HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-23, Page 4- - . ___.. 11 � �i 1 r Y Thrx Ttsv. rear, of BI tb. w slot *,t atupecial U110fdon"I"t nivotdn ,.' . �00 1 'A" " 1! . �Ca ii} the % ���� �� �f $i,��i,� '�'����'!i ���f4 ��'� � Me►hudirat [`hurclfl '#v'knlaie+�daw xtiaht. - • vv Distr ct Ne �foderich Rountatix wahl a .viown xxi. Irl s. 11.t}ai>l week, _ � ', T V APIPIIIIN IR I I ­ T V 41�7 , $galrtsSa� itl�>wacl yi,!,-', a �rs �+ �0"'10 resin ins ve a lir , ,be 3 n thele filet is . ..., H $TOR# ? -OF IM � ` els Tryst Sundav im the ]:Astor r�' 'r►���►'► r#�r��r�*�r@nr�r!tr y�'►�r�rvvvyvvvvv.rxa a� � Rev. J'. H. O.sterhorrt B lj (tn tt ed. Chiristm, (i�•y.■(y. a 10ashw9oarl 11liitliett I ► w s �elday avenin a l4Rises ,w re, 11ven _ ; „��-- ...... , .. ._ _ � v llcq bear, of addresses,were, 1:rven •- was .held when a he funeral of the Nte Mrs. Daniel Mrs. Andrews spent Monde with, bl .n_ dice Bell Airs J. 'Pato- :• 11 I`,r and 1lTrn.. lr, on, . time rl a 'X#' :�Everybo'dyT uernnerr�s held rxiday aftrraoon her brothei'AnraspC;artrii;ht, y Mus}ccuss filruistiel try ,illi} !lobo I . I At $3from her late re.sidence on the Goshen Robert Crawford .and uncle Charles funnily and Misses ltoberton. * . g' nery linefotheivan elicrtl church came• Uraavfordspenta fewxtaysoPlastweek and lutctx r eery. The atrnotinCenient of itirs: with the litter's sister, Airs, ,John The cl,itralt of the ;tlie5iontaxv i`aatrt� hin11(� �] } 11 r 'Truemner's,deatli ,ii f t AUnkna ' puss as surprise to : Steptieson, of near llrricsels: paign will lie reat:lied rlex� taunt7ay, , � � As t'he season Creeps this village and community,when first Bert NotI is engaged at crushing when Rev, R. A. axillar, of Aubarn, "Ztl cr • announced, particularly when it was grain for the farmers and John vixa • will reach and aesist the Pastor, � ?ll grades, and at all +prices we Can supply l o ' alon Wli111n:et • must P with 1 p Yy u j taken her reported that she had right latae ;t fine of tfrt for cutting 1i The Aiethod'est Sunday $rshonl krad the 111ZCt:$( and most 4 rp ri ' ti go, which reasou • ac- taken her own ii£e in the barn: This wood, ego work on the anon al Chriatinas - p� p • a - C gifts . ,. rl1wor was repeated by neighbors. and Charlie Brumly visrled; his, sister, entertainment which will be belt! as for little or 7Bil�r �d $tji" 'Your counts far Saturdays friends, much to the sorrow of the Mr;s. f udmore, of Caledonia last week, usual Christmas night, %,' " ' famiiy, as the report was not a'o ct, • Diss Ulla Gibson, of Blytb, spent a Rev. Osterhout,• and wife were in r�r� extraordinary prices. Airs. Txuemner head been wiling r a few days with I1Ire, James ,Camtlbell. f3tytlr `Tuesday night atter ding the IJP 4lilb S'�zCfRP�A - Ti e hats are some of long time., and her death was, looked Mrs, James. Cartright is spending' a Epworth League Banquet Afr. Oster. Jtut to ti , --- Por at an . t` y et you thixtl.ing aboral. - the srrlartest and newest y time, She had been unable few days with her mother, Mrs, tiow• pout responded to the Coast Mibbious, . Xmas and the p'iace to bu 3c ti I , 4• to leave her zoom for days, and Tues• ard. of near .Blyth, who is seriously buy, e vxll :: Y shapes trimmed in ,our day morning, about five minrites after ill