HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-10-26, Page 2this baraaid
will prove
Dut an Irv -
many sin,
lltft would,
Whna The OM11111;14t1f .. ]DWAN
'i'4bAt is the intore4tinpr6eedur'e
When Dov ertameut' s cha'n'to lin Cans•
vap vauaplian woods will •pleape 4d10 'Tile Tuan oultbo street, peri
• haps, thinks it -is a simple matt ►
per -
Young and Qlt�, have, � takfi 'naticla. .�. tivet• day in Cain � ]� �'(, .
can be pas*d most'pleasantly with bp' "don't bel9,eve hiim, jqr the,
lxexrl Solme abrsa hexa, .
at copy cit, ,tills b•g' ga,tna hunting l changie 4f apse Goverrixnerrnt for ally- is $ �'�r �I'o'1PlaClg Girls
They, ;$; meds s teed �?au�xlber of Rod and Gun in'.Cainada. IVIU r is, raecomplishe'1 only after and �30yt�--ani they like it, It
t�'�IK,�'?`1D•l{�S't.,,.-.gass *F boumucnd' up,from 'ti ne 11 m, bcin,�
e fiminomai+lia>V Iiouiishes their little bodes an4.
p wirth Plentiful yards of red tape. amabes theca healthy and strong.
.416e arra' acppstites in -V
BE w��T k1OTTIEIii THINKS YOU ii ialt will happen in this present
siigsstion, ix�►'ittatl� j;E,}�„ w crW$ $ s. ithis•-Sir Wilfrid Laur- cowawa Cocoa, a you 00 4 fromryoar
opontuall :. roCkesf cogs,. n towded, !; r' d'ta,eatted Prime Xinister, twill
;<p s a � v a.
.>' W t t ll.i down c
` hrl cit h trot G the other day, wain on Earl Grey, Go,vpA49tj+Gen.. grocer, 14 absolutely Lure, Its, ddiciow
stlttution. l Beardyt stricile the of to. a Corsi eral, and inform him that the Gov flavor is obtainedbytfie use of t]te highest
ernznrent of which he was ;Premier,
rade turn ,and asay grade of Cocoa beaas, skilfully. blended..
Alcoholic t'e;Kneates has belea defeated at the polls,
'Say,; Jimmie, lemur to ll youse' I'd The �ovrernozi-General will -cask Notliing is added' to impair the h,Wth.
Satinu ata Dirty, If I
-hyapnn ua der (teller oat .uie id V%j%o, in 'Ills apin4U4, building properties of the C CO16 "
,r Six Wilfrid
" mudder t'inks Tam. t is a fit and proper Tiansorn ,tq be ap- ;7Q
4rskte+,e�t?inks I am a wonder an' ,she frld, in all huainan r1e obabil�tr 9Y91 Do You Um
Scoff'sEmulsloR l
« kznQvl cher a~itk1,�,1ad i p y,
Couldl >Revler mix wit nothin dat the to Mr. R. L. Borden, loader of '+OWatl'A CgCo&
�pGthela and nourishes, the opposition, ars. kltre man,
wuz wgl�y, mean or bad, Send For BordigU.
feeds the nerves. ,A" '!Oht lots o'tianeis T sit an''tiink ho•ty � Earl ane *will tlt1en eendd for 'rilr, ,
xlice< ,twonld k�e, gee whiz 1 Borden and ,ask hixa if heiis wii1-In
tai ]nerve -food, con- 1114 to felller wuz de tfeller dat his to ?undertake the task o i g
touning the salts of H ,. mudder oinks bte its e a Ii r vexi r : S
. Y� • Ing ]ribs country. There irk( +ev y
phosphites. Iodide and Xy i feud, tip, yours aJif e Qfitloil or reason, &0170'3eve, that 'The Pe � 7
diluted joy, less Lteader,' as.(tihousands-Of 'hce
n I ,�•
yc�e• TOW r9+till .can earzl 'aelPsson frgpn, follotwers Lail him will answg-rin?the
talii& appall, • uailettleajed' boy; Affirznfaltive, Ho will then be,eo a" �- 4
NO ALCOHOL.. DopItl a2ca •to ,'be anje_�arilQrl - siarn�t' & .
