HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-10-19, Page 6q
� , I � I Tag CLINTON � "W 444 11 . Thuroday, Ontobor, Ift 1011, —
ox# 4 ( I . __ .- '-wift AIN 0 M I 11 0_1 , I i i _111 I— I ________ _.__,_.P0-'_. -
0. -_ _ � � - I - I -- � - , . - . I .1 � -I WR�_ � — '_ . I I - , 2 V#1
I 1.11 -11-1-.T-1..1.-.. ". WAO DoaIV6 01 41lowlea, ;riaolo and vviaa a E:.oj,-hjA i -.k..;." JUXkt tdo 11.16t FAIlity ot waxln* s,VW,rV$..!:0 to nq Alfc- I � .. �� 11 I
I I Williams were found within a few, I Teetblog Time Worry. likivolm'. ta 1""to :" III ta I ,�'...444�t 41;1 i devotisor, Earl Cirey, and of -,ayin�� - - IL I � I
Wmlislm� WELL I. , I,R,H. AT THE CAPITAL " � �
I. . , 1 feet of e4ellotbor, the two first named . 4aby's tvotbiva tkne','twaiii once, a '%�Vnieh n"k, 1"n.4,2,;k"..1,xi b,,..iI,1;r,; %�Ilj , iww fully I realizu tho difficulty of . . �
Wi0ow pm belp geover,ki lifeless on a bed, pource of wocry Ito -all (imothwAi—it b , eto,t. ua,t .,alll -. Ll.iAalk .�N,�,Q,;��,; __ - , JiuccuiAiuu 040 N'Vjlo had 80 00111pletp. I . � I
._g di. � (orksworgy'toonanys -. ,�A�ur�� Wan il,AMU jwrz.wi�, i*l,v,j 'd himself with your jOY6 . I I
to Tot a 41MA �s,j n" " ly idolltiuc
11 "kat AKYOW while Downs was lying In a heap near , , . ram Ou
I : �thoqjlt Itheve iarp� .1thousands, of ' 16 (,e%w '.'uke und Duohess� G -,t a '--v;P4 ,
. 0 U50', ,the door. They were lully'dressed and - t1w grt�a% taiLuill ill (_,(1,.4j_j . and sorrow6 ,arid by his long reeidunce
I, � � � - I ,. apparently had dropped -off to sloop mothers who h4vo,ilearned,tibe,sec, park to witniess the ct:rowuny, I amorigst yoa had becumt., a most en. .
. r.11ft . I 'reit which b=,Iab*s ("t"hill worry. - Welcome in Qttaw;3. .1 thusia8tie Canadian. I know with , - - I fi- ,
� 410W t" . i w,tile. in, a ,state of stupor. It is be- . Nothe 11-o Isop th-00 SHORT PE��31013 LIKELY. I . . ,gret lie left you, 42141 how I
. rj who worryti(w. , what ri� __7, �, , ,.
I ,
. � I lieved that Downes had,coms, to 1114 littlet ow ounering m(gra -dif&icult —_ Ili$ _ . _
: � I I � , A sympathy and affection will remaill, �, I
I 11 , tensea for A moment ind tried to' tejething; .Who are wox-Aiaut by day Commons Is Expected to Conclude by t�rives In His OvIn Carriage, Drawn 1 with Canada till the end of his days.
. � a4e exit, but was over,como before, and kept,40-4" ftt faij&t byiithe 0hristma% I
. . in . . , � . Horseu—Pays u Com-' I ").Coa have referred to my hsving i .
I I L be pou.14 reach tli�'400r. . : iierleg of b4a b4by iindistslego,Ahould .Ottawa,. Oct. jo.—It is more than by Four Stack ! taken, V , . _ TH I
. I r � . U4 iu, , I p1ment to Earl Grey and Con&ratij. _art, in military operations with:. JE V, AIR K ETS.
i , : I Allan W48 in the next room A 401101W Ithe, pxavmple of t1ionwIndis I�Uely that, there w! a short 1306- ' in the Dominion,some forty years ago. —
I .
5 1 1.11 � . 4 wQre separated, and give ".iir Rttle ones sion. commencing o or about Nove1114 lates Qanvdiam on Their Unblem.
�_ � 1 bed, The two room (Baby'.s, , I congratulate you on tho, fact that Liverpool: and ChiclocWheat Future$
.1 A , I . � 1by 4 zhort. hall, from which � Own Tablete—the w1eImedT 00" ber 15, and endin efore Christmai, !shed Record as a Peaceful Nation inc then a. succession of wise Cloz? Lower�Live Stock— .1
4 14 a door, - -
� .
I . . .. e,, main hall. Allan had. ivioxiW—the nwLyer la.4ing il,hauishecr Parliament being V brogued then un- I —Warm Feeling For Irish. and thoughtful Govertunerits have �
i — � � .1 � I . I into the . ,
� — � . � I f , i left his door open, when he went to� , _ inis. Con6erning. Itham ta next autunm� . ., , as Latest Q�otittlons-
: - .4 I � -D - . of babylis 'Pa. - * the result of their deliberations here � I �
___ - _ l bed, At 10-00 P.m. The others came in' XX.6. H. $1oneit Jr., ,1R*,Vtdq ,do
-�4 wom , I It, had been expected that there ' Ottawa, Oct. 16.—Ottawa Saturday in Ottawa kept this great Domiaiou
. i Zvllh � , T,1VIMPOOL, Oct. U.-Ttiere was a
� $ ==7-�Cj# - - 1, . after midnight, lit a lariv in Allan,$ por, Dal, Que., 18A —10my baby would be a session lasting only a, x1ternoon, gave a .great welcome' to ,clear of any similar menace to peac I .
00 i v. _ e xteady undertone at opening. and va,luels
., — 't a I
- I 11 NO 013im- froom and the two jets in their own, .,rjef 4�W and, 31i& � nd 0131%*dl mouth, thia fall and then another at. Ihe Duke of Co were barely %il higher. and, following tOa
�11 , nuatight. Parliament and pxogresg. opening, there was a decline o: %4.
., ., .. . , 010 h afartmQnt, and. � sciale,40w, a third, from;'his, iteldth. A TOW ldoosi&A b1i ter the holidays. The Cabinet is co,u- Kill was resplendent in red, whiteand "You tave recently passed through firmness M
I se ,r I Ith staillat to realize., The I
.. I .4 � IV _ Color I , u pple, which was for the P%irpo$Q of'. Baby's Own frableita 1madjo, him heal- I tUe throes of a, general clectipli, ilk w .
