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The Clinton New Era, 1911-11-30, Page 2
. _ . ..�,.,... - ....�. .. . . '� : ��� �����„�� ����r���� � , --:,-,.,.,., ���Y�ti�► �4a�'�i3O �?pv�lt�p�t� . � �u; 4xdex ��►at tl�� E�avex�entt� '�,e�; �xct�r eer�ou�],3*. u�o�a the �► blem of the �ae�ile�nep�t �nd c��nslo�m.ent o�' New U�nt�raw, we �ca�osa i�e r���atxo� of a, �e�� #nemt af Immigratf�p� and �oloni taiion, �o b� preaided over. 'by � Miaietsr of t}�e C�rowx�, wh4 sha]7, devote b�is whole tinae �,nd en�ergie� t�p tbis ia�}�o�?tan� v�4rk, az�aon� t other �z�.�ttexs; �a �ha pr4.motio�, nf sett�.em,e�zt,• buiJ,ding ,�f xo�d�� insu�ring ather necess�ry trauepor- t�t�an �a,ai�iti�es; �roviding drai�,,. age requirem��ts; aeei�tz�ng pio, �qer sett2era to sect�lre �,o�[a tb �' ,� !lmited exteut on t�.e see�trit� of the lauda ocenpiecl by them, re- �ayable �ver a termt of y�&rs; gi,v: aC�apecial asaistanca to pion,eer 00I�, , UuF �urther polioy is the mainte- ut nance o� t$e culoniza�tion uh�xaq- ter of the Te�iskaaning 8� North- ern OI1t81i�0 Rfl]�.�9'ay' i the protQa- .tion o� ebippera and s�itl�r� iro� tnequftabie r�tes by subje4��ng� the railway to regutation by ��I�e �u�I � rf���r. �� i�rra�Raa d,� e� ex� n �are �i ����r��.�ti� � . �V1�7P7��CS�'.A� �'I���T�ON� ����i� �.'imt� l�a,e �f�p�da����lr:ig�tatpe� xS,i,}, �,nd he��a :we aar� ,a��axt �etae� ���'����'�� ��� �ta a�o�rhe�fnnu�i�ipaXe�ec�ti�an,Nvh��; � �ayox, ,�o be e� ete�i�o�u�aci,l��r;� �� an.� ru � i�r an xn '�:he����fe�q ���� �' �� ����� �' �* un��cip,a'b otii.ce� .�---.-. �+�o fax;k�izis ye�r. 14�attere are ain,�� �7��$ �Q 'j�'4��,� �Ot�ll'i�IL�'' u4�Fly qniet. '�"hexe may b� a f��w clau�a o�t ;t+Ize �n�xnic��ai �}aorizon '"°"'"'"". 'Nk�at �ve do •ncat kna�tt o�nbttk pres, �'�1" �xL��Xlg �4�'�'�8�"�� ent indica�io:ns �oint #o a a�.�bhar �j4* �s�, �;,jaQ� ►�•�b��;�� p� �s caam�+ �.,.�.ra ,r .�,,..,.,, t e af#�air �v�k��n the etectzo " ` ' �!![4NTiiFaaA?�, 1'. Q,. Mt�Y 18r 191� SQ�4YF., TN'x`��iES'.�'ING PkrA�?�NG i�v�a ait rutudown �d telt edI out a k'OP,: ',�I�E L.�LD�ES, sorte. My apaPetit�e �svaa bad — ms �om ploxiori sallqsv+--tttg b�ixits 2aw, aR ptving ;t�o C?hxistmae druwxng �ea� I aian�t seau� ta ha,vvm swv e�n�itton t and :the ladies k�usy with ChrXatan,�� � �'aY ardinary �►ou�e�vos�s., 7� w�a i ihis conditioh xor abouf � Yeat; a,lt�hoU nTes�nt8, 'We h�V@ sexSi6��9oixk� 1'eCy �avera,l phY'sieiasta prescr�bed e� toni zntPreatxng �rtirles a�t C"hris}t�nnas� .i4r nqa, and x tried seyarad qve11 ad present� andi wzli pu�blis�ia x�elv.aer_ vortised• remeat�s, but aai w�t'�out �uc ies each- Week. T'he ladiies ca�p find cesrt. Abaut three mant�� �.so oue p ��he ar�i,clps an �a�e� 3 and 6, S�O�e °Your boQ$Iatq wa# �eit a,b raY �ouse, a� O� :t�he �2i�$;5 txi3y b� u98£U'j, I read ot tha wonde�tul auccoas q! �r Morrfse� und ot bhe x�ma.xkab2e curQ �'TN YOIIR'�AIT�H ° that i�t�s medicines vaese xnakin�, an x'O O1,7� ONTARZO �eciaed to kry keis No. 14 �'ablets. used atto bps, atzd bOfoCe it was Y�a1 �'ile clepa�u�latxo�a o�f Oad Qpta��xp� gone I 6e�.n to teet tetter, a�na f. �still go�� on. Z�dividuals and save me epurage to keep qn. a hav �V'hQle familiea fall unc�er the Iurs 3�5� ��3stced the #hird box, an�ct ant of New .Onhario anci Nort�ht-�CVest wish i coutd teIl you how muah brotke prl�irieS. T'hey �ebe� re¢�?4V�e ;�p I Yeol. biy wor7s is now a Pleasnre t on.e o�r;,oit�her pf th�se . m�� a.nd i feel xo years 'youn$er, Yo parta, a.hejl certatnIy ha,ve t'ho bGst xeal BToofl Tqni exodws Jqavea vacar�cies' t.hat ax�0 and blood maker •tha.t I h2.ve heard vt z�ot filled, 7''hu,s ehurek�ea Qnc� �,nd anyan�e in neecl QT auch a remea 9C120�n,1s suffer, and eocial xptex_ wfl� flnd your� the very best sna moa COul•iSe 18 ��53 .fl'BQuBt�t, ' It .aeie�ms'ho reliabld. bTrs. Anna, fIalfertY, q�s �tlh�at prilruat•y cause af this �ni „'�'1ia '�,z,ove preserintion is �ot �i'la�tion aies in t�he laclt o,f? �a x�_ Cure.Air� or, so-caiied �atent medi�lne Dominzon Ra3l.way• ,Comm}issios� . ciation oi t�11 •�� �r. :12orriscY Prc�scribed it for 44 y�ars � l�arz>able advan� anrl it, cure�� tt�oysan<3s a�ter ot�e Ig,t�td the general railway Iaw; xe- , tag�a af the lo,calitxea w]�ence th�eY aa�to�•� t:�ttea. �ving jtzpt graunds af eomplaint M!' r n n aepaz�t. If pea�:e �vo�uTd lool: rri�t�. �n�. n�r 'b�� �,t yaur c�e�iers Dy pBT�tftt321g RCti0T1S �t laW �11�AS 1�Y �{J����� � uro�unci .then� az�d ,se,riously cq�nsid- °x F;�ta�r rilnrrisey ModbCirie Co. er the �situ�afiion �'e�vez, tivo�dd Ptrl! up i.imited, RzontreaT. soo. against the rai.lways witl�out the ahll;es �.nd �o �oz�tk� ir� i�uest, of the . qaoeseiiy of flxst_ obtaining permis- • �' i�et��. Ir� uno�st �arts o:� Ulci Ontax=io sipn iro�ri th,e Attorney-qeneral; C°�'��i�`ative�s �a.ve Lost ',Cl�air I�ai- t!liere ar� gao� �oad�s, Rpd' near-by -..•,�,�,.,�.►a;� .�,�,,.,,-w,�,,��„`,.��;�.ti. ,tiati� e anci a Liberal, A;ttacl; marl;.ets, t,�iuxchea 1vd aehqo:ls az•� �"�/•,s�„r•,r� w-.r^s�•er•r•,.A a'�. ��1T3� �8 railway i� iYio SAm.� �rit�liin e.�g reae$, There is osi�,ion, ot er x•aih�va s in t�ie is Ir'eedecl, y n/.� �� � -� 3' daiiy nxail, and. t:lze tele�>hAAe is a � '� t�t$er d�pSyment o� mw�iCip�.l . � ---- .� t;;miliaz ins;titu�,xon, ,'.i;iiQ: �lini,;�te �r p�y�► � . i�See f .$ eS�ension, of the rail- Ti1at the pra��res�sive' elem�nt o:f ia �G'iaz�,erate—neitl�er tb�e coict �tE ����r3 4��� ���i:i ���, GP� pTao�icable s eed io "��e �'nnservative pariy «ill be sox•e 1ti'intGr .zaor '�h�. Zleat o£ �u�ianar be�» �� '�• , �' � A zs• clisa�poizlked by Sir .7ames�.ad- �n� ex�e5eivc. '.Ckie seasons arie . L 8U�t4 _'out1et to Hudson Bay, cires+s �s beyond ,at� ques.tion, say,s Suc li, in the e.ev�ents favoral�ie �c�, ♦ �' ' ' ;liie C;Zobe,. The �reti�iei c�o�es'n��t ��t'et�zb:e grajvtl�, the crap tait- O��,o�-.,,c...��•..w•v.o�r•w.,o�•�� � s : C$ r �'iQ 'IPGtV � +r.wr� -.w.�:«r�w-o��� � , m 1� tt�a� there is �rofoupd ure is rase: �he soit is, in a�os�; \�*+w.��. ��,.-�u.,�.•�+ �• .� �+�. ���������j„ �,G ', dis�coutent in tlie .province i�n� I'4�- �J32'ta, z•ich ancl o1�able o;f ��i�ci•ctuc. . ��` �,; r� .? b�'d to educatiopal aXi:ministi�a;ti- i�� �'x•ea.ter haxti es'ts, �z�dee<l, tlz�e� 23u.t tl�e . l�tisy� a�usiczl diz�ec�tor , ���� � ' zon' and g•r�ve dzs�s�a#isfactiom be, I�assxbilitzea of Iai�yet•, yie%ts is on- �tas. p?enty' of titne, 4� r��k�t ��aus•e of ,i'he utte� S�ilure af 'Eh;e I3 laeg•inning ,�tobe seer� by a'fet�* ---- ��'�,,.� s ' ��ttoz•ney-Gener.al's. Dspar(;mezif: i�eapie. ii'lYen auare xealizie� tliis, 11n�i oz�e «a� t�o� make a slo�tl � r, .. �; s�xF �� tu iei�ret onit .Crinne. The inea�a- .�ncl aat o�a z�; it iviYl ?�e founc! that ��arse fast is not to feed hxn�, ��� . ,���W: €', city s�hown bvtk�ed�p�2rLjtnenGsthav oJdet� i7k�tarzo; s<� �ar fraxn :h�al�ing ^--^ ', in.g ho d�o �rit;l� i:lie a.pez�ing up o� ��o �any peo�le, ii�s too fe�v.Unce � � , ; t�he great northland' is� �,zte��t to fiZlis coiieiusion is reacl�ed we tnay �j�C�l`IC �@S'�Otf�,'� �$J$' � � e�•eryone; `.[�O '��B ZlTO�'T�@81S1S'(L37 e�l)@Ct '��j�t t�10 �7I'88E2]� t�XOC1118� $0 . P�lOSF;�2QtiQI togita�p oPexrt�39 �2�;'Y}t• � � ` !�i �10 k�c�ied �or an aciv.a�ce all a- discoitz��a;�''lpg jI� ��I[�r ;;,gj*g t0 �h060 viaai and vitatity, kramaturo decay anrl ali .ong. the line. Sir Jauxes� giyes the ��`�lo remu�, �uill cea�se, an�[ ilie '�eakness avertea at oncq.. ILIa�sptiouq oi^c�er t�.o anan tlie txeneizes� anci se- ��Y�s and irls brou h:t u o�j t�� �ake� ynu a ne�v man. PricC $$ a box. or c�, f?z' � �' � p �5. MaileC[ tp any address. Tho SCobelY ];. ,yy. ; �.• main on it!