The Clinton New Era, 1911-10-05, Page 6Page 4 s U e >» 1lit the haur kf WAO'clock in f alaot,epmnualtl afoeday,a0.oow=gna ed -- DOCTORS HAD i.lverpocl Wheat F tura Clost High- laes,ar�ny�041iowinP�ora .Chicago Lower --.Live Stock :5,-Aaw No. I � I �C r>� , ^..Late+at Quotations. S.T. ANDREW"J �VARI?-•At the ALL HOPE CIiICAGO. sept. "ao.--Despite tlrmer r� tables from .abroad and the stimulatin'IF Town Hall, Walter'Manni7i Deal' effect of theoutbreak of hositilittes be - o uty�Rettulling ,Officir; FF7. v$lle, �-- - :ween Italy and Turkey. prices. for f'r . 1911 Poll' lClexk. k (i !! )v4at gradually swaged to -day under ST. JAMES' `WAUD---Att ith�eeiaM- Fru1f6J't1V6S Saved My Lif I; profit-taking movement, and closest Of the al#' uni.cipal Council .of than corn Ale room( IaolUth of t , RR7att'eubury Rtvzi P><stRm , Q,, l ,ay 9r iga q. 'ower than last night, losses ranging laoxatioxi( of , Ithd Towxi of 'Clinton, House; T . Johnllon, . _ A, y •'I look upon !pt' recons ,as motilin from 3f,c to c. l? rY g L1V.URVQQ�, Sept. 30.+ -The market being aby_lav4,to:providio for the turi4angi3Otf>cer's. 'A. 1 uttsllol'ie,i agort of a miracle. I was for eleven o.ened stron ,and excited, with prices. pla4ug o f thea Municipal °W�atWe - Poll Clark. years, constantly sutierin f%au Chronic !Nd to x3fsi h her, with heave coverine works of tile va�i,d IToven in 'thd !ST, J.OHNIS WARD -At t'he,Clili Ayspepsia and Indigestion, by aborta, ti Italy's declaration' of war l bad expectations o! email Russian ship-( handl Ot Commlaiss'ionevs,, and for ton Thresher 1Co!B office;! J. C,. (Me- I was treated by several doctors and eats this week: Following the opemltLiar the ielectioU of the first Commis- Math, Deputy -Returning, Afficer; they simply did me Ito good. During . kers was a further advance, with Apecu. aioners,-- H. Alemca. ndlaar�. 1'044 Klerk. khe latter part of my illness, I. was so : atora bulini;. • Spot markets. worg %4 WHEREAS; by B l adv' N,o. 10. for , thima that J weighed only go pounds, and taiher, with -cargoes lightly Ottered. aur- . �' ST. GEORGE S WARP At J'.'La8_ lair the mnormm�>: there was week -end pro - 11.902 of thll 'Muni:cipal'Council of lie's• Carriages Shop, S. J. •A-ndrews x vomited everything I ate. tit -taking, and prices receded trona ths: the Corpgratignf of flue Town of ni h Ar ' ti ff liberal with - 0 the said Municipal Council did provide forthe constructionof al, lSyatem of Waterworks in and for the, alaid "Down of Clinton. AND WHEREAS the oald Council did exeet and construct a'S 9temxm of s Wateworlm in ancif for the 'said ;gown. AND WHEREAS( it is deOraibla that the:said System of Waterworks .should bemanaged and controlled by .Commissioners, to i:e known as af`iTiater Commissiozuers," as pro- vided by "The Municipal 'Water- works Act" and amendmoints'thele-• to, and 4t is neyeasary to provide for the( (election of the [first Cbm- b2issi,o;ner.s (ot'hoq than 'the 'head of the Council) for the purposes afore said. Deputy-RO,turnlugl Officer; J,Cun:, inghame, Poll 1Clierk. (1Q1 ,On( S,a�turday, it'he 14th 'd'ay sof October, 1911, at plerven o'clock in thq forlenoon, the Mayor of the,s;aid ton .shall, attend at the 'Town, Clerk's Office, in the said Town, for the purposle. of:appgin'fing in vvxut�- in.g signed by himself;'two persons to attend the Arial ;summiAg up .by the Town Clork of the votes polled On: this By-law, and also to appoint ones persaa to ,attend at each poll -- in% place tin biehalf 'ofithe petsonis; interleatedi in andi 'desirous of pro- moting the passing of this By-law, and ai likd aiumbor on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous. of oppoisinngt of the passing ofG this By-lkw. Buenos Amy .013 failing to reopond to the outside advance and a uiet demand Emla I khe Contineimt, Notwithstauding. the rs- . cession, the undertone was firm and traders excited, with heavy COYin Paris, and the opening tirmmmees in er- lin, and at the close prices were %4 to yid higher than yesterday, Winnipeg Options. Close, Open. 3%gh, Low. Close, wheat— Oct 98=;5 08% 88% 9611 Oct, ., /hs Dec. .. a66s rs fi 0664 a06a: 1e1'�, patMay . ION, ., . o— Oct. 402% 4.'q(, Dee. ,<. 