at present and also l4ilas hIar Saw- live on §aturftlay, Nov. 25th an ,,'. a . > +. her daughter• had: been u to see bei•, and is confined to her bed, Wq hoe A0 ! QPPor!tunaty to,get 25e, cups .and, `. �.' own work,. room and ii, •' " possesses, that �' a' noise was heard from the room, and Poi- their speedy recovery, p * ! * _ 111 •! ! ! �F 0 * • ,Saucers for 10e—See the display its4� « la, Se.. t. a air Of upon investigation it was found that Mre..Mogriage, of Clinton, spent a W • our Window, �. Th�e y: will be an ,sale=, 4 ITC THE CHl7RC$ES. Saturday ��" she had fallen from the.bed and died. few days with hrrdaughter, Mrs,Ww, . * y , MSthr Monday 27th only distinctiveness that has ! at trhis price, ---- There was evidence.. but very small Uesk, . • self-destruction, w to ! A �! aM ! ! li Q �. . } made the name Of chis evident a that she had committed The annual nil+etii2g of the Summer- r I 11 ..store famous for.bi h- n, . hichno-doubtstart• bill.beef ring was held on Tuesday. ter--- �- i--*---,.,�.., ,. ,l'fte Lhli'istill.`t (�`(Qbe Will Soon be ready +—a; Su - g ed the rumor, b Ott one closely related -afternoon and an oyster supper was ST• Z'AUir S CHURCH. erlor number to any that have been issued. • W, ' class millinery. Hats to the late Mrs, .Cruemnex has assured served the same evening. All enjoyed + © Rev, E, K. Cr'.oi of VVin hdi ea I i sued, L ave �, the public ' that the lady died very , a nod tinge. y+ g 7n: will . your order �uvdtln,us, Price 1. n' T , from $5 to $8 for ,',3, $ suddenly from natural causes, and 'he many f_r ends of i)erwin Garter pre+ich in tbP church next Sunday both . • ' ubes_5oc' '� Come early 5atutday says that .the family physician will will be glad to bear that lira injured morning and evenaeg l•he Rentor Mr, r bear out his statement. knee is etttn along as well as can be Jeakwi,, will ale at Wingham, r . - . and have first choipe g g The l,hrilstmas Ladies ..Home Journal—Fall -of ekpeote , liivitations are out for the marriage . practical , suggestions for Christmas, and articles a.- 4-- _ it3ensall o£ Bert Allen and Miss Mary Elliot on WESII,EY CHURCH bout Christmas, We sell the journal at 16C a c0 ' George McEwen has returned from Wednesday of next week, 80 per year (called • for or pY -' Q the Soo, Mre.'G9illiam Sloan left thda week to The Senior League rvi}I hold a;8azaar OC I. 2,00 et year b• Nem Net 'al Waists .Zs (�Q 'Barry Bolden returned from the lean Mr. Sloan at 'Porcupine, where he ° in the nday Sghoal mail y n Dec. 5th h Su West on Tuesday, bas been for the past rtaonth, They Roam, . y. intend spending the winter there. Mr. W. H. Jhnnston, Principal of ` "` -°� ^- "�-- ' ..--° --^'-- -..~.... ! . ' Mr. Murray, express auditor, of Lon- P JUatot� !land this week, five dOz )� don was: in Hensall this week• * - • the public school of Kippen, preached w0 Fa' rite Books for Boys -The. BO 's Own Ari Net 1k'aists, all new styles; five Mee, Gtadmann bf Exeter spent a . least Sunday morning and Princt al . Y P Kipp Har ' 1 p sew days in town this week. dual I. Chums i$1,7 . Clintonpubiic schootpreach- J— 5 Why not BOQ1k5 for different designs, 5111. Fined, cream �, J. Harbor, E,'Zeller and Peter La- t Burned to Death --At Strome, Al. in the evening Xmas-- See the; new