HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-10-19, Page 4'`,ivch a7TY114711,
1. . uu
'h& coo
Marl e Store of Fashion -
� -1.1-..., I I I- � I I .
Mr V wmwqk
I ". . immir's � .
F -u � AL'AL
The customer leaseverything*to gain and nottliing
tt� lose by mil:in^ tbeir choke of .Furs now, Sit:
,%.gbil,v our stocks are at eheir hest~• -NOW. Select in
tithe to have fu; s ready for thew ricer set's of cold wee,
ether, After one has compared all others is the best
time to see ours. UVe stand by fire result. We sge=
, f lite on Fur and Fur Tried Garments and the better
class of Betts and single pieces, .
-- - - •
, A -.r r
We never were so
rushed in our Millinery
rDepattment,; therefore
f - I we ask as a special
favor that you place
I . your order early. in the
I .t •o., I .
I Week,
! a r
, ". ,a , •
t •,, a ''°��ar,or xs • . ,
4 0 ,C) -Z I vqnj ..
. %Z� , lun
} }1 ,
' SW RLr70
, t.,. .
i,, ,
Nearly' 200 Coats on our racks
fo-day, each and every one new
new this season. More Coats
Better Coats. ' Coats that have
more stye here to -day than you
- will find in most places. This is a
strong statement, but the garments
are here to back it up. .
�,'.. IT'S 1-T
,tom ,a ."
_ _ . - ----_ _ ..-_._. _-----_._
- 9snaaaaCM5=1%
Terms eash. . one Price Only
, 1 :!3
, I R- WIN" "�
. -_-_--
rr 1 . i � I
Have been sorted up again this weak. We can'_ :.'
Five 'you anything you require in completing Your I
set. .
��e Thous"
. . . .
people are securing our beautiful semi -porcelain 'din.
ner sets, piece by piece, by our new method of turn-
ing advertising
urningadvertising ,expenses back, to every - customer,
who trades with us. '
Catch on at Once
ta.t,he two -fold advantage of low prices and valuable
premiums. . .
How is This
For Saturday only one dozen hem -stitched, beauti=
fully embroidered tea cloths, 32 inches square 55c
for 39c. • i
Or This
I4 dozen embroidered centre pieces, round'size 15.
inches 25C for i9c each.
These are not soiled or imperfect. in any way but
part of a stock lot that we bought at a large reduct-
ion for the Christmas trade. We put these few on
for Saturday io test the possibility of early selling. -
The Contents -
Uf four cases of Ladies and Gents' underwear will
be shown on Saturday and following days. We think
we are in a position to' meet every requirement in
high class goods at reasonable prices. -
1'ta1v , """7#71-,, -,. , - - % - - .71, r- I - h • - ----
__ Thutwrdrliy, ltlatt►bsri, 1#1¢.h I,llll,
;,h""k" ►,1,AAAAAAA4A+SAA,Aft+AAA16A$& ArI►*""AAA,AA"AA_ (.eorge Cochrane and Mr. Joseph The.Rtl: Sltnw �cf •this season Tiro ###+#++#40900.#4 M#+_MIS
1'owat;eud, been oce of the grandest deolonstra + "
tions.evcar l►ni,tvn in Citir vill;t,c+„ The +
Agricultural h aildin was frilled be. ♦ � I .
District , :tu>barn ♦ You it Need
News cons its crtpacitr anti ttie Directors +
Mr. John Pergnsorileft bast �atur lhavedecidedpi,er�lau't;e Ih% building. +
day forCh,athatm to ilsit lois suit; Wid The proceeds apt the gate' i1mountod to +
larn, the apprgpriate sunt of $21)() while+ the •
rrr'iTi�►1 n�! R�'I'If�TVTTTTTTT_ TTVT'Ty"TT00 ,Mrs. Robert Rjbertan, is art the evenirg.concert added ;another $60 to + s�}m 1�,,
sick list. the above aiinotint, The Directors are
Mr, Thoni%s Rttcliffe h,ts return, 4 60 delighted with the event lbat they •
Godc�ricri tour years, but bore her long illness from visiting, friends, lit. Michigan are alreadyeausideifnit several im- ► •
A change is announced this week In with true Obtletian patience. She Mr. Utirray Patterson. f), V. R . provementnHcessar for the atccom. ♦ .
was a kind and loving wife and moth• station a rat, itaas u y
the furni are and undertaking buil- er,.aud to the surviving husband and p rnh as in tris• naodation ot•a !artier axiitt,ition. •
ness carried .on,by IV. J. Muir& Co., Uab,aldepton farm on the 13aHe Line.
