HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-10-26, Page 1Mt
STAB D 11066.. TOT, 48-, Z;ois
I yal Bapk-
...........N..�.. � � �IR� DESTROYS
Men and, Exents.
................�.....� + EXETER DEPOT
Geo. W, Holman Elected to Pres.
W. H. Kerr & Sqn, Editors aM Publiahers
Men and Events'
and the Damp Cold Weather
n_TQQR,r01*TB1) Idency- Convention to Meet .?, As usual hap, brought the Jarat
ougbo �hd colds.
S epidemic of c
Capital $69200*000 NED BY Next year at Wingham.
Our AlagiC Ko Xure
Res VO d o di0dedti
-$7t2 0 0,,006* Last week the town of Samfortli was
profits, !a the hauda of the public school the favorite cough remedy, in
TotalAssots $106,000,000
over 110 to
w3swered this town anCL V191nity for five
ONTRUAL the roll call, Prof.. Co eman, Of the
READ OFFICE; -9 'ORIGIN. years, Will
'Toronto University, delivered splen, quickly cure you.
did addresses, the one "National on Uoff Kure is a prescri tion
Ideals in Education." being particular- ir of A famous physician aux
190 BRANCHES and
The GA -and, %TrITak 15tiltiQn, con- ly iporeelated. The -teachers and' 1, cimlist on throatariii lung trouble
their treated
Corr'('3spondente Tbrougbout the world is ago, =d re eltr friends were to an
stvuctecr khi{b�� year
gardect as OMP N the %hanciao est "at home" last Thursday evening,
-Interest allowed on Deposit at which Prof. Kelly and his daugh- Eretry Dottie Guaranteed
vias leolmpletely es -
on, the lizie, N ced at ter, of Guelph, furniahed the musical
3M, Which commenced frayed by I asclated by Mrs. W, McLean, of
at. Friday morning.
o'clock last clrth, principal Curtis of the %
A after it
R. E. MANNING, Mr. =.aLA �Lw MAggINOM, I putilic, cancel, and his staff were de-
Thel firo *as ',disgovere
),,ad 6,ecurod a0wee-ping start, 0,Ud sacredly complimented foe their
• McCQnn,11
y of India, who is in charge it was imPoissible.to savo asticki�pf efforts in tnakili_g the corive-atiou, P, W.A
OUNTON BRANOH Vii6cro -p did, great
of preparations for the'visit Of King it. The( litre ;brigade pleasing success. Phm. B,
a nurabqr of froilkht Hon. J. J. Foy, attorney-gener41 of
George to lndiq;� work in saving Tho 38th annual conveatilan of
car of potatoes Ontario, who, it isstated, will retire C.P.R. Tplegraph Agency
carg,'how-evlem. - A' tion was 'held in fhe, S.eaf orth'Town LJet after the
isitlain ingl onthe track inlvarbY MISS thel East Huron T�tacheml Assoicla- from the cabL election
• gonoulmed, and'Aie ral and be appointed to a judgeship.
PartiallwL . I ve Hall on Thursday and Friday, Oct.
THERE is atf or�n (wiere des- 19th and, 20th. . ..... ....+.. ....
,5. ON tilacks Cwthe, PI!('All Like ittroyed. RON, GEORGPA R. FOSTER. tl�ral'adoadance was lapge iand Air H. T. J,COJe L ani ph. D, of TLOirNone like�ra lost convontion inteeps(tiog And
A: tr&vell�er foie a !gun OT The Prime Minister of Canada to- . onto,was then infb4aced and, pro
It 'd - tructive thro ecedied, to discass "Interest andief-
paraples vahiod at $400. 20 Sal day is Hon, Georgia E. Foster. Pre- ins ughouit. Af tier de
his[ dto,�k of rifles and, thotgmns, votional, extercisas and the reading fort, in "Education, and dealt •with
t.on. Saturday for At ide In
jr Billy 0,1%eills Coffee wevd, coonpletely destroyed. i:nler Borden lefp of Wlie imlifioties ofthe last conven- thelworth oxasubject and thefea- COnS Al JE In r
'Safe 1ptitio. Uity. in his absence Hon. Mr. don, lthe follolwing counmMKpi sons(for the nlead. of aur pregient
Were. pli�noirS that th4D
19 THE Q, OFFEE. Bixile, C. O. F., vs L There. id, been, blOwn, but Foster will act as the, prime minister.' weroapDointed,- (education, the present system has r_7
Carpet O. L., IA, the Qlfico N
Program -Mr. HO-11aJad and Misses Its. distinct merit and advantmg(jkA. .-health'.
