HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-10-19, Page 7.- . - "; 7 ,* I , I I nturouyo "O'hors I" 1911. . I ­', 7 , I 1. . I ­ . I 'r � I I TUR CLINTOW NSW =A. 11 I ­-­ ­­_ -_ 02impin � , ..."", - . q I omw �� I am I I . � ;1 I I . I- I . - � . . : .. `41l �, � 11 I � IONS � SUNDAY SCHOOL11 � . 1. ...1'.. 11 . - ,RWW,W_-9- - A Gentlernian . ' . . Lesson lVe-Fourth Quarter, Fof 1. - , 0 0 0 0 .. . AVOIDED I Ocit, A 19114P . . . , �� 11 From. Mississippi I l. I . ...... � .1 � , I By 11,y,dia E. Pinkbata's - . "I I _ THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES, : S3r THOMA$ A. W.r.VF, ve,gotable Compound I I I I 11 � I . ,A. 7*00mbi Belleriver, e. - I 'Without tydis, : . �. X00#r&#4r y,�.Drpi *,b# :plpjr bj�, rroderfok , � R Pinkhara'sVegetable. Compound I Text -of the LoRsons E4. Ili, a to, N, 0. I � � would not be alive. For five months I momory. Verses, ills, 11--oolden Text, * I � llr� � bad ainful an ir. C '* COPYWORT. 190, RY THOM"�� W10 I Ps. 0, 4 -Commentary, Prop*re;t by . I re arperiodsond. - I. - __ - � � - ;__ ______ - , ----*- __ I . am . mation of Rov, 0. M. Stearns. �� ww,00i - mm. -m W -m. I ) r . L . � ... I I- . ,.,ik ­ I . . [ t Is uterus, 1 $uf_ The topic of the lesson today is the" 0841 � I ­. #p the, carpuater We bores and depo4- visitor we could have call, on him, . lered nii,4 ts Martyr rob I Itp his e9tract from the J)uas and, then shove the bill through suwma- .1 " *:. * " and -thought often vilding of the temple, which was I I- Asil I .. - .1,q) ; ID,Jos5om rily?" he suggeste 4W 1 con- begun In the second year of their re V. �, g of the tropical forest. d. .. %_ s­e� of death. X ,,, r . 1. "V* ­ ... , .... .. sulted two doctors t ere 'The bird is MOW the olioneybirW ll that' answered . ; ., . .`.1 turn euth ibouth h .. .. . (111. 8), but In the sev .. : -.0 ras'.�n :,- .. who could do 1. beouV to the ft Peabody quickly. "It would only be i. of the first year tbe7 repaired the altar , -se it is a, sure guide - evil hour. You wouldn't ! I .. notbilig for me. I , I ticul, posits. of the delicacy. The bird dW delaying the and, offered sacrifices, . I -ta It be able to Move that old codger away I I went to. a hospital, It I lik" tho laliorions . sl� of pecking I s � and the beat jloe . According to, Lev, xxill. 23-86, the blood I . � w4�y through the bark to. rea,ch. the i from the senate chamber with a -team I tors said I must' program for the seventh mo�tlx was, ment , ttogey, and so, wise In. the waY4, Of I of o*en--ouce he gets to his seat. His ­ stlihmit M an . for the first day blowing of trump4ts, I of oli . , , I procures help. It locates a I secretary, Hatnes-another oversigat ation, because I had a tawori I ent iement, on 91111 men, it . I OA the tenth, day the aton I � � , nest of honey, then files about until it I of youn, - Stevittoll-the latter winced back home Much discouraged, 0114 0 . . ing , I . I I -,,will � warn him. Laugdou would my . , the fifteenth day the feast of taber- Th I peea,sqpe natives or hunters, towhom , y cousins, advised we to take I our , eep Compound, as it had, oured.ber. did u4cles, and those they seem to have this . it sh � itself. They know the honey- stick Pins through his eyelids to It , . owell - I so SO soon commenced to feel better, carefuffly observe(I Xqte the One Re- are ' . �,Ablrd and know that it will le4,d them from falling asleep.1p and ray appetite came back with the cord . , r they gathered together aa 'd I � �, to the treasure store. Following the "I've been tbluklu%" Put In Stelnert , . fo me 1 . grotbottle. Now I feel no painand one, man to' Jorusale (Ili, 1). This clean , = � bird, which flits just In advance, they slowly, "that a little flue-esie like this am cured. Your remedy is deserving unity of heart must be very pleasing to ing ,reach the cache of dripping sweetness' Inight keep him awvLy-. When Lang- of pralse. " -Mrs. EMMA CH=Lpl, the Lord. Compare the seven 10oue so, char k and readily 14Y It open with hatchets � . . I anct 1� � . . 11 I Vall6yfield, Bellerivj Quebec. cords" of Acts 1. 14; 11, 1, Q; tv, 24; V, 5, , ot knives, Taking what they want, ,� . Another opera a AVolded. 12; vill, 6; xv, 25, all for God, and the Or there Is always enough left clinging I . . Poughkeepsie, N.Y.-Irun a pewin alwo I to the tree and easily accessible to sat- I I .. I machine in a large factory and t all four "one accords" of the devll,, Act$ h'al - , , _ ;re up worf"Tor f VII, 57; x1l, 20; Xvill, 12, six, 28. Th lofy the appetite of the clever little run dow�. I had to gil - � � . � . I could not stand the pa,ins in my back. i, Tbetr first essential to the worship oil t I ,7 . I . . . � The doctor said I needed .1 era ion ' of the I�ord ,was an altar for sacrifice like bird. ..6 ti I , � SenAt6r Stevens of MIsstesippl. bears I for womb, trouble but LyrdUT. Pink- �W, 2). See the altars of X-oah and are . it marked resem- - I V I 111- � ham's Vegetable Compound cud more Abraw (Gen, vill, 20; x1l, 7, 8; still 4), (lote blance to the ; 0- I IV. I . for we than the doctors cud, I have ruen, I boneyblrd-so e - .. fe . gained five pounds. I hope that ever but observe that he bad no altar in Th I . M AT; � Ogypt. Mark ,the threefold phrase Din N!