ones; only, all sizes, regu'.ar $5 Waists "' Mont attended the Ontario Beekeepers ' berta on November let, Edna; secou Rev. Mr. Treieayan, of Lucknow, ' bonvendon in Toronto this week, daughter of Mr, and tura, W. U. Kgie, will preaoh b )ttr morning and evening• forz,98. ;1 I William Cook, who • baa--,seoured a formerly of Kippen. was burned to next 13anday. death by putting coal oil on the fire ^ °° / position in Toronto intends locating rr ,rte / permanently . and it blazed u and her clothing 'Doll D�iirtiit P y in that city. P f r . . is A concert will he given in Carmel caught fire and before -help Could be • _ . EVANGLIST�C� MOVE A ahoice,rWQl to dress is the Kidd • �; Church here on November 23 when 'got to her she was severely burned, MOVEMENT � h'��, body doll. We 114ave ;them at 25e'I • Jessie. A.lekt nder .will appear. Thi She only lived about hours after. 1 • A - '35c, 50c, 75c, .to ,$2,50:` Ratinie ••Ladies' Skis was only married about Your i Quartette .will also months. Dressed Dolls 1Oc, to $10.00. I if? S . 'take art in the ro iamme, ' 1, R Wr Aletesy of Uhiaethtixst, but aIN o��li� o stockings CN �I�T 1C . � y- � ings Fuxni- • . wel..knov, n c araActer in this vicinity, ' • F Ua s japers, lure ate, ���, y Special values- in Dolls Heads. • f.1J , ,� was arreRtt by Constable White Goderieh Township }lr • , sides at Kippen on Wednesday after- Thoma' Churchill, Sr., who hada -' � • Christmas Greeting Cards V noon, and , sentenced by Alagistrrrte toe broken by a horbe stepping oil it The fallo,win,g is the action of the supplied .witth -your name printed • i R �_ Petty to 30 drays' . imprisonment for is now getting along as well as Can be Committee appointed by' the Fin- on ifhem X1,00 per dozen up. • QUALITYvagrancy. expected. • : -Of social District Meeting of the God- _ w. OR17ER E ARLF, • The work on Boutheon & Drysdale's Mr. Andrew Holmes, son of Mr, eric'h. District, which inlet in Blyth • _ • store, in the Rennie' Block, is being John Holmes, of the Huron Road, Ieft sept .26t+h 191x, -` rap}r11q poohed, oa'1'uesdaq 21:, for Vancouver. B. C.. :'Phe Commitrcee Was instructed to . ,Christmas Agtograph,Letteirs i ��►'�ile there dee undoubtedly j Cohn MacAltkenand son, Jim, are on au extended visit to' his aunt of forpnuaate ara;ssolwtion vv'hich wool veTY popwlar'laslt year and will - �� in Ailsa Craig this week, that.place, via„ C, P, R. ve rtlh3ts carr, y • many other good Furs to select ' ' . � Prink Carlin and the Misses Carlin . embody. •tllie !substance o,f a serious y . y •. spent 'Thursday and . Frida and.:suggee;tive conversatioun. held ----�- - - Choice line— boxed .. � from in Clinton, we hanestly be- farts yin Sea- an ribs subject orfEvanigelism. ,The ---- a , lieve the customer will find more / Ill to . Brneefield Committee .Ums requested to fol• Z Christimas Cards, Booklets • and . ` - Mise Alice Carr, of Goderieh, is ward a coip'y :to each p}rtor and, to �, Po,sbal Cards an immense variety ," real value int our Furs than coni- visiting at her home. each of the papers.. ,the conimittete • of tstubjects and designs. • I _ IOr><if3sels Mrs. McBeth 'and family attended wins used o;f the Revs; J, E, • _ • I'llparisons can show elsewhere. . Zruvsela Electric Light Uompaay ie the wedding of Mrl' Dallas, at Thed- .Ford, T. C, Co,sens, J. Greene, attd • • `` extending its systeu and .installing ford last Al day, ' Mr. 