Wall. r
far the past eighteeta.mouths. The son and daughter will be extended the • '
sincerest s mpath of all in this time hlr of hi Olark is very sick at the •
senior member of ,he firm, Mr. Muir, y home of his daughter, Mrs. Tbotntt Leebiir<i
has formed a partnership with George of deep affliction The funeral took son,
has for r, recently of . with G and glace to -dray,, Friday, to the Maitland- � General McDougall c•f New Fork
b nk oel y and Mrs, 1'Vcai. Futherinf hani of ♦ ' ,
lVa-v IJamburg•, and the new firm will The death occurred at Brookily, , Colborne Bruceiield were the guests of Mr. and +
be known as the Goderich Furniture Manitoba; on 8e lumber 20th of. Mr. Julius is f 'visit. :Mrs, Alex. Uluttpn on Friday of last +
P ,Weise, a MlchiRan, is y �r
and Funeral Company, ds mer resident f week. •
Andrew .A.od ,. a #or reels n o 'Ing hie, sister~ Mrs. N. ,Garr,.
of the Huron county. _ The deceased, who Miss Mary and Allis McGraw visited Z
Word war. received last week Master Reesor Forster, of Summer-
death at Uzeter. Devonshire, England, had reached the age of eighty-four •hill, has returned borne after spending their graandmothPe Airs. J. McNevin •
of Mr, Charles F. Shaw, is former resi- earn. rand five days, waas a native Qf a few week with Mrs.. N Biter. on i'hursday and Friday of last week. ♦ ----� -�-• 4
dent of Goderich and brother of Mrs. Rosboroshire, Scotland. In the year r It is with deep felt gratitude th,lt * '
ap I 11
B. N Lewis. It is come years since I8ii5 he ryas united in marriage witkr Ialtendea for last weak the people of this neighborhood bear ♦
Mr, Shaw left Glodegich t0 reside !n Helen Avas un daughter r7# g e late The Misses Edythe and Rosetta of the likely soon recovery of their • for those rootn3 that T
the Old Land, .his health being -poor, a Hurst, of Goderich, spent Sunday astore wife Mrs. James Hamilton. •
Hobert $obk4sk, of 7 uckersmith, and P' renovating this
but he always hada warm spot in his under the parental roof. Her Illness, has not been of nits such rices a
the following year they emi rated to q
heart for the old town and never fall- d Mrs, Pater Fisher who has been a a serious nature as was first expected
Canada settling in the neighborhood borhood p
ed to send kindly remembrances to great sufferer for some time is we are but still uite serious enottgh to keep + fall. +
of Hensall. Here that' resided until sort to sap at !
hty friends and acquaintances here. the year 187#9 when the family went y p'esent,tu a. very grit- her in `Toronto Hospital tint with ..♦
For some time the Masonic frater- Y y !cat condition. hopes of soon corrin = A
west and took up the farm at $rook• Mr, Thomas is n -)b p i, home for whlch *
nity in Goderleb have had under con- getting a ion_ so we are dee 1 .. ••
dale where the .dec+lased continued to deeply grateful.
slderation the project of erecting- a - well as tail corny friends would wish, The oun g • Our stock ♦
reside the rest. of his days, He is sur- y, g nice of this condregat%on ♦ has been
new and up-to-date temple on a site Mrs. Wm Onler has returned aftar are having a bee on Thmalay to draw •�.
vivedbyhis widow, toren sons. and . � +
chosen on West street. The con'raat a few week '% visit with friends and ravel.for to fix; u •
four daughters, all of whom reside relatives at Braantford rand Seberin s-. 8 p church sheds. replenished b some e
Por the erection of this building was g � • p y
awaaxded Wednesday night to -the God- in the west, the father's death being Ville. , - • i
the first break in the family. Mr. Mr, Willta,rd Lee apent Sunda in j additional liners select- ♦ .