I , L. sidering at present. crowding a.11 .t1i6 �lue flags, banneretsall.4 bunting. The Wiputpes at the, close yes erday, and the.
. . ,
I . 11 11 � I 0 14.1. running .9, tul)e to a gas Yeater, was, thy.aud ha,ppy (oud-his tie0thin work into one term. weather was ideal 4 a t
. . � , .nd an immenge. which both sides ilave been animated d Pla e of'r0r,
I I'll � * , "O 10111"sox. also tailied -on, but not lighted, � bn4vss. Iqlwotuld noit The new Ministers believe that even mow4 witnessed the reception, by a common desire for the benefit. together with expected lighter AMOr- " :
10 � - � luc"4RDSON . . I easy and - In,
"I �� . . . . . . . "I 11010 AC "I 14 te , That the man bad been drinking, wltbiaat =. ,Tba Tablets =0 a session. called after Christmas would of their country and a 1-1:01 shipments this weipk. as'sIhOwn 07
, �
- " ... .- I . .. I 001 11 I . His Royal Highness arrived by sne.- momentous, Bradstreet's, were offset hero by 9, fore-
. - - . appears .certsin they had receiv-, sold. by wedicinw (de4lew or t by - hardly give them time to, outline a gal. trAbi 4 decision has been arrived.at by the .
� ., � R - I I ' 'Is , rom Quebec at 2.16, jile, - cast of liberal shipments to pe Unite4 _.
— — ed their pay on Friday night and hadl mail at 9,5 jc.en,ts ,a box fr6m T-40 Dr. comprehensive legislation program. speeial* having been held st Buck� ,electorate I pray that this deci i xingdom and A quiet. demand for spot.
. ,slouo ,
. __ .. . not afterwards been seell around the- Willi and less Oemand for both cargoes an*
- , � ama' MedicION, 100., WrOO]r,*111% 01 couTse,mith a session lasting only Lugham in order that the civic ar-� oand such others, as. may from time I
h t I until their lifeless. forraa were; ;O0taTqQ. . . until Christilitts,, . a number of I r4figements might not be upset. The* t I parcels. AdvIces from Argentina are fay-
. .. . WAPTt- . q Ume be made by the nation, may, orable, witl-. the weather warmer, wnd
oviered yesterday morning. � . - made by way of the north all -under the blessing of Providence this was reflect iti the comparative
SIX ARE ASPHYXIA TED - , -2Ze, , I I 4at. measlires, such .as the Banking lourney was I . eA
At midnight on Saturday Fred. Me- , Act, would .have to, stand over. 'The shore. the, train crossing through Hull -be .to the advantage of Canada. and, heaviness In the. distant months here. At I �
Kewan, the proprietor, made his last present act would likely be extended ind pulling into the Broad street sta- the British Empire. That your '� the close the market waet dull, %d UtXher
. .
. . t'ji to %d lower than yesterday. I
"w"Wt for.a year without amendment. 4on, , t s
Hotel - I Tollad And found everything MW" . I gress may ,continue throug,tiou CHTCAQO, Oct. ic-4prospeats; cof
Escapinq Ges in Toronto . . order. When on the top flat he no- t* "'T'Itle, date of th ening of Parlia-, , A military band at the station play- your twentieth centuryl,is my most another big Increase of the vfstbl6
ticed AllaWs door open, and looking' ment and whether'Were will be one ,td the Nationa,j. Anthem as the traiu� Aeartlelt wish and hope. ' f I
Accounts For Five, supply made the wheat r4arket to -day, .
.1. in to see it all was right, %ioticed the. N; Local .News Z. or two sessions will be decided upon mille in, while a royal sal4te was fir- In Tepl Ing to- the address of St. tur , n wedit. The close was I -So to 1-4.0
. G�orge's 'ociety q
.elderly gentleman sleeping. He turn- next week. Id from Prim -rose Hill. The vice -regal 9 . the duke said: and 3-8o und4r last night. . orn de- -
i. ea the gas in the hall out and retired, MK"#A"jk, Dr. Roche, the new Secretary of arty were mct by lion. R. L, 11.or- 'I thank yo -a 3v. the name of the olined $-so to 1,2a and 1-2c not, and.
Sixth is a Mrs. Maddens, Who I Suf. I &"�"A � "A State, left Saturday night for Winai� e4 and inem ers of the Dominion Duchess of Connauga, as welPas in' oats 1"8c to 14c. The end of the dAT,
Later, the four other men returned I � - b
focated in Her Home In Sam: City . and at three o'clock Bert Patterson, Xondayl.0otober 30th, will blei, peg. � . I Clovernmeat. . my own, for ybur loyal address of! left provisions varying trqm unchang,
-Five Occupants of Occ"dental Ho. 1 wh le oppo:Ato side of Thanksgiving Day, Oaimda hais . . .
,ose room is on tl Date of Bye-Eleiitlons.. The duke's own carriage, a gorgeous welcome. It is a -real pleasure to me' ad figureg to 5o advance.
the hall and diTeetly opposite -where been a favorg4. land and has. wgolod to be velcomed. here by so great and , Winnipeg Options,
tel In Toronto Junction Saccumb ., . Ottawa, Oct. 1G. -Within ,hall an ve,hicle, in black and red and � gold,
the bodies were found, smelled gasi right tQ'iexprmab her gratitude in hour of attending the reception in irawn. by. four horses, was waiting for important a branch of your famous I close. open. W;;h. Li5iw.,Clotse. ..
to Deadly Fum3s on S.inday Morn- and *Toie from h-is'.bed aAd went filto) dejoda'as well as words, . I his honor on Parliament Hill on Sat- 4im,.. with a guard of the Princess ,50clety, Such a society as -yours has Whet - -
ing-They Had Been Drinking. the hall to see it by any chance the' November 15th hi mentioned as the - urday afternoon, the D14ke of Con. Louise Dragoons, Two big motor cars I the very gratest value, .not only to O.�t . 99% � '9874 99 � 1
gas . et there had been tur g,4 . . . :'.1,11-96% go 96 051A 1111
1 , ned on. ... opening day of the Dominion Parlia, naught signed his first order-in-coun, trom Rideau Hall took the duke's those pe�manently resident in .the De6- - .
