HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-23, Page 3VW.' WAWA,. 4PWRT' up.seu,•-• URSDAY,. YON% itardt, 1111. THE NMI KIWIS OF THE LIBERAL PliffORMI Liberal party's. progr'am under LOW leader, W. N. W., Rowell, New Oritetrie Deltelepilletit. •. ' Creation of DepsytuAnt of Immigration and Colonization ; building ot, teed% preVifling dreeneg% loane to settlers on new clearings, aesietance to e, store colonization character ot T. and Nee°, Railway ; put the railway ' PIC:Meer Pelneehe R tinder Dowinon.Ritilway Board ; allow it to be sped in court') like other rail- WaYs ; Make it' pay municipal taxes ; extend it to Hudson Bay Reduetion of miniug fines for prospecting am/recording :inoreesed stability to mining Utlee ; eight-bour-day for undergronnd miners. Exteneion of boimdary of Ontario to give the Province a navigable port. "'• en the Hudson, Ray, . Agriculture • A Royal Commission to suggeet ineasurea to prevent decline in rural popue lation. Active inaroiiration or suitable people for settlement and employment upon farm lands. An Wage of Provincial bonds to build good roads. . Electelo light and power and telephones for the farms of the Province, Technical inetruction in tanning in rural echeele ; demonstration orchards ,and special technicae instruction in aPple-growing districts ; an annual Na tonal apple show ; enlarge the experimental work of Guelph College, espe- cially in stock breeding: Taxation Grant municipalities permission to exempt iroprovemente from taxation, Tax railways and other public utility corporation's equally with the pro- tperty of private citizens.. Social and Industrial. Itetterment,, ' Abolition of three-filthe clause in local option; removal from political in- flpence of license administration, Workmen's compensation for all industrial injuries and payment insured, Advanced legislation .thr welebeing of . industrial workers ; prevention of elums ; suppression of tuberculosis and avoidance of occupational disease% .. A WOMAN'S WAY TO GET RELIEF Val% GIN P114.11 ron LOW PACK. Telietereee P. Oe On'r. 1"1 received your sample of Gill Pijt and after using them, L felt so 211114 better that J got a box et my druggist's Ma now I am taking the third box. ne pain across my back and kidneyshas almost entirely gone and 1 am better , than 1 lia,ve been for yew. I strongly • *Oise all women who suffer from Pain in the Back and Weak Kidneys, to try Gin Pine. s Ms. T. HARRIS. DECISION IS IN DOUBT •Chinese Premier May WV e ,Ch011ein to Fight Rebels. _ HEO up BASKED IN ROYAL FAVOR.. HER sioN sago ilia is Poo • • ON FIRE • Longshoremen Will AU Be et Work Eefore To.night. .••••101.1.11•••••11 1 Revolutionaries Doi:nand Abdication bin Other Treatment Fallsi Ai Result 0 Efforts of Deputy, and Yuan Shi Kai Must rr Ad. a t I et Reported to Have. Decided on GRAND,* Lioz.rx, Qtrn., ha?. 2124, ,.)XO. Be Ameliorated. visa Flight or Carry on t u rult-a-tives CMS ter of Labor Brown. and Fair Wage is Officer Dobreuil a Settlement Hai Been' Brought About -Wage; Will Be the Same, But Conditions Wilr Latter - Americans Leaving Nan. king -Rebels Approaching City. Pekin. Nov. 20.-Dernands for the throne's abdication, are crowding upon. Premier UK): Shi Eat. who doubt- less will be foreeile to make a decision vtithin a)week. It seeras to be a case of tight or ask the court to depart from the capital. Every suggestion for abdication is accompanied by Pro - Mina Of protection and ample pen. slam It is reported to -day that the Pre- mier has ordered a rene'w'ed attack upon Hanyang and Wu Chang. • If this is true, it signifies his choiee. The Government has succeeded in rid- ding the Lan. Chau troops of both revolutionary generals. Chang Shao Tseng. and Lan Tien Wei. The former is now at Tien Tsin. The latter, *he commauded the third. division, has been dismissed and is proceeding. southward, not as Yuan ,Shi Kaies en- voy to submit further proposals to Gen. Li. the rebel commander, as pre- viously reported. but to jell]. the rebel, forces. There has been au unexpected dis- play of patriotisneduring the last day or two. Instead of rivalry among the provinees, there have been evidences of remarkable ueanimite in an effort to. establish, a union government quickly, in order to prevent the dan- gers from foreign complications. Rear Admiral Murdock telegraphs the American Jegation from Nanking that the American consul, with the ar- chives. is aboard the New Orleans, and that all