y s mi sioned .byrtlt,e Govertiotr- ,en r
G e ,/
L :,tUoer,
a y�,s firsts oar's staral ito pro;oeod with his sk •1 � � ' A.a c nRu�giars Just 1tr(be tlhle fellorw that' 'your , to and wi l , t 'nks oily a 'fc�� his ay b es thinks y =te, There an'aq be some little time bey �A
fore ft'hfe reins of Gaave�r�r,salt t£tnfl
om tthe brands of Sir WiAf'rld, as _
LAS Good ASA Duetoc InChte treltiring 0bvle2%ment +always
.a little time to, Vind up. nos'
�iiQilSe. affairs, and an tinSomin'g admipws- the dut�es of their Offices •anclafter-
+trationi nevier likes to take charge wards 10ok for .co nsuturenclos.. Not
Om( the leve of the opening of the ,Baby's own '}'sublets shoul(f ib, °:f matters 'which are in a tangle. that ,-theme is much danger of their
big. game h.
Ca hu
unting .r»eason, Road and kept in 1overy holme where ltherlel Seek Re-election, beintg d(efeaatad, In Caxiadian bye-
da, published by W. J. ane little ones: ,They are as good After 040, new 'C'abinet Vinisterl9 c�lseattons C'abixret Mfnistea s ,are not
Taylor, 'Limited, Publisher, Wood- as doctor, are ra(baoluGely Rafe have been appoiniteid they must ego very .oft » `4twrned do,wxii t
stock, ,Ont., is rho the forte. with a and, can atwar rs kbe rolled upon to back totheir cozlatituigncre+s forrel-
, lenitiful supply of tgoaad . ganild election, Dolt that this zs n'eceasary .
pp drive awray any malady arising, for their Standing as Cabinot Win -
uniting istories, covlerirug Uaurada frim( ideararugtome its of Me atom- g Farin for Sale
frtomf Ithe Atlantic 'to the Pacific, ach or bawets Coxicsrning Ithepn inters, but they must seek :ie-elfee-
TheThe oF�nirng at+cry by Mr. Bonny- t tion as,memb,er9 of Parlia ent, An •-- --
' i Dare Is Mrs, •,0. A. Wrkre�eler, Northlands,
particularly good, Sask., ea re "I have found Baby's
a.matter of fact Cabinaet Ni�nistes� 100 acres splendid ]fight clap los
icon,sl tin,gy oaf a fins d((escitiptWu olf Otviu Tablets an tinva-lua'bl;e, medi- are not compelled to be members of convsnipnt to markets, churches and
{he�g slant efforts oil a little fawn cine, T lit,e,tw.en.ty miles from town Paalnamerlt bu.t ' rcustom .d(etmands school; 10 acres fine maple bush : 1
sae Pier its rescue by the sporitsN anal, Adoctor, ,tzo ,a+in .glad to -have so th tJ. they shall be. No less a litght acres orchard: ood brick house with
tmantwhose best instincts were ar reliable a (medicine at hand, I 'than the great Gladstone onceheld furnace; large tank barn all stalled o
ousel( by Its hoReless struggle, consider; tlh,e Tablets areal access- office, in a dab ll�et without having Cement pig, ben and implement house
an4 its capture said revival by the ity in .the home and shall never be • a all in P�rli_ p4eln;t but he leve»- etc., tlowia spring near barn, A most
Petting showlered 2ipon it. The tually obtained oat,e• uell.ent l rm cheap for nick sale,
w' 'ho
it ut the fl
u an. They at
he have t m
whohe a Write o
r zl rr�i,tirfe makes alp irsesis- Talie up Dtiltips at.Once, to P. O, box 40� or phone X10 40,
1 baby well and [have'ma;de him, a y1,� Mr. R'.L.rBor(djeln will a Seaforth Ont. .
