The Clinton New Era, 1911-11-16, Page 6t-
4 �r '. 1
` -I - ,111 CLINTON NNW . "1".!a` AIIII'l.r T, r�O�i%111101M 0, OIL
* " 4 +%
c r
e � CHOOLS, ,
>t.� ix f her
-, I Honored b Women
__._.11_.. _ --i MANY PERISH IN GIL i :� SUN D RMYT _-S - �V. I
_..._.r...,....° SVhett a woman s aks a
.,uunnnnomn,uupmltplllplpr4lUunIUUu11UUuu,IPi.11luunx "1, ««' • '� r Silent BQArOt 4'�rlerin,�, she `..
Tornado wet (9S Through, Middle - ___-_'� ® trusts you, Millions have bc-
4�f - deuce on r.
LoSSOn' 1llii.4-- of sPliii- :
CASTORIAates District, Fourth guar#er, For -� g,� stowed. this t<nartt
o , , D V. fierce,
. ,^. Nov. I , 1 '11, r e of BuOalo N. , Y. Eve - �
dp i r -1 I• J c q, a " whoa tlnersa nco worracn vlleo
l , Irl, I , f , h s to the ^wonder- �` - j a.
j ,e rise I For Seven i� ,l at �° �9wir, ;� vycr isa�&larefirar- Pwver of Dr.
) ;QI$a"tPPUS .rtPl'm' InKiaCPMSIn is N• •' r .:
dor Infants-: and Ch><ldxeuR s,�o a e o See e a ' ° Y` }
THE INTFR111ATi�P+IAL S��,IES. �- i"iercas]lnvorat�l're,crc tion .,
J;inasv111e and l+atalitics at '3th r „-- -„ Fa It. r, ;'1Gitpac j p
M,I * .i ,:,�? r ; Sw,, -f, • i �. is the best and quickesf _ —which naves the s tTerivff sex
<, iso n.s Nearby - Vrrc,lnla, ltl. is ' '�1IC' 'I �� fro»i
,..., `the Kind You Have',
r. 11.1 1i way to per feet health. Text of the i.esson, Ez, viii, 21.32, ,C>E �� � � i,;, , pais, and successfully . I� '`
J ! Yfrocked and .GC9any Hurt--Dal:tage « �,' s grapplety rvitli woo.on's weals- _ `
' . . Memory Verses, 21.20-GQolden Text, r S ii r.
1-1` ,d Women and girls ''Who Ea, viii, 22 -Commentary Prepared , k!Mv ;It: pisses and sPtbLorl: ills. .
Alwiays Yo a at tkue laalis. weak �°"'" l'T 1`vF�>fSIS W4DI't>�1`1 STI�CNG 'w;
— ., .,; -:- , —.ffer are simp T ;�,..
Janc�vitle li'is. Nov. 13, A: least Su ly by Rgv. 'A. M'. Stearns. ��1 g � fii�:ES I `
pp ,
7 n w° ^vii® YU-AlpCj ;' , ' , " h9 .y :..G.M 1 •,.i
` Pae$, k11eFt,lu seven lives were. lost and scores of -weak .all over, �° 1'T :i`11.f• AES SICK �r'(.tMEN WELL'..
11 1 1 , a, '�nct r , In our two previous lessous In the .,�„„
SilllildtjCt�ttnl„;au.,,c.11.r., iltl- �tlk” perso injured, sonic fatally, in a ,.w,.,,�•a
�, T,, - ,,,., - lr , , I �, Opiates and alcoholic oro ,�
t'«b,q . «..,, °. o' er •• i" r t (3 tornado which swept Iinclt County at book of Ezra we saw nearly 80,000 re- .. , ,B I p . Na woman's appeal was ever -Misdirected or her.ego
43�iirl+. is JII °
,. _ ,,,.: . i,•., I du,k last night. Hundreds of thous• mixtures are worse than a^w,` '•' ii fidcnce misplaced when she wrote for advice, to
g turntnb to Jerusalem by ermission of a °
m^ .4 ;; oy,P <', l i+.�,� <� °"1_'-`w`•' the WORX,D'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL AssocIATIoN, Dr,
I •t4 t-§ 1; ary . �r ". , antis of tiolliirs' damage vvaa done, worthless, they aggro- Cyrus, the kin;, under the leadership• R. Y: Pierce, President, Buitalo, N. Y.
4- - . + 14 Si a '8 Saturday night dozens of fain,lles Dr. P1atFe'a PfesSRot pe(ie(5 Iriducanmild gatarel bowel �ovemept 9+7ce a daY• .
.----., a vale the trouble and of zerubbabel and. Joshua, and We haW
* r , sought shelter in small structures out
p. tomotesDigesti0n,C9zr T s I of the cath of the storm'. Others found lower the Standard Af the temple finished by,. encouraging -----.--•
�SsAitdRest.COtital"s eltm. , 0�' themselves without a, roof and because w words of Hagar and Zachhriah, NOW °, _ _�._ -
Morplilao uol 7!.,z. ,� - the iia were
roads made travel ght in " We see Econ, a pries In the direct line 1 r L"
. 11tlbltapenrfiel ed to ass tilt night in s from a 2 r. turnip with � ilf� �ci,I1A1 ti� R -S �'� t I'two.
