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The Clinton New Era, 1911-10-26, Page 6
"J HU CLINTON NZW ZRA► Pmt ._. - ntla Willi _ .� lSCHOOL, aa>a,Sult�lylendliula joat;Paisley, uarit, , ,l � 1� is ' %n progress in �w'L!�� ( Fire, Supposed to have been caused 1hr:G i0Arlt:r N.',h. ll,a,l ..6%- r'. d,i•rtdSUNDAY I tiltlOn Sp w1[ bg an ovexheatc�i nava', did �1,OQ0 PeltAWr ul,d fiat tvl •'•--a--- tEARhe basezzaent, tiviuh other games of damage to Henry Lemotl's hawse ;<ax �, !i• l;r„��:«, ,argod with villb z chancy and ci Chinese lottery ,tabu; 7i11.:4e OM�r'� � era , iznt'aat ii tlt,r +txot:ti:; t�,acuit Co. Got Rld ot,. in a Fele Hours. in the corner The ofilcers atalereci Niagara Falls vest d y zl Rt w •<.rand 'There fa nothing made that will Fourth Ql1 Brp for gg__ 'ii,�e A lrQ 1> Hpr J�, Alien t3het fits wife and of btrutfuzct., t� t ac -u-tt. tl. 1 �, l„CSS�111 Vii.-” the money and apparatus upstairs A DYSPEPTIC ' cAiture,� ' her sister, bliss Daisy Bothwell at 'ur returi:ltw ;flti U3. so quickly rid. khats RIS A distress_ 29 1911 sr si u �.. t :. ; l y; pct. , ., an opium joint , was tri full s o their flat in Jersey City. With a 1`t hen iivu-year•u.ld John uuyuer of ; the itchl d ewer PARISIAN boa tit er. E--�-�•�� and Minch material around. e ' ' d bullet he committed suicide, . f t Imes guarantees Par- -""�" Many of those arrested hat" ,just lefty w this p Alban < was Iv,yjug near hi; huni,' forced k4 hire on :stale'BfllEj: >fAl, ' wr. ' An emphatic contrad ation'is given yeStrriiay he s� :iitta�vetl t,.i aet7t ta•.n�$ �i a $a oto rinse dandruff, stop,"t•• $ERIE$. Sunday School and had tracts find reg ' to the report recently czrcuiatea that tv:re handle of it tin pail. cis g THE INTERNATIONAL P,aCrld e, lit;iaus books with them. All ars ' the new Government has ordered the 1,`Vuru has beets stvpl.,ed b y tliidauit .chins scalp and falling hair olY r on ..----- held in fisc cells till fife police court ` Construction work stopped on the Day liailiday�s.uttstrut t.uii by ti:e net* 50p entsbalarl;eb bottle. It hut$ 1 i �r� Mznistot: of kt.,x%aya, and unI• ut fur R Text of the Losson, ps. lxxxv-Memory 'IFA!)lj-A-TIV $ CURED HI sits. I. y...' • y,�.. r,.. .i1.. 1.�. to a wait .of tthrep months since• • GozztraeturA is paying yff lila luau, laity into the hair and rives ft a Verses, 10, 11 -•Golden Text, Po. AvortziA1,A, X. 'B'., October, x$th. ,,Baby Wasn't 'Hurt. id edA ,}hese r a roe havers, flue., is W have all radiant lutlter. ` 9 _ . 1 the required deeppp. sit, was, pads Th It xa the favorite hair dressing of oxxvi, B--Comrnsntary PrePzwrod by ,1I have been a great sufferer from $mith s Fails Oct, 23 e -some, e clzil• PID?[ Treasury Board certificate bas, been electric car service, Tice riteptyi:ra DIFFERE1if N1 Tref►. ry U a ! refined women because it, so chuck Rev. D. M. Stearns. Indigestion for fifteen years. I was dren playing in the home of ld Mi 6' _ ••.� ¢Dodi' a ted t La Banque Internationale hacin' iecided iii favor of tt y ash s the seal and not being forced to deny myself all such hearty tori Hay of Haliville procured a boa �...1 . ►. n b 1 rets e P - 11 fru Canada-Rodo1 lie Fotget.s new yick or real is delightful, to The: Holy Spirlt used several people foods as beans, meats, tatoes. ,and of dynamite caps, not m toknowing what. �h i"e !F c. , p majority of, liu votes, and w3uU,Q0u st y $ Y ppoo �� t concern. s property qualitications. }!t n is his use, to write the Psalms, such as Aevid could not drink tea or coffee, Por the they were, and gave diem to the baby ���-�Soa of A. r Shedd of St. Catharines was Mika 1lc4azaa, while walking gge, NoCLraca iia• hill on Alit. of a.hr, third sttirt,v }�,,, said Asaph and i\Ioses (see titles of Past two cars, X lived ea poxrirom, to amuse him, Igo let the dangerous akea simple *lid d p l i RlWan. fall n , stale bread, .etc. I hod treatment from toy fa1T t0 the floor, and immediately ci4w,cuople d . riding a bicycle down a steep Free Sunday when he lost Control, Fearing nngg � � m.w.