HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-16, Page 3TORTURED •FOR THIRTY BYE YEARS inally could not live withourFrult-a•iives" RENAGeeve.e.U, Orrr. Jan. 29th. eezo.* "For thirty-five years (and I ainnow a man over sevettty) I ,have been .a terrible sufferer from Conetipation. No matter what remedy or playsicians I employed, the result was always the sante-Impossible to get a cure. AbOut two years 'ago, I next about 'Prait-a- tives' and 1 (lege:led to try them. I have used 'Pruit-artives' ever since. They are the.arst end enly medicine that suited my case. Hit were not kr 4Fruit-a-tives I am satisfied that could not live" JAMES PROLTDFOOT. The greatest remedy in the world for all forms of Indigestion and Dyspepsia, is "Pruit-a-tives". Doctors as well as hundreds of people proclaim it. "Pruit-altives" cures all stainach troubles because it makes the liver active, strengthens the kidneys puri- fies the blood and keeps the stomach sweet and clean. "Fruit-a...ayes" is the only remedy made of fruit juices. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25c. At all dealers, or sent on receipt of price by /Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Ocotirree 'During the' Week, :The Busy World's Happenings Care- hillyCompiled end Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readere. of Our Paper -A Solid Hours Enjoyment. TUESDAY. The Dominion Government his die- iniesed 30 fishery inspectors in On- taxio. Booker Washington, the negro ed,u- epee; lost his case in, a charge el. assault against a New York man. Franeeseo L ,Madero was yesterday iaaugurated President of Memeo, suc- ceeding acting President de la parra. Damages of $200 were awarded in the case of Hon. Seneter Dauclurand v. La Publicite, Ltd., and Tancrede Mar - ell or pre.election libel. • Tattershall Castle in. Lincolnshire, Eng., has 'been purchased by Lord Curzon to prevent its suggested de- molition, and removal to America. The trial of Wm. J. Moore ae the Sarnia Assizes for the murder of Mrs. King. at Petrolea has been postponed on account of the prisoner's all -health. Mrs. John O'Donohue, who weed, to Winnipeg from Lon.don, Ont., in 1889, and was tine of the first women settlers of that city, died last night, aged 77. ' • Haggerston Castle at Beal, North- umberlandshire, the residence of the shipowner, Christopher J. Leland, was destroyed by fire Sunday. The loss is $500,000, • Prescott Liberals nominated Mr. Gustav Evanturel for the Legislature. Conservative nominations were t J. W. Johnson, M,P.P., or West Hastings, 'and Dune= McArthur, V.S.. for North Middlesex. George Wilson, a laborer, was found dead near Weston; Ont., yes- terday leaving a note to the effect that the man had put strychnine on. a banana and eaten it for the pur- pose of ending his .1,ife, The 'body of a man named Reilly, from the east, was found in a coulee sixty miles south of Stealer, Alta., in the country. It is not certain whe- ther it is a case of suicide or a,cei. dent. The man was once wealthy. Is Your Nose Stuffed With Cold? Dorn load down your atoneach with cough medicine, n through the Bend healing medie catioe nostrils -send It Int° • . the 'passages that are enflamed with Ca. tarrh. Easily done by ine halbag Catarrtiozone, which cures cold in ten minutes. Even chronic catnrrh end bron- chitis yield to Oatarrhozone, a,nd ne case but it cures• in a ehort time. BREATHE CATARRHOZONE Pleasant to use, guaranteed to cure and eo safe a child may use it. Get Catarrboeone; larg.e $1.00 size alma- lutely guaranteed; email size, 50 cents; all dealers, or the Catarrnozone Cora - Penn Eingeton, Ont. 0 0.1 thsabled Stearner sate. Shields, Eng.. Nov. 13. -The British steamer '1.;*tirport, whic'.1 it had been ilear.d had foundered in a storm after 'leaving Hamburg cm'N, . 1, was tow- tecl in here yesterday by three trawl - els. She was picked up '260 milis off' this port, without coal and drifting. helplessly before a gale, Arabs Retreated. Tripoli, Nov. 13.-Thirtee1 hundred Arabs at 0 o'clock yesterday morning made a de,nonstration bt.fore• Mesri and 11,u11eliana, but they withdrew 'shortly in the face of a furious rifle and artill91y• fire from the. Italian trenches and warships. - -- Boy Drowned In -Well'. St. Thomas, Ont., Nor. 13. -The lit - son f Mr, and Mrs. James Dern, farmers, A1d.2rhorough Town.