t n spite of this. antagonistic fore'e
�� .Scoff's ; Emulsionlaw of Gad vii, 5 1) e g
-_-_. Alptc®.-..® . Measures rfi for the relief of Orford- ( ' ' red Polls have rapidly spread through
1` vili,a, Hannver, 11lilton Junotioii and the permission and Food will of Artak-
. ar'QIr J2r_.rrlt=1A '' villton have been instituted ti Janes- ac Q rL•n:� p1 i° the United States. a now f - r
RED ° i 1] 1-0 G � IE iThey are a
fi,,,, Sud- :; 1ille and B:"loit,' beet much suffering strengthens the whole ernes, king of Persia, and with him iii' recites upon hundreds of farms in i
�dx.•P . s - necessarily inns, ensue, body, invigorates and over 1,700 of the people. The decree of pelt i .every tato iii the pion. This
as J rl+f - I In A gold wave followed the storm, the king made Hatpins compulsory in would have been impossible had they
build. _,p, blit gave full not possessed in an eminent degree
. 7�i�rru�t- . b; and -sleet and snow added to i a mus- the matter of returning, As early as the year 1778 in the . ,
"'mss''`&' cry. . Be sure to Qct SCOTT'$- the qualities of a farmers cow -a Cow.
. 1ramnAea- . �, . - „ permission to all who were minded of counties of NorfoI4 and Suffolk, Bu - good herself in the
rrl%d rrsisis At Orfordville Mrs. John C1oss er, tt a best.$t idard std Always that can male
/� 3 I I 80 years old, etas killed, as were al o
ih their owii tree will to go np with Ezra land. there were whole dairies o£ iced Barry and her progeny in the Peed lot.
a father and two dao ht rs of a,famil
• A edectllemedy i'orConStipa- I , y 0 � ern axIICGa<STs -(vii; 13). It is thought that the story Polled cattle, 'she breed was hien one- • The geld open for such a vow is Prue -
1; whose name is Smith, -and. a Mrs. ' it -21 of the book 'of 'Esther fits in between versally polled -that is, without horns tically unlimited in the ;treat corn
• tion, Sour Stolnaccl,Diarrllpea, 'Broede.I
W11 1orlas.ConVutsiolts,Feverish At Milton on e e n E2. vi and vii and the statement al -and at about that time a number se producing states, where feed, Is sa �•
. on e person, as yet u I.._ Est, 1, 7, 8, that there was royal ;nen farming iu those counties whose
Hess andLoSS �]F �iI,EEP. For her'
identxiied, is xenortetl dead. Amy dor• `< fsum5' were near •together co operated abundant and comparatively cheap..
•4---=-••----- " ban, 8 years olds ,teas killed when her Voted to Strike. - wine in abundance (or wine of the the row that can steed a profit. Froin
•., to improve. their. Polls by careful the creamery gild•
Facsimile Signature o[ home, just north of Janesville, was Mag ,"Qui., Nov. 13. -By a prat-., 'kingdom -.margin), according to the selection• writes P. G, Henderson in Il,itter fat.sold• to.
y,� demolished. , tically spinous vote employes .of state of the king, but that every one the Breeder's Gazette. nhose calf; if hand ted and lntelli-
,. s„ I Year l:e[itly raised with the si.ill now ao
Pootville, MagnPli�, Pe�vaukee and the Mao mill of the Dominion To --
other villages also are re orted to g did according to his own pleasure in' The year ]81(1 may be taken as the
NEW YO)t3%{. '1'' r; p :tile Co: Sat. day night voted to strike easily ncgliired,, will sell to the, feeder r'
Sy S:r .Iru have suffel'ed severely. unless a to . per cent, increase of the matter. .f drinking gives an idea date from Whtch the Norfolk and'Suf- alit
at a profit is the fatmer'a caw.
_ +, of perfect freedom. Note the shun- folk Iced 1?olis merged into each other,
Illinois Town Wrecked. wages was r ted them. Yesterday .
n Springfield, 111. Nov. 13.-A tornaw. at another. in
g it was decided to dant bestowment and freedom of action and it was at this time that elle East ' __ .
i °g g
' Norfolk +Agricultural association estab- .
French and Otis. Middleton. • in his motorboat Niagara; whit shot (Ez. vii, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 27). The numbers, however, can be placed at- • ��^
Golder Weather Coming. . Nat a building that lay in the the whirlpool rtlpids, Capt..Klaus ar. man of God was JJzra sv.ho, had re- about'twent five ears ago. At that
wurnrng'� -']:na wAlItt rnsna n,i lab's r p y- y
Toronto, Nov. 13. -The cold wave of night with .the mercurypian degrees storm s path escaped damage, A pun- aen.s5ill next sumniei° attempt to cr ss
y g Bred dwellin s were . unroofed while. pared -bis heart to seek the law of the time these docile hornless and uni-
yasterday corresponds' with weather below freezing. IV``here the . spray g the ,Atlantic in - .fiftEen-font metol Lord and to do it and to teach it and' EUM ISM
conditions of a year ago,. according to from the falls fell, groat icicles have the business section is a mass of boat. He left Lewistem Saturday, go- fdrmly red cattle were making their
ole ;cal office. -'i lie disturb-. n the tie th of win- : •Svreekage. Saturday night. the town ing through the �Felland Canal .and n whose hand: was the wisdom of first appevance before the American.