Crich Planing Mills Company, and the Dodds was a man of sterling character, - i y ♦#4t�4♦N♦1♦+♦01�♦♦♦ti+♦t♦
excavation work,. has already been and was held in tue highest esteenn by thMr.. aMrs O. R. Forster,+ ♦ • •
commenced. The work is to be coin- I' County spent + ♦ ♦ Cd froth the I I2 Sam- •
all who: knew him,. and his death will � � ♦ ♦ 9
Ieted h. Jul of next year. The Sunday with friends in Goderich. . PERSONALS,
building s to Tree of red pressed brick, be regretted not only by those with Mr. M. Sohwanz has invested in a ♦♦ --__ + • a
:ar.d three stories in height. The whom he had been living for. the paaaat new gasoline engine. . ' # pleS, + . ,
ground floor is stories
be made into two . few years, but by many uld friends in ♦ It is the desire of till • •
targe stories, and half of, the second Huron epuntp, r""'---- publisL4�S tll:it Till cillo;tld i. . � Z
floor will be occupied by the Mlipse• -- Ii;elgr.Lrc t¢tize tin interest iii this. t *# All paper trimmed free. o
tang Canoe Club. The other half is to London Road Charles McClelland Dies Suddenly-.- Colman of TIIE. NEW ♦
be divided into suites of offices and y7#'- ♦ ♦ * +
anitor's quarters.. The third floor is An old,weli known and highly esteem ER k. If you have t'rienll& • +
j' Mr. William Stanbury got home ed resident of tbs ,village died last „ g • +
to lie devoted exclusively to i+lasotai� £coir! the West on Saturday last, g ViSitill�, you, or are .,o• • r
l . P rr On Thursday evening last the L. H.� Sunday morning, while seated in his g , � • +
put - poses, with up -to -lata accoinodat• g chair in the person Of �Oharles McOlell- � ilii, •1,�Y:Ly for u trip, IC:tv,e ♦ •, .
tion for both Maitland Lodge and B„ train killed a horse of Mr. George and, :aged 80 years. Heart failure was word or send it on a )lost � # * M
Huron Chapter.. Stanburv's, 'Che animal strayed on
From present indications. it looks as the cause. He was a remarkable men eztirli. + ZCOOPUISif Cxoderioli and Tinton Count are to the track from the field. It will be for his acttvit retention of his facul•y quite a loss to Mr. Staanbury• tiesand his business acuteness. De ♦ • .
do their share in looking' after neglect* L%st Thursday and Friday Miss ceased was born in Portydown, ire- ++♦♦♦♦++♦��+�♦��/♦.♦Ca•!.♦P♦ ♦ • '`':
ed ohildlem About three months ago Elsie Brown and her rand .mother Z .0
a movement was set on foot, backed g + land and Dame to Canada, locating at Mr. Will Ainiay of I;ondon .Was • •
iV1rs. Jos, . Stevens, of Londerboro, -Toronto in 1849. In 1851. he was mar- a visitor in:tawn Last we
up by the provincial superintendent, were vision ,with • Mrs. James Nott p uAin1e is an old Haran bo I;who is ••••o•♦♦•••••••••••••••,•♦
J. J. Ke.so, of Toronto, to organize in tied to Mies Spencer, who predeceased A \
alld •Miss Ia Stevens, him by 21 years, 1n Mr, McClelland s doing well and a boy
town and village throUgkiout rhe NTra.. Wiliiam Grant. has been quite g•lianhiell of ;thin • 1. • ^--==-
county a.Children's. aid.Soclety. The sick by havingpart of the .akin on one . early years he ,:taught school 7#n the founded taf ,Brutssidls, which was iic
to wnshr of York sand afterward lived s i O �. � ! ti. � i t# � � O � n � o � e! •
Goderich socie> y was, organized and of her limbs k-nopked off. It looked as p years gonle• by called Ainlayville, 0 . ! .
g if blood oispnin might, sat in Ino we at Hornby, Halton Oounty. He came �„
the executive set to work to arrange p g g to Bel rave 28 ears ago and followed G. T,R, poi{etman David teas at �' WITH THE .CHURCHES.