391!i, .... ... 39t' Uay .,.. 42% .... ... 42 Toronto Grain Market.. Wheat, tall, bushel ...$0 87 to $0 88 Wheat, goose, bushel .... 0 85 ,.., . 1tye, bushel ...0.70 Clots. bushel ............... 0 48 050 Barley, bushel .. 11065 0 s0 ' THEREFORE, the Municipal Cotrn•• cit of thea Corporation cif the Tom- p -of Clintoo efaaets asfollowis,— (11. The S stia}m of Waterlvorks of y the s�avdl '7`uwn of Clinton shall b,3 sin t a control oder the management andn u iu gtil`.e�n of a Board of Three Commissioners to be known as "Watierworks Cour- kmssi;oners," of whom) the head of tilt Municipal Council of tilos. Said Town for the'tin:ge being 151 W-1 ex- offieioL be orale, and 'the other -'two. ,shall be elected at .the same time and place and an the Same• smasmneir as hhal head of the council is elect- ed. (2) The said Board of Commission- ars shall havoc, po,a ossa, exercise and en'oyt allgtho powers, rights, au- tithori'ties and immunittes. provided by and contained in asTlileMunicipal (11) On Tuesday, .the 17th day.,df October, 1911, at,eleven o'clock .stn thel forlonoonj W this' office in Ithe TUWn 'Hall, film ithe said Town, .the. Clerk of til stand Totvn shall pro- p;, seed ,to sum, a di the number of -hies M' - for,and( against ;this By -late. Darted at tb� Council Chamber in thel .Town1 of Clinton, this, eighteenth day ,of September,. 1911 ,,,-,� ...... Clerk. s ,..... ..._... .Mayor s . --- w i i ��„/ TAKE NOTICE that the forego- ingi is ie,( true ,Copy of, (a proposal By-law, which, has been taken(into c!oAsIderaitio,n, and( Which vill -mar finally passed b-ylthe Council of the Corporation of Town of Clinton The doctors. gave me up to die as the stomach trouble produced Heart weak- nessandIwasfrequentlyunconscious.I received the Last Ritea.Of T1Church, At this time, a lady strongly urged me to T `Fruit-a-tives', When I had taken one box, I was mucli better and after three boxes, I was practically well again, and had gained 20 pounds. all and now Y have taken 13 boxes in n 'weigh xgo pounds and am well. „ Madame ARTHUR TOURANGRAU, "Fruit -a -tines" is the only medicine in the world made of intensified fruit • juices .and always cures Indigestion, x 6 for o or trial 5oc, a bo $2,5, , size, 25c. At all dealers, or from Fruit- a -fives Limited, Ottawa. Buckwheat, bushel � ." 0 411 050, Peas, bushel ................ 70 8D Toronto Dairy Market.. Clutter, separator, dairy, lb, 0 24 0 25' Butter, creamery, lb. rolls.. 0 27 0 28 Butter, creamery, solids . 0 25 026 i 6e, 3o a .c'ombs en .250 8 y dos Eggs, new.iaid . 026 027 Cheese, new, lb .. ... 015 016% Liverpool Grain Prices. L1ti ERPOOL, Sept, 80. --Closing:' Wheat spot dull; No. 8. Man„ ss 1 1-2d; futures, firm; Oct., 7s 4 1-4d; Dec., 7e, 5 5-8d; March. 7s 6 8-8d, Flour winter patents, 28s 3d. Hops in London (Pae. coast) 19 to £0 10s. Liverpool Provisions. LIVrRPOOL, Sept. 30.—Beef—Extra India niers, 91s 8d. Pork—Prime mesa, western, 97s 6d, foams -Short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 57s. Bacon—Cumberland cut, 26 to 30. 1$s,, 53s 6d; short rib, 16 to'24 lbs., 58s 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 ills., adversely to the Uoveriaiient, Waterworks Act" and an Nondments . .the tima:l Sunday School Committw4 which Prepares lesson$ for use, in. 