�e defensi�-e. � Ims r�*iIl laqt� £arwarct. to s end- �Q.. ss, Cwtliar�nea. omx, ; 3;>';`�_ 'I�he ^w;ay 1ies� open £or ��s;txong ing :�eir d��s neux tlie• 3ooaiity '�"�' • i,3ber� nt�;�ek on a. Go.vern�ent, where �:1�eq �vere bpxa�, � FAimili�� •�1 fe�v unen are Uoxn 1ead,ex(sj,.but. 1 : t�ha� seem�s to have lpst � i�e po,n�ez• •�t'ill h��ce ¢nn�ti�2y, chuxcties azafl �o�st o:f t�hera +a:re born follo�vers, , of znitiative, �.he �onservahi�•e scho�o•Is tivill be better attended, and �--�-- � par;tq ,cannot h�oQcl po�wer indefinit �ocial, �1ife tvill b.e snoreof a kind ,it �� i�s a trise anan tv�ho can .;tel� ei� an its� jtw�o umporija.nt TorwarFf; sho:uird be. �vhat� a�vo�i,an thinl�s by tvbat shQ � ' .meas+uxes; t�he Hydro-ele.ctrxc Pot- ' SaYs• . I . icy, wihieh was� �ippor,tefl by� paaby . , __., . ' , f i Lib8nal� a�#c3 condexnned by m;any . � Cnnservatine�, and lY!'r. Ha�nars es- ��+.iII' Trou�ii��. .�r��v W orse C I13.1 d r e�, C xy .. � � eelten�t iPz�ison-ret'orux. pragxam; _ _ • . FOR� FlETCfPER'S j vv�hich has� noit a politioal Lg�ue .at ,: � .Jt 'a.11. A�congtruct�ve. poticy .. tmwst �'3orribLa t�ortwr�s-p�ain urc��enc�.ui�-.� C� Q�" T O F� � A ��,. ,;+! 'be forced wpc�n.,Sir J�amies if he wili abl•�-d�a�s� tv�hie�n Ithe m�o1e, bodg � ,1 �. N: W. R O W E L L� K.C. �.,, pot go fdr�a�BK•�oluntarily. ���►�s ta be barn.iolugaP"--Io�g.uig�ts '.' . of sdeeple�s9 te�auy--Zixen- A. `The �tiea o�f Wed�lo�ek �are the kind �3 bi'�xiehes ' as requY7r+C�. for • . � %�It,aitv r�eI a man sf'�tvife buys ior +him a�t :a�!�i,xe �' a �alF—�.tl�;e isgin �Co�ol�d. s�ale: .� developmenrt aY iia� ov.m.�,��, � .�.�,� � rei,�e�ed—all buxa�w� and i�toh_ The encouragement of mi� " �� '�� �O�°e' � ��;�y�� ihe anan .Who; vs behizid with hie , �teg;tify to'o�is-�-�hous- rQn�t us, z�aturally in. an, n{nsettled , bq a, reduction of the i'ees for �rQ '� �r"� audl� �ar,�a isnuffe�; d petsting and recording, by ''' P�sorti�a�si�, a�d� � i��eze,ma, concliti�on, . �„����,� ���J'S .� ��1 Wt.�er, skim, trb�abT�+s,' Gag reasonable transportatio�. �. l�ey �ble�ar.d o,f �ha� .�eim !e . � o#lities, ancl bY 8�'�nB inabeae � � co�ol�nz!gt, �ur,�� q# 'W �e�S� n, T�i ������� ���bilit to mini�n ���� �°Oa � �e� �gr ie� '�no, � ��� �:' g' t1tZ88. T�16 ��� �� �. D. D. 'PI��CTlplfi0�. �¢aic►ct�v etops oo��hs. cared colda. �ad� �. �g for undergronnd minerc��1� THINS. ABOUT IT: J. Sa,tn,vi�l' 7.�e�w,i�> 1vr3r6as ;--l�I uBed tbe �tLro.�! ari luu�(s . . 28 aenis.. 97 bt-hour day. �t?hreje�;;botttl,etis� o� D. D. D. Y'reaex�tp�' . ��he boundary betwe8n Orit A,bowt �w!hat �the •�Ionxie Paper. ian , am�d suorw pn,y� Bk�n, o�ce a�n,�aise A i�ter a�gira ivast. been � anarh�ied �a � mean�s';to y�ae�( and youre. rt mea�e ,qil� p�i ir�a,�ip�,� irt�s� year, �ethe. �begi.ne� �io look and act � Manitoba, ghould �e 4dt� _ l�r+ all �tthe:•inter.�'Ein ue'tva of the.ro�n- � n �'��' 3ike �h�x. ' o�her. g n aw�! �o,f�t aus �a ,�hi1d a. I�. ��ted as to give Oxl'CBriO: S '�u•nity; o�. YoUT ileng�ibo,ur�e and �Q� �,lI rejm�jcin,es for ;�he-�kiru tha"t ..`". ^� 0 pOxt on $U.dBOA B8� " fri�nd+g; of �lhe �h;nreheq and aehool�a (cv9 �xo,zv �,� ,��C1��I�:r�o�- ; C h i 7 d r� e n. C r of everyNhing in w�hich you are .pne�; _ ing_vesp ,, aC� 1).D.D. Pr�s,tri,F��.'i�or• .� . 9 � '�.�_ .� ..... __ . . . _.. direct4y intereated. , Don t .yau� Eetieh�a,, ,�ws��+ ia ` mi�1c3: ,soc� • , ' �aR �LETCHER S , ;�hink .the Home Paper i�s a good. ;vv,a�!h.-�a i't,olea�ses a�wd caal�s�E'h,e t'hin�g to have2 ski;� �s +n hint �,la� ,carn: � p► +•� � � � �; :� . ' �� a, qfi , �Y ��hra�itch in,ai�am,t1 � �t ""� ('� E,U+i' 'EM EA.RLY; �' : • iRre�, � �yia l. y! . Ever�y ;tiane #ihe avera�g,e y�,an has , , � � �iel I�Q ;tell you 5norej g pain . in. �t�i�( bvg ��oe �e a�nag.iatea o��+�urL� .