Toronto, Ocix IG -Six Wd!es are ly., I the gas in the hall propeilY ment, . oats -
found . I -oil at Rideau Hall, fixing the date of imite and the procession started for' Dominion,. for waom it presents a! Oct ... ;. 42% J� .... .... 42V
ing in tl,, mur6u,, the 1".k� of eact, turned oft and would have opened tho' What has beeotne bf the masewine the Ministerial bye-electWns, -Ximi. Parliament Hill. . Deo, ,_. 39% .... .... 39
, - I . - , means of :maintaining their connec.,
"aving bL .-it snafted out wrough �uf ,ubied by,
I -. door leading'to the room oe( � ., � school teacber, ? Nine ischools out of - nations will be -on Oct, 27, ancl poll.. The reception took: place Immediate- tion -with the old country, but also, Toronto, Grain Market.
. ocat;un ,j). gas. Five mon- w,cre a4. the five men, but heard them talking every ten are in the hands of fewiles ing, it any on Nov � 3. The outlook ly in front of the main block of $he � ito the settler, the newcomer. Many Wheat, fall, bushel ........ $087 to V 88 ' I
I .
phyxiatt-fl. tarly 1,diiday morning in in a toue, which, he said, betrayed today. At may he said to the credit of -is that 411'the 'Ministers will be re- Parliament Buildings, on a platform' of -these pLre indebted to ybu for the Wheat, goose, bushel ,. 085 - 086 ; ,
the Ocei�ental kit,tel, 01andas stre-�-t- . their intoxicated condition and not, I r that they are doing excel- turned without oppositioll', .. orecte -he , .a, � I :: ., .
; ,the lattel . , . 1 4 on t -main walk. I valuable advice and discreet help. By bushel ............. 070 .1. . I ,
West Toronto. '.L,I,' ,Aher body is,tll"t. , wishing - to thrust himself into their ,lent vvoik. . At the coun,ml meeting held , on At 2.30 the cheering of the crowd I which -you dispense so wisely, and Oats, bushel ................ 048 0 1500
�, 'any, wep I . Barley, bushel ........ # ..... 080 090 �� "j,
of a wouian.w .o was lcul;d dead in comp t back to bed, but first . Satur4ay, alter the,return ofthe Cabi. announced the approacli of His Royal I it, is my earnest wish that you may . 060 1
her bed at 13 Nvaltun str,,t. all batur- opened his dormitory window. . .. . . -net from Quebec, the change in, dates Righness. - Th Na. oontinui�.to flourish in the future as Bucicwhmt, busbet ...... 048
day evening, sijL ji"v:a-, bueli a',victim. About seven o'clock. Geo, Williams I . I I . . e band played the Peaff, bushel ... �; ......... 078 0SO ,
I was -deci . ded u - . . tional Anthem and a guard of the ive in the put." . . I . I. Toronto Dairy Market. 0 . f .
if the dea(ily fullies.* 0 was washing in. the main hall. ,pon. . "Ihx'eplying to the address givell. by, .
. 6 1 lVi a Toss -Up. Wid, Regiment presented arms, The . Butter, store lots ........... 022 - 23 I
i .
George R. Ktiowws, aged 40, single. 1 About seven o'cloelC William Van-. . Ottawa, Oct. 16. -Hon. Josiah Wood d.uke, attended his staff, insp&ted : the officials .01 the St,-Patrtic;k's Liter, Butter, separator, dairy, lb.027 I
employed by uut-ney Foundry Co. i oey, a C -11.R. fireman, returned to the TO CC REI E'CZF,31& of Sackville, N.B., was here yesterday, bhe, guard and t2ien proceeded to the' sty and Soisn"Vific Association, His Butter, creamer3'r, lb.'rolls., 0 28 6 * 2*9' 1 .
Samuel Eadie, aged 30, single, em- hotel from his work and oil reaching . . . -.1 and the question as to �Yhether he or platform, where addresses of welcom(I Royal Highness �aid:, Butter, creamery, solids .. 0 26 0 2T I
ployed by Heintzman Piano Co. � - the top flat at. once perceived gas. I __Q__ * ,Dr. .John Daniel of St. John is to were presented by the City of "I thank you for your address of Honeycombs. dozen ........ 250 $00 i I
. . . � . Ottawa, 33;ggs, case lots ....... ..... 0 25 .,..
George N�illiani-;, aged 45, single, ; * Witli that he started in seareh of the Mhe mostadvanaed physicians oif be the new Leutenant�Governor of. �t. George's Society, St. Andrew's So, welcome, the graceful terms of which . Eggs, neW-laid ........ �� ... 030 --,. I
employed by Heintzinan Piano 00. leak In a moment he thrust open the' this Rountry and Europe arte, nom. , New Brunswick is under �comid ciety, St. Jean Baptiste, St. Patrick, are characteristic of the, Arish race.: Cheese, new, lb, .1-...6.0.1015 0 BIA I
Wilf , ,am Downe,;, aged 26, .single, doo� leading to the hall connecting! preqcribingi a.wash of . . em- �.rseas Chib, and others. and I shall have the greatest plehaure. ' . � �. I
IWIn§*V.r(c0n tion If Senator Woods is to be Lieu- OvE . I Liverpool Grain. PrIces. I
emplOYLLI by Canada Cycle .& Motor' the two rooms. Bruce followed, Turn- Thymoil, and other Isoothiag' -and tenant -Governor, Dr, Danieli who is , On the platform .with.the Governor", 'in informing the King of your loyal - LIVERPOOL, .,Oct. 14-Mosl . liff I . %1P I
GO. Ing to their right they opened arlot4- healing ingrodienits for 'the ,pure,of . � . '
' . . giving up his seat to Hon. J. D, Haz.. Geneari and staff were, The Prime' expressions of devotion to his person
Wilham '4NIIL, aged P50. married., er door -a-ad Vancey .took a step for- . Minister,*11oii. R. L. Borden, and his and orown. � Wbeat-spot, nominal; futures, dull;l
* I ,eezorna, ,�tsoria,sis, - and ..all oither en, will go to the 'Upper House, . � I October, 7s 5 1-2drDecarnber, 7s 6.1-9d;l
harneshinaker. I ward, but �stum.bled over the dead foxiins ofiskin itrpuble. This com- . French-Canadian Speaker. . - colleagues; Sir Wilfrid Laurier and "As your association said ten years'.
