HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-10-19, Page 5f �
W 411
_,_ - � 7, �%_,, 4 - , - , . 1�, I - - I 1T—,Xr13RVW-FW77W7— 7- '.. - — , . � ,- "! `-1- ��' - - ' --�"1,7'7""M'-"'W.W.-W.:—Aq.-,%—.,�l-- ----,-- 2XpPqJ".TT_F1F.r-T-W. -77VT ---Rqw—v,-....�-,�wpip—".-,T,:,41�—..- � .__� - "'Iript.", ....... 11, ....... 11"I!1am
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. I .
1Xhur**Uy, Oatuber, l$th loll. . %" Amamir X" low. -11, ft"t _Mv
, .
____ - _ -
I -1 � . . 0-1111. .. , ." . _ .. ... I _ I .- �
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.. . ..
I ,For O'cio'ber I
W 0
IF T -eddings,
lThe most pleasing*
Presents are among
r -Silverware, China,
: and Cut Gla,ss.
I.. I 1.
. ,
I No Bride Ever Received Too
Allich of Uther,
. We are s6wing a very choice
Assortment of new goods in the
lines men, . tioned, .
Those havine Irlonds
about to eilter the
happy state shoJ114
rject Our Stock
__ __
Impossible to ent-im.crate
here the dilrerelit
4 'ticies
They Must be Seen I
to be Appreciated
Boy I'Vanted C
To It a -n r1annilIg mill busInes,Q, ap .
,ply it) .T. Mt:Kcnzi,-.. Clinton. .
_____ -
Pasture Land' t
11 — . (
� .1
Some first class pasture land to be I
so'd in Jots to suit purchaserE. At
tractive prices. Apply to
John Ran�ford, G. T. R. City Agent -
Farni tor Sale
t __ F
100 Acres .QpIrndId ligbt clav loam 1i
,Conv?ni-nt to nistrikets, churches and
seliciol: 11 aert-s fine maple I�ush: 7
acres or(-bhr(]: good brick bcuqo with
furnace-, farge tmn.k bArn;)'l Walled Off
cement pig, hen iind issiplement house
etr. " flowh-g,-pringnvarbain Amost
exeo'oot birm elit-an forquicksalt-..
Wri f e P. 0. box 462 or phone No 46i q
Seafurdi Ont. I
- - a
11 9
Btlsand'W.ay d
�. (
I . I
Ally 'bus and dray business is now,
locarted atmy hou.se onOntario, St.
two doors from Rattenbury. Hotel
barn. Call or 'phone No. 42. All .1
orders promptly,, attended to.
�� BP7 P1 wo, # t 1. . . I ,- � Local Mmwter of thie, Court 4 Oodovlob was exocated with spirit 4na prVL96 ' .I...." 1. �.., I I ... -11L I -.11 -11...".-I I I I'll . .
I '. k by1homas Gundvy, auctioneer, iKt the sion and gave �gi t pleWuro, � I
MISS JM I A. Im I - - . �� � I Ratteubury House In the Town of everyone. 14A to 4 . . �
. teacher or vingil)g, piavo playlvir" and I V inton on TueNday the 7th day of TUe SiAging of ittat National An- . .
=Vvr torals apply at rehlidence , . � November 1911 at the hour of 2 o'clo* them brought the successful meet- 'New mcoandies ,
$treat, � . P M the following laud0. ing toa close. .. I - .1. .
. . - - I I . C-1 - . Parcel I -Lots numbers 40and 47and FRIDAT FORLWOON.
. pi,rts of lots numbers 48 and 40 In the ftA �
1;lrthb,,, Narrioges & 0eatlis � " __ Bayfloldconcessionof the townshipof The President C. X.Bluett occu� lot*. W out Tee, DOW srcdal_,ssli�, I
� I I Godericu ib the CountV of Huron and Piedttavhair. . . I I
� part of Lot number 80 In the lot con Deyotiqu,41 oxerelses owere c=- Ek - past years has taught Us that 11
PlUT118. I . I 1: cession of the towlasb;p of Stanley In ducted by Dr. $trang. perlence in _
GLR - At Parkolde. Sask$t- I I . -wo, this Is a very popular price with a great many ladies '
BAI _A. � � o Th`�4 vaillutios of the last t ses 11
N.4 ..." , s., the said county, and part oflot nutubtr ,.- I
' j
chewan, n September let, to Mr.. and ��H I � W in the isald township of Stanley this isions were, read and approved, when purchasing their -new winter Coat,. and according. :
Mrs. T. a. Eagle, (neeXessle Colwe0t). (),c , psroel containing 235 acres, 2 roods and A 107'aas Of rimarypuplis trained
by ,Miss ,V .
.� R man wh. "ar I 1�. �pecial study of garments ,tt
a son. . I parches of laud more cc leso. �' Howard sang some ly�. we have mide a a .his
I A* . 0 JL - ries a HOWARD Parcel P,-Portiode of Lots Nambere 6chool oongs very ploai.jautly 'and . rice, and have' succeeded in getting together the finds
BIRTHS .W 80 and 87 in the 10th concession of t J4'ttiv Alias D6rothy Balkwill i�acited p I - it �
MctWRN_In Hullett, oif OctobVr ; %tch finds h' 4A assortment, Of highest c ass garm�nts ever offered at - I
I imself in sail, Township of Goderich containing 'so A's (to MWIve -well merite , p-
Oth, to Mri and Aliq. Alex, MaU wen, . good company.. . by estimation 105 acres more or less, plause. � � I . I
I . Lea.der$ in American affi On Parcel (1) there are a'frame dwell .010 XW50lution Committee brou- 'this price. .