• ship, rolled a stone from the top of an 011 well Saturday, lifted the Cover, fell iu and ,N -as 'drowned. 1.1•0•111.1.11 WEDNBSDAY. Serious news is received daily from Angela, Portuguese West Africa.. A re. volt among the. natives is spreading rapidly and they are burning and pil- laging everything in their path. The roof of a Grand Trunk freight car was blown off at Kingston yester- day in. a peculiar manner. It was load- ed with corn, and the toritents be- came moistened and fermented. Burglars 1VIonday night blew open the safe at the office of Robertson, Ni- coll & Co., at Smith's. Falls, . using nitro-glycerine. They only look about $5 in silver and some insurance papers. . John Pettifier of North Cloyne shot himself in the right arm, and it is feared it will h,ave to be amputated. Ile had to drive thirty .miles.to get a train. to reach Kingston for medical treatment. A tract of land 300 acres in extent, and situated north.west of the asylum building at Orlin% has been selected as a site for the establishment .of the Government farm in connection with the asylum. • The flour and planing mills of R. 0. Konkle, two miles from Beamsville, were eompletely•destroyed by fire yes- terday, entailing a loss of over $9,000. It is supposed some. person dropped a match or cigar stub among the shay-. ings. Docrithe Reymond, of Three Rivers, Que., a . lad of 18, was aceidentally killed Monday afternoon when he slipped, and grasped a wire which had got crossed. with the city's light- .ing . system wires. He was electro- cuted. THURSDAY. W: Clark Russell, the amous writer of sea stories, was found dead in his More than eleven hundred delegates registered' at the Men's Missionary Convention in Hamiltou. • Letters relating -to the charges on which Magistrate Houston of Chat- ham was dismissed were made public. • Charles Costello of Meath Station, near Pembroke, was found dead be. hind' a barn. ' Death is believed to have been -caused by the accidental discharge of a gun. Sir John Boyd at Parry Sound sen- tenced to life imprisontnent Bruno Vallelonga charged with murdering a fellow -Italian, Frank Manella, at Emsdale on Oet. 13. A portrait of James Bryce, British Ambassador at Washington, painted by Se Seymour Thomas, was unveiled in the smokinvroom .of the National Liberal Club, London, Eng, yester- • day. Nominations for the Legielature in Ontario included: Dr. W. A- Hender- son in West. Lambton, Liberal; C. R. McKeovrn., M.P.P. Dufferin, and A. B. Thompson, dentre Simcoe, Con- servatives. • The first photograph of the Duke of Connaught in Canadian military 'uniform, was taken at Rideau Hall yesterday. His Royal Highness wore military dress including a fur -trim- med tunic. e. The record at St, Bonifaae College shows that a very slight earthquake shoek was felt 111 Winnipeg.. While far from serious, the importance of the event lies in. the fact that it -was purely a• local rumbling. • living at Mona read, Ont., lost 'both his legs at that place when he was run down bya C.P.R. train at 9.30 Wednesday night in Termite. Sir Edward Clouston has. been re- quested to accept the presidency of the Bank of Montreal for another year, as matters -of grave importance will have to be discussed between the banks and the Minister ef Finance. Two Galt families were victims of coal gas Wednesday. In one case John Chapman, late of Clifford, Ont., is dead, but his wife and young child will recover. In the other family of five persons Graham suffered severely. The northwest shoal buoy, Cape Sa- • ble, which, went adrift last week and left that perilous ledge unmarked, was located and towed' to Halifax yester- day. This buoy has been causing great trouble and anxiety to seamen. SATURDAY. Y M. O. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Frel Forest S City and College horthand .J. WESTERVELT;JR. J. W. WESTERVELT. Chartered Accourtant. Principal. Vico Princ pa/. IS announcer' tnat rrincess ra- Itricia of Connaught will sail for Can-' ada to join her parents on the Ern, press of Ireland, from Liverpool, De- cember 1. Rev. Dr. J.. A. Carmichael, Presby- terian superintendent of home mis- sions in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, died of typhoid fever in Winnipeg yesterday. A gasoline explosion on a motor boat owned by Thornas Stevenson, took place Saturday night as a pleasure -party was being landed at Prairies Siding Dock, Chatham. No one was len.t • FOSTEtt Is FIRST - 'a Cotton Root Compound. BluTantugiFetrimPitta depald.'130'°11714etura".013°"" Ai of strength -No. 1, sik; 51. iep o &ernr s stronger F 0. 