HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-23, Page 5• ,..,,,•.r: =11'._0__ s. 4k m : 0:_ n� _ ...._–._.-_._-_.- _ _a.,..,•�....w...,•,.....�,. . �—�- --�-- ___-..r -. _ .. - '- �__,_: s. w Bile walking in fawn, with a r'R• W141# 011"b Clillo �r Concert , ..,. rawt that two bones is her ;le Rrm , +r. ° ., 'Ieetlp Q the Huron CO, were broken. Her many i nd� , .�- - R� ., e, � I • Council �-is��datcl�te� � Thursday, D�tr "�'t�lt In tativn all wiiyh tier 'a xe"' �� �n�ble Good§ * .,. cap cry. ,„_„,�, a Cured. under the direction oi' 3Vinaty For :�r,nt. Af W TRAVELLER '+►' The council of the coxpoxtntion I►Rpda�hRparrccpu•Rdx9. MCHardq"'smith, aealated by TO AID FELLOW . tlx will meet l+rimpwrrcctoycs. 1 . have r�inter�soted ethemis�!lvesanithe�� Priced i of , e County of Ht n Wo o Pc�rman.^ntty XNA lu11lule h oures FDX in the -council chamb T, 3ai the Town �y�Q ,4ch hepda�hoo - �3oprano, � l.oado4 of. 'Goderich, on Tuesday the 6th : +vieh gxaa-e7. ease of F. B. Rosse�u, w^ho had both ' 1. day of December next, at 3 o'clock. . . - ,r wp ��ii W4 will rv, n legs.talcen off below' the lGn£n�s, xis �irl`i' �► QYFRC4�T Watches rite—avxn accounta against , fun year rpcgcy L, l�. 'VI'ill nos@ a ratlw�ay aceldont at Blyth on Oct -MSA A� �iIr. i�Our stock of gvercaats never was more complete e same with I Mus. H. A. R. 0, O., orgaatstioi' ober 4th. IIs is na�v in the Wing - ' the •county should lac �.,_..�.,.�--� -�: � ._ -.�,,,_ . ' the Clerk before this date. . _,�••�•--- ••-••.,�- St. dohn'a 411rob, Loudon ham" ho:spital. .. The unfortunate , � Ahatn. it is at the present time. Many thew pries were Dated, Nov. 20th, 1911. W.Lane, ,,F anon tl^as xden•ti£ied with the shoe added last week and esti sold sizes rl:alaced aria it is Clerk: ,, . , ,• ., ,, Wickets may be bad of Members of business, and was popularly known i . We again call attention l• :• 'uta �-_s . .;. chgirox uz W. D. I�aira Bookstore g g the grip. A ltaw oris of the .acgest aria hest assorted stocks ever, !. g amen the knights of ..r .. x 4�p' __ subset'ption fist has been opened r section, • �;s ,;a ., r I's• w rl - at the 1Valper House, and,the tray.: tiffs ed for your in p to olr gradin of watches �i7, ellers are generously contributing, Several new nobby, lines to choose 'from at ............ 14:'UIJ CiiQOd �Mlater al' 4 Auc ion Sale of it Ca,r Loa .� ) °' ' Q.i -. �i f' � o to $ t a:v0 UX (;attic n r ;' ? . �' N J f rr EI+ECTED PRESIDE at andam the coats in all the latest Styles at 3.s line Fi>ilisll ,, , ,;'' SAYS. M� SP _ 41 Boy's Aver 4 , another larg,e . r.. , a ' > ,. p , On Monday night L e We have J. , :a �''' ve also just '•dded t0 our stock anoth --* ^ j •,, 1• 1, 4, . ,r* ;f r" iano merchants met •and formed a ; Air, Jo!h 'Shannon, Jr. of Thanrt�s- `. p sh1 Anent of Mens and Bo .s• wits. Don't Earl to see ccllr, to Adjustment lit 8 1: r v , `''•° �` 1 'ti aoclety knq�wn as the Piano Ater- P y , a ford, Unt,, ,'jilt ,. ell by public tiui- ; t +` tN, ,u ✓ �►PQII F0�MS�L chants' Association and sleeted Air, these before buying your new Fall Suit. are all coll mbined •}t1 each tion at the Graham House, Clinton j W. N.; Manning, a former well- Rubllers---Are you gAing_ t0 buy any Rubbers ►sir 'Thur!sday, Nov. 30th commene•- ----- known