HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-08-18, Page 6THE WI.iGIIAM GIMES AUGUR 18,. (erne1s from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges, *r There are 861 vntets for municipal 1eetious iu Greenoeh, and 783 for par- ,lialnklltal$ elecfcus. ._.. GET l3IIl OF A.T COUGH I#tfote the summer conies. Dr. 'W otre Norwa4 Pine Syrrp congntrs Covello. Colds. Sore Throat, Hoarseness, en,33rotichitis, and all Diseasescf the Throat *rid Luegs. ar The Japanese Government states that le etire war expenses up to the end of July o aware $200,000,000 yen, or about $100,000,- 01060. Dominick Reynolds, sr., of Hullett, 41..has ,juet pawed his 95th birthday. He -beet been a resident of Hulled for 62 * reale. u Wherever there are sickly people with 'weak hearts and deraag:ea nerves, Mil- -ta lenfin's Heart and Nerve Pills will be yl d'Ound an effectual medicine. They re - .r, store enfeebled. enervated, exhausted, ).devitalized or over -worsted meu and wo men to vigorous bruitli. i A colony of forty three Indians pitch- ed their tent near the flax mill at Mit- chell, and are assisting in harvesting the flax crop. • The Tilsonburg, Lake Erie & Pacific ".railwayis likely to be leased to the :Canadian Pacific. ' .1r 'h FOUND AT LAST. • f'. A Liver Prll that is small and sure, that Deets gently, quickly and thoroughly. ;that does not gripe. Lasa -Liver Pills •'possess these qualities, and are a surf' tura for Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sick Headache, etc. A eon and heir was born to the Czar • aan4 Czarina of Russia Friday afternoon. Their four previous children are girls. Mr. S. J. Dawson, Ring's printer, bas ie not applied for superannuation as re- ap prated a few day ago. •ti There is no form of kidney trouble, tom a backat•be down to Bright's die c'-eam, that Doan's Kidney Pills will nut e or cure. l • re If you are troubled with any kind of C kidney cnntpiatut, give Doau's Kidue-• • N.iils a trial. 'l. Au epidemic of smallpox bas broken out at Zion City, 111., and "Elijah" Dowie will not allow any doctors to be •sellae in. .A Western paper runs a department elevated to births, Marriages, deaths, and heads it, "Hatched, matched and dispatched." ▪ CATARRH CURE s s. 25c. b tent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air paesaros, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. John Becker of Culross, whose barn was struck by lightning and burned down two weeks ago, baa bought a barn from Roseuow and Voigt, and will move it this week. DR. A. W. CHASE'S It's not the weather that's a fault. It's your system, clogged with poisonous materials, that makes you fell dull, drowsy, weak and miserable. Let Bur- dock Blood Bitters clear away all the poisons, purify and enrich your blood, make you feel bright and vigorous. Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant--is strongly I 7redommended by the medical profession as aaafeguurd against infectious diseases. i„ l British Columbia received last year 5226,000 as her share of the poll tax col- t 3ected on Chinese entering the province. So far this year notbiughasbeen collect- -ed; the e000 tax is proving too much for f the Cbletttials. The pretty daughter of a South Wet- •erloo farmer offered four kisses to the farmband who would do the most work itt two days last week, and before night three mesa had been prostrated by the Seat. s . Speaks for incl£ Cures Sick Headache +;'+C Cures Nervous Headache it 6 , Cures : enre:81e headache t. -'+c Cures Summer Headache Ilat+ ►'artr: Cures I3ilious headache SIltg Cures any Headache lithite t Is Pleasant to Take ' Is Absolutely Safe Skstetsi Gives Speedy Relief l' tSells for .25d a box Sample box sent free VI /MAi U iFFMlthtt' CO MonitMt: y The loeses of the Culross Mntuel Fire Ins Co by the storm of two weeks ago are $4,8C0. W. G. Edward, of Gods rich, who took the Nwntal Cutlege course at Hamill -ma during the past yeaa, has been appointed commercial /mister in the Woodstock Colli giate Institute, at a salary of $900 per year. A WELL KNOWN ALBANY ALAN. iteconunenda Chaknberintn's Voitc, Cholera. and Diarrhoea. stentedy. About eighteen months ago Mr. W. 5 Manning, of Albany, N. Y., widely known iu trade circles as the represent- ative of the Albany Chemical tlo., was suffering from a protracted attack of d nark oea.I tried Chamberlain's Colic o Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," ba Faye. "and obtained immediate relief. I r ht *nilly recommend this medicine to thoa e similarly afflicted." Sold by A. L McCall & Co. A petition to stop the exportation of wild ducks from Ontario is being air e- lated and is being signed by leading sportsmen all, over the Province. On account of the abuse of the exportation privilege given to those who take out liceuses it bas been decided to put a etep to the practice in the interests of game preservation. t7 I.STORXA. Bears the / The Kind You Have Always Bough, Signature 'J' 1 of , • The third annual tournament of the Goderich Shooting Association will be held ou Monday and Tuesday, September 6 and 6. Novick -voters' list contains 1241 names. Of these, 1034 are entitled to vote municipal and parlamentary elec. tions, 133 at municipal elections only, and 74 at parliamentary elections only. 611 are gnalfied as jurors. 