HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-30, Page 3t $ay. two, Loll, 4" w -1 • , couriHe Winnipeg, The, vas'ue of !ills Aittarriio 'W'est went Sui"dira tar the Pruviaca Of itiq !way line iron► 'godari+eh Manitoba, to A U,fiold fills been •paavad in a wi.l be ,t'lie local«— r-�- im2lil `way, by tide WAPPinir' silre$ady done over The 1,6Mitles POW in Pal'•' cJahn P, BoTne," 1 he expomtent use. Additional loaterial fol' of a °Britigh born" in the recential t eonatructiou hiss arrived, and. 'al- of %ons, did ,rat .have to •wait long the ;winter is not the beat 1 L/� thow84u . 0-e firs rew uldl. - Ifs goes ori the season :tor work game px0grerse staff of the FemigratiGa Depart• - 1; a be mad. The rotad iwoauld.,pont. . May 16.A1 ..r- • --a-th"'l axed. my life Rmit*X it p;tx ", Q., Marg, 1910, of look upon my recovery as nothing alimt of a miracle, I was for eleven. yegs', constantly suffering from Chronic 'D Spepsia and Indigestion. was treated - I several .doctors and they simply did, me no good. During the latter, part of say ss, I was so illne thin. that I weighed only 90 pounds, and I vomited everything, I ate, eery, mange Iterri'toSy ]trot- in need oaf a ,eoaivenieinit outleE, an we hope bole Way allay sppell tip for i its speedy .completion• ]'fila iso a instance -there Governznen a ta.f i wt do,a g.aad trim 'to a.p rt v an . country .long deprived at railwa•. facilities, . --a - '•t• let 'bhe fact of a Provincial Don ou to for�- E.ection being cin classy l,e Municipal contest andi ata get t ,,,,,rya council can, -----o-- There are no 'bitingaal schools in ,pntario says Ball. ,Air. Whitney. I)?r, Merchant is report waui.'d ,give 6 Le particulars, we suppose, but if there are no sueh schomis, what ie. the Dr, spending his time over? Ilon. George I•;. Faster W.as one of the speakerEl at the leanadian r,.ub at New York:. You will re- quire to be very careful, DIC1e I ueorg,e, in your ,vis ts. lioUrtnP 1mPGstut%J,. v -- o valued, even aaln. ur y — aa.,.,, -- ------- hardly be adeaapptaly ! d be very naughty a lwa s ppreelate ue scores a reciprocity aneaaure with t em if n t a e to be dealt' 'wi+th in and that rVciv of mnattena�hay. a year .that cannot be eIp n ever after all bloat has been saidwaboutit, sited on Nomination• •c• l I .�--- -- - ca m,", ipa there .was a ttlnne when atiert representatives neieded 'tootdl�a!* yore rtthan d a ss es s an an p 's. u at 't i 3 1 w isdolri and' foaeaight, naw, for ;tthe 1 reason unat tie rd is. �n d v. l a a tai a many iriunicipralitieanat among arena and in tlhe ,always so. app ossibly coming twelve zn•gnth may p take more definite shape. Wte ;hope Clintwon will choose wisely and well. ' `'€ .. '' ,saw.. ,� :a?% ::;.,, < • ...: as: :•: 1 F t Senator shave been ap- ne V c i• _our o,f coo ae V 9 F ry a 1 e n s t l e pointed, al GO tthe 2.4 ag against 64 The doctors gave ie as the ed to d . eak- making! .tally L ibenilhal. 'The great wotlic of re- du �tomach trouble reduced heart w mess and I was freluentlyunconscious. I e Sensate has noiW eonstriietiiig tli ore only .;that received the Last Rites Of The Church• time, a lady strongly urged commenced; we supethe the nofminatiottnsdeom et's f ram '. i 'great At this me to try 'Fruit-a-tives'. When better I Conservative siose. aship haven .for ithe p had taken one box, I was much :and after three boxes, I was practically . or khe ,101lo,Ws Who wase in the way action.. - well again, and had gained 20 pounds. I have taken 13 boxes in all and now of Government ---o-- -weigh 15o poruids and am well." �RAII, Madame ARTHUR TOURAN . After a tenure of 00ice cif 20 in Prince Edward`. Island it+he "Fruit-a•tives" is the only medicine in the world made of intensified fruit . years Liberals weroe bdefel etio•ns leaV- of y rices and always cures Indigestion. 