Flavor is unsurpassed, of finest October 20th. 'tibia, Was denied, The privilege goes to. Mr, Poster asBrockL -d r"bornmon Res'lillittiom rm 0-1 r r urea of '
quality, pleasing t the talste. 1, St'. Pani S Sunday 11 Vf 401 - ,stud f
q Halloween Party, Hotw Tire f5bartied is(h tiy8teV.,' the senior member of the Government. Messrs, Stalker, ShillinglaW and should] beetwessed tobrI forth
Schoolroom, October 81st. atiorl- Wt ngutyi
By being steadily particular printer's Coat Convention, 001111011 Ther Maras no fire in the St. Misses Wilson and Taylor. BODQMtl� efforb lai*taile, pupil, and Me do
the tiifidie, and ,everything indicates Rexall wine 61 Cod.. tiva 011,
about Coffee we have pushed •Chamber, Ootober 2"0th. erg --Messrs. Holtman and Posliff. ' thel oacher was to-devolop, . the
competitip aside in that line and that the firm was of incendiary orl--c Me, Andrew Scott of 9patorft, Personality orf taw child.
Anniversary Servicass Sunda al No "na were, . thriolugh af ter ++♦
................. *4#44+
solely by force of superiority. presidiank,of '.the Association. ably The to
Thanksgiving Day Supper at prides gin Presi . ed"during the several sear in I Institute then adjourned LOORS 4004 IS 6000
the rpgouhir, JRrAce train, in z -
born Methodist -Church, ootober eptl at i,30P.M.
20th and 30th. ter at 5 :54. + PERSONALS. siori.( of the contention. OV re-assprabling in the ,after-
After you have eaten our Princess .;Theatre ople.m., next Wed, Pas-zengiers were comPelledto Put Inspector Dr.. J. T4. FiiBld -was noon, Mr. 'G. W,Holmau introduced Tastes 6004 DOCS 6004
t e on �the
nesday.'No7ember their. baigga train Un♦ present ana t )k.an0tivo Partin the subjec.t of Composition, deal -
y Brothers in November., checked in'tt, It is the desire of the the' discussions and work of th,,* fair
Breakfast BaC011 0 morning- with it& importance and tits
try. -A clip of OVR COFFEE publishers that all should = 1mieMting" means( to be, found in .the ordinary It Builds you. u0'aud,
♦ Roll call showed oNler 100teach- sicho'ol subjects is Qeogr[aphy and Keeps you up.
fidic an interest lit .this
+ History. A plian.ahould be jusistled
There is None Like I -er-9. �inadieridiarice, which is best
column , of THE NEW attendianoo ofi4jecorcrin this Am- upon amd should be follc)iwpd� 'In-'
-.All Like It is THE
BORDEN MIN9STRY: ER k. If you have friends opeeto4atle'. sistf upon correct s�Nntence &rin- FOR SALE, ONLY AT
lorg p4don..
Th�'follo.wing letter was receiv, at And imiapigifial indoo,
sit ng you go". The Rexal
vi, . 1 9 or are ed,'mad by 11he.secretary and - T Begiq oral aind written gentepilce, I Drug Store
Ing away for a trip, leave
9TH SINCE CONHIRATION ferred'tothe committee Onldesolu'e�. building as soon as possible, and
word or send It on a post itlons4 neveztset before the pupils incor,-.
W. T. 09NEIL card. ti %04 Patrick 'St., rectL.waodpls -ilox correction unless
+ Kingston, May 16,igil for' older pupils.
