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The Clinton New Era, 1911-10-19, Page 3
*i IV V F b Jrhuofty, 04 0w, 19kh 1.1111•. , , the highest type of Womanhood,. oft - rIx�a(x IN I. " WT'S Wlti0 CANADA * . W0=0 R. Ii. BORDEN The ,history -in -a -nut -shell ' of Ca- . ada's new Premier is - worth placing before the public at the present time, when the press sof the country is coil - fining its • attention more to the IMP - " for - ec n days, and e e 'lis ti recent t d , of n Y """'no 8 cathing with more or less foundation the probabilities of his Immediate future. 41 Des Uoine4 C'at} ,.>a.fway eruployes yestevlay were ordered tit Lu on titril:e at 130 u'clocl% this worwrig by the executive coniluittve of the union. Twenty -ono jvrs,ma were hurt whet) a Seaboard Air Line passenger from Helene to Columbus was partly de- railed east of Cordele, 0%, yeswrda,y. A portion of tlir, building tumbling down on to to temporary oiiice. crush. , ed out the lives of three mets land in. jured .a fourth in Boston yesterday, It is stated that the s4ecessor0 to the. Hon. J- D. Hazen to the Premier• ship of New Brunswick will W Sur- ve or.seeral Grimmer, M.P.P.Pfar Charlotte. , Charles T. Hurst (colored) of Chat• ham was found guilty Qf manslau titer THOUGHT IT SAS CANCER 1MR-a-tires." COMM 1Y ROOM Pe SvDNXV Blimns, N.S., Jan. 25th. 19ro, 1'Vor many years, I suffered tortures from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Two: years ago, I was so bad that I vomited a e with cone t . I hosuif suffered my food tan ly Constipation; I consulted physicians, as I was afraid the disease wass cancer, butmedicine gave only temporaryrolief. i 11, jar::'?' iait'..ti"'I at, I—' ,"b,sr•.saf 1 ",latlasriii herb havo t Gia ti tlhe awei7a; . 0 VQr in a lir .liinirlari fawi:t,n, i;A- ` Svc;ilv no action xs ", p irtv4, the 9"41. let' -all awl Anitrivan il:lti'�r15 iia ferestA4 1.1 C'ial .'s , d':.V(1<,�1: i'iata. alxri i'ttvi Vt+ZOils ail the d3'l t.r 7:+i1!', Will koep •I . t tout b, xi it a i; :i otic r. Tla. rco ,<. . r, t.v r.;Xoluti9rlw l' e'r'rs 1,r react r .iii .,-i at the haantis oil f';/ret., cowarms is of cour.5o regard» ad a6 j �.naturo, though it is usual in suel. edea fi,r ec°nsuls to be instruct. + i ad to dual unofiicially with the incur. J 1"ectiowsts for t1w protection Of lives I and property and the facilitation of trad". It is considered that In thw shear future consuls will be so instruct. n EmulsionBrown, Born on June 26 1864 at Grand Pr6; the don of Andrew Borden and Eunice Laird, the future premier had hid There is quite an epidemic of scar- lett fgver in Kingston, one school has 8 for pausing the death of Thomas and sentenced to imprison. meat far )ifs. ed, unless t ieir s. neral orders cover eontinguencies of this nature, : Shanghai, Oct.. 16.—It is understood that Yuan Sh1h Kai has refused t4 _" "jou . Q ru laougnt a, 4a launaileU ynstaroay. T I T�IN"Yi1� �a . .. 