�l��ip� ' If yau?re ;vvi�se y�o�,� 11 t�uy em early abawd D, D. D; ;p�ne�erup,fiom.. ii�, yori ,�h�at` ha iis d'anugerously ill. bu�y 'ehn{ �ar1y, 1V[abel dear, wilt �.Il, or:�wri�te t,h� D. D: D, �,;ab- ��� For a:nnoie�t befor�. 3*0� kr�fl,w it osta�tiorve,s, D(�prt. N,�. 4 WHEN THE KIDNFYS GIVE OU't', ' �it�1��Le Sase�e tvoimen , ib a igl�ove etore . anerry �r.usitma�' 'TI be here ; S�'t.y To,r,a�ut+o �d �g�t a l f.z�e tryal oan Il�t ,t� ----- '�he �s�h.�eps .wi�ll all be cr�owcled in bot�tZe.� er g,�,�d �'�� gaod' a� stepmo,th- Do ow feel 'thst .,abawt aanoni�h fxa�m norw. . �.. , y.vndere;Gaxid tihe ari of Y �ou �ianplY c'� } - h�and4in ki , not go any further—that And every ;wearq �eterk vo�u m,e�ey.. . . g' d� you.�nust .�,�1 h�ave a urrink�ed �bro.w • /� • � � �have re�t for that lame and iaching , ° 'f'Pii�gham tio b,ll d j,` ��], � 'baek—relief from that coastant 1'au.11 have to �s�tand sol tonig �a:nd wi��,�� Nov. 2,1,-.FrecL R�a�_ � F,�R FtETCH.ER'$x� dead-tired fee;.in .w�ait, yonr jo;y wtll civsappear, ` g— freedom from So if y�ov.'re wi�se you'1i.buy.' ean '�eau, rtihe '1To,�o�� �EravelIer, ,who �. �'► �* ��.' � � thoeaaiabbing, ��I:Ys.buy.'em early„QVLabel dea� 5ame,tweeks a�o ;h�ad ba��, lege am- ; . . dar,tino paina? . � . . �gwt�a.ted as �a resuQ'h o;f falIing be,. . , It ie natvre�'e� TO �JEW �HA112BUT�t�G CIRCUIT'; nea�t� a.tnain �a�B,�y�,t�kc, i�sim a�er,,. �eetin� ol'. the �Il�'ULt (,`�(► . warning tbat ReY.'Thols. Hicks, rot>ho h�ag be•en criticai .condn,ti�on ,in L{he' 1a al� ho�- �:� �th.e 1�idney�s are , pital a�s a result o,f' �an o�peratio� ' L011�tCi1 � �iving ,o�,t and rect�ar o;f � St, Paul e, r.hurch, Dun- w.hich: he wen�E �inder Moin�da As you nsed �he 'ganna!n, a�nd C�xi�s�: .elvureh, Fnr.t a�.�Lt �f �havi� �' hel of Boath'e �lber,t, for . over si� yeaa�s, and g hie iege apppu,t_ ,+�e .caunci:l od' it�,he cox,gbTj�,tio� � gidne wh�ise re�ngnati�on so�ne. vneeks ago ated Mr: Rawg�eau �aziffere@ ftolirt a i y� ,Pills: re:�axa,t�i�an af .t�1�� ,�oa'd�s and � he bf lt.he ;C�o1��nty o�'Sur�on will meet t}�.� cauised �g'eneral regret�, amang his , , guaranteed � � in t+lie ,ea�une'ur clva�mber,hm,the;To�wn kidney reanedy. People and ho�site o� others; .le£t on' p Y�ici�ans deemed� it neceaeary ;to of Ga,dexirli on T�ui�asd;a.y ;the • bth . a �, ;��.p �a_ Nov. ib for' hvS beW field or ►,abor p��� in�sil'ver plates. 'T�he operati+on d,� o; ' , ch3n�e �here ia jn �he �H�s�ysvi7le-Yv''aw: liaanbw�lg, of 1Vtobd�ay .:iv�e for t4�¢s° pturpoae. �' f becember ne�t, at 3 o clock. on� p�ar�t t'hat 'ctror'k� the hardeat, cirq.uit, tid�T�ere heha�s been appoinf- ''xihe patient' i,s very t]olLv, and i�t ia h�tcoun,��avin�l�g accounte. �agai:nat: g' �d p�t.or, �be. ,An�g{litans at Dvn- �af yet knoiwm( tv]�•ether a�nat he �' � o�u]d place sa,me wzth and �v�e�s ow� fir�f. T1�e kidney� wii lrecover. • ,the .�C�lerk �efore thia dlat�e, �vork �ig7�t and d�uy; ain�d� nai'�zra11 �g��nnon L4ise a splen�d�id� pae�to�r a'nd � that viciniE� an t esce�liebt� e�t,izen ' D�fedr Nov, 20tQ�, .�911. W, Lane, a life of unusuallyAa�tiyat'y don"ble� Clerk, �'h�e dwtie� of the kidne�ys� auxd' in . in �tibe de�ra.rt�use o,f :Mx. Sick�s. �T-BFJRA�S, A'i'TENTION 1 �tim�e �he s�rain tells. �The ik �rineys : I�IN,TS T,O �CORRESpONX3ENTS, " ig�iv� owt,.�n d nature �erie� � �to ' , : Boat'3�'a K�'idn�y� Pi1l�.are �molc� !by all �Wri�te on o,ne �side at1 the �paper ',�h.� placing of +candic�a,ters v the "�� , �• �d�ea�lers� b0e�posltp�id frohml}�.'he �t., T. on]y. ?Mi3I�IA (�LiIIC�t�a �{eac�kr��Tueg-� nr �����R�. p g ' �Rl� zte�as�h efl ctin+g4one�pe e�a . �a' ��ile ianPaitia,nt� in fi'6seIf, �� ,.e♦ _.. Bao�th Co,.'�ihma��sd, �'ork lErie •Ont. fie ,; � liwt tihe �na�llest part od y' +on�r du;ty �Mii�.