7 box 6 for $2.50, or trial a result .taw in- t4ie wswtanding. Liberals, l4; Qoii- . gsftian lea - 5oc, size, 25c. At ail dealers, 0r from Fruit- :d61vtV]111 DQ�P Ig et by and itioam a a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Government, Our eanservative having. stheir ,,!!! _•!-- -... ___ - .___ --• - --•.• 1 irwiend,s are surely; innings in 1911 all right. •OOOOOf0000000000�6101100i000 -•-_p-- Ed 1 [ Nit' l r� d �l fl, It , Judging by the opening .sho.ts at the Dominion Parliament the prob- v00.00®CSOoe00e0oO0�0m®®O 09 ,abilities are the session Will natbe t1he re;portst of `the a ccs of frost-bitten Already inst n + a dull o.ne and daily rouitine, will be closely '•fol- lowed by bhe. electors Srom ocean ears and fingers have been rd ` h 1y pier 1�^fills a .few to ocean. . ported t iscases of more 1 enoes havie come to hands 99noutuOf 100 would no•t have selected December for an election contest. • _ o=-- $2,000,000 will be expended next y ear in tore erection O8 new 'Parlia- le SS' S E i i TS) I 101..._. .. Are being fast driven Off 'the market by the overpower ing merit of Nerviline, whic has more strength in one dro r "than is found in a quart of o dinary remedies. Full of pain subduing properties, healin and soothing, its influence- o • rheumatism, seiatica, and 1 bago is unsurpassed. Nervilin is without . question the be 'household liniment made, Fo ''nearly fifty years a staple every, drug store. in Americ DROP*ALL OTHERS., "i droptped all liniments .but No viline because I found Nerviline t quickest to relieve pain, • wri'te§ cBerntoo of St, Sohn's. �"If IT hildren are croupy or sick, 8Ne valine cures them. if a Cas Cramps or stomach-ache turns Nerviline is- ever ready. We� n Nerviline for neuTalgia, rheumatis and •asci kinds. of -aches. and p'al 3t's good as any do,tor." 6 Nerviline' Use On y Good •to rub on any part of body -soothing', ,ntiseptic, and 1 I tl • &sllof goodpfor-r eternal ppalns; 1 Cramps, toothache, dYspepaa�, e You can't beat• Nerviline as. general household panacea for aches acid pains of the whole'fmM Try it. ' 1% Large 250 bottles, at all dealers O P ,";!W.- ._ Your- WXIa_rs PRi . NEIL TO OF III�I`� 1 ivorpool .nd Chl a Wt+eat futures 7r&M-Suk Will Oursi Th�ml, •,,., , ,: ....--. iaA N,.y, Close Highsr., Live stock-}» ""'""" , knpo�nt event# Which H#v4 � The p4lrticu4ar danger of cbapp-, u 11 i,atest Qtaoutions, d' sold crlacks (aPu1K 0000 *d t)yring tho Welk �' µ or ad hands an ,care. tktldt uVE3RPOOL, Nov. 25 -The mark*t altogether from 'the• Pain) is %,tAsti 2 � r,+gp,g , oil was,steady, l -8d higher on the strenlsth the ,cold is likely�; to•penetxlater and OW World's HaPPenlrMe. Care• � ,r'�*; 'tei'a!$M', In Buwtaoe. Ayres. at the. close, and ,ur- set ugg inf'liaanmatton, festering, or � TMs Y ln. Argentine. Following ver ale weather blood -poison. Directly the sl«n is I fully Compiled send Put into thor reportsntin of rltti-t a .openinif broken by� la Cut, graze . or scratch: ^-- There was selling for I-ostt s oil Vseahlr . or chaise! and cracked by. the ac-• .' Handy and Attractive IihaPe for tions of larder Russian p tiara of,the •cold)- :winds an4 Water,' the Readers of Cur Paper -J1 !solid ,,, otrinn >arops ossa. week than was earner expected, and Hours Eniovment. Nov. W. -Mrs- John Nst!h, ' tine liberal American shipments, as the one necessary pre'aaution i4. to r Torpnto, . shown