HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-10-26, Page 7, I t D.&s 1 OCTOBER 9i6it 4 1911. AFTER. DOCTOR S RILED Lydia E.Piokhatn'sVegeta ble Compound Cured Ker.. Midgie Styation, N. B.—One can hardly believe this as it is not natural, 1 but it was my ease. For ten months I suffered from suppression. I had different doctors, tried different me-, (Reines, but none helped me.M friends told me would go into a decline,, One day a lady friend told me what your medi- cine had done for her, so I wrgte you for advice and re- ceived your reply with pleasure. T started taking Lydia E. Pinkham's i Vegetable Compound, and at the second bottle showed improvement. i Now I am regular andnever was so I well in my life, thanks to Mrs. Pinkham's medicine. I Please publish m tette for the benefit of others.—MRs. *JOSIAH W. RICKs, Midgie Station, N. B. Indian Head, Sask.—Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound is hddeed -4 a boon to women who suffer from I female ills. My health is better now thanit has been in m five ears of Y Y married life and I thank you for the goode your . I advicehad and medicine have donspent hundreds of Idollars on doctors without receiving any benefit.—MRs. FRANK COOPER, Box 448, Indian Head, Saskatchewan. The most successful remedy in nthis country for the cure of allforms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Gentleman From. 1ssissippn, By Thoina.s A. Wire Novelized From the Play by Frederick R. Toomis Copyright, 1909, by Thomas A. Wise. 1 than yours, but 1 now ern convinieed that I should not marry you. Your Way of thinking about life Is all wrong. and you are too deeply entangled with the dishonest men in Washington to draw back. I cannot love you;' "But I am doing it all for your sake, Carolina. Don't let au old fashioned o harite, .1 met give you vrp.'" mu ' father come between a man and woman' and love," he cried. "Charlie, must give you up." The gig turned to one side, as though to give Norton a chance to leave, He looked at her in silence a mo- ment or two. Then a change came into his bearing. Wrinkling his face into a sneer, he Stepped before the girl. "You've been converted mighty sud- den, I reckon, frNa land speculation to preaching— and preaching, too, against folks who tried to make a for- tune for ybu." Norton stopped, expecting a reply, but the girl remained silent. ' "You think I'm done for, that I've lost my money, that's why you turned from me so quickly,' he laughed scorn- fully. "But I'll show you, you and your blundering old father. I'll win you yet, and 1'11 ruin your father's po- litical reputation. I'll"— i "Are you quite • sure about that?" spoke a voice sharply behind the con- gressman. He swung around vigor- ously.. Bud Haines had returned in time to hear Norton's threat. "Yes, and while I'm doing : that I'll take time to show you up, too, some- how. 1 guess a congressman's Word will .count against that of a cheap sec- retary -that's what Miss Langdon said you .were.,, Carolina looked appealingly to Haiines to rid ber of the presence of. this roan, whose last words she knew Baines would not believe. But Norton had had his say. He re - trended to the deer: . "Miss Langdon," he cried as he backed out and away, "you have tri, idea that I am dishonest, but kindly t, remember that, whatever you think I am, I never was a hypocrite." Haines advanced and procured a chair for Miss Langdon. "I'm •terribly sorry to have come back at such a time," he'begau. • The girl cut him short witli a ges- ture.. "I want to say to yon,". she said, then halted -"that 1 want to be friends with you. I want you. to . forget the happenings of yesterday—last evening —so far as 1:was concerned in them. I want to work together with you and" father—and so does Randolph. Father and you are standing together to up- hold the honor 'of the .. Langdens of Mississippi, • and Randolph .and I, no. matter the ceet of otir former folly, want to share in that work." 'Before Haines could. reply Senator Langdon burst into the teem-.