The Clinton New Era, 1911-10-12, Page 4F-1
The customer ~has everything to gain and nothing
to lose by malting their choice of Furs now. Select
while our stocks are 'ht their best ---NOW Select in
time to have furs ready fbrr the first days of cold mea-
Cher, After one has.compared all others is the best
time to see ours. We stand by the result. We spe-
ialize on Fur and Fur l ;ed .Garments and the better
class of Setts and sim?',e pieces,
We Clever were so
rushed in our Millinery
Dspal thent ,, therefore
we ask a9 a ' pedal
favor that you place
your order e4rly•in the
Nearly Zoo Coats on our racks
tD-day, each and every
this season, More Coats—
o is—
Better Coats. Coats that have j
1 more style here to -day than yoti
will fired in most places. This is a v"fes rl 1.
strong statement, but the garments
are here t back t
o b� cl. it up.
,`Terms wash. One Price Only,
1w ` V"m
Is now in, full
swingwactivity in
every dep
ment. Utir business shoing aste steady advance all G
along the line. A growing time for our town in
manufactures. in business, in land values. The boom .
is on.. We believe the vast majority of the people are
determined that Clinton shall occupy the position of
importance which she oughtto hold in the Western
Constantly, arriving. Stocks constantly c-batig-
ing. Bright, fresh up-to-date goods always on. our.
counters, ;.
Our- Mil inert/
Department is running to its untmost capacity,
in fact running day and night—you know, the reason
why and so do we, but we. are modest. With our.. .
service at your disposal there is no necessity to
pear inthe stiff cetera zeei things, thatev ryone
recognizes of a glance.
Our Fall Coats
Are here for Ladies, Misses and* children at
least a portion of them are still here, for many have
said "Good Bye" and changed ownership. The
style is right. The material is right. The price is
right, What more do you demand
X" '
ict News
vinces They bad a very enjoyable oul.
Urs: ' T McCallum, of Saskatoon,
suit and inet many old Huio,i friends.
ask , lathe guest of,. Mrs. D. J, Me,
They weal tip the main line as fur as
Edmonton, Balling Pat all tine p„Iucipal
Mr. and Mrs. :Ohns Newton and
aughter, of Shiloau), :North Dakota,
places on the way. 'They returned
through Southern Manitoba .And
re visitors at the home of Mr, enc!
changing at Sudbury went to Salt Ste.
Ire. Geo, Turnbull,
Marie. From thence they went to
Are. A. B. Sutherland and children
Barr River, where they visited Mrs.
eturued home on Saturday after
pending the summer with her sisters
John Forest, Mr.. Eigle's daughter,
Mr. Elgie thinks a lot of the west but
t Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta,
is still well content with his fine home
Mr, and labs. R. E. Coates are. visit-
erg friends iu. Toronto,
Mrs. (Rev.) Berry roturned on Mon -
ay ft•vin ,a ploilaant three months'
rip to England.
CPderlclt 11'o wnalel>n
Mrs, Mutrie and children left for
There will be a Fowl Supper in Zion
heir home in British .0olumbia after
Methodist church on Thursalay, Oct.
: •r.':`z'.'; >? :s;i<z.> . :.;'”
pending the summer with her mother
20tb,Supper froze} 11 to $; in school
s. > '>'. `•........_XXq i
ars.• g,1. Bethune.
pause and program, in church . after.
1ev bether Downey, of Windsor,
Admission 25 dents.
�. :is �;•
'i • <':
Pad 111 town on. A1UIlday.
John Sowerby, Goderich Township,'
Charles Aberhart and John Purdue
found w genuine freak of nature in his,
r r
t r
eturnrd Thom their trip to the West-
orchard, three complete and well
-to provinces this .week.
formed apples. eaeb with separate -
!, E. Ferguson has presented to the
blossom enre .but joined together al-
)olle rune Lutetltuw lLorary° a some,
most as one apple. It was triplets
vii at riara book, Aluspratt s Chemistry
sure. I
n three vo'utues, ()has. Silks and L+`.
Wedding. --A quiet wedding took
Wbittaker have presented to the
bar, BayfieldLine, when ta DvaDnfster
icienca de a: tnTent some fans rook and
Rurton, .eldest daughter of Ale. and
uinerai•apecit22eits t:tiuetited by them
united in marriagee to Alr, David
luring their summer work ill ditfera
Deeves of the '1' ; The ceremony'
as pert eTimeA by Rev. W. H. Dun-
a :.