by Bradstreeeo .arid a lowering ap�pply Zart*Buk freely. o w ich T1JE$[)AY, 226 Dovercourt road, -hila leaving es. During the morning Re pure he juices from • h em lq ed .al, the house yesterday morning, to ga t rash vale the low, with Zam-Buk is ,prepared are sof, Per- . Harry Bxaveu, a i?aute, P y p there was a rcovery, from , that antflird Carriage Works, war . to St, Fronds R. Church, morning, a ow, shorts covering on tris strength, in fectQy combined and, refined, the Br when he !dead Of heart failure, an j f Paris; recovery at Berlin from the the immediate effect of thles Zam' severely injured yeheaaaya sa and an unexpected dressings is soothing, AAtlsep-• was crushed by a vy case which steps from the door. dk�e }>ad nesadL ver I oPening Weakness P Buk tightening of Plate. offering overnight. tie and! healing Pafn and itnflaan- fell on. him. His recovery is doubtful. been ill but before a he sudden sutra- CHICAGO, Nov. 26. -Clouding in the oration are allayed, disease igerms Attacked by a wounded moose. Ed lauling previous splendid crop outlook In the expelled eiled from the -wound or sorrel ward Lodgard of Grand Fails. N.D.. mons. p _ ath onl by en• The 'husband, three sons, and afire, ..rsentina. turned wheat prices to- and ,the +l'attert :s quickly healed, saved himself from de - y. - survive. One son. Harry. day in an upward direction. The Zaire -Bak is not only a powerful, gaging In a fierce combat, with the daughters,alifornia, and has been tele - strength of European markets was eller and ,skin Purifier; it1p, animal and finally slaying it with a is lit The others reside hese, taken as a sign of substantially Alter- it a hed far• ed Conditions in South America, Clos- strongly antiseptic and germicidal, knife. lived in T,rou advance and ap forms t>he ideal protection Representatives of the shipping B e• b nh born in Dundas4 for 35 Ing figures, showed 1-4o to 3 -so ,skin against disease germs. companies and the Syndicated Long- years. g over last night. Corn finished 1-80 for tale comp n ie have signed an agreement to, 1-8o and 1.4c down: oats up a six It quickly heals cold cracks, chaps, and the strike of the dock laborers is power Co: a Employe Hurt. teenth and clog products unchanged chilblains, cold sores, ete, no at an end, The men are all back Niagara Falls, Ont„ Nov: 27 -Wil: to 2 1.2c below. Mrs. O. M, Phoen, Neuchatel, Al- yp Winnipeg Options.. ta., writes; ial must tell you how. at work: °'liam Leach is in a serious condi'tiau result o f a he e fill a a t h M t. os - k. era at he h eased I airs With Iain ist n The second size for hunt at t P Close. op, 331Sh• Low, Close, P' p fall from the roof of the Ontario Wheat- 7 v 983' husband had an old; frostbite a New. York Sorge Show. $n was. bower Co, s Pia Nov , ..... • 99 987/11 9S/e 98, his foot for many years, and had, handal won by Hon, Adam Beck's i ' nt Saturday. On, arnp, se b r ,ken y an ' no d f• red his e i fractured, - . re to S.. ac peC, 96t/� 96t/a 96�. 96'/a , tried a.mo�st every l�no•,�r n rented yl Syr Edward, while $on. Clifton was fx ,. , i� new 980 88% 98°� 98yi 99 Oats"wibhaut .any effect, but fihe fir t ton's „fie Wasp" was the winner of. inDTniiSl B?uBoultere president of the Dee, ,.,., s9 .... application of Zam-Buk seemed ,o third money, $ the theft Of ;48e4 that a .. 41 .... . .•,. 41% help him, ao much that he persever- After confessing .to Board of Trade, Qf international im May . • 9& . h ' Toronto grain Market, ed and ,the pore is now .cured We from Russell Lawless, milk dealer, Jersey corporation ea fait, bushel without 'Za1n-.Bolt in quantity of ewelry in Hamilton, portance, would locate a big Canadian: �,h ;0.92 to ; 9s wowhwset be with A and a q y ) ,branch at Falls view, but refused to p .