-. Psalms lxxxii, ixxxM,, lxxxvf, lxxxs two doctors, and tried nearly every there was a terrific explosion. The s •na 8. klet if�i.. ,Over the canal dow of the Exchange Hotel at Cale- .46 but no doubt each . Ind of medicine, but got worse. room in -.rich is occurred was badly Tbe]Qi1AasON. to strikcl the bridge the canal. He v ° and Neii. iii, ), o, nlcx1%r S he, steered himself into _ . gonia, Ont„ falling thirty feet. He „ kind QMEf�EpNllt�l(lN[t5 one: would say as David. did, The Finally I saw, a testimonial of .torn up, and two little girls were ser• • ao:;ximued, was rescued. 9 escaped with only a .cut leg. _ 'Fruit-a-tives" and concluded t give iousl burned, though the baby es- aHcu4eaa,1. c.q, nno ncement was made yes- Thea u In the local option election in Lan- Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and. them a trial. I took nearly four boxes . -cape injury• ,There were 9severa Manufactur T BREATHE 1' w. aster Parish, fat. John County, N.B., . it that the Beaver JUS His word was in my tongue (II Sala, „ „ f Birmingham England, O of Fruit-atives and they have made children in Tice room, but none of them I. y q $ yesterday, license was beaten by 103. z 2), Both prophets and poets inefeel like a newman. I caneat•all ) were fatally injured. w manufacturers of aluminum novelties,, votes. Rieltibucto Parish, Kent Loup- ;were "the Lord's messengers with tine kinds q£ hearty foods without suffering, - e' r +,WS TOPICS OF WEEK will locate a Canadian branch factory ty, went -dry by 3a naa,ority. "a' Cures , and sin no longer conskipateri." Snow I rt T4xas, i at Niagara Falls. �+ 7HVRSDAY, Lords'messatae, speaking or writiaig LUMML A, 'F BROWN. Lieut, -Col. Sydney Roper, at one 6 Mra. Margaret Pearsoat and her as moved by the Holy SPlrit (H4g• f, X4ny people look on `_Fruit a-tives" Dallas, Texas, toy 23. -Snow, ilia. ' Events Which Have t e commander of the Governor-(xer. Important time � - three-year-old clalid were killed by a 18� II Pet is 211• The. occasion of this as a miraculous medicine. It has earliest in the history of that section, , ' e tNesk. oral's Foot Guards, and. honorary Cool ft ,.train at St, Thnmas• salm ' was some deliverance from indeed performed what have seamed , has fallen over the panharidie of Teat•, Occurred During th A,D,C, to Earl Grey, died fn Uttawa P Was ern• s ` Herman Affeid gas cominatted for like intraculous cures in hundreds of as and northwestern New Mexico far yesterday, aged 62 years, He • trial at Berlin uit a charge of setting- some captivity which had,come upon.' cases of chronic Indigestion, Dyspepsia, i the past 24 hours. At Amarillo, where • Care- i y in the Dominion Customs De- lr fits wife's bares at Centreville. diem because of their sins, possibly Cgnstlpatton and 1llltousness, flowers were bloot>aing and trees yet The Busy Worlds Happenings ployed - AsthmV' fire to 'I.' and Put 1 nto partment. The New York Herald announces it "Itruit-a•tives is the only medicine . covered in summer verdure, the ere. fully Compiled a WEDNESDAY, fruit j I was novel and unprecedented, The re. some of the oppressions in the days o " Shape For J rector of Ac- a has closed up std Uttawa bureau, open. the Judges, but St Tooke onward to in the world made o£ fresh uices ° Handy and Attractive p Rev. $ F. Kelieman, ' and valuable tonics. soot a box, 6 for mainder of the state is blanketed b a Ca�arr ed less than a year ago order to r -A Solid' to and Rockwood; is dead. the deliverance from ther•capitvity in $s,Ia, or trial size, ego. At all dealers i' heavy ran tit:th the temperature ie - the Readers of Our .Pape `car f Dra ton, Oat., :. Derry on the; rt, y ,1llicity fight, , 50 degrees. 