HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-11-16, Page 21
Even In the dash"t hour thoao are 1
TUUMI).&Y, NOVB*BBR 0, loll. -
, un.y sllcty miputew �.*TED I
fiOXASi�'A'x'T�,. ��_'wn zvT > Iiva� GIVaovT. - E X . L,AI3X' COWANS EW. $,�ae'no NA,
'oe RePaixer LIV
l ((jT i34aRIpTBIi tLl[al;o 1gQT!*.
C�.l� dx Cry out R ((nt■,j
X?p ro{N feel khat (yon +sfrnlaly tan 44
riot t;Q aiiy furthor*-that you roust A ,rr`► ""�'i 0 R I /� � The following
''w�'`"►►`WrV�ll'Vvv''M °'rrvw�.vlt+vw�r � All Youp eeQQ p �cluantitypfk'oul.
lhltvQares.t for that isms told ischio .ro--..• t t . t `I "i: p it V a7 �� Sloes try e wanted u the f esville till�eLl$> rt;#ii)(MS
(back ---noises':. frorlr that, constant f'otrltr
bead tired fe.elin Some meq, marry for mouey and COLD ITATER {".tNXI-2 O cacoA
Notary kublsc,
those st from Born others. are married for it, ��" pp ��th p y Station each week -- tlonneyauce,
• ..,* ��t Breakfast"
Rae iced while go, 9 Wal C.ommigoloner, etc,
It sogataturWs . Pare and hal a peacite I:or it « 'Great for Break t" � f ISAQ� liens ertg REAL• ESTATRIAND 1NSURANOE
darting pains. � .,...,o.�.,.,,
It is natures. aS Issuer of ,51arrfage Licenses.
warningthat Electric Restow fort ' - rs BOOTS MRDE T O 300 D .
and put in fruit j lis' at o Ito. S`r'I:t`,". 1lt 1iS
the hilaey.& are Pilosphonot to$It&epropW t a! as n filled, cover to the top of Gl:e jar ;v.th A dal te> Oil G'iOWtldt'� rouast., Clinton.
yDFR SOOQ Doz. New l4tei Ui xiu
giving.nut' and syrup lire ra �,
vier andvitalitp. Preraafure decay and sill t , . r. i tx fore bei inning to CnC08 x8 8 TIII%X�, New
1#01 LAT
yotl need the weakness averted at once, rl�puonel pare ttw fruit '`sake the syrng or � vvith a' clear ' YS AND En H. T.
pp p �•�
help of Bo.othis mako ou a nevi man. Price ifs a box. or to granulated stl car ane: wator, sopa boll ileal and I{te#uiy xtexRn - . . i-1� A N V E
S. lriailed to any address. 7rha aoolbell ossa °'°-~ NotaryFu blit,, Conveyancer,
Sidney ,Pills. ' 4o.. 8t. Qatha 1 483, s to tic desired thiel.ne.ag. or to taste. Poultry takeril the first three days Financial the guaranteed -o_ , Covermg the frVit at crce a r:: c nt:, A day full of firm >�rit� life, of each week, Estate,
y y It's surprising how easy it is t' fro 6 i R WAA
a and Rea;
kiln's remedy. discoloring. I use a 5t tail .i. »nf^ed CUCOS xxOxIriBIxES the lNltty. INSU1tANCk1"AGLINT-ReppresontinC'19I fro i,• .
In a er xna� n tub wh�c.l will hold :&cert c:ght TT� �°"�leSt P 1 asuranceCom Antos,
a chine there is kiss a gal that wont let ou, It Mich in fond valve axil jl1 CeS Paid: in Cash Division Court Ohre.