14 Hi Takes f: eat Of Honor Next to the Premier. Ottawa, Nov. 13. -The seating plan for the Reese of Commons, which was finally arranged by the chief while on Saturday, gives a clear idea of the transformation which will be noticed in the Roue° of Commons when it meets on Wednesday. Premier Borden and his followers will, et course. he to the right of the Speaker. at least all of them who do not occupy the oVerllow colony . of Government supporters to the left of the presiding officer. The Premier will occupy the seat from which Sir Wilfrid Laurier luts led the House for fifteen years, and his desionate, as in Opposition, will be Ilea. G. E. Foster, the oldest Parliamentarian in the Cabinet. To his eight will be Hon. F. D. Monk, who is seated with Hon. W. T. White.' Te the left of Mr. Fos- ter in the front row are Hon. Robert Rogers and Hon. Frank 'Cochrane. Hon. L. P. Pelletier is seated with P. Bloadin, who is not e member of the Cabinet. David Henderson and Hon. john Haggart have front pats, as also have Haughton Lennox and W. F. Mac- lean, P. Marshall and F. R. Lalor are desk mates in the front row. In the second row of the Cabinet Ministers, Hon. j. D. Doherty is di. redly back of Mr, Borden, with, Hon. I. D. Reid as his desk mate. Hon. Martin Burrell and Hon. T. We Cro. thers are desk Mates, while Hon. J. D. Hazenand Col. Sam Hughes are placed together. In the third row are lion. A. E. ICemp and lion. G. H. Perky, and Ron. e)r. Roche and }Ion. B..11antel. • Sir Wilfrid Laurier, as was predict- ed, has no desk mate, evidently leav- ing room for either Hon. Geo. Graham or Hon. W. 5. Fielding to enter later. On the ex -Premier's left is Hon, W. S. Pugsley, who has as his cleskmate, Hon. .R. Lemieux. Other front seat Liberals are Hon: Chas, 1Viarcil, lion, E. Emmerson, Hon, Chas. Murphy, who is paired with lion. Frank Oliver, lion, Dr. Beland, Jacques Bureau, E. M. MacDonald and W. A. Cheri - 'ton. Back of Sir Wilfrid Laurier is his chief whip,, F. F. Pardee, and Hugh 'Guthrie as his desk mate. F. B. Gar - vel aod Hon. A. McLean are given promitence, as are also W. F. Ger- man, who opposed reciprocity, and Clark of South Essex. This week will be a gala one for Ottawa and is being looked forward to with mom than ordinary interest by both politician.s and the social world. Menabers are already arriving in the cite, and to -night will see them pour- ing in on every train. The question of eccommodatiou promises to be a serious one, as more than the usual number of members and Senators are bringing their fanailies to the capital on account of the briliant social sea- son which is a-ntieipatefl. For the opening there will be not- ables and society. folk here from Hali- fax to Vancouver. There are going to be many disappointments .at the open- ing, for every available seat has al- ready been. assigned, and applications are still pouring in by the hundreds. ' The drawing -room on Saturday night Will be one Of the mast gorgeous func- tions ever seen in Ottawa. The duke and duchess are sparing no pains to look after the comfort of those at- tending, so that • despite the, crowd, it is not expected there will be much inconeetience, R, II. Denials, employed on a build- ing near Hagereville, had his neck broken by a fall, • The Turks and Arabs made a deter- mined but unsuccessful assault on the Italian lines at Tripoli, Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier have gone to Toronto, where they will be the guests ef :Senator. Lyman Jones for a few days. David George Davidson of Barrie. One, will apply to Parliament at next session for a divorce from his wife, Jennie Davidson. • The woolen of Kingston and all parts of the' itrovince have already subscribed the sum of $3,000 towards a women's residencefor Queen's. Joseph E. Chalifour has been ap- pointed ehief geogeapher for the Dom- inion Government ata salary of $3,500: He takes the place of the late R. E. Young. , An order -in -council has been passed abolishing the close season for white- fish during November in waters of Lake Erie, off the Counties of Norfolk and Elgin.. • The order -in -council appointing Hugh T. Kelly, K.C., Toronto, a judge of the High Court of Ontario, to suer cecd the late Judge McMahon, Was 'put through at yesterday's sitting of 'the Dominion Cabinet council. The cremated remains of the late David Trotter of Pittsburg Township, near Kingston, has just arrived from California. He died there recently, but the undertaker in shipping made a Mistake and sent the remains of et Miss Farrington MONDAY. . Mayer Sol. White died at Cobalt yes- terday. • A merger has been formed of the natural gas companies of western Ontario. Charles Dowding was very seriously • injured in a runaway accident at Hamilton, The Manitoba Bar Association has been formed in Winnipeg, with 'J. A. Id. Atkins, MT., as president. 