1 h>< hes# Of & type early education , at Acadia Villa Academy, Horton, was subsequently A �1 {ITR Mr. Barden will subialt the names of' his Rees Ministry to Earl Grey today. The barn on the farm of H. W, Park, 9th concession of Raleigh, which '' «f became viceroy of the central pro- '>;> : he -Guaranteed ,the CLiratl9C f prialesaor In Glenwood Institute; on he lavf (Toronto Telegram Cone.) Natural gad and petroleum. Have .had been in Deiawaxe Township, been raised and made ready tar Hinges unless 1s foil power by the Imperial Government, " • The ltOun3hilg and, lratu.n to Nova Scotia studied and in 1878 was admitted to the bar, struck '�"-`" near London, Ont. • the patting in pf new foundation, was blown over by the terrific wind storm, "'' The rebels have declared. a repub. , ties - .curative elements ><n a4 , ` 1.,: `. idir ,Tames Whitney tide been out., Alfred Neelsen, who escaped from witted, and drawn. into the author• the Central Prison, has been captor• Andrew Brennan, a prominent farm• Cornwall Township, was found er of wal p, o : . ` ; �$ Want Stagni Sent Rack• + St:ott's. ElnLllslOn are so a ''' ::.. :� Ahs of the Ontario Oabinet.state foe , ed at London, Ont. p J. W. Dick of 'Toronto from the Hon. $ L. Bordeu. v dead in bed at his residence, near Mouhnette yesterday morning. He : •_•:3 red Oct. T , << 1, Montreal, A . 16.-- here is a'report ec that a move is <: :.: I Coining from Quebec perfectly combined that P Y .:a,i�,Y�`••=.,"; • ::.. r ' -''1� - The trouble that sIr James Whitney injuries he received Saturday evening was $ bachelor and lived all alone. 4 now on foot with a vises to Navin tS ;Y' 1VhOnslpnor bta ni, ins a delegate 6 p all (babies, children and „ .;.�;..,z,�>,.. .. .' ,� \, has brow ht Hon.. R, Borden into at th hands of an unknown man. g , a at the outset of his Premiership' is the Two men were )gilled as the result Aviator C. P. Rodgers has broken the world's reg rd for cross •county o :; „; pal E „ .,:,? `: : at Ottawa to r turn to )ionic.. adults are gall bene- YC� fitted and built up. ;;?='!:?;�Cl< ,,al. a� sad result o* a klelief that Ha Franit of a premature blast at a .cuttin on n, P 3 Cochrane its a great Hann, the new C.N,R. at Cohvood, B.C., yes- . y aeroplane flights by about sixty miles. Atwood flew 1,265 miles from St. Louis ':y <>< _ ,,,After the return of Sir Wilfrid r r , . u- Laurier to power in 18Ju all the Lib- .I -•--.z�. ;;;X .,, „ }ti' ,1th ,• ..,•, ,• If Hon, Frank Cochrane had been a terday. great man he would not have allowed A special troll©y car jumped the to New York. Rodgers has covered 1,32b mills, according to railroad mils• era) Catholic members, as well as the ! Senators, petitioned Ivurne for a Bele- et'SC .TT'' • Bt: sure tog Q S-- „ ,.• ' :,i a� ".)' c}; '':.. , „r„ ,1 i` � the Ontario Government to go to. track on the Gray's 'Ferry Bridge, sleep far six years on the edge of such Pidladel hid. The motorman was p , ,..;:, .•r; .,,, y,,,,,, a :, age '" •' ° '< igate, claiming that the Quebec bish>,- I ops had Supported the Gonservativer m it's the Standard and al pyo w, t�.rc' \ .,��, ,,1.,. possibilities as those offered by the drowned, THURSDAY. Rockwood :par Party and the statement has been the beta. , �'•• •:' 1k``-' '4:` i\ �,, opening up of the Temeskaming coon- Victoria University observed its tri'• 76th by conferring honor- Robert sialism of was killed b a kick from a colt. y In that the relates have been ever p I h against such a nomination as a dele i ' ,ALL DRUGGIST8' 11-17 , � .. . 3;...•,,:,::::::,a;;;,. anniversary The last infirmity of Hon. Frank ary . de reel, on a number of confer. Mr, George Lawrence is file new I read in the $Uaritime Baptist' about gate' to this country. ra y ,. c: ra 1.Ooch °y�' . • , anes noble mind is the relief i e � encs delegates, Minister of Agriculture for Manitoba. , , Be'this as it nig Fruit-rl,-fives and the cures this y, the report has it ; 'Laurier - . that. a party cannot fail if it has the Cornelius N. Bliss, former U. s.' 