HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-23, Page 74 VIIIYANDAY, NOV, 23rd, 1911. Facts Abort see 1 ...meccola, grerspsmer^;e, And -i'm grad you did, They east ms aside today, erobebly thinkinll they could get me again if they needed me. A"I am going on the sugar plantation of a 'friend, where I can mike a new 1 start and forget that i ever went to 1 •Washington." Langdon paused .deliberately. The senate was hushed. The galleries were stilled. Not even the rustle of a sheet of never was heard in the repor rs' Oth erho gallery. The Iiiississippian gaz , around the senate chamber. Ile save ,,--. - Stevens and. Peabody craning then The experience of Motherhood is ay :becks across the aisle and talking ex• trying one to most women and marks 1 citedly to each other. distinctly an epoch in their lives, Not Then he stepped forward and spoke, one woman in a limn- I waving the paper in the alr. sired is prepared .or « understands how to This letter is signed 'Charles Nov ton.'" self. Of coursenear, properly care forher. I • The old southerner gaffed triumphant l ly every woman now:. ly at the inen who had sought to de. adays has me di ea 1 ' stroy him. It was with difficulty that. treatment at the the presiding officer could hammei time of child -birth, down the burst of handclapping that but many approach arose from the galleries. • Cl, c IIOW M the experience with • Senator Horton, however, was not. an organism unfitted for tiltrial strength, and when the strainis over Satisfied with Langdon's sudden as - her system has received a shock from eendeney. which it is hard to recover. Follow.. "How do we know that that Ietter is ling right upon this comes the nervone not a forgery, a trick," he exclaimed. strain of caring for the child, and a "Go get Congressman Norton --if You distinct change in the mother results. can -and get his denial," responded Therein nothingmore charmingthan Langdon. c 11- a happy and healthy mothende h The junior senator from Mississippi siren, and indeed child -birth under right' his way out of the or beauty. need e no hazard to he1th hurriedly is senate chamberd His day's wok was or beauty. The unexplainable thing that, with all the evidence of shattered, done, nerves and broken health resulting , , * * * * * * from an unprepared condition, women can on a broad' Plantation along will persist in going blindly to the trial. thee Pearl river an old planter, who has encs snow the experience ri though P - ample a goes Itlife came upon them unawares. They have borne his years well, as ample time in which to prepare, but adays, passes his days contentedly. He they, for the most part, trust to chance delights in the roinpings of his grand• and pay the penalty. children as they rouse the echoes of In many homes once childless there the mansion and prides himself on the are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes w o m e. n normal, healthy, and str8ng. — Any woman who would like special advice in regard to this matter is cordially invited to. write to Mrs. Pinklham at Lynn, Mass. Her letter will be held in strict confidence. may-- iA Gentleman From 1 ms e e i issiSslppl, By Thomas A. Wise Novelized From the Play by Frederick R. Toomts Copyright, 1909. by Thomas A. Wise. :--.71144;‘,"TrirsE.. A'T ,.-"- v,!T �$�. -•.- -' s+,r'r'�• mss:- . Two ma row N*W **A NAmaDRU—CO DYS PEPS IA TABLETS that come bin over g• The disagreeable o lover ofego thin' may feel quite safe if he has a bolt at hand. 5Qc. a box at all . National Drug & Chemical Co, of CanadaLk milted62 on a in a table. a Idureau, to rest either pocket, basket, a housewife or • ;K s MATTRESS PINCUSHION. achievements of their father, Ilan- dolpb, who has improved the planta- 1 bachelor's roll, or to stand upright in tion to a point never reached before. a cardboard or celluloid..tube.'or again Sometimes he receives a letter from to 'offer a combination of pincushion Sirs,Those 1ek Da now r Georgia, oneedlecase or its a.HopeGy his daughter, b 1 and