'Sir Max Aitken is reported to be di- recting a merger of the several Se. Lawrence Power companies ibto a hun- clrecloaillion-dollar bornbination, The . new German battleship which replaced the old Hagen, was launched Saturday in the presence of Emperor William and Empress Augusta Vic- toria. or ecial cases, e'er box, hiold by all drugg sts, or sent prepaid, ea receipt of price. , _ Freeparapidet. .A.adreos: TH4 00.011)11111#4100..THRHOTHANT. (forrtgr4m1Vildsome. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR SWEETHEARTS SEVERE COLD DEVELOPED INTO PNEUMONIA DOCTOR SAID LIE WOULD NOT LIVE. It is always much easier to chooser an aceeptable present for 14 woman than for a man, tbe needs of the sterna er sex being more limited and erect)... cal utility being favored rather than mere decorativeness in all those things, of which they- are prepared to make use with any pretense of pleasure. The man who smokes will be genuine. pleased if some one presents him this Christmas with one of the 'new tobacco ceses in whose silver shelter fourteen little cartridges of the free grant and favorite weed are corcipacte ly stowed awey and accompanied by al BUUSA RoNomwonet Tliin Painful Trouble is Dne •'Poverty Of the Mood. Neuralgia. 19 one of the most pain- ramiadieee that uAiliete human- ity. The trouble is usually *seated in elle Sao and head, following the coarse of Isome nerve, bait attacks other parts of the 'system as well. It is characterized by acute Veins, sometimee steady, at .others Bre- modie and darting, headaches and aefeeling as though 'the foreh.ead wa,e a band of iron. Medical. MI- thoritieEt agree that neurolgja es a cree of the nerVee for better load, and 'i tfb,at if the blood is/ lenrIfied and. enrichei the trouble will dis- appear. This it, the. reason why De Williams' Pink Ma cure even the Moat severe cases of neuralgia. They actually make new rich blood which feeds the tired starved nerve6 and thus cure the trouble,. at the same time leaving the sufferer in better health inevery nay than was former- ly enjoyed. In proof we give the case of Mr. Ur, Btooks, cif Auzora, Ontewho says 1 "About two years ago, while working in Oollingwood, 1 was attack- ed with neuralgia,which became SO bad. that I was frequently' unable to go to work. The pain would start over my right eye and would then spread to the whole face, and caused me thet greatest agony. I was under the care of a good doctor. but his treat. went did not do more that give .we temporary rebel, and I was there- fore an almost constant sufferer. Acting on the advice of my wife I finally decided. to ,.give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and I am pro- foundly thankful that I did so, as in the course of a few weeks I began to improve, and after a further use of the Pills the trouble disappeared and I have not since had any trace of it. I may also add that while taking the Pills my weight increased by nine poands. which shows that the Pills are a body buildes as well as a nerve restorer." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 eants a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. William's Medi- cine Co,, Brockville, Ont. rade With Newfounsilarwl. Montreal, Nov. 13. -Hon. M. P. Gibbs, a member el the Newtons& land Geverriraent,with aiieat in I.egisletive Couneil, who is here, es-, nounees that the trade between New- foundland and Canada is now veined at four millions and is ir.creasing set rapidly that the Reid Newfoundland. Co. are now preparing to Rut 4 daily passenger service on their railway and that a new seventeeinknet boat for the Sydney service will, be launch- , ed on the Clyde next month, to (Nast $500,000. Archbishop Langevin on his arrival ineSt. Boniface gave eut a vontradiee tine. to the despatch which stated that Mgr. Stagni had forbidden Ids grace to discuss the Maxiiteba echoed question in the Proyince ef Quebec. lion Frank Oliver issued a denial.: •of the rumor to the effect that he was going to retire frim, Parliament to join. the Alberta Cabinet. Ile added that the eeorganization ot the Alberta. Cabinet hinted at was na more likely than his own retirement. VIA • \, There is only one way to prevent Ipneumonia, and that is to cure the cold just as soon as it appears. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup wilt do this quickly and effectively. Mr. Hugh McLeod, Esterhazy, Sask., writes :--" My little boy took a very severe cold, and it developed into pneunmeite The doctor said he would not live. I got some of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and he beton' to improve right away. Be is now a strong, healthy child, seed shows no sigts of it coining back." Do not be talked into buying any oth Norway Pine Syrup, but insist oft getting the original "De Wood's." It is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price, 25 eeat. „ Manufactured (idly by The T. Milburn Cog Limited, Toronto, Ont. . Next to consumption there are More deaths from pneumonia than feelit any other lung trouble. s• FRIDAY. Bert Rushton, G.T,R. brakeman, was badly crushed at Guelph and may not survive. A Michigan. • Central speeial train ran 211 miles, from Welland to Wind - ear, in 172 1-2 minutes. A riveter named Lougheed was se- verely injured at . Belleville by the barrel of an air gun blowing off. John Haydrick, Albert Reiehter and Henry Vocht were fined $6 each for entering Canada at the Palls by night, after being reftsed admission. . Hot, George E. Foster, Miniater of Trade and Commerce, was not able to be at his ofilee yesterday owing to a slight illness. Mr. Foster has been Very hard at work. Zosepli Slack, 50 nine, a farmer A Good Digestion • MEADS a man or woman. good for something-goqd work or pleasant times. Whoever has distress after eating, sick headaches, nausea,1 bad taste, unpleasant breath, can- not find good in anything, or be. of retell use' in the world. But, these,symptonas are only signs that the stomach needs &little mare andattention and the aid that Grain Dealers Gloomy. CONVENIENT TOBACCO CASE. filler which, without any of the usual trouble or untidiness, adjusts the cofl. tents of the beloved pipe. For the automobill.st or -for the man who travels -indeed, for the smoke' everywhere -this little gift is just the thing he'll want. When Gift Hunting. For the eequieite, the book lover and the traveler in one, whether man or tvoraan, a gift par excellence would be a beautiful book rack of rare wood With much fine inlaid work, wMch comes from Florence. Birds and scrolls In intricate designs are deftly shown in weeds of varying hues. For the man or woman bridge fiend there • are bridge sccire pads supplied with covers of Chinese embroidery. Belt pins and buckles are welcome offerings. . Give Her a Placque. If you 'give your best girl a pendant she will be charmed, but should you select the latest ornament from gay To Ptepare Voters' List. Montreal, Nov. 13.-tidn. Robert Rogers was in Montreal yesterday on, his way home from New York. Ile announced that there were M be sev- eral changes and reforms in. the De - pertinent of the Interior. Among them is the appointment of Arthur Hawliee. of Toronto as special commissioner tor - the Department on immigratiod mate ters. Mr. Hawkes is to enter upon. his new duties at once .and will make a. tour of inspection, hist through the West and then through Great Britain. In speaking of the Federal election in the. West, the Minister declared that the vote as eturned did not re. present public opinion; that the Con- servatives, were unrepresented at many polling places;-th.at-the deputy return- ing officers, scrutineers anci poll clerks; were creatures of the late ruharinistra-t tion; -that there were no proper voters' lists; and that the above -marled offi- cials voted sections • as they saw fit. undhallenged. He declared that proper lists would be prepared for the next election un-' der Federal supervision, so that the next election would not be a scream- ing farce. ' Seven Men Missing. Chicago, Nov. 13. -Seven men are reported,missing as a 'result of Satur- day night's storm on Lake Michigan. They left Chicago Saturday morning for a fishing trip in a