'A demonstration. in favor of Col, medicine. was making and I decided that now that is out of the+ deed over many miles both near and support of Sir William MacKenzie, Secretary of Interior', and ex, San? , Hughes, the -new Minister. of to try it. After taking three boxes, X xray the Quebec bishops at least will`, - fax. t,. + ` k;>� '•Nr' t:. , % ,the the favor of clericalism, the. allegiance treasurer of the Republican national. Militia, was held at Lindsay, found a great.change for the better and be favorable to. treating directly withc - ._ at �, of French-Canadian extremists and committee, died in New York yester- the friendship of the corporations- p day, The Chinese revolutionaiy party have captured Wi Change,. ca xtal of p p 0 , now I can .say Fruit-a-tives has Rome, instead of with a delegate. entirely coxed me when event other Hence the move xis question, the Le slature. Roy Brtntnell, whose motor car Ja. . ' Hon, Frank Cochrane is no friend of either progress, public. xi tits or public Harry Hall, a driver for file Cana- p >g g dian Express Co. at Hamilton, has the Province of Hupeh, and threaten Hanlsow• treatment failed, and I reverently say Than _God for Fruit-a-tives . Justice Champagne Dead. LL oal - -- - ,� -••. ownership, and the strategist who been driven out of his mind over the brought Bourassa into Ontario is a 1 recent robbery in which, $8,000 was Woman suffrage Lias been defeated , , in. California. 1 e majority in San EDWIN ORAM, Sr, . Ottawa, Oct: 16.-Ttie death occur- "Fruit-a-tives" sweetens the stomach, red Here yesterday, after a brief ilii t' NLr Broder is RD BORDEN ROBERT LAI QR fine Adviser to serve as dictator to 1 stolen. Francisco againstranting suffrage to increases the actual quantity of gastric x els, of Justice L. N. Champagne of ' • • ' Canada's New Premier Sir James. Whitney as the noblest voice of this province, and as chief The Danish steamer Canadla arriv- • Ayres from Gulfport women is 13,273 Two negroes, A..B, Richardson and juice in the stomach and. ensures coni- the Superior' Court, Hull, The ds. Tete digestion of all sensible food,. .ceased, who was born in 1860, )saves. -'. Wood became head of the law firm of Borden, Ritchie and Chisholm, Halt- Cabinet maker to the Premier of Can- ed in Buenas add, Hon. R. L. Borden. via St. Thomas, has had an outbreak of fire in h bunkers, and the Are. a taken from the jail Ben .Woods, were at Carruthersville, Mo., Tuesday night nFruit-a-Lives" is the only medicine in a widow and family. The widow is a, ' world m4e fruit juices. sister of the late Senator Che • viler of11 fes, and. was Por ten years .president has spread iter o, by y s, ani which down the 5oc. a box, 5 for $2.50, or trial size, St, Boniface. 2hc. . of the N. S. Barristers' Society; creat- ed Q, C. 1900; lion. L.L.D, .(Queen's) ,The derelict. steamship. A. L. Hop- kin, abandoned a her crew L.Lako u G.'' Earl are was iv Y g en an affectionate send-off at Quebec last night, when 5 At all dealerse , or or f om Fruit -a -trues Limited, Ottawa. Won't Sit at Trial. - Detroit, IViieh•, Oct. 16.