.4one� part that 'works the hardest y thin
ten Tars. Place b a rack rru:lo of
--a--- thin wood on Ilio bottom of the tub easy to diger. p Ever' Evening Write or Pieotle Before You Sell
Open �.
sand gives out fust, The atur fly so as to keep rnu; jar from tr the uattOTn 173 , . Phone 4 an 142;
'work night and day, and naturally Children C; rsr of the tub, and cover :early to the OPPOSITE POSTOP ICF Uedlt,aj,,
a life of unusually activity doubles FOR FLETCi ER�$. top of the jars with cold water. Ler �3� YOU N.
ithe, duties of the hidneya and In
�� came to a boll, and continue the boil- -E �IO t �:., TI{10AIP5011i
time the strain tells! :The ,kidneys �►..i eA �St. py -- ._. _•_T-.
Ing for ten minutes. if the fruit his �UUU1li/A111'S � �---• !.'�olrileSslile, Alan. Surgeon, Etc
give, out and nature cries `estop," '
Oooth's Kidney Pills are sold"by all -p . - cooked down, fill to the tap wit:r extra S`rOCOA ' Boarders Waante(1 �� saeoiEyeattentionarTho trona No aoz #b4
'When a wo au wants to syrtip (hot this time), and seal in the C_.,
Klealers, 50c posltpaid fromoThe lli, T, rn puzzle a ti Exos caretutiy;esanginod, sad;suitable a
Limited, Fort Erie, Ont.. man all she has to do is to act natural, air -tight way as usual. Remove the / Stray Cattle glassc*
Booth Ca,. _���" tub from the fire, and let the jars ,re- +/ Having returned to town I am now
1for a fano pill The to good, Send main until the water is cold. The 1 prepared to take boarders, either office. and: Residence.
For a free box. The test swill prove fruit in this way retains the natural ^ '� r iadtea or gentlemen. Apply at house cattle• vndersig ped' lras t.wo stray Two 400ts We" Of the icoiuwerclal not*$
'rise truth of our statement. I)
shape and natural flavor, the syrup Mrs. hlogridge, Cntarfo street el •one heifer and one ate?r on f,;,
is clear, and to me this is quite the ' lti yM �� ,, botli tNvo years old on his premises
1cklY stops coudho. cares colds. heals easiest way to put up fruit, and'I am i LA'S 16 Con, 16, Goderich to�vnshitt ° IE)!i
_ Iiia throat and lunds - 2t3 renes, always complimented On both the �� _ "o Noy Ivante[I ! for s'pme time, Owner may have Dr. Gunn, NN and GAND
Protected from Files a ! same by n,L•$•t7,7P.,z,n,a,l7.,
o flavor And appearance. Pineapple, ing all costs, Crol�erty and pay Dr- J. V. Gantltetr. E,.i. 1fr,B,
Ttte municipal authorities of Mill. c black and red raspberries 'are
Some women never get homesickper- To learn planning mill business, ap Omee-Ontario Street, Clinton;
1 , New Jersey, have passed a by-law because they are not home loo en, feet prepared in thiway: also whole ;.; , s' ply to T. McKenzie, Clinton, +Wm Sinclair. Nicht calla at resideace, Rattquburs ,8t.
' pelling produce dealers to keep ougb, g tomatoes. If they are sealed proper- \ �taG 4 �- or at'hosnital
to and berries protected from flies, ly,they never spoil, lion the best r k ZTZ W, O "'1 1 - ; ----- FARM FOR ��,E1„�----.-�� � � ----
suits use firm, ripe, but not soft fru -'"^``� i
Hamlet In Japan n and always use new rubber rings. • _ Ea`1St111'(� Laud _ , PHYs10tAN • sURCfEgN, SHAW.
"13nal theatre
" r being produced at the NOR&
CASE FROM P IRIS The SOuth 70 aeres of lot number i5 cenuelhenr, etc„ atriceand residence on Rat -
theatre h Yokohama s Jaffa- - Y e - -- Some first class pasture land to be and the South Ewist part of Lot no, 36 tentury st•• opposite W. Farrag a xesidenee,
iBse. The Danish Prince wears is ex -up- � , -' soldina Sri esto Aartrt� Purrchasere. At 1 soles both township the Ist concession of
-date evening suit in all the acts ex � trac v Ply y p is foment for a term L1R, F. A. axe.
pt in the ghost scene, tivbQre he Three iilontiO t hospital t11I11 John Ransford, Q. T. R. City Agent of years. This property is close to the
.001rs cycling attire. Came Out UtICtltrCrl. town of Clinton incl possesssfon can n>G1+T><&T
~- be given, at once. 1� or further partf_ Crown and liraliav "work ai slrcefaltx.