�i � Th,ea�e i:s no i�i.l iu t a���ood. �e�ud � � '�V'hen yau . h�av�; �eiecb�d ;tB�e, �b , 7or a f�ee �box. "�'he �tb�t �Vy11 �nrpve ,dh�ara�ter; . .]ault �se�'c� . A�L� 'the ;�o ,�arry tl�e; i.iber�l s�tar�d , ' khe t'ruth af oua e�atemen�E. N�W�� ,C`�[ec� b,if t+i�aie �ist, 2t kna�+ a�rd� it ,v �� .auseiait you fio r�naember an imp�ort�- `�'itl be incuanb2rnt oAu, y�o,qr to �eet �o Pr+ovinci�a�i n�obniwa�kx�om,s ior !Ce�n� an.t itepn�. �3ea'Nine, m�arxia�g`ea, a�c�- vvoxk �nd �d�ay+bnaa;' tuk�n.o�s�t �io eIe.et ���•:r�., f�tre Iiuran �Wi�l be �heYd� at S�afo,rEi� ,Cideb�bs, . e'hn�"eh newe� �n�AJ?ere or #b.ew'. To effcct �Ehwsr. theree muart on �M�and�ay, Dece,mber �.�; �w�i,th -,p��,s,�n',tm,tio,ne, reynao�raiT�e, , visitdr�, be �la�ar�d ;worl.t dio�ne� and you �ah Reta.rnin�g ,Off.icer $rac�c�iek,. �qf do ut if ;��o!u, enter �bhe ,eo�tastt ;Wtith' ; Se�far�f,lh 1�od�ge neW�s, ,firee, _'�pu�blie �npno�e- , .._...._4.. ��r_. g• m�e�IC�cvl��ees� �Ehe cro�pe, a�h�oa1 �v.a�saed,,,and rf�xeteat�et are t�oiae ean- preaafdiin a, .tv�l1. T{he va � � � � �U�i' �R�ATHE Ifi � : � �atea �ure to fbe � i�abeed irr ;h1�e ballat iaox, �bE�tuig•. g�,�$��b.�andrelleveallttieteonb9e�l�ct• •�3IS�OP'S SON X��.Z. ` xa�slm a�di ,�heerin� are.well �+c�uou�gh den,i to� b111one atate of thm pYelem4 �ncl� ar p�i iB88�1o�i) 'W;t'l1i+a�IB� ��n-+y'E�'-tlir iA tttiitesYi:pt!1 VeH, bt1�', i'E i.6 1veQ'C� �VAst'� D�zineae, Nunseq, Ax'owelaebe Dletro9s ccitor �/ �R 'rr� j �!ha� teti�l�e. nn the niigk�t o�f •tah� P�oi% e��n , Y�� in c�e sia �c. 'ti�hite their moo� a.� �4n, �olL�alnd, iHa�t ;pxc�en�t ,aon�iin�d, ap.g. C�v �at�0 me�fin 5 tesusr�icnWoeuccesqLnec'becna�ow;atn � g ,antl � �ta Vic�osi�a Sas�pital, �ivli�ere h�2�un� ;��ranir�ed tlha� there ,ah�a11 b�nn �}., a� ° deMtv�en�i an aperatbooi an!'I�u��a'day �, xn o�ur� effor�t� .tilT tahe laet vcxtr � . ' �/� � �a�t �'twr appendieibi�. �$e ie,�'aeov'� P �� � � � � V���' ius .co�n!tea: 'Qive� rt{he mep �wivrami ° �r•xzug nicel� ¢�auuv�. �amd rvi,ll� be �n�t , fz.e.lt.c�e, yoc ca�r�a �tt�e �ver �ne ,� - � �- iYt dt �CO(tb�3118 �Of �.JWCbi�d. AL`�b }��'O+ll YS'�CCty 88,3'Ii88�1 � atlL�� pk18t�tih'� d9c�allyvkinAbTeinConetfpa�faArourfngandpig. . a � �+'� +9'1��j3�5b1'I� LtA,t�l�'tj18 liig;l�11� C�,�,�10 p�d,1�� i'ei�tingthfgBAnoqln* Com latat Whlltrti�eywte6 � i'.h0 biaB�oil> 1�9,d' ,�'O ch8�g@ KSt�{W O# . o�rtrActKlldieotdareolthke�vmac�,6ttu11ilatt�tSM ����� !r �hys en��ag�men��e �uariarg� ;4he mo� i�'g' �.. � , yver,war���thoaowe�. ,����tweyoz�y �Ni .. � ��z�ibue p�ti■,t o�P t�e il�neee, he id;;nd;wv .�"�' �} iai�l� �o Si11 �lhd�n. ' " ' . �� �� ��I�' . , . � � � �rr�• ; Gi�ANAMAXtE�.t s Ax3V�I`t'x`I�IN /�� '�,� �'�' /lohelhsq�at,nlctbeatmoetprtceleeatatho6awl�o �i A.�i�I�J � /Z' euRertroatthtadtefrc�afi�gcom Ietnt• ..������G,�.�ia����✓��1� tt�elYrhe�tgoadneMedbeenbtendqe ' btttfonn. ��' � ' i�e bI]� @I1b@Ypr�lelrC1a11q�'tiY ' 7i �. C. A$I;i�, Whbol�euttyihemtvillIIndthee0littlo li�y�'al�u. ]�to -trc�a,tment !� �dm lvr� ar �at�e �E ;tl���� � plc�ya�,t, N,� rem��y s�c+ tr.�� tram, ,t�h�at a"qt�iit�r" �►�4d� le�uv� �cv: �� ���i11bN. [►5��". •a��eiunozhsny w�yatnattno�w�il oe,bevV;H Ca�tazrhazone -�- its me.dlCatea , .. � � �dw�rtidf�g !ma •�S��d SHt712Tt�A1VbSt1H.t�G',�5, �`a�'�nwicnants��n. �utateare»aw�c�,,t : 8aeel�the�riCAtu6'�s. 'Y+DU [ifnu 1Y ��13Pr �i�.kQ A IB'111keeBH O���tiV�llritli� b31C. ��6tbP0d �ebt Beagbri 11pWhhYda g tL a c :Vi�'bn t yau tbse C:a- � am�t ,be ,pr�e ' er3 td ta'txck, '�k�4 st �dent� �W lao� bve �'0� O+D , i� p i7 �'nd��tti. Seve:n � ' . ta,r}hazoa� �,nH b� cuker� ? '�`tro '��rn�c�l� d;n � , f,'s ' +bo�to�n. �e �1�iWly quali8� re�ul� t�c�trs �� ' • m4ritheP trC�,tsineY�3, O,be � iZ.��. �i9�rnple �btul�d �bt�iVaW ,beZd�� �� �iegtne, #.t bu�dt±ed end Si�Y 1Lur►ddu �xc�►s �m � the bei�e at eo iu,�y 1tv¢�r kha# hero !e aTiete �, 2G ebr�te� aiI Hes►Teii� n�r �t. G�. oYuttiCgirsbd��t 1��" �emskaoargrn,acbc�et„ cfur�td�auroikw]� �''b�ddtl +� ('„6., 7��,1',tfort�� C,'A�1t�k.