for the appointment of a county are glad to stay she is recoveringnicaig g • y g Bel'gravl last'T1lunsd:ay attlend'img •
merchantile life, with cattle dealing tis ,
organizer, who, when the work was now. tihe. f}xn(eltal ofan old' ttzliehrd in ,the 04 0 • • • 0 m 6 s 6 s • • • • o 0 f •
a side line. In religion he was an established, would act ass . a general- The London Road .League have in• person of tilted. late Chas, McClelland
s member of the ' An ligan
8 earnest a CHURCH
superintentent of the wort:, . The ae- r g ONTARIO ST. C •��
vited Turnery Leagltie to have ora. church and• in politics' an enthusiastic Rev, .Fr: L•aurandlnau of Louidon
ceptance of this . appointment' this with thele on Thanksgiving night. Liberal, . While the Agricultural Soc- paased t+hrowgh Clinton fon Tutesday, Thai Llea�gu;e meeting on Qf nd he
week by G. M. Elliott, of Godprieb, Sunday must have been visiting -day, iety was here he was ; the faithful en ro,utW. do St. Augustine, nvhere eviemngLwas i�nithe han o
goes to show that the good work will as there were ticarel a' house. on the he 'rues afssistin - xn,the 40 • hour • Missionaryt departin;ent, Miss Della •
Y well read
an could couv was a g � � Taylor,, had. charge cif the meeting.,
continue. Mr.. Elliott will commence line, but that did. not have visitors. :well read man soil could converse in- devotion. :Fha Was looking well. b Miss
hisAuties of organizing the remainder Among the visitors were Mr. Mand Mrs, telligently on many a subject not clear . Mr, Jas• McLennan of this Mo1•son After] this lesson tr'as read y , It
of the county in the course of a couple Ben Maeori and his mother from, Blyth , • Bank s•taf ,7#,s taking his holidays at Gilbert, sihort �ssaye ;were read on ;
of weeks, y to the ordinary man. the children i China b Miss Minnie Kerr, Mr. De
Who were visiting old. friends. are Charles and Alex. and two daugh-, proslent• China by
ns, Miss Hattie rr. De
The fall sittings of the.high court of tens at hoose and Bobert and .Harvey A Bard from Mrs. D. Jurnar, states and Miss Della Taylor Solos wier.e. .
Justice for Huron .County. opened,on in Nebraska, •Funeraltook place Tuee that they h Nue .taken up arouse- rte b Mrs, L,Levis and Miss M:
J:�tesday last in 'the courthouse here. ICnllett day.afternoon service being conduct- k�ryaspint9L rat 465, 151ah•,str,eet .Ed- g , n Y
Mr. Justice, Riddell will preside. This , ed in. Trinity church by .Rev.iMr. Farr. naonton,r;Alberta, ' ) WiLtsea which wiere much enjoyed:
Mr, D. Flynn is under' the doctors BAPTIST CHURCH.
•was_his first visit to Huc•on County. Ren, W. F. ::ZVi►son, D, D. and . Dr: Mr; and Mrs. Geo. Wrebb a7# ° St; '
7'tre chara;e of "unlawfully waundipg'? 'care and lire been seriously: ill. Punt)- �vilson, of Toronto, nephews; .were in He en'4 were in town 'orn M da Sunda •tunas obs-erviad as F-low.er, .
Divid Brown; a. Jewish scraxptron 'm6l" being the ruse. o attendance at the funeral• .Their mot- andl Were acco.tnpanf,4 tback� b Sunday.y. ' 'bel :church tuns b�aawti
dealer, preferred against-. Albert •Jac- Thomas Reynolds. is not as well. as her who was Mr. McClelland's. sister, thein hleice who has beean a atient full rd�ecoraitled with flowers.
his manyfrbends wOuldlike to see, but ' P -
diue, will likely he thA first, case dealt we all hope for the best; is S9,year$ . of . age,, ikIr: McClelland a1 fibs •lrospitlal hjaxu $cry ic'next Lord's day, as usual . t
with Some•weeks ago, Jardino #+'qt Mr. James Reynolds had fin:.vcci• will'be greatlg missed. Mrs. Ross made abusinelss trip.toc. tvibal Mr. Wylie• asp"tor.,. -
into.an ialterbat on with, Brown, foc• � - LondoiV fast wo pry e
t'ii o -n' Tat at .
i f1lt,e2V t i
"a �� Y >; � g
.dent last week kern thrown � .
-skiom he`was working,as to who pan- >; • n out of
this cart while exercising', his driver. r � lo'ad .of 'young' lierolls fr. om eigh0 p m.1.
ed a box of tinware, which W. Ander- Re is ettin around.all r7# ht no B*dllerick Township g to (Bra field' Onf-Friday e�fenizlg the iLaclies''- '
son, Jardine's httber-in-law had used J getting !~ g w tativn intend. dxivin � .1.
in peddlin for .Brown. Jrwdine went •Miss . Edith -:Stewart, pY BlvGb, 7#s The seveuntaen acres of land' the oz! Friday etiening to be the guests aid tea tvi1T be held in .the school .