daibls appal to the highest ideals of bonnie baby," T'he' Tablets are Gold P- '
tsportsmYiiship and proves a capital by lmedicinte Sealers or by mail at �ointt' his cabinet ii w%11 be seen is•
opening 'for a numUler u*hich in- itnaltter of time and. ttiho its xneixr
25 cents, a box from T1;a Dr. Wil-
• clud-esu hunting •of hnan varleties t a matter of time and who its mem- r
Andl under widely different con- d s :Niedicinre: ICS„ .Brockville, ture but wthien they have been ,ap-. Roar for @rV1Ce
dition:s. Dir.. Starr at's Paper on pointed t1be'y will. at once take up --
!Woodeock Shooting in Nora Scotia - -- - For service on lot 20, con 3 f3, R. S,,
;iso another artic5e which stands out .b,., °+•s•w.r'� �.•\ `, � "-' Tuckersmith, a pure bred Hnrnpshire
�'° �'-'� '�-��+- Boar, Brodhagen Chief, No. 44121, terms
pt✓oatrinently as one which canui.ot ti �y,w,•.n•®•�r••,,r•r••,r..i'�i•` Qc
fail to stir t.4e foelir gs and the ; , YM $1 with privilege of returning if »ages
pnemor'_lesr of all bird huntezls and - U;SE Lf. _ airy. _John A .Murray �tid Geo Hen
dnaket them live many of their es- ��� derson Seaforth P,. r Pholie'5 on 13
ppentencem over again, Big game q � Clinton central.
hunting, however, is given the a pert and Impert .! .
prid•u of place in this nuanber,and %��
4 is a forpigonte conclusion that in \ " Jl>w(hc.iat n5'`1IC
Are. being fast, drivels of t
---_-•_-- i` �•s., •. «>'.r.v.sr•:�. the 'market by the ovelJloirer.
ing merit of Nerviline, which Under The Settled Estates ,Lc t'
�r j�] Gossips,, tell all • they lnazy,___and has mote strength th ill lisle oro
Was So Nervous ervous theft( soave more, g Of Farm property in the township
p� than is fo' nd ilia quart of or- of Goder(ch: Pursuant to ajudgtnerit
4 oul d Not ®t Sial In Thq social whirl has mladle. many dinary remedies. Full of pain:. in the High Court' of .f»stice. in. the
r'kgirl giddy, Subduing properties, Healing matter of the EstateofSidney rHerbert
�� ® ��` d Alone --0-- slid soatilin its itafluenee 012 smt-b; deceased, dated oil the 5th day
_ ar Iostl of life's so called tragedies he im g, of October 1011, these will sold with
stale ly comedies x , l alisni, sciatica . ]lull lulls+: the approblttfon of B LDogle, Esquire
Mrs. Arthur Moore, Freeport, N.S., Tl --0- bago is unsurllllsse4l: lervillne Local Dl aster of this Court.at Goderich
writes: -"I would recammeacl ylilUurn's „ id snort° o,f a grass wido�v<oiil: iS Niithaut Ciliestia11 the, .best. by l homas Gundry, auctioneer, at'the
Hearf and Nerve Piils to anyone who is Oneec stung, always shy:' Rattenhitry Hatrae in the Town of
° hausehold liniment made, For Clinton on Tuesday the 7th day cf
fi weak, run down and their nerves all 'Mone makes the mare. -go; the . Yearly fifty, ;rears, a staple lis November 1011 at the hour of 2 o'clock
unstrung. I was troubled with per- lack of it makes '1>rer go hungry, every drug,'store i21 America. I' bI the following 1andN. ,
vousness of the very worst kind, rad --^ -- Parcell -hofs numbers 46and 47and