a daughter. � ldrs since. I . KUt in :their rie ng that I
Ing bouseaud a frame barn, with stone . ,port advisi These mantles come in 131ack, Navy, Green anda
� DEATHS, 14ncoln's Young 1nanhoQ4 have relied dtabling underneath and other out the followinig numbiaira,of :the re,
on th -solutions pas - the number, of nlixed Tweeds and are well * tailored of good
0 HOWARD. "I H - pubW - I .
O*ApD Time"' buildings, and on parcel (2) there Is a Bad by �
I frame house and small frame school depaAqtitent b,f t a O.E, 4K
h , r,
�ACKSON-In Clinton, on Monday has bee,u a det=.mmg factor 1 smal I . dependable cloths and are exce . value at TeW
. be adopted, - . ptional _
. �
October 10th, Miss Irene J, oldest 11 every barn. Dollars. . I . I .
daughter of Air Thomas Jackson, I Phase Of the nation's advance, The properties are conveniently and Nos. 2,3,4, D and 0 on !the Public . �
aged 23 years and 5 months, , The first HOWARDwa . . ))Ialf mile,of School Currie I � Other Mantles, at $5,0
well located within on( - . ,% $$.00
.s also the firol, ulum,; Nos. .2 and 3; on J 1, $W,40and $15.00
FARQUHAR-In ]Rullett, Ott Fri- American watch. It- was made. in the Town.of Clinton and the sail is School Te.vt Books; - No,s, 213, J, 5, 0 � .-
. I "-- � I ,
day, October lfth.,Wr. Howard Albert .
Farquhar, secord son of Mr. and Mrs.. ;842 and t4e #nest models cost $Soo,. yery rich and of excellent quality and on Oie Public Scholol .curriculum ; I Children's Mantles from $2,00 Up.
� in first class condition, The farms NO- I Ou Ithe Sappi(annuation Cd I
George Farquhar, aged 18 yearg and 11 To -day the price, is lower --- alld the have been used for a number of years teiachors, No.. 1 outhe Ontario Rdu� .
tuouttis. 11, Ja . re I � watch is better. by a drover for pasturage itid, general Clational Gazette; Nos 1, 2, S. �O;f the 50ecial rices on'Ladies' and Wdrens Furs .
FRASER- On October . GerwitAl, Resolution,9; Nos. 3 and 4 1 M '
Roble, relict of tne Is, a Donald Fraser, ., IEMY HowAaD Is made ond adjusted as a$ns faUnlillk and have beOn wall cared for . en's and Boy's Overcoats, Blankets, Under-
. .t . ., tch, Cased and time4 in its own caseat the andm�mtalned and theyare wellad on 'the Popai.t�meinhal 'RegulationsL; I
%ged 94 years. I .-'
factOrY and 4 Printed Price ticket attacliciL ,Rpted for sArevisr's use or. for general Nos. I and 2 on Ithe Advisory Co,uu� .. w�dar, Rubbers,etc, - . I
-In Clinton, on Wed, Qil, aud W . . . .
li,SaiZ�ah Plumsteel, Ncefix . 4440 to $X50. " , o,s. 3t4,5,6, and .7 ' Make this store headquar . ters, for your Fall needs .
aesday, October 18 Let us show IOU tws distinctive w4tc& * - Ing ties will booffered subject . .
illiarn Plumsteel, . ope 11 That 'WeriesPectfally request the- - .
midow of the late �� The P� "a r e fixed by the sald Depaijtmlent� t1hiat we be permitted land you will hnd you have had bigger.values at smaller . 4.
to a ,em d pric
tAed, 00 years and 23 days. Local Master. . - - � �.
WILLIAMSON-In Goderich Town, I V.O, ,4,ave our Inatitulls meetings in
Terms of sale,10o,,. of the money shall the spr,lng inatiead 04 the fall. I cost than ever before.. � . � .
ihip on Friday, October 13i;h, Kit!% A I be paid in cash on the date of sale and I I
;bird daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Win. 0 J. Grigg That the Bible.history be,t1aught" I
I 1. . the balance within 30 days thereat', er.
Williamson. I in the Public �school, � the repo�ft
I - I Jewelerand 0##01,3# -� - In all other respects the terms and was adopted with the exception ,of Plumsted Bros, .
. conditions of sale will be the standing NO. 2 Which Was aiiiended by substi- I . I .
:)VER 600 HURON OLD BOYS Issuer of Marriage Licenses conditions of sale of the High Court of tutipg the fir � .
. I— ... .1 . . - sit %rieek in September. ; I .
.NITIORONTO. - . . Justice for Ontario, inste'aal offs-pr$ng. . I SMALL PROFITS. MORE BUSINESS . . . .
At a meeting held at Toronto of the I ____.______�_ �. Further particulars as to the pro- I . . . . . I - . .
xectitive of the Huron Old Boys, the . I ==___ orties and conditions of sale mav be 'The report of the auditing nom�' ,. I ,
icenesident, W. W. Wilson, presid. I Rev. H. F,. Ct End from G. T, MeTaggart or W. ,Bry. mittetaphowing receipts amounting ' . I I . I � I I .1 11 __ �. I a I
. — .
be irrie of Waterford will. done, Clinton. Oat. I to $168.93, land exponditur,es hmo- I , "I . — � . .
4 in absencet of blajoi� Back, who Ptieachin theMetbodist Churchhere . . ,
9. serionBlylll. It was decided to ho'd on Sunday morniog nt:xt. Proudfoot, Hays & Killoran, solici- uniting to $93.80, leaving a ,balqnco 0 O" I * .
� 'Mr, Currie tors, Goderich,'Ont., or Charles Gar of $75.18 on -hand,, was reesived and
he annual meeting on November 17, will preach t � ad /Z n) (9� 6
. he anniversary servicesof row solicitor, Goderich Ont. , t e.� 1. I -M �
,nd to have an at home in the Temple the Constance Methodist 04urch In - Df' �
;uildidg in February. There are now the afternoonof next Sundayat 2,80 Oat�tedatGoaerlch this 177th day of A I-ectiOn ot,oflicersi -was de- A ,RoaBA'g, Spg * ,&a ..,
ver 000 members. .. - � . and altso at 7,30. I I I ober 1911. ferried and % noininiating .commit- � 1. _�, . � . . ... I
, . I I � _ZLE Itee, Consisting ,Oif , M - . . . . .