-A iJournal O,eme 1908; Hon. L L:D. (St, Francois-h�J+� Xavier (1905); elected to. the H., of 0. superior lien days: ago, -has been sight- lckly stops coudhs. cacao colds. heals ed awash in she track of navigation His Excellency was the recipient of a special from Ontonagon says Circuit for Halifax 1896 and 1900; unsuc-• Lite throat end lands . - 28 cents. between Ashland and Keeweenaw gift of a replica of the Wolfe and' Montcalm monuments. Judge trooper has refused to ,sit at the trial of 111i4a Stannard, cgssful candidgte for Halifax 1904; elected by acclamation for .Carleton, • Point. Tile old stepping -stone, which for ' The announcement was made last .Laura Republic Declared.1. charged with poisoning liar husband„ Washington, 'rapid Yards Opposite •G. T. R. Station Out,, 1906, In place of Edward Kidd by large in 700 .years stood in the public square HEWS TOPICS OF EEK England, night that at the next meeting of the Dominion Cabinet -- probably noxt Oct. 16. the Charles Stannard, a wealthy lumber. . spread of the revolution. in China has man, of Greenlmd, who died a few; retired; re-elected at general election and also elected in Hingham, was presented -" Mass, last night in hon- - tar Hingham, Monday - the matter of providing 'led to an informal exchange of views. months, ago.. . ^ - for Halifax; chosen . leader of Con- or,ofthe people of elle English vii- funds for the payment of the civil service will taken up, nn t.tir. aittiatinn. ,arnou>z itis Powers. • Just received one carload serv'ative party do H. of C. 1901. Is ant member of the Chtlhxesh ImPortaEvents Have 1 Hon. James Bryce. - WEDNESDAY. .be 13y.an arrangement perfected by the ' been known Oaourred During he1Wpe New York, New Haven and Hartford • of Lump coal for fPhresh- and as recrea on a to fill in some idle moments at golf, There is quite an epidemic of scar- lett fgver in Kingston, one school has Railroad,. Boston is to be the terminus of a lies of Canadian Paoifio Railroad cricket and fish.chasiiz.g• The 'Busy World's Happenings Care, been. closed, steamers running to Rotterdam, ac, drip. "ANDY" BRODER," � , fully Compiled and Put Into J; R Hoag of Brantlord, high court 'secretary of the Canadian Order of cording to' an announcement made. last night. . The rer Best . S y of Dundas • Mr. Aadrew Broder. first saw the' Handy aV Attractive Shape for Foresters, has resigned, the' Readers of Qui Paper -A Solid With a view to settling labor dis- . FRIDAY. "°fuer serving ten days less than a light oY day at Franklin Centre, Que., putes. the British Government has es- Hours year, the Los Angeles grand jury ' on 18 April 1846, and.was educated at Enjoyment. tablished an Industrial Council.., ' which indicted Jahn J. McNamara, , Malone, N.B., and Huntingdon Aca- TUESDAY. Bishop Fallon in a sermon st Lon- his brother, James B,, has been dis• decoy, Que., subsequently transferring to the Dundas district where he has• . David Copper, .a leadirig . business don scored the higher critics,. declar- ing .that .they are' undermining the charged:I. , Charles V4 ise, a young Englishman, jl (� . S since Continued to coax:a fairly Com- fortable living � from the land,. being, man of Welland, is dead: Britaiu'.,s' latest and largest Dxe - fa>tit "f frA .m�. • . • was found guilty yesterday of: burning. , . the barns of 'William'Wallace, Stoney 9.1'� V � �_ Cheek, Otit„, of - indeed, recognised. as one of the par- titularly intelligent members of that �' and also . stealing a Successor to J. Haittilt011 section of 'humanity which sticks b,Y . . Wise will likely b. de- watch. e of e . the original working programme of • ;, , ,., ,r' , :....., ._ ,.