Maines, telling him of her happy life. or ; delicately painted forma class of their perhaps it is a letter from Carolina' 9 own. Almost all household utensils. describing the good times she is having game requisites, fruit and flowers, in London with the• friends she is visit vegetables, animals, birds, butterflies, fish, leaves, have been represented by the pincusbion caterer without omit- ting the 'gallery of national costumes composed of native dolls dressed from •original sketches and keeping cetn- pany to a legion of fanciful conceits much admired for the beauty of their heads, bought detached from most dealers in dolls and toys. in this wise there is the always attractive with with long clothes, in contrast with th lady in Louis S V. balloon skirt " en r ,rclad with ritImprotics frill flnnnepa. ing. And the old planter goes ,out on the broad veranda in the warm south- ern twilight; and he thinks of the days that were. Ile remembers bow the Third Mississippi_ won the day at Crawfordsville.. He thinks of the days when he fought the good fight in Washington. His thoug, u he memory of her who went before these many years and whom he is soon to see again, and peace descends on the soul of, the gentleman from. .Missis- sippi as the world drops• to slumber around him: THE END. • An up to date fantasy is a small dolly in a Welsh milkmaid dress. bearing the yokes and pails, the latter filled. respectively with a solid and. a soft cushion, while the steeple hat stands also as a cushion. and pins with glass knobs form the yoke and its pendants. Such pincushions can hardly be termed practicable, but they are fetching and ingenious. 'The pincushion' in the cut is made like a mattress and the material used in bolly ribbon tied at one corner with a widebow or red satin ribbon, In the middle of the cushion a design is formed of black and white pins with glass, heads. BACK WAS SO.LAME LIFE WAS A BURDEN FOR TWO YEARS. 'Mrs.. Joseph Throop, Upper Point de Bute, N.B., writes:-" I. cannot speak ' too well of Doan's Kidney Pills. Por two. years I was so tired life was a burden and I got up more tired than when I went to • bed, and my back was so . lame I could hardly straighten 'up. I took dif- ferent kinds of medicine, but none of them did me any good until a friend advised me to. try Doan's Kidney Pills. I` did so, and to -day T don't know what it is to be tired, and my lame back is all gone. I can recommend thein to ` any person suffering with jeme back, and that terrible tired feeling." ' Doan's Kidney Pills are a purely vege- table medicine, .realizing quick, perma • nent relief, without any ill after effects. Doan's Kidney. Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price, by '.Che T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. If ordering direct specify "Doan's." .0 *see' 1 "The letter is signed 'Chairles Norton." iHe read and again stoodbefore the senate, which had regained -its usual :composure after the fallen sergeant at farms had regained his feet and rubbed his bruises. "I do not think there will be any in- vestigation," he said, with decided ef- fort, struggling to down the emotion that choked him, "Rask this house to listen to the following letter: "Dear Senator Langdon -When 'rid receive this letter 1 shall be well on. my way to take a steamer for Cuba. 1 write to ask you not to think too harshly of me, for 1 will always cher- ish thoughts of the friendship you have shown me. "Peabody and Stev ns have 'finally proved too much for e. When they got old 'Telfer to swear‘ wear to 'a forged contract and wanted me to forge your name in the land records•at Gulf City,. 