. Rev, Osterhout was* a Blyth. visitor . 'B. L. DO ' I essrs. Tom. . - -
. — onTuesday eveningwhen hewasad. . ... I . Local Masi;er. Tigert arid Weidenhanimer. and . ' I
Londesboro I dressing the Howorth League. . . I I 'Misses CansItt and Vosper. . . In order to closeout our balance of Roofiag .. �
.- - . I I I
. . . � .. . .. . I . . �. . Mr. McLach .1111,
. .la
. . . n,' principal of Cho(t. before Winter sets in we are giving special -reduced,
The members of the MaspnieFratern. A , . * * ST ham!:Business College, introduced � I . - ..."
:y.attended tfiefuneral !nBelgrave .. . _ . th#, subject of writing, 'He fo4 � ned . prices' for I . - . � .01 . . ..�,.,
. �
n Monday. . . I Constance -' , POOR CROPS IN THE WE the AMsociati,61n int,o a wrRI(ng class - I. . .. . . .� ...
I . . .
. I � Mrs, R., Hamilton, Sault Ste Marie, . . and Ina Practical n!ianner ,set them - . I � . I I . . . �
I *
. .. I I I � is visiting Mrs, Robert Clarke and I I . . . . to worik.PDactisin-9 exercises. He � I . ,
__ . 1.
'Annuat Meeting ' . . _. �. . � hild down as,the real secrets for I .:
.1 . The Porrester's Oyster 'Supper was makingL �good -wir .
..� - . Mr,, R. T. Riley, of Winnip,eg, . jters, ithat tb, - I I
. city ailM mu,st balance on.tUe mus I .
. .. � . well attended on Thu ' , e on - -
. . other friends. - I I I .
. � -'Writes to the FreePress oX thq li �01 � I . .
. Irsday,evening. I clep on , M- ' th , ,
The Annual meeting of ifie' Horticul, A good pro&ain was furnished. Pro- , *ap(picitingi �he crops in the foi*.aM2, -prie fingers I . . . I ,
. , � vtha three mnst:,not . � . . � . � ,
Lire Society, will be .bold in tbei ceeds amounted to about $14 00. I I.. .N�,estiorn provine6s as folloN#s,_ bend,and thle'Priactising should be I . I . . I .. ,�
louncil 0hamber; Thursday Nov. 2nd, Quite a Pumber arou.Ad here attend-. I -moltiae ymirro - done With abs&fizt�s freedo . mak- , , � Regulai $1,75 ',suitable fo'r small buil'dingq; chick-" . ' . -
. . . portf Senatox Mel m . : .A
)II. at 8 o'clock - I �: . . ad.. the funeral of theJace Mrs. Oke, of Vin -Jones, prosidiiiA olkhe,Massey- ipg''the cross movlement Par natural en houses, sheds, et(f., for $1.- ,� .
[. D. MoTagggart. . JAB Fair, Seafortb. I .. . i , 0 Harris [Compainy,' bs. saying: "I inclin&tion of the liand this mois-t . . . 35- . '. : . . I I I -
. President ' '.Secmtarly. Rotato digging and taking up roots -qt Teslar,yation that iMPOAtaUtr'bhiAg. The lesson ,.as. - . . I ..
. 11 . I . arethe order of the.day DOW. ,can- aay m4thq t ght, -,%vas inst � I .Amatite-Maltit&--Brantford Asphalt and Rubber I
. . . this -yeiirlis crop. is (the Nvorst that all, . I . I . . 11 . . I I . . . .
- . �. .. I .11. . __ I Rev. Mr. Osterhout .was visiting , � iterie6t,149. 11 . . I � Regular,$2 -15 . . . . . I I ..
. ithe lw�st haia. iever experiende4. 21 I 1 -50 for, $2' . . . . �
. . around,bere on Friday last, ." I This is (a trempado.usly atpronj' Mr. 'Radcliffe took up . Ithe sub- I - .� I . . . . . 1, I
. 110,trders, 111anted � Mrs. Geo Steph6usbri returned sitatewfeat - to Ject -of written. . . � . 1. I . . . . I .1 �
. .. . .for Senator Jones com,position with . . . I ��
I — . home on - .9aturdak after Ispending make; especially as he was here in his usual thoiloughness and on- � . .
� I
Having ret . urned to town I I am now some time visiting her aunt inLondon.. 11985, wthen w1eliad- �grAln thusiasmi advocating that wrften ; � �_. I . 1. . r 10. S , . I . . I',,
red to take boarders, either The Inspector Mr -'Field Visited our ' nolt any should beProceeded by' ral m- . � . Heirlond B ' 4 I I
, .
5 thalfwas not frozeiii, 'and ,combi,g o, co . . .
= qhool on Frday last and found every. f rio, . . . I I .
. I . . � I .
or gentlemen. Apply at house M1 one ;Who should lie in a poisi- Positiono, ,that headings .,of - para�. I
. . ,eet thing in good v% orking order. � I
Mrs. rdogridge, Ontario-str , I ition tio knio,w, and who ,has exclop-- graphs ihould be rdrawn from IN I '
� � . . . Don't forget the Anniversary Bar, tion, �ij Sloves & Hard
. I- . ally giotod opportunities to find class Placed on (thie boi I , ware,
. .1 I vices on Sunday. October 22nd in the quit it twill, ird an .� . . �. I . I . f I— I
. have a. ,good deal of that a6hoice pareskraph bo-' co,xh- . . I I I . . . . .