-d ._ - ported. d. e n known,. as the Hamilton 'concern Ph one G2. Father Adam of ancient and historic . . . E . Steel Co.; has .secured. options *oil., fame. With a natural business . .. -full ”' ` : $600,000' worth of New'' Westminster, - -^--- aptitude, . she humor that never a delightful s 3' ,, ., > ,r n . . 1' B.C:, water front for industrial pur.. SAA�A.t\LA1�JA1AAAAAAAAAAAA gives offence,, sporting Irish brogue,, and with that fond- • w , y ~ 's f - •y -• z� -•�, " w' poses. Mrs.. Mary Frances Gurney, wife. of d ness for; politics which is.accredited to ra y ,. c: ra Edward Guerney; of the Gurney Foun- every second member of• )sin's. big: , t. , r , .., .- t { 1. ....., ..- , -.' ,.. -, , , - •r * : ; (, i.+ �,� dry Co., Toronto, was' 'seriously )ajar-, �'��� family, Mr, Broder 1s one of tits really papular men in his'.di strict, .and in- U. . •..� . -- 6 iy_ s „. .L, c. >I. ,• 4` ed in New York yesterday in a taxi- cab. collision. . , deed over many miles both near and ^� . -y - .- - 'I- k w J. A, Ellis, city treasurer and presi- fax. t,. + ` k;>� '•Nr' t:. , % dent :of the Conservative Association ' For a time. he acted as Collector oY Customs at 1VIorrisburg; Ont., but re= < ., . -. - -: • oh . . I. A of Ottawa was last )tight selected. to contest the riding of West Ottawa for ..A , , o See dna here our finest. ► signed in 1896 to take a seat in the Commons where he has been noted as . �: s,, , > l . r , , } r , , ;, �': -,: t�, z ,t. s , , aC;l� .til' ,(. . Ef. ° I f i V. the Le slature. Roy Brtntnell, whose motor car Ja. - ► New Stylish designs of a'speaker with few. equals, quiet; but .',i.` %,�-. 1• i.:)Cl^ . f tit.I''C`.t know4l ), the f"('«+ tally. injured Mrs. Elizabeth Salter of ► incisive incisive in style with wonderfully app ., `. ^' i, --.•�:t';do"(, tl�il!,1:, li., ' ,n) '�i'C> US �'l)tl Oshawa in Toronto, was committed.for I.. t' NLr Broder is ;,0011t , ` i ' 1 t th m'n l seizes from'the .:w .11 L-iohert Pianos and ► pealing perora tolls. , , ` ; �.. , . ria . O e CTi 1 a a . . y ►. m rr)ed and has three sons and ane f.) �.e it?;11' t.1�cl it? i?,iZ ,1..:>,tr. (1',ba lt� . f �P�llT �l police Court .yesterday. a Y Y ► .daughter, _�, T. I ,. r ,, . 1. L011,,1a and give 1% '. t�:t;l,T' , .1 '. 17Ulla:. �,el0r-e � �'e4a,T Heustin,• the 15=year-old �-- Or ansa g p ' . Y ' c.. ' o a1'1'lyE: a't - daughter of William Heustin, living . �. As portrayin one phase of a re 1t�t1I. )Lill t ► eminently "straight" sample .of. the , l ?, near St Eugene, Ont., was acCldental- human family,:- not too often met _ ,.,' ;1 �l;(,n'i:?( 1t. ly llilled.,yesterday afternoon while. peClal ValUeS 111 Art. . P. *with • - the story _is` worth re=tellin F' E � g , . r J ;' ,,, y , leading• a horse from a 'nearby pas- . 4 P- of how Mr. Broder,' on one occasion, �• ;y > . Look' - if l:C ,l,.t' .iL11d turn to her )ionic, .4 t • set himself a very' stiff task in order '', ,. r, ;,,,� , �,,,,,. 1I:E'4 i Cr' the <?Y)li�e17 SAT:URDAY.. . Cased t , , y w; loft , fir. o- . . i CRENThE11I1M.N-Do au want Timoth Seed to sows' -If sa. kind) ;� ► that only a. clean name could be as= 1 i ., ;., Morris Irwin, a G.< T. R. brakeman, t ► with his fainil , Some of - " " ••�x` cruA'ted sjiO. V-terLunbed . : was fatally crushed between cars at crdex it at once; price $8 per saltie), as I only want to buy what is oiy sociated -. Y ti ` „ ,,• dered You also want. 