I . ` March, 7s oil. Corn -spot, firm; Amerl.; .
Mrs. .iinry Maddens, aged 50, 13, body of Downes, Who was lying in P. pound is Imlawn as D. 1). ID. Preiscrip Ottawa, Oct. 16, -According to cus- several members of the, former Gov_ ago in an add -,q*- presented His Ma , can mixed, Os Sd;'futures, easier; Sanu- .
- .
Walton street.. . .. _ . . ; i heap a foot .from the. entrance. Ubn I . . torn,. the retiring speakers of both ernment; Chief Justice Sir ,Charle& jesty, 'Each vi*lt from a member a. ary, 5i 9 1-44 .; February, 5g 8 7-8d. Flour,
� m I Had it. not been that James Moon B� Holines,. ithle Nvell known skin houses, Hon, J. .K. Kerr and lion. Fitzpatrick and judges of the 8 preme the royal family finds �tdpft . 7NYInter. pAtents, 28s ad.. Hopi In Lou-
- ---------- u . - - -_ _%opl&
. , .. as picked up by a policeman and specialist, wribes,-111 am convinced ,iCharles Ma,roil,! -have:, been gazetted Court, and a host of lesser oflicials. more. numerous and, prosperous. don'(Facifte coast), 19 95 to 49 168.� .;
I tekezi into -No. .6 station for drunken-, Ithdt, the D. D. P. - Pre 4cription is'as P . Liverpool. Provisions. ..
I . C. gei%eCouncillors. It is,expected that In replying tq the address of the' - "True as- the statement then. was,. . I . . .
. ness., he, too, . -would probably have much a. Ispecific for &74eLina as is w Speaker of the Senate -will City ,Council, His Royal Highness It is doubly true to -day and with this , .. I
Cholera Infantu-m been added to the number of dead." quinine ffor mal,aria,.l have been be, Hon. .John N. Kirchoffer of Bran- said i . - I . � � I I . , constant augmentation ,of the popula- . LIV14RPOOL, Oct. 14-Beef-Extva; - �
, �
� __ He was also closely attached to the, prescribing t4e- D. D, D, re1n'od�l for d0n, which will necessitate the selec. "'Gentlemen-, In the name' of,the tion, the -1 self-imposed .4uties of so- lr�41a, mess, 92s 6d. Vork�-Prlme mess ... I
. other inen,* alW:occupied the room years.)) . . I 7� . western, 100s. Hams--Shott cut, 14 to
,tion of a French-Canadian' for the, -duchess,'as well as my own, I thank cieties such as yours are heavily I". :to ibs., 66s, Bacon -Cumberland cut'
is one of the next to Allan!& It *as customary- 'We mirsielves vouch tor the D� Speakership of the Commons. ' . � .you for your ,loyal address of wele' ,creased Your services, freely* given, 26 to 30 lbs;, 55s; .short rlbs, 16 6,21 . 4
. . I - . ,
. I
lor him to sp6nd'..his -evenings with. D.D. Prescrgption for RezomaIRAd. . . 001ne. In coming once more to ma6. arii deep'ly valued and appreciated by IbS., 58s 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lba-V �
Most Fatal Diseases the others, and had . it not been for his, -absolutely ku,oiw fthat it will .takle,(- . . . . MY home amqng you, 1 am inSpiTed, those who benefit thereby., - .
st -would most likely have been away the Itch tho instant you apply . Charged, With Firing.garns.' . . I 65% 6d; long clear mid4les, light, 28 td
- .
of Young Children arre . I. .. .. � . : Berlin, Ont., Oct, 16.-Uetinan At- by a feeling of pleasure ;at renewing ,,.. - "I am glad, in replying *to your .ad- 34 lbs., 599; long clear. middles, heavy., - '
I with them on Suailm morning. .1 St. ' ' i associations of my youth� as well (.dress. to renew here on Canadian -85 to 40 lb.s., .sss 6d', short;cIerar baclow. I
- feldt, living at Centreville, three milas the . '
I Mon Drop into. adr .ab6rle, aaid;got post � , ; shoulders, square, It
Mi�s..� Mary Madden, from bere, y at as with ,one of wonder at'the great I sail my relations with Ireland and 16 to 20 lbs., 50fj U
. The sixth victini of asphyxia ul r,emed,y tor was.taken into .Custod . I
was X 13 Walton ed'onithis two,nd#rf developnient which has been aebiev- - the Irish, wi�') whom I have been su to 13 lbs, 44s 66� Lard -Prime w6stern.
Mothers should look well after their street� whose body,was foundon,.Sat- Eczema and all other skintroubles. midnight Saturday. by ,Detectives Hu-. ed shic * . and so- intimately, asso- In .tierees, 45s; American refined, In
children during the hot summer months, urdu� evening by Mrs. McGuire, �� Or wrIte Mble D ',, D. Labor,ii:-4 be'r and Chiefof Police O'Ndill char-_ ,. a my last vi&t to Canada, twen� 1, constantly, , �
I � � h5oIbome('St:- ed with, arson, . It is alleged 'that he ty�o.no year.; allo. I take this oi�por� , *ciated,, anil-19'r'whoni'l Tdtain such a pa,11s, 4�9.' Chiaese---cartadian ilfiest*.
, 10
as this is the time of year this trouble St Patrick' strect. I . . torles, Dopt. N,B. S I I . . . warm. corner hi iny heart,". �- - � white and colored, 70s. ,Tallow -Prima ,
. . , .
is most prevalent. . �here Was a- s1tron I g . smeIl . of gas in Toj�au�o, for their � free sample Not- ,fired the barns of his son, whojives: . . .. 1. . . . . . . . . I city, 35s . 6d. Australian, In London 34s
If any of your children becorne troubled the room, but the jet had bem nearly Ae. T14ey.,,will be.�:glad to'send it .on the. homestead, -arid �caiascd a loss - - � _. I 1. - - �- I I ... _:. . . I . .- , .-.. . __ . - � __ ____ - � _. . rl__. -. urpentIne .spirits, 3,7s. Sd, ..