� U.S.,A,r �'�'t h01m��� bp�ri� It�b7de+,�-�-� �li bS P• G`0 8 3tt l7tle�iost ftt►rii +►LhHedu tlot» ar�d! K�g�tto�r, t�»�t� �t'. ,�o�nebo�l� ur� #e1i lsim thai,fi, �pt. 5 t�r ,�ume 36.��te�t any t1mb. C�tot4r Little IdyOr i'111e nib Y� btlial] anci D CiAptNIo�1Ya i�r•e, �aitalnkt�. Ohdartv►o il�makerdoao. . he ,��ng,t �p,pe �a reap x�,lt� �v� Q�,� :/� �. bx�x��e�eb�a �n�ao �ot �a a� co�m�en+q�,t� � tTa I�xd e�cpe�dYw �,�� � ,� r ger�a. ncttca �.���`�"����� L+nx+� +�^]- r ,�`i�eww f�.�wia �' iih the Ig�1e�. .�.t�v't�'ti�i+� �f �t �1uxt�)�d � �t��1'l��� �i ibg dnea� �cxti Ser�C; if �uil�. �i ioew 'W �vax.2�, ,s� Jy Wr ���� (.� � � Ap,r �'R �r ' �'1�1' . �`!�i ` "Ie�r �+�i�:W�, A+t ii�w`t> #�wt Ik�A �� ��+ .. . P,rWW�tn��. t �J � . � �-�M�. �� � �,��, � , e • v ,.: � � , ��i� � +�. . � - i . _ ,�,. , I� M , . . . � 9l" ".' � ��iJI1FMI�di1f.F7 �+M'�� �7 3P�.dr __ ����� ����� I �� ���'�Vi�� M �l�AG ��'�i�`+��"s ���� � �4��t�'�a� �a41��Ctx�x� ��i�� ������ • ; ��. ��� ��� ' '� P'CTJB�ir�l3 �,',�'SS, ° , � iKg�t�titit pf 4T,�1�'C71t �'..�'.,�,.,�, . �!�r n �be followin g . Livs �.'ou�. . , �111�� ����,���� ,����„°� tr� ie wa�nte�; �x the H�1cne�vilte ��l��ti.1�� �. ���.� � s'oultr� iSratioa eac� we�k.-� �)o�►neya�G�. Nats�p Publia, ' p�q `� /� t 1Q�OQi Ci�i,ekeatt� Ga�a�►i�r�iane�, eto. • > ��I+���R i��I �r�t���iY �V� ���! �00 S�EA� ESTAx�QAN� IN�i7r.fE.#i1�XC� rh �r�s�♦+n �,[+eas I� ���✓�� �k�#,ca,e,r�� ,R v t ��e���Q�.Marria�e�icela�e�. �QA �uakS , �iura���3t.� {JltutoQ. ����� �004 Dox. Neiv i�aid ��gs . . TURKiFXq AN'a1 C�:ESE LATER �, fi. �i �`� 4p � . `......;.,-,.q,�.,.�".•^ Nq�arF.�'ubl�a� Cotzve�sncer. . • � Pouikry taken� tbe �ixet t}�xee du�s �+'inancial and Raai Eatate. a�� ��� � of each w��ek. INs17ItANCJE'ac���rx--�enreaeattn,� i��ire r,�. ` � �. r � aearanco comv&ntes. 0 1E;[i�hes�t �'r�ces F�i� an ��,ah n�v�s�a� ca,�rt o�ee� a� �����t �'���"�` �YQ�t1l1C,�, Write or Pl�oue $et'9rA YQ�I� Sell c` 4PP4SITE P4STU�'FI(%k`, Phong # nz� 1�2, �E��1V�• � , N. W. TiI�E'�'�[��i�.� n��..�� �: a�:�4,��so� d . �,_...._._.___.�_.�...._.�__._.�---_r._. � ___,_ : $+p�il�Si'LiiC',. ,io�a�t saz�aean,, ��a. ' eqeciel n#teaL9oa 8iveu � dasaecape oLi�+e a T4 Qi1i�e�t T���1��Ci'S _ �;�e, �az. �&a, �na Noaa, x Ttil4 �iiU1�SC� tQ �,C� �''ag°�xei„'av:ea�wined, an@:�t��twblePQlna�e "^"""" ArescY��c�. � Mx. Wan. H, ]NIo�n, t�e #�a,x .collec- _---- . oeGce'sna: aeelaeace, . e f�ar o;f Hu11et itv�1l be �at 't1�e Coan� Tbe u�ndersi�;ne� has trc'o houaes ta �'''vo atanrs wRrt oix�e c'oe►enan1�►11aN�r " n Y�er,c#:al �atel, Clinbon atr pee. Sth. aet, apply so _ �ui�ron sk. . a at Londesbo�ro on Nov. 30; J. �WIT(7�lELL & SON � DRS. �YJ1�N u�,t! �AND�F,1t u �one�t�.neQ oa� tJkie �.3.th Av�bur� o(n •. � ��t�he ],3th, and x,on�dea�oro b�� �k,he �►x. w. �tauxn, l�. �, C� P.,1G. �. U, �., Ed.t�, h:4t!1: anc� 15th torsceive taxes�. L,a�s Wanied ur.�.o,L7t;RdlEk�a�,�..M�s. t.i:A,f��x �i1�aE da�E 5 pe� .Ceni Wi111 },�t� Office—Unta#�io 13trnex,0lintoa. added tro vnpai.d taxes. -�.-�- �TiQhp aslle ab reeldaxioe, &+►�tonb�sr� St,. All kinds� o.f loi�,�, M�,ple, Sof1: EIm Dr aE boavttet a and 7�a�s;waad --^-^- . � � �referr�d,. Hi�g�eet �i y1l S�I'/�W► �e�z ant Wan�e�l. p���� ��a. . ��, , ,. , r .•�W. D� �r,ty. �iano and Ur;gan �o. raX�10:Cart. sU�e�Eoz�. •""'�' ccw�ebenr, eto;, O�SiCB &AQ YE8Ad8AC8 Op �p,f�: � � SS'anEed� a PDa ., -----• �enburqBG.. oanosite W, �arran'� reeidence, ` � , gener�l ser�,-a�nt �44�i'(l�i'S ��,I1t�l� ---------- � ko w�oun �he h�,gl�es�t �'vages �vi1[ be D8. k'. T�. RXl911i " paid. A��ly :to 1�Trs�� Geo. • Mc- "'^" � fia;g�ar�4 Haaing re�urned to tocvr� I am now 7��eara�x�T � --- - prepared ta tnke bo1,r<iers, either C�o�u :uia ufiid�e �1'airk acSper�lalry.' ladies ar g�ntternen. .�.np1g a,t hottse C}re,due�to of C.(3.A.S,. Cbioago, nnd R.a.D.