Americans have left the city with the exception. of a few mem- hers of the • Red Cross. It would be impossible. says the admiral to pro- tect American property in Nanking, without landing 300 marines prepared to sustain a siege. For this reason he had sent none of his men ashore. *Various efforts to starting negotia- • tions looking. to peace have up to the present failed. •Yuan Shi Kai's lieu- tenant. Tsai Tink Kan, has xeturned here from a fruitless attempt to nego- tiate with Gen. Li at Wu Chang. The commander of tbe revolutionaries seems derteinained not to yield in. the slightest degree. The foreign banks have practically decided to establish a banking own- mittee at Shangimi. as in 1900, to meet the extraordinary conditions and ad- just the payments of the indeinnity and other claims. An edict published yesterday an- nounces that the regent, representing the Emperor, will, on Nov. 26. sWear *before the 'Emperor's tablets in the • Ancestral Temple, that he will adhere to the 19 constitutional articles. It, is reported that the Imperialists have routed a rebtl face of 3,000 Hunanese. The rebels' casualties, as reported, were SOO and. the Imperial- ists 200.. Education R estoration ot Model schools and other measures for increasing tbe sup ply provide through adequate training schools a sufficient supply of com- petent teachers, and thus insure under proper regulations that tbe pupils in every school in the Province shall receive a thorough English education. Priblie Ownership and ConServatinn Declaration tor public ownership and operation of public utilities. The acquisition and operation of telephone lines. Reforestration ; re -vesting in tbe Crown all cut -over timber :berths ; sale .of timber by public auction ; better fire -ranging ; assistance to municipalities to purchase and reforest waste lands. . • Other Planks Enlargement of powers and reorganization of.Ontario Railway .Boatcl. Combat trust., mergers, and other combitiations a capital. Free access to the courts to persons having eomblaints against Govern- -went or any Commission appointed thereunder. A Civil Service Oonituissiou and appointments and promotions by merit after competitive ex itnination. Prohibition of election contributions by corporations ; publication of all election contributions ; public prosecutor to prevent election contest saw -offs. ADVERTISE IN THE NEW ERA. . filACDONAL:D ACQUITTED:, Commander of i4 iobe Is Exonerated of DyspEpsiA CLAIMS Any Blame, INI H lifax Nov 20. --The conrt-martial Gin Pills contain the well Inure% me- dicinal properties of Gin as well as other curative agents -but do not contain alcohol, Gin Fills are guaranteed by the largest wholesale drug house in the British Bmpire to give complete satis- faction or money refunded. eoc, box, 6 for $2.50 -sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. Of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. U the bowels are constipated take National Lazy Liver Pills, es. box. 98 MANY LIVES' But John Mitchell's- Life was saved by Ntorriscy's No.11 Dyspepsia Cure. Woodstock, N.B., Aug. 10, 1910. "1 had a very severe case of stomach trouble which caused me great pain, and a, lot of distress. I tried several doctors, u on the Niobe Saturday afternoon con- cluded the series of three trials, which have engaged its attention by giving a decision that the charge against • Commender W. B..:MacDonald of the Canadian cruiser Wes 'not proven. The president of the court in rendering this judgment and banding back his sword to the commender, stated that it •gave him great pleasurel to state that MacDonald was honorably ac- quitted. It came out in the defence • of Commander MacDonald . that the court-martial had been personally (11 Id et no relief. also tried aboutall .. asked: for by him. Th cernmen the patent medicines that are recommend!. ed for stomach trouble, and still I was getting worse -in fact, I felt like dying, and had to stop work. My friends thought. daysiny on earth were few, and I thought so myself. I bad heard a great deal about ' Sent the following telt-gram! the wonderful skill of Father MorriscY, and . ""Admiralty, London: Respectfully thought I would go find see him. Ha submit, convenience of -service telmlfs prescribed his No. II Dyspepsia Cure for ' lord's conamissioners of the Admiralty me, and I took his medicine as he directed, may be pleased to try me' by court - and soon began to. feel relieved, and to- r.na,rtial,,, grounding Niobe." . . • Commander . 