Quebec in
! t ) � `ta of (.anttarlU at,d u
n 1 a2 Q
Mr. Clark and Mrs. Jackson
i .. ...=
;Gituection with t he .0unlinl,ru geolog
ti i es in the north t -rad of the county,
will t€eke up hnttaekeeping on the
}' v
held a business meeting on Tuesda,
evening. of this wool;, when it was dE
Ansure@ interesting event occurred at the,+.
hoot of friends fee ppy. and pros-
parous married life.
tea meeting on Christums night.
some of A1i88.Gaahar1ICxoderich street,.
Mrs. John Butchit.rt left last week t
)n �Vedneaday, when Miss Bmily
the home of Mrs. Alulholland at 2 : 30
Alias Jt:;•tn Alustit,rd, of New York,
P. m., on Thursday, Uctober 19tb. In•
[ruffles way united in marriage to
ter@sting papers will he given and all
members are asked to be present. A'
L)harles A. Wi-Likey, of Toruiitu. The
dainty lunch wi,l he,served at the close
McGregor visited friends in Blyth lai
,eromony was perforuied by Rev. V-1:1.
we(-ki'and attended ilia fair,
Larkin, and was witnessed by only a
m•angols have been the chief farmin
tow of the more intimate friends. of
SE:�.1 il,�g i.(D�;CIIIBEID
the Contracting parties 1'he youth;
Rev. P. D. 13utchart, of Clevelarn
oouple left on one Afternoon train fvr
Ohio, v6ited his bovhood home on tl
rocunto, where they will,veside' Mrs..
Without Portfolio,
Wall;eg will be ti,uch missed in nibs=
ed froth a tour to Western , Rurop
icai circles in town, '
Miss Bicrtha Fobb, aln-urse incthe
homeopathic Hospital, A1nin -Arbp;}i,.
Mrs. A. C, Fairtiairn arrived to -dad
who n• tyslteiiio.usly disappeared from
{ fx•om NVitinipeg on an ektended vial.
Ann. Arbor early y Monday Xn l ar =
with her parents; Air• and Mrs,, Jobl
anti Who Ila the police (depart- t
Gr€Iho-atn, Huron I•i,iiad'*on
me Sts of "London +and D:etro t
id€irry 0�>Iborn@ l;sas gone+ to Nortl
searchlintg for tier, `because her,
, Bay -to join a survey i arty on the I
father Ithought sahte 'had beela, .ab-
and N, U. ]hallway.
ducted, bias .Merry). round in We,
Frank Saunders; whn has been em
trofta girl friend. Miss
played in Toronto. for several years
Robb's home las la, Sleaforth,' Ont,
And when she left Ann Arbor ,she
has returnee] to town and evil! be as
soditated with his father and broths
;initehded to go direct to 'Seaforth.
in the management of the Godericl
Wrhein. she ,ddd bet arrive It -here
Organ Company.
T u , y, r s qn.t to Lon -7
Thursday, he father w i n -
H. Jenkins, ledger -keeper in the
our ailed n t sed., h h'e o
d of t t £ o'fi. oleo
Bank nk f Montreal'. has been tranaferr
� -
He t!h{ela, •camb ,to Detroit, and de-
ed t'b Montreal.
tedtiv,es. froan this city started out
Miss Margaret Galt leaves on lines
to htliiet for her. 'T'bsylearned that
he l,ef•t AInIn
d,.,�y for Lugaanne. Switzerland. wber:
Arbor all right and
Slie will persue her studies.
rekelr,ed Detroit, amid finally traced
Mrs. Luaus and daughter, Miss Vert
heir oto ;the hoarse of Miss Clara Kar-
left this afternoon for England. The,
eek, where she aind her
will sail tram Quebecec to Liverpool. of
Mrs. W: W. Smyth. of Battle t�reek
sett arrived in . London from Exeter
Mich., is visiting her sister, Mrs,. J. B
and will take Cross back tp-night.
Dr. and- Mrs, J.. H. Pickering, o
The farm of 1v1r, Robert Carnochan
Edtnonton, Alberta, were iiisidtil
m the third. concession, . H,, R. S'
aas been sold to Mr. Will.. Martin, a.
here.this week..
John,Storms, who has resided it
ooighbor..forsomethingin the neigh. '
mohood of $6,000: The tairm contains
Goderich for over a year, left thi:
week for his old: home hat' Evansville
[00 acres and is ane of the best ilt the:
;ownahip.. Mr. Martinis to be con.