'I'', Stotllery. Visit our ' Chinaware and Cut Glass Departmen -lights in numerous residences. Rev. E. H, Sawere. and family leave 1—The C4Rninittee Ie&� that thiey wheni'n .doubt about .what to buy for .Christmas i Very little is said about:•munici al nest week for their new congregation . , Y • . ` Politics here P at North Bruce, . ThrGir induction will cannot da bet -ter than elmpph,asize •1. P yet. Brussels is losin tfhe items of the General C'onfter- COMPARISO.'4+l HELPS TO .. one member of the board, Couneillo take place the :28th of 'No'vember. ence :Commi.ttee Ilii Evangelism, • 1. The leave man• • Jones.: who has taken•a position in -Lie- y y �� arm #Venda Mil our a,nd • (hos give tthe mattei.• akwnori z SELL . OUR-' (~URS towel with feweller Gunther. Ria .midst: rninent splice in -the mii�ids of the •. e0OPER • fratnilq is still in Brussels, Ministers and con,gregatibms .of the •��' • ' Rev. Mr. Pierson of Toronto, gave a ... District, . as it evidently occupied in • fine addres�,in Dlelville Church on the gham • . IL ;' a---- 1fap1>IA Wild .. , ne intention a�f that large and i nr --- temperance question as it ••stands to- The work, of renovating the Baptiste • fluential Coxrainittee.' �Ye • f= --'— ---~ -- day, He halildled. the subject we11. A Church here is being rushed, ' A, new from the Report of the Committrae �wfal�l���l�lith!!!!!!!��l��!!!!r�!!r�l�!!!!�! • 60 the thin+ion of over $1� was made to coat of paint is being 'put on and, .a Page 375 of 1(he Journal "Your *� the aliiance`ftmde. ,.:- _ _ _ _ _ furnace- will be installed, . and this Committee recognizes .with great , . T11, erms Ca'sh. �$ i The funeral of John ,Knight, for week, a new organ will be put a ,s sal ations of souls we . _r g P in. p. a ure the expressions o:£ anxie,h ennplllefin Ing services. tv+d possible ort'be'made o �' �i"y:Ce 9's�'mi� many'gears to resident; of Bruaseis,who 'Work is being rushed on the new fox .•great arid: forward Y. Ithe.impartanee of •a• Blear and defin- Evangelistic elis�tic and , `1kWINdied at theiiesidenre:of his daughter - test well which is being, atlnk: The on the part Movement. it experience orf the• .witness of the � ill g opportunity given . . in St.• Marys, was held here'last Pri- borers are. now. down 100. feet but directionp t of our Church, in the a int em far earnest souls to )d-ecide : o,f^•a m.aae praonounced Spirit, by. xenewinig .o,f, the 'Holy for Mist; also, that, at least one .11 day, and was very largely attended° owing to the.heavy gravel they have effort ,in arousing, and marsh-aalin Ghp's't and that tve,iurige yo -ung series of Evangelistic services be Mlr, Knight was SO years old, anal was to go through, the'workmen are.hav the xrMligious forces of the Church Chria�tians never to rest short of ,held on each circuit soanetime.dur- one of the pioneers. of the district, ing great difficulty in Pul:ting down in t1he great work of at wide spread this' ing tole autumn aaid•winter DalWhich Rev. J, kn11 ­ight, of Charing Urase, is a the casings. 