HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-10-26, Page 5-
,W. , *,-V,,�, - M- - --f 1wq�v.---t-7-��— ;,_ — -, . I � . I I .1 I . I f I
WFWWqr1TPJ9!, I I/
. #
�VRLWWXI 0MOUR "th, tell. I * 11 Tits MISTOR XW. X" "
Paco &
.. � --,------ - ,; __-___. __1-___-__ .� ._ - �r_ �, _. , , _ -, : .V�_ I .- - , p, I I . I 1 .71 11.� �_ . .11 _ � .,W I 11
� , "IWI ... 1--,*, --<',) ----T,,q �
I , �, ,��I, 1 ,,,, - , -, - I
i, I � __ � . ,7� .. . ;- 11-_�� ��, lance left, 010 hall, Apto .-11. I—— __, _ . _...1. � 11 . _. _. _ . �_ _._ .. ..... __ '____. "-----,--'"'.,.."r��l-.-�-�Z— �
. � ,,, , r �6 * _; - — �._i�-.,_ 7,6 in I I
v -,�)), %I;. . ;k.j I -
! . I 1 118's YURI A. b1i I - . . , Welsh boirplot, acqu=
1!,.,r ,.,.,.(, �
�: . �, 1 (Z,VK:,1,�,1Ch,05 1� " respond to encores after each selection. �
. , k�,.. (., , ��Itllm
), , I WRECK Of THE - ,ta,,u,,,'aaif I lrably and was f
i If. . find " . 11 . orced. to .
It � For October it ch,aee01r1yev,(,rFa()iTgt lent 1,116 1411kapuloy palt*llrliel�1119jence " / 9', 7., Z �'Ic- -- ! A , .), � Alias 'Merry, the entertainer, 14,ad a �.
I ,1' . Oatart� street., t ri"T�t��J,vrconv at �� SCHOONER AZOV good pwgram in bar "factions, and. New Mantles I .
; � : ; 0 .— "I lr,f21;.---4;;-, �, . "'�'. . 1. , 9 forced to give second numbers. I — � .
� 45,N) I wa
. . k .�) pm ws;,-�r-Z,;T�. I �_
V � - .;.4!31 1 - ]Her ,*Telephone Conversation!' and
�� V64ding-st 11irth'.1" 31arriages & DoAths �1, e , , - MAII'Mt I Capt. N'Donald eeme4 to take t be audience 4, See OUP TO D0116P S iol—os- ...
. " , , VLX-Ja,.1'1�7 I "
. . I , , , � . � "')Quy a
,�- -1 ;' ,,,-- ;� 711 ,,
. �,:��, �,,,,, ;�,�,"& of Goderich Sails
�: . I as did one I P" �
I I x.,,.f A _i.�, �, , Yawl Across the Lake With, Crew. of heroncores "The charge
I': , ,",)) ,-;�t,,�,.P-'f.,.,iO],.,,;;,�,,� ,4"041 re. (. *
pmTgs. . 1% lq;,R� . I of ths� Made Brigade" a take off on
.-, I �C1,!; Nnd,rotiv RIPAC�-. - bargain sale at Batons. lfflsaBradley,
, � The most pleasing " - (( Zxperience in past years has taught us that
Z 1
�� - - . � . I LEX In Clinton.,on October IOth, ) - " --`� 1� �Q 00derich, Oct. 24. -The schooner oprano, sang an and was , *,his is a very popular price with a great many ]ad
, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee, a son, -�,-7,�.�!A-- --Y ,Q Zov. a staunch two -masted vessel, . jes
.*7�t;:;P;-,—.------�.z7���-�.a,y ,.)�
Z� V�_,. , �6 ked in bet solo,
, �� Pretents arc atnong - 107� I,.-- I r I h *
t A ault Ili �1'11i%nie Laurie"
I . (still boro). 0 yk owned and sailed by Captain John w1th harp 4ecompaniect. Mi when purchasing their new winter coat, and according -
1, . I 00,;4 -, us Maud
.W ,
. , _1 0.-,, � McDonald of -this town, becamed 0. Bradly, the concert 41rectress acted ly we bpLve made a special study of garments at this,
- "4�.� 1:3�,la�,.q �
" ..... 'Silverware, China. � weLEop-lin Clinton, on October _. -, " (�� %,�2;,jf,g' water-logged in the westerly gale of Folio , wiuR was the
, ,
� 17tb, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLeod, .0, - "', � as, accompanist.
, 5--o. .:X'. , Sunday AfterOOOD off Point Aux Bar�
(nee U d I �;�,,,�4j,, V ,4, V��' I rl. price, and have succeeded in, getting together the finCst
, !ALLLL�J. "?, i � t-.
- and Cut Gjlmo . � ise Alice Hunkings) a dagghter. ,�'W,4#�V V 4* 4.�, 1,�;� , program: -11.A. Telephone ,Cou'verem- I
1j: L . � .� ,0 .- 0yr I.), � a, and unless entirely broken up bv tionp by Miss Grace Merry; solo "The a
I I t, � � . �, 111. ... - of Nightingale," Miss Alexandra Brad. . ssortment of highest class garments ever offered at
. . JOSLINO-In Hullett, on, October ., 1. I %tueeseas,ljes aderelleginthe path
� . . � I I . ), . .. # . i
I ; -1 ; i.:- , I � 1. _ � - Mr. and Mrs. Obas. Joslings a .�, navigation Or the American shore. I , this e
loth, to . - ,�'! ,..-A , "Harp Soloa"� "Welab. M fic -
. . I " . .2�4'.577 V,.�.,.j .. I v elodles"
I . � %j '.;�,� ., P U0, another fatality is not recorded s s
. - daughter. ljf . t'l ,-. !1)9"wn of Day", 4 -Rising of the Sun" . �he. e mantles come in '
. .11 � . .,N; \% k"k,o,' - . 131ack, Navy, Green, anda
, "' t^
I . No Orlde Ever Reeelved Woo DEATHS. a, - % �,!%! - . � I in marine annalfs Is attributed to the "Alen of Harleck". "Ap, $benkin".