- �... I one who is suffering from fe , , I much so that he �� . � trouble, nerlirpusness and backache flUato the Lord" (ill, 3,' 5, 6), and it rhei . �, has well won the I %:, \ , you can fin4 time to mark this and vvcu , \% 06 11, will 'take the Compound. I owe My . , -bvu � tiou for himself. � - I I I thanks to Mrs, Pinkliam. Slid is We I "Before the Lord" in the book of Le- nieti Abnormally keen *- - I ; I -1. I * working girl's friend, for health,. and VItIcus, where they are found many � . . I . f-#�K w gr profited, as tile ." I all women who suffer should write. to times, you Ill be eatly ".." Ixt locating pos- % .1 I I . her and take her advice. -Miss TiLLIE I real Chris. er3 . , Z I . , these two sayings cover all : I ' I . sibilittes for ex- - . '. ,I I . -_ � Go aySt.,Poughkeep V . . tian life. There is -a saying In lit, 4, To� . tructlug "honey" ; � - I ll e of .unparallef success worthy' 9f close attention, --.&s tue tiol. from the govern- .. . f. . C 6- r , 9 e power Of ia EL Pink- 'duty of .every day required," or at in .1 mental affairs In , a etable , poun to care I WashIn lie I _� . � I few e iseUses. . the margin, "The matter of the dety, in J gton, � ... �, , �_ =--- , his day.$' It to found. just seven times - ,l,! ..j, .. . I - =_ .. _ Invariably led t I i, * . 6 . . I . . - don't you see?" pertaining to the things of God,"the .,.-n I Peabody, repre- . i I- I I . . � � . � 6 . . - tr A -d v" 11 Seri- other six being In Ex. xvi, 41, I Wngs cd I - - seating the hunt- 1 �_ I . . I ator � Peabody and Vill, 59; sxv, 30; 11 ChrOn. Till, 13, 14; " W , ) er with the ax, 11 . , , the, salf . � 2%) � I "GO in, a Closed N` .Jake 4. it Is used once.. of.' !Qv ' � . , to the repository, I . I . � I . 6 � . rtao&ll curred to a pre- dovills tyranny in E= v, 13'. 'We are Vill He would then - , I .1,6.ViOUS discussion conceiniug one J. D. remindedof "As thy days so shall thy , ,,d . rely on the Penn- 1,7TItless 11ou got the right 14nd of womem." Telfer, , . mayor of Gulf City, Senator strength lie" and "Give as,thls- day our 6 1 .... . sylvanti 0 don,s in . his committee room before Stevens started on the most. Memorable .1 daily broad." . . . . I a d r1or force to AGBoneybtrdll Stevens. goiul to �jhe senate send him a tele- drive of his career on Wis bright'VIii- The expresAlou_�Tjle houseor temple cor break down the I � ( gram sigued Uy.sOwo of Ills'frien's' ter morning, to tho'house of tbe1ascl- of'the Lord" (lit, 8, 9, 10, 13., 12) re- . 0, barriers. Stevens would flutter about name t at , one , of' his I daughters ti nating Urs. Spangler-wbo for thQ,past. minds us of the great .business In col , .0 and gather up the leavings. ' . week liad been co cai Equally as mercenary as "the boss of dyln' _from 6 injuries ,In, a autoinolot . le . nsidering his pr9po - sat ,which we now are or should be en- . - 6 . I . the senate," he lacked Peabody's iron% collision a few miles. out,. ii -town- of'marriage. - .. gaged, the, bulldlfig of.the church, . I I I I - — I * I . � nerve, determination, resourcefulness That ud'l- . . . I . . . I .1 'Whiell Is His body (Eph. 1. 22, 23; 11, d y, ,'He'd . I I '. XN . Eris ow - house, whose house " " Ridiculous," snorted Peabo CHAXTER . V. .. 1 19-22), " n � -WP I . 6 ,; and daring. He needed many hours I know where they ,were. ThWr6 ftl- CAROLINA LANGDON'S R=NtINCIATION. are we" (Hab, ill, 0).� I . . . de I of sleep. Peabody could work twenty . . � . I . � . ommic.1 The. house of our lesson,was !t. literal . 1.! t i . . hours at a stretch. He had to have ways,.,- . I. :, W , Zx-�V_VOR LA.NGDON'S C . . - - ' 6 1 his meals regularly or else sufferfrom, "Hull, then put Itir in.ore.flno-esse'; . too.moiii at tlib capitol present_ , building of.wo6d and stone at4erusa; ' na Peabody sometimes did "How, what?" 1 6 - I . � am * 'The buildln,; oti wbich.we are , U. I Indigestion. . . . . � . ed a bu.9y sefte at da Unusual- I . , % day's k eggs ,and "Hev , souie'un .take. '00 ,Out a-'.Iu-. S I ly.early hour the worniagafter engaged Is -one. of ' wbicU the living, 6 . . t. I a cup of coffee. . toiu, I,- .. I I . . . ­ 1. � I.. . the entdrt,tininpin at his home. Bud stones are men and woMen6 6 and. boys . . "No. lie, Man!" �llapped llealuld'y- Hailies, . reinstated as. secretar.v. -311A �'and girls, according, to I Pet. II. 5* 60 . The senior senator from AXIssissIPPI., IlThev'o stick ill .tolvll to hear tholl, .. I , . . 1. . ­ . . . .1 and every goal saved �n -aiiy .part of I � had been the first to point out to Pea- I .I . I. I . . : 1, . " � I - e . . . body the possibilities for. profit 1n the father s woll(left"ll .speecll." . 1. . � - ... 6 1 the worl * d is .another stone for. th .6 ,��.k' 6building. There N�ere much praise'alid, I 11 gulf naval base project, but the mofn- 6 -Well." went oii�tb " elobbylst, "I'll IlvV . t . � ), -4 , .. I . ., . . Langdon watched by 1i c;lreful 1)1(-kVtl - .1k . �& - 6 - I 6 tug following the cionference withi - ' .. - I . � .. 