•.. 0: as • the " James Parker was sentenced to two Wheat, goose, bushel uk is al o a,eure ,cure for an s name. He said - ;rive, bushel ,,,.......•••.070 ..., Zam 413 years in the Central Prison by Magis- glue the Comp y to ed. em be employed. P oats, bushel ,..,• 0 s2 pines, eczema, ulcers, abases&et , istxate Fraser. at Niagara Faille. I about 300 men would 8arloy, bushel ........... o so o acalp sores, blood poialon, bad leg The Railway Commission, which g Barley, for feed ...•...••••066 076 , eruptions, etc. Its .purely 'herb has shown the express. companies Boilermakers Gu Back, Peas, hushel ............,..• 100 A Buckwheat bushel 0' 60 063 CompOsltlon makes it t'he chill where they get Off and put the, Montreal, Nov. 27, The boilermak- um, 'r Merkel. balm for babies an,d young hones and telegraph companiesera strike at the Montreal Locomo- Toronto Daly Oren, All drirggislts and storessell. P rive CO•s plant, Longue Point, wast .......•.023 024 �. box or plait free their places, will now atekcharpes. 1 ended. Saturday night. f Futter, store iota Zam, Buk 50c - , question of xatlwap cart g g practical y 8t !Jotter, separator, dairy, - 0 28he company, da rolls. ,b. 0 27 ! 1. from Zam-Buie Co.,C`oto opt , or q The body of James Smith was. found however, refuse . 41- j Butter, creamery,p • lying in the middle of the read in take back several of the atrilcers, le 1' Butter, creamery, solids ,•• 027 028 rice. Try also Iain B P, that they' had made trouble. n Cheese, new, ib :.. .... 015 616 . 250. tablet. Marlboro Township, five miles from leging honeycombs, dozen ,.. z 60 3 00 Dwyer Sill postoflice; on Saturday They agreed to investigate the charges! a- honey; extracted, lb ...••..• 011 012 - afternoon. Marks on the body suggest and,, if the men were innocent, they! Eggs, case tots 0 26. Eggs, new -laid .,..•,.... , 040 •••• ,its: foul play. An investigation :is being Wound be reinstated. r�. Liverpool Provisions. held, _-- --,--....___ _ ••-- . . Is. ov, 25, -Beef, extra. ' A. F. of L. Chooses Rochest Rochester "The order of the Toronto city Fath•,__1­___­­­__.r LE PAINS ' . E, LIVERPOOL; N ter era that those attending the Connaught. SUFFERED .'I'E�jjlg India mess, 83s 9d. Pork,. prime mese Atlanta, sE T•, N Y., �'� the place for reception wear evening dress," says r- western, 959; hams, short cut, 14 to in` RocheOF INDIGESTION of 16 lbs., 54s 6d; bacon, Cumberland out, holding the anxtniinextnveartall•its The ]Iinaton Standard, "should be re - up, 2 80 lbs. 6101 short ribs, 16 to 24 1912, re-electing for y yoked. It is not necessary that a man se 6 to , .clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs, 519.. . 912, and adopting without amend- should be a clothes horse to be• re- MILBURNCSLAUrLIRVFR PILLS ibs., 63x, "'2 6d,• long. clear middles,•light, 28 .to'34 Dent the repairs j)f the several Com- spectable." 'O; clear middles, heavy, 86 th1r1 °-4irst annual con- WEDNESDAY. - Mrs, Wm. H. Mach wen, Mount . abs., 54s;• long cle mittees, the J to 40 lbs., 63s 6d; short clear backs, vention of the Arn2rican Federation The ging and Queen were mea yes' Tryon, P.E,I., writes:--:-" For more than a 16 to 20 lbs., 479 6d; .shoulders; square, terday • at Port Said by Lord Kitche- year I suffered with all the -terrible pains 11 to 13 of Labor; which c•onvPuecl !fere two of indigestiori, and my life was one of the t e in tferces,946sg6d;�American refinedrime , in weeks