: I , I skill of Captain McDonald, who for A APtomwas. Reading, "Danny" -14108 nuniber ol inixed Tweeds antl are well tailored of good
, It I
' tlier� ' GIF-JR04D-In Stratfdrd, on Thurs- ,,, V li� -,. . . day and a night piloted his little yawl Merry-, Solo "Annie Laurie"" Alisi;
I I'll _ ', �
.1 i , Nuitih � of W I � - , ;.. 1:i
. I 11 I . I � : I dependable cloths andare' exceptional valueatTen
; . - . 4orbatu A. .1 4� 11, . . I containing t a otew of six clear acrosq Bradley; Harp s9los,, 1110tude", I . I
. , �.,
P 11�
11� %
� : day, October Iqbh, Rev. ( , �., 7 'Tar
. , , :`;��_ " . Lake Huron, to the easterly shore, in a antelli." Aptomm,191 Reading. "A I Dollars. .
. We are showing a very choice Gifford, D. D,.. *ged 03 years, t I I . . I . .
� assortment 0. nefv goocis, 14 -the 1VPRICJ;IARD-In Clinton.. on Fri- I .gale that continually washed the seas Scotch Sermon on Jonah,"; Miss , '
, lines mentippel. . . . Other Mantles at $5.00, $8.00 0
. over the frail craft. Merry; Solo "April Morn" Miss Brad- . . . . if $12.00 a d $15.00
. . day, October 20th, Thowas Uprichard; 199. . The vessel was sailing' le �
I . ' � down Lake f3 y *, Harp and English
. � aged 05 years' . "' � I Huron, bound for Sarnia, with a cargo elsk O'o '"S"O'ch "God Save Children's Mantles, from $�2-oo tip.
These'havina friends. * . I Ro J. Grw of heavy green *ihemlook, when the tions, �, A minag, I I
. I . -7-- . . I the inSi Tb_ pto oIr Jvt1I .
: ch have a bal- .
l . . about ,to enter the � Tu,BER-ouLbsis IN ONTARIO� Jewelerand optician westerly gale struck them. Sunday, at- suce to put in the treasur Special prices on Lad.ieg' and Ohil'drens Furs I
I . b."tory state should 1, . . I .. I ternoon off Point Aux Barqueo. With expenses are paid. . .
1� .. . . � � Ou LN . I Issuer of 31arrim,ye Licenses shortene4 sail the Captain endeavored � . I M en's. and Boy's Overcoats, Blankets, Under. ,
ecaUE16i Of the fact that notl(fi6s. . � a .. to bold the vessel up and make shelter BAPTIST CHURCH. I *
I I vect .. 14%Qck � B1 ttiber,cii1asis is, notCGMp111- � � -_ - in Saginaw Bay, but so fierce was the . I wear, Rubbers, etc.
, . . I I I I � On,* Oft . . __ ' . . - The services on Sunday were well / � ' I '
, , . . - toomin Ontario, ion.IY hbout 60 per ple thatit was impossible. to keep I
�� '.., _. . I . of th ',bA'& thero'been an -electoral vhr%tg- her head to the wind, � attended, the Pastor preaching ex- I Make this itore he�dquarters- for your Fall needs .
. �, �.R 1. I � , a caseis are reported -to 16-ili i��idb people I and be saw I
,� 4 t, - . . - . I . . I I . � I 'Cent, I . 9 were w,keenly that his only course was to let her cellout sermons both mornInK �and and you will tind you have ha bigger valu
. � . theProvincia.l. Health Depart4ment Interle�stfed. , W181 � I go evening, Services ge usual next Sun.. , , . d es at siiialler' �
. . . I I (was particularly before the wInd,_TWvdIy had the ves- day. Good hearty singing. Anvbodv cost than ever before. . �
I" Apipossiible to enumerate * ad Toxiouko, -This fact is comment. t1qu(4. oftMe rur&f sections, because sel squared away whin the seas, run. ,. . I � .
.. * ecT ou, in It4aL manthlyataltemekitof _ L .
.. . "I . I I -here th4), differelit .. I . I . ,thel.on(ei ueStion at issue directly ning mountainoblgb, commenced welcome. Pravermeetin . .. . L
.. � I dealtho from ,contagious diseases, 1(. On ,the other pile over the stern, and in a cor
1. . , , , a-, to day evening at 8-p. m.
.. . articles . . boncei(qb r twime, a . aparh. . .
- ... %., I - Issued by t(hee board. . During Sep- band, in i9os, 1�her,ieo wa:s no(, great .
.. � - . tively short time had battered the BALD. MEN, . I . . � :
� , 11 teratier 083 caaesaAd 147�deatbs c -ore -the people; the beayy lumber until it work . ad . . � � � M .
, I
�, 1 The�y Must be.- Seen, . Luestio,af b(of through Flu' steel BDID.s.
� " . . ftomf all coutagions,dis6ases were . I
.. .. . eflootuion, ot -that year was 6ae when the deck, and with. the weight of cargo Should[ call and Inspect the f am- Am... I
, 11 � r1spoptletd, ,coWab,ptr,acr with: 784 caqe.s E0 fcol�slclerja -at-Ahowe vio te and water apove, the vessel careened ary Patent T6.upeeg, as S , I
4 - " .. I . I 111e, atay ous Sanit MALL PROPITS MOIRE OUSINE5S
I_ to be Apprec�ated ' andi 154deatha for thle eorras�bnd milght have lvten looked, for. on ber side, after which the work of sbow'n by Prof. Dorenvjand�s repre . . . � � . . �
, � . . . . ,-Ing, mont1h'1a%t_7ear. Tutlexnubo&_� `-'.WJhrb'0hen, 'tqiwe- well on.for 1,00 destruction Nas short. With great isenitativp,Lat ToApafto, ait the Rat- .1.11, . . . � - -
.1 I . I I �jsj.leaKls th S, s `1 Tat- i , .
.�4 I . [a li t7with 94 case esi vottes 'ii�cofrded in.�thee tolwn- difficulty the yawl was swung from rts . . � . . .