when I started in to take tour pill-, I luny a self madre man merely of- DROP :ALL OTHERS. artR of .lots numbers 48 and 40 in the
was so bad I could net stay in the house fess an ?explanation that doesn't .,t dropped all, liniments but Ner, Bap'fleld concession of the township of
P . Go sic '
slop , • .',•- :• .. 11 de hint ,
e, nor could I sle.p ut,.,-, rays VIline because I found Nerviline the he Clonntd of Huron and
taking the pills I a:n1 eat re;;; .urcrl an,l' __O_"-
quickest to relieve pain, writes 'E'. part of Lot number' 3fi in. the lst con
People who take the ll for the S• .penton of St. Jahns. "If rriy cession of the township of gtaulev-in
can recommend th.,,-u to an, one v ho is deed never break into million-: children are croupy or sick, Ner- the said county and art oflot number
nervous an.1 ru� r? vilirra cures them. If a case of }'
airy class, cramps or stomach-ache turns up,.. '83 in the said towngbtp of Stanley this
To any of tea: ,,,::.,;;,rr i in -l". ^ray ---o=- i Nerviline is ever. ready. We use pateel.containing 2355 acres, 2 roods and
fro» any de^an_e;., r.t ,;, :i,. :,a' ri or Ar wise girl never (tries t0 Ifo,01 Nerviline for neuralgia, rheumatism; 3 perches of land jn6re or 1psa.
and V; kinds of aches .and gains;
perces, we ein re^.rtru�tii ,;ur ;•1cI,_ her mother, She lets'the old lady �. 3t's good•.as any do;tor," Parcell - PoFtiods of Lots Nambers.
HEART fool herself. 36 and 37 in the I th concession of the
BURPS l_EART Aii+a PfERVE PILLS i.� !f said Tr wnshipof'Goderich•:contttinin :
with the gmatest cauiicIc:t; e, �- d SB�"nnl�/ Nervil.me bet'
The{.onre way .to help aworthles,s J y s imation 105` acre's more or less,
They hvm been tr•i2,1 an.l pr^re•'. f -r marl along• is to administer a swift Good -to rub on any part. of the on parcel (1) there ;area frame dwell.
the last twaaty y e:: ,, t � : •: ict ly kiclr in the proper place. _pudy�oot ling, antiseptic, a}id lust' Ing house and a fra'nie barn with stone
pa n relleving power. Just:. g:
what wa claim f5r t':c:n• as, good for internal pains, like atablin underneath .and: other out
Prise 50 cents re: his -- :, ' r,n; for p cramps, toothache, dyspepsia, etc. buildings, and on parcel (2) there is a
s 191 You can't beat ;Nervilihe as a snzitll -frame House and small .frame
$1,25, at all r.Ie1L s, or uia;te 1 ';rcct cr ]��9�if general household panacea for the •barer.
receipt of pricy: by i'io 1', :,moi, urn Co, Q10i r' aches and palns.of the whble'fam3ly, The properties are conveniently
"hcali Try it. *+ ,Q l p nt ally inclLimited, 'Toronto, Out, tluicldystops coughs, cures callI barge 250:bottles, at all dealers.. well located within. one half mite, of
the tb:Qat and lcrzs, - - 25 cents J ' 'the Town of Clinton 'and the. sell is.
-^'>^^- �.-.:....�..- very rich and of excellent quality incl•
in first class . condition. The farms
0,adahave been used for: a number of years
by a drover for pasturage and general
Wh. s Wh. In farming and have' been well 'carred for
and maintained rind they are well ad
-apted for a drover's use or for general
ANGiiS CLAUD 1li1CD(]MLL Township, Ontario, Co.; • where he farming.