ago, adjourned.Saturday night. per, - Ito Rochester was chosen as the placeleThe agreement for the extension Of greatest misery, It did not seem to make. ust paha, 470 9d; butter, good tT,S•, 11do. next convention aver Seattle, est Ilan finest white, 709; da for the ne oahes- the boundaries 'of Manitoba was made any were always therether Taccompanied ate or nby' Cheese, Cana at Qttarva. ike colored, 700 sal ,� Wash., and Richmond, Va.. R t even months of he,, ,pains severe bloating and belching of wind.1. ! a Montreal Crain and Produce, ter receiving 91028 vt,tes, Seattle 5,654,. For -the firs s d Richmond 2,210.• . current fiscal year 265,833 immigrants I did not a hardly got relief l bit of sleep. aIn) the MONTREAL, Nov. 2E. -The foreign de- an sonletitn Y fly, all ales of Manitoba sprint; . No, fight develohxsd .on tl�. erseand. arrived. in Canada. Wesleyan. my misery I tried .many remedies said maud for gi The governors of the -!lest continues ;;cod, there being order9 tion of President a re-elected • for some round lots at the old officers Theological College have decided to to cure indigestion,f ooandtI fully expected in the market all of one particle o good, further advance in prices of %d to 3d per opposition." ,appeal the Workman judgment. quarter, and a fair amount of business without opp �. _ _ delegation from northern Ontario �t th a time my brother carne home' on a�. was worked for December -January ship- COmplai3gat •to Premier Whitney t ment. The local trade in coarso grains it Famine INov, 27a -The .sul- fair, and prices generally are well _math- 8t. Petersburg,, famine • of five thousand men• in the new country I,axa-liver PI grid got mea few vials.!.. _. tamed. Demaatd for flour continues are behoct,. Vwo disffanCliica(l: By the time I had taken one vial I begaA and millers in some Doses aro behind 1891 s experienT-Pced in :the. _ to rmpro re, . and could eat with same': . hand with orders, Millfeed is acttvs and Ivincea of Orere nburg and ithehTu gai __ _.,�,....�.-- relish. X was greatly cheered; and Cos fi#m, Cheese .is quiet. Recolpts for •the g - week, 21,y29 boxes, against' 47,021 a yeas ter7ritory, in Asiatic Russia.:The fam ti s � on IR00i cioplQ0111[� ago. Butter 1s fairly active and strong, timed ta$ing the pills until all traces Of prices Having fairy ti%i 1c per tb, ins . stricken' inhabittaonthe these and The great Uter3tla Tonic,' and thI7the trouble had disappeared; and I could1 Receipts, 1581 packages, against 6511 a Bions are fiveking Of them being pre• -` z only safe effect,ial ldonican year ago. Demand for eg gOOd• villages, so many Regulator on whichvwomencan once more eat all kinds `of food withoutt Corn -American, No. 2 ye iiw, 85°• lied for death that• they Bre begging dopona Soldier three degrees the slightestinconvenience :Iamsomllyl • Oats=Canadtan western, No. 2. 480 t° I' of strength•=•No. Y, 31, No. a• convinced of their virtue as a family] 1.10 degrees stronger $31. No. medicine, I' have no hesitation in recom+l4 48tic; do.,' No. $, 47C to 47 a; extra No. 1 for the administration of rhes last for special cases, b per box. ' s in the Province of ` a feed, 44%c to 47e; No. 2 local white, 47'/x0 CommriniOn• 88p er 'cent. below the Sold by all drug ate, or sent. mending them.:' No. a local white, 46 a; No. 4 local white, Orenburg $re . P . of Tchelya• llrepa.d 11 rocelppt of price, Price, cents pervialor. 