The wardens of St. George's Churel
;ratula'ted on his purchiise, As. he has
received notice .of the appointment bl
His Lordship shop Williams, Rev
iectired a good place cheap.. Mr Car-
a the owner the farm is
J. B. Fotharingham, of St. Matthew',
sid-in udar Saskatoon;
Church, Toronto, -as rector- of St
is engaged farming,aHis health.
George's to succeed. Rev: Mark Turn
was not good here, Win- troubled with.
bull, who rias removed to Mexico.. Tho
isthma, but since living in the West
new rector will take charge of the par
Te has completely recovered, and
ish on November 2.
lecided to make his. permanent resi.
lance in that country. ,
Goderich stands, fifth among the
ports of the great Juices according tc
William Eigieand his daughter . Liz
official .figures. More than '9;000,001
,iehave.. just returned- home after a
bushels ofgrain•were handled' during,
rix. weeks' visit in the western pro-
the year,•an-d of this amount 5;379,83:
household elfecta to Olin ton where she
bushels were wbeat. Of tile remaind
has purchased a House there
MTs I111a Gibson 'fe •-
er there -we 2,097,1393 bushels of oats
on a lent a w days
1 y
101,842 bushels of flax and 92316'
With Mrs. Jos. Carter.
bushels of barley Of tale wheat enc
oats, 35,000 bushels came from the
A ceremony .which proved of intens(
3S3» s>i interest to the congregation of Kno3
Cliurch.and which served to enlighten
err many, .especially the younger genera
tion, as to lbe history of the chuict
X. from the datA of its formation,- mai
held in the:auditorium of the ch.urcl
.las. ..
t ,Week. Two tablets in memory of
the two'depat•ted pastors were unveil.
ed, and' in connection with this, cere.
many Dr. H. I. Strang, for 40 years
teacher in the Grammar School . and
later in the Collegiate Institute, gave
a, a summary of the life of the
' frdm•tt,e date of its establishment it
1810, Ue also gave an appreciation of
c� the life of Rev.Dr.Ure, who was pastor
of the church from -1872 until 1891,
He was followed by, Alex. Saunders,
manager of the Godertch Organ Com.
pany, who spoke in glowing terms' oi.
the character of. Rev. James A. An.
derson, who for 22 years . was con
nected with .the congregation, firsl
a9 assistant pastor, and • on the re•
tirement of Dr. Ure as the senior and
only, pastor of the church. -James
Buchanan -also added,' a word . in
tribute,.,' making special referents
to the great, manly, broad, syrppathiz•
ing spirit of Rev. Mr. Anderson. The
Dr. J. D. REiTh 3LP. tablet in memory of Rev. Ure was
erected by the,ladies of the church and
Minister of 'Cutsltoms..' the one in memory of Rev., Mr` Ander.
son by•.the, Young Peoples •Society,
Tale presentAstor of the congrega•
tion is Rev, Barge E. Ross, who was
;� Vii` IV•llTE1L,S7'E:i?ti
Calvanized Iron Work
Rooting and
We have everything
that in new'and up -to date
in the Pluvtbing and heat.
ing business.
Byant Sutter
called to the pastorate from Charlotte,
town. P: R, 1,; PI a year ago. The
church has now a membership, in.
cludiliadherents. 30
Brenta of near 2 0(
g v ,
and It otherwise is in a flourishing
At "The Willows," Hillsburg, Ont„
the residence of the ,brides parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. U, Nodwell, on 'foes-
day, the marriage of -their daughter,
Joy, to Mr. 'Walter L. Jacobs, son of
Mr. and Mrs.. H, Jacobs of San
Diego, CO., *as solemnized, Rev,
James Hamilton, London, Ont., uncle
of the bride, officiating. The brider,
who was given away by her father,
WAS gowned in cream satin, veiled 4n
silk 1YIA.i fY lYlAdi all_ hnIndAnmalV arn.
arotaered; ana carried a shower of
cream roses and lily of the valley.
Guests were present from London,
Toronto, Owen Sound, Fergus and
Hills b, rg. Dejeuner was served in
the dining to , which was beauti-
fully decorate with chrysanthemums
and asters, r. and Mrs. Jacobs left
for London a d other western pointe
before takin up their residence in
Blyth, 'Ont.
Porter's Hill
Miss Reid, of Pittsburg, is visiting
her sister. Mrs, John Torrance.
Miss Wilson, of Clandebo ", anal
Miss'Searson, of Kinloss, visited at
Goo. •Vanderburgh's lash week.
u ti...