'thereto and 'exercise their .duties, their in, thei ;even;t of the assent of the . electors being iobtained't'hereto,.af- At.the Woodbine, 57s 6d; long clear colds, light, 28 to 84 lbs„ 69s 6d; long clear mids., heavy, and vacancies in numbers shall be filled as provided in and'by Act teh ,Onrel jmonth from the first ub- licaltuon of:i!he( said B aP y -law, in TIxf 'Toronto, Oct. 2.—The seventh day of the Ontario Jodie Club fall, meet- Y 85 to 40 ills., 60s; 'short clear backs, I$ to 20 lbs., 49s 6d; shoulders, square, 11 the s,amd and araphdmneints' therlato. Clinton' Nevo Brea tnlewspapabr, the ting 'resulted as follows: to 13 lbs„ 46s. Lard—Prime western in tierces, 46s 6d• American refnled in (3) The felectionv for 'that first Commissioners (otlyer than the date gofsu;ch first publication• being the 2•1at<da of September, 1911 and y P ' ' First race, six furlongs, purse $600, . 411 ages -,-S ellbound, 1st; Owanus, Lady . ' emir, 47s 8d,' Cheesed Canadian finest white, new, 6rl ed: do. -colored, new, elected head bYthel council) to be elected head thaiii( that votes bf the elelCbord of the said Municipality will ba. taken. 2nd; .rimae, 3rd, :Time, 1.1.4.. Second ra&%, Durham Challenge los Tallow=Prime city, 84s; Australian in London, 35s,'Turpentine-Optrits, 38s. beheld as follows, that say, -Nominations shall Make plate in ,- o min {Niall unthaat:said Tovvn 'thereon ,at the ;several polling places,: and by i8elveral DeptlltyN Cup, 13.4 miles, purse $1,500, for three-year-olds'and up, -foaled in Can• 8d, Rostn-Common, 159. Petroleum, Refined, 6 1-2d, Linseed oil, 45s. - of Clinton, on the 22nd da of y Returning( ,Offiger;d, ;therein nadned, .Commencing at )line( .o'clock in •the hda--Denham, lst; Powderman, 2nd,•' Frolic, 3rd'. Time, 3,10 3-5. New York Dairy Market. Member, 1911, between ithe hours of half iseVen Ro clock and. half :f,oxenoon, ;and continuing until fivle. Third; race, Grey Stakes, one .mile, NEW Yol1IC, Sept. So. -Butter, firm; receipts, 1957; factory, current make,' 194 pasta past eight o clock in the evening, ,o'clock in ithei,af,tlernoon. Dated at thou Town bf Clintari, this- purse $500, for two-year-olds--Aldebar- an, 1st; Penobsgat, 2nd,; Froglegs, 3rd. ;to 20%0. Cheese, firm, 'tinchanged; receipts, 1104; and' goMaio (if at oll be usededl fon fila (elections (thereto shall �, Euglnteionth a3iay( rof l5eptember 1.911.' Time 1.423-b. Fourth race, Hendrie Chadlen a g weekly exports..,,18M boxes. Lggs, firm, ,unchanged;.,recelpts,�76Bb.: `C1 held, on•tho fir9't -day of January, +1911, ait.thal Same places and 'bytthe i M R'SON,, Cup, x(22 •jumps), `'three' miles, purse �$2;000, four-year ,.. CATTLE .MA•RKET$. same. Dlepwty-Returning officers •Tia 1 k; -� - for olds . and up; cap�Prince Hampton 1st; Bello; barrisiter. 1lie was premier of the, T(erritori;es, and poll clerks as arse appointed to hold. the (Municipal {elections : for -•o��.� 2nd;l '2nd;' The Prophet, 3rd. Time, 6,03. Fifth race; two;. and a. quarter •miles, n East Buffalo Cattle Market,. EAST BUFFALO, Sept. 80,—,dattle the yiear 1912, and the said elections shall beheld. 6.n almanmersimilar'�to m ��� Q� ���T Ontatriof Jockey Club .Cup„'pursi' $2,500, or 3 -year-olds and tip, handi- steady; 160 head; market, d40; and steady; prime steers, $7.25 to $7.40; But - other Municipal (elections for :Bice or similar( purposes as m>tear as may, Is one of the moi3t'tronblestde R. 3rd. Time, 4.001-5. • cher grades, $6.50 td; $0:85. Calves, re - ceipta, 150 head; market, 'active, firm;. be, and m the event of the( .assent the 'E]lectoT.s being' obtainedl'to troubles of the Biot Summer Sixth raise, one and one -sixteenth cull to choice, $6 to $10.60. Sheep and lambs, receipts, 2400 -head; mar$et, ,of• this by-law, and the sanXe( being finally passed by this said Municip- D,%Ys: The Old and the Young, the Strong and the Weak are miles, purse $500, for 3 -year-olds and up, selling -Dr. Holzberg, .1st; The. 