'Valuable Time Saved. • Slight injuries often disable a man and canse several days' loss of time and when blood poison develops, sometimes result in the loss of a hand or limb. Chamber- lain's Pain Balm is an antiseptic lini- ment. When applied to cuts, bruises and burns it causes them to heal quickly and without maturation, and presents any (Unger of blood poison, For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. During a very heavy thunderstorm, which passed over Listowel section Wed- nesday forenoon of last week, the barn of Henry Coughlin, about four miles west of the town, and, also John B. Hamilton's barn on the 8th concession of Elma, were struck by lightning and burned to rhe ground with a portion of the season's crop. 40.4. Si IP Ci 174.XA. Bears the - The Kind You Han Always Bough Signature of Mr. F. B, Wade, M. P.; Mr. James Duffield,Loudon,Ont.; Mr. C. A. Young, Winnipeg; Mr. Brunet, Montreal, are mentioned as the commissioners to su- pervise the construction of the Trans- continental Railway, with Mr. Lumsden of Tor6iito as a chief engineer. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In- fantnm, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dys- entery and Summer Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry 18 a prompt, safe and sure cute that has been a popular favorite for nearly 60 years. Daniel Moran, a former well-known resident of Goderich, for years employed at St. Peter's rectory, died at the House of Providence in London Wednesday of last week, at the age of eighty-two years. The remains were interred at Seaforth, where the deceased lived before comiug to Godeaich. Cholera Infantum. This has long been regarded as one of the moat dangerous and fatal diseases to which infants are subject. It can be cured, however, when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Chamber- lain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and a cure is certain. For sale by A.I. McCa11 & Co. .._... , • A very beautiful and enjoyable wedd- ing took place at the residence of Dir. Truman Smith of Lucknow, on Wednes- day, August 10th, when Miss Bella Smith, his second daughter was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr, P. Greenway, of Crystal City, Manitoba, the nephew of ex -Premier Greenway. Miss Smith were a beautiful white gloria silk dress and looked charming. The ceremony was performed by her brother Rev. 'W. Smith of Ashfield Circuit, as- sisted by her brother Mr. Vietor Smith of Indiana Conference, T.T. States and the Rev. R. Millyard, of Luoknow. MANAGER WANT.E1). Trustworthylady or gentleman to manage busineen in this eountyy tend adjoining territory fer Well and favorably known house of solid finaneiat sending, Mil etraigl,t t;esh eatery and Expeeeees, paid r+Nth Mentiay by check direct from headgnartera, Expensaa tnorley adeanepd. Poeitierr perlrtarient. Adtiroas. atenatter, 810 Como Block, Chttago iiliiiloa Passing through the Square park on Monday The Star reporter noticed three t.1t1 citiz••us occupying one of the seats there, whose milted ages exceeded 202 years, or an average of over 86. The three were enjoying a chat and taking its the sights couureted with the Wood- Itten's pit nic% and the drutus tied fifes — Gotieriell Star, gar feels W344 refers. An Old tad, Well-Trted Reatetly—bars Wimaloev's *tooling e rip Utes leen useo for over sixty years bynlitllonsof ulothere for their ohilctren wbje teething, with perfect sweetie. It soothes the chili' softens the gurus, allays all pain, curet. want, ).!olio, and is the hest remedy for diem/Kea. It is pleasant to the mete. Sold by draggists in every part of thy world. Twenty five cants a hotrle. Its calve is inealonlable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take uo other kind. The Zurich Herald sags;—"Two cars for the Stretford -St. Joseph else - trio railway have arrived at Hensel' station. As soon as the grading is done and the ties and rails are in place, we will look for the first run to be made,, The first car will certainly be hailed with a great deal of pleasure by our t•itizens. We have been looking for- ward to this event for thirty years and more." C'l .A. Si T 4C'9 a .A. . Beasethe The Kind You Have Aivayi Bought ofQ!9f ZSignature A baru belonging to John Ernewein lot 33, con. 8, Carrick, was completely destroyed by fire on Monday night of of last week. The fire, the origin of which is unknown, started about 11.30 and this year's hay crop, together with two horses, five cows several pigs and some farm implements, were consumed. The building was insured itt the Formosa Mutual Insurance Company. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature of A sad accident happened to George Barges, aged 49, who lives in the town- ship of Wallace. He had taken a gun and, with horse and buggy, was on his way to do some shooting. Coming up with a friend at a gravel pit he was ask- ed to help remove a stump, and in pitch- ing the gun into the back of the baggy it was 9ischarged, the contents tearing away the whole muscle of the left arm. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that eau - not be cured by Hall's Cattarrh Cure. F. J. CBENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We the uudereigned,have known F. J. Cbeney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finarcially able to carry out and obligations made by his firm. WALDnNG, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 750. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. Early last winter John McRae of the 3rd con. of Culross sold his Durham Bull 'Captain' to Mr. Geo. Armstrong of Speedside for $125.00. That was thought a fair price, but it now appears that Mr. Armstrong made a 'good buy' for he recently disposed of 'Captain' to Mr. Burns, an extensive breeder of pure-bred stock in Wisconsin, for $500 00, It is really wonderful how much some can accomplish in spite of what appear to be impassable barriers to their ad- vancement. He is an example. Mise Helen Keller, who is deaf, dumb and blind, has just graduated with honors in the arts at Radcliffe College,Gambridge, Mass. Thus Miss Keller completes at the age of twenty-four an educational career of extraordinary brillauce. The college records show that in literature, philosophy and economics she has done excellent work. way R 1 The rvsideuoe of MMr. John Swith, Iijlth Bost i'1 ay to er etreet, geaftrth, was the scene of u quiet t [ . V M but pretty w eitilug on Tuesday morning, Ch' Aug;. 9th, when Mr Smith's t h . 1 rei 4 daughter, Maggie, was united in mar- 4 nage to Mr. Thomas hatcher, The t'er• moony was pert muted at half past six by Rev, F. H. Larkin and was witnessed only by the immediate friends of the family. St. Thomas church, Seaforth, was the seene of a pretty wedihng at high not•u on Tbursday, Ang. llth, when Miss Agnes Lyrcb, daegbter of Mrs. (Tlr.) Lyueh,of that town, and Mr. V. Barfurd, of Edmonton, N. W. T., were united in marriage. The ceremony was per formed by Itev. Rural Dean Hodgins, and the chino!). was wed tiIied by friends of the bride. At the last regtlar monthly meeting of the Seafortb vomit the principal busi- ueae was the matter of the electric. light. It will be remembered that a snort time ago the commit procured the services of Mr. Kelly, of G.tclerich, to go over the phut and report to the council his eetiwtue of the value of the property. This estimate was placed at $19.300, and when this prime was submitted to the company they accepted 11, And itis now forl t the electors ori to sav what her or not they are willing to purchase the plaut of the Electric Light Company and rue it as a muuiepal plant or not. A bylaw was submitted to the council and receiv- ed its second readiug and wi11 be snb- witted to the vote of the ratepayers on Monday, September 12th. Mr. James Stewart, eve of Exeter's oldest and best known residents, breath- ed his last ou Saturday, Aug. 6th, after a prolonged illness. For many years deceased had been iu delicate health. its fact for seven years he was scarcely able to leave the house and for the past two years life must have been a burden to the enfeebled old gentleman. The de- ceased ,vasa native of Ireland, being born in Farnrauagh in the year 1827 In the year 1847 he married Elizabeth Wilson and two years later came to Canada, settling in Prince Edward county. Removing y fr om there he ).melt up his residence in Millford, thence lei Lumley, where he remained seven or eight years, and about thirty years ago he came to Exeter where he has made his home ever since. He was a tailor by trade. The deceased was one of the oldest Orangemen in Ontario, being made a member of the order in 1846, thus he would be 68 years an Orangeman. Develop Their Strength With Ferro- zone Which Idaho Rich Blood, hardy 101uscle, Steady Nerves, Children brought up on Ferrozone are koowit by their strung rugged frames, their chubby cheeks and healthful ap- pearance. Mothers find It an indispens- able mulct and body builder, and in thousauds of homes no other remedy is uce'd. Mrs. E Montgomery, of Pittsburg, writes: --"A little tibiae mane tit visit ole arid potioiug her pale looks and bag. gard looks, I started her on n. course of Fetr•. zone. The change that gid underwent in a few weeks was ntar- vellnos Her appetite chirped ap, she e had more spirit and etrengtth and a rosy color came rote her cheeke that I never saw there before. 