g, spending afew -weeks at her Home, bush thereon, apposite Joh t Woods of Miss Mabel. q urm(ear, room. Tesjerv,ed fnom.6 to 8. Ev-
into Brown's yard one -evening, arcom p r " ex body to ea'coane: r
paired by Anderson, intending to take Mr, sand Mrs. R..O,arter. suent. Sun. place,, concession 3, ,Godericlx .Lown- 1{Irs. C. C, Rance and. Mrs, Jos. Y . 1 - .
day at the. borne of B. M'cVittie. strip,. the property o7# Robert Be.icotn, Claris{ of Torlp:nto tverer here . at- � rl%et B. Y.P.U. inleetin,g on Mon -
the box 'away on a wheelbarrow,. L was sold at auction by Thos. Gundry tendimg' this funeral of their'neice da 117# ht Oct. 23rd to 7#c, aaLes•s-
Brown interfered, and as he was about Mn and . A2rs..:Jas .Collison s.pen„ lash Battu cis . J: I7. Ba.ecbler wars t:he . the la Irene '• y . g ' ' p »
to slide the box eft the baxroay, he Sunday with. her mother,* Mrs. l:Iazel- c Y tie e e Jackson; ons I Have Learned from Things
wood. purchaser and the price paid was $47a Mr.:Chestier . Farquhar taisited trill he talgnri by Miss Maud Liver-
alleges that Jardine knocked him -Out of 150�barrels rat apples picked herle[ of*er Sunda .
down, boat him seriously about the Mrs. Newton; of Toronto, .spent a y trod attended. m61% . .
bead, aabd choked' hint, at the
same a few days with Mre: Sant :Cold: on the farm of 1tTr,. Robt. Sloan,' near ,the fwrleral of his Cousin .Mr. H. .
Porter's'Hill, Goderich'T'd*nship, ]•18 Fa uhar '
Mr. and .1VIcs, ,Tobi 1'),atxby -:knave � i. WILLIS CHURCH .
time n ke ug• threats against -,his life... were (irsta and 2' barrels were seconds. Miss Sadl1: Za6t. w�no is teaching -
F3c�owix required the; attexidiance of a • moved to the'Taylor firm' last week, Tliis is bet Trhd annual meet- -
i Misses Mabel Lee and .Lena Glonsliei - y as -good showing, and school near H,ensfall, spent Sunday .. j �t the W. F. M. S. will `ba helot .�
physician for several days afterwards, • spent Sunday with :Goderich friends.. an ob.lett lesson' on the results ...that at her how4s in'Aulletc ,
and it was over a week' before lie was can 'be obtained by the proper caring • M...:ArNhur Knox iaf. iWinaham Thursday, .et,ening, rhe, 26th, at 8
able to give his evidence in the police Miss Lizzie Snell and Robert, of
court. 'Tile outcorne of the caswas Wescfiald, spent a fete days, at the for the orcha'rd.. was in. town on oanday ire.cordi a o'clock. Mrs. Cousens tviil.addri a
Weddin > A diet weddin w,as' + �� ;the l tietirng, also others' ars, ex -
that Jardine was committed for trial honieof 1aTpsas Brown, ..., solernnizeat ttxe ionic .of •liir.gl'. k7#. his trate,. Par ern, ,old ,ginntlem*Kra pect'ie to' trice pant.
on the charge of u.nlawfull wounding. � ., r. axis Mrs. Amos Gartrlkht and and 'he is now 91 years did, li;e is re =_ -•- -
g y �• Cole on N ednesday. of this week fit � 1%q Wl ileeti g o Guild held its
' There are nine civil cases in the dorli:eG .Mr. and Mrs; ..7ulan Cartil:;ht spent � marl�abl active, airs laol:s g�o'ad
high noon wben his eldest• daughter itegular.nxleeting onMoriday even
I Sunday with hit,' Van., Ariidretvs; of violet wa,s united in itiarria e to lilt. 7#r.: T to `r a9
for this court: Five!, defended cases r for an�o�ti..,ar quiartesr of a century. u
A.utti n.. I. . C . Miss RattiP Sutherland of Hdnsall g hd pi : w.. This Spirit .