. ' t church. Services will beat weight withm y,aao will bp-quot- Pose,l and 'wriLqo,ii, t'he pu1jil then - . . __TTT!!!!___._ i I
Iloar 110V Servic'e 2'N13e0thiondd's 7.00 in the evening., Rev. '�d.brqadcast_ an I being'asked to write a'similar-fone, . . . � .� .1 .. .. � . . I I
. . . -b_" . . , .-�' . . Mr. Curry, .of Watford,- 'will preach at I �. . . . I . � ... . . . . "
. . . � . . . He would U*se (tilanscriptibin para- . � � � .
. b9th services., . . . I That it is a d' ' * * '" I . I I .. __ . I �
. 1
Per service -on. lot 26, con 3 H.'R. S., . . . . 1. I . Isappoin ting.crop - per. . phrasing, md the nXemorizat .1 I I � �
� . , ihaps, the disappointing that we . ion,of : — . le 40 , " . - � I .
uckersmith, apure hri�d Hampshire' . - 4'09 Ploritions 61 Scripture land othor . I
. . � .
O&r, Brodhigen Chief, No. 4421'. terms . . _. . 11 . . have evbi had� because at one time We Noice literature - . .1 ... I . . . I
. .
I with ivilege of returning it necas - . Seatorth . - . expected.such -an extraordinarily large Ile would usp'co.figt . oming. ..I .
., . vie -I vOill agree, iluctivo criti- . I I � . .1 .1 . .
Phr. A, Murrav a Alexanc He 'auggid9ted. bicycle tours, i , INC0000 I
try. J0 xid Goo lien ' '' Id- having lived here -
*Phone 5 on ler Winter, &'prominent bus. iluring the last thirty years, during till o1sm' ,�mmooloomw
erson, Seaforth P; .U. 1 *146\ file9sman-atthis place, -died suddenly of- whiclillmel ha,ve watched closely cf�nveraatioins, pt6., a . . .. I .
linton central. . . . � . , � � I . S gubjects- for I . . I . . ��
. . .
I I . . .1 �Tuesday night of rheumatism of the. 'the crop conditions.'- I 4in prepared.io compositions, .. ... . I . V . . . . I , I .. . � 1. .. I
. .1 I . . � , "*, , I
. I I . . 1.-!P,% - .
__ , , , -matter 'Subjects were ta%- ., , 1( , . .
I .
. . . � .,.�, I � . heart. -Mr. Winter was -in the beat of say that s are not -in anythh�g Mr. Radeliffe2s , ,,K�15 ,,��; , ,*�--,,.. Prof. Dorchwend's . I
. ", - * - - �
� -4 �t
'10 ,, ;
� -.1 . bealth on retiring,. butshartly al! ter. like'such ,a condition ;a; a, sttiteme�it of an, In a 401 " a �34 g -px , . '' . . � � 1.
jig -ee and easy -, ,-. -,,,.�-- -/,10','/�� ... ...
... . . I s 1htfully fi .�_ , � .. "!i.
"f �,
, , - 0 cate, and I'feel, manner and ,%ijere full 'of informa- ,% *', � , X_:� e, , , . -, �
. , a - _ - . Representative' .1,
I a,�', � � � . .
I % wards awoke with a slight ain in the this kind w 'uld indi _ _t? , ,
. KWITI. -='�6,��.�?I,- Z,F.7��;i%i',"!�� , . F 1.
. _. .", - . . , , , ,
..... PS, '. 'I P , I � � "Y". . ., . I . : 4
. C . . I I . . f". . t sh I, lm A, Z 1"(, ,;.?, , . , � � at �. - I .
. � I , '�, " "" -.:��. ), � k
.! ,�,�-14 I , -;t I N" , �
. r .1, . a tion and profit for the ,b6a hers. �.,,' .. k.&.�,4"3RA'§4n. k- - - i�,,�'Vp',-I; I
'I , - 1�,-,Z-. I region. of .the heart. He went at one therefore, that 1 ould not go un- C 11 .. - � ��
to consu . Mr. 11. Hort-o . ..�. � .�j , g ,�,F I
- , � �%,� - I . Introduced "" . . qNP;_.s,. _",_ "I" `,;,1..i_ oronto - . . I . I
� - It a.physician, and was advis. challenged. I . . , .6 . �� ,1111,fil
-�:-,"��';-,',71� � � ... * i 1W , . .1
- dthathe wouldbe allrigbtinaday lrom a ten days subject .of beaching of atrio,ti in . � K
. n t111g ! .1, V .
, ,
� _;: e , . 1114 .. !S&" of T
. . . . I ha;Ve just returned P_ sm &,.-,��.�,ql�,_.vg, ...... 11 i �f
dar, I 41 11.11 IN "t�
11 I'M , -- - be at the
W ,.,.- - -
� - G,P11_ 'i. or so� On returning home lie sat down trip and seen all sorts and -conditions the Pablec school, and in a flu,ent' W � -4�""�,;,.i�, ,;�'.A,.,, will . .1 . .. (@y'll "" *
n9n., I 1.3 , ��.�X?�"?1� , ,��
.3 . . n a chair, apparently to rest, when, tie :oforops. One man had just completed an.d. happy maxfner -, , . � .
I - ,"- �, -gavia the rea- !� 'im?�7.�,�-,,�.,��,,i.,�7!�,:��- , , - _' '
7 . - .- l,, � ,.;.�,:!!,
. � . ,, " � i" .�
I � . , , ,�! , Z:'-.��? Itattenbury House . �
',I> I t k fell over and expired. X - shipping nine cafload�q of -No 2 wheat, sons for teachin,g the subject �. In . -.,h � . . . I � I ��'f ',�',�j
-1 11 , g�`4k,N.�,��,��,.'. I I I J� J�,�!�� �
its , � .. .... � .4�!��" ' 'I
A. i i "I" --s-k .'. , -
- - ___ ...... Asa result of reciprocity not pasR- all harvested, threshed and shipped ir. Ithis country wit p p1le from IN., " �_ .. Clinton uj,�;,
- _�, ,
W, �611, 11. 9. -h . j 6f,l
m - eo I * V;'V 1. I %, W , �,
. , ... - � 1; z "' I "I I ,�1111 - ,. ,Y,
,� , �.. I . I ,q, 111.� I
A 'X` .�',%, .�6, ,'-kR.'?,' '-.A� I '�W, �
ocl important.industiy has been good condition. Others Were tbresh- many lands., He would itoach ithe , 'A..,", `;- y "I" 'I., ... i(�)
Flarm st c, implements ancl furni. ing an ., , M � ��,�-
" ��.-,��,-,!,.Z,! , � V #.