Maes Ilopbla Lindsay, Addeo Cox.
Our stock has been
Viola Bennett And Violence Elliott,
Maes Ilopbla Lindsay, Addeo Cox.
Our stock has been
Viola Bennett And Violence Elliott,
the delegates from Bethel Sundeiy
School and League attended the Con.
additional lines. select.
ventiorr an Blyth last week
Mrs. Newton. returned hong on
Tuesday, having spout a, week at
Mr, and Mrs. Rallisay and daughter
came over trout Buffalo in their :auto
last week and spent is few days in the -
CPderlclt 11'o wnalel>n
There will be a Fowl Supper in Zion
Methodist church on Thursalay, Oct.
20tb,Supper froze} 11 to $; in school
pause and program, in church . after.
Admission 25 dents.
John Sowerby, Goderich Township,'
found w genuine freak of nature in his,
orchard, three complete and well
formed apples. eaeb with separate -
blossom enre .but joined together al-
most as one apple. It was triplets
sure. I
Wedding. --A quiet wedding took
place last Wednesday afternoon at
-the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dun-
bar, BayfieldLine, when ta DvaDnfster
of rad's and. Commerce,
Rurton, .eldest daughter of Ale. and
Mrs. John B r o of th
s o t o s 5th o as
1r con..
united in marriagee to Alr, David
Deeves of the '1' ; The ceremony'
as pert eTimeA by Rev. W. H. Dun-
Mr. A Astluith shipped A o-ir-lost
of Applea frouA here on Aiesday.
b a : a f 13v and was witnessed only
Mr. Clark and Mrs. Jackson
by immediate friends, Mr. and Mrs.-
Deeves, after a short visit with relta-
atTlong tlroae tubo TetUTUt'd *fCOTTiSatli
ti i es in the north t -rad of the county,
will t€eke up hnttaekeeping on the
last weer.,
r he members' of the 13aptNt ,chore]
groctTi's farm on the 13th, Both bride
held a business meeting on Tuesda,
evening. of this wool;, when it was dE
land groom are well and favorably
he bee I wishes of a
cided to bold anniversauy^ services o
Sunday. December 21th, followed by
hoot of friends fee ppy. and pros-
parous married life.
tea meeting on Christums night.
Mrs. John Butchit.rt left last week t
The Women's Institute will meet at
visit her daughter, 1Irs,LPkg,. of Lvon
the home of Mrs. Alulholland at 2 : 30
Alias Jt:;•tn Alustit,rd, of New York,
P. m., on Thursday, Uctober 19tb. In•
now visiting at the hove of Mrs. I
ter@sting papers will he given and all
McN:wan. ,
members are asked to be present. A'
Alias Lillie McVlowan anti 1)l1as Lizz
dainty lunch wi,l he,served at the close
McGregor visited friends in Blyth lai
of the meeting, Visitors always wel•
we(-ki'and attended ilia fair,
Digging potatoes and taking u
m•angols have been the chief farmin
occupations tbis week.
Rev. P. D. 13utchart, of Clevelarn
At a meeting of the ratepayers of
Ohio, v6ited his bovhood home on tl
Stephen Township, called Monday
second last week. had,just; rethr.
afternoon, for the purpose of nominat.
ed froth a tour to Western , Rurop
€ ing candidates for. the reeveship, Mr.
visiting Ireland, Scotland, Englan
Henry. Willert, . of Dtxshwood, was
France, iloleaud, Germ%nv and l:tal;
t elected by acclamation. Tile vacancy
He left to visit his sister, Mrs., Legg,
in the council was caused by the death
Lyons, and will there • return to b
of -Samuel Switzer about two weeks,:
work in;Cleveland,
ago.. One otLer nanie only came be-'
fore the convention, that of W. D.
_ Loncleal�oro
Sanders. but lie resigned in favor of
Mr. Willert rather than cause an
Wim, Moon, Tae collector for Hu
L election at this time. Mr. Willert is
. let began his 'annual coni; this week,
a prosperous flag manufacturer, drover
i and farmer.
r He has been ee a of
Sugar beets are the order of the da
,,everalt @am8 and men are us
b hat
� r v
' Stephen many three in the past, and
in to the station n as fast. as cars can l
is well fitted for 'the position.
got to bold them.
Hogs were shipped on iT,edrI
the price is still. coming down.-•
Andrew Jamieson finished his vie
here on Tuesday and departed.