'The new rcell when com- revival of vital christianity among `i?hat We preach ,tile doctrine all ,the depar•tmen•bs -of the ;Church B0n• plettlii will be use d to augment the pre. the eo of Christian Perfection and as min- sirs!! be xecq sized and united in �_„- .. sent supply,which has proven lnyutfic- great Evangelistic movementsgde asters .and.leaders in God's Church a common effort to Win siouls, dor ' lent for the needs of the town, arse .never rest till we strand bteforle'! the Master. 11 o ,+ >7ends, not on tiie..o+u�trr•�ai•d .foz{m,. 1.ElmS1Vth, The greatest rntersst is being taken bolt capon the pi esenee and o,rver the Church as. living ,witnesses to 8 '(2) The'C'ommi t here in the bylaw which wtII be .voted . its reality: tee also suggests.. 11 .s4 Ir. Luxton lIill:has purchaser3� the on `Fridiiy next to loan the vo of the HoRy Spirit on .the Cturch t !+hat the .week begrr4nin on Surat- ill forllierly "owned by L+lam, ham'roundr Com iii 1Og- 'and its minis&77 .we recommend; That ib all aux. Conferences, f day' Jan. 2rst '1912• be observed I I . JUS1 a . . Livingston, Mr._ Hill purchased it num Y P y $10,0(10: A our .Presidents, Chairmen Pas or `_ the We k ' served! as bee of petitions An favor • of thQ . (1) That a tveeir o.i'prayer, : be�a - t s e of prayer anti lvuariiliation from the Mo'son Bank'and itis his in p and Officem be pressed: to lead` us 1 above mend oned .tf]ixo, o loan are in rircu}atio3i, and are be, porlrted;.in. all :oair ehurciies, for Con in this work ugh ut , the 4 .. tention to operate it in connection + o k till . ,ase a Church Dusitxict. with his planing ..mill at the east e d ing largely signed. '• As the toren is fission .of bur slut •Woirldlin.esls;and Tin. iu !l Div' • That Christmas is only a few' weeks ..'awd and n.. in good shape financially tha,re is a lark ' o,f s iritualit , S ane grace, we are rai:R-'� (3) Also`fhat o Y of the vdllage, .: full . p , • y, fox rd , o a,h u Tier Standard .of Spxriw 3oWin .. g n the Tuesday fob. that numerous lines for that season are bean assed Mr A, E. Bradwin, of Parry Sound strong feeling that the llylaw would conseclatibn of: nus, 'nal 'rife and p g. the 30th -af Jan. a SP%rllatial •. g p be a good thing for the town, as be • full consecration of ourselves,Min . I1-- oLvex, .Conference of ,tihe Ministera of th . . into stock almost every day. Kee our eye. on this who .is a Liberal candidate at the coria- tween 300 and. 100 mPn will be •e . isters and .people to '1~he. Cohnmittee tvou+id also.. Goderieh Dis,tr'c � p Y }' in'' Provincial electron in that lace m p fhe draw' attention,to,the asttoxs and ario Street x t be held in Ont- store for suitable things. . • had fine portrait of himself in pTiies Ployed, where only. 125 are working .SC1'V* , of God, in the C'htu,rch, .,Clinton son°• . • The company has already chosen .Salt atio•n of our fellowanety; and con,gxega,tiorls ,to a ppax grapph irn a sistin.