AtOl-STA S't (.1 -LLE N, ff opened his eyes on .13 . lurch ` 1873, The properties will b@_offered in two
Miss Stowe was the first Canadian i With a father boasting the name of and after, going through the usual parcels to reserved �pricea fixed by the
woman to study and graduate in r Angus Duncan and a mother from the preliminary lesson routine graduated :• the said Local Master, ,
medlcine in the Dominion, the first D-La-Haye French family, Angus from Toronto •University with Pirst bs Terms of sale,10% of the money shall
Claude iacdonnel] was surely pre- pa in cash on the date of sale and
to take a degree in that branch ofclass honors' in 1895 and now prac-
°. destined by nature to be a elan of the balence within 30 days thereafter.
study from a Canadian University, and rices law at Uxbridge,
I mark. Bosh at Toronto in the merry Aiajor Sharpe.As a. 'young man In all other respects the terms +incl
the first to receive an appointment conditions of sale will be the stand,
on the teaching staff of a Medical month of June In 1861, he was educated who .has made a name for himself g
College in this country. In 1883 she ( at Toronto Model School` and Univ- since.he tient into the House in 1903 conditions, of sale ofthe -High Court of
t Justice for'Ontario,
r= graduated from Victoria University, f crafty, and is a barrister -at -law. of Os- to represent the constituency which Further particulars a8 to I ..pro-
Cobourg, and in tho same year when goods Hall and a D:C.L;, K.C. 140 hag was rePresented by lits wife's grand- parties and conditirins cf Sale ma be
the Ontario Medical College for Wo- ' been member of the Commons for father, Mr. • Joseph Gottld, Not only had from South Toronto since 1904, and is, .has he done a great deal of work lis had oG. T. MoTaggart or �V, I3iy
men was founded at Toronto, Dr. ,ClintonliOnt.
Stowe Gullen was chosen Deman- known to the generation.' of young the public accounts committee, but he Prouftfnot, Hays & Killoran, solici•
atrator of Anatomy, a work she con- men as an athlete of some fame. His has been a successful provider of aim- tors, Godericb, Ont , or . Charles. 'Gar.
United during the history of the "forebears" fought for the Stuarts in munition for the , opposition to . fire , rowi .solicitor. Gloderinh Ohf,
,,,t!°•y`T,'"?4,'FT.'aR'Is'� kf1�4'.r".,�.�. _ _ . ,Q,.,.- ,,,,.,,. •,, .a.._ . �. _ t. -y +w -Ir
TI17i�,gTl.+l Y, OC", O.M
Poll ill
THOMAS 'ATT !alp'. atnyouvir,
Shot Repairer. LAVE POULTRY
UARMS, aa� r);laalel;TQaW )ROTA4.
�va�ui 1�Te.
All i The followingy
gat the of Live kotll-
-�����4 �k��� trY iw wanted at the Iolrriesville �+uaJ�L>Eili '$• t1A1K.
Poultry Station each weeks.-• Oonneyauce, Notwry Public$
np tap r N. i x.000 i 1lickellls CoXatai66ioner, .etc.
Rri�r 111 ttr while � al IRE 44 I 'Sr I.� EI;l3 XII INSURANCE
800T„C,7► MROU TO t �� Itculel Issuer Of Marriage Licenses,
30A Dltelks Huron,�it„ Clinton,.
ORWIR 30oQ Doc, New ttlidEt s
•.,,"..."p"`.,-.., Not"Y'Public, Conve ince
.Poultry •takeni the first three days Financial Y e
uncial and Real Feta
of r Estate,
T! xN
�y tixJii�NCk7'B ou.QENT-I;eprc�eeutlzrR
Ori9hest Prices' Paid in Caq, Divisioue �ollrt �eo!iva ,
Open UYery ev"'Ni09 m,
OPPOSITE PoSTolpl IVIG Write or rli,ona .Re#ore roll $ell
Phone 4 on 142, 11ed4�•
N, W, TREWARTRA D) �t.w. acl�lo psQl
Boarders Wanted NOiwe��ville, Qosoiat a florin, anrseoa, aro
Eya Eer nThraat,�an4 Noise, ills
gaving•returned to town I am now FARM FOR DENT Eyes mrpfally:examined. and.suttableRRlps4C
wrepared to take, boarders,. either 1aL =110riaed, .
adies or gentlemen. Apply%at house i ol8ce'.and!Restdeape. '
Mrs, Vogridge, aniarlo street The South 70 acres of lot number 35 V"" d""ra 'WiNs of the Ventmtiretal MNA1
and the South Fast part of Lot no; So $rima Rt+.