I are to be tried by jilry, three are tin- I_, Jose h Clea . of Bi•1 Allan AcDonatld, of Gode ich, . The
Method' rici' Ai of rn r
css 1
M a mx T Se vice
e s :bent
P 8� us itlhe es of
t 11Tra.1V a
d as W ICG rvif
defense issues with 'ur an pie c .e g The
bride whp looked cluarming in icer �vhichl.was discussed byanjeans• :o7#
is to aefeaded issue without. 'ur A Sttnclav at the hunts of George b�atr visitor is here' to. xttt.end the' .Ori-
y'• gaahar near Clinton, travelling suit.oF bins' and carrying a: yttestiQxr and• anatcier, and ryas v.exy
ase,•wliicii 7#s likely to excite consldez , boquet of white roses and, ,maiden tar,iq s•.trept-thsoir concert• • imterjalsti�n,g. -Alf 'the close W the
I :able interest locally, • is that of Hal 11Ies. I', Gorbutt spent this week hair fern, was leen away 1) Tier Mrs, M. McTaggart , is visiting in ,
atead.vs. Goderich Oran .Company, with her sister, AI1s. Fred Haggit, ref g Y Toaiont,�, and Morris � nele(ttn'gt the following . loffficerjo i
f.onstance. - . fathex. Miss Neliie-Hicks. played the Wig• •were lippoahted,- . ii
The plsintiff allege@ •that •in' copse , weddin maLrch and Rev..NZr. Rdss, of Mr, FViT1.Johnaon •.tarrived houn�el pies Mr
1klr. Samuel. Pollard with 'Mr:..' l4,d. g .,i Zliet . Cxrant.
quonceof the defend, negtiCence 0oderich `performed. the ceremon 1ask'cvetak from his. westeri: •trip.•
rovidin a. ro er guard for . Orawford.as assistant has just enbnpl ,t'. y' laolr'n s , Vice i4Tr. C. Lindsay: :
in not.p,- g p p After. congno-tulatians aura over the 1:r a .if the visit agrielaci tt.ith. See.- i+ ass., Barbara McIvor.
,ed sa very' snipe nful season a silo los g p g Aria e7# e�t'in committee -Coin.
a jpinter which the plaintiff was oper- uests.re tired to the dining room, him, �,-
at n he waa,s ermaneiitl in ured,and ing having filled about .twenty silos. w 1YIra. H. Combe �antert'ained amnio y mxln g e a
Y J dinner g vhere a sum nous . wedding xn er o
p �
R g. . ,
A Bila clue n f e
lost the greatei•.part of the four fing•Qrs � e t by 'thirty. feet arts her of h r 13azel A Nieil, Sadie 'Mahaff5 , Ala- ,
and tbumb of h{s r7# ht hand. A claim. filled iii five hours and a half. • If.1,1,1r. waspartaken of, ,1:1r, and Nirs. 11Ic- !e friend's on?Tuosday of bed !Cant,elon, Ida Walkinshaw. I
g Donald left on the'4 : 20 train for S°rr- thi.6,-w dk, '
is entered for ;7#5,000 dalxiagnr. An- Pollard is 7#n the business next year lie Litezlaryi co(mmittla:e - Lioin., Lizziet
other ease is that of Rumple vs: Tor- may besure of a good season's -work. nia, Port Huron and other points for Mr. Rarold� Beat of Seaforth spent Chidley, Winmi,e O'Neil, Kate
onto Hamilton and Bufbilo Rallwav nea 'of Howard Farquhar -After n short lion9ymoon:. On their •return Sunday, at the. roznle of Mr,. W .S. Ross. ,
Company. a sho - but ear they will take up house keeping in Do!wns,.
Com an NIrs. '11lbldred Rum' le, .the y severe illness, of . Social •eommitteiee-Con.,. 'Mrs. L.
p• y' p typhoi facer; Albert froward Far. Goderich where they -viii �be•at home Mr. W, Ii. -Kerr of Bu ussldls- was in Paisley, Bressie Watt Luella Wal
plaintiff of (llintoxx, is suing the rail to their alany friends. 'Friends and tow:r�Mouaday, polling his vote for Y
way for $5;000 her husband having quhar, son.of Mr, and .11re. George kinshaty, Margaret 11TeLetnnan,11
Farquhar, ,paassed away on Friday neighbors gathered -ret the homie of Mr. tltia two by-laws, r pr•ograM committee-- Cosi.; Gladys
been killed about two years ago,• while T. H. Cole, on Monday evening &!ad Mr, W.' Kilbride was In London Y
en ineer in charge' of a. train of .the! last. Deceased had attended f.he Clin. Chokwen, Ressie Smithy Mrs. Herb .