'manure folks, the best four tines' are only lac i Pianos and organs rent :v. Mr: Broder s relatives died and left JI I ,, i fi t, Tot a• l:in Guelph:. y - ' g 1ua� es; . The Toronto Public Libras Board p . ► debts. These debts preyed upon the , i, I E'.,:r1 r;:, y y We hags wire staples, book /;�. >J� f I f�'I : q I :.' �iiii 1)'41. l : r ed, choice new Edison mind of Andrew in his young days, �,� t C olult $jlr.11, rt11C1 See 1108 has refused to, open h,e buildings on LADIES=�"ou want Vinegar, Mustard Seed, Curry Powder, Tur C "The: name of Broder will be clean," lnatl�' 1TlOre of thein PUS- Sundays. meric, Celery Seed, etc., for pickling. Uome here for best and cheape> t. phonographs, Music & he said to himself,. "These debts- will 1 The Ontario Government may ap- Sugar by, sack or dollar, as low as possible I . 'be paid:'•' He,sacrifled everything to . . IT'Y yields to the 1)al'T'el point a commission td develop the . -o variety goods. that end, the hard-earned pence than ol`dinar lour does, clay belt in north Ontario. Dying"urProdlhoe.aswepayth.e.HighestlllarketPrice a which he managed " slowly.- ave brought outhe C r aTxl $alt i Joseph B. Blackburn, an aged Mi- down the debt'but y 1d• Taste a ti, - dent of Chatham, 'committed suicide i e �1QS1C E'1IpOr1U111 have made success for himself had the y by swallowing' carbolic acid. ADAMS. Emporium Londesboro money which he paid away been crust, and the del-iciouS.l lia'hi y b A large banquet was tendered,.the Re utilized as 'capital with which to fur- takes PURITY •Ii'L01JR rewards Ecumenical Conference delegates by ' ther his own Progress, but Andrew i . the Methodist Social Union in Tom oil -with. 111 ' ionto.. put away the temptation from him, y 1k ' and in due time was able .to point to - I1ow theym. `e: _ _ The police ars out wth a big stick : / after'treet loafers in Kingston M s- 4 u a clean family slate.:. . OLlrl110Uth't"ater� ?: rat a ell s t C. ! l �%���r € o� y .? t e -Farrell has promised that er3'- . . . E. AI.1tiACDONi1LD, H:C. f Such hi h -cls SS one. found guilty will be fined $5. �� g , i; Ma 'strate Ball of Woodstoolc serL '/� / results. Can Olil ' 1)e .' p FLOU teiloed John Falconer, a young Scotch- ��r��' CO�� NEINS . C��ED �...�n�r�n r171��Ynr Mr, Edward M. Macdonald, K,C., Iles , reSU . ,, _ been in politics for many: years, .and / o:bt�nEd When ? Pµ"'°a>r i` man, to six months in the. Central • - is also one of the leading lalyyers of ..p M Prison with ten lashes for criminal AW No NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONS>+1V , the . Maritime ` Provinces, Born at using a .flour. con- 0 Ur b' : assault. Plctou, Nova Scatia, August 16, 1866, s2si2n exelusivel2 of the wa �", A disastrous fire occurred on the ..Confined. to His Home for V9/eek$t; . " '► • educated at the Academy there and at. NA�r g .� ty farm of James Bel four miles from "Iteavywork,severostrainin and evil habits in e e high-grade portions of the : u' Mark'dale completely destroying,, his 6 eRR `Dalhousie University with a legal jWINIIUep p '. Varicose Veins. when I worked hard the aching would become �AIJt� �V r in contemplation, Mr. Mac- hart:) 2Uheat , � WryFAT . , 1&sge barn and '• Stables and several severe and I was often laid up fora, week at a tame. 31y family I A best: ` 1reSfdrn valuable animals. ptrl riclfan told me anoperation wasmy 6nluho ps—but I dreaded it. i It donald began to carve out a promising , ? e sever spec a s s, but soon found o al hey wanted was my �L� career at a" comparatively