+ I
T H E 1:1 U B G R 0 CE. R, John Hartley,. Inspector, ked then read Ali ex W.S.R. Holmes
Phone 48 -BEEN IN POWER 15 YEARS AND 77 ++* ........... + ..... 4.*++++ Mr, ee4len,ti paper on 14Practical Teach -
ton - bna B.
SIR- WILFRID LAURIER HAS 18..Huroii Machers"Convent, P,
In Seaforth on Ingi 0
bf(r J,,� Nedigerywas Clinton, f Entrance Ge * The
005—HOW 7LONG WILL. THE. NEW CONSERVATIVE Monday'. rieW cont e_ (?S study opened up a
d I t ff. flufateturing Chemist
Dear c4esire o expresq to wide scope iequiring much supple -
Warden Geiger was in, town on ,Rjeasoning could
the telichers of East, Huron Inopee- mentaM, study.
Become"lludepend,elit' GOYERNMENT.SURVIVE? Wednesday. and
iatel our heartiest thanks b4bere adequately cultivated in
Stevenson, was on- tol
LIU r. f. W. in *L 'diScussing 11he xselation of cliarmtick.
1 ippreciat'loili of this' words <)f 'isyrn
Atiend don this week; -at! . he, indu:§tries of
pathy as expressed -by the'.bea - to pmductsk and the vo,f4e, of thanks, moved
'e. Ministries Isitl Cot Confiadei�ation; and, the 16n9th the people, the. want of goo-graphi A" earity
ELLI TT The naintes 0-1 .the . lle;*, Mrc- n T%le'311161), of Blythi was fult floral tribute, which %rjereten-�
& 3�.eiadlrig '.at this iundtur16 Joh
e, inteikestbi- .last Friday. �zcent beiJeave- calinfoilmation. 6ften showed lack by,'Mr. G.F. Rogers and socorided
Of their, existence malt in tow dereid to fn: ) . -tie'
of. Mind'd6velo,pment, just as bad j Hartley, was. ridered
a, the
P ;g�. Flom' July 11it$ 1867, -v. Fathe En -�red ignorance his
t trienti which NViei sixf f ered in the lo as Y' whp contributod to
L )m 6donald,' Tr(e 'to Rt r li%nlon, of 1nndon vsho, `to all
A. Ron. Sir J A. Ma of our uncle �' and your lata 'in English
6years, 96 -day's.' was hi town this week.. Though'God willed language�. in .'.0,3a,ching cities' the .,success a evening.
Nov. 6.th, 1872, From -Nov. Uh, 1873, .to Oct,16m 18791 spector. Ded that FAwation iand;maturai iadvantageg ayor ecallum, , of, Seaforth,
TORONTO, ONT. Maclienziie; Prepaiir.- 4Z Mrs..- C. Pugh visited at Loadop Lite ha should be called to .nest betore, in a brief, neatly
.3tudents of this year are in POsi-,!- F.yearsi 312. days. t . .13th,'1879," 0� pl;ter part of last week, youil, plans for holding your Asso-, sho.uliA be poinited.out, in contribult.. Nvas; prestept and 'd th
JR. Sir J. A. Ma donald, P Tlemijeir, Filiorn O -c t tcluct Ing to their aroWth.' worded. �addrjess 'welcome -a
from $50 to 00 on. C . . I . cl-titiort r& -feting, also the bau
tions Worth f ; 1- �Altss Doris Sco't. of Blytb, was a idliers t thetown.'and m*pressed
June 6th, Is9l, 11,years, 229 days to Dec:ViNhis behalf in rrus&els, during � Mr. Oscar Sn'aw. was then caaW.d te o
iriouth. Write for catalogue. Unter,'� 16th isitor in town lase. week; 'sh that ibl�e,conventlouvo
now. Superior Instruct!
ructions in all,., 4 -Iron. Sir,,T. X. C. Abbott, Pradier.' FrO�A JW40 16' 1 1891y 'Mayt Nvere carried out',' yet.you =.,aad presented apaper on ]An,- the wi
189% 1 year, 71 days.' 'business baa vfeiy profitable one all
5th th'.1892, to 0ec. 12th (Mr. J.. Ransfortl made a' may(-.ft�l confident that he would trance Subects'! and dealt with each
Departmelats. -1 Dec.y COIXC roe
,mpson, Preraier6. Frion trip to Toronto this week.,. ft all. e
ELLIOTT -BUSINESS -CQL, LEGE 5 -Hon. Sir J. Tfic havo apprieciated. I subject in. order',and big, method of FRIDAY.