. 141..�C,74.5.1 w oirThtirsday i9lll �,` ,
. lost to.tbis town. 1. "i 17. . . ,,,.�
, As soon as the ing a good sample of wheat and worth subject by u6ing ,the 'Alaple Leaf, I _� .44 _-_4 .
Live at Lo;: 18,'flrai. farm weE-tof -Varna ' S. 11 , � .'' �
- ,-11--r_. 1�;* .
..Y�.;�7,�,22, S�59'1, ..- � -4", F" '� 1, . . . I
_1 -_ ._
n Weduesday Oct. 25 at I p. m. H. agreeindnit was luttified by the Amer. from 95c, to $L01 -ap Port William. -'our Prosperity, ;Our Liberties, o* ;.�., I W., 014 ., , t.!! ill 114
. icans,'Mr. D. D. Wilson entered into. I , .� ,� g;,'i.-!74�'1',J � . '! il 1111�'.
. : � I . - I � 10,4� ''... � " "J'- I 'q.�, _. . , '1': .
Vard, prop; M. Brown auc. .. . s an agreement with a lead! .Others, again, were more or less frozen; Greatnoss .in - Natura . i3esoureps, . . ";,.", ". I . . Nov, 211d �-,"'�(��fl � 'i I 11 ,
. .�
. . , f , �i,��,,,' � ��L-4
. . 139 Now somewere cutting crops � -that in -my .,TiXpLnspOrtad,On pti . ';-411111;%,�:�.-�,,.�,�,. ;`-!, %r, � 1. � 1. IT11,
, 4". . _ , , '. ,.: , .1 I
1. . . . . . W,11.-��?� .... .. _ � �,ffl, .'i 4 ... �
___ . . cilities, Etc.,, as . � t., I - : - ��1114�..,11,5;, � t)
. . . . . . York,provision firm t . - - �� M I ,N� 't 1,
, -!, 'I , ? I
Fi, I
. . .. � 6 purdbase big .? inlon, would rio�� bewo2th threshinp... subject ': �. with a stock ,of the i101111�14,1"h iiili,,! 4. �
I � 1. . I . I S for liessandi , I- - �', I . ,
. . I 1� " " '' . . I I
. ... ,,,�,;,
. I . � . p�qperty,in Sonforth providing .the Everybody, 'however, had, plent of . The� _ �,,,-- : .'' ! - , , , " ,��,,,,.�if�, . ..
I . � 2 I - I , *
i y . discussion was contilitied by . . . - , - . I .
I . , T�..'.;,?.::� .., , . �;"" i1i", . .
arried In' Oa - . The feed' and th conclusion I a � � 1, - I '. , ,
, I ,� i
. .agreement c, nada. ame to-�wa-v I I. . � ;:. ,::., ;newest -Eur . I �� I
I _ . I . . Messm.'Radcliffol Tom%$traagand . I r:.r'. �!,� L;. -�` .. 0 .1 � I .
0 - - '1' i Weiclqirliammer'. , '' :, .. ql_l � � . I 1� ..
�, wr-f. pricewas ngreed uponand all arrange, 'that -whilst there was a very- arge . . . _ ; . I .� I . I �, . ..,
. ..
ce quantity of damaged grain', and ]nw' EL(rhty�nine.Aoach6rs, haxe be ,.;, . . and A ill e r i � all' 4"I ..
, , t,.\�� M. . � 11
' N j-4 m,flt%'cs'propeAy� to the new own6rs . : �,;,Ifl, . "
M � I t ,.ompleted for the' trt�nferen en . .
. I Ir 3 & . 6 as grade stuff, fit only lor feed, -and a presiont at our session. It may be . I . . I ... . .. :�_
� HOOD as the agreement Was ratifieo by greitt many disappointed. farmers, All I � . . . . . �. Hair Good tz � -
_. . of interiest to (kno,w1h.0 f allowing . I . . . � . . I I "T, " . ...
0 a B 1. I . 1. 1. � I I .
. � : . the Dominion Parliament. - The firm the country as a whole will take ff a 1 fa t , Th . I � �1"""""", �
. . r,ting the vi build -erie were ,seventy chang- . � . 1,.!
' . ,.
- _ I . intended conve .corn - crop., that will pay expenses. and that" bs*6f ,teachers .in -the s6ojols .of . . . ... � I 1� . .. � � N " ��.,�.!l � I
I - . ing into a.c "Id. storage'. establiihment the percenlage of absolute lailures will ,W.est Hulo.n ,sinco April .1st, 1911. . . . . ,. . . . �. I. I . .. � .� �Vp �N .. . . �,
. I and to use the other buildings for the, be comparatively small. . . .. . A F. R -,l 404,4 1.� fa I&V I W P. I I 117. Q . � " . . . I , . . 11 .
I ) . ... . � purchaseandstoring of butter, . � - - oachers in une. sanows . . . . UU .. . 1. . . . I . . .. . . � ..
I 1. . . eggs ' The country as a whole will be able dn'Decamber, 1910, only 62 are now -, I ...... I .. .1 . I
esleep k Ae facl . . and fruit. and would have carried on a � I 'SFORI Ilk . . I .
.11 . . �. SINGLE . . -to Pay its wagea. Interest*- and store -teaching inthe ins-Zlectorate. . TRAN 1.1 TIONK * Traustorination , - ., � .