A Loaded Revolved Zaw-,B.11k Cured Hint In A Few l �'•iN' , '" �t anions apply to Henrq Plumsteel, Clin- ttraduate of C,O,D,S.. Chica4o, and R.o,n,s
An Edinburgh man has been fined ;� �' ,�` ton, Qnt,, or ronto.
ri CCks. , 64r. ..,., f,, . _McCarthy,lcGarthyBoys ,� blur. li,►yneia on t[ou�lava, nlav Ist to UccemlUcn ,
ZG or 30 days for what agingEdinburghal may " ,• • r : �' chicon, Barristers, Barrie, Ont;
Woe describe as "Discharging aload- �,
evolver," Anybody, of course, is Mr. Fred Mason, the well known u r" ' ,
t 1 bQrty to discharge an unloaded re, bolsterer and mattress manufacture g, ..�x� 'f,'m(' r � . II• ji �+ E i�{�
oIvor In Edinburgh -provided he of St. Andrewq, N. :B„ says: -0 x o OurCUStOniers. OBNT15T.
owe hots. `•I had eczema on my knee, which it +
Qiiioea over O'NEIL'S btore,
caused .me terrible pain and iucon• PEARS, fall and winter, different �jpeoOf care taken N ILLS b ore. tree/
COINCIDENCE OF NAMES venienee• The sore parts would itch %,;; ; '' 4PANF.$� CAB,n ciAsn prBIGnr. 0'varieties, All prime quality, Basket mane ci painless en possible.
Dj�amond, Garnet, and Ruby were the and burn and tingle, and them when or barrel,
ossa of three defendants at Totten- rubbed or scratched, would become "U:.` ; . Please tt 11 us what yon w nt and we �y p�
Police Court the other day, and very painful. When tbeknee got warm s„' piece of crinoline nine and a half inches will try and snit YOU, a THOMAS GUNDRY
e W4>odford Hilae (Northants) it burned worse, and the ltchin olid , long and four incites wide.. Baste the I i 'Y'i ' V
g eemej"111t N.13AER &SONS
W a farmer named Bullock took the burning and smarting were almost un- lining on the other side and turn in 1 tiolrrresvrlle, Ont. Lire stock and general Auetfon ser'
ze -for a cow, while a Mr. Hogg bearable: I tried .various remedies, ' the edges. Then stitch across both
nod the prize for a sow. but got no better, so I decieed to go short ends and turn u t i u t COC)ERICI-i
w0, nc e9 On N�, 1 V N 1
toMontreal and take special treatment, each end to. form the pockets and stiteb , it 1'l1A jt or Swe, B S, s, atD ,r 'staies` a speciala� O, Gees rr an
Bad Library Books I received treatment at, the Montreal This. style of hat will be used down the sides, Yards Opposite G.. )C, It. 9tatidli Naw Eon otrice, Clinton, pr(,mrt,y abtencied
General $ospital for thirteen .weeks, extenSIT61 In the• fall, t . Terms reasonable. Farmers sate note
rtotiee of prison governors and y pp
but at the end of that time I was not ''" `
The 1 dlaoounted
lrXallna has been called to "the mor. cured, and almost gave in, • A friend
d iml�oral tone of a gre4t many ,
gltbh soctet novel " which render advised me t0 give Zam-Bok a trial. ., fist received
yy J elle car. oa
" i1d utrrsultable for risco librariea.er `Almost as soon.as applied Zam-Buk _._ _�
stopped the stili the b the irritation. IF
�� LA!Y
of Lump coal for Thresli
Church at flies side I persevered with the balm, and ft yeas
noon evident that it would do me good. WRAPPING OF PRESENTS.