6 . thanksgiving at thb laying of the foUl' . . I r thet.w)"'t Will; Ile1l - . .1 dation bt this teinple.(11i. 10,-11). Wi. . Steluert when lie rejoined thern for wall, it fligge . � . . . . . I I . . 0 ., "w' ' full of prMse, ber. - I breakfast at the Louls Napoleon he I pick a r6w . with tbv� col0nol 0`1 so'lle , ." I . .. � I should' be al ftys street, say. %,v'en h o' r ou 611). 1 '. ffoill MS 1 f . ,_ . 6 � � 6 6 � . ;". I ,1111111 . I I . . . ca . u I so ,9; .our foundation, which .has � . \ was far from comfortable. He did, boule.afvn hlnt�h. TLe, m -on kin'bull"" . . . .., .. ­ . � � been laid. strong' 'and sure -forever , not mind fighting brain against lo ­30,1 , to I .111ga,il.an, call him- names". Then i ... �. I I I I * . * - - .- . . . - - . _­ -_ .., - .... in � I . . I (Iga, xxviii, 16; 1 Cor. Ili,, 11), provided . ever, though unprincipled mocnoun, -il . . , . . �' � . VeD ole firework"; l,*iIsJ1lrt0't 11, vcllill.' . I - 1, I . I - . - I . , we are on that folindation .by'faltu Am. . � � . IX, � , re I ... , I . , ; �. ... 66 1 1 I$ were resorted to, but indications we 'If'stlil)i . � 1; . 66 . . Christ Jesus. � All else will'be swe about what led (10 ill Miss S - tile , I . .1 .1 .pt , that more violent agencies 'would be S, a 6 glin on 6 � 11 c . . I I . coon pull colollo I all' . . , I Wli� * . Pif: I - .called into play owing to the coluplica- I . , �. , -, 11 ip; " I , away. As we go on with the build . . fires a coUi)le O' shots ral.1dom, Cops' - ... I e k 41 1 "M , I , ,,� -weeping 156- I, 0__1 � , , �%. Ing day by day some are . I 'itions that had arisen. gl,- our l)evtIQkeler copper 'll . � ,_ ,� tj i - cause of many discouragements, while * come tip, . . I , - I I (I i . I - -ngthen ' 66 1 11 . , _ ) . , , . 11 Stevens ate heartily to s- lug Lang(Vil awdy as a witness, refus- ' , a LL . . I IV some shout for joy (lit, 121,13). . - _ . . . . . . . 6 1 1 , e".. I . gely to in' to believe les�a_sellator. . I klu ar- � I . � . . 0 � t- . � his courage. Stolnert ate hu,, . . . 11 I . I I -- � - ,�4w,*, . Some look backward and tell us . I . L� , 5W . I strengthen his body. Peabody ate I � 1 66 ,.V0 - I , range to bev hi-ni, kept in the .cooler a 11, I . . 6 1 Y, �kt' U � * I I of, better things in the :past. Some ' . . I , . ; scarcely anything at all -to strengthen couple 01 hours without get,4111, any I . . . ft . , . .... "I . . . . . . . . 1 6, 1`1;� .t look around , and, are -discourt . tge I d. -be - his brain. . ' . . ori I'll fiev. lim entered up I .� e . .7,y. t f f - . I , 6U word out, . . 1. J, .6 l " . I . ;, , .6 muie of the worldliness. and obellef . , ; ' ,�. 11 . . _. 6 : Waving away the hotel walter who Y. . He'll, 7 : 6 � ',�i--?,& .'� whidbi pre-liail. Tb6 Only way to fee - ' look . 1 ,.,-'.7 -7 . k ' as drunk an" disarderl . X tl.��__ I .1 6, 1 . ,I had brought the breakfast to his . 6 6 . , "IV, , ". V . I � . 6 . ,�7 1 —, of d drunk, he'll be so ulad.,' . ��.. ; ?,w. :� i I R1 'I'll 1.4 I -is u wit-id'.to Him ' whdnx it Is writ- ator Peabody outline * I I 9, . p I .. .; - apartment, Sen. -But 'the jiegro-ho�v muld yolf..got . 11 4 V. ,,, le i ten, 11116 �hall not fall nor be. diso 1� .the probable campaign of the day. ' , � � illf . . . a man to undergo arrest on such- a. 11 .- - . .,�,,c 1. r, couraged (Isa. slit, 4). Certain people "If our best effoirts to weaken and . , I I '... ... . ,'!;,,, ' geribus charge,'attem�tod murder!" exo k V, . .. who were, ad. . dah and ff Langdon fall today," he said, . A rl�l , ,� � . 7ersarles of .Tu . . . I X, , claimed Stevens. . .. . . . 4V �,6'� � . "I.1 Benjamin wan.W with this.. "it will naturally develop that we inust � ** * . � f k ... " 1',ll. . "There, there," said Stoinert p tr , -, ,� . 'i i i 'the. g6vernor and the . - L - .Impossible In some way for I I . 1'�, . . . , '� .. building, b�at .. render it lzingly; 11coblis.has more genteel home' , . . ... I Z� 'f, 'N 11 . � 6 bim to appear in the senate nt all. or . . ..... . ...�; q , I high priest; said to .fhein;. "Ye .have . . I I .. ... - C life in jiii than they does out. AW . .w 1 '�-._'1 k � 5i *' , nothin- to do with- us to build an - I we must delay,his arrival until after :. . I r 2;."g, � Rgg I don't forget th District of COIlImbld 10 I I . house ;nto. our God.":'So, their assist- ­ vA the report of the committee oil uaval e , . . ,� I I I 111 I i . .1 . .. I 4 . affairs has been made. In either governed by folks th6t'ain't residents . I . ance was, reftsed, and rightly 6 too. . . . of it, only durin' the session. Tho' .poli- . 101' --.11. . Then they did all they.could to hinder event he would not have another op- ticians -don't leave their" fr'e'n'$. in 'the. .. -l"o. , , . , I the wori, afid used force and power .portunity to speak on that subject. * ' .. , , I I "of course later, at 12.30, we will , cooler very long. -. $ak, Senator Ste-. 6. , � ? -_ � . -_ ,_ I . . . to. cause It to cease, and succeeded, so . I I . .1 I -ven% are you kiddlial me? - Is It any ... . . .- . ,its, there was Do. . inow ills plan of action.' Then we.can . . I . .. . I �i.. . . �L_Otp_12 . that 6for many yer ' . . I different down In youV'- . . . J .. 