HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-23, Page 8• -•
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Ten Days
Stock=Reducing Sale
Big Savings at This Store for Next 10 Days
• • •
Dress Goods 25c yard
98 yards Dress Goods on sale Saturday
only. Panama, Sage. Venetian, Rexene
and Poplin, colors, blue. black. brown,
red, green, regular 50c and 65c, Saturday
only. 2be
Fur Ruffs
$3, ten only
the morning
day choice
and Muffs,
in the lot.
for this huge
regular $2 and
Come early in
bargain, Satur-
• ._50c
Worsted Bose
DR. OVENS, London, tiutgeon,OC
Speeialist. will be at W, S. R.
Hohnes' Drug store on Tuesday, Dec,
5th latises properly fitted, deafness,
catarrh and failing eyesight treated.
Ail day.
A challenge game betWeen the C.
0.F. and the W. 0.W. will be play-
ed in the formers tonigh!t. 4
good game s expected.
Boy& Heavy Worsted Hose, black, all
sizes, splendid line for children's over
stockings 460
Ladies Lama Cashmere Hose, all sizes,
Saturday 460
Ladies Winter Coats
Less Than Half Price
Ten only, Ladies' Black Beaver
and Fancy Tweed Mixtures Coats,
,serni-fitting, convertible collars,
'sites 34 to 38 only, regular $10 and
$12, Saturday special sale $5.00
Ohildren's Coats '$3.5o
Clildren's Tweed Coats, velvet
collar and cuffs. These are splen -
Coats for school wear. regular $5
and $6, Saturday special sale $3.50
Flannelette Blankets
White Flannelette Blankets, with
blue and pink borders, fir:A. qual-
ity, Whipped ends, size 64 by 28, per
pair specially priced 1.35
Wool Blankets
Five pairs only, Wool Blankets,
.large asize, whipped ens, blue bor-
der, specially marked for Friday
selling at • $1.98
We are clea.
• days. Thes
from', last se
price. Coin
one for ..
s 98c .
of our Trimmed Hats 'duriiag sale
styles, but • are • styles ,carried over
wear every day, Just what lots of
at $5.00 or $7.00, but at the above
this is the only day you can get
ng out the balance
are not this, fall's
on, and for ordinary
, and think of getting
early Saturday for
. .... 98c
At the Ontario Horticultursil As-
sociation, which convened in Tor-
onto last Aweek, T.Cottle, of Clin-
ton, was re-elected Director for
District No.5. The gathering .was
a success and Association is ask-
ing the Government fox increased
grant to aid them in their work of
The Clinton bylaw, authorizing
the grant, of an additional bonus
of $10,004to the London Huron and
Bruce Railway wias almost unani-
mous carried on Friday, only one'
person in the town voting against
it. Thismakes a bonus of 20,000
/Van the town. • a.
Mr. W. Proudfoot K.C., held his
organization meeting for the town
of, Clinton in the Council Chamber
on 1VIenday evening and there was
a gocid attendance of Liberals pre-
sent. After Committees were,forrn-
ed for the cliff erent wards Mr.
Proudfoot revered the work of the
past sessions and also spoke upon
the new Liberal Leader. Mr. Row-
ell and the excellent work done in
the House by Hon. Mr. McKay.
Rev. Arch. Cullens. of London, and
who has preached in Clinton in aid
of the Y. M. C. A., has accepted a
call to the pastorate of the Con-
gregational Church at Lanesboro,
Mass„ and will' assume his duties
on Dec .1 next. For the past four
years he has been engaged in Y. M.
C A. work as provincial secretary,
but which, owing to ill -health, .he
was compelled to give up. He has
now regained his heath; and is
ready for active aninisterial work.
The small item below apparel in
the Saturday issue of the Stratford
Daily Beacon
Mr. Paul Eennewitz of the Benne-
wit' Manufacturing Cotmpany,' has
been in the city for ,some- weeks
past and a number of his Men have
been busy installing the machinery
in the former Perth Flax & Cor-
dage Co.'s building, which they
have purchased. Mr. Bennewiti
stated to The Beacon that they ex-
pect to begin operations in the city
about the latter part of next' week.
As a result of the action of the
Goderich authorities, who are send-
ing a deputation to (OttaWa for
the purpose of, having the annual
military camp made * fixture at
that place, the aldermen of 'London
will take upthe matter of urging
London's claiins. The camp was
removed • from London to *Goder-
ich ()plug to the fact that the form-
er's atraining grounds provided in-
sufficient accomodation, However.