. . .� .. -;.." - * . I I I � 11 1-2d .T
in this way it will not pay ),oil to ex. turned oft- and th a4e.. ivas not aptpar- immtediat�ely. . . . . -W $3,000. .. . 1. . � . .. I � . .. . . . .1 . � . Aosin--Cornmon, 115s -Sd� Petroleum- . ...
I lie' thV* room to Sold and guaranteed in Clinton 1)y' .The fAre was-Aiscov, ed bet*een I ' . . Some, More Chanw(YS tish peoplo are ahard headed --race ,,Refined, - 6 -:1-2d. !bIxineed .oil, 43s. Cot- .1
periment with some new and untried ently suff'o'e"t 'ul a"" I . ,eight and nine o'clock, earnd by great . � Ili . . 611, Hall riiined, spot, 2.88. . I .. �
' kill the ivbman, 'Othert� in the .house. W.. S. It. 'Holmes. . . 1. : . � I . . I I . . and,care litt*.* for poetry,'unlesis it ton seed 1. . . .
. -_ . — .
remedy. . ba4 not"noticed tth� ;as-. ,- - '' .. .. � . � . I . . I . - I . I I effort some of th6'sto�k w sd '. . . .- _-.4- o_____ - . bedrs. O.K.of,: Robbie Burns, . .� I . . .
. . . I . I New Rjw,�Iatibns are. muce .morfe �vhen 1� will sing� it k7tntil , the . � I I
Get one having stood the test of time. . . � I but otherwise thci batlis and contents A ey CATTLE MARKETS.
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Str . awberry I I ,. . .1 . . . . ... . I . I . . .11, I I . . . are . A total los�. They were partly tc!tinc fr,o.,jI t in ednDjectiup withi.,the, crowd -or khe mo(untain, dievV-b.e- .- . ' . . . .
I . . . . � .
I , . . . . awaenrs 'riave Kroti . � . insured. . ,. - . .� . . o,urse ot §Wdy in tho Publie and domes'texhausted.. . . . � 1. East. Ruff.alf, Cattle Mafiket.., .
has been on the market for over 65 years � . , I C . ' _ its, . ,
. Alontre�l, Oct,, lb.-Ijie class of. - Affeldtihad been to town during th�,, 11hgh Schools. ,TbIs frequent -issu- Q.- Whot -is the broadjost par,t oS . EAST .B17VFALO,-0ct- 14--CRUIO-�-R
I .
. I
and we have yet to hear of a.case of , . . . . head; market. glow, steady;
cholera infautum it has not cured. '- ,7bin. �U tr ion ,Tov 1 19j5 b.ruugijt tile i�.l nual ANIc(lill thea aj ii anao is oino of the W'ealr_ apt)tts in . I �c(
I .1 _. d a d had come honio the wors'e . Scotland ? , - �,Ipt% 125 '
a � . ' . -The . line steem. $7.25 to $7.60; butcher gr4j$#.
. . . . . to hou�e, It.j.,e. Ea,u, A. accent. . . I
I .tre,nigM'to six abrupt, and. preniature' of liquor. He �palled at tl .�a�t Pr
. . ion I)jspart�nient and dei4- : ; S3 to $7, . . .
Mrs. S. S. Johnstone, Ochre River, if I?aiisian Sage,. the hair. grower bUt L altogether wt,icuilie conclusion on where, the fainfly lived, and niadu lr,mo,tal to the ,work of. ,the . Q. -What are (thp principal. .'-ex- '- Calves-RecellAs, Si)0 head-, market slow
Man., writes:--J'About four years ago I tha,t W.S.R. Holmes *guarantees, 6aturday ni,gjlt at R's .LN110 esty 's, Tile a- � threats. concerninj; the home and that schools. Saime, ol tlAe chan&s are Ports? - .. . . . Boo lower; cull to Choice lambs, $5-7"4.
gave Dr. Fowler's E-ttract of Wild will not caus� hair to ,grow where Lre.. Half way taruugli tn'e Iasi, act of they -would riot li�ve it long -to live iaprovem�ellts,- io,j course, but it A.-A.n.dre.Nv Carll(a-ie, Harry Lau- . R, cull'to fair, $4-50 to $5.so; . yearitagsi
Strawberry a good .test. the hair is 'thinning ',6ut,.baothing "The Fair Co.." dre6rg(� Ade's musical In.' Thhs was after six o'clbpk, 'the keeps the teachers and pupils,, as der, the surphis whi;ice'y, baj . piP&S $4.60 110 $5.75. .
. I __ sheep and I[Aunbs-Recelpts, ii,00q hmq� .
. . � .. I cornedy, a dozen In!slutwn, firing of , same evening as the fire, und lie. negr and any-tbing-elso 6e nati*P4s-dqn,1t`
41 My oldest son, five years old, got very. on. this earth will I I . well, in an. - un&eIttled.'(state, and lambs, $5.70 to ;8;.Cu�f ,
I . 116oted to go to his house. This is what -bre ut - - .1 market slow; choice I
bad with cholera infanturn; two days And we say. to .everybodyt � you 1 ti-tt nrpnotony of r,ot which had.b#z�pn -aks in ty.n:Nvje:I diefineil programs Nv,a - . . ,to fair, $2 to'$4.-25. - I . -
I .. ., � ly to suspect the fa-ther, and , caurs . Q.-WhAt.ikhe food oftho peo- . Hogs�hepeipts,.5930; market sIOW, 10e'tO
after my next son took it; and the third ,aaii have your money bit6k. if Paris- mces-mlit froai �the raisixig� of. lhe*.�cur- - leads,the famJ es- ol study. A. 011an,90 . ,er-,. Yorkers, $6,70 to VUD; stagsi *
I - bes Ulf-- Stage aild!'�� Lis tl ' ' . ' � . 850 lov so to. sli.s5; rougns, A
ian. Sage isn't the . thair grower tain, clanyborod it-joa aey, thinki�ng he was. at horde,, might easily be miad.-e in'the Minfi- Ple? - - � ,t5 to N 26; ..heavy, so. �w
day my little girt also took it. I doctored � dr 'be'a,dtifier - and 9tarted ii snah6,dallee ill-fro'lit' of the � tried to 'rouse him but got no.. re-, ,It WOuld provq. - A.--�Oaitnieal �Lnd- afigedotes. 1. . ... � I . I
hair saver, hi . � . I . iter ofllclupatioin th, ' . ,$5.65 to JmL . . . : . I I
with all kinds of things but they kept Q. -Which isthe more sust . ( .