Clintpniain, as. President. • watch. Qur, atm an the ing at 1.30 o'cloek;,sharp, �a carload this Fall ? If you are, Save money on them by buyrct of ,cattle, consisting of a number Aid, J..O McCarthy, First Vice- JUBILEE SINGERS PLEASED Past, as now, has not been A • J O Gr� President of the Dominion Alliance ' • theist here., We have the cheapest, gild we haus the best. P x of ,gogd Anilch caws, winter milk- The Stratford ally Herald of a question of rice, but er+s, and :cows due ,to freshen iia the was asked by The Globe loot Frit Tuesday had the following to say Men s. Womens and Childrens fine Rubbers.. 9 p spring, also !ung heifers and dry. . Jeiyeler and Optician day night as to his views ons lthe in regard to the Jubilee Singers, + . a� yy�pp ttxnperance policy of the new Lib- Men's and Boys Heavy Lace and Buckle Rubbers. and loAt,x. Ahinumbea says has . Issuer of 1iarrla a LiccuseS sial leader and on the statem(e rat that appear in the Tohvn Ball on , Dec. •s L! _ Nen.'s Long Rubber Boots. , QUA L ITY teen aniking on hiss farm, Terme ; o£ Rev. Ben H, Spence, Secx!eltary+of A real, old-time• colored concert :six months' :credit ,,wroll be given on �.. __ the Alliance, in conneetioiw there- was promised .those who attended Special Prices On SOWS, Blankets, UnderlVeAr, Be. approved pint notes, with. the concert given in Heiribuch's P , . A discount aK The rate of 6 per • , • 'Aid, McCarthy course, express- last night and the promise was IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH US ' cent, per annum, aillgwed, fox cash, 8111th., Ilarrla es & Deaths. Mr, Spence is of c u ; pr Hall 1 fulfilled, pleasing the large num- r Jahn Shantaon, •; Jr,, IProprieto . _� g bei present in \every particular. . A good time -piece like rn his own personal view Only, • There has been no,me,etisl;; of either anything else, is always Thas, Gundry, Auctioneer. the Management or Executive, Com- Old time plantation airs ands melo- . - FIRTHS, rnittee of the Alliance, and I know membri at of the a feat becoming the cheapest in the end. - - Plumsteel.Bros..Look here. SWANN- In Goderich Township, :that her would no!t undertake ,ta a past, were 1e+xcell-• on Thursday November itsth. to Air, speak for the Alliance until such a entry rendered by blue Jubilee Sibg- It will be a pleasure for. y ers, numbering seven ,artists. sol- . SM71Li VROFITS MORE BUSINESS and Mrs, George Swann, a daughter. meeting' was held, as, duets, trios,. quartets and( ,cher- MARRIAGES' "I may b ' out „of patience with u5 t0 SNOW these WatCheS A paaxtiva •cure for thick neck the Liberal party an,this question, ws singing were an the progr(anzt 11 and �gai!tre, .cancers, turners, dropsy, and every number pleased •th,e large _ ,grlavel and -rabies. I will be(ajh STONEMAN-ROSS- In Torontqq, • but Imus.t be fair with Mr, Ro�veil, audience, as evinced by:tthe numter- , Clinton December the 14th, at Rat- on November 16th, by Rev, Dr. Milli• 3 recognize That het was called as, outs encores demanded. tenbury Howse make appointment pais. Christina A. Rasa, daughter of leader a few days before a gje!n'exr-•••••!