I Thanksgiving- Day .' � .. - very extensive business here in these bills, a result that was not' achieved - ; . . . �, PIPBPADOERS . . � , . . I .1 I . . ..� . I
. , all thne with some props that I' couldifientiOn, � AFTERNOON SESSION. I
th.#i . . F IL WE brodlicts. ,Now,,-bov�ever,
. % � . arran . gements are cancelled, and the but it will not have very niuch of .a - . . I . . I . . for the lady who bag thin bafr� catinot be, '
. all st"ttiolls . I ' ALL OUR GOODS are noted , .
Betweell. . in Canada, town is the loser� . . � . the chair. VVIVES-FRONTS . I equalled.
I uleDOHEKY also to Niagara Falls, and Buff - . . . surplus. . . . I The president occupied . I I ir superior workmanibip'.6xclusive
I I � I . 'The weather niso The, W, inuities ot the forenoon ises- . � . . . . . . f6r thei . .1
� I .11 — . . � . � . VVILS . . I 9 . .
i It . o, N. Y., - Po * rt Huron, and De- . . . . bas been so*wet Sion wl� pd.. I :. . styles and fine quality of hair.. . .
I S .. troit, Alich. I �. . � . . ' I . I I that only a small - proportion, of Lhe RE *_
hest Wile . . .. . . . .. Brue'efleld . . . has vat been threslfed, and as The reS6r,t of -the nominating ' ANY STYLE WILL, BP, GLAD LY DEMONSTRATED P. E �
� . ig octob6r 27"28,29,30 - . I . . grain bf it'is still in stook it is being commi . ttCie recommended ,that the . . � . I . . , . I .. . .. . �
... 0.9 wr1h Return. Limit NOMuber Ist,1911 Mrs. W. -gatte d hter, much . .
� I , . . Miss Alice Rattenbary are visiting at seriously damaged. by the rains. 46-11olwing Of f iceis, bia appointed f or. . . . Of Interest to the Bald Ran . � . . .
� I - . . 0 . . __ . I I I the all's i , I . . .
. . � . the home oflUrs. H. Rathwell;'cf Tor- I . . . . . . � ,,.,,,,, urnig year#- . - . � ation of u fa o I. I .1,
. � .
L - ReturnTielcets at � ., . . . . . . . I . dient; !Miss 1. ,in. .Sh�al�mat� .Youar.o invited to call on.uf for a Free Denionstr. 0 r M us . � . .
onto. 2 _' I I . I . . ,. 1. . . . . . I
� SI'LNGLE- FAILE. * . Godierich; vf,�*presidenit, W. B. . . 6WIDorenw6nd Sanitary 1�fttellt Toupee" . . .. :... . �
. I . I �
ps �- iliailyup-ptilNov.11 - Miss Mabel I . urner is. visiting friends South.. Huron 1nachers. Weldienhammei, Extiter; Sec.-Trea- . � � I . I . ,
One -of the Best . . . . . at 'i Hensall. . � . . : G . surer,,W.11 Joilinatoxi,.Xippian. � . . , _ 11 I . I , , The only Sariftary and perfectly I .. . - " I
I. diss Sadie Bowie has gone - . I . . I � - .." - , M � - �� onstructed toupee.made� Indetect. . - . . .
boulln lilmd,wheire she has a pos I � .9 I �m 11 � � I .
to points in Temagami, , poin(�s Matt- to Mali- . . . Councillor's-J.,,P. Huirne, 1B. A.., �5 � e �
itidn � - 1 01 a able. ,light in weight, strij gi per. .
awa to Timiskarning andKipawa,Que.,' il .. ---" . I 60-17e N . . .
.! . 11 . . � .. . . I � Goderich; H. Horton, Lumley;'Q. S, � ... . .49 . . . ;
t, Equipped . inclusive, Also to certain points in Qua- as milliner, � ' - . . � . � . . ins-inan. T " '1141t�,) - fectl '�' ventilated. Worn nand an-. 1* '. * . �
Miss A. Sawers has returneil, from, Howard,.Blake;; Miss H.K T__ I � . . - . 11,
bee, New Brunswick, Nov& Sco , thi, and ' C Exciter kXiss M. Baillie, Nile. ' 9, n - �_ If dorsed by physicians. and. medicial' � .�
.1 , . .. .Visiting her sistbr, Mrs. Hernick, of I .. plitinued From Pqgp One ' ' -�- : * , _41 , t, f. W I " , . I . . �� . I
. I . . M, APL � I
. I . . t j,;eil .
Maine. . - . - I . . ' -, -Auditing -Committeiem�Geo. Maw- S. _6 - � t I . , -_ men They are made in any styles . I �
- - Tilbury. - , . and intelligleat teaching,: I , � '), , . . . � . I -I..
PidA0 FaCtOCieS October 19tb� to November 11th. Our commun ed on Adjd,ur!nimeinit� . ' ' , .. � ,son, Hay - C J' McGreigbr, Hay. * - I ) I .. , I.. ., - , shaves or sbades, - 1. I.. . :
. I , .. I � Al : � . � I
. . esl le a death'cd . Re8c4u1ttocm Committee - W. c- . . 11, �� ( .1 .. , � Do not fail to call and see -them. ,
. .
I to �ft "I' O' th 11 � . EVENING SESSION I I 'Kay, Ilens-all; 'W. G. Peatoli, Zurich 11 I I . .. . . . � . I
j3ays. Midland, Maganetawan River. er a Doss. Ile ..... .. I -Tow,'Ooderich; Mise W. - Mill I I ........ 111101110011116 - .
in Cana& Lakefield,Mad4waska toParry Bound, -hol't I J. Elgin . .