6 vials for 45tic: 1.aver8ge 'and, the bishgp ' roe pamphlet. Addrer ., •Te$ Manitoba, feed; 63c;. malting. cal to- the ,,., $1,00 at all dealers or mailed, direct cal Hasley . ., binsk has .issued. as app as- EOpRME010ilttCo.,T6s01i .0 , (forrre!1vtiVa+,d, receipt of price by The . rvIilburn Co•,� sad to 31. Government . asking id for. the Pe . Limited, Toronto, Ont-' . Flout -Manitoba spring . wheat patents, ants. ' firsts; $5.60; seconds, $5.10;'etrong bakers', ~`-" rtevaluilonary Forces: . I' . $4 76; winker patents, choice, 14.76. to $6: Cancelled Copy 'g Nov 27. -=(By . wireless to . straight rollers 44,26' tor, straight rt ht. rollers, bags, $1.96 to i2 06. of 9e. • Ottawa; Nov.. 27 —A .memorandum Nanking, Rolled.oats-Barrels, $5,25;. bag has been'issued•by the De artme#t fihanghai•)ca Lured TigernHll Fort,. TABLE MANNERS. 1 lbs,; $2,50.. p o Hay -No. 2, Penton, car lots; ;14.5, to i13: Og Customs addressed to all collet- Saturday the .w P' . ` Cheese-Finestwesterns, 1410 to 14%0; ,ors of •customs; advising the -that owhlchecomniandsathe c ty and river. Dont- finest easterns,.Ito to 1#%C• c to 30e the copyright on the novel, . Several big guns were taken.'A num- -• your elbows on,tahe table. Butter -Choicest Creamery, 29 to JohnT. - t3ecozlda, 3t3S1° to 28�§c. Have eglsteredoin� �Canada,in the bei of Imperialists have joined theitik tibe glasses see tiogetherpr knife aiftol(kR Eggs -Fresh, 40o to 45c; selected;; fHc; Ston,. �,, has been rebels: . No. i stock: 24t,4c• Tried to Wreck .Pump. Tuck fihe napkin in your collar. potatoes. -Per bag, Car lots _ $l la to ;1.20•, elms . of Morang & Fuld the napkib when dinitilig oint-.' Dressed hogs -Abattoir killed, ;8.76 to cancelled• & Co:, 8f• Strathroy, Nov. 27. -=An. attempt, on Convey %cod to.yowur tnotibh;witlY. =x•261 country. Cada a ort .cut 'meas, Mr' Morang of Morang the n forPart 'of some unitnown p }?ort -Heavy cauada ML,rt ter his attention had: been called to anon apo your. knife. ` barrels, s6 a 4s pieces, ; wreck the new: million g. pump Mash faad -fill. a foa:k. the above, slated that the Brit- he}e,.was discovered. by cit em !oyes cut backs, barrels, s. to 65 pieces, $?31 i' y p -Hold knit and ,nd fork in tithe air Canada clear, barrels, -30 to .85 pieces, the cancellatidn was'to •prevent the re leniahted. Cana. ish : copyrights arid ... P Saturday afternoon., The valve sham- tvhyle plate is being P Lard -Compound tierces, .3 a ebat'terc`es; circulation, of pirated editions . .this bei was found plugged with a mixture Place -soiled knife om fork•on ,�1i0 wood parts, 20 abs. net, 9/aa; p country; of cement gravel. and emery dust. Ar- {able linen: x76 abs., 12c;. pure, wood pails, 20 lbs: neb. rests are expected. Zfr�o redtl a its t@m+: Alloiw s. 12�ec. . I4,6Y; ..,_____ drinking Beef -Pile, barrels, 2ao. lbs., i Port Colborne's Furnace Plant. �Ye� p� Blow: on s tp plate, tteices, goo lbs , . $21 -We Port -Colborne, Nov. 27. -The Union . W 0 �9, peilatiure. Furnace Co. ' of Buffalo will estab-. Drank fxo0n the end. of,aspobin They at.a„ut the wondered S ra . Masticate the food noisily. TLE MARKETfs. fish their Canadian plant'hexe, build i lsinterested and should know ur Mouth full."" CRT three large warehouses. T . y x1nxVII. ubhtrii g P Y ing Converse wnN11 e' r ,While soon,+ leave secured from the Dominion Gov- rhe„ew onvenie t. It e, Best I .,Hold.faodl in .the: . , . —Most conrtantly. It sk yo s East' Buffalo Cattle Market.. , ernment 2,000 feet of dockage rights., instantly. wskrg , . PT, facilities for re- drne¢Isciovi 1 verssing. EAST BUFFALO, Nov. 25: Crsttle-Re- which, will p Bite MO,uthfulws of bread ficin A ceipts,'. sm; steady. their . ore shipments. -The itheesnnoesupph the $3ice.': vegle-Receipts,- 200 head; slow .and 60e t. ceiving will fill. in the lake front M,avat a«sppino other. company butsendst nip, orillustroted • '!