��•��•�•ONO�U�•UN•rilUUNUL••siN96NA6• ® to avoid, delay, Mrs. S,F. Gibson the late Donald Rosa, of Stanley, to al election, when many of the calla- DIVISION COURT . • 0 ' U. ���� �>nl &Son, 71Kxng street, Berlin, Ont. Frederick. Stoneman, of Mort,lach, dida,tes throughout the country Jud a Fiolit held Division Court A i i • : Saskatchewan. . • were already chosen, and, at a time g • G�eal'lll of FAL. L RATS Sale vihen he .)Vas over -busy in court here an Thursday and anumber of • casco were tried, �--•--- JE`VELER and OPTICIAN Aul ti011 ►Sail; SPEAR- ,HcEWEN- In Toronto, ,and office, ' _ • " . __ on November cath by Rev. Dr. .Milli- irHe says he has not had an op- CANADIAN JUBILEE .SING� RS Last week's special bargain being so sdccessftll we • an, Mar stet R. oun est; daughter x,tninit o.£ discussing dais ques- i of 26 cams at Brucefieid bis ':Tues- g' g y g po y The Can Jubilee Angers ' .- of Mr. and.Mrs.. Malcolm -McEwen, of #ion w fh his followers or asgoe • offer another special bargain for.Friday and Saturday it Plantation melodies, ant day. Nov. we,Nh one to calve in Dec- with the • ember tin Febi+tLary and balatnee Stanley to William Spear, of 13irh• iates; that many suggestions have Ladles H '' Also 4bnood' .gate, Ontario, been made by different temperance abEo classic music will appear xis • and following days, Sts..........................' 2.50 xis March and April. A the Town Hall, Clinton, on Satur;• • , „ sows. All :cows not proving .to be eerie; that durinig the ensuing • MiSSes H.ats....•,.,..,.....• ,,.... I:? . . People; da Dec, 9'r h. Of the man goad cad Pa I amentar term kis will decide y� g • °+"'tis v in :calf by Lst of Jan. nosy be re- zt x Y. will things said of Them read the fol- All untrlm>ried Shapes....,".4-a.:....,r...:................ At COSt r�. • ' .and money refunded. s leacher Wanted upon a !temperance PPo!Iicy;• '� turned . shove it in the Legis>lature,andthat lattring;;- # • • • months'. , :credit .will be :given., A. _-- The Famous Canadian Jubilee - • . " dis�cownt' at i't'he fate of 5 per, cent, tits patty. will go to the country.at. Singers appeared before a �Iair . t.r For S.S.N,o, 5 iGoderich Townsbip the next election .and stand or fall PP g(eR • • G+.. - per annum allowed for. cash. Geo. ( by the policy adopted^ . audience in the Wall .Street Motho� _ ' ' LlI1P� p Pgrters Hill) Duties ho commence y �(� (� 11=1Selland, Proprietor. Than: Br:atvn, on tale 1s+t of January 1912, Stotts dfs.t Church, and rendered a choice • . �, 1 L[ V V • ` ' .Auctioneer. Supports What is Clean and Right, selection -of songs, solos,. duets.• • e' • 0 salary and qualifications, Profen- c+lylr, Rowell is honest; � be has quartets anis choruses Several I •sional teaelier pre;fered, t;tood.• all his. life for clean and right nnmbets were encored and rte' CALIFORNIA, Address John Torrance Sec. OL�••O•••U•i••��•U6•Les��• i••�••�r�lA••�!•AO•��•••• . ' Nd•i••••O••��•��••••••N• tPoi;ters a ill, See. things. I' will .gl,% a him 'a fair op- ,sponded to. The negro melodies MEXICO, • • p.oirtunity before V pass Judgunent were greatly enjoyed, and :almoift . or Rriticize. I am not satisfiedd ,with . ever number was vociferously ap-• the present'teRriperancse, policy of : �N•���•!•••!•d*!•••L�N•�N••idL��•L�l��•��lOd•��U FLORIDA ..TRX C. P.R. AND PEACE- _ P plan ed. Tike entertainment gave, . at low rates -The Grand Trunk is MASER CIGARS, FOR C.trayed t'] c: ,Libel^ai party. The abolition entire satisfaction, and the young.