early stage bt3rr2e.S', MONDAY. = A :. money. I commenced to look ii on all doctors as little better, than, Of hie life. Alois towards his • 101 �d' ' . Walter Grey of Queensboro, who V , rointes. Ono day fns boss.aslced me why.I was ofiC work so much and IVER, And remember; that;. on w j �,�„ I told him my condition. Iioadvisea me to consult Drs. Iiannedy & : thirtieth year he began: to exhibit gg . i was in ured when tile. har3ed ran away, ,�.o� Iienneily,as he hail taken treatment from them, himself and knew PIL«� evidences of an inward desire to oc-. account of its extra rusts• :; 1s dead. Choy were sguaro and skill�Eul. I wrote them and got d dNEW W .,, ..:r;.;. ,;..:rj ,..ij '- Frani{ D&rby was burned- to death - 111Y•7TftODTnt')A'Pr=T. 31 r >;i•esswrrs somewhat slowa g - , copy a parliamentary chair, and took strength and-, extra )Tal- °''' +m`. 1n ,his summer house .in Grantham. the first month s treatmer I was somewhat cuscouraged. However the field as candidate .for. Ills native g q I continued treatinent for three .months longer and was rewarderi . constituency. His first three attempts ity, PURITY. FLOUR Township. ; ,; ° with a complete cure, I could only earn $1'd a week in a machine . Mr. Justice Harlan, senior member ; shop,before treatment, now I am earnin $21 and never loose a flay. . were, however, unsuccessful. He was requires more water when making bread and more I wish is o your ab e C� beaten for the 1V"ova Scotia Legisla- of the Supreme Court of the United ,� al uipereraknety f o valu treaNRX . ' than . ou are Stated, is dead. $1Cl{HefldtlC110llndrelieYealltbo troltble0nd1- •lure in 1894, �&.nd in 1896 and 1900 Was .; shortening when. �makl:ng �astry, y - LOCUST •dent to a bilious stateofthe system, Such as defeated in running for the house of Italy's fourth Dreadnought, the i?izztneee, Nausea, Drowainese Dlstrc®s after _ accustomed t0 use with Orglnary ,$Our. 'Giulio CesCare, was successfully �W$ `+�®UR BLOOD BEEN DISASED? . •eateng,rain in the Side mac. hila their most Commons, his successful opponent on launched yesterday. temarI LINE 469 eeaahown to curtat both these occasions being Sir Charles . � LLOOD POISONS aro the most less entirely a most edfroa diseased. 'They sap the _ Mrs. Gifford, ori aged resident of very life blood of tho victim and unless entirelyy eradicated from the system will cause Hibbert Tupper. Hb secured a seat In Peterboro, was burned to death by serious complications, Beware of Meroury. it may suppress the symptoms—our NEW the Legislature, however, and resigned . her Clothing taking fixe. XLTHOD Cures all blood diseases. . I it in 1904, when he was elected a . YOUNG OTt XIDDI.E AGED MEM—Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken 11 iDlcsdadhe, yet Carter'a Little Liver Fibs ace S. R, Poulin, chief engineer of Dig. down your system. You feel the symptoms stealth ove�r���•ou. Mentally, pphysically and member of the Commons. .I+'Or years trio', 1+, of isle National Tzanseontin- vitallyyouaronotthomanyouusedtobeorshoul be. SVillyouheedthodangeraignals? egnallyvalnabloineonstipation,curingendprw . Ile has been.strong and influential as ♦eating this anneyin complaint whiletheyalso ental Railway, died of complications Are you a victim? Rave you lost hope? Are you i'ntendin to marry? Ha:i corrects�Idieord. ao�the stomnc�r,ettmulatethe a public man, and as a lawyer has of the heart at Winnipeg Saturday. EADER your blood beon diseased? Have you any weakness? 