'The forecast for .. Mr, �Villtam S .x o y No treatment is simpler or mares The large saw u1i11 owned by Neil Babylon and also beyond the times In or from Fruit-atives Limited Ottawa. gisteriu Hour's Enjoyment. extreme south pstate, e�- aged 81 years, was asphyxiated. rn p which we live to the flaal restoration today as frost all over the ortion, DAY. East Elgin Liberals have decided to , 'l,leasant. No remedy sb free from , Watson of Diull Oat., was complete- se t in the TtiES exnicious drugs, You simply inhale 1 destroyed by+fire early yesterday, of Israel to their own land, after p ,.•.- • . will give a ban• protest the electron of Mr, ?avid lila,- t Gatarrhozone -g its medicated vapor Loss, $10,000; insurance, $1,500, Newcastl TUES t which. they shall be plucked up no Goes the rest. Won't you use Ca- It is reported at Ottawa that •Sir quet to list} Grey in November. shall, M.P.Pmore forever (Isa, xi, U, , r, xxSl, p tarrhozone and be cured ? Two 12^ Je ,rare. VV,, YOLTa vI :�altioru, near "aa- 3L xod- 3L Joseph Bradley was. shot and Italian ships are reported 1V]i Ye m le Thomas Tait is likely to enter the sex- 10; Amos ix, 14, 15):~-- eri.ch, wha was seriously injured in i ' killed near Palley while hunting ye- threatening t_., an gl months treatment, $1.Q0. Sample vice of the Dominium as railway ad- ;; ; . lens,' in the Aegean Sea. size, 26 cents; all dealers, or N. C. Kiser or in sonde similar capai ity; We cannot do better than take the a runaway collision Saturday, sue- terday. Polson R: Co,, Hartford, Conn., U-S.A, division of the psalm .suggested by cumbed to. her injuries without re -'I -AR The prospect of a speedy termina- The ate r ' is Emperor the Soo calla[, and Kingston, Ont, .. _ .. , Mr. Spurgeon in his "Treasury of gaining consciousness. II ���� , not nchor 'u t c e 18 stole a I So t tion of the Ttxseo-Italian war hs own a . - . SHOUSINE 1. favorable. and sank bockiug the channel. �10ZOr18 David; in which he says .that In Herbert John, tone, ag a,t a r �" verses 1-4 the poet sings of the Lord's horse and rig from his employer, `$as. t By the accidental, ded 2lrgwasfin- Qi ebea hThe Id eH rlar;,Ic.t r nt to Dials u, tile van., tl�o ,Svmi �n2�(v ' Wood, BarxiefielcY, Ont., but an Short ' rifle, J. J. Bradley,g A duaranteed Cure. p G former mercies and begs Him to re- time was arrested and sentenced to ifie,dv ki11aA „t -61A �" the hash nP^� member Ills people; in verses 5-7 he two years in the penitentiary,U 4 _ .. f afflicted Israel and convention of the Cana- Hily. FOR B.A.GISACHE AND IID>`7BY pleads the cause o The annual ' ^—`— _._._„� - TROUBLE then; having listened to the "arced than T'arestry Association «ill be held ' - --'^ d 8 next The t r, W Lll:%r.' +: - - - oracle in verse .8, he published !n at Ottawa, I'eb. 7 an , `t - - the yful'tidings of fu- . annual meeting of the Cacladiaii Lute- k (,s+epil f.In1E3 ,.c, w• k? The simplesit and most;effectiva verses 9-13 jo , . 1. iI. .. liermen s Association will also meet« }y , N r �" tMilli iv"n<�� ,�� a 'remedy for sinkkidneyss we ees ture �Ve omust always . remember that the>i: ` 9 xa•„ ra r ia(_ ,,G y, . Kidney pills, if tion or sore- there are a land and a people distinct' By imperial decree, Gen. Chan Pian a ,.., t �- tt „t z�ya �;�,,� .1 t.•.• a congestions illi amxna was executed at Hanko�v, and Sui �r g�:t rte ' , '" `x �`:,,�t 1Hill'tX�� ness, Booth's. Kidney Pills quickly y Ching I'c,y,' r i , +� from` ever Diller land and people former Viceroy tli Hnpeh ,:t. <i' : : ,r .. �`'a�`�1'SC �A°�' , relieve 'it, They gently stimulate, chosen by God as a center of. blessing and Hunan Provinces, Ill's been order -- 11 k l� to i kn• 7R r • ,' kr,, ', little • • � 'N".vis q d t = o ' •rfa •".