1 weighed tev twice I about the time she slurred to picit up, and in revers week% elle gaiw'd almost eight pounds, and just Wired the picture of health. I think this tbould be au t'xampin to ninny mothers. and I hope that t there will try Ferroz'ne :or their little boys and girls. Isnthoroughly convinced that it's the most strengthauiug tonic. It has my strongest enders men t." The reason Ferrozone works so bene- &a'(ally with children is that it nets directly ou their blood, freeing it of all unhealthy matter, at the same time giving it an additional supply of iron. This at once results in more strength, mew spirit and renewed vitality. Just one Tablet at meal time works wonders. Yon must be sure to get Ferrozone. Refuse to swept any article the druggist nifty say is just as good. Get what you ask for. Ferrozone, and the result we guarantee will be satisfactory. Peine 50o per box or six boxes for e2 50. By mail from N C. Polsou & Cin., 'Kingston, Ont. and Hartford, Conn., U. S. A, The Stratford Presbytery has sustain ed the call to Rev, Mr. McLeod of At- wood, made by the Presbyterian congre- gation of Truro. N. S. Rev. J. W. Cameron of North Mnrnington was ap pointed to announce the uhuroh vacant on the first Sunday in September. The Grand Trunk is not losig n any time in carrying out their intention of building a new station at Walkerton. It is not more than four weeks at the outside since we first heard anything about a new station being built and yet operations have already begun. Every child Improves on Femme Very Remarkable Cure of Catarrh. "About six years ago for the first time in my life I had had a sudden and severe attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got temporary relief, but it oame back again and again, and for six long years I have suffered more misery and agony than I can tell. It is worse than death. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for physicians' prescriptions and treatment without avail. Finally we moved to Bosque county, our present home, and one day I happened to see an advertise- ment of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dialrhoea Remedy with a testimon- ial of a man who had been cured by it. The case was so similar to my own that I coucluded to try the remedy. The re- sult was wonderful. I could hardly realize that I was well again, or believe it could be so after having suffered so long. but that one bottle of medicine, , costing but a few cents, eured me." I For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. Another of the early settlers of Wallace passed away on Thursday morning, Aug 11th, in the person of Mr. John Mills, who died at the resideuoe of his son, Robt. Mills, 3rd line, after a protracted illness. The deceased was in his 86th year. He resided for many years on the 4th concession, and was te well known figure in the early life of the township. The marriage of two of Clinton's pop- ular youug people was solemnized at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. King Smyth, Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 9th, by the Rev. Dr. Stewart, in the presence of a number of friends and rela- tives of the contracting parties. The bride was Miss Flossie King, who has been a successful teacher in our public school, and the groom is a model young man, Lotus P. Doherty. Dr. Egbert is an expert at fitting glass- es. If your eyes trouble you, don't fail to have him fit you. At Queen's Hotel August 22, 23 and 24, 1 Greg Shorthand. Shorthand, like all other inventions and discoveries, is continually improving, The latest, fastest to write and most easily transcribed system is. the Gregg—over 400 leading business schools have adopted this system and discarded the older ones. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College teaches Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting, And every other department is up to the same high standard of efficiency. Students may enter any time during term. Booklet (fee. J *Y, Westervelt, Prinbipal, Y.M.C,A. Building, London. WATER CLOCKS. • Carlotta Little instruments That Ars Vaed In Sahara Desert. A man's wealth in the Sahara is cal- culated almost entirely by the number of camels or palm trees which be owns and by the amount of water to which he is entitled. Water in the desert is so scarce the the ownership of it is most jealously guarded. In "A Search For the Masked Tawarc.,s" the author says that in buying a palm grove it is always necessary to stipulate for so many sa'as per day or week. A sa'a, literally "an hour," is the amount of water which will flow in an hour through an openi_ig the width of a man's fist in the side of a segia. - The main seglas, Or channels, as a rule follow the roads of the oasis, forming a Sort of ditch at the side. A regular time table is kept, showing the hours at which the owners of the dif- ferent plantations are entitled draw water. The time is measur.