that is yet an experimieti+t. I '
-�" '�
chased with mons belonging to Mr. This is what) the press re ort ss, s
b lowed` p p y , 1% i'UOFt EDUCATION.
(�i1C1tl�S�� Collins. Mr, CollinshitnseIf did not bell on lu adi,lie rntepavers WAS Toronto, Nov. 2t1,—hydro-electric ;
Christmas y g g .A Meeting
u d' help the case any, as he testified that . evening in . the inter, representatives Will to -morrow be- j It Is: the t3arte of t ettich
'` ` �► .. It0'r 1PATER, ST EA31 his.wiferece%ved money regularly from eats'+)f hydra -electric power. It was -g in -t!he invasion of the great co�un,-People,
England, and he could not swear chiefly a. diacuesiOn atixiong the rate- ties of Huron, Grey and .Bruce: The Says Mr, Langlois. '
• and •110T ;AIR REATING - whose money she had when arrested. pa,"Ve their view of having it Come territory to be invaded will a s _ Riontrt aI, Nov, 27.--T
Are here too numerous to metition, Tt would be throe h , y e l o in he fact of the
The authorities expect to submit fur, the meeting the village. Tile otitcor,as of elude those pportions of Grey and minority rai,irir a million and a hall'
wisdom to make sit earl 5eIeCt1011, ther evidence at Tuesday's hearing', neeting was that there will ,be an. Wellirngton that can be eartvetnd for IVIeGill in flue d
Y All"oods Select- : otlir•p ent aye has created
Another case was hear3^ also in con, , public meet1bg on then 8tli lust,, ly reached frail pt�ititEa of cover a great dEa1 0€ comment airs
e can be Left here, it necessary, till you re uire it, nectfon aYith• a charge of theft by vio. and it is expected that some orrice production ori M Maitland. p a 9rd li•tdeal Tia c ongst the
. q ratlrahized Iron If ']Z Tepee laid with. alnst Robert Halton. who, and• and .. G. Langlois, .
will be here to disonss the matter, who Satugeen Rivers, At least 28 eom-• M.P.P., writing in `lie pays yester.
It is alleged; entered the home of Mrs, are thoroughly conversant with the tnunities will be afforded an o o .. day., says their rao ' r
``�`” �"- �00fl11 and Kennel � Workings pp r a is profoundly .
tai y, on last street, acbompanted t . at the entire systein, and as ' �bunity . to vote on New 'Bl'ear's on humiliated whon it is known that
� I^t, by her son' about midnight When Reeve Hill will be Attending ' county 1.h.? question of 'algin. . con'triget handful of 1:11 fish at a
'COUPONS . Favetrou hila,; they demanded something to eat she bounefl next wgelz, he will else g hen g people, xi3Q,00b
got up to get it for them, and _she valuable fnfarnirition that he will gat fora ,su A of pawer frlom tike gsitie of nearly •-two million
alleges that when she ordered Dalton able to deliver ft at the mee t)P ley dro-epeekxio co,mrnission, I'`rancli, absolutely control the eom a
We are making a special effort ttS %ee tine, it is mnercial and .:nanrfat ilistftuti
tableware fully p our premium out of the house later he grabbed bar to he hoped that power like this w'1 All these MADIcipali;ties will vote ons of .
l y assorted from naw 'till after Chrfattrias 1100 batitainin not be thrown aside by the ,.aside i i �'r? #'lies quaation ae to tvhetherlthf= the country and aliory so much pub,
�e haVe everythin pp g 1$lI, and rdh away. uta 5' Tics Irit at n time like tills,
Dalten was also sent for trial. of our village. wish A contract Made with the by. ,.
that in ntWj3t1d up�tb date ,'i`ha greataat interest all thrttugiT this---- dra-eleetrie t aaniTTissian. If the We have Trot their mentality,'"
district centres nt the case of h ii
adds Mr, Latig;iaia, fpr they not omit
. vote lie in the affirimat;.ve and) i y
to the Pluimbing and heat Armstrong, of Lucknow, the druggist, vkalrteir'at "Ill for one sad exception, in BrantfOrdl .iandsainely . stinport" their eolle+*esx
who will appear befere Judge Doyle . hydro -electric v'o,tes have always acid hospifalg but ours ns well", 'ln
MEET 1T 1 L,.'/ AT - ing busilZe$S� here on December i2, on a charge at' c.�Ir� brad patter and sister, �ratq� been in :t+he affii^mative, the pro.. filet the donati()ne, be said, for Laval
Criniinitl nPl llgence in the httndlin of iy o'f Halm>lesville, lt<lmd ;Miss G`IaraF IToii°t1+ atvners Wi1I next be, asked Ga rr Haiti inalto a very sad showing along.
drugs. A loge number of very, imp. Ando}lson of I fppen viaitbd At U pledge their credit for an amaun r side of )chat as boon accoin lialie
'uS'1.I t�.'� OS Aniv r N .Oltl AL1G tens s t g fp d 4 ...
Portant tvittiassaa liana l)oeit subpoen and IL,TMChail s oix sufficient to finaza,ce a Contzlact for+. McGill,
7IV W. Pat: 1 ur
I CO IVRACT WORK tern tl �n eonnectiomT with the case . rkl)day. a Minimum' delivery of electrics tin- Tho 1 tPnoli-t'artaciian'tvrit.er alleges
€, whom is lir. 14ilnP; of Blyth. Fli.Ss lVltfggie cox raturned home ergy. Every contract will .fo,rm flint filo d►iforo ,(Y i cause(I by the
- `i'he trial is the result of tjie death iii r 11 Tuasda shaving( spentt tWo pari: of a fattndatioW on Which the t'(iue ifi,nr til'ittli ,€:t of a vwtica '
W1)etrait of a weeks at S gin bltrilc J3er slater• Province cep Ct7t rio builds ti h l ° fare with tho 7:iii Ii�h and, S nit.
....... �".,..'---;T,otlmiw-�- ,,�.,.:� young woman m3arxtrd p E" 5 c rcr
lie adds
ev, 1Flarrison, wbo, while visiting friends Ifts, DaWaon, and nhildvOii 'aCcom- eteCtrie h;yst(,m to serve- the 360000 that Laval (lo,,:, r,c) Crr'rlit to u ftm'I;uclt 1MV, was taken ill with $eve,, pontod h'er ho)to. eleni(,nt of rho 1•'re)i,lh )eo ,l, the Iba
" '(� people in' .t++lie counties of 1111rax>Z I 1 (ancl lt(r
�:' ': Store • (J T lteadaobes. She sent out for Roane A,Qhrlat t !x5ree and ehterta;i;dr Grey' alld ,11ruc r, a.nd,t!hast. ortions licubt z very nim . -Il that, ],s(1 , ,+
" powders, which, it is alis ed, weke Mont ,will be held Inil3etlgel,iehtrrOh of •at?her ."Countioli nvliielX�eami brl li )eoplo 1)o1,11 r,111catryl Ela g I.t,
obtrtiraed at ills ,afore of t•, ,7, til on 1bo, iii 1 FreIWI are,
I 11J
_ _plwvlwv , ,a t?eob�tfi iserved ,by. it -he 11titlancluuygee*><T ihcrG rr(;ul(I leave lmcir
Oo r�r p r iloatwn tis A provinreo-•tvid+s 07itep r:r it res• t for XeGlill, '. .