gasoline launch and. ara believed to have lost their lives. J.ne launch was last reported passing the life-saving station at E.vanston. Ill., at 10 a.m. Saturday. Queen's Students Parade., Kingston, Nov, 13. -Queen's stu- dents held their annual parade Satur- day night and made things lively on the city streets. The students decked out in various costumes for the oeca- shn and an..e merry. Several fine flo 'is were in line and the parade is bharacterized as the best ever held,in the history of the college. Kingston- . ians turned out en masse to see the parade.' Another heavy gale set in on' the lake during Saturday night and navi- gation was tied up for the second time in e: Week, Winnipeg, Nov. 13. -Further details of the Northwest Grain Dealers' As- sociation report ort the crop situation tend to make the outlook not only for this year, but also for next year, anything but bright. The report says that only 70 per cent. of the grain has yet been threshed, and about 50,000,000 bushels (estimated) remain in the stack with no immediate prospect of seeing a -separator. The setting in of a .thaw would almest ruin it, or at least reduce it. several grades. Tha. report is not hopeful of the grain threshede saying that 60 per.cent. of it le four or under. Of the 50,000,000 bushels remaining in the west, half will be needed for seedand feed. The prospect is darkened by the announcement that very little fall plowing has been done, owing to, the sudden setting in of winter and that means delay in the spring. Further comment on. the congestion of traffic at Fort William is Made.- It is attributed to the incoming .coal for the West, due to the shortage caused by the western miners' strike. unimm,„",,,e,„meamemeemeeesomewomo • oan give. Sale, reliable, thoroughly tried, this family remedy has won- derful reviving power. They tone the stomach, liver and boivels-all organs of digestion. With these, organs in good order, the whole; system is better and stronger. t . Try, a few 'doses and • see for yourself what , a splendid ,bodily condition Beecham's Pills Can Create Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25e. Inland Revenue Increase. Ottawa, Nov. 13. ---The annul re- port of the weights and meaeures de- partraent of inland revenue, just is- sued, shows that the total revenue coh lected from the inspection of weights and measures for the last fisdal year was $08,661, as,, against $92,814.05 the previous year. The total revenue collected for the inspeetion of gas and gas meters was $52,507.25, as compared with $54,33L20 the year before. • - • • PLACQUE, TILE KEW ORNAMENT, . Paree, "la placque," he will love you better' than ever, .for it's the smartest thing we've had, in jewelry for. Many moons. • . This novelty is a round naedanion about the size Of a silver dollar and. Is cif platinum ..or silver, but . never of gold..Peaxl:s, .gold or colored' stones are inerfutted 'on the surface, and de- lightful color combinations are secured by .enamels. • . • Thelittle ornament is worn around the neck suspended on a fine gold chain or a narrow velvet .ribbon with jeweled slides. ' The Smart Vanity Set. , All girls like dangling .trhakets, and here's an invention that is both swag- ger and convenient. It consists of al number of toilet accessories made of solid' gold or silver dangling from .2,1 bracelet. In the set pictured the an.. Wes reading from left to right are lip salve holder, coin purse, •powder box and etrebroevepenciL To these sometimes added for the very up to. • 55 SICKLY BABIES CRY • HEALTHY BABIES SMILE, ••••••••••• Baby's cry indicates distress -his smile health and contentmentThe mother may be sure there never' was a baby who cried for the fun of it. Baby's disposition is •naturally' a, happy one and it is'only distress ouch as may be brought on by a disordered condition of the stomach or bowels', that can change this. So, naothers, to keep your baby happy vtiu must keep hirn well -Baby's Own Tablets will da this. Concerning thew, Mrs. °has. Potvin, Causapatcia, N, S., writes: "Baby's Oen Tablets ha•ve proved an excellent remedy for my baby. I had been using syrups, but they failed to help him and hecried constantly,. The Tablets cured him and now he is a fat, healthy child." The Tablets are sold. by medicine dealers or by mail at 2$ cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TORONTO MARKETS MARKET -itiPORTS.. Liverpool and Chicag Whetee Futures Close Lower -Live Stock -r Latest Quotations. reevrennoore Nov.11.