'MaeDonald in . the day I ani a very well man; have gained in coorse of his deteuce. sulminted a . flesh - have no pain in My stomach, and statement of -what oceurred -from the am feeling first-rate. - There is no deubi time .of leaving Yermoith uP 'to the - but that he saved my life, and I only wish . thne. of the groueding and -the sub. - I could find words to express my gratitude. sequent seps that were tali to save. I hope all who suffer as I did will use. his . the ship: • ' • marvelous No. 11 Stomach Remedy." "At ,,9.5§ after. getting -away from John H. Mitchell. ! tmouth I - rounded Blonderoek ' explained this in the following. terms.: • "On - October. 10. .not ..having. hear( that . any steps- had been taiten- by which I could vindicate My conduct.. and :realizing that. it_ was 'a •critical time iri my imperial serverf 'career, .T computation ot • titles was the correct one which the point' Of our stranding proves. arid that. had there not been • an obi,iormal title, the • ship would have made the southwest ledge buoy,. even in the thick weather, about 10.15 p.m. • . - •"I gave my -night order book .to the officer of The watch on the forebridge and pointed out to him', that the ship was making the southwest ledge buoy and to see that the ship was not 'set in to the northward and on no ac- count to get to port of his course, but to keep generously to starboard,' At this time the night was extremely flee and starry. I then went into my cabin on the forebridge. On. being -called at midnight I.came out of my cabin and found that the ship had run. into a , log. I called out Lieut. White's mune and wes informed that he was not on the upper . bridge. sent for him. "As my reduced speed had not en- able me to hear the southwest ledge_ buoy's whistle, I determined to haul, out and went into the alert house to determine a, course and had just lean-. ed 'over a chart when' -the -ship took • :ground. ;The time from my .first be- ing infornied that. the southwest ledge - buoy was sighted to the time of the. grounding was about twenty minutes. beg to state that the cause .of our crounding was an abnormal 'tide, due 'either to the gale . thc. previous night in the Bay Of. Fundy, or. perhaps to 'hurriehne tin the Nest Indies. • "T would ask the members of the - cont to place thernSelves nay'.posi- -tion on the night' in question, to re- mernber that at 10,15 o'elock, when. 1 gave . my order book and instructions to .the officer of the first, wateh the night was fine, -exceptionally •. that no abnormal tide had been ex-. perieneed, and that I was kept in ig- norance of the lad that CaVe Sable 'light had not.been seen -when we were eloselY approaching it." . . The British :squadron sailed yestere day afte..rnoen for Bermuda. '' • . • otity wife wa* greatly du o three years With chronic Eczema on** hafldf,, and the disease was 50 severe that it almost Igeventedher fromusing her hands. The doctor gave her several ointments to use, but none of them did any good. He also advised her to wear rubber gloves and she wote out three pair* without getting any beneft ne g UA resort, I persuaded her to try "Ilrisit.a-tivesr, end the effect was marvellous. • Not only did "Fruit -a. tives" entirely cure the Eczema, but the Asthma, which she suffered, from, was also coinpletely eared. We both attribute our preseutrod health to "Fruit-a-tives". N. JOUB RT. "Fruit -a -Oyes" will always cure Pfeaerna or Salt Rheum because oltruit- a-tives" purilles the blood, corrects the Indigestion and Constipation, and tones up the Nervous System. orrult-a-tivesil is the only. medicine In the wprld made of fruit juices and valuable tonics, and is the greatest of all blood -purifying remedies. eoe. a box -6 for $2,50 -or trial size, 25e. At all dealers or from Pruit-a- tives Limited. Ottawa - • TwantrFivs Hundred at "Drawing'. Room" in Ottawa. t Ottawa, Nov. 20. --The most 41olae did pageant in Canada's social history took place here on Saturday evenings when the first drawing -room. of "the royal regirne attracted all the leading soeleiy and near -society people in the Dominion to the capitekl. The women were in a subdued state of excitement all day and the drawing -room Was the only subject of conversation. Ostrich feathers were at a premium and every wax figure in the drygoods windows Montreal, Nov. 20. -To -day it is ex. pected, the majority of 1,800 long- shoremen, who quit work ori