Yonge and Alexandez Streieta: 1894, 2y6ars, 7.days. to ii..'April, 27th, Alps. (Rev;) Small•, of Blyth was a tiliank eviery teacher for the treating it, Pupils should receive ro
6: Hon, Sir M. Boiwell, P;iemie4. - Y n0jis -Dee Mist, 1894 The! Associatio3a. inlet at 9.15 a. m.,
I . visitor in town last Friday. p1johouudi resiXect shawn -him.,. cr�adit(Tpr aill cogriect work. done; 1''.
�7 des s.. -1896, to� July Sincerely yours, re . z - ishould be omitted from. Mr. A.Scott in�he chair.
.89,6, 1 year, 12 "May 1st,' - a'weddlog t d'I n A .business, the
7-41M, Sir C. Tupper, 13 -art., Ppem ier� From_ Mrs 'Brigham attended L e.
5,aura,.M. Ryder. the lexaniinations; maps should.not The first ordor of
sth, 1896, 69 days. at •Hill's Green on Wednesday, be, 6.Kpos-ed On Walls but should bo ejerticirA of` 10,fficerS If OT the ensue--
ront. Jul 11th, 1896, to 'diliwn' on �heboar1d%
8_RtA Ron. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Pr exaleiti. F
-1911;, 15 years, '77. days. Miss 3r3wn, of Brussels, is visit Iffisd It. B. Hull was then called Mr.. Shaw hig (year.
Take a hodak '66t. 3rd, Ing her sister,. Ars, J -Leslie Kerr.. on: and very ably discuss -e4 went rax -filer fully, into his methiod., The -follovOng are the officers elect -
n, Prelnier� :Fr 0�1. Oct, 8th, loll, to "Teachirx,�* -ure Study in the of teachin compoisfion - and gram uing. yeixr President,
ed for the Eris
.9 -Hou. R. L. B6rde. Wingharn, of Nat an
Mrg. R. Vanst6ne, of Public Schools as a F oiandation lo3! t
was a visrtor'at'the Rectory this. week. Geo. W. Holman -first rice -president,
Rotany. and Zo,olo,riy." Miss Hull latioh thein a�jou= J. T.. Curtis.; second vice"pivesident.
withil You 13. Comb -entintaiue(l afew enile
of her friends Monday evening . ng of this adv .chs reasons in .1 tiotoe,�IsaloEep.m. for the ig bliss B, R.. Holl . secvetary-treasurer,,
support of her -subject. It teaches up John executive committee,
week. sessi64 and' at 9 a. Tn. to d atem Hartley ;
child to bbservie, insects and in., Me, K
'Mrs."- 9 the )�,qgu.lar cork orthe convention Messrs 866tt, stail er, Higgins, - and
Your vacation will mean more e an ins Misses Brock and g
to you if you Kodak, not only h AM -0 ... - 1 t 'To int1b insect life. Nature stud
b aster. m Murray, of Blyth, th, quire ` y . ' Thompsup. Wing•-
?en F sights of clAes agreat deal ofart. EVENING. - - !.- as tile next place. o'
Friday taking. in the in ham. was selected
f more pleasurq at the time but 55
Incorporated' I Sr
Minton. ThEi bmiethod Of dealing with it in Inc the eyening an At Rome anid meeting.
afterwards the, added pleasure PAID UP $4,0009000
that will come from thepictures P was :discussed - under : the entertainment -was tendered k(earletary then .,pN
ea Ital, N The meuked
Mrs, Archibald left last week to re- school en ed the,
Brownies $2 to:$12.00, Kodaks side in Toronto with her son for the following heads, aroase interest Of Teachers),,of East Huron and their the, annual firlancal aba4riqlo
1 $49,6=000 Nwhich- on was .