dandruff cure on the; market . tb� ioot'lig,lAs. A :6%va�,.�i of bidignalA"so- spoilt se. They theii.telephoned-lof the (if jjejj valioa witthout! s;earydhing . . aining? New York Live:Stock- I
I ., " � , .
on. getting worse and the doctors could day. � . , . - �.' . . . . ( r after intervidivinj the. * Olhait is-li* ded is pratti- A, -As arale, aSboittlsh anecdote � . , ' I . I
, vhunlur,s lolluw�d t1t; - polioe, wlio � I - - -far, I NVW YORNO Oct. 14-w-Beevegrmwgecelptsjf -
I , eni and the cur I ,Z _ �,
acalp"afidialling tain was ru "i 'exper,ie,n6e, a�vlde oatlb.ok and �Nv soln a I o tra,aing: feeling isteady. -�
do them no good. I then started the It stops itchihg . rgr down. al.14 the ligjifsl� 'members of thb family, .decided te6 , . Vr Ould last ,the oxdjh,a.iT pe' .2900 heAd., U
_ '
Dr. Fowler's Extract oi Wild Strawberry- hair and,makes hair groW thick snapped off,-Ieji��itg the represeiita�, arrest Affeldt� They found him -at hiri an 6s,tablisli�ekd plan ,that Nvill not much L,009,e�Vitim(e ,than )W,oufffl, any 3, 240 head, feeling dull
and affer two or three days could see aftd'Abundantlyj or muriety back, 50 tj-vL,s 61 the rival c1la;1ses fignting for - home, but he declared he knew noth� ;t 4menaments. - clulantity of-oiabneal, . . I . . ; Caivea-Recelpt rginla calves, $4.50 to I .
a . . require consita�ft � . �. . . . . . jzud. inichanged; V1 .
difference, so kept on with the treatment, cents for alarge bottle. Paiisiall. I th . U posm . 's-d6n of the stago, .. . Ing -of the fire, � . .� A% . I . . . _________�,�_ -, . . . . . I . .. . . $6., - . . =0 bea . d . ' ..
. -soft and 0-chev .stfuuk un the..Nation.: . Affeldt � has' 9, police court, Teeord, .. . .. . . I. .. . I I . � - Sheep and Lambs-RecelPts,
. . . .. gbe;6p, slow-- lambs, 'Weak to
� I was t athe' was bound over - Geogkap iy. of Scotland: . . . � I . . .
but they. were no bad it took about. Sage makes the.hair TI ' Ara .-. I I � a sbad4
� two brilliant and promote$ gyowth. . al A'nLthenral11k1 the au&�iice took, the, the latest " h I I . . . .. . .laver; comi;�ou to rrime sbeeT), $2 to V,761
weeks to complete the cure. . . . . . cons s1m; lambs., $5.15 to $0.205. I
. I keep I
. I I , . .. . hint and lvft thu tilimt ' I cae,i for a. year,, - which . :. � ... . .. . ... HOW ta; Llv '
r,�. Allittle fur. - to the .
- . � � P er . I I e - ' ,
Different peeple have asked me how . I . ,tare- w,as brokini. - I oth . ,Long : Hiag. -necelpts, 2780 lleeCd; feeling, n0nij
I expired the day. . , - I � * .. . . . .
I .
I saved my children's lives that time, M* . . . � I . � . . n. . I I I I . . ..'' I . . , . .. I . . . .. . I � ,. � . : � . . inally.unch.anged. . . . . . I
INOR LOCALS.* .. ',. .1 I . . . . - - New York Idfa34 of Seottland and � . . --- . . . . . � .
and I always s,ty it was Dr. Fowler's With the .coiraing of c:)oler *eather . 11 Taft Breaks Oro(.indi . . . . . Awatdod .$6,000 for Arm. A, . . th6 Scottish iPjeople. _ . With healthy, kidneyo one has a . . ,. 1
Extract of Wild Stromferi1r. Iam,now, the knights of the pigskin and the San Fr;.nc;scP, 0,!t. la ----- �Ihidor eon-, . Bs,rrie, Ott. 16.�-The ,olosing case .- . . . � good chance to ljv6 long but weak. : - we�tern Grain Comin � 9 In, . .
. I I i14 '
never without it in 'he hcuse." . ditiuns thut weie alnio�3 tideal ground before Sir John Boyd in the assize � . � I I._ . . .. kidneys. afflict. old a 6with great � Wlnni�.eg, oct. 16. -Nearly two in
hockey experts Will lie lontiling Up. 1. � . I I . arketed �
I Ptice .15 cents. I . __o_.�_ - - - . , ,was broken horL on �_atiirda'y lor the court here Saturday was an action for This i,s tan extract .fr.ou� a, MAW discomfoits. TheTack becomes 1ion bushels -9f. grain were
. I I .1-Panall"tI-Paeffic L.,cooz:-tion oi 1015, ,$10,000 dainag6s by Boy I Stone of Bar- York newspaVierlis sarcastic account bent and lame, rheumatism is ehro- I ' tile. Canadian. Noithe- and Oana--
. .. on
Nfanufact tire, j -niv by The T. Milburn Got read' for Wi � n tpl,. - t1lat is to . c'jl1.1,nw1,�",;ra"C t-11,, opc,jjjtg � rie �igainst the C.P,.R. for. the loss. of, of ,an lex4eircise in S601ttish Igep- nic, eyesight . _. . . I Wan Patific Railways. -Friday, 'th . .
. .V I , . fails andto -f,,e V 6 ,'003
Co., Limited, f,yr.):-..v), Oat. . . ADVERTISE IN q�HtNEW .- -A. of tile, paunn)a I Can *,.I. ,0r,!s',do1it Taft his right arm on March 8 of this year, grayhy, - . q�ien or inv�oiui . . . . I 0. g. R. total. -amount! . 11 %000
I . while in th6 company's service. Plain. -What. ll�ave you.1parned ab.out t . 'fiela and. tile 0. P, W,
- . . . . I . I . I . 1. . . - tiff, while trying. to open the knuckles t hj. gpography,o& S�atland? . . tary passages o lbas � 'of 1 , ,000 .