Charles Cross was - arrested Tuesday
Harrison L• yon and daughter. Mat
b 'one of the London detectives t'v n
o y .tries n a
r turned- f `
r o Manitoba
in obs last wee
warrant from Exeter, , charging hien
Jahn Cartwright also returned,
with misappropriating $22, the money
' J. D. and Mrs, Ainslie, of Leamin
collected by hien while in charge of a
ton, are visiting friends around here.
cemetery in Exeter. - . The time of the.
William Biles received a lot of Batt
alleged'inisappropriation is said to be
. by train this week.
about two yearns ago. Constable Bis.
-Potatoes are a fire crop here at
sett arrived in . London from Exeter
tbPre are a great lot of them. -.
and will take Cross back tp-night.
Farmers are very; busy and sever
of them would like 'to hire help bi
cannot.get any., .
F. Gorbutt is now engaged with the♦N.♦
G. T. R:
John Oartright and A. Gibbings.'re-
home last week from Edmo
ton where they 'spent the past .,two
H. Lyon ,and Miss Maud returned
+ It is the desire of tine
home on Friday after spending.. a: few
pu111fsh ors that .111 Shonhi,
s that a
months with, relatives in Brandon..
tnRo -tan fit this
Alias Lynn has been there for over a
4 Column of .THE NEW
Mr. -and Mrs. Jae. Langley and two.
ERL - If•you have friends
sans.,& Niagara spent a few days at,.
,♦ ,Tisitmg yon; - or arc. t;o-
the home`,of .,1;'. Crawford.
+ away for a tril), feave ;
Mrs: Wm Taylor has ;moved her.
+ . word or send it'on a posh .
household elfecta to Olin ton where she
+ eird.
has purchased a House there
MTs I111a Gibson 'fe •-
on a lent a w days
1 y
With Mrs. Jos. Carter.
Mrs. John Grainger is under . the
doctor's care at present but her, many
. Mr': Roy .Jenkins ' arrived . bon
friends look for.her recoverv:
from the. West last week.
Miss Lou Cartright, of Clfnton,spentMr.
E. M. Mclean, of London, wi
Sunday at her home here,..' •
• in town - on Thursday:
Mr, and Airs. H, Livermore, of
bliss Eva Dunlon, of Springfield,
Tackersmith spent. Sunday. with Hill.
the g-uest of Miss Ella Akam.
Mr. and Mrs James gnell spent Sun-
Mr. Tom JacksonpJr;,-arrived hon
day with the latter's sister, Mrs. Stan.
from his'Western trip this week. ,
ley, ofHolmPsvih@.
Mrs. W. B. Purdy, of, Orillia,
141r. Ben Obut chill has moved ala-
visiting with friends in town.
other barn in place of the- one than.
. Miss.- Wilson, of :Denver,` Ooloradt
was burnt, and will soon have it ready
is visiting with Mrs.. R. , .Manning.
for use,
Passed Avday,•-Mathias Glow ans-
Messrs. Wm. May and Jas: Walter
of Exeter,_ were in town on Tuesday o
wered the- Call on Wednesday morn-
ing at the age . of. 6I years, 4 months
and 28 days. The deceased had been
Mrs. Jos. Ratteributy entertained
a sufferer fora considerable time
number of her friends on, Wednesda
from a cancer. He was born in this
,Afternoon. :
township and always resided. here.
Mr.. John Ransford is attending tb
He was married to a Miss Jones of°the
Annual Meeting of the Canadian. Alar
same township. A family of three
ufactur r a Associations
sons, Charles, Frank and Henry and
Mr. William Hale, of Mount. Clem
four daughters,. Mrs. William Biggart,
ads Michigan, visited his brother, Mi
of Clinton, Jennie, Adeline and Mar-
Theodore rlale, of Hullett,
jory at home,- • survive him with the
widow.• Deceased-, was a man
Mies Helen Ford: left on 14londa:
morning to resume her studies a
of etirling character,and well -liked by • Queen's University, Kingston.
all who knew II Thu funeral
be held on Friday of this week and
interment will,. be made at the Clinton
Mrs.. C7oats•Ooleman left last wee]
for her: home in %V ionipeg after i
Cemetery. To„the sorrowing ones
the sympathy of the community is ex-`
pleasant visit with the Misses Cole
Mrs. Johnathan -Brown anal Mit
:tended. -
Nellie, of town, returned home' W.