Friday. will 'return to work on pradtically tbe same terms that obtained before the strike, and the loading and unload- ing bf shirkx that have been held up for the past 48 hours will go on with a rush. as every one of the 18 ships now in port is anxious to get away tbIt'shewe:etkilement of the difdeuiiies be- tween the syndicate longshoremen and the Shipping Federation was brought about by officials of the Department of Leber, Messrs. Victor Debreuil, fair wage officer,. and Gerald Brown, assistant deputy minister- of labor, who was despatched to Mont- real by Minister Crothers, in answer to an appeal from the shipping com- panies. . . Major George W. Storm, president of the barber boerd, aleo returned hurriedly from a trip to New York on bearing of the , trouble. Both sides seemed satisfied- with. the agreement, and it is assumed there will be no hitch. ih signing the agreement to- day. The longshoremen at a meetur, ..., yestorday afterntvei, put theiziselv-Is and the Crown of In ia. . on record to the afoot that ilnle..s the train, three and a half ya•rdsAlong. -. document was signed by neon to -day was of stiff gold brocade woven in. le., hy .the federation, by every shipping ! conventional pattern, of flowers an& company outside the federation es foliage in rich metallic shades. well, they would go on strikp agaia Col. Sherwdod, with an A.D.O., took, Full details ,df the agreement were hhilLstaanndd uaetxtthteo the lowertb.reonnde, ositurthdysi at 1 o'clock. Withheld, but it is Itnown that the 1, Col. Lowther had his post • beside a. men did not hold out for the inerease ;huge waste paper basket, into which. in Pay first dpmancIrd, and are 're- he threw the cards after announeing trailing to wotk at the old rate, 30 each narap.' The Lieutenant -Governor' cents per hour (day) and 35 cents of Ontario, his family, the Premier,. per hour (night). The conditions un. and Mrs. Borden, the Cabinet Minis-. der which the men .work, however, ters and their families who had the will be considerably ameliorated. I honor of the first presentations, .eame. All day Saturday the held -up liners I from behind. the throne. and passed. - made the best shift they could to get i. quickly• across.. taking Up their sta- cargo 'aboard. The stewards and I tions at each side of the aisle of •sol - crews pre. worked as longshoremen. ' dier,-then the lower deers Were thrown . and a number of Italians were taken i open. to the crowd outside, • and hteitcledr on to work. There- was no disorder. • r6y the Senators-and,their families, the The agreement was that •the men , 2.400 people were presented, being, . return to work at 7 o'clock 'Saturdey '' hustled through at a quick march by ' night, and about 100 of them turned the energetic A.D.C.'s. The above prescriPtion is not a "Cure - All" or so-called patent medicine. Dr. Mor- riscy prescribed it for 44 years, and it cured thousands after other doctors failed.. Price, 50c. per box at your dealers or Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited., Mon treat. - 500 buey." he said, "and • shaped course S. 75 E. The night was very clear. Up to this tie no abnormal tide had been encountered and nothing to lead me to suppose that any corrections other than thode allowed for the time tide would be necessary. I am • firm- ly of the oninion thet Whit' Must Not Pltick Live Chickims. ' London, Ont., Nov, 20. -As the re- sult of a recent revelation in regard to the packing and shipping of live poultry from points aronriti London to the different markete for the winter trade, it is likely that some action will be taken by the local branch. of the S.P,C.A. to put an end to the eruelties that have been practiced. Qne of these crueltieM' it is said, .con.sists of plucking the chickens whilst they are alive. Sometiraeg a .spike is fastened to their heads,. which is supposed to deaden the pain of the plucking. It. is stated that raany of the feathers are pulled out while the • fowls are alive. A police court test case is to be inade of eases in a few,days. Commission On Farmers' Elank7 Ottawa, NOv. is believed by Conservative members that the GOY.- - ernment will appoint a royal 40MIIIii-' sion to: investigate the Cireumstanees attending the e.stablishrnent and fail- ure of. the Farmers' .Bank. This is in accord with the position taken by members of the Government When in -OpPosition lest session.. 