� 14�rs h2a�ridga, tJntxrio &treet �oranta. 0 x�nxn�aa ou n��y�,�,4vg, hlny �at;o 7)CeCntLea. / ���� ��:�ntcil� ' 1 �� , ' ry ��i . ___ ���. ��. �'��b�iJG�u�� d ' To leix�n rl�,z�ni�� Ia�iit iinsiness, �i� . 1DBIiCTi�"%`a ' ply Ca T. h1oKFnzia, Gliizton. G�Bioes over 0'�x:IL'E 4Eo�m, � _ -�...�,-•-�.•�.••:,•a-........,.,-___.w_�,_,_, ��yaoial oa�e �akbn to make �on#m! �ro&t.� •., me , � k � a � a at � . ; nleae s , . .' � eBS�(�ll+� Xr41,i�� a , � poaeible. Somr firat c�l�z�s pasfitz°e .12nd to bP ����V1�� ��.ij��i� A � bo'd in lot� tn :anit purch:Lsere. .�.t Lise ston�C t�nd �enez�a,t Auction;3en � tz'FtCt1YC� �)21CP:",. Apply Co Johiz �ttLnsford, CT, T. R. c_Yl�ts.r�geiit GO�ERIC,r'� i)�T � B�o:tr, eto:a x�1es a apec,xr.ta� Uadees � yX yn '�""—"' ---- �-�--�----- ,iV'rcw 'Fxa orT'ice, C1IinL•Vxi prt,m r t.y nbtunq�t3 ' x'ards Opgosite �,'y�. ZC..r9�:a�i(Dll . � y to. Tertr�e �seaRonnhl�. '�ax��ers. sal� nat4 ��o�,i ���r ����v��°c a�e�auAta� . � t��� �►�l�l�$ 0�. �,�OiL� Qill �l`c�t�i(�.---- T+'or scsrvice oci lat?G. con :3 ET. R. 5� G. D. 141c'1'aggaz�C iV1.�D. McTaggag , ' 7.�a�iflersrr�ith. �, pure bred Hampsl�ii'e ' • .� ,� , I3��,r, Brodha�en Uhie2�Na. �k�'Ll�terme ����,����!� �� �.�p � L�14.'Stllllt �.�0�� �Oa"Ll �1`tivith pi�ivilege of reCurnin� it neoes � ' snry, John A 14lurr�.r rznd Geo l�en � ����iERS derson, Ser�fort�� F. U. Phone 5 ap 13�i ��BERT S�' , ' SLOV� . Il��'11�1�I . COdI. �linton centrai. �. � GLI1�iT01� � ,Furna�ce �Cok� � � ---____�._ ' �,, 4e�er$! �ankictg � �puial�ss�.�•�: , � F�R?MI F(11R, ��ENT t;ansncte� ., . :,�,., NOTER DtBCOIIN'C,Ei) . DratEe ieeaed. Intereei t�llowed p� . , The South i0 �,orea of lotnumber.3� depoeile. and the',a'o.uth F.ast part of Lot no, 36 ��: �(����� 14.acres both in tve Iat�eoncepeion of """' t! S� a n l e p t o w n s hip is forrent for�a tdrm � h e m��X]]�j� ,��t��� of yeare. Thi� property is c10se to Lhe j �r (� ' PLone 62. 6own o� C�inton &i]C� �IUSBCABSIOII CLiT! '���r� +�sqraliCC �;rQ� � _ ` begiien at once. Forfurther parti- R4t'mt aqd I�oiated'ToWD &!�p�s . cv]ar� appiy ta Henrp Plnmsteet. Ctin- ' er•ty .F)a!y Insnred.. ton, Ont.,_ or McCarthq, Bnys c� Mur- d�1��IJU�4VtI►Ai.iW4�11 .cbieon, Barrieters, Barrie, UmC: - .. " OxFICERS. . J. B. M"eLeaa, 1'resident; Seaforth '� • � # Ja,e. Connotty. �rire Prea., Qoderic�a � � ,� � Thos. E. Says, �ee.•Treas.� SPNYC2i�t Earm Fo�r Sate: � :������ . ��._„ DIRECTURS. �! The undersigned'offereforsale, East ras.• Connelty, HolnneavillG; Jo�,'. •" °. ' ��',, 3 I3alf, Lot ' 1•L, on' 3r-ct (;orrceseion, of Watt, Harleck; G: Daie, CTinton; M,. �� - �►. ' Hullett hie qhoice farm of &5 acrea a11 Cbesney,. 5eafnath•� L Evans, $eect►� � � : � clear and in grase, 2 never failin� woon; j, G. Grieve, Winthrop, j. Ben�. �i�'CC 1t1C1 �lpre our finest ► bacnqs, good weIl �,t house, river'at 9eweis, �$rodhagen, 16i. McE ► k, n choice �ravet pit, ���QnE or CIinton. �a�" ��W �tj��1S� f3�S1�'17S p{ R� road �ravel. A good frame ho,vse, new frame.kitcben with wood et�ed, � �aG� Director is.inspcctor of IossCa ia � acre h'i� awn tocality. � �oherty .P'ranos 3AC� .t' Rood bearing orchard. �Reaeons � for ae]liaR not able fo wark. Fo� par- �CENTS. �:_. o �, � � �: tiCulars aPPIY on premisea ox� addrese Robt Stnith � Y3iachle� �.ir �,11s Seaforth• ' Harlock; Ed, ' [ RIUHARD TASg�R, Hullett, ,,�arnes Cuaiming, Egmond: � � � ' w Gtintbn. �.'. 0. ville; J. •W. Yeo. Holme�vi2le , • ,� ,�pecial values �� Art P• . F,a3�enit�i may� �a..�ad�e at 7'1�e . � � � Stea�n Engine. For Stti� R $. �'�a,`a �'a� �:' c��;�o�� ,�� � �' �id,SCB � �: C . � . �, �.� �. _..._. _�: � . . ,► The vudargig'n`ed. oifera for a�ale J A, C� B T A Y L an v��ri.gh�t �etaam 'elwgine ` ' - Pianos and -or a�ne rent ► ; at�ou�. 7 �} R. ..