�// preceed odder •memble. ,w0 the . lower, at $5 to $9. ^ directly behind the. east piers 5y book—sealed. 1t Rivesfultparilc• ` ,able. Receipts, 4000 head; active anE. hh . •Use.atoowbhpie# at the •tab'le. 16C to 2QC higher; ,heavy, $6•� is • dilnaping their slag, and this Will giV.: utarsand direoNons inyatua t, to tadias. . steady, y $6.55; mixed, $6.40 to $x.50; yorkt!ra, $6.16 t. them 36 acres in addition a the 2l► Wind or. On - . SUPPLY CO., A0entsiotcana a $6.45; pigs, $6 to ;6.15; roughs, $0.76 to ;6.86; stagti $4.50. to ;5.50; dairies, $6 to $6,86• acres of land already optioned. . Sheep. and Iambs -Receipts, 9000; slow: ///---rrr Bar - bread sheep, steady; lambs, 26c lower; lambs, . ,....� / rO C C�� nej .. + t $3.50 to $0.50. - �,. /a av7 �7 is a . New York Live Stock:. • . 'W1* YORK, Nov. 25.=Beeves-Ra i•„ r . . , ceip”, 1097; no trading; feeling unchang- �] R A gj J■ r. it h.t at evenin bell, ed. s." 321' market, * dull and .HAD 1JA Sunset' and e. etling •star; . ' 1 Calves -Receipt , And one clear call for me.;, I aft bha g Oar An er t the k, t unchanged; novests; southern and In- uncdiaa C8eves, o, a ils; , • - - - . ../.•t u - And' may ,'here lye no ,moaning oaf.: ;And "e velltere be no �s�adnes. o.. , , Sheep and Lambs-Reeeipts, 6340, eheeA ■ ,.0 7 (7 ' the bar, 1 When. I at. last embark. unchanged; Ierilbs; dill to SOC lower; . \j li liff when Iput out: to sea . d sheep, $1.60 to $3.26; lambs, $4.25 to $6.26• For howgh frown bourne and time Hogs -Receipts, 2400; none on sale; feel- But such.atde as movfngl seems.a- e ing nominally steady. and - ace Chicago Live Stock. Arid Ttclklrng ensa- sleep, The flood' tray bear me far, St Tao fwll for sound and( foam; I !lope fie. see any Pilot face 'to face CHICAGO, Nov.. ._Cattle-Recelpt9r •, ' goat.. Whetn I have crossed the bar I . 3000; rllarliet, ateacly; beeves, ern .t0 rs, do �„ T TVhen that which drew :frown out Texas steerp, i4 to $6.70; western steers, 111 it the boundless deep - 1S i - Tennysom Tex to eery stockers and feeders, " Turns•' again home• . to O0• Cows and heifers, $1,80 to $5'.80;' e11 Calves, $6.50 to $8.25.. � , Hogs -Receipts,. 14;Ooo; market, 6o to Ida Dr, y me _�-.�>�..-. : down; ,light, .S5.60 to $6.30; mixed, $6.96 ho • Wood s Norwa good cavy, $6 tce h $6.60, 6 to� se 60° S ru Cared_ It. . ;4 25' to $6.60, bulk of sales, ;6.10 to teady O� �'� .. the Cream .of the P W est Mill . P . Im 'll do -�- 111 tell ®� � ... and 1 11 y . 1 of bread ntee our next batci guard Y . `" lendid satisfaction with Cream y1TILL 'guarantee it to rise. away :up , had sp . easdelicious• .of the West.'Flcur; returnthe-unusey I out of the pans, slid irnak orfion of the bag and get your move bread as you ever . tasted. . The p loaves will be the. biggest and most. back. wholesome you ever baked with .the, Just: tell chose{tri htmand you wan same amount of flour. I'll guarantee didn't com k as ua�rainte.ed, sit •or you get back, the motley you paid your money' bac g . e flour! Now see : Yt's not'the grocery man who loses for th to our roeer and buy a bag It doesn't come out of his pocket. I Just go y g ,Company 11 of Cream of the West Flour. Take it ' is the Campbell Milling house sand bake it up. Limited, of _Toronto, who pay, an they are satisfied to pay if you'll b Give it a trial: Cream of the We Give it a couple of trials. Your oven satisfied to try t not. be just right the • Flour, or yeast migh Ask .your store - keeper about th first time. uarantee, He knows. . He will t Now when you give it a fair