• "Bud, Bud," he cried, "I've got it I've got itl" "You've got what, senator?" ex- claimed . the• Secretary. x-claimed.the•secretary. "That idea,. my boy, that idea! It's incubated all right, and Peabody and Stevens can come just as soon as they want to." ' a would deliver when recognized by the president of the •senate in connection with the naval base bill, that officer having agreed to recognize Lnugdon at 3:30, at which time the report of tbg' naval affairs committee would be re- ceived: Just how Langdon would turn the tables on Peabody and Stevens and yet win for the Aitacoola site note even the ex -newspaper man, experienced in polities, had solved. Clearly the sena- tor would have to do some tall think - big during the morning. The junior senator from Mississippi_ burst into the office with his habitual cheery greeting, his -broad brimmed black felt hat in its usual position on the back of his head, like a symbol of undying defiance. "A busy day for us, eh, se'lator?" queried B'ud. "Now, look, here, my boy, don't be- gin to remind me of work right .off-". he said, with a humorous glean in his eye. "Go easy on me. Don't forget ['m her father." Bud laughed thro-ugh the flush that rose In bis cheeks. "No, I won't forget that. But have you decided what to tell Peabody and Stevens as your plan of action if they rome in here at 12:30?" "If they come?" exclaimed .Langdon. "They'll come. Watch 'em." Then he hesitated worriedly. "Pll have to incubate an idea be- tween now arid noon somehow. But. n he'Bud—we're worried forget this, Bud wea wo ed .ibont them, true enough, but they're worried a heap more about us." scastor Langdon ste prJ ed into an ad- joining room, where he could be alone, to "incubate." As Haines resumed his work Caroli- na Langdon entered. Avoiding the secretary's direct gaze, she asked for her father. "He ought to be back Shortly, Miss Langdon," responded Haines. "You can wait here. I must ask pardon for leav- ing, as I must run over to the library." As the secretary bowed himself out of the door be almost collided with Congressman Norton. Both glared at each other and. remained silent. "Carolina," spoke Norton as he en- tered, "I hope—I know you won't allow your father to influence you against me—because of last night. I"— Carolina would rather not have met Charles Norton on this morning. She had hardly slept for the night.' She had fought a battle with herself. HIer father had shown her plainly the Mis- take she had made. She saw that her influence had not bean without effect on Randolph. Probably for the fleet time she realized that there are glory and luxury. pleasure and prestige .for which too big :reprice ran be field. The senator's danshter turned slow- ly and fared 'the gran she had prom• (sod to marry, "Charlie, i have e s v come to a decision. t came here to talk with father about It," Norton started toward Carolina, 13 look of apprehension on his face. He gathered from the trend of her words and her demeanor that she had turned against him. "You couldn't be so cruel, Carolina," he protested. "Charlie," she went on determinedly, "I will always cherish ourfriendelliip, 'one happy younger days dowa in Miss sissippi, but I roust glie up thinking of you as my future husband. We've both mai >1 Mi take. imine probably' lKr .* THE CLINTON NSW JRA. Eat and Be Merry!" starving yourself -stop suffering the pangs of iadigesiion--stop Yang about what you dare and dare not eat. Eat hearty meals of wholesome food, take you'll feel like a new person. Sour stomach--heartburn-- asional Indigestion -- chronic dyspepsia — all yield quickly to -DRU-CO Dyspepsia Tablets. The properly digested food ores your strength, your stomach regains its tone, and soon tires no further aid. 50c. a box. if your druggist has not stocked them yet send ' and we will mail them. 37 ONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO, OP CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL. produce results in 1Vashington, and that will prove the bitterest lesson you have ever learned," ' "I'm waiting for Peabody here, Ste- vens," "Oh, ridiculotisl Of course he's not coming, Why, Langdon, he's the king of the senate. He has the biggest men of the country at his call. He's"— "He's got one minute left," observed Langdon, looking at the clock, "but he'll come. I trust Peabody more than the best clock made at a time like this when"— - The figure of the senior senator from Pennsylvania appeared in the door- way, "Good day, Senator Langdon," he remarked icily. "Same to you. Have a see -gar, sena- tor," said Langdon. He turned and winked significantly at Haines. The three senators seated themselves. "I suppose yon wouldn't consider yourself so important, Langdon, if you knew that we now find we can get an- other member of the naval affairs com- mittee over to our side for Aitacooia CHAPTER XXVI. - TITS BATTLES OE WASUINOTON. T twenty minutes after 12 Sena- tor • enator: Langdon and Secretary Haines were still undisturbed by any move on the part of Peabody and Stevens, who maintained a silence that to Haines was distinctly ominous. His experience at the capi- tol had taught him that when the sen- ate machine was quiet it was time for some one to get out from under. Miss Williams, the naval commit- tee's stenographer, •entered. "Senator Langdon," she said, "Sena- tor Peabody and Senator Stevens are in committee room. 6, and they