>; of arxiorning and' ,after - day day's Globe. A. E. Brradwin. a site for the. hi ad, rtion it is for ..ww Iic'ation that`We tins be en_ circuilar issued by,t9 hona3on,Can noose session ; and ttShat the ' t' was the owner of. our paper 'for •12 g d Uro. PP �! fexence Connmuttee on Evangtelnsin,, aurin of ,the Disttxi Chair- Just now you r11 equire suitable thin s.to kee' au' years, previous tb removing to 1Vet4 posed to build if�the bylaw carries• clued with power from on high, avhiclu reads tliure et be requested the cold or kee in the h-- $ p Ontario. Our best wishes go with him (2) That in al! burl .Confer-. r`y'e rl a iHhat � ra dead the Conference, maklajg such' - to be a. winner of his art ng )P yer; me'tings, arrangementis.as he: may deem d�eal- p at, which ever way .you wish: party, if they do suras and Church Courts, we elasemeetings an Sunday'even-, ir:able. t0 put it, not hold the reins of povper entirely: il3ayiicid 'gi',ve oUrselves. ';tio prayer • and • Mr- J W. Elliott; puhlisber of the seek to, . tmaintain :• . a dee......,-„.„.;.....,....N.,..,..a1,-,.,..,.,1...1..1,.11 ..... ,.• u 7.he Rev Mr. P IH1IbN,f./•.:�fY'"~1./../...1ppN.4hM,...H .yNV._W,%;!! .~ . I 11 FL,arJN�c,� "Standard the weather. We Oaks preached two ensee of;tihe Diviiae presence: - . . ` are sorra to. see our: village pa er,� very irripreeaive sernrbns in St. And (3)'+hed in sill our "ef . •. meeting with such difficultie's as has rew s . church on: Sunday, November • f _ ' been overtaking it of late, an'd the. 12th. orfs. `far fho Salvatuon ti(f. Either by the yard 'or in ready to=wear business men are feeling it, es eciall Mr. Whaddon shippers ' his last car- Souls, we 'emphasize . she im- Y�y garments are here in variety,, never better e � ui' .e at this time of theseason,in announce load of evaporated apples on Novem. po!tanee, o,h a Clear and ,de- °” ° lila d in their Chris ber 1^th finite a cpeiience of .t e v .. never bigger sales. g twee trade. f and• the biisihess is.now closed IPMr. Elias Cutting, an old resident of l for this year. th Spirit, lay renewing of he ,Holy . Blyth passed away on Tuesday 'morn Reeve Dr.' Smith is'considering mea=' °'s p and that 1r'e urge young Keep t n ''Oeh ing. ,He was a -great sufferer during sures for -having the hill steps oPPoaite Christians neyei io rest short of *.. the past year and for seve'rai years ,his residence rebuilt, thus,' I was confiners[ t4 his• house. The `fun- A special meeting oP the UounCil (4) 'C'hat we preach • fi'he ` ,- With our Underwear':. De 1YttITt~t t era! will be held from his residence on has ,leen contracted for the' purpose of. I I AON AV% 0 A111104a I dactT ne oaf. 0hristian er•. —ever thin ou need ` Diuslay Street. Thursday afternoon. bringing: mto,conditleration the hydro• faction; and as' Ministers iri . ,. Y g ,y , t�'her in Ghildretn S,ir1S, to the Union Cemetery. }lig surviv-. Qlectticpower and a bylaw regardin leaders in Cao•d?s etliu d y I 'R . . I ' ing brother and sister with trie rest of• the same •is to ..he submitted to' the we •never rest till '%yet'stand .>xe,fol e misses and ladies two -place and combinations, •,1.1. the relatives have the sympathy of the ratepayera'at the nein .mtinicipal elec. the Chi ch ass ivi,pg 'witnessess 'to • %S - . G 11`, � lommunity in the hour of bereave• , t y; an I t I s Wonderful , loll. x g xea .:. , ., . merit. . , • 5 That, in all our conferences ..; .=.