1 threw up my hands. Their game will always go on, I suppose, but you gave them a shock when you broke up their 0 HOW CHRONIC. COUGHS . Are Being Cured by Vinol New Haven, Conn. -"1 was troubled with a most persistent chronic cough for a long time and had tried so many remedies and prescriptions without benefit that I was discouraged. I was persuaded by my friends to .try VI= nol, After . taking the second bottle, u my cough left me, andImust say l g never felt better in my life. I can al- so recommend Villa, to any one in a° run-down condition as the best possi- bie ,remedy" 1 • It is the combined action of the medicinal elements of the cods' lav - ere; hided by the blood -making and strength -creating • propertiesof tonic. i iron which makes Vinol so efficient in 1 curing .chronic coughs, cold's and bronchitis -at the same time building up the weakened, run-down system. I Try a bottle of Vinol with the un - e 1 derstanding that your money will be • G returned if it does not help you. W. S. E. Holmes, Druggist, Clinton, i 'Oaten... Canada. Can NowWork With Comfort The Old Pains Aches Are Now Only a Memory. Tells of the Wonderful Benefits Obtained From DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS %Spaniards' Taste In Reading. The librarian selected a book enti- tled "Farming In the Ohio. Valley." "Will you give this to that young man waiting at the desk?" she said to an assistearning to"Had?s a Spanish student English, and I think .learning. this will suit him." "That sounds. like a very .unpromis- ing subject for a student in English to tackle," a friend remarked . "It would be uninteresting : to any- body but a Spanish student," .said the librarian, "but the Spaniards run to farming literature. When training be- ginners in English of any other na- tionality something sprightly in the way of fiction or travel usually is rec- ommended. But not to the Spaniard. Nine times out of ten it is a work on agriculture that he will make the best progress. in."—New York Press. HAD WEAK and DIZZ YSPELLS COULD NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT. People all. over this land toss night after night on a sleepless pillow, and do not close their eyes in the refreshing slumber that comes to those whose heart and nerves are right. _ The sleeplessness comas entirely from a derangement oft either the heart or nerves, or both, but whatever the cause Milburn's heart and •Nerve Pills offer the blessing of soundrefreshing slumber. They do this by their invigorating effect on the heart and nerves, and will -tone up the whole system to a perfect con- dition. Mrs. A. E. Martell, Rockdale, N.S., writes "r was troubled for a long time with my heart, had weak and dizzy opens, Could not sleep, and would have to sit up the greater part of the bight, and it was impossible for the to lie on my left side. At last I got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did me so much good I got another, and aftet taking it I could lie on my left side, and sleep as well as before 1 was taken sick. They are the best medicine I ever heard of for heart or nerve trouble." Price 60 cents per box, or 3 boxes' for 11,25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receiptoface by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Had to BO to Custom. The late Icing Oscar of Sweden was the least conventional of monarchs, but he had to courtesy to custom nev- ertheless. The king and M. Bonnier, the botanist, met as strangers while out in search of flowers near Stock- holm. They were. soon the best of friends, and Bonnier suggested lunch at his inn. "Come home with me instead," said the other. When the way led to the palace gates Bonnier hesitated. ."I'm sorry," said his companion, "but I happen to be the king of this lass country, and this is the only p where I can entertain my friends." Teeth Chatter. The Gold Tooth—Say, you'll be pulled if you keep on disturbing the peace, The Troublesome Molar Iieorayl I'm just aching to got out of here, you know. -Puck. PINCUSHI.LN GII TS.