+ ?'r �"},� tone and stxen- all the .world --Thy land,. Q Imman- 1 G e and brought to Pekin for T `ryfi '7h r• t• � le.E r��r,S,t �'� ;%�, •^• ., l%r ti ri t0 - 1 e0• ed arrested a . iri �'• ir� • Vi/i Pi/ ' j�.r,k;f _ y5�e� �r r� r�,,`t�'41��1nt� gtlien sick kid- el, and the children of 'Israe, a p punishment, t•,: 1uti4i s '.• 5^ �N ^Y6 n,`.;45� .`;_x'_v'iWn6§:oi; Heyer drive het plB near unto Hilm (Ise. viii, 8; Pe: . z; R, •, � rL��`�,• M < ^ " l ?rr � ,+ / way ibackac t`?,1,1! "'"r'tm,�+a"t` w ,,,?��'�� .;.y r rheumatic gain exlviii, 14). But, inasmuch as tAe official Arrested. s Signature Fjr S4 t d� ::- ,� ? x }na�r:�rd �r h'r^ gag 7. c^�r dhy- 4rc �l1 t BeWP �'i f1 tuf of ,Y.•q,._ ,,ash Y° , ,�,.,.,,gg, ,yj„ � a;, , rac� and dizziness, Lord. God of Israel is none other than Paris, Oct. 23. --Gen Toutee, eom- `FIs" i .-.` , ,. rs�al ,.. +• �' f the God and i ather'of our Lord Jesus mandex of the Alwerian force in NIH• ^='; '. r < ,M. , .,•� clear rip and re- h� .0 c;lh. j 3 ;e:tS'kti� "�. ;j;V'Jt`i=M' - r'�: '�' ulate the urine „ �,.� _., �' , ;, sy{ "• tr ,, . Christ,has �,,Illlae-,�a and, restore a- I Shan a nOt'� (ilial, iii, 6), every true fetes of i�ar saying ?� °"r " z , ' ,`•`` =i' t` '"�+ aye: ? (rr*�:'`�t .e t filter g arrest iii 14i. ,�estailleur, the. rreneh. >1 .z,r X V; 1 r t: S rNt, lorf a child of God may claim His love and 3•. �, �' + t, f ..,..1 r 1` ,.., r,.. 1 0 Y commissioner, who lads had in chargo see Paw3lmif. Vi�repperBtlow, r t,..� �_, r"„t .est,��,+,ffi ;.: „Y -lag of the b o di x. '�#: 'I. s'ar� sa •+.;t:,_ ., ,,.•,•,M,a., .., �t"m_^: �,' mercy as` has own nnd.,rejciiCe in Hist *':,;`' ,S� �Mr.= . �.1yy,t �rr,,.r �. n- •� _ , Best of ail this the regiilat[on and contxol of the Al •2•, �u11,•.C�/,•�;,i.;5, •t .S!';ti•E,r%ry`: •.ir ; LY,'rb ..�:-:f' 'iI.+.t:uT,S.r Sfj .`,y ..�,r - r n. fxant.ier. I)ecause iaf y i� •"zjr r�rr5yu�Y. . ar'SV� <�niGYrlsy` v1�(Fa( .�t.1a' arnr.. salvation,+isxian;i�ZorOccaA�7en,allAnd-DeeUiy 1 . '.>k. •_ .,,,.0 f'+' S'.�': ' ,•„1F::°^ '`.4 , 4,w �,y;r ,s�"�j' rl t dl' q ,s +.� "Y b '+q., ': ,ot •y ..r�.'_%. •- _ r• 7nvE'Sti at10n Rl !i4`m,, c t,sT�yi.. �-" Zz,7" .,:hit,,rFr.Y,� Vrr <� xi. i �,,.,, .., • < snit six times "TUou .hast of Tho i refusal t0 permit an g k IR>ut3ulas t.� 1 . rl'a`��caa ,;c'...t ti ? r., -' , •, �Y , �,,N..yr•.. 5.A ?....!•k:• w> ,ter. relief is Berman The li s t.n #r. -"^, •e i..5: ";fir,., • a+... g�,� _�'<.w Al.:{aq`.J, ..... ✓f''t <.,�^.cOv •r r'Y? iv t5 hid•.. t ♦ , ^l4 . ,f' .. ,•. •u n.,,. d ., •.ilii' •., y'by : k v.4. r,i d• F a.r ..., E x ' , a. nice im as the . coats,' 1'IT. I�estailletir arid. .'pp. .✓.• „9 5��-'��74�''`.tY•4r .�,•'Pn;3 ;ro.,� � :3t:• •e"•.,•.�.'•'rF•3 ,. -. T��. fr 1 d 71 lata' B•e'11 anduara a of life aCC . . C. .4 f•?ry ✓r:,),..{c• E,.rn.,t4,?✓ •Mln<i-. ,fs , c? � All r gg' g first three verses d Clara �I • FBI � Di�i',�I�. �,,sr. a�:v x., ..x,+..., f. ..1<•�.. •{r:.. r... •, y, s•�..slL� L +w� c.l i b Mon ee other men, including the Caid Q > 1 �i ,� .. , .,,,v. � ,Zsr..:, r.,�.W .fr:r Booths Kidney Fills, 50c. ox.. door. of it all, and so we. must • s several t s,lT��� ., ,'� - I e'y baOV-if-.1hey' fall! to relieve,. film in every phase of salvation, do- - of Oudia, are charged tvttlh illegal col. A F01” d{i!ZItiESS. h HE ATING � In, . pipes, and will soon thaw out sled �Vrtte to The R. T. Booth Co, Ltd., Ing all for Ills own name's sake, with lusioti. Other clesnaclaretelles received I ', FOR BILIOUSNESS, XTIL a few years ago, althoug � T<'.ort Elie, On't.,' "for. afree, trial, 1:ad already »sen gen- f le and easily -made vessel become he.•ited. Sold and guaranteed in Clinton, by . here front Algiers declare that alae .