1", progress made with the building (iv, � � . . , the very point, but we must be S il chok . ed and splut .- . . . I . . ' I . . . I. ... . " % I act t, The 'MI sis8illpla . . 1-5, 23, 24). � 6 . I . 'red f( prepa. or any situation that can tered over -a gulp of unusa-11113" hot cOf ' "PLI, have -to thoubato at�,IdVa-". , In the buil'dtjyg Of the church, th6 6 . arise." . ed Stelif � ' 6 - ., . . tO6 ,- "Cannot the president of the senate -1 fee, and Peabody again decid . ' . body of Cbrisi,those. -who profess . I ert to be on the.wrong tack. I . , picking tip.the thread of.routine where be persuaded not to recognize La - ' . be Interested -act so differently ,from, . n 6 11 as e(n we could iLd. That proceeding would attract -tori ,he had dropped.. it the day before, Zerubbabell a141 308buft, ill"Muc . . Journ and shut him off," -asked i much� attention from the newspapers," though his frequent thought Of 7HOPe they seek- help of.every kind fT �Om' all , . . vens. I belladded.' . ... . . I . 6 . (Lad the words. -that had thrilled. him- Sorts of . I - people, never . considering , ought you Want(, Ili ndl w 5, are the Lotd!g ,or' not. ; "No," responded Peabody; "he has "Woll, I th , �d tow ,11 ,,I love you, I love you. fo y'l- ade whether the I already promised Langdon to recog- grunted Stelnert. ,,I,v6 been oderiul this task unusually difficuli. 110 tin- A.g 1i rule,* questions- are asked -as you good st3iff, tob-new. stuff. None patiently wisfied flia- afternoon * to . I eti or-ungaved If'only ' .. to whoth, , SaV nize him, and the president of the sen. . I Dula . . . -or 1 6�. (if yer drnggin, with chloroform or haSt9JJ aiO611g,, as he knew he w money &Ln be obtained, or he#v in the 6 atp cannot be persuaded to break his ticklin, with blarlitpleks. . Why .love then sed her Ili the senat . e gallery, 6 ri whatever is no �W_rd. this choir, o eded. This Is . . I am painfully aware of � fine-esse, to , n, fa- . 1P I gone Avow com 30a Lease. where sb� would. go' to hear 'her all *rOug, and -the wo. of our lesson , - . 1 6 6 ,. . I I . . fact. Tens was not yet dissua"d - T$ui, jeome Tojhink . of . it, 110V about ,ther I s;speeeb" 6 , . � 6 . is the only right way, for light cannot . But Ste I ThJ86 speech had - to be revised In b feating the. junior some woma,,a-? I con got one to intro-. _. . ave fellowship with darkness nor. . from the hope of de . - . I . . s'5me particulars by Bud, and tbe'work .. I ellovers, and. they senator from Mississippi by wit aloned ducei to". . . . Ueh Of 'Ills . believers with ui.ib "Can we not have a speaker get the "This is the wrong kliad 6of a. man," Vlnow. would take tip in that are in the flesli (unsaved *People) .. '... . 16�1 . I Milig. The senator's. speech was cannot pleilie God (IX,C.or. vI, 14-18; "Th.. j� floor before Langdon and have him interrupted Peabody.. , ionth of tile jp"t,lre." WIllell 611,1 . I talk for hours -tire out the old kicker "Unless you got the rJght kind of a . _ . . � I . . . ROM. vill, To 8). There is much that is . � . I -and aw, the womanill went on Steinert. . : Continued Next 'Wee It. . called church work In which It: Is ,lit a time when he leaves , . f. or talk to so— Stevens,choked some more. . 1 6 possible that the Lord. has no part at sennte charrhor to ". Senator . . � . � . . � ' I "The boss -of the senatell sank down . . - - ­­­­­�=t=t� n1l, as ITO never gave tho'pattern.' The . I __ . in his.ehair, ej:oised one knee over the i. 74; -- ' ' I only real '* . orklof true believers 19 to. 6 RMIFF I 'tJI06 life other and drummed big fingers lightly I .1 I Nerves I I I Manifest . of .TeSUS 6abd win The"Ferrible Pains of He gazed tholu,+htfully .! � .1 ,Others to AIM. Building UP one's Own, on the table. . . . n in_ . . � . Were A Wreckil congregation or adva c , the Inter -6 I . I U � I \10j(�MEr at Stevens. I - ,_Tj(D�j ' 6 Z.D � 4.Yes,11 he observed slowly,. "unless ests Of— a denonilhation may, not be of I %41 � You've got6the rIght sort of &�Kman,ll Could 6 Not StandThe . the Lord at all, but way 6001ULS under . . — , Risin.- he led the Mississippian to . I . the heading of I -Tag. 1, 4' 9'6 *"'�Itne house . , i Mr. Wm. H. Nlacb,well, Mount Tryon, one side, . . 6 . . . I . Lelftst Noise Is waste. and ye rna every'man to. bI . f . . s . P. EJ . sayli:-" For more t han a year I I . . . I . . tord iufler�a� with all tliq terril)lo imins of In. The lobbyist beard the southernet� . I I 6 .. I - . . own bou,qe.1' A am sure that the 6 digoation, and rny life vinq one, (it the great- give a short exclarnation,of astoftlshm Mis . a Ploronce 11. Perry, CoUrtland Is calling.6 His .110OP10.1noW, a' I ,int misery. It ilid not seern to make any ment as Peabody WhISPOre h . I did by-Haggal.and Zechariah- .. 6 liffornne" whs-thor I ate or not, tho rnills ,,leg all right. it's all right," be then Oat,, writes. ­"I wi-sh to Write You 3 I work! 'on the temple was t ldways there, ap(�011ll"Dipfl lwa r4evere short letter .tolling yt:)a of tbe fialp� I ,As the n hod wero . beftra the Ponsylvantan'say, Irritably. recoived from the os'e. of your Milbura'o resumed 41116 the buililing 9 IS '310ating will ;k belull I it,,, A wilid. 