. " I . . I tenbuty, House on Thursday, Nov. . . I
4 � I - - - . J?.orJte'(Cj%nd 74410Ekths, As stated ships Of One cooney th-an were poll- dtvvit%And . the cRdw. one the Captai�ls 2a TheElei Toupeels are nut only - - ___ - � - I . � - - -_ I ''I �
� ... y . I , tthisl only 'reprwents'aboat -60 ,* p-ar dd- IthrIeLe. Years, ago?, P"t of (the daughter, emb U13g er etf construction b are tbq - I I - I I . . I . I
. , 11st'WIth. 327 emsas and 'alling, off pmaj doubtless lza -ac- . clear of the, wa erlogged'hulk into thi ! subs
. cent, offt'lit6 , irked, and were sw ..
; � 4 ..... itary and.. d tite � 0 0
' 'Jjphther$ . _ . ,
d 1. 3Cde&t1hs,* tql1o,wJpk.eI .� t a ..... ,� � I
I Wo .1 of IVAR' DO ,�
- . counteck Ifor -byt4e� t.,eOfitora* ab.7 .swirl of a 'clamorous sea, Captfiin f ovie,ls own hair. ,
i . 0 ,& R&O
,,� I . .- �, �, . w1t4;225,easeis 4 d 2B'-CTk The ,heqe(e[.o1(a Inumber of ftrimers on McDonaldis an expert boatman, and , � -7 , 11
'il I . 4- �OP.Tlj one) ca* ot ciiebrolispin-alm. Ing Wesitpra fiaTmeist excursions. ;The, to his skill in guiding the little craft - AT TLOU$E OF RRYUGH'. I . . Af J1 (; a, .
I - JE1AAER ait . . _ p)L i Oaths.' 1PH spec� od
� f .
� . . I CJAN - - Igitistr6portled pesiAted bideeDw I . .
� I I I . .1 - - I - . . I th' I prilnelpra,4 cause is is t1he, actael de- from one, ses, to anottler, and the de- a League of Ontario St Ch�rqh ' - ' - ' . I . . .1 �.
. l :I . . � 1. , � Th . . .
I .
. �---�.:' '" . � � I , and bwo og,thi� fivie'easefs ofl infaZ_ clinel off rural pobulation. Thim dv- termination of bis,men, at the cars, gave an- lantertainment W thp- . . .
. W -mw ,� 0- . 'tilet j?artalyslm Tpsuliecj fatally. . ng � . 1; I
. . . I - populatiog 91 rural Ontario is( #Ull with the noble work of his you Housiq oft R4fugq on Wednesd% In order to close out our balanct of Roofing .
1� ' fi Mr� Joseph Downey madpabrave -gaingon, : daughter baling. in turn to keep the evpeningA that Was much enjo e I i
�, Ahnnal Meetilig ght in, the Ontario' uwislloburp Ito I yawl afloat, they' owe their lives, by the in atoms. . y before Winter sets in we are giving special reduced -
have inaseis O,f tuberculosis reported - For nearly twentyfour hourej. throu ,, m, � . � I � . �. . I .
, . . I gh . . . ' . .. 11
. . tie . - _ . . . I �
), . . but, his fightwas in vain, b.eca4sg( a night of pitch darkness the lit ANOTHER PROPOST-rj(:�k — . . . . - . .
., __ . . prices for
The Annual meeting of the H Preir ler Whbein-Z sat upon the P crew battled w tth*the.sea, and at noon . . . .
. orticul . n, .al ro- � . . . I � I . I I I .
I'dre tiociet:r %Nill be held * nalition. Whoi iWill take tip t,hpi � !Thai tQwn� go,uncil - (1j:q9 OfthpA � � . � . 11
� . in the _ S. so ASSOCIATION. yesterday landed on the beach, about si .1fAIMEN& . � I . �
<)uuncil OhaiLher, Thursday N( N�t n ? . I I . . th aii' f . 1W 1W - ' .
1911. at 8 o'clock. � . . . . � �. � . . 1 . ad but thankful for their escape .Grea) factory ffoan Tor Mr. Benne- I - . , � I , . 0
. M. D. MeTa art, . Jas Fair , . - . 0 . . kindness was manifested by the famj�. witz, of ithe firm o�ftiinewitz'& %�. . . �, . . .. . .1 �1,
�. P9 19 FALLING OPP . OWft and' has plated - h I .��,
ON I I eight miles north of Goderich, exhaust proposition bet orj6 i or a new,
. IN TtURAL VOTE. 0aito. c)ne mon't
I esident Secretaxy. . . - � DIOCESE OFHURON ly of the first farmhous4 they reached, Shaltz, was int . . . .. ��
I — � . — I . ; . I and after a change of .-clothing, warm his proposition beforte.ther.corniacil. . . . . � � . . .. .
- __ I .. . I . . I I I , . I I ..
. . . . .
� . ., . . . 1. 'Farmers' Sun. . . .. I - food and a rest, they Proceeded to HOA Otated that owing to the firmls Regular $1,75 suitable .for sriiall'buildin s, chick- - - I �
I . I I . their hombs'in Goderichi � . beadquartlersinot being large eno-_ . - 9 . . . I
. /11 Therie �were 242 leas 'votes record�- � . I I . .� . . en, houses, sheds, . I
- . -_ - , . ed inthree t,ownships in Eas t Huroln ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE HELD - � .- - ug1h inToronto, and labor-troUbles, I I I � . etc., for $li�5-', . I . . . .
-,-,?I, . I � I , the3�had decided togfoltai anoitherf , . I . � � I
- ... I
... .
I '. .. 4 , . aA- k"he election ,held -on Ithe-21st. � � � - . , .. I- �1,
. I I , % _ - Wd"WVdJfiMMWf Place,� T14ey Jask ithat,� lelinton - .
I Am4tite—Maltite—Brantford A.sphalt'and Rubber � 1��
I .
" 4 . I ,thentlMerp wer,oat the geneXal- . IN -STRATFORD, ON",THANKS- . � abiouldLI-oan ,the company $6,000, off .. . ...
.. 1, . � .. .?,I, I I,- � . 4eetionl* Of 1908. - The reduction iR . . I ' I Regular $2.50 for- $'2-15 - - . .. . . I � ......�
.. I I th*A vo,�e in five to,wn6hilm inWes.t I I . which $300 per y(ear will be paid I � I �
I � 1.11. . Hurjon,, iivig 2.69, while in' ix.,town- GIVING DAY., OCTO 30TH . , , Local News bacX w,ith 5 per otent. inteiAest for, . I . . I . . I . . . . - I 1;
. Mr. Georve Holland has instruct,4 . 'a I . . . . . . I terk. . . ' and ,they. guaifitee,;to - , . � �
I ,I . . . I - . . . . yq..ars, . .