from $10.00 up. Rest Fund, jr time being. 11 and eacourlmm, e him to. ask friends by the, teachers of -the Se -a- adopted,"
85 Branches lit Canada, and Agents and Correspondents In all su"ophl ctue stions as to why and this. forth'&ul5lic Scha'ol. Prof. Kelly � Mr'. -A. Scaf t delivoyed his Address
Mr. Fred Obaut is spending 10 days
All Eastman Supplies 'the Principal r4ties in the World tit the parent- lie is' note in twhere,fore, haire conversations with and this -daughter, of Guelph, assist7. im presid(ept and: dealt with !,Fx:-
al home, pu.Vils. on.the worlc', let.. the pupil. dio ed by JMrs. 'W, D. McLean of Sea- --Vei ienop as a Teacher.l . As the
A GENERAL BANKIN16 UUSINES$ TR. Scranton,Rm.' ' 7 f )rnOre ;and title teacher less, le I t them forth,, provided an 'excellent.and.
Res, - H t teacher acquired exPerientheories
e hwas
J. terhouti and wife 0 do Wost of tile work out o, f and.varled program 6t music, read thek-beitter able, to , apply theories#
-SAVI N G S� BAN K D E P A RTM E N Londesboro. �alled on Mrs. J, Hartley, schooh t Ebt deial
• .1 ingt ;etc, be teachers .1learins a%lgrie
on Wednesaav -e c t •:was a
highest current rate. Tho sub � Cartier disebss- Prof, Coleman began his address', from tthe pupils.. No amount.of
at all Branches. interest allowed at hi,- 'Bev. JoslvLs Green. -as in Stratford ed by31r. Hartlt�y wno:. claimed- on, "National. Ideals in EducatiOn" book, I-earnimig could . talcs the place Dispensing Chemist.. -C F. DoWDING Managrer on Wednesday 4tt(nd.ng the faucial. ctliat teachers should have a hand but owing to Ia he !.ogthe kno-wh�dge gained by ',cone-
9 of 't ,tact with
Clinton Bran of thei Dr. Gifford. book onAfte subject to, assist in hour, his rema 'I, ebrLe An tb
.find out
e work. Xatuie Study aids from excellent lunc'�" 1� !e, 'e 0
Mrs. .-MeMillian and Mrs Small, of 'th h f in
c I real -nature r f tbj�.gs and avoid.
fie ? _ & tile needs
the chP.- ere a tho ou in -
Blyth, were the guesfs of Miss Uc- anf economic standp-oint, ainf and cof large
I r ly hasty judgments, help.
ss I
-a -deal w
Lennon last Frlday, drenr tie -ink t ugbt. to Wath; -or enipyed by,the a b y I e a
tb continued on Page 4
♦George McLennan left yesterday on destroy, such as -e Codlin ftotlil.. exit..
♦e com-
a visit to friends in -the Soo, taking in - Mr.:H6.1land suggesled th
♦si d. binatioa olNaturo Study and Do -
the Hunter's Excur 0 And h, -lit
♦mestW.Scienee, Ave it tau
♦back to work'agitin. FEM
miss Rena Pickett has been off duty to. 'pupils in the winter
at the post.Office Ahrough illness, but
In tl�
BOYS♦ ",' OV..._E --S i is noiv. ba' Mr. Stalker spoke, of the dif ficul-
Mrst Sbobbrock of Clinton; and " I od t', the. teacher In
d Mrs. John ties, present 0
e. militiry Cut Coat. The ♦ (AisgikUy Isherwo"�d visite teaching, the subject. If we are to
The B' Overcoat for this season is' th oartright one day last,.week. VIOLATING. �R�ITA ARK ACT.
oys". favorite Oxt teach/ it hal,le aldxt book and call'
collar buttons close around the neck,: affording the'greate-st protection to. the,* i -Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Moore and Myrle it Botany 'and Zo,ology, not -Nature
r, or i� can be worn �.w'fth collar were at Hill's..Green on Wednesday Study. Thei subject too to f ten
boy, who is out ill all sorts of weathe, attending the wedding of Mrs. Moore's erowd.1 out.thel teaebing af such
nephew. subjects as arithX*t1c, ztc.� -GROWING CENTRE—PEACHES FOR ENGLAND
lapel in the regular way. hie Kay and Helen Kay, . varied. HURON AS APPLE.