• _ Zhe popular route. The attr!ac�tiVe = __-__ of the .three-fifths requirle,irs(e�nt people of Wall S,tre.et Church .wbo • •, ". SALE IN' CLINTON. is a step in advance, .and if acevm- br.awgh,t thesis here`:are to be . on _ • ' route to Winnipeg and Western s N e on t-} ak the premises of the under- p!lished would be .a great boon ..to ,grn!t!unaated .orithe. !success of eu -Loqs, Canada vs via Chicago. O net Lot 19.Co . 13 Huilett•about our svgsk, but this ss nal advance undertaking, The Canadian 3,ubi _ ante d '*. •••�•�••�•�••UN��••�••N signed n , ` lee Singers will always s receive a . • . W � : Ful, particulars from . • _ the fuis,t of August ar red yearling enough for the 'Liberal, sora•�*l i a!wr • heifer,, Owner can. have same by ever,. I have been . reasonable and. warm reception and !liberal . sup- • JOHN RANSFORD &SON, Agents o provexng • proper'ty •and paying patient with the. Whitney Govern- port at the hands ,o,f the ,Bro,ekville • SIT Loss Wanted el„ata, Ment, and Lw'ant. to, be reasonaible citizens, _Brockville T'imea, . 0 • A. 0. pATTISON. depot agent Thoanas Pate. and patient with Mr. Rowell until • ■ he has an �pppoxstvnity o,f' putting t; SING ELECTRIC POWER All kinds o,f lo!gs, Maple; Soft Elm ,some iron and inger-into his party ------..----- and Bas!swoiad .preferrogd. Highest. • n • • -ice d, *,�1N+�NtN♦++�f�N♦+�� an' lib's, question, In the meantime The Clinfon Motor Cotinpanw have ed el 'de5tiale Dlares .p a e•pai a d ,Or a'n Co.' '•r let bo,bh Liberal and Conservaftive had tlseia plant wired for electric . - llnli(�Ct 3 W.Do0.xerty Piano n g ♦ ,temperance men do ,something in power and lighting purposes and • 'S aw . I . S ' — . PERSONALS. + the constituencies to• :elect itletm- �y ill .use •their steam plant far heat.- • Ot1��:' Z — _ penance members on both sides oaf ing only. The Electric•Light;Co;, _ ” Imported Auction Sale of Imported + the Hou,se.. When the templer(ance. %supply :NheI.' motive n•owe. . 1 desdale Mares will he cftered for -N ♦ .It is tile' desire of the forces get 'vise they will march in - U y n in the town o£ Wing-. ♦ r auction si. uU115hers:tli:ttallsLonld . • .;to the co.natituencies as well as to LATEST pICTTJRE .OFB.ORDEN _ ALL. kIN1).5 �F LOGS WILL SET' sale t p y Havin Bald oUt' Any livery bu, ♦ p ham, Huron <,ouuty, on Monday Nov, g take. an. lit 'this ♦ tau I n's Park: We should realize Thos is. the _ peason toi(( subscribe 0 • 27th 1911. Twenty-two very choice nests ilhe, undersigns d uxshon Dec....♦ �. ,that. it is 'our duty tel. help ra.thex_ ,for a newspaper, or to renew, if al.; . • 1#IIGI� QST I?R @E '' voung Oiydeaiale Mares direct from have. his bonito .close p eolnnln of TIIE NEI? than to knock;'' Our a er is • . _ otlwnd large smooth with good 15th, 1911 and all.o ming will kindly, End• • If yonhavC friends ready a svbscribert, p p • Sc ice 'reeding. Credit ca>il, and settle, either at theliv!ery • ♦ Calls Mr. Spence Unfair:. as .good as:any, and better . tban •: quality and choice Sale barn or lionise, and oblige, 4 .visltin -yogi,: or are o- e>r CQ.i'Cl ; . will he giver at liwnk thio paper. Lc WALKER. tri ICavts Mr, I3.Sutlherland, President o;f many. Wily not ,talcs it? It re •0. I. BaSSWQOt�: Heading. $3.75 .i� will Stolt iisim�dirltely on thcs•arriva,l, G'• ♦. Ing atva:y•for..a p,. the Equit Life :Assurance Com- presents the •welfare and prb•gr�as ♦ y ' of the London and l'urouY�, trains. - � worst or' it, on a post d The Grlobe,:- . o:f the counmunity and dlsarct with, D8I1Ve1'ead • pang, sai to Ask f+si altwlugue• Will Mebrary, '""' .:'' + P" Avail ted card. - 01Ltlhink Rev. Ben H. Spence has which'it is identified and �is a arst� 0 . ♦ • + made a most unfaiA .unwise and Eton' its local valise, 'an aRhxpund _11111111111111,11111111111 . Prop.. Rus -ell, On'. .,, Purvis, Anc. . �__ __._ ♦ +f ,shortsighted statement in his .crit" •up-to-date newspaper. • .The reclent • " Intelligent ,boy 'with fou educ ♦4♦ori♦+�4��+�♦N4�+�+Fd. .ic]sni of Mr. Roiwell's position so far ' change of Government has made K • sInt:ag usnt.b-beeper,• a tlhe interests .of the cause) -of* .the 11on, Mr. .Borden 'the centiga. • YOUR' `'t.ISTOM WOR • herr Plane. and .;Or an Co. 'Airs. NleCxarva aisd:Miss 1Va11eGe are :tem :stance are concernteld. I am figure' of•qur Canadian public liip. • 11 • W.Do. y g. ens Ii friends: p va s been a,tihorough- 'Many trou.ld,7i]ce a;goo,d picture of :• • L: .visitors this week with li a and . have ail y11 pp' y , - ... ... , .. cin rothibntionist, anal :I say, this hitYi,. Wq can. su� 1 one'.:FREE: � : . ��J..I •�t�.. �l.i�L.r O-O�.Li j �♦ �+ ' ,. Miss May :Rance. wail assist ata g pt 1 'after careful considpr- We tViRi send: airyone our. paper for •.. . • . I - To Mullett 'i it w.l j ers concert at Seaforth on December. 5th. elibera e y fixe xnat- ear .and The Weekly Mail and ° • • �. orlon; Your editorial on a y , • • ` . ' --- Rev. Josias Greene will preach Miss. 0 . ter to -da has-rtiyfui]I sympathy. 'Einpire.:(tiie regular zate..o:fwhi�h ••rid•���••N•r�0 �•00.�UL•S�o•��•m0�••0000000606*0 ionar aermosis:at•.'Monkton on S.un y _ . Mr,.Wm.$, Moon; this. tax` collet.. y . acid strong endorsasion ' is �Z1.00 per year) for 'the same' per- .... - hwolo f u11et will be: at the .Goan- day. . ' ... iod, the two to!geth0r, . to include. - . 11 . recon . ;Clintonoaa Dec, 8th. . r, O; W. Longley attended .the . . free `.picture 'of 'the'New Canadian � `. d„ mertsial Hotel, M M�'t��nt + at Londesbosog on Not-. 30 Y. Hortiuuliural. Exhibitio1.n in Toronto Toronto iii>iirt■aai� Premier', for $1.55:' The Boden . • ur&em Constance om the 11th, Auburn oin last week. picture' is on .fine paper suitable for. b ro on'. lie ted this fitamiryg. inphoto tints, 18x24 inch- I .11 the•13th; a . � .. . I I.— nd Landes o ik Mrs, W'. Kilbride retur spe c Of/fd1BlA •� h.Uh .and 15th 'to receive taxes„ . week after a visit with• her. parents in , j,��*�, News * es• and 'is in itself as a work o!f ar;t. -1 %.Shoa&R twill'' be easily, worth the- price of a year's 1. ,'. � � . . 10.110111P M,lAf:ter that date 5 per cera • „ .SC, lhomas. . ,y&(Vpjb1hefie/ added to ,unpaid taxes.. :. of p r. . 