� B-clL Ithe undersigned to'sell by pub�j ahlpk in SqAth H"OA ,th,er#.1w,ao a .. . — . . I . I- . y. . � �� 1. I
I . .
. I lie auction at H t,allinig off ,to Qthe pxteot, ;bit 309. 1 . � ... R"s emplo 20 ,hands tba year ropind, if . . "I
-olmesville, On Thu'ri . I nati. they' would tlwq continue . to . .1. I H a f I 43 Ad BMS. "
X�. , day, Nov. 2nd Hero�-wafs a lofif loiss inithe rurQ1. The( annual maefting of ,the Sun-. I I .. � I . ,. .. . I ,
�,: , the following, -�- I . . . . . I pay, t,he balanqo, �3 009, in annual . . . . . I . . I . I . . . . . .
I newly'calved cow; 2 cows due In vo.tli6otrog[th afpa�e county day 9chool As-iciociation ,of the - . .
.�11 ' UNABLE( WO ACCEPT. --. - payxqeats, They EmsK no exemption' . , . . 11 ��
I - , rs, 0 e. ,a- a � .. 11 �� ...
,,� Dec.; 20 cows due in ,March, .� e ,as v it6s. Th Dioce,,q oifHuryn ,will be held in Listowol, taxes, Th�ay will put up ft . - 0 -,-. ..
and el not confir J_ - - . � St ves -& Hardware - -
��p 2 farrQ'W cows; 8 f ejeding ..." 4ad to oji�e par 4'y St. 'imes' ;schoolhouse, Straltf�oijd� Mi.Wellington Hays, of. fr "I . . I . . . � . I .
.April; $810,00fy building . and the t6Nvn will , � I � .
I.i StEell�k rising 3yeaxs. Thesr-i cofws, . I 141�qgh ost oftli4 loiss did fail on Thanks,kiVing ,Da*Z, Monday, has declined to accept theLiberal.nom I ... . . I - . . - .,
. . . � - .. � I
, - , , rillee , I . . I . - . . ".
. .;., I . . he Legislature for North , . .1 7 I .. - I --.-- I , ,
om eLi tgls.' - � Oct, 30th. - % Wollawft�g - Via - !nation fort .1 havel first mo�llga�gte aT�d iiisu I . ____7 . I
r . �Yef grade durhams witb the excep-z I . , ' I . . the prio � td cover an, loss. IP144 firm 'is a: � � . .. I . . — ,
.1 t!jn of 3 HOlatein heifers breckfAft . � a red etion in -;k I . I I Rerth. . Mr. Hay made 8, good run last * [Tor - I . .. 1. 1. I . . I � . . � '..
aj 1 14 .the voite cannott grL", I going concern in 11W(pst. . . I � . .
I $ aeo. Rice's lsbopk, Ingersoll. 1,bei ottribullbad ,to a lack of in,eri&at Ll'fa.�m�_.O ening prAypfs, reg- election but was unsuccessful, Owing to COO , .
,., , Any tnLthecomigst, Noit in many years istyLation. . .�. , . p .. Stratford going'beavy for the Conser, � . n4wi.and will maauf acturet acciesis- t'hiA'N*Nv Era asMr. Zajl0r.was a . :. . . . � _. . . I . I
I co%A,i reprieAented to belin calf and . . , . I .. vativeofindidate. Mr.Hayisa-cousin Orierp, for musical instrun*uts. Mr. former rAsideat.04 Bayffefl?R , Ame I I .
. pro viag not to be by Jan. ist, 1912, , ' .. . .11.3Q a.m.-12.30 p.m. -.Reports of . .. I . I � NeW Eria .'joins with .. thWr main I � .'. .. I . . I 11
_ . - superint1qndenbs'oX departments I ' ' BenqeWitz has also signed anagrea. y � . I . � .
___.; of Mxs. -Yates of town. .
may be raturnea and imoney.will be '� - � . � . . . . . .. . moaq �,vhoreby- he will purchase- his f*e,nd,s( in ,,sy3shfug, thekin, a happy personnel of flieBoara .and the great-: 11
. .
. .
) � .refunded. I0YO.:uAzLelcest.er:e,%ves . I 711,0 flolim to Lot ," ' ' -Teaahleir Training', Dr. Silcox;'2- AT GOOD LECTURE. .. , I... . I . lots wqhind Ahe Electric Light plant ar�cl pros . )r',rous t1ife. P011011wing est care w" exercised In a . electing the, I i
. . . .. , Literaturiqiand Supplies, Rev. T. B. ' . . �righ. a first, to be,!, t,
risin, ' I .- . . 1, - Mri Kramrisch, Belgian Coniiui in. &
. 4 yearlings, 1heavy team geldings ' I Eqwardi aq also -made lar.ran ents f or Was thl' Addrietss i,ead;-, ., t men. -One. of - th - Associatibn! .,. ,,'
c� 3 y . �. . B.,A,- 3 -Adult (Biblp .the city of Bradfordf; '96glariJ, gave a electriq poiwer. gem . . Cante-" . , . s.elected by: 'the 'Citizen's
-ears, bar 0,uncillor I Dear .diss NQtt-
I �dy inhagr,less; 'I I .. L .. Class, I'Mr. J.. Ear' . . ,, ..
. filly riqlag 3 year s, handy sixiglie or The.undersigued has .two bouses.to , tley; 4-Homie Ile-' lectfire on "Constantinople' . a4com- 104 wag in: To,monto tihis wetelt and . Having learm[ad *that you are was,. Mr. F. L. Wanklyn, M-T.G.Bo
I olOock, I . partiment, (P�e;v. G.A. Andrew; ,5- gineer-, . . I
double; sale at 4harp, let; apply to . , - . _ � . to, depart f or a. WdRtler6il whose extensive and varied an,
I . L Missionaxy, I pariled by lime -light views, in St. Weat out -and saw the factory', ,and abQul �,
. '
11 TERMS -All sums of,$10 and under. .I _. _.. - J. TWITCHELL & SON Rev, Dr. Tackler,; 6- P i's school room . 7 evening. lkis ars the proprkator stated. (The home,',and flaell4g, that we would Ing, expericne6'In different countries," ' . 11
. cash; over that amount 9 month,s - - I -___1 . ... . . Fitianev�:aad Statistics— FWv.-"S. P. '111 on Frida� . . . I � not. soon. have another 6pporbuin knowledge,of local conditions, and're- . . I
. � � - . - I .The lecturer has travelled er3� exten- men tainployed are &owded for .. , .