�tilYynealde is a popular h) day Each day the pain was reduced, tb.e, STIR IT IIP BY THE USE O1± in
w4th ministers. One Tar�ert sore spots began to heat, and by the Dainty Coverings . That Render Gifts
OR Sunday bad six In often- time Thad used a, few boxes of Za,m- Half Again as Acceptable. The ren Best
ae, including the preacher, Buk I was .quite cured. With the, approach of the holiday MILAURN'S LAXA.LIVER PILLS. S Y
Is Now Whistling "Since them. Zam-Buk has cured season thos5 who are thrifty and fore -
t' 8 blood poison in my finger, : and • at a handed 'in the little matter of their
Ungli h minister who recentlyy tir�ta when. my finger was in Burls a They stimulate the sluggish' Liver,
sated $$,�QO In the proapept of•getr tet�r[hfe condition that I feare3 it and the giving of them will buy y gr;
from 100 t0 150psi• cent is now would to be amputated." a suitable'box for each new present 'clean the coated tongue; sweeten the
fling for his capital. or eczema, Blood -poisoning, piles, they select, or they 'swill, upon. collect breath, clean away all waste and poison- .s� �j
ulcers, sores, abscesses, varicose ulcers, Ing all their gifts ,together, measure ous matter from the system, and prevent v
d► ladies, gentbnert, polios, bad leg, cold sores, chapped bands, and make a'. list of their: sizes and as well as cure all sickness arising from
z cut4 burns, bruises and all, skin in- Ci1LCCC$SQr to J.1Ialriiltoll
VA std detectives, and Qovern- ' then, upon some delightful 'afternoon a disordered condition of the Stomach, •
was how Mr. Ben Tillett juries and diseases, Zam-Buk is with or evening, out equhl, b, will be in the pleasant liver and bowels. PLoIIC'o'�,
1{te speech In Trafalgar Square. 50c. box all druggists and stores or •business of decorating them.
+waa stated at a meeting of the ,post free from Za;m-Buk CbMrs, ,Matthew Pine Ridge,
.. Toronto; They will be plain white to begin N.B., writes: -"Iliad been Sullivan,an troubled with
lg guard�a Ila that -no doubt be of lin
a man who was for price. Refuse imitatious. with, and they will er com Iaint for
de ng in the forest serious- R along time: I tried a�'i►1i„a�AllAtat►kAAAia�A1A�
! 1 had .11ygd on 'wild bermes end -- __ varying :shapes -square, round, oblong most everything I could think of, but f. SAA
for three Months and slept under and even perhaps heart shapedor tri_ none of them seemed to do me any good, "
b, 'g'v II a•1•o �a•E•t'•1•� �,•o•g•a•F.a.g.v :•a.,00 ;.o but whenI at last tried M-ilburn'.s Laxa-
Liver Pills I soon began to get well again; ►
clan doctor now b eathanks to The T. Milburri Co. I would a
q�eons %r
Biating the cat' t 'ad not be without them -if they .cost twice44
4ith#herfa nd other troule:` N as much." ►
` Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents
'•'! 1'a•F s•1•a•e•a Aa•g+a•g•o•i•�•p•� c•a.g•o,l•t Per vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, for sale at C
% all dealers or mailed direct on receipt See and here our finest ►
`G omen Read � � Children Cry,., � of rice
.•�. �Z� � �� p by The T. Milburn Co.,iimifed •NSW St ii5 ►
p , y h designs of
Toronto, Ont.