Ni r % r
to Muskoka takes, Penetang. Lake of "'u ay . .. ,
4eorgq r
( _� a I a and - children, Grace A pleasaNt, and prolitabIte ient. . � . I
I Argyle to C 'ndaay to Hali- Is . a' - w 0 mou tv' Sloss. . 'r- Howard, Exeiter; Alias A. E -o - . . . i
lobo6onk, Li . and ,ed. t ,n hi . C insitt . I . The Dorendwend Coy . .1
� .. I tainment [was hold in ItheOPera Hensall; Miss T,Johnatiolno'Carlow . I . I I I
IV. INherly Piano and burton. Peints from Severn to North A very successful Thank offering House during ithis evening. Tb,e � . ,� . I I 1:
and certain points The m,port was adopted. --7t . Tile 11olise of Quality Bair good . � I
_ Bay inclusive, meeting of the W. F. M., Society was Prpsid(enit, 'Mr. C. K. Bluett, I3, A; of , . . .1 . . . I � . . . :
I . . Air. G. S. 2apwarcr read athought- . � I Yonge at,, Toronto, Oni. . . . I
Organ Co, Linifted 1 reached by Northern'Navigation Co. hold iry the Presbyterian Church on St.'Geor*8 Pubuc.School former fil, paper onTeaelilag otMoralslin . . 11 ,� , ..10113 105 � . . . 11
All tickets valid for return until Thurs, Sabbath morning when Rev.Vr, Mann ly principal oflhe7'Croeditoca Public the . Public School', Ho,felt theim- ... . . .� � I . � MP� I � . . . I �
. Missionkry address, School priesidind an -d -gave the ann- .1 I . . . .
Factories and Head Office day, Dec. llth,- except to poifits reach- of Auburn gave a 1 . — I v:
i i -d by steamer lines, Tuesday,. Novem- Re spoke of the great fields awaiting ual. presidtaintial addresEt chobsi)ft,9 poift-ant thtnig was , the Itleacher - - _� . . a . I . .1
I should. beiiniorally right'lniordprto . I . . I . __.- I . . I . . . I : I
CLINTON, ONT. I bar 14bb. . . to the call f6r Ohrist *and the 'great for subje6v.t the ischool yard as An I succoad. He should seit befo4o%the . . _-, . I I - .. I �:
Wes,tern Branch, . : Full particular's from � I noed. of greater zeal in the: churches. ed,ucator4 'It w I as an able leffort, boys and girls high ideals ol 'no -T, tpi�olesaiozml walks tol 4ifb rather bor,ne-Xr4. a. S. Woods; Miss L. :
-* -U161vell, known 13 1 �,
,Xf' ,.9fidia O.Ccupaj- Young; Miss, . liess. Goiderich -'
, STREET, I JOHX R 3N, Agan.to listened to with'great interest. At . i ble things. Re ��oiuld siet befor(I f,&r(minig and other _
280 'HARGRAVF It was a solemn sermon and was given:with , n� 11
I I A-10FORD & S( earAds1tiness. In it \ho, advocated them thro' tions. 'Hothought toachers shoula Mr. E. Ellicitt; Mii5s,Tichborne; Mrs. �
WINNIPEG. MAN. I the close Miss Gertrude Granger sang the IW jpervisi6n of ,the a - essential principles . I
' . . achers isi d public (opinian in Snyder. Hay -Mr. Kawson. Hien- I I
, A. 0. -PATTISON, depa, atvpf a 15eautiful solo. .. . Niz., truthfulness, obedience, a,na help to,,moiul jadneation. sall-Mr. Seaton; Mr. McKay. Stan
, I . : . . � I . I .. . .., . � school *�gljpiundls anil games during mvidgen,ce. Instances,olmoral d�sm- favor -of technical - d use the lay -Mr. Johnston.. 'Rayfieid-Mr. � .1
V. . . I playha6rs helping Pupils .to 'Play where possible hewoul
, , 11
W - . - � — !.-- - - - �� 11 . . . their :gamos ,with kindness couragO pravity, noitice,d o,dtsidle theseliool Howard i Mr.� Regitty. Stop
. I . should bo�pr4vwttely ipproved, by subjects taught in this schoaltO tutIn I _hein�Mr- I
- - . . . Kippell . and iearnaotness, 1in-anliniess and . the pupils' otWntian to MwAdfcal Shore -1, Air Durr - Ur. Gahaw. Us.# 1.
I . . I the lleacheil.� 1, 4 1
0- '1.
. AfWr an Illness of six week(3 Turs. above all ithings (with nodios'Y SiO kias, ShaZm' an thquight, it .was a subjects and usisifulphasego0nech- borne- of . wial ennammer; Tur. . . .
. � .Robt. Mellispassed. away last Thurs- as.tofit them boplaY tl lot He lwoiuld *ach Horiton; Misis Hamilton; Mr. JI11it- �
� day at the residence of hot son-in-law �oi ga . I
. Pe) good plan ito fill !the pupils mind UnIca3 PursuiI�8 nell. Past Wowanoish-Mr. Shack- ' -
,. . life nobly in aftier years. -nd noble thoughts to agrij,cultutei as it Is on 0 f,the most . i
I Mr. S. ,I.Radieliffe, B. A ,��o an with, (good a inter*tiagi isubjects I
Rev. A. MeXibbin, London, Ontario. , 6 tor .1tho child leiton ; Miss Rands; Miss aunlnin)g" � �
I . I rs.,Mellis had reached the age of 84 able, addross onVisuftl Imagery in the oxcluaian afevil. thoughts, - Miss 111kille.; '. . �.
091, y1dears. With bar husband who surviv- g Gray's � am; Miss -Ta'ylor, Gode-
66 GO)II) sit 0 Inaptator Tona 0ave an interest- mind. - He (thought av,erY schoidi ham, W. W,awanosh
, Poetry, His showed bousin 1n,g.addr,oss oin Difficultiop in should, h-avea,work-biaincli and nee- Miss Grah ,�
as he"r."Ishe spent n6aft_ 55 years in the Elegy and Byronta Waterloo hO)W ,i tools, f1laWould,teig:ch goog� pich-Mr. Tigert, Mr. H=ie; Dr. .