. I I � I � . 0 I ;bushels, making a tot . 11 .
. I . � . � . . . of a car in motion at Bolton, Ont., A.—Sechtland is !a .Iffinall, MO,Ullt`� the. urine cause, ;bushels for the day. ,
. I I . I - ,
. . . . - .
4 . . � Iell.between Wd' cars, on no parM embarrassment b , rain .agent
. I .1 . I I . . . 0 going over �ajnons ,cotunitri in fth,e isla'x . losso A � T .S. Atcheson, .general g
. . - ,---,-' � I I I I i his ight arm. The company,.at' the, of tqje, gjol�e- as its tributary Aing;- day and' f of the C. - P. R., stated that from spe
I . , V, . timer of the -accident offered.16 have' do= England' The coViltry is cov- sleep at night. ' ..he rom �l
. Boo I ; . cial reports lias Teceived - t
�_ - - , ", . � plaintiff removed tq a hospital in To, ei�ad ivitill heablfor,: ,burns, doch's" .. th's I I 11 I �, I 11 over the West .tile .grain was beini
,. law baw- Pills or I rate, the -,Yea4
ronto and. pay- for amputation of the f(tones om,d pibroichs. A I g- thieshed. at a 'very fast I
. . limb, but the family thought the limb: belieg ard t . obo . found there, butuot stre, ,th, to I , ther being fair and varin.* . . A
I .1 uiight be saved' and osent their �owu in sufficient quarxtit* to ropa-YOX- bac and le '. I TO date the Canadian Pacific, have '
. . .
I � 'action - . � I relief to wea en � I -60,006
physiciah to the;oity to brilig the'in- tr _'_ . [iie ,had marketed along -its lines 10
, jured nian to'his home, town,, where q.�_WhaIt do you. know 01[.tht, Poo- ed kidneys. .Theybanish backael -1 %
I @1 11 . I � I . . e 'bushels of wheat and 1,735,006 busix
I 11 I i ii amputation finally took place. - ple? . . ' . and rheumatic pains, reglilate th els. of other grains. The total nuila-' :
The jury jender�d a verdict, of $6,000 A. -The majorlty of ithe inhabi- bladder andl urine. . . . b . r of �cais loaded amounts to 10,970� .
._ ..... �- - --.-- _ ... _.", —..—..- - damages for' ; each party itan,fa.axe..Seottlisill Thoso th;it arle illi'll,re for sick e 1. I . I . .
� . . the plaintiff, ' Booth's Kidney 9� . . . �
ti 11,57111 ! I I I --,---- � . payihg theJV'own costs. It is under- -not, Scoittish-ar6 wo*jag jor tbO kidneys in old'ory6ung,.and are - . I . I .. I
I - stood that the O.P.R. had ptevibusly uthe4q. 'Thp. greater k,�axt ofethe guarqateed by the propri0tors,'The. ' . �'Afttr the Job. � I
"I .. made au offerofAettlement; in which Scottiah, poptilation is seldom in I R.T,116oth0o., Ltd., FortHrie, . Stratford,- Oct. -16-�-It is most like .
,.--, - _____.,.._1 I -the ,reed to give the plaintiff. $1,250 .Sc6tlaind, bAt may be r,oadil,Z found I free trial, sent on., reclu6st. , - ly.that James Torrance will be one 0 '
any a � . I vii.io. aspire for - thd 111�i
__ __ ___ I . a position as station agent at as slo(me an(e has said, by s(ht&iting i Ont., . .. I . . .several M.p.p.ls
I I I ow - erint�lident -of '0010
��, . Baxter at a salary of �$50 per mouth 'Wac It' down ithe Ithkine -ra Sold and guarantedd ip Clinton by ..,post of sup I niz _�
. �Vith free light and fuel, but he was, hatch ofanyste;��,sl�lp, 'NO Scot- W. S, n, 110hnqs. I � . tion, which Donald Sutherland resigno .
I . I
. � . ,� - - 11 I . . i -.� - -- . . I
. � - � � . O.M.-I '.. W pay $5 per month rent for the . ., I � � � iiiij,o - ____ —, . ed to contest South Oxford,
I'll �
- , I - �� . , hotiae. - This the plaintiff refused to . .. . , I I . I � . In: the event of 114T. Torrance secur4
. . '. bt,l I fi� e 1 r consider o1i'the ground that it was. � � . ... I . � . I .1 . I Ing thL Position, there will be a nevi
I I'll *
. � .'' � I .. IN, if 11 not a permanent guarantee of his � 111111111111111111111111111111111111 . � . � CowervatiV6 candidate. 'The tamOk
I , �� C CAUM& " I position for'lilb. I . . . I .. . . . I . ;_,�%\ . mentioned for the position. tire those I
. I . I ) , ' - ,of James Xackins, K.0
. _. . . I .� . , � .4 I . I I . I . I . ,., and. 1). A.
ItAi IVLWUT $3,600 'in'' Cash Poizet for Fannerls Emperor Sillls.Motive, , - . . I �_ �_, . � . I . . ... . . Dempsey of Ellice,. with the chances I
� . M a" W,.W.j. . 111111M.6 � Ail " . . .- in favor of the former. . I
I ---"W- I Parallaqua, Brazil., Ott. 1G. -Tho Z), 1,qllt It 'pwr��xOjl% "" 011 I �A I � --1 . 4'.
. 6 1 1,141) AN '1A 11 . � I .
7DA11) ihia iionaltions you wpuld havo little . . ptomptness, of .Einperor William in I �., it-li _�,�. _ lit . �1. Banker on' Parole. .
� � sending a donation,'of $2j500 to. aid Of"', i � I (I, - I . .
R of the, (Prime eon, chitnee asalirwit your , . 40 IWAAA �. ;, " 1, : ������ I
� the flood sufferers in the State, oi 1.� 11 �, , .. I . Leavenworth, Has,, Oct, 16. -An or-
twtt we are eon. neighbor. Pat Ilemem- ", . . I � Santa Catharina, is regarded with suah' 11 ION, . der Irwil. Washington, parolling 3ohn .
.. tog thd, farm- bor, Prizes "C" and -thd ,R Walsh * the former, OhicAgo bankel .
--4,1. '.1 66
. " ductint 1.