'Until the commission has investigat- ed and made its. report it is unlikely that the Grovernment will come t6 a definite decision as to what relief, if any; is to be given the Farmerd' Bank suffererS, HEADACHE Seems To Be Habitual With Many Pfople. Some are seldom, if ever, free from it, suffering continually and wondering why they can get no relief. Headaches are generally caused by time demngement of the stomach or bowels, or both. •• Burdock Blood Bitters removes acidity of the stomach, improves digestion, regu. lates the constipated bowels, and pro- motes a perfect circulation of pure blood to all portions of the body, thereby curing the headaches by removing the cause. displayed a different rnode of wearing the same, while a leading station who advertised the correct card. o which to present your humble nuln to the A.D.O.. Villa besieged with. cuff- • tomers. • In the evening carriages 'to convey, the ' nervous fair ones to I'arliarnenld Hill began, arriving before 7 o'clocit„, and women' wearing their best gowne. with feathers and veils at every irnag- inable angle, and aceompanied by slieepish-lookirig men. oeurried from the elevator to the door. A little before nine cielocit two or three bars of "God Rave the Xing' announced the arrival. of the du171 and duchess, the band eeasing as the entered the room and, proceeded to their seats in a dead silence,- broken., only bye the craning of necks and, squeaks. of curiosity from the gallery. Her Royal Highness' dress was of A cloth of gold, brocaded with flowers,. and softened with folds of =alines at the deeolletage. She wore n plagui. ficent high tiara, neeltlabe ancl a. num- ber of ornaments, all of diaanonde. also the following orders: Ribbon meet Order Victoria and Albert, King Ed- ward's Family Order, King George's' Family Order. St. John of Jerusaleml Mrs. L. Maguire, Kintnount, Ont.; writes; -"I am writing you a few inies , . . • to tell you what your _Burdock Blood Unrest In South. • Shanghai, •Nov. 20. -Th situation Bitters has done for Me. I used to be in Southern China is beconaing more greatlY troubledwith headaches, but after involved eech day. The Republicans I using two bottles of. Burdock Blood arently are determined to secure ( Bitters I was completely cured. 'this their independence from the Manehu dynasty, but there are grave doubts of their ability to establish a stable 'gov- ernment in time to avoid the conse- quences of 'continued disorganization and the absence of revenue and a co- herent iklministration. The local organizations generally are preserving order. Shanghai is a centre of business for the entire Yangtse Valley, which is stagnant, while the military.. operations around Wu Chang end Nanking are Proceeding. The situation at 'Pekin has little in uen on the rest of the country. The power • of Yuan Shi Kai's name is watun„„ because At is believed that he deserted' from the cause of the people. The provinces which have declared • independence are organizing separate governments, but each refuses recog-. nition the responsibilities incurred. by the.eentrel Government. Nanking, the ancient capital, is still firmly in • the possession of the Imperialists, therefore, the" assertion of southern su remaey is not taken seriously. Even the.reformers recognize the im- portance of Nanking, and both they radial lines entering the city. ey d the Imperialists are directing all Is will be asked to provide a free their efforts to this centre, where a victory may mean either an end of the Mancini dynasty or a serious set - 'Back to the revolutionary cause. The revolutionary forces approach- ing Nanking number many, thousands. From Anking, on the north side of the river, 4.000 revolutionists with 41 guns are marching to Pukow. which lies opposite, Nanking. From Wuhin on the south side a the river,. 2,000 naen are advancing. Above Chin Kiang there is.a. force of 4,000.revolutioneries with -1.00 guns, and it is estimated that 8,000 more are proceeding down the line of the Tien Tsin-rukow Railroad. Fifteen. warships. n.ow in the river, under command of th.e rebels, are aweiting the signal for the attack. The I periadist garrison in. Nan- king. un er command of Gem Chang, numbe about 11.000 men, .well train- ed, wel 'armed and strongly entrench- ed and. ortified. It is believed that all republican fortes are within. day's stetking distance <>f the MEANING OF THE CROSS This cross • (in red) has been adopted in Canada and all over America as the emblem under which the Crusade against Consumption