. crcf,diq will be,given an approved . I � .Ll . I . : Ir,vUnk 13,A.; 7 -Pont W611 and Pri- v roomiand the i,Apbrts he got ,were, RY Of m4ating tagother, we, y L' "
I . waryk Rev, H. W. Sulau, B.A. sively in Eastern J�urope and is thor- . , opur putation for' sound integrity emlnejlt�.
. L
I 0.39 - A In . nn . I
. t inot-as. 5 per cent. per .aninium I. - - , Ba6 aud I)ray, , _ I to 1.30. p.m. iliourp ant O' - frieridd afid neighbors .who, argal- ly fitted him to act as a Cbntroll6r.' -
hoil-1111ount Nvill be igiven an 'icredit ) - � . .. Lighly acquainted with the ma ers v&ry ifavorab�aL 'to ltft firot , The. so: your brothers and sisters of, -Nor hate those who selected lit -m been, .1. , :,
la.mounte.-Hollaad & Canne.1i, pro -Us . . . L I .for luncheon. . . . . . on ' customs'and modes of life of the . council ,decidied on i .ednesdav ev-. the- London Road League, desire,A6 . disappointed, for his, wor I k since. he .1 .
* . . 1 1.30 to 2 p.m. -Ideal Teacher Train Turk. His lecture was listened to with en4A6A to*Elend- Mayor Taylor ajn& . exprops �tb you, ta .taAgible jorm, - , .
T. Gundry, &uctionser. I . Aly 'bus and dr6Ly. business I . interest and proft bv those,present. Coan.Eillorl is a,
. �
, - is ]low Ing Class, Rev. R. V, IM. Perkins ,,t,r Gibbings, , ana ,-ehey arfa became one -of 'the Controllen is a, . I'll
. . . 7.fapprecia,tion of you asafrit%nd living testimonial to thd, wisdom of ' r..
. -.-,. I. - - . - .. 1. .. __ - ____ io�carted at my houEe On Ontario' St. discussion, 'Dr. SLI& 1; The views showed ob,l irf their nat. tc� get a third m'amL in.Torouti) ,to I "' i , - V,
. I 1k, S,tratAox&I i ural colors, rather flian the. ordinary investigato the. piant thoroughly that you accapf thLe6ealighttokens the., .selection. . . . . 1. 1. . I
. - two doors from.Riattenbury: Hotel .Rev�,' C. E. Jeaki: , � . andi fellaw . leaguer and. re%u6st - .� . , , I . I I ''
� �
... . . .1 bani. Call ior 2phone.No.. 42. - All * . D'sl Clintoja- ' 1 - black and white. I z I .. ,axidt ieport' &nXoxiddy.lo.y,e6W� t�� -as-Warkis',ot-- 6-ur, . -es,A6em. .We .Few people -gazing on the fine Saxon . I , ,!;
to 2,30 -Q.m.�-Idfeal Adult Bible � . . : . . . . � . �1.11
. . � . . &dersi promptly 'attended to.' . � - . . . I ". '. t'll"i council. , , � � I I � . . Ile and'comin -figure-of-Mr. :
I . . . . Class, C. C..'Uodginsj , `Wo16ds,to,ci;7 WA�S) HUR�T tliusftf ltha� in yefu' . V�rof anding . ,
� . I JOSE. I . ON SATUEDAY � Le;K the citizens of Cllnibou,. if th ' . r new home and 'he was� * ` � -
. *
I f /F10. &O 0 . . . - .. . I . . COOK., '�'discuision, J. Haztley. Clinton; 1�&v. - � I . . . . . e. liew fiphtoAe of life, Our ,Heavenly waliklyn' would dream that ' . .. .
! I . Mrs.' Holland h�d her awin broken on council decides to go ahead, t -American by birth. � � . . I ! ::
. . ' urn ill FatheA )may wafteh: ovte . I
. .. . - .G.B.,F� Dohei,ty;. St. Lpaulls. cs�_ and! let us "BoOst for Clinto _r �and. - a Latin . I .
. . . I . . . . � Saturday evening instead of St n and - Controller Wanklyn 'Is a member. 11
49&1#A JT49jr Sy . . I I . . . . . thedinal k -Miss Kno,tt, Sit. Paul's ,.Cap- . 2nday Mork ra'aborI148i 11. . . , , . guaXI You,.and that 111ii choicest 1.
. . - I . . I I . .6o'stated.lastiveek. - - , . . I . bleMingLM&y fO1-IQw. of *the Institute of Civil Englne6i%, I :.. I
. I I thedx(al. I . . . � I . I I . �. � yow whp.Aever. I -
� � i . . -. - Ve- ' . .1 I I . t ana,,y be - cast., . 1* � . Lon&in, and a member of the Councili , ., I.
. , .
I . . _', g - . 2,30i to - 3 P%.m.-Idbal Home A; L.ARGE SIGN -1 - . . I . - - yopi� 10, . I I I
I AN . a . I - �^.,J� � partanentA P I . . � I of the Canadian S6ciety'of Civil En-'!, - �
. .
. I . I ;
. � .
AMU . * � I 4ev. RiP. Xle, Paimors- Wednesday ofthis weekaTobacco HALLOWEIRN PARTY. . 1. . . A.B. Stephenson, P. S. gineers. He "Is . man an. . . ,,,
. I . . � I a," ton; discussion, Rev. R. s. W. . Ho,w�. -go sign painted' . . I . `'G.V. Layton, See. ; A 1. I �11
. . , 0 . � Company had a Ira . on 'he A, - irit�eqd . -:''
.1 � . -T .L.G. .of -St. j?aul�s Clintont Oct.. i9th, i9A, , . I hisfavorite holiday Is spent with rrod �: I
. I ..