1VI]ss Jennie .Lee, of Brantford. is subscription to either paper. Send .. I � o��y��A loll orders bo office this , ape . I1' spending a few weeks with her .uncle I e y • . . %11Q% and aunt, Mr. and'Mrs.;H. $ors. . servant Want, . Dr. Shaw and Mr. James Fair were• RENTS RINK. BAPTIST CHURCA. l t ----- n understand,that Alt. R Sweet Grand values` in, Overalls, Smocks fr &DOREM � in Stratford Friday;evening attending We o - a banquet to. Mr. Q. T.. Pettigrew, .has secured the rink for this sea- Services as ueual last Sunday Rev. isbesJ �a%tre wan ted! a nod' general servant late aiviaton freight agent .of the son and will have everything in Mr. Wylie preaching both .m rising and Panus o£ the £am'o'ur I'ea-I o whoan the highest wages will be Stratford District. readiness next: Mouth xf'the�swres d Next Sundae annbversary' service bo.. make ;t i oto rs Geo. 1VIc i' a on i pjfj paid. AD.P y , lM ' Mrs. Robert M: Doti las, and daitgh- ent .'weather .continues, Mr. le Also' Robes; Horse.Blankets Halters rpaggarit� tars, Misses Lina and' Eva; of fitrass• .will make a capable manager• will be hold. rpUnfversi y, �wi1K1 eoccupy burg, SaskateHewan, visited last week etc., etc.. .. at the home of William Taylor, Second CANADA is p. epari.at ksoth services. J`he choir alk last `ie preparing special music•forLhe nota- Lange assortment . of Men's Co c esion'o! Stanley:. •. . test election, a pennon .would imagine t x , O n k% Mrs. G}eo. B.own,. of Br. , . , o all: ndertvear Q Ladies Children s U' • ' : .nom anied by Miss Nettie .8 ow.n.;`who , ,ghat aill the loyal subjects would The B. Y. P, U., met on . Monday ' • p Urumbo are'spendin ha�•e filled the To+wn Hall 1a t Da no, forget about your Bootila u� ed . has been sick at . g evening at 8 p.m. -Mr. J' Tucker 'led Equip ;'d'Ihe undersigned offers for sale . a f da sin town with Mrs: J;: Leslie Tlitxi7aday night :when* Frank. Yei!gh the,pneeting, and Miss K. Baxter read Shoes and Rubbers. ~ ~� dente `Victoria street;- .. few Y at 'hi,s. rest , Ker .Ackers going to Brussels, . , -gave his picture'traveltalk on Can- an excellent paper on '+Thanksgiving �+ • � � 4 rani e' •sideboard parlor . oda under the auspices of the 1C. C, and. 'Prayer." A half ,hour was also � Iiigihesit prices for 'produce at the • . OIC'iQis 1 coal rangre, Mr: A. 1!. Johns, who has been, , . . ` idno . r all . 'table, r :eking chairs, -couch, 2bed- Principal o£ Rockwood .Public.Sehool I..; but an audience ,that filled about devoted to sodal, which was ie -the Erixporiium, i ro.oM : and •the past two years has resigned that half the hall, 'was r_.esent and heard form. of a conundrum contest, and at _ is dining room pp clnairo, .several, wire, oi, pzllotwa, agraphic descri ,tion o.E places .and' , ( d a es. ranite ware -and other art-- ' positionYto accept thg Principalship, of a g le p the close'tt ligFi't,lunch was served. in Can dish R a four division school at Past Toronto. people of C,aYsada., Mr. Xeigh start- Prayer meeting to -night. at S p, m. . icle9, Fred!. Hayward, Viptorna:St. ed in Nova Scotia and left hi,s auc1-. . Mr• Dominic Reynolds has leased ience at Dawson 'City and •they e . W. D011erty P1a110 and for a term of years; the property .on reat4y enjoyed his pictorial travel ['otter's Ilitl .� lullLed liQS and .Dray the Gravel lload, swat north of taivfi LONDESORO Organ CO L ' "frotnG, A1; i'arF u�iar, r.hi� property talk. Every one Was impressed- l 1 i tv]t!h the v:astnegs and future of Next Sun$ay at 3 o'clock, Iiev. W. ` has been until recently ocqupxed. by 1 dress !Prin- p Office. s uslnsas is naw been IVioMath. oda. Before ,fhe ad i3. t3utG, of l:ondon,tvill reach ,i Miss- Factorise and Head Of c 1VIy bus and dray b Mr. J Can le p , 'ionary' sermon in Bethel' Church, cipal Treleaven presented.