91ur STnw XXTaan . Itver and regulate the boweltl. Tuvenlf theyoni j formed most important connections. Har Kent of Hamilton was award asATntsxT will cure you. What it has done for others it will de for you. coniultatibn erred iY Free. NO matter who tins treated you write for an honest obiniouFreebfClwta• . ( ... .. • ed $1,000 damages against the Nary- SooktiFree--"iloyhood„blanhood',Tiatheritood,” (Ilitrstrated)onUISOMsofMen. Mrs. Muggins--�••I"ni going to buy rand Casualty Co., which caused his No NAM99 USED WirHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT'. #91VATE. No metas on. I EA some neckties for MY husband. arrest on a. charge of misapproptit 6bz•• b119 dnvblbpes. E.erythin Coufidentid, Question !At +wad Coat of Yraatnui►te rAchotheywonTdbealmoatpriceleeetothoeerAbo Mrs. $uggins-�GraelouH) Will he tion. FREEFOIIiHOMETREATMENT. ,eaffor from this distressingeomplaintl butforta. natelytbeirgoodnendoes notendheg,andthoee wear them? The 1911 Glidden auto tour started • who oncettythemwill find thew little pills vala• Mrs. Muggins No, but t willg•,•; Saturday morning from the headquar- able in so dr) , way3stbatthoy.williaotbe l• „ DesXENNEDY&KENNEDY Ung to d0tvit, ntthem. Rlitafteralibiakhoad �� More bread and better bread' tors of the American Automobile.A8. . _ . _.... , sociation, New York, oil. Saturday. . . Thera were sG cars. Cor. AichlSan A'vo, and trlswold St.. Detroit, Mich. . qrdanryv� I Tod's ,Fido�,�,�,,fL 11 �a' Bu a bag or barrel of PURITY FLOUR, Test At the next session of the Alberta ' All letters frbui Canada must be llddrpsssed ,Is the bane of Soiven tha here to wbeft * TU Oremt ,FO dA�& June � � g IY1ent Le 'slature the Canadian Northern' • P.O. to our Canadian Correspondence Depa'rt- we,makifottrgreatboast, parpl sonrelt,while 1� ToAWandfndigorateathewhorso It four a week. Thera pass judgment. will seek the right to build and oiler• rdentii .Windsor,, but. If l+brt deuiro #o •othorado not, norvoua syygg���,m, makes crow • y. ate no less than fourteen .new railrtaad dictyt rilstitiite in Detroit as di see andimat Catteed Little Liver 1'llld aro"eimall and lotxlitr bld'Voing, ourmiverrK AddPURIT" FLOUR to the grocery 11 rl ilia IIOW. see us rsottaily rali.at our 1Vle . vetyesey,totake,, one or tv►opillemekeado9e. wts Z)eWty,Mental ana Praia Worry, Ilbs- � �J � g lines in that province. � • � They, aro etrictl�Yy Vegetable and do not grt oe q0 pAtienb in our' Windsor offices whits are for tbrrespbtldence and , ,bat bythoir Side action 1 u'?r,,ScxualWedkneAd E t'tiARidna's*tw' log St. Catharin'es factones� depending bprator for Canadian business only. Address all lottitzs as follows: �ie'e hem: ge p>� Fd Who matorr16__- and Fa0' .4a of2.sun br ,Alxoesseft. upon hydraulic raceway p Y Pr16o$lperborq'elxforeb. onewinpleaae rix . 13OLD'AY Betas+ & SM-.Vth J'. P . she�� pparts &CIO.' p y for their pow. DR& KENNEDY 0bc KENNRDY, Windsor, ftt. u „ er were forced • to shut down Stour• (� Ol1►'1`!It 1f�Otilf OO:r 1pM1 !O>ri, i;, t +trill cure. Sola b all is or, mailed in 'Haltrlatiai �'Gi►'i�ltfio. -, 'VV', ''P. ,O'Ntyil, write ter oar yrlvat• sddr•eb. , . • ,atPlainVirg. tinreoolpb'of W New pelfto leiB t Uab, i'Mt ti�naatr do G'o.t 'CAJXteloa,lBtodt . ' day, owing to the .bank of the race• 7 He %4 M*dloln� Oel.. .` ! tva bei wasW away. X11= vorj*ta,Ottiw v Z.ftlt'tear Po.iDl iMbutots, i' y .�.»-......,. , n V