'Animus; slow and steady; choice lambs,. $6.35 to $6.50; cull • tQ fair, $4.75 to $6.25 year - al Council, the Commissioners elec= all ofP®eted alike. .Golden Butterfly, 2nd; 3rd, Time, 1.49'35, lingo, $4.50 to'$5.00;, sheep, $1.75 to. $4-M floga, receipts, $400; market, active, 10c ted byacclamatiorh or choson at such elivctionsj as the case May .be, M Seventh .race, one mile, parse. $60Q• . for 3 -year-olds and up, selling=John higher; yorkers, $6.85: to $7.10;'stags, $5 to $5.50; pigs, $6 'to $6.25; mixed, $7.10 shall be with the Head of the Couii- v-il Commi.ssioVers to fill the DR. F' oW�rEAII ! _ Reardon, lst;' :Nightfall, 2nd;' Lad. of to $7.15; heavy,' $6.90 to $7.00; roughab $5.50 to $5.85. ,thei a ufficea q:fore(Saud, %'. (4i The commussionor receiving Extract.. of Langdon, 3rd Time, 1.43. Chicago Lige Stock. :he highesti number of votes at the said Election$ shall continue, in of- - Wild Strawberry, Coming of the Duke. Quebec Oct. 2. -His - Royal Hi h• ' � CHICAGOq. Sept. SO. -.Cattle -Re - ceipta estimated at' 800, market weals, beeves $4.75 to $8:15; Texas stgers $4,80 fice for the years 1912 and1913gaud has boon elected • ness, the Duke of Connaught, the; new to $6.00, western steers, $4.25 to .$7.00, until a ~;uccessoat under tht;l"� isd Act 'and! amend- paents thereto., and'the.new:,lBoard .. Is the most, effective remedy: known for the Muse of 'Governor-General of Canada, will Ar- rive in' Quebec on Friday, October 13. The The official program for the daY will stockers and feeders $8.25 to 85.66, .cows and, heifers '$2.00 0 $6.20, calves $6.00 to '$8.50._, organized, h a vacancy ocetmatr when It will ,b4 filled in abNO(o :DIARRH(EA, COLIC CRAMPS CHOLERA MORBUS CZOL- be as follows: : At .noon His Royal. Highneds will Hoge—Receipts es . ma ed at 8000; market slow, generally _steaidy, light - provided by aaiall Adt. amid aaiotall(pialr tonus 'thereto, slid the othesrCom- ERA INFANTUM ; AND A L BUMMER � ' . take the• oath as Governor-General. of Calnada in,, the Legislative Council $6.10 to $6.75,. mixed $6.06 to $6.80, heavy $5.80 to $6.70, rough $6.80 to $6.06, good Wissioneii ohooierk at said; 4Elections COMPLAINTS. chamber; which ' has. been especially %to choice heavy • $6.05 to $6.70; pigs $4.00 shall conttwlwe( in offuee. for the year 1912 and butil ibis' 'sueckossos This sterling remedy has been on the market for over, lis years has yet 'renovated for the event, At 7 dinner will be served and to $6.26, bulk of sales $6.10 to ;$6.60. Sheep -Receipts estimated at 3000; has been elected hinder the said, Act, and the .and failed to do what. we -claim for it. •p,m. at • 8.30 there will be a reception at P west - market weak, native $2.25 to $4.00, west - ern. $2.75 to $4.10,. yearlings $8.88 to $4.60, and( aaneudmsa$pltsfhereito, 'new Board) Rorg=12kod or a vacancy It AGL,filledt in Be sure and ask for Dr, Fowler's and insist on being given what ask for, Spencerwood, The •prafire city will be illuminated to abs, native $4.00 to $6.00, western $4.60 to $8.00. . occurs when shall manner provided by said Act and you 'Mrs C: E. Mills; Toulon, Man., writes: in the evening., and His Royal Hi h• ness, after a drive through the prin. Liverpool Market. a amendmev:tA. t'ha mato, i In case sthlel votes fort the, first "Just a line to let you