`1 .; rix- ocalted at my house an Ontarol St. u its .with church union with the C'o,ilgregat: there may .be a •surplus .when all is TON ONT. , 1 Rattenbury Hotel Mr. David Crawford returned home e's to the successful. p p tom! tete, , CLINTON, tq,,r,o, dears from Last Saturday evening rafter a stay of tls'e prizes :and jug. Yeigh ioxialigts and Presbyterians. Only p' Western Branch, barn. Call !or 'phone No, 42:, All S xYtonths'in°the West, U to three pp one question is asked, and' that xa, Rt p will indeed be.welcorr►e bark again. Fia+itnee!�illlo 280 HARGIiAVE STREET, # .;dors promptly a:tt!end'ed to. months ago he was workin near Ed. 'Are ;yo,u xn favor of organic( union. �� I .'f0'SH-COOK. g past ee mo the has ' R Clommericngn arudtaiX ti will coni with the other churches?" The' Last year thhe Antario Cxovern- moisten but the p i p BAZAAR weeks Missionary U. p g stion mui;t be answered, `Yes" ..Ment receive from Succession WINNIPEG, MAN, been. in Manitoba. He oxpects to go . 7.he 'annual Bazaar of St. Peiiib s mance in the llolxneayslle Church and qua - ..-., `..-•..••----- -- _ back in the S ting, held on Thursday,. Nov, . Rev. W. H. Butt, • aP London, will or 'N•o,1'. `There are .f0.buoardallo,ta!t- Duties 9 94 s otr the increase over the�pre= - -- _ ohuxch. the t ---"+'••�••�'� Iud a at 0th in the town' hall. rhe sale of. preach special Missionary sermons Ons is for .t!he official ,, , :■r•..�-- Mt'. James Suell is to be a �€I , S continue h mottling and oven- n0ther for church member's, ops viau9 year of $189,Sb2, The 7egisla ; 111 • the International Live Stock Exposi- goods will start at I.30 and co next Sunday bat i; , from Hees her 2nd aurin the afternoon and evening. ing, , for ;those under ehteen years of tion filar diverted ,so large • an . tion at Chicago, fr m g fr shments•will be•servpd dur- age, and .the fo•urt i for 'a herentsA amount into the pravineial Ex- . - 9 to 4tb. If he accepts, this -will be his Light re e 1 lunch � but contributirug to ibe .su�iport of chequer was enacted by the Liber - LLL.= - d dd MOM third rima._ Our Yankee cousins ing the afternoon. A substantia o On Snell as a first class judge of meats, salads, Boston 13a1ced Keane r t;he'cliureli, The votC will ire tom- els and iii the. face y active s, het ,� X0knows Mr. 1lINGHAM AMULTE6 ` .•- ,� and the sre string one of the beat etc., at 6 o'elo lt. Cisme and salpct ttlenceci 1!liis Week aiid'will continue sition of Mr,''4V�hitney, Guess' lie's ' ands judges xis Huron Bounty, your Uliriatm s presents arid enjoy �t . unLil is ring,' ,w!hen a complete re- glad lie slid not have his w,a . that . " ` I e° `�-• p J g our liineb, , program will d given GETS SEIU.N 1[HRN turn wall be ,complied. The confer time, oven if he has iib -t sai so. 1 , - Postmaster Scott was attending rb ni bt as a concert is underway for once a have already signified meta ,_.,^o_... und. so is every chair we show. meeting of the - Ontario Postmasters at tt . � �. d have• wife New Year"s night under the charge of --- stand by voting in favor of uriign Harxiston iio,at