�" . lioxse+Pa�w� ;' �,� �go;o� runnin,� er- �'L111TT011i � � ed, cl�oice� n�w �dison � dex. T�� is ce�taialy a�nap for -. �Y ��� wan�ing poty�r �oa�. �� Fire, Life and Accident phor�ograghs, Music & �'� �e� o�n ta�zn. En,gine•!can be � �eew ait my b�acks4na,th �h�ap • Insurance �var��ty �oods. . � Jab9a Rande, �Ia.nl�oa�. . . , ' Reat «a�tate bonght and sol�A . �. 11i11�1C .E.tt�i0i'iq111 � ` ' .Ft�,Pill fOC �;Lle. �toney ta loan �' ' �_. . --- The� �exeeu$or of �he Southco�be. O�ce;Iseac,Streeti IIEBt�CZC70$ ;Eo Nes�• G Esfa�tei bff�c's, for �a1e b0 scre� ,..,. . Ern_ � « . �Eaa�t half oY 10� 28, Kwn: 6, �IIttlle�r. ,,..........:.�._ . A firat �laas �'ar�m, welt . . w t�;ed • , � . �+ aniL iroaprayed, aa�d , wnth goad Grant� Trnxik8aiiwap �ystem� �/a �Q��� . � .bu�ldingp. .A.lsol the v�dersigned � ' F a�r�( go.r� �aL�, Idt 29�, �e�o,n."6, �Hull- Railway Time Table + � ., . ett, 700at�a. 'Theae faamne �nay, be ;Lando r• baaght �toge� ar �e��pa,rateZy: , n, �.uxon and Bruce. , f1'7V'►�'1'�'►'��'�►17�f�'1'��''I JAME� S,OU 1"HCOM}3E� North Paseenger � - . ,� , , ,C'1��,�tan. l�ondon, depart..... 8.�0 a m 4.5b'Pi�., . CGntralia , . . .. 8,40 5.4,s� Exeter. .. . 9,63 5.Cr� ' � t,� ,• Ci'Ottd�''8 �"0�' ►�.i,��C � KHensalt , ,. . .. 16.08 5.05 " . P��� ......... ... 10.Y6 6:Ii � •�, ' '��. R-ass afl�e h+e7c iCo+t'tage ea Bruca�eld .......... 10.30 6.I9 . � � '��` �Ydc�o�ya( �re�ft !or �e. :� I't i�. � Olinton .... . , . . ...... 11.00 8.35 4 1�.,,�" `�. , eacelien�t 'praD��i dnagobc3 Io. Iandesboro �.:... t1,18' 8.52 . ��� �'�„� ca�t3�oa�l � in ig+ood r� air. BT�tb .. . ,.... .... 1l.27 7.0(}�. � � � '� ;v►'.Sx'�'d�utne. Begrave. ..,......1I.40 'T.13�. . Win�bam, arrive.:. Il,60 7.35• , . � �or�` 8� lVt�:L�o�. �ou�� pa�g���e� �- �: Wingh�m, depart.. 6.�;3 a'mi�.33 p 1nr�+ a""� Beig7cave. .....,.. 6�54 S.�` ` - �WE are now se�ling Timothy eeed at ' $�qt�« � • , •., ,. 7:08 �.gg . � ?.00a bualiet, G}ov6rnnoent St�ndn.r�4. Lyoudesboro�...�.... 7.18 4.04 . � ( We har�e also . on hat�d A}Paifa aY UfI��O�}5 •� •�� Y��� y ?,�,p 4,� � , � �]4.OQ, Aisike �10; ,�ted OIqver from ��'uc�8eld . � ...... .. $.12 4 39 � � , � �o $8.54 ia $9. K�ppen .. ... ; .. 8.23 4.47 ' . .�, We ha.1"� atways - on hAnd Gfuose Seneatt!,. ....... 8.32 +��62 ,'�` � Wheat, Peas, ,Barley anci fesd �oru at �Xeter.`.» ....... S�,�g 5.(�"i � �21 a ton, Oentralia . �........ 9rQ0 5.25 ��� �` ��+�'�,,,F��" Siighe�t M��ket pric�� �aid far ull ��aob,;arri've..... 1000 6.10 YOU� WA�'C j� �����. -�u���o.��a;�oc�e,,, . � '' '�e�� PA68iebg'bx�fi=�: +• �WA'`TC� zs a rlelic�te �i�rc �0�� � �, . ��j�� tcm m �.� �� � �t �*f mac:hinery. XC calls for gttatfcird.�.,....�4.00 1�L,20 2� �.�� - � i �hell�. . � , ..10.22 ]`�.�6'i G.55 Y(i.4'l. ��ss �ar�ent�on t`�ian mas� - tra�C�hi�ery, but mvst b� clea1`ned .�3#!C� ll'1:@I� C1CCfl,S1011ai�a tQ 4cGN.[3 pet'f��ct xirn�. . �sCb �ruper c�ca a W�trha.ni 1�r^�Ch vViti k��p perPreti ttY;y� ft,r a 1'sk'etirr�e, lr w�lt p:�,y vnu k wcli Co ict us �(ean yut�r �va.,;s► cvclry x� br �$ rnunth�. '�. `�+ �it��1�i�+��' ��..+are� �a a�����,�� ��$�E��` i�f ��1`ria�� �»�C�,����. � e� 6rth, .�..IO.� 1.10 6.18 xl.r2' vli�ton ,. ......1X.dt x.2s 8.4o xl,�$ + t�oir�aes.+iHe�....11.18 l,�3� �B.d6 r�..�6'. Gtoaexich,....,..�x•3G x.GQ '7,4G 11.5�r • � �aet � �eeei�ghr � Ci�aderio�l.....r.�..+, �. Q � l�il ��o �.r� Sotmes�vitle..,�...., 7;28 �G7 5.0� r7Y{Ti�bll,..r ....r..ss i�:� $ai ii�X�'Y �b�tort�t ,,,, ,,,,,,,,, '7;52 ��25 l5.�' Mit�4�1�......:....r.818 8,�8 t�.5Ci Strat#'ara.....,.,..., �.�o ^4�i6 B.�A� :� � �#`� de '��i�'� �`e.�qt� �, At�ti�bl+l�t�act�r�uhrtor��evar . �,aa�e�. ��p�mr �ra exn�rrr�! p�r 1 w r �,,, .. �l�tiro �►ertlan �/f t2» feari�i►�y �S1wN, •Il theup imft�tSMM. �Yr. +iM'h�a+1 �cfi �C. �tt 6 s bok. ar t ee irC Iiq, �R�I�wt t1 �k�1 �aw , �pw�k3� �O�f�► #w �Mi�r,A►i vrNw.. • r ._,,. ,.....1�_..... . ..... _...l.,._,._...._..