told' . me to tell, you that they'd be— I can't say it, Please, - sir, r,... "D—d," inter - notated Langdon, laughing. "Yes, sir, that's it. They'll be--- that—if they y come in here at - 12:30. You must 1ft 1 come to them, .r-•,-,.0 they say." it]"'Tell the gen- "7'otali you tllattltcy'cZ tlemenI'm sitting ho„ here with my hat n the back o a of my head smoking, a good see -gar with nails driven through • both shoes into the floor—and looking at the clock." At 12:25 Senator Stevens entered. "1 came to warn you, Langdon," he said, "that Senator Peabedy's patience is nearly exhausted. You must tome to see hint at once if you expect the south to get a naval base at .Altaeoola or anywhere else. It you do nbt agree to take his advice this naval bill anti any other that you are interested in sow or In future will be trampled un - Continued Next Week. HOW OBD PEOPLE May Prolong Their Lives At an advanced age waste is more. rapid than repair. The organs act more slowly and less effectually than In youth. The circulation is poor, the blood thin and watery, the appetite poor and digestion weak, We want to say to every aged per- son in this vicinity that Vinol, our de- licious cod liver and iron tonic (with/ out oil) will prolong life. It creates' an appetite, aids digestion and makes. good blood. In this natural manner Vinol retards waste and replaces weakness with strength, giving new life to the worn system. If people'in this vicinity only real- ized how Vinol invigorates old people. we world not be able to supply the demand. Try a. bottle of Vinol with the un- derstanding that your money will be returned, if it does not help you. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist, Clinton, Outaris Canada. eta — T • GENTLEMEN—Do you want Timothy Seed to sou? • If so:kindly nrder it at once, price $S•per bushel, as I only went to buy what is or- . . dered, You also want manure forks, the best four tines, are only 75c, • We have wire staples, hooks,etc LADIES—You want Vinegar, Mustard Seed, Curry Powder, Tux.' merit, Celery Seed. ete., for pickling. Come here for best and cheapest Sugar by the sack or dollar, as low as possible' Bring your Pi odnce .ts we pay the Highest Market Price Ra ,D S Ethporiuin Londesboro nossnessinmilitionsonomor r.r�9 SOWING I WILD OATS HIS 'V6T • REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW ., How many young men `/ can look back ' on their eir early life and regret their misdeeds. "Sowing their. wild (ats" in.various ways: Bxcesses, ; violation of na- ture's laws, "wine, women and song" --nil have their victims. Von have re- formed but what about the seed you have sown—what about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. Ifyou are at present within the clutches.of any secret habit e� ^� which is sapping your. life "' by degrees; if you are suf- i-1 feria 5�y .�.� g frotn the results of ,'7� :�, ,+ ►1 "prSE S� past indiscretions. if your :6:94:tiiWf ,,pp�.`�•; r:4.Y a': blond has been tainted from --' + .. airy private disease and you'dare not marry;' if youmarried and live in dread of symptonms breaking out and exposing your tyou are suffering as the result of a misspent life—DRS.,K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. _ Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD. and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dis- easesand all Diseases Peculiar to Men. . • CONSULTATION FREE. Books Free on Diseases of Men. If unable to call, write for a Question Blank for HOME TREATMENT .. YOU CAN : PAY WHEN .CURED D-Rs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE" -Ail letters from Canada must be addressed to our rtsommwetas' Canadian Correspondence Department iii Windsor, Ont. f youdesire sea. its personally call at our Medical Institute in O t. 1':'to a p y Detroit as we see and treat -no patients in our Windsor offices which are used for correspondence and Laboratory .for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: . DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. —paraingseseseirermartereereesatexastimmemlimair With Every Bagof Flour There Goes A Guarantee That guarantee means that I believe Cream of the West to be the best bread flour on the market. If your bread doesn't beat any you ever baked before, if it fails to rise or doesn't give extra satisfaction in every way, your grocer will pay you back your money on return of the unused portion of the bag. CreanittWestFlour( the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread If 'people will fairly and honestly try Create of the West they • will have success with it. That's why we guarantee it. We are sure of it, • The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Presider. 