Londoners are willing to purchase,
atract -of land near Springbank
Park, which will be conveyed to
Pthe Government for the purpose
of a training camp.
Milliner Rat Shapes 28c
• aturalay we give yap your
choice 'of any Hat Shape for... 28c
Wool 110.1118 25c
Woolen's and Misses Wool Tams
in black, 'white, brown and fancy
colors, round and square styles, re-
gular 50e, 75c, and 81.00, clearing
during this special sale at ..25e
Wool Gauntlets Underpriced
'Ladies' and. Misses Black Wool
Gauntlets, leather palras, , wool lin-
ed A good, warm hand covering
for walking or driving. During
•this' special sale, regular 50c for 35e
• Regular 75c for ...50c
Regular gm /or ..75c
Prints 5c per yard
During this sale 'we will sell Light
and Dark Prints, full Width and
heavy cloth. sold every day at
10c per. yard, English make, at per
yard .. .. . ..... .5c
50c Toques 39c
Boys' and Girls' Soft Woolen
Toques in all the popular ,combi-
nation colors, in , half and full
length, regular 50e, sale days your
choice • 39c
Flannelette BlankeLs.I.35
$4° Pan Velvet 62c
• 25 onlyFlanrielette Flankets, first qual •- 50 yards. Pan Velvet, IS "inches wide, in
ity, large size whipped ends, 61x78, pink •a grey, purple and blue, these are. the balance
and blue borders, worth. $1.50, sale days..1.35 ,t," of our millinery stock and would make
splendid coats for children, regular 1.00 sale
20 and 25c Sateens I5c days • •• • • 62e
25 per cent off Rugs, Carpets, Etc.
100 yards Fancy Art Sateens, Paisley
and Scroll designs, all colors, 27 to 36 inches
wide, regular 20c and 25c, sale days........15c
Doylies 5c each
3 dozen assorted Doyliee, in square,
oval and round shapes, just a clearing up
line. tegular 10c, 15c and 25c, fale eays •
Millinery Cuts
Cleaning up the Millinery Thspartment
during sale days. Space will not ermit of
• During the three saledays we will give
25 per cent off all Ruge, Carpets. Tapestry
Table Covers, Meats and Matting.
Men's Fnr Coats
5c Men's Coon, Dogs Calf, Galloway and
Wallabs Coats, all sizes, during sale days 20
per cent off regular prices
$1.25 Taffeta Silk 79:
Greetinci Folders
For the
Yuletide of 1911
We have for your inspection two Sample
1300310 containing a wide selection of artful de-
signs in which you may have your name printed,
and a greeting of your own choice. Theyare
much more personal •and intirnate in their char-
acter than the ordinary card, Supplied in quant-
ities of twelve and upwards at a moderate price.
TheW.D. Fair Co.
Often the eheapest7-11Iways the Bestj .
$1.25 and 1.50 -Men's Shirts 79c
About ten dozen Men's Stiff Fronted
Shiats, in light and dark colors, all sizes,
regular 1,25 and 1 50, fele days •79c
75c Soft Shirts 59C
Men's Soft Fronted Shirts, all sizes,
ight and dark colors, regular 75c sale days 59e-
115c Toweling 12ic •
500 yards Heavy Crash Tow.eling, red
border, regular 15e sale days 124c
Regular 121c. sale price 10c
Regular 10c, sale days... ....... . . 80
Remnants . .
200 Remnants of Dress Goods, Cottons,
heetings, Shirtings, Towelings; NSateens,
able •Linen, Prints, Ginghams, e s
a description. come in and look t em over 100 yards Black Taffeta Silk, every yard
All h one rice 50a gale
uaranteed, good weight, highly finished, days.... ...... . ... , .......... -Half Price
g apes atp•
All trimmed Hats 1.50 ank will giae splendid wear for coats and
•dresses, regular 1,25. fele nays • 79c
Men's Clothing • •
During sale days we will allow ten per '
cent off all Men's and Bays' Clotning, Snits, •
Oyercoatg and Odd Pants .
Odd Lace Curtains 25 p.c. off
100 pairs odd Lace Curtains, one and
two pairs to a pattern, some slightlo soiled,
all new designs this season, in white, cream
and eau, regular $1 uo to $5 per pair, seale
Bearskin Coats for Children
Underpriced• .