­ • g our T si en C t����]i t r Pre d ts, hairznett, Pastors _ • How the men and boys are finding . Marna and Officer s be pressed to lead us �+ Rev. Mr, . Ford in this. Iwoxk, till ,as a, chUrleh( '. out that it is t0 their interest to -get their furnishing's . - preached a,,Mission. thrnu h , Divine' race, we a'e COoYrlght 1909, by tyre R bbs� .. ,, ary sermon on Sunday evening.. . from us. . ral�sed, Ito a,hig+herg -standard of errtll Q M Catnparjy Ties and Collars Underwe. incl Braces, Mrs. S. R�.thwell is vera low 'tit Pres• Spiritual.life and ower.” Shirts and Socks. Hal�dkerchiefs and Gloves, •Quer-PIU1061 enNtTtasea p ""''•" -` _ .� ,> . Susan_ and Catharine.'Park 2-T}iar CC)mtnittee tv0ultl also the nrouneeunrar defends <:rettihen Brom " ills and Smocks, Shirting, Cottonade and Denim. left this week for New York, where dilaty :l!he attention 011the !las. oi•s tih d rrnfl offers her a palace. and jewels. . .they intend to reside, . and eongregation:s to a para itaph 53r1'ioi3Sis. .. dedclines. An ole, elpc mender is Tec - 11 .~ ���� �- - i<tOT til ►TE Miss Bertha Thomson spent iSundav in a circu''.ar,, issued b ,tthe London ra3tchen. a Boar r• orl, nieets a mystert- nus mountaineer and. Carmichael, Amer- . IC, ra`ZiE AiiY as the guest of M-1. and Mre. , W. 1J. • ognlro by the n,nuntaineer C;rumbaeh MaAali. Conference Cc)mmittee.onrrange. lean consul in t>rerber� Trio meets flildegrirde and is ambzeU b1.y rL We are thankful tro notice the lncrasing . confi- radom of locket she cat'rnis. . :Incl Ii[OT rlIl[tlllErlTICNG 1VlissFAL n jell!. rthich Leads,thus: 6V e. urge rtirensrein: 4arrnrcnael�ioves princes he grand duke uuAl flerbrck tan try dance the people 'have in our lriethod=One price for n y Stewart, who'ha.s ' barn >jhu'c prayer lvre�tins, Cbasa 15Zet- tltldeaarde. lneesa ,t Leo stns the miiuntasn e p - : 1 t e . rr es r 6 ar all and that the lowest possible, Means protection spending the summee at Rippen, tilts }n al and Sunday] veniru�Services, Uretchen's .lover is i.ers, za vintner. •` mlehaei is abducted by fhe motintalneees. ' returned to her hams here w!'en the party, wile thrix he is I.eh. for everybody. . , possible, be made Eyaitgel pr•rnao regent of Jrigollot,eit sends kilde> - '' r Mr. CJopeland, .who was visiting hjs Esti :, and opportunity ' given in I,ardo an Offer ot, rr.:,i•rraa•e trom IStng C.armlelrapt teats '13tidegarde he loves Galvanized Iron Work dater, MxN. (Rev,) T,, Johnson, has re- thein fox earnest stud til cls Prederiek. T lie nrint'e s lune abduetfd to her. (lrumbach studies . LltldegAM8 with turned t0 his home iri'1'oiantb,:. Cider infancY and rator restored to her Mather, ONML Masses• A 9Ypsy claims a reward We will endeavor to keep our Fremium Tie art• • for Christ; iso tllataq1tlea�t, one Ilse Brand drake• offereit by the clpefc tnendei. l3rumbaeh Ment complete during•. the busy season SO the tour )( Uollnh ` �� series of Evangelistic Sexvlcea bye Gretchen and Leo ;Aro to Wed ;Lf tells Carmichael drat he and az gypsy stole , ter the . hold' on each circuit ,s�oanetimc clue- vintage, leans Grumbach of America the rince.m- " patrons Can get any article they may require, rijaYetroughin L6ndeal>'aDro in the :Autumvor Winter, in whisk r•eacl,es Dreiberg. , C.rumbaah sees a sear on Oretehen's all the ale ax Carrrttr haci becomes fond o 3 Grumbaoh, arm and recot nfzes tho gypsY. Q,rum-.'' • William .bell °after spending the Shalt bere o; nizeda and the in , who adtnfts he was born I back, the afoeic mender and the s o t ,.lease Come for premiums in elle