know that 1 have oipal streets of the, -city, will leave for Ottawa by LIVERPOOL. SCepL18Q: Rogers & Company cabled to -day that there (5) Commissioners chosen at said selec- 'in, case both a little girl five'years old and during the g ' hot weather of last summer she -was very special -train: Mr. Mulvey, Under Secretary of was. very aittie demand in the. Bir&en- head market,. owing to the great num= 9 a ref wal, or on. let Commi,ssionerrs amel 'elected by acc- ithe 'Commusioner bad with the Summer Complaint, in fact I thought we were going to lose her. We .. n State; is in Quebec conferring with Sir Lomer Gonia, Mayor Drquin•, and bare of stock that wire at present Mom- ing, onto the home markets, and con- 5ama'tuon then having, thei lairg�oat assessment len tried erveiything; we could think of but Captain Victor Pelletier A.D.C. re- latiive tQ the -reception � to. the new sequently there was an all-round re-, duction of 1-2c ,matildng present quota - the 10,84 alevieed aissessokient atoll ,bf the said Town of Clinton shall con- without success. One -day one of our neighbors asked what was the trouble 'Governor.General... tions for both States- and Canadian steers from 121-2 to 18 'cents per DonnQ gtinu4 in •offic(ai( for the ,yelalas •'1912 and 19191 and Until This ieueeabatlox with the little girl, and we told him, He advised tie to try, 1)r, Fowler's Extract of Death of Brockville Lawyer, Cheese Markets. LONDON, Sept. 30.- At. • -day's ha,s basi('elected funder Ithe said Act and amendments thereto end Wild' Strawberry, my, which we did. I• honestly.' believe it wows thing' Brockville, Oct. 2. -The death occur-. red here Saturday night of J. H. Bots= y g .to cheese market -1287 hoses were offered, 860 boxes selling. at 14 1-48 the naew, Board organized or a vac- aancy oecuss„ when ilk will bis filled the. only that saved m , , y little girl's life, i don't ford, one'of. the rising- young lawyers of Eastern Ontario, and a ;member of ST. • HYACINTHE,. Que., Sept. 80.— Live. hundred packages butter sold at in mainner providled by said Act .think there is. anything better for Sum- 'the firm of Buell & Botsford for -the ' 25 1-2c;. 600 boxes cheese at. 18 7-8c. • ' -and( amendmnlaslmilt9• thereto, and the mer Complaint than Dr. l• owler's Extraict j past five "years. Deceased had been' CANTON, N.Y., 'Sept. 80.—Eighteen other Commision(er ishall continue of Wild Strawberry." `I?rice 85c: .Manu• ill for several montlie: hundred -tubs butter sold at 28c, and in off ica for(thle year 11912 and:wntii hiss successor has ..been elected und-m1ted,.Toronto..Out. ; tuned only by The T. Milburn; Co. Mr:: Botsford was 32'ye4rs of age, and a native of Brockville. He was. 2100 boxes'. beese sold at 13 7•So: 11e - ceipts same as*. last week.- . • er Said Act and amendments the,reo-' prominently identified with the BELLEVILLE, Sept. 30.—At to -day's to and !the w;ew Board organized• qac a,• vacancyt occurs when ytyvill blak - - Knights' of Columbus, holding &t the time of hie death the. of secre. cheese board there were offers 1125 boxes,. , all white: Sales were 545 at filled) in manlnleit pr,avmded by said NEW :OF WEEK office tart' of the Ontario cotlioil. lie leaves . 14 8-16c, 315 :at 141-2c, and 200 at i4 fi-isc. WATERTOv4N, N.Y., Sept. 30.