� ° Severid Quaint Conceits That Will Dew light the Recipient. . The making of, pincushions appeals to many worsen of artistic incline• tions, especially borne workers, as the work gives opportunity for turning to«��� account odds and ends of lace, diads ! Tbe c materials and trimmings. ! w, Pincushions for hanging Should be divided for those intended to Wbe .lig Ifry the flour that holds the confidence of thousands of home -cooks FIRMS 1"4)'9 SALE ASK DAW$U -UNi KNOWS. Like many another Newfoundlander living far from doctors, Mr. Stone feels unbounded gratitude for the benefits obtained from the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. For years he had suffered from a congested condition of .the liver and kidneys, with headaches, backaches, pains in limbs and body. Words fail to describe his sufferings as well as the gratitude he wants to express for the cure, Mr. Alex. J, Stone, West. Point, Nfid., writes: --•"I suppose you thought I had forgotten all about you when I got Dr. Chases Kidney -fiver Pills, but I haven't. You mint excuse raise takes, for like many Newfoundland lien I have not much education, but I want to thank you many times for your medicine. "T cannot tell you what 1 suffered from liver and kidney derangements, indigestion andconstipation, nor can T find words to express re S h 0 w much I me. diciit e has done goad this me' feel better than 1 have for five yelirs and have given some of these pills to friends, who tell me they have done them a wonderful lot of good. I want to express my heartfelt grati- tude for the benefit. derived from the great medicine." Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25c a box, atall dealers or >Jdmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. IF YOU WANT TO Waits A FARM consult me. TF TOU WANT TO BUY A PARAt consult me. HAVE SQ11iFi OF TftB HEST FRUIT, stook, grainena sletry farms in On- tario oa my list at right prions, He W, DAWSON, NINETY COI. BORNB Street, Toronto. — MISCELLANEOUS. VETERAN GRANTS WANTEI'1-ON- TARIO, unloeaated or located -in any township or district, Northern Ontario. Highestossh piles pit 1. Mulholland & Co 'Toronto REAL ESTATE. pBNTIOTON.-SOUTHERN OKANA- GAN-b'ruit orchards, ranch pro- perty or town lots; unequalled climate; divisional point Fettle Valley railway; terminal Great Northern railway;, electric light, power and water works systems under construction; values will double before six months. For full information write W. lh1. Jermyn, Penticton, 42-4 MALE HELP WANTED. YOUNG MEN WITH CODIMON OR High School training for positions in the telegraph. freight and ticket depart- ments of Canadian railways. Permanent positions and good salaries to start. Re. gular telegraph wires and station books from Grand Trunk andNorth- ern Canadian Ontario railways insures you practi- cal work, The only school with model trains specializing in this work. Free Book 15 explains. Dolninion,School Tele- graphy, Toronto. Meeting of the Waters. From Oct. 31 to Nov. 4, 1840, in. waters France, the Saone poured its 1 v a into the Rhone, broke its banks, cov- ered 60,000 acres and immersed a Dumber of cities and villages: Six. hundr.sd and eighteen 'houses were carried away and many lives sacri- ficed. It was the, first time in 238 years, that the Saone had risen so i Well, Well! Pretty Dirty. Once a year the newsboys of Lon- don •are given an outing some place on the Thames river where they can. .swim to their hearts' content, As one little boy was getting into the water., his little friend said: Own Their Railroads. .Ninety per cent. of the Australian railroads are awned by the people, HE present huge demand for PURITY FLOUR shows the confidence in which it is held by•thousands - of home -cooks. Those who have used PURITY FLOUR have come to believe in it. They look on PURITY as a friend. They feel they can trust it implicitly, because each and every lot. of PURITY ' FLOUR has always been uniform—always up to the high standard of qual- ity that has made it famous. Wouldn't you, too, like to. use - 4 flour you couldalways rely. on ? Wouldn't you like to feel certain that your bread, cakes, and pies.. were going to turn out exactly right ? That's just how you'll feel when you become a user of PURITY FLOUR — the confidence - creating flour. • PURITY FLOUR gives high-class results, because it