105 derfoot in the senate. Mississippi will zeocolik Smy,t�arr, inito . hate ne Use for a Itenator who • gaunt ;g, 7rnlVon�, Sieleiforltih • Johne Dexilrolnnt B1j+lttfi , , If There Is a Weak Spot In Your System or a Faltering Organ It Will be Worse at This Time of Year. Vigor and Energy Run Low in Spring Unless You Use Dr. Chase's , . Nerve Food It may be the stomach, the heart, the lunge, the filtering or excretory )rgans, but if there is a weak point It is likely to show up at this time if year, The blood is thin and watery. It. fails to supply proper nourishment. The all -essential nerve force is lack- ing, and you feel the effects first in • your Weakest organ. Your trouble may take the form of indigestion, you may have neuralgia sr twinges of sciatic rheumatism. The pause is the same—weak blood. Dr, Chase's Nerve Food will help you as nothing else can, because it supplies in condensed and easily as- similated form the elements which are necessary for- the strengthening and invigorating of the various or. gans of the body. Every dose of this great restorative organ goes to form new, red corpuscles in the blood—to make the blood rich and red. The faltering organs resume their functions, appetite improves, digestion g becomes good, and gradual- ly new energy and vigor find their way to every nook and corner of the body. To keep strong and well this spring use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. ASK DAWSON—HE KNOWS. liFeoYnOsyit WANT TO SELL A FARM me, lir YOU WANT TO BUY A FARM '.eh consult me. I I HAVE ShcME OF T HE BEST FRUIT, stook, grain •s,n:l -1 dry far'ns in On- ttario on my list at riglit piioa.s, H• W. DAWSON, NINETY COL - BORNE Street, Toronto. SNAP' IN SASKATCHEWAN —UN-: • IMPROVED section; personally sel- bcted for steam plow; one-quarter mile prom station;'' y 500 an acre; one-quarter ash, balance y terms. L. A. Fish, •_iloquete Minn.. , MISCELLANEOUS, VETERAN GRANTS WANTED --ON- TARIO, unlooated or located—in any. township ,or district, Northern Ontario, Highest web. prion ,psi 1. Mulholland & Co., Toronto. • EMBOSSED POST CARDS—IN GOLD and colors; Halloween, Thanksriv- 1.ng, Christmas, Now Year's, assorted; loo per dozen, postpaid, C. Howie, Beebe, '4?ne• MALE HELP WANTED. • �EN AND WOMEN EVERYWHERE to conduct business of their own; can start in spare trine; excellent oppor- • tunity to open new fields; profits good; success assured; no books or canvassing; 'write to -day Tor information. The. Wil- son Publishing. Company, Waukesha, Wis. AGENTS WANTED. YOUNG MEN WITH COMMON AND High School training wanted as tele- , graphers, freight and teaket clerks on Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk and Can- adian Northern railways. Regular rail- way wires and station forms used with speoia,l instruction books. By enrolling this month a position will be awaiting you in April- Free Book 15 explains work and. wages. Dominion School Telegraphy,. Toronto. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED AT once to work inyour locality; will guarantee $2.00 to $3.00 per day; oppor- tunity to advance rapidly; will pay liber- ally for spare time; work' not difficult; experience not " required.. International Bible Press, Spadini), avenue, Toronto. REAL ESTATE. Big Sure Profits rorn $i 0 Shares The world's big men get rich by investing their money and banking their dividends. Your Capi. tal in the bank -at 3 per cent. is like a grown man working for boy's wages, 100 PER CENT. PROFIT IN ONE YEAR is being earned to -day by hundreds o manufac- turers who are supplying the people with vhat THEY USE EVERY DAY IN THEIR H 4' MES. That's the kind of business to invest in --if i .0 can, YOU CAN --READ THIS. We want you to send us a post card TODAY for our book; '"The Ideal Business." It will prove to you that an invest- ment of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 in this Company will not alone be absolutely SAFE, but will pay you big, sure profits. The Company has earned over 00 per cent, in SIX MONTHS working in limited areas, which is only ° awaiting a limited amount of new capital to duplicate this record all over Canada The cost of introducing the goods is almost met by sales from the start and permanent sale established. The preferred and protected stook pays 8 per cent', ; the common stock, 'which goes FREE with the preferred as a BONUS, should pay 50 to 100 per cent., because the -Company manu- factures at a large profit something that every household needs and will use EVERY day in the year, A genuine opportunity. Get the facts. It posts nothing to do that. "The Ideal Business" is a money -making message to you. Write for It TO -DAY. STANDISH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED, 11 pOLBORNE STREET, TORONTO. DENT'ICTON—SOUTHERN OKANA-. GAN—Fruit orchards" ranch p ro - Aerry or town lots une qualled climate; divisional point Kettle Valley. railway; terminal Groat Northern railway; electric light, power and .water works Systems under construction; values will: double before six months. For full information write W. M. Jormyn, Penticton, B.C. --. 