. We are clearing out the balance of our
Children Bearskin Coats, during sale days
as follows- •
• Itegulai $2,25 for 1 '79
Regular 2.75 for 223
Regular 3.00 for 2.25
Regular 3.50 ;or . • 2.97
days 25 per cnt off Regular 4.25 for
Regular 4.40 for
3 5U
Applique Linen -• Linen Table Cloths $I.5o
Two dozen Applique Linen for Sham ' One dozen only, separate Table Clothe,
Runners and Table Covers, regular 29c, sale two new designs, size 212.1 yards, worth $2
dayf • 19• c sale days.
Men's Fur Coats. at Cost
• We are clearing out our Men's Fur Coats at
cost and less. We do not intend keeping up this
Department, hence the following deep cuts
Coon Coats,. regular $85,00 for 69.00
Coon Coats, • " 50.00 fem... 37,00
Brown Calf Coats, " 25.00 for 15.00
Galloway Coats •35.00 for . 29.00
Grlloway Coats " 25.00 for...............19.00
Black Dog Coats " •25.00 for 19.00
Black Curly Coate " 35,00 for 29.0
Linen Collars 5c
Mens four -ply Linen Collars,
isitagle and double bands, aesorited
sizes and 'height, regnant. 20c each,
Salina -day ,5,c each ot 50c dozen.
Ties i2ic
Men'is 1-lan.cy ,,Ties in all the new
o'hapes, regular 25c, 35c and 50c.
Som 11ghUy soiled, froin. rwindow,
display, *nada. 12 1-2c
Deep Cuts in Umbrellas
• We have gone thrcnigh our stock of
Parasols and Umbrellas and laid out for'
quick selling the following lines
Regular $1.25 for
Regular I.50 fox
Regular 2.00 for
Regular 3.00for
Ladies Coats Half Price
15 only Ladies Winter Coats in Fancy
Tweeds, black and green Beaver, regular
10, 12 and $15 sale days 500
Children'3 Coats - $3.5o
Nine only, Children's light grey. tweed
Winter Coats, all sizes, regular $5 and $6,
sale days • 350
Central Business College
Stratford, Ont.
• Stands to the front as the best
school of its kind in the province.
Our courses are beyondthose of the
ordinary business college. This
school has a continental reputation
for high grade work. We have
•three departments :
Commercial. Shorthand, and
And the demand for trained help
'greatly exceeds .the supply. Stud-
ents are entering each week and
+be sooner vou enter the better for
yonrself. Get our free catalogue
at onee.
D. A. McLachlin
• Renewing time is drawing near.
Don't forget' that Hon. McKenzie.
King, Ex•Minister of Labor will speak
in the Town Hall on December lst,
The west side entrance to the Post
Office has been shut up with storm -
doors and everyone must enter by the
East side.
i . Everyone should hear the wonderful
soprano singer, with's, range of two,
and a half octaves reaching to'extrernes
high F, appearing witn the Canadian
Jubilee Singers on Saturday evening,
December 9th in the Town Hall.
A newspaper in speaking of a de-
ceased citizen said : "We knew him
as old Ten Per Cent-tlae more he had •
the less he spent -the more he got
the less be lent -he's dead -we don't.
kknow where he went ; but if his soul
to heaven is sent -he'll own the harp
and eharge'em.rent.".
I 118100 a Year •
• i
4,... 1
• Is the present salary of 'Miss .T
2 Ruby Long who otained her busi- di.
; nese training in our school. Re- •
• sults - Snug savings' account; so.
• bright outlook; promotions.
• .
Wouldyou like to earn $14 a 0
lai week? Send for our catalogue 'el
• te• today and learn how. le
• . ei
i• Centroi BilStEESS College :.
• W. H.: SHAW, Principal.
'Hand ie the News. We'll do the
• "The Goose Girl" -our new story
Commences next week.
Business was quiet in town Satur-
• day owing to the MOW storm.
Dan't close up the house too tight.
little fresh air won't hurt you.
The changeable weather has given
many of our citizens severe colds.
Anniversary • ser•vices in the Baptist
Church next Sunday. See church
notice. •
Men's Stiff Front Shirts 79c
Men's Stiff Fronted Shirts, in light and dark
colors, some open at front others at back, all sizes
regular 1.25 and 1.50, Saturday • 79c
Men's Flannel Shirts 50c
Men's Dark Stripe Flannel Shirts, with collar
attached. A good warm garment for winter wear,
all sizes, regular 75c, Saturday 50c
Meit's Ordered Clothing $25 for $21
We,haye laid our ten Sootclilweed and English Worsted Suits
all new colorings and designs, for this sale, at a saving of $4 a suit.