'I dh.i rlf,t . . -gile'll understand. She can I)o trust- U ve, 11:11,1.1 AN eSy'"g of Tlaggal . , eart and Nor x - _4e,tr ag,) my through the lyroph 1, I Won got n -hof at ri�v:�t, ,io-, :;,?nwt4ll"1 it I , 14, 15), so -o p. I ) vnY ir i �v, y I ed. She expeet-9 V624 nerves were a tell ).WwroA and wpaso aud Zechariah (E'2, 11 lardly 9,A a hit, Of ,-Ii I Ili ,iat stwid the leist surely "ball the church, the body of � 6 �rie.d,-,iti�ivi-nvllcidi(t..4,i-,I ul vur" "l'l;,-vhl;ivn, , Steven:8 gave a Violent start At the nervous I 0011 1 1 ,jut llwy:lid vile nor. w,.o pl.rtiv:oof !-tonfl, last assurance, but big colleague hur- noise. My sister fi,vl t%kca Your Phis Christ, lie completed and takou up 0 t iq mad Advised me t ) give thein It ti , 1. eet the Lord In the air before tile , ov &rid I fully dxpeett%ll h,'Lt I would 4lwNv'4 . . . riedly helped him I took three boxe..4 and saw they were m I )o aillioted in this way. At thin thno n1v ... -A into Ills coat. end ,of this evil age, and then shall tirother camn horrie (in a, visit. and urgcd . I helpi.ngwo so I kem 04 tftki 17 Owl until I - I -do to try 191LBURN'S LAKA,UU11 �,,. , "Go in a closed I ha U864 five bo.w.4, ana can s -y in tolile an age of peace and rlg4to0us . PILLS, and got me a few vials. By �ho I " A I I ear6j-iage," was true words that I ,Ill strictly cured." aesg with Israel as A gelltU- I .. ime.1 had taken one vial I began to im. reab,ody's f Ana I To anyone troul_)'�C,l with their hmrt or . 1 6 . 6rove and could tvmt with some relish. I . ') �� . warning. "Be nerves wo would wron-gly advise them 6 ;V&s greatly ah-ered. onti e-outinued taking gare to tell her to to take %, course of out ftiritt and NlerV6 I . ,v� 4 tile trovibIrl had Qokls cootton P.00t Compount thopills until all tr-le .# get hold of his Pill$ as *6 feel confident that they . - di Appeav-d, and I volild onro more oat wl two daughters on will do theta & world of good. ' The great Uterine, Tonto, "a �. ki 84 Ill, I ho Alighte4 inqon- A - ­ , . only stdo c1lberual MorltwY . I I I I �_Jl . I I I I I I I I I. . nds of 1O)d witliz, , ,some protest at If your druggist or dealer does noll. - 1-o-uhtoroll whichwo0lon can ­ o6niende. I am X firally convincid of I once. She knows koep, -thelh, we will mail them direct on .­ �, '66 dopen(l. Sold in three d lees � , their virtuo as a farnill ruedioi" I,bSV6 I ' 4 them well. Wity. rodeipt of priw-Wo. per bOX or 3 boxes ., of strooAth-No. It It 4 wo- %, � migouding thoin. I , . O; No. 8; � no, hosi tation in reco) I , '1126 ­v�. .-A pnr brix. i f0V QN"" e,, " .,V[JIbutn'8 TA:k&�LiVbt PiII6 aft 250, POt , �1 _be we call Itiflu- for $ I i, A 'i tal U'UP04ts. 01: t'O'k . I ence the old man I The T. Milburn CO., limited, Toronto, i VfAli ob fivil for $1.06, at 0,11 dMilfts Or I I rcpa*,� �A rcce� t Of vrfc�. wailed direct oil T66610lt Ot price by �h6 - * thtough his glielft. Out. , . I I 6 . Z-11, Eopaw�lblet. A dfeA4* THI I Jr.6 jEIW�n 06" Li'm1w, T6611toi, ont. ­jIm— " 04000019:-&&�� . I IftiflilJOCTigoliTa. %I. ((6r*&J#1VjQ . - a 1� . I I � 6""'6".-1 .1 I , ­__ . " I �; I r ­ �_ . � I 1" I FARM$ FOR SAI�9. � Conundrums. " � .I � __ ­ - ­ --,-- --,-- ­ ­, Why i,,3 ck)al tb(� ino,qt co'ntradi(-tory � WX NOWS .k.13K I)A,W-15 -10 X. - 10 art.eW,%nown vo c,jwmerce? 04,,IuQ,�� . � . I .1 I. wh,um pureliased instead of going', to . - IF VOU NVANT To SELL A. VA,UW tllkt� V�u hayt,r it qo(,,�s t4.i t1le collar. ,V WQ t is the differvueu betwevn,a, VIKS1, tube and a foolis7ii-Dutchmaa? Une "I 1" , ...... 8al, , IF You WANT TO B Y A VIAL -SM OA Aw consult me. I . , is a bollow cylinder, tho other is a - � . silly nollapdvr. - 1HAVE SOME OF TI113 EST_El:KTJ1T, N11but ai� they whicb, though ai- q,,,,),jo;, griju,,jill illitry, tsrm� in On- wft r intox- aV.,d? TOYSStSdrUnk, are A104YU -� e, polsoned'eAlmill, toirio. on my Ust at rt2,,ht pricoa, a . � I ofihe Blood. What word of three sylltiblvs, sp�ci- TY �V. I)A.NVSON-, NINETY CO1J- fi(is the tini,� of danve? At -ten -dance. I.A.,% BORNE, ,,41itreat, Tl)r1>nt% ------Pr - .firge Is Clwked--Sores Are , �. e�. _­­­�­­­— 10iily one al:ln ja ttv biiP4rNI.-.9 MISCELLANEOU% !eaaed Outand Heated, by "­­­__--­­­-­-- — six f -It 01 h0i'Aw+ . L 0 VV,TRItAX rltjjk.%�'N' W.A.N.T'rF,V-ON% ,—ww,, �­ . , ­ ---�_ A -r -ors IO, untimted 0, 10=4_in any . jff� I ' diorio.t. North(- 73 [RIE11, - ! ' �, township or rn 0TlVVrI,)- 11 MA RF.rol ���., .. Highest a lijh . CHASE" OIN TAR � prl,�a, pa,l(.I. Mulholland &I For Red, Wcck WeaT, wam ,r_,; -,;4,P., . d Co., Torouto., ___,_.,__---.L--- -___ -d t - -PEYELIDS I d�'6,iE-,w tile suff,-ring caused, by . L"------' - ,. , les, %,,)res and skin eruptipns, E'mDog�,AED 1)0�;T VAR9'4­LX GOTAT) , :,., li&iloween, Thanks -,Iv. esn't'Smart-SootbasEyePdln . wid color u.rineDo, is the annoyance and ewbar� lnvr,,Christiii,ts,.NoNvYLv,tr*s, assortol; 100 Vrunfo% Sell Fo`lioriaa 1 -:Ye Ittem-4, VIT313, Nc, SQ0, $1,00 0. IloWle, 13�elje. b1newe =yo $Ajve, iq ADove:3 Tutkn� 26c, =04) ent to wiiich-thoK give rize, par- per down, p),tpa,ld. p,yE DGQZ- irIy*uaenon_the andsorface. ('�llp" ,,,e�:SD.