► I� ® �OFI TORPID.PAT1R. U concrete A s mpout any cause or reason ,why on"Not arrest of N."Destniliour is due to a ' 91e erall adopted throughout the coon- for heating mater is shown in the ac- In V07Y Gold weather, the' cement w S. R. $obnes , . part except out guilt, and need,,, Act contraband trade in arms and official PILM FOR CONS78PdTI0. Y try by contractors and farmers for com?anying drawing. (See Pig, 1,). mai 1:t, heated by* 1ay_:i the bags on for your. sakes; .bUt for mine holy. smuggling oyer The frontier, bi F014SALLO�IiSKIGS. tr ural work iY was n ads of one -inch pipe zvitlr toll of 'the sant, t>ut this is Iaot abso- name's sake" (1zek. 'xxsvi, 2'L). r'a}t FOl3 THE COfd('LERIOM almost all s structural A coil is l �l gird lutcl necessary, tis tilt, et, ment itself er• The word "Favorable". in verse 1 Christian Chinese -Weren't.1 �` 4,ice "' 0Q71� NURNAYe „A*u -, the Practice W stop all work on this the ends fastened in the barn Y vaivs ass6sb1itetit; compdetea yest I d whether is iii the margin "well pleased with" Ottt,va: Uct. 2'1. -The Police ye5ter I Itx 1o„ta,9Pnr©iyTegctable.� form of construction as soon as the made water -tight. A small fire built must be kept.dry unt u„e , • day,'Atows-a.liupulation of 10,333, an _. ater .fin, weather be hot or_cold. r 1, the ear. -rhe and reminds us of Isa. xlli, 21, "The day raided a eClu' 1,t'c* t is�rt,l in 58 ' - t P,lOit EgEat�ACii cold weather set in. under tris coil will heat Elie• w i (llcrc,a,t, of O11 curl g . 3 th t ' u,idly and will keep It An clrcu7a Aft.il aas� ssabie liroptrrty i5 w0,315,060, Lord is tivcll pleased Yor Hi righteous= U'Conn.or. tte,t, i TI_RL... t i nl ops with t� 1E k It has been found, however, ,a concrete ,a ork may be carried on in a l tion; thus keeping all the water: T1. --,5_--,r, ,I *T '=,Quid' ?J,' ,tai ineraaae of $'19 463. Bouldeia, «ant, d for aces salts. • T sae S. o y- whom IIs is. always will pleased, and ---- _ -. _ - _ ._..-_ _.- cold weather successfulTj, and with ..JOA01)kh heated, ;\Iaterlals should not be heated to .:t.egae dh:ooting•,of Yatrulman Malone at De- His is the only righteousness that.can . i ram . -a.:.. �» .. - --u-- --" . .. � ..,_ „' but very ]tttie more trouble than un- i e to use.. Far th.s purpose it is a, s too 'high a teui.peratur r. - guo3 -way truit;. ivas arrested yesterday. -morning .,stand, but it is given" .freely to A11 . _ der ordinary circumstances. i e a length of malleable iron gas I?p , it is easily bent into the re- Ile ror..er amou:at 'of heat to judge t p at fort Lambtt>.n, t?llt• .`MiVitiu wad 'formerly C1114tham re :d iit' penitent ones ( Cor. f, 30; II Cor: v, %)', and all Stich w ' ' ° ' "� ' `' This f ct Is of f'rt at benefit to the iC is In the colder period be.cau sc quires coil, This is done tY taking . rem net hot entrW h to is to snake them j ; Ca;•e should a • It id understood that t::. liew C.os- 21; Isa. lxi,. 10; x1V,. can iii iniquity forgiven, sin t~.ox :: . L i `r y- -'' " " E' ` 1? w��s;, . r as farmer, < of the year that lie Is able to find e- oat about tho sit^.e of. a log -or fent, p be comfortable to tauct , - Toto<e aY.Y frozen lumps eraaihieilt at Utt:twh will appoint.'a to ,. , tkae rejoice 'covered, •wrath' gone.. (Ps. xxxif, 1; �2;1. �L�'a ,, I . time for building and making the articles around the farm to he coil and bending the pipe around• it. This method Pr events -the I>ijle , be takpn.no.t of sand. - • y royal cuulmiasiun .nvtrtchate ' poverntnent DePartuietttd uald their , • • L�la:nt ; at Ottawa. Rom. - iv,. "; I These.. i; 10;' I John tl i!, L). >ys � `� A � a "' . ^,.� � � -''i 'i'1 +' I ° ��"�' Z many PROTECTING . systeni.of doing; �... tt•tdt aY= „ "*-The word salvation' ill parses 4, <h , Ir=1. - y . e A A..:r.ra .. 1 ,C o,, ,� .W which concrete so whichreadily adapts it- CC"iC�ti:: IY At �lueela's tTntvurzdt tE S ternoon the corner -stow of thO metal• 7, 9, opens to us the whole Bible and .�,�:,�_flJ,a• _ - self . E'O'i"YO'd lurgq building was laid. by 'Jume�.. fixes our eyes find our bearts.Upon � .I ✓. 