forenoon if phs� Summer in Manitoba, returnell last a catni)aori g ' d in n j3retberg, fer to right a great wrong. gypsy ' a liticlegarde's betrothal Is announced. Carmichael sible so that we maybe able to gine you proper atter- week to spend the Winter here with of rt to ,Win Souls for C hrineettor t3erbecx suspects Cort ccognizeg Leo, the vintner. !thiel r ' the Master. , ambaeh, ng Ding la rmdertcic or llugendhell. she . . tion in rhaking 'your Selection. Yr a h`1 a O�et'ytllln Ills Mather an$ slater. •Tubo later tells car'michael Ills real naf>zR . t '1!heie have been good sized eongre• 3- lie Co3]nmit.te also suggests is llreun»er, kis has 3L tori cd pass ori. i niountatneer is his uncle, the Orftic6 re» that 1n new,land up -to Cate gations in Knott Church the last ttiPb that the week beginning Oji Sylat- i�1nr; brederfek iOfuses •to mrirrY ktjiae. gent. 'They are arrested, clretchen finder . she loupe n Icing. Sundays to hear about Church Vniov d.ay Jan. 21a•t 1012 be observed as the. 9ti de, tubo to-pleaseti, drum a t ill the pltllnbing and heat nlrl Awde of Wiiigham e i eta a Weck of prayer and h,uirriliation, rbtcben takes ti tarter from .mystert- ba tens .the grand $oke that PPP oils old womian to Hrrdef aide. 'Phis wom• igretcben, not .FiitdtAgarde, is his clang,!» ]rj r� car load of potatoes from this station above mentioned:, throughout the an rnred lot Eiflcif•,;araO }when. ate a grand .C� • �j..•.I1 I r and the real rtneesa. Th • A l ing business. this week. The prise wag 60 cents a Dlit7rict. abducted. n'as I dirk© suspects 1lerbeclt ns. the arch plot !!round. ere b area lot h potatoes (4) Also that on the.Tuesday fol- llerbpolt prevents 'titre :*rand duke from . ter;' '1111ATi�(S GIVEN t0i� ALL around here but some are holing for , Io,wing' the. 30th of Jail„ a ,s iri declaring war on Juxendhert. Grumbae 1lerbtrek admits thafi he hod the .real P h' proves to Have been ono or the princess princess,• C#reteheri, abducted and later CONTUAID,r 1 11hK a hip �price. nal CtSbferelhce of the Milllaterd of snbstittited his awn daul Ilter, liudegarde, abductors. Tile Hoinlesvdlle poultry Arlan Rota the Goderith District be hold in 1.cO, the vintner.' atacapFs when the o. In her place. Irma Prederlok offerer to vera large load On Ttteaclay here. Diltarir3 Church Clinton, consist -Ileo f•atri n, Socialist ineetin . oret � marry Gretchen. . U_ WIL,NW -"`"° ""' Hogg were shipped�byz, Watson ori in !; ehorL 7111dhgarde, tier rttsgraeed Father Anil Wednesday. p �' of E.a ]ti•b,>t5ni.ng and afterritraoai nears he ti n nl,y fmm Jur;cirdtrett, •Ane tlai•rxtichaet girt f � ,a y The rice rieetl0s to b0 Session ,,, and haat the Chairimail+ oP inutintatbear shadows him. I.co rays a or America. Larmicha+el,s ' lntiv irate again. s the District be requested tel, load• Aro,r vr.„ r1., %.,,o,, Love for I3itdeaarde is ra,turri d. Byam � Su tfr,r N11 ' Th� P�apleis Store . � _ -KING - • busirins� i of the t�nterikin� plash r]xiel; �na�nta �� �imrrnaygtleem �!e$air•• . —_ — ­­ . ", L.r ­ __.., _ , , . ­ .. I aas, sleighs curl rs ttVood, Goat, Hay, able. eupf rax n un pay rig axes. r''. I .1 - ' .CHAPT[fl­rN[X11..1 L,EEI I_ ' 1� . , - �, '�hixt lit ltll atlr rttPorts� :Car this,•.: 11 L . I . I. L. . . I I . ?A . . "'yI , n -