(,kUv11CpU J,Ir.-CD BV MAIL ' is, quite proper to try, to g .M.-- ---,,,- ewm!�� stacE;VaR c�43YCOn'C-14=90 . "�!�__ L - Aur, 0= L, t right by�kmie Qf internal treat- POULTRY. — . 11 . . . I . but this is a tedious method ,� 1==ZZ=U SALE - 13UP F 01tPINGTON F. -1 � . , . . orcoming tile skin troubles, which Folt I I . L cookerels and 'I ot.9 from prive win- Porcu I . , ,.;0 3readily be gotten rid of by. as- ning ilook liewled pb,l'5Ilv,,lr cup winner. , ph- Map 1-71 r�e , , . )r, 'Cliase's Ointment. . . Rev. G. A. Mason, West �3helord, Que, , 011FANY 41-2 To latrodilc6the F-rCURITY C e three principal ingredients of �_ __.­_._-­_ --I M,,�� B!"IRVIC13 �of the Jvoreu� .... great, soothing, healing ointment. 1���" ­ DOLLAR I - the Most potent kno%va to the , —MALE HELP WANTED. _ pine Gold C�1-�,np we will send F.= thO cal profesz!an as a Means of Ikll,_N- ANI) NVo-.NTE1,- ZVERYW11BRE first largQ wip L,.c."wratill," 40 of T'i'. prin- ing dat .sores and ulcers, destroy� I to conduct business of their ON711; cipal propgr1los UiAr(,14tlVQ location of . morbid growth, lessening the. dii- can start in spare tirne; e.--cellent oppor- 'rorcupine ta othtr Q-111941164 llllllillr� ge, preventing , blood.poisonin�v tunity to- open new fields; profits good; carnps, sitowlug railr),ad and water routes , � succe'ss assureft; no books or canviosln�_; to like Calf1t, ,.r(,., Itisovurroit is�ae fit stitilulating the bealing prodel6s. write to-dav for 111formMion The, Wil� .1�11Z LETILA tl,J4 �1Q1`i(_�Ul1lNL,l%ll1eh . Chase's Uiutment stops. itChin,41 rail Publishing Com.ptiny, -Wauliwsns, gived hilk 1111orluatl . oil oil aill'urcupille . st as soon as applied, and Often Nvis. SLOCIC& . . " � . .. , L __ -_ s almost like magic. ­ AGENTS WANTED, . SECURITY CO., LTD. e Wue required for cure depends : I .L ne nature of the ailment, but, un- PU.RT%IAN_-F,N-T POSITIONVS, 7011 . Xerribers llornln'on StOck Hichttrige, . . internai treatment, the benefit:: I telegraphers. and station agents wait- 1035 I�CNT BUJL0lN(;o,T0R0tiT0, CAN. . I apparent to the eye d you can Ing,. good salaries to start, free Book 15 1 .. I .. an , lains -ivork- and wages; Positions . from day to da the improve- exp� I ��_. . secured - (lav ni;d 111.1il courses. Dominion - _____ - t inade. .sellool Telegralilly., Toronto. . I 11—. I e wouderful success �of -bi. Chase's JIL WN, , , I , talent in the cure of eezema,-salt R.1,,pRX,�E.NT.k,1!1 - NVANTED -A .: 1 4 - We =ffl I psorlas's and ,old sores and once to. worit in rour locality', wilf lid is sMient proof that it is guarantee $�".OJL to $4,00 per day; onpor- I _ 11 -- . tun' ity co advtiiiea rw)idlyt will Piliv lihOr- lid to be satisfactory in the treat� 4118, for sp� ,,, ,gork not dimoult; .1 I . � are, tinlL - D'yZ t of the lesa seveW diseases Of experience not ro,juire,l. Intornational. THIS Is a MO= - I skia. 60 cents a box, at all deal- Bible Prai's, ,,1,,p.mlin:t av�)nue, Toronto 1h at A KYON F. I � or Ldmanson; Bates & Co., Ltd., !�­=­­:7� -'-'�7-'7!�-rl","!'�,!.!r�'M---,-.--- � . can use . ioA '. I., . I anto. 84ample box free it you men- . . . this paper. . .' - L ,Mwl SILM � . L I. '. I'll i - F PREE M .w I "� Mexican Mountain People. I MONTHS � . .11 n the more inaccessible Parts of THEINVESTMENT . . . . I Riwra lldadn2 tnuantains in north . . I , NEWS BURF-AU .!., i ,Xexico live a curiou_� iierjple caIL- I it Inings each week information that . 11'any of th n : I I ­ � � the T�rahuarnaris. t,,,y llaVeL r " U counm It fierves Eno pocket Illretesta iU ,,, . L ull in. cavus, but .alq.: $theinvest6r. 16 Broad sr., Now Yorit City. I - .... ill villages, till .of thein about 8,01J. I 01--, .-."A , � 11 I d4ed ALL these .. I _ ___.. ______ , . , t� ,,ab()ve ,.,ea level. The Tarilhua.. — ­ - ­ ­--� � \DIFFEDENT IMIDS . r'.q �Ir,,, .;,nall ;vl lmdy, bat, 1)(JAS-6S I, .. r of Goods . . . . I . �. L , , IL - of much endurance. T1 'Ir only ARTIFICIAL I I V1 B5 I '���— tuith fhe',IV4�,k;�Je Dge. 11 . 11 is lipl;zu, Liti., t,)t:y niavoifactuee . . . . . . � . rink vft'I'led tvs:luin froui 11;(! satile , "ll? The 'Moubin Ad3ustable ,klltt- � ,*( 11 I uv>ed . � . . . �L� 'I fTletion 111!p kodket" Is the greflie'st . . . tal. Their langl]VgO is limited.to ol�. " " ll;)on ewr (fi�vlscd � for attifidal , =.1. �� i -_ "'e .. .. " . I . . . . . . 11 ; -1 . � -tit 3OU -words, 111id -th,,y esinivA ,. V - linibs. .1 � . .... . -1 . � . .. int beyond t6n.-Scientific Ameri; . S.P.01 is F I , V.- ili:, �ii A � � . .... .... .. . . . . I �., I v?, , , mp,.Y: . . . . 1. . I . I .. I h I .1. . - I 11 rpilowg"the Jar to tile �.vh, --- t �Zl� , . ., ' � . . . I_ - . I . � - alrol�(I,; L%64 - wid coultort as Ito j � . ONE Uk fo--i4L KIN'Wor Gcoc I . � I � . . � I I - Warnningl . . I - 01.11or artillehl limb vau. I I . � I . I . " "I ,yes," ,;a,el a N,v,v:ui,l � "at one tirrw .. ;. �­, . . .. I - " "" I' � I ... - ��. . ,­ , I 11 . . _h-" TPIUSSES - - . .. _ � .. ; . earn. within tin Inch -1 freezin-a to' I - -,,,,.,,,, f �rydesdrt,i)LIJX� at MOCICI'atOj 0 .M N V,nd 6?�.'APIJR, to Uses. ._ .. .. : I 1w : , I " O� . . ,� , T - - The the Gtlud$ , . n - t, '! , ,vcr"-- and �_ . . th,1NIMONG Dy, .. . Luckily, lluw, . 