is carried on. . Every reader know of the ravages of this disease; how, too. often, the bread -winner- of the family falls a Victim, or the young matt or young woman, with a promise of a happy and useful life, is stricken down. This modern Crusade, like the one of old, is a winning • fight. The death° rate from Consumption this province shows a decrease of over. 25 % in the past few years. Nearly 6000 of these poor sufferers have been cared for in our Consumptive Homes in • 1Vius,koka and near Weston. To -day we have '300 patients under treat- ment -patients who, if they had the money, 'could. not through fear of contagion gain admittance into, other hospitals. • • f In the Muskoka Free Hospital alone we are now caring for 156 patients. 128 6f thdse cannot pay a single cent for the cost of their maintenance, /5 pay' 70c. per day, 1 pays 57c. per day., 12 pay 50c. or less per day. ,Our Trustees, .having faith in the generous -hearted people of Cna.da,'have continued to carry on this work during the past year. Money to pay doctors; food, nursing and caring of these sick ones, is urgently needed. Will your readers help and have the jpy of shating, ut a work that has the profilise of tliMaster's reward? 84 8111am/A AVE. Toaorrro W. J. ''GAGE Chairman Executive 'Committee, National Sanitarium Association BRONCHITIS, Huskiness, 'Throat Catarrh Delightful Cure Discovered That Cures Quickly, Old-fashioned reme- dies were a,dministerecl through Av. stomach only, but as it is Minos- sible to swallow • any. thing into the lung,. lit, - tic berm& ever resulted. Strong drugs, sueh as opium, chlorodyne and eocainee were resorted to, but did more harm than goad. Nowada,ys, when doctor meets a ease of catarth - finds the throat filled With roue. ous--sore all the way -down, lie preseribee Ca- tarrhozone because lie" knows it goes direct to the disease. was .two years ago and I have a no returnof headache since." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. • Pastor's ,Sudden Death.. , Berlin, Ont., Nov. 20. -At Elmira the death occurred frOm heart failure. of Rev. "A. R. Schultz, for the past 34 years pastor of the Evangelical LUtherari Church in that village. He was apparently in good health, and was in attendance at the Water- loo County. Children's. Aid Society in. Most of the otherS had held , celebration with their Saturday pay, and even yesterday a large number were still absent from duty. The men have ratified the agreement, but it could not be signed yesterday, being Sunday. Five ships managed, however, to .complete their cargoes, despite the absence of most of the longshoremen. the Lake. Manitoba, 'Teutonic, Inish- owen.Head. Raltaia and Ansonia, with the aid. of their crews. completing the Work of loading. The two former got IWill Enforce Neptrality. - Washington, Nov. 20. -Commanders 1 of the United States troops now 1 the vicinity of the Mexican border. 1 yesterday were ordered to hold them - 1 selves in readiness to preeeed immedi- 1 ately, upon request of the proper fed- eral officers, to enforce the neutrality. -laws of 'the Viaited States. away Saturday, the 4next two yester- Childr an Cry I FOR .FLETCHER'S CASTO RIA ser - day.. and the last named sailed this morning .af daylight. • ineeting here on Tue$day last. Ile is suryived. by his widow and two sons, Rev. A. Schultz, Tonawanda, N.Y., and Dr. Schulte. - London's Railway Subsidy. London; Nov. 20. ---London electors will vote at the coming municipal elections on the question, of granting $25,000 to the proposed North IVEdland Railway for use in the Construetion of a terminal station to. be used :by all right of through the city streets. Prominent Engineer Dead. • Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 20. -- Caryl .Davis Haskens of Schenectady, N.Y.. one of the most prominent electrical engineers • in the United 'States. died here Saturday of piaeu- in,,nie, after two days' illness. Children. Cry FOR :FLETCHER'S .CASTOR.1 A. Catarrhozone tures by antiseptic balsams that are carried by the air you breathe direct to the source of the ,trouble, It aids expectoration - clears away tho phlegm--earries health - laden vapors to the Sore, irritated tissues. /n one minute Yeu. tqc.f perience decided relief with Catarrhozone and invar4AY it does cure every type of Catarrh, Bronchitis, Irritable throat and hoarseness. 