1 With a few y s. you hiss, LL,D t w 5 ork, acid the After t to ,con- g H}m oY avhom, ns Firs redeemed -odes, ;� i" ' Gordon , Fiait C%eztiistt Building r �, y .. ' simple precautions POUR THE COLD STATER I_\' THIS BAR$RL. e' , . �� 4.,a y we are able t soy, crate ' has Ueen opened by.. Hon. Ur,, Pyne. It has been found - ms', salvation, and 'of .whom old ' God is ' . •placed in "corms tiVhTle.engaged in .the excavation for - '� • n that concrete can Simeon .spal:e when;•'holding the Babe Tjr hl,Ot It i, it lilt 'Any. t)llh )r l,tana of 'flour., 1. used, not only it should be.. pro a new ;writer znaitl ori: Central stzeet, UNIX. . be u ARiLBL.. to London, Ont.;• yesterday afternoon, A1. in his arras lie .said, "ltlfile eyes have r TAKE OT' wATEn rROSt THIS 8 - tected so a9 - , - .; ...street Was - seen• illy sal•Va#ion" (isa..xfl, 2; Luke .PND ,two mlllin;;..coI111i«tax^s.. foilcirv.. t�:<°_c•tl' .the .saltie In freezing wee- -_ ,P, keep the heat in as ° fred .I?arTcea•, 95 avemll .la rocess of inillilin .l n fact, n� ttvo citierent 111'anils ther, but when the l - buried in the trench by.' a cave -ill acid 'ii, 30). I am bellied, by thinking of p r' k, thermometer has _ _ _ loan as possible. Him and His salvation tinder six as- -of flour in the., world are enact y. ali? e, in gUality �.L7� "' seriously. injured. lie will recover . .-r Th=_s is more essen- And here -is another foot w ath knowin„ Every tnc�a� been actually be- -_ __ FRIDAY.. pects, threefold .as. individual, and. cr; + `},^r1,r.. ; =� tial In - thin strut,- A sanitarium for the treatment ',o'f threefold !n. a lir •er sense.. Our. lhdi- lowzero. _ _ _ , _•I• - . . If the concrete _ rr�,---��—�_ - _ tures Thar.• in mss-: tuberculosis is naw assured• for Yater- ' vidual solvation includes, first all that Contaill5 both 11i�h- ra'cle and lots=tirade j�o1- freezes before it �� '_ - ._sive walls_ : and 1oi-i-"vwill be`4,oNUe i dear becomes ours n hen eve .receive Jesus tions. I-*� fi r~ sive . [tions; for starts to "Set,' it _ _ _ _ $erliri. 1 n -a areiltly Christ as our Saviour -eternal. life, The process of milling, I'L'TtITI' flour costs will not be iniuTt s ). _ - the latter will hold An unoccupied Val oo , PP., forgiveness of ` sins,_ acceptance in • more than to mill ordinary -flour. '.'1'lie to w `- - their own heat of Frenclh ownership; descended near Him,..etc„--.theu the working his out ` . . . . ed, but if the -- Tevade ortions are separated incl extl)tclecl.. freezing takes = - longer on account Brighton, i.ne ; yesterday, and tt ` or manifesting' !t in the daily life and . a p . - , ))I _,•r of,theirthickness, feared thin the pilots were drnwned, I IITGII-CrTt.117I:, hard - place after the - -J- . -,,,-. , --� • - . Italy is reported to be hastetiina the then the perfection of in all in our glo- PURITY is an AT: " action _ _=—___=" fg ' 'vim- " " c6m :letioat aof three drvadiioughts, rifled body at Ibis coming. The larger , wheat flour. It lice. greater strength, greater + setting •r• c� �� -y - - Wooden forms 1 has started up, �I ' ' f / - by December, 1912; and fisc ordered aspect includes first the whole church, absorption and greater expansioti. It .is a , y,• ^{� .• are non=conductors, the concrete - is . I t 4,000 tolls of -a.rrnor plate from La g1m H!s body, then all Israel and then all �� �3 1: ! -= ��'r ' - and will retain the erican concern. nations. What a word it is and.wha't thirstier, more elastic flour. It drinls,'more likely to be dam- ,� - - __L ._ `rte _ - _ �� .� -_ �� he�tdnthe concrete a lorious privilege proclaim it n aged when it i gwe and. water and expands into more loaves. . ----- _= _ ' up to a ce-tai npoint, . - - _ � • _ - - - t announce that "the grace of God next '-batch thaws, owing to _ �_ but the. concrete Use PURITY FLOUR, for your the expansion of tshculd be protect- bringeth salvation to all -,men" (Tit. aF�pR.y of bread. Count the loaves. S'cu'll find the melting water SIO, 2. 