presented Niiiss Violet. Cole tvitti a7# rigs+ Stitathroy over Sunday, Alexandrer
deendanfs railwa [ton Collegiate and passed his m�l i- F. ,
y' summer.examinations and a little o.aa'er shower of china. .:Che evening was Mrs: J. W. Ralph and son, Master: Ther Guild twill hold its litle art'
very pleasantly spent !n games music Harvey] of Toronto, are visiting
. -- 6 weeks ago entered the Royal Bank mciatn>Lg an 1Vlpnday etreniltiig.. The
at Burk Falls, I3e ,contracted the etc. A dainty lunch -vas serves tothe tv,ifiYt Mr, and 14Trs...J,eslie Kerr. subje.cty a�Crlitical Sbirdy of 'Grery?s friends after many good wishes to the .Mr: 'T', T. Reynolds of Addifson, N. n
fever there and was brought home Blegy. . All young people of . ,the
Tnckersmitti : soon -to . bride .returned .to .their y„ Isvisitin;g with his broftber{, (Mr. con, alio! are invited.
. about three weeks ago. Besides his ' gag t4
homes well pleased with the evetxing s Jas. Re nold�s, Hullie,Lt.. Mr.. Re
,..De ath of .Mrs.. Oke. -Many will re. parents two- brothers and. two sisters y �'- *
ret to (earn of the death of Mrs- mourn the loss of a son and brother : enlopment. noise is aiux aid Ftulle:bt boy, bu't'has-o=-
g_ h o carred: at her T p 1LastFriday afternoon there passed resides in Lncle Sam's cattntr for
William Oke, whit a he remaining family are . Ldward I �.
from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will for t. seed ears. �(He.•�bate ,fro
. home on theKippenro:td,Tuckersmith, ' and • •- Mervin, Jean and Elsie. ram Williamson; 7th Concession, ill { Y^ C n" . . -
last Wednesday, The deceased, whose .The funeral was els ' and day and Thei1V[nw Era artist hs ,-spei(fd,he .
maiden name. was Caroline Louise was largely attended. . Rev. T. W,. Crich .''1'ownshbix,. the sweet spirit .of happiest clays of his liflet in .and . .
Mills, was the daughter of the late Oosens paae.tor of the family spoke Katie, their third daughter. Born in aroatny Clinton,- He was• .rosined ' .. HOW To LIVE:
Aberdeenshire, 'Scotland. She was - _ -
John Mills, of Hullett, and Was just words of comfort to the sorrowing glac] Ito seiet ,hoiw the town had iaxi- go live that when thy summons
in •The rime of life, been only 4T ones.. Many beautiful flowers were very young when the •family. •came. to' roe with water -works telectric ••
p g y Canada. She spent her early days -on p ed ' coiner. to loin
years of age She had been a suf• placed on the casket, among them light System, relic. The innumerable caravan whleh
ferer from kidneytrouble for about were., Wreath from the Youn Men's was engaged in Messrs.' Jackson's Mr was in' moves :
g the farm, and on comity to town. she � g,,:SuLtter o;f Glencoe {
. b e Class .Ontario Street Church a Clothing Factor where she. was, re.- tawxi over Swnday and polled. his
Wreath from the- Clinton Bankers y' vciitel Yor;t+lrle advancement of C1in To'that mysterious realm where .
- Wreath b the members of P b ' specte i for her quiet. and loving' die- fM IS •t •� each shall Enke I
y,. res v
terian Choir. and the bankers at Burks
Falls also sent a boxof.flowers. Tile
position. In town she made her home
with Ale. and. Nils: James Tucker, Mrs.
ton• ra.. ut ter . 1-ecomapann
him. .f
Mrst Searlo last Friday
gra chamber in the silent hairs
from Goderich and-Listowell and many
of the ..neighbors accompanied the,
pallbearers were all fellow students
tucker being her sister. With them
she wilt be held 7#.p sweetremembrance
i 5 !with friends
after apnonbh s vi..it
.Thou 7#,o not, like the 4uarry
on farms near town and .Henry at
ho e. The girls are: Mrs. William
of the Collegiate Institute: --Russel
Harland, John Sturd ,Clarence Kilty,
her sympathetic, kind and gentle ways
and reliativss in Mitchell and Logan
slave at night,
Assizes at Goderich ;this week- . -. L,'-3
-,�... It -
vitt of the t%rm of;l3enne-
Leslie Wasmann, Harvey Reid and
and actsleav%ng an indelible impres-.
cion, A very large company of friends
Mr. Jas: McMurchie of Blyth was
Scourged to his dungeon, but,.
bereavement. .Katie suffered increas.