31.10t, think of it -a eure cure with- out noxious drugs -one that is. guar- anteed and delightfully pleasant as wolf, Catarrhozone only, comnlete for two months' use, $1.60; small (trial) 'size 60c. at all dealers. OATARRROZORE A IMRE CORI one city. Reports received. here direct front Nanking, say that all foreigners north of Pukow are safe. The -consuls have recommended that all Amerieans •in the Yangtse Valley tonna Immedi. ately to Shanghai. NIontreal Banker Dead. • Montreal, .Nov.• 20. -Mr. Michael Burke, vice.praidat of the City & District. Savings Bank, died hare yes- terday morning. He had been a' reg. . dent of 'the city for many years. TORONTO MARKETS Liver'" .and Chicago Wheat Futeres I -en, w e 0"K inta j. prices • to 6d. per muerte)? higher,. but ...anout $5,p0s) surplui, Was the grati- fying . report -of the proceeds of the Central Canada Exhibition et Ottawa. • Greet Mifflin's 21st • battleship of the Dreadnought typt, the• Centurion. ' was launched at Davenport, tug., ort Saturday. • - George Whiting .Hebard, •of New York, vice-president of tho Westing- hoUse Electric .Co, and widely known as. a philanthrOPist, . Close H igher-Live Stock-. • k the voluine or busines.s done . was email: owing to the feet that exporters foul' LIVERPOOL, NWT.' 18. -There were 1 ---------iOlen at the above advance int rices they were lb.o to 2c per 'bushel be- fusther, signs of congestion in DeCerfl* V low the actual cost of •Nos. I, 2 and 9 laid clown here In -oats the feeling was* ber, .which at the opening Vas .1-2d higher, while the other months were firmer and there was mare enquiry for 1.-30. lower. Shorts, covered in DeCerri" retold lots 'to arrive. American cora is . vices have advanced lc ber .on the firmness in Amdrica; while • A fa rly geed trade was done Buenos Ayrejs Yesterday at the opening 1 and firm. -Demand for. chee2s5exits bcietixieeete: and.- also the 'lower closing with fa -V- 1• Rlyeeeacirrt:e p .rling.eLeland '1 foran dt.h.setrNovneegk. Wneereee the 'distant months 'were under pres- I s terro sure -nf realizing due to the decline in I in Mil:grades of flour. Millfeed is active orable weather there. During the , against 33,421.a year ago. . Butter 1$ fair - morning there was heavy covering by.: , cuid week were 5751 packages; against 1033 a lots for the 'shorts, particularly in December, 1 year ago. :Eggs, firm and fairly active. the entire markets was influenced' up- Reefipts for the week were 4011 cases, 213s tftail:pyargoaoto. s'Intet.- trat qt. ward with 'offerings light 'and prices apfoavigiton2s advanced 1-2d .to 5-8d. The forecast . . 776,700 bushelsr cern,- 74,347;° pse:as, 1370i week, -indicated lighter American shiP- oats, 396,257; barley, 61,324; buckwheat, 210. Is for light shipment's to . Europe . this merits as shown by Bra,dstreets, no . 250; flaXseed, .11,043; flour, 74,576. .. Pressure of Plate 'offerings and an in- ! CATTLE MARKETS. • creasing .dema.nd for • forward ship. 1 • .. . ments. Spot markets were all 1-2a • Latest Quotations. It impossible to huy wheat in the•we Every Woman •is interested and should knoiv ahout the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The now Vaginal Syringe. ,Ideq ...Most convenient, it cleanser instantly. Ask you druggist East Buffa----11; Cattle Market. * higher with cargoes in better dernand C nadian crop and sOme ull- BAST BUFFALO, Nov, 18.-Cattle-Itat and more firmly held.. The poor qual- ceipts, 375 head; market dull and steal,:Ime steers, 4725 to $7.75; butcher gradeS, itY Q1 favorable reports .frorn Argentine ten to keep shorts •nervous. At the close the Market :was •very °firm, Deeetnber 1 1-84 higher and otherwise 1-4d to 3-8d higher. . •' • CHICAGO, Nov. 13.-r-Ef11orts,of a grout] • do a big $3.25 to $7. . • Calves-iteceipts, 250 head; market slow, • 250 lower; cull to choice, $6 to $9.50. • Sheep and LambS--Reeelpts,*17.000 head; market dull; lambs 100 lower; choice b --------3t$.40f cull' to 'fair, $4.25 to of commiSsion hous s , yearings, $3.75 to 34; sheep, $2 o spread made wheat sherts anxious to-daY $6.25; and forced the market up. The close wag .6.m . , 'Bogs -Receipts, 6800; market slow, 100 to • 24c to %c to %e higher than last night. tsc lower; yerkers, $6.50 to $4.545; stags, 35. -Corn finished a shade to 1/4e to 3/40 down., oats off 1-160 to 14c, and provisions at 50 to $5.25; pigs, $6.90 to 96; •mixed. $6.55 tq 99Ik 99% 99% $06;65;sW, hlelaa;les' to $6.• . . 