Maker Art, Mr. Curtis. epoke of Itbo
♦ of. Stratford, came up last Friday iriterast�created intia child Which
—Darkpat . terns, single- breastedl velvet collar, size 28. to 35...- .3-50, evening and ent a few days with opepq up.a .wider field of -observo.-
Boys' OvercoatS Leslie Kerr. ithongbf it may be so wl*re tyle tam'
and Mrs Yarimers' Sun.
-can be be buttoned close. Up ; to the • Mr, and, Mrs. E. McLaughlin. ac- Ins ector,'Fijela ilia, not think'it The . Annual r•eport 6f'J.A.Rud, tio-no have ;bo -en pur�chased. ovb-
# companied by their two children... ar- shou di accilpy such a place on khoL age .Corti- right. In, (hie majea'Atime what is be-
• Boys Overcontg—With •conve'rtible collar, lar coat the # ?� dick, Dairr and Cold Stor in_ in dione is Axp,6cted to -servo, as in
neck or worn as aft.ordinar'y coat. This will be the most popu Irved in town this week from Saska- pr ramthat itwill crowd out the missioner, gives some valuible
6-50t 7.00 and 8s59 toonpnd will visit with lattet's mot- fuu�o`gameiritaX subjects, Take,, up formation{ in regard tolthe, fruit in- objeOlosson� that will impress or-�-
K ♦ season, price ........ I ........... .............. I ......... Mrs. Wni. Fluker. They intend *,bekisubjtects that are of preAentin- dustryLof Canada Eus well as tqelat- chard ONTiers.with the. vallie of theil.
♦her, holdings.
•vel- living in Ontario- lergs((iuthe fall season, theI&I'Ves ingl.to dairying with which Mr..Rud� -grawing arid:iE;
B♦o S' Fancy OvercoatSBuys' Blue Nap Overcoats, bUtton elose at nec♦k ibel �migratlon ofbirda, th(o hibLr:- dicclisanore iritimately coinnect6d, I
Mr. Frank Walker left . Monday C, Spaaking! of1ruit
VF_t collar, tworows of brass buttons, our special price ................ .............. Morning of thiw week foe t6 resume nation Of EthiTnalss and how atimals Special reference is-iniade-t000me I.Mr, McNeill says that what mishit
osition as a mergeatbalor operator provideithleir winter food,
the experitriental shipments of p6aches, I bai, onle oifithe beat Is in thb, Lake
coatg L Boys' Melton 'OVercoats,' in bright navy with velvet 9 the Free Press at Winnipeg after sprea 6t,sleeds,etc. Let tb!4turp Juot� up under the Supervision of P. Vurpii 'district, including Lucant.
Boys' Funcy Over 8.90 ♦a holiday of about two months at his studs* �goihand in %and with drily- arey and *hipDed to the British 'Hohne'ville, Lucknow, 'Walkerton
.... q ♦.!...0 .............. inn, Naturef study quicklans the and 'Pori Elgin, Soil canditioas are
•♦ Ilan brass buttons, good linings, price .......... home.in town. market., Those shipments have dc,-
mindi.of,the pupils �o appria(clate monstratt-do Mr.Ruddick says,that suitable for fruit ppjadudtion and
•ats in, the newest Shades of brown c_Mr. Arthur Ford, son of Rev. and thelbeWdUes and Wonders of natuto. certain, varieties of Canadian -all the points. narialed (are within,
Bow Faney Overcoats 'Boys' Fancy Overco Mrs. Ford paid a flying *!sit to Rev..