_-a__-- FOR ` PLETCHER'S 00 !Doherty Pianos . and ►
INTO DULL, FADED HAIR. ---o_� Tenders for S11o'ivpl�tt;llin.� PON
u" r -- 10,
--o----- in case you should ever, become a _ ►
Every woman reader of the New ghost have you decided. whour you p _ ,3 aria! Val a
Bra who desires radiant hair, that will haunt. O$ �Tendersl will be received up to 6 .� p lits 111 art
everyone admires should go to W.S. • _oma_ o clock, Monday evenfng;,Nov, 20th 't ' cases, ►
R. Iiolmes to -day and get a large 50 Aloft for ;the contract of snow_ ploughin t sees ►
Cent bottle of Parisian Sage. 9 on sidewalks ibis coming winter. ►
It fs not only a delightful and re-,D,_L, MacPherson Clerk. ►
1„ freshing hair dressing and beauti- ' Pianos aril Organs rent ►
fier, but itis sold under a rigid guar 9vicklystops coughs, cures colds, heals ;,. ' g C
antee to banish dandruff, atop fall- the tusoat and lur_ss. - - 25 cents. 4 j
And many a � ed, choice new Edison
ing hair and itching scalp or money y man 'treats a stranger �. TNO �O11Sf'S to Let C►
aback, better in a barroom than he treats his phonographs, Music & G
Parisian Sage is the best hair tonic wife at home, i ,yl The undersigned -has two houses to
known. It is the only one that will . -.o variety ►
-cure dandruff, cleanse the seal and let, apply to ' Y goods.
make, the hair p Once fn• a great lad there is s blCOXIATION FOR.BOX LIDS, J.'TWITCHELL & SON
tiful, grow long and beau- father who would be glad to have his _
son follow in his footsteps, angular -for the box of today Is an.,In• bitlSle •Erilporluin ►
. -o_-_ teresting. little article and the cor• $'p`dr 1'ni' Service
rect boxing and wrapping'of gifts a ►
s.'�aOs�hOdzue, science that renders the gift half again
•.+•v.v•,�.,p.•�• a
The Great. Dtglislt Itemed , For service on lot 26, con 3 H, R. S , - C
,� f Tones andinvi oratesthewho 0 as acceptable . ►
\, s Tuckersmith, a pure bred .Hampshire ►
nervous, system, makes new The designs fn holly and mistletoe Boar, BrodlsaGetr Chief, 4421. terms r
° Blood in old veins, Cures Neru ►
` bvs Debilitt�, .Bfental and Brain on -Y, Des• are intended to be traced upon the; bog. 81:with privilege of returning if paces r H ►
Pert and I `/ pondency, Sexual Weaka ss, Entissxons, Sroer lids and touched with a quick da h of sary. John A Murraynd Geo ]'sen Ca " Hoare
spent , �tuctorrlecea and 1✓ ects o dlittiseor Fxeesaes, y ►
Price $l per box, sikforgg5. Ono tivttlpleaso bix opaque water color. No art. is re- dersonc Seaforth P. O. Phone 5 on 136 ►
• .. t will cure. Sold b all druggists or mailed in Clinton central
plain pkg. on receipt of price. 14'ew a? Al tltrired, but only a deft touch and neat- y���nynyw�^�.
` mailed free,
'rho CoyyoGl M6diCine Co. nese, besides the little paras of- vermil- 'IV"TTTr
``,,,��� "\ ,�`�+ L£osmacrly iiTitulseMj '6ownt� Snit ion, ,green; black and white, which
'=--o�-- may be had in opaque paint, and a R
Poverty is no disgrace -if your ere- We have often wondered how many ��hhT�EhQ
�I �
dills good. small camel's hair brush:
wives Solomon had annexed before The round design, a conventional I'tTLl"r /0A
---o-- discovering there was nothing new holly wreath, may be used on the s
under the son. round and the square box and even IV,
on one end of the oblong shape. Either
r DRESSES FOR CHILD$EN of the smaller ones belongs to the Nl LLSa ?