99.60 to $6.65; roughs, $5.50 te 121/2e decline. • . Wirinipeg Options. Man new. 99%. •••• ......9811 inally steady; western calves, Weak to a Dec" **** " 96 96% 96% 96%• Calves -Receipts, 250 'head; veals, nom-, $4 to P.25. °DK° 'tral=', ' geTini3gee'llarteesal.s.. .0015- ,..„,.., 71,-Thoeva,t7„ “ eem,, Dec. ...3w-,2 •.. • • •-• • • d• • trifle lower; common to good westerns. May 421/2 .... .4. .... Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 83'76; mar- ket, dull and weak to ese lower; sheen. Toronto Grain Market. $2 to $3; lambs, $4,75 Wheat, fall, bushel $0 92 to $0 93 1-logs-neceipts; pan' none on sale; feel- "“ ' ing nominally steady. . Wheat, goose, bushel 0 88 Oats, bushel 0 52 • .... . Chicago Live Stock. Bye, bushel 0 70 •...... . .11peaucelt.whbemaeth,elbiishel 0 48 0 60 • 0.78 . 0 60 CHICAGO, Nol,inv.:1r8ics.e-rtIlsiseic:erwisp,;te9b40,0seotvimo:c1 Barley, bushel 0 80, 0 90 Torpetto Dairy Market. ;litre' tg LIP et? 14 e35t:07e0ke; rweesntnearn feeders, $942..9300. re $47305;; Butter, store lots . * . *** . -. o 28 0 24 Butter, separator, dah•y, .1b. 0 28 ,... cows and heifers, 31.90 to $5.75; calve, • 3 00 $5.50 to 38,25. Hogs-IPteeeiptS. estimated. at 16,000;1 • roitter, creamery, lb. rolls0 29 • 0 31 Bchuetteeere,, enreewat,neiry, solids 00 1275 . 00 ftll Honey, extratted, lb .. 011 0 12. market d6u.1017, ig-e2n.ermailxlyea5,e 316or5 tower 1310g.11.05t;i; . nggs, ease lots ..... . 0 26 9116C9a0Ntyt,,o.:6.15 to 136.67 1-2; rough, 16.15 TIoneYComos, dozen 2 GO • Close, Open. High. Low. Mose. New 'York Live Stock. Noted Prussian Tutor Dead. • Banal. FrtISSiii, Nov. 20. -Gen. Adolf a% CI. Von Deities, head tutor of the imperial princes from 1804 to 1000, died nsterday. lie was born at Harlan in 1845. CASTOR1A For Infante and Children. De Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the filignatura of Ube ernnot supply the MARVEt. attept no other, but send stamp tor illustrated book-sealtd. It gives full garde- nia's and directions invaluable to ladles. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO., Windsor. OM. General Agents for Cana . Rear Admiral Taylor, tt.S.N., refit - ed, shot himself in his residence in -Washington yesterday, dying . within half an hour. He was 82 years old. Despondency over failing health is the, eaUSe. Both Vienna and Constantinople re - Dort Italy has consented to postpone her naval •operations in Turkish wat- ers. This is the result, according to the despatehes, of protests made by the Powers. A Canedian-Britieh syndicate is re. ported to have purchased ranning and Washingthri Islands in the mid. Pacific, for the urpose .of toalitig f tl 6 1 Eggs, new-Iaid •0 40 to $6.30; good to choice, heavy, 6.35 to $6.67; pigs, 94.75 to $6.00; bulk of Liverpool Provisions. sales, 96.40 to $6.60. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 18. --Reef extra sheep-Xteceipts estimated at 2500; India. mess, 86s 8d; • pork, prime Mesa Market qttiet, steady; tratiVe $2.50 to western, 96s` 8c1; hams, short cut, 14 to 33.75; westerh, 82.65 to 98.70; yearlings, 16 lbs., 56 s 6d; bacon, Cumberland eut, $3.75 to $4.60; lambs, native, 93.50 to 26 to 30 lbs., 52s ed; short rib, 16 to 24 $5.85; western, 33,75 to $5.75. lbs., 56s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs, Ms; . long clear middles, light, 28 tO 34 Iba, 56s; long clear middles, hemvy, 35 to 46.1bs., 55s ed; short clear ba.elts, 16 to 20, lbs., 49s; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 ?Os., 49s 6d; lard, prime western, in tierces, 478; American refilled in pails, 48s 3d; butter, good S., 112s; cheese finest white, 10S; cheese, eoloted, 708 6d; tallow, prime city, 35s 6d; .A.ust. Milian in London, 33s 7 1.2d; turpene tine spirits, 34s; resin, coramon, 15S7 Petroleum, refined, 6 0-411; linseed Oil, 89E4 cOttOti Seed 011, hull, reened, spot, 80s ed. Montreal Grain and Produce, MONTREAL, Nov. 19.--Thore Was Itirge demand from foreign buyers for all m view o the op grades of lifanitobit spring depot, • Rellaine nun Peng Order0 111.the market for over 500e. o • ,•••• 4 captain's Terrible Death. . St. Martin's, N.n. Nov. 20.-Whila making fast a steel hawser from a Fijebsoot Lumber Co. barge hetes which had broken adrift here yester- day, Captain 'Robert Welsh of this place was killed, One leg was be - tweet the loop in the hawser and the post, and before he eould get clear, tha barge sagged back and tbe don. key engine starte& to haul in the line. Ms kg was cut off just beloW the hip. and Captain Welsh bled to death before deetors eould reach • lite MAW& a wife and large