-The late strength In America yesterday was reflected here at the opening, •and values were un- changed to eed lower. Following. the open- ing there Was free realizing, and valuss declined ti4d to 2/2d, with the undertone easy. 'This selling was profit-taking bY Yesterday's buyers, induced ,by the favor- able weather In .Argentine, flower Buenos Ayres close and free offetings of new Argentine wheat at 8d to ed decline. It Is expected that shipments to the United Kingdom this week will he heavy, Ad- vices from Australia, are more favorable. and Russia weather Is mild, with port ar- rivals there large and offered at a de- cline. Just before the close there 'was some little show of strength, with shorts profit-taking on the unfavorable weather An Canada, and at this time prices were 1,0 to yid up from the low, and %d lower 'than yesterday. CHICAGO, Nov. 11. -Wheat snapped back more than 20 to -day after a. mid:. • den upturn of a cent Shorts in a stampede over sensational damage said to have been caused by the bliz- zard in northwest, forced the bulge un- til a deluge of profit taking sales on spreads between Minneapolis and Ch1-. cago sent prices down with a....crash. The close was comparatively steady, but at.a loss of c to lc net. tong, clear maiaies, neavy, 35 to 4d ffir2,. 57s; short, clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 458; shoulders, square, 11 to 18 lbg., On ''• 6d, Lard-4"r1me western in tierces., 47s 6d; American refined, in pails, 48* 60. Butter-Goed U. S., 112s. Cheese - Canadian finest white 69s; do:, coloreffl 69s 60. Tallow -Prime city 35s; Aus- tralian in London .35s 4 1-2d. Turpen- tine spirits 34s • 04, Rosin-Commord 15s 6d. Fetroleum--Retined 63 1-40., Linseed, oil 41s. Cotton seed oil, Hull*, ' refined, spot, 30s 60. ' o • Winnipeg. Options. Close. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat - Nov. 98%971,i 98% • 97% 97% Dec. 95% '95% • 96 • 14% 94% May., new 97% 97% 98% 97% • Oats - Nov. 40% .... •... Dec. •-•• 88%. May 41% 41% Toronto Grain Market. Wheat, fall, bushel 50 90 to $0 91 Wheat, goose, bushel 0 83 .... Rye, bushel .......... 0 70 .... ' Oats, bushel • 0 52 ' Barley, bushel 0 80 0 90 Buckwheat, bushel 0 48' 0 50 Peas, bushel 0 73 ••0 80 Toronto Dairy Market. Batter, stor•Iots 023 021' e Butter, separator, dairy, lb. 0 28 ..- l3utter, creamery, lb. rolls0 29 0 al Butter, creamery, solids 0 26 .0 27 Honeycombs, doeen .... 250 3 00 Honey, extracted, 'lb 0 11 - 0 12 Bggs, ease lots C.N.R. Buys Land. Ottawa, Nov. 13. -Deeds of several hundreds of acres of land transferred from farmers and property owners in Neapettn. Township, southwest of Ot- tawa to the Ca'nadian Northern Rail- way, have been registered at the coun, ty registry office. This purchase lende color to the recent ruraors that the company intends to build extensive Workshops here at the junction point of • the Ottawa -Toronto division with the main line to the west. Royal Canadian Navy. Ottawa, Nov. 13.-Saturdayei Can- ada Gazette contains the following: His Majesty the Itirig has been gra- °lousier pleased to approve of the nav- al forces of Canada receiving the style of the "Royal Canadian NaVy," and of the ships of that navy being design.at- ed"Bis MoiestY's Canadian Shins.' CASTOR I A NO/ Infants and Children, ihe Kind You Base Always Sought 'Utters the Signature of Arrested for Larceny. Boston, Nov, 13. -Charged with the larteny of $10,100 Dom Mrs. Senn MeDonnell of Amesbury, R. L. Free- man,' fotmerly a Reston stockbroker, was held in $10,000 for trial when an. -reigned in the Superior Court in this city Saturday. Freeman left this city last spring. Ile was arrested in To- ronto last week and brought back to this oity Thursday night. MISS Aliee Muntoe, a Dorehester salesgirl, who disappeared at the time of Vreernan'a departure, returned from Toronto on Thurielay night. There is no &alga Against her. • Cost of Living; e Xingsten, Nov. 18.-4ames Watt, or- ganizer of the Tailors' tinion, of To- ronto, is here making inquiries as to the cost of living in the interest of the Household Econornie League and Toronto Trades and Labor Connell. 1 501 Eggs, new -laid .... 0 85 Cheese, new, lb 0 13 Buffalo Grain Market. Every Woman inulested and .