B u• r d o C k� The one=piece dress for children west' boxes of almost every sbape, l '
holds ataand they may also . place fn the hearts of 'the ?,re repeated upon j.
a Bitters mothers, and the little garments are the paper that wraps the box if this
made in many pretty styles. Figured method of decoration is preferred to a u
CURES ALL materials, such as challis, cambric, spray of actual holly. SitkIleadacheandtelioveallthe troubleslnet
lawns as eel at; gingham linens.. dent to a bilious State of the g9tem, such eta y
Preach flannels, etc:; are all i favor �� Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness Distress after t6
for the inakin An Attrao4fvq Card Case. eatingg, Pain in the Side d0. Rlhile their moat `! $
S K Y N le E A S E S ia, bands,
these are Some very interesting color effects temhr•Yable success has teen shown in c
_ _ trimmed with blas bands, bh Is a tie obtained In Japanese embroidery, a�
embroideries. A favorite finish is the $
Any one troubled with any itching, embroidery scalloped edge, which is very easily done, the major
burning, irritating skin disease can place part of the work being satin stitch. A 0 DON, NEGLECT full reliance on Burdock Blood Bitters r' wt ItleaBabhe, qct Catter'b Ltttlo Ltver PM11 ars ��ly T NEGL.L C J. g
i, to effect a cure, no matter what other 1 oz, corn flour, 2 eggs, sy teacup- hg lit a the�ela8Cnil ga&n eBslant of ""11Y valuable
lei tnocotipation,curingandprg. Y�� WATCH �x
remedies have failed, fol milk effect y g mpintnt,whlletandpeo R vv A 1 CH
It always builds tip the health and salt. , % Oz• butter, pepper and °is the loss embroidery Correctgaudlsorderaofthtta omt.ch,etimnlateths
t1101i h y giik Catches Xv6randregulatethebowe�s, Evcnfttheyonli WA`T' T IS a deliCaEtY piece
strength d the foundation of pure, rich Separate tyre yolks• from the whiten g A n# lnacliinery. It Calls for
blood, and in consequence the cures it of the eggs, Heat up the yolks Ind '� design given to bb applied to a Mese attention h
' tardcase of linen, than most
tnakts are of a permanent and lasting email basin. Add a pinch of salt to pongeg or moire >rtraChine but m c
nature. the WbIWa and beat •to a stiff froth, sfik• T`hie design would be Verystrik.AchetheypVonldbealmostprlcelca6toth`0WWh6 ry, nut be cleaned
' Mrs. 12ithard COutint, White Head, Blond the corn ilottr, with the >rriik,' Ing done on Pongee, embroidered With guerfhomthin complaint;buttortu. and OLCd Gccasiorrally to kcc
Que., writes:--" I have been bothered with irnd .add it to the yollrb'. Season with brilliant blue and g bnOtohdherePills v oes
green peacock colors who once try themwivandtheaoltttlopinevala• perfect Larne.
salt rheum on my hands for two years, lkble to so many Iva a that they will not be V
pepper and salt Add the whited of the and lined with a bright peacock• blue 1tn8tod5withont°t�iom. 8ntafterallalrlchepti 1Ni4b pl+aper care a Waltham
and it itchtd so I did not kao�1+ what to ' eggs lightly to the mixture. Put the wits
tch•will kc er
r 'do. I trite. three doctors and even went, butter Into the omelette pan, allow it satin. It adds to the Japanese effect qp p irct trntd
to Montreal tb the hospital without to get hot, thou pour in the olnelette, to introduce lints of • of rlot a lifetime. It will pair v'),i
g gold th sods,swell to let u .