Ing wcakness for many years but bore
Edgar Torrance,
It 7#8 our duty to record lire death
and mourners attended at the funeral
in (town' -on •Manday to poll his volts
Mrs. W. A. Carter of Blyth was a•
sustained and soothed
By ' .an unfaltering 'trust, ap-
for his Own home, a kind ::and loving
husband and father, The funeral eery
of one well known in our community
in the of Mr. Mathias Ole -v.
service on Monday.'afternoon:- The
Rev, 't'V. W. Wylie, pastor of the'
visitor in boawn on Satundray.'
in Godirx+ich
proach thy grave
ra '
Us had been ailing for some sig years,
Baptist Church, which church the de-
hl3sa A, WallaQe was
Lite one that wraps the dry . et
n g
It was ill health made hint resign hit
ceased attended when In town, con.
ducted the services both at the home
bra lista 4f)A•Y•
In the illustrate part Toronto
of his couch
About him and down to
position as foraman far Mr, Ranaf ord,.
a positton he had field for thirty-six
arid grave in . Goderich cemetery.
Sunday World as group yo p
pleasant dreams.
.years. Although in failing Health he
Beautiful floral tributes were sent
from 'the female employees of Messrs.
powders class of Oiar anti 0011P90 Of
Fhiarmacy 11-'•12 is ' shown• Wears
--�'r'illiam Cullen Bryant
continued to get about, and• see to
things his farm
Jackson's Factory and the members of
able to ick out a town boy in the per -
around until • it few
the 13aptist Church Bible Class
son of Lew 11Tannina,
weeks ago. He was born in Hullett
township some 0I years ago, About
Amongst the ►nourners�were relatives
Mrs. Martinson and datug.hter. Mar -
35 years ago he was marrie.3 to Mary
Ann-,lones, also of Hullett Township,
from Goderich and-Listowell and many
of the ..neighbors accompanied the,
gery,•left this week to visit a number
of points while enroute to their home
who withseven-children stirvive•him,
The boys are and Charles lie
mourners to the grave. The pall-
hearers were a William and Barnet
in Winnipeg. --:2;,:=,4 •
Mrs. Wm. Meilroy of .Biytb, was in
on farms near town and .Henry at
ho e. The girls are: Mrs. William
Williamson, brothers ; Mr. James
Tucker, brother-in-law ;.Mr. Rassell
'Curej,a Mr, Prouse and, Mr. W. Mac-
town last week. u, ta,,,:. „-
. Mr, W 3rydone 13 ati;ending the
Big art, of Clinton, and Jennie, Addie
and Marjory at home, He was a
donald. The family of the deceased
Assizes at Goderich ;this week- . -. L,'-3
-,�... It -
vitt of the t%rm of;l3enne-
member of the United Brethren
Church under whoso auspices the fun-
are deeply thankful for the kind`r;-13ttaine
sympathy shown in their much felt
wity and Sheltz, Toronto, was, in town '
his week. •
eral was conducted on Friday after:
noon Of last week. He will be greatly
bereavement. .Katie suffered increas.
Ing wcakness for many years but bore
Inapector Col vliey 'of ,the .Model
missed in hos home being a great man
it with Christaln fortitudo.. (Complete
prostration overtook her in November
Schools of Datatrior and Inspector
Flelcls of Bast Huron Public schaoYb
for his Own home, a kind ::and loving
husband and father, The funeral eery
'and sittee when she suffered much but
visited Clinton echorols on Monte
viCO� was conducted lis Mr. Thomas
with unmurmuring resignatian.
day and ri'uesday, ?nspieletor (C�oiw•-
layl irye(ports to ithreliovernlmetwt, eo
Sommerville, of Brantford, who spoke
words of comfort to bereaved
,} •
his rnpol+t ,w[gar,c nat,able �tq,give.
widow fang sorrowing family. The
pall -bearers were: -Kr. Charles Gtlew,
The Rev. Mr. McPharland eitolxan •
Xrsa s.1H. Ranch and lifer daltgh-
terA' Miiss A. Ranclq, loft to -44y, for
Mr. 'Nelson Glow, Mr. Thomas Glew .
ped pall its grith the Rev. Mr. 'l±rifcha -
Londorr,,'Wher o they will visit 'the
of Brantford, Mr,, Robert Joneb, Mr.tion, of Kippen On Sundae Mat.t foifmp-04 d!ieipr. ,
• •
e;; .
.. ..
,,,,I I