1, �. wln�e . .. at'll., _�, � I tell �1�i I I I . ,,,, ,,, ,,� M Qrug-ist ur ,- ' , - . i, I I I colors irpm 76iir I or, , , . I I I 7.!�Jl r'fltT­V0i'V lit tilk" Cuilill0_"�%t- I W � .. . l) ­;,1,,t. Fitk-�F��Imc.,Juhdslollyu ... ll,�t g I N d t1w vr,:­A11V,o 6f tu;ad , ,I: t, . 1, �,, I 0,D),11"I'M � 'o�, LlmifM, M­ltrQJV ' � w �all 1. _ T�. JohAs,,n-W0WrdD0ll t. , ; 11 - . : , . I � . .. . .. I . w.aV!d diil.111"SiOn'. .. � * ARTMIGIAL. U-233 CM .1 I "_��,-_ - - � . , I . . . .. .. .. , i. i. I . � .0 . " . � '.1 , .� " . � ­'­ -I.-- I—— I . � �� . , ,A - - I ... I I . .... .r .- :§55. Colloc- - ' � -. " . . 11 77'!� . - - - - --- -- ­­­ --- , �, 1. .qo St.,7a.ranta. IM fv,� I I it �J 1111M . . . � .. . .. � ff, " , �, Rl� 1; .1. 1. .1 . , , rharta C sl,G. � �- . . I .1114 t'� 11 , , I � .. , : . , , - ` 4 - I �;11'i � . . . . . . �_______ ; I "': R . � . I . . � . . .. � . I .. . * -In, , l­z�­'T1-o.-..l �­ I ni�,, R,�1, �, "'.., 1. , I ,�, . � 1 . ', P�4 ;,R! F . � �. I I 9J I , , , U LO ki. W U.- MUN H" - hhl'� �- " �� . . . I FIB 1,�\_.0171C�,.S,.� A 14 "' '.. ...'. I w .. It * . -i�­'�`, ,-,�;- ip4t TW7� B-0 I . . . . . _: � I .1 � �. 4�'­.I_;­�-,,,.,­,�t. 1.,.- � - - ,tobacco . �. . . . . .,,,,,.__'_Tr, ­11. ...�.,.. Z==;:7� . I . IM,rcrart"s .�. :., 1, 't 1. - . ,�, I i), A � , . �5_�,, t1l; ­ I I - ,I . . ''. 00. - . . . n,N , �,%, Iff _12ZII, g'q ; , 1p, k ,��,4. �. ,1_ . , ".1. �,, -'! V ,,%I 1�­ f ........ � I ' . .. . rr'� t � "V-; I.... ,­ I � . I ' � �, , 4 ,;:�) , .A.. � : .:�_" ­' 11, U, 4 , i , � � , . . A . aa abo � 4 . V �-11 I . , �111'1 ,11 ili6ves. all �desire for . . � . . I I . ."i.. , " 1, o ". " �! I . . remedy re ..... . . . . . . ... 11 . . . . . . . . .. �5 1 IQ ,.Ij 1, , ..'. I 1.11, .. I � -, �),., � � . � m`-. n 0 I I-, �L��=.. . — ­ 1? .. I ­ Id 0 n a . ,, . - I � I X. 1, "', 11 �i, 161 21 i 11"I E, ,r,,, 'the, we.ed J f ew days. A ' I .. ,... . , , " � , , , ". , � . , .,_�,� "..'. .. . . . . .11 . . . ./? ======�_ I . . � qq Bonds have tile, prela,rence as 0 1, , �`�� k� v- ,�, ��: ,, iedicine �ad � only I __� --- A . . . . , . . . � � . I I . , ,_ � " . I ..� I.." ,,- , I I : -�.- ,r, - - ­ -­, I vegetable u . I . -- safe and- pro�,Itable ia'.,e=rlellt6l .-I, -,a , .q - - . �1. U 1. - 1:1 .11 - . I . . . I . ., A J!, f ';f 1.�­� �,�l� , - - 11:�-_. q I I � . � .. � " _!:�Ll_ , iching the ton -lie 11 .R .. " � 1, ��' " , - -:­.;,,� " � ".,.,. requires' tol . I . Z:) I I'll . q ,nor-lw9-y- Ban! -t � . '.';, " ", 1: -.�-;_*� ... ______ q i - ' ' . . � ___ I", ., �.�11 "... , ,G ii�,t�rr�:,". , �vjtll � it ()cc sionall , 'Price � .. '. - ., - ,?)-, � , ,., _ . ­."."! W4 11 1. L ,-, ni,w .. 11 . Companies' and �ilie'r fina�-cla 0 . . " '!�-iO,�, a giy, a y I � ? . .. . 11 , ,� � -,­ , rillu ... a . , 11 I I . I . I I 1 7.11 - concerns invesied thZ.3'r ca�, ,Mr . I�Wr , IT 15 FX"MI ' . . . - � 'WIT11`6 1;1�,,Z 1:;. I . . .. , � , ., . 'plases Largely in real Estata . 1_'�..­"�el�`._ I, A.,.,�, ,- , $2.06. 1 .. . . I. . - ,�,R. — . I . . .,. ''. 1 . .. - I '. �.' - � I �, ,,, ". " � " �..( Write' . . - I LTortgageso. to�day they are .. ... , ", , ." . ,,I - , I., . . I .. � . ­ I ­..­ ',-1 Z -,,i -I I . . . I IT . I ... ". I , " ; I _. _ I , ."''",:�i�,"'�%.�r,;,�z��l;;,-.,*?.L5�"P"". , ' purchi ;qng the liond issues Of �__4,�, ., I tstab,h-bed tnd.prosperous cor-; - . . I , �. . .1 7-- , . . .1 �,,, - .­. ,,,, ,- I � I "I y , I ,�,',,,­­,�� .. '.. Tc_.,�_.` . . . . . the .. 1 -..7. '. ,;:, _ .�. ... . � .: 1. , � o 11, '. I � .... '. . . . poratJ . - , - .4 : D . � If . . ; lors considerina that : . ---,,: - �.Oc a,.%:�,,-� ;,-; 11 t - H � .. . '. : , L I 0 " I OR �,18 .1 , � .i'. . offer tho greatest - seclArity, and - - , --,!, -, - ---. x L�. - =u - - - ­ 4 . . . 1. .. .. ,�� . � ... . �� . . : I .- ,_:�,"z�­ .7_�. , . .. I . ­_ �. . . . . I I be�t interest returass - 1 ., , _��__.__­­_, �_._­ _7 i ,.. . I . . . ­ � .. r" � I I.. . . . . . . . .� � - _._�: - ra .k. , I � . . . . � �__ft.."_�­_,­;�l­­. r 'Mam'ellousresl-�ItSfro U ,-. .. , , . I r-,J� . . I . asc p , -!. . , . � i - 11 . 41 Tfiqr� is.lio;re. cnable,ar, - .� . , T.T . tqf .. I ­ . . inent toC*,,fset ine-fact tn�-�T WINIL . 1 . I I A, � . , -tj I i - I ! ing'his reiredy-for,the liquor 1. I . . . , HiO�iM t!A . . . . .. � is the -best Investment for. the I , A W J1 #_ -*.- I . 1 . I eiasi-ve - - - - - - .. 11 . e a . . . . - . - 1, Canaz"a - babii. - Saf ' -0 illexp , I . , Bank surplus. is the liest �llvcst lip vvestoz - - * � I . I : � . . . 'I . . 11 . . r,ierft for th�l in.-'lvidual investor. . � . I . . . , - rid hypoder- . -: - � h . I .. .. I I i �. � . . . . ... I ... I ........ ,- !- , bom� trea.tibeiit , � . . . . . . � . . - Farm Lands ................... ... ....... I I i I � . . . . .9 VV1,Ite to -day fdr on? booklet. . I . . . . I , I . .� 11 ... . �'. . ­ . , t �,, � no publicityi , I I . ..... _..1.--'-_.__-'-, I , in lon: '. , .. *01 .. . . . .. M Jecti, � - - . . . I � . 1', -Bonds, and. Bond issues we � City Property..._ . . . ..Ic I " ­ I ... "I I reco-mmend.