° KCttis'Sg any relief, • Y was advised to try Shake the - �6801;11)1v"efihat
s clean aur, pan gently aver file flr6 which ma ba roe gbea! o y wat+lt.
ieurdacic Stood Hitter , sb 1 got tftrte • y c hated bn. Lis the banis whets aures' I'a or xll nfonths.
bottle4; and before 1 i'd' the second used nd when tate omolettb is get and the Cut a piece of pongee ten inches long vvenaakeotitgreatboaet, ourpillecnr hWhils
It Lound a big ehtange; now today 1 stir underside slightly browned, hold It fn and four and one hal! inches wide ° carter a ifiile i
front of the Ire . till this upper side ' L Ivor Pi11d are "sm�lt anti R. Counter IM�Q
toted." Place the design two and a hal# Inchon ` �sY to takI .. oneor two nlemake a doe4o W. • v V s. n er
Burdock Blood Hitttrs is alttnulacturtd is bra arnea. la isle over-and..put ten am Oslo anti. !Cite desiglt inayt l►A �n er ere strlcti etabla nn ' do not grt or
a hot plate. . Choppstl !tarn, #ONMe, transferred on the .mateilal by means lie L'em by the ri gentlo Broca plea td'wLp 1Vetbjc sil7ld optician.
only by The T. Milburn Co., lritnittd, chicken, or kidney' can be added to the
`orouto,Out. lnlxture, before doubling over; of carbon paper., When the'embroid+ a = rs,on..'nalrrlfOlgG Issuer of
. tum lN�erX bAatA ttu�lmatIl„�
> .Ii1W 111Wa4 1MlIlAI . I�
Marriage �t�i"'�Cit6401a
`t .1
,v I
ov i
un c exstgnf u ouersfor sale. East 5
Hall', Lot 12, on 3rd Concession, of
Iiullett his choice farm of (35 acres, all G. D. McTaggart Al. D. MoTa g ;n4
clear- and in grass, 2 never failing ggar
springs, good well At house, river at �+Bros.
back, a choice Gravel pit, cement or
road gravel. A good frame house, 8AI1iIgER� .
new frame kitchen with wood shed; 1 ALBERT S�
acre ;,rood bearing orchard. Reasons r CLATTON
for sPiling not table to wotlt, For par. General Flanking 13bal0ew •
titulars apply'an premises or address •.
,RICHARD TASTER, iiullett, t ansaeted
•.Drafte-iseued. Interest allowed oil
Stei1111 �+itlioyytie. For Mlle depoaita,
The 1'Vbcgllgp :nnt�l
The undersigned offers for sale EZire IIinStlira nce ,etla
an upright steam engine; about 7
ho,nepo;ver; in good running or= Farm and Isolated Town B'sapF '
I der. This is certainly a snap for erty Only Inaured.
any farmer wanting power for gen
sial use on 'farm, Engine can be OkFICERs.
seen fit my blacksmith shop. J B• "-clean, President, Seaforth
Jabs, Rands, Clinton. 'las, Connolly, Vise Pres„ GodericltN
i i Thos. E, hays, Sec.-Treae,, 1Si=aitttktr
Farm for Sale. DIRECTORS,
�:. Jas. Connelly, Holmesville• .
The executor of the Southcombe, Watt,' .Hariock; G. Dale John
Estatej offgra for sale 50 acres; - Chesney, Seafoith; T. } Clinton; M,
Evans, ..Beech•
East half of lot 289 eon; 6, .Hallett, woonp j. G,' Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben.,
A .first-class farm, well watered neweis, Brodhagen; DI, blcEwan>.
and improved, and with good Clinton,:
buildings. ' Also the . unde_rs' ned Each Director -is inspector of losses le
oflrs� for sale, dot 29I con. 6, gull
ett, 100 acres. These farms may, be his own locality.
bought 'together or separately. AGENTS.:
JAMES SOU'1 iiC01vra3E. Robt, Smith, - Harlock; Ed, Hinchley
.Clanton.' S.e'afortb; . James• Cumming, Egmond.
ville;,J. W- Yeo,-U0.1mesville
Cottage For Sale Paymeli�ts( may toe „made at The
_ Morristh('Clathiiig Co., Clint'oln, . or
Mrs. Ross offers her -Cottage on R' H' Cott' Goderi. ch.