—Six Alt: andf am-ndm(dn;ta Nheleto. (61. Irl case at else s�ald -elections .TOPICS � A widow and one Child, thousand boxes of cheese were sold at to , the candidates +oat any sof them who. metire and by real- t WhIoli Hsve ""'- -day, 18 8.40 to 18 LL Que., Sept. n At G`O ;etin Of Eastern Townships cavae nomina;tlii!al on of such; aetiriement (the rea;,uis- its ntmmber of arsons to be elected i p , IMportent Events P « Occurred Durlrtg the Week. wind & • S . � the the. meeting of the Dairymen's Association, bald this ai- ternoon, 18 factories offered 1439 Pack - !U no't in nomination, any ,Ca,ndiidate . _. __ ages of butter an 25 boxes of cheese. Twei$ty- nominalted and not vptiring shaill be deeWod eledted,by acclamation and. :” THEN THE ]KIDNEYS GIVE OUT. Nine buyers wer resent. eight packages of butter sold at 261-2c. the Coguncil.'of the said Municipality order. anieleeti.trn Ito be Rhel 3.11e body of an unknown mail, about —�^�- Do your that e'y'ou,sium,ply Can 829 packages of butter at 26 3.4n, and 632 packages of butter cold At 26 7-3e .aahadl in t'hei limauner rprovided ,by -the 35 years old, was found early yester-, not go any further -that you must Cheese all sold at 14c. Consolidated Municipal Act 1903to fill the. vacancy 'or vacanOea leo -day morning along the Brantford & Tsllsonburg tracks of the, Grank Trunk have restfor that lame and, ia�ehing back -relief from ithat constant , $200,000,000 For Western Brain. ousel. at Brantford. Robert dead -tired feeling•--, freedom from Cal ary, Oct. 2. -Threshing has Aniahed (7) Iii :case io•uo member is elected Latter, a G.T.R. brakeman those sltabbing, been oii the O.P.R. demonstra. by acclamation at the said selections living at Belleville, had his right leg- darting pains 4 tion• farm at Ca'ssils, eighty acres of then(, which kio(ember sot selected 'by hold 'office for Cut off below the knee' Saturday night in the freight `Tecumseh It is natur0s 'warning that spring wheat ymelditig an average re- acclamation eghall yards at it turn of 401.2 bushels per acre, grade the yeiaira 1912 and 1913 ,alid.-uun'til his street, Toronto. tho.kidneys are No. 2. ,suceessomi has ,bieen elected vender • The New York State Senate CSatur- givingg.oult and 'That the farmers of the prairie pro - the said Act and aliXondments there day afternoon passed the dixeei noml- ou need the vinces will receive $200,000,000 for to and the oew Board Organized or nations bill and adopted a resolution help* of Boothms their grain crop, this year, although & vacaneyt occurs Vh-en it will ,441 calling for sine die .adjournment of ,� Kidney ,pills, the grain as a whole will grade lower filledi in manuope 'Pro ided by said the Legislature, 'The ' the guaranteed kidney than. in former years, is the statement Brown, Act: and alnendmnA(m1 Whereto, and hod of Frank Bouehet, aged remedy. made yesterday by B. S. eup- +the ether .knember iswbsequently 40, a - resident of Walkerville, wars floating In every ala- chins there is erintendent of the Central Welstern Bank Com• elicited shall hold riff1ce for there- sna'Lnder of'thlel,,,y'ear 1912, and iWnitil fount in the Detroit River. It i5 believed he committed suicide while tinge parlt+that Works the: hardest, •gad District of the Canadian of coerce, who is in the oh.V,on an in-. hiss succa5ssorf iyae ;Been etseted ubn- mentally deranged. iv g �es out fmrailt, tThe kidneys Apectiom trip. der th(ei fSattd Act and) a bieildmefslt$ therieto fthe flew' Board organ- Time bronze statue of Parnell, whieh has 'been erected lai,gely through sub. work ,flight and day, and' naturally a life of unusually activity double ,and( &zed, Or�i valcauc Roccurs wii��eeni, ilt be fillled in by scriptions b American admirers, vias the duties of the kidney'e1 and in iiia fila Atrain tellA, ,The ykidneyA Death of Ret UpsPatrick 1Viit annEmr pz'orvidehd amid Act and amekid to tlhereto. +ttLtb unveiled yesterday by Sohn R, Red• t ginti' ovl and nature pries , "etop,'m 100.1 s idns ' soy .