BOY Wanted 1+4 acres both In the let concession of
b • aoley township is torrent for a term DRS, GUi1TN find GANDIElt
- g of years. This property is close to the Dr, w, siman.,1. R. Q, V., X. g,
To learn planning mill business, ap town of Clinton and possesssion can nr,J,17, Gairdtcr, I1,A• N.B.
Ply to T: Mc Kenzie, Clinton, be giaen at once,, For further pard. Oftto•.0andie ,3.street,. N.B.Clinton.
Caisse apply to Henry Plumsteel, Olin. Night 0411a at't"141m3e. Rattealtnry at.,
--•.•�•..- ton, Ont., or lVeCarthy, Boys & fur. or at bosmital
ehison, Barristers Barrie, out.
Pasture Laud - DR '.I• We 614AW,
Some first class pasture ]and tct be TO Our Cllsto�n@t'A ccoQch•nX, etc„ g8tcesad reeiaence. "a k'
sold in lots to suit purchasers, At teabnry Bk„opuosite W. p'Brran•s residence,
tractive prices, gppply to PEARS,: fall and tvintsr, different r
John Ransford, 4, T. R. City Agent •
Varieties. All prime quality, Basket VRq V. A. Ax4m
or barrel. DEN'T'IST
Please tell us what you wiint anti, we r+ Cream aid Irridge Work a specialty.- f
Will try and suit you. • Graduate of C,0,D.S,,. Cbicaro. sad R,O,p.B C
e0alX. BAER & SONS Toronto, _
Holmesvil a BAYPeld ori Mondays; May Ist to Ise rI
Ile, #inbeln
Forel For Saie. OR. H. ,[1tOlN'tsut
The undersigned offers for sale, East offices over• O'NVIL'S store.
Half Lot 12, on rs
Half, 3 1 Clonce sic
Wood s n f
� , o Special Dare taken to make dental tresi.
Hullett his choice farm of 65 acres, all -ant he painless as possible;
clear and in grass, 2 never failing
t ment springe, good well at house, river at �p/�
back, a choice gravel pit, cement or , TH01r1I`1
road ravel. g good frame S GUNDR`1i'
g Iroise,
new t •Lire
frame t
n e sock n
r ketch d
n a enc
e with ra
h I C' r
u do
wood ah 8 g ae
shed, n
acre goodselling
bearing orchard,. Reasons GODER10H ONT
for sellingnot able to work, .For par- B'ar¢•,st0a,r safes a spe,;rplr� orders .t u.
tfculars apply on premises or address NEW ERA once, Clinton, art mty.y ahterin•d.
Yards Opposite G. T. R. Sth•ti on RICHARD TASKER( Hullett to, Terms reasonable, Farmers sale not.
: discounted
Clinton. P, Q.
s r o. r G. D. D1eTAggart M. D. MoTaggae
Dusk: received, one car�c5ad � bteall� 1Ell�ulc For Site
4 ofUump coal for Thresh-. The undersigned offers for sale 8AR1IIS1~H�,
an upright steam engine; about` 7 i
Ing. horsepower;: in good running or- .ALBERT ST, GLI�T'yi���s
der. Tliia+ is certainly aanap for. :,,,.General 8'ankinq &Blrafia[r®>x
The, ver Best any* farmer wanting power for en ,.
Y oral use oil £ arm
. Engine can gen
i" ansaete�
seen at my blacksmith shop. .