consists • exclusively of the .high-grade !portions of the best Western hard wheat. • On account of the extra strength of PURITY' FLOUR please remember, when making pastry, to ; add. more • shortening' than an ordinary flour IT:requires. And when making.. bread add more water, R;and PURITY • FLOUR will expand into more loaves than the same .weight of ._OND IS A FIRST MORTGAGE 9 A bond is a first mortgage split up into denominations of one hundred dollars and upwards. Bonds a re a comparatively modern form of investment. . Previously a corporation or un- dertaking desiring to raise money against their assets was required to place it in one or several large mortgages. • • Nowadays an issue of bonds is made instead. q Bonds are a convenient form of, mortgage, and those bonds which we offer are thoroughly investigated to determine that the payment of interest and principal is absolutely assured.. q We have lileratd're more fully de- scribing bonds in general as well as specific issues, which we will'. be glad to. send upon application, Send for A. , . 46 More bread and ordinaryflour can produce, thus making better bread" "more bread and bet- ter bread." Make your next flour order spell P -U -R -I -T -Y F -L -O -U -R. • It costs slightly more, but it'S worth the 'difference. ' Add PURITY FLOUR to. grocery list right now. ' 104 SOLD BIZ Beacom & Smyth J. P. Sheppard & CO., W. T. O'Neil, HarrisonWiltse. n Geo. McLiennan & Co., Cantelon Bros., L. 15tiitter Co., Distributors, arrisonI ,tsaetth VVVVWVVWVVWWVWVWVVW WVVyVWWWWVWWVWW Ladies/ Let us have yozzr next order for visiting cards. e c ttj .motpIttc lItto of fardV. 1, h gh. • Englishwomen Taller. The average English woman is, two inches taller than 'Lite American. • -nos is ^ ,HOME DYE Mu*AMY° lei l con i::.O 1 dyed ALL.. these DIFFERENT KINDS —�� of Goods with the S&ME Dye. i used CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance of u.Ing the WRONG Dye for the Good. one has to color. All color. from � }y•our Druggist or Dealer. FREE Color Card and STORY Bootiet 14, The lohn.on-Rlcherdaon Co., Limited, Atontreal, H. H. Nighth igale STOCK BROKER Member Standard Stoelc and Mining ' Exchange.. LISTED STOCKS CAR'r:I Tl ON MARD1N Correspondence Invited. - - 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO. Where She Helped. . "If you were fair; his wife said, "you would acknowledge that I have done much to make you what you are," "Oh, I acknowledge," he replied, "that you deserve nearly all the credit for making me what I am. 13y the way, do you happen to realize that what -.1 am is head over heels in debt?" K. D. Evans, Discoverer of the famous Evans, Cancer Cure, desires all who soder with Cancer towriteto him. Two days' treatment cures ez ternal or internal cancer. Write to li, D. EVeNS Brandon. Manitoba, Canada. SE'CU RIT1ES CORPORATION LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING.' YONGE AND QUEEN STS:' TORONTO R. M.•WI31TE . - ., Manager MONTRaAL-OUliBEC-HALIFAX-LONoON(6N6,) RY NEM EYE RE!Ea For Red, Week, Weary, Watery £yes and G EYELIDS YEL GRANULATED I;.0 E Murine Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain Drasrists Sell Marine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e, SIM Murine Eye Salvo, in Aseptic Tubas, 25c, $1.00 EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIL MurineEyeRemedyCo.,Chicago Oua:.Cousse. r,j1 G -r /.+72xfJeat HOME COURSE Good Weekly Income Wonderful Opportunity Constant Employment Diplomas Granted • ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE 3513 tau een St. West, Toronto,. Canada. :01, :,.. ,,,,,,, ,... ,,„ ,, , •,,k •I'o '2. f i Jr Old Sores, Lumps in Breast, Growths removed and heal. ed by a simple Home Treatment No,pain. Describe the trouble, we will send book and testimonials free. THE CANADA CANCER INSTITUTE. Limited 10 Churchill Ave., Toronto. C.PA.-47. 1911. Tiqik AIME 6 p Best Washing Machine' Made Three Great Features. 1. Easy to operate. 2. Not hard on the apple*. 