'A Pretty. Wedding in Hullett Town-
week after ate. extended viait with Tel
shill—On' Wednesday, October lltb,
atives and friends in Toronto sol
the home of Mr, and Mrs. James
Vane t e1 Road
mend on the Blyth Gravel g y
Mr, Greene will still continua
happy gathering,
evils the seen@ el
to tat; Mitchell o
e til@ ark at for Rev
Mr. Livingstone 1`he-4atter... gentle
when their, oldest son, Mr. John
AnthonyVanEgmond andMiss Bertha
n is a le to .walk Around, but no
Delp Aikens were roited in the holy
hands of matrimony. At High noon
e to conaVVence work yet,
Mr. Abbie Robinson, of Woodstock
to the strains of the WeddingMarch,
made his regular calla t Xr. Rabic
day with Comfort .�ioap, �Mr. Robin
played by red there Myra Moore, the
bride entered til@ parlor, leaning on
son is putting On it, Froreasional ebur
the arm of ;her. feather, Mr. Thomas H.'
nament at Woodstock ThauL•egivinf
day and Longboat will take part,
Aikens, of Boise City, Idaho, and was
received by the groom. The ceremony
was performed_ by Rev. T. Wesley
Coseris. The bride looked charming'
in a beautiful white lingerie gown and
carried a boquet of white roses. She
was assisted by Miss Evelyn C. Tip -
lady who wore a gown of Copenhagen
silk and carried pink roses. The
n room was attended by Mr. Robert
iiawthorne. After Hearty congratula-
tions were extended, the guests
Main Charged With DAltaining
numbering about fifty, repaired to the
Teacher in Bush Committed
dining -room, where a sumntuous wed.
(ern Two Charges.
ding dinner was served. The groom's
sift to the bride was it gold necklace,
Aany useful and costly presents testi.
1VTordemy Man., Oct. 6.•--11 post-
fied to the +topalavity of the bride and
panned preliminary hearing of tthe
orootq . 7.'ne happy Couple left on the
case' against George Brown, held: at
r : 23 train amid showers of confetti
the provinicial Jail ihare (charged
and good wishes, for a two months'
.w:ith assaulting Mrs, [Prank spat-+
honeymoori trio throughIdaho,Orepon
:Burson,, formerly Miss Gladvs Prdee
and other Western States. The bride's
travelling costume was a navy blue
serge e with hat to match. Mr.rtnd Mrs,
VanRamondystart married lifeunder
favoraole circumstances and their
many friends wish them ra long, pros•
porous and happy life to.gather,
'ept for 30houra
tl,so;t'h;9 AltonV_iain Adams, i1he
Mropy ator, eabae,
agistrate Lake
*You'll Need
for those rooma that
need renovating / this.
f ll.
n O �
S . y
t � C0
p i
1, �00o�0ooO���o�lol�o�oo�ooi
'. at three o'clock yesterday after -
i, . (n,o:on, Mrs. Patterson gave a clear
and vivid . description of lyes 'con-,
If tnection with the. case, never falt-
is erinig throughout her evideance, ” {
Charles MoMillan, tvho, 'followed
Mrs, Patterson on the stand; and'to
whom it was at first reported 'the 1
t- prisotaer had confessed ;when -
ar-rested at Hatignah, N. D., • istated
.wheat the prisoner had told himi
Practically corroboxatitnig the
dEnS a geven.byMiss Price. Magis'°
.trate Lake, after eua niI up the 1
evil Ace of ,the hbducti.on pease,
P, committed tare ,I rlsoirlor . to stand
trial at the fall assizes, ,which are
to .be' -held here giytthe 24th' of Oct•
d The; case :67altt'empted murder
tv IttT td v'
alt k ath Wil i
s eat le 1 sera;:
f Ada.r s, the ffTst wiiross, in givingg
iris evid;etneei stated, that he ouldi
le ]n'o't identify Ae, prisoner as (thea
party . tvho shot hien-during the time
d of ,the plainI-hurt- inthe Snowflake
district" but he,gave a discrlptiom of
il. whalt occured durilugg..the night of '
the ,shooti,nlg; McMillan ,who. fol-
lowed Adams, stated that the-pris-
I had told hien that he had shot:
Adams, and that- he teas sorry.that
0 he haddotrde•- so. He had nottaneant '
e .to kill ]lien, but ainly,-tvished to:stop
► him bra tryinig' xo {catch him, The
lmagisltra-te, %aftler•hearintg° the. evi-
dance in.the shooting case, direct-
ed tthat the prisoinler be also sent up .