-- . ( y o'ms foree tlak)ik tagparty, all dealers posltpaid fro ITh i'tshe 1Et. T. and ieftlec't on,the day of The Swedish Cabin headed y 500 a Limited, Fort PR1NCI'AC, Of MANITOBA 00 11 the t4natl pioilg Itiilelrerof. (0) The voW of the rait�ayotd of the i�a'ld rYVlunt,ci alit label ,b;t►taikgen p Lindman, earl Satttlydaq, The Mitiiw<ters teticlei�d thein reeiguA� t%n to the i�iuig' beeeitilae► iiia geYreirat vie, Oiat, There • for at *ft bo he t a �al'l pro a LEGE SINCE 100. ,. 19th air iDf O,etolaert, i91of 1"e, the y o mpw t W is ! .« ..: ,.�. the truth of our stateoloft !Sold and $ay�id dill �Ctint'oYt'b�, ;W. 01"ft w ;�}, ow, �r�iit, �,�►l�av'. I�.'W,tl - lila a�grtek, 3}ritioi tit et'M !001k Tltiaxssl:iay, Uotobet Mb, 1911. 1 'I at 1 4a projected uriioit of the Preiabyter- ran, Mak *41st wind 'Congre�ation- '►"+TT aaaamimaaaam>• 111 tell you . h 111 11 An y w at do I aliat ,churohe$ +ofwaia,da. H+e vras on active pomber of .,the, I'ntexnar• Shoe! RepalrOr. that & rnaratnteed ,for bread tima:l Sunday School Committw4 which Prepares lesson$ for use, in. IWILL out of the ans'and make as delicious of the West Flour: return the unused Sunday .Schools, in Canada and, I pted Statiep. His last book, en- °"Jmmeis, AIM Y00r �001S and 5kees titled, the Brother of 'thee wholesome you everbaked..with the .Just tell the store man. your bread Loral,;' Is a 6tud craitie>,sxn. y len New ':T,getasnent p ROOM are���� w an Scott Several years ago Principal Pat -4 . wq ,rick fel'`'ied us a zn ember of they( o ciliatioan Board which invests ted BOOTS MRVE TO Em....u1sion tha atmik+e of the -employees of the ORDER employees of .the, Winnipeg Street Give it a trial. they are satisfied to pay if you'll be Railway. kee s childt'en . P hn July last It is said hemaa af- flicted with o � Jiselnm rrhage of :the healthfuii and bralfn, which caused frequent lapses you honestly feel that you have not you. Try a bag next baking day. iAto unconsciousness. At the closeTeWATTS wrops of d Give them a few � of August lie was takou home to Scotlalnd, f Open EYe>ry E�renipg .ng ;this strengthenifood- medicine every day and them G o r i Rection MeV be.. e a OPPOStTF POSTUiFtS'IC)S watch grow. C(aivers3ity of Toronto. ;� 05 aIT, PREVENTS SSaskatchewanNorth-Went �eg in barrisiter. 1lie was premier of the, T(erritori;es, Croupp 'whooping - Cough. n Eve. . . Bronchitis NO EMBER 8TH I V S DAY WISE ome Loss. of Flesh ONES HAVE PICKED _' all(1 many other tl'O11b1C$ , UPON there is sure to come physical suffering ing which will be followed b serious ALL or?uoomsrs - u -1s Regina, $alsk., Sept. 28 -It lost at- ed quite positively, although not sickness, if' the first symptoms are neg'lectcd. officially, that aprovincial general But this suffering will soon be for. , eloctioln will be held in Saskatche- gotten, and therewill be no after couse- -" w'a'n on Nov. Sth. :This will mean quences of relief is obtained from a safe, PPrQsby'tie:'.an College, Winnipeg, resb ti the dussolutioln of the ,second Leg- islature• Ance• the formation of filo . reliable, natural corrective medicine. died ,to -day at Birkin, tilloch, Scot , to inew- province, the present 'House having been ;elected ' -in August, It 'Liberal. BEECHAM'S The lofts Rev, ti'm. tT'ck, Pa i 1J, D. 1908,.. was- ove+rwhelml Y. 