- . . . . � no. loss 6f t -Ile frbm b�isjrleSs I � . .. . : . 'Na.the .......... I ... �­.­­.� .......... ........... I... , 1. . I , . . . . . . ­ . .. . I . . . I - . ­ . r I .. - . . . .1 I . 11 I . A ' . . t . gua6*nteed. . .. � I Address * ............ I .......... �� ................... ! , ,,an(l- I a -cute I . . . . .1 .: , ,; RA"i, � " (e) - Y A. L , Fill in the *Nbo'vo for full troo tri:arro%tion. .- \ - 11 . . .. .. . rr I . ... � . "i"I'l lauds or kaLy,� - , , I AN ensiire lulMediate atten-, i. .1 -Sutre wbetliur,to t.. . 4-1-1 1 . . . . �, . . . . I Eq E C U -R I T U:- S A perty. . , . . , I ti6n.'address * .. '� I _. . ,� .. � . . I . . . . .... . . . - . J B 16-1), I'l-ri C r:.- .�. .. s �c, 0 - T i - �. I .. I � .. � . � , F ,-Z A" -. �', � I ' TO . I . - ' 11 CORP O,r i ON . . . I i 40 VictoRIA ST,' TOR ,ON I 1. � DR. ��ICTAGGARTI . , . � I I � U114IT40 .1 .. � -- I I UAN.rc O�v MONTRrAL - SUILDING $ A-���z--�--;L)��:-,,�------:-.-=.-� !-p , . .. I . I I. I . 1. . I I " � . 'k AN'D QUEZ"'t'STA. I -� ,..--v ,t�:Ttr�� . care Centr Press Agericylo ! . . YbNG . _.�;___�L== t . ress � . � . I Art�t'-,,�,- Crent, Tunnel.. . 4!�_,� � . � , - . . � . . . I , - :h1anagor . . k�, . 70 ,Pearl . n. PA. WHITF - Street, Toroiito- - - . � . TOR�ONTO I . . I . I I ., nthor wnrierful'.tunnA -.'s, L 1-,.,' . . 0 . ___._.t — �. . MONTREAL-QUEOCC-HALIPAX-R:ONcioN(r,No.) i * " , ---t . I drj,�vri throtigh the great mouritaIr. --,-- -- �� ".— ___ �i I ,(- 6'twl.�,-a Lit! t"XIMS . 0 ,�-,l .�-=:��n__ 'V. , ..­ t ' Q ni , Z �j Cl I � I �',,. — . . . . 11 _"�r=1itv, -- ­ -, -,§� "t .. .... � . .-.1 . I - I .- - ­ � :Mi .,�L_!,..;�i�. .1 j I �, ,�'. �­�. , V, �.- �1. 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I S progr�:;,�,Iila irfilil ilve tio to oat.11 - ., I Rf I , - . . �. Stack and b1biting. [dal '� t ltitlu�t [IV, z,�,4 -�4 ,,,��,, ":_-"- � q D ? "H A . ... kle'nitier statinard I - 6�i 61 . . Liellankrie. . � y T'i v � - u , iti�,l v,Zl I. -C, :'­�.,',�i'14�-F,�,,-, .1 %'4:.V . . - and it 11.01 -Iniles in lt�11,.�th. It V-111 oo � "O., " . . i"'I ... I . - . - . '_4" _g7..'4"�. ,%, ­­- �', I � . 11 , I - I . - 2�. ! .. -T 20. . .. ­ I *1 11� . �-' .. ­­ P. . . 1 . ­�h. � a ­... - —_ --,-- , . �, i 'LISTED STOCKS CIIIPIRED 0-H WIRG11.14. ijjt,�ei�. wid �,iiv-aaU &--t a! ­Vu 'ht! ;," - ` - - ' '- J . � 'r�;i[ lk�N.(�l '11111 _ .i ;�fn,l ,1-l) 91-M V-ZM2" - " A - - 4, I I . , i , 11 t1lo � �",J�V. _ 1. 4*J� �,g L � �. 1, .. . � T,trin. q a . , .� I 1. . f.vrre.gpoaaefille mvitA(L 1. '. it i, ,,,',,.;tit fowteer iot-l' - po� llfu:;O;YXII� -, ; 14 J ... . I . . ; �-Iorskl.,)).). . I jr,;,�. I frr�,' , , . , _., , ; _4 , . . 11 . 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I �: .1, MCW-C��AGJCAL Al' � I �,, I /k. vplo:� "'I'l p,ttv i� ri� li, '-`�:, - L.-_EL-.­_n��- \)�'- , � ,.,�% �­� - I I I ". , � L-�-._ 11 be n. -i -,,-r-4 hi ,_,lod cv­1!ti01l il ttit-v ... -1 ,- �`t��Fs, - �R , ,,, , - - I ." ";;".,��, I . " e, " �7_�,.,V_11,," � 1p,.Z,..51#� . .* , 1. ar, .':,�t',��-­I ,loNliv I'll+ �Cwll tllawo,i 1 , _ 1�.,�, 1, , � �, .. , I ,�� , . � '.- I L . ,�, 4 ,� J.;J --� .., . . 'V� .1 M� �,11�- � I , P'W I - . 11 I - --i "I , , , , , . " '..'� � ; I : ; I . , � (':, I . . ir- I I I- % . s ' ' oc" � e' E rip. � 'Jorc 1 �T I 5 1� "" '�NTUO, JUN. L103C�NT , _ ; -1 . i . = I . : - � - i0v plm,;. I: I .'�'�Anl_ _6lf-l4r'tN , 111hl S'llit) i __= I 11y ("t -v �).-e"rlle '�I:.,M�y I IN � : r 1.��­l . V -- -- ,� 11 ' . -1 . I "I � . itl,.-.r ,,ovvr. 41 I ,N �,i ',,,I � , i;;-1414 . - i � y. The enr i-.,ts aril.1 ( I iko� �,i i"'A' ? I 0,c .,� k� 6A.�tto 0"11-0_1 ,.-. I "i-11"111.1ill I !_1.5"1�4 " * " , X, 2_1 � ,;.)/' .� . , I...", ,.. ..", 4,i, Wo jd�i,.,o ,`lvz,r p!:cifs *111 'IV I � ..". , �-. I ­_­ . 1114's; . ­ 11 1- ., . - . �.A - i'j � I - . I__ . [Z.:. ". "'7,11l., '11"I I , ,� Z:�,;,.-'4,r, '=/� , cilt thoir fr. tg , � A .�� 1Z .� ,o;,�/t-.",.­�V�I�irl� - du wit - ­ � I . 1. 0 I r , 1, k.1, ­ � . ird . o:�.­?4;iA, tl1aw!.11gt" Yl',,tv t.. - 41) I)rllvent thv_ , '.. ,-,,­ . ,,,, ­ ... ... .. ''..""'e ........... 7,� � . � . I �'­.:W'6. 11 . � 11 I ­ and, " lf .."j; i ­-­­­ 1__1_-_--___1____ I — 1 _ freoziliz , lbalxh.g tuo tlul( . I .. ­ ­­ ­_._____._ henke�.- the b,Vu1-!4i', � � 0. P. A. 42 1911 � . . ,,;�, ,� , ,,,,,,-,�--",--W�,----,�,-,�-.�7 I . ' . I IAt EX6 (,,<rAfA OIN U1.1,NT f�; - %�,�Z,' � , -6 - -_ . .... . .. .1 - . � � - . ... .. ­ 1. . � .11 ­ . �-� I .. . .1 '--- -_ A Noble FOP SlIoulf. The Scatell are, great users of snuff. It was a 8cijitehnian who once a8ked a bjg-lw�led stranger if lie took snuff and receiving a th-gatiVO 'reply, tv- marked: "What'a pityl YOU llavt-I such. a grand &IN01111nodra ), tioll, I .. ")�-n4A ., "�7.:�L N7.,=, 1 � Li���.&L,"L��t6 , , ".. to , . 71 � � ,Z: � .1� . i . I f V�v r,�,,�� .-tl U!, r. iq ." , --�A ,,, 1: D, q . E, . " , ) , � � , ­-, � W .- . , U , . , 6ow 11 � 6 0 � I . . i� . .1 � . rull Inforp-Antion F 11pnis,hed and I 1, Ordem Capefu:ly Cxaoutgd. � I 11 I r� I WARRE.M. GZOWSKI & 00-v �11 . � Xembers Toronto St0ek EX10hant."'(10 11 TAADEAS OANK OWG.. * 26 1aA0A0 STACCT. � TOACINT0. I NEW VORK4