Made to your measure, best trimmings, well tailored, Eft guaran-
,eed. Don't miss this opportunity, regular $25 for .21.00
Men's Ordered Suits $2o and $22 for $17
Ten good patterns of Scotch and English Tweed and Worsted
Suitings to be cleared out during sale, see them in winnow, regular
$20 and $22 for • • es 17.00
Men's Soft and Stiff Hats
We are clearing up the balance of the Hat Department at cost
and less during this ten nay sale at the following prices
Men's Black Stiff Hats 2.50 for 1.98 Men's Black Solt Hats 2.50 for 1.98
• " 200 for 1.50 " 2.00 for 1.50
1.50 for 1,10
Odd Lot of Soft Shirts -25c •
Broken lines of Men's and Boys Soft Sherts, odd sizes and pat" -
terns in light and dark prints to be cleared out during sale at ....25c
• ,;.•
3111434 CALRIX SIGNOTt3M-131171-"IMIL ANDJe41:4104-4 A.S CALSII
asi• omeeilassini•
The St. Mary's Argus of last
had the following item of interest
to many of our readers, -
Mr. ROVE. Holmes of the Customs
Department Toronto formerly pub-
lisher of the Clinton New Era .and
member for West Huron was the
guest of Mr. A. H. Lofft over the
week -end. On Sunday Mr. Holmes
took part in the Temperance ser-
vices in the Methodist Church Kirk -
ton, and preached at both Salern
and Anderson.
,Owing to the ,conditian ofitthe
weather Sunday morning there was
rather a .small attendance at the
Methodist ,church to hear Mr.
Holmes of Toronto ;who preached
at the three appointments, Kirk -
ton, Salem and Anderson in the in-
terest of the Dominion Alliance
cause f or Temperance.
Jacob Miller who left here last
.summer to make his home in! Vic-
toria, passed away last Tuesday.
Mr. Miller was a native of Godere
jai township, a'. brother, Mr. Geo.
Miller, now oocupying the home-
stead on the" 7th con. He had liv-
ed in Clinton for a great many years
however, having been ,engaged in
the blacksbnithing and implement
business for years. He learned his
trade with the late Mr. McTavish
many years ago. He also had'
charge of the street" watening in
Clinton long before water Works
Were seriously considered as a pos-
sibility for the 'town. He was a
kindly Man and one who! invaria-
bly won the respect and esteem! of
those who ,eaane into close or iii --
timate relations with him, and it
was with deep feelings of '<gra(
that the news of his death was re-
ceived by his Many Clinton friends,
Besides hie avicloW a ,•farnily Of six
daughters and two sons survive.
They are; Mrs, demes Waiters`,
Seattle, Wash., Mrs, Harry Currie,
Victoria, B.C., Mrs. Louis Eidlt of
Owen Sound, Mrs Geo. IL Watosn
of Luseland, Sask., Misses Inez and
Delle of Victoria, and Guy of the
and J.13. of town. TIe is also sur-
vived by two brothers and three
sisterel, George Miller and Mrs. W.
Perdue of Goderich Township, John
Miller Of Ilarriston, Mrs. James
Donaldson of Mayfield and Mrs.
James Hunter of the west. The
funeral took Place last Phursdar
at Victoria, The sympathy of
marry old friends will go out' to the
family. J
uptgain SWC OR MCSC
For the next two weeks we will give atbig reduc
tion on the following popular stoves for cash. If you
need a stove call and get our prices. •
Happy Thought Range
• Pandora Range .
Canada Steel Range
Ideal and Marvel Range
•. •Radiant Home with or without oven
Royal Oak Coal Heater
• Dandy Coal Heater
• Acme Jewel, Coal Heater
Special ak Coal Heater
A few second-hand Coal Heaters
Small second-hand Furnace in good order -cheap.
Stoves and Hardware
If You Only Knew, 31,
What We Know
About our Shoes -You Would r.
Surely Buy Here; •+
4+ +.
+ +-
4* +
• ••
In buying Shoes you have got to take the
dealer's word, for you can't get at the inside of the • t
shoe to see what it is made of. • tl.
+ ÷
• Things are done very "slick" these days-blem. 't
• ishes and weak spots can be covered up so that •t•
only the experts can discover them. Little sub • ti.
4• •
stitutions areatnade here and there that lessen the life ofOthe sh9epaterially
4. 44:
4. In -Our shoes youvoicl all this. We are
4- practiced shoemen, • We know positively. what 4--
+ should be in a shoe at a given price, and insist on +
.1. • 4,
+ having it. We can't afford to fool you, for when *
+ we do, we fool ourselves.
• +
• Our Shoe Proposition is well worth Looking d:.
* into NOW
• 4. ..
* +.