V%Ctar a( street for tale. .It ie an
excellent property in a good 10_ A C �'B
catzon� *and in good repair, T A Y �.� Q" ,
W. Brydone. , GLiNTON
Loi, Wanted Fire, Life and Accident
fiighest.pcice paid for Logs, Bass.
wood, Soft Elm, Rock Elm and Rock Real nstate bought and Isola
Maple especially wanted; but all kinds
will be purchased. Money to loan
ORGAN CO,', Limited 111cojesac:Street, nest door:to NS`s•
a Era,
Darin for . Saiz
Grand TrunkRaihvay System, ,
The undersiggned oilers his.fine farm, Railway Time Table
consisting of about 1955 acres, adjoing-
Ing the town of. Clinton for sale, The Landon, Huron and Bruce.
farm is in a good state of .cultivation, North
and has good buildings, brick house, Passenger
bank barn, driving house, pig pen etc, London, depart...,.. 8.30 a m 4.50•p:m
all comparatively new. A first class Centralia .....,,.• 9.40 - 5,48'
young orchard 'containing all •kinds of Exeter......., „+„ 9;53 5.64
fruits and also small fruits, The farm •14ensall. 10,08 5.05
is ReII fenced and drainod and is a Kippen .... 10.16 6.11
very desirable home. For further Bx'ucefleld ., 10.3 0.18,
particulars'apply on the premises, or Clinton . „ 11,0$ 6.35
address, • Londesboro .. 11.18 6,52
JOHN 1`ORRANCE Bl thr� .... 11.27 7;00 y
Clinton Be ave , ......... 11.40 ?.18
Win am, arrive... I1.50 735
ford.& Mdcod.south Passenger "
Vl'ingham, depart.., 6,43`a mj13;33 p tor.
Belgrave, .. ., 6.54 3.44'
We are now selling Timothy seed at Blyth.............. 7.08 8.56`
$7.00 a bushel, Government Standard. Loadesboro......... '7,16. 4.04
We have also on hand Alfalfa at Olinton.. '7,56 423
14.00, Alsike $10, Red Clover from Brucefieid ., 8,12 4.39 ,
8,50 to $9. Ripper ............. 8.23 •4.47
We have always on hand Goose Hensall... ... 8.32 . 4,52
Wbeat, peas, Barley and feed Corn at Exeter .. + • • • • 8,48 5.05
21 a ton, Qen tralia ° .. , .. 9.00 5.15
Highest Market prices paid for all London ,•arrrve,.+., 1000 6.10
rain. 'Buffalo and Gode,;
. West passengei<q,r;,;,
�i1r/nm m•pm pm.
V & Mde' d Stratford,...+.,.10.001.20 6,2510,2(1'
Mitchell..., ....10,22 12.45 5.55 10.47
Seaforth..... +..10.45 1,10 6.18 11,12
Clinton ........,11,07 1.2.5 6,40 11:28' .
00 .AHalmesville,.... 11.16 1.33 0,4611,38'
i+4ie, Goderich........ 11.85 1.50 7.05 11.55.
East I•'assenger
Before placing your orders foram pm p to
your season's supply of QW, get Gloderich....... 4_4. 7.10 2.40 4,50
our priews: The very beat goods Holmeaville ......... 7.26 2.57 5.06
carried in stock and sold at the Clintom:... . 135 . 3107 5.16
lowest possible price. Seaforth ... 0 ........ 7.52 p3.25 5.3. -
Mitchell... 0 .........
.3Mitchell............. 8:10 348 5.55
... ,....:
C)rders mal+' be lent at Davis Stratford...R.40 "4.15 6.2br •
do Rowland's Hardware store, or y
With Lir. de
Van"s Fet"m& pills,
WW6 r ll�l�l db A reliabie Preach tegul,ttor; newt. Thaw.
ste • 0111e lire bxceedIu9IY *65tH to 'r
genarlttivb portion of tr feena! sl st� etuee.
at 414"04 MOM Pnrilust. :Kl+,be„p�m�tr tonp.,4pr."tIwffi Us 1old ii