___ I I ne.ffii.m ' __ -1 � significanoe here, The gift was I'll, � i J� " ,
. . � erm of Canada.. 4400.00 ,1W11 have no. beaTirtv .. subject of a discourse on the Ger,,. . and railioad president, was. receive , - -
. . -Ift prizt* wiAl Vo award. whatever upon the,guantity of asinent use& . . manIzation, of South Brazil. 'The � : at th4 federal prison here Sat'drday. � ,
ed to each Provinca, TheN6 Prizea 'will be dividod As a matter of fact, Votur tubeess in two ton- I spoaker was Deputy Correla, Freitas, , . Look at the Whe'ad -The prisoner at once began PrcParAl I
Into four groups. 0onsistlilt of: , , " . who said that Brazil had had disas.' ...'. I . . , I tio,ns, for the start home
.,At . test Will 4apend to a great extent on Your 40A*eful " .. thout excitinj - I L . L . Mr. 'Walsh up to the time of his
PRIOR I %,tue fj*witr isellru rea.dinc of 4ut 160 -page' book, "What the, -Vatmer I ters in other states wi I Thete's a deal to know 6out wheat. ,If I didn't seledt ht
pm� '_P0S6q'Nd i014 ri9voo . I Emperor William's generosity. I ipiarole had sorved one year eig I
k'. Ill tho $q?�W*t natkibor of C&A'Do With Concrete." Ila this book-aelit ftroe . I
bartak of "CANADA' ,im. PRIZE ' '"$100.00 to , I the ;months an,
eves, to *6 Under in o"lik r1rovIn6ii whi1i ut" NtIAXAD ark r6queot to any, f4vrmer, full InstTuctione are . . the wheat I could:61t guarantee the flour. Cream of a 26 clays of his.five years,
Itemest nii � 'O.P.R. Boat Wrecked. � I . from Crown of the West Wheat, And 4 isentence. When iold that'he was to
Zber of purp"44. PRIZZ ,1015- ffiven pA to the Uses - 6f conot a 1P us I . West Flou'Comes .
� 0 � eteo &Ij It
Gj.i"000"0'0'0Z' tbi' I a to 6 f0taot In "ch. Provints Oct. la.—V61. it certaini'f-doet inake good breetal � ,be rele'ased, the aged prisonot Plainly,
'" I Who I LL
,tl.tss = VIE L 1MV 10%, bvery, ItInd of farna butldlugs tand farm Walla Walla, Wash., ,k #
� ., photograph shdwhig the best ot � I lowing is the copy of 86 Wireless Me$.L . showed ,his pleasure.
I Ind ot. okk d4n* oa bis form d 4q, it utility. You'll se4 tho no6d of tkin boo .. ' I L
With 1011ANA-DVI 041sotfl. PRI 11 " I k, . sW picked up last night it Walla I .
1 41100.00 to Its givsn to *e f*ftet:: ,vrheth*r you oxt colaw to try tor mL prisb 1. . . Walla: . 0 . -am tog, 11 I P�ffor Twmty-six Ye�Krs.
.1 I P*oyWes who aulo* 4b* sot Mon at, not. It you hs�ve not ,got youir r "The r Trianglo Island, 1 7.40 'p -m -i . 0 Kingston, Oct. 16 -After a pastorat
Is% 4s*wq*16n of ow any PAV
I . 004rawar V"Cit of Work . l'y capy 3rdt, writit for it to-hitht, I I CaDtain B. ,W. Troupe, IvilotoriL. Cre West Flour of twenty-SiX y6at�, Rev. D . a 1
1 � pbofAw&pli beall It) ... 4 he. Simply out a& the, Attathed eau. . . ,"Princess Beatfice ashbra at Noble .. , I womomww I bade farewell to his ,00ngr at* at
L. I Elvery fOrher it decked& is Pon -or a Postcartil Will do- � 'Plekse Island, passengets transferred to Ven., the hised � wheat, Pour gitarditteed for� be,oad -St. Andrew's Presbyteriya"n C u e34
eftible, tVhe*#t6fe, 414 not i1cla $rour ftaxna, and Ad- . sAnd 01r, tura. Badly' damaged." , terday. lie and Mrs. Mae ie *
. L 9)6 4441&rr*4 tro,= 611tow. Araks thorato and alai) . . cular It It 4 The Princess lkatrice is a, steamship . jt6u just tryL it. it It doesu!t give you fight down satisfaction Yout , .leave for Montreal Tuesday, and lat- .
I a b
I Dy(
';' I.
, _'
tak.0 Clp=_�ji;d
- 4.
-C OW3� — sw 1
19,14 � . , -
6. ,
T 4 -C A
I .t J_
, IS X.
U'S, 4
,.e Z
1001 �, .d.
010.24� ".4, 1 1, I I
� , . -
X:18 85
R 19
'I al. 885
- . I 8001;4 AP in the Canadian Padfie British 06- itoftr pays yout %dottey bswk. Thai,* thei guarautte with evoty bag. : er I
ing by *ay t"Whir tbAt It to -eight. . . , janp,foceed to their old home in 800fo
I L I X0106'.. V �. a ... 4 lumbia coast sevvide� . . 'a. � r. Maolde has been in tho
I I I .1. lunlit44 Toronto I )r tbirty-six years. In I$a-' ,
. , I ....... 4114.9"o The Csa*bell WWI comp"Yo ministry V �*�
C*"& C4ftftt clm"Uyv 1AAQ Add'9400 6 6 I AWA41" COM" rftae" 161 he� 0ame out from Scotland, where
I 4 � 6,41 I 1, I , ,,, , , , I I '' I L I � , ' � I � �, I ' I - , , " , . , ,, , L 'L .. '' ' ' .. I was asgistant to Rev. Di. Baclo'.
V0011111" , , A A A 0 A. 0 0 0 J. # 4 :4%"6"00::6 0, 4. . Of . - I -- L -_ - now of moutiml, ..j
, .11 .11.1.11 L ... I . .... ..... 1-11 1-11.- A I ''100111 a I 13M. $00, cl**M,, John Denholft, Blytth . - .0 1. � I . . 1� . � . - .1
---,---I-- - __1___';;�----F-- . -"I-'-' " , I ION slto" ho"940UA $ O*Aoift .
.1 I "W"It 694 0 0 0 " .