trial, if' Bou. Tr a bag nett baking day.. YOU honestly feel that you have not y Y L. of . * . m the e st yea • ' .. . Sheep -receipts,' Nil; market, e . - s ' native $2.25 to. ;3.70; western, $2.40 to $3.7e: Os , yearlings, $3.66 to $4.50; lambs, native, Miss C, Daniek btl, BOwsman driver, . F1O $3.60 to $5.66;. western, $3.50 to $5:00. : Cheese Markets. : . Nati,, writes; -"bast fall I had a veryexercise or from fr6tn too On., Nov. 26• -•At to-, bad cough and d tickling sense ib n t takes fwe cominitnwithout thinking 1 of Cons quences. hThe e LONDON, my throat. It was so bad I coo ld read y , prevent • ,,.. �, b day's Cheese market. 267 booed orfere4l, • n teed o sales; bidding 180 to 18 6-80. Mar- sleep at night, 'so I went to a'druggist and Sicknesses maorbbrinlghdep depression an'd 'spoil i enjoyment. p What > and �heaelt f 'still' that is Briars f Na advattcemen g �e diourned for elle season.. ji a*ted something for my cold, us h sisal disorders if not checked .in . . 4 • _ th t O .. Its • e . that Crt mi of the West Flour is a superior bread foto t hereby affirm shad dedue ebaoitite guarati<tee of money back if not esus rl► and eticti b •tsblegt to our utwir sed to gene's price . atter fab trlat, Atiy dealer ie her' a pod by castomet oa astern `a unused portion of be if the flour is no as. • mptesentcd, `�tl (r'tI1t11plDesa amyl Its `rOOiiltO. A1telos= C&Mpv t h� nw1D'stlT P Foil Salo ny'-•- ' Joh Denh&w, Zlyith �.. ket a ST. I.1.YA,CINTI'II4, (Zee., Nov. 26,-- told him W . Three hundred rpackages butter gold and he advised me to try Dr, W'ood's • is worse, they lea td seri, p y at- 27 i -2c. No cheese, boarded to=day, Norway pine Syrup which I did, aiid after time '; but you CAN check them easily and quickly. They will next sale Dee: e. as completely cured. . - r Nov. 26. -At the risking one bottle I w ,O acting NSV3LLN7, y ' Id rrteeting of the Eastern Townahlpp Let me recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Naturally Dairymen's Association, 12 factories Pine Syrup to anyone who. suffers from a boarded 344 p .&&,969 Of butter' cough or throat irritation." , hetndred and ninety packages of but- Dr• Rlood's Norway Pine Syrup is ter gold at 90c, Thirty-four packagail suthasafe, simple,reliablefamilyretnedyFcmedicnel is -111 lierY Optic, butter said at 30 1-40. 'j'*enW' Without a doubt one of the greatest cough household where this famous and unequalledtter. Tie read to help packages of butter sold •at 301.20. 1 ase mee.ina of board this season, and cold remedies on the mairket today, the whole aspect of life is changed for the be gain, y cable and to regale, and and so great has been its success there yourself and otic family --•to overcome t1" are numerous preparations put UP to, keep, good bodily conditions by having on hand for immediate rise /� imitate it. IiO not be imposed upon by . C Ai 5TQ R I A taking one of these substitutes, but ` For Infants old C1lildreil. insist on being given v' Dr. Wood's 1, when. - ' BEE'CHAMIS PILLS n t �f tis you ask for it. :price, 25 cents a bottle; Tho rind You Have Always Rougul put up in ti 'yellow wrapper; three pine . he trees the trade mark;, manufactured only For females; &eehdm's Pill, arm soeeld* all Set inslaidid ro in;il� Ca l,�s:. A60 :.. Eoars t /J� +C by Thep. Milburn CO.; i,imtted, `aro d, pgold eVarnY+wh to in (Oahu 4 r daU: 5t Asieeires:L lecbo�tce'4'8 cel tad .._ . _ ... _ Sii;ittituro t1f n Ont, l .4L Smvtho C.lin,tom- . - -k O, .%, s.c,e-i. ....t,. _ .:�"* A. tiv ns, Stedaortth • • • :1111�­.. v �t` ;tV h 044. f N, •fir.^ ' 4�: ,".0;0� ., w�w:;, y,�d11 ,1f. ,11 r