Jack; Rands, Clinton... NOTES D1;C;OUNTED
Drafts issued, Iutereet allowed on.
a Fa nl Or Sara';. ,
The executor of the 'Southcombe iFlre Ins' $Trace 0' 3'6
Successor to.J.l1amiltoall P mutual
Estate ofietrs f.or..sale' 50aeres•,- H
East half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. PBi° had lsoldteat "rotr.ftt : Propo
A first-class farm, well watered arty' only insured.
Pllnilts ci'�. anal Improved, and . withgood 1. oFaxc>aRs.'
buildings. Also! the . undersigned J. $. McLean, Presid',pies.,nt, Seafbrtli
- - - ofl°lrrd for fla1e, lot 29i coli. 6 Bull- Jas. Connolly, :jrfre God ,
ett, •100acres. These.f arms may be; Thos, E.Ha s, Sem,:•ress;eii'clz
+AAO.+�AAiAAA1AAAAAAAAAAAAAA .bought together orseparately. y. t Uf;rfci.tb
.. f .'Clinton. Jas., Connelly; Holmesville; John
► Watt, Harlock; G: Dale, 'Clinton, 14,
Wit," -► r ' ,
Chesney, Seaforth• T.
r y, , Evans Beech.
,, e
1 0.ae
{�: ' ri - ivnon; J.'G. Grieve; Winthrop,. J. Ben-
` Irs, Ross offers her Cottage on neweis, Brodhagen,, X. DicEwan,.
g Clinton.
Vietorie street for sale, It is an
Each Director is in ector of• losses iii
See and here our finest S eXcellent property; in a good to-: ap
cation, and in good repair, has own locality.
g P rr,
New S.tY lish desio'ns of � W. Brydone. � AGENTS.
a ► Robt: Smith '
► , Harlock; Ed, Hinchlay
Doherty ;Plarios and. a Seaforth; James Cumming,' Egmoads,
► 'arm For Sale: ville,.J. W. Yeo, Holmesyille
Or ins . ► .• :
► --
lite maV he 'made atPayTozer .tit
tv % Clinton. or to 1t,'• H. Cutt
On the London road 1 mile south of Qoderic)i,
► the town of Clinton, a.fir•st class farm
.�ileChli` values Ill Art ► of 132 acres - a.property,.-- -
► choice. must
/ ►
'be sold as owner has other interest. to J TAY
.Lases b. look lifter:. Applyto _ C 0 B T / ! . I L' ® R
' ► l3. PLUDISTEEL �. eLIN t1'Ul1i
ovalis rent Clinton, opt
Pianos and --•-r-
Fire Lifed . A•
ed, choice' new Edison►
� Log Wanted
an ccldeilt
phono.a�raphs Music..&
..Highest price pa.d for Logs, Bass.
' Real #stilts tlntt sold '
Varlt;i jT Foods.
w..od-, Soft Elm, Roe#, Elm and Rock
Maple especially wanted, but all kinds
t will be purchased:
Money to loan
i� usi,e porilllll
W, PRTY PIAi1`O and
N' QR&ACO., Limited.Nip
Ofl3ce;Issac;Street, next,' Neve
door ito -
Farm for Sak
GrAilid TrunkR:tillt'a,y System
The undersigned offers his tine farm,
RailwayTfine Table
C. U�II"
• ►
n ing of about 185 acres, adjoirig•
Ing the town of Clinton for sale. The l
London,. Enron and Britce.
farm is in a goodgoodstate cif- cultivation,
North, Pass
and: has good -buildings, ' brick..house,..
London,:depart..w. 8,3oam 4.50,p:xw`..
YTTV"vVVVVVT 'v*vv' Vyvyyy
bank barn, driving house, pig pen ete,
all comparatively anew.: A first 'class
Centralia ........... 9.40 .5.4,s
Exeter.............. 41,'53 5.54
young orchard containing all kinds of
Hensall.,........:., 10.08 5.05
f ,.
suits and also s mall fruits. the farm
Ki en... , ...