�• an the shooting .charge, The pris-
dnier, throughout- 0,4h,e' proceedings
showed his usual nndiiference.
t w d
F}. A 1e'actidnary storm peitiod vender i
l► the. coambin(ed III of both Earth. and Venus ,equkioxes, is'contral on
e itI 3rd -aI. 4th, and may Ve+rex- :
pec%d to brinq a return of ;storm;
.a ,ccintliltiosns, vvit'h tautumtlal. rain,•
mind. and possibly light snow,.
s (northward. Venus lightning -and .
�thulnider will tprobably bring in
e these October periods, followed_ by
rapid ..Chalnige to much co'.de:•.
A • re1gular sitorm &I od is at its f
s centre Nvhth full moon 'on the eciva-'
tor, oina;hei .7th. ;This is on,e of the
,, most decided -storm -periods' of
,this. 'metnith, - Violent @isturbaanras �.
1, should be.wa(tched agabinsit, both in
a the Lake and Gulf redone, 'Rain,
wind and thunder will, visit most
parts of the interior du:iling this
period. Frost ithp 1'th to the 11th,
ceidtral bn,,[Rie 7th, tonstituut,es a
a graveioisnrlic period. Snow, north-
ward, rising barometter, and much
colder, will wind upithis period.
A reactionary ,storm period falls
atthe closing -of tht Venus per, K•*.
hod, an (.ttho Cath. 14th and 15th;
Pierce, auftimmal flitnn,deristorms `
will visit mairny sectio''ns, with lugh
u gales over lake regiones, 'High bar-
omelter, 's(I squalls and,change;to
much colder 9t,thie pulmiuriation of .
o these sat'orms,
A regular atormp�sirJod, .cov,ered
. by ithe AuttbNliial anted Miercury.per-
iods,-eact,eLids :frown ;the 17th to the
220d, ,The .crisis of,I period will
i' fall on (the 120Ith, 21st and t2nd.
Fierce aultuminal storms,
€ ning arid! thunder 'during';thielfirst
stages, 1l ark
raad Au
=ains will occur gemprally at
attel:ld,ed by(fdaugerous
gales, especially 'buband ,about the
great tlaxes. Early isI noty to /]the
North land West, tui I Mercury,sleet
atoims that will hamper sltidpildan-
Pm. .slind /s brim,)li•nr�l in,'.�r
ests, toed not surprise bhos[e con-
ee.tyn(e:i. (,;Another very decided
seismic period reaches from•the tst'h
to 24th, cq,%tral on th,e 2:JI High
inorthw(•st winds and cold, fail w.oiv
ther will follow this 1),eriod.
A• reactionary storm period will
britnig in storm changes -•-low bar-
om:vter, cloud,iltiess ,and autumnal.'
raitrn and wind, onethe, 24,6,26th,ancl
26th. Stubborin, cloudiness, porsis-
,tenit tendency to drizzle, and sleet
avow and cold will alttend and fol-
low these dates, Those who will be
forewarileid of !disagreeable 'mea-
tiher +ainl autumnal istoirms, :and
makes '
lea to with all possible out..-
door work, will 'be wfun;ers alt this
time, ,
Aregular storm' p1eriod Is ceialtral
an the "T" and, oxtends' from the
28t'h o October f t the sed of Nov-
einher. ;The molrith will end with
and adv nein
Thug a g from the 'What.
Bailers tnrnin,g toasno,w in Western
extremes, will be, Its ,sight tticcC�ffi-
oinl obserV4XI' send 'to. tthose tcan,
tthe � Vaot,'t ns weeti ttex Novfember.. .
tr I
Our stock has been
replenished by some
j e
additional lines. select.
ed from the xgI2 saran-
All.paper trimmed free.
n O �
S . y
t � C0
p i
1, �00o�0ooO���o�lol�o�oo�ooi
'. at three o'clock yesterday after -
i, . (n,o:on, Mrs. Patterson gave a clear
and vivid . description of lyes 'con-,
If tnection with the. case, never falt-
is erinig throughout her evideance, ” {
Charles MoMillan, tvho, 'followed
Mrs, Patterson on the stand; and'to
whom it was at first reported 'the 1
t- prisotaer had confessed ;when -
ar-rested at Hatignah, N. D., • istated
.wheat the prisoner had told himi
Practically corroboxatitnig the
dEnS a geven.byMiss Price. Magis'°
.trate Lake, after eua niI up the 1
evil Ace of ,the hbducti.on pease,
P, committed tare ,I rlsoirlor . to stand
trial at the fall assizes, ,which are
to .be' -held here giytthe 24th' of Oct•
d The; case :67altt'empted murder
tv IttT td v'
alt k ath Wil i
s eat le 1 sera;:
f Ada.r s, the ffTst wiiross, in givingg
iris evid;etneei stated, that he ouldi
le ]n'o't identify Ae, prisoner as (thea
party . tvho shot hien-during the time
d of ,the plainI-hurt- inthe Snowflake
district" but he,gave a discrlptiom of
il. whalt occured durilugg..the night of '
the ,shooti,nlg; McMillan ,who. fol-
lowed Adams, stated that the-pris-
I had told hien that he had shot:
Adams, and that- he teas sorry.that
0 he haddotrde•- so. He had nottaneant '
e .to kill ]lien, but ainly,-tvished to:stop
► him bra tryinig' xo {catch him, The
lmagisltra-te, %aftler•hearintg° the. evi-
dance in.the shooting case, direct-
ed tthat the prisoinler be also sent up .