680wixt0 Two•RARREL �fETIiOD OS nEATINO WATER. E • ,. - " question will not dawn,' . , " AND ed on top by. a cov- •4sLg� USE fi, 11), The �ry�� you have made MOR " BREAD i forcing the par- Bring of canvas or Whom shag] I send,. and, who,will, go; iba 4� y and c of ton or � �� R S'< for us?" to tell the .'wondrous . story, Axl 1,� �.t BETTriI t3XtEc�I�,'.' froth FUIIITS' than tides apart • D R F� Hete.am:.. when yoii'.ve used an.equal weight of weaker making the concrete crumbly.' On from "buckling" and makes the coils heavy paper, with a ?ay r s • . but so very Yew are shying, twelve Inches'of manure an top. of this. 111 I;' send me" (Iso. vi, 8). Verse 8' • , iuutl"a° and cheaper•flour. . Tho other hand, if the con- more regular in size. ��1�yr�(r� f should take hold of every believer's Crete has a chance to become 'Where concrete work is being done' Straw will also answer the purpose. r F c hart, and there should be a firm de• ' • thoroughly "set" before freez- on a large scale, it is advisable to use If manure . !s' used, care should be a +� . Ing, no harm will be done. To give the two -barrel heater shown In Fig; . taken to prevent it from coming 'in . �� (V . AM0 termination to hear' only- what God e\J .tile Lord has . sdld. Opinions. Of men . . ._' It this chance you must first of all 2. This allows the water to Ue con- .contact with the concrete, as it will concerning' the things of Gad are prepare the materials as described stantlye. heat oPleniBihe wairepler faiths bar- hrough sufHciendue- discolor It, and ly , toY - weaken even sthe, For The Lwit Fifteen Years worth nothing and are often worse . below, and secondly. You must pro- g than nothing and had better never ' tact the concrete after .it hits been rel from which the hot Water is ,structure, . . ' have heap utteted. 1n Christ Jesus, placed In the "forms." , taken. Mrs. Duncan McRae, 6,.., 6th St. North, - Most farmers, however,•possess.large Brandon lffan, writes: -"It is much by Virtue of Ills groat. sacrifice by r pREpARATION OF MATHRIALS. boiling kettles, used during butcher TINGX'ROTI:CTHIN STTi1<,a✓TURRB, pleasureformento. say that I have used which lie made peace` (Col: t, 20), t ins time; or for making soft soap, oto. , there Is peace with God for every true . . I. mW n Concrete will,, on its own account, 11- do equally' well.. in the case of thin walls where Dr. Fowler s Extract of Wild Strawberry renitent and perfect peace whlch pass- 77 ...--- Concrete of these �qi fleve4op a certain amount of heat in . extra cold weather calls for addition- in my home; every Summer, for the last eth• till understanding for any and "More bread and better Brea _ fifteen years. L. ' • 07 "I.have six children and have used it every one whose mind is stayed on . y r t'4�i .. Flim ('tom. _ v, 1' tea. sxvi, 8: Jer. . . on every one bf thern, MAGINR if ou can, how much whiter, and more tooth �, ,, „ xrtx, 11; Phil. !v, 0, 7; John ziv, 27). T , y ,.._ tt I use it myself and so does illy 1 the 111reacl made ficin -sash a f husband, Las summer my baby, seven Righteousness and peace are insep• • some, and more nutritious, rt c / I, Y� ut •Vase ` +icer 'T months old was taken very sick w[th arably associated, for there can be no RIGH -GRAVE flour must be. I 1, ,,�1 k«` 'r'*' ' i l+ l",i.:`, ,. + t{tt=:«rr;;; ; , Summer Complaint, and we hought he. peace apart from righteouanesa, and it . And can you imagine yourself enjoying the ., r ( tar .•Y i. �•. •=t::;�,t}��;,.': rt�t.L.^.S; r , k t , ,�, , must be the righteousness o! Ills pro- l,i �� ,t wv,,, ;:•,•;,, rn•.,, would die• We got a bottle of Dr: flak ie -crust and the lightAelicatecake?. 