+d by a very curl - FOR GOOD HEALTH 'prc;s Ripa are iia and use widely u plain. eve in need. dard fam est "gym-an r•-rt; 'a. digest.' _o' ..Llpation, t • ni' ation of ,atism, sou They s 1 t 1 own systems, a id sound, nat won tent benefit fr ';s'. butes. Your drt c, nt packet is en The Family T3ottlt, 6 for a year. To preserve or restore it, there is, no better cription for men, women and children than ns Tabules. Theyare easy to take, They de of a combination of medicines approved d by every physician. - Ripens Tabules are sed by all sorts of people—but to the ry-day folks they are a veritable friend Ripans Tabules have become their start - remedy. remedy. They are a dependable, hon. with a long and successful record, to ran, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn :-lensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, the heart, sleeplessness, muscular r stomach, bowel and liver com- tregthen weak stomachs, build up restore pure blood, good appe- ural sleep. Everybody derives. om a regular use of Ripens ggist sells them. The five - h for an ordinary occasion. o cents, contains a supply t f ' '5MIL' Doctors aro all right as geuerat practitioners, S but they are not specialists. The sexual organs caut- erise the most intricate and important system in the human kody and regtere the most skillful treatment. you might as well expect a blacksmith to repel, your watch, as a. family physician to cure Sexual complaints. We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30 years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have every facility known to medical science to cure them. Liver case is taken . wltit a positive guarantee of No Cure—No Pay. BLOOD iPOI5iOItt—Whether inherited or acquired, is positively cured,forever. The virus is eliminated from the s stent so no danger of return. Hundreds of cases cured by us 2,5 years ago and no return; best evidence of a cur, 1lNeBRVOYIS DBBILITY-and other :wmplications, such as omissions, drains in the urine, varicocele. sexual weakness, etc„ aro cured by our New Method Treat- ment under a positive guarantee—N0 CURB --NO PAY. WE CURE ALL DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. Consultation Free. Books Froe. Write for question bian.tfor private Home Treatment. Everything confidential. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGA.ND 145 t3HBL13V STIitEET. DL+TIZOIT, MICA. NERVous CURED TO STAY CURED WARNING SIGNALS --Nervousness, bashfulness, poor mem- ory, pimples on the face, aching back, cold feet and bands, no or t ambiti t i energy,or tired mornings, ornings, poor appetite, sympathetic dreams at night, fits of depression, morose and sullen temper, restless and suspicious, specks before the eyes, desire for soli- tude, inability to fix tate attention, etc., von HAVE NERVOUS •DEBILITY• Don't neglect it. It is only a step to paralysis or complete Loss of manhood. No matter the cause—whether indis- creetness in youth, excesses in manhood or business worries— OUR VITALIZED TREATMENT WII,I, CURE YOU. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. ILITY t`ii DR. SPINNEY. Founder of Dr. Spinney A Co. Ave Cure Varioocelo,Strictures, Blood and Skin Diseases, Prostatio Troub. les, Urinary, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. Question hist Sent Free For Home Treatment, SPINNEY G GO. 290 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. one little rater clock, consisting of a metal cup, tirade usually of brass or copper, with a small hole pierced in000000000000400000000000000 the bottom. At the commencement of Tit eaeh hour this is placed in a basin of • water. The water gradually runs • through the hole until at the expiration O of the hour the cup sinks to the bottom O of the basin. It is then taken out, it emptied and set again to measure off • the next sa'tt, and so the process is continued throughout the twenty-four hours. 'Phis instrument is usually kept in the village mosque. In order to pre- vent all interference with it n watch- man 18 set Over it, Who notifies the ex- piration of each hour from the minaret of the mosque. At the end of the sa'a the opening in the side of the segia through which the water flows is closed with clay, and the -later i;a cut off and allowed to flow• down the main channel to the next plantation. WANTED A LOCAL SALESMAN for Wingbam, Ont., and surrounding territory, to represent "Canada's Greatest Nurseries." Newest varieties and specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses. A permanent situation. and territory reserved for the right man. Pay weekly. Handsome outfit free. Write for panic. eters, and send 25 cents or aur Pocket Microscope, just the thing to use in ex- amining trees and plants for insects. STONE a itV x`71`. 11TG'r' `ON t d1t'vfttLY. 1•tLTit811:ItILrB over 800 Aorta TafON' n, ,'i ONTA etc • • • • •• • • r • • • • O • • • • atse•esb••••N•>r••a••060041 •!•• • • The Times Job Department el. • 1,14 4-.7,..4110 Our Job Department is up-to-date in every particular ; and our work is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates cheerfully given. • • • • •' i 0 • 0 8111111•1 • 0' • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • to • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Our Specialities. COLORED WORK LETTER HEADS •s LEGAL BLANKS NOTE HEADS • ss. PAMPHLETS BILL HEADS CIRCULARS BOOK WORK VISITING CARDS ENVELOPES le • MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO •I THE TIMES is the best local paper in the County of Huron. Subscription: $x.00 per `'year in advance—sent to any address in Canada or the United States. An advertisement its the Times brings good results Address all communications to— TEE VY I GHAIVI .I. ,L 11a L'ttJ ()MeeP, Ne. 4. W T13GIiAHf ONT. Residence etico Phone, No. t4. t 0