*11**14 know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray She nary Vaginal Syringe. Best -Moat convenient. Bcleanse/ Instantly._ Asir *our 1"0. druggist tee_ t Rite esnnos supply trio MARVEL accept no other, _ but send stamp for Illustrated book, -sealed. It girea ffl eartic• ours and directions invaluable to Watt. WINDSOR supra co:, Windsor* °Air CrenerM Agents for Can VAN= sm. date girl a cigarette cage, 'With, of course, a tiny receptatle for matches.; These iets Won't do f:or the nervouri! Woman, for their jangling mid tbalding are very pronouneed as • the we.ater' mike. The Walking Seek in Again. ; There are years when, the welkisg atielels not Carried -t' Men, but thIS Is not en off SbagOtti 0040417 tiot buy the 'man a tInning stint Of sehaum wood with the. aver popular! straight handle tipped With elleet Oasi Whiell the wont:Irani oefhts nrtUtiettlil CATTLE. MARKETS. East Buffaia Cattle Market. ' BAST BUFFALO, Nov. 11..-Catt1e-Re-1 ceipts, 200 head; steady. '1.reals-Recelpts, 200; active end steady., Hogs -Receipts, 5600,• steady; active onl heavy; lower • on light; neavY, $8.60 ttg $6.75; mixed, $6.50 to $6:55; yorkers, . to $6.50; pigs, $5.60 to $5.75; dairies, $6 tal Sheep and, Lambe--Receipt8,1 5000 headti sheep active and steady; lambs slow and • 10c lower; lambs, $4 to se. •Chicago Live. Stock: CHICAGO, Nov. 11.--Cattie-Receiptsi 'estima.ted at 300; market dull, steady;. beeves, $4.65 to $9.10; Texas steers, 54' • to $5.85; Western' steers, $4.35 to $7.25;0 stockers and feeders, $3 to $5.80; eaWs and heifers, $2 to $5; calves, $5.50 to $8.50. ° Hogs -Receipts estimated at 12,000; market slow; light,- $5.70 to 56.42%e mixed, $5.95 to $8.521/2; heavy, $5.90 to $6.55; rough, $5.90 to $6.15; good to choice heavy, 56.15 to $6.55; pigs, $3•7g• to $5.35; bulk of sales, $6.20. to 56.45. Sheep -Receipts estimated at 1500; . market steady; native,. 52.50 to $3.80; Western, $2.65 te $3.80 yearlings; $3.70 to $4.40; lambs, .native, $3.50 to OM:. Western, $3.75 to $5.76. - Liverpool Cattle Market, turrnmo, Nov; 11. -Spring wheat dull; No. 1 northern, carloads, store, 51.10; win- ter scarce; No. 2 red, 900; No. 3 red, 960; No. 2 white, 99e. Certi.-Easy; No. 8 yellow, Me; No. 4 de., 72c, all on trace, Oats -Firm. No, wkite, 011/2o; No. 3 do., 6114.e; No. 4 'do., 50e. • Barley -Malting, $1.16 to 51.23. Minneapolis Grain Market, mINNeiABoraS, Nov. 1L -close -Wheat -Dee., $1.03%; May. $1.01% to $1.04%; 01-09%; No. 1 hard, $1.051,4; No, 1 north- ern, $1.04%; No. do., $1.02 to $1.02%; No 8 wheat, 97e to 0941c. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 730. Oats -No. 3 White, 45%e to 46%e. Bye -No. 2, 830 to 86e. 33ran-$22.20 to $22:23. elour-rirst patents, $5.10 to $5.40; second patents, 54.70 to $5; first clears, $3,60 to $3.93; Woad elears, 52.50 to $2.90. Liverpool Provisiont. LIVERPOOL, Nov.. 1L -Beef --Extra rndle, mess 88s 8d. Fork -Prime mess veestern 988 3d; hams, short cut, 14 tO 10 lba., 65s 60; bacon, Cumberland eut, 26 to 80 lbse/89; Short rib, 16 to 5,4 lbs. 688: clear bones, 14 to 10 lbs., 64s; long; tiVe ovng .14,Lt.,tigravedi clear middles. light. 28 to 84 Ibte s. LIVRRPOOL, Nov. 11. -John Rogers & Co. say to -day that the =giber of cattle for sale at Birkenhead was small and altho the demand was poor, the, Market held firm at prices last cabled, which 'Were: For States steers, from 12%c to 1514c; Canadian, from 1260 to 1314c; and ranchers, from 11310 to 123,er per pound. DON'T LET THAT COM ROB YOU OF 4EEP You probably know all too welt how it goes. just as you. doze off, the tickling starts in your throat, A. gentle cough, still asleep. &harder eough, and. theft another. First thing you know, you're wide awake, coughing your head A few tights of that and youtte so wore out and weakened that the cough taket e tight grip on you, nut teb.y endure it Na.Dra.Co Syrup of Linseed, Lieore ice and Chlorodyne wile Soothe that exaspetating tickling, loosen the Wept and cure the inliatumation of the mucous . membrane, it not only stops the cough quickly, allowing you to get sound,. re- freshing sleep, but it goes teethe root of the trouble and drives out the cold cote- pletely. Children willingly take Not- Dra-Co Syrup of Teinseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne, i3ecau8e it tastes SO good, Vour Druggist hes it or cat quickly get it for you in /50. aUd 'sae. bottles. The National Drug & Chernical Co. a Canada, Limited. Ile _