� I . . . I . � I . .ardA Chwthap:ft; Rev. - A. CarlislP4 the south side olf the Hotel Normandie givin *pn party in St. I . . 'or gun.by some quiet stream or anild.l.- " -;:
AM ._... I I . Winds .. 9 a Hallo1we, . . ..
. t . I Oro � I . . . .
.. . I I - ee. 3 to 3,30 p.tm.-Ideal Point Rolland. .� barn and -the painters also, brightened Paul's �.seliooi room, which will. be . . .. — .. .the game 'frequented Woods. I - .." .'- - ' . .�
. I .. . .
/�f ,#r/ W 4&'p � .. Up the front -of the barn for the genisi . . .Ig�f - - ", �i
� I - . Plimary, f suitably d6cora,�ed with pumpl�tin , , . I . . . .
. . I . . . I
. . le -v T.'B.. Howard, Diociiii- H6st. No doubt the Oompany -got on- Ian.te,Ins. , ft-freshnieu,ti iapprp- - , . I ;Kuburn, . 1. _... xr: F,. r,Ai6RF*1. :
91VINVOW/ .. . san, tsecriatury; , discus'sion, Miss .the right. side bf. Mt. Coioperf; seeingthe' priatd �o the a6afsan will be'serve , d, Mr., William Va I � � Aew.' `memi;�i,i off iis Quebec . b= �., I
. I
. � Graham, ik. ka-ui's,ciathedral; P I . . . � I
... I , 1. .. t .4ey. tobacco is the "Shamrock." I tterson has sold his , . . . I
. It , - I . . I . H. Wo. Snell, Thorndale. - � I . . ,� . .:. . I pumpkim pie, nut sandrwiclips.i etc. property here -and may. n1ove to St. occupy such a high place , In thei - I .
. 910 � -SINGLE 1.30 to 4 IP,M.- Missionaxy Ideal ,WON T - SCHOLARSHIPS- i Aalexcellent Progila,iri. �!of (games, Georgee � I . . 1. estimation of their colleagues as doew I ...
, I HREE I mu.sio_ai is' beingpp6- A quiet wedding,_took place at the Mr. Edouard Fabre Surveyer I ..
opil . , ThanksgiViRg 06y , V A WE . fi� S.S.,_Rev. Dr� Tucker; St. PAUPS . .. I I rid elocutian ob �
ON � . I - I . . � � Pithed,ral; discuissi6n,' Aev. J.Rid- Seaforth .. Dollegiate � Institute hag -tParekatLd agoa6rai Soo&,time is Methodist parsonuge last - week when Mondea.l. Of distinguished lineagel- I " .1 '
� �
I 'getween all statlai�s In Canada, ley, Galt, ,R)a A. tq rnade, a fine record,for itself by win- 6xpgctedo PallceVost-the, . wonder Mt. Lorie Carter was united in mar. and singul6rly gifted Mr. Surveyer's.1 . �, ...
V. J. W., J. � ndi w, - � _; , "
I ',' also to Niagara. Falls, .and Buff- I Be.r�,ii-n4 . � . - . ning.the. three Carter scholarships for� fu4 fortun& teller, by her *study �Qf rii,ge to Miss M�rtlp Stalker both of advance was rapid and 'uninterrupted .. ,
� I I alo, N. T., Port - 11uron alad. - De-.. . �. . . P.S. ,,,a 0 'I this place. I � -in the Canadian inetropol I . .. 1.11
. , 4, to 4.30 p,m.-IdeW Tlef�cheiii Mahc,unty of Huron. JohnA.Mc- -the istars, VIII attK1np6 to rev6a . I Born Is U .. -
! �.Iff_ , trolt, ni-0,11. - . , . luspector Mbrg&n,OakvIll-,e; dis- won the $100 scholarship. Win thd secrets of the futuro, F Doult Miss Armstrong of Brussels'Is visit, 1876, 9. nephew of the late Mgr. Fabref0 � ... I
I I ) RN N111 - � ' Good. Going .October 27,28 29 30 eussion,i Rev. T. G. Wi ltfio% Wood- B. Straoban the $60 scholarship, and Jar�,fto aep,,her. Also Gh6sta,'Fair- ing friends here. - - - � archbishop of Montreal, . of LaO .
/ _. - = - 11 = dc - ock,. � Brant- Alvin Surerus the $40 scholarship. ie:Ek and Hobgobblias -will turn! I . . I � . I ,
I I itetitriaLiin!tNovejixbt,-rls'i�,1611 � stock; P. W. b. Woo a � . . sh. I CosteI6, and of the Hon. Hector Fabre, . I
- . . . . . Gntieilt[alnment initheir 4'w(a IvIlinit- . I .
: . . � fort4 � �, I : . I . . . . . C.M.G, late Canadian CommlosiorMr.- � /
I . . . JUDGE . ,
f` . . I . .. .. - ; OBIT[UARY' ' I &b.lo -way. U. f amods, ofitrolaggr; 1,AV1U4TAI.NE,', : in Paris, he was educated at - M. ' I ' - .
' I . I . illness, will also be.prasent.' theY.JL;JG. tr . Mary's,. College and aftdrwardo took
. � : Itetitrnripielkets at . . . I -After undergoing a serious i . . of Mon eall. �
� ,� . . . and for a time showed. w6nderful im- ex4ands, a cordial ifnibmtion tbiall. The liquor'.quest . ion 19 a live isaw a course at ,each ,
erS. " SINGLE FARE. . ... .� .� . � of the Montreal. : '
Hunt I . Daillynati][Nov.11 111t1lett I � provement, Thomas Upricjiard passed Herokit is, 10an you. (decipher it.9, .Canada to. -day, bufirimo place ,universities, McGill and La,val.. He ' �
I . . , all:over .
. . . � 11
One _() f V -1 e b e, S t . . . �
. I I . . I . . . away last Friday af tern66n tit the age "'Hertkl'to Pa?nds l?,eii DasTCI alb. . more so Wan, In Montre9l, where the was callod to the bar of. Quebec In . �.