41, i / , + Atr spa+• Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and viding, for Ho says that ours !s only Y p n. started 'vin it to him in small doses flitby rags (Isa. lxly, 6). It is true --your reward for using PURITY. flour i �% r, . ` , •� , - giving • y g. ' that "the work of maki[l"a9try, please xem ..-. t� ? , i' and In three days he of offs well so now, as it will be !n His kin dom When ember to - _= •V ,% - c ' we kept on with the medicine for about upon this eartb, add more shortening than 'required •r. r;-�4►'� ''f',.� � -'" p lred with . A week or more and he beeame as well righteousness shalt o peace an the M!. V. bi30w1•Nd Bow- fiATXTdAZs 7[At Es Yx ` rrp pItoTrATAcoxitlRET17 kO't WOODEN as ever. effect (or service) of righteousness ordinary flour -for on account of its extra -�- 21MATZD 13Y asRAxza OT'A alga Ix AV or,D OtlTt requires more strength, aTOV>c•PIrErE. '' to little girl, two years +did, 'wee quietness and assurance forever flea, � PURITY FI ria. 1. snowtim slupls UITHOD ov WATiss shortening for best pastry -results sreTlxco. al protection, heavy paper should be taken Very -lead with. the same trouble, xasit, t'n, With this rlghteouan'ess )MATING SAND AND STO"' nailed to Rhe vertical postS Of the and I used two doses of the same medicine we have the assurance of all good F ,. rocess, Sui in cold Sang and stone array' be very easily forms, (sec Figure 4,) thus leaving a, lxxYiv, 11; %torn, viii, U). - I the ordinary our. I costs sit on more the setting p and she was cotxhpletely'curt;d. t,I' 3. than. ordinary $our. Ti3tit use It Once 'and weather, some outside assistance, in heated' by making use of two places ail 'enclosed air Space between each "Myself and my' husband 'think there401, the form o! artificial heat, !a neves- Of stove pipb, One piece for the sand pair of Posta, 'Shese air spaces will ib no other medicine so good for all ��' you'll Say it's worth more--mu,ch moire•- the The best way to develop Chid and the other for the atonC:" The have about fifteen cTegreOs Higher bowel complaints. ,-, asap iC af..A` than the difference. ry. diw, W00 artifielal heat is to warm the ma- . tplpea. are laid 6111 the ground In terapara,ture than fhb outside air. di -If anyone wimhes to know what an yea i Add PURITY lF'I+OUEto your grocery lis aha Area! . p7ngtza>< lte»iertl terlals before mixing. Thls short- Ouch a 110aitioff " as to 9116W the The „ 6'ftef Aould always bb excellent' ,remedy Dr. Fowlers .Dxtraeot TonbsaDdIhVI90N6Wtthhewh016 �"" right noxi', ' ens the time that it takes the con- wind td make a good draft, The, left ori loa for' in cold weather, all it .of Wild Strawberry is, I am Villlbl nertrous 16 to � icy 'r " len hbns �thb tIm6 tote der then built in anb bnQ. ,'The tapes longbr for °the 'concrete to tell ttlem what it has done forme. load In cid raftol& ca t'rao Des- crete to ret and gt � » airs :ncblt;:t , ,M'extrrl and .min W,orru,� a LD BY Baaootin, dt Slny'tlt J. P. lisle a'rd dt rtGo.� fi N 6 (s W BAT YOU ASK mr,tor,` l f , find 1+t0'Wa bf 2bWa of silt , necessary' tO bring It to tkb ireesing 9ambi qal� 'through, heating thb hardbn. • .AS» F04 nit. Z OWLEA'S, A10 tom" ' 1 Wet+, M88 ,pa,l i4MO„a, sm B W. T. O,Nei1r Harelsoft to. point. ;(Bear in mind ,that thb too wholb 01", and ;as treRh fuel !N afl� IlY3I9 O ETTYN s� mea. ,'MNLemhan' at o Ca ktblon tBroB.,r leer educroW sed, the ottidero ' are VW►hIlid Molhg , Tliil'ii' ii fid oilmen why coniotats IrO12, aura so�aa 1Axfo airu�°alr'�t��or metilecl sn w1ifE1' tA!bd, thr littfo11 u at '6onot bi us" with 0000lbte V1ua 0dk ,nnirao i rrDI,1.1 1ibti�ora, r�Mtr,I, Ttiiee'fofe„ It U idirlill►W W tlho brei iftMASHIr i'k out ��tlt Manufactured, by mbs T. Milbttttk ,pin OwarA [tib 'ai tlftttis w►{it is' bI 'N1 'OtY��r 'lrbi Mlfid et#iii4 i>ti fiaXg r► ilk! (:OM iilrtitet� Tomato, dA1tw , .a iMiWtot - „f p ft L rift esCo.,ru NON ided The+ I. � , . 1 I ��,.��y . '. a1111111:610001 " ., , a , . It^ I .X .