42-4 • "What did .Naighbob say when you. 'told him rill wanted to marry his Y daughter?' "He didn't • absolutely refuse, but 'he imposed a very severe condition." "What was it?" "He said he would see me hanged first," C.P.A.--43. .. •1911. NY MURINE EYE REMED For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes sad GRANULATED EYELIDS MurineDoesn'tSmart—Soothes Eye Pain Drarahti Sell Marine Ere I ui*, Llaaii, 28e, 60e, SI.00. Morins Eye Salve; in Aseptic Tube..' e, $1.00 EYE •1100ES AND ADVICE PRE BY MAIL Murin EysRemedyCo.,Chicago HAVE YOU a Lump in the Breast, or a Growth on any part of the body, or a Sore that will not heal? If you hive, write, describe the trouble, and mention this paper and we will mail FREE in plain envelope, particulars of the PahaleSs UWoinieriteto:dkTreatment pp viz ;ai;iw1ADA CANCER INV/MITE, Limited 4 10 Churchill Avu.'ereele. ALVER'S (.REAM OINTMENT '. oared Eczema, Salt Rheum and Piles whttento,isfflflothers r,�have fail- , Bodo.t Ulla box,,aso. Write 0. l' v Allver, 180 clay greet, Toronto. s. air. AlYen oar Sir: xdo reoomme d pour Cram Otst- men or� d f t ogre t, f tare seg of eczema shall en' gears' standing n� e menthe, shall an. ewer anyommunlcat!on f�rrost anyone con. eernlnsa tht . I ata, sincerely yours, ,Andrew Pemberton, Ayr, Ont, A Profitable Crop. Ginseng Sells at Amoy, G Ona, for $1.65 , pound in gold, retail. o ekttatralian Tea Fiends. dit Australians still lead the world ad tea -drinkers. ._.... - uick Profits YOU CAN INVEST FROM FIVE TO TEN DOLLARS PER MONTH AND. ENJOY THE PROFITS NOW BEING MADE IN . C Calgary Has Grown in . Population From 17t000 to 6o,000 in Five Years.. UY NOW THE 'RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT OF C. P. R. SHOPS LOCATING. IN CALGARY WILL WITH THE NATURAL GROWTH, MAKE A CITY OP ONS; HUNDRED THOU- SAND INSIDE- OF. THREE YEARS', . Population Dilea.nsincreased Re& Estate Values. LOTS FOR SALEEASY TERMS—BUY NOW Prices 45 to 0 Fed Lot TERMS $io.00 . DOWN,. $5.00s PER MONTH. Government title. Lots guaranteed 'HIGH, DRY AND LEVEL,,. • WRITE FOR INFORMATION. ° • The .86 R. Co., Limited TORONTO ORVICE---ROOM I06, 14 KING ST. EAST, "The Tweed" Sanitary Liquid Chemical Closet "The Tweed" b a Sani- A DEATH TRAP. Lary Liquid Chemical Closet Tho -greatest death trap • which can be installed in < -r > _ ver 1t vvented by man 0- + any dwelling, without water �rl;n53St5tpl: f$tlZ and works.or plumbing. P, disgu;3ting, out -or -doors " �� closet '1 d ii Itis perfectly odorless and ... pordinaryy __� __, _. kn _---,�Delicate women and ten - tendon will last for years. e'i der children are forced to go an winter into a cold barn of Nothing to go wrong or get a:place called a closet .and out of order. ; - Nis( there sit over bad smells and No eslf-respecting father �ljllirtr$glY. seat. No won - or husband .would permit his i. tterthe iioc2t oan eas Prey P j� Y to dise6eo erms. C ids aro wife and children to use a t� lit frequent. 'lubereulosii ften "death tri after he reads p u I nts an end t ci 1 O a re Ou9 l this announcement. I which mi ght have been saved TheTweed9anitar Liquid gg Sanitary q If hadknownofanduged Clic cal Closet brings the Tweed Sanitary Liquid health andhappiness' to all • Send for Pam hlet. • Chemical Closet, write for • l P rural dwellers. Particulars to -day. . y THE STEEL TANK CO., TWEED, 'ONT. PORCUPINE Fuil.information Furnished and) Orders •Carefully Executed. WAAREEN, GZOWSKI & CO., Members Toronto -Stock Exchange, TRADERS BANK BLDG., 25 BROAD STREET, TORONTO. NEW YORK. H. H. Nightingale STOCK BROKER Member Standard Stook and Mining Exchange, LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN Correspondence Invited. 33 MELiNDA ST., TORONTO. • Well, Rather! Uncle Jackson (showing city boy the firm)'With all your City eddieation, ssoonnnnyy, Ill warrant you don't know whish side you milk the pow front? The Boy—Sure, I do 1 It's the under side. t, LOf THEINVESTMENT It brings each week information that counts. It serves th pooketinterests NEWS BUREAU 3 the Investor. is Broad 8t, Now York City. MONTHS FREE ° Life Preservers. Life preservero for use in ship• wrecks were unknown before 10.20. Perfectly Healthy. The Squire's Wife --T rest*. don't think it can be healthy having yob' taiga so near the house. The Farmer (with pride)--1V'ona , theta pigs hasever hada day's 1111.