�• an the shooting .charge, The pris-
dnier, throughout- 0,4h,e' proceedings
showed his usual nndiiference.
t w d
F}. A 1e'actidnary storm peitiod vender i
l► the. coambin(ed III of both Earth. and Venus ,equkioxes, is'contral on
e itI 3rd -aI. 4th, and may Ve+rex- :
pec%d to brinq a return of ;storm;
.a ,ccintliltiosns, vvit'h tautumtlal. rain,•
mind. and possibly light snow,.
s (northward. Venus lightning -and .
�thulnider will tprobably bring in
e these October periods, followed_ by
rapid ..Chalnige to much co'.de:•.
A • re1gular sitorm &I od is at its f
s centre Nvhth full moon 'on the eciva-'
tor, oina;hei .7th. ;This is on,e of the
,, most decided -storm -periods' of
,this. 'metnith, - Violent @isturbaanras �.
1, should be.wa(tched agabinsit, both in
a the Lake and Gulf redone, 'Rain,
wind and thunder will, visit most
parts of the interior du:iling this
period. Frost ithp 1'th to the 11th,
ceidtral bn,,[Rie 7th, tonstituut,es a
a graveioisnrlic period. Snow, north-
ward, rising barometter, and much
colder, will wind upithis period.
A reactionary ,storm period falls
atthe closing -of tht Venus per, K•*.
hod, an (.ttho Cath. 14th and 15th;
Pierce, auftimmal flitnn,deristorms `
will visit mairny sectio''ns, with lugh
u gales over lake regiones, 'High bar-
omelter, 's(I squalls and,change;to
much colder 9t,thie pulmiuriation of .
o these sat'orms,
A regular atormp�sirJod, .cov,ered
. by ithe AuttbNliial anted Miercury.per-
iods,-eact,eLids :frown ;the 17th to the
220d, ,The .crisis of,I period will
i' fall on (the 120Ith, 21st and t2nd.
Fierce aultuminal storms,
€ ning arid! thunder 'during';thielfirst
stages, 1l ark
raad Au
=ains will occur gemprally at
attel:ld,ed by(fdaugerous
gales, especially 'buband ,about the
great tlaxes. Early isI noty to /]the
North land West, tui I Mercury,sleet
atoims that will hamper sltidpildan-
Pm. .slind /s brim,)li•nr�l in,'.�r
ests, toed not surprise bhos[e con-
ee.tyn(e:i. (,;Another very decided
seismic period reaches from•the tst'h
to 24th, cq,%tral on th,e 2:JI High
inorthw(•st winds and cold, fail w.oiv
ther will follow this 1),eriod.
A• reactionary storm period will
britnig in storm changes -•-low bar-
om:vter, cloud,iltiess ,and autumnal.'
raitrn and wind, onethe, 24,6,26th,ancl
26th. Stubborin, cloudiness, porsis-
,tenit tendency to drizzle, and sleet
avow and cold will alttend and fol-
low these dates, Those who will be
forewarileid of !disagreeable 'mea-
tiher +ainl autumnal istoirms, :and
makes '
lea to with all possible out..-
door work, will 'be wfun;ers alt this
time, ,
Aregular storm' p1eriod Is ceialtral
an the "T" and, oxtends' from the
28t'h o October f t the sed of Nov-
einher. ;The molrith will end with
and adv nein
Thug a g from the 'What.
Bailers tnrnin,g toasno,w in Western
extremes, will be, Its ,sight tticcC�ffi-
oinl obserV4XI' send 'to. tthose tcan,
tthe � Vaot,'t ns weeti ttex Novfember.. .
tr I