3. Washes the clothes cissa. Sold allover Canada. Write, to "ONE MINUTE" WASHER CQ , 129 Logan Ave., Toronto, Canada. Have You a "Simmy" in Your Clothes Press? "Simmy" Pant Folder Folds and Pr the pante so they retain the crease and protects them from dust. Holds nine pairs of pants and is so attached to the inside of closet door that it requires only four inches of space when folded. without disturb n1 g others in rack. pants Write for further particulars. Price $2,00. Agents wanted. SIMMY SU Box 95, Ottawa. Be Rid of the Pantry Pest 0 int ''•'S-4/,hB+Yr,L'ti9pY49i'lf.r"`•'Urit»;thrf�4t.r. 'Y.,.:•: - di1'.eP':'C� RC pJ 1 ,. •i �,f'w'n: i;r Full information Furnished ands Orders Carefully Executed. WARR,EN,, GZOWSKI & 00., Members Toronto Stock Exchange, 25 BROAD STREET, TRADERS BANK BLDG., TORONTO. NEW YORK ..:%?.'.,..,H,- :...,', p. •i: OUR representative has just returned from a visit to the Dome Extension Property and has important informationwhich we willcoo- municateto clients and others. Phone or write at once. We advise the purchase of Dome Extension for hand- some profits. • • JOSEPH P. CANNON.' • Member •Dominion Stock Exchange ROOMS 109 -to -11 14 KING ST BAST, TORONTO Phones ---M. 648-649 'EM , • It eating's Powder may be freely used around the pantry to drive away cockroaches. Al- though Beating's is odorless and stainless, �► and harmless except to every form of insect Silo, it is as thoroughly efficient as the more potent and generally harmful exterminating'compounds. Made in England and sold, by drug- giritrs throughout Canada. tan n tli:ls only : iCc°, ire., cOc.,-DCc) The Tweed!' " Sa �' .q Sanitary Li uid Chemical Closet "The Tweed" is a Sant- , A DEATH TRAP.. Lary Liquid Chemical Closet , ., , The greatest death trap which can be installed in .f� ever invented by man is the ii . et . ", .••�. j t'iisaapitary, draughty and spy s or without water ,.,-� .. K out- of - doors w, cz _ cls a 1t gn works or pltlmbing, iP�(�11�' ) closet. "'�°"""`"'^'fir it is perfectly odorless and• D,eltcate women and te with ordinary care and at. . der children are forced to go 'teutton wilt last for years.all winter into a cold barn of Nothing to go wrong or get t a place called a closet and j there sit over bad smells and out of ostler. iJ1Wl� a drahghty 'seat. No won - No self-respecting father dertheybecome.an easy prey or husband would permit his to disease germs. Colds are ,wife• gad children to use a frequent. Tuberculosis often death trap" after he reads l I puts an end to a precious life this announcement. which might have been saved The Tweed Sanitary Liquid if theyhad known of and used Chemical Closet brings the,weed Sanitary Liquid health and happiness to all Send for Pamphlet. Chemical Closet. writ for rural -dwellers. • Particulars to -day. THE 'STEEL .TANK • CO., TWEED, ONT. KEEP YOUR STOCK WELL AND THRIVING AIL WINTER With "INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD"-- Thebestknownaad most reliable Stock Food on the tnarket, Farmers, Stockmen and Breeders all use it end praise it because it gives animals stew strength and endurance-- purifies ndurance-purifies the blood+dntproves their appearance -and at the same time, saves corn and oats, and Only cost you 3 FEEDS For ONM CENT 1►or Sele by Dealers everywhere, and the price will be refunded if it don't save you money. Write for copy of our "13,000 Stock Book" -the most helpful Book ever pnblished for the Partner and Stockman. Sent free, INTERNATIONAL STOCH FOOD CO., LIIh7ED. • ORONTS. Zr27.0...•.Yu.c.it ,1..+u=>.. ,,e,., ..aw..,:...n...._.......ti..:":..._. 8cre is What One Stock Balser Says ' muat9vtL1.R, Qua The tnternetlehal Stock rik Food Co., Toronto, Ont lirnklemcn ;— Plea 5e —Please find enclosed 00001 notes0.r111500,110.fodnt tar ley actOUtlt 1haee fogad lntern:atonal Stock read exeelleet for ray hones se .1 cattle, and pigs. 1t taw Wee 06 o&err satlsfsoties and r woul4 not to withontl At As soon se my present supply 18 ftnl.hel 1 slut& e send a further order. /Slpnedl .1, V, SMITit