%(Nature Study and Life," by Hodge peaches can be landed In 11ho British ithei ap*liorating influence ofLake
• button close at neck, with t,vo. rows of'buttons. A •stylish Coat for the little ton on Tuesday4 lie brought his wife is a book Mr. Viold Isititonigly r1&, tnarkef� in first class condition. In Huron- 1 bat beyond the 15 -Mile
..60 .... 5600 411 c 11 ren fro innipe ere for nwWiedf teachers to use. limit� fr6ra ,the laiqe, and with an
................. ..... ........ 64..# ....... 4, visit,. arriving on the 1, 5 train abil 40ml fact, so,,me of tholSrft 8higed last
man" price♦left orOttawa on the 3 train to re. Mr. Scaft could not understan& year( Tgatted thre . 081� le price e�ov`atiout oflioo feelt mar4y ofaO
♦ rherethe busy teacher could, with that could have el' in igooil Winter varitios dot ftot neem
�aeri obtained
ys, Suits ill brown tweeds with light stripe, 2 pleat • sums is position as correspondent at A
SP tt 11 tort e elogrami all 017 other subjects crowding him Cariac%a�, %4.ba llratW,
down front of coat, plain kni kers, siieS� 22 to !8. our Innipe
knickers, Crooks- arrived back -in k%pend miich lime in the subject of Alex. MeX0111, Chief of theYruit 8peakinoL Of .thee Value which
1.19 ♦ Mr. John naturalstudy. a%td subject 'could Divisions reports that there were �aigb.Q be iv to; J�he dialtriet by,
special price ......................:...................:...:...r::..,..: 011,11toll from his Western trip rind mo,�, be taught in ruNLI schopla in tit igrqWing, W.
to with hisonly sixty convictions for violation knorei oxtendve frb
after a short stay in Torion any. Way, but incentally. Naftrie the Most
Wholesale house will be back to spend wascrowding out arithmetic of the Fruit Marks Act last relfLor as McNeill isays that Oven
n and amya ed with 210tho year ro. valuable Ia.* d :to ato.ek
11th, a. r pain tend, dairying vchuld bot
the next couple of mouths I c 'g L rotted
1 $8' 10.00, t 2,00o 15-00 to 224-00 18 lir crol
Overk,Oats with Collar, is special value. Ask to see it If big work agrees with him, His old to( teach childrofts under the ead ftero"Withow ngg, 'On tho
Our $10:0,/ercoat i;:d er more Alse,ful sub
'around Clinton. Mr.Crookelooke is ;Miss Wilson didhoit thinkitp per iQiAJ!*ibut,ed lar&ly to
th&t last was A b4n Wore than 50 or $60, an,
Men's the $,act, t *fit Z. ?I
friends are glad to see him In their 04 ilature 'atu.4y, to run a.'Noldt thot very, On -a-11 Ono an"T'that Moto atheif hand tbaire Are sobiti I
midst once Again. cowatryt practising Cruelty on buit- was; grown in sections in which Poo- tray Whom tiar)ta have lbbivien 60
pie beien educated In the giad-4 ,
Mt. T. It. Kay, late editor of the iterfljo$, etc. wherle, Ifte, orobutd, land was ValVad*
-eek for As Ithe
Listowel'BAnnisr, left last W miss Zrook 4ht the. aubjoq� it'PJ * 01 fruit- to laystern *01 $200 ,to $400 1�6.r aerie',
MedicinegAt to take a ofmition lit could - oinly be kilaght inaidentAlly, rehava =tW
recoatly �Atroduced under whieb. eo&t ofput-WoR 610 1
advertising . manager of the Daily kud that the ttost plateland, WAS ox-OVably nojt,)o1or6 &I'li
for -a girl
Morriesh elothin eos News. Mt.. Ka iss -young, vewspmoer tx learn (Toftestle selencO Was int syndleateg ho-Va obtained control SW At acre. tbo had had, , thert-
• .9 Itial) of e6n4lifoliklilto plVoilRe 71,n 1.-r areqq. Th(,
Cos Ia 1:0 explois'ed
'tihat this will 'forel I oil igiveripnot v�d
New Am wiah,es him every 0 r . gtcttt� by. tho, J66i]E pt,
64 ul ;� �CLbo, 'to JeArA I be Ust- 01413
A.Square DeAl for Every main. i newYnture. Mr.Kay is ku wu ri 00 0 10(his fathp.ris)oack A6 bi�,l AertAtMeMI 'feRbUtO *h64D
Ar4i,(bgve iygen leased, fal. �*ihuloa.
many Inthle'tovVft, 04"