'O was boxln in Glasgow in. (1852. '$e tuns edu:calted in .,Glasgow Univer- Of the forty -ane, :membem,s the positioln had only ,thirteen mem- • ,silty and, at.Heidolburg. He carne bers, of whom ght were• Cougar - to C n �a in 1909 and was appoint- om - vattvs , and fveProvincial Right- ed principal of a iManitoba College, R mss• 'The leader of this little, band, .LS From that time uintil a f(abw mouths ago hedischarged the admianustra- F. W. G. Haultain, announced him-. self an th(e; Legislatme last March, ought to be on :hand in every home ready ,for use at first sign of trvaible. tive duflos of \(the. office and also lectured as a •,member of the facul- a1% a stro:Qg ss'uppor:ter of ghe•reci- procity a,grelem•elat, In the heat of This .famous family remedy has,. proved in years and years 'of trial, its ties of tbieology aid amts at the col- legs. In addition he found time to the tzconnt Dominion` election cam- �aigin, he (tprn(ed oyes and ;spoke power to correct physical trouble and to ward_off disease.. inter,es,t himself'inthe ;ggelft`Vfob- lem,s of. (the Presby.teri c arch, 7n.slt as•fatroingly against jreci�proc- ity. But iin.apite o•f Mr, Haultain's T for ourself—or in ''y y your home, to at:teln& til{e Prtasb tie tof his own city of.Winni Winnipeg, preach al- right agalgsit . the, agijeoaneint, his Province romaiued, almo,sit jai�olidly :anew doses and see how the bodily system is strengthened and refreshed ,tro n%o:at every Sunday, to . play his. Liberal In Dominion affairs', It is and hove surely and effectively they; •, !in +the caule of temperance and, in civic affairs, and. to wrEte several mil interesting question. whether his. Attitude oarociprocity will affect s Relieve books. He .was firmly lconvinalas'd adversRely in the Provincfal'election of the P*ees.sity for oaiganized un- ion between the, evangelical char- or ;whe.thler the change, of Gov -ern- meinit :at Ottawa will bei in his .fa - e Suffering Miles, •aind as chairman of,thie• com- v'or< mittele of the General Assembhy of Mr.:Haultavn mas born in !Eng - ,the �Prosbyteri:aam church, he laboit-, laind, MA ;was educated in .this Your druseistcan supviy you: in1roz,,4 1 ed parines.tly to s .bring about the couintry and is a ,graduate of lthle'i• with helpEpl directions,. lac. , 1 'I at 1 4a .0 ,r�:a m ea I'm' theCroam.the . f �tes Miller, eo . . West'Fl.our aaaamimaaaam>• 111 tell you . h 111 11 An y w at do I uarantee ' your next batch of bread J that & rnaratnteed ,for bread guarantee it to rise away up had splel3did satisfaction with. Cream' IWILL out of the ans'and make as delicious of the West Flour: return the unused bread. as you ever. tasted. The portion of the bag and get your imodey : . loaves will be the biggest and most back wholesome you everbaked..with the .Just tell the store man. your bread same .amount, of flour. I'll guarantee didn't come out right and you want. 'it or you' get back the money you paid your money back as guaranteed. for the..flour 1. ,Now see ►• . It's. not the grocery .man who loses, our: rocer and buy a ba : Just go' to y g y g It doesn't come, out of his ' pocket: It. of Cream .of the West Flour. ' Take it is the Campbell Milling Company, home and bake it,up Limited, of Toronto, who pay, and Give it a trial. they are satisfied to pay if you'll be Give it,a couple of trials. Your oven satisfied to try Cream of the West or yeast might not be just right the Flour. first • time.- Ask your store -keeper about this Now when you give- it a fair trial, if guarantee. He knows. He will,46U you honestly feel that you have not you. Try a bag next baking day. .0 ,r�:a m ea of tL he West'Fl.our _ The hard toheat flour that & rnaratnteed ,for bread Sereby affirm and declare that Cream of the West Fleur is ac sulmerlor bread flour; wad asi such is subject to our absolute guarantee of money back if :not satisfactory a fair trial; Aft- dealer is hereby authorized to return price • after y 3 pgd by customer on return of unused portion of bag it the flour is not tis eta The 01100e11 filling Comprwy, Limited, Tclea ito. 4 A1R0106ALD CAMPS" PREMENT'is d1t Oo.s----• 0 1," •#