. . to points in Temagami. points Matt- Mr, A..'Radford sold 06'fine team , of ..of55years. Deceased was born in this OUP in Iva RM7jes, S mir ,jha NDPun License Commissioners have.'adopted 1896, bding then, only ..a little over; ' , - � �
I , Qu�- horses to Jus. Archibald. . . i6nd spent most of his leT,FRf W'dis ERP�R] �one years 0 .
. . . I to Timiskaming and Kipawa, , section of Huron i n _A !gn iB ,eim .i policy of license reduction: in the twenty * ' Id. H -o Tias . .. ",
I Equipped ' iarwolusive, also to certain points in Que- Albert J:Innkiugs is under -the doc. Wein Clinton, Bayfieldand Stanley St. )4nD KINdan Devils PE A It of." city Jimits, and have announced that ,president of the junior bar association I ,..:.
I . . .
bec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and tors care, We hope t6 "see bin) but township. This Summer, however he NO ul E.11 Ad�missi In'1905 was ap-. . I
_Itlo * . I .� . I uggn soon. ' . . . -has been in podfr health and having no on 15.c. those who have been lax in obeying during 190'3-04, and . . ,
I .
I ,� pi( F(,Ctori Maine. Iss Esther Scales, of Clinton,sp I ant friends was taken in charge of by the . I � . . . . . . the law In 'the -past must be those to pointed lecturer . on Plehding. and - . .
es � . � . . suffer the bonsequenees In the future'. Practice -at McGill. He was President - -- - I .. .
I , October 19th toNovember 11th. Sunday under the parental roof. 4 0, L. ancl was looked after by them I I London Road ' , � �
. The� now residence of Thos. Adams, Thefuneral washeld'on Moriday.the . 'r -a
It to Muskoka Lakes, Penetang. Lake of. � On th a stand the ,Commissioner of the Canadian Club of Montreal , I
, I . 'ha.v6 been supported by the public one year,'1909 '10, and wag created 9. �
�. in Cana& i3ays, Midlando Maganetawan River, ,Jr., is -now completed Lind also James service being held in St, Paul's church 11hel leating of the League will . - I �
. Lakefield,bladawaska to Parry Soand, - generally, by the Government, by the K.C. In the former year, 1. . . .
�, Cartilghts house, They are both up. and tinder the ausoices of the Clinton bqbe at thet home of Rober� I I I
,� ArgyW to Coboconk Lindsay to Hall- to.date ,housea and will be an improve- L. � 0, L, Rev. "Mr. Jea,kins taking Hunit on Ttpsday evenk�gj . Dominion AllfafieQ, the Anti -Alcoholic Mr.' Fabre Surviyer holds the . I
".0 I IV. Doherty Piano afid- , burton. Points fro 1 Severn to N6rth ment to the Och Concession. . charge of the servioe, � ,!ru Ig � ag,ue :Will visit 'the 1,6aguej,and the better class of saloon- _._ - . � �
Bay includive, and certain points Mrs, -Newton and Miss Laura, of . . . L Leagu keepers themselves. In the fight .. . . . I
" ' On I A , p on.Thursday .. . . .
Organ Co , Limited reached by Northern Navigation Co. Tot -onto, spent a, few d"s of last week I against the divair, and' rum shopsi � ..99201b.-
, . WONDER -LAND SOLD . eviqnh�91_qf next ,week! inst;�a, of J�� .. ''.
I . -
I ' . I
. 1, ---,P-_
� �111 � �
? I -
IN, - .1
tec i�i �. ,
. I'
C il .
I I , I
1w, R
All tickets valid ior'return until Thurs. at the home. -of Win. M4 -.Cool and An- . This weak the Reinhart, Amusement Thanksgiving night Big previoi�'gy- which have been straining every nerve I . -
Pactorieg and Head Office day., Dec. 14th, excep� to points reach- burn friends, Mrs. Newton resided on .' announced I I and pulling every wire to keep the I . '. 1.
. I . , 0o,, purchased the Wonderland )?lot . � . . I , i �
: . ad by steamer linev, Tuesday, Novem-* the IOLh Concession �, number of years ure show and will open it again on . 4as WaM-an wfho has b Isilt white 1 chment which admits ,of I
De nnv f3 n r :
I while here. . . ,he name of the Prin, ing -friedds in Tor,olato. 4ti: - their Ing uor, none has I I .
CLINTON, ONT. .1 bar 14th. . . . � ago and also visited his- old 'neighbors, Nov. Ist, under r liq' . �,
Western Branch, . I plaeekhas i.letburned. ho�neA '� ".A more active than Judge Vlric Lafon- , I I
. 1. , Miss
I .
� MT, Full particulars' from . cess Theatre. The manager, Mr. W. . W-uld±oA,h" bepa Mi -9110% in ,the, i I - I . .
I . 280 HARGRAVE STRE 1; 1. JO� ' � , Metcalf. in speaking to the New Era taine, the President of the Anti- '� J
. RX RANSPORD &SON, k9ents , Alcoholic League, an organization, 4. , . ;
I ir , Would 'this help tbp .Council. , said that they would have the building LeagvAm7hile, she has been away. - 4. .
I I WINNIPEG. MA . . which Is earnestly working against I 11� I , . .
i A. O. PATTI-SOX, depot 11900t thoroughly cleaned and fi Mr. etler McGee ismoving away . . . , ;
.41 Ati-Wiellaud, Ontario, atkitble reA . 1!w-+ &%- T. .A 1D_ .4. 4-1..- Immoderate use of liquor. The Anti -I I . �
. .
. �
. I
- -
___ "is mal ill 11 11111 I
I I I I : 4 1 1
. I I
I I I � � I.. . . �
� . 1. I I
- I 11
I Et' - . . ,,,Good 10511 01"
- -1 10; I . .__.�__ I
.. I I
11 .. I , - - . .� and so is every ,chair we show.
-- ...'�., You select one tave wife
I *V.%.,*.ti
I �. _.. � .
"* ,
...is'...*.:.-.` �, select other. Ib will ,be a "toss
...,..,; I
..'.,.i., :. ip" which is beat. You can't go
I . ! . � �6 . . . � I .