Dna book fibs 1iiW ' ::; You select one an ,, Asaociatinn ab Toronto and a delega a liaises. select other. It wilt be a toss o Ottawa. February Miss May their own hon s' and( played tAtr ....0 , tion will gat y gbderich, Nov.1lTov18-Andrew Cruick by a vote of ten and .six to osis. ► . - . >l "which is boat. You can t go , too on the back of a resident tubo k .....:::: p nskIng for an increase of 25 per cent 1 T"i:F: FRONT RO't'lr. slxanits' of Wxngham, 'who has been ,UNCI ,ONTARIO BANTA'. had na,t been gcaad to his better •..• amiss on for the larger offices and 35 per dent TTIL' DEI' i; I+yropYi She diagram af:the £1o!or yok on remand for a J acts sBolt o£s Half during a spree. Ifo threw . :. ; •: . % , i for the smaller ones, Mr. Scott who,guilty by g ,r.o. , O1�' A CidAIE1 tale house. of Comminons, :the New fauncl also of Win Ninety-five -£ive per c©rat of the cldltb up lsis hands, snore than met 1) %,• r ; h; ANY BIND p ices that E. N'. 'Lewis is •sitt- sawLtircg Miss Davis, „ occupied the chair at; the meeting will 1.Exa hat tta l3entenced tosoyen years le liability call on shareholders of aphorically, said, I have sinned, r o t' ?y in our stock.' They're all good. be one on the delegation. ham, w . ..•: w ing in,the front row o,cett yxn'g 1V o. Kin ,s:toh Penitentiary, ounSatur- the defunct Ontario Bank has been and promased better behaviour. 1 Just so with entire stock we Hurbn in i 3'9 _ p . , X16 seat. Merner of Satish da ruicic,slianks threw a heavy? Jaid up. Tllixs fact, xs ;regarded sn worst' lxas been set tomake sureble erO show. Its beat xis town., and ' and Bowman of East Ituroto'lave file and evoning as prominent financial circles as.tiTb lives up:to'his good resoluttotis�o•i~ ,r A t '� that's why "those who know, Lohdoh Road seats on tlho side' accupYed by the file At Miss Davis p she was,loo-ki>Lg ntio a store win- markable, evidence of ft'he honlasty if not the ,second Sart of the prow A> buy furniture at our place, Mrs. William Stanbury has been Liberal party ,therr,ntitnbers being courage and o,pti!mxsfrx of Canadian rl, " . • ... , C L �""" . 1�T _ dew at Wi>ygham in company with, gilam will be ren cite vision friends ill Hensall. 142 and 174 respeetxvely. . another Man, iii�+asators, A total of ,$ay, ad has lis i. Mr. Whitney man s ys Mr, Ro,w4 • , . m • The Lea.stue spent an enjoyable time CCT ENT '' been abhered in this way, -�udi itis ell is .a putty anon and the lattara >P MET WITH ANA I� al~'tt,e House of Refuge on Tuesday Ci URCIrL tlNION VOTE. prob 1y the. Most remazjkabie replies liehopes,wlxen t t ,gets to I �° A h e inmates, On Saburda aftatnoon,last, Mrs. a ;.0 xis.t!he' history .ofbankxn,g be prouiier ire Will Itrt�at tht0 leader j -I A ..1 night t th , y Bti,ilo.t sli'p,5 are being Sept tis ;all cl alio ]s R Phil ltowcli£f has purchased the William Cook; Sr., df;town, `had .the UNDE VAU11 r rima itz . _ • - Aletlxodiat con:gregationg" in Can- liquidation.• VThis bank's of that of the Opposition more courtaoua�• I3lti war aperty, ha amount beim misfortuY►O taitleat with an .aaetd y. ,Scor aha for Mr. Iiatvoll . __ .--1.1. . . tis tylte neigh of $300. . ' ent,•by falling` 6,it the icy ofde walk, oda to vo,ta on the question ai are 8lsauanin$ such Shape, too, that l ti -. ., A L ,