I; . . . Teadhin and Xanag(�eait ob- esgar . . .
_ -
� � �. —_ Village' of Rippeno-, Huron Countr to aclo ,the 1)ictureia suggested and servpd loring Inispeeflon. Hg men thing 0.4, Domestic Solionet. He gt*nge. Hxptter-Mr. W. B. Weid- .
. I . � Besides her husbaud four dwighters tputioned in the poems, thought each :sehoiol ,should co-op- suliammier; Miss vosper;. miss I
! the sounds � � _ tiob,,ed: as roal. dif fieulties the con- .
, and so is every chaitAwe show. survive bar: Mrs. H. Ivisont, KI n; This he coinsidf64 live, way Of a-tant chanigp oftloaohars, the.lack -,%vibh the ,Children's Gardening Xin'sMan.t - ,
I I _ . ad, a erato
I You select one and have if Mrs. (Rov.) Ao Mcltlbbhi� clty� vs. teaching ,whjI0;t,1jaLt of askingmeati- Canuty council -Mr. TOn't Xro
.s: YohnBalfour.'Reginu, andMrs. Rev,) ings of ,Words S, com1)e,X(.ttiVtb1y of neatnpss In �Ohe sehool. house and Secti&u oi;" 0. A.C.
. select other, It will be a 'IT' . i Ttgert; Mr. W. 9. Joilinatoo,
up" which is best. You can't go "Im. Gauld, VOrmbsal JaP6,U- inter. dead trOatment. ' . grounds,'lack of care in -bb(o utao.,of It ithesie thfur,s twere done he Report was ado-ofpd, . .
r ...1. . I amiss on I went took place at Woodlind Comet. . Mr. X D.,Cgmerou: of Luckilow, a school b6o,ks and proPerity" X VS thnih't 'the k'�"'Ic'al resul'o Voites oif;ihanks were tondoredAo
., . '. 'I'va ery on Saturday% I . ters, liec., are'some, thIniga no,r=l wou justify ffils cichurse of work. L kaghtla .
, .. I I . . fox-4nor (Aucciessful Wiest Iturob all who conitributecl tolasi
I ,o,# , . ANY KIND OF A CHAIR --.6-1-01 . n Gov- kePt �Laek ox .ventilation aiid Dr. Strang ansWetisd in ,a lacid
:1 � . I I I � Teachisr spoke plo9ventlY.0, �On_ equipment and less Attention igiveb and convincing mrAw�ev ithle ques- entioiLttainment, 'to Xessrs, Radcliff ek
11�i , - ont Aninuiti0s Showlag i
. 1. our stock. They're all good Juditial Sale ei(nW I nertic than formorly. jh:r,o,u,g,h this and XcDaLlffilan, .who did so Imixch
I . vincingly. their many ,adVs,nta,g0_Si to at -it � tions submitted to him I to ,help to. �nakle the Insl4tute A
I iiist; so with entire stock we . I Mr. W. B. Weidonhammev ,-took up qgestim dr(1.WJ*,,
I � 0 show, It's best in town, &nd I ? .11, . to young and old,� . of isuccess, to Mr, l3luott Who cam,ogp
;Llt� -1, t. 414-L _11L 0 iff-A 011I.A a It411A.'s W + 4 A.4 Mr og*fterou isw%nthuslastic inhis, , the aubloet of Technical Vbcation ,The follo,wing �8 ithe roptirt t f"Ivn4 fr,6nd- to be -TyAneut V.-Ith Us .
.. R,;, � ", , I I .. ; U a W Y one 0 Know ,
f - __ � , A . , ., buy furniture at, our place, ,
- sesiii�
rX . U is M VIM
advocay ol his I .excellent meaus of
,oid age. The
and the .Public School, and ably
sho!wed Itbo grgat zeed for tech -
the g*aMitwo appmuteu. tv no -
V 'A
n�ato ftie, cooAmIttees who a .0 f,o I
a d , reRidie, I and, to (the Trwittea I
�., . -
.. , I .
H 00VER, & BALI,
-Of Parm property in the township
of Godgtich. Pur�uant to a judgment
In the High Court of Justice Inthe
providing for omes
" Xing
solos stiog byXissea Follick -
man and Moneur and (the AaJatr*-
by 11. Phillit)
nicil elucation. Sompoftheneods
for sach training homWationed As
thb 9`0A0ral wa&t'Of d'no`80 of children
t,srV*VVl tthe Various hullicip4l
coun6nd to TeqUSWgssI,stgnc,e in
� __
carjy:iA,g1.0Ut ,11r10 r . pigalu.tio,us Of,the
aud' of 9xeter school for
tholt kindooss in,giving tho use of
their school And f0t, oitbW AAsist- . .
� "
, I L
matter of the Ustate of Hidney Horbort
me,11tals givien cl&lightr
Lid WV,eky Oho., I
, I
and older pooples the lack Df skill-
in it1he Varions #�d6s
eommittep om [improving the AD-
PeAl cKolf,wjeat nuroo.
ini of tbo Xatimial An -
The atiag'
deceased. dated on the 5bh day
Oct6bot 1911, there -sold
A kl4r- dvill Aud -oatrioitie oong bi
I ed'worku
,'*A .
and the �twndenoy ol children who
Rul ,-;Mr. C. J. MqGtoigor - Ur
As field I -
tho-4 brp,uKU � tb* XOMUte to a,
I I 1. - -1 ... .. 0111111111" , " , , , , , , , * � 11
of will with
the t6pprbbation of B LDbyle, Esquire �
. I .
& elags of lgirla� trained by,xios ,
Xurfty, Of MW *g)*,er Seh,olol ataft
re K*jve fair ed,ueatjoA to enter tho
Prod Ward; MISS !Willag- QOV[0Ge,
. ,�, . i
. . - , I
. / ,, I I
# ; __ - - �- - _____ . - - L _____ __ � � - __ _ _ - . -- . 11 I 1%