...,:�.,. Z, . amisIg on
, ,.:, , _4 . I . �1, A ., . . -
.. . ,g "
I . gv"u . ANY KIND OF A CHAIR '
".1 , . V�'1014*,
, 1
, 1
, 1
..... , 1 � , � 1.11
:,., I . . . Ili out stock. The rd all good,
..Y.. � �
� . . : ., Just so with entire, stock we
I I t th . y I 0 show, It's beat in town, Ana
16A, t ,. IL .9) ) , . I . thaes why "those who know,
. I i _... ..: buy furniture at our place.
. - . &,BALL' �
H 190VIER �
, '00,141mmal muo ruisivris �
McCor(mick for donations of mites
for �manulacturfi�g industries, and
thel citiopas have responded liber�
ally. Th� (Wfors have amounted
to &P;tY�eiukh t acTie(s and ,*ill be do -
voted toxclitsiviely as manuf acturin�lk,
SOMA I .. .
Wo,u,14X not this, achemp, help- the
Couticil and Board toX.Tr4de of our.
towA toget af(ttor apall industries
it torar citizens. did t1*isioAafas Wel-
1at9di is doing. Many labs , iA(Ct"n
could �
LbeusliNd which Us now Only
gooicl for weodoroip,s, .
Itt,would meanthiat the Council
would(hav,6 algood. *proposition to
offfer.ftat o� frialp lands. .
The NW,Era thinks it would be a.
goodf btroke,. on Vw. part of,i the,
Bohril of'.Tradototalo thisagliegie
up 4 I
HOPLIClifuton Grolw.
-"��# .
The Is
*Vlces next Sundaywill bo
taken, btft
, ov. Mr,. Greem
Rev. .A. Ford, ramtol"Will prta4l
AutdverbgrY., ftft6riff mt Thftnbury. 1
*4 Iola 0��e cd hit, on Sunday. -
will put on good plicturen eye rug w
"Everyt Ing first clasFi is on ol'tol,
I - . — am . 9, jwper�
.to, Me ftirm I*( ,,anted, L
-hasl i �,A -ithe
Alcoholic League embraces all creads,!
. . I , ,
. 1, �
� he said. hilo in town he a a ar-
Par line, StanWy. . ' i
all nationalities, and all tongues. Here;
' . . . I
. . -
rangements to runan advt. in a a
We ii� 91ad ,to;gay Mrs. W. iEar�qy
-Prench4peaking and runklish-sp6ak-
- ! . I I I - .
Bra so that the publia will a lo to
fid 190ttibg on nieply jnQW amdft
� Ing citizens alike line up In a common
., . .
.! I I
see whatis going to take place. 'The
Reinhart Company 'now control thea-
sh6 19(elts no more set �&eka she,,will
zoom ba,al�pund, ags".
cause. .
Judge Lafontaine wao'born In the
,# I , t * .
- -T : ,
tres ha Guelph, Welland, Preston and
Mr6.� OkAut i8r., is visitiog'MIV
village of St. Edouard Napierville, as [
. , .
-, t., - I 1: .." .-: . .
other places' so that the citizens, mn
Jofin, OuAter's, this we, ek in C,1n
was his father before him. Proin his I
I . I .
. I
depend Ott a good.clean, sholv,
, .
Addresq and PMsenits,tion
_ .i
name one might suppose that he If! A I
Tuesday laveninit'he Laiidon Road
French origin; but If You go back faii
LeagqeLoeit at the; hame(ot Miss
enough you will find that there ,ig
� I.. I I
I .
The Jackson rsictopy is very, busy, at
. �
V-11Y.Woitt and suiprised', her with
dozen knivies, and" 'forkes -
more German gaid Scotch - blood flow4
Ing through his veins than there Is
the present time. Last Week a large
conoigninent of cloth from the Old
desspr,( spoons; berry 8-000A and 9't
French. .... 11 111. . A
C6dAtry *a$ repeived, And the JA&ce
limoges fruit dish, Mrs. G
th* aft Miss
.1 -
bLfull of "rush" Thero is shipped
awayL froM �thia bkancjy�, g1,6n.0 .2,000
gar and 1,000 yards' of cloth
Layto read address
Ver% V1afvebna6n and 'Wigs Elva
Nott, presofited. Miss Xott With the
WhOn. the eltineng of LMontreal de.
aided to,use the sweeping brush at
I � ; I
,cUti lipt Velakly) noilt including -
1*ks. ,Over 40 hands am employed.
presWo. miss Xott was tLulftfetak-
emi by iiwpriNo, TLot knowing aoy-
the elf
,V Hall and adopt a how form
of civi.0 administration they east about
. .
� � -
. ,SS,.
thing, About it, but thenki6d the
- for their kindness
Leago A and
them for qualified Anxt trustwotthy
men to pla3e in charge. of the city's '
. , . I
The concert put, ofi in the Town'Rall
a 6surredthoothat showould ever
remomhori thm. Miss Nott - 16AVell
atWro. The great majority of the
, alti%enA fg.v6ring the System gov-
- .
, of B.A., LL.M. And YAA.L. 4" '
upilpe the auspices of the Ont&r1o. St.
Uet hollst, ch - -,
6ir W 6 oocca��_ 1�'
o.4 ftWay for Vogins wbore, Ahe
wi,11 Mr. D,Lcksoift 31al -
eminent by Control It vas de,olded to
Is a prominent member of th6
Montreal Amateur Athletle Assoalm,- I
11 day even Thera w" 6 large
hu ii&nbe� '"P; eve
Atto Nea r 9"t h&V-
.bo mkrrW ,to
ley, And Af,W &#hOR,booWyxd6*y1ft
. Aopobit four oontrollers, with tha
mayor u chmrmtn. it' was.,realixed
tion. Ito Is ,the author Wit brodlitirb
Ott ,TI�6 Beach "d Bar of mobArest.
n ts 6n, 4ri 46 t r
i Ing PrograW th 0 W he W olusloin
or th M 4 =16f1w
trir, will Pttrt hoU&e,k-*e,pIftg 21ear
01 Cary. Both,00 0
bY ill that tht city's, future Adtaftilt-
trativ* Wall -balnit 44VOdO_ 00 thA
(I"op � .
1� I .. I
. - I., 1, '1110'.
_. W1 �� , .,ANN,-..&,
Aret %oll', known ,W I � rea oft of
" .
_-, � , . .
._ .... - , � na , �� .."""%
i � - ____.
- __A_
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