. . - AT
the meteor g been formed as i P was in .total .darkness and reScuili „ hence along * the coast of Lalte od Ez; vii, l0, 2b1. The great cause
ante for the past few days over the ter, An inch'of snow fell during the g will ,go t }, ( public:
lakes, were followed by a cold wave , parties groped their way with lap- Erie to Detroit. ba of •ail others was "the good hand The introduction into the field of ani-.
morning sblizzard. - terns throw ht . the wreckage looking E Sys]
from the west, the thermometer in- _Y_ g g g of t e' Lord God upon him" which
he mal busbnndry in America of a breed , e
dicating 28 degrees with still lower Rev. Alfred Cooke Appointed. for. the,njured. 6, 9, ;viii, 18, 22, 31), by Which the
depre for two or three bays. The: persons took refuge in the of cattle purporting to be profitable ,
ping gr' ted him all -his request, by milk producers and also good on the . � '
wind velocity foyesterday afternoon I�ingstort; Nov. 13. -Bishop : MillsZVlills Methodust _ Church. The: building was t s i X
has appointed Rev. Alfred Cooke: of orushed. find many in it were insured. ANOTHER <' �' E 'which Ill • he was made strong, by block Was naturally resented by the a ""
reached a maximum of .4G miles an Westpprt, son of Canon Cool{e, tlus The buildings ,reported 'demolished which the bt ;men were brought to advocates of special purpose cattle of
hour. city, to the parish of Barricfield, to are: Opera house, city Ball, City Ho• him, and', as a shall see in this les- both beef and'milk type: Evidently, YEAS
fill the vAcancy ca -Q d by the remov,il tel, Pollard building Kramer build- son„ by which h -was brought safely to then, if the lied Polls have. ;Soon their. .i 1 <�.
1. Falls in Winter Garb. of Rev. A. H. �IcGi+�ii 's, assistant A
ing, Mann Hotel', 6atholio Church 9' Jerusalem witho t an armed. escort WI}y to any marked degree of public ;�� (� DF
Niagara Palls, Ont., Nov. 13.-A se- in Christ Church Cat.r.�tds al, Mont- and the Methodist Church; - Compare the hand off the Lord upon the favor they must Have done it In
vere gale blew here all day yesterday,• real. Scores I njured. -Weak 1..11[1 S estore(l b
g y prophet Eiekiel in E'zek. 1, S; iii, 14, 22; . face of, the most severe •criticism.
' accompanied by snmv during the ' Sprin.g£ield� Mo.; Nov. 13: A tonna- , r cc ++ ,�• _
F,,.+ _ - Morriss S �o. 1O. viii, 1; ssxiil, 22; xxxVII, 1; xi, 1, just While the breeders of .strictly beef or 11 `�
. - .do swept''bver Springfield late yeztet-' seven times. If we are` willing to be I`ll`
----- — da , reeking a number of residences �, dairy cattle freely concede -'place for ( SIX, DAYS
y g ST: JOHN, N. B;, Nov. 17, lite. made strong only ,for Himself,. that the other; they do not concede a mid -
and Injuring a score of persons, Earl ,•I lead 'Pleurp-I+neumoniu anti was
` ' ' Prescott was. fatal] hurt.. people may know Him as l e doer of die ground. and Have persistent] com-
y . taken' .to the City Hospital to have. Y TO. MFRS.. "NERVILINE. "
. Gale at Buffalo. my lungs topped. After. this .was done, all that is done and throw us, spe . „ i
/ L P r the . r..cur >a :� n < c:<.x:,<.:;b"c? :;.:.:; Tho suffering I emdurecl for a siX ,
\" ��/ e �'' Buffalo Nov. 13. --The .first blast of �s .
I seemed to get worse', 'and never may expect His hand upon us'tor .,;.:zTx"� r, s,,Y..,,fs;�: ,,, ws cams .witlh ILheumvatisrri is beYoxvd de -
1. r d n of His right. pan Ps. ass„ >r•: ,-z<, , <, b r �. .: S x sed
n winter struck here yesterday*, ushe a expected to walic again. In fact, I was sake of the ma g r , .. }5. xr:, c ,.acriptian• every tirne I .w9s e p
11111 ,u,ltlll I al and. a iv n` u and wanted t be taken home - n Ezra ad.' �r� $"Y u ,`e 3v �.\SYb bf°ir".sa z mess• nieant,that:I had • e I fit j glnliu iii by a G8 -mile an hour gale g a n o lsss 17; cis, 2�. Because :..,,<. ,..:. � bK
4 III I , '111 a.. Q>> aaa >' : •>, <.:��.,r..s'.r:.... to cold' or daarip
i ,i 4 i I i li,l� (. in t m erature. from the 'hospltal, •T was . in a terrililY ., - :,. ,. „.Y< b�sf kit �r
Satisfaction . or �"I ' 1 <, 11 1 drop. of 40 .degrees e p said to the kin , The hand of our G 1 x, . , ,,:, . ,,,. to go to beds My mamcles stiffened,
1 , g `t~ t`< 1±�''` ' }::'` �°° m oinits swelled and ,any attempt at
'i�i�illl 'G u� l4 ' 1 The storm s trail was marked by shat- rundown condition and felt that I was t seek � kfj"y ''%.Fi� J��<�yf•� ��":''a`.< - y
11, i„--*% i' going right into oogsumptfon, and for, is 'upon all them for.good` the t <%c;Y[; tb<$�a ” `s?4~;rr y?�?��? exertion brought" on • excruciating
` '^* . ti tered plate glass .windows, a stranded.
six months was list a, shadow. I tried " ` ~`''''"'"'"'`' °'b"°'' �' ' >
Your Mone Back. Hiro, he was ashamed to ask for a
lake frei hter and,- demoralized street °"�••"�°�`•` < � " '`'`
Money g every means to get well, but there was.. , `�"<``<""?��� '�'s<^''�.'s�� � twinges. The Paan shifted from one part
ca= service. .No fatalities occurred in _ .no :euro for me until . I began lalling band of soldiers and horsemen. to"pro- . K a to anolber and I wigs scarcely ever free
tent them against the enemy, so they tr from misery and sleeplessness. I took-
That s the coaditio that .goes with the city, but at Kennedy, Alonzo Dew your No: 10 Lung Tonic, of which I ;
gx all kinds of liquid medicines; but they,
' ey and his wife,' ail old couple, blind- used' 22 bottles in all. It was not Ions. fasted:. and prayed and a101teted them- y
every bag of Cream. of the West Flour. 'an
ed by the storm, drove' n front of an after' returning home that I surprised -early stop th ss+ed piny, was and I
Selves before God; .and IIs Was en-•, � `^"ld� had to stop •them•. Then i was. told of
It's a fair, square guarantee, and I wan Brie passen er train and w ere killed, my neighbor$ by gaining in strength . 2•` • d`s^"`� ^ P ' .
q g tl g treated ;of them (Ez. viii, 21- o) �Phen�,,;Q t the wandemPtil power of Nerviline.
.About 12 o'clock the wind tore down and health, and now I am in; good 'Nehemiah' Went to. Jerusalem he ac r::: :� �zM ' y I.
'you to take it to mean, just what .it says: \ _ health, and .feel it my duty to prbbllsh ;» u, :;<>.> •: •
a the trans fission cables of the Niagara ;<:;;;>,•.<:•.,..K
it: everywhere, as I am living to -day- cepted An escort of • citptains Of the . ,: < , J r
Falls .Power Co: The lilies on both saves from the grave by your wonder= army and horsemen, and it is writ- <e Nervi �,, .
of sides of the river were prostrated; fut'`'
prescription. You may publish this ten that the hand of God-was'upon him �
thus cutting off all gouree, of power letter If:you.wish, Por I' am willing. to v
. also eh, ff; 8, 9). , Elijali was as truly <�b>:: 4 "Yi ,Nerviline hlad beim made specially
�� .. for street cars .here, except emergency let -the world,. -know )what this medicine � � �*�;' for my'case it co�uldn'k" ave been more
ream aW.169t
Stora a battRries,; which were exhaust- aid. Por' me, grid I cannot praise'. i! -too . 'Cared for by God in the home of the' °r« o bile :core
. .ed i,n twenty -minutes.: Between 12,30, highly.^ desolate woman at Sarepta, where she � I1�t
sueaessful: It sank light, into
Mrs John S.. Banker. of the painful past, gavE me. ease, a1- .
o clock traiTic Zvas at a stand ministered to him; as ,when cared for Towed me to sleep, the. use of
the hard >tvheat flour gauran.lteed icor bread and• 3.fact made a,,
The above rescri. tion .is not a "Cure- my arms and limbs -in ,
hen tiaavel- P p birds at Cherith. '`%xis>'.`~<''
still. The tie-up came w by the ministry of . b d >:..,:;<..., s >.
% s All or so-called' patent medicine, -Dr. �.� � :'•;eM»`< b.:. now mean of me. .S urge all Itheurrna-
I-LGive Cream of the West a fair' s uare trial. If ou ing was difficult; if not dangerou ri res rib f r 44 ears and' Witli a mind stayed upon Jehovah and <.
' q y icier sty p e ed it o y 'W�r`*:ca,r;; ties to use `Neaviline'
,;" , , and the majority of the passengers ih cured bhousana5 aster other doctors a whole heart for Him, always ;, ,;.g"a?i�sf?x.. A: E. •T11AYO3YER,'
don't have satisfaction is bakia bread, . ou kl get, sat- g failea. F, b °
l.g y g clung to the shelters of the cars until. <
perfect freedo)in. to do as •occasion. `? £cs*v "Justice of the Peace, IJancastex.".
isfaction at our. , grocer's; tragic was resumed. Price=-5md11 Size, 25e.; ,Large size, ;,: _>.y,....,..:.'v
q g We guarantee opt: or the i serve in relianeb' upon. him {I . Samr .
- The' 550 -foot freighter. J Q. Riddle 50c. per bottle" --at • your . dealers or r 1
A th ld and the "T1ve m�aslt woivde2ful' pain-subc7luing:
' other. Cream of the West ><s a supenor bread flour.
' . of Cleveland was torn from her moor- I.
b Ra
do swooped down on Virginia, Ill.,
at -4.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon,.
send a committee t once to 4nentreal
to confer with the Bads of the com•
granted to Ezra by the king,''Whawo-
ever shall seem good to thee, * * * that lisped
classes for Norfolk Polled cat,:.
'The Campbell ' ' g Company; Limited,Toron#o ' gan street. When the lines parted: a
dealing destruction. A number of per,
pany before taking a tion, If the in-
do after the will of your God. And tle'
to assist a them, with instructions to
watch. .keep and deliver safely to
bottom • ib0 feet from the shore. .She
aORs .were seriously, injured, while
the lawn was wrecked..
crease is not granted• . le- men threat-
en to strike next 14lonc
whatsoever more shall be needed * " .* and
The first importation of these red .
hornless milk. and meat producers
'. ...
For, Sale By- Beacom & Smylbhle, Cliat'on... considered dangeroii-.
" _. _
Many had miraculous escapes, but
John Denholm, Blyth . EI. Livens, Sietaforftfh
bestow it out of the king's trees-was
made to the `United States in 1873,
book, ``Whai the Fanner Can Do With
none was killed. The most seriously
injured Early Whittaker, the lit.
Larsen's Latest Ven re.
Falls, Ont., Nov. I If 'he•
ore. house?, (Ez. vii, 1$, 20, 23), The. consisting
this bounty the
of one hull and three cows.
I , Concreie,"—Free-� if you'll ll ask for It`
, Which' is Your • a It tells the .many uses. of Concrete in plain, • -.
tie son of William Whittaker; Ed,
, Niagara
reaches Detroit safely by NS'ec esclay
object of all .was The
house of God wbich was. at Jerusalem Un
date of their introduction
States , in any considerable
��_^ _� -� � � -
French and Otis. Middleton. • in his motorboat Niagara; whit shot (Ez. vii, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 27). The numbers, however, can be placed at- • ��^
Golder Weather Coming. . Nat a building that lay in the the whirlpool rtlpids, Capt..Klaus ar. man of God was JJzra sv.ho, had re- about'twent five ears ago. At that
wurnrng'� -']:na wAlItt rnsna n,i lab's r p y- y
Toronto, Nov. 13. -The cold wave of night with .the mercurypian degrees storm s path escaped damage, A pun- aen.s5ill next sumniei° attempt to cr ss
y g Bred dwellin s were . unroofed while. pared -bis heart to seek the law of the time these docile hornless and uni-
yasterday corresponds' with weather below freezing. IV``here the . spray g the ,Atlantic in - .fiftEen-font metol Lord and to do it and to teach it and' EUM ISM
conditions of a year ago,. according to from the falls fell, groat icicles have the business section is a mass of boat. He left Lewistem Saturday, go- fdrmly red cattle were making their
ole ;cal office. -'i lie disturb-. n the tie th of win- : •Svreekage. Saturday night. the town ing through the �Felland Canal .and n whose hand: was the wisdom of first appevance before the American.
. . - AT
the meteor g been formed as i P was in .total .darkness and reScuili „ hence along * the coast of Lalte od Ez; vii, l0, 2b1. The great cause
ante for the past few days over the ter, An inch'of snow fell during the g will ,go t }, ( public:
lakes, were followed by a cold wave , parties groped their way with lap- Erie to Detroit. ba of •ail others was "the good hand The introduction into the field of ani-.
morning sblizzard. - terns throw ht . the wreckage looking E Sys]
from the west, the thermometer in- _Y_ g g g of t e' Lord God upon him" which
he mal busbnndry in America of a breed , e
dicating 28 degrees with still lower Rev. Alfred Cooke Appointed. for. the,njured. 6, 9, ;viii, 18, 22, 31), by Which the
depre for two or three bays. The: persons took refuge in the of cattle purporting to be profitable ,
ping gr' ted him all -his request, by milk producers and also good on the . � '
wind velocity foyesterday afternoon I�ingstort; Nov. 13. -Bishop : MillsZVlills Methodust _ Church. The: building was t s i X
has appointed Rev. Alfred Cooke: of orushed. find many in it were insured. ANOTHER <' �' E 'which Ill • he was made strong, by block Was naturally resented by the a ""
reached a maximum of .4G miles an Westpprt, son of Canon Cool{e, tlus The buildings ,reported 'demolished which the bt ;men were brought to advocates of special purpose cattle of
hour. city, to the parish of Barricfield, to are: Opera house, city Ball, City Ho• him, and', as a shall see in this les- both beef and'milk type: Evidently, YEAS
fill the vAcancy ca -Q d by the remov,il tel, Pollard building Kramer build- son„ by which h -was brought safely to then, if the lied Polls have. ;Soon their. .i 1 <�.
1. Falls in Winter Garb. of Rev. A. H. �IcGi+�ii 's, assistant A
ing, Mann Hotel', 6atholio Church 9' Jerusalem witho t an armed. escort WI}y to any marked degree of public ;�� (� DF
Niagara Palls, Ont., Nov. 13.-A se- in Christ Church Cat.r.�tds al, Mont- and the Methodist Church; - Compare the hand off the Lord upon the favor they must Have done it In
vere gale blew here all day yesterday,• real. Scores I njured. -Weak 1..11[1 S estore(l b
g y prophet Eiekiel in E'zek. 1, S; iii, 14, 22; . face of, the most severe •criticism.
' accompanied by snmv during the ' Sprin.g£ield� Mo.; Nov. 13: A tonna- , r cc ++ ,�• _
F,,.+ _ - Morriss S �o. 1O. viii, 1; ssxiil, 22; xxxVII, 1; xi, 1, just While the breeders of .strictly beef or 11 `�
. - .do swept''bver Springfield late yeztet-' seven times. If we are` willing to be I`ll`
----- — da , reeking a number of residences �, dairy cattle freely concede -'place for ( SIX, DAYS
y g ST: JOHN, N. B;, Nov. 17, lite. made strong only ,for Himself,. that the other; they do not concede a mid -
and Injuring a score of persons, Earl ,•I lead 'Pleurp-I+neumoniu anti was
` ' ' Prescott was. fatal] hurt.. people may know Him as l e doer of die ground. and Have persistent] com-
y . taken' .to the City Hospital to have. Y TO. MFRS.. "NERVILINE. "
. Gale at Buffalo. my lungs topped. After. this .was done, all that is done and throw us, spe . „ i
/ L P r the . r..cur >a :� n < c:<.x:,<.:;b"c? :;.:.:; Tho suffering I emdurecl for a siX ,
\" ��/ e �'' Buffalo Nov. 13. --The .first blast of �s .
I seemed to get worse', 'and never may expect His hand upon us'tor .,;.:zTx"� r, s,,Y..,,fs;�: ,,, ws cams .witlh ILheumvatisrri is beYoxvd de -
1. r d n of His right. pan Ps. ass„ >r•: ,-z<, , <, b r �. .: S x sed
n winter struck here yesterday*, ushe a expected to walic again. In fact, I was sake of the ma g r , .. }5. xr:, c ,.acriptian• every tirne I .w9s e p
11111 ,u,ltlll I al and. a iv n` u and wanted t be taken home - n Ezra ad.' �r� $"Y u ,`e 3v �.\SYb bf°ir".sa z mess• nieant,that:I had • e I fit j glnliu iii by a G8 -mile an hour gale g a n o lsss 17; cis, 2�. Because :..,,<. ,..:. � bK
4 III I , '111 a.. Q>> aaa >' : •>, <.:��.,r..s'.r:.... to cold' or daarip
i ,i 4 i I i li,l� (. in t m erature. from the 'hospltal, •T was . in a terrililY ., - :,. ,. „.Y< b�sf kit �r
Satisfaction . or �"I ' 1 <, 11 1 drop. of 40 .degrees e p said to the kin , The hand of our G 1 x, . , ,,:, . ,,,. to go to beds My mamcles stiffened,
1 , g `t~ t`< 1±�''` ' }::'` �°° m oinits swelled and ,any attempt at
'i�i�illl 'G u� l4 ' 1 The storm s trail was marked by shat- rundown condition and felt that I was t seek � kfj"y ''%.Fi� J��<�yf•� ��":''a`.< - y
11, i„--*% i' going right into oogsumptfon, and for, is 'upon all them for.good` the t <%c;Y[; tb<$�a ” `s?4~;rr y?�?��? exertion brought" on • excruciating
` '^* . ti tered plate glass .windows, a stranded.
six months was list a, shadow. I tried " ` ~`''''"'"'"'`' °'b"°'' �' ' >
Your Mone Back. Hiro, he was ashamed to ask for a
lake frei hter and,- demoralized street °"�••"�°�`•` < � " '`'`
Money g every means to get well, but there was.. , `�"<``<""?��� '�'s<^''�.'s�� � twinges. The Paan shifted from one part
ca= service. .No fatalities occurred in _ .no :euro for me until . I began lalling band of soldiers and horsemen. to"pro- . K a to anolber and I wigs scarcely ever free
tent them against the enemy, so they tr from misery and sleeplessness. I took-
That s the coaditio that .goes with the city, but at Kennedy, Alonzo Dew your No: 10 Lung Tonic, of which I ;
gx all kinds of liquid medicines; but they,
' ey and his wife,' ail old couple, blind- used' 22 bottles in all. It was not Ions. fasted:. and prayed and a101teted them- y
every bag of Cream. of the West Flour. 'an
ed by the storm, drove' n front of an after' returning home that I surprised -early stop th ss+ed piny, was and I
Selves before God; .and IIs Was en-•, � `^"ld� had to stop •them•. Then i was. told of
It's a fair, square guarantee, and I wan Brie passen er train and w ere killed, my neighbor$ by gaining in strength . 2•` • d`s^"`� ^ P ' .
q g tl g treated ;of them (Ez. viii, 21- o) �Phen�,,;Q t the wandemPtil power of Nerviline.
.About 12 o'clock the wind tore down and health, and now I am in; good 'Nehemiah' Went to. Jerusalem he ac r::: :� �zM ' y I.
'you to take it to mean, just what .it says: \ _ health, and .feel it my duty to prbbllsh ;» u, :;<>.> •: •
a the trans fission cables of the Niagara ;<:;;;>,•.<:•.,..K
it: everywhere, as I am living to -day- cepted An escort of • citptains Of the . ,: < , J r
Falls .Power Co: The lilies on both saves from the grave by your wonder= army and horsemen, and it is writ- <e Nervi �,, .
of sides of the river were prostrated; fut'`'
prescription. You may publish this ten that the hand of God-was'upon him �
thus cutting off all gouree, of power letter If:you.wish, Por I' am willing. to v
. also eh, ff; 8, 9). , Elijali was as truly <�b>:: 4 "Yi ,Nerviline hlad beim made specially
�� .. for street cars .here, except emergency let -the world,. -know )what this medicine � � �*�;' for my'case it co�uldn'k" ave been more
ream aW.169t
Stora a battRries,; which were exhaust- aid. Por' me, grid I cannot praise'. i! -too . 'Cared for by God in the home of the' °r« o bile :core
. .ed i,n twenty -minutes.: Between 12,30, highly.^ desolate woman at Sarepta, where she � I1�t
sueaessful: It sank light, into
Mrs John S.. Banker. of the painful past, gavE me. ease, a1- .
o clock traiTic Zvas at a stand ministered to him; as ,when cared for Towed me to sleep, the. use of
the hard >tvheat flour gauran.lteed icor bread and• 3.fact made a,,
The above rescri. tion .is not a "Cure- my arms and limbs -in ,
hen tiaavel- P p birds at Cherith. '`%xis>'.`~<''
still. The tie-up came w by the ministry of . b d >:..,:;<..., s >.
% s All or so-called' patent medicine, -Dr. �.� � :'•;eM»`< b.:. now mean of me. .S urge all Itheurrna-
I-LGive Cream of the West a fair' s uare trial. If ou ing was difficult; if not dangerou ri res rib f r 44 ears and' Witli a mind stayed upon Jehovah and <.
' q y icier sty p e ed it o y 'W�r`*:ca,r;; ties to use `Neaviline'
,;" , , and the majority of the passengers ih cured bhousana5 aster other doctors a whole heart for Him, always ;, ,;.g"a?i�sf?x.. A: E. •T11AYO3YER,'
don't have satisfaction is bakia bread, . ou kl get, sat- g failea. F, b °
l.g y g clung to the shelters of the cars until. <
perfect freedo)in. to do as •occasion. `? £cs*v "Justice of the Peace, IJancastex.".
isfaction at our. , grocer's; tragic was resumed. Price=-5md11 Size, 25e.; ,Large size, ;,: _>.y,....,..:.'v
q g We guarantee opt: or the i serve in relianeb' upon. him {I . Samr .
- The' 550 -foot freighter. J Q. Riddle 50c. per bottle" --at • your . dealers or r 1
A th ld and the "T1ve m�aslt woivde2ful' pain-subc7luing:
' other. Cream of the West ><s a supenor bread flour.
' . of Cleveland was torn from her moor- I.
Father -Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited,
7) The silver an ego
x, . -
worth over two and a half mil-
Improve your home-made bread by using it... ings back. of the"breakwater and -swept
. . ' toward the beach at the foot' of Michi-
7lfontreal, goo`
lion dollars, were placed ander the
'The Campbell ' ' g Company; Limited,Toron#o ' gan street. When the lines parted: a
care of twelve priests, with ten men,
ARCEi18ALD CAIMlPBIlLL, pr..idnt watchman. on board opened her water-
't ates. and- the, boat settled on a. sand y
• seventeen Horses Burned.
to assist a them, with instructions to
watch. .keep and deliver safely to
bottom • ib0 feet from the shore. .She
Halifax, Nov. 13. -:-Fire at An early.
the chiefs at Jerusalem, in the cham-
- is broadside'to the: wind, but so •low
in the water that her position is not
hour 'Saturday morning burned the
boarding owned by' F'estus
• bars of the house; of -the Lord (verses
'. ...
For, Sale By- Beacom & Smylbhle, Cliat'on... considered dangeroii-.
Marriott on Hollis street, and destroy-
horseh the proHrty of
24 30):, According to verse 23. both vis -
dols'and people werespeciallyholyunto
John Denholm, Blyth . EI. Livens, Sietaforftfh
ed seventezn
d t -];fait
the Lord. "Ye are holy unto the Lord;
substances in t'he'world ale .in Nervi- .'F
line that why it penetrates so quick-
ly, ,Willy it 'inst2altly cures pain than
other . re7xiedles can't even . xelieve.
You'll be surprised how quickly scia-
ti�ca, lumbago.,, or rheumatism 'ane.
cured by Nervillne-seems almost
magical the way it will -cure a cold or
Bare throat. - : When . ,the chest Is sore
and• it hurts •to• dTalw a long breath,
one rubbing With Nerviline iSti euffl-
« physicians an o ers . in tient So highly valued Is. Nervilirus
• by those who use' it, that many families
I Four.of thehorses belong to the Cast- the'vesselg are holy also, and the silver bated the reality of the bovine animal consider it quite as •good as a dotter
• ern Stage' Coach Co., that runs a line and the gold are a free will offering whose aualitiea were a combination nr :for a hes, pian% and minor ailments . ',
. along the ' shore from Halifax. A unto the Lord Gori of your fathers." of. every kind. Large 25c. bottles axe
0 • large quantity of sleighs. and wagons When the kingdom comes everything ,sold by aU dealere,
A were burned and one 'motor. car, the
The dampness which destroys luzigber shall be . holiness onto the Lord (Zack. _ __ _
property . of Dr, H. K. &iacdonald. xiv, 20, 21). It should be so now, with
onl • intensifies the stre h '•and hardness
y • nit One of the horses destroyed was the
of Concrete. .. property ' of the Canadian;. General. all that the believer is and has, accord -
1Jlectrie Co„ • for which they had, re- Ing to I Pet. i, .ib; .it. 9, for 'we are in
e ,
You can Impair a Wooden trough With -fused $300 the .da before, • a `special senile set apart for 'Himself
• The fire' broiie trot' SY)th. great su(i r (Ps. iv, 3). With more care than these
. NE:R U ��FELE�.
comparatively little use; but it '.takes a denness and nothing could be done%to men watched over these'treasures He 9
.SS ' +._� - ,
- . . powerful explosive to put a GOncrefe Water save the animals, or indeed 'any of ' watching o is people,
....,..�.-.. is ever. Watt over 13
{``0-_.___. •�;;.a . • the property. Of the whole- number Whom He calls His peculiar .treasure DEBILITATED MEN
• 'w•u.'s.,- tank out of 'buslneSS.- _
f h s the stables only one was
,� ,
�; l:+=� Z
` W/�ZCh
.o . orse in
rescued. This • animal was got out by
John .,Kennedy, a
(Ex. xis; 5; Dent. vii: 6; Tit. lit 14, R.. -
V.), and He will land all His goods
,1. `'
- �
the .heroic' worlt, of
driver of the stcige line,
• safely at ti?eir destination• for no pow-.
-,,fid, ;3, - is your choice,, expense -producing lX/ood0. .
l�tarriott had no insurance, his pot-
er can pluck, out of Flus hand, In our
• or money -saving. • Concrete?•
Y g
icy having rein out a month before. '
Tho total loss will be under $10.0(ln .,
lesson story .everything was delivered
d y (ver
by, number an b 'Weight se 84),
- -- - We d be glad' to send a� copy of our
' '
and He who said,: "Those that dou gav-
book, ``Whai the Fanner Can Do With
est me I have kept, and none of them is,
I , Concreie,"—Free-� if you'll ll ask for It`
, Which' is Your • a It tells the .many uses. of Concrete in plain, • -.
Sofferedlith Reivelfouble
lost', (John -vii, 12), Is the some un-
Chan eable one who cannot lose any-
, thing that is truly Ills. Ezralb journey
,Choice . ._
� simple latlguage—teYls how to make;
occupied �on�r� months, and all the way
. ;.
Sloppy, leaky wooden tr®sighs Barns • . Hens' Nests Stables
r t Cisterns Hitching Pasta Stairs
��q pr�rQ '
[01Tllo �l/Utu,
they were kept and delivered from the .
linnd of the enemy and of such as lay'
°,.' Dairies horse Blocks Stalls
or clean, durable Cotterete' ? Steps
Dipping, Tankstions
in Wait by the way (vii, 9; viii, 81).
When haul wits nearing the end of his.
• .' .1 P Houses Ta
sojourn mortal body he said, "T;.
'' — Wooden drinking'_ troughs, are. about Fence Posts Root Cbllara Troughs
was delfvereh out of the mouth of the
v e
.,'._ , Feeding Floors Silos
' :, as reliable as the weather. . . Gutters. Shelter Walli Weil Curbs
Mr. Chas'. W., Wood, 34 Torrance
lion, and the Lord shall :deliver me
'They are short-lived and require' rem .
Canada. Cement Co
Street, Montreal, Que., writes:-"h`or
two years I suffered with nerve trouble,
for to sleep.
from every evil work and will pre-
stave me unto Ifs heavenly kingdom".
iy ■
Placing eve _ few years --not to mention
and it was impossible r me
It did not matter vvliat'tirne I went t8
(II Tim, iv, 17, 181. Ezra was ashamed
to ask for an escort of soldiers because
'continual patching to keep tl1Cn1 m repair, i.lmiied
bed, in the morning I was even worse
It looked to him like a lack of trust in
• the victims of early indiscretions and later e3&
cesses, who are failures in life -you are the
oneswe •can restore to manhood and' revive .
the spark of energy and vitality. Don't give
up in despair because you have 'treated with
' other doctors; used'-erectrie belts and tried
various drug store nostrums._ •
Our Naw Method Treatment has snatched
hundreds from the brink of despair,: has re
tored happiness to hundreds of homes and
ias made successful men of those who were.
"down and out." We proscribe specifia.rem•
edlos for each individual case according to the .4
symptoms and complications; -we have no
patent medicines, This N ono of the secrets of.
our wonderful success as our treatment can-
not fail for we prescribe remedles adapted to .
each individual case. Only -curable casesac•
cepted« We have done u[ine.s .tlrronahout
candela for over 20 Years. `46 _
�ahtD Are you a victim? Have you lost
11LI1 hope? Are qou intending to marry?.
as your blood been diseased?. Ilave you any
weakness? Our New Method Treahnent will
cure you, 'What it has done for others it will
do for you. Conultatwri Free. NO matter
who has treated you,. write for an honest
oppinion Free of Charge. Books Free- '
i "Iloyhood, Manhood Fatherhood," (Mustrat-
'Me best of wood cannot Withstand. 81.00 i�lational. Book Building, Montreal consulted a ea) on DtENT, of 11>na
b . ... . doctor and he gra'e ins st tonic to take the Lord. It waU1d do,us all good to Nb NkMES bSED WrrHQUT WitrrTEN CONSENT. IYonstxeron bozee or enval-
than ,the night before. I
for long, constant dampness and soaking. ,
a half hour'before going to bed but the get ashamed of out, "little faith," but a e,. Eva thinsCbnfidentid, Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME
Ila tendenc to rapid decay soon shows "It was all :igbt f e ere also Heart to het ashamed, 'as Ezra.
y . . '. • �'�'_' 4 old trouble .rturned with greater force aid. of conformity' to this present age
itself in leaks .And stagnant pouts. of . than before: and Its ways (ix, 6). ,.
water around trough, "One of the boys, who works with rue,
,, / � gave me half a box of Milburn's Heart '
11 Contrast with this the durability, ♦" and Nerve Pills. I took them and I got & Mich" Ave. 8 St.. Detroit, Irl d&
nd Griswold
cleanliness and 'Well -Ordered appearance I I such satisfaction that. I got another box, All letters from Canada must be addressed
J and before I finished it I could enjoy . - NOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Deport- 4
• p in. until 6 a,m., and now Ment in ;"ti�indsor; Ont, If yeti. desire to• .
of Concrete. slee from 10 p.
�"` feel iyood:: , gee us rsonal call at our Mtdreal rndtitute in Detroit as 'ave see and treat
, t-;• �-- " , - ♦ 'Phc price of Milburn s Heart and Iso patients .in our Windsor offices *h1ch are for Mr -respondence- stud . ,I�
♦ - 4 �= .` i
u• _ 1Qcrve,Pils is 50 cent9 per box, or 3 box T.aboratory for Caaadfan liusinesa only. Address all letters as follows:
. .
C "' ,�, -;' - -+ for $1,2f1'. They ate far salt ata Zi04 g
'''' dcalcrs, or 't►ilt be mailed direct qtr �� DRS. 1ENNY dfc ICF.ialNltiilCs VYLItI♦